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                                                                 Parenting – Does
                                                                 it require to
                                                                 learn or?
                                                                                                               A Deposit…

             Newsletter                                                  Volume: 2 - Issue: January - February 2013

    FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY                                                            A shelter under the virtues with zeal.

                                     Dear Reader

                                     Namaskar – Greetings!!!

                                     …when this newsletter was begun almost six months before, the idea was to reach more people,
                                     connect more people. It was for my love to be a part of a bigger human family…to take the few
                                     minutes for developing and nurturing the roots…many congratulations to you for making it so till
                                     date and growing it every day and with every month…

                                     …few people have added new contacts for sending it to them, their known and few have forwarded
                                     it by theirselves to their colleagues and friends; few have suggested to send it through e-groups…
                                     and everything worked…today this newsletter is reaching more than five thousand people…
                                     Congratulations to you for making it so…

                                     …every single reply in the form of acknowledgment, congratulation, wishes, gratitude, appreciation,
                                     feedback and suggestion, an offer to participate in future, two un-subscriptions with reasons and
“One individual may die for an

                                     sponsorship…all have grown my confidence in me and my purpose…Thank you very much…
idea; but that idea will, after
his death, incarnate itself in a

                                     …the pronunciation of the name of the newsletter and meaning is still asked in every newsletter…
thousand lives. That is how the

                                     few have suggested me to change even…its pronunciation is GU-NA-SHRA-YA-MZ, meaning a shelter
wheel of evolution moves on

                                     under the virtues with zeal…
and the ideas and dreams of one

nation are bequeathed to the
                                     …I am open to have a name carrying the same meaning and philosophy…seeking your opinion and
                                     suggestion for the same here now…every single counts and matters…thank you…
        Netaji Subash Chandra Bose

                                     …the purpose of this newsletter is carrying and nurtures the roots…as an organization The
                                     Mindfood Chef has five product categories…Parenting, Student Arena, Organizational Aid, Personal
                                     Development and Chef’s Special… understanding behind these five categories is :

                                     …family, the parenting is the first contact where land of philosophy and emotions being prepared
                                     and seeded…

                                     …educational institutes are the places for acquiring planned, purposeful and formal knowledge,
                                     information and much more including a personal society and family…

                                     …organization provides an opportunity to implement the gained knowledge, earning livelihood and
                                     dreams; creating a working family…

                                     …the onus to evolve and grow is the primarily of the person (self) only, it’s purely individual’s
                                     responsibility …with every new opportunity new skills; new knowledge and expanded paradigms
                                     are required…the self image and self talk are different…time ask more…

                                     …Chef’s Special is an honest effort to gather my experience gained during this life, consolidate and
                                     align in a purposeful direction…

                                     …I am committed to do justification and value addition to the time, energy and support I am getting
The life of an uneducated man

                                     from you all…seeking the continuation of same…
is as useless as the tail of a dog

                                     With regards
which neither covers its rear end,

                                     Manish Kumar Aggarwal
nor protects it from the bites of

	        	       	                   The Mindfood Chef

Parenting – Does it require to learn or?
                                                                                                         FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY

Parenting is an art of living your own             We spend good time of our 17-20 years of          We are living
childhood again...testing your learning and        our primary life in educational institutes        in the age of
evolving with your own child.                      and then we join our respective working           information;
                                                   fields and there also we learn first than do…     the     global
In parenting we focus and take the help of         in every step we acquire some knowledge           information.
four pillars in everything…they are                by doing and some by learning…and the             And        we
                                                   people who do this religiously, they grow…        learn what is
1.   Be the Role Model                                                                               important for
2    Respect their Individuality                   Then why not in ‘Parenting’ also?                 us…
3.   Take them by their Age
4.   Be with Them Always                           Our primary source of parenting is our            Just         ask
                                                   parents, their siblings, relatives and friends;   yourself::
In the studies and discussions with different      parents of our friends; our friends, sibling
parents and families we find that knowledge        and relatives…and in cases we have the            1. Is it all similar in your own case? If not,
of parenting is at a very good level in most of    results more than preparations…                   what have you prepared or changed?
the cases, but lacking is at ignoring the little                                                     What are your sources? Are they formal or
things that matters and they are observed          The preparations, beliefs, education and time     informal?
by the child. They do accept them also…            of our parents, the support system to them,       2. Do you dare to experiment with the life of
                                                   the fight of pride through children;their         any of your children?
The challenge is the paradigm of being             purpose & expectations from us, are
parent…being authoritative…coming out              all acquaintances to us if not strangers…         The replies will take you ahead to take a
of the position of being a creator, a first        we know very less about it…the number of          pride decision. The decision of winning,
well wisher, a person of knowledge and             children per couple is less now…the less time     winning together...
experience…the paradigm of knowing                 to experiment and learn from mistakes…the

A Deposit…
everything…not willing to learn…                   effect of changing time factor.                   The Mindfood Chef

On the wedding day Monica’s mother gave            .... and so on...                                 and spend it first. You shouldn’t keep any
her a newly opened bank saving passbook            However, after years, they occupied in            record of such a poor marriage.’
with Rs.1000 deposit amount.                       routines of life and were looking to add few
                                                   hours in their day. They started fighting         Monica thought it was true. So she went to
Mother: ‘Monica, take this passbook. Keep          and arguing for the petty things. They have       the bank, waiting at the queue and planning
it as a record of your marriage life. When         lesser time for each other, even they didn’t      to cancel the account.
there’s something happy and memorable              talk much. They regretted that they had
happened in your new life, put some money          married the nastiest people in the world…co       While she was waiting, she took a look
in. Write down what it’s about next to the                                                           at the passbook record. She looked, and
line. The more memorable the event is, the                                                           looked, and looked. Then the memory of all
more money you can put in. I’ve done the                                                             the previous joy and happiness just came
first one for you today. Do the others with                                                          up her mind. Her eyes were then filled with
Manav. When you look back after years, you                                                           tears. She left and went home.
can know how much happiness you’ve had.’
                                                                                                     When she was home, she handed the
Monica shared this with Manav when                                                                   passbook to Manav, asked him to spend the
getting home. They both thought it was a                                                             money before getting divorce.
great idea and were anxious to know when
the second deposit can be made.                                                                      The next day, Manav gave the passbook
                                                   space for love, liking was in total scarcity...   back to Monica. She found a new deposit of
This was what they did after certain time:                                                           Rs.5000. And a line next to the record: ‘this
- 	 Rs.100, Manav and Monica gone for their        One day Monica talked to her Mother:              is the day I notice how much you mean to
    first trip                                     ‘Mom, we can’t stand it anymore. We agree         me and we have loved each other all these
- 	 Rs.100, Manav celebrated Monica’s first        to divorce. I can’t imagine how I decided to      years. How much happiness you have
    birthday at in-laws                            marry this guy!!!’                                brought me.’
- 	 Rs.300, salary raise for Manav
- 	 Rs.2000, they got the first baby               Mother: ‘Sure, girl, that’s no big deal. Just     They hugged and cried, putting the passbook
- 	 Rs.1000, Manav got promoted                    do whatever you want if you really can’t          back to the safe.
- 	 Rs.2500, Monica started office                 stand it. But before that, do one thing first.
- 	 Rs.5000, they finalized their dream            Remember the saving passbook I gave you           Check your own deposits today…if don’t
    home                                           on your wedding day? Take out all money           have an account open today…

A Dream…Let’s Celebrate…
                                                                                                       FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY

Manav do you know we are attending the parade of Republic Day          Duty of value addition to the inherited and to walk with the world
this year. And that too at New Delhi, our national capital.            simultaneously is of a common man also. Values and ethic s are not
                                                                       dependent on position or post; increasing crimes are just examples
I am very excited as Republic Day is a symbol of our sovereignty,      of declining social and family values.
a matter of pride and self respect. It symbolizes freedom and
liberty, a manifestation of our own governance. This day armed         And I must tell you that every man is a common man till that man
forces demonstrate their strength of protection through their arms,    is not occupying any chair. The chair of responsibility and rights.
technology and team work; balancing it with the music of humanity,     Many examples can be observed from the life of retired executive to
passion and enthusiasm.                                                the legislation class in our routine life.

The thrilling moments of armed personnel are always well               One more thing was told to me by my grandfather that the butter or
supported with the cultural programs and reflections of unity in       the cream of the milk is a product of milk only. It qualifies the quality
diversity through presentations of different states, departments       of milk. Firstly this is the duty of a common man to play as a role
and schools.                                                           model and elect the right person then the duty of the elected one to
                                                                       observe the same. When you elect for your personal or communal
Your excitement is very vocal. I am amazed!                            needs, elected satisfies his/ her need first.

In the present days of non-responsive government and political         Then why are you celebrating this day? What makes you so
leadership, agitations, desperation, insecurity, violent mob,          excited?
victimized and bold women and helpless common man, ‘how
anybody could be so excited about ?’. Really Surprising!               Only one thing – A dream. The dream that was been seen by many
                                                                       eyes and had given their lives for the same; the dream that allowed
Surprise is genuine dear. You are correct. It is not about the         somebody to find the best of polices from all civilized and developed
politician or government only but also about the people, so called     societies and attempted to create a synergy with our own heritage.
common man. Our constitution has given every person a capacity         We can take it a success today or a failure. But dreams never die or
to be treated special and treating every special person as a common    fail. They are perpetual and take their place from one generation to
individual. But the challenge is to whom we call a special and to      next generation.
whom a common man. Who is in minority and who is the majority
here? But cab you deny that this is nation is not ours?                I celebrate as I am carrying that dream of the same liberal nation
                                                                       that was seen by Ganghi ji, Tagore ji and Sardar Patel, the equality
I can’t, it’s ours only.                                               of religion and human voiced by Swami Vivekanand, the strength of
                                                                       Azad Hind Fauz (Army) of Netaji and many more….
But who says? How it could be our?
                                                                        I am celebrating as the life of all above stated negatives is super
When you say our nation it means, ‘a right balance of rights           perishable; it seems to like a drop in compare to the ocean of our
and responsibilities. Is it there? We are either invaders today        civilization. They are still noble and humble in comparison to the
with absolute execution of rights or slaves with the unending          brutality our mother land had seen in past.
responsibilities to survive only. This is not the birth that defines
who you are but your deeds.’                                           Don’t forget that the present is not only a harvest of yesterday but a
                                                                       seed of tomorrow also. Let’s we all carry the seed of that dream and
                                                                       do an act daily to shorten the distance between our present and of
                                                                       that future.

                                                                                                                             Let’s Celebrate…
                                                                                                                                      Jai Hind

                                                                                                                           The Mindfood Chef
The Mindfood Chef

                                                                      Our Purpose: “Inspiring Smiles”
                                           We, at The Mindfood Chef, serve happiness, a sense of accomplishment; help to live a worthy
                                            life, creating legacy to the names – the immortality, a decision for having an inspiring life.

                                                We support individuals for learning who they are, who they want to be and help in
                                              developing a success map for reaching the potential. Earning money, recognition, fame,
CHEMISTRY                                                                  relations and achieving self.

                                           We support organizations for developing a common and perpetual organizational behaviour,

                                            refining outlook, developing a synchronized thinking, simplification in processes, creating
 Anurag Sir                                                     responsibility centers and growing human capital.

for IIT-JEE/AIEEE/AIPMT/                                                       Our Product Category

                                                          Parenting | Student’s Arena | Organizational Aids
                                                               Personal Development | Chef’s Special

                                           At ‘The Mindfood Chef’, we facilitate               4.	    Adequate Supervision
                                           learning, development and evolution.                5.	    High and Inspiring Team Morale
                                           Under Organizational Aids, we serve the             6.	    Effective Communication
                                           solutions for following basic needs of the          7.	    Simplify    HC   (Human    Capital)
                                           organisations:                                             Procedures
                                                                                               8.	 Customer Delight
                                                                                               9.   	 Learning for Specific Skills &

                                          Personality of the Month
                                           1.	 Defining Vision, Mission and Values
                                           2.	 Effective Organisational Structure                     Procedures
                                           3.	 Effective Planning and control

SCO 13, 1ST Floor, Tribune Road,
   Sector 20-D, Chandigarh
                                          (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920)
     Mobile : 9815928768

                                          An Indian mathematician and autodidact who, with almost
                                          no formal training in pure mathematics, made extraordinary
                                          contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite
                                          series, and continued fractions. Living in India with no access
                                          to the larger mathematical community, which was centered in
                                          Europe at the time, Ramanujan developed his own mathematical
                                          research in isolation. As a result, he sometimes rediscovered
                                          known theorems in addition to producing new work. Ramanujan
                                          was said to be a natural genius by the English mathematician
                                          Hardy, in the same league as mathematicians such as Euler and

                                          Your Feedbacks
                                                                                                                    Srinivasa Ramanujan
                                                                                                                                               TDH 9780313737

   #2519 First Floor, Sector 40-C,
      Chandigarh - 160036
                                          I want to tell you one thing - Keep up the efforts   is what particularly attracts me. You may
       Phone: 0172-4636596                and do not worry, your words are being red.          want to work bit more on the general content,
        +91 92 16 38 39 40                                                                     because I am not always sure what do you want
        +91 92 16 79 80 81                I salute your initiative to share piece of your      to say with some parts of it.
                                          true self with the rest of us. As a passionate   blogger and writer, I am always pleased to see       Your reader salutes you... Have a great day... :)
                                          good initiative, not only good content.!/mindfoodchef
                                                                                               Blaze Arizanov
                                          The stories you share in the separate windows
                                          and in the margins of the Electronic newsletter

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Gu na-shr-ya-mz-jan-feb,2013

  • 1. Gunashrayamz Parenting – Does it require to learn or? A Deposit… Newsletter Volume: 2 - Issue: January - February 2013 FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY A shelter under the virtues with zeal. Dear Reader Namaskar – Greetings!!! …when this newsletter was begun almost six months before, the idea was to reach more people, connect more people. It was for my love to be a part of a bigger human family…to take the few minutes for developing and nurturing the roots…many congratulations to you for making it so till date and growing it every day and with every month… …few people have added new contacts for sending it to them, their known and few have forwarded it by theirselves to their colleagues and friends; few have suggested to send it through e-groups… and everything worked…today this newsletter is reaching more than five thousand people… Congratulations to you for making it so… …every single reply in the form of acknowledgment, congratulation, wishes, gratitude, appreciation, feedback and suggestion, an offer to participate in future, two un-subscriptions with reasons and “One individual may die for an sponsorship…all have grown my confidence in me and my purpose…Thank you very much… idea; but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a …the pronunciation of the name of the newsletter and meaning is still asked in every newsletter… thousand lives. That is how the few have suggested me to change even…its pronunciation is GU-NA-SHRA-YA-MZ, meaning a shelter wheel of evolution moves on under the virtues with zeal… and the ideas and dreams of one next’” nation are bequeathed to the …I am open to have a name carrying the same meaning and philosophy…seeking your opinion and suggestion for the same here now…every single counts and matters…thank you… Netaji Subash Chandra Bose …the purpose of this newsletter is carrying and nurtures the roots…as an organization The Mindfood Chef has five product categories…Parenting, Student Arena, Organizational Aid, Personal Development and Chef’s Special… understanding behind these five categories is : …family, the parenting is the first contact where land of philosophy and emotions being prepared and seeded… …educational institutes are the places for acquiring planned, purposeful and formal knowledge, information and much more including a personal society and family… …organization provides an opportunity to implement the gained knowledge, earning livelihood and dreams; creating a working family… …the onus to evolve and grow is the primarily of the person (self) only, it’s purely individual’s responsibility …with every new opportunity new skills; new knowledge and expanded paradigms are required…the self image and self talk are different…time ask more… …Chef’s Special is an honest effort to gather my experience gained during this life, consolidate and align in a purposeful direction… …I am committed to do justification and value addition to the time, energy and support I am getting The life of an uneducated man from you all…seeking the continuation of same… is as useless as the tail of a dog With regards which neither covers its rear end, Manish Kumar Aggarwal nor protects it from the bites of The Mindfood Chef insects. Chanakya
  • 2. Gunashrayamz Parenting – Does it require to learn or? FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY Parenting is an art of living your own We spend good time of our 17-20 years of We are living childhood again...testing your learning and our primary life in educational institutes in the age of evolving with your own child. and then we join our respective working information; fields and there also we learn first than do… the global In parenting we focus and take the help of in every step we acquire some knowledge information. four pillars in everything…they are by doing and some by learning…and the And we people who do this religiously, they grow… learn what is 1. Be the Role Model important for 2 Respect their Individuality Then why not in ‘Parenting’ also? us… 3. Take them by their Age 4. Be with Them Always Our primary source of parenting is our Just ask parents, their siblings, relatives and friends; yourself:: In the studies and discussions with different parents of our friends; our friends, sibling parents and families we find that knowledge and relatives…and in cases we have the 1. Is it all similar in your own case? If not, of parenting is at a very good level in most of results more than preparations… what have you prepared or changed? the cases, but lacking is at ignoring the little What are your sources? Are they formal or things that matters and they are observed The preparations, beliefs, education and time informal? by the child. They do accept them also… of our parents, the support system to them, 2. Do you dare to experiment with the life of the fight of pride through children;their any of your children? The challenge is the paradigm of being purpose & expectations from us, are parent…being authoritative…coming out all acquaintances to us if not strangers… The replies will take you ahead to take a of the position of being a creator, a first we know very less about it…the number of pride decision. The decision of winning, well wisher, a person of knowledge and children per couple is less now…the less time winning together... experience…the paradigm of knowing to experiment and learn from mistakes…the A Deposit… everything…not willing to learn… effect of changing time factor. The Mindfood Chef On the wedding day Monica’s mother gave .... and so on... and spend it first. You shouldn’t keep any her a newly opened bank saving passbook However, after years, they occupied in record of such a poor marriage.’ with Rs.1000 deposit amount. routines of life and were looking to add few hours in their day. They started fighting Monica thought it was true. So she went to Mother: ‘Monica, take this passbook. Keep and arguing for the petty things. They have the bank, waiting at the queue and planning it as a record of your marriage life. When lesser time for each other, even they didn’t to cancel the account. there’s something happy and memorable talk much. They regretted that they had happened in your new life, put some money married the nastiest people in the world…co While she was waiting, she took a look in. Write down what it’s about next to the at the passbook record. She looked, and line. The more memorable the event is, the looked, and looked. Then the memory of all more money you can put in. I’ve done the the previous joy and happiness just came first one for you today. Do the others with up her mind. Her eyes were then filled with Manav. When you look back after years, you tears. She left and went home. can know how much happiness you’ve had.’ When she was home, she handed the Monica shared this with Manav when passbook to Manav, asked him to spend the getting home. They both thought it was a money before getting divorce. great idea and were anxious to know when the second deposit can be made. The next day, Manav gave the passbook space for love, liking was in total scarcity... back to Monica. She found a new deposit of This was what they did after certain time: Rs.5000. And a line next to the record: ‘this - Rs.100, Manav and Monica gone for their One day Monica talked to her Mother: is the day I notice how much you mean to first trip ‘Mom, we can’t stand it anymore. We agree me and we have loved each other all these - Rs.100, Manav celebrated Monica’s first to divorce. I can’t imagine how I decided to years. How much happiness you have birthday at in-laws marry this guy!!!’ brought me.’ - Rs.300, salary raise for Manav - Rs.2000, they got the first baby Mother: ‘Sure, girl, that’s no big deal. Just They hugged and cried, putting the passbook - Rs.1000, Manav got promoted do whatever you want if you really can’t back to the safe. - Rs.2500, Monica started office stand it. But before that, do one thing first. - Rs.5000, they finalized their dream Remember the saving passbook I gave you Check your own deposits today…if don’t home on your wedding day? Take out all money have an account open today…
  • 3. Gunashrayamz A Dream…Let’s Celebrate… FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY Manav do you know we are attending the parade of Republic Day Duty of value addition to the inherited and to walk with the world this year. And that too at New Delhi, our national capital. simultaneously is of a common man also. Values and ethic s are not dependent on position or post; increasing crimes are just examples I am very excited as Republic Day is a symbol of our sovereignty, of declining social and family values. a matter of pride and self respect. It symbolizes freedom and liberty, a manifestation of our own governance. This day armed And I must tell you that every man is a common man till that man forces demonstrate their strength of protection through their arms, is not occupying any chair. The chair of responsibility and rights. technology and team work; balancing it with the music of humanity, Many examples can be observed from the life of retired executive to passion and enthusiasm. the legislation class in our routine life. The thrilling moments of armed personnel are always well One more thing was told to me by my grandfather that the butter or supported with the cultural programs and reflections of unity in the cream of the milk is a product of milk only. It qualifies the quality diversity through presentations of different states, departments of milk. Firstly this is the duty of a common man to play as a role and schools. model and elect the right person then the duty of the elected one to observe the same. When you elect for your personal or communal Your excitement is very vocal. I am amazed! needs, elected satisfies his/ her need first. In the present days of non-responsive government and political Then why are you celebrating this day? What makes you so leadership, agitations, desperation, insecurity, violent mob, excited? victimized and bold women and helpless common man, ‘how anybody could be so excited about ?’. Really Surprising! Only one thing – A dream. The dream that was been seen by many eyes and had given their lives for the same; the dream that allowed Surprise is genuine dear. You are correct. It is not about the somebody to find the best of polices from all civilized and developed politician or government only but also about the people, so called societies and attempted to create a synergy with our own heritage. common man. Our constitution has given every person a capacity We can take it a success today or a failure. But dreams never die or to be treated special and treating every special person as a common fail. They are perpetual and take their place from one generation to individual. But the challenge is to whom we call a special and to next generation. whom a common man. Who is in minority and who is the majority here? But cab you deny that this is nation is not ours? I celebrate as I am carrying that dream of the same liberal nation that was seen by Ganghi ji, Tagore ji and Sardar Patel, the equality I can’t, it’s ours only. of religion and human voiced by Swami Vivekanand, the strength of Azad Hind Fauz (Army) of Netaji and many more…. But who says? How it could be our? I am celebrating as the life of all above stated negatives is super When you say our nation it means, ‘a right balance of rights perishable; it seems to like a drop in compare to the ocean of our and responsibilities. Is it there? We are either invaders today civilization. They are still noble and humble in comparison to the with absolute execution of rights or slaves with the unending brutality our mother land had seen in past. responsibilities to survive only. This is not the birth that defines who you are but your deeds.’ Don’t forget that the present is not only a harvest of yesterday but a seed of tomorrow also. Let’s we all carry the seed of that dream and do an act daily to shorten the distance between our present and of that future. Let’s Celebrate… Jai Hind The Mindfood Chef
  • 4. The Mindfood Chef SPONSOR Our Purpose: “Inspiring Smiles” We, at The Mindfood Chef, serve happiness, a sense of accomplishment; help to live a worthy life, creating legacy to the names – the immortality, a decision for having an inspiring life. We support individuals for learning who they are, who they want to be and help in Simplify developing a success map for reaching the potential. Earning money, recognition, fame, CHEMISTRY relations and achieving self. We support organizations for developing a common and perpetual organizational behaviour, with refining outlook, developing a synchronized thinking, simplification in processes, creating Anurag Sir responsibility centers and growing human capital. for IIT-JEE/AIEEE/AIPMT/ Our Product Category Parenting | Student’s Arena | Organizational Aids AIIMS/OLYMPIADS Personal Development | Chef’s Special At ‘The Mindfood Chef’, we facilitate 4. Adequate Supervision learning, development and evolution. 5. High and Inspiring Team Morale Under Organizational Aids, we serve the 6. Effective Communication solutions for following basic needs of the 7. Simplify HC (Human Capital) organisations: Procedures 8. Customer Delight 9. Learning for Specific Skills & Personality of the Month 1. Defining Vision, Mission and Values 2. Effective Organisational Structure Procedures 3. Effective Planning and control SCO 13, 1ST Floor, Tribune Road, Sector 20-D, Chandigarh (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920) Mobile : 9815928768 An Indian mathematician and autodidact who, with almost no formal training in pure mathematics, made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions. Living in India with no access to the larger mathematical community, which was centered in Europe at the time, Ramanujan developed his own mathematical research in isolation. As a result, he sometimes rediscovered known theorems in addition to producing new work. Ramanujan was said to be a natural genius by the English mathematician G.H. Hardy, in the same league as mathematicians such as Euler and Gauss. Your Feedbacks Srinivasa Ramanujan TDH 9780313737 Source: #2519 First Floor, Sector 40-C, Chandigarh - 160036 I want to tell you one thing - Keep up the efforts is what particularly attracts me. You may Phone: 0172-4636596 and do not worry, your words are being red. want to work bit more on the general content, +91 92 16 38 39 40 because I am not always sure what do you want +91 92 16 79 80 81 I salute your initiative to share piece of your to say with some parts of it. true self with the rest of us. As a passionate blogger and writer, I am always pleased to see Your reader salutes you... Have a great day... :) good initiative, not only good content.!/mindfoodchef Blaze Arizanov The stories you share in the separate windows and in the margins of the Electronic newsletter