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Great Expectations

   Students today,
Employees tomorrow....
Who are we………..
                       Simon Vaughan, Deputy IT Director
                    Information Services, Cardiff University
                  Member of the Social Business Council and a 2011 IBM Collaboration Champion

                      Linkedin :
                                              Twitter : Simplys1mon

Dr Chris Graves Communications Consultant
  Information Services, Cardiff University
                Member of the Social Business Council

   Linkedin :
                         Twitter : Gravescj

                                                "Here's another nice mess
                                                  you've gotten me into."
Items we will cover today….

  1) About Cardiff and some of the
        challenges we face

   2) What Students now expect
        The mobile factor

   3) User Adoption

   4) The Student lifecycle

    5) What we would like to see in
        Connections 4
Cardiff University            Collaboration drivers
                                                                27,000 Students
                                                                 - 7,500 grads each year
                                                                Research led University

                                                                6,000 employees
                                                                Geographically dispersed
                                                                campus – All Wales
                                                                support (NHS users)
                                                                E-mail defacto
                                                                collaboration tool…..
                                                                Need easy access to
                                                                relevant information !
                                                                ! - Sir Mervs
Some of the challenges WE face
The changing requirements of our Students, Researcher, Staff
             (from 17 to 70 years old)
     Born Pre 1945

                 Born 1945 to early 1960 s

                                   Born early 1960 s to early 1980 s

                                                 Born 1980 s onwards
The changing requirements of our Students, Researcher, Staff
(from 17 to 70 years old) – How they expect to Communicate
     Write me
                          Use paper

                Call me    Use paper diaries
                           Someone else may update their calendar / mailbox

                          Mail me
                                             Use e-mail
                                             Technology Savy

                                        IM me
                                        DM me
                                        Message me

                                           E-mail is for my parents
INSRV Taught Student Survey 2011 – Listening To Our Users
                 What the Survey Tells Us About Our Users

•  80% use Cardiff Portal (Webshere Portal) daily

  •  Library resources, Collaboration tools, Learning Central

•  80% use their own laptop daily to access Cardiff
   University resources.

•  50% use a University desktop at least once a

•  99% have a mobile phone (with 50% owning a
21st Century Student

Enough from me, let’s hear what students
are now expecting….

          ……… from a student!
What Students now expect
  Many of today’s Students have not known a world without:

Source : Malcolm Bean’s Keynote presentation JISC conference 2010
What does this mean….
              New ways of Collaboration

    Current ways of Working

                              Collaborative way of Working
                              in a Collaborative organisation’
What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation?

A Launch Pad to all services

 With a Rich User Experience
 – User adds Value

What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation?

                                                 Wiki s

                       Blogs s

What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation?

                                                Feeds / Notifications

                                                Tagging content

                                                Activity Streams!
                                                - Consume information from
                                                multiple sources in one place

                                                - Push updates from one place
                                                to multiple sources


The User decides which information they want to get
 ‘Filter out the noise’
What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation?

  ‘Traditional Websites
- controlled by a Web CMS’

 Recognise that people now want to create and
    co-create value rather than just receive.
What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation?

Cardiff University Collaborative toolset

Blog      Wiki             TeamSpace       Video Library

                      CU Portal
                 (Collaborative space)
What are our users now expecting ?
Access to service 24x7, from any location......

      On any device.......................
      In Aug 2010, our services where accessed from over 135 different countries...................
INSRV Taught Student Survey 2011 – Listening To Our Users
Question to our users : If you own a Smartphone, What type is it ?

          BlackBerry:     iPhone:           Android:   Other (please   Symbian:   Windows
                                                         specify):                Mobile:

 A total of 24 people gave an ‘other’ answer, common answers included: Nokia, Samsung, and

  22. How frequently do you         Daily                              79.7
  visit Cardiff portal: (%)
                                    Once a week +                      17.5

                                    Once a month +                     1.8

                                    Less than once a month             0.6

                                    Never                              0.3
The Mobile factor - What are we doing…
The Mobile factor

 According to the Pew Research Center, 83% of Millennials
 admit to placing their cell phones next to them when they
   sleep so that they "don't miss out on something big."

Many of today’s Students have not known a world without:

  And expect access to these facilities on any device and
                   when they want it!
User Adoption Priorities

•  Students appear to be quite fluid in
                                their approach

•  Our staff have more fixed ideas …

•  Going to look at the approach we are taking
   with current staff

•  We don’t yet know how things will work with
A Key Barrier to Adoption

                      ...where do I put stuff?

     ...where do I look for stuff
We are helping our user community
by introducing them to the two concepts…

         •  System of Record
           (in its widest sense)
         •  System of Engagement
           (and/or Collaboration)

  Systems of Engagement and the Future of Enterprise IT
  Geoffrey Moore - AIIM White Paper
A System of Record (in its widest sense)
A System of Engagement (and/or Collaboration)
Systems of Record and
              Systems of Engagement

  Systems of Record           Systems of Engagement

External Web Site (CMS)             Facebook
 Cardiff Portal (Intranet)         Connections
   Confluence (Wiki)
Types of Organisational Structures

                                                                     How Clear are
Organizational          What s the                                                        What Holds Them
                                              Who Belongs?               the                                         How Long Do They Last?
  Structure              Purpose?                                                            Together?
                                              Everyone who
                    To deliver a product or                                               Job requirements and      Intended to be permanent (but last
Formal Department                             reports to the               Clear
                    service                                                               common goals              until the next reorganization)
                                              group s manager
                    To take care of an        Membership                                                            Intended to be ongoing (but last
                                                                                          Shared responsibility
Operational Team    ongoing operation or      assigned by                  Clear                                    as long as the operation is
                                                                                          for the operation
                    process                   management                                                            needed)
                                              People who have a
                    To accomplish a           direct role in                              The project s goals       Predetermined ending (when the
Project Team                                                               Clear
                    specified task            accomplishing the                           and milestones            project has been completed)

                    To create, expand, and    Self-selection                              Passion, commitment,      Evolve and end organically (last
Communities of      exchange knowledge; to    based on expertise                          and identification with   as long as there is relevance to
Practice            develop individual        or passion for a                            the group and its         the topic and value and interest in
                    capabilities              topic                                       expertise                 learning together)

                                                                                          Access to information
Communities of                                Whomever is
                    To be informed                                         Fuzzy          and a sense of like-      Evolve and end organically
Interest                                      interested

                    To receive and pass on    Friends, business                                                     Never really start or end (exist as
                                                                                          Mutual need and
Informal Networks   information; to know      acquaintances,             Undefined                                  long as people keep in touch or
                    who is who                friends of friends                                                    remember each other

                                                              Wenger et al: Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge
Types of Organisational Structures
                                    How most of the formal work gets done
                                                                      How Clear are
Organizational            What s the                                                       What Holds Them
                                                Who Belongs?              the                                         How Long Do They Last?
  Structure                Purpose?                                                           Together?
                                                Everyone who
                      To deliver a product or                                              Job requirements and      Intended to be permanent (but last
Formal Department                               reports to the               Clear
                      service                                                              common goals              until the next reorganization)
                                                group s manager
                      To take care of an        Membership                                                           Intended to be ongoing (but last
                                                                                           Shared responsibility
Operational Team      ongoing operation or      assigned by                  Clear                                   as long as the operation is
                                                                                           for the operation
                      process                   management                                                           needed)
                                                People who have a
                      To accomplish a           direct role in                             The project s goals       Predetermined ending (when the
Project Team                                                                 Clear
                      specified task            accomplishing the                          and milestones            project has been completed)

                      To create, expand, and    Self-selection                             Passion, commitment,      Evolve and end organically (last
Communities of        exchange knowledge; to    based on expertise                         and identification with   as long as there is relevance to
Practice              develop individual        or passion for a                           the group and its         the topic and value and interest in
                      capabilities              topic                                      expertise                 learning together)

                                                                                           Access to information
Communities of                                  Whomever is
                      To be informed                                        Fuzzy          and a sense of like-      Evolve and end organically
Interest                                        interested

                      To receive and pass on    Friends, business                                                    Never really start or end (exist as
                                                                                           Mutual need and
Informal Networks     information; to know      acquaintances,            Undefined                                  long as people keep in touch or
                      who is who                friends of friends                                                   remember each other

                                                                 Wenger et al: Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge

               How most of the new learning takes place
Systems of Record V Systems of Engagement

                                                                       How Clear are
 Organizational          What s the                                                         What Holds Them
                                                  Who Belongs?             the                                         How Long Do They Last?
   Structure              Purpose?                                                             Together?
                                                 Everyone who
                     To deliver a product or                                                Job requirements and      Intended to be permanent (but last
 Formal Department                               reports to the               Clear
                     service                                                                common goals              until the next reorganization)
                                                 group s manager
                     To take care of an          Membership                                                           Intended to be ongoing (but last
                                                                                            Shared responsibility
 Operational Team                 Systems
                     ongoing operation or      of assigned by
                                                  Record                      Clear
                                                                                            for the operation
                                                                                                                      as long as the operation is
                     process                     management                                                           needed)
                                                 People who have a
                     To accomplish a             direct role in                             The project s goals       Predetermined ending (when the
 Project Team                                                                 Clear
                     specified task              accomplishing the                          and milestones            project has been completed)

                     To create, expand, and      Self-selection                             Passion, commitment,      Evolve and end organically (last
 Communities of      exchange knowledge; to      based on expertise                         and identification with   as long as there is relevance to
 Practice            develop individual          or passion for a                           the group and its         the topic and value and interest in
                     capabilities                topic                                      expertise                 learning together)

                                           System of
                                                                                            Access to information
 Communities of                           Engagement is
                     To be informed                                          Fuzzy          and a sense of like-      Evolve and end organically
 Interest                                        interested

                     To receive and pass on      Friends, business                                                    Never really start or end (exist as
                                                                                            Mutual need and
 Informal Networks   information; to know        acquaintances,            Undefined                                  long as people keep in touch or
                     who is who                  friends of friends                                                   remember each other

                                                                  Wenger et al: Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge
The Student Lifecycle
The Undergraduate Student Lifecycle…

•  How do we deliver an individual DISTINCTIVE experience to each of our
   Students (Current, prospects and Alumni)

•  How do we deliver a richer and more meaningful experience that attracts
   the best, retains them and encourages life-long engagement?

•  How do we enable enhanced collaboration both inside and outside of

•  How do we provide ‘value for money’ for Students who are now paying to
   come to University?

•  How do we take advantage of the tools offered outside of the
   organisation but ensure we stay secure, compliant and protect our data?
The Undergraduate Student Lifecycle…

     Find out information about Cardiff University
         Find out about the available courses
            General information on the City
                                                                                                                  Induction and orientation process
     Help answer what I want to do in the future
                                                                                                                     Welcome students to Cardiff
                                                                         Fulfill requirement                            Get to know the campus
                                                                            Accept offer                                  Meet other students
                                                                       Book Accommodation                               Network access, ID card
                                                                     Find people from my area                  Register with services join clubs / societies
                                     Enquiry Management
                                          Open Days                  who will also attend Cardiff
                                     View accommodation                       University
                                                                                                                                                         Stay in touch

                                          Apply              Fulfill /
Explore            Enquire               Get offer           Accept                Enrol             Arrive              Learn             Graduate            Alumni

                                              Online Application
                                                                                                                                             School Celebration
                                              Application Tracking
                                                                                        Enrolment / Re-enrolment                                Graduation
                                               Offer from Cardiff
                                                                                           Module registration                                 Pick up award
                                                                                              Fee Payment
What’s it like to:
Study there?                                                                                                                     E-Learning, Timetables
Live there?                                                                                                                       Assessment, Marking
                                                                                                                               Access to Library systems
What’s the accommodation like?                                                                                                        Reading List
How expensive is it?                                                                                                        School announcements to students
                                                                                                                                  Student Union activity
Is student support available?                                                                                                     Health and well being
Are my interests catered for?                                                                                                      Social engagement
Do I have friends attending?                                                                                                         Career Advice

Do they offer a distinctive environment (Physical and virtual!)
The Student Lifecycle and the Virtual student experience
                             A 21st century University environment

                                    UCAS                                           E-Assessment
                                                         Timetables                     Student record
                                                           Library Information              Module selection
              External          Internal
                Applicant                                         Student

Explore    Portal and Apply
            Enquire    Collaboration Enrol across the lifecycle
                     Get offer
                                       tools Arrive Study  Graduate                                       Alumni

                     Internal             Trusted   Student      Wireless enablement VLE ECDL
                                      Collaboration ID Card                                             IT Shop
                                                                                         Video +
                                                              E-Mail &
          External                                                                       Podcasts
                                   Library                                      Expertise locator
University Website                             High performance
                                   access         computing
              Facebook                                    Instant Message +          Collaborative spaces
                                                                                   Blogs            Wiki
   Personal E-mail
                                   Brochures                                         Personalised
                     Twitter                                                    Information + Content
Connections Next / 4
Connections Next (Connections 4) ……
 Please join the Connections 3 Community on Greenhouse

This really is the last slide……

              No talk at a ”Social Business" user group should end with

                                 "you can contact us via email at..."
                             “we'd be happy to email you our slides”…..
Please feel free to connect via Linkedin
              Or Twitter :                         Simon Vaughan        @SimplyS1mon
                                                  Dr Christopher Graves @gravescj
Hindi                                                                                          Thai

                                                   Traditional Chinese

                                                                          Gracias   Spanish

                                                                                                       ObrigadoBrazilian Portuguese


                                      Thank You
                 Grazie                                                   Danke


                                        Simplified Chinese



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Great expectations - students today, employees tomorrow

  • 1. Great Expectations Students today, Employees tomorrow....
  • 2. Who are we……….. Simon Vaughan, Deputy IT Director Information Services, Cardiff University Member of the Social Business Council and a 2011 IBM Collaboration Champion Linkedin : Twitter : Simplys1mon Dr Chris Graves Communications Consultant Information Services, Cardiff University Member of the Social Business Council Linkedin : Twitter : Gravescj "Here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."
  • 3. Items we will cover today…. 1) About Cardiff and some of the challenges we face 2) What Students now expect The mobile factor 3) User Adoption Priorities.. 4) The Student lifecycle 5) What we would like to see in Connections 4
  • 4. Cardiff University Collaboration drivers 27,000 Students - 7,500 grads each year ! Research led University ! 6,000 employees ! Geographically dispersed campus – All Wales support (NHS users) ! E-mail defacto collaboration tool….. ! Need easy access to relevant information ! ! ! - Sir Mervs
  • 5. Some of the challenges WE face
  • 6. The changing requirements of our Students, Researcher, Staff (from 17 to 70 years old) Born Pre 1945 Digital Immigrants Born 1945 to early 1960 s Born early 1960 s to early 1980 s Digital Born 1980 s onwards Natives
  • 7. The changing requirements of our Students, Researcher, Staff (from 17 to 70 years old) – How they expect to Communicate Write me Use paper Call me Use paper diaries Someone else may update their calendar / mailbox Mail me Use e-mail Technology Savy IM me DM me Message me E-mail is for my parents
  • 8. INSRV Taught Student Survey 2011 – Listening To Our Users What the Survey Tells Us About Our Users •  80% use Cardiff Portal (Webshere Portal) daily •  Library resources, Collaboration tools, Learning Central •  80% use their own laptop daily to access Cardiff University resources. •  50% use a University desktop at least once a week. •  99% have a mobile phone (with 50% owning a Smartphone)
  • 9. 21st Century Student Enough from me, let’s hear what students are now expecting…. ……… from a student!
  • 10. What Students now expect Many of today’s Students have not known a world without: Source : Malcolm Bean’s Keynote presentation JISC conference 2010
  • 11. What does this mean…. New ways of Collaboration Current ways of Working Collaborative way of Working in a Collaborative organisation’
  • 12. What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation? A Launch Pad to all services With a Rich User Experience – User adds Value
  • 13. What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation? Profile Wiki s Bookmarks Blogs s External Internal Private Profiles
  • 14. What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation? Feeds / Notifications Tagging content Activity Streams! - Consume information from multiple sources in one place - Push updates from one place to multiple sources The User decides which information they want to get ‘Filter out the noise’
  • 15. What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation? ‘Traditional Websites - controlled by a Web CMS’ Recognise that people now want to create and co-create value rather than just receive.
  • 16. What tools are needed to enable a collaborative organisation? Communities
  • 17. Cardiff University Collaborative toolset Blog Wiki TeamSpace Video Library CU Portal (Collaborative space)
  • 18. What are our users now expecting ? Access to service 24x7, from any location...... On any device....................... In Aug 2010, our services where accessed from over 135 different countries...................
  • 19. INSRV Taught Student Survey 2011 – Listening To Our Users Question to our users : If you own a Smartphone, What type is it ? !"#$%&'%()*%)+,%#%-.#/012),34%+2#0%0(13%56% 507% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% BlackBerry: iPhone: Android: Other (please Symbian: Windows specify): Mobile: A total of 24 people gave an ‘other’ answer, common answers included: Nokia, Samsung, and HTC. 22. How frequently do you Daily 79.7 visit Cardiff portal: (%) Once a week + 17.5 Once a month + 1.8 Less than once a month 0.6 Never 0.3
  • 20. The Mobile factor - What are we doing…
  • 21. The Mobile factor According to the Pew Research Center, 83% of Millennials admit to placing their cell phones next to them when they sleep so that they "don't miss out on something big." Many of today’s Students have not known a world without: And expect access to these facilities on any device and when they want it!
  • 22. User Adoption Priorities •  Students appear to be quite fluid in their approach •  Our staff have more fixed ideas … •  Going to look at the approach we are taking with current staff •  We don’t yet know how things will work with students
  • 23. A Key Barrier to Adoption ...where do I put stuff? ...where do I look for stuff
  • 24. We are helping our user community by introducing them to the two concepts… •  System of Record (in its widest sense) •  System of Engagement (and/or Collaboration) Systems of Engagement and the Future of Enterprise IT Geoffrey Moore - AIIM White Paper
  • 25. A System of Record (in its widest sense)
  • 26. A System of Engagement (and/or Collaboration)
  • 27. Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement Systems of Record Systems of Engagement External Web Site (CMS) Facebook Cardiff Portal (Intranet) Connections Quickr, Confluence (Wiki)
  • 28. Types of Organisational Structures How Clear are Organizational What s the What Holds Them Who Belongs? the How Long Do They Last? Structure Purpose? Together? Boundaries? Everyone who To deliver a product or Job requirements and Intended to be permanent (but last Formal Department reports to the Clear service common goals until the next reorganization) group s manager To take care of an Membership Intended to be ongoing (but last Shared responsibility Operational Team ongoing operation or assigned by Clear as long as the operation is for the operation process management needed) People who have a To accomplish a direct role in The project s goals Predetermined ending (when the Project Team Clear specified task accomplishing the and milestones project has been completed) task To create, expand, and Self-selection Passion, commitment, Evolve and end organically (last Communities of exchange knowledge; to based on expertise and identification with as long as there is relevance to Fuzzy Practice develop individual or passion for a the group and its the topic and value and interest in capabilities topic expertise learning together) Access to information Communities of Whomever is To be informed Fuzzy and a sense of like- Evolve and end organically Interest interested mindedness To receive and pass on Friends, business Never really start or end (exist as Mutual need and Informal Networks information; to know acquaintances, Undefined long as people keep in touch or relationships who is who friends of friends remember each other Wenger et al: Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge
  • 29. Types of Organisational Structures How most of the formal work gets done How Clear are Organizational What s the What Holds Them Who Belongs? the How Long Do They Last? Structure Purpose? Together? Boundaries? Everyone who To deliver a product or Job requirements and Intended to be permanent (but last Formal Department reports to the Clear service common goals until the next reorganization) group s manager To take care of an Membership Intended to be ongoing (but last Shared responsibility Operational Team ongoing operation or assigned by Clear as long as the operation is for the operation process management needed) People who have a To accomplish a direct role in The project s goals Predetermined ending (when the Project Team Clear specified task accomplishing the and milestones project has been completed) task To create, expand, and Self-selection Passion, commitment, Evolve and end organically (last Communities of exchange knowledge; to based on expertise and identification with as long as there is relevance to Fuzzy Practice develop individual or passion for a the group and its the topic and value and interest in capabilities topic expertise learning together) Access to information Communities of Whomever is To be informed Fuzzy and a sense of like- Evolve and end organically Interest interested mindedness To receive and pass on Friends, business Never really start or end (exist as Mutual need and Informal Networks information; to know acquaintances, Undefined long as people keep in touch or relationships who is who friends of friends remember each other Wenger et al: Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge How most of the new learning takes place
  • 30. Systems of Record V Systems of Engagement How Clear are Organizational What s the What Holds Them Who Belongs? the How Long Do They Last? Structure Purpose? Together? Boundaries? Everyone who To deliver a product or Job requirements and Intended to be permanent (but last Formal Department reports to the Clear service common goals until the next reorganization) group s manager To take care of an Membership Intended to be ongoing (but last Shared responsibility Operational Team Systems ongoing operation or of assigned by Record Clear for the operation as long as the operation is process management needed) People who have a To accomplish a direct role in The project s goals Predetermined ending (when the Project Team Clear specified task accomplishing the and milestones project has been completed) task To create, expand, and Self-selection Passion, commitment, Evolve and end organically (last Communities of exchange knowledge; to based on expertise and identification with as long as there is relevance to Fuzzy Practice develop individual or passion for a the group and its the topic and value and interest in capabilities topic expertise learning together) System of Access to information Communities of Engagement is Whomever To be informed Fuzzy and a sense of like- Evolve and end organically Interest interested mindedness To receive and pass on Friends, business Never really start or end (exist as Mutual need and Informal Networks information; to know acquaintances, Undefined long as people keep in touch or relationships who is who friends of friends remember each other Wenger et al: Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge
  • 32. The Undergraduate Student Lifecycle… •  How do we deliver an individual DISTINCTIVE experience to each of our Students (Current, prospects and Alumni) •  How do we deliver a richer and more meaningful experience that attracts the best, retains them and encourages life-long engagement? •  How do we enable enhanced collaboration both inside and outside of Cardiff? •  How do we provide ‘value for money’ for Students who are now paying to come to University? •  How do we take advantage of the tools offered outside of the organisation but ensure we stay secure, compliant and protect our data?
  • 33. The Undergraduate Student Lifecycle… Find out information about Cardiff University Find out about the available courses General information on the City Induction and orientation process Help answer what I want to do in the future Welcome students to Cardiff Fulfill requirement Get to know the campus Accept offer Meet other students Book Accommodation Network access, ID card Find people from my area Register with services join clubs / societies Enquiry Management Open Days who will also attend Cardiff View accommodation University Stay in touch Apply Fulfill / Explore Enquire Get offer Accept Enrol Arrive Learn Graduate Alumni Online Application School Celebration Application Tracking Enrolment / Re-enrolment Graduation Offer from Cardiff Module registration Pick up award Fee Payment What’s it like to: Study there? E-Learning, Timetables Live there? Assessment, Marking Access to Library systems What’s the accommodation like? Reading List How expensive is it? School announcements to students Student Union activity Is student support available? Health and well being Are my interests catered for? Social engagement Do I have friends attending? Career Advice Do they offer a distinctive environment (Physical and virtual!)
  • 34. The Student Lifecycle and the Virtual student experience A 21st century University environment UCAS E-Assessment Timetables Student record Enroll Library Information Module selection External Internal Residences Finance Applicant Student Explore Portal and Apply Enquire Collaboration Enrol across the lifecycle Get offer Fulfill Accept tools Arrive Study Graduate Alumni Internal Trusted Student Wireless enablement VLE ECDL Collaboration ID Card IT Shop Video + E-Mail & External Podcasts Calendar Library Expertise locator University Website High performance access computing SMS Facebook Instant Message + Collaborative spaces Presence Blogs Wiki Personal E-mail Brochures Personalised Twitter Information + Content
  • 36. Connections Next (Connections 4) …… Please join the Connections 3 Community on Greenhouse Link
  • 37. This really is the last slide…… No talk at a ”Social Business" user group should end with "you can contact us via email at..." or “we'd be happy to email you our slides”….. Please feel free to connect via Linkedin Or Twitter : Simon Vaughan @SimplyS1mon Dr Christopher Graves @gravescj
  • 38. Hindi Thai Russian Traditional Chinese Gracias Spanish ObrigadoBrazilian Portuguese Arabic Thank You Diolch Grazie Danke Merci German Italian French Simplified Chinese Tamil Korean Japanese