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Descriptive Essay On Music
The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy
it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments like the violin and guitar, you always know what
you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very
relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably
be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most focused on improvisation while classically styled
music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest
style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely
different notes at different times and it's hard because the notes are played so fast. If you
accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical
and light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound
of the piano is very unique and I like how you can combine many keys to make cool melodies. The
piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In
1700, the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating
instrument that has changed over time and continues to be an important instrument in the music
The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about
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Music and Personality
Music and Personality What Does Your Taste In Music Reveal About Your Personality? Could the
playlists lurking on your iPod really reveal information about your personality? Research conducted
by psychologists Jason Rentfrow and Sam Gosling suggests that knowing the type of music you
listen to can actually lead to surprisingly accurate predictions about your personality. For example,
researchers found that people could make accurate judgments about an individual's levels of
extraversion, creativity and open–mindedness after listening to ten of their favorite songs. Extraverts
tend to seek out songs with heavy bass lines, while those who enjoy more complex styles such as
jazz and classical music tend to be more creative and more content...
I think that both types of music, classical and heavy metal, both have something of the spiritual
about them – they're very dramatic – a lot happens. The study conducted by researchers at
Heriot–Watt University looked at more than 36,000 participants from all over the world.
Participants were asked to rate more than 104 different musical styles in addition to offering
information about aspects of their personality. Of course this helps explain why people who like the
same styles of music tend to stick together, but it goes deeper than just a 'similar interests' thing – it's
almost suggests a new kind of tribalism. He described the findings as dramatic and surprising. To
my mind, writing a portrait of my group, describing their tastes and trying to reveal what kind of
music they do prefer would give me a really hard time. We have something in common. Those 4
years of co–existing in the same community brought up the similar views on particular things and
music is one of them. That's why if I asked them what style of music they prefer, they would
probably answer, "I can't say exactly. I listen to everything that I like, to everything that is pleasant
to my ear." I know those guys, most of them would answer this way, believe me. =) So I've decided
to make a test, just there, on the spot. To find out what kind of music appeals to
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Chicano Music : Memorable Music
Chicano Culture Paper: Memorable Music As most people will agree on, music is essential to
life. Music is heard while working, driving, sleeping, and even studying. Music can be a form of
expression and also a form of entertainment. Songs can describe the life of a person, or they can
describe their hopes and dreams. These songs can be heard everywhere from the supermarket to the
bookstore. Just like emotions, music is the world's universal language. Therefore, Chicano Music
represents the lives of Mexican Americans who went through hardships as well as accomplishments.
There are multitudinous types of Chicano music that include all types of instruments, verses,
backgrounds, and purposes. According to Tatum (2001), "The popular Hispanic folk music has
deep roots in Spain and Mexico, but it is a living cultural form that is forever changing and
adapting to new social conditions and musical currents (Robb 1980, 5)" (p.15). Modernization also
plays a key role in the diversion of Chicano music. For example, as new instruments were being
invented, they were then incorporated into the music, making it sound more different and attractive.
The types of Chicano music range from romance which could narrate an event, corridos, which was
a form of cultural differentiation, alabanzas, which were specifically religious, and the canciГіn, in
which lovers expressed their deep adoration for each other (Tatum 2001). If a man who was lost in
his woman's eyes wanted to choose a song for their
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Music Is A Universal Language
Good music doesn't have an expiration date. Over the years, it has introduced new sounds and
patterns into our everyday lives. From belting out your favorite song in the shower to quietly
tapping your foot to the new song on the radio. The long and winding path torn from music's
origin has expanded through time to today's modern music. Modern music consists of
contemporary ideas and traditional tunes with a twist. Music has undoubtedly changed over the
years and most people have a persona definition of what music is to them. The simple definition
of music according to author, David Ludden, (2015) "Music is a universal language." (par. 1).
People use music to tell stories and communicate. Much like Taylor Swift writes songs about her
past relationships, I personally see music as a detour to get things out in the open without having a
personal confrontation. I see music as stress reliever, especially when writing; it's a way to say what
needs said but with the soothing sounds of a guitar or piano in the background of your thoughts.
Like the diary 2.0. While music has kept a steady definition through time, modern music has been
re–invented and re–made to be distant from that of an older age. Music has always been around,
just remixed as time goes on. We know that it has been around for a while because geologists have
found cave paintings dating back to prehistoric ages where they are depicting people dancing,
proving to a presence of some interpretation of music. Music was
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Essay about Music and Society
Music and Society
There is no disputing that society is influenced by its choices of entertainment. Some ways in which
people are influenced are positive, but others are harmful. In the society we live in, the harmful
ways always outnumber the positive. If we gravitated toward the positive forms of entertainment a
little more often than the negative, then our society would have fewer problems. Popular music has a
negative effect on society and endorses a lack of creativity. Most popular music today is driven by
violence and sex. These musicians put out albums that glorify violence and promote causal sex.
When the albums are being produced, the artist does not think of how it will affect the perspective
merchant. more content...
People hate the fact of the happening, not being with the popular crowd. Few teens try to develop
independent minds because that would cause them to be creative and different. That brings us to
another point–– that most popular music is neither unique nor creative. Just about all of the music
coming out now is generally the same. It lacks creativity because artists are just in it to make
money, not for the love of music. Society is force–fed this bland music on a daily basis. Through
radio stations and the emergence of MTV, new hit songs come out every week and people digest
them, claiming to enjoy them just so that they appear to be versed on the latest "on hit wonder"
groups. Since the music is generally the same and really does not change that dramatically every
week, album after album is put out to fatten the wallets of wealthy producers. The more albums that
are put out, the more money is made, as consumers shell out millions every week for something new
to listen to, but are merely continuing to feed the frenzy of the popular music industry. Another harm
this entertainment brings to society is it gives the media an easy scapegoat. When some atrocity
gains national attention, the first thing that is thought of is music and entertainment. When a young
boy burnt down his house because he was watching Beavis and Butt–Head, and they were playing
with fire, the show was blamed. How about we blame who are really at fault here –– the
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Essay on music and emotions
How can different types of music affect people's emotions? Music has many different ways to
affect people. In some ways, it is good for the body both physically and mentally. In other ways,
people think it is nice to listen to. More detailed, music has personalities, which can express what
people feel. There are many observations involving different ways to express human emotions.
Emotions are very interesting things, especially when they involve music. Music can have many
personalities, affect people's emotions, and be used as therapy.
If music reveals emotions, it is not a normal emotion like any other (Stecker 273). The expression in
music can be considered a traditionalized phenomenon (Stecker 273). There are common questions more content...
( And can slow down when there is softer music playing such as a
lullaby ( Rhythms of the music can adjust brain waves and
breathing patterns ( The vibrations from the music have an impact
on the body, which can change peoples' moods and bodily functions (
The mind is greatly impacted by music by showing healthful changes (
/). Doctors now use music for their patients' treatments in order to help them stay healthy
( Heart patients acquired the same benefits from listening to
classical music for thirty minutes as they did from anti–anxiety medication (
/articles/). Musical therapy has been used to help people with heart problems, which worked quite
effectively. ( People who have had migraines frequently, were
trained to use music and relaxing procedures to reduce their headaches. Studies have also shown that
music helps students with their intelligence levels ( A majority of
students had higher test scores than others because they listened to Mozart before their exam. People
who listened to classical music for an hour and a half while revising manuscripts increased their
accuracy by 21% ( (Mish 725.).
Mozart has a big impact on people
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Essay on Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments
A fairly old instrument that is still in use today is the theremin. It has a particular design that is
different from any other instrument around and is played much more differently then other
instruments in circulation today. The theremin is an electronic musical instrument that is played
using electrical fields. When it was first introduced, society was shocked to see this instrument that
could be played without even touching it. The theremin is tuned so that it has a range of three and a
half octaves. The theremin's operation is based on the theory of beat frequencies. The instrument
also has a peculiar look to it as well. Two antennas stick out on each side of the theremin. A vertical
antenna is also located more content...
The theremin gained more popularity when it made its way to America in 1928. In 1929, RCA
bought the rights to manufacture the instrument. Leon Theremin stayed in America, where he met
Clara Rockmore, the theremin's first virtuoso. Theremin worked on many variations of his original
instrument including the Terpsitone (controlled by the entire body), an electriccello, and a theremin
controlled only by the eyes. He wanted to continue to make variations to the theremin and
experiment with what they could do. The other variations of the theremin were not nearly as
popular as the original theremin was. (History of the Theremin, Moog). In 1954 Robert Moog had
started on production of the theremin. He is also the main contributor to the theremin being
produced by his company Big Briar Inc. Not only does his company produce the theremin, they
also happen to produce kits that allow people to create and build their own theremin. The popularity
of the theremin started to rise again and it was included in several movies such as: The Day the
Earth Stood Still, Spellbound, and Lost Weekend. Apart from the theremin being used in movies,
several modern day bands used the theremin in their music. The Beach Boys used the theremin in
their hit song "Good Vibrations" and Led Zeppelin used it in their hit song "Whole Lotta Love".
Leon Theremin died in 1993, but his interesting instrument still is in
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Music in the Classroom Essay
Music in the Classroom
Tying music into education has found to be most effective with young elementary aged children and
those with disabilities. Music has had extreme positive influence on school–aged and non–English
speaking children learning to read, write, and remember. It is sort of a motivation to learn and do
well in school. Music in the classroom must begin with the teacher and end with the student. If
teachers plan to integrate their teaching with music, they must find an effective way to do so.
Chalmers, Olson, & Zurkowski (1999) state that music possesses the power to arouse or relax,
create a feeling of happiness or sadness, and even alter physiological states of heart rate and blood
pressure. The power of music has more content...
Sixty beats per minute music does tend to have the best results when aimed at calmness and
Make sure the students find the music enjoyable and that the students have some part in selecting the
Use an appropriate and adequate sound system.
If you choose to use music, make sure that it is used on a consistent basis.
Play music as students enter the room in order to set a tone for what is to come.
Be cautious when using music in a classroom of children who are more easily distracted.
Music can be combined with other relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
If using sixty beats per minute music, have the students take their pulse and try to get their pulse to
match the beat of the music.
When with younger students, classic Disney songs really seem to provide a very relaxing
atmosphere as the students find certain songs familiar and comforting.
Background music can be used strategically throughout the day, for a pleasant start to the day, a lift
in the afternoon, and to reduce stress during more difficult assignments. Diane Langfit (1994)
lobbies for the integration of music at the earliest levels of childhood education, stating that the
power of music should be incorporated into classrooms and capitalized upon to help with reading
and writing. She explains that music will undoubtedly touch students on an extremely personal level,
all the while enhancing memory. Brown & Brown (1997) state that music automatically hits on
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Classification Of Hip-Hop Music
Top five lists are usually made among fans of hip–hop music, including myself rank rappers by
making a top five or top ten list of the best rappers out now and the best rappers of all time. For
many real hip–hop heads that can be very difficult, especially for the ones who don't have a huge
bias toward a certain era of hip–hop. Even MTV gets the list wrong every year. Another way that
can be hard is because a lot rappers put on the list, for drastically different reasons. Some will be
put on for talent, some will be put on for album sales, some will be put on for their messages, and
some just for being pioneers, when we do that we are discrediting certain people. When we name
who is the hottest of all time people usually include the right
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Rap Music Essay
Music is something we hear every day. Whether it is on our iPods, in our cars, or the simple sounds
that we hear every day. Humans can relate to all types of music and can be considered an extremely
curing instrument. Throughout time, it encompass different beats, sounds, and evoke different
emotions. Some types of music are hip–hop and rap, alternative music, and rock and roll music.
Music has a long timeline, and every single sound and kind of music is intertwined with each other
and influenced by each other. Music recreates lifestyles and expresses different generations while
defining different types of sound. The power of music can be viewed in various types of kinds. A
new element of music has been brought to our attention, Rap/Hip– more content...
Rap has become a new millennium trending topic. It has become more electrifying, borrowing from
the soul, jazz and live instrumentations. These new ways have created an expanding sub–genre
category. Based on the geographical locations, beat, and unsung lyrics is what gives Rap its various
genres forms: West Coast, East Coast, Dirty South, Gangster Rap, Pop Rap, Christian Rap,
Conscious Rap and Electro Hip–hop. Even though the first three are named based on their location,
there are still certain sounds and subjects of lyrics that relate to each area. Each zone has different
influences, for example, Dirty South Rap is distinguished for is dance ability and rhythmic delivery.
Gangster Rap is the most extreme versions of hip–hop. These songs usually glorify the street life and
contain explicit words that society deems as not invaluable. Pop Rap is a much more
contemporary genre that has catered to listeners more than any other style. Pop doesn't provide any
very distinct sound, but lyrics are usually simplified down and less controversial than gangster rap.
Christian Rap and Conscious Rap are both identical in a way because of their respectful and
thoughtful rhymes. While Jazz, Rap, and Electro Pop are the most recent forms of Rap, both
incorporate aspects of music and electric into
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The Portrayal Of Women In The Music Industry
With over 4 billion people having access to the internet worldwide, everyday people are exposed to
different types of pop culture media, one of those being the music industry. The music industry has
become one of the most popular pop culture entertainment due to its variety in music and complex
audience. Everyone regardless of race, age, gender, religion, and sexuality have access to a
multitude of different music varieties that they can listen to. However, with the music industry
growing rapidly, its audience grows along with it. With new and exciting sounds and beats, rising
artists, and catchy lyrics it is important that these songs encourage healthy ethical messages to
society due to the fact that almost everyone is exposed to music these days. Often times, especially
in Hip–Hop music we see how the portrayal of women is usually a negative one. I'm sure that
you've seen at least one song where women appear subject to men and appear as sex tools. Many hip
hop artists, through their music (whether meant to or not), emphasize how women should be seen as
tools for pleasure and they lack to show more positive attributes of women. With the music industry
objectifying and sexualizing women through derogatory language, it continues to contribute to the
present ideology that women are less that and should be inferior to men. There are numerous
examples of how male hip hop artists use their lyrics to deliberately dehumanize women. We see this
when songs use offensive and
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Reflection About Music
Globally, music is the soundtrack of everyone in the whole world. From older generations to younger
generations, music is the universal identity that every individual has something in common. It would
be impossible to imagine a world without music, regardless of our culture, personal interpretations or
even our own aesthetics, and tastes. As for me, music is one of the few things that have remained
constant in my entire life because music has the power to inspire me mentally, physically and
emotionally. Music can easily influence my emotions of sadness, happiness, heartaches, and
miseries, including my physical moodiness. Actually, taking this class, Music 15–A, allows me to
explore these emotions, to think critically, and to be able to apply my knowledge and
understanding accordingly. Generally, there were numerous ways how a song can be interpreted;
it can either be construed negatively or positively. In order to explore my knowledge and
understanding to a certain song or genre, I had to think critically and objectively. For example,
the Bawdy Blues genre or Lucille Bogan "aka" Bessie Jackson's song "Shave 'Em Dry" (1935) that
exploited innuendo lyrics. Her song was banned to the general public viewers, whereas in the late
80's, explicit librettos were openly out on the market. During my younger years, a hip–hop/rap song
entitled "Me So Horny" (1989) by "2 Live Crew" was a hit maker. Both of these songs were very
controversial; however, one of the songs was extensively
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Music has the power to change the acceptance of one to change the personality. Many people are
affected and changed by music because they want to express themselves as part of a culture and
through fashion choices they are able to create an individual personality which is unique and is
enough to define the expression of an individual. fashion and the music has been associated with the
people and help them to connect their styles, personality and points of view to become different
from others and making a statement with clothes can also prove to be alienating. Everyone is
different, but that's how we get by – stereotyping other people, And the choices of fashion which has
the influence of music is based on the results that suggest that the types of genres we like directly
correlate with how we define ourselves.
4. Music and consumer What people listen to is more important for their sense of themselves than
what they watch or read'. Music may express differentiation and 'function as a ''badge'' which
conveys information about the person who expresses a particular preference and consumers may
hold normative expectations concerning characteristics of people who like different musical genres.
Choice of music may become an extension of an individual's identity. Consequently, identity may be
regarded as a project that has to be worked on and carefully managed since consumers are
continuously in the process of 'actively constructing, maintaining and communicating their
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Attention Getter For Music Essay
A.Attention Getter: What is music? Many people say that it's a harmonious beautiful sound that is
pleasing to the ear. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a nineteenth century poet and
educator, "Music is the universal language of mankind." Not only is music a type of communication
but it's also type art which many people fail to remember.
B.Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility: Headphones are a pair of listening devices with
speakers that are most commonly used to listen to music. The reason why this invention exists is
because it helps you block out any distractions/noise from you and it prevents others from hearing
what you hear.
C.Thesis: By entering the world of music, you can be able to express yourself universally and as well more content...
Sub–point 2: After years of listening to music, I began to see how much of a significance music
really is. I realized that people can express themselves through music and how music can
emotionally impact us. But most of all, I found that music was something that I could escape to
whenever I'm going through a hard time. Whether if it's after a fight I had with a friend or when I'm
stressing over school, listening to music never failed to give me immediate comfort. Just putting on
my headphones and putting aside all the distractions from the world brings me peace.
1.Restate Thesis: Now you have a better understanding of how with music you can be able to
express yourself universally and as well as feel different emotions while listening to music.
2.Review Main Points: First, I discussed what role headphones play in the music culture, and then I
informed you about my experience in music culture and how I use headphones.
3.Memorable Closer: Music is often overlooked as a type of entertainment but if we listen closely
and allow ourselves to fully dive into the world of music, we can learn how to appreciate the beauty
of this universal
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Classification Essay-It's Wrong With Fuse Music
There are a lot of thing that is wrong with steaming music,It allows people to stream music
without really owning the album. This is really bad because they don't pay money because then
the artist don't get any money. They only get payed a penny for every time there song is played.
They could have the song played 500 times and only have 5 dollars.That's not good. They are going
to end up having to depend on there products. Like perfume, tee–shirts, Concerts and thing like that
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Classification of Music
Classification of Music
People judge one another on a variety of aspects, whether it is the clothes they wear or the people
they socialize with. I believe that there are many different things that affect all these aspects, things
that create our individual personality. The most major influence on an individual's personality is the
music he or she listens to. Music affects the individual's behavior, actions, the way he or she
thinks, wears and even the way the individual will speak. These are the very things that we are
judged upon as humans. By the classification and break down of the music we listen too is how we
can find ourselves. For me, music is soothing, and not something to be butchered with loud yelling
or talk more content...
Then there are those songs that really speak of non–sense, written and performed by drunken
buffoons like The Doors and David Bowie, all songs I find very amusing. The very music that I
can throw my head around to in random directions and still call it dancing. With this comes that
relaxed fun, and no care in the world. Songs that push away all fears, worries and stresses that
may present in life today. During the time of these artists, they had no worries; they were high
half of their lives but still just having a good time. That is the way I like to feel, and why I believe
I was born to the wrong generation. I try to bring the early classic rock era to me as much as
possible; I find this easiest through the music. I also listen to the classics, where I find reassurance.
I have never been disappointed from any of these artists: The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles
and The EaglesВ–the famous В‘the' bands. Everyone has heard their songs and every one of those
songs is famous and widely known even with today's generation. Most of their songs have no
hidden meanings or metaphors, but I never can be let down by the songs of these bands. All of their
songs are consistent with each other and never change. There are a few artists of my generation that
bring back that relaxed metaphorical tone that early classic rock
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Reflective Essay About Music
So, the Element of culture that I find myself the most passionate about is Music. I say music
because music I found in every culture. Music is what I believe in being part of human. There
are literally hundreds different types of genres of music people listen to and millions of songs to
listen to. A little about me, I personally find myself listen to rap music and old Rhythm and Blues.
I come for a strong African American background family, where we have family get together,
cookouts and just being close to your family. Most of the R&B songs tell a story. They talk about
the black culture in good and also in bad ways. The R&B music I find myself listen to is more
from my parent's time. The music back during my parent's child hood is a lot different than music
today. One Major different is music back then had people playing the real instruments and sounds. I
hear lectures from people from my parents' generation how music today is terrible compared to their
upcoming music. I personally feel music just changes because it adapts to people's lifestyle and
what they are going through. The Music Industry have always been dominant in society. If you think
about every generation can remember listen to their favorite song growing up, and music can
sometimes tell you all about yourself. Music can also be influenced in politically also. For example,
the government regulated explicated music because they use profanity words etc. I remember I
watch a documentary on how the government
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Classification of Music Essay
The Division/Classification Essay
Essentially, a comic book is a graphic, animated, colorful booklet, which could be black and white
as well, and it also tells a story. ("Types of Comic Books). As crazy as it may seem, music videos
also have the same characteristics. If you think about it, music videos can be very graphic,
animated, colorful or black and white, and they tell a story also. Music videos can be divided into
three major genres according to the mood, style, and the fanzines, which usually refer to– essentially
if you break it down–fans. ("Types of Comic Books).
The most known type of music videos is hip–hop videos. Hip–hop videos are the most popular
simply because they are looked down upon the worst, or the most more content...
The music video "Invented Sex" sung by Trey Songz is clearly about sex so however sex makes you
feel, that's how you would feel about this video. Then there's the song "Please Don't Go" by Tank
which exerts the pain of losing a loved one. R & b music videos, as you can see, can exert many
different moods.
The style of r & b is for the most part very smooth, sensual, and soulful. It gives people a piece of
mind. Rhythm and blues styles have changed a lot over the years but it continues to be the most
popular songs at weddings. As for r & b videos, they usually involve only two people, a man and a
woman. Most of the time in r & b videos the two people involved are having a wedding, fighting, or
making love. Most r & b fans are older married couples who know what real love and hurt is all
about. The true fans understand what the singer is trying to portray in the video, probably because it
looks similar to a situation they have been in before.
The last type of music video is gospel videos. Everyone should agree that there is something about
gospel music videos that just makes you get up and dance or just cry out to God. The mood of
gospel music videos is very dynamic. They can be sad, as if you know you've done something
wrong and you just want to cry out to God and apologize for it, or they can make you really happy
and excited that you know God. Gospel music videos that make you happy just make you want to
praise God for all that he's done in your life. Not
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Classification Essay On Rap Music
My favorite type song is different from my least favorite type song by the beat, the way the words
are organized, and the way that the people who sing it. In my favorite type of music, wich is usually
rap, has big base drops and is very fast paced. In the slow paced music like poems it is obdviesly
slow most of the time and there isn't any base. I like to lay in my bed listening to rap music and it
just soothes me for some reason I really don't know why,but it just makes me feel better. Other slow
paced music like poems being sung just makes me scream speed up,be louder, make some more
noise,and vibrate these headphones.
Both of these types of songs include singing of course and they both include tunes that can get fairly
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Music Classification Essay

  • 1. Descriptive Essay On Music The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments like the violin and guitar, you always know what you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most focused on improvisation while classically styled music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely different notes at different times and it's hard because the notes are played so fast. If you accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical and light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound of the piano is very unique and I like how you can combine many keys to make cool melodies. The piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In 1700, the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating instrument that has changed over time and continues to be an important instrument in the music industry. The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about Get more content on
  • 2. Music and Personality Music and Personality What Does Your Taste In Music Reveal About Your Personality? Could the playlists lurking on your iPod really reveal information about your personality? Research conducted by psychologists Jason Rentfrow and Sam Gosling suggests that knowing the type of music you listen to can actually lead to surprisingly accurate predictions about your personality. For example, researchers found that people could make accurate judgments about an individual's levels of extraversion, creativity and open–mindedness after listening to ten of their favorite songs. Extraverts tend to seek out songs with heavy bass lines, while those who enjoy more complex styles such as jazz and classical music tend to be more creative and more content... I think that both types of music, classical and heavy metal, both have something of the spiritual about them – they're very dramatic – a lot happens. The study conducted by researchers at Heriot–Watt University looked at more than 36,000 participants from all over the world. Participants were asked to rate more than 104 different musical styles in addition to offering information about aspects of their personality. Of course this helps explain why people who like the same styles of music tend to stick together, but it goes deeper than just a 'similar interests' thing – it's almost suggests a new kind of tribalism. He described the findings as dramatic and surprising. To my mind, writing a portrait of my group, describing their tastes and trying to reveal what kind of music they do prefer would give me a really hard time. We have something in common. Those 4 years of co–existing in the same community brought up the similar views on particular things and music is one of them. That's why if I asked them what style of music they prefer, they would probably answer, "I can't say exactly. I listen to everything that I like, to everything that is pleasant to my ear." I know those guys, most of them would answer this way, believe me. =) So I've decided to make a test, just there, on the spot. To find out what kind of music appeals to Get more content on
  • 3. Chicano Music : Memorable Music Chicano Culture Paper: Memorable Music As most people will agree on, music is essential to life. Music is heard while working, driving, sleeping, and even studying. Music can be a form of expression and also a form of entertainment. Songs can describe the life of a person, or they can describe their hopes and dreams. These songs can be heard everywhere from the supermarket to the bookstore. Just like emotions, music is the world's universal language. Therefore, Chicano Music represents the lives of Mexican Americans who went through hardships as well as accomplishments. There are multitudinous types of Chicano music that include all types of instruments, verses, backgrounds, and purposes. According to Tatum (2001), "The popular Hispanic folk music has deep roots in Spain and Mexico, but it is a living cultural form that is forever changing and adapting to new social conditions and musical currents (Robb 1980, 5)" (p.15). Modernization also plays a key role in the diversion of Chicano music. For example, as new instruments were being invented, they were then incorporated into the music, making it sound more different and attractive. The types of Chicano music range from romance which could narrate an event, corridos, which was a form of cultural differentiation, alabanzas, which were specifically religious, and the canciГіn, in which lovers expressed their deep adoration for each other (Tatum 2001). If a man who was lost in his woman's eyes wanted to choose a song for their Get more content on
  • 4. Music Is A Universal Language Good music doesn't have an expiration date. Over the years, it has introduced new sounds and patterns into our everyday lives. From belting out your favorite song in the shower to quietly tapping your foot to the new song on the radio. The long and winding path torn from music's origin has expanded through time to today's modern music. Modern music consists of contemporary ideas and traditional tunes with a twist. Music has undoubtedly changed over the years and most people have a persona definition of what music is to them. The simple definition of music according to author, David Ludden, (2015) "Music is a universal language." (par. 1). People use music to tell stories and communicate. Much like Taylor Swift writes songs about her past relationships, I personally see music as a detour to get things out in the open without having a personal confrontation. I see music as stress reliever, especially when writing; it's a way to say what needs said but with the soothing sounds of a guitar or piano in the background of your thoughts. Like the diary 2.0. While music has kept a steady definition through time, modern music has been re–invented and re–made to be distant from that of an older age. Music has always been around, just remixed as time goes on. We know that it has been around for a while because geologists have found cave paintings dating back to prehistoric ages where they are depicting people dancing, proving to a presence of some interpretation of music. Music was Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Music and Society Music and Society There is no disputing that society is influenced by its choices of entertainment. Some ways in which people are influenced are positive, but others are harmful. In the society we live in, the harmful ways always outnumber the positive. If we gravitated toward the positive forms of entertainment a little more often than the negative, then our society would have fewer problems. Popular music has a negative effect on society and endorses a lack of creativity. Most popular music today is driven by violence and sex. These musicians put out albums that glorify violence and promote causal sex. When the albums are being produced, the artist does not think of how it will affect the perspective merchant. more content... People hate the fact of the happening, not being with the popular crowd. Few teens try to develop independent minds because that would cause them to be creative and different. That brings us to another point–– that most popular music is neither unique nor creative. Just about all of the music coming out now is generally the same. It lacks creativity because artists are just in it to make money, not for the love of music. Society is force–fed this bland music on a daily basis. Through radio stations and the emergence of MTV, new hit songs come out every week and people digest them, claiming to enjoy them just so that they appear to be versed on the latest "on hit wonder" groups. Since the music is generally the same and really does not change that dramatically every week, album after album is put out to fatten the wallets of wealthy producers. The more albums that are put out, the more money is made, as consumers shell out millions every week for something new to listen to, but are merely continuing to feed the frenzy of the popular music industry. Another harm this entertainment brings to society is it gives the media an easy scapegoat. When some atrocity gains national attention, the first thing that is thought of is music and entertainment. When a young boy burnt down his house because he was watching Beavis and Butt–Head, and they were playing with fire, the show was blamed. How about we blame who are really at fault here –– the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on music and emotions How can different types of music affect people's emotions? Music has many different ways to affect people. In some ways, it is good for the body both physically and mentally. In other ways, people think it is nice to listen to. More detailed, music has personalities, which can express what people feel. There are many observations involving different ways to express human emotions. Emotions are very interesting things, especially when they involve music. Music can have many personalities, affect people's emotions, and be used as therapy. If music reveals emotions, it is not a normal emotion like any other (Stecker 273). The expression in music can be considered a traditionalized phenomenon (Stecker 273). There are common questions more content... ( And can slow down when there is softer music playing such as a lullaby ( Rhythms of the music can adjust brain waves and breathing patterns ( The vibrations from the music have an impact on the body, which can change peoples' moods and bodily functions ( The mind is greatly impacted by music by showing healthful changes ( /). Doctors now use music for their patients' treatments in order to help them stay healthy ( Heart patients acquired the same benefits from listening to classical music for thirty minutes as they did from anti–anxiety medication ( /articles/). Musical therapy has been used to help people with heart problems, which worked quite effectively. ( People who have had migraines frequently, were trained to use music and relaxing procedures to reduce their headaches. Studies have also shown that music helps students with their intelligence levels ( A majority of students had higher test scores than others because they listened to Mozart before their exam. People who listened to classical music for an hour and a half while revising manuscripts increased their accuracy by 21% ( (Mish 725.). Mozart has a big impact on people Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Musical Instruments Musical Instruments A fairly old instrument that is still in use today is the theremin. It has a particular design that is different from any other instrument around and is played much more differently then other instruments in circulation today. The theremin is an electronic musical instrument that is played using electrical fields. When it was first introduced, society was shocked to see this instrument that could be played without even touching it. The theremin is tuned so that it has a range of three and a half octaves. The theremin's operation is based on the theory of beat frequencies. The instrument also has a peculiar look to it as well. Two antennas stick out on each side of the theremin. A vertical antenna is also located more content... The theremin gained more popularity when it made its way to America in 1928. In 1929, RCA bought the rights to manufacture the instrument. Leon Theremin stayed in America, where he met Clara Rockmore, the theremin's first virtuoso. Theremin worked on many variations of his original instrument including the Terpsitone (controlled by the entire body), an electriccello, and a theremin controlled only by the eyes. He wanted to continue to make variations to the theremin and experiment with what they could do. The other variations of the theremin were not nearly as popular as the original theremin was. (History of the Theremin, Moog). In 1954 Robert Moog had started on production of the theremin. He is also the main contributor to the theremin being produced by his company Big Briar Inc. Not only does his company produce the theremin, they also happen to produce kits that allow people to create and build their own theremin. The popularity of the theremin started to rise again and it was included in several movies such as: The Day the Earth Stood Still, Spellbound, and Lost Weekend. Apart from the theremin being used in movies, several modern day bands used the theremin in their music. The Beach Boys used the theremin in their hit song "Good Vibrations" and Led Zeppelin used it in their hit song "Whole Lotta Love". Leon Theremin died in 1993, but his interesting instrument still is in Get more content on
  • 8. Music in the Classroom Essay Music in the Classroom Tying music into education has found to be most effective with young elementary aged children and those with disabilities. Music has had extreme positive influence on school–aged and non–English speaking children learning to read, write, and remember. It is sort of a motivation to learn and do well in school. Music in the classroom must begin with the teacher and end with the student. If teachers plan to integrate their teaching with music, they must find an effective way to do so. Chalmers, Olson, & Zurkowski (1999) state that music possesses the power to arouse or relax, create a feeling of happiness or sadness, and even alter physiological states of heart rate and blood pressure. The power of music has more content... Sixty beats per minute music does tend to have the best results when aimed at calmness and relaxation. Make sure the students find the music enjoyable and that the students have some part in selecting the music. Use an appropriate and adequate sound system. If you choose to use music, make sure that it is used on a consistent basis. Play music as students enter the room in order to set a tone for what is to come. Be cautious when using music in a classroom of children who are more easily distracted. Music can be combined with other relaxation techniques like deep breathing. If using sixty beats per minute music, have the students take their pulse and try to get their pulse to match the beat of the music. When with younger students, classic Disney songs really seem to provide a very relaxing atmosphere as the students find certain songs familiar and comforting. Background music can be used strategically throughout the day, for a pleasant start to the day, a lift in the afternoon, and to reduce stress during more difficult assignments. Diane Langfit (1994) lobbies for the integration of music at the earliest levels of childhood education, stating that the power of music should be incorporated into classrooms and capitalized upon to help with reading and writing. She explains that music will undoubtedly touch students on an extremely personal level, all the while enhancing memory. Brown & Brown (1997) state that music automatically hits on Get more content on
  • 9. Classification Of Hip-Hop Music Top five lists are usually made among fans of hip–hop music, including myself rank rappers by making a top five or top ten list of the best rappers out now and the best rappers of all time. For many real hip–hop heads that can be very difficult, especially for the ones who don't have a huge bias toward a certain era of hip–hop. Even MTV gets the list wrong every year. Another way that can be hard is because a lot rappers put on the list, for drastically different reasons. Some will be put on for talent, some will be put on for album sales, some will be put on for their messages, and some just for being pioneers, when we do that we are discrediting certain people. When we name who is the hottest of all time people usually include the right Get more content on
  • 10. Rap Music Essay Music is something we hear every day. Whether it is on our iPods, in our cars, or the simple sounds that we hear every day. Humans can relate to all types of music and can be considered an extremely curing instrument. Throughout time, it encompass different beats, sounds, and evoke different emotions. Some types of music are hip–hop and rap, alternative music, and rock and roll music. Music has a long timeline, and every single sound and kind of music is intertwined with each other and influenced by each other. Music recreates lifestyles and expresses different generations while defining different types of sound. The power of music can be viewed in various types of kinds. A new element of music has been brought to our attention, Rap/Hip– more content... Rap has become a new millennium trending topic. It has become more electrifying, borrowing from the soul, jazz and live instrumentations. These new ways have created an expanding sub–genre category. Based on the geographical locations, beat, and unsung lyrics is what gives Rap its various genres forms: West Coast, East Coast, Dirty South, Gangster Rap, Pop Rap, Christian Rap, Conscious Rap and Electro Hip–hop. Even though the first three are named based on their location, there are still certain sounds and subjects of lyrics that relate to each area. Each zone has different influences, for example, Dirty South Rap is distinguished for is dance ability and rhythmic delivery. Gangster Rap is the most extreme versions of hip–hop. These songs usually glorify the street life and contain explicit words that society deems as not invaluable. Pop Rap is a much more contemporary genre that has catered to listeners more than any other style. Pop doesn't provide any very distinct sound, but lyrics are usually simplified down and less controversial than gangster rap. Christian Rap and Conscious Rap are both identical in a way because of their respectful and thoughtful rhymes. While Jazz, Rap, and Electro Pop are the most recent forms of Rap, both incorporate aspects of music and electric into Get more content on
  • 11. The Portrayal Of Women In The Music Industry With over 4 billion people having access to the internet worldwide, everyday people are exposed to different types of pop culture media, one of those being the music industry. The music industry has become one of the most popular pop culture entertainment due to its variety in music and complex audience. Everyone regardless of race, age, gender, religion, and sexuality have access to a multitude of different music varieties that they can listen to. However, with the music industry growing rapidly, its audience grows along with it. With new and exciting sounds and beats, rising artists, and catchy lyrics it is important that these songs encourage healthy ethical messages to society due to the fact that almost everyone is exposed to music these days. Often times, especially in Hip–Hop music we see how the portrayal of women is usually a negative one. I'm sure that you've seen at least one song where women appear subject to men and appear as sex tools. Many hip hop artists, through their music (whether meant to or not), emphasize how women should be seen as tools for pleasure and they lack to show more positive attributes of women. With the music industry objectifying and sexualizing women through derogatory language, it continues to contribute to the present ideology that women are less that and should be inferior to men. There are numerous examples of how male hip hop artists use their lyrics to deliberately dehumanize women. We see this when songs use offensive and Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection About Music Globally, music is the soundtrack of everyone in the whole world. From older generations to younger generations, music is the universal identity that every individual has something in common. It would be impossible to imagine a world without music, regardless of our culture, personal interpretations or even our own aesthetics, and tastes. As for me, music is one of the few things that have remained constant in my entire life because music has the power to inspire me mentally, physically and emotionally. Music can easily influence my emotions of sadness, happiness, heartaches, and miseries, including my physical moodiness. Actually, taking this class, Music 15–A, allows me to explore these emotions, to think critically, and to be able to apply my knowledge and understanding accordingly. Generally, there were numerous ways how a song can be interpreted; it can either be construed negatively or positively. In order to explore my knowledge and understanding to a certain song or genre, I had to think critically and objectively. For example, the Bawdy Blues genre or Lucille Bogan "aka" Bessie Jackson's song "Shave 'Em Dry" (1935) that exploited innuendo lyrics. Her song was banned to the general public viewers, whereas in the late 80's, explicit librettos were openly out on the market. During my younger years, a hip–hop/rap song entitled "Me So Horny" (1989) by "2 Live Crew" was a hit maker. Both of these songs were very controversial; however, one of the songs was extensively Get more content on
  • 13. Music has the power to change the acceptance of one to change the personality. Many people are affected and changed by music because they want to express themselves as part of a culture and through fashion choices they are able to create an individual personality which is unique and is enough to define the expression of an individual. fashion and the music has been associated with the people and help them to connect their styles, personality and points of view to become different from others and making a statement with clothes can also prove to be alienating. Everyone is different, but that's how we get by – stereotyping other people, And the choices of fashion which has the influence of music is based on the results that suggest that the types of genres we like directly correlate with how we define ourselves. 4. Music and consumer What people listen to is more important for their sense of themselves than what they watch or read'. Music may express differentiation and 'function as a ''badge'' which conveys information about the person who expresses a particular preference and consumers may hold normative expectations concerning characteristics of people who like different musical genres. Choice of music may become an extension of an individual's identity. Consequently, identity may be regarded as a project that has to be worked on and carefully managed since consumers are continuously in the process of 'actively constructing, maintaining and communicating their Get more content on
  • 14. Attention Getter For Music Essay A.Attention Getter: What is music? Many people say that it's a harmonious beautiful sound that is pleasing to the ear. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a nineteenth century poet and educator, "Music is the universal language of mankind." Not only is music a type of communication but it's also type art which many people fail to remember. B.Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility: Headphones are a pair of listening devices with speakers that are most commonly used to listen to music. The reason why this invention exists is because it helps you block out any distractions/noise from you and it prevents others from hearing what you hear. C.Thesis: By entering the world of music, you can be able to express yourself universally and as well more content... Sub–point 2: After years of listening to music, I began to see how much of a significance music really is. I realized that people can express themselves through music and how music can emotionally impact us. But most of all, I found that music was something that I could escape to whenever I'm going through a hard time. Whether if it's after a fight I had with a friend or when I'm stressing over school, listening to music never failed to give me immediate comfort. Just putting on my headphones and putting aside all the distractions from the world brings me peace. C.Conclusion 1.Restate Thesis: Now you have a better understanding of how with music you can be able to express yourself universally and as well as feel different emotions while listening to music. 2.Review Main Points: First, I discussed what role headphones play in the music culture, and then I informed you about my experience in music culture and how I use headphones. 3.Memorable Closer: Music is often overlooked as a type of entertainment but if we listen closely and allow ourselves to fully dive into the world of music, we can learn how to appreciate the beauty of this universal Get more content on
  • 15. Classification Essay-It's Wrong With Fuse Music There are a lot of thing that is wrong with steaming music,It allows people to stream music without really owning the album. This is really bad because they don't pay money because then the artist don't get any money. They only get payed a penny for every time there song is played. They could have the song played 500 times and only have 5 dollars.That's not good. They are going to end up having to depend on there products. Like perfume, tee–shirts, Concerts and thing like that Get more content on
  • 16. Classification of Music Classification of Music People judge one another on a variety of aspects, whether it is the clothes they wear or the people they socialize with. I believe that there are many different things that affect all these aspects, things that create our individual personality. The most major influence on an individual's personality is the music he or she listens to. Music affects the individual's behavior, actions, the way he or she thinks, wears and even the way the individual will speak. These are the very things that we are judged upon as humans. By the classification and break down of the music we listen too is how we can find ourselves. For me, music is soothing, and not something to be butchered with loud yelling or talk more content... Then there are those songs that really speak of non–sense, written and performed by drunken buffoons like The Doors and David Bowie, all songs I find very amusing. The very music that I can throw my head around to in random directions and still call it dancing. With this comes that relaxed fun, and no care in the world. Songs that push away all fears, worries and stresses that may present in life today. During the time of these artists, they had no worries; they were high half of their lives but still just having a good time. That is the way I like to feel, and why I believe I was born to the wrong generation. I try to bring the early classic rock era to me as much as possible; I find this easiest through the music. I also listen to the classics, where I find reassurance. I have never been disappointed from any of these artists: The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and The EaglesВ–the famous В‘the' bands. Everyone has heard their songs and every one of those songs is famous and widely known even with today's generation. Most of their songs have no hidden meanings or metaphors, but I never can be let down by the songs of these bands. All of their songs are consistent with each other and never change. There are a few artists of my generation that bring back that relaxed metaphorical tone that early classic rock Get more content on
  • 17. Reflective Essay About Music So, the Element of culture that I find myself the most passionate about is Music. I say music because music I found in every culture. Music is what I believe in being part of human. There are literally hundreds different types of genres of music people listen to and millions of songs to listen to. A little about me, I personally find myself listen to rap music and old Rhythm and Blues. I come for a strong African American background family, where we have family get together, cookouts and just being close to your family. Most of the R&B songs tell a story. They talk about the black culture in good and also in bad ways. The R&B music I find myself listen to is more from my parent's time. The music back during my parent's child hood is a lot different than music today. One Major different is music back then had people playing the real instruments and sounds. I hear lectures from people from my parents' generation how music today is terrible compared to their upcoming music. I personally feel music just changes because it adapts to people's lifestyle and what they are going through. The Music Industry have always been dominant in society. If you think about every generation can remember listen to their favorite song growing up, and music can sometimes tell you all about yourself. Music can also be influenced in politically also. For example, the government regulated explicated music because they use profanity words etc. I remember I watch a documentary on how the government Get more content on
  • 18. Classification of Music Essay The Division/Classification Essay Essentially, a comic book is a graphic, animated, colorful booklet, which could be black and white as well, and it also tells a story. ("Types of Comic Books). As crazy as it may seem, music videos also have the same characteristics. If you think about it, music videos can be very graphic, animated, colorful or black and white, and they tell a story also. Music videos can be divided into three major genres according to the mood, style, and the fanzines, which usually refer to– essentially if you break it down–fans. ("Types of Comic Books). The most known type of music videos is hip–hop videos. Hip–hop videos are the most popular simply because they are looked down upon the worst, or the most more content... The music video "Invented Sex" sung by Trey Songz is clearly about sex so however sex makes you feel, that's how you would feel about this video. Then there's the song "Please Don't Go" by Tank which exerts the pain of losing a loved one. R & b music videos, as you can see, can exert many different moods. The style of r & b is for the most part very smooth, sensual, and soulful. It gives people a piece of mind. Rhythm and blues styles have changed a lot over the years but it continues to be the most popular songs at weddings. As for r & b videos, they usually involve only two people, a man and a woman. Most of the time in r & b videos the two people involved are having a wedding, fighting, or making love. Most r & b fans are older married couples who know what real love and hurt is all about. The true fans understand what the singer is trying to portray in the video, probably because it looks similar to a situation they have been in before. The last type of music video is gospel videos. Everyone should agree that there is something about gospel music videos that just makes you get up and dance or just cry out to God. The mood of gospel music videos is very dynamic. They can be sad, as if you know you've done something wrong and you just want to cry out to God and apologize for it, or they can make you really happy and excited that you know God. Gospel music videos that make you happy just make you want to praise God for all that he's done in your life. Not Get more content on
  • 19. Classification Essay On Rap Music My favorite type song is different from my least favorite type song by the beat, the way the words are organized, and the way that the people who sing it. In my favorite type of music, wich is usually rap, has big base drops and is very fast paced. In the slow paced music like poems it is obdviesly slow most of the time and there isn't any base. I like to lay in my bed listening to rap music and it just soothes me for some reason I really don't know why,but it just makes me feel better. Other slow paced music like poems being sung just makes me scream speed up,be louder, make some more noise,and vibrate these headphones. Both of these types of songs include singing of course and they both include tunes that can get fairly katchy. Get more content on