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COO Pinnatta
Growth hacking Insights
Mobile apps
Theodore Moulos
Guest Speaker
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Growth Hacker Principles in mobile apps
✤ Principle No. 1: You need to know that you need to fight.
Mobile app arena is a difficult one. Be ready
✤ Principle No. 2: Be a Quality Product and focus on
promoting this single, user-pleasing product.
✤ Principle No. 3: Employ the Scientific Method and discover
the truth. Always analyze the collected data to draw a
meaningful conclusion.
✤ Principle No. 4: Focus on Customers. Make stuff people
✤ Principle No. 5: Be Resilient.Almost by definition, growth
hacking requires small failures on the road to success.
Remember, you will be experimenting with everything
Couple of advices to start …
✤ Easy as 1, 2, 3 - Apps without an intuitive design and interface are destined to
✤ Avoid buggy technology - Only 16 percent of users said they would give an app
more than two attempts if it failed to work seamlessly the first time
✤ Gain Trust - Consumer concerns over privacy remain high, with 92 percent of
users worried about their privacy online.
✤ Checking out - 2 out of 3 of smartphone users have abandoned a transaction
due to obstacles during check out.
✤ Fishing for compliments It’s OK to ask users for ratings, but be cognisant of
burnout. Honest and consistent feedback needs to be earned. Consider ways to
incentivise feedback.
How to give your app the best possible chance to
not just survive but thrive.
You have an app?What to avoid….
Hard working and will spend time on my app
Three assumptions to avoid and that will save you a lot of
Smart enough to understand my app
Interested and keen to use my app
My users are:
Growth Model
Churn Resurrection 

Active Users 


Paid Acquisition
It’s all about money
✤ How to decide where to spend your money
✤ How you measure them
✤ What should be the ROMI
✤ What is the average Cost of acquisition
Typical CPA:
1.2 - 1.5 $
Paid user acquisition (Two misconceptions)
✤ Misconception 1: Great products don’t require paid user
acquisition because they’re viral by nature. In such a case
buying users speeds up user base growth and delivers
✤ Misconception 2:The money spent on paid user acquisition
would always be put to better use funding additional
product development. It represents an admission that the
organisation believes it can extract more revenues from an
improved product at some point in the future than it
can from the current product today.
User Acquisition channels
The more you put, the more you get
It’s a … funnel story…
Active Users: 300k (290k)


New users Returning users
Senders: 200k
do they
D1: 30%
D7: 16%
D30: 7%
Pinnatta Sent: 320k
300k 20k
Convert: ?k
Replies: 80k
60k 20k
Action to be taken
Question to be answered
Important Figure
Users: 300K
Users: 20K
Retention /Usage

(Growth Model)
Direct Through transactions
email FB SMS email FB SMS
Landed (CTA)
Visited Store
aka Invitations’
Action A
Action B
Analytics & Metrics
Obsession with metrics is the only way forward



20% of

Basic Metrics
✤ User engagement
✤ User retention & User churn
✤ User flow
✤ Conversion rates
✤ ARPU (average revenue per user)
✤ Customer lifetime value (CLTV)
✤ New users vs.Active users
✤ Number of downloads and uninstalls
Metrics and Metric Categories
✤ Acquisition:The category covers all the metrics used to acquire users. Here are
the most critical ones:
✤ Downloads
✤ New users
✤ Active Users
✤ Engagement:This category covers metrics that will tell you what percentage of
users stick with your app after downloading
✤ Retention (and churn rate)
✤ Drop off rates
✤ Session length
✤ Outcomes: Outcomes are the areas where users convert in your app.
✤ In-app purchases
✤ App purchases
✤ Goal conversions (sign ups, view a certain screen, etc.)
✤ App monetization
Metrics for metrics?
✤ Mobile apps are able to produce a treasure of data for app developers to
see how they are performing. However, there is a crucial condition: the
owner of the app needs to understand how to use this data to
convert it to actionable information.
✤ For most developers, it isn’t necessary to measure all these metrics, every
app is different and might have a different ideal set of performance
metrics. However, it is important to keep tracking your app’s performance
over time and compare new versions with old versions to see if your
technical improvement efforts are paying off.
✤ Demographics, interests and intents inferred by machine learning
algorithms can be used to acquire the right users: those that will increase
your ARPU and decrease your CPI. This is what we call actionable
How to present numbers
✤ In a negative way! to demonstrate corrective actions!
✤ Multi-dimensional analysis
✤ Device: iphone, ipad, phone, table, phablet etc
✤ OS: iOS / Android
✤ Time Series: Daily,Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, yearly
✤ Customer monetization: Free / Paid
✤ Customer segmentation: ages / genders / Countries
✤ Customer type: New, Returning
✤ Customer acquisition: Paid / Organic
✤ Comparing with last month and same period last year
✤ Growth to be presented as percentages not absolute numbers
✤ In a consistent way
✤ Separating behaviour of new users and returning users
The 4-5-4 Rule
A very simple but super important metric to measure app
engagement is taking the 4-5-4 test.An app is most likely to be
a monetary success if it passes the 4-5-4 test which follows
that if a user can realistically be expected to use the app
A. at least 4 times a day,
B. for at least 5 minutes (per use), and
C. keeps it for at least 4 months.
Standard“correct” values
✤ Registrations
✤ 100 K + is a good start to raise $1M (but there is no
golden number!)
✤ Monthly Active users
✤ MAU/Reg = 20%+ is good, 50% is amazing
✤ Daily Active users
✤ DAU/MAU = 20%+ is good, 50% is amazing
✤ Days to acquire 10K, 100K or 1M users
✤ 7-day, 30-day, 6-month retention (hit engagement before
acquisition if you have to make a choice)
If you must do metrics at this early stage to raise funds

(and given your stage assuming you are not monetizing):
The ideal metrics?
✤ The only metrics relevant to an app developer are its own,
within the context of its broader marketing and content
development strategy.
✤ Broad industry benchmarks aren't helpful.
Rather than looking for metrics, check the user experience
within your team or usability lab or focus group.
Metrics will just reflect the same.
Uninstalls (How to measure them)
✤ There are apps with more than 160% uninstall rate - every
10 times the app is installed, users uninstall it 16 times.
✤ Uninstallation on iOS can be tracked from push notification
feedbacks, that is, if an application enables push and if it’s
uninstalled, then you can count it.
✤ Uninstallation on Google Play is been delivered by Google
This is by far the most important metric you need to
analyze. If possible, try to track the referrers for your
application. Under Android, campaign tracking is
straightforward, however Apple doesn’t allow third parties
to track referrals (but there are different methods for this
such as IP matching).
Downloads to registrations:
> 50% is ok, >70% is amazing
User Retention
Retention simply tells how many users come back to open
your app just because they embraced it. Just like repeating
customers, retained users are one of the most critical metrics
in application engagement.With retention metric you get an
insight of percentage of users coming back to use your app
Churn Rate
< 35% ok, <25 % is amazing
User Retention:Yes,ButWhich One?
✤ Full retention - which proportion of users come back
every single day to the app until Day +N.
✤ Classic retention - which proportion of users come back
to the app on Day+N.
✤ Rolling retention - which proportion of users come back
to the app on Day+N or any day after that. (Used by Flurry)
✤ Return retention - which proportion of users come back
to the app at least once within N days.
✤ Bracket-dependent return retention - In this case, we
define brackets between typical retention marks such as
Day 1/3/7/28/60 etc
Store Comments and Ratings
There are several online services providing this information by
scraping application store web. Honest opinions from end
user should be taken seriously by the product manager and
considered as an improvement area.
Find the correct moment to ask for a review. Use an SDK to
analyse the sentiments per action
Statistics show that one fourth (1 of 4 aka 25%) of all apps are
opened only once.A small frustration, an issue with login, a
typo in help screen will force user press home key, never
returning back to that app again. Fun stops.Thanks to various
tools, you can see how many times your app is launched, and
take necessary precautions in case average number of opens
is alarming.
Time Spent (Session Length)
This metric can easily be misleading, since time spent in a
simple utility (e.g weather app), a casual game or a video
streaming app can vary greatly.Therefore do not simply
compare your “time spent” data with other apps, but rather
benefit from custom events (e.g number of channels watched
in a session) to correlate both data.
Conversions via invitations
✤ What should be my conversion rate?
✤ Depends on the type of your app, competitive landscape
and the value provided by your app to the end user.
Anything above 15-20% would be
considered a good conversion rate.
Tools / Applications
Tools / Applications
Technical Tips
Deep Linking and more to be used for growth…
Deep Linking (Pinnatta examples)
Bridging the web and mobile world
Mobile app advertisers
use App Events
to track the conversion
of their ad campaigns
to installs.
What are app events?
A simple way to log metrics you care about,
with a single line of code.
• App Installs
• App Launches
• Purchases
• Level completed
• More: 14 pre-defined events + developer defined events
Log any action take inside your app
What’s included inApp Insights?
Virality & Viral Loops
Lack of vitality is the symptom not the root cause
Product is viral
The cost per acquisition of a user
is less than
that user’s expected LTV
Virality is so important
that you should start from it.
“We have product X how do we virally spread it?
We have viral loop X what’s the right product to put into it.
Sounds like product / market fit right? Well yes…”
In successful viral products,
virality is designed into the product
from the very beginning
as part of the fundamental architecture of the experience.
Tip! Use your obscurity period to fix this at last.
What is a viral loop?
You can think of it as
the steps a user goes through
between entering the app
to inviting the next set of new users
What is a viral loop?Example
Sending to non-Pinnatta user
✤ K-factor is the average number of additional users each
user introduces to the app.
✤ Virality is really the measure of the spread of information
and not the adoption rate or new subscribers that you get
for your product.Again, like views, that's a byproduct of
being viral.
✤ k-factor one (1) is amazing above that is extraordinary
Life Time Value
How much the customer is worthing
Customer LifeTimeValue (CLTV)
✤ CLTV is a measure of a user’s value over time.You can
choose to define user LTV in a number of ways, but it must
be a quantifiable metric that correlates to specific actions
within your app. In an app that generates user-driven
revenue, user LTV will likely be defined in dollars as the
amount of money a user has spent in your app over time.
✤ If your app isn’t monetized through user-driven revenue,
there are alternative ways to track user LTV eg.
engagement, retention
Why checking CLTV is vital?
✤ Investors will check it also
✤ Need to compare it with cost of acquisition
✤ Need to build a viable business model
Virality and CLTV
Virality – specifically, k-factor – changes the dynamic of the
relationship between LTV and CPI (average is 0,70-1,20)
because virality represents cost-free growth, it reduces the
effective price paid for each user in a marketing campaign.
(Average purchase value) × (Number of repeat purchases)
× (Average retention time)
How to calculate CLTV
There are three basic pieces of information you need to know
to calculate CLV:
1. What is the average value of a purchase?
2. How many repeat purchases do you expect to make?
3. How long do you expect your customer to remain your
How to really calculate CLTV
CLTV paints an incomplete picture, because it doesn’t take
into account:
✤ The profitability of each sale (an often ignored factor)
✤ The likelihood of your customer continuing to be your
customer (also known as the retention rate)
✤ The discount rate or the expected rate of return on an
investment (a product of the “time value of money” and
other risk factors, i.e. $10 earned today is worth more than
$10 earned three years in the future)
✤ The relationship between Customer LifetimeValue and
Customer ReferralValue
Small tips to keep in mind
Tips forAccelerated Growth
✤ Be API-friendly: APIs allow different websites and platforms to "talk" to each other
for example,Yelp uses MapQuest to give you directions to your local restaurant.
✤ Hitch Your Wagon to a Star: Many contemporary startups attains massive growth
by being a part of a larger marketplace such as Facebook, Salesforce or Google Apps.
✤ Build in Conversion and Engagement Tools: Your app or company won't grow if
it's not habit forming. So build in referral bonuses (like Dropbox) or similar
✤ Leverage Users: "Double-sided referrals" in which a current customer gives a
reward to a new customer and receives one herself are a prime way of leveraging
users to create growth.
✤ Create Spreadable Experiences:The car service Uber quickly gained traction in its
major markets because it was a much easier way to get around than hailing or even
calling a taxi.
✤ Obsessive Optimisation: Nothing that remains untested and unobserved can create
massive growth, or so say the Growth Hackers. So if you'd like to become one, you'll
need to know and love metrics. Pick one metric at a time and come up with ways of
optimising it.
More features?
“Very few features touch non-users so
working on features in the product won’t
help the funnel.”
Gustaf Alströmer from airbnb
“Some things are just really hard to do, like
reactivating dormant users or making your
product awesome by changing a button
color. By contrast, some things are much
easier, so focus on those”
Jean-Denis Greze from Dropbox
Making money? where from?
Monetization strategies
✤ Affiliated ads
✤ Affiliated gifts
✤ Freemium
✤ Virtual Money
✤ Giftcards
✤ Video ads Yearly vs. Monthly plans:
30% vs. 70%
– Source: Responsys
43% of customers are more likely to make a purchase
when mobile offers are part of
an orchestrated campaign that unfolds over time
across multiple channels.
– Source: Responsys
Nearly two-thirds of consumers subscribed to mobile marketing
indicate that they have made a purchase
as a result of receiving a highly relevant mobile message.
How many apps sent highly relevant mobile messages?
Because it’s f…. difficult…
–Source: Responsys
ONLY 68% of consumers
who have downloaded a brand’s app
have enabled push notifications.
It’s all about retention
There's a very, very good chance
that a new user
won't get to experience all the value you have to offer
in their very first sitting.
–Source: Venture Beat
The open rate of SMS is 98% compared with 22% for emails.
Extra Resources
Unlimited out there…
Over 2,500 apps are submitted every day.
Hoping to be the next "big hit"
these developers have worked months and in some cases
years to prepare their app.
But the sad truth is, most apps fail.
Almost 70% of apps will generate less than 5,000 downloads
60% will never be updated after release.
22 apps
- 10 apps build-in
- Major 7 apps
eg. fb, Twitter, spotify, 

linkedin etc
5 spots left
“Do you deserve one of these spots?”
“Do you deserve more users?”
–Theodore Moulos

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Grow Hack Athens Pt.2: Growth Hacking For Mobile Apps

  • 1. COO Pinnatta Growth hacking Insights Mobile apps Theodore Moulos Guest Speaker Organised with by GrowthRocks Hosted with at
  • 2. Growth Hacker Principles in mobile apps ✤ Principle No. 1: You need to know that you need to fight. Mobile app arena is a difficult one. Be ready ✤ Principle No. 2: Be a Quality Product and focus on promoting this single, user-pleasing product. ✤ Principle No. 3: Employ the Scientific Method and discover the truth. Always analyze the collected data to draw a meaningful conclusion. ✤ Principle No. 4: Focus on Customers. Make stuff people want. ✤ Principle No. 5: Be Resilient.Almost by definition, growth hacking requires small failures on the road to success. Remember, you will be experimenting with everything
  • 3. Couple of advices to start … ✤ Easy as 1, 2, 3 - Apps without an intuitive design and interface are destined to fail. ✤ Avoid buggy technology - Only 16 percent of users said they would give an app more than two attempts if it failed to work seamlessly the first time ✤ Gain Trust - Consumer concerns over privacy remain high, with 92 percent of users worried about their privacy online. ✤ Checking out - 2 out of 3 of smartphone users have abandoned a transaction due to obstacles during check out. ✤ Fishing for compliments It’s OK to ask users for ratings, but be cognisant of burnout. Honest and consistent feedback needs to be earned. Consider ways to incentivise feedback. How to give your app the best possible chance to not just survive but thrive.
  • 4. You have an app?What to avoid…. Hard working and will spend time on my app Three assumptions to avoid and that will save you a lot of time. Smart enough to understand my app Interested and keen to use my app My users are:
  • 5. Growth Model Churn Resurrection 
 (TOP DIFFICULT) Acquisition New users Monthly Active Users 
 (MAU) Dormant Users 
 (DU) Churn Activation
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9. PaidAcquisition ✤ How to decide where to spend your money ✤ How you measure them ✤ What should be the ROMI ✤ What is the average Cost of acquisition Typical CPA: 1.2 - 1.5 $
  • 10. Paid user acquisition (Two misconceptions) ✤ Misconception 1: Great products don’t require paid user acquisition because they’re viral by nature. In such a case buying users speeds up user base growth and delivers revenue ✤ Misconception 2:The money spent on paid user acquisition would always be put to better use funding additional product development. It represents an admission that the organisation believes it can extract more revenues from an improved product at some point in the future than it can from the current product today.
  • 12. Funnel The more you put, the more you get
  • 13. It’s a … funnel story…
  • 14. Active Users: 300k (290k) PAID: 40K ORGANIC: 60K Downloads: 
 100k Registrations: 90k ?% Not even first 
 experience 50k250k New users Returning users ?% churn Senders: 200k 50k150k ?% Not sending What do they do? ?%?% D1: 30% D7: 16% D30: 7% ?% Drop offs Pinnatta Sent: 320k 300k 20k ?/active ?/sender Convert: ?k Replies: 80k 60k 20k Action to be taken Question to be answered Important Figure Pinnatta Users: 300K Non-Pinnatta Users: 20K Acquisition Retention /Usage ?/active Basic 
 Funnel (Growth Model)
  • 15. Direct Through transactions email FB SMS email FB SMS Consumable Non-Consumable Delivered Landed (CTA) Clicked Played Visited Store Conversion Funnel aka Invitations’ efficiency Notification Channel Reception Channel Landed Action A Action B Downloaded
  • 16. Analytics & Metrics Obsession with metrics is the only way forward 234 Metrics 1Data
 Analyst 1Data
 Engineer 18
 Dimensions 20% of
 Capacity 5 Apps
  • 17. Basic Metrics ✤ User engagement ✤ User retention & User churn ✤ User flow ✤ Conversion rates ✤ ARPU (average revenue per user) ✤ Customer lifetime value (CLTV) ✤ New users vs.Active users ✤ Number of downloads and uninstalls
  • 18. Metrics and Metric Categories ✤ Acquisition:The category covers all the metrics used to acquire users. Here are the most critical ones: ✤ Downloads ✤ New users ✤ Active Users ✤ Engagement:This category covers metrics that will tell you what percentage of users stick with your app after downloading ✤ Retention (and churn rate) ✤ Drop off rates ✤ Session length ✤ Outcomes: Outcomes are the areas where users convert in your app. ✤ In-app purchases ✤ App purchases ✤ Goal conversions (sign ups, view a certain screen, etc.) ✤ App monetization
  • 19. Metrics for metrics? ✤ Mobile apps are able to produce a treasure of data for app developers to see how they are performing. However, there is a crucial condition: the owner of the app needs to understand how to use this data to convert it to actionable information. ✤ For most developers, it isn’t necessary to measure all these metrics, every app is different and might have a different ideal set of performance metrics. However, it is important to keep tracking your app’s performance over time and compare new versions with old versions to see if your technical improvement efforts are paying off. ✤ Demographics, interests and intents inferred by machine learning algorithms can be used to acquire the right users: those that will increase your ARPU and decrease your CPI. This is what we call actionable information.
  • 20. How to present numbers ✤ In a negative way! to demonstrate corrective actions! ✤ Multi-dimensional analysis ✤ Device: iphone, ipad, phone, table, phablet etc ✤ OS: iOS / Android ✤ Time Series: Daily,Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, yearly ✤ Customer monetization: Free / Paid ✤ Customer segmentation: ages / genders / Countries ✤ Customer type: New, Returning ✤ Customer acquisition: Paid / Organic ✤ Comparing with last month and same period last year ✤ Growth to be presented as percentages not absolute numbers ✤ In a consistent way ✤ Separating behaviour of new users and returning users
  • 21. The 4-5-4 Rule A very simple but super important metric to measure app engagement is taking the 4-5-4 test.An app is most likely to be a monetary success if it passes the 4-5-4 test which follows that if a user can realistically be expected to use the app A. at least 4 times a day, B. for at least 5 minutes (per use), and C. keeps it for at least 4 months.
  • 22. Standard“correct” values ✤ Registrations ✤ 100 K + is a good start to raise $1M (but there is no golden number!) ✤ Monthly Active users ✤ MAU/Reg = 20%+ is good, 50% is amazing ✤ Daily Active users ✤ DAU/MAU = 20%+ is good, 50% is amazing ✤ Days to acquire 10K, 100K or 1M users ✤ 7-day, 30-day, 6-month retention (hit engagement before acquisition if you have to make a choice) If you must do metrics at this early stage to raise funds
 (and given your stage assuming you are not monetizing):
  • 23. The ideal metrics? ✤ The only metrics relevant to an app developer are its own, within the context of its broader marketing and content development strategy. ✤ Broad industry benchmarks aren't helpful. Rather than looking for metrics, check the user experience within your team or usability lab or focus group. Metrics will just reflect the same.
  • 24. Uninstalls (How to measure them) ✤ There are apps with more than 160% uninstall rate - every 10 times the app is installed, users uninstall it 16 times. ✤ Uninstallation on iOS can be tracked from push notification feedbacks, that is, if an application enables push and if it’s uninstalled, then you can count it. ✤ Uninstallation on Google Play is been delivered by Google
  • 25. This is by far the most important metric you need to analyze. If possible, try to track the referrers for your application. Under Android, campaign tracking is straightforward, however Apple doesn’t allow third parties to track referrals (but there are different methods for this such as IP matching). Downloads Downloads to registrations: > 50% is ok, >70% is amazing
  • 26. User Retention Retention simply tells how many users come back to open your app just because they embraced it. Just like repeating customers, retained users are one of the most critical metrics in application engagement.With retention metric you get an insight of percentage of users coming back to use your app again. Churn Rate < 35% ok, <25 % is amazing
  • 27. User Retention:Yes,ButWhich One? ✤ Full retention - which proportion of users come back every single day to the app until Day +N. ✤ Classic retention - which proportion of users come back to the app on Day+N. ✤ Rolling retention - which proportion of users come back to the app on Day+N or any day after that. (Used by Flurry) ✤ Return retention - which proportion of users come back to the app at least once within N days. ✤ Bracket-dependent return retention - In this case, we define brackets between typical retention marks such as Day 1/3/7/28/60 etc
  • 28. Store Comments and Ratings There are several online services providing this information by scraping application store web. Honest opinions from end user should be taken seriously by the product manager and considered as an improvement area. Find the correct moment to ask for a review. Use an SDK to analyse the sentiments per action
  • 29. Opens Statistics show that one fourth (1 of 4 aka 25%) of all apps are opened only once.A small frustration, an issue with login, a typo in help screen will force user press home key, never returning back to that app again. Fun stops.Thanks to various tools, you can see how many times your app is launched, and take necessary precautions in case average number of opens is alarming.
  • 30. Time Spent (Session Length) This metric can easily be misleading, since time spent in a simple utility (e.g weather app), a casual game or a video streaming app can vary greatly.Therefore do not simply compare your “time spent” data with other apps, but rather benefit from custom events (e.g number of channels watched in a session) to correlate both data.
  • 31.
  • 32. Conversions via invitations ✤ What should be my conversion rate? ✤ Depends on the type of your app, competitive landscape and the value provided by your app to the end user. Anything above 15-20% would be considered a good conversion rate.
  • 35. Technical Tips Deep Linking and more to be used for growth…
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. Deep Linking (Pinnatta examples) Bridging the web and mobile world
  • 39. Mobile app advertisers use App Events to track the conversion of their ad campaigns to installs.
  • 40. What are app events? A simple way to log metrics you care about, with a single line of code. • App Installs • App Launches • Purchases • Level completed • More: 14 pre-defined events + developer defined events Log any action take inside your app
  • 41. What’s included inApp Insights? REFERRALS LOGIN STORIES APP EVENTS
  • 42. Virality & Viral Loops Lack of vitality is the symptom not the root cause
  • 43. Virality Product is viral = The cost per acquisition of a user is less than that user’s expected LTV
  • 44. Virality Virality is so important that you should start from it. “We have product X how do we virally spread it? We have viral loop X what’s the right product to put into it. Sounds like product / market fit right? Well yes…”
  • 45. Virality In successful viral products, virality is designed into the product from the very beginning as part of the fundamental architecture of the experience. Tip! Use your obscurity period to fix this at last.
  • 46. What is a viral loop? You can think of it as the steps a user goes through between entering the app to inviting the next set of new users Definition
  • 47. What is a viral loop?Example Sending to non-Pinnatta user
  • 48. k-factor ✤ K-factor is the average number of additional users each user introduces to the app. ✤ Virality is really the measure of the spread of information and not the adoption rate or new subscribers that you get for your product.Again, like views, that's a byproduct of being viral. ✤ k-factor one (1) is amazing above that is extraordinary
  • 49. Life Time Value How much the customer is worthing
  • 50. Customer LifeTimeValue (CLTV) ✤ CLTV is a measure of a user’s value over time.You can choose to define user LTV in a number of ways, but it must be a quantifiable metric that correlates to specific actions within your app. In an app that generates user-driven revenue, user LTV will likely be defined in dollars as the amount of money a user has spent in your app over time. ✤ If your app isn’t monetized through user-driven revenue, there are alternative ways to track user LTV eg. engagement, retention
  • 51. Why checking CLTV is vital? ✤ Investors will check it also ✤ Need to compare it with cost of acquisition ✤ Need to build a viable business model
  • 52. Virality and CLTV Virality – specifically, k-factor – changes the dynamic of the relationship between LTV and CPI (average is 0,70-1,20) because virality represents cost-free growth, it reduces the effective price paid for each user in a marketing campaign.
  • 53. (Average purchase value) × (Number of repeat purchases) × (Average retention time) How to calculate CLTV There are three basic pieces of information you need to know to calculate CLV: 1. What is the average value of a purchase? 2. How many repeat purchases do you expect to make? 3. How long do you expect your customer to remain your customer?
  • 54. How to really calculate CLTV CLTV paints an incomplete picture, because it doesn’t take into account: ✤ The profitability of each sale (an often ignored factor) ✤ The likelihood of your customer continuing to be your customer (also known as the retention rate) ✤ The discount rate or the expected rate of return on an investment (a product of the “time value of money” and other risk factors, i.e. $10 earned today is worth more than $10 earned three years in the future) ✤ The relationship between Customer LifetimeValue and Customer ReferralValue
  • 55. Tips Small tips to keep in mind
  • 56. Tips forAccelerated Growth ✤ Be API-friendly: APIs allow different websites and platforms to "talk" to each other for example,Yelp uses MapQuest to give you directions to your local restaurant. ✤ Hitch Your Wagon to a Star: Many contemporary startups attains massive growth by being a part of a larger marketplace such as Facebook, Salesforce or Google Apps. ✤ Build in Conversion and Engagement Tools: Your app or company won't grow if it's not habit forming. So build in referral bonuses (like Dropbox) or similar ✤ Leverage Users: "Double-sided referrals" in which a current customer gives a reward to a new customer and receives one herself are a prime way of leveraging users to create growth. ✤ Create Spreadable Experiences:The car service Uber quickly gained traction in its major markets because it was a much easier way to get around than hailing or even calling a taxi. ✤ Obsessive Optimisation: Nothing that remains untested and unobserved can create massive growth, or so say the Growth Hackers. So if you'd like to become one, you'll need to know and love metrics. Pick one metric at a time and come up with ways of optimising it.
  • 57. More features? “Very few features touch non-users so working on features in the product won’t help the funnel.” Gustaf Alströmer from airbnb
  • 58. Focus! “Some things are just really hard to do, like reactivating dormant users or making your product awesome by changing a button color. By contrast, some things are much easier, so focus on those” Jean-Denis Greze from Dropbox
  • 60. Monetization strategies ✤ Affiliated ads ✤ Affiliated gifts ✤ Freemium ✤ Virtual Money ✤ Giftcards ✤ Video ads Yearly vs. Monthly plans: 30% vs. 70%
  • 61.
  • 62. – Source: Responsys 43% of customers are more likely to make a purchase when mobile offers are part of an orchestrated campaign that unfolds over time across multiple channels.
  • 63. – Source: Responsys Nearly two-thirds of consumers subscribed to mobile marketing indicate that they have made a purchase as a result of receiving a highly relevant mobile message. How many apps sent highly relevant mobile messages? 3% Why? Because it’s f…. difficult…
  • 64. –Source: Responsys ONLY 68% of consumers who have downloaded a brand’s app have enabled push notifications.
  • 65.
  • 67. There's a very, very good chance that a new user won't get to experience all the value you have to offer in their very first sitting.
  • 68. –Source: Venture Beat The open rate of SMS is 98% compared with 22% for emails.
  • 71. Sitography,Bibliography ✤ searchfrom=header&q=500Distro ✤ ✤ user-acquisition/ ✤ Immortalis-case-study-A4-web.pdf ✤ ✤ ✤ accurate-viral-measure
  • 72. Over 2,500 apps are submitted every day. Hoping to be the next "big hit" these developers have worked months and in some cases years to prepare their app. But the sad truth is, most apps fail. Almost 70% of apps will generate less than 5,000 downloads 60% will never be updated after release.
  • 73. 22 apps - 10 apps build-in - Major 7 apps eg. fb, Twitter, spotify, 
 linkedin etc 5 spots left “Do you deserve one of these spots?”
  • 74.
  • 75. “Do you deserve more users?” –Theodore Moulos
 COO Organised with by GrowthRocks Hosted with at