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Han China Dbq
Classical Athens was an intellectual paradise. Philosophers, playwrights, historians, scientists,
mathematicians, and scientists made Athens what we remember it as. Han China was a prosperous
and advanced culture. Han China shows that it was an advanced culture through achievements like
the Great Wall of China, the Silk Road, and the Civil Service System. Though they were both
advanced intellectually and culturally, Classic Athens and Han China were very different. They were
specifically different in the areas of geography & population, government, the reasoning behind
exposing infants, and value & roles of women. Document A illustrates the geography of Classical
Athens and Han China. Documents B and C describe the population and what the hierarchy was
like. Document A shows that Han China was extremely bigger than Classical Athens. Han China
spread ... Show more content on ...
Bowra talk about democracy in Classical Athens. In documents F and G, D.C. Lau and Peter N.
Steams talk about the government in Han China. According to document D, democracy in Classical
Athens was "a model to others." "Others" meaning other city–states. In document E, the author says
that what led to the Golden Age of Classical was their Democracy. It is directly quoted as, "major
strength and inspiration for this development... democratic form of government..." Document F
explained the process of "mandate of heaven". When someone is put in charge it is up to heaven to
decide if he will stay in power. Mencius said, "the people accepted him... heaven... sees with...eyes...
hears with... ears... of its people." In document G, dynasties are described as creating "a distinctive...
remarkably successful... government." There is a possibility of bias in document D because Pericles
was a leader of Classical. In fact, he's the person that brought democracy to Classical Athens. When
you are the first person to bring something to a place you will obviously either be really proud of
yourself or hype it
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Multiple Religions In China
China is a multi–confessional country, meaning they tolerate multiple religions. The people have the
freedom to believe what they want to believe. The main religions in China include Buddhism,
Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Confucianism, and Christianity. Buddhism is a religion
that originated in India, and was passed on when they migrated there after China came out of
isolation. China has approximately nine thousand five hundred Buddhism temples and monasteries.
Most were built over two thousand years ago. The most widespread religion in China is Taoism,
which was founded in China. Taoism teaches "the way of things". It's a Chinese folk religion. They
live on the ordinance of Tao. Another widespread religion in China
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Patriarchy In China
Margin Questions How would you characterize the social hierarchy of China second–wave era? It
was a patriarchal society in the sense that woman had to do as the head of their homes commanded,
and that women were not included in as Chinese state officials. The Chinese state officials acted in
the name of the emperor in the capital and provinces to represent the social elite. Men of promise
were sent to the capital, where they were chosen for official positions. Although Confucius
advocated on selecting such officials on merit and morality many of them were chosen from their
backgrounds. The Chinese society had a hierarchy of class and a patriarchy which is why there were
reformers for women and peasant riots. There were also the Merchants
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The Between China And China
The theme of duality appears again in the Court of Final Appeal in Central. Opened in 1912 as the
site of the Supreme Court, the two–story granite neoclassical–styled building is supported by ionic
columns and features a statue of Themis, the Greek Goddess of Justice, who is blindfolded and
holds a scale. According to Simon Ng, an assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong, "the
blindfolded Themis standing right above the royal coat of arms is a visual reiteration of the
centuries–old ideal of rule of law that even the sovereign must be subject to the law and reason."
Because of newly instituted western education, Hong Kong became susceptible to the ideas of
fairness and impartiality in the justice system, which along with its capitalist economy, further
differentiated itself from China. This concept of "one country, two systems" is an important element
of Hong Kong governance, and by extension, its people. This represents a time when Hong Kong is
slowly pulling its influence away from China.
Due to its insulation from China that ran a communist government, Hong Kong was able to flourish
as an international financial center under a free market economy. Thus, it was natural for
multinational companies to build their headquarters in Central, Hong Kong's main business district.
However, the lack of space in Central compelled companies to build towering skyscrapers in the late
20th century. The result was a diverse skyline that to this day, showcases some of the best in
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China Facts
The developments and introduction of Chinese Art dates back as far as 960 AD. Early forms of art in
China were made from pottery and jade in the Neolithic period. The gist of Chinese art encompasses
fine arts, folk arts, and performance arts. The most common types/forms of arts and entertainment in
the Chinese culture and China are as follows:
1. Literature
2. Chinese Folk Art
3. Visual Art
4. Film
5. Chinese Music
6. Performing Arts
7. Gardening
8. Architecture
The start era for Chinese literature was the Spring and Autumn period. Chinese culture contains
various groups of literature, including: Early Chinese poetry, Han and Northern dynasties poetry,
Golden Age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai and Du Fu, Late ... Show more content on ...
In 2012, the country snagged the title of being the second–largest market in the world by box office
Magazines, journals, and internet sites are also three very common forms of entertainment in China,
as well as other countries all over the world. The Duzhe is China's most renowned magazine. It is a
semi–monthly Chinese broad–spectrum interest magazine. The magazine holds information on
various subjects such as stories, celebrity's biography, jokes, anecdotes, quotations. The Duzhe,
pictured below, is frequently recognized as the Chinese version of The New Yorker.
Currently, 46.03% of nearly 1.4 billion of the world's largest population in China uses the internet.
(Wong, 2014) This means that almost half of 1.4 billion people (.7 million people), whether they are
using search engines, shopping, or just surfing the web use and utilize the internet everyday. The
Top 10 Websites in China by Traffic in 2014 are as follows: (Wong, 2014)
1. Baidu (Search)
2. QQ (Search)
3. TaoBao (Shopping)
4. Sina (Search)
5. Hao123 (Search)
6. Sina Weibo (Social)
7. Tmall (Shopping)
8. Sohu (Search)
9. (Search)
10. (Social)
Tourist Attractions
With a population of over 1.35 billion, China is the most populated country in the world. So, it is not
difficult to imagine how many tourists desire to see the intriguing and fascinating country. There
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China Dbq
China created an empire extremely similar to the Roman empire discussed in Chapter 5. The only
difference being, the Chinese empire was put together using several large armies, which forced their
way into new territories. The Qin and Han rulers in China founded this empire. During 221 BCE the
state of Qin helped unify China by defeating a main rival of the empire. After this, the king of Qin
eventually began to rule all of China, being know as the "first emperor." To help all the states to
become more unified he asked for all of the citizens to move into the capital, which created a bigger
empire for him to rule. To make sure there wasn't any resistance from the citizens, he ordered
officials to go out and retrieve them. Although Qin wanted
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Postclassical China
After the collapse of the Han dynasty, China had fallen into a period of civil wars, disruption, and a
lack of a strong leadership. It wasn't until the year 581, when the Sui was formed (Stearns 230). This
was the beginning to the postclassical era of China that ran from the year 580 to 1279 C.E.. The Sui
were not the only dynasty in China's postclassical era, it was soon followed by the Golden age
dynasties, Tang and Song. These three empires have made major contributions to the changes and
development in China's political, social, and economic grounding. They came to power in a similar
action, but how they ran political varied between all three. Socially, they did have different views on
many areas, but their economic situations were fairly ... Show more content on ...
When all had come to power, the government would reform economic policies to benefit the
peasantry class. The Sui dynasty did establish a series of economic reforms policies and reinstating a
land equalization system to reduce the financial gab between the aristocratic and poor classes. When
the Tang empire reduced the independent landlords powers, they also abolished their taxing power
(Stearn 231). This allowed the government to establish a new tax system that caused peasant to pay
to the state and stop inflation in the economy. The Song had also reformed the taxes to aid the
peasantry, but placed their focused on the merchant class instead (Stearn 232). However, the Song
and Tang dynasties economic situations are fairly different from the Sui dynasty. The second
emperor of the Sui dynasty tried to broaden its borders, but in doing so he had established higher
taxations on the lower classes. This will bring greater resentment to the empire and is the cause of its
downfall. After this, the Tang and Song dynasties "become the most prosperous agricultural society
in the world (Stear 234)." Agricultural productivity was severely damaged after the collapse of the
Sui dynasty. However, the Tang dynasty implicated a series of reforms like the land equalization
system to help lessen the burden of the peasantry class. The Tang also established accurate census
that would impose fair taxation on the people depending
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Trade Imbalance Between China And China
In the 18th century, Chinese goods such as silk and porcelain were much desired by European and
had a huge demand in the Western market. In England, tea was the most desired Chinese good and
trade in tea was very lucrative. However, this created a trade imbalance because Western goods had
no market in China. China was a self–sustaining country and that make it harder for Western
merchant to trade with them. Apart from that, the merchants had a hard time getting into Chinese
market and had to deal through Chinese middlemen in Canton. At this point, the British money had
moved on from silver, but the Chinese were still using silver currency. In order to trade with the
Chinese, the British first had to buy silver for other countries and then ... Show more content on ...
Several debates on opium legalization were carried out. Advocates of legalization suggest that
opium should be tax and it will reduce the outflow of Chinese silver. At the end of the debates,
Emperor Daoguang of the Qing dynasty instructed Lin Zexu, a governor–general, to abolish the
opium trade. Zexu was sent to Canton and he made some quick changes. He declared death penalty
for anyone found importing or in possession of opium. Zexu arrested over a thousand Chinese
opium dealer and confiscate approximately seventy thousands of opium pipes, in a matter of
months. The tipping point though was in March of 1839, when Zexu confiscated and destroyed over
twenty thousands of opium chest.
The British merchants were enraged by Zexu's action and demanded compensation for their seized
good. Initially, Superintendent Charles Elliot assured the merchant traders the British government
would be providing compensation for the seized good. The British government, however, held the
Chinese government responsible for the seized opium. The British soon sent a fleet to China, with a
list of demands. The demands include compensation for the seized goods, right to trade without
middlemen, and an island to use as a base. Initially, the Chinese showed some resistance and the
British began their blockage. The British defeated most of the Chinese resistance relatively easy and
caused the Chinese life. The British moved north and defeated more Chinese forces in
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China And The Western Struggle
China and the Western Struggle
China, the creator of tea and silk went through a period where they had troubles with the west. This
took place in the early nineteenth century. During this time china still thinks that they are the middle
Kingdom (The center of the world). Great Britain has wanted to expand for years and get trade from
other countries. China has not wanted to trade with Britain. China has not wanted to trade because
of they are self sufficiece. China has been living by Confucian principles for the last thousand years,
and does not want to change their way of life. The west really wanted China 's tea and silk so they
kept trying to trade with china, but the problem was that great britain had nothing china wanted.
Then one ... Show more content on ...
China was harmed politically by the western countries because the treaty of Nanking caused China
to lose control over their territory and ports. In the Treaty Of Nanking China lost the island of Hong
Kong over to British Control. In the article China meets the west, Opium war and Treaty of Nanking
it says "Treaty also gave the British the island of Hong Kong." This is bad for china because there is
the loss of cultural effect and the Chinese government will no longer be there. Without the Chinese
culture the island will be forced to give the original Confucian Principles that they grew up on. The
government will no longer be Chinese, they will be a colony of great britain. That means that every
one living on the island will become a citizen of great britain. They would most likely have to
change religions to christian and give up family traditions and such. When the treaty was signed it
also gave the right for British merchants to put their ship at port anywhere they want. From the
article China meets the west, Opium war and Treaty of Nanking it says "Establish at all ports which
are by the 2nd article of the treaty to be thrown open for the rest of the British merchants." Any ship
from great Britain is welcome to take port anywhere they want in china. That is giving the British
the upper hand. In the long run this could work
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Making appointments :
Being late for an appointment is considered a serious insult in Chinese business culture.
The East Asia & Pacific office of the U.S. Department of Commerce can help you in arranging
appointments with local Chinese business and government officials, and can identify the contacts
you will have to establish to achieve your objectives. The services of a host of a reputable Public
Relations firm is recommended for detailed work involving meeting and negotiating with senior
Chinese officials or even pinpointing whom you should meet for your purposes.
The best times for scheduling appointments are April to June and September to October.
Business and government hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 ... Show more content on ...
You may make general inquiries about the health of another's family, such as 'are all in your family
During a meal, expressing enthusiasm about the food you are eating is a welcome, and usually
expected, topic of conversation.
There is no need to avoid mentioning Taiwan. If the subject comes up, never refer to this island as
'The Republic of China' or 'Nationalist China.' The correct term is 'Taiwan Province', or just
'Small talk' is considered especially important at the beginning of a meeting; any of the topics
suggested in the next set of points will be appropriate for this occasion.
Welcome Topics of Conversation
Chinese scenery, landmarks
weather, climate, and geography in China
your travels in other countries
your positive experiences traveling in China
Chinese art
Topics to Avoid
Refrain from using the terms such as 'Red China', 'Mainland China,' and 'Communist China.' Just
say 'China.'
First Name or Title?
Addressing others with respect
Chinese names appear in a different order than Western names. Each person has, in this order, a
family, generational, and first name. Generational and given names can be separated by a space or a
hyphen, but are frequently written as one word. The generational designation is usually the first
word of a two–worded first name. This is still popular in some families, especially among the
southerners and the overseas Chinese from the south. Most
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Quilty In China
Does the studio function differently in China than in Australia? What can we attribute these
differences to?
I would contend that there are several major differences between how contemporary artists' studios
function in China and Australia. In considering this question I will compare the studio operations of
Shen Shaomin and Ben Quilty, the former being located in a purpose built artists' commune on the
outskirts of Beijing, and the latter set up in isolation, in the Southern Highlands of New South
Wales. As to identifying the sources of these variances, it will be essential to outline the unique
machinations of both commercial art markets. Also, how cultural norms inform how the artistic
process is perceived and, in turn, how artists present ... Show more content on ...
The show comprised of renowned restaurateur/artist Michael Chow's collection of modern
portraiture, in addition to ephemera from the Qi Beijing Opera school and several recent works by
Chow himself. Light, marketing–friendly, easily digestible and attractive to local palates, the
exhibition must have been seen as a major boon for the fledgling museum's otherwise patchy
programming. Unfortunately the exhibit, hung sparsely in three cavernous rooms, was no more an
exercise in critical curatorship, than the interior design of one of Mr Chow's eponymous restaurants.
Realised in the museum space, the disparate collection of portraiture by well–known Western artists,
Chow's large–scale experiments in abstract expressionism, and the personal/historical images of
Chow's operatic father, seemed united by no other discernable thread, than one man's ego. But I
don't wish to lay all criticism exclusively at the door of the show's curator, Xiang Liping. It is my
contention that shortcomings in this exhibition are a result of a lack of professionalism at several
levels within the institution. And as Hanru foretold, the museum has fallen back on an
entertainment–style market ploy, in this instance relying on the celebrity factor of the exhibition's
Does the collapse of the distinction between the primary and the secondary market
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Prostitution In Ancient China
This book covers a broad overview history of sex and prostitution in ancient China. It provides
several examples of prostitutes and courtesans rise to power.
Gronewold Sue, Beautiful Merchandise: Prostitution in China 1860–1936. New York: Haworth
Press, 1982.
The book went into detail about the role of prostitution and its impacts on society and the economy.
It also went into detail about the differences between a wife and a prostitute. The book covers the
differences between a courtesan and a prostitute by providing their lifestyle and stand in society.
Henriot Christian, Prostitution and Sexuality in Shanghai: A Social History, 1849–1949. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
The author portrays the Chinese sex trade, from ... Show more content on ...
It covered the sexual relationship between a female servant and her master and how it changes her
role in the family.
McMahon, Keith, Celestial Women: Imperial Wives and Concubines in China from Song to Qing.
New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Ping Chen Hsiung, A Tender Voyage: Children and Childhood in Late Imperial China. Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2007. The work provides the details of expectation for female during
their childhood and adolescence years. It also includes the duties and responsibilities of a wife and a
young girl training toward achieving to fulfill those taks.
Ropp, Paul S. "Women in Late Imperial China: A Review of Recent English–language
Scholarship." In Women's History Review, 347–83. Vol. 3. Series 3. Taylor and Francis,
The article explains the changing role of a woman, specifically a wife, throughout the Imperial
China. It discusses how status of a woman is not based on Confucian's practices, but rather on a
combination of social, political and economic of that time period.
Sommer Matthew, Polyandry and Wife–Selling in Qing Dynasty China. Berkeley: University
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Intel China
3. What are the reasons for Li 's behavior?
Yong Li, one of the AM's for the firm has already achieved a certain extent of success within the
primary focus of Intel's strategy to develop connections and associations with the clients in his
account base. Li is conscious to the fact that his accomplishments as an Intel ambassador is
unquestionable and consequently to bring in additional value to his role he has placed effort, time
and plan to one of the individual projects he has undertaken to self improvise and take a
comprehensive approach to the detailing of the particular project. Li is self driven to achieve stiff
targets that he sets out for himself, however the decision received from Tang's office to scrap out the
project indirectly ... Show more content on ...
Hence the challenge before leading the employees to perform their goals must involve building trust
and confidence amongst both the parties involved. Charles Tang at his level is set out to make
strategic decisions and cannot be completely involved in micro management; however his
subordinate Qing Chen must be delegated to be actively involved in the daily operations and also
understand the team's including Yong Li's disposition at work, general attitudes, team dynamics,
ethnic background and aspirations.
As this situation has lead to one of the crucial performer's of the team "losing face", it is necessary
for Charles Tang to address the entire AM team in a forum to articulate Intel's strategic goals and
reiterate that contributions at work are valued however they must be focused towards achieving the
common objective of Intel. At this stage the company's "disagree and commit" philosophy must be
revisited to make the team members aware of it. He must emphasize that the team's direct contact
and daily updates with Qing Chen must be adhered. At the end Tang must appreciate the top
performers of the team and announce his plans to reassess existing projects as per the strategy.
The one on one meeting with Yong Li must be directed carefully to avoid any emotional hijack of
the decision already taken. However the main intention of the meeting is to build back the Yong Li's
confidence and reinstate his credibility by understanding his point of view on the scope of
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Qing China And Tokugawa China
For many students around the world, ethnocentrism is a real, serious issue that impedes
understanding and success. One example of how this ethnocentrism invades the minds of the
average American and distorts their thoughts is by asking them to compare different Asian histories
or cultures, to which they will likely reply "they're all the same." In addition to being ethnocentric,
this viewpoint is just plain wrong. Take, for example, Qing China and Tokugawa Japan. Though
these two Asian empires had many things in common, they are far from being the same. Qing China
refers to the period of Chinese history between 1644 and 1911, when the foreign Manchus
established a dynasty and ruled over China, calling themselves the Qing. The non–Chinese tribes
that came to power at this time were from the area that would later be called Manchuria.
Geographically, Qing China grew three times the size of what it was under the Ming, expanding
north to include areas of Mongolia and Manchuria, as well as west. The country was divided into
provinces, with each province being managed and governed under tusi, or native chieftains. The
region of China is largely mountainous, with the majority of the population densely packed near the
coast and around the Yellow River Valley. After establishing their rule, the Manchus created a new
dynasty and declared a new emperor, carrying on the traditional Chinese system of government and
administration that had existed since the time of the Tang. Despite this,
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The Boxer Rebellion Of China
Blake Bialas
Mrs. Blomme
Honors English 11
1 October 2014
The Boxer Rebellion In the very late 1800's and into the early 1900's, terror struck northern China
when a group of Chinese peasants known as "Boxer's" began their historic rebellion against the
spread of western and Japanese influence in China. They were attempting to drive all foreigners out
and away from China, fearing that they would transform traditional ways of the Chinese culture.
This event would prove to be a detriment to both the people of China, as well as the country of
China as a whole, costing them large amounts of money, losing thousands of innocent people, and
hurting their reputation. Not only was China affected by this issue, but countries including America,
England, Russia, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Japan were called for,
and aided in China's cry for help. This is important because China would later have to pay each
these countries back for all of their help, which was not a cheap cost to pay. Importance of this event
will be shown through the rise of the Boxer Rebellion along with what occurred during the
rebellion, the many effects the rebellion had both the people of China, and as a country, and the
non–justification of the Boxer Rebellion, despite it having such a large impact on China. It all began
in the year 1899, when the Boxers began to practice physical exercises which they believed would
make them invulnerable to bullets and other forms of attack (The
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Daoism In China
1. The common theme I gathered from both the web article and web video is Daoism's role in
China's strategy in dealing with environmental issues and how it's philosophy relates to modern life.
Bilhartz did well in explaining the Daoism philosophy of going with the flow of life and living in
harmony with nature. "To these mystics, some who later would be known as Daoists, human needs
were best met when individuals rejected all artificial restraints and lived spontaneously in harmony
with nature" (Bilhartz, 2006, p. 267). The article explained that the Chinese government looked to
Daoism to provide a moral and spiritual approach to the environmental issue, rather than engaging
an economic approach. The growing environmental issues the Chinese
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China 's Republic Of China
Known fully as the people's republic of China, this country has improved vastly in terms of
economic progress in the past decades. With 93% of its population being Han Chinese, China also
has 55 other ethnic minorities. This percentage totals up to 1.37 billion people, making China the
country with the largest population in the world. The population of China is rather unevenly
distributed into 23 different provinces and each province is governed by a local government. China
has the second highest GDP in the world of 19.24trillion USD and this figure is increasing rapidly.
With over 3000 years of written history, China is also one of the oldest country in the world. During
this 3000 years, China experienced imperial rule up till the last century when the last dynasty, the
Qing Dynasty ended. With this long history, China also faced numerous rebellions, overthrowing of
dynasties, wars and other disasters. However, its people persevered and hence also help build a
prosperous country we know as China today.
With a long history, China has many cultural and ethical norms as well. Many of these appear
controversial but one could unravel the reasons behind their doings by having a more in depth
knowledge of their culture. One norm this report will be covering will be bribery. In recent years,
many top notched officials were arrested in an effort by Chinese leader Xi Jin Ping to eradicate
corruption in the country. One such leader
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Leonard Bilal Blacklock
World Civilizations I (HS150)
Lesson 6
Assignment 6
Sui Dynasty (589 – 618 CE) was a short lived Imperial Chinese dynasty, preceded by the Southern
and Northern Dynasties. It unified China for the first time after nearly four centuries of north–south
division. It was followed by the Tang Dynasty. Founded by Emperor Wen of Sui, the capital was
Chang'an. His reign saw the reunification of Southern and Northern China and the construction of
the Grand Canal, connecting the Yellow and Yangtze River for easy trading. The canal was used to
carry rice and other agricultural products. Wendi was the first emperor to build a centralized
government, created legal codes (social security); ... Show more content on ...
Taizhong ruled 636 to 649 most admired emperors. (Wikipedia, 2015).
The arts flourished during the Tang Dynasty. It was during this time that poetry became an integral
part of the Chinese culture. Poetry was a required study for those who wished to pass the civil
service exams. Talented poets were well–respected and often recited their poetry as entertainment at
parties. Some of the great poets in Chinese history lived during this time such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Li
Po, and Wang Wei.
While the Tang Dynasty is most famous for its poetry, other arts also became popular during this
time. Many forms of literature were written including short stories, encyclopedias, and histories.
Also painting was very popular and the era produced famous painters such as Wu Daozi, Wang Wei
(also a famous poet), and Zhou Fang.
Song Dynasty (960–1279), it succeeded the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, and was
followed by the Yang Dynasty. It was the first government in world history it issue banknotes or
paper money, and the first Chinese government to establish a permanent standing navy. This dynasty
also saw the first known use of gunpowder, as well as first discernment of true north using a
compass. In the Tang and Song dynasties China began more trading. They exported tea, silk,
porcelain, and many unique items. They used canals and the ocean to trade with nearby countries,
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China Vs China
Could the Eurocentric notion of China being "inferior"or having "failed" at achieving modernity
constitute an overwhelming misunderstanding of China as a whole? Is the "failure" narrative
evidence of how the propagators of the European academy use their understandings to pervert the
very essence of true Chinese history? If it wasn't intentional, could the West have 'failed' to
understand the complex cultural and socioeconomic dynamics of China? Historians who adhere to
the foundations of Eurocentric thought, in establishing the 'China v. Europe' comparative analysis,
have often cited claims that European advancements throughout history were not only 'unique' but
are in fact the precedent for modernity. In establishing this precedent, the West ... Show more
content on ...
Ricci was born in 1552 and has written accounts of his immersion during his mission in Ming
dynasty China. Historian Nigel Cameron, had documented thirteen centuries of European travels to
China, which included Matteo Ricci's travels as well. According to Cameron, Matteo Ricci was "the
only one to whom the Chinese accorded unreservedly their respect as a scholar in their own
language and literature." So It seems that there is a more effective way of grasping a full if not some
understanding of the cultural dynamics of China. Now especially with regards to the comprehension
of different cultures it may be hard to do so through the Euro–lense or through a European
methodological way of interpretation. Explaining and comprehending the Chinese culture through
the English language may result in failure. Even Matteo Ricci, admitted that the Chinese language
"is totally different from Greek or German." Western historians have misinterpreted non–West
histories, in fact it is common. But, to what extent does this misinterpretation lie? It lies with the
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China 's Rural Crisis : China
China's Rural Crisis The Qing dynasty ended in 1912 with a revolution; however, the dynasty had
been in decline for more than a century before it fell. Corruption within the empire, population
growth combined with food shortages, and the social unrest between the ethnic majority Han and the
ruling Machu all contributed to the Qing dynasty's downfall. Yet despite all of these internal issues,
it was external pressures that caused the eventual collapse of Qing society. Foreign imperialism
highlighted China's backwardness to its own citizens and, and also heightened the already existing
conflicts within China itself. It directly challenged the cultural nexus of power, which held China
together for hundreds of years. This system combined ... Show more content on ...
China's rural crisis left the farmers in destitution as the moral economy and the cultural nexus of
power broke down, which set the foundation for the later state involution. Foreign influences
diminished the significance of the traditional standard marketing community. The standard
marketing community includes standard market towns, intermediate market towns, central market
towns, local cities, greater cities, and regional cities (Skinner 274). It could be represented
graphically as hexagon, bordering other hexagonal standard marketing communities. Peasants from
rural areas were connected and could exchange information with other areas. It was more than just
the network of trade; in fact, bureaucratic administration followed the same hierarchical orders.
Under this interconnected network model, government policies were passed down level by level,
which heightened the importance of lineages in helping state officials carry out policies. The lineage
then relied on the literati's ability to speak the language of state promoting imperial metaphors
within religion. However, foreign countries disrupted this linkage between the city and rural areas.
Foreign market forces had been influencing China since the Ming dynasty as international trade
brought an influx of silver. Europeans were unable to produce goods more cheaply at the same level
of quality to sell into the Chinese market,
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China 's Impact On China
For many decades, China has always been technologically and economically ahead of Europe. The
invention of gunpowder, printing, and the compass started in China and was later dispersed
throughout Europe. These inventions changed China as much as they changed Europe. These
inventions also caused a gap between China and Europe. By the late eighteenth century, industrial
revolution first started its spread from Europe.The transformations within Europe began to further
accelerate while China was falling behind. In Europe, economic transformation was accompanied by
social transformation. The social and demographic changes that were taking place, created the
pressure for political change as well. Europe was expanding both demographically and
economically, which strengthening their power in the global order. Conversely, China constrained
itself from the outside world and focus on internal progresses ranging from agriculture to social
classes. Why were industries in China more labor–intensive than those in Europe? In addition to its
diverse geography and the belief of being self–sufficient, China struggled to transition to
experiment–cum–science–based invention as well as rejecting the opportunity to create bonds and
capital markets with other nations.
China's backwardness was caused by its labor–intensive system as well as its attitude toward
globalization. Because of the labor–intensive industries, China lacked the experience of
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Different Differences And Similarities Between China Vs....
Germany vs China
Germany, a western country is well–known for beer, sausage and innovative technology. China, an
eastern country is well–known for delicious food, martial arts and low priced products. Everyone
knows they are completely different. However, can you raise some concrete examples showing their
difference? And is it true that both of them do not have a single similarity at all? Though, they have
certain similar aspects if you look closer.
One obvious difference between Germany and China is the food habit. German tends to have cool
food for breakfast, which comprises bread, cheese and cold meat like ham and salami, whereas
Chinese tend to have hot food at the beginning of day, such as congee, which is a thick, white
porridge made of rice and water. For German, bread and dairy products are their main staple food.
Bread is a part of most of their meals a day. Differ from Germany, the staple food in China is rice.
Rice is an essential part in Chinese food culture. For example, ... Show more content on ...
German are confident and expressive generally, whereas Chinese are timid and overcautious. When
talking about personal ideas, thoughts or opinions, German are willing to express their individual
ideas; in contrast, Chinese tend to not express themselves openly and directly. It is because that
Chinese do not dare to be an individual or special one in a group, as well as they are afraid of getting
into troubles. In the view of politeness, Chinese also barely reject other's requests directly even
though they are unwilling to help, while German would be very direct and open. If German are not
willing to help, they would reject straightly. In terms of problem–solving approach, Chinese would
look for another way to achieve the goal at the first place, in order to avoid the problems that they
may have to come across. In comparison, German face the problems and barriers directly, and then
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Tesco in China
Prepared by: Martin Witthoeft Module Title: Strategic Management Module Leader: Graham
Webster Module Code: BC315017S Academic Year: 2008/9 Semester: One Level: 3 Submitted: 17
December 2008
Table of Contents
The Supermarketization of China ..................................................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2.
China – Land of Opportunity ....................................................................................... 1 Tesco on
Course of Expansion ..................................................................................... 1
Part 1: Analysis of ... Show more content on ...
Examples of the French hypermarket Carrefour, that ignored or bent the rules and was not punished
for it, illustrates that China does not see a need to restrict the development of this industry (Jones,
MODERNISATION: Local governments are shutting down the traditional street markets (so–called
wet markets) and convert them into supermarkets. The aim is to expand the retail networks of chain
supermarkets into China's western provinces (Gale & Reardon, 2004).
OPEN MARKET: Since 2001 the Chinese retail market has been open to foreign multinationals due
to China's entry into the WTO. Only one third of the companies in China are still state controlled
(Economist, 2008).
ECONOMIC GROWTH: GDP growth is expected to drop from 11.9 per cent in 2007 to 8.2 per cent
in 2012. However, domestic demand is to remain strong in the next five years as consumption will
rise due to overall wage growth (Economist, 2008).
TAXATION: The rate of corporate income tax in China is 25 per cent. There are however special tax
rates available for companies which are investing in preferred sectors and regions, e.g. the Western
provinces (Economist, 2008).
SUPPLIERS: Since most of the fresh produce originates from China, it is essential to find local
suppliers able to provide goods according to international quality standards (Jones, 2004).
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Press In China
The printing press had a greater historical impact in Europe than in China because Europe had a
different purpose for it than China. Europe intended on having the printing press used for mass
production, with a political agenda in mind. China wanted to use the printing press for a less general
audience, and to preserve their religion. As can be seen from the Miniature Buddhist sutra from
China used the printing press in a much more positive light. China wanted the printing press used to
show the positive aspects of their religion to a select few. In the Miniature Buddhist sutra it is clear
to see that there is a religious ceremony being practiced revolving around the main figure in the
center. There is also lots of writing in the left part ... Show more content on ...
In the Christi picture Jesus is wearing very poor clothing, and in the Antichristi image the Pope is
wearing very elegant and expensive clothing. Jesus is also shown driving away money changers,
where as the Pope is accepting indulgences from the poor. The second detail is showing there is very
little writing, and not that much detail. These details both reveal how the Pope was taking
advantages of the Church's influence over the people as a con for money, even though Jesus who
was poor himself as can be seen by his rags, drove away anyone coming to the church for money.
This implies the printing press was used to question political figures and cause Christians especially
to question the Pope's loyalty to the people. The pictures can also be shown to everyone residing in
Europe because anyone can interpret the pictures if they cannot read, and it is easier to make
because there are so few details. This essentially shows that the printing press was made for the
general population to view the different perspectives on Christianity. This would lead to a greater
need for the printing press and greatly increase its popularity. Europe's use of the printing press
made a greater historical impact than China mainly because of the reasons used in their production.
Europe and China both used the printing press for religious standpoints although Europe was
showing more negative aspects, and China more positive. Although China may have been more
technologically advanced, Europe was much more ambitious. Overall if used differently the printing
press in China it would have made a greater historical impact because it was invented almost 1,000
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China And China Case Study
Therefore, the goods of Chinese origin, shipped to third countries, are regarded by the US statistics
as exports to the US from China.
3) Contrasts in the valuation of direct exchange
According to the "Joint China–U.S. Investigations of Discrepancies", some of the distinctions in the
information on the US imports from the PRC and Chinese fares to the US are explained by the
changes in sending out costs from China and import costs in the US for products transported directly
from one state to the other. Part of these differences is associated with the transfer of property during
the delivery, which leads to a price premium when the owner changes (Xu, 2012).
The publication of official statistics on the US trade is often accompanied by an ... Show more
content on ...
Moreover, the relationship between the US and China, despite the abundant political rhetoric, is
economically considered so harmonious that many experts talk about the economic symbiosis of
these two countries. Thus, the interconnectedness and interdependence of the US and China give
rise to a version called the "two–headed dragon." The main idea of this version is that in the 21st
century there will be two superpowers in the world: the USA and the PRC. The main geopolitical
factors that determine the world's future will be G2 – China and America, and not the G20 – the
"Big Twenty" or the "Group of 20" (Dong, & Whalley, 2012).
The symbiosis of the two economies, in the most general terms, can be defined as follows. American
corporations have been transferring their production to China for many years, actively using the
Chinese "open door" policy. The benefits for the corporations are obvious – the Chinese labor force
costs ten, twenty, or even fifty times cheaper than the actual US workforce, so that labor costs and
the production costs (which can reach 50% for individual goods) are sharply decreased. The fall in
prime cost entails a rise in profits, so the profitability of corporations that have transferred their
production to China goes beyond all reasonable limits. Moreover, the financial world crisis served
as an impetus for this process to acquire a global meaning.
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The South China Sea
The South China Sea (S.C.S.) is one of the most politically tense and economically important areas
in the world today. Every year, $5.3 trillion of trade passes through the S.C.S $1.2 trillion of which
belongs to the US. The importance of the S.C.S. has led to increasingly strained tension as
competing territorial claims have sharpened over recent years. Tensions have developed over the
PRC's vague claim to the majority of the S.C.S. The so called "nine–dash line" was originally laid
down by the Republic of China in 1947 as an eleven–dash line has been the source of conflict in
Southeast Asia for some years. In 1974 the PRC seized part of the Paracels from South Vietnam, and
in 1988 China and Vietnam had a bloody clash over Johnson Reef. ... Show more content on ...
The US, the regions historic de facto power, has a vital interest in maintain stability, specifically in
regards to the freedom of navigation and free trade. Though each major actor has its own goals and
agenda, the US has the most potential to ease tensions and establish a new regional dynamic that
encourages a unified ASEAN and responsible PRC. Within the PRC there is a strong sentiment that
now is China's time to take its place as a major actor in a new multipolar world. This is a key aspect
of Xi Jinping's "China Dream" and a growing pillar of party legitimacy as the Chinese economy
slows and matures. A key aspect for China to be perceived as a hub of power is to have the ability to
assert its interest in the region. As such, Chinese policy towards the S.C.S has been described as
developing a "sphere of influence" similar to the US in the Caribbean during the 19th and 20th
century. The South East Asian region would be economically interconnected through Chinese
investment and development, creating demand for Chinese goods and services. Politically, smaller
states would have the PRC as an advocate and China would insulate itself with friendly neighbors.
In an effort to project its growing role in the South–East Asia the PRC has adopted a renewed and
more provocative approach to regional politics with more assertive stances on various disputed
areas, including the nine dash line. By claiming the vast majority of the S.C.S., or the land features
in it, Beijing is
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Avon in China
Avon Products, Inc. (Avon), the US cosmetics giant, had considered China the keystone of its
marketing effort in Asia. Years of effort and the development of a large direct marketing
organisation in that country had made operations in China its most profitable and most rapidly
growing market in Asia. On 21 April 1998 senior company officials from the New York
headquarters and throughout Asia had gathe red in Guangzhou for what was supposed to be a festive
occasion. During the meeting William Pryor, Avon 's head of China operations, was called away
from his table to take a phone call When he returned, it was with devastating news. The Chinese
government had just announced an immediate ban on all direct selling. In 113 years, Avon had used
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In Bio Advance was the first product to use stabilized ' retinol, a form of vitamin A, and Collagen
Booster facilitated the use of vitamin C. In the late 1990s.the––, company obtained US Food and
Drug Administration approval of the use of Parsol 1789 to fight damage caused by UVA rays. It
used this material in a new Age,? Block Daytime Defense Cream. The company has 19 laboratories
worldwide that develop products and. packaging. In addition to its own research staff and
independent experts, Avon uses focus groups in evaluating potential new products, and has
companyemPloyees use the ProductsIn 1996 Avon spent LIS$30 million on an advertis: ing
campaign, which focused on the Avon Lady, the,
core of the company 's success, and a new product stage– Avon is now projected as having a
contemporary product with a consistent, high–quality image in all markets. Its advertising program
uses celebrities, such as fashion designer Josie Natoli and Olympic athlete Jackie. Joyner–Kersee.
Avon moved away from mature, matronly appearance to updated, sophisticated, and glamorous
images. The result is a more vibrant beauty image, similar to other US brand names such as Revlon,
Mabelline, and Cover Girl. Also under this campaign, Avon advertised on television for the first
time in 20 years, and began direct selling on the Internet in April 1997. Its website now attracts
300,000 visitors per month.
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Perspectives on China
In February of 2012, as I was reviewing the information about the Darden's GEMBA program,
specifically the locations of the global residencies, it was hard for me to be excited about going to
China. It would be my sixth time visiting the country. At the time, I was hoping for a more unique
location, somewhere where I had not been, yet somewhere where, from a business perspective it
would be a valid place to go. How about Japan or South Korea, I pondered.
But no, it was China, a place that I explored on multiple occasions, and a place I learned to like. To
make things worse, the destinations cities where the most obvious: Shanghai and Beijing. What else
is out there, that I have not seen and what else I can learn from visiting it again? My ... Show more
content on ...
Shanghai welcomed me with a taxi driver who refused to show me his meter readout, hijacked my
cell phone until I promised to pay him the outrageous taxi fee (long story culminating in me not
paying him the outrageous fee), throwing my suitcase of his trunk and driving off with his trunk up
so I could not capture his license plate. Not a bad start, I thought– maybe I learn something after all.
Tia Zi Feng was everything I expected, crowded, cobble stone streets with many tiny shops, cafes,
and art galleries. My host Jamie, who had a New Zealand souvenir store at the bottom of the studio
was very welcoming. My first night he invited me to join him and a few fellow Westerners to a
Shanghai style restaurant situated in an old local–style mansion. The experience was wonderful; and
I had a chance to meet some interesting yet very different people; from a yoga/photographer woman
from Minnesota, who was just finishing her three–year Asian adventure to an English teacher from
Ohio, to an software entrepreneur from Oregon. Impressively they were all more or less fluent in
Mandarin, which I greeted with envy as my one and a half years of learning the language had been
not the most fruitful to say the least.
But then it was time to go and meet the GEMBA 13. It was so exciting to see the guys again. The
schedule looked intense and I started to think, contrary to my previous assertion, that I may learn
The China
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Disadvantages Of Uber China
Uber China Merges with Didi Chuxing
On August 1, 2016 the Uber Newsroom released a news that Uber is selling its China Uber's
operation in a share swap in which it will receive 20% of the new company which means that
August 1, 2016 is the end of the costly taxi war between the local Didi Chuxing (AKA Didi Kuaidi)
and Uber China.
The winners of this costly taxi war are Alibaba (China company), Tencent (China company) and
Apple (US company) since these three companies own relatedly high economic share in Didi
Kuaidi. In conversely, the loser of the game is Baidu because it invests plenty of money in Uber
China and also because Uber China use Baidu map to provide its services to its customers which
Baidu can receive a lot of useful customer's ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, in this transaction, Baidu does not just lose one battle, but has high odds that it may be
lose others because Tencent and Alibaba get huge economic benefits from Uber China merges with
Didi Chuxing. These companies are called BAT in China due to the fact the first letter of each
company, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. The reason for that is because BAT represents three of the
biggest internet companies in China which means these three companies have to compete the same
market. Baidu has a significant negative effect on this costly taxi war whereas Alibaba and Tencent
gain many positive influence. What I mean is that Baidu will probably not sufficient free cash flow
to fund driverless technology, without investing money in driverless technology will not hurt Baidu's
ability of earning profit, but definitely, in the near future Baidu will have a difficult time in online to
online industry. The reason for that is because in online to online industry companies have to put a
lot of money to fund innovation to make sure it has edged–cutting technology to put pressure to its
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The Guanxi Between China And China
The Guanxi phenomena is exclusive to China and is very apparent in everyday life, it can be used in
the personal dealings or at the business level. Guanxi concept is not completely alien to the rest of
the world, it is apparent in a slightly different, more modest form.
Most of people would be aware of bribery (it is an act of giving money or gifts that alters the
behavior of the recipient), which would be someway linked to guanxi concept. The main difference
is that bribery recognised as an illegal act when guanxi is very acceptable and apparent in China.
The other examples would be nepotism (favoritism granted to relatives) or cronyism (is partiality to
long–standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their
qualifications). They are known tendencies and can be found in any country, however, the main
difference is that these tendencies are recognised as illegal or at least outside the norm. When guanxi
in China it is absolutely acceptable and is part of their lives.
Depending on the source or the article guanxi description will vary, but the literal guanxi translation
is "relationship". This gives an indication what is it about. Wikipedia describes guanxi as "the basic
dynamic in personalized networks of influence, and is a central idea in Chinese society.<...> At its
most basic, guanxi describes a personal connection between two people in which one is able to
prevail upon another to perform a favor or service, or
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China Western Influence
In todays world China is still considered by most scholars a third world country, with a large amount
of the population living on low wages earned from an agricultural based economy. At one point
however China was one of if not the most prosperous civilization in the world. China led the world
in innovation and culture (Stanard). They were able to stay a vibrant culture for thousands of years.
This paper will provide concise and scholarly evidence that China was far more advanced than its
Western counterparts at the height of the European renaissance . The reasons lie within three main
points. The first issue that will be addressed is the difference of religions. The second will give brief
insight into China's military ... Show more content on ...
The Chinese military dominated central Asia as military powerhouse. They pushed back Turkish
invaders from the Ottoman Empire (Stearns). The Chinese military also went on the offensive and
claimed land in Vietnam in Southeast Asia as well as modern day North Korea. No matter what
dynasty was under whether Song or Yuan China still had a dominating military. For the most part
they had little to no enemies, so the Chinese government was able to focus on more important things
and not worry about an imminent attack. Unlike countries in Western Europe, that are side by side
always worrying about what Country will attack next with no sight of a significant peace treaties in
sight (Stearns). They spent time and resources on their military instead of using it to help their
citizens. The Chinese military was so successful they were able to deploy 20,000 men to go explore
territory not yet visited
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The Spread Of Buddhism And China
By 100 C.E., Buddhism founded in India in the 6th century B.C.E was brought to China, gradually
winning converts following the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E., but responses to the spread
of Buddhism in China differed. Some faction of people didn't see the spread of Buddhism as a threat
they saw it as what it was, a religion brought to China even though it not an aspect of China,it still
should be respected differed from faction of people who saw the spread of Buddhism as barbaric
invasion and just overusing China, but to add some factions of people saw Buddhism as a good
religion that differed from Confucianism in China but are both valued religions that have similar
concepts. To begin, some people didn't see the spread of Buddhism as a threat, they saw it as another
religion which should be respected even though it not an aspect or originated from China. In
document 3, an anonymous Chinese scholar said,'' To compare the sages to the Buddha would be
like comparing a white deer to a unicorn, or a swallow to a phoenix.'' This show that people didn't
see Buddhism as threat but just something different from Chinese religious beliefs, saw it as another
concept or religion. The reason anonymous Chinese scholar believe this is because as an anonymous
scholar, they feel open because they can express anything and talk about what they believe in since
it anonymous nobody will know the author. Chinese scholar, 70 year before the imperial court
structure was restored
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Trade Imbalance Between China And China
While the wester hemisphere was experiencing drastic changes like colonies attaining their
independence and turning into more modern nations, many adversities were taking place throughout
nations in the eastern hemisphere. China was one of those nations. China was a nation known for
isolating itself from outside influence, especially from the Europeans. Soon the Europeans began to
grow jealous of China 's bounty of enticing goods and resources such as porcelain, tea and silk.
China on the other hand did not have any need for European goods. In pursuit to put a halt to the
trade imbalance between the two nations, Britain started to smuggle opium into China. The reason
behind this was because the Chinese had no need for Britain 's goods but ... Show more content on ...
The silver shortage pushed Britain 's urgency to end the imbalance and this was a key contribution
to the Opium Wars. The supply of opium transported into China was exceptionally low in the
beginning of the 18th century. The number of chests of opium brought into China went from less
than 1,000 per year to about 5,000 between the years 1770 and 1800. (Document 10). The people
started to realize the hooking outcomes of opium as the importation had a sudden increase within a
30 year span. This initiated the concern about the trade and Chinese officials were outraged by the
habit. They had made their port available and traded as a kind gesture and in return Britain,
"poisoned our brave people with opium." (Document 9) Over the next 40 years importation of the
drug increased remarkably. The importation rose to forty thousand chests a year by 1840 as more
citizens became hooked on the drug (Document 10). Document 3 depicts the effects of opium. As
you can see, 5 men in the picture are slumped over and out of their minds while sprawled across the
table while some are staring off into space with blank expression on their faces. Although the
emperor placed a ban on the trade, this didn 't cease the Chinese and Europeans from smuggling
enormous amounts of the drug into China. The Opium War was fueled by the illegal trade. In
Chinese commissioners Lin Zexu 's letter
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Opium In China Essay
The eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries saw the beginning of opium with China. This was also
known as the "triangle exchange" over the Indian and Pacific seas like the American slave exchange
over the Atlantic. The British imported opium into China from its states in India. Chinese silks,
flavors, tea, and different treats were additionally foreign from China to England while British
made–up products to India. (The First Opium War, 2013)
From the earliest starting point, the decision Tang administration restricted the importation of opium
into its region and effectively disheartened its utilization by setting a disgrace of corruption on the
individuals who utilized the medication. Be that as it may, the British merchants saw opium, as
simply an item for which there was an in number interest for in China. Opium did not have any
relationship with ethical quality or shortage in that department in the British mind. These two unique
perspectives in the long run reached a critical stage in the mid–1840s with savage clash between
British shippers, mariners and their Chinese partners. These contentions are ... Show more content
on ...
It prepared, equipped and drove hired soldiers, drawn from its states in India and somewhere else to
pressure its fares on China and force unequal bargains to lower duties. Subsequently China was
overwhelmed with British opium delivered on its ranches in India, in spite of Chinese laws denying
or controlling the importation and offer of the opiate. China's rulers, since quite a while ago usual to
its exchange and assembling prevalence, were not ready for the new royal rules for worldwide force.
The West's ability to utilize military armies to win provinces, plunder assets and volunteer gigantic
hired soldier armed forces charged by European officers spelt the end for China as a politically
influential nation. (China and the West,
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Buddhism In China
Myles Owens
World Religions
Mr. McHugh
Origin of Buddhism in China
Over a long period of time, Buddhism has been an important part of Chinese culture dating all the
way back to the Han Dynasty. It was originally apart of Indian culture but on would move to China
and become a major part of Chinese life. These cultural interactions that became regularly between
China and India affected the people first. The Indian religion most likely was brought by the Silk
Road. The Silk Road was an area that would be ideas, culture, and good could be exchanged, so
most likely the religion people encountered a traveler or a merchant. The common people were the
first to realize the Buddhist religion and they believed that this was an essential ... Show more
content on ...
These two dynasties emphasized the importance of Buddhism and they centralized everything that
Buddhism was about through the government. By having this religion centralizing the government
and shaping society people would form a conscience shape by Buddhism. Also once Buddhism
shaped everyone in the society this would continue for generations and this would be a major part of
the educational system. The government would make the effort to require all Buddhist practices and
rituals. One of the most important things that developed during these time periods and both
dynasties were the school systems. The schools were strictly for Buddhism and Buddhist teachings,
some examples are the Tiantai, Huayan, Chan, and Pure Land schools. All of these schools were full
of children who wanted to learn Buddhism but also there were adults and new people who wanted to
learn the religion. Another part that made Buddhism successful during this time period was that the
state or government control the monasteries rather than the people. By the government having
control over all of the monasteries they could control all Buddhist activities that were to be done and
control times of worship. They could implement their own practices that they. Believed that the
people should take on but also they could take out things that they didn't want the people to do in
their worship. By being able to control
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Money Frauds : China And China
Against Money Frauds
China is one of the countries that have the highest yearly rate of frauds. Although the China
governments have uploaded many promotional videos on preventing the crooks, but can we really
get away from the fraud base on those videos? The risk of fraudulent activity is increases every year
in China. The China government should establish a special department to help people to prevent
from the money frauds, because frauds are the problem that affects people a lot and also because the
detection of frauds is extremely low in China.
The frauds that are happening in China are not just to the Chinese, also to the people who come
traveling China. Most of the people whom traveling China, because they want to learn about the
china cultures and they might want to visit the Tiananmen in china. According to a YouTube video,
the author shows people how the frauds current situations are in China. In the video it remains
people to be careful when they're traveling in China. The video "Top 5 Scams to Watch Out for
When Traveling in China | China Uncensored", the author states that "China is one of the most
beautiful places on earth", he is encouraging people to visit China, but also he states that, "here are
my top 5 scams humane counter while in China." It can really cause to the decline of tourism
industry to the China. This video shows us that many of the money frauds are happening to the
foreigners in Tiananmen. I think the Chinese governments should do their best to
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China and Japan Essay
Throughout the dynasties in China and Japan, religion, economy and politics have been affected by
each other in various ways. In the book "Religion and Making of Modern East Asia", Thomas
Dubois brings to light the impact religion made on both politics and economy in China and Japan
throughout the historical period up till date. In his words, he describes "religion as an extremely
political force" (Dubois, 2011, pp. 7–16). As various religions were introduced, it shaped the politics
of leaders as most of them saw it as an avenue to impose their religion on the citizens. In all, religion
invented political and economic stabilities and instabilities in various dynasties throughout Japan
and China Ming China also known as ... Show more content on ...
The effect of Buddhism in China was one of the most profound changes China ever had, as it
affected their economy. This time, economy brought about religion; Buddhism came into China
through international trade. As South Asian countries came into China, they spread their religion
which at that time was majorly Buddhism. To gain favor from the foreign traders, the emperors
showed frivolities towards them. "Tang emperors spent huge sums of money on Buddhism"
(Dubois, 2011, p. 34). They constructed Buddhist monasteries, excluded monks from taxes and
lavished them with other benefits. In one sentence, the emperors at that time, sought to seek the face
of Buddhist he monks at the expense of the economy. On a lighter note however, the spread of
Buddhism increased the economy of China as it created revenue in trade. "Up till the twentieth
century, Tang dynasty was the most cosmopolitan period of China's history. Politically, emperors
had conflicts of interest and so alternatively chose Buddhism or Daoism in succession" (Dubois, p.
Worthy of mention is the Christianity in China. Dubois explains that the advent of Christianity in
China was not solely to spread the religion, but was majorly concerned with economic matters. "the
age of exploration. This is the time of Christopher Columbus, Vascode Gama and Ferdinand
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China Occupation
During the occupation of China by Japan, a time of slaughter for civilians and soldiers alike, the
international committee built a safety zone to protect innocent civilians from the chaos. The zone
help saved over 200,000 Chinese civilians from the ruthless slaughters during the Nanking Massacre
of 1937, and later stayed to help rebuild Nanjing after the Devastation attack. Each country has
different views of what they believe was the start of WWII. " But Asians trace the war's beginnings
all the way back to Japan's first attempt to dominate East Asia –– the occupation of Manchuria in
1931" (Schreiber 1) John Rabe described on the first page of his diary how the Japanese declare this
occupation as a sovereign state, however, in reality, it ... Show more content on ...
My only option was to travel by boat from Tientsin via Cheefoo or Tsingtao and from there by train
to Nanking via Tsianfu" (Rabe 2). On August 28, 1937, John left his family and arrived at Nanjing
on September 7 of 1937. During this time, many rich Chinese, as well as Germans and Americans
has fled Nanking, many up to Hankow by the Yangtze River. John Rabe, a Nazis leader of the party
in Nanking, was one of the fews who decided to stay to help thousands of civilians who were too
poor to leave or has no place to return to. Many of their houses were already destroyed and burned
by the Japanese so the many civilians has no place to stay. John Rabe has made bomb dugouts, one
in his garden, for the Chinese to use. To prevent an bombing over his neighbor, he has set up tent
with the Swastika flag and flags to cover the dugouts. John Rabe wrote in his diary on November
15, about month before the massacre, " A visit to the Communications Ministry convinced me that
the (chinese) government is about to retreat from Nanking" (Rabe 21). Without the government, a
group made up primarily of Americans doctors from Kulou Hospital and professors from Nanjing
University, came together with one goal. The group was call the International Committee of
Nanking Safety Zone because their goal was to create a neutral zone for refugees, in case
... Get more on ...
China Dbq
From 1570 to 1750, silver was mainly mined in Spanish colonial America and Japan. They traded
their silver and gold for Chinese luxuries and about 30% of all the silver exported by the Spanish
Americas ended up in China. Having required that all taxes and trade fees be paid in silver, China's
economy was soon backed by silver. Though it may seem like this only affected China, this caused a
great impact on the whole world both socially and economically because, like it said in document 1,
even the poorest men had silver in China, but in Spain, prices of precious Asian luxuries increased,
and, due to the widespread distribution of silver, the value of silver decreased (document 2), which
harmed Spain's economy greatly. This also affected Britain ... Show more content on ...
Though this started out well for China, people were already starting to lower their prices in harvest
about twenty years later because "the national government requires silver for taxes but disburses
little silver in its expenditures" (document 3), which means that the government was already getting
greedy and hoarding the silver. This also means that now, because of this greed, not everyone has
silver anymore and poor farmers are suffering because of it. After another twenty–some years, even
the shops were requiring customers to pay in silver. Because people didn't have enough silver,
moneylenders started appearing to "help people out", or rather, ripping people off. Due to the fact
that the common people needed the silver more than the moneylenders needed the rice, grain, etc.,
they had no choice but to exchange their goods so that they can pay their taxes and buy food.
Therefore, the sudden introduction and incorporation of silver in the lives of the Chinese affected
them socially because new jobs were formed, and economically because the gap between the poor
and the rich was slowly widening due to
... Get more on ...

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Han China Dbq

  • 1. Han China Dbq Classical Athens was an intellectual paradise. Philosophers, playwrights, historians, scientists, mathematicians, and scientists made Athens what we remember it as. Han China was a prosperous and advanced culture. Han China shows that it was an advanced culture through achievements like the Great Wall of China, the Silk Road, and the Civil Service System. Though they were both advanced intellectually and culturally, Classic Athens and Han China were very different. They were specifically different in the areas of geography & population, government, the reasoning behind exposing infants, and value & roles of women. Document A illustrates the geography of Classical Athens and Han China. Documents B and C describe the population and what the hierarchy was like. Document A shows that Han China was extremely bigger than Classical Athens. Han China spread ... Show more content on ... Bowra talk about democracy in Classical Athens. In documents F and G, D.C. Lau and Peter N. Steams talk about the government in Han China. According to document D, democracy in Classical Athens was "a model to others." "Others" meaning other city–states. In document E, the author says that what led to the Golden Age of Classical was their Democracy. It is directly quoted as, "major strength and inspiration for this development... democratic form of government..." Document F explained the process of "mandate of heaven". When someone is put in charge it is up to heaven to decide if he will stay in power. Mencius said, "the people accepted him... heaven... sees with...eyes... hears with... ears... of its people." In document G, dynasties are described as creating "a distinctive... remarkably successful... government." There is a possibility of bias in document D because Pericles was a leader of Classical. In fact, he's the person that brought democracy to Classical Athens. When you are the first person to bring something to a place you will obviously either be really proud of yourself or hype it ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Multiple Religions In China China is a multi–confessional country, meaning they tolerate multiple religions. The people have the freedom to believe what they want to believe. The main religions in China include Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Confucianism, and Christianity. Buddhism is a religion that originated in India, and was passed on when they migrated there after China came out of isolation. China has approximately nine thousand five hundred Buddhism temples and monasteries. Most were built over two thousand years ago. The most widespread religion in China is Taoism, which was founded in China. Taoism teaches "the way of things". It's a Chinese folk religion. They live on the ordinance of Tao. Another widespread religion in China ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Patriarchy In China Margin Questions How would you characterize the social hierarchy of China second–wave era? It was a patriarchal society in the sense that woman had to do as the head of their homes commanded, and that women were not included in as Chinese state officials. The Chinese state officials acted in the name of the emperor in the capital and provinces to represent the social elite. Men of promise were sent to the capital, where they were chosen for official positions. Although Confucius advocated on selecting such officials on merit and morality many of them were chosen from their backgrounds. The Chinese society had a hierarchy of class and a patriarchy which is why there were reformers for women and peasant riots. There were also the Merchants ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Between China And China The theme of duality appears again in the Court of Final Appeal in Central. Opened in 1912 as the site of the Supreme Court, the two–story granite neoclassical–styled building is supported by ionic columns and features a statue of Themis, the Greek Goddess of Justice, who is blindfolded and holds a scale. According to Simon Ng, an assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong, "the blindfolded Themis standing right above the royal coat of arms is a visual reiteration of the centuries–old ideal of rule of law that even the sovereign must be subject to the law and reason." Because of newly instituted western education, Hong Kong became susceptible to the ideas of fairness and impartiality in the justice system, which along with its capitalist economy, further differentiated itself from China. This concept of "one country, two systems" is an important element of Hong Kong governance, and by extension, its people. This represents a time when Hong Kong is slowly pulling its influence away from China. Due to its insulation from China that ran a communist government, Hong Kong was able to flourish as an international financial center under a free market economy. Thus, it was natural for multinational companies to build their headquarters in Central, Hong Kong's main business district. However, the lack of space in Central compelled companies to build towering skyscrapers in the late 20th century. The result was a diverse skyline that to this day, showcases some of the best in ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. China Facts Arts/Entertainment The developments and introduction of Chinese Art dates back as far as 960 AD. Early forms of art in China were made from pottery and jade in the Neolithic period. The gist of Chinese art encompasses fine arts, folk arts, and performance arts. The most common types/forms of arts and entertainment in the Chinese culture and China are as follows: 1. Literature 2. Chinese Folk Art 3. Visual Art 4. Film 5. Chinese Music 6. Performing Arts 7. Gardening 8. Architecture The start era for Chinese literature was the Spring and Autumn period. Chinese culture contains various groups of literature, including: Early Chinese poetry, Han and Northern dynasties poetry, Golden Age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai and Du Fu, Late ... Show more content on ... In 2012, the country snagged the title of being the second–largest market in the world by box office receipts. Magazines, journals, and internet sites are also three very common forms of entertainment in China, as well as other countries all over the world. The Duzhe is China's most renowned magazine. It is a semi–monthly Chinese broad–spectrum interest magazine. The magazine holds information on various subjects such as stories, celebrity's biography, jokes, anecdotes, quotations. The Duzhe, pictured below, is frequently recognized as the Chinese version of The New Yorker. [pic] Currently, 46.03% of nearly 1.4 billion of the world's largest population in China uses the internet. (Wong, 2014) This means that almost half of 1.4 billion people (.7 million people), whether they are using search engines, shopping, or just surfing the web use and utilize the internet everyday. The Top 10 Websites in China by Traffic in 2014 are as follows: (Wong, 2014)
  • 10. 1. Baidu (Search) 2. QQ (Search) 3. TaoBao (Shopping) 4. Sina (Search) 5. Hao123 (Search) 6. Sina Weibo (Social) 7. Tmall (Shopping) 8. Sohu (Search) 9. (Search) 10. (Social) Tourist Attractions With a population of over 1.35 billion, China is the most populated country in the world. So, it is not difficult to imagine how many tourists desire to see the intriguing and fascinating country. There ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. China Dbq China created an empire extremely similar to the Roman empire discussed in Chapter 5. The only difference being, the Chinese empire was put together using several large armies, which forced their way into new territories. The Qin and Han rulers in China founded this empire. During 221 BCE the state of Qin helped unify China by defeating a main rival of the empire. After this, the king of Qin eventually began to rule all of China, being know as the "first emperor." To help all the states to become more unified he asked for all of the citizens to move into the capital, which created a bigger empire for him to rule. To make sure there wasn't any resistance from the citizens, he ordered officials to go out and retrieve them. Although Qin wanted ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Postclassical China After the collapse of the Han dynasty, China had fallen into a period of civil wars, disruption, and a lack of a strong leadership. It wasn't until the year 581, when the Sui was formed (Stearns 230). This was the beginning to the postclassical era of China that ran from the year 580 to 1279 C.E.. The Sui were not the only dynasty in China's postclassical era, it was soon followed by the Golden age dynasties, Tang and Song. These three empires have made major contributions to the changes and development in China's political, social, and economic grounding. They came to power in a similar action, but how they ran political varied between all three. Socially, they did have different views on many areas, but their economic situations were fairly ... Show more content on ... When all had come to power, the government would reform economic policies to benefit the peasantry class. The Sui dynasty did establish a series of economic reforms policies and reinstating a land equalization system to reduce the financial gab between the aristocratic and poor classes. When the Tang empire reduced the independent landlords powers, they also abolished their taxing power (Stearn 231). This allowed the government to establish a new tax system that caused peasant to pay to the state and stop inflation in the economy. The Song had also reformed the taxes to aid the peasantry, but placed their focused on the merchant class instead (Stearn 232). However, the Song and Tang dynasties economic situations are fairly different from the Sui dynasty. The second emperor of the Sui dynasty tried to broaden its borders, but in doing so he had established higher taxations on the lower classes. This will bring greater resentment to the empire and is the cause of its downfall. After this, the Tang and Song dynasties "become the most prosperous agricultural society in the world (Stear 234)." Agricultural productivity was severely damaged after the collapse of the Sui dynasty. However, the Tang dynasty implicated a series of reforms like the land equalization system to help lessen the burden of the peasantry class. The Tang also established accurate census that would impose fair taxation on the people depending ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Trade Imbalance Between China And China In the 18th century, Chinese goods such as silk and porcelain were much desired by European and had a huge demand in the Western market. In England, tea was the most desired Chinese good and trade in tea was very lucrative. However, this created a trade imbalance because Western goods had no market in China. China was a self–sustaining country and that make it harder for Western merchant to trade with them. Apart from that, the merchants had a hard time getting into Chinese market and had to deal through Chinese middlemen in Canton. At this point, the British money had moved on from silver, but the Chinese were still using silver currency. In order to trade with the Chinese, the British first had to buy silver for other countries and then ... Show more content on ... Several debates on opium legalization were carried out. Advocates of legalization suggest that opium should be tax and it will reduce the outflow of Chinese silver. At the end of the debates, Emperor Daoguang of the Qing dynasty instructed Lin Zexu, a governor–general, to abolish the opium trade. Zexu was sent to Canton and he made some quick changes. He declared death penalty for anyone found importing or in possession of opium. Zexu arrested over a thousand Chinese opium dealer and confiscate approximately seventy thousands of opium pipes, in a matter of months. The tipping point though was in March of 1839, when Zexu confiscated and destroyed over twenty thousands of opium chest. The British merchants were enraged by Zexu's action and demanded compensation for their seized good. Initially, Superintendent Charles Elliot assured the merchant traders the British government would be providing compensation for the seized good. The British government, however, held the Chinese government responsible for the seized opium. The British soon sent a fleet to China, with a list of demands. The demands include compensation for the seized goods, right to trade without middlemen, and an island to use as a base. Initially, the Chinese showed some resistance and the British began their blockage. The British defeated most of the Chinese resistance relatively easy and caused the Chinese life. The British moved north and defeated more Chinese forces in ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. China And The Western Struggle China and the Western Struggle China, the creator of tea and silk went through a period where they had troubles with the west. This took place in the early nineteenth century. During this time china still thinks that they are the middle Kingdom (The center of the world). Great Britain has wanted to expand for years and get trade from other countries. China has not wanted to trade with Britain. China has not wanted to trade because of they are self sufficiece. China has been living by Confucian principles for the last thousand years, and does not want to change their way of life. The west really wanted China 's tea and silk so they kept trying to trade with china, but the problem was that great britain had nothing china wanted. Then one ... Show more content on ... China was harmed politically by the western countries because the treaty of Nanking caused China to lose control over their territory and ports. In the Treaty Of Nanking China lost the island of Hong Kong over to British Control. In the article China meets the west, Opium war and Treaty of Nanking it says "Treaty also gave the British the island of Hong Kong." This is bad for china because there is the loss of cultural effect and the Chinese government will no longer be there. Without the Chinese culture the island will be forced to give the original Confucian Principles that they grew up on. The government will no longer be Chinese, they will be a colony of great britain. That means that every one living on the island will become a citizen of great britain. They would most likely have to change religions to christian and give up family traditions and such. When the treaty was signed it also gave the right for British merchants to put their ship at port anywhere they want. From the article China meets the west, Opium war and Treaty of Nanking it says "Establish at all ports which are by the 2nd article of the treaty to be thrown open for the rest of the British merchants." Any ship from great Britain is welcome to take port anywhere they want in china. That is giving the British the upper hand. In the long run this could work ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. China BUSINESS ETIQUETTES Making appointments : Being late for an appointment is considered a serious insult in Chinese business culture. The East Asia & Pacific office of the U.S. Department of Commerce can help you in arranging appointments with local Chinese business and government officials, and can identify the contacts you will have to establish to achieve your objectives. The services of a host of a reputable Public Relations firm is recommended for detailed work involving meeting and negotiating with senior Chinese officials or even pinpointing whom you should meet for your purposes. The best times for scheduling appointments are April to June and September to October. Business and government hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 ... Show more content on ... You may make general inquiries about the health of another's family, such as 'are all in your family well?' During a meal, expressing enthusiasm about the food you are eating is a welcome, and usually expected, topic of conversation. There is no need to avoid mentioning Taiwan. If the subject comes up, never refer to this island as 'The Republic of China' or 'Nationalist China.' The correct term is 'Taiwan Province', or just 'Taiwan.' 'Small talk' is considered especially important at the beginning of a meeting; any of the topics suggested in the next set of points will be appropriate for this occasion. Welcome Topics of Conversation Chinese scenery, landmarks weather, climate, and geography in China your travels in other countries
  • 21. your positive experiences traveling in China Chinese art Topics to Avoid Refrain from using the terms such as 'Red China', 'Mainland China,' and 'Communist China.' Just say 'China.' First Name or Title? Addressing others with respect Chinese names appear in a different order than Western names. Each person has, in this order, a family, generational, and first name. Generational and given names can be separated by a space or a hyphen, but are frequently written as one word. The generational designation is usually the first word of a two–worded first name. This is still popular in some families, especially among the southerners and the overseas Chinese from the south. Most ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Quilty In China Does the studio function differently in China than in Australia? What can we attribute these differences to? I would contend that there are several major differences between how contemporary artists' studios function in China and Australia. In considering this question I will compare the studio operations of Shen Shaomin and Ben Quilty, the former being located in a purpose built artists' commune on the outskirts of Beijing, and the latter set up in isolation, in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. As to identifying the sources of these variances, it will be essential to outline the unique machinations of both commercial art markets. Also, how cultural norms inform how the artistic process is perceived and, in turn, how artists present ... Show more content on ... The show comprised of renowned restaurateur/artist Michael Chow's collection of modern portraiture, in addition to ephemera from the Qi Beijing Opera school and several recent works by Chow himself. Light, marketing–friendly, easily digestible and attractive to local palates, the exhibition must have been seen as a major boon for the fledgling museum's otherwise patchy programming. Unfortunately the exhibit, hung sparsely in three cavernous rooms, was no more an exercise in critical curatorship, than the interior design of one of Mr Chow's eponymous restaurants. Realised in the museum space, the disparate collection of portraiture by well–known Western artists, Chow's large–scale experiments in abstract expressionism, and the personal/historical images of Chow's operatic father, seemed united by no other discernable thread, than one man's ego. But I don't wish to lay all criticism exclusively at the door of the show's curator, Xiang Liping. It is my contention that shortcomings in this exhibition are a result of a lack of professionalism at several levels within the institution. And as Hanru foretold, the museum has fallen back on an entertainment–style market ploy, in this instance relying on the celebrity factor of the exhibition's benefactor/contributor/subject. Does the collapse of the distinction between the primary and the secondary market ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Prostitution In Ancient China This book covers a broad overview history of sex and prostitution in ancient China. It provides several examples of prostitutes and courtesans rise to power. Gronewold Sue, Beautiful Merchandise: Prostitution in China 1860–1936. New York: Haworth Press, 1982. The book went into detail about the role of prostitution and its impacts on society and the economy. It also went into detail about the differences between a wife and a prostitute. The book covers the differences between a courtesan and a prostitute by providing their lifestyle and stand in society. Henriot Christian, Prostitution and Sexuality in Shanghai: A Social History, 1849–1949. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997. The author portrays the Chinese sex trade, from ... Show more content on ... It covered the sexual relationship between a female servant and her master and how it changes her role in the family. McMahon, Keith, Celestial Women: Imperial Wives and Concubines in China from Song to Qing. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. Ping Chen Hsiung, A Tender Voyage: Children and Childhood in Late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007. The work provides the details of expectation for female during their childhood and adolescence years. It also includes the duties and responsibilities of a wife and a young girl training toward achieving to fulfill those taks. Ropp, Paul S. "Women in Late Imperial China: A Review of Recent English–language Scholarship." In Women's History Review, 347–83. Vol. 3. Series 3. Taylor and Francis, 2006. The article explains the changing role of a woman, specifically a wife, throughout the Imperial China. It discusses how status of a woman is not based on Confucian's practices, but rather on a combination of social, political and economic of that time period. Sommer Matthew, Polyandry and Wife–Selling in Qing Dynasty China. Berkeley: University ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Intel China 3. What are the reasons for Li 's behavior? Yong Li, one of the AM's for the firm has already achieved a certain extent of success within the primary focus of Intel's strategy to develop connections and associations with the clients in his account base. Li is conscious to the fact that his accomplishments as an Intel ambassador is unquestionable and consequently to bring in additional value to his role he has placed effort, time and plan to one of the individual projects he has undertaken to self improvise and take a comprehensive approach to the detailing of the particular project. Li is self driven to achieve stiff targets that he sets out for himself, however the decision received from Tang's office to scrap out the project indirectly ... Show more content on ... Hence the challenge before leading the employees to perform their goals must involve building trust and confidence amongst both the parties involved. Charles Tang at his level is set out to make strategic decisions and cannot be completely involved in micro management; however his subordinate Qing Chen must be delegated to be actively involved in the daily operations and also understand the team's including Yong Li's disposition at work, general attitudes, team dynamics, ethnic background and aspirations. As this situation has lead to one of the crucial performer's of the team "losing face", it is necessary for Charles Tang to address the entire AM team in a forum to articulate Intel's strategic goals and reiterate that contributions at work are valued however they must be focused towards achieving the common objective of Intel. At this stage the company's "disagree and commit" philosophy must be revisited to make the team members aware of it. He must emphasize that the team's direct contact and daily updates with Qing Chen must be adhered. At the end Tang must appreciate the top performers of the team and announce his plans to reassess existing projects as per the strategy. The one on one meeting with Yong Li must be directed carefully to avoid any emotional hijack of the decision already taken. However the main intention of the meeting is to build back the Yong Li's confidence and reinstate his credibility by understanding his point of view on the scope of ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Qing China And Tokugawa China For many students around the world, ethnocentrism is a real, serious issue that impedes understanding and success. One example of how this ethnocentrism invades the minds of the average American and distorts their thoughts is by asking them to compare different Asian histories or cultures, to which they will likely reply "they're all the same." In addition to being ethnocentric, this viewpoint is just plain wrong. Take, for example, Qing China and Tokugawa Japan. Though these two Asian empires had many things in common, they are far from being the same. Qing China refers to the period of Chinese history between 1644 and 1911, when the foreign Manchus established a dynasty and ruled over China, calling themselves the Qing. The non–Chinese tribes that came to power at this time were from the area that would later be called Manchuria. Geographically, Qing China grew three times the size of what it was under the Ming, expanding north to include areas of Mongolia and Manchuria, as well as west. The country was divided into provinces, with each province being managed and governed under tusi, or native chieftains. The region of China is largely mountainous, with the majority of the population densely packed near the coast and around the Yellow River Valley. After establishing their rule, the Manchus created a new dynasty and declared a new emperor, carrying on the traditional Chinese system of government and administration that had existed since the time of the Tang. Despite this, ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Boxer Rebellion Of China Blake Bialas Mrs. Blomme Honors English 11 1 October 2014 The Boxer Rebellion In the very late 1800's and into the early 1900's, terror struck northern China when a group of Chinese peasants known as "Boxer's" began their historic rebellion against the spread of western and Japanese influence in China. They were attempting to drive all foreigners out and away from China, fearing that they would transform traditional ways of the Chinese culture. This event would prove to be a detriment to both the people of China, as well as the country of China as a whole, costing them large amounts of money, losing thousands of innocent people, and hurting their reputation. Not only was China affected by this issue, but countries including America, England, Russia, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Japan were called for, and aided in China's cry for help. This is important because China would later have to pay each these countries back for all of their help, which was not a cheap cost to pay. Importance of this event will be shown through the rise of the Boxer Rebellion along with what occurred during the rebellion, the many effects the rebellion had both the people of China, and as a country, and the non–justification of the Boxer Rebellion, despite it having such a large impact on China. It all began in the year 1899, when the Boxers began to practice physical exercises which they believed would make them invulnerable to bullets and other forms of attack (The ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Daoism In China 1. The common theme I gathered from both the web article and web video is Daoism's role in China's strategy in dealing with environmental issues and how it's philosophy relates to modern life. Bilhartz did well in explaining the Daoism philosophy of going with the flow of life and living in harmony with nature. "To these mystics, some who later would be known as Daoists, human needs were best met when individuals rejected all artificial restraints and lived spontaneously in harmony with nature" (Bilhartz, 2006, p. 267). The article explained that the Chinese government looked to Daoism to provide a moral and spiritual approach to the environmental issue, rather than engaging an economic approach. The growing environmental issues the Chinese ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. China 's Republic Of China INTRODUCTION OF CHINA Known fully as the people's republic of China, this country has improved vastly in terms of economic progress in the past decades. With 93% of its population being Han Chinese, China also has 55 other ethnic minorities. This percentage totals up to 1.37 billion people, making China the country with the largest population in the world. The population of China is rather unevenly distributed into 23 different provinces and each province is governed by a local government. China has the second highest GDP in the world of 19.24trillion USD and this figure is increasing rapidly. With over 3000 years of written history, China is also one of the oldest country in the world. During this 3000 years, China experienced imperial rule up till the last century when the last dynasty, the Qing Dynasty ended. With this long history, China also faced numerous rebellions, overthrowing of dynasties, wars and other disasters. However, its people persevered and hence also help build a prosperous country we know as China today. ETHICAL AND MORAL NORMS With a long history, China has many cultural and ethical norms as well. Many of these appear controversial but one could unravel the reasons behind their doings by having a more in depth knowledge of their culture. One norm this report will be covering will be bribery. In recent years, many top notched officials were arrested in an effort by Chinese leader Xi Jin Ping to eradicate corruption in the country. One such leader ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. China Leonard Bilal Blacklock AC0325687 World Civilizations I (HS150) Lesson 6 Assignment 6 03/04/2015 Sui Dynasty (589 – 618 CE) was a short lived Imperial Chinese dynasty, preceded by the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It unified China for the first time after nearly four centuries of north–south division. It was followed by the Tang Dynasty. Founded by Emperor Wen of Sui, the capital was Chang'an. His reign saw the reunification of Southern and Northern China and the construction of the Grand Canal, connecting the Yellow and Yangtze River for easy trading. The canal was used to carry rice and other agricultural products. Wendi was the first emperor to build a centralized government, created legal codes (social security); ... Show more content on ... Taizhong ruled 636 to 649 most admired emperors. (Wikipedia, 2015). The arts flourished during the Tang Dynasty. It was during this time that poetry became an integral part of the Chinese culture. Poetry was a required study for those who wished to pass the civil service exams. Talented poets were well–respected and often recited their poetry as entertainment at parties. Some of the great poets in Chinese history lived during this time such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Li Po, and Wang Wei. While the Tang Dynasty is most famous for its poetry, other arts also became popular during this time. Many forms of literature were written including short stories, encyclopedias, and histories. Also painting was very popular and the era produced famous painters such as Wu Daozi, Wang Wei (also a famous poet), and Zhou Fang. Song Dynasty (960–1279), it succeeded the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, and was followed by the Yang Dynasty. It was the first government in world history it issue banknotes or paper money, and the first Chinese government to establish a permanent standing navy. This dynasty also saw the first known use of gunpowder, as well as first discernment of true north using a compass. In the Tang and Song dynasties China began more trading. They exported tea, silk, porcelain, and many unique items. They used canals and the ocean to trade with nearby countries, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. China Vs China Could the Eurocentric notion of China being "inferior"or having "failed" at achieving modernity constitute an overwhelming misunderstanding of China as a whole? Is the "failure" narrative evidence of how the propagators of the European academy use their understandings to pervert the very essence of true Chinese history? If it wasn't intentional, could the West have 'failed' to understand the complex cultural and socioeconomic dynamics of China? Historians who adhere to the foundations of Eurocentric thought, in establishing the 'China v. Europe' comparative analysis, have often cited claims that European advancements throughout history were not only 'unique' but are in fact the precedent for modernity. In establishing this precedent, the West ... Show more content on ... Ricci was born in 1552 and has written accounts of his immersion during his mission in Ming dynasty China. Historian Nigel Cameron, had documented thirteen centuries of European travels to China, which included Matteo Ricci's travels as well. According to Cameron, Matteo Ricci was "the only one to whom the Chinese accorded unreservedly their respect as a scholar in their own language and literature." So It seems that there is a more effective way of grasping a full if not some understanding of the cultural dynamics of China. Now especially with regards to the comprehension of different cultures it may be hard to do so through the Euro–lense or through a European methodological way of interpretation. Explaining and comprehending the Chinese culture through the English language may result in failure. Even Matteo Ricci, admitted that the Chinese language "is totally different from Greek or German." Western historians have misinterpreted non–West histories, in fact it is common. But, to what extent does this misinterpretation lie? It lies with the teleological ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. China 's Rural Crisis : China China's Rural Crisis The Qing dynasty ended in 1912 with a revolution; however, the dynasty had been in decline for more than a century before it fell. Corruption within the empire, population growth combined with food shortages, and the social unrest between the ethnic majority Han and the ruling Machu all contributed to the Qing dynasty's downfall. Yet despite all of these internal issues, it was external pressures that caused the eventual collapse of Qing society. Foreign imperialism highlighted China's backwardness to its own citizens and, and also heightened the already existing conflicts within China itself. It directly challenged the cultural nexus of power, which held China together for hundreds of years. This system combined ... Show more content on ... China's rural crisis left the farmers in destitution as the moral economy and the cultural nexus of power broke down, which set the foundation for the later state involution. Foreign influences diminished the significance of the traditional standard marketing community. The standard marketing community includes standard market towns, intermediate market towns, central market towns, local cities, greater cities, and regional cities (Skinner 274). It could be represented graphically as hexagon, bordering other hexagonal standard marketing communities. Peasants from rural areas were connected and could exchange information with other areas. It was more than just the network of trade; in fact, bureaucratic administration followed the same hierarchical orders. Under this interconnected network model, government policies were passed down level by level, which heightened the importance of lineages in helping state officials carry out policies. The lineage then relied on the literati's ability to speak the language of state promoting imperial metaphors within religion. However, foreign countries disrupted this linkage between the city and rural areas. Foreign market forces had been influencing China since the Ming dynasty as international trade brought an influx of silver. Europeans were unable to produce goods more cheaply at the same level of quality to sell into the Chinese market, ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. China 's Impact On China Introduction For many decades, China has always been technologically and economically ahead of Europe. The invention of gunpowder, printing, and the compass started in China and was later dispersed throughout Europe. These inventions changed China as much as they changed Europe. These inventions also caused a gap between China and Europe. By the late eighteenth century, industrial revolution first started its spread from Europe.The transformations within Europe began to further accelerate while China was falling behind. In Europe, economic transformation was accompanied by social transformation. The social and demographic changes that were taking place, created the pressure for political change as well. Europe was expanding both demographically and economically, which strengthening their power in the global order. Conversely, China constrained itself from the outside world and focus on internal progresses ranging from agriculture to social classes. Why were industries in China more labor–intensive than those in Europe? In addition to its diverse geography and the belief of being self–sufficient, China struggled to transition to experiment–cum–science–based invention as well as rejecting the opportunity to create bonds and capital markets with other nations. Background/Importance China's backwardness was caused by its labor–intensive system as well as its attitude toward globalization. Because of the labor–intensive industries, China lacked the experience of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Different Differences And Similarities Between China Vs.... Germany vs China Germany, a western country is well–known for beer, sausage and innovative technology. China, an eastern country is well–known for delicious food, martial arts and low priced products. Everyone knows they are completely different. However, can you raise some concrete examples showing their difference? And is it true that both of them do not have a single similarity at all? Though, they have certain similar aspects if you look closer. One obvious difference between Germany and China is the food habit. German tends to have cool food for breakfast, which comprises bread, cheese and cold meat like ham and salami, whereas Chinese tend to have hot food at the beginning of day, such as congee, which is a thick, white porridge made of rice and water. For German, bread and dairy products are their main staple food. Bread is a part of most of their meals a day. Differ from Germany, the staple food in China is rice. Rice is an essential part in Chinese food culture. For example, ... Show more content on ... German are confident and expressive generally, whereas Chinese are timid and overcautious. When talking about personal ideas, thoughts or opinions, German are willing to express their individual ideas; in contrast, Chinese tend to not express themselves openly and directly. It is because that Chinese do not dare to be an individual or special one in a group, as well as they are afraid of getting into troubles. In the view of politeness, Chinese also barely reject other's requests directly even though they are unwilling to help, while German would be very direct and open. If German are not willing to help, they would reject straightly. In terms of problem–solving approach, Chinese would look for another way to achieve the goal at the first place, in order to avoid the problems that they may have to come across. In comparison, German face the problems and barriers directly, and then solve ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Tesco in China TESCO AND THE SUPERMARKETIZATION OF CHINA AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHINESE RETAIL INDUSTRY AND TESCO'S STRATEGIC POSITION WITHIN IT Prepared by: Martin Witthoeft Module Title: Strategic Management Module Leader: Graham Webster Module Code: BC315017S Academic Year: 2008/9 Semester: One Level: 3 Submitted: 17 December 2008 Table of Contents 1. The Supermarketization of China ..................................................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2. China – Land of Opportunity ....................................................................................... 1 Tesco on Course of Expansion ..................................................................................... 1 2. Part 1: Analysis of ... Show more content on ... Examples of the French hypermarket Carrefour, that ignored or bent the rules and was not punished for it, illustrates that China does not see a need to restrict the development of this industry (Jones, 2004). MODERNISATION: Local governments are shutting down the traditional street markets (so–called wet markets) and convert them into supermarkets. The aim is to expand the retail networks of chain supermarkets into China's western provinces (Gale & Reardon, 2004). 2 OPEN MARKET: Since 2001 the Chinese retail market has been open to foreign multinationals due
  • 48. to China's entry into the WTO. Only one third of the companies in China are still state controlled (Economist, 2008). II. Economic ECONOMIC GROWTH: GDP growth is expected to drop from 11.9 per cent in 2007 to 8.2 per cent in 2012. However, domestic demand is to remain strong in the next five years as consumption will rise due to overall wage growth (Economist, 2008). TAXATION: The rate of corporate income tax in China is 25 per cent. There are however special tax rates available for companies which are investing in preferred sectors and regions, e.g. the Western provinces (Economist, 2008). SUPPLIERS: Since most of the fresh produce originates from China, it is essential to find local suppliers able to provide goods according to international quality standards (Jones, 2004). III. Social ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Press In China The printing press had a greater historical impact in Europe than in China because Europe had a different purpose for it than China. Europe intended on having the printing press used for mass production, with a political agenda in mind. China wanted to use the printing press for a less general audience, and to preserve their religion. As can be seen from the Miniature Buddhist sutra from China used the printing press in a much more positive light. China wanted the printing press used to show the positive aspects of their religion to a select few. In the Miniature Buddhist sutra it is clear to see that there is a religious ceremony being practiced revolving around the main figure in the center. There is also lots of writing in the left part ... Show more content on ... In the Christi picture Jesus is wearing very poor clothing, and in the Antichristi image the Pope is wearing very elegant and expensive clothing. Jesus is also shown driving away money changers, where as the Pope is accepting indulgences from the poor. The second detail is showing there is very little writing, and not that much detail. These details both reveal how the Pope was taking advantages of the Church's influence over the people as a con for money, even though Jesus who was poor himself as can be seen by his rags, drove away anyone coming to the church for money. This implies the printing press was used to question political figures and cause Christians especially to question the Pope's loyalty to the people. The pictures can also be shown to everyone residing in Europe because anyone can interpret the pictures if they cannot read, and it is easier to make because there are so few details. This essentially shows that the printing press was made for the general population to view the different perspectives on Christianity. This would lead to a greater need for the printing press and greatly increase its popularity. Europe's use of the printing press made a greater historical impact than China mainly because of the reasons used in their production. Europe and China both used the printing press for religious standpoints although Europe was showing more negative aspects, and China more positive. Although China may have been more technologically advanced, Europe was much more ambitious. Overall if used differently the printing press in China it would have made a greater historical impact because it was invented almost 1,000 years ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. China And China Case Study Therefore, the goods of Chinese origin, shipped to third countries, are regarded by the US statistics as exports to the US from China. 3) Contrasts in the valuation of direct exchange According to the "Joint China–U.S. Investigations of Discrepancies", some of the distinctions in the information on the US imports from the PRC and Chinese fares to the US are explained by the changes in sending out costs from China and import costs in the US for products transported directly from one state to the other. Part of these differences is associated with the transfer of property during the delivery, which leads to a price premium when the owner changes (Xu, 2012). The publication of official statistics on the US trade is often accompanied by an ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the relationship between the US and China, despite the abundant political rhetoric, is economically considered so harmonious that many experts talk about the economic symbiosis of these two countries. Thus, the interconnectedness and interdependence of the US and China give rise to a version called the "two–headed dragon." The main idea of this version is that in the 21st century there will be two superpowers in the world: the USA and the PRC. The main geopolitical factors that determine the world's future will be G2 – China and America, and not the G20 – the "Big Twenty" or the "Group of 20" (Dong, & Whalley, 2012). The symbiosis of the two economies, in the most general terms, can be defined as follows. American corporations have been transferring their production to China for many years, actively using the Chinese "open door" policy. The benefits for the corporations are obvious – the Chinese labor force costs ten, twenty, or even fifty times cheaper than the actual US workforce, so that labor costs and the production costs (which can reach 50% for individual goods) are sharply decreased. The fall in prime cost entails a rise in profits, so the profitability of corporations that have transferred their production to China goes beyond all reasonable limits. Moreover, the financial world crisis served as an impetus for this process to acquire a global meaning. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The South China Sea The South China Sea (S.C.S.) is one of the most politically tense and economically important areas in the world today. Every year, $5.3 trillion of trade passes through the S.C.S $1.2 trillion of which belongs to the US. The importance of the S.C.S. has led to increasingly strained tension as competing territorial claims have sharpened over recent years. Tensions have developed over the PRC's vague claim to the majority of the S.C.S. The so called "nine–dash line" was originally laid down by the Republic of China in 1947 as an eleven–dash line has been the source of conflict in Southeast Asia for some years. In 1974 the PRC seized part of the Paracels from South Vietnam, and in 1988 China and Vietnam had a bloody clash over Johnson Reef. ... Show more content on ... The US, the regions historic de facto power, has a vital interest in maintain stability, specifically in regards to the freedom of navigation and free trade. Though each major actor has its own goals and agenda, the US has the most potential to ease tensions and establish a new regional dynamic that encourages a unified ASEAN and responsible PRC. Within the PRC there is a strong sentiment that now is China's time to take its place as a major actor in a new multipolar world. This is a key aspect of Xi Jinping's "China Dream" and a growing pillar of party legitimacy as the Chinese economy slows and matures. A key aspect for China to be perceived as a hub of power is to have the ability to assert its interest in the region. As such, Chinese policy towards the S.C.S has been described as developing a "sphere of influence" similar to the US in the Caribbean during the 19th and 20th century. The South East Asian region would be economically interconnected through Chinese investment and development, creating demand for Chinese goods and services. Politically, smaller states would have the PRC as an advocate and China would insulate itself with friendly neighbors. In an effort to project its growing role in the South–East Asia the PRC has adopted a renewed and more provocative approach to regional politics with more assertive stances on various disputed areas, including the nine dash line. By claiming the vast majority of the S.C.S., or the land features in it, Beijing is ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Avon in China Avon Products, Inc. (Avon), the US cosmetics giant, had considered China the keystone of its marketing effort in Asia. Years of effort and the development of a large direct marketing organisation in that country had made operations in China its most profitable and most rapidly growing market in Asia. On 21 April 1998 senior company officials from the New York headquarters and throughout Asia had gathe red in Guangzhou for what was supposed to be a festive occasion. During the meeting William Pryor, Avon 's head of China operations, was called away from his table to take a phone call When he returned, it was with devastating news. The Chinese government had just announced an immediate ban on all direct selling. In 113 years, Avon had used ... Show more content on ... In Bio Advance was the first product to use stabilized ' retinol, a form of vitamin A, and Collagen Booster facilitated the use of vitamin C. In the late 1990s.the––, company obtained US Food and Drug Administration approval of the use of Parsol 1789 to fight damage caused by UVA rays. It used this material in a new Age,? Block Daytime Defense Cream. The company has 19 laboratories worldwide that develop products and. packaging. In addition to its own research staff and independent experts, Avon uses focus groups in evaluating potential new products, and has companyemPloyees use the ProductsIn 1996 Avon spent LIS$30 million on an advertis: ing campaign, which focused on the Avon Lady, the, core of the company 's success, and a new product stage– Avon is now projected as having a contemporary product with a consistent, high–quality image in all markets. Its advertising program uses celebrities, such as fashion designer Josie Natoli and Olympic athlete Jackie. Joyner–Kersee. Avon moved away from mature, matronly appearance to updated, sophisticated, and glamorous images. The result is a more vibrant beauty image, similar to other US brand names such as Revlon, Mabelline, and Cover Girl. Also under this campaign, Avon advertised on television for the first time in 20 years, and began direct selling on the Internet in April 1997. Its website now attracts 300,000 visitors per month. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Perspectives on China In February of 2012, as I was reviewing the information about the Darden's GEMBA program, specifically the locations of the global residencies, it was hard for me to be excited about going to China. It would be my sixth time visiting the country. At the time, I was hoping for a more unique location, somewhere where I had not been, yet somewhere where, from a business perspective it would be a valid place to go. How about Japan or South Korea, I pondered. But no, it was China, a place that I explored on multiple occasions, and a place I learned to like. To make things worse, the destinations cities where the most obvious: Shanghai and Beijing. What else is out there, that I have not seen and what else I can learn from visiting it again? My ... Show more content on ... Shanghai welcomed me with a taxi driver who refused to show me his meter readout, hijacked my cell phone until I promised to pay him the outrageous taxi fee (long story culminating in me not paying him the outrageous fee), throwing my suitcase of his trunk and driving off with his trunk up so I could not capture his license plate. Not a bad start, I thought– maybe I learn something after all. Tia Zi Feng was everything I expected, crowded, cobble stone streets with many tiny shops, cafes, and art galleries. My host Jamie, who had a New Zealand souvenir store at the bottom of the studio was very welcoming. My first night he invited me to join him and a few fellow Westerners to a Shanghai style restaurant situated in an old local–style mansion. The experience was wonderful; and I had a chance to meet some interesting yet very different people; from a yoga/photographer woman from Minnesota, who was just finishing her three–year Asian adventure to an English teacher from Ohio, to an software entrepreneur from Oregon. Impressively they were all more or less fluent in Mandarin, which I greeted with envy as my one and a half years of learning the language had been not the most fruitful to say the least. But then it was time to go and meet the GEMBA 13. It was so exciting to see the guys again. The schedule looked intense and I started to think, contrary to my previous assertion, that I may learn something. The China ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Disadvantages Of Uber China Uber China Merges with Didi Chuxing On August 1, 2016 the Uber Newsroom released a news that Uber is selling its China Uber's operation in a share swap in which it will receive 20% of the new company which means that August 1, 2016 is the end of the costly taxi war between the local Didi Chuxing (AKA Didi Kuaidi) and Uber China. The winners of this costly taxi war are Alibaba (China company), Tencent (China company) and Apple (US company) since these three companies own relatedly high economic share in Didi Kuaidi. In conversely, the loser of the game is Baidu because it invests plenty of money in Uber China and also because Uber China use Baidu map to provide its services to its customers which Baidu can receive a lot of useful customer's ... Show more content on ... Additionally, in this transaction, Baidu does not just lose one battle, but has high odds that it may be lose others because Tencent and Alibaba get huge economic benefits from Uber China merges with Didi Chuxing. These companies are called BAT in China due to the fact the first letter of each company, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. The reason for that is because BAT represents three of the biggest internet companies in China which means these three companies have to compete the same market. Baidu has a significant negative effect on this costly taxi war whereas Alibaba and Tencent gain many positive influence. What I mean is that Baidu will probably not sufficient free cash flow to fund driverless technology, without investing money in driverless technology will not hurt Baidu's ability of earning profit, but definitely, in the near future Baidu will have a difficult time in online to online industry. The reason for that is because in online to online industry companies have to put a lot of money to fund innovation to make sure it has edged–cutting technology to put pressure to its ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Guanxi Between China And China Introduction The Guanxi phenomena is exclusive to China and is very apparent in everyday life, it can be used in the personal dealings or at the business level. Guanxi concept is not completely alien to the rest of the world, it is apparent in a slightly different, more modest form. Most of people would be aware of bribery (it is an act of giving money or gifts that alters the behavior of the recipient), which would be someway linked to guanxi concept. The main difference is that bribery recognised as an illegal act when guanxi is very acceptable and apparent in China. The other examples would be nepotism (favoritism granted to relatives) or cronyism (is partiality to long–standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications). They are known tendencies and can be found in any country, however, the main difference is that these tendencies are recognised as illegal or at least outside the norm. When guanxi in China it is absolutely acceptable and is part of their lives. Depending on the source or the article guanxi description will vary, but the literal guanxi translation is "relationship". This gives an indication what is it about. Wikipedia describes guanxi as "the basic dynamic in personalized networks of influence, and is a central idea in Chinese society.<...> At its most basic, guanxi describes a personal connection between two people in which one is able to prevail upon another to perform a favor or service, or ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. China Western Influence In todays world China is still considered by most scholars a third world country, with a large amount of the population living on low wages earned from an agricultural based economy. At one point however China was one of if not the most prosperous civilization in the world. China led the world in innovation and culture (Stanard). They were able to stay a vibrant culture for thousands of years. This paper will provide concise and scholarly evidence that China was far more advanced than its Western counterparts at the height of the European renaissance . The reasons lie within three main points. The first issue that will be addressed is the difference of religions. The second will give brief insight into China's military ... Show more content on ... The Chinese military dominated central Asia as military powerhouse. They pushed back Turkish invaders from the Ottoman Empire (Stearns). The Chinese military also went on the offensive and claimed land in Vietnam in Southeast Asia as well as modern day North Korea. No matter what dynasty was under whether Song or Yuan China still had a dominating military. For the most part they had little to no enemies, so the Chinese government was able to focus on more important things and not worry about an imminent attack. Unlike countries in Western Europe, that are side by side always worrying about what Country will attack next with no sight of a significant peace treaties in sight (Stearns). They spent time and resources on their military instead of using it to help their citizens. The Chinese military was so successful they were able to deploy 20,000 men to go explore territory not yet visited ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Spread Of Buddhism And China By 100 C.E., Buddhism founded in India in the 6th century B.C.E was brought to China, gradually winning converts following the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E., but responses to the spread of Buddhism in China differed. Some faction of people didn't see the spread of Buddhism as a threat they saw it as what it was, a religion brought to China even though it not an aspect of China,it still should be respected differed from faction of people who saw the spread of Buddhism as barbaric invasion and just overusing China, but to add some factions of people saw Buddhism as a good religion that differed from Confucianism in China but are both valued religions that have similar concepts. To begin, some people didn't see the spread of Buddhism as a threat, they saw it as another religion which should be respected even though it not an aspect or originated from China. In document 3, an anonymous Chinese scholar said,'' To compare the sages to the Buddha would be like comparing a white deer to a unicorn, or a swallow to a phoenix.'' This show that people didn't see Buddhism as threat but just something different from Chinese religious beliefs, saw it as another concept or religion. The reason anonymous Chinese scholar believe this is because as an anonymous scholar, they feel open because they can express anything and talk about what they believe in since it anonymous nobody will know the author. Chinese scholar, 70 year before the imperial court structure was restored ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Trade Imbalance Between China And China While the wester hemisphere was experiencing drastic changes like colonies attaining their independence and turning into more modern nations, many adversities were taking place throughout nations in the eastern hemisphere. China was one of those nations. China was a nation known for isolating itself from outside influence, especially from the Europeans. Soon the Europeans began to grow jealous of China 's bounty of enticing goods and resources such as porcelain, tea and silk. China on the other hand did not have any need for European goods. In pursuit to put a halt to the trade imbalance between the two nations, Britain started to smuggle opium into China. The reason behind this was because the Chinese had no need for Britain 's goods but ... Show more content on ... The silver shortage pushed Britain 's urgency to end the imbalance and this was a key contribution to the Opium Wars. The supply of opium transported into China was exceptionally low in the beginning of the 18th century. The number of chests of opium brought into China went from less than 1,000 per year to about 5,000 between the years 1770 and 1800. (Document 10). The people started to realize the hooking outcomes of opium as the importation had a sudden increase within a 30 year span. This initiated the concern about the trade and Chinese officials were outraged by the habit. They had made their port available and traded as a kind gesture and in return Britain, "poisoned our brave people with opium." (Document 9) Over the next 40 years importation of the drug increased remarkably. The importation rose to forty thousand chests a year by 1840 as more citizens became hooked on the drug (Document 10). Document 3 depicts the effects of opium. As you can see, 5 men in the picture are slumped over and out of their minds while sprawled across the table while some are staring off into space with blank expression on their faces. Although the emperor placed a ban on the trade, this didn 't cease the Chinese and Europeans from smuggling enormous amounts of the drug into China. The Opium War was fueled by the illegal trade. In Chinese commissioners Lin Zexu 's letter ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Opium In China Essay The eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries saw the beginning of opium with China. This was also known as the "triangle exchange" over the Indian and Pacific seas like the American slave exchange over the Atlantic. The British imported opium into China from its states in India. Chinese silks, flavors, tea, and different treats were additionally foreign from China to England while British made–up products to India. (The First Opium War, 2013) From the earliest starting point, the decision Tang administration restricted the importation of opium into its region and effectively disheartened its utilization by setting a disgrace of corruption on the individuals who utilized the medication. Be that as it may, the British merchants saw opium, as simply an item for which there was an in number interest for in China. Opium did not have any relationship with ethical quality or shortage in that department in the British mind. These two unique perspectives in the long run reached a critical stage in the mid–1840s with savage clash between British shippers, mariners and their Chinese partners. These contentions are ... Show more content on ... It prepared, equipped and drove hired soldiers, drawn from its states in India and somewhere else to pressure its fares on China and force unequal bargains to lower duties. Subsequently China was overwhelmed with British opium delivered on its ranches in India, in spite of Chinese laws denying or controlling the importation and offer of the opiate. China's rulers, since quite a while ago usual to its exchange and assembling prevalence, were not ready for the new royal rules for worldwide force. The West's ability to utilize military armies to win provinces, plunder assets and volunteer gigantic hired soldier armed forces charged by European officers spelt the end for China as a politically influential nation. (China and the West, ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Buddhism In China Myles Owens World Religions Mr. McHugh 3/17/17 Origin of Buddhism in China Over a long period of time, Buddhism has been an important part of Chinese culture dating all the way back to the Han Dynasty. It was originally apart of Indian culture but on would move to China and become a major part of Chinese life. These cultural interactions that became regularly between China and India affected the people first. The Indian religion most likely was brought by the Silk Road. The Silk Road was an area that would be ideas, culture, and good could be exchanged, so most likely the religion people encountered a traveler or a merchant. The common people were the first to realize the Buddhist religion and they believed that this was an essential ... Show more content on ... These two dynasties emphasized the importance of Buddhism and they centralized everything that Buddhism was about through the government. By having this religion centralizing the government and shaping society people would form a conscience shape by Buddhism. Also once Buddhism shaped everyone in the society this would continue for generations and this would be a major part of the educational system. The government would make the effort to require all Buddhist practices and rituals. One of the most important things that developed during these time periods and both dynasties were the school systems. The schools were strictly for Buddhism and Buddhist teachings, some examples are the Tiantai, Huayan, Chan, and Pure Land schools. All of these schools were full of children who wanted to learn Buddhism but also there were adults and new people who wanted to learn the religion. Another part that made Buddhism successful during this time period was that the state or government control the monasteries rather than the people. By the government having control over all of the monasteries they could control all Buddhist activities that were to be done and control times of worship. They could implement their own practices that they. Believed that the people should take on but also they could take out things that they didn't want the people to do in their worship. By being able to control ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Money Frauds : China And China Against Money Frauds China is one of the countries that have the highest yearly rate of frauds. Although the China governments have uploaded many promotional videos on preventing the crooks, but can we really get away from the fraud base on those videos? The risk of fraudulent activity is increases every year in China. The China government should establish a special department to help people to prevent from the money frauds, because frauds are the problem that affects people a lot and also because the detection of frauds is extremely low in China. The frauds that are happening in China are not just to the Chinese, also to the people who come traveling China. Most of the people whom traveling China, because they want to learn about the china cultures and they might want to visit the Tiananmen in china. According to a YouTube video, the author shows people how the frauds current situations are in China. In the video it remains people to be careful when they're traveling in China. The video "Top 5 Scams to Watch Out for When Traveling in China | China Uncensored", the author states that "China is one of the most beautiful places on earth", he is encouraging people to visit China, but also he states that, "here are my top 5 scams humane counter while in China." It can really cause to the decline of tourism industry to the China. This video shows us that many of the money frauds are happening to the foreigners in Tiananmen. I think the Chinese governments should do their best to ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. China and Japan Essay Throughout the dynasties in China and Japan, religion, economy and politics have been affected by each other in various ways. In the book "Religion and Making of Modern East Asia", Thomas Dubois brings to light the impact religion made on both politics and economy in China and Japan throughout the historical period up till date. In his words, he describes "religion as an extremely political force" (Dubois, 2011, pp. 7–16). As various religions were introduced, it shaped the politics of leaders as most of them saw it as an avenue to impose their religion on the citizens. In all, religion invented political and economic stabilities and instabilities in various dynasties throughout Japan and China Ming China also known as ... Show more content on ... The effect of Buddhism in China was one of the most profound changes China ever had, as it affected their economy. This time, economy brought about religion; Buddhism came into China through international trade. As South Asian countries came into China, they spread their religion which at that time was majorly Buddhism. To gain favor from the foreign traders, the emperors showed frivolities towards them. "Tang emperors spent huge sums of money on Buddhism" (Dubois, 2011, p. 34). They constructed Buddhist monasteries, excluded monks from taxes and lavished them with other benefits. In one sentence, the emperors at that time, sought to seek the face of Buddhist he monks at the expense of the economy. On a lighter note however, the spread of Buddhism increased the economy of China as it created revenue in trade. "Up till the twentieth century, Tang dynasty was the most cosmopolitan period of China's history. Politically, emperors had conflicts of interest and so alternatively chose Buddhism or Daoism in succession" (Dubois, p. 34). Worthy of mention is the Christianity in China. Dubois explains that the advent of Christianity in China was not solely to spread the religion, but was majorly concerned with economic matters. "the age of exploration. This is the time of Christopher Columbus, Vascode Gama and Ferdinand Megallan, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. China Occupation During the occupation of China by Japan, a time of slaughter for civilians and soldiers alike, the international committee built a safety zone to protect innocent civilians from the chaos. The zone help saved over 200,000 Chinese civilians from the ruthless slaughters during the Nanking Massacre of 1937, and later stayed to help rebuild Nanjing after the Devastation attack. Each country has different views of what they believe was the start of WWII. " But Asians trace the war's beginnings all the way back to Japan's first attempt to dominate East Asia –– the occupation of Manchuria in 1931" (Schreiber 1) John Rabe described on the first page of his diary how the Japanese declare this occupation as a sovereign state, however, in reality, it ... Show more content on ... My only option was to travel by boat from Tientsin via Cheefoo or Tsingtao and from there by train to Nanking via Tsianfu" (Rabe 2). On August 28, 1937, John left his family and arrived at Nanjing on September 7 of 1937. During this time, many rich Chinese, as well as Germans and Americans has fled Nanking, many up to Hankow by the Yangtze River. John Rabe, a Nazis leader of the party in Nanking, was one of the fews who decided to stay to help thousands of civilians who were too poor to leave or has no place to return to. Many of their houses were already destroyed and burned by the Japanese so the many civilians has no place to stay. John Rabe has made bomb dugouts, one in his garden, for the Chinese to use. To prevent an bombing over his neighbor, he has set up tent with the Swastika flag and flags to cover the dugouts. John Rabe wrote in his diary on November 15, about month before the massacre, " A visit to the Communications Ministry convinced me that the (chinese) government is about to retreat from Nanking" (Rabe 21). Without the government, a group made up primarily of Americans doctors from Kulou Hospital and professors from Nanjing University, came together with one goal. The group was call the International Committee of Nanking Safety Zone because their goal was to create a neutral zone for refugees, in case ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. China Dbq From 1570 to 1750, silver was mainly mined in Spanish colonial America and Japan. They traded their silver and gold for Chinese luxuries and about 30% of all the silver exported by the Spanish Americas ended up in China. Having required that all taxes and trade fees be paid in silver, China's economy was soon backed by silver. Though it may seem like this only affected China, this caused a great impact on the whole world both socially and economically because, like it said in document 1, even the poorest men had silver in China, but in Spain, prices of precious Asian luxuries increased, and, due to the widespread distribution of silver, the value of silver decreased (document 2), which harmed Spain's economy greatly. This also affected Britain ... Show more content on ... Though this started out well for China, people were already starting to lower their prices in harvest about twenty years later because "the national government requires silver for taxes but disburses little silver in its expenditures" (document 3), which means that the government was already getting greedy and hoarding the silver. This also means that now, because of this greed, not everyone has silver anymore and poor farmers are suffering because of it. After another twenty–some years, even the shops were requiring customers to pay in silver. Because people didn't have enough silver, moneylenders started appearing to "help people out", or rather, ripping people off. Due to the fact that the common people needed the silver more than the moneylenders needed the rice, grain, etc., they had no choice but to exchange their goods so that they can pay their taxes and buy food. Therefore, the sudden introduction and incorporation of silver in the lives of the Chinese affected them socially because new jobs were formed, and economically because the gap between the poor and the rich was slowly widening due to ... Get more on ...