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Two Wolves                                     Praying Winning

                  Newsletter                                                                             FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY

 Volume: 1 - Issue: July - August 2012

      The Mindfood Chef                       Dear Associate

By doing well the duty which is nearest       Namaskar - Greetings!!!
                           to us, the duty
                            which is in       I have been always in love with my interaction with people. My people. The people who were
                            our     hands     strangers before I smiled or wished them hello. Now they are my people. More I expand this
                            now, we make      “MY” more I learn and develop. I am more responsible as my “MY” is increasing and spreading.
                            ourselves         I am more secure and less fearsome as count increases on daily basis, many times hourly.
                            stronger; and
                            improving         And this is the teaching of great thinkers and       This is a first interaction and I am coming
                            our strength      teachers also.                                       directly to you. I believe that a great human
                            in         this                                                        being in you will forgive me for coming like
                            manner step       This ‘Gunashrayamz’ is a result of this love         this without permission. This newsletter, this
                            by step, we       only. Another way to interact with more peo-         month is a request for permission to meet you
                            may reach a       ple, reaching more people, sharing with more         monthly and have faith that your kind heart is
                           state in which     people and learning more, collectively. MY is        allowing me do so, if otherwise, please com-
it shall be our privilege to do the most      growing with it.                                     municate.
coveted and honored duties in life and
in society.                                   Gunashrayamz is a promise to value your time         The interaction under this newsletter shall be
                     Swami Vivekanand         and strive to take the focus on the basics of        meaningful only with your love and blessings
                                              life and growth. Gunashrayamz is carrying            in the form of guidance and feedback.
                                              the work - life balance. This serves you mind-
                                              food for developing at all fronts viz. family, re-   We are beginning now:
                                              lation, peace, relaxation, growth, enthusiasm,
                                              evolution and a sense of achievement.                   ....Business of the life is, is to stay happy...
                                                                                                           There would be grudges or guilt
                                              The name of this letter Gunashrayamz is a                     Let gratitude, forgiveness and
                                              Sanskrit word that means to take shelter un-           Embracing every-time a permanent nappy
                                              der the virtues. The Z in end represents zeal,
                                              the passion. This way this Gunashrayamz is
                                              representing the shelter under virtues with            Communication is the way to live and die
                                              passion.                                                   To see and show, the truth and lie
                                                                                                       Nothing is stopping, you bind to move
Seven social sins: politics without           Gunashrayamz represents my learning, expe-             Growth is happening, you have to groove
principles, wealth without work,              riences and understanding from the teach-              Assertive is the way, nothing can be yappy
pleasurewithoutconscience,knowledge           ings of many great mentors and interactions            ....Business of the life is, is to stay happy...
without character, commerce without           at different stages of life. This represents acts
morality, science without humanity,           of kindness and favour of good many people                                     With warm regards
and worship without sacrifice.                on me and my gratitude towards them all.                                   Manish Kumar Aggarwal
                                                                                                                             The Mindfood Chef
                      Mahatma Gandhi

           ...As nature creates the environment to fruition every plant so as a mentor creates the environ-
                              ment of mind to fruition every act...The Mindfood Chef...
                                                                                  The Mindfood Chef
Gunashrayamz                                                                                      FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY

Every year thousands of people start their business but only a few 8. A decision to be successful, making own ways though not
could survive by the end of year. I meet the successful people and     reinventing wheel.
those also who surrendered in between. Meeting all the people,     9. A decision to raise the bar of perfection with continuous
I found that both have worked hard, all have done whatever is          improvement.
needed to run a good business.                                     10. A decision to value the time, choosing right priorities.
                                                                   11. A decision to build relations and dealing human first.
Both the sides have the same market, same challenges, and          12. A decision to be good ears. The ears which are open to all,
possessing good knowledge. They all worked hard, similar               either to self or to others.
working works, though the non survivors have more working          13. A decision to think possibilities only.
hours. Than what is lacking between the two. In some cases the
good investment and family support was not good enough to
taste the success.

I read many books, study many great successful people and found
a golden rule, the mantra of success. The golden rule as a road
map to success. The compass to correct the direction, always. I
found that “Entrepreneurship is a decision.” Entrepreneurship is
about visualizing a clear success. The clarity on the image of a
beautiful tomorrow. A decision to creating it. The decision to act
for it.

I learn what the achievers decided. A decision, though looking
simple but was carrying the seeds of prosperity and growth. The
way to work. The constitution, the correcting measure. Some
words with confidence and passion. Words for taking onus, the
responsibility for everything. The words are, “This is my decision
or I have decided this”

The decision was consist of following promises. The promise             14. A decision to take in time actions.
saying that I have taken:                                               15. A decision to be an initiator always. Counting my actions.
                                                                        16. A decision to communicate understanding.
1.   A decision of self discipline, to be accountable for my every      17. A decision to understand the two Golden rules of nature,
     action.                                                                “What you saw that you reap” and “There is a time between
2.   A decision to not to stop until I reach the destination                sawing and reaping.”
3.   A decision of doing right things.                                  18. A decision to be a source, to be resourceful. A source of
4.   A decision for creating new opportunity for people to work.            happiness, love, gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation and
5.   A decision of understanding the needs of people and                    encouragement. A source of being a solution always.
     providing in time solutions for the same.
6.   A decision of being leader, creating ripple effects.               Where a decision carries these strengths, the success is a
7.   A decision of thinking new and innovative ideas.                   guarantee. The success is winning, winning together.

Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes
on inside people.
He said, “My son, the battle is between two “Wolves” inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-
pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false, pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his
“Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Gunashrayamz                                                                                          FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY

Praying Winning Together
In the journey of success and reaching                                                              are people who haven’t supported you,
mile stones of achievements, many people                                                            on your expectation, to make you vigil
contribute. While sitting in my prayer,                                                             about your strengths. Count them my
talking to my God, I requested Him to bless                                                         son.”
all those people with happiness, peace,
relations and with a lot may things in                                                              The name of all those people can be
addition to the source to live.                                                                     counted on fingers. The count was very
                                                                                                    less than of first category. I realized
He asked me to name all the people. I                                                               that many of my achievements are only
named my family, my friends, my teachers,                                                           due to them.
my neighbours, my colleagues. Than when
I searched something deep, I requested                                                              The lesson I got from my prayer:
Him to bless those also whom I missed. He
told me to be specific. I requested him for                                                        1. The people who helped me are
my transport, my vendors, my customer, the rickshaw pullers,                 numerous as of those who have not.
service providers at my hotel stays and a lot many.                       2. The people of second category were of much greater
                                                                             importance in many of my achievements.
He asked me, “is it over or still remaining with some people?’            3. The realization of, what I felt is my achievement, does always
                                                                             owes to many people.
I replied, “I feel I am complete.”                                        4. The same responsibility I always carry for others, although to
                                                                             be in first category.
He whispered in my ears, “You missed those, who provoked you
to do something beyond the bars, the people who had hurt you              I prayed for the blessing for all the above people. This is praying
deep, deep inside your self esteem, to make you stand high. There         for winning together. This is wining together.

Be always there...
Though we read and repeat about it, but miss to give due                  clothes and faces. The art on their hands. Their innocent and
importance to very little - little things. It may, to carry children to   naughty smile. It takes me back to my childhood.
their school bus, to receive them on their return, to attend their        They show me their bags and working at school. The remarks on
parent teacher meeting or school function etc. Returning back             their notebooks. I got the chance to understand them and correct
to home after the pressure day work, rarely allow to attend the           it whenever I feel it necessary.
children regularly. Ask them to share their day or school with
you.                                                               I respond them, first I listen properly and than I reply them
                                                                   complete. I am getting myself in, into their life. They have started
Once it was a Sunday and I have decided to attend a function of my feeling their importance in my life. They are making my feelings
younger daughter. I have promised her as she was in preparatory important for them.
school and a participant in three programs.
                                                                   Their morning starts by hugging me, kissing me on my forehead
When she was stepping up on the stage, her eyes were searching with the morning wish. Their day end and sound sleep require my
us all the way. After finding us, her smile and                                      arm to put on their head upon or my presence
confidence poured me with tears of joy. My                                           with my hands in their hairs.
joy was accompanied with a feeling of guilt
for not attending the previous functions of my                                       I can earn more money than I need or expect
children.                                                                            but can’t get the childhood of my children again.
It was the first time I have understood her                                          My childhood in them again. Rightly said, “Any
school, teachers and their vision.                                                   success outside cannot compensate the failure
                                                                                     at home.”
From that day onwards I understand that “Be
there always” when their eyes are looking for                                        My stress doesn’t require any management
you. When they are searching for your ears to                                        now. To be very honest, it vanishes just with the
share their feeling with you.                                                        feeling of their presence. I never miss my goal
                                                                                     now. I know for what I am working for.
Now I try to take them to school bus. On
weekend I propose myself to wait for their bus.                                      I am winning, winning together.
The way the lift their bags, the dust on their

                …Parenting is not only about growing a child but to live a beautiful life again, making a life complete…
                                                              The Minfood Chef
The Mindfood Chef
                                                                      Our Purpose: “Inspiring Smiles”
                                            We, at The Mindfood Chef, serve happiness, a sense of accomplishment, helping to live a worthy
                                              life, creating legacy to the names - the immortality, a decision for having an inspiring life.

                                            We support individuals for learning who they are, who they want to be and help in developing
                                            a success map to reaching potential. Earning money, recognition, fame, relations and achieving

                                             We support organizations for developing a common and perpetual organizational behaviour,
Learn to work harder on yourself than         refining outlook, developing a synchronized thinking, simplification in processes, creating
on your job, if you work hard on your                             responsibility centers and growing human capital.
job you make a living, if you make hard
on yourself you make fortune.                                                 Our Product Category
                              Jim Rohn                   Parenting | Student’s Arena | Organizational Aids
                                                              Personal Development | Chef’s Special

                                            At ‘The Mindfood Chef’,          we facilitate learning, development and evolution.
                                            Under Organizational Aids, we serve the solutions for following basic needs of the

                                            1.   Defining Vision, Mission and Values
                                            2.   Effective Organisational Structure
                                            3.   Effective Planning and control
                                            4.   Adequate Supervision
                                            5.   High and Inspiring Team Morale
 “You cannot control what happens to
                                            6.   Effective Communication
 you, but you can control your attitude
                                            7.   Simplify HC (Human Capital) Procedures
 toward what happens to you, and in
                                            8.   Customer Delight
 that, you will be mastering change
                                            9.   Learning for Specific Skills & Procedures
 rather than allowing it to master you.”

                            Brian Tracy

          Up Comings                        ...Attitude is what matters...
  1. Comminication - an art of              As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge
      speaking with self                    creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their back leg. No chains, no cages.
  2. Decisions and Empowerment              It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for
  3. PTM - In an Efficative way             some reason, they did not.
  4. Special Programme for School
      Students                              I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there
                                            and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” he said, “when they are very young and much
                                            smaller we use the same size rope to
                                            tie them and, at that age, it’s enough
                                            to hold them. As they grow up, they
                                            are conditioned to believe they cannot
                                            break away. They believe the rope can
                                            still hold them, so they never try to break
                                            free.” I was amazed. These animals could
     #2519 First Floor, Sector 40-C,        at any time break free from their bonds
        Chandigarh - 160036                 but because they believed they couldn’t,              they were stuck right where they were.
                                            Like the elephants, how many of us go
         Phone: 0172-4636596                through life hanging onto a belief that
          +91 92 16 38 39 40                we cannot do something, simply because
          +91 92 16 79 80 81                we failed at it once before?   True ...Right??!/mindfoodchef

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  • 1. Two Wolves Praying Winning Together Newsletter FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY Volume: 1 - Issue: July - August 2012 The Mindfood Chef Dear Associate By doing well the duty which is nearest Namaskar - Greetings!!! to us, the duty which is in I have been always in love with my interaction with people. My people. The people who were our hands strangers before I smiled or wished them hello. Now they are my people. More I expand this now, we make “MY” more I learn and develop. I am more responsible as my “MY” is increasing and spreading. ourselves I am more secure and less fearsome as count increases on daily basis, many times hourly. stronger; and improving And this is the teaching of great thinkers and This is a first interaction and I am coming our strength teachers also. directly to you. I believe that a great human in this being in you will forgive me for coming like manner step This ‘Gunashrayamz’ is a result of this love this without permission. This newsletter, this by step, we only. Another way to interact with more peo- month is a request for permission to meet you may reach a ple, reaching more people, sharing with more monthly and have faith that your kind heart is state in which people and learning more, collectively. MY is allowing me do so, if otherwise, please com- it shall be our privilege to do the most growing with it. municate. coveted and honored duties in life and in society. Gunashrayamz is a promise to value your time The interaction under this newsletter shall be Swami Vivekanand and strive to take the focus on the basics of meaningful only with your love and blessings life and growth. Gunashrayamz is carrying in the form of guidance and feedback. the work - life balance. This serves you mind- food for developing at all fronts viz. family, re- We are beginning now: lation, peace, relaxation, growth, enthusiasm, evolution and a sense of achievement. ....Business of the life is, is to stay happy... There would be grudges or guilt The name of this letter Gunashrayamz is a Let gratitude, forgiveness and Sanskrit word that means to take shelter un- Embracing every-time a permanent nappy der the virtues. The Z in end represents zeal, the passion. This way this Gunashrayamz is representing the shelter under virtues with Communication is the way to live and die passion. To see and show, the truth and lie Nothing is stopping, you bind to move Seven social sins: politics without Gunashrayamz represents my learning, expe- Growth is happening, you have to groove principles, wealth without work, riences and understanding from the teach- Assertive is the way, nothing can be yappy pleasurewithoutconscience,knowledge ings of many great mentors and interactions ....Business of the life is, is to stay happy... without character, commerce without at different stages of life. This represents acts morality, science without humanity, of kindness and favour of good many people With warm regards and worship without sacrifice. on me and my gratitude towards them all. Manish Kumar Aggarwal The Mindfood Chef Mahatma Gandhi ...As nature creates the environment to fruition every plant so as a mentor creates the environ- ment of mind to fruition every act...The Mindfood Chef... The Mindfood Chef
  • 2. Gunashrayamz FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY Entrepreneurship Every year thousands of people start their business but only a few 8. A decision to be successful, making own ways though not could survive by the end of year. I meet the successful people and reinventing wheel. those also who surrendered in between. Meeting all the people, 9. A decision to raise the bar of perfection with continuous I found that both have worked hard, all have done whatever is improvement. needed to run a good business. 10. A decision to value the time, choosing right priorities. 11. A decision to build relations and dealing human first. Both the sides have the same market, same challenges, and 12. A decision to be good ears. The ears which are open to all, possessing good knowledge. They all worked hard, similar either to self or to others. working works, though the non survivors have more working 13. A decision to think possibilities only. hours. Than what is lacking between the two. In some cases the good investment and family support was not good enough to taste the success. I read many books, study many great successful people and found a golden rule, the mantra of success. The golden rule as a road map to success. The compass to correct the direction, always. I found that “Entrepreneurship is a decision.” Entrepreneurship is about visualizing a clear success. The clarity on the image of a beautiful tomorrow. A decision to creating it. The decision to act for it. I learn what the achievers decided. A decision, though looking simple but was carrying the seeds of prosperity and growth. The way to work. The constitution, the correcting measure. Some words with confidence and passion. Words for taking onus, the responsibility for everything. The words are, “This is my decision or I have decided this” The decision was consist of following promises. The promise 14. A decision to take in time actions. saying that I have taken: 15. A decision to be an initiator always. Counting my actions. 16. A decision to communicate understanding. 1. A decision of self discipline, to be accountable for my every 17. A decision to understand the two Golden rules of nature, action. “What you saw that you reap” and “There is a time between 2. A decision to not to stop until I reach the destination sawing and reaping.” 3. A decision of doing right things. 18. A decision to be a source, to be resourceful. A source of 4. A decision for creating new opportunity for people to work. happiness, love, gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation and 5. A decision of understanding the needs of people and encouragement. A source of being a solution always. providing in time solutions for the same. 6. A decision of being leader, creating ripple effects. Where a decision carries these strengths, the success is a 7. A decision of thinking new and innovative ideas. guarantee. The success is winning, winning together. Two Wolves One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two “Wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self- pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false, pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
  • 3. Gunashrayamz FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY Praying Winning Together In the journey of success and reaching are people who haven’t supported you, mile stones of achievements, many people on your expectation, to make you vigil contribute. While sitting in my prayer, about your strengths. Count them my talking to my God, I requested Him to bless son.” all those people with happiness, peace, relations and with a lot may things in The name of all those people can be addition to the source to live. counted on fingers. The count was very less than of first category. I realized He asked me to name all the people. I that many of my achievements are only named my family, my friends, my teachers, due to them. my neighbours, my colleagues. Than when I searched something deep, I requested The lesson I got from my prayer: Him to bless those also whom I missed. He told me to be specific. I requested him for 1. The people who helped me are my transport, my vendors, my customer, the rickshaw pullers, numerous as of those who have not. service providers at my hotel stays and a lot many. 2. The people of second category were of much greater importance in many of my achievements. He asked me, “is it over or still remaining with some people?’ 3. The realization of, what I felt is my achievement, does always owes to many people. I replied, “I feel I am complete.” 4. The same responsibility I always carry for others, although to be in first category. He whispered in my ears, “You missed those, who provoked you to do something beyond the bars, the people who had hurt you I prayed for the blessing for all the above people. This is praying deep, deep inside your self esteem, to make you stand high. There for winning together. This is wining together. Be always there... Though we read and repeat about it, but miss to give due clothes and faces. The art on their hands. Their innocent and importance to very little - little things. It may, to carry children to naughty smile. It takes me back to my childhood. their school bus, to receive them on their return, to attend their They show me their bags and working at school. The remarks on parent teacher meeting or school function etc. Returning back their notebooks. I got the chance to understand them and correct to home after the pressure day work, rarely allow to attend the it whenever I feel it necessary. children regularly. Ask them to share their day or school with you. I respond them, first I listen properly and than I reply them complete. I am getting myself in, into their life. They have started Once it was a Sunday and I have decided to attend a function of my feeling their importance in my life. They are making my feelings younger daughter. I have promised her as she was in preparatory important for them. school and a participant in three programs. Their morning starts by hugging me, kissing me on my forehead When she was stepping up on the stage, her eyes were searching with the morning wish. Their day end and sound sleep require my us all the way. After finding us, her smile and arm to put on their head upon or my presence confidence poured me with tears of joy. My with my hands in their hairs. joy was accompanied with a feeling of guilt for not attending the previous functions of my I can earn more money than I need or expect children. but can’t get the childhood of my children again. It was the first time I have understood her My childhood in them again. Rightly said, “Any school, teachers and their vision. success outside cannot compensate the failure at home.” From that day onwards I understand that “Be there always” when their eyes are looking for My stress doesn’t require any management you. When they are searching for your ears to now. To be very honest, it vanishes just with the share their feeling with you. feeling of their presence. I never miss my goal now. I know for what I am working for. Now I try to take them to school bus. On weekend I propose myself to wait for their bus. I am winning, winning together. The way the lift their bags, the dust on their …Parenting is not only about growing a child but to live a beautiful life again, making a life complete… The Minfood Chef
  • 4. The Mindfood Chef Our Purpose: “Inspiring Smiles” We, at The Mindfood Chef, serve happiness, a sense of accomplishment, helping to live a worthy life, creating legacy to the names - the immortality, a decision for having an inspiring life. We support individuals for learning who they are, who they want to be and help in developing a success map to reaching potential. Earning money, recognition, fame, relations and achieving self. We support organizations for developing a common and perpetual organizational behaviour, Learn to work harder on yourself than refining outlook, developing a synchronized thinking, simplification in processes, creating on your job, if you work hard on your responsibility centers and growing human capital. job you make a living, if you make hard on yourself you make fortune. Our Product Category Jim Rohn Parenting | Student’s Arena | Organizational Aids Personal Development | Chef’s Special At ‘The Mindfood Chef’, we facilitate learning, development and evolution. Under Organizational Aids, we serve the solutions for following basic needs of the organisations: 1. Defining Vision, Mission and Values 2. Effective Organisational Structure 3. Effective Planning and control 4. Adequate Supervision 5. High and Inspiring Team Morale “You cannot control what happens to 6. Effective Communication you, but you can control your attitude 7. Simplify HC (Human Capital) Procedures toward what happens to you, and in 8. Customer Delight that, you will be mastering change 9. Learning for Specific Skills & Procedures rather than allowing it to master you.” Brian Tracy Up Comings ...Attitude is what matters... 1. Comminication - an art of As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge speaking with self creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their back leg. No chains, no cages. 2. Decisions and Empowerment It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for 3. PTM - In an Efficative way some reason, they did not. 4. Special Programme for School Students I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” he said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” I was amazed. These animals could #2519 First Floor, Sector 40-C, at any time break free from their bonds Chandigarh - 160036 but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go Phone: 0172-4636596 through life hanging onto a belief that +91 92 16 38 39 40 we cannot do something, simply because +91 92 16 79 80 81 we failed at it once before? True ...Right??!/mindfoodchef