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HCMUS at MediaEval 2020: Image-Text Fusion for Automatic
News-Images Re-Matching
Thuc Nguyen-Quang 1,3, Tuan-Duy H. Nguyen1,3, Thang-Long Nguyen-Ho1,3,
Anh-Kiet Duong1,3, Xuan-Nhat Hoang1,3, Vinh-Thuyen Nguyen-Truong1,3,
Hai-Dang Nguyen1,3, Minh-Triet Tran1,2,3
1University of Science, VNU-HCM,
2John von Neumann Institute, VNU-HCM,
3Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
December 14-15, 2020
T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020
1 Introduction
2 Methods
Metric Learning
Image-Text Matching via Categorization
Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and
Contextual Embeddings
Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based
Contextual Embeddings
Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based
Contextual Embeddings
Graph-based Face-Name Matching
3 Results
4 Conclusion and future works
5 Bibliography
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T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020
Mainly concern fusing cross-modal embedded information extracted as:
Simple set intersection
Deep neural features
Knowledge-graph-enhanced neural features
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M1 Metric Learning
M2 Image-Text Matching via Categorization
M3 Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings
M4 Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings
M5 Graph-based Face-Name Matching
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T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020
Methods • § Metric Learning
Metric Learning
Using a Triplet Loss model to project embeddings of image-text pairs to bases of
significant similarity.
Title texts are embedded with BERT.
Image embeddings:
Global context embedding: EfficientNet
Local context embedding: Top-k bottom-up-attention objects passed to a
self-attention sequential model.
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Methods • § Image-Text Matching via Categorization
Image-Text Matching via Categorization
Categorizing images and texts with two gradient boosting decision trees.
Target categories extracted from URLS:
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Methods • § Image-Text Matching via Categorization
Image-Text Matching via Categorization
Augment and extract image features with VGG16, InceptionResNetV2, MobileNetV2,
EfficientNetB1-7, Xception, ResNet152V2, NASNetLarge, DenseNet201.
Texts are mapped to BERT and ELECTRA contextual embeddings.
An iterative ranking method that takes into account the order of matched categories:
At the k-th iteration, finds top-k categories for each image and top-k categories
for each article.
For each article: candidate images are ones having top-k categories intersect that
of the article.
Sequentially concatenate k candidate lists, then append the remaining images to
the tail to make the final ranked list.
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Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings
Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual
We hypothesize that the description of the image is semantically similar to the title.
Captioning model consist of three parts:
Image feature extractor: We use EfficientNetTan and Le, EfficientNet:
Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks for feature
extraction. The feature has the shape (8, 8, 2048)
Feature encoder: The features pass through fully connected giving a vector
Decoder: To generate the caption, we use Bahdanau attentionBahdanau, Cho,
and Bengio, Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and
Translate and GRU to predict the next word.
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Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings
Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual
To represent the caption and the title as vectors, we use RoBERTa and doc2vec. Then
we compute their similarity via:
Stotal = Swiki + Sapnews + SRoBERTa + (1 − Dfuzzy) + (1 − Dpartial)
Swiki, Sapnews, SRoBERTa are cosine similarity of two vectors generated by enwiki dbow,
apnews dbow, RoBERTa, respectively
Dfuzzy , Dpartial are fuzzywuzzy and partial ratios, respectively.
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Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings
Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual
To account for high-level semantics, we exploit BabelNet knowledge graph.
For articles:
Link textual entities from texts to their synsets in the WordNet subset of
BabelNet using EWISER word sense disambiguator.
Use mean of accompanied SenSemBERT+LMMS embeddings corresponds to
these extracted synsets representing the texts
For images:
Use ResNET-L with Asymmetric Loss (ASL) pre-trained on OpenImagesV6 to
extract multi-label from images.
Map concatenated labels to SenSemBERT+LMMS synset embeddings similar to
the texts.
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Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings
Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual
Train a canonical correlation analysis (CCA) on the train set to project cross-modal
embeddings to bases of significant similarity.
Finally, rank all images in the test set using the L2-distance between the transformed
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Methods • § Graph-based Face-Name Matching
Graph-based Face-Name Matching
In a lot of instances, the publisher uses a portrait of somebody mentioned in the text.
Person name extraction: We use entity-fishing to automatically extract people’s
name from the text.
Face encoding: We use face recognition open-source library to detect and
represent the face as 128-dims vectors.
We connect each person mentioned in the articles with features extracted from
accompanying faces on the train set.
During testing, we encode the face from the image and aggregate the number of
matched faces connected to the people mentioned in the text.
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Methods • § Ensemble
The Ensemble submission combines all described methods, weighting each models
based on their efficiency. As such, the final ranking of a candidate image is:
REnsemble = w1RCaption + w2RTriplet + w3RFace + w4RKG−Fusion.
REnsemble, RCaption, RTriplet, RFace, RKG−Fusion are ranks of the image produced by
respective methods.
Weighting factors are empirically chosen to be w1 = w4 = 1, w2 = 0.02 and w3 = 0.25.
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T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020
Figure: Submission result
Figure: Visualized result
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Conclusion and future works
Our methods systematically increase the performance on the recall@100 metric.
Consistent results, i.e., high-ranking images are of relevance to queried articles.
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Conclusion and future works
Incorporating high-level semantics increase performance.
System builders should use multiple methods to handle different aspects of the
complex image-text multimodal relation.
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Conclusion and future works
Future Works
Investigate better fusion methods.
Thorough ablation study for proposed methods.
Enhance the dataset for thorough evaluation with information retrieval metrics
like NDCG
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HCMUS at MediaEval 2020:Image-Text Fusion for Automatic News-Images Re-Matching

  • 1. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020: Image-Text Fusion for Automatic News-Images Re-Matching Thuc Nguyen-Quang 1,3, Tuan-Duy H. Nguyen1,3, Thang-Long Nguyen-Ho1,3, Anh-Kiet Duong1,3, Xuan-Nhat Hoang1,3, Vinh-Thuyen Nguyen-Truong1,3, Hai-Dang Nguyen1,3, Minh-Triet Tran1,2,3 1University of Science, VNU-HCM, 2John von Neumann Institute, VNU-HCM, 3Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam December 14-15, 2020 T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020
  • 2. Outlines 1 Introduction 2 Methods Metric Learning Image-Text Matching via Categorization Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings Graph-based Face-Name Matching Ensemble 3 Results 4 Conclusion and future works 5 Bibliography T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 1 / 19
  • 3. Introduction T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 Introduction
  • 4. Introduction Introduction Mainly concern fusing cross-modal embedded information extracted as: Simple set intersection Deep neural features Knowledge-graph-enhanced neural features T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 2 / 19
  • 5. Introduction Introduction M1 Metric Learning M2 Image-Text Matching via Categorization M3 Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings M4 Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings M5 Graph-based Face-Name Matching T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 3 / 19
  • 6. Methods T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 Methods
  • 7. Methods • § Metric Learning Metric Learning Using a Triplet Loss model to project embeddings of image-text pairs to bases of significant similarity. Title texts are embedded with BERT. Image embeddings: Global context embedding: EfficientNet Local context embedding: Top-k bottom-up-attention objects passed to a self-attention sequential model. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 4 / 19
  • 8. Methods • § Image-Text Matching via Categorization Image-Text Matching via Categorization Categorizing images and texts with two gradient boosting decision trees. Target categories extracted from URLS: nrw kultur region panorama sport wirtscharft koeln ratgerber politik unknown T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 5 / 19
  • 9. Methods • § Image-Text Matching via Categorization Image-Text Matching via Categorization Augment and extract image features with VGG16, InceptionResNetV2, MobileNetV2, EfficientNetB1-7, Xception, ResNet152V2, NASNetLarge, DenseNet201. Texts are mapped to BERT and ELECTRA contextual embeddings. An iterative ranking method that takes into account the order of matched categories: At the k-th iteration, finds top-k categories for each image and top-k categories for each article. For each article: candidate images are ones having top-k categories intersect that of the article. Sequentially concatenate k candidate lists, then append the remaining images to the tail to make the final ranked list. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 6 / 19
  • 10. Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings We hypothesize that the description of the image is semantically similar to the title. Captioning model consist of three parts: Image feature extractor: We use EfficientNetTan and Le, EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks for feature extraction. The feature has the shape (8, 8, 2048) Feature encoder: The features pass through fully connected giving a vector 256-dims. Decoder: To generate the caption, we use Bahdanau attentionBahdanau, Cho, and Bengio, Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate and GRU to predict the next word. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 7 / 19
  • 11. Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings Image-Text Fusion with Image Captioning and Contextual Embeddings To represent the caption and the title as vectors, we use RoBERTa and doc2vec. Then we compute their similarity via: Stotal = Swiki + Sapnews + SRoBERTa + (1 − Dfuzzy) + (1 − Dpartial) with Swiki, Sapnews, SRoBERTa are cosine similarity of two vectors generated by enwiki dbow, apnews dbow, RoBERTa, respectively Dfuzzy , Dpartial are fuzzywuzzy and partial ratios, respectively. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 8 / 19
  • 12. Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings To account for high-level semantics, we exploit BabelNet knowledge graph. For articles: Link textual entities from texts to their synsets in the WordNet subset of BabelNet using EWISER word sense disambiguator. Use mean of accompanied SenSemBERT+LMMS embeddings corresponds to these extracted synsets representing the texts For images: Use ResNET-L with Asymmetric Loss (ASL) pre-trained on OpenImagesV6 to extract multi-label from images. Map concatenated labels to SenSemBERT+LMMS synset embeddings similar to the texts. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 9 / 19
  • 13. Methods • § Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings Image-Text Fusion with Knowledge Graph-based Contextual Embeddings Train a canonical correlation analysis (CCA) on the train set to project cross-modal embeddings to bases of significant similarity. Finally, rank all images in the test set using the L2-distance between the transformed embeddings. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 10 / 19
  • 14. Methods • § Graph-based Face-Name Matching Graph-based Face-Name Matching In a lot of instances, the publisher uses a portrait of somebody mentioned in the text. Person name extraction: We use entity-fishing to automatically extract people’s name from the text. Face encoding: We use face recognition open-source library to detect and represent the face as 128-dims vectors. We connect each person mentioned in the articles with features extracted from accompanying faces on the train set. During testing, we encode the face from the image and aggregate the number of matched faces connected to the people mentioned in the text. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 11 / 19
  • 15. Methods • § Ensemble Ensemble The Ensemble submission combines all described methods, weighting each models based on their efficiency. As such, the final ranking of a candidate image is: REnsemble = w1RCaption + w2RTriplet + w3RFace + w4RKG−Fusion. With REnsemble, RCaption, RTriplet, RFace, RKG−Fusion are ranks of the image produced by respective methods. Weighting factors are empirically chosen to be w1 = w4 = 1, w2 = 0.02 and w3 = 0.25. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 12 / 19
  • 16. Results T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 Results
  • 17. Results Results Figure: Submission result Figure: Visualized result T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 13 / 19
  • 18. Conclusion and future works Conclusion Our methods systematically increase the performance on the recall@100 metric. Consistent results, i.e., high-ranking images are of relevance to queried articles. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 14 / 19
  • 19. Conclusion and future works Conclusion Incorporating high-level semantics increase performance. System builders should use multiple methods to handle different aspects of the complex image-text multimodal relation. T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 15 / 19
  • 20. Conclusion and future works Future Works Investigate better fusion methods. Thorough ablation study for proposed methods. Enhance the dataset for thorough evaluation with information retrieval metrics like NDCG T. Nguyen-Quang et al. HCMUS at MediaEval 2020 December 14-15, 2020 16 / 19
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