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Blood is a unique organ: it is fluid and comes
into contact with almost all other tissues.
The blood cells are non-cohesive and supported
in the fluid medium of blood- the plasma.
The blood cells comprise the non- nucleated
erythrocytes and platelets, and the nucleated cells
or leucocytes.
In addition to primary disease of the blood –
forming organ – the bone marrow – many disease
states produce secondary changes in the blood.
 For this reason, the counting and
morphological examination of blood cells is
routine in the clinical assessment of disease ,
frequently providing valuable diagnostic
Fetus 0 – 2 months (yolk sac)
2 – 7 months (liver. Spleen)
5 – 9 months (bone marrow)
Infants Bone marrow (practically all bones)
Adults Vertebrae, ribs, sternum, skull,
sacrum and pelvis, proximal ends
of femur
Haemopoiesis starts with a common, ‘Pluripotent
Haemopoietic Stem Cell’ which can give rise to
erythrocytes, leucocytes (including lymphocytes) and
platelets. The pluripotent stem cells possess the ability to
renew and differentiation.
By a series of cell divisions, cell committed to each cell
line are produced and further divisions result in mature
cells – erythrocytes, granular leucocytes, megakaryocyte
and T- and B- lymphocytes .
1. Anaemias
2. Haematological Malignancies
3. Bleeding Disorders
4. Blood Transfusion
Definition: “Reduction in the concentration of
haemoglobin in the blood below the lower limit of
normal for a particular age and sex of an individual in a
particular environment”
Value of Haemoglobin less than 13.5 g/dl in
males, less than 11.5 g/dl in females and less than 15.0 g/dl
in new borns would indicate anaemia
Male Female
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 13.5 – 17.5 11.5 – 15.5
Haematocrit ; PCV (%) 40 -52 36 – 48
RBC count(X1012/l) 4.5 – 6.5 3.9 – 5.6
Mean Cell Volume 80 -95 80 - 95
MCV (fl)
Mean Cell HAmeoglobin 27 -34 27 - 34
MCH (pg)
Mean Cell Haemoglobin 30 -35 30 -35
Reticulocytes (%) 1 – 2.5% 1 – 2.5%
Symptoms of Anaemia:
Level of haemoglobin at which patient develops symptoms depends
on the rate of development of anaemia. If haemoglobin has been
falling slowly, symptoms occur late,and if haemoglobin falls rapidly,
symptoms occur early.
Patient may present with generalized weakness and easy
Palpitation and breathlessness occur if anaemia is severe or patient
has underlying heart disease.
Anorexia and indigestion are common
Signs of Anaemia:
Pallor is the main sign. Usual sites to look for pallor are the nail
bed, hands , skin, lower conjunctiva.
Koilonychia(spoon shaped nails) is seen in iron deficiency anameia
Bone deformities occur in thalassaemia major
Leg ulcers are a feature of sickle cell anaemia
Systolic Murmur may be audible in pulmonary area
Mild jaundice may occur in haemolytic anaemia.
Different other signs and symptoms can be ascribed to a specific
cause of anameia
1. Kinetic Classification of Anaemias
2. Morphologic Classification of Anameias
(i) Acute blood loss anaemia
(ii) Chronic blood loss anaemia
(i) Haematenic deficiency: Iron, Folic Acid and B12
(ii) Anaemia of chronic disorders: Infection,
inflammation, neoplasia; renal failure
(iii)Marrow Hypoplasia: Aplastic Anaemia; Pure red cells
(iv)Marrow Infiltration: Leukaemias; Lymphomas;
Myeloproliferative disorders; Myelodysplastic Syndrome
(Intracarpuscular Defect)
a. Red blood cells membrane defects: Hereditary Spherocytosis
b. Enzyme defects: G.6PD Deficiency
c. Haemoglobinopathies: Thalassaemia; Sickle Cell Anaemia
d. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobuniria
BLOOD CELL (Extracarpuscular)
a. Immune Haemolytic Anaemias:
(i) Autiimmune HAemolytic Anaemia
(ii)Alloimmune Haemolytic Anaemia
b. Non Immune:
(ii)MIcroangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia
Reticulocyte Count
More than 2.5 % Less than 2.5%
Haemolysis Red Cells Morphology
Normocytic Microcytic Macrocytic
- Chronic diseases - Iron deficiency - B12 deficiency
-Marrow problems - Thalassaemia - Folic Acid deficiency -
- Anaemia of Chronic
Causes of Microcytic and Hypochromic Anameias (MCV – Less than 80 fl)
1. Iron Deficiency Anaemia
2. Thalassaemias
3. Anaemia of Chronic Disoder
4. Sideroblastic Anaemia
 Causes of Normocytic and Normochromic Anaemias (MCV – 80 to 95 fl)
1. Many Haemolytic Anameias
2. Anaemia of Chronic Diseases
3. Acute blood loss
4. Mixed Deficiency Anaemia
5. Aplastic Anaemia
6. Bone marrow infiltration as in Lymphomas, Leukameias,etc
 Causes of Macrocytic Anaemias (MCV More than 95 fl)
Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anameias
Megaloblastic Anameia
Nonmegaloblastic Anameia
1. Haemolytic Anaemias ( Reticulocytes will appear as Macrocytic cells)
2. Liver Disease
3. 3. Alcohol
4. Aplastic Anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common cause
of anaemia in every country of world.
It is the most important cause of a microcytic
hypochromic anaemia, in which all the three red
blood cell indices (the MCV, MCH and MCHC) are
reduced, and the blood film shows small(microcytic)
and pale (hypochromic) red cells
The important causes of microcytic hypochromic
anaemia are:
(i) Iron deficiency anaemia
(ii) Thalassaemias
(iii) Sideroblastic anaemia
(iv) Anaemia of chronic disorder
The causes of a hypochromic microcytic anaemia. These include lack of iron
(iron deficiency), or of iron release from macrophages to serum (anaemia of
chronic inflammation or malignancy). Failure of protoporphyrin synthesis
(sideroblastic anaemia) or of globin synthesis (Alpha or Beta Thalassaemia).
Iron Absorption: Iron absorbed from food and iron recovered from senescent red blood cells is
transported to the marrow and tissues. The iron laden transferrin binds to transferrin receptors
on the surface of erythroid precursors. It is then internalized, at which time the iron is released
for use in haemoglobin production. The transferin- transferin receptor complex is then returned
to surface of the cell and the transferin is released to complete the cycle
Iron Absorption: Iron absorbed from food and iron recovered from senescent red blood cells is
transported to the marrow and tissues. The iron laden transferrin binds to transferrin receptors
on the surface of erythroid precursors. It is then internalized, at which time the iron is released
for use in haemoglobin production. The transferin- transferin receptor complex is then returned
to surface of the cell and the transferin is released to complete the cycle
Iron Absorption
Mucosal uptake of heme and nonheme iron is depicted. When the storage sites of the body
are replete with iron and erytropoietic activity is normal, most of the absorbed iron is lost
into the gut by shedding of the epithelial cells. Conversely, when body iron requirements
increase or when erytropoieis is stimulated, a greater fraction of the absorbed iron is transferred
into plasma transferrin, with a concomitant decrease in iron loss through mucosal ferritin.
DMT1,divalet metal transporter 1
Iron in
the body
Iron the diet is of two types – Haem Iron and Non Haem Iron.
Much of the dietary iron is non haem iron derived from cereals,
with a lesser component of haem iron derived from
haemoglobin or myoglobin in red or organ meat. Haem Iron is
more readily absorbed than non haem iron.
The transport and storage of iron is largely mediated by
transferrin. Transferrin contain two atoms of iron. It delivers
iron to tissues which have transferrin receptors, especially
erythroblasts in the bone marrow which incorporate iron in
haemoglobin . The transferin is then reutilized . At the end of
their life span red cells area broken down into macrophages of
the reticuloendothelial system and the iron is released from
haemoglibin, enters the plasma and provides most of the iron
on transferin. Some of the iron is stored in reticuloendothelial
cells as ferritin and haemosidrin.
(i) Uterine Bleeding:
-Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding).
- Postmenopausal bleeding.
(ii) Gastrointestinal Bleeding:
- Peptic Ulcer
- Bleeding Haemorrhoids
- Hookworm infestation
- Aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory
drugs ingestion
Increased iron demand during infancy, adolescence,
Pregnancy, lactation and in menstruating women
Gluten Induced Enteropathy; Gastrectomy
Especially vegetarian diet
 The patient develop the general symptoms and signs of anaemia and also
show a painless glossitis, brittle, ridged or spoon shape nails
(koilonychia), dysphagia (as a result of pharyngeal webs).
 Patients also show unusual dietary craving( Pica; perverted appetite
e.g., clay eating)
 In children the iron deficiency is particularly significant, as it can cause
irritability, poor cognitive function, decline in psychomotor development
and learning . Child with iron deficiency anameia can also show
behavioral problems
Koilonychia: typical ‘spoon’
shaped nails
Peripheral Blood Findings
(i)Haemoglobin is decreased
(ii) Red cells indices (MVC;MCH;MCHC) are
(iii) Red Blood Cells Morphology: Microcytic and
Hypo chromic red cell morphology with pencil
shaped poikilocyttes. Red cells morphological
changes are proportional to degree of anaemia.
(iv) Platelet count is often moderately raised,
particularly in cases of localized bleeding site (reactive
(v) In cases of worm infestation there can be Eosinophilia.
Biochemical Findings:
(i)Serum iron is decreased
(ii) Serum Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) id increased
(iii) Serum Ferrritin is decreased
Bone Marrow Findings:
(i) Erythroid Hyperplasia; Erythroblasts are small (micronormoblasts) and
have ragged cytoplamic outlines
(ii) Iron Stain: Iron will be absent in stores as well as in erythroid series
Red Blood Cells Morphology: Microcytic and Hypo chromic red cell morphology
with pencil shaped poikilocyttes.
Red cells morphological changes are proportional to degree of anaemia.
Pencil Shape Red cell
It is usual to give 100 to 200 mg of elemental iron daily
to adults and 3 mg/kg body weight as a liquid
preparation to children.
Treatment response: Rise of haemoglobin at a rate of
2.0g/dl every three weeks .
Length of Iron Therapy: In order to replenish iron
stores continue iron therapy for 12 months after
haemoglobin level becomes normal.
Form of
Preparation Size Iron content Usual oral
Tablet 300 mg 60 mg 3 tablets
Syrup 40 mg/ml 8 mg/ml 25 ml
(5 TSP)
Drops 125 mg/ml 25 mg/ml
Tablet 300 mg 37 mg 5 tablets
Tablet 300 mg 100 mg 2 tablets
 It is given only in conditions where patient can not
tolerate oral iron or rapid replenishment of stores is
Usually the total amount of iron required is 1.0 g to 2.0
The commonly used preparation is Iron Sucrose.
Parental iron preparation contains Ferric Iron. Ferrous
iron being freely ionizable is extremely reactive.
- Composition: Iron Sucrose
- Formulation: 5 ml
- Iron Content: 20 mg/ml
- Iron content per ampule: 100 mg
- Dose in mg to raise Hb by 1 g/dl in adults: 200
- Administration: Intravenous infusion
Total calculated dose of venofer is administered
as fractional infusions on a daily basis or at convenient
intervals. One to two ampules ( 5 – 10 ml) of venofer
solution are diluted in 100 ml saline and infused slowly
over 1 – 2 hours.
This is a group of anaemias in which, due to
impaired DNA synthesis, the erythroblasts in the
bone marrow show a characteristic abnormality –
maturation of nucleus being delayed relative to
that of cytoplasm ( megaloblast)
In megaloblast the nuclear chromatin maintains
an open, stippled, lacy appearance despite
normal haemoglobin formation in the cytoplasm
of the erythroblasts, as they mature
Two main deficiencies lead to megaloblasstic
(i) Folic Acid or Folate deficiency
(ii) Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Vegetables – Poor
Meat – Rich
Vegetables – Rich
Meat – Moderate
10 -30 % loss 60 – 90 % loss
Ileum Duodenum &
An Important feature Absent
MALNUTRITION Unusual Most common cause
of Folate deficiency
ONSET Rapid Onset (Takes
Slow (Takes years)
Absorption of B12 requires Intrinsic Factor (IF),
which is secreted by the parietal cells of the fundic
mucosa along with hydrochloric acid. Initially the
vitamin is released from its protein - bound form
by the action of pepsin in the acidic environment
of the stomach. The liberated vitamin is then bound
to salivary vitamin B12 – binding protein called
R- binder. In the duodenum, R- vitamin B12
complexes are broken down by the action of
pancreatic enzymes, and the released vitamin B12
then attaches to IF. In this form, IF – B12 complex
is then transported to ileum, where it adheres to
IF- specific receptors on the ileal cells. Vitamin B12
then transverses the plasma membrane to enter the
mucosal cell. It is picked up from the cell by a plasma
protein , Transcobalamin II, which is capable of
delivering it to liver and other cells of the body,
Particularly cells of the bone marrow where it is
incorporated in the nuclei for DNA synthesis.
Folic acid in the diet is in two form
Monoglutamates and Polyglutamates.
 More than 90% is polyglutamates .
Intestinal conjugases split
polyglutamates into monglutamates
that are readily absorbed in the
proximal jejunum. During intrstinal
absorption they are modified so that
only 5- methyltetrahydrofolate enters
the circulation as the normal transport
form of folate.
Lack of Vitamin B12 or Folate causes slowing of DNA synthesis in developing
erythroblasts with anaccumulation of cells in premitotic phase of cell cycle.
The neutropeina and thrombocytopenia also appears to result from ineffective
and abnormal precursor cells in the marrow due to impaired DNA synthesis
1.Decreased intake of Vitamin B12:
Nutritional deficiency (Vegetarians)
2. Impaired absorption of Vitamin B12:
(i) Pernicious Anaemia ( Lack of Intrinsic Factor;
Antibodies against Intrinsic Factor)
(ii) Gastrectomy( No release of Intrinsic Factor)
3. Intestinal Causes:
(i) Lesions of small intestine
(ii) CoeliacDisease
(iii) Tropical Sprue
(iv) Fish Tapeworm( DIphylobothium Latum) infestation
1. Decreased intake of Folic Acid:
Nutritional Deficiency
2. Impaired Absorption of Folic Acid:
(i)Coeliac Disease
(ii)Tropical Sprue
3. Increased demand:
(i) Pregnancy
(ii) Haemolytic Anaemias
(iii) Myeloproliferative disorders
(iv) Carcinoma
(v) Inflammatory disorders
(vi) Skin diseases
4. Drugs:
Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors
Glossitis: tongue is beefy
red and painful
Angular stomatitis
 The onset is usually insidious with
gradually progressive symptoms and
signs of anaemia. The patient may be
mildly jaundiced (lemon yellow tint)
due to the excess breakdown of
haemoglobin resulting from
ineffective erythropoiesis in the bone
 Glossitis , sore tongue and
 Mild symptoms of malabsorption
with loss of weight may be present
due to epithelial changes
 Lethargy, breathlessness and other
generalized signs and symptoms of
anaemia may be present
Vitamin B12 is required for two important reactions in the body:
Vitamin B 12
(i) Homocysteine Methionine
Vitamin B 12
(ii) Methylmelonyl CoA Succinyl CoA
Absence of B12 then leads to two
important consequences:
(i) Impaired methylation leads to
defects in myelinatioin of
neural tissues
(ii) Accumulation of Homcysteine
has toxic effects on
cardiovascular tissue and
neural tube
Demyelination of the
dorsal and dorsolateral
A baby with neural tube
defect (spina bifida)
B12 deficiency may cause a progressive neurtopathy
affecting the peripheral sensory, and posterior columns
The neuropathy is symmetrical and affects the lower
limbs more than the upper limbs. The patient notices
tingling in the feet, difficulty in walking and may fall
over in the dark. Rarely optic atrophy or psychiatric
symptoms (Megaloblastic Madness) are present
The accumulated Homocysteine can act as a toxic
substance and can lead to a damage to neural tissue.
Supplementation of maternal diet with folic acid during
Pregnancy reduces the incidence of neural tube defect
By 75%
Raised Homocysteine damages cardiac and peripheral
and cerebral vascular tissue. So can lead to myocardial
Infarction, peripheral and cerebral vascular disease
and venous thrombosis
Lab Diagnosis of Megloblastic Anemia
1. Peripheral blood finidngs
2. Bone Marrow Findings
3. Special Tests
1. Peripheral Blood Findings
a. Anaemia
b. Pancytopenia (Anaemia + Leucopenia+ Thrombocytopnia)
c. RBC Morphilogy:Macrocytosis (Oval Macrocytes)
d. Hypersegmented Neutrophils: Neutrophils hyper- segmentation
is present when more than 5% of the neutrophils have 5 lobes or the
film show at least one sixed lobed neutrophils
Hyerpsegmentation is early sign of Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
deficiency, and is useful in the diagnosis of megaloblastosis with
minimal or no anaemia
e. Howel Jolly Bodies
f. Basophilic Stippling
g. Cabbot’s Rings
2.. Bone Marrow Findings in Megaloblastic Anaemia
- Megaloblasts All the nucleated series of erythroid cells show
megaloblastic change
- Their abnormal appearance is due to disturbance of cell growth and
maturation, resulting from interference with DNA synthesis.
- Cells are larger than erythroblasts
- Dissociation of Cytoplasmic and Nulcear maturation: Maturation of
nucleus lags behind that of cytoplasm . Haemoglobinization of
cytoplasm takes place while nucelus is immature
- Dyserythropoiesis : Increase in the proportion of more primitive cells
- Shift to left is observed
- Giant Metamyelocytes are seen
- Megakaryocytes are norma lor decreased
- Iron increased in fragments with increased siderocytes and
- In cases of mixed deficiency (Iron +B12+ Foalate deficeincy) iron will
be absent
3. Special Tests:
1. Serum Vitamin B12- Decreased
2. Serum Folic Acid-Decreased
Macrocytic Anemia (Meg.):
Megaloblastic Anemia :
Hypersegmented Neutrophils
Oval macrocyte
Marrow smear from a patient
with megaloblastic anaemia:
Megaloblast in various stages
of differentiation.
Meglablasts:All the nucleated series of erythroid
series will show Megaloblastic changes. Cells are
larger in size and nuclear chromatin shows open
sieve like pattern.
Orthochromatic Normoblasts: Cytoplasm is
haemoglobinized but nucleus is not pyknotic
(nuclear cytoplasimc dissociation)
Giant Metamyelocytes: Myelocytes are
larger in size
Compound Hydroxycobalamin Folic Acid
Route Intramuscular Oral
Daily Dose 100 ug 5 mg
Initial Dose 6 X 1000ug
over 2-3 weeks
Daily for 4 months
Maintenance 1000 ug every 3
Depends on underlying
disease ; life long therapy
may be needed in chronic
haemolytic anaemias ,
myelofibrosis and renal
Prophylactic -Total Gastrectomy
- Ileal Resection
Pregnancy; Severe
haemolytic anameias;
dialysis; prematurity
Aplastic Anaemia is defined as the presence of pancytopenia
in the peripheral blood and a hypocellular marrow in which
normal haemopoietic marrow is replaced by fat cells
Pancytopenia resulting from aplasia of the bone marrow
The diagnosis of aplastic anaemia is made on the basis of
(i) Pancytopenia
(ii) A hypocellular or aplastic marrow with increased
fat spaces
(iii) The virtual absence of reticulocytes
Fanconi’s Aplastic Anaemia
1. Idiopathic
2. Chemical and Physical Agents
a. Agents which regularly produce aplasia if dose
is sufficient:
- Ionizing radiation
- Benzene
- Chemotherapeutic agents
b. Agents which occasionally produce aplasia:
- Antibiotics: Chloramphenicol, Cotrimaxazole
-Anti-inflammatory drugs: Phenylbutazone,
Indomethacin, Ibuprofen,
- Antirheumatic: Gold salts, Penicillamine
3. Viral Infections:
Hepatitis (Non A, Non B , Non C)
EB virus
1. DIRECT DAMAGE: Can be caused by direct damage to the
haemopoietic marrow by radiation or cytotoxic drugs.
2. CHROMOSOMAL BREAKS: Seen in congenital aplastic
forms of marrow insult presumably cause genetic damage that
results in the generation of stem cells with poor proliferative and
differentiative capacity
4. IMMUNE MECHANISMS: Different agents activate
cytotoxic T cells. These activated cytotoxic T cells then produce
different types of cytokines. These cytokines have specific receptors
for them on stem cells . The important cytokines in this aspect are :
(i) Interferon (IFN) – Gamma
(ii) Tumour Necrosis Factor (YNF)
(iii) Interleukin – 2 (IL – 2)
These cytokines then attach to their
receptor on stem cell and induce
damage to haemopoietic stem cell in
following manner:
(i) Decrease transcription of cellular
genes and entery in cell cycle.
(ii) Induces the formation of nitric
oxide synthase which then produces
toxic gas nitric oxide. The nitric oxide
then produces further toxicity to
other cells
(iii) Increased apoptosis (cell death)
This scenario is supported by
the observation that immuno-
suppressive therapy with
antithymocyte globulins combined
with cyclosporine has a salutary
effect in 60% to 70% of patients
The onset is at any age with a peak incidence around 30
years and a slight male predominance
Onset in insidious or acute with symptoms and signs
resulting from anaemia (lethargy, breathlessness, pallor),
neutropenia(infections, fever) and thrombocytopenia
(bleeding tendencies).
Bleeding is often the presenting initial presentation.
Bruising, bleeding gums, epistaxis, petechiae and
mennorhagia are the most frequent haemorrhagic
Infections, particularly of mouth and the throat are
common and generalized infections are frequently life-
threatening .
Lymph nodes, liver. Spleen are not enlarged
 Rarely jaundice can be feature in patients with post
hepatitis aplasia. The patients of aplastic anaemia having
a history of hepatitis, usually presents at a time when
clinically jaundice had already subsided.
At presentation it is necessary to take a detailed drug,
occupational and symptomatic history to try to establish
any etiological agent. Unfortunately it is not always easy.
1. The peripheral blood film shows
Pancytopenia(Anaemia; Leucopenia;Thrombocytopenia)
2. There are no gross morphological changes in circulating
cells, except some macrocytosis of red cells
3. There is absolute Reticulocytopenia.
4. Granulocytes may show increased staining of granules, the
so called toxic granulation of neutrophils.
5. Platelets are reduced and are of small and uniform size.
6. Monocytes are usually reduced in proportion to
7. The bone marrow aspirate is usually easily obtained,
typically with many fragments, which appear hypocelluar
(more than 75% fat). There is relative increase in
lymphocytes, plasma cells. The remaining haemopoietic
cells are normal. In the early stages
Haemophoagocytosis may be prominent
8. Bone marrow trephine is essential to make a
diagnosis. It shows fat replacement of marrow, and normal
haempoietic tissue is absent or scanty
Normal bone marrow: From a
section of bone marrow trephine
biopsy. Marrow cells are
interspersed between fat spaces.
The arrow points to a
Aplastic Anaemia: Bone marrow
trephine biopsy showing
markedly hypoplastic marrow
composed largely of fat cells
Aplastic Anaemia-Summary
-Idiopathic;radiation;benzene or drugs (chloramphenicol, alkylating agents),Idiopathic
-Autoimmune dysfunction of cytotoxic T cells, viral infection ( Parvo Virus B19,EBV, HIV, Hepatitis c);
Autoimmune disorders (i.e., SLE)
Bone Marrow: Hypocellular; fatty change with no hematopoietic cells
Peripheral blood smear: Pancytopenia but with normal cellular morphology
Clinical Manifestations
Anaemia presenting with fatigue, malaise, and pallor; neutropenia presenting with infections;
thrombocytopenia presenting with mucosal bleeding, purpura or petechiae; no hepatosplenomegaly
T reatment
Transfusions as needed; administration of G-CSF or GM-CSF; allogenic bone marrow transplant;
cessation drug; immunosuppression with cyclosporine
1. Aplastic Anaemia
2. Megloblastic Anaemia
3. Bone marrow infiltration by leukaemias,
lymphomas, multiple myeloma etc.
4. Myelofibrosis
5. Hypersplenism( peripheral blood pancytopenia with
normocellular or hypercellular marrow and
The distinguishing feature of all haemolytic anaemias is the
increased rate of red cells destruction
Red cells destruction usually occurs after a mean lifespan of 120
days when the cells are removed extravasularly by the macrophages of
the reticuloendothelial system,(Extrvascular Haemolysis) especially
in the marrow but also in liver and spleen. As the red cell have no nucleus,
red cells metabolism gradually deteriorates as enzymes are degraded and
not replaced and the cells become non- viable. The breakdown of haem
from red cells liberates iron for recirculation via plasma transferrin to
marrow erythroblasts, and protoporphyrin which is broken down to
biilrubin. This circulates to the liver where it is conjugated to
glucuronides which are excreted into the gut via bile and converted to
stercobilinogen and stercoblin (excreted in faeces). Strecoblinogen and
stercolbilin are partly reabsorbed and excreted in urine as urobilinogen
and urobilin. Globin chains are broken down to amino acids which are
reutilized for general protein synthesis in the body. Intravascular
Haemolysis (breakdown of red cells in the blood vessels) play
little or no part in normal red cells destruction.
(a) Normal red cell breakdown- Extravascular: This takes place extravascullarly
in the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system
(b) Intravascualar Haemolysis: Occurs in some pathological disorders
There are two main mechanisms by which a red cells are destroyed in
haemolytic anaemias- Extravascular or Intravascular. In majority of the
anaemias the destruction is extravascular.
Causes of Extravascular Haemolysis
Sickle Cell Anaemia
2.Hereditary Spherocytosis
3. Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemias
4. Malaria
5. G6PD deficiency
Causes of Intravascular Haemolysis
1. ABO mismatched blood transfusion
2. Malaria
3. PNH
4. G6PD deficiency
Haemolytic anaemias are defined as those anaemias
which result from an increase in the rate of red cell
destruction. Because of erythropoietic hyperplasia and
anatomical extension of bone marrow, red cells
destruction may be increased several- fold before the
patient becomes anaemic- compensated haemolytic
disease. The normal adult marrow, after full expansion, is
able to produce red cells at six to eight times provided
this is ‘effective’. Therefore haemolytic anaemia is not
seen unless the red cells life span is less than 30 days.
Hereditary Haemolytic Anaemias are the result of
‘intrinsic’ red cell defects
Acquired haemolytic anameias are usually the result of
an’extracarpuscular’ defect or environmental change.
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH) is an
exception because it is an acquired disorder but the PNH
cells have an intrinsic defect
The laboratory findings in haemolytic anaemia are
conveniently divided in three groups
1. Features of Increased Haemoglobin Breakdown
i. Jaundice and Hyperbilirubenemia
ii. Reduced plasma Haptoglobin and Haemopixin
iii. Increased serum LDH
iv. Haemoglobinemia
v. Haemoglobinuria
vi. Methhemoglobinemia
vii. Haemosidrinuria
2. Features of Increased Red cells Production
Compensatory Erythroid Hyperplasia)
i. Reticulocytosis
ii. Macrocytosis and Plychromasia
iii. Erythroid hyperplasia of marrow
iv. Radiological changes in bones (seen only in
congenital anaemia)
3. Feature of Damage to Red Cell:
i. Spherocytes
ii. Increased red cells fragility
iii. Red blood cells fragmentation.
There are three major categories of genetic disorders:
1. MENDELIAN DISORDERS: Disorders related to
mutant genes of large effect. Most of these disorders
follow mandalian pattern of inheritance.
2. CHROMOSOMAL DIORDERS: Associated with
numerical or structural changes in chromosomes
INHERITENCE: Includes some of the common diseases
of humans, such as hypertension and diabetes. These
disorders are influenced by both genetic and
environmental factors
All Mendalian disorders are result of expressed
mutations in single or small gene clusters, the
chromosome number being normal.
Mutations involving single – gene disorders typically
follow one of three patterns of inheritance:
(i) Autosomal Dominant
(ii) Autosomal recessive
(iii) X- linked.
Each individual possesses two factors for a
If these factors are the same then the indivudual is
said to be Homozygous, but if these factors are different
then the individual is said to be Heterozygous.
 If a character manifests in heterozygous state it is
called Dominant
If a character manifests in homozygous state it is called
The term coined for these hereditary characters or
factors is Gene.
Autosomal dominant disorders are manifested in the
heterozygous state. That is, a person with an autosomal
dominant trait possesses the abnormal (mutant) gene
which causes the disorder as well as normal allele.
At least one parent of an index case is usually affected;
both males and females can be affected, and both can
transmit the disease.
When an affected person marries an unaffected one,
every child has one in two chance (50%) of having the
disease. So, by chance an affected person may well have
all normal children. On the other hand, again by chance ,
he may be unlucky and all his children may be affected.
Autosomal dominant disorders tend to be extremely
variable in expression. Some individuals may be so
mildly affected that the condition hardly affects their
everyday life, but others may be so severely affected that
they may become complete invalids. Most affected
individuals lie somewhere between these two extremes
Common Autodsomal Dominant
Haematological Disorders
- Hereditary Spherocytosis – Haemolytic Anaemia
- von Willebrand Disease – Bleeding Disorder.
Autosomal recessive inheritance is the single largest
category of mendelian disorders.
These disorders are characterized by following features:
1. Autosomal recessive diseases are only manifest when
the gene is present in double dose, i.e, the person is
Homozygous for that particular gene and receiving
abnormal gene from both parents.
2. Usually Heterozygous are perfectly healthy and all the
offspring of an affected person are normal, unless the
affected person marries a heterozygote.
3. If both the parents are heterozygous (carriers) then in
each pregnancy there are 25% chances that the child can
have homozygous state (fully expressed Disease or Major
state), 25% chances of being normal and 50% chances of
having heterozygous state( Carrier or Trait or Minor)
4. Common Autosomal Recessive Haematological
- Thalasaemias
- Sickle Cell Anaemia
All sex – linked disorders are X- linked, almost all X-
linked recessive. The only gene assigned with certainty to
the Y- chromosome is the determination of testes; males
with mutations affecting the Y- linked genes involved in
spermatogenesis are usually infertile. And hence there is
no Y-linked inheritance.
An X- linked recessive trait is one determined by a gene
carried on the X- chromosome and manifest in the female
only when the allele is in the double dose, that is in the
homozygous state. In the male, a mutant allele carried on
the single X chromosome is always manifest because
there is no normal allele to counteract the effect of the
mutant allele as there is in heterozygous female.
Since a male transmits an X- chromosome to each of his daughters
and a Y- chromosome to each of his sons, then all the daughters of an
affected male will be carriers but none of his sons will be affected.
An X- linked disorder is never transmitted from a father to his son.
When carrier female marries a normal male then her sons have a 1
in 2 (50%) chance of being affected and her daughters have a 1 in 2
(50%) chance of being carriers like their mother
So In X- linked disorders patients are invariably Males, unless a
patient of haemophilia marries a female carrier where disease can
manifest in a female.
The carriers of X- linked disorders are females.
- Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B
- Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6PD) deficiency.
Haemoglobin disorders result from:
1. Reduced synthesis of normal Alpha or Beta globin chains
-Alpha Thalassaemias
- Beta Thalassaemias
2. Synthesis of an Abnormal Haemoglobin
- Crystaline Haemoglobin (HbS, C, D, E, O etc)
(These are produced due to amino acid substitution)
- Unstable Haemoglobin
“The Thalassaemias are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders of
haemoglobin synthesis all of which result from reduced rate of
production or absence of production of one of the globin chains of
According to globin chain, which is
produced in reduced amount, thalassaemias
are divided into two important groups:
(i) Beta ( β) Thalassaemias: Due to reduced synthesis
or absence of synthesis of Beta globin chains.
(ii) Alpha ( α ) Thalassaemias: Due to reduced synthesis or
absence of synthesis of alpha globin chains.
- In Beta thalassaemia the beta chain synthesis is decreased or absent but
there will be unimpaired synthesis of Alpha chains
-In some thalassaemias no globin chain is synthesized at all and hence
are called ……0 or ….. 0 thalassaemias, whereas in others some amount
of globin chain is produced but at a reduced rate; these are designated as
…..+ or … + thalassaemias
All the globin genes have three
axons (coding regions) and two
introns (non coding regions whose
DNA is not represented in the
finished protein). The initial RNA is
transcribed from both introns and
exons, and from this transcript the
RNA derived from introns is
removed by a process known as
splicing. The introns always begin
with a G-T dinucleotide and end
with an A-G dinucleotide. The
splicing machinery recognizes
these sequences as well as neighbouring conserved sequences.. The
RNA in the nucleus is also ‘capped’ by addition of a structure at the
5/ end which contains a seven methyl- guanosine group. mRNA is
polyadenylated at 3/end.Thalassaemia may arise from
mutations or deletions of any of these sequences
I. BETA (β) THALASSAEMIAS: (Defects in transcription, processing or
translation of beta- globin mRNA
1. Beta Thalassaemia Major:)
-Homozygous state
-Severe anaemia; requires regular blood transfusions
2. Beta Tahlassaemia Minor( Trait)
- Heterozygous state
- Asymptomatic with mild or no anaemia; red cell
abnormalities seen.
- Defects in transcription, processing or translation of
beta- globin m RNA
3. Beta Thalassaemia Intermedia:
-One parent beta thalassaemia minor other parent
contributes a gene which lessens the deleterious effects.
- Severe, but does not require regular blood transfusions.
II.ALPHA THALASSAEMIAS: Defect is mainly deletion of
(i) Alpha Thalassaemia Silent Carrier( - /)
Asymptomatic; no red cells abnormality
(ii) Alpha Thalassaemia trait ( -/-) or (--/)
Asymptomatic like beta thalasseamia trait
(iii) HbH Disease --/-
Severe resembles beta thalassaemia intermedia
(iv)Hydrops Fetalis (- - / - -)
Lethal in utero
Molecular Pathology of Beta Thalassaemia
1. Defects in Transcription, Processing or Translation of mRNA: The bulk of
beta thalassaemia mutations are single base changes or deletions or insertion
of one or two bases at various points in the genes. These mutations occur in
both introns and exons ,and also outside the coding region
2. Deletions: Are rare. A part of mRNA is lost
Molecular Pathogenesis of Beta Thalassaemia
- Lesions in Beta Thalassameia – Usually point mutations
- Lesions in Alpha Thalassaemia – Mostly Gene Deletions
Important mutations in Beta Thalassameia are
2. Promoter Region Mutations: Several point mutations within the
promoter sequences reduce binding of RNA ploymerase and therby
reduce the transcription rate 75% to 80%.
›Since sone β globin is synthesized, the patients develop β +
2. Chain Terminator Mutations : Two types of mutaitons can cause premature
termination of mRNA translation :
(a) A point mutation in one of the exons can lead to the formation
of a stop codon
(b) Single nucleotide substitutions or small deletions alter mRNA
reading frames and nitroduce stop codons downstream that
terminate protien synthesis ( frameshift mutaitons )
› Premature chain terminaiton by either of these mechanisms
geenrates nonfunctional fragments of the β globin gene. leading to β 0
Molecular Pathogenesis of Beta Thalassaemia …contd
3. Splicing Mutations : Mutations that lead to aberrant splicing are the most
common cause of β –thalassaemia .Most of these effect intorn , but som e have
been located within exons.
If the mutation alters the normal splice junctions, splicing does not occur, and
all the mRNA formed is abonrmal. Unspliced mRNA is degraded within
nucleus, and β o thalassaemia develops
Some mutations affect the intorns at locations away from the normal intron-
exon ssplice junction. These mutations create new sites sensitive to the action
of splicing enzymes at abnormal locations – within an intron , for example.
Because normal splice sites remain unaffected, both normal and abnormal
splicing occurs, giving rise to normal as well as abnormal β - globin mRNA.
These patients develop β + thalassaemia
Mediterranean population, Middle East, India, Pakistan, Southeast
Asia, Southern Russia, China
 Rare in Africa except Liberia and parts of North Africa
 Occurs sporadically in all races
Widespread in Africa, Mediterranean population. Middle East,
Southeast Asia
In Beta Thalassaemia Major there is a total lack or a
reduction in the synthesis of structurally normal beta-
globin chains with unimpaired synthesis of Alpha
Beta Thalassaemia – Clinical Features
1. Severe anaemia with failure to thrive on 3-7 months of
age after birth
2. Enlargement of spleen occurs due to excessive red cells
destruction, extramedullary haemopoiesis and later
because of iron overload. The large spleen increases
blood transfusion requirements due to increased pooling
of blood.
3. Liver also increased in size.
4. Expansion of bones caused by intense marrow
hyperplasia that leads to Thalassaemic Facies and to
thinning of the cortex of many bones with a tendency to
fractures and bossing of the skull .
5. Infections induced by blood transfusion:
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
•The facial appearance of a child with beta thalassae-
• mia major: Skull is bossed with prominent frontal
•and parietal bones; the maxilla is enlarged
•The skull X- ray in Beta Thalassaemia
Major: There is a ‘hair –on-end appearance’
as a result of expansion of the bone marrow
into cortical bone
6. The patient requires regular blood
transfusions to sustain an acceptable
haemoglobin level. But iron overload
caused by repeated transfusions is inevit-
able unless chelation therapy (removal of
iron) is given. Each 500 ml of transfused
blood contains about 250 mg of iron.Iron
from the excessive red blood cells break
down and increased gastrointestinal iron
absorption also leads to increased iron in
the body.
This iron overload then effects different
(i) Liver: Cirrhosis Fibrosis) will take place.
(ii) Endocrine Organs: Accumulation of iron in different organs will lead to
failure of growth, delayed or absent puberty, diabetes mellitus,
hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism.
(iii) Damage to Myocardium can lead to arrhythmias and cardiac failure.
and cardiac damage is the main cause of death
1.Peripheral blood film will show severe microcytic and
hypochromic blood picture with marked pokilocytosis
(fragmented red cells; target cells)
2. Reticulocytes count is increased.
3. Peripheral blood shows normoblasts
Beta Thalassaemia Major
 Microcytic and
hypochromic blood
 Marked anisocytosis &
 Nucleated RBC
 Fragmented red ells
4. Haemoglobin electrophoresis shows accentuated band
of HbF(Fetal Haemoglobin)
5. Fetal Haemoglibin estimation by alkali denaturation
method (Betke’s method) will show elevated HbF
6. DNA Analysis by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to
look for molecular lesion (mutation or deletion)
7. Prenatal Diagnosis: During pregnancy fetus can be
diagnosed by taking Chorionic Villus Sample(CVS) of
fetus and then to do PCR to find out that whether
fetus is normal or he is having mutations which can
lead to beta thalassaemia major or minor.
Haemoblobin Electrophoresis on Cellulose Acetate
for Haemoglobin Defects
Normal Haemoglobin Electrophoretic Pattern
Beta Thalassaemia Minor (Trait)
Beta Thalassaemia Major
Haemoglobin E trait
Haemoglobin D trait
Haemoglobin C Trait
1.Regular blood transfusions are required to maintain the
haemoglobin level over 10 g/dl at all times. This usually requires 2-3
units every 4-6 weeks.
2. Regular Folic Acid 5 mg daily.
3. Iron Chelation Therapy is required to treat iron overload.
It is accompashied by:
(i) Subcutaneous infusion of Desferrioxamine(Desferol)
given through infusion pump at a rate of 20 – 40 mg/kg over 8 to 12
hours 5-7 days weekly.
(ii) Oral Iron Chelator Deferiprone (L 1) & Asunra
4. Vitamin C 200 mg daily, increases excretion of iron produced by
5. Splenectomy, if transfusion requirements are increased. It can
not be employed before the age of 5 years
6. Allogeneic Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant: It is
curative in selected patients
•Thalassaemics receiving blood transfusion
at a thalassaemia center
It is a heterozygous state. The person is carrying abnormal genes
from one parent and normal from other.
It is a common, usually symptom less abnormality characterized by
a hypchromic,microcytic blood picture (MCV and MCH very low)
with many target cells and minimal anisocytosis. The red cell count
(RBC count) is high (More than 5 X1012/l, and mild anaemia
(Haemoglobin 10 – 15 g/dl)
The HbA2 level is increased (More than 3.5%; Range 4-6 %)
During periods of stress, such as pregnancy or infection the patient
can become anaemic.
It is important to identify cases of Beta Thalassaemia
Minor in a community where Thalassamia is prevalent
and where there is increased tendency of cousin
marriages, so as to give proper genetic counseling before
Blood film in Beta Thalasaemia
Major: Microcytic and Hypochromic
with fragmented red cells, target
cells and nucleated red cells(normoblasts)
Blood Film in Iron Deficiency
Anaemia: Microcytic and hypochromic blood
Picture with pencil- shape cells
Blood film in Beta Thalasseamia
Minor (Trait): Microcytic and
hypochromic blood picture with many
target cells and absence of
•Iron Deficiency Vs Beta Thalassaemia Trait
•Iron Deficiency Vs Beta Thalassaemia Trait
Iron Deficiency Vs Beta Thalassaemia Trait
Microcytic hypochromic
morphology of red cells in
proportion to the degree of
anaemia, presence of pencil
shape red blood cells on
peripheral blood, red blood
cells count less than
5.0 millions/cmm and
decreased MCV usually
favours the diagnosis
of iron deficiency anaemia.
Uniformly microcytic
hypochromic blood picture
more pronounced as
compared to the level of
anisocytosis , presence
of target shape cells, red
blood cells count more
than 5.0 millions/cmm
and decreased MCV favours
the diagnosis of beta
thalassaemia trait
Thalassaemias – Summary
α - Thalassaemia: Deletion of one or more of four genes coding the α-globin chain of haemoglobin
β –Thalassaemia: Point Mutation in the β globin gene resulting in reduced or absent syntesis fo β –
globin chain of haemoglibin
α - Thalassaemia: Peripheral blood semear:hypochromic microcytic erytrocytes ; target cells
β –Thalassaemia: Peripheral blood smear:hypochromic, microcytic eryhtrocytes; target cells;
Clinical Manifestations
α - Thalassaemia: Four clinical variants: (1) α – Thalassaemia trait with three to four normal genes
present-asymtpomatic ; (2) α – Thalassaemia trait with two normal genes present –mild anaemia with
decreased MCV ; (3) Hgb- H disease with one normal gene present- severe haemolytic anaemia and
decreased MCV, presence of High-H (aggregates of excess β chains), splenomegaly ; (4) Hydrops fetalis
with zero normal gene present-stillborn fetus
β –Thalassaemia : Two clinical variants: (1) β –Thalassaemia major (homozygosity)- severe hemolytic
anaemia with decreased MCV, presenting in infancy , increased HbF , splenomegaly, bony abnormalities
(marrow expension), hemosidrosis (caused by chronic transfusions), heart failure (caused by
α - Thalassaemia: No treatment needed for trait; transfusion for Hgb-H disease
β –Thalassaemia: No treatment needed for minor; transfusion and/or bone marrow transplant for major
Patients receiving multiple transfusions are at risk for developing iron overload syndromes and may
require chelation therapy to prevent this
“ More than the calf wishes to
suck does the cow wish to suckle”
Teaching Craze !!!
 Sickle Cell Anaemia or Sickle Cell Disease is an Autosomal
Recessive, Hereditary Haemoglobin disorder.
 The homozygous state is produced due to inheritance of an
abnormal beta globin gene (HbS gene) from both parents.
 The HbS gene is produced by a mutation in beta globin gene,
leading to substitution of Valine for Glutamic Acid at the sixth
position of Beta Globin Chain of Haemoglobin molecule.
Molecular pathology of Sickle Cell Anaemia: There is a single base change in
the DNA coding for the amino acid in the sixth position in the - globin chain
( Adenine is replaced by Thymine) . This leads to an amino acid change
from Glutamic Acid to Valine
This substitution confers abnormal physicochemical
properties to red cells. Under unfavourable conditions,
most importantly hypoxia, the red cells destabilize and
undergo repeated cycles of distortion and
polymerization labelled as sickling.
This ultimately leads to :
(i) Increased destruction of red cells manifesting as
chronic haemolytic anaemia jaundice
(ii) Aggregation of distorted cells in blood
circulation leading to ischemic tissue damage
The change from glutamic acid to valine at
position 6 changes the 3-D structure of the
This makes hemoglobin sticky and changes
the shape of the RBC
It makes the molecule spiky and rigid rather
than round and flexible
The RBC can not move through capillaries
On deoxygenation the
HbS molecules under-
go aggregation and
polymerization . This
change converts
haemoglobin from a
freely flowing liquid
to a viscous gel, leading
ultimately to formation of HbS fibers and resultant distortation of the
red cells, which acquire a sickle or holly- leaf shape.
Sickling of red cells is initially a reversible phenomenon; with
oxygenation, HbS returns to the depolymerazid state; However, with
repeated episodes of sickling and unsikling, membrane damage
starts and the cell become irreversibly sickled. . These deformed cells
retain their abnormal shape even they are fully oxygenated and
despite deagregation of HbS .The precipitation of HbS fibers has
deleterious effects on red cell membrane.
 The formation of HbS has two major consequences:
(i) A chronic Haemolytic Anameia
(ii) Occlusion of small blood vessels, resulting in
ischemic tissue damage.
Substitution of Valine for Glutmaiic Acid
at the 6th position of Beta Chain
Revresible Sickling
Irreversible Sickling
Accumulation of sickle aggregates in Loss of red cells membrane
Viscosity of blood increased Excessive Red Cells Breakdown
Blockage of small blood vessels Chronic Haemolytic Anaemia
Tissue Infarction
Acute Crises Chronic Complications
Sickle cell anaemia runs an extremely variable clinical
course. At one end of the spectrum it is characterized by a
crippling haemolytic anaemia, on the other end it can have
a milder course. The reasons are only partly understood:
1. Concentration of HbS: Susceptibility to sickling is
proportional to the concentration of HbS. Individuals with
sickle cell trait have less than 50% HbS in their cells and are
virtually without symptoms.
2. Cellular Dehydration: Cellular dehydration such as in
renal papillae will increase sickling
3. Other Haemoglobins: Fetal Haemolgobin inhibit
sickling, while HbC and D can enhance sickling
4. Deoxygenation: It is the most important factor in
determining sickling. Thus travel to high elevations or in
unpressurized aircrafts can precipitate sickling crises.
5. Caliber of blood vessels: In high flow areas the shear
stresses can break down the gel structure of HbS, while in
the small or medium sized blood vessels the sickled red cells
6. Duration of Hypoxia: Areas of vascular stasis (such as
spleen) with lower O2 tension are prone to vascular occlusion
7. Cold Weather: Cold weather may precipitate sickling
because of vasoconstriction
8. Acidosis: Acidosis enhances sickling while alkalosis will
retard sickling
9. Other precipitating factors: Crises are often precipitated by:
(i) Infections
(ii) Dehydration due to fever and gastrointestinal loss of
(iii) Acidosis due to poor oral intake
(iv) Hypoxia from Pneumonia.
High levels of fetal haemoglobin protect against sickling for the first
8 to 10 weeks of life. After that the manifestations of
sickle cell disease may become apparent.
Typically Sickle cell anaemia presents in infancy
with anaemia and jaundice . Most patients go
through the rest of their lives with a chronic
haemolytic anameia
 A common presenting symptom is ‘hand and foot
Syndrome’ which occurs early in infancy and is
characterized by a painful dactylitis and swelling of the
fingers or feet.
Other particular problems in infancy are splenic
sequestration and fulminent Pneumonia.
Painful swollen fingers
(dactylitis) in a child
Hand Foot Syndrome: There
is marked shortening of the
right middle finger because
of dactylitis
 During early development of the disease there is often
splenomegaly . In most patients this gradually resolves
due to repeated infarctions of the spleen (Auto
splenectomy) . Indeed it is most unusual to feel the
spleen after the end of first decade. If a patient has a
palpable spleen after that probably he is suffering from
Sickle Cell – Beta Thalassaemia Disease , i.e., receive
sickle cell gene from one parent and beta thalassaemia
gene from the other parent
 Growth and development are usually normal although
there may be some skeletal deformities, including frontal
bossing of the skull due to expansion of bone marrow.
The complications of Sickle Cell Anaemia can be divided into two groups:
1. Acute and Episodic Crises
2. Chronic Complications
The word ‘crises’ is used to describe an acute and sometimes life-
threatening complication of sickle cell anaemia. Different crises are:
1.Painful Vaso- occlusive crisis: These are the most common
occurring with a frequency from almost daily to yearly. Tissue
hypoxia and infarction can occur any where in the body. It is
important to carefully evaluate the patient to differentiate painful
crises and pain caused by another process
2. Aplastic Crises: These occur as a result of infection with Parvo
Virus or Folate deficiency. These are characterized by sudden fall in
haemoglobin, usually require transfusion. They are characterized by
a fall in Reticulocytes and haemoglobin
3. Splenic and Hepatic Sequestration Crises: These are
caused by sickling within organs and pooling of blood, often with a
severe exacerbation of anaemeia. Hepatic and splenic sequestration
crises all may lead to severe illness requiring exchange transfusion .
Splenic sequestration is typically seen in infants and presents with
an enlarging spleen, falling haemoglobin and abdominal pain.
Treatment is with transfusion and patients must be monitored at
regular intervals as progression may be rapid. Attacks tend to be
recurrent and splenectomy is often advised in recurrent cases.
Splenic crises can lead to hypotension and death.
4. Acute Chest Syndrome: Characterized by acute onset of
dyspnoea, with chest pain. It is due to sequestration of sickle cells in
pulmonary arterial circulaition
5. CNS Crises: Patient presents with a stroke, preceded by bizarre
neurological syndromes similar in nature to transient ischemic
attack. It is due to blockage of cerebral vessels by sickle cells.
6. Hyperhemolytic Crises: During painful crises there can be a
marked increase in the rate of haemolysis.
7. Megaloblastic Crises: The haemolytic crises can lead to
megaloblastic crises.
1. Severe Infections: It is the most common cause of death in
sickle cell anaemia and it can be associated with one or more of the
patterns of crises mentioned above. Babies and children with this
disease are particularly prone to develop Pneumococcal Septicemia
due to hyposplenism. Salomonella infections of bone leading to
Salmonella Osteomyelitis is also seen.
2. Infarcts following repeated episodes of vascular occlusion:
Result largely from infarcts following repeated episodes of vascular
occlusions. Almost any organ can be involved Those at particular risk
are those which depend on small blood vessels for their blood supply.
(i) Bone Infarcts: Bones are particularly prone. Aseptic Necrosis of
Femoral or Humeral Head may lead to their destruction and pain.
(ii) Renal Infarcts: Damage to vasa rectae system can lead to a loss of
ability to concentrate urine and polyuria and nocturnal enuresis.
(iii) Pulmonary Infarcts : Occur quite frequently
3. Priapism: Recurrent attacks of painful priapism may lead to
permanent deformity of penis
4. Chronic, relapsing leg ulcers: A major problem
particularly in adults
5. Occular manifestations: Proliferative retinopathy
The prognosis seems to depend upon the racial
background of the patient, socioeconomic and ill- defined
genetic factors and above all the availability of good
paediatric care in the early years.
In East Africa USA and Europe it has high mortality in
early years
In Saudi Arabia and India, a particularly mild form of the
condition occurs in which the mortality is extremely low in
childhood and a normal survival seems to be the rule. The
most common causes of death in the first year or two of life
are infections and splenic sequestration. Later in life
infection is still the most frequent cause of death.
If babies are maintained on prophylactic penicillin from
early in life, and if there is good paediatric care, it may be
possible to reduce the early mortality of sickle- cell
anaemia to a very low level
1. Haemoglobin level: The haemoglobin level is usually between
5 to 11 g/dl.
2. Sickle cells on peripheral blood: Considerable variation on red
cells size and shape is noted. Sickled cells and target cells are seen.
It is important to calculate the percentage of sickle cells, as the
number of sickle cells should remain less than 30% .
3. Reticulocyte Count: Elevated reticulocyte count ;usually 10 to 20%
4. Screening Test for Sickle Cells: Different substances are used to
induce deoxygenation like:
- Sodium Metabisulphide
- Sodium Dithionite
5. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis: In Homozygous state (HbSS) all the
haemoglobin is HbS, no HbA is detected. The amount of HbF is variable.
It is usually between 5 – 15%.
Sickle Cell Disease: Homozygous state.
Numerous Crescent Shaped sickle cells are seen.
Sickle Cell Test
Normal or Alpha
Thalassaemia Trait
Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle Cell Disease
Beta Thalassaemia Trait
Beta Thalassaemia Major
Sickle cell / Beta
Sickle cell/ HbC disease
Haemoglobin H Disease
Haemoglobin electrophoretic pattern in normal adult human blood and in
subjects with sickle cell (HbS) trait or disease, beta thalassaemia trait,
beta thalassaemia minor, HbS/beta thalassaemia or HbS/HbC disease
Normal Haemoglobin
Electrophoretic Pattern Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease
with high HbF
5. Bilirubin level: Is elevated
6. Serum LDH: Is elevated in crises
7. Blood Gases: should be estimated in crises especially to
estimate pCO2
8. Renal Function Tests: To assess for any degree of renal
9. Prenatal Diagnosis: Prenatal diagnosis is possible by
obtaining fetal chorionic Villous sample (CVS) and the
by performing Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Sickle Cell Anaemia ; Antenatal Diagnosis: Direct DNA analysis. The
DNA has been digested by the restriction enzyme Mst II. The
replacement of an adenine base in the normal beta- globin gene by
thymine in the sickle cell gene removes a normal restriction site for
Mst II, producing a larger 1.3 – kb fragment that the normal 1.1 – kb
fragment to hybridize with the  - globin gene probe. In this case the
trophoblast DNA (T) shows both normal (A) and sickle (S) restriction
fragments and so is AS (sickle trait) , while the case of sickle cell
anaemia (SS) shows only band of HbS
 This is a benign condition with no anaemia and normal
appearance of red cells on a blood film.
 Screening Tests for Sickle cell are positive
 Haemoglobin electrophoresis will show 25 – 45% HbS,
rest is HbA.
 Haematuria is the most common symptom and is
thought to be caused by infarcts of renal papillae.
 Care must be taken with anaesthesia, pregnancy, at
high altitudes and during strenuous exercises.
1. Prophylactic: Avoid those factors known to precipitate crises,
- Dehydration
- Anoxia
- Infections
- Stasis of circulation
- Cooling of skin surface
2. Penicillin: Early deaths due to infections and crises can be
reduced by the administration of prophylactic oral penicillin. Oral
penicillin (62.5 mg t.d.s up to 1 year of age; 125 mg b.d at 1-3 years
of age; 250 mg b.d thereafter) should be started as early as possible
and maintained throughout childhood and early adolescence.
3. Vaccines: Pneumococcal , Meningococcal and Haemophilus
influenzae vaccines should also be given. As due to loss of
splenic functions body will not be in a position to get rid of
capsulated organisms.
4. Malarial Prophylaxis: Malarial prophylaxis is mandatory for visits to areas
where malaria is endemic
5. Folic Acid: 5 mg daily
6. Blood Transfusions:
Adaptation to anaemia is particularly successful because of the low oxygen
affinity of HbS.
Patients with sickle cell anaemia manage well with relatively low haemoglobin
levels. Regular blood transfusion is not required.
The blood transfusions are sometimes given repeatedly or prophylactically, to
-who have frequent crises;
-who have had major organ damage, for example of the
- who have aplastic crisis.
The aim is to suppress HbS production over a period of several months or even
 To take care of the complications of chronic blood administration:
- Iron Overload
- Viral Infections like Hepatits B , C and HIV
- Alloimmunization to minor blood group antigens
7. Management of Painful Crises: Should be managed in
hospital. Methods employed to manage painful crises are:
- Rest
- Warmth
- Rehydration
(i) Oral fluids
(ii) Intravenous normal saline (3 liters in 24 hours)
- Antibiotics, if infection is present
- Analgesics: Suitable drugs are paracetamol, a non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory agent and opiates, e.g.
continuous infusion of Dimorphine.
- Blood transfusion if severe anaemia
- Exchange blood transfusion – if there is repeated
occurrence of painful crises.
8. Lung Crises: Once suspected patient should be managed in
hospital in intensive care unit. Oxygen should be administered
and blood gase should be monitored.
9. Exchange Transfusion: Exchange transfusion is usually
required under following circumstances in sickle cell anaemia:
- For major surgical emergencies
- For repeated painful crises
- In patients with neurological symptoms
- Visceral damage
- If priapism failed to treat by conservative management.
The aim of exchange transfusion is to decrease the number of sickle
cells less than 30 -40%.
10. Total Hip Replacement: Chronic hip pain and difficulty
with walking due to aseptic necrosis of the femoral heads may
require total hip replacement.
11. Eye changes: Laser therapy
12.Renal problems: Hameaturia and renal failure should be
managed accordingly.
13. Priapism: It occurs quite frequently. It has been found that
nearly two third of major episodes are preceded by ‘stuttering’
attacks and effective therapy at this stage is necessary. Measures
for treating priapism are:
- Stilbestrol – 5 mg daily may be effective in preventing a
major episode of priapism in patients who have minor
- Exchange transfusion
- Corporal aspiration with irrigation of normal saline
-Cavernous spongiosum shunt
14. Leg Ulcers: Bed rest; elevation; zinc sulphate dressings.
A transfusion program or skin grafting can enhance healing.
15. Splenectomy
Usually upto the end of first decade there is
autosplenectomy. But in patients who have recurrent attacks of
splenic sequestration syndrome, splenectomy is indicated.
16. Antisickling Agents:
Hydroxyurea: (15.0 to 20.0 mg/kg per day) can increase HbF
level and has been shown to improve the clinical course of
patients who are having three or more painful crises each year. It
should not be used during pregnancy.
17. Stroke:
 As the life expectancy of patients with sickle cell disease increases, more
adults presenting with CNS symptoms can be anticipated.
 Adults are at greater risk for intracranial haemorrhage and children at risk
for ischemic stroke.
 In adults patients with sickle cell anaemia it is important to identify and
address other risk factors for stroke, such as hypertension, abnormal
lipids, diabetes and smoking.
 The clinical presentation of intracranial haemorrhage is usually more
dramatic than that of ischemia and may include severe headache,
vomiting , stupor, coma and haemipresis.
 Blood transfusions and exchange are the main stay of treatment.
 Hydroxyurea has been used for secondary prevention by different groups
and appears promising as an alternative to transfusion in older children
and young adults.
 For transient ischemic attacks Aspirin, Colopidegral, Dupyridamol, along
with Warfarin.
 For ischemic stroke: (i) Tissue Plasminogen (tPA) within 3 hours . Risk of brain
haemorrhage is 6.4%, and out of these half are fatal. (ii) Aspirin – 325 mg one –
time dose within first 48 hours.
18. Bone Marrow OR Stem Cell Transplantation: It can cure
the disease and many patients have now been successfully treated.
The mortality rate is less than 10%. Transplantation is only
indicated in the severest of cases whose quality of life or life
expectancy are substantially impaired
19. Gene Therapy: Hameoglobinopathies like sickle cell anaemia
and beta thalassaemia major are also a target for gene therapy.
Gene therapy with lentivirus vectors has been successful in
sickle transgenic mice. An anti-sickling beta globin gene was
introduced into the sickle transgenic mice. Long term expression
(upto 10 months) was achieved. In addition haematological
parameters correction, inhibition of cellular dehydration and loss
of sickling tendency were also demonstrated.
Hereditary Spherocytosis is characterized by an
intrinsic defect in the red cell membrane that renders
erythrocytes spheroidal, less deformable, and vulnerable
to splenic sequestration and destruction.
Its prevalence is high in North Europe. In
approximately 75% of cases, the inheritance is Autosomal
Dominant . The remaining have an autosomal recessive
form of the disease that is much more severe than the
autosomal dominant form
The spheroidal shape of
red blood cells is
maintained by some
integral proteins in its
membrane. In HS
genetically there are
mutations in any of
these proteins. The
important membrane
protein abnormalities in association with Hereditary Spherocytosis are:
Spectrin deficiency or mutations
 Ankyrin deficiency or mutations
Pallidin (Protein 4.2) abnormalities
A deficiency of Spectrin seems to be most common abnormality in all
patients with Hereditary Spherocytosis. Spectrin deficiency is associated with
reduced membrane stability and loss of membrane fragments as the cells are
exposed to shear stresses in the circulation. The resulting reduction in cell
surface to volume ratio “forces” the cells to assume the smallest possible
diameter for a given volume namely ,a sphere
As these spherocytes are trapped in the sluggish circulation of
spleen then the deformed red cells are destroyed and engulfed by
phaogocytic cells (macrophages). The cardinal role of spleen in the
premature demise of the spherocytes is proved by the invariably
beneficial effect of splenectomy .
Red cells membrane proteins defects
Destabilization of red cell membrane
Loss of red cells membrane
Formation of Spherocytes
Entrapment of Spherocytes in sluggish splenic circulation
Phagocytosis of spherocytes by macrophages
The characteristic clinical features of Hereditary
Spherocytosis are :
- Anaemia
- Splenomegaly
- Jaundice
 The severity of the disease varies from patient to patient. The
anaemia may present at any age from neonatal ( rarely as a
case of neonatal jaundice), to infancy to adult hood to old
 Jaundice is typically fluctuating.
 In 20% to 30% the disease is largely asymptomatic.
 Splenomegaly occurs in most patients
 Pigment gall stones, derived from bilirubin released after
red cells breakdown, are frequent
 Aplastic crises, usually precipitated by parvovirus infection,
may cause a sudden increase in severity of anaemia
1. Anaemia is usual but not invariable.
2. Reticulocyte Count: Increased
3. Blood Film: Shows Microspherocytes
which are densely staining red cells
with smaller diameter then normal
red cells.
HS: Note the anisocytosis and several
dark- appearing spherocytes with
no area of central pallor
Deeply staining spherocytes with
large polychromatic cells
4. Serum Bilirubin Increased (indirect
5. Ultrasound abdomen: To rule out gall stones
6. Osmotic Fragility Test: To demonstrate the
increased fragility of spherocytes. The red cells
lyse in hypotonic saline solutions.
1 .Splenectomy: It is the principal form of treatment. It should
not be performed unless clinically indicated because of severe
anaemia or gall stones.
It is preferable to perform Splenectomy after the age Of 5 years.
It will produce a rise in haemoglobin level to normal.
Spherocytes will remain.
2. Folic Acid: In severe cases to prevent folate deficiency.
The erythrocyte and its membrane are vulnerable to injury by exogenous and
endogenous oxidants. Abnormalities in the Hexose monophosphate shunt or
in Glutathione metabolism resulting from deficient or impaired enzyme
function reduce the ability of red cells to protect themselves against oxidative
injuries and lead to Hemolytic Anaemia. The most important of these
enzyme derangements is Deficiency of Glucose – 6 – Phosphate
Dehydrogenase(G6PD) activity.G6PD reduces
NADP to NADPH while oxidizing glucose -6-
phosphate. NADPH then provides the
reducing power that converts oxidized
glutathione to reduced glutathione. The
reduced glutathione so generated protects
against oxidant injury by catalyzing the
breakdown of oxidant compounds
like H2 O2
Mutant G6PD gene
Deficient or Decreased production
of G6PD Enzyme
Inability of glucose 6 phosphate
to oxidize into 6- phospohgluconate
Failure of reduction of NADP to NADPH
Failure of NADPH to reduce oxidized
Failure to breakdown oxidants like H2 O2
Increased Red cell Susceptibility to get
damaged by different Oxidants
Infections and other oxidants causes oxidation of sufhydryl groups of the globin chains
Denaturation of hemoglobin and formation of precipitates (HEINZ BODIES)
Heinz Bodies get attached with red cells m membrane
Red Cells break down (Haemoyltic Anaemia)
 Sex Linked (x- Linked) : Males are affected
The inheritance is sex-linked, affecting males, and females are carriers.
The female carriers show approximately half normal red cell G6PD
 The main races affected are in West Africa, the Mediterranean, the
Middle East and South East Asia. The degree of deficiency varies,
often being mild (10 – 15% of normal activity) in Black Africans, more
severe in Orientals and most severe in Mediterranean's. Severe
deficiency occurs occasionally in white people
 G-6-PD DEFICIENT VARIANTS: More than 400 deficient variants due
to pint mutation or gene deletion are identified. G6PD type B is the
most common. The others are G-6PD A- and G6PD Mediterranean
I. Infections and other acute illnesses:
Diabetic ketoacidosis
II. Drugs :
-Antimalarials: Primaquine, Pamaquine, Chloroquine, Fansidar,
-Sulphonamides and Sulphones, e.g., Cotrimaxazole
- Other Antibacterials – Nitrofurantoin, Chloramphenicol,.
-Analgesics – Aspirin, Phenecitin
- Miscellaneous – Naphthol, Naphthalene (moth balls), Vitamin K
III. Fava beans (possibly other vegetables)
(Usually the patient having a deficiency of G6PD is
asymptomatic, but when ever he is exposed to an oxidant stress
(drugs,fava beans or infections) haemolytic anaemia will take
 The haemolysis in G-6-PD is both intravascular and
 The clinical presentation can be of three types:
1. Acute Haemolytic Anameia: It is the most common
presentation. There is rapidly developing intravascular
haemolysis with haemoglobinuria, hemoglbinemia and sudden
fall in haemoglobin level, which is precipitated by infection and
other acute illnesses, drugs or the ingestion of fava beans. The
anaemia may be self limiting as new red cells are made with near
normal enzyme levels
2. Neonatal Jaundice:
3. Continuous congenital haemolytic anaemia: Very rare.
Red cells showing loss of cytoplasm with
separation of remaining haemoglobin from
cell membrane Blister cells or Bite Cells)
“Bite cell” in the center and supravital stain
showing Heinz Bodies
1. Between crises blood count is
2. Screening Tests: Different screening
tests can demonstrate the ability of
G6PD to reduce NADP
3.G6PD Assay: Quantitative
assessment of G6PD levels in red cells.
4. “Blister Cells” or “Bite cells”: These
are the cells in which Heinz bodies
are removed by spleen.
5. Demonstration of Heinz Bodies:
Heinz bodies are formed by denatured
haemoglobin. Can be seen in
reticulocyte stain.
6.Features of Intravascular
Haemolysis: Haemoglobinuria.
7 Hyperbilirubinemia: Indirect Bilirubin
is increased
1. The offending drug is stopped.
2. Any underlying infection is treated.
3. A high urine output is maintained.
4. Blood transfusion undertaken where necessary for severe anaemia
5. G-6PD deficient babies are prone to neonatal jaundice and in
severe cases phototherapy and exchange transfusion may be
Main Type Sub Type
I LEUKAEMIAS 1. Acute Leukaemia
(i) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias(ALL)
L1 ; L2 ; L3
(ii) Acute Myeloid Leukaemias(AML)
M0; M1; M2; M3; M4; M5; M6; M7
2. Chronic Leukaemia
(i) Chronic Myeloid Leukaaemia(CML)
(ii) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia(CLL)
Multiple Myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasia
1. Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
2. Polycythemia Rubra Vera
3. Essential Thrombocythemia
4. Myelofibrosis
IV LYMPHOMAS 1. Non – Hodgkin's Lymphomas
(i) B – Cell (ii) T- Cell
2. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
(i) Lymphocyte Predominant (ii) Lymphocyte Rich(iii)
Lymphocyte Depleted (iv) Mixed Cellularity (v)
Nodular Sclerosis
The leukaemias are group of disorders
characterized by the accumulation of
malignant white cells in the bone marrow
and blood
Neoplastic proliferation of cells of
haemopoetic origin which arises after
somatic mutation in a single haemopoetic
stem cell, the progeny of which forms a
clone of leukaemic cells.
Leukaemias are mainly classified into four types – Acute
and Chronic leukaemias which are further subdivided into
Lymphoid and Myeloid.
Acute Chronic
Lymphoid Myeloid Lymphoid Myeloid
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia : M 0 to M7
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: L1 to L3
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
Incidence of Different Types of Leukaemias
According to Age
• ALL is predominantly a childhood disease
• CLL occurs mainly in the elderly
• AML and CML have a wider age distribution.
 Acute Leukaemia is defined as the presence of over 30%
blast cells in the bone marrow at the time of presentation
 It is further subdivided into Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
(AML) and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) on the
basis of whether the blasts are shown to be myeloblasts or
Acute Leukaemias are usually aggressive disease in which
the malignant transformation causes accumulation of early
bone marrow haemopoietic progenitors , called blast cells.
The dominant clinical feature of these diseases is usually
bone marrow failure caused by accumulation of blast cells. If
untreated these diseases are usually fairly rapidly fatal.
Clinical features to some extent are helpful in the
differentiation of ALL and AML, but are not definitive.
The age profiles of acute luekaemias are distinctive. ALL
has a peak in childhood and AML in adult age. The
overlap is such, that age is not a useful criterion in
classifying leukaemias.
Significant lymph node enlargement (diameter
exceeding 2 cm) is more common in ALL than AML.
Solid masses of leukaemic cells (Chloromas or
Granulocytic Sarcomas) are indicative of AML.
Extensive involvement of gums is seen characteristically
in Acute Moncytic Leukaemia (M4 or M5)
The experienced morphologist can classify about 70% of acute
leukaemias as either ALL or AML by the blast appearance on
routine haematology stains (Romanosky stain) , on the basis of
nuclear or cytoplasmic features. For the rest of the cases
different diagnostic modalities are employed to make a
The modalities which can be used to diagnose haematological
malignancies are:
1. Routine haematological stains: On the basis of that the
lineage of abnormal cells can be determined in 70% of cases
2. Cytochrmistry or Special stains: There are different
special stains for every specific cell type
3. Monoclonal antibodies or CD (Cluster Differentiating)
markers: Specific antibodies for every lineage are used. They
are employed by two ways:
(i) Immunocytochrmistry
(ii) Flowcytometery
Size: Smaller as compared to
Larger than lymphoblast
Nuclear Chromatin: More clumped
and irregularly distributed
Chromatin is fine, delicately stippled
or lacy, and evenly distributed
Nucleoli: May be indistinct or
number varies from 1 to 2 . There is a
condensation of chromatin along
with the nuclear and nucleolar
Nucleoli are single or multiple and
are usually prominent. Nuclear and
molecular membranes are indistinct.
Nuclear outlines: May be folded or
Amount of Cytoplasm: Scant Abundant cytoplasm, as compared to
N:C Ratio: Very high High
Granules in Cytoplasm: Absent May be present
Auer Rods Absent Present
Accompanying cells: - Maturing cells of myeloid series may
be seen
Cytochrmistry or Special Stains:
 Acid Phosphatase (ACP) stain:
Positive in T-ALL
 Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain:
Positive in B - ALL
Sudan Black B stain:
Positive in M1, M2, M3,M4
 Non Specific Esterase (ANAE):
Positive in M4 and M5
Flowcytometery and
Will show T- Lymphoid or B-
Lymphoid markers
T – ALL: CD 3 ; CD7
B- ALL: CD 19; CD22; CD10
Will show Myeloid or Moncytic or
Megakaryocytic markers
CD Marker for Myeloid series:
CD 13; CD33
Lymphoblasts VSMyeloblasts
A: Lymphoblasts have fewer nucleoli than myeloblasts,and the nuclear
chromatin is more condensed. Cytoplasmic granules are absent
B: Myeloblasts have a delicate nuclear chromatin, prominent nucleoli,
and fine azurophilc granules in the cytoplasm
Leukaemia Diagnosis: First Routine Stain
Second: Cytochemistry
Acid Phosphatase Periodic Acid Schiff
Sudan Black
Alpha Nephythyl Acetate Esterase
Third: CD Markers
Fourth :Cytogenetics
Acute Leukemia
MPO & Sudan Black B NSE PAS
AML + + ±
(Monocytic, diffuse)
ALL - ± +
+, positive; -, negative; ±, not definitive.
NSE: Non Specific Esterase
PAS: Periodic Acid Schiff
Immunologic Markers for Classification of ALL and AML
Marker Precursor T cell* T cell
B Lineage
CD 19 - + -
CD 22 - + -
CD 10 - +or - -
T Lineage
CD 7 - - +
CD 3 - - +
tdT* - + +
CD 13 + - -
CD 33 + - -
Glycophorin +(M6) - -
CD 41 +(M7) - -
Myeloperoxidase +(M0)
*B-ALL resembles precursor B-ALL immunologically,but has surface Ig and is tdT negative
FAB Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia
ALL – L1: Small monomorphic blasts with high N:C ratio
ALL – L2: Large. hetrogenous,nucleolated , low N:C ratio
ALL - L3: Burkitt type , basophilic and vacuolated
The L1 blast show uniform, small uniform, small blast
cells with scanty cytoplasm.
The L2 type comprise mixed population of small and
large blasts with more prominent nucleoli and cytoplasm.
The L3 blasts are large with prominent nucleoli.
strongly basophilic cytoplasm and cytoplasmic vacuoles.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia:
FAB Type ALL – L1
Lymphoblasts show monomorphic
appearance, very high N:C ratio;
Nucleoliare indistinct; Chromatin is
course and there is condensation
of chromatin along nuclear membrane
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
L1 - small cells with scant cytoplasm, regular
nuclear contours with occasional clefting, and scant
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia FAB Type ALL – L2
Large Heterogeneous population of blast cells; Nucleolated;
Low N: C ratio.
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
L2 - Large cells with variable cytoplasm, irregular
nuclear contours with clefting, and prominent one or
more nucleoli.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia FAB Type ALL – L3:
Lymphoblasts with strongly basophilic cytoplasm and showing
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
L3 - Medium to large cells
with moderately
abundant intensely
basophilic cytoplasm
and prominent
cytoplasmic vacuolation,
regular nuclear contours,
prominent nucleoli.
Acid Phosphatase staining in ALL: Showing cytoplasmic positivity; Localized
staining in the Golgi zone. Reaction is typical of T- ALL
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Block Positivity of Cytoplasm. Typical of B- ALL
AML – M0 : Undifferentiated Myelobalastic leukaemia ;
require cell markers.
AML – M1: Myeloblastic without maturation; requires
peroxidase stain or Sudan Black B stain
AML – M2: Myeloblastic with maturation
AML – M3: Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia;
Hypergranular promyelocytes
AML – M3 VARIENT: Micro or Hypogranular
AML – M4: Acute Myelomoncytic leukaemia; with both
granulocytic and monocytic maturation
AML – M5: Acute Monoblastic Leukaemia
AML – M6: Erythroleukaemia
AML – M7: Acute megakaryoblastic Leukaemia
AML – M0. Undifferentiated blasts which are negative with cytochrmical
reactions for AML(Sudan Black B and ANAE) and positive with antibodies
against myeloid antigens :CD13 and CD33. Morphologically these blasts
resemble L2 type but this case is not ALL because all lymphoid markers
(B and T ) were negative .
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• Large agranular blasts.
• Myeloperoxidase
negative or <3% +.
• CD13 and/or CD33 +.
• B and T-lineage
markers are negative.
AML – M1: AML without maturation; 20% of cases ; Very immature
but > 3% are Sudan Black B or myeloperoxidase positive; Few granules
or Auer rods and little maturation beyond the myeloblast stage
AML – M1: Auer rod highlighted by the peroxidase cytochemical reaction
(peripheral blood)
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• A/granular blasts, >90% of
non-erythroid cells.
• At least 3% are
myeloperoxidase or Sudan
black +.
• Remaining 10% or less cells
are maturing granulocytes.
Auer Rod
AML – M2: AML with Maturation; 30 -40% of cases; Full range of
myeloid maturation through granulocytes. Auer rods present in
most cases. Presence of t (8 ; 21) defines a prognostically favourable
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• A/granular blasts, from
39-80% of non-
erythroid cells.
• Monocytic cells <20%.
• Granulocytes
(promyelocytes to
neutrophils >10%).
AML – M2 (Sudan Black B): Strong positivity in cytoplasm
AML – M3:Acute Promyelocytic leukaemia; 5 – 10 % of cases;
Majority of cells are hypergranular promyelocytes; often with many
Auer rods per cells; Aggregates of Auer rods (Faggots) can also
be seen; Patients are younger in age (median age 35 – 40 years) and
often develop Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC). The t (15
; 17 ) is characteristic.
Aggregates of Auer Rods
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• Majority of cells are
• Faggot cells (cell with
bundles of Auer rods).
• Microgranular variant
also occurs.
AML – M3 variant: Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia – Variant;
Micro or Hypogranular bilobed promyelocytes
AML – M4: Acute Myelomoncytic Leukaemia with both granulocytic and
monocytic maturation.15 – 20% of cases; Myelocytic and monocytic
differentiation evident; Myeloid elements resemble M2 AML.
Monoblasts are positive for nonspecific esterases.
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• AML-M4
• Myeloblasts and
monoblasts are >30%.
• Myeloblasts and
granulocytes are 20-80%.
• Monocytic cells >20%.
• PBM >5.0 x 109/L.
• AML-M4Eo
AML – M4: Both Sudan Black B ( left) and Non Specific Esterase -
- ANAE (right) are positive
M5a Acute Monoblastic Leukaemia without maturation in which
more than 80% of blasts are monoblasts
M5b Acute Monoblsatic Leukaemia with Maturation less than
80% of blasts are monoblasts.
AML – M5b: Strong Non Specific Esterase (ANAE) reaction
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• 80% of non-erythroid
cells are of monocytic
• M5a (80% monoblasts).
• M5b (<80% monoblasts).
AML –M5a subtype: A peripheral smear shows one monoblast and five
promonocytes with folder nuclear membranes
AML – M6 Acute Erythroleukaemia; 5% of cases ; Dysplastic ereythroid
precursors (some megaloblatoid, others with giant or multiple nuclei)
predominate , and within the nonerythroid cells, >30% are
myeloblasts; seen in advanced age.
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• >50% of all nucleated
marrow cells are of
erythroid lineage.
• 30% of the non-erythroid
cells are blasts.
AML – M6
AML – M7 : Acute Megakaryocytic Leukaemia; constitute 1% 0f cases; Blasts
of megakaryocytic lineage predominate; Appearance of blasts is like
lymphoblasts with budding cytoplasm; Platelets appear to shed out from
the cytoplasm; Cytoplasmic blebs are PAS and ANAE positive; Blasts react
with platelet specific antibodies GP IIb/ IIIa;. Myelofiborsis or increased
marrow reticulin seen in most cases;
Acute Leukemia - Morphology
• At least 30% of nucleated
cells are blasts.
• The blasts demonstrate
platelet peroxidase by EM
or IHC.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia is
the common form of leukaemia in
Its incidence is highest at 3 – 7 years,
falling off by 10 years.
There is a lower frequency of ALL
after 10 years of age with a secondary
rise after the age of 40.
Clinical features are secondary to the following:
1. Bone Marrow Failure leading to:
- Anaemia (pallor; lethargy; dyspnoea)
- Neutropenia (fever; malaise; features of mouth ,
throat, skin, respiratory, perianal or other infections)
- Thrombocytopenia (spontaneous bruises; purpura;
bleeding gums and menorrhagia)
2. Organ infiltration – tender bones, lymphadenopathy,
moderate splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
If CNS involvement then headache, nausea,
vomiting blurring of vision and diplopia
Purpura over the lower limbs in a
Patient with acute leukaemia
Marked cervical lymphadenopathy
in in a patient with Acute Lymphoblastic
 Haematological investigations reveal normocytic and
normochromic anaemia
 Thrombocytopenia in most cases
 Total Leucocytes Count (TLC) may be decreased,
normal or increased to 200 X 10 9 /l or more
 The blood film typically shows a variable numbers of
blast cells
 The bone marrow is hypercellular with >30%
leukaemic blasts.
 Blast cells are characterized by morphology,
cytochemistry, immunological markers and cytogenetic
Lab Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Lab Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
 Haematological investigations reveal a normochromic
normocytic anaemia
 Thrombocytopenia in most cases
 Total Leucocytes count (TLC) is usually increased and
blood film examination typically shows a variable
numbers of blast cells
 The bone marrow is hypercellular and typically contains
many leukaemic blasts(> 30%)
 Blast cells are characterized by morphology,
cytochemistry, immunological markers and cytogenetic
 Tests for DIC are often positive in patients the
promyelocytic variant of AML
Prognostic Factors in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Determinant Favourable Unfavourable
Age 3-7 yrs <1, >10 yrs
Sex Female Male
Race White Black
WBC Count <10 X 10 9/l >50 X10 9/l
Time of Remission <14 days >28 days
Organomegaly Absent Massive
Mediastinal mass Absent Present
CNS Leukaemia Absent Present
FAB Morphology L1 L2,L3
Immunophenotype Early Pre B cell T-cell,B-cell
Cytogenetics Hyperdiploidy Pseudodiploidy
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia occurs in all age groups. It is
the common form of acute leukaemia in adults and is
increasingly common with age.
AML forms only a minor fraction (10 – 15%) of the
leukaemia in childhood.
 Clinical features resemble those of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
 Anaemia and Thrombocytopenia are often profound.
 A bleeding tendency and disseminated intravascular coagulation
(DIC) is characteristic of the M3 variant of AML.
 Tumour cells can infiltrate a variety of tissues . Gum hypertrophy and
infiltration , skin involvement and CNS
disease are characteristic of Myelomoncytic
 (M4) and monocytic (M5) types.
An isolated mass of leukaemic blasts is
usually referred to as a granulocytic sarcoma.
Leukemic infiltrates in gums in AML-M5
Mediastinal widening in a 4-year-old boy with ALL
Mediastinal Widening in ALL
General Supportive Treatment:
Blood products support to treat anaemia and
 Antibiotic coverage to treat infections.
Insertion of central venous catheter (Hickman) via a
skin tunnel from the chest into the superior vena cava to
give access for giving chemotherapy , blood products,
antibiotics, intravenous feeding, etc.
 Prevention of vomiting.
Intensification / CNS directed phase
Interim Maintenance I
Delayed Intensification I
Interim Maintenance II
Delayed Intensification II
Maintenance Chemotherapy
In most children it is usual to attempt to cure without transplant. It
is reserved for patients with poor prognostic factors
Possible stem cell Further consolidation
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia- Summary
Etiology and Epidemiology
Risk factors include prior exposure to radiation and chemotherapy and Down syndrome
Occurs most often in children with a median peak age of 10 but may also occurs in the elderly
-Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) can be classified as either T cell or early B cell.
-Lymphoblastic surface antigens indicate the origin of the leukaemia. B-cell antigen include CALLA
(CD10),CD19, and CD20
-T-cell antigen include CD2,CD5 and CD7.TdT is a marker of immature T and B lymphocytes and is
present in 95% of cases
-Bone marrow : Hypercellular ; composed mostly of lymphoblasts; distorted architecture of marrow
-Peripheral blood smear: Pancytopenia with lymhpocytosis ( excess lymphoblasts )
Clinical Manifestations
- Fatigue, infections, fevers, mucosal bleeding; lymphadenopathy; bone pain; cranial neuropathies
Treatment and Prognosis
-Chemotherapy and/or bone marrow transplant
-Very responsive to therapy with a good prognosis
ALL is the most common childhood cancer. It accounts for 80% of all childhood leukaemias
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
Etiology and Epidemiology
-Risk factors include Down syndrome and exposure to ionizing radiation, benzene or chemotherapy
-Associated with chromosomal translocations: M3-t (!5;17), M2-t(8;21)
-Occurs most frequently in middle aged adults
-There are eight subgroups (M0-M7), each associated with a specific neoplastic myeloid lineage
(myelocyte, monocyte, megakaryocyte, erythrocyte) and a level of maturation
-Bone marrow: Hypercellular with distorted architecture; myeloblasts specific to te subtype;
Auer rods (cytoplasmic granules) especially with M3 (Acute promyelocytic leukaemia)
Peripheral blood smear: Myeloblasts
Clinical Manifestations
- Fatigue, infecton;bleeding;hepatosplenomegaly
Treatment and Prognosis
-Chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant; all- trnasretinoic for M3 with t(15;17)
-Prognosis fair; 60% remission, but only 25% of these patients remain disease free for 3 years

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  • 1.
  • 3. Blood is a unique organ: it is fluid and comes into contact with almost all other tissues. The blood cells are non-cohesive and supported in the fluid medium of blood- the plasma. The blood cells comprise the non- nucleated erythrocytes and platelets, and the nucleated cells or leucocytes. In addition to primary disease of the blood – forming organ – the bone marrow – many disease states produce secondary changes in the blood.  For this reason, the counting and morphological examination of blood cells is routine in the clinical assessment of disease , frequently providing valuable diagnostic information
  • 5. SITE OF HAEMOPOIESIS Fetus 0 – 2 months (yolk sac) 2 – 7 months (liver. Spleen) 5 – 9 months (bone marrow) Infants Bone marrow (practically all bones) Adults Vertebrae, ribs, sternum, skull, sacrum and pelvis, proximal ends of femur
  • 6. HAEMOPOITIC STEM CELL AND PROGENITOR CELLS Haemopoiesis starts with a common, ‘Pluripotent Haemopoietic Stem Cell’ which can give rise to erythrocytes, leucocytes (including lymphocytes) and platelets. The pluripotent stem cells possess the ability to renew and differentiation. By a series of cell divisions, cell committed to each cell line are produced and further divisions result in mature cells – erythrocytes, granular leucocytes, megakaryocyte and T- and B- lymphocytes .
  • 8. DISEASES OF HAEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM 1. Anaemias 2. Haematological Malignancies 3. Bleeding Disorders 4. Blood Transfusion
  • 10. ANAEMIA Definition: “Reduction in the concentration of haemoglobin in the blood below the lower limit of normal for a particular age and sex of an individual in a particular environment” Value of Haemoglobin less than 13.5 g/dl in males, less than 11.5 g/dl in females and less than 15.0 g/dl in new borns would indicate anaemia
  • 11. ADULT REFERENCES OF RED BLOOD CELLS _________________________________________________ Male Female _________________________________________________ Haemoglobin (g/dl) 13.5 – 17.5 11.5 – 15.5 Haematocrit ; PCV (%) 40 -52 36 – 48 RBC count(X1012/l) 4.5 – 6.5 3.9 – 5.6 Mean Cell Volume 80 -95 80 - 95 MCV (fl) Mean Cell HAmeoglobin 27 -34 27 - 34 MCH (pg) Mean Cell Haemoglobin 30 -35 30 -35 Concentration(MCHC) Reticulocytes (%) 1 – 2.5% 1 – 2.5%
  • 12. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF ANAEMIA Symptoms of Anaemia: Level of haemoglobin at which patient develops symptoms depends on the rate of development of anaemia. If haemoglobin has been falling slowly, symptoms occur late,and if haemoglobin falls rapidly, symptoms occur early. Patient may present with generalized weakness and easy fatigability. Palpitation and breathlessness occur if anaemia is severe or patient has underlying heart disease. Anorexia and indigestion are common Signs of Anaemia: Pallor is the main sign. Usual sites to look for pallor are the nail bed, hands , skin, lower conjunctiva. Koilonychia(spoon shaped nails) is seen in iron deficiency anameia Bone deformities occur in thalassaemia major Leg ulcers are a feature of sickle cell anaemia Systolic Murmur may be audible in pulmonary area Mild jaundice may occur in haemolytic anaemia. Different other signs and symptoms can be ascribed to a specific cause of anameia
  • 13. CLASSIFICATION OF ANAEMIA 1. Kinetic Classification of Anaemias 2. Morphologic Classification of Anameias
  • 14. KINETIC CLASSIFICATION OF ANAEMIAS I. ANAEMIAS DUE TO EXCESSIVE BLOOD LOSS (i) Acute blood loss anaemia (ii) Chronic blood loss anaemia II. ANAEMIAS DUE TO PRODUCTION FAILURE (i) Haematenic deficiency: Iron, Folic Acid and B12 deficiency (ii) Anaemia of chronic disorders: Infection, inflammation, neoplasia; renal failure (iii)Marrow Hypoplasia: Aplastic Anaemia; Pure red cells Aplasia (iv)Marrow Infiltration: Leukaemias; Lymphomas; Myeloproliferative disorders; Myelodysplastic Syndrome
  • 15. III ANAEMIAS DUE TO EXCESSVIE RED CELLS DESTRUCTION (HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIA) 1. HAEMOLYSIS DUE TO RED BLOOD CELLS ABNORMALITY (Intracarpuscular Defect) Congenital a. Red blood cells membrane defects: Hereditary Spherocytosis b. Enzyme defects: G.6PD Deficiency c. Haemoglobinopathies: Thalassaemia; Sickle Cell Anaemia Acquired d. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobuniria 2. HAEMOLYSIS DUE TO ABNORMALITY OUTSIDE THE RED BLOOD CELL (Extracarpuscular) a. Immune Haemolytic Anaemias: (i) Autiimmune HAemolytic Anaemia (ii)Alloimmune Haemolytic Anaemia b. Non Immune: (i)Malaria (ii)MIcroangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia
  • 16. MORPHOLOGIC CLASSIFICATION OF ANAEMIAS Reticulocyte Count More than 2.5 % Less than 2.5% Haemolysis Red Cells Morphology Or Haemorrhage Normocytic Microcytic Macrocytic - Chronic diseases - Iron deficiency - B12 deficiency -Marrow problems - Thalassaemia - Folic Acid deficiency - -Sideroblastic anaemia - Anaemia of Chronic disorders
  • 17. MORPHOLOGIC CLASSIFICATION OF ANAEMIAS Causes of Microcytic and Hypochromic Anameias (MCV – Less than 80 fl) 1. Iron Deficiency Anaemia 2. Thalassaemias 3. Anaemia of Chronic Disoder 4. Sideroblastic Anaemia  Causes of Normocytic and Normochromic Anaemias (MCV – 80 to 95 fl) 1. Many Haemolytic Anameias 2. Anaemia of Chronic Diseases 3. Acute blood loss 4. Mixed Deficiency Anaemia 5. Aplastic Anaemia 6. Bone marrow infiltration as in Lymphomas, Leukameias,etc  Causes of Macrocytic Anaemias (MCV More than 95 fl) Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anameias Megaloblastic Anameia Nonmegaloblastic Anameia 1. Haemolytic Anaemias ( Reticulocytes will appear as Macrocytic cells) 2. Liver Disease 3. 3. Alcohol 4. Aplastic Anaemia
  • 18. IRON DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common cause of anaemia in every country of world. It is the most important cause of a microcytic hypochromic anaemia, in which all the three red blood cell indices (the MCV, MCH and MCHC) are reduced, and the blood film shows small(microcytic) and pale (hypochromic) red cells The important causes of microcytic hypochromic anaemia are: (i) Iron deficiency anaemia (ii) Thalassaemias (iii) Sideroblastic anaemia (iv) Anaemia of chronic disorder
  • 19. The causes of a hypochromic microcytic anaemia. These include lack of iron (iron deficiency), or of iron release from macrophages to serum (anaemia of chronic inflammation or malignancy). Failure of protoporphyrin synthesis (sideroblastic anaemia) or of globin synthesis (Alpha or Beta Thalassaemia).
  • 20. IRON ABSORPTION AND METABOLISM Iron Absorption: Iron absorbed from food and iron recovered from senescent red blood cells is transported to the marrow and tissues. The iron laden transferrin binds to transferrin receptors on the surface of erythroid precursors. It is then internalized, at which time the iron is released for use in haemoglobin production. The transferin- transferin receptor complex is then returned to surface of the cell and the transferin is released to complete the cycle
  • 21. IRON ABSORPTION AND METABOLISM Iron Absorption: Iron absorbed from food and iron recovered from senescent red blood cells is transported to the marrow and tissues. The iron laden transferrin binds to transferrin receptors on the surface of erythroid precursors. It is then internalized, at which time the iron is released for use in haemoglobin production. The transferin- transferin receptor complex is then returned to surface of the cell and the transferin is released to complete the cycle
  • 22. Iron Absorption Mucosal uptake of heme and nonheme iron is depicted. When the storage sites of the body are replete with iron and erytropoietic activity is normal, most of the absorbed iron is lost into the gut by shedding of the epithelial cells. Conversely, when body iron requirements increase or when erytropoieis is stimulated, a greater fraction of the absorbed iron is transferred into plasma transferrin, with a concomitant decrease in iron loss through mucosal ferritin. DMT1,divalet metal transporter 1
  • 24. Iron the diet is of two types – Haem Iron and Non Haem Iron. Much of the dietary iron is non haem iron derived from cereals, with a lesser component of haem iron derived from haemoglobin or myoglobin in red or organ meat. Haem Iron is more readily absorbed than non haem iron. The transport and storage of iron is largely mediated by transferrin. Transferrin contain two atoms of iron. It delivers iron to tissues which have transferrin receptors, especially erythroblasts in the bone marrow which incorporate iron in haemoglobin . The transferin is then reutilized . At the end of their life span red cells area broken down into macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system and the iron is released from haemoglibin, enters the plasma and provides most of the iron on transferin. Some of the iron is stored in reticuloendothelial cells as ferritin and haemosidrin.
  • 25. CAUSES OF IRON DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA I. CHRONIC BLOOD LOSS: (i) Uterine Bleeding: -Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding). - Postmenopausal bleeding. (ii) Gastrointestinal Bleeding: - Peptic Ulcer - Bleeding Haemorrhoids - Hookworm infestation - Aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs ingestion II. INCREASED DEMAND: Increased iron demand during infancy, adolescence, Pregnancy, lactation and in menstruating women III. MALABSORPTION: Gluten Induced Enteropathy; Gastrectomy IV. DIETRY: Especially vegetarian diet
  • 26. CLINICAL FEATURES OF IRON DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA  The patient develop the general symptoms and signs of anaemia and also show a painless glossitis, brittle, ridged or spoon shape nails (koilonychia), dysphagia (as a result of pharyngeal webs).  Patients also show unusual dietary craving( Pica; perverted appetite e.g., clay eating)  In children the iron deficiency is particularly significant, as it can cause irritability, poor cognitive function, decline in psychomotor development and learning . Child with iron deficiency anameia can also show behavioral problems Koilonychia: typical ‘spoon’ shaped nails
  • 27. IRON DEFICIENCY: LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS Peripheral Blood Findings (i)Haemoglobin is decreased (ii) Red cells indices (MVC;MCH;MCHC) are decreased. (iii) Red Blood Cells Morphology: Microcytic and Hypo chromic red cell morphology with pencil shaped poikilocyttes. Red cells morphological changes are proportional to degree of anaemia. (iv) Platelet count is often moderately raised, particularly in cases of localized bleeding site (reactive thrombocytosis) (v) In cases of worm infestation there can be Eosinophilia. Biochemical Findings: (i)Serum iron is decreased (ii) Serum Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) id increased (iii) Serum Ferrritin is decreased Bone Marrow Findings: (i) Erythroid Hyperplasia; Erythroblasts are small (micronormoblasts) and have ragged cytoplamic outlines (ii) Iron Stain: Iron will be absent in stores as well as in erythroid series cells
  • 28. Red Blood Cells Morphology: Microcytic and Hypo chromic red cell morphology with pencil shaped poikilocyttes. Red cells morphological changes are proportional to degree of anaemia. Pencil Shape Red cell
  • 29. TREATMENT OF IRON DEFICIENCY ANAMEIA It is usual to give 100 to 200 mg of elemental iron daily to adults and 3 mg/kg body weight as a liquid preparation to children. Treatment response: Rise of haemoglobin at a rate of 2.0g/dl every three weeks . Length of Iron Therapy: In order to replenish iron stores continue iron therapy for 12 months after haemoglobin level becomes normal.
  • 30. Form of Iron Preparation Size Iron content Usual oral dose FERROUS SULPHATE Tablet 300 mg 60 mg 3 tablets daily Syrup 40 mg/ml 8 mg/ml 25 ml (5 TSP) Drops 125 mg/ml 25 mg/ml FERROUS GLUCON- - ATE Tablet 300 mg 37 mg 5 tablets FERROUS FUMERATE Tablet 300 mg 100 mg 2 tablets
  • 31. PARENTRAL IRON  It is given only in conditions where patient can not tolerate oral iron or rapid replenishment of stores is indicated. Usually the total amount of iron required is 1.0 g to 2.0 gm
  • 32. PARENTRAL IRON: IRON SUCROSE (VENOFER) The commonly used preparation is Iron Sucrose. Parental iron preparation contains Ferric Iron. Ferrous iron being freely ionizable is extremely reactive. - Composition: Iron Sucrose - Formulation: 5 ml - Iron Content: 20 mg/ml - Iron content per ampule: 100 mg - Dose in mg to raise Hb by 1 g/dl in adults: 200 - Administration: Intravenous infusion Total calculated dose of venofer is administered as fractional infusions on a daily basis or at convenient intervals. One to two ampules ( 5 – 10 ml) of venofer solution are diluted in 100 ml saline and infused slowly over 1 – 2 hours.
  • 33. MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIAS This is a group of anaemias in which, due to impaired DNA synthesis, the erythroblasts in the bone marrow show a characteristic abnormality – maturation of nucleus being delayed relative to that of cytoplasm ( megaloblast) In megaloblast the nuclear chromatin maintains an open, stippled, lacy appearance despite normal haemoglobin formation in the cytoplasm of the erythroblasts, as they mature Two main deficiencies lead to megaloblasstic anaemia (i) Folic Acid or Folate deficiency (ii) Vitamin B 12 deficiency
  • 34. VITAMIN B 12 AND FOLATE - COMPARISON VITAMIN B 12 FOLATE CONTENTS IN FOOD Vegetables – Poor Meat – Rich Vegetables – Rich Meat – Moderate EFFECT OF COOKING 10 -30 % loss 60 – 90 % loss SITE OF ABSORPTION Ileum Duodenum & Jejunum NEUROLIGCAL MANIFESTATIONS An Important feature Absent MALNUTRITION Unusual Most common cause of Folate deficiency ONSET Rapid Onset (Takes weeks) Slow (Takes years)
  • 35. ABSORPTION OF VITAMIN B 12 Absorption of B12 requires Intrinsic Factor (IF), which is secreted by the parietal cells of the fundic mucosa along with hydrochloric acid. Initially the vitamin is released from its protein - bound form by the action of pepsin in the acidic environment of the stomach. The liberated vitamin is then bound to salivary vitamin B12 – binding protein called R- binder. In the duodenum, R- vitamin B12 complexes are broken down by the action of pancreatic enzymes, and the released vitamin B12 then attaches to IF. In this form, IF – B12 complex is then transported to ileum, where it adheres to IF- specific receptors on the ileal cells. Vitamin B12 then transverses the plasma membrane to enter the mucosal cell. It is picked up from the cell by a plasma protein , Transcobalamin II, which is capable of delivering it to liver and other cells of the body, Particularly cells of the bone marrow where it is incorporated in the nuclei for DNA synthesis.
  • 36. ABSORPTION OF FOLIC ACID Folic acid in the diet is in two form Monoglutamates and Polyglutamates.  More than 90% is polyglutamates . Intestinal conjugases split polyglutamates into monglutamates that are readily absorbed in the proximal jejunum. During intrstinal absorption they are modified so that only 5- methyltetrahydrofolate enters the circulation as the normal transport form of folate.
  • 37. PATHOGENESIS OF HOW B12 AND FOLATE DEFICIENCY PRODUCE MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIA Lack of Vitamin B12 or Folate causes slowing of DNA synthesis in developing erythroblasts with anaccumulation of cells in premitotic phase of cell cycle. The neutropeina and thrombocytopenia also appears to result from ineffective and abnormal precursor cells in the marrow due to impaired DNA synthesis
  • 38. CAUSES OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY 1.Decreased intake of Vitamin B12: Nutritional deficiency (Vegetarians) 2. Impaired absorption of Vitamin B12: (i) Pernicious Anaemia ( Lack of Intrinsic Factor; Antibodies against Intrinsic Factor) (ii) Gastrectomy( No release of Intrinsic Factor) 3. Intestinal Causes: (i) Lesions of small intestine (ii) CoeliacDisease (iii) Tropical Sprue (iv) Fish Tapeworm( DIphylobothium Latum) infestation
  • 39. CAUSES OF FOALTE DEFICIENCY 1. Decreased intake of Folic Acid: Nutritional Deficiency 2. Impaired Absorption of Folic Acid: (i)Coeliac Disease (ii)Tropical Sprue 3. Increased demand: (i) Pregnancy (ii) Haemolytic Anaemias (iii) Myeloproliferative disorders (iv) Carcinoma (v) Inflammatory disorders (vi) Skin diseases 4. Drugs: Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors
  • 40. CLINICAL FEATURES OF MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIA Glossitis: tongue is beefy red and painful Angular stomatitis  The onset is usually insidious with gradually progressive symptoms and signs of anaemia. The patient may be mildly jaundiced (lemon yellow tint) due to the excess breakdown of haemoglobin resulting from ineffective erythropoiesis in the bone marrow  Glossitis , sore tongue and stomatiitis  Mild symptoms of malabsorption with loss of weight may be present due to epithelial changes  Lethargy, breathlessness and other generalized signs and symptoms of anaemia may be present
  • 41. CLINCAL MANIFESTATIONS DUE TO VITMAIN B 12 DEFICIENCY Vitamin B12 is required for two important reactions in the body: Vitamin B 12 (i) Homocysteine Methionine Vitamin B 12 (ii) Methylmelonyl CoA Succinyl CoA Absence of B12 then leads to two important consequences: (i) Impaired methylation leads to defects in myelinatioin of neural tissues (ii) Accumulation of Homcysteine has toxic effects on cardiovascular tissue and neural tube
  • 42. Demyelination of the dorsal and dorsolateral columns A baby with neural tube defect (spina bifida) VITMAIN B 12 NEUROPATHY (SUBACUTE COMBINED DEGENERATION OF SPINAL CORD: B12 deficiency may cause a progressive neurtopathy affecting the peripheral sensory, and posterior columns The neuropathy is symmetrical and affects the lower limbs more than the upper limbs. The patient notices tingling in the feet, difficulty in walking and may fall over in the dark. Rarely optic atrophy or psychiatric symptoms (Megaloblastic Madness) are present NUERAL TUBE DEFECT: The accumulated Homocysteine can act as a toxic substance and can lead to a damage to neural tissue. Supplementation of maternal diet with folic acid during Pregnancy reduces the incidence of neural tube defect By 75% CARDIOVASCULAR DAMAGE: Raised Homocysteine damages cardiac and peripheral and cerebral vascular tissue. So can lead to myocardial Infarction, peripheral and cerebral vascular disease and venous thrombosis
  • 43. Lab Diagnosis of Megloblastic Anemia 1. Peripheral blood finidngs 2. Bone Marrow Findings 3. Special Tests 1. Peripheral Blood Findings a. Anaemia b. Pancytopenia (Anaemia + Leucopenia+ Thrombocytopnia) c. RBC Morphilogy:Macrocytosis (Oval Macrocytes) d. Hypersegmented Neutrophils: Neutrophils hyper- segmentation is present when more than 5% of the neutrophils have 5 lobes or the film show at least one sixed lobed neutrophils Hyerpsegmentation is early sign of Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency deficiency, and is useful in the diagnosis of megaloblastosis with minimal or no anaemia e. Howel Jolly Bodies f. Basophilic Stippling g. Cabbot’s Rings
  • 44. 2.. Bone Marrow Findings in Megaloblastic Anaemia a. ERYTHROPOIESIS : - Megaloblasts All the nucleated series of erythroid cells show megaloblastic change - Their abnormal appearance is due to disturbance of cell growth and maturation, resulting from interference with DNA synthesis. - Cells are larger than erythroblasts - Dissociation of Cytoplasmic and Nulcear maturation: Maturation of nucleus lags behind that of cytoplasm . Haemoglobinization of cytoplasm takes place while nucelus is immature - Dyserythropoiesis : Increase in the proportion of more primitive cells b. LEUCOPOIESIS - Shift to left is observed - Giant Metamyelocytes are seen c. MEGAKARYOPOIESIS - Megakaryocytes are norma lor decreased d. IRON STAINING: - Iron increased in fragments with increased siderocytes and sideroblasts - In cases of mixed deficiency (Iron +B12+ Foalate deficeincy) iron will be absent
  • 45. 3. Special Tests: 1. Serum Vitamin B12- Decreased 2. Serum Folic Acid-Decreased
  • 47. Megaloblastic Anemia : Hypersegmented Neutrophils Oval macrocyte
  • 48. Marrow smear from a patient with megaloblastic anaemia: Megaloblast in various stages of differentiation. 3. BONE MARROW FINDINGS IN MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIA: Meglablasts:All the nucleated series of erythroid series will show Megaloblastic changes. Cells are larger in size and nuclear chromatin shows open sieve like pattern. Orthochromatic Normoblasts: Cytoplasm is haemoglobinized but nucleus is not pyknotic (nuclear cytoplasimc dissociation) Giant Metamyelocytes: Myelocytes are larger in size
  • 49. TREATMENT OF MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIA VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY FOLATE DEFICIENCY Compound Hydroxycobalamin Folic Acid Route Intramuscular Oral Daily Dose 100 ug 5 mg Initial Dose 6 X 1000ug over 2-3 weeks Daily for 4 months Maintenance 1000 ug every 3 months Depends on underlying disease ; life long therapy may be needed in chronic haemolytic anaemias , myelofibrosis and renal dialysis Prophylactic -Total Gastrectomy - Ileal Resection Pregnancy; Severe haemolytic anameias; dialysis; prematurity
  • 50. APLASTIC ANAEMIA Aplastic Anaemia is defined as the presence of pancytopenia in the peripheral blood and a hypocellular marrow in which normal haemopoietic marrow is replaced by fat cells Pancytopenia resulting from aplasia of the bone marrow The diagnosis of aplastic anaemia is made on the basis of (i) Pancytopenia (ii) A hypocellular or aplastic marrow with increased fat spaces (iii) The virtual absence of reticulocytes
  • 51. CAUSES OF APLASTIC ANAEMIA I. CONGENITAL Fanconi’s Aplastic Anaemia II. ACQUIRED 1. Idiopathic 2. Chemical and Physical Agents a. Agents which regularly produce aplasia if dose is sufficient: - Ionizing radiation - Benzene - Chemotherapeutic agents b. Agents which occasionally produce aplasia: - Antibiotics: Chloramphenicol, Cotrimaxazole -Anti-inflammatory drugs: Phenylbutazone, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, - Antirheumatic: Gold salts, Penicillamine 3. Viral Infections: Hepatitis (Non A, Non B , Non C) EB virus HIV
  • 52. PATHOGENESIS OF APLSTIC ANAEMIA 1. DIRECT DAMAGE: Can be caused by direct damage to the haemopoietic marrow by radiation or cytotoxic drugs. 2. CHROMOSOMAL BREAKS: Seen in congenital aplastic anaemia 3. FUNDAMENTAL STEM CELL ABNORMALITY: Some forms of marrow insult presumably cause genetic damage that results in the generation of stem cells with poor proliferative and differentiative capacity 4. IMMUNE MECHANISMS: Different agents activate cytotoxic T cells. These activated cytotoxic T cells then produce different types of cytokines. These cytokines have specific receptors for them on stem cells . The important cytokines in this aspect are : (i) Interferon (IFN) – Gamma (ii) Tumour Necrosis Factor (YNF) (iii) Interleukin – 2 (IL – 2)
  • 53. These cytokines then attach to their receptor on stem cell and induce damage to haemopoietic stem cell in following manner: (i) Decrease transcription of cellular genes and entery in cell cycle. (ii) Induces the formation of nitric oxide synthase which then produces toxic gas nitric oxide. The nitric oxide then produces further toxicity to other cells (iii) Increased apoptosis (cell death) This scenario is supported by the observation that immuno- suppressive therapy with antithymocyte globulins combined with cyclosporine has a salutary effect in 60% to 70% of patients
  • 54. CLINICAL FEATURES OF APLASTIC ANAEMIA The onset is at any age with a peak incidence around 30 years and a slight male predominance Onset in insidious or acute with symptoms and signs resulting from anaemia (lethargy, breathlessness, pallor), neutropenia(infections, fever) and thrombocytopenia (bleeding tendencies). Bleeding is often the presenting initial presentation. Bruising, bleeding gums, epistaxis, petechiae and mennorhagia are the most frequent haemorrhagic manifestations Infections, particularly of mouth and the throat are common and generalized infections are frequently life- threatening .
  • 55. CLINICAL FEATURES OF APLASTIC ANAEMIA…contd Lymph nodes, liver. Spleen are not enlarged  Rarely jaundice can be feature in patients with post hepatitis aplasia. The patients of aplastic anaemia having a history of hepatitis, usually presents at a time when clinically jaundice had already subsided. At presentation it is necessary to take a detailed drug, occupational and symptomatic history to try to establish any etiological agent. Unfortunately it is not always easy.
  • 56. LAB DIAGNOSIS OF APALSTIC ANAEMIA: 1. The peripheral blood film shows Pancytopenia(Anaemia; Leucopenia;Thrombocytopenia) 2. There are no gross morphological changes in circulating cells, except some macrocytosis of red cells 3. There is absolute Reticulocytopenia. 4. Granulocytes may show increased staining of granules, the so called toxic granulation of neutrophils. 5. Platelets are reduced and are of small and uniform size. 6. Monocytes are usually reduced in proportion to granulocytes.
  • 57. 7. The bone marrow aspirate is usually easily obtained, typically with many fragments, which appear hypocelluar (more than 75% fat). There is relative increase in lymphocytes, plasma cells. The remaining haemopoietic cells are normal. In the early stages Haemophoagocytosis may be prominent 8. Bone marrow trephine is essential to make a diagnosis. It shows fat replacement of marrow, and normal haempoietic tissue is absent or scanty
  • 58. Vs Normal bone marrow: From a section of bone marrow trephine biopsy. Marrow cells are interspersed between fat spaces. The arrow points to a megakaryocyte Aplastic Anaemia: Bone marrow trephine biopsy showing markedly hypoplastic marrow composed largely of fat cells
  • 59. Aplastic Anaemia-Summary Etiology -Idiopathic;radiation;benzene or drugs (chloramphenicol, alkylating agents),Idiopathic -Autoimmune dysfunction of cytotoxic T cells, viral infection ( Parvo Virus B19,EBV, HIV, Hepatitis c); Autoimmune disorders (i.e., SLE) Pathology Bone Marrow: Hypocellular; fatty change with no hematopoietic cells Peripheral blood smear: Pancytopenia but with normal cellular morphology Clinical Manifestations Anaemia presenting with fatigue, malaise, and pallor; neutropenia presenting with infections; thrombocytopenia presenting with mucosal bleeding, purpura or petechiae; no hepatosplenomegaly T reatment Transfusions as needed; administration of G-CSF or GM-CSF; allogenic bone marrow transplant; cessation drug; immunosuppression with cyclosporine
  • 60. CAUSES OF PANCYTOPENIA 1. Aplastic Anaemia 2. Megloblastic Anaemia 3. Bone marrow infiltration by leukaemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma etc. 4. Myelofibrosis 5. Hypersplenism( peripheral blood pancytopenia with normocellular or hypercellular marrow and splenomegaly)
  • 62. HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAS The distinguishing feature of all haemolytic anaemias is the increased rate of red cells destruction NORMAL RED CELL DESTRUCTION Red cells destruction usually occurs after a mean lifespan of 120 days when the cells are removed extravasularly by the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system,(Extrvascular Haemolysis) especially in the marrow but also in liver and spleen. As the red cell have no nucleus, red cells metabolism gradually deteriorates as enzymes are degraded and not replaced and the cells become non- viable. The breakdown of haem from red cells liberates iron for recirculation via plasma transferrin to marrow erythroblasts, and protoporphyrin which is broken down to biilrubin. This circulates to the liver where it is conjugated to glucuronides which are excreted into the gut via bile and converted to stercobilinogen and stercoblin (excreted in faeces). Strecoblinogen and stercolbilin are partly reabsorbed and excreted in urine as urobilinogen and urobilin. Globin chains are broken down to amino acids which are reutilized for general protein synthesis in the body. Intravascular Haemolysis (breakdown of red cells in the blood vessels) play little or no part in normal red cells destruction.
  • 63. (a) Normal red cell breakdown- Extravascular: This takes place extravascullarly in the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system (b) Intravascualar Haemolysis: Occurs in some pathological disorders
  • 64. INTRAVASCUALR AND EXTRAVASCULAR HAAMOLYSIS There are two main mechanisms by which a red cells are destroyed in haemolytic anaemias- Extravascular or Intravascular. In majority of the anaemias the destruction is extravascular. Causes of Extravascular Haemolysis 1.Haemoglobinopathies Thalassaemias Sickle Cell Anaemia 2.Hereditary Spherocytosis 3. Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemias 4. Malaria 5. G6PD deficiency Causes of Intravascular Haemolysis 1. ABO mismatched blood transfusion 2. Malaria 3. PNH 4. G6PD deficiency
  • 65. INTRODUCTION TO HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAS Haemolytic anaemias are defined as those anaemias which result from an increase in the rate of red cell destruction. Because of erythropoietic hyperplasia and anatomical extension of bone marrow, red cells destruction may be increased several- fold before the patient becomes anaemic- compensated haemolytic disease. The normal adult marrow, after full expansion, is able to produce red cells at six to eight times provided this is ‘effective’. Therefore haemolytic anaemia is not seen unless the red cells life span is less than 30 days.
  • 66. CLASSIFICATION OF HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAS Hereditary Haemolytic Anaemias are the result of ‘intrinsic’ red cell defects whereas Acquired haemolytic anameias are usually the result of an’extracarpuscular’ defect or environmental change. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH) is an exception because it is an acquired disorder but the PNH cells have an intrinsic defect
  • 67. LABORATORY FINDINGS IN HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAS The laboratory findings in haemolytic anaemia are conveniently divided in three groups 1. Features of Increased Haemoglobin Breakdown i. Jaundice and Hyperbilirubenemia ii. Reduced plasma Haptoglobin and Haemopixin iii. Increased serum LDH iv. Haemoglobinemia v. Haemoglobinuria vi. Methhemoglobinemia vii. Haemosidrinuria Evidence of Intravascular Haemolysis
  • 68. 2. Features of Increased Red cells Production Compensatory Erythroid Hyperplasia) i. Reticulocytosis ii. Macrocytosis and Plychromasia iii. Erythroid hyperplasia of marrow iv. Radiological changes in bones (seen only in congenital anaemia) 3. Feature of Damage to Red Cell: i. Spherocytes ii. Increased red cells fragility iii. Red blood cells fragmentation.
  • 69. GENETIC BASIS OF DISEASES There are three major categories of genetic disorders: 1. MENDELIAN DISORDERS: Disorders related to mutant genes of large effect. Most of these disorders follow mandalian pattern of inheritance. 2. CHROMOSOMAL DIORDERS: Associated with numerical or structural changes in chromosomes 3. DISEASES WITH MULTIFACTORIAL(POLYGENIC) INHERITENCE: Includes some of the common diseases of humans, such as hypertension and diabetes. These disorders are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors
  • 70. MENDALIAN DISORDERS All Mendalian disorders are result of expressed mutations in single or small gene clusters, the chromosome number being normal. Mutations involving single – gene disorders typically follow one of three patterns of inheritance: (i) Autosomal Dominant (ii) Autosomal recessive (iii) X- linked.
  • 71. HOMOZYGOUS VS HETEROZYGOUS DOMINANT VS RECESSIVE Each individual possesses two factors for a charactersitic. If these factors are the same then the indivudual is said to be Homozygous, but if these factors are different then the individual is said to be Heterozygous.  If a character manifests in heterozygous state it is called Dominant If a character manifests in homozygous state it is called Recessive The term coined for these hereditary characters or factors is Gene.
  • 72. AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT DISORDERS Autosomal dominant disorders are manifested in the heterozygous state. That is, a person with an autosomal dominant trait possesses the abnormal (mutant) gene which causes the disorder as well as normal allele. At least one parent of an index case is usually affected; both males and females can be affected, and both can transmit the disease. When an affected person marries an unaffected one, every child has one in two chance (50%) of having the disease. So, by chance an affected person may well have all normal children. On the other hand, again by chance , he may be unlucky and all his children may be affected.
  • 73. Autosomal dominant disorders tend to be extremely variable in expression. Some individuals may be so mildly affected that the condition hardly affects their everyday life, but others may be so severely affected that they may become complete invalids. Most affected individuals lie somewhere between these two extremes Common Autodsomal Dominant Haematological Disorders - Hereditary Spherocytosis – Haemolytic Anaemia - von Willebrand Disease – Bleeding Disorder.
  • 74. Autosomal recessive inheritance is the single largest category of mendelian disorders. These disorders are characterized by following features: 1. Autosomal recessive diseases are only manifest when the gene is present in double dose, i.e, the person is Homozygous for that particular gene and receiving abnormal gene from both parents. 2. Usually Heterozygous are perfectly healthy and all the offspring of an affected person are normal, unless the affected person marries a heterozygote. AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE DISORDERS
  • 75. 3. If both the parents are heterozygous (carriers) then in each pregnancy there are 25% chances that the child can have homozygous state (fully expressed Disease or Major state), 25% chances of being normal and 50% chances of having heterozygous state( Carrier or Trait or Minor) 4. Common Autosomal Recessive Haematological Disorders: - Thalasaemias - Sickle Cell Anaemia AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE DISORDERS….. Contd
  • 76. All sex – linked disorders are X- linked, almost all X- linked recessive. The only gene assigned with certainty to the Y- chromosome is the determination of testes; males with mutations affecting the Y- linked genes involved in spermatogenesis are usually infertile. And hence there is no Y-linked inheritance. An X- linked recessive trait is one determined by a gene carried on the X- chromosome and manifest in the female only when the allele is in the double dose, that is in the homozygous state. In the male, a mutant allele carried on the single X chromosome is always manifest because there is no normal allele to counteract the effect of the mutant allele as there is in heterozygous female. X- LINKED DISORDERS
  • 77. Since a male transmits an X- chromosome to each of his daughters and a Y- chromosome to each of his sons, then all the daughters of an affected male will be carriers but none of his sons will be affected. An X- linked disorder is never transmitted from a father to his son. When carrier female marries a normal male then her sons have a 1 in 2 (50%) chance of being affected and her daughters have a 1 in 2 (50%) chance of being carriers like their mother So In X- linked disorders patients are invariably Males, unless a patient of haemophilia marries a female carrier where disease can manifest in a female. The carriers of X- linked disorders are females. COMMON X- LINKED HAEMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS - Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B - Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6PD) deficiency.
  • 78. HAEMOGLOBIN DISORDERS OR HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES Haemoglobin disorders result from: 1. Reduced synthesis of normal Alpha or Beta globin chains -Alpha Thalassaemias - Beta Thalassaemias 2. Synthesis of an Abnormal Haemoglobin - Crystaline Haemoglobin (HbS, C, D, E, O etc) (These are produced due to amino acid substitution) - Unstable Haemoglobin
  • 79. THALASSAEMIA “The Thalassaemias are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders of haemoglobin synthesis all of which result from reduced rate of production or absence of production of one of the globin chains of haemoglobin” According to globin chain, which is produced in reduced amount, thalassaemias are divided into two important groups: (i) Beta ( β) Thalassaemias: Due to reduced synthesis or absence of synthesis of Beta globin chains. (ii) Alpha ( α ) Thalassaemias: Due to reduced synthesis or absence of synthesis of alpha globin chains. - In Beta thalassaemia the beta chain synthesis is decreased or absent but there will be unimpaired synthesis of Alpha chains -In some thalassaemias no globin chain is synthesized at all and hence are called ……0 or ….. 0 thalassaemias, whereas in others some amount of globin chain is produced but at a reduced rate; these are designated as …..+ or … + thalassaemias
  • 80. MOLECULAR ASPECTS All the globin genes have three axons (coding regions) and two introns (non coding regions whose DNA is not represented in the finished protein). The initial RNA is transcribed from both introns and exons, and from this transcript the RNA derived from introns is removed by a process known as splicing. The introns always begin with a G-T dinucleotide and end with an A-G dinucleotide. The splicing machinery recognizes these sequences as well as neighbouring conserved sequences.. The RNA in the nucleus is also ‘capped’ by addition of a structure at the 5/ end which contains a seven methyl- guanosine group. mRNA is polyadenylated at 3/end.Thalassaemia may arise from mutations or deletions of any of these sequences
  • 81. CLINICAL AND GENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF THALASSAEMIAS I. BETA (β) THALASSAEMIAS: (Defects in transcription, processing or translation of beta- globin mRNA 1. Beta Thalassaemia Major:) -Homozygous state -Severe anaemia; requires regular blood transfusions 2. Beta Tahlassaemia Minor( Trait) - Heterozygous state - Asymptomatic with mild or no anaemia; red cell abnormalities seen. - Defects in transcription, processing or translation of beta- globin m RNA 3. Beta Thalassaemia Intermedia: -One parent beta thalassaemia minor other parent contributes a gene which lessens the deleterious effects. - Severe, but does not require regular blood transfusions.
  • 82. II.ALPHA THALASSAEMIAS: Defect is mainly deletion of genes (i) Alpha Thalassaemia Silent Carrier( - /) Asymptomatic; no red cells abnormality (ii) Alpha Thalassaemia trait ( -/-) or (--/) Asymptomatic like beta thalasseamia trait (iii) HbH Disease --/- Severe resembles beta thalassaemia intermedia (iv)Hydrops Fetalis (- - / - -) Lethal in utero
  • 83. BETA (β ) THALASSAEMIA SYNDROMES Molecular Pathology of Beta Thalassaemia 1. Defects in Transcription, Processing or Translation of mRNA: The bulk of beta thalassaemia mutations are single base changes or deletions or insertion of one or two bases at various points in the genes. These mutations occur in both introns and exons ,and also outside the coding region 2. Deletions: Are rare. A part of mRNA is lost
  • 84. Molecular Pathogenesis of Beta Thalassaemia - Lesions in Beta Thalassameia – Usually point mutations - Lesions in Alpha Thalassaemia – Mostly Gene Deletions Important mutations in Beta Thalassameia are 2. Promoter Region Mutations: Several point mutations within the promoter sequences reduce binding of RNA ploymerase and therby reduce the transcription rate 75% to 80%. ›Since sone β globin is synthesized, the patients develop β + thalassaemia 2. Chain Terminator Mutations : Two types of mutaitons can cause premature termination of mRNA translation : (a) A point mutation in one of the exons can lead to the formation of a stop codon (b) Single nucleotide substitutions or small deletions alter mRNA reading frames and nitroduce stop codons downstream that terminate protien synthesis ( frameshift mutaitons ) › Premature chain terminaiton by either of these mechanisms geenrates nonfunctional fragments of the β globin gene. leading to β 0 thalassaemia
  • 85. Molecular Pathogenesis of Beta Thalassaemia …contd 3. Splicing Mutations : Mutations that lead to aberrant splicing are the most common cause of β –thalassaemia .Most of these effect intorn , but som e have been located within exons. If the mutation alters the normal splice junctions, splicing does not occur, and all the mRNA formed is abonrmal. Unspliced mRNA is degraded within nucleus, and β o thalassaemia develops Some mutations affect the intorns at locations away from the normal intron- exon ssplice junction. These mutations create new sites sensitive to the action of splicing enzymes at abnormal locations – within an intron , for example. Because normal splice sites remain unaffected, both normal and abnormal splicing occurs, giving rise to normal as well as abnormal β - globin mRNA. These patients develop β + thalassaemia
  • 87. AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE DISORDER BETA THALASSAEMIA Mediterranean population, Middle East, India, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Southern Russia, China  Rare in Africa except Liberia and parts of North Africa  Occurs sporadically in all races ALPHA THALASSAEMIA Widespread in Africa, Mediterranean population. Middle East, Southeast Asia THALASSAEMIA – POPULATION GENETICS
  • 88. In Beta Thalassaemia Major there is a total lack or a reduction in the synthesis of structurally normal beta- globin chains with unimpaired synthesis of Alpha chains.
  • 89. Beta Thalassaemia – Clinical Features
  • 90. CLINICAL FEATURES OF BETA TAHLASSAEMIA MAJOR 1. Severe anaemia with failure to thrive on 3-7 months of age after birth 2. Enlargement of spleen occurs due to excessive red cells destruction, extramedullary haemopoiesis and later because of iron overload. The large spleen increases blood transfusion requirements due to increased pooling of blood. 3. Liver also increased in size. 4. Expansion of bones caused by intense marrow hyperplasia that leads to Thalassaemic Facies and to thinning of the cortex of many bones with a tendency to fractures and bossing of the skull . 5. Infections induced by blood transfusion: - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • 91.
  • 92. •The facial appearance of a child with beta thalassae- • mia major: Skull is bossed with prominent frontal •and parietal bones; the maxilla is enlarged •The skull X- ray in Beta Thalassaemia Major: There is a ‘hair –on-end appearance’ as a result of expansion of the bone marrow into cortical bone
  • 93. 6. The patient requires regular blood transfusions to sustain an acceptable haemoglobin level. But iron overload caused by repeated transfusions is inevit- able unless chelation therapy (removal of iron) is given. Each 500 ml of transfused blood contains about 250 mg of iron.Iron from the excessive red blood cells break down and increased gastrointestinal iron absorption also leads to increased iron in the body. This iron overload then effects different organs: (i) Liver: Cirrhosis Fibrosis) will take place. (ii) Endocrine Organs: Accumulation of iron in different organs will lead to failure of growth, delayed or absent puberty, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. (iii) Damage to Myocardium can lead to arrhythmias and cardiac failure. and cardiac damage is the main cause of death
  • 94. LABORATROY DIAGNOSIS OF BETA THALASSAEMIA MAJOR 1.Peripheral blood film will show severe microcytic and hypochromic blood picture with marked pokilocytosis (fragmented red cells; target cells) 2. Reticulocytes count is increased. 3. Peripheral blood shows normoblasts
  • 95. Beta Thalassaemia Major  Microcytic and hypochromic blood picture  Marked anisocytosis & Poikilocytosis  Nucleated RBC  Fragmented red ells
  • 96. 4. Haemoglobin electrophoresis shows accentuated band of HbF(Fetal Haemoglobin) 5. Fetal Haemoglibin estimation by alkali denaturation method (Betke’s method) will show elevated HbF 6. DNA Analysis by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to look for molecular lesion (mutation or deletion) 7. Prenatal Diagnosis: During pregnancy fetus can be diagnosed by taking Chorionic Villus Sample(CVS) of fetus and then to do PCR to find out that whether fetus is normal or he is having mutations which can lead to beta thalassaemia major or minor. LABORATROY DIAGNOSIS OF BETA THALASSAEMIA MAJOR….. contd
  • 97. Haemoblobin Electrophoresis on Cellulose Acetate for Haemoglobin Defects
  • 104. TREATMENT OF BETA THALASSAEMIA MAJOR 1.Regular blood transfusions are required to maintain the haemoglobin level over 10 g/dl at all times. This usually requires 2-3 units every 4-6 weeks. 2. Regular Folic Acid 5 mg daily. 3. Iron Chelation Therapy is required to treat iron overload. It is accompashied by: (i) Subcutaneous infusion of Desferrioxamine(Desferol) given through infusion pump at a rate of 20 – 40 mg/kg over 8 to 12 hours 5-7 days weekly. (ii) Oral Iron Chelator Deferiprone (L 1) & Asunra 4. Vitamin C 200 mg daily, increases excretion of iron produced by desferrioxamine. 5. Splenectomy, if transfusion requirements are increased. It can not be employed before the age of 5 years 6. Allogeneic Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant: It is curative in selected patients
  • 105. •Thalassaemics receiving blood transfusion at a thalassaemia center
  • 106. BETA THALASSAEMIA MINOR (TRAIT) It is a heterozygous state. The person is carrying abnormal genes from one parent and normal from other. It is a common, usually symptom less abnormality characterized by a hypchromic,microcytic blood picture (MCV and MCH very low) with many target cells and minimal anisocytosis. The red cell count (RBC count) is high (More than 5 X1012/l, and mild anaemia (Haemoglobin 10 – 15 g/dl) The HbA2 level is increased (More than 3.5%; Range 4-6 %) During periods of stress, such as pregnancy or infection the patient can become anaemic. It is important to identify cases of Beta Thalassaemia Minor in a community where Thalassamia is prevalent and where there is increased tendency of cousin marriages, so as to give proper genetic counseling before marriage
  • 107. D/D OF MICROCYTIC AND HYPOCHROMIC BLOOD PICTURE Blood film in Beta Thalasaemia Major: Microcytic and Hypochromic with fragmented red cells, target cells and nucleated red cells(normoblasts) Blood Film in Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Microcytic and hypochromic blood Picture with pencil- shape cells Blood film in Beta Thalasseamia Minor (Trait): Microcytic and hypochromic blood picture with many target cells and absence of anisocytosis
  • 108. •Iron Deficiency Vs Beta Thalassaemia Trait
  • 109. •Iron Deficiency Vs Beta Thalassaemia Trait
  • 110. Iron Deficiency Vs Beta Thalassaemia Trait Microcytic hypochromic morphology of red cells in proportion to the degree of anaemia, presence of pencil shape red blood cells on peripheral blood, red blood cells count less than 5.0 millions/cmm and decreased MCV usually favours the diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia. Uniformly microcytic hypochromic blood picture more pronounced as compared to the level of haemoglobin,minimal anisocytosis , presence of target shape cells, red blood cells count more than 5.0 millions/cmm and decreased MCV favours the diagnosis of beta thalassaemia trait
  • 111. Thalassaemias – Summary Etiology α - Thalassaemia: Deletion of one or more of four genes coding the α-globin chain of haemoglobin β –Thalassaemia: Point Mutation in the β globin gene resulting in reduced or absent syntesis fo β – globin chain of haemoglibin Pathology α - Thalassaemia: Peripheral blood semear:hypochromic microcytic erytrocytes ; target cells β –Thalassaemia: Peripheral blood smear:hypochromic, microcytic eryhtrocytes; target cells; anisopoikilocytosis Clinical Manifestations α - Thalassaemia: Four clinical variants: (1) α – Thalassaemia trait with three to four normal genes present-asymtpomatic ; (2) α – Thalassaemia trait with two normal genes present –mild anaemia with decreased MCV ; (3) Hgb- H disease with one normal gene present- severe haemolytic anaemia and decreased MCV, presence of High-H (aggregates of excess β chains), splenomegaly ; (4) Hydrops fetalis with zero normal gene present-stillborn fetus β –Thalassaemia : Two clinical variants: (1) β –Thalassaemia major (homozygosity)- severe hemolytic anaemia with decreased MCV, presenting in infancy , increased HbF , splenomegaly, bony abnormalities (marrow expension), hemosidrosis (caused by chronic transfusions), heart failure (caused by haemosidrosis) Treatment α - Thalassaemia: No treatment needed for trait; transfusion for Hgb-H disease β –Thalassaemia: No treatment needed for minor; transfusion and/or bone marrow transplant for major Notes Patients receiving multiple transfusions are at risk for developing iron overload syndromes and may require chelation therapy to prevent this
  • 112. “ More than the calf wishes to suck does the cow wish to suckle” Teaching Craze !!!
  • 113. SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA  Sickle Cell Anaemia or Sickle Cell Disease is an Autosomal Recessive, Hereditary Haemoglobin disorder.  The homozygous state is produced due to inheritance of an abnormal beta globin gene (HbS gene) from both parents.  The HbS gene is produced by a mutation in beta globin gene, leading to substitution of Valine for Glutamic Acid at the sixth position of Beta Globin Chain of Haemoglobin molecule. Molecular pathology of Sickle Cell Anaemia: There is a single base change in the DNA coding for the amino acid in the sixth position in the - globin chain ( Adenine is replaced by Thymine) . This leads to an amino acid change from Glutamic Acid to Valine
  • 114. This substitution confers abnormal physicochemical properties to red cells. Under unfavourable conditions, most importantly hypoxia, the red cells destabilize and undergo repeated cycles of distortion and polymerization labelled as sickling. This ultimately leads to : (i) Increased destruction of red cells manifesting as chronic haemolytic anaemia jaundice (ii) Aggregation of distorted cells in blood circulation leading to ischemic tissue damage
  • 115. The change from glutamic acid to valine at position 6 changes the 3-D structure of the molecule This makes hemoglobin sticky and changes the shape of the RBC It makes the molecule spiky and rigid rather than round and flexible The RBC can not move through capillaries
  • 116. PATHOGENESIS OF SICKLE CELL DISEASE On deoxygenation the HbS molecules under- go aggregation and polymerization . This change converts haemoglobin from a freely flowing liquid to a viscous gel, leading ultimately to formation of HbS fibers and resultant distortation of the red cells, which acquire a sickle or holly- leaf shape. Sickling of red cells is initially a reversible phenomenon; with oxygenation, HbS returns to the depolymerazid state; However, with repeated episodes of sickling and unsikling, membrane damage starts and the cell become irreversibly sickled. . These deformed cells retain their abnormal shape even they are fully oxygenated and despite deagregation of HbS .The precipitation of HbS fibers has deleterious effects on red cell membrane.
  • 117.  The formation of HbS has two major consequences: (i) A chronic Haemolytic Anameia (ii) Occlusion of small blood vessels, resulting in ischemic tissue damage. Substitution of Valine for Glutmaiic Acid at the 6th position of Beta Chain Revresible Sickling Irreversible Sickling Accumulation of sickle aggregates in Loss of red cells membrane microvasculature Viscosity of blood increased Excessive Red Cells Breakdown Blockage of small blood vessels Chronic Haemolytic Anaemia Tissue Infarction Acute Crises Chronic Complications
  • 118. VARIABILITY IN SICKLING Sickle cell anaemia runs an extremely variable clinical course. At one end of the spectrum it is characterized by a crippling haemolytic anaemia, on the other end it can have a milder course. The reasons are only partly understood: 1. Concentration of HbS: Susceptibility to sickling is proportional to the concentration of HbS. Individuals with sickle cell trait have less than 50% HbS in their cells and are virtually without symptoms. 2. Cellular Dehydration: Cellular dehydration such as in renal papillae will increase sickling 3. Other Haemoglobins: Fetal Haemolgobin inhibit sickling, while HbC and D can enhance sickling 4. Deoxygenation: It is the most important factor in determining sickling. Thus travel to high elevations or in unpressurized aircrafts can precipitate sickling crises.
  • 119. 5. Caliber of blood vessels: In high flow areas the shear stresses can break down the gel structure of HbS, while in the small or medium sized blood vessels the sickled red cells aggregate. 6. Duration of Hypoxia: Areas of vascular stasis (such as spleen) with lower O2 tension are prone to vascular occlusion 7. Cold Weather: Cold weather may precipitate sickling because of vasoconstriction 8. Acidosis: Acidosis enhances sickling while alkalosis will retard sickling 9. Other precipitating factors: Crises are often precipitated by: (i) Infections (ii) Dehydration due to fever and gastrointestinal loss of fluid (iii) Acidosis due to poor oral intake (iv) Hypoxia from Pneumonia.
  • 120. CLINCAL MANIFESTATIONS OF SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA CLINICAL PRESENTATION High levels of fetal haemoglobin protect against sickling for the first 8 to 10 weeks of life. After that the manifestations of sickle cell disease may become apparent. Typically Sickle cell anaemia presents in infancy with anaemia and jaundice . Most patients go through the rest of their lives with a chronic haemolytic anameia  A common presenting symptom is ‘hand and foot Syndrome’ which occurs early in infancy and is characterized by a painful dactylitis and swelling of the fingers or feet. Other particular problems in infancy are splenic sequestration and fulminent Pneumonia. Painful swollen fingers (dactylitis) in a child Hand Foot Syndrome: There is marked shortening of the right middle finger because of dactylitis
  • 121.  During early development of the disease there is often splenomegaly . In most patients this gradually resolves due to repeated infarctions of the spleen (Auto splenectomy) . Indeed it is most unusual to feel the spleen after the end of first decade. If a patient has a palpable spleen after that probably he is suffering from Sickle Cell – Beta Thalassaemia Disease , i.e., receive sickle cell gene from one parent and beta thalassaemia gene from the other parent  Growth and development are usually normal although there may be some skeletal deformities, including frontal bossing of the skull due to expansion of bone marrow.
  • 122. The complications of Sickle Cell Anaemia can be divided into two groups: 1. Acute and Episodic Crises 2. Chronic Complications I. ACUTE AND EPISODIC CRISES The word ‘crises’ is used to describe an acute and sometimes life- threatening complication of sickle cell anaemia. Different crises are: 1.Painful Vaso- occlusive crisis: These are the most common occurring with a frequency from almost daily to yearly. Tissue hypoxia and infarction can occur any where in the body. It is important to carefully evaluate the patient to differentiate painful crises and pain caused by another process COMPLICATIONS OF SICKLE CELL ANAMEIA
  • 124. 2. Aplastic Crises: These occur as a result of infection with Parvo Virus or Folate deficiency. These are characterized by sudden fall in haemoglobin, usually require transfusion. They are characterized by a fall in Reticulocytes and haemoglobin 3. Splenic and Hepatic Sequestration Crises: These are caused by sickling within organs and pooling of blood, often with a severe exacerbation of anaemeia. Hepatic and splenic sequestration crises all may lead to severe illness requiring exchange transfusion . Splenic sequestration is typically seen in infants and presents with an enlarging spleen, falling haemoglobin and abdominal pain. Treatment is with transfusion and patients must be monitored at regular intervals as progression may be rapid. Attacks tend to be recurrent and splenectomy is often advised in recurrent cases. Splenic crises can lead to hypotension and death. 4. Acute Chest Syndrome: Characterized by acute onset of dyspnoea, with chest pain. It is due to sequestration of sickle cells in pulmonary arterial circulaition
  • 125. 5. CNS Crises: Patient presents with a stroke, preceded by bizarre neurological syndromes similar in nature to transient ischemic attack. It is due to blockage of cerebral vessels by sickle cells. 6. Hyperhemolytic Crises: During painful crises there can be a marked increase in the rate of haemolysis. 7. Megaloblastic Crises: The haemolytic crises can lead to megaloblastic crises. II. CHRONIC COMPLICATIONS 1. Severe Infections: It is the most common cause of death in sickle cell anaemia and it can be associated with one or more of the patterns of crises mentioned above. Babies and children with this disease are particularly prone to develop Pneumococcal Septicemia due to hyposplenism. Salomonella infections of bone leading to Salmonella Osteomyelitis is also seen.
  • 126. 2. Infarcts following repeated episodes of vascular occlusion: Result largely from infarcts following repeated episodes of vascular occlusions. Almost any organ can be involved Those at particular risk are those which depend on small blood vessels for their blood supply. (i) Bone Infarcts: Bones are particularly prone. Aseptic Necrosis of Femoral or Humeral Head may lead to their destruction and pain. (ii) Renal Infarcts: Damage to vasa rectae system can lead to a loss of ability to concentrate urine and polyuria and nocturnal enuresis. (iii) Pulmonary Infarcts : Occur quite frequently 3. Priapism: Recurrent attacks of painful priapism may lead to permanent deformity of penis 4. Chronic, relapsing leg ulcers: A major problem particularly in adults 5. Occular manifestations: Proliferative retinopathy
  • 127. COURSE AND PROGNOSIS The prognosis seems to depend upon the racial background of the patient, socioeconomic and ill- defined genetic factors and above all the availability of good paediatric care in the early years. In East Africa USA and Europe it has high mortality in early years In Saudi Arabia and India, a particularly mild form of the condition occurs in which the mortality is extremely low in childhood and a normal survival seems to be the rule. The most common causes of death in the first year or two of life are infections and splenic sequestration. Later in life infection is still the most frequent cause of death. If babies are maintained on prophylactic penicillin from early in life, and if there is good paediatric care, it may be possible to reduce the early mortality of sickle- cell anaemia to a very low level
  • 128. LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA 1. Haemoglobin level: The haemoglobin level is usually between 5 to 11 g/dl. 2. Sickle cells on peripheral blood: Considerable variation on red cells size and shape is noted. Sickled cells and target cells are seen. It is important to calculate the percentage of sickle cells, as the number of sickle cells should remain less than 30% . 3. Reticulocyte Count: Elevated reticulocyte count ;usually 10 to 20% 4. Screening Test for Sickle Cells: Different substances are used to induce deoxygenation like: - Sodium Metabisulphide - Sodium Dithionite 5. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis: In Homozygous state (HbSS) all the haemoglobin is HbS, no HbA is detected. The amount of HbF is variable. It is usually between 5 – 15%.
  • 129. Sickle Cell Disease: Homozygous state. Numerous Crescent Shaped sickle cells are seen.
  • 131. Normal or Alpha Thalassaemia Trait Sickle Cell Trait Sickle Cell Disease Beta Thalassaemia Trait Beta Thalassaemia Major Sickle cell / Beta Thalassaemia Sickle cell/ HbC disease Haemoglobin H Disease Haemoglobin electrophoretic pattern in normal adult human blood and in subjects with sickle cell (HbS) trait or disease, beta thalassaemia trait, beta thalassaemia minor, HbS/beta thalassaemia or HbS/HbC disease
  • 132. Normal Haemoglobin Electrophoretic Pattern Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease with high HbF
  • 133. 5. Bilirubin level: Is elevated 6. Serum LDH: Is elevated in crises 7. Blood Gases: should be estimated in crises especially to estimate pCO2 8. Renal Function Tests: To assess for any degree of renal impairment 9. Prenatal Diagnosis: Prenatal diagnosis is possible by obtaining fetal chorionic Villous sample (CVS) and the by performing Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis.
  • 134. POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) FOR SICKLE CELL: Sickle Cell Anaemia ; Antenatal Diagnosis: Direct DNA analysis. The DNA has been digested by the restriction enzyme Mst II. The replacement of an adenine base in the normal beta- globin gene by thymine in the sickle cell gene removes a normal restriction site for Mst II, producing a larger 1.3 – kb fragment that the normal 1.1 – kb fragment to hybridize with the  - globin gene probe. In this case the trophoblast DNA (T) shows both normal (A) and sickle (S) restriction fragments and so is AS (sickle trait) , while the case of sickle cell anaemia (SS) shows only band of HbS
  • 135. SICKLE CELL TRAIT  This is a benign condition with no anaemia and normal appearance of red cells on a blood film.  Screening Tests for Sickle cell are positive  Haemoglobin electrophoresis will show 25 – 45% HbS, rest is HbA.  Haematuria is the most common symptom and is thought to be caused by infarcts of renal papillae.  Care must be taken with anaesthesia, pregnancy, at high altitudes and during strenuous exercises.
  • 136. TREATMENT OF SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA 1. Prophylactic: Avoid those factors known to precipitate crises, especially: - Dehydration - Anoxia - Infections - Stasis of circulation - Cooling of skin surface 2. Penicillin: Early deaths due to infections and crises can be reduced by the administration of prophylactic oral penicillin. Oral penicillin (62.5 mg t.d.s up to 1 year of age; 125 mg b.d at 1-3 years of age; 250 mg b.d thereafter) should be started as early as possible and maintained throughout childhood and early adolescence. 3. Vaccines: Pneumococcal , Meningococcal and Haemophilus influenzae vaccines should also be given. As due to loss of splenic functions body will not be in a position to get rid of capsulated organisms.
  • 137. 4. Malarial Prophylaxis: Malarial prophylaxis is mandatory for visits to areas where malaria is endemic 5. Folic Acid: 5 mg daily 6. Blood Transfusions: Adaptation to anaemia is particularly successful because of the low oxygen affinity of HbS. Patients with sickle cell anaemia manage well with relatively low haemoglobin levels. Regular blood transfusion is not required. The blood transfusions are sometimes given repeatedly or prophylactically, to patients: -who have frequent crises; -who have had major organ damage, for example of the brain. - who have aplastic crisis. The aim is to suppress HbS production over a period of several months or even years.  To take care of the complications of chronic blood administration: - Iron Overload - Viral Infections like Hepatits B , C and HIV - Alloimmunization to minor blood group antigens
  • 138. 7. Management of Painful Crises: Should be managed in hospital. Methods employed to manage painful crises are: - Rest - Warmth - Rehydration (i) Oral fluids (ii) Intravenous normal saline (3 liters in 24 hours) - Antibiotics, if infection is present - Analgesics: Suitable drugs are paracetamol, a non- steroidal anti-inflammatory agent and opiates, e.g. continuous infusion of Dimorphine. - Blood transfusion if severe anaemia - Exchange blood transfusion – if there is repeated occurrence of painful crises.
  • 139. 8. Lung Crises: Once suspected patient should be managed in hospital in intensive care unit. Oxygen should be administered and blood gase should be monitored. 9. Exchange Transfusion: Exchange transfusion is usually required under following circumstances in sickle cell anaemia: - For major surgical emergencies - For repeated painful crises - In patients with neurological symptoms - Visceral damage - If priapism failed to treat by conservative management. The aim of exchange transfusion is to decrease the number of sickle cells less than 30 -40%. 10. Total Hip Replacement: Chronic hip pain and difficulty with walking due to aseptic necrosis of the femoral heads may require total hip replacement. 11. Eye changes: Laser therapy
  • 140. 12.Renal problems: Hameaturia and renal failure should be managed accordingly. 13. Priapism: It occurs quite frequently. It has been found that nearly two third of major episodes are preceded by ‘stuttering’ attacks and effective therapy at this stage is necessary. Measures for treating priapism are: - Stilbestrol – 5 mg daily may be effective in preventing a major episode of priapism in patients who have minor episodes. - Exchange transfusion - Corporal aspiration with irrigation of normal saline -Cavernous spongiosum shunt 14. Leg Ulcers: Bed rest; elevation; zinc sulphate dressings. A transfusion program or skin grafting can enhance healing.
  • 141. 15. Splenectomy Usually upto the end of first decade there is autosplenectomy. But in patients who have recurrent attacks of splenic sequestration syndrome, splenectomy is indicated. 16. Antisickling Agents: Hydroxyurea: (15.0 to 20.0 mg/kg per day) can increase HbF level and has been shown to improve the clinical course of patients who are having three or more painful crises each year. It should not be used during pregnancy.
  • 142. 17. Stroke:  As the life expectancy of patients with sickle cell disease increases, more adults presenting with CNS symptoms can be anticipated.  Adults are at greater risk for intracranial haemorrhage and children at risk for ischemic stroke.  In adults patients with sickle cell anaemia it is important to identify and address other risk factors for stroke, such as hypertension, abnormal lipids, diabetes and smoking.  The clinical presentation of intracranial haemorrhage is usually more dramatic than that of ischemia and may include severe headache, vomiting , stupor, coma and haemipresis.  Blood transfusions and exchange are the main stay of treatment.  Hydroxyurea has been used for secondary prevention by different groups and appears promising as an alternative to transfusion in older children and young adults.  For transient ischemic attacks Aspirin, Colopidegral, Dupyridamol, along with Warfarin.  For ischemic stroke: (i) Tissue Plasminogen (tPA) within 3 hours . Risk of brain haemorrhage is 6.4%, and out of these half are fatal. (ii) Aspirin – 325 mg one – time dose within first 48 hours.
  • 143. 18. Bone Marrow OR Stem Cell Transplantation: It can cure the disease and many patients have now been successfully treated. The mortality rate is less than 10%. Transplantation is only indicated in the severest of cases whose quality of life or life expectancy are substantially impaired 19. Gene Therapy: Hameoglobinopathies like sickle cell anaemia and beta thalassaemia major are also a target for gene therapy. Gene therapy with lentivirus vectors has been successful in sickle transgenic mice. An anti-sickling beta globin gene was introduced into the sickle transgenic mice. Long term expression (upto 10 months) was achieved. In addition haematological parameters correction, inhibition of cellular dehydration and loss of sickling tendency were also demonstrated.
  • 144. HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS Hereditary Spherocytosis is characterized by an intrinsic defect in the red cell membrane that renders erythrocytes spheroidal, less deformable, and vulnerable to splenic sequestration and destruction. POPLUATION GENETICS Its prevalence is high in North Europe. In approximately 75% of cases, the inheritance is Autosomal Dominant . The remaining have an autosomal recessive form of the disease that is much more severe than the autosomal dominant form
  • 145. MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY OF HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS(HS) The spheroidal shape of red blood cells is maintained by some integral proteins in its membrane. In HS genetically there are mutations in any of these proteins. The important membrane protein abnormalities in association with Hereditary Spherocytosis are: Spectrin deficiency or mutations  Ankyrin deficiency or mutations Pallidin (Protein 4.2) abnormalities A deficiency of Spectrin seems to be most common abnormality in all patients with Hereditary Spherocytosis. Spectrin deficiency is associated with reduced membrane stability and loss of membrane fragments as the cells are exposed to shear stresses in the circulation. The resulting reduction in cell surface to volume ratio “forces” the cells to assume the smallest possible diameter for a given volume namely ,a sphere
  • 146. As these spherocytes are trapped in the sluggish circulation of spleen then the deformed red cells are destroyed and engulfed by phaogocytic cells (macrophages). The cardinal role of spleen in the premature demise of the spherocytes is proved by the invariably beneficial effect of splenectomy . Red cells membrane proteins defects Destabilization of red cell membrane Loss of red cells membrane Formation of Spherocytes Entrapment of Spherocytes in sluggish splenic circulation Phagocytosis of spherocytes by macrophages
  • 147. CLINICAL FEATURES OF HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS The characteristic clinical features of Hereditary Spherocytosis are : - Anaemia - Splenomegaly - Jaundice  The severity of the disease varies from patient to patient. The anaemia may present at any age from neonatal ( rarely as a case of neonatal jaundice), to infancy to adult hood to old age.  Jaundice is typically fluctuating.  In 20% to 30% the disease is largely asymptomatic.  Splenomegaly occurs in most patients  Pigment gall stones, derived from bilirubin released after red cells breakdown, are frequent  Aplastic crises, usually precipitated by parvovirus infection, may cause a sudden increase in severity of anaemia
  • 148. LAB DIAGNOSIS OF HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS 1. Anaemia is usual but not invariable. 2. Reticulocyte Count: Increased 3. Blood Film: Shows Microspherocytes which are densely staining red cells with smaller diameter then normal red cells. HS: Note the anisocytosis and several dark- appearing spherocytes with no area of central pallor Deeply staining spherocytes with large polychromatic cells (reticulocytes)
  • 149. LAB DIAGNOSIS OF HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS. contd 4. Serum Bilirubin Increased (indirect Hyperbrubinemia) 5. Ultrasound abdomen: To rule out gall stones 6. Osmotic Fragility Test: To demonstrate the increased fragility of spherocytes. The red cells lyse in hypotonic saline solutions.
  • 150. TREATMENT OF HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS 1 .Splenectomy: It is the principal form of treatment. It should not be performed unless clinically indicated because of severe anaemia or gall stones. It is preferable to perform Splenectomy after the age Of 5 years. It will produce a rise in haemoglobin level to normal. Spherocytes will remain. 2. Folic Acid: In severe cases to prevent folate deficiency.
  • 151. GLUCOSE – 6 – PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE DEFICIENCY The erythrocyte and its membrane are vulnerable to injury by exogenous and endogenous oxidants. Abnormalities in the Hexose monophosphate shunt or in Glutathione metabolism resulting from deficient or impaired enzyme function reduce the ability of red cells to protect themselves against oxidative injuries and lead to Hemolytic Anaemia. The most important of these enzyme derangements is Deficiency of Glucose – 6 – Phosphate Dehydrogenase(G6PD) activity.G6PD reduces NADP to NADPH while oxidizing glucose -6- phosphate. NADPH then provides the reducing power that converts oxidized glutathione to reduced glutathione. The reduced glutathione so generated protects against oxidant injury by catalyzing the breakdown of oxidant compounds like H2 O2
  • 152. Mutant G6PD gene Deficient or Decreased production of G6PD Enzyme Inability of glucose 6 phosphate to oxidize into 6- phospohgluconate Failure of reduction of NADP to NADPH Failure of NADPH to reduce oxidized Glutathione Failure to breakdown oxidants like H2 O2 Increased Red cell Susceptibility to get damaged by different Oxidants Infections and other oxidants causes oxidation of sufhydryl groups of the globin chains Denaturation of hemoglobin and formation of precipitates (HEINZ BODIES) Heinz Bodies get attached with red cells m membrane Red Cells break down (Haemoyltic Anaemia)
  • 153. POPULATION GENETICS  Sex Linked (x- Linked) : Males are affected The inheritance is sex-linked, affecting males, and females are carriers. The female carriers show approximately half normal red cell G6PD values.  The main races affected are in West Africa, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and South East Asia. The degree of deficiency varies, often being mild (10 – 15% of normal activity) in Black Africans, more severe in Orientals and most severe in Mediterranean's. Severe deficiency occurs occasionally in white people  G-6-PD DEFICIENT VARIANTS: More than 400 deficient variants due to pint mutation or gene deletion are identified. G6PD type B is the most common. The others are G-6PD A- and G6PD Mediterranean
  • 154. AGENTS WHICH MAY CAUSE HAEMOLYTIC ANAMEIA IN GLUCOSE -6- PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE DEFICIENCY I. Infections and other acute illnesses: Diabetic ketoacidosis II. Drugs : -Antimalarials: Primaquine, Pamaquine, Chloroquine, Fansidar, Maloprim -Sulphonamides and Sulphones, e.g., Cotrimaxazole - Other Antibacterials – Nitrofurantoin, Chloramphenicol,. -Analgesics – Aspirin, Phenecitin - Miscellaneous – Naphthol, Naphthalene (moth balls), Vitamin K analogues. III. Fava beans (possibly other vegetables) (Usually the patient having a deficiency of G6PD is asymptomatic, but when ever he is exposed to an oxidant stress (drugs,fava beans or infections) haemolytic anaemia will take place)
  • 155. CLINCAL FEATURES OF G-6-PD DEFICIENCY  The haemolysis in G-6-PD is both intravascular and Extravascular.  The clinical presentation can be of three types: 1. Acute Haemolytic Anameia: It is the most common presentation. There is rapidly developing intravascular haemolysis with haemoglobinuria, hemoglbinemia and sudden fall in haemoglobin level, which is precipitated by infection and other acute illnesses, drugs or the ingestion of fava beans. The anaemia may be self limiting as new red cells are made with near normal enzyme levels 2. Neonatal Jaundice: 3. Continuous congenital haemolytic anaemia: Very rare.
  • 156. LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF G- 6 PD DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA Red cells showing loss of cytoplasm with separation of remaining haemoglobin from cell membrane Blister cells or Bite Cells) “Bite cell” in the center and supravital stain showing Heinz Bodies 1. Between crises blood count is normal. 2. Screening Tests: Different screening tests can demonstrate the ability of G6PD to reduce NADP 3.G6PD Assay: Quantitative assessment of G6PD levels in red cells. 4. “Blister Cells” or “Bite cells”: These are the cells in which Heinz bodies are removed by spleen. 5. Demonstration of Heinz Bodies: Heinz bodies are formed by denatured haemoglobin. Can be seen in reticulocyte stain. 6.Features of Intravascular Haemolysis: Haemoglobinuria. 7 Hyperbilirubinemia: Indirect Bilirubin is increased
  • 157. TREATMENT OF G-6-PD DEFICIENCT ANAEMIA 1. The offending drug is stopped. 2. Any underlying infection is treated. 3. A high urine output is maintained. 4. Blood transfusion undertaken where necessary for severe anaemia 5. G-6PD deficient babies are prone to neonatal jaundice and in severe cases phototherapy and exchange transfusion may be needed.
  • 159. Main Type Sub Type I LEUKAEMIAS 1. Acute Leukaemia (i) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias(ALL) L1 ; L2 ; L3 (ii) Acute Myeloid Leukaemias(AML) M0; M1; M2; M3; M4; M5; M6; M7 2. Chronic Leukaemia (i) Chronic Myeloid Leukaaemia(CML) (ii) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia(CLL) II PLASMA CELL DYSCRASIAS Multiple Myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasia III MYELOPROLIFRATIV E DISORDERS 1. Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia 2. Polycythemia Rubra Vera 3. Essential Thrombocythemia 4. Myelofibrosis IV LYMPHOMAS 1. Non – Hodgkin's Lymphomas (i) B – Cell (ii) T- Cell 2. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (i) Lymphocyte Predominant (ii) Lymphocyte Rich(iii) Lymphocyte Depleted (iv) Mixed Cellularity (v) Nodular Sclerosis
  • 160. LEUKAEMIAS The leukaemias are group of disorders characterized by the accumulation of malignant white cells in the bone marrow and blood Neoplastic proliferation of cells of haemopoetic origin which arises after somatic mutation in a single haemopoetic stem cell, the progeny of which forms a clone of leukaemic cells.
  • 161. CLASSIFICATION OF LEUKAEMIAS Leukaemias are mainly classified into four types – Acute and Chronic leukaemias which are further subdivided into Lymphoid and Myeloid. Leukaemia Acute Chronic Lymphoid Myeloid Lymphoid Myeloid ACUTE LEUKAEMIA: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia : M 0 to M7 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: L1 to L3 CHRONIC LEUKAEMIAS: Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
  • 162. Incidence of Different Types of Leukaemias According to Age • ALL is predominantly a childhood disease • CLL occurs mainly in the elderly • AML and CML have a wider age distribution.
  • 163. Classification OF ACUTE LEUKAEMIAS  Acute Leukaemia is defined as the presence of over 30% blast cells in the bone marrow at the time of presentation  It is further subdivided into Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) on the basis of whether the blasts are shown to be myeloblasts or lymphoblasts. Acute Leukaemias are usually aggressive disease in which the malignant transformation causes accumulation of early bone marrow haemopoietic progenitors , called blast cells. The dominant clinical feature of these diseases is usually bone marrow failure caused by accumulation of blast cells. If untreated these diseases are usually fairly rapidly fatal.
  • 164. Clinical features to some extent are helpful in the differentiation of ALL and AML, but are not definitive. The age profiles of acute luekaemias are distinctive. ALL has a peak in childhood and AML in adult age. The overlap is such, that age is not a useful criterion in classifying leukaemias. Significant lymph node enlargement (diameter exceeding 2 cm) is more common in ALL than AML. Solid masses of leukaemic cells (Chloromas or Granulocytic Sarcomas) are indicative of AML. Extensive involvement of gums is seen characteristically in Acute Moncytic Leukaemia (M4 or M5)
  • 165. MORPHOLOGIC APPROACH TO ACUTE LEUKAEMIAS The experienced morphologist can classify about 70% of acute leukaemias as either ALL or AML by the blast appearance on routine haematology stains (Romanosky stain) , on the basis of nuclear or cytoplasmic features. For the rest of the cases different diagnostic modalities are employed to make a diagnosis. The modalities which can be used to diagnose haematological malignancies are: 1. Routine haematological stains: On the basis of that the lineage of abnormal cells can be determined in 70% of cases 2. Cytochrmistry or Special stains: There are different special stains for every specific cell type 3. Monoclonal antibodies or CD (Cluster Differentiating) markers: Specific antibodies for every lineage are used. They are employed by two ways: (i) Immunocytochrmistry (ii) Flowcytometery
  • 166. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LYMPHOBLAST AND MYELOBLAST LYMPHOBLAST MYELOBLAST Size: Smaller as compared to myeloblast Larger than lymphoblast Nuclear Chromatin: More clumped and irregularly distributed Chromatin is fine, delicately stippled or lacy, and evenly distributed Nucleoli: May be indistinct or number varies from 1 to 2 . There is a condensation of chromatin along with the nuclear and nucleolar membrane Nucleoli are single or multiple and are usually prominent. Nuclear and molecular membranes are indistinct. Nuclear outlines: May be folded or convoluted. - Amount of Cytoplasm: Scant Abundant cytoplasm, as compared to lymphoblast N:C Ratio: Very high High
  • 167. Granules in Cytoplasm: Absent May be present Auer Rods Absent Present Accompanying cells: - Maturing cells of myeloid series may be seen Cytochrmistry or Special Stains:  Acid Phosphatase (ACP) stain: Positive in T-ALL  Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain: Positive in B - ALL  Sudan Black B stain: Positive in M1, M2, M3,M4  Non Specific Esterase (ANAE): Positive in M4 and M5 Flowcytometery and Immunocytochemistry: Will show T- Lymphoid or B- Lymphoid markers T – ALL: CD 3 ; CD7 B- ALL: CD 19; CD22; CD10 Will show Myeloid or Moncytic or Megakaryocytic markers CD Marker for Myeloid series: CD 13; CD33
  • 168. Lymphoblasts VSMyeloblasts A: Lymphoblasts have fewer nucleoli than myeloblasts,and the nuclear chromatin is more condensed. Cytoplasmic granules are absent B: Myeloblasts have a delicate nuclear chromatin, prominent nucleoli, and fine azurophilc granules in the cytoplasm
  • 169. Leukaemia Diagnosis: First Routine Stain
  • 170. Second: Cytochemistry Acid Phosphatase Periodic Acid Schiff Sudan Black Alpha Nephythyl Acetate Esterase
  • 173. Acute Leukemia CYTOCHEMICAL PROFILES IN ACUTE LEUKEMIA MPO & Sudan Black B NSE PAS AML + + ± (Monocytic, diffuse) ALL - ± + (Focal) (75%) +, positive; -, negative; ±, not definitive. NSE: Non Specific Esterase PAS: Periodic Acid Schiff
  • 174. Immunologic Markers for Classification of ALL and AML AML ALL Marker Precursor T cell* T cell B Lineage CD 19 - + - CD 22 - + - CD 10 - +or - - T Lineage CD 7 - - + CD 3 - - + tdT* - + + Myeloid CD 13 + - - CD 33 + - - Glycophorin +(M6) - - CD 41 +(M7) - - Myeloperoxidase +(M0) *B-ALL resembles precursor B-ALL immunologically,but has surface Ig and is tdT negative
  • 175.
  • 176. FAB Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia ALL – L1: Small monomorphic blasts with high N:C ratio ALL – L2: Large. hetrogenous,nucleolated , low N:C ratio ALL - L3: Burkitt type , basophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm. The L1 blast show uniform, small uniform, small blast cells with scanty cytoplasm. The L2 type comprise mixed population of small and large blasts with more prominent nucleoli and cytoplasm. The L3 blasts are large with prominent nucleoli. strongly basophilic cytoplasm and cytoplasmic vacuoles. FRENCH AMERICAN AND BRITISH (FAB) CLASSIFICATION OF ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAAEMIAS
  • 177. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: FAB Type ALL – L1 Lymphoblasts show monomorphic appearance, very high N:C ratio; Nucleoliare indistinct; Chromatin is course and there is condensation of chromatin along nuclear membrane
  • 178. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA L1 - small cells with scant cytoplasm, regular nuclear contours with occasional clefting, and scant cytoplasm.
  • 179. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia FAB Type ALL – L2 Large Heterogeneous population of blast cells; Nucleolated; Low N: C ratio.
  • 180. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA L2 - Large cells with variable cytoplasm, irregular nuclear contours with clefting, and prominent one or more nucleoli.
  • 181. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia FAB Type ALL – L3: Lymphoblasts with strongly basophilic cytoplasm and showing vacuolation.
  • 182. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA L3 - Medium to large cells with moderately abundant intensely basophilic cytoplasm and prominent cytoplasmic vacuolation, regular nuclear contours, prominent nucleoli.
  • 183. Acid Phosphatase staining in ALL: Showing cytoplasmic positivity; Localized staining in the Golgi zone. Reaction is typical of T- ALL
  • 184. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Block Positivity of Cytoplasm. Typical of B- ALL
  • 185. FRENCH AMERICAN BRITISH(FAB) CLASSIFICATION OF ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA(AML) AML – M0 : Undifferentiated Myelobalastic leukaemia ; require cell markers. AML – M1: Myeloblastic without maturation; requires peroxidase stain or Sudan Black B stain AML – M2: Myeloblastic with maturation AML – M3: Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia; Hypergranular promyelocytes AML – M3 VARIENT: Micro or Hypogranular promyelocytes AML – M4: Acute Myelomoncytic leukaemia; with both granulocytic and monocytic maturation AML – M5: Acute Monoblastic Leukaemia AML – M6: Erythroleukaemia AML – M7: Acute megakaryoblastic Leukaemia
  • 186. AML – M0. Undifferentiated blasts which are negative with cytochrmical reactions for AML(Sudan Black B and ANAE) and positive with antibodies against myeloid antigens :CD13 and CD33. Morphologically these blasts resemble L2 type but this case is not ALL because all lymphoid markers (B and T ) were negative .
  • 187. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M0 • Large agranular blasts. • Myeloperoxidase negative or <3% +. • CD13 and/or CD33 +. • B and T-lineage markers are negative.
  • 188. AML – M1: AML without maturation; 20% of cases ; Very immature but > 3% are Sudan Black B or myeloperoxidase positive; Few granules or Auer rods and little maturation beyond the myeloblast stage AML – M1: Auer rod highlighted by the peroxidase cytochemical reaction (peripheral blood)
  • 189. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M1 • A/granular blasts, >90% of non-erythroid cells. • At least 3% are myeloperoxidase or Sudan black +. • Remaining 10% or less cells are maturing granulocytes. Auer Rod
  • 190. AML – M2: AML with Maturation; 30 -40% of cases; Full range of myeloid maturation through granulocytes. Auer rods present in most cases. Presence of t (8 ; 21) defines a prognostically favourable subgroup.
  • 191. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M2 • A/granular blasts, from 39-80% of non- erythroid cells. • Monocytic cells <20%. • Granulocytes (promyelocytes to neutrophils >10%).
  • 192. AML – M2 (Sudan Black B): Strong positivity in cytoplasm
  • 193. AML – M3:Acute Promyelocytic leukaemia; 5 – 10 % of cases; Majority of cells are hypergranular promyelocytes; often with many Auer rods per cells; Aggregates of Auer rods (Faggots) can also be seen; Patients are younger in age (median age 35 – 40 years) and often develop Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC). The t (15 ; 17 ) is characteristic. Aggregates of Auer Rods
  • 194. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M3 • Majority of cells are abnormal promyelocytes. • Faggot cells (cell with bundles of Auer rods). • Microgranular variant also occurs.
  • 195. AML – M3 variant: Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia – Variant; Micro or Hypogranular bilobed promyelocytes
  • 196. AML – M4: Acute Myelomoncytic Leukaemia with both granulocytic and monocytic maturation.15 – 20% of cases; Myelocytic and monocytic differentiation evident; Myeloid elements resemble M2 AML. Monoblasts are positive for nonspecific esterases.
  • 197. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA • AML-M4 • Myeloblasts and monoblasts are >30%. • Myeloblasts and granulocytes are 20-80%. • Monocytic cells >20%. • PBM >5.0 x 109/L. • AML-M4Eo
  • 198. AML – M4: Both Sudan Black B ( left) and Non Specific Esterase - - ANAE (right) are positive
  • 199. M5a Acute Monoblastic Leukaemia without maturation in which more than 80% of blasts are monoblasts
  • 200. M5b Acute Monoblsatic Leukaemia with Maturation less than 80% of blasts are monoblasts.
  • 201. AML – M5b: Strong Non Specific Esterase (ANAE) reaction
  • 202. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M5 • 80% of non-erythroid cells are of monocytic lineage. • M5a (80% monoblasts). • M5b (<80% monoblasts).
  • 203. AML –M5a subtype: A peripheral smear shows one monoblast and five promonocytes with folder nuclear membranes
  • 204. AML – M6 Acute Erythroleukaemia; 5% of cases ; Dysplastic ereythroid precursors (some megaloblatoid, others with giant or multiple nuclei) predominate , and within the nonerythroid cells, >30% are myeloblasts; seen in advanced age.
  • 205. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M6 • >50% of all nucleated marrow cells are of erythroid lineage. • 30% of the non-erythroid cells are blasts.
  • 207. AML – M7 : Acute Megakaryocytic Leukaemia; constitute 1% 0f cases; Blasts of megakaryocytic lineage predominate; Appearance of blasts is like lymphoblasts with budding cytoplasm; Platelets appear to shed out from the cytoplasm; Cytoplasmic blebs are PAS and ANAE positive; Blasts react with platelet specific antibodies GP IIb/ IIIa;. Myelofiborsis or increased marrow reticulin seen in most cases;
  • 208. Acute Leukemia - Morphology ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA AML-M7 • At least 30% of nucleated cells are blasts. • The blasts demonstrate platelet peroxidase by EM or IHC.
  • 209. INCIDENCE OF ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia is the common form of leukaemia in children Its incidence is highest at 3 – 7 years, falling off by 10 years. There is a lower frequency of ALL after 10 years of age with a secondary rise after the age of 40.
  • 210. CLINICAL FEATURES OF ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA Clinical features are secondary to the following: 1. Bone Marrow Failure leading to: - Anaemia (pallor; lethargy; dyspnoea) - Neutropenia (fever; malaise; features of mouth , throat, skin, respiratory, perianal or other infections) - Thrombocytopenia (spontaneous bruises; purpura; bleeding gums and menorrhagia) 2. Organ infiltration – tender bones, lymphadenopathy, moderate splenomegaly, hepatomegaly If CNS involvement then headache, nausea, vomiting blurring of vision and diplopia
  • 211. Purpura over the lower limbs in a Patient with acute leukaemia
  • 212. Marked cervical lymphadenopathy in in a patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
  • 213.  Haematological investigations reveal normocytic and normochromic anaemia  Thrombocytopenia in most cases  Total Leucocytes Count (TLC) may be decreased, normal or increased to 200 X 10 9 /l or more  The blood film typically shows a variable numbers of blast cells  The bone marrow is hypercellular with >30% leukaemic blasts.  Blast cells are characterized by morphology, cytochemistry, immunological markers and cytogenetic analysis Lab Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
  • 214. Lab Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia  Haematological investigations reveal a normochromic normocytic anaemia  Thrombocytopenia in most cases  Total Leucocytes count (TLC) is usually increased and blood film examination typically shows a variable numbers of blast cells  The bone marrow is hypercellular and typically contains many leukaemic blasts(> 30%)  Blast cells are characterized by morphology, cytochemistry, immunological markers and cytogenetic analysis  Tests for DIC are often positive in patients the promyelocytic variant of AML
  • 215. Prognostic Factors in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Determinant Favourable Unfavourable Age 3-7 yrs <1, >10 yrs Sex Female Male Race White Black WBC Count <10 X 10 9/l >50 X10 9/l Time of Remission <14 days >28 days Organomegaly Absent Massive Mediastinal mass Absent Present CNS Leukaemia Absent Present FAB Morphology L1 L2,L3 Immunophenotype Early Pre B cell T-cell,B-cell Cytogenetics Hyperdiploidy Pseudodiploidy t(9;22) t(8;14) t(4;11) t(14q+)
  • 216. INCIDENCE OF ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA Acute Myeloid Leukaemia occurs in all age groups. It is the common form of acute leukaemia in adults and is increasingly common with age. AML forms only a minor fraction (10 – 15%) of the leukaemia in childhood.
  • 217. CLINICAL FEATRUES OF ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA  Clinical features resemble those of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.  Anaemia and Thrombocytopenia are often profound.  A bleeding tendency and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is characteristic of the M3 variant of AML.  Tumour cells can infiltrate a variety of tissues . Gum hypertrophy and infiltration , skin involvement and CNS disease are characteristic of Myelomoncytic  (M4) and monocytic (M5) types. An isolated mass of leukaemic blasts is usually referred to as a granulocytic sarcoma.
  • 218. Leukemic infiltrates in gums in AML-M5
  • 219. Mediastinal widening in a 4-year-old boy with ALL Mediastinal Widening in ALL
  • 220. TREATMENT OF ACUTE LEUKAEMIAS General Supportive Treatment: Blood products support to treat anaemia and thrombocytopenia.  Antibiotic coverage to treat infections. Insertion of central venous catheter (Hickman) via a skin tunnel from the chest into the superior vena cava to give access for giving chemotherapy , blood products, antibiotics, intravenous feeding, etc.  Prevention of vomiting.
  • 221. SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA I.CHEMOTHERAPY: Induction Intensification / CNS directed phase Interim Maintenance I Delayed Intensification I Interim Maintenance II Delayed Intensification II Maintenance Chemotherapy II.BONE MARROW OR PERIPHERAL BLOOD STEM CELL TRANSPLANT: In most children it is usual to attempt to cure without transplant. It is reserved for patients with poor prognostic factors
  • 222. SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA Induction Consolidation Consolidation Possible stem cell Further consolidation transplantation
  • 223. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia- Summary Etiology and Epidemiology Risk factors include prior exposure to radiation and chemotherapy and Down syndrome Occurs most often in children with a median peak age of 10 but may also occurs in the elderly Pathology -Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) can be classified as either T cell or early B cell. -Lymphoblastic surface antigens indicate the origin of the leukaemia. B-cell antigen include CALLA (CD10),CD19, and CD20 -T-cell antigen include CD2,CD5 and CD7.TdT is a marker of immature T and B lymphocytes and is present in 95% of cases -Bone marrow : Hypercellular ; composed mostly of lymphoblasts; distorted architecture of marrow -Peripheral blood smear: Pancytopenia with lymhpocytosis ( excess lymphoblasts ) Clinical Manifestations - Fatigue, infections, fevers, mucosal bleeding; lymphadenopathy; bone pain; cranial neuropathies Treatment and Prognosis -Chemotherapy and/or bone marrow transplant -Very responsive to therapy with a good prognosis Notes ALL is the most common childhood cancer. It accounts for 80% of all childhood leukaemias
  • 224. Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Etiology and Epidemiology -Risk factors include Down syndrome and exposure to ionizing radiation, benzene or chemotherapy -Associated with chromosomal translocations: M3-t (!5;17), M2-t(8;21) -Occurs most frequently in middle aged adults Pathology -There are eight subgroups (M0-M7), each associated with a specific neoplastic myeloid lineage (myelocyte, monocyte, megakaryocyte, erythrocyte) and a level of maturation -Bone marrow: Hypercellular with distorted architecture; myeloblasts specific to te subtype; Auer rods (cytoplasmic granules) especially with M3 (Acute promyelocytic leukaemia) Peripheral blood smear: Myeloblasts Clinical Manifestations - Fatigue, infecton;bleeding;hepatosplenomegaly Treatment and Prognosis -Chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant; all- trnasretinoic for M3 with t(15;17) -Prognosis fair; 60% remission, but only 25% of these patients remain disease free for 3 years