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Graduation Speech Essay example
T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to
make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Every landmark in our lives will end but there
is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end
of a path but as it ends a new path begins.
Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of
kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the winding path, we met new friends and new life
experiences along the way. As the path widens, we see ourselves on a countryroad. We started
elementary school and we constantly gained new knowledge to help us progress in our journey. As
we continued along in more content...
As the paved path merged, we found ourselves no longer walking, but driving in cars on the
highway in high school. Life started to get more challenging and things started to move at a faster
pace. In this part of our lives we got to choose which way we wanted to go, left or right. We found
hardships up the steep hills and we might have stopped at many intersections. However, we
always proceeded with the flow of traffic no matter what obstacle gets in our way, we always
managed to get through it. As our lives traveled on the highway, we saw others take different
roads along our journey, but we always found ourselves choosing to keep with our commitment of
continuing. We all had to make pit stops along the way through homework and projects, but it
fueled us to get stronger and helped us gain knowledge to make it up those steep hills and
intersections. Finally, when graduation comes, the highway ends and merges to a new beginning
as we leave our memories in the past in our rearview mirror. Miles and miles of opportunities
await us. However, each one of us has a different goal or route in life, and each of us will find
different exits along the way to fulfill our dream. Some of us will take the express lanes and
continue our education through college. Some of us might follow the freeway not knowing where
fate will take us. Life isn't always easy on the freeway. Some of us might get stuck in traffic jams.
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High School Graduation Essay
Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always
something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be
graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and
effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed.
Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost remember that day like
it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day. It was a gorgeous May morning, therays of
sun flittered through my miniblinds blinding me as if I hadn't seen light in days. I sluggishly
dragged my limp body out more content...
Once I was finished, I gathered up my cap and gown and my car keys and headed out the door. All
the graduates had to meet in the high school library an hour before the ceremonies started, and I
promised one of my best friends Tony that we would go together. I knocked on his back door and
let myself in like I always do. All of his family members were running throughout the house trying
to get ready. I asked his mom where Tony was and she proceeded to tell me that he was in the
bathroom getting ready. I tapped on the door and walked in. He was standing in front of the
mirror with his cap and gown on. He look me straight in the eyes and said," Can you believe that
we are about to graduate?" I replied," No, it really hasn't set in yet." Tony finished getting ready,
and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors' cars.
Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started
giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn't help but look around
at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the
principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in
two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up
and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling
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Graduation Day Essay
For most people their graduation day is one of the best days of their lives. No more high school,
and for some it means that they are now able to move out on their own and embark on the
independent journey of college. In my case my graduation day started out to be a great day but
turned out to be one of the worst. It is almost as if I wish I never had a ceremony. If there wasn't
graduation ceremony there wouldn't have been an accident. On June 13, 2011, I woke up a happy
and excited 17 year old for it was my graduation day and that meant no more high school, no more
nagging teachers, and no more drama. I met my friends and my boyfriend Andrew in the school
parking lot and away we went to practice graduation. After we had more content...
After we had walked out and took our seats I couldn't help but to stare at the empty seat next to
me and wonder where he was at. I called his house but no one picked up. After calling a repeated
amount of times his friend Ryan was able to get through to his parents. His parents had told Ryan
that there was an accident and after we graduate they will tell us where Andrew is at. As soon as
Ryan got off the phone he told me not to worry and that he probably broke his leg or something
and that he was in a hospital somewhere and that we will know where after we get our diplomas.
After a couple of speeches and a few diplomas later it was almost my row's turn to walk across the
stage and claim our diplomas. Right before we were to stand up and walk toward the stage I got
the worst news of my life. I got a call from Andrews frantic older brother. He asked if I had walked
yet I told him no and demanded to know where Andrew was. After a few minutes of heavy breaths
I heard the words, " Jenn, Andrews.... Andrews dead." The words echoed in my ears. I dropped
my phone and just sat there. I couldn't move, speak or even cry, I just sat there and stared. After a
few minutes I guess you could say it hit me. The tears came rolling off my face. Advisors and
school employees' ran to me
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Graduation Day
"Graduation Day"
As the beautiful sky happily accompany sunrays, that shined down on the entrance of the field
house where the ceremony of my graduation took place. Someone above must have known it was
my graduation day and blessed me with a beautiful day. I was so excited, that the night before the
graduation I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the graduation and if
he'd even show up. I waited for this moment for four long years and I will make the best of it.
The entrance of the field house was filled with students, families, and school officials and
conversation was excitedly exchange from one friend to another. I wondered around the place
looking for my friends who are already laughing more content...
My family swarming me with hugs and kisses each giving a statement of approval and yet I felt
sad. As the crowd dispersed and gone separate ways to celebrate, I was left with a hollowness.
How could sadness be present on such a day that is designated for feeling such happiness,
laughter, and joy? Externally I appeared ecstatic but internally I had given up. As we begun to
exit the field house along with many other families I had given myself a pep talk. This day was
my day and I will make the most of it no matter what. Over all the hollering, I heard a faint but
distinct voice call out for me. "Ashley!" I thought to myself there's probably numerous other people
with the same name, and I continued to walk. "Pumpkin." Someone shouted. That word caught
my full attention and a chill had set over my body. I paused, thought about how I'd react at the
sight of him, and began to turn around. Standing a few strides away from me appeared my dad.
He was standing the same height as when I last saw him but now with a bit more weight around
the waist. His hair combed back, wavy, and as black as ever. Wearing a short sleeve black button up
shirt tucked into his dark blue jeans boarded by a leather belt with a large buckle. Worn out, oily,
and scuffed boots upon his battered feet and upon his face was a smile. The smile he displayed was
the largest I've ever witnessed. His smile reached ear to ear and every pearly white on
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Graduation Memoir
Graduation memoir Senior year! Every senior is eager for graduation, their making college
decisions, taking their SAT tests, getting senior portraits, and looking forward to getting ready for
graduation day. Thinking back now, almost every adult told me my high school years would fly by,
they were right. I remember being an anxious eighth grader thinking about starting my freshman year
of high school. We went from being at the top of the school to being at the bottom of a new one.
All of our middle school teachers always told us about how our high school teachers wont "hold
our hands" and how we will be on our own. Being in high school is completely different than being
in elementary school and middle school. Its almost like each year we have more and more freedom
but more responsibility. Sophomore year was when it got more difficult for me, I've always had
anxiety, more content...
The night of graduation we all lined up the same way we did at practice, ABC order, as I walked out
I felt so rewarded that I was able to make it to my high school graduation. We all sat in a huge gym
surrounded by our loves ones, Black and gold caps and gowns filled the room. I waited anxiously for
my name to be called; with my last name starting with a W I was pretty much at the end. I walked
up and across the stage, shook their hand as I received my diploma and smiled for a picture. As I
walked back to my seat I feel my eyes start to water because I felt so proud of myself that I made it
to this point after years of hard work. I look around once I'm seated and see how happy everyone
is. Next year everyone will be going their separate ways, starting college and making new friends.
The ceremony ends with a bunch of smiles, some tears and caps being thrown up in the air while
everyone is clapping for
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My Graduation Essay
Stepping upon a simple stage was the best thing I could have ever done. Overseeing the multitude
that was there to witness my every word, every tremble, every emotion, and every heart beat, was
then that I realized that the sentiment was real. It was essentially the end of time and I could not
bear to hold back what I no intentions of doing. Cry. Tears of joy darted down my face as I
walked across the stage and received my ultimate gift. With fancy inscription, my gift was entitled
"Class of 2009". I had just graduated. "Ok seniors, everyone settle down and take your seat with
your name on it". The principle conducted everyone as we prepared to get ready for our practice
graduation walk. Amusement and volume suffocated the gym more content...
I could sense the stares glaring upon me as I switched positions every second in my chair. Two
hours wasted out of my life before the orator called my name. With a shamble walk, insensible
arms, and a tilted head I deliberated myself across the front of the gym and out the door. One of
my classmates ran out the door and past me with glee assuring me that she would see me on
Monday, the day of our graduation. Saturday and Sunday went by fast. Vowing that God had cut
off at least twelve hours off my weekend, Monday morning arrived. I had to be at the coliseum at
nine a.m. I woke up at eight thirty on the dot. With no essential worries and not a care in the
world what I looked like, I merely jumped out of bed and put my graduation dress, cap, and gown
on. In six minutes flat I was ready to go. I made it out my room and past the mirror wall right
before I was about to leave. Looking at myself I knew I looked unacceptable, but my mind could
not lead me to care. Right before I could make it out the door my mom vented her words of
refutation. "Where do you think you are going? You did not bother to brush your hair, wash your
face nor take a shower." Thinking quickly, I managed to use time as my excuse and scampered out
the door to avoid any more questions. When I arrived at the coliseum, I was quite confused
considering I did not listening to anything the principal had stated at practice graduation
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6th Grade Graduation
My 6th Grade Graduation
After 6 years in elementary school, it was finally time to celebrate graduating from elementary
school. It was not only a happy time graduating from elementary, but also at the same time not a
fun thing to do. It was the last day of school, the beginning of summer break, and the weather was
sunny and warm. Everyone in the multi use room were getting their breakfast and eating on tables
with their friends. I was sitting at a table with my friends, eating my breakfast, sitting next to me
was my friends Eduard, Marcus, and Erik. While everyone was eating breakfast, our two 6th grade
teachers were presenting a slideshow of pictures and events that happened throughout the year such
as pictures from science camp, pictures of working in the school garden, pictures of field trips, and
other activities we have done throughout the year.
After our teachers more content...
When she was done with her speech, we had some free time to go around and talk to our friends,
take pictures, sign yearbooks, and eat some of the graduation cake. I was signing people's
yearbooks and asking people to sign my yearbook, I got my yearbook signed by a lot of my
friends and also got it signed by my teacher. In my yearbook, people wrote mostly things that said
goodbye and have a great summer. After that, I said goodbye to my friends and went home, but
before everyone left, my teacher gave everyone a small, blue envelope with her name on it. While
traveling back home, I opened the envelope and found an address, next to it was writing that said to
send her letters of how it's like in middle school. When I got home, there was already a lot of food in
the kitchen because my parents were already setting up my graduation
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Graduation Day Essay

  • 1. Graduation Speech Essay example T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Every landmark in our lives will end but there is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end of a path but as it ends a new path begins. Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the winding path, we met new friends and new life experiences along the way. As the path widens, we see ourselves on a countryroad. We started elementary school and we constantly gained new knowledge to help us progress in our journey. As we continued along in more content... As the paved path merged, we found ourselves no longer walking, but driving in cars on the highway in high school. Life started to get more challenging and things started to move at a faster pace. In this part of our lives we got to choose which way we wanted to go, left or right. We found hardships up the steep hills and we might have stopped at many intersections. However, we always proceeded with the flow of traffic no matter what obstacle gets in our way, we always managed to get through it. As our lives traveled on the highway, we saw others take different roads along our journey, but we always found ourselves choosing to keep with our commitment of continuing. We all had to make pit stops along the way through homework and projects, but it fueled us to get stronger and helped us gain knowledge to make it up those steep hills and intersections. Finally, when graduation comes, the highway ends and merges to a new beginning as we leave our memories in the past in our rearview mirror. Miles and miles of opportunities await us. However, each one of us has a different goal or route in life, and each of us will find different exits along the way to fulfill our dream. Some of us will take the express lanes and continue our education through college. Some of us might follow the freeway not knowing where fate will take us. Life isn't always easy on the freeway. Some of us might get stuck in traffic jams. Some Get more content on
  • 2. High School Graduation Essay Graduation Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost remember that day like it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day. It was a gorgeous May morning, therays of sun flittered through my miniblinds blinding me as if I hadn't seen light in days. I sluggishly dragged my limp body out more content... Once I was finished, I gathered up my cap and gown and my car keys and headed out the door. All the graduates had to meet in the high school library an hour before the ceremonies started, and I promised one of my best friends Tony that we would go together. I knocked on his back door and let myself in like I always do. All of his family members were running throughout the house trying to get ready. I asked his mom where Tony was and she proceeded to tell me that he was in the bathroom getting ready. I tapped on the door and walked in. He was standing in front of the mirror with his cap and gown on. He look me straight in the eyes and said," Can you believe that we are about to graduate?" I replied," No, it really hasn't set in yet." Tony finished getting ready, and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors' cars. Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn't help but look around at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling Get more content on
  • 3. Graduation Day Essay For most people their graduation day is one of the best days of their lives. No more high school, and for some it means that they are now able to move out on their own and embark on the independent journey of college. In my case my graduation day started out to be a great day but turned out to be one of the worst. It is almost as if I wish I never had a ceremony. If there wasn't graduation ceremony there wouldn't have been an accident. On June 13, 2011, I woke up a happy and excited 17 year old for it was my graduation day and that meant no more high school, no more nagging teachers, and no more drama. I met my friends and my boyfriend Andrew in the school parking lot and away we went to practice graduation. After we had more content... After we had walked out and took our seats I couldn't help but to stare at the empty seat next to me and wonder where he was at. I called his house but no one picked up. After calling a repeated amount of times his friend Ryan was able to get through to his parents. His parents had told Ryan that there was an accident and after we graduate they will tell us where Andrew is at. As soon as Ryan got off the phone he told me not to worry and that he probably broke his leg or something and that he was in a hospital somewhere and that we will know where after we get our diplomas. After a couple of speeches and a few diplomas later it was almost my row's turn to walk across the stage and claim our diplomas. Right before we were to stand up and walk toward the stage I got the worst news of my life. I got a call from Andrews frantic older brother. He asked if I had walked yet I told him no and demanded to know where Andrew was. After a few minutes of heavy breaths I heard the words, " Jenn, Andrews.... Andrews dead." The words echoed in my ears. I dropped my phone and just sat there. I couldn't move, speak or even cry, I just sat there and stared. After a few minutes I guess you could say it hit me. The tears came rolling off my face. Advisors and school employees' ran to me Get more content on
  • 4. Graduation Day "Graduation Day" As the beautiful sky happily accompany sunrays, that shined down on the entrance of the field house where the ceremony of my graduation took place. Someone above must have known it was my graduation day and blessed me with a beautiful day. I was so excited, that the night before the graduation I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the graduation and if he'd even show up. I waited for this moment for four long years and I will make the best of it. The entrance of the field house was filled with students, families, and school officials and conversation was excitedly exchange from one friend to another. I wondered around the place looking for my friends who are already laughing more content... My family swarming me with hugs and kisses each giving a statement of approval and yet I felt sad. As the crowd dispersed and gone separate ways to celebrate, I was left with a hollowness. How could sadness be present on such a day that is designated for feeling such happiness, laughter, and joy? Externally I appeared ecstatic but internally I had given up. As we begun to exit the field house along with many other families I had given myself a pep talk. This day was my day and I will make the most of it no matter what. Over all the hollering, I heard a faint but distinct voice call out for me. "Ashley!" I thought to myself there's probably numerous other people with the same name, and I continued to walk. "Pumpkin." Someone shouted. That word caught my full attention and a chill had set over my body. I paused, thought about how I'd react at the sight of him, and began to turn around. Standing a few strides away from me appeared my dad. He was standing the same height as when I last saw him but now with a bit more weight around the waist. His hair combed back, wavy, and as black as ever. Wearing a short sleeve black button up shirt tucked into his dark blue jeans boarded by a leather belt with a large buckle. Worn out, oily, and scuffed boots upon his battered feet and upon his face was a smile. The smile he displayed was the largest I've ever witnessed. His smile reached ear to ear and every pearly white on Get more content on
  • 5. Graduation Memoir Graduation memoir Senior year! Every senior is eager for graduation, their making college decisions, taking their SAT tests, getting senior portraits, and looking forward to getting ready for graduation day. Thinking back now, almost every adult told me my high school years would fly by, they were right. I remember being an anxious eighth grader thinking about starting my freshman year of high school. We went from being at the top of the school to being at the bottom of a new one. All of our middle school teachers always told us about how our high school teachers wont "hold our hands" and how we will be on our own. Being in high school is completely different than being in elementary school and middle school. Its almost like each year we have more and more freedom but more responsibility. Sophomore year was when it got more difficult for me, I've always had anxiety, more content... The night of graduation we all lined up the same way we did at practice, ABC order, as I walked out I felt so rewarded that I was able to make it to my high school graduation. We all sat in a huge gym surrounded by our loves ones, Black and gold caps and gowns filled the room. I waited anxiously for my name to be called; with my last name starting with a W I was pretty much at the end. I walked up and across the stage, shook their hand as I received my diploma and smiled for a picture. As I walked back to my seat I feel my eyes start to water because I felt so proud of myself that I made it to this point after years of hard work. I look around once I'm seated and see how happy everyone is. Next year everyone will be going their separate ways, starting college and making new friends. The ceremony ends with a bunch of smiles, some tears and caps being thrown up in the air while everyone is clapping for Get more content on
  • 6. My Graduation Essay Stepping upon a simple stage was the best thing I could have ever done. Overseeing the multitude that was there to witness my every word, every tremble, every emotion, and every heart beat, was then that I realized that the sentiment was real. It was essentially the end of time and I could not bear to hold back what I no intentions of doing. Cry. Tears of joy darted down my face as I walked across the stage and received my ultimate gift. With fancy inscription, my gift was entitled "Class of 2009". I had just graduated. "Ok seniors, everyone settle down and take your seat with your name on it". The principle conducted everyone as we prepared to get ready for our practice graduation walk. Amusement and volume suffocated the gym more content... I could sense the stares glaring upon me as I switched positions every second in my chair. Two hours wasted out of my life before the orator called my name. With a shamble walk, insensible arms, and a tilted head I deliberated myself across the front of the gym and out the door. One of my classmates ran out the door and past me with glee assuring me that she would see me on Monday, the day of our graduation. Saturday and Sunday went by fast. Vowing that God had cut off at least twelve hours off my weekend, Monday morning arrived. I had to be at the coliseum at nine a.m. I woke up at eight thirty on the dot. With no essential worries and not a care in the world what I looked like, I merely jumped out of bed and put my graduation dress, cap, and gown on. In six minutes flat I was ready to go. I made it out my room and past the mirror wall right before I was about to leave. Looking at myself I knew I looked unacceptable, but my mind could not lead me to care. Right before I could make it out the door my mom vented her words of refutation. "Where do you think you are going? You did not bother to brush your hair, wash your face nor take a shower." Thinking quickly, I managed to use time as my excuse and scampered out the door to avoid any more questions. When I arrived at the coliseum, I was quite confused considering I did not listening to anything the principal had stated at practice graduation Get more content on
  • 7. 6th Grade Graduation My 6th Grade Graduation After 6 years in elementary school, it was finally time to celebrate graduating from elementary school. It was not only a happy time graduating from elementary, but also at the same time not a fun thing to do. It was the last day of school, the beginning of summer break, and the weather was sunny and warm. Everyone in the multi use room were getting their breakfast and eating on tables with their friends. I was sitting at a table with my friends, eating my breakfast, sitting next to me was my friends Eduard, Marcus, and Erik. While everyone was eating breakfast, our two 6th grade teachers were presenting a slideshow of pictures and events that happened throughout the year such as pictures from science camp, pictures of working in the school garden, pictures of field trips, and other activities we have done throughout the year. After our teachers more content... When she was done with her speech, we had some free time to go around and talk to our friends, take pictures, sign yearbooks, and eat some of the graduation cake. I was signing people's yearbooks and asking people to sign my yearbook, I got my yearbook signed by a lot of my friends and also got it signed by my teacher. In my yearbook, people wrote mostly things that said goodbye and have a great summer. After that, I said goodbye to my friends and went home, but before everyone left, my teacher gave everyone a small, blue envelope with her name on it. While traveling back home, I opened the envelope and found an address, next to it was writing that said to send her letters of how it's like in middle school. When I got home, there was already a lot of food in the kitchen because my parents were already setting up my graduation Get more content on