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Essay on The Philosophy of Education
In order for a society to function, individuals must be productive members of that society. This is
accomplished through education. The philosophy of education is determined by society. As society
changes so does the concept of education.
Education is needed for individuals to function in society. Without the proper tools, people would be
a burden instead of an asset. To become an asset,individuals need to be exposed to those elements
which would enrich their lives through knowledge. Knowledge in our society is basically learned
through education. The basic knowledge each person should receive from an education is the three
R's; reading writing, and arithmetic. These mediums will enable a person to survive in today's society. more content...
Education can bring these individual talents to the surface. Having these talents developed by the
way of the educational system, a person is more likely to become a productive member of society.
Without these gifts and talents of individuals, answers in the medical, environmental, and social
fields could remain mute and unexplored. Education has the responsibilities to bring out the best in
each individual. The needs of society are continually changing. Therefore, education must also
continue to change in order to productive responsible members of society.
Education a hundred years ago is far different from the education today. Each generation is
exposed to more and more information. This information needs to be processed and delivered to
individuals. Education is the vehicle to do this. Reading, Writing and arithmetic will always be the
backbone to education. However, education must also look at society and determine what more is
needed to do. In our society today, computer and AIMS testing are the main focal point. Over ten
years ago, high school students were being exposed to the use of the computer. Today in the 21st
Century, children in kindergarten are receiving the necessary information to become computer
literate. Without education keeping its eyes on what is happening in society, the next generation
will be left behind. Education is the eyes and ears for society. The young people in schools are
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My Philosophy of Education Essay examples
My Philosophy of Education
My Philosophy of Education is closely related to what the Essentialists and Perennialists believe.
Like the Essentialists, I believe there should be a back to the basics approach to teaching. The
curriculum should focus on subjects such as writing, reading, history, science, and math. These are
essentials that all students should know. There should be mastery of material of the essentialsubjects
before the students move on to the next grade level. The curriculum should be rigorous and the
standards should be set high. The high standards that are set for the students should strengthen the
student's intellect and enhance their moral qualities.
Students should learn of the people who shaped more content...
Most of the time, the teacher should stay away from the student's interests that interfere with
academic cirriculum.
Student's interests should be widely expressed in extra curriculum activities.
The teacher should ultimately decide a lot of the curriculum based on the needs of each student.
This brings me to the part of Progressivism that I believe to be very influential in the way students
learn and how they increase their level of knowledge and skills. Students should be grouped by
abilities. When I observed a 4th grade class this semester students were working at their own
levels and with other peers at the same level. The students were working on the exact same subject
matter, but the level of difficulty was unique to the individual. The desks were set up in small
groups for the students to work together on material. The students took tests every few months in
order for the teacher to examine their level of learning and place them with the appropriate group
and correct learning material. The students improved overall from test to test. No two students are
alike. Working at their own level and with others at the same level increase their ability to learn and
increase their level of knowledge to where it should be.
The students should learn to think critically, hypothetically, analytically, and creatively. During the
creative part is where there should be an
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Essay on Educational Philosophy
Educational Philosophy
Education is without a doubt the fundamental tool that shapes our society. Every thought, process,
technological advance, and advancement in the world would not have occurred without education.
Presently, the educational system accounts for shaping today's youth into tomorrow's leaders and
giving them the tools they need to succeed in making our society expand. Consequently, today's
educators have quite a heavy burden to deal with to ensure that children properly perform their
responsibilities. The world is an ever–changing place and as educators, it is our purpose to serve that
ever–changing world by giving everyone an equal opportunity to receive an education, and
guaranteeing the lives that we touch more content...
Much of a youth's life is spent in classrooms, which conveys how much of a role model the teacher
plays in her student's lives. The teacher's actions can encourage or discourage student growth and
self–confidence, while providing them with an example of how they should behave. For example, I
believe teachers should never give up on their students or their abilities, and this positive attitude
will make the students want to work harder to succeed. Moreover, students will learn discipline in
the classroom and it is the teacher's responsibility to make the students understand the correct way to
act in each circumstance. The teacher plays an endless amount of roles, all of which cannot be
discussed, but all of which are essential to accomplish their tasks in her classroom.
It is not important for students to walk out of a classroom knowing the formula for the area of a
triangle, but it is of vast importance that the student walks out of the classroom understanding why
the area of a triangle is what it is and where the idea originates. Students need to feel that they are
learning something worthwhile and interesting. Their needs will not be satiated by memorization or
repetition, but by creating their own knowledge and understanding how this knowledge affects their
lives. The teacher must find a way to make her subject matter come to life for the students. Since I
am a math teacher, I especially believe in the importance of student understanding,
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Philosophy of Education Essays
Philosophy of Education
Everyone has their own personal views on philosophy and they also have their own educational
goals, myself included. Over the course of this paper I will discuss my views on philosophy and my
educational goals. Furthermore I will address the nature of students; the nature of knowledge; the
purpose of public education; my methods of teaching; and finally the curricular areas that I feel are
the most important.
First I shall discuss the nature of students. Much like Rousseau, I believe humans are born naturally
innocent and are largely shaped by the environment, they are also partially shaped by nature. Every
single person has the ability to learn. Nature and nurture determine more content...
Not only do the subjects affect the students' lives; the actual teachers themselves can have a great
impact on students' lives also. I firmly believe that elementary school teachers are one of the most
influential experiences for children. One bad/good experience with a teacher can affect the whole
life of a student.
Now that I have addressed the nature of students, I shall now discuss the nature of knowledge.
First of all I believe knowledge is relative, it changes everyday with new discoveries being realized
all the time. Knowledge is also different for everyone, and it depends on the person, place, and
time. As I stated before with the mentally/physically handicapped and child prodigies, no two
people are exactly alike. They learn on all kinds of levels and variables, including speed, how much,
Now that I have addressed the nature of knowledge, I shall now discuss the purpose of education.
I believe the overall purpose of education is to discover the truth and pass it on. Also, by passing
on knowledge we can keep life at it's present state and allow it to move on. For example, if a
caveman who learned to make fire died without passing on his knowledge, the knowledge would die
with him. Therefore the ones who did not know how to make fire would freeze to death the next
winter. If we did not pass on knowledge, useful information would die along with person who held it.
Could you imagine inventing everything
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Essay on Philosophy on Education
Philosophy on Education Education what is it? Is it only, how it is defined, as the imparting and
acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning? Is education only something you receive in
a school. Education to me begins at birth; a journey that has begun, as you experience new things
you learn and grow mentally and emotionally. By the time a child begins school they have learned
a multitude of things which include a number of things like walking, speaking, listening this is just
the beginning of their learning career. My beliefs are that all children can learn they have a right to
be educated and be safe in the environment in which they learning in are, these things are a must. To
begin with I believe that every child more content...
Like I all children and people can lean and continue to learn throughout their lives. When a child
first begins to go to school they are making their first attempts at crawling. They are learning the
alphabet, numbers among other things. They learn to be social, work together, sharing, and
following directions. Most of this should already be known but is reinforced at the school.
Learning these basic functions will help the student as they progress through their educational
career. With the family unit what it is today, the schools have had to become more than just a
place for educational purposes. By today's standards you are not only an educator but, a social
worker, a nurse, a confidant a multitude of hats must be worn to be an educator today. It seems to
me that schools today have become the ones teaching children respect and morals. I know that there
are issues concerning thoughts on the ability of all children being able to learn. My thoughts on
this are yes every child can learn something. They may not learn at the same level and may even
have handicaps but they are capable of learning. I believe that through the elementary (grade school),
middle or junior high and high schools all of these create processes which are an integral part in the
steps needed to become productive contributor to society. It is important to realize that it is our duty
to educate every child in America. This includes those that are undocumented, have
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Philosophy of Education Essay examples
As Abigail Adams once said, "Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor
and attained to with diligence." Just as students learn with ardor and diligence, teaching is also a
profession learned with ardor and diligence to achieve excellence as a teacher in today's classroom.
As I have grown up in a family thriving with teachers, I have seen both lessons taught and lessons
learned. Children can offer a unique reward; to see a child learn is an accomplishing and satisfying
feeling. To teach is to be an intellectualist, dramatist,psychologist, and many other titles. Only
teaching offers this wide range of possibilities–and what exciting possibilities these are! Teaching
styles differ more content...
While the nature of students may be different, I feel the purpose of education should be similar to
those performing as public educators. My overall view of the purpose of education is to make
those whom I teach better. Primarily, I want my students to be intellectually better when they
leave my classroom. With this purpose in mind, students can form educated opinions, live
prosperous lives, and contribute their views to better society and our changing world. Another
overall purpose of education is to inspire. Inspiration takes the shape of many forms and the
teacher can be a most powerful example. As a teacher, one of the most inspiring lessons would be
making others want to teach. I was inspired to become a teacher by one of my own high school
teachers. It is the example of an inspiring teacher that prods others to follow in his or her footsteps.
This is a goal I hope to accomplish as a public educator.
Just as the purpose of teaching public education is important to me, the method in which I choose
to teach is also so. I am a firm believer in repetition. Opening a particular lesson by reviewing
information previously learned allows students to form associations, draw conclusions between the
information, and study more effectively for quizzes and exams. I will also be a teacher who tries to
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My Philosophy on Education Essay
My Philosophy on Education
My Philosophy on Education encompasses many areas but the result is an approach that I feel
will educate every child in the best possible way. I am specializing in Early Childhood, because of
this I feel that my philosophy is based on what is best for the child through the age of eight. My
Philosophy is a mixture of the Progressivism approach and the Constructivists approach. These
beliefs not only focus on one aspect of the classroom but rather on the classroom as a whole.
The curriculum of my classroom should be based on the works of John Dewey. I believe the best
curriculum for the child in an early childhood setting is one that is based on the interests of the
children. The children should be more content...
I also believe in around the curriculum approaches. At the same time you are talking about the
caterpillar you can also have the children count how many other caterpillars they may see on the
tree and sing a song about caterpillars. On the Constructivists side I believe like Jean Piaget that
children do learn through exploration and I would provide ample time for exploration in my
My teaching methods would be child–centered. Under the belief system of Francis W. Parker who
believed that all learning should be learner centered rather than teacher centered. I would try to plan
activities that would both interest the children but also engage them in critical thinking and
problem solving. I feel that teaching real life skills can be just as important as any academic skill. I
would encourage these thoughts through the use of simple manageable projects, Cooperative
learning experiences, and through role playing exercises. I feel these activities would not only
increase their level of thinking but would also encourage social skills which are also very important.
I want a classroom that is democratically sucessful such as the one that Ella Flagg Young
envisioned for her staff. I want that vision for the children I teach. The children should be an active
participant in the classroom as a whole, not just learning process but also in classroom management.
I feel children should help create their own rules for the classroom. By helping to create the rules the
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Educational Philosophies Essay
Educational Philosophies Many different ideas of the correct educational philosophy exist. Highly
acclaimed psychologists and educators developed these varying philosophies. Each of these
philosophies have their strengths and weaknesses and have their positives and negatives in different
situations. It is our job as educators to sift through this list of philosophies to find our own style and
philosophy. We must research the pros and cons of each philosophy and pick and choose which
sections of each idea to take out and make our own. Our job is also to familiarize ourselves with
the philosophies that we do not agree with. So that we have a clear picture in our minds of what we
want and do not want as part of our more content...
This philosophy may teach children to read, write, and do arithmetic, but it will also teach them to
detest school and dislike learning.
To correspond these complaints specifically to literacy learning, students will only learn how to
read and how to write. They will not know why to read or write. Nor will they learn what to read
or write. Like said above, they will not learn to love the creativity of writing nor the excitement of
Behaviorism is the idea that behavior is learned and because of that all behavior can be unlearned
and new behaviors learned in its place. Behaviorism views development as a continuos process in
which children play a relatively passive role. Behaviorists assume that the only things that are real
are the things we can see and observe. We cannot see the mind, but we can see how people act,
react and behave. What people do, not what they think or real, is the object of study. Behavior is the
essence of a person.
I do not so much disagree with the general ideas of this theory. Behavior does impact learning and
much can be learned about a child through their behavior. Also, behaviorism has developed many
excellent means of discipline and classroom management. However, the behavior is not the child. I
feel that a behavior is merely a cause of something else that is occurring within the child. It does not
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My Teaching Philosophy Essay
My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and
involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they
go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college.
Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead
something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better
equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly
anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That
being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education more content...
The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the
most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for
the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore
different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is
not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge
not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are
not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an
energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like
an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or
her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only
to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a
particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the
teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more
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Philosophy of Education Essay
Philosophy of Education
As I begin my education for becoming a teacher, I am beginning to make decisions on things such
as how I would like my teaching style to be, ways to deal with discipline problems, and how I would
like my classroom to be set up.
However, I cannot put my ideas into one philosophy. I feel that using many styles of teaching is
better than just using one. Some students may learn better with one style of teaching while others
may learn better with another. The teaching philosophies I can best relate to are realism, pragmatism,
and idealism.
The main reason I would like to become a teacher is the love for little kids. I really enjoy being
around children. After more content...
When students arrive in the mornings, I will have a small review assignment on the board for them
to work on until class begins. There will also be a set order for teaching the different subjects. Not
having big changes in their daily routine should help the students feel more comfortable and help
keep control in the classroom.
I will use involvement in activities to keep the children interested in learning. A field trip, group
activity, or play that is related to a subject we are covering will be very educational and motivational
for the students. Anything that keeps them involved will keep them interested as well. Like the
Idealists, I will encourage the children to challenge themselves to learn more and make better grades.
When dealing with discipline problems I will use the idealistic, realistic, and pragmatic
philosophies. Rules and punishments for the classroom will be established the first day of school
and posted on the walls. I will deal with discipline problems in the classroom, using the idealist
approach, sending the students to the principal's office as a last resort. Punishment for breaking
rules will be pulling a card or writing their name on the board, which lowers their deportment grade
for the day and takes away part of their recess. Also instead of just punishing the students, I will try
to help them solve the problem. I will also have
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My Philosophy of Education Essay
Philosophy on Education Education entails individual human development in the cognitive,
emotional, creative and social areas. All children are entitled to a free education regardless of race,
cultural background or handicaps. For education to be an effective part of the students life, the
student and teacher must be actively and enthusiastically involved in learning. A teacher needs to be
well prepared and organized. They need to know the perspective goals for each student and ways to
achieve these goals. Teachers need to work with students to help them grow and develop ways to use
their knowledge. Education is the most important aspect in ones life. Through the development of
education, children learn knowledge more content...
There are many philosophies to consider when preparing to teach. The ones I wish to incorporate
into my curriculum are those of Jean–Jacques Rousseau, who believed that everyone posses in the
depth of our being certain feelings and passions, and when these feelings are first shielded from
polluted influences in our culture, and then liberated and allowed to control our conduct, may we
posses true understanding and virtue. I also like those of Progressivism which is respect for
individuality, relevant to the needs and interests of students. Along with these two theories I
think educators need to include some perennialism which is a general, liberal, humanistic
approach because we all need the basics and then build upon those to discover who we are and
what we want to gain from education and life. I believe we have come to a point in our society
where we have lost track of traditional American virtues and what our country was founded on.
My wish as an educator would to be able to bring back some of the back to basics approach into
the public school system. For teachers to really be effective we should choose the best of all
philosophies, and combine them into a curriculum that workds for everyone?s needs and abilities. A
teacher who is able to adapt their teaching techniques for each individual through determining how
the pupil learns best. There is the visual,
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Philosophy On Education Essay

  • 1. Essay on The Philosophy of Education In order for a society to function, individuals must be productive members of that society. This is accomplished through education. The philosophy of education is determined by society. As society changes so does the concept of education. Education is needed for individuals to function in society. Without the proper tools, people would be a burden instead of an asset. To become an asset,individuals need to be exposed to those elements which would enrich their lives through knowledge. Knowledge in our society is basically learned through education. The basic knowledge each person should receive from an education is the three R's; reading writing, and arithmetic. These mediums will enable a person to survive in today's society. more content... Education can bring these individual talents to the surface. Having these talents developed by the way of the educational system, a person is more likely to become a productive member of society. Without these gifts and talents of individuals, answers in the medical, environmental, and social fields could remain mute and unexplored. Education has the responsibilities to bring out the best in each individual. The needs of society are continually changing. Therefore, education must also continue to change in order to productive responsible members of society. Education a hundred years ago is far different from the education today. Each generation is exposed to more and more information. This information needs to be processed and delivered to individuals. Education is the vehicle to do this. Reading, Writing and arithmetic will always be the backbone to education. However, education must also look at society and determine what more is needed to do. In our society today, computer and AIMS testing are the main focal point. Over ten years ago, high school students were being exposed to the use of the computer. Today in the 21st Century, children in kindergarten are receiving the necessary information to become computer literate. Without education keeping its eyes on what is happening in society, the next generation will be left behind. Education is the eyes and ears for society. The young people in schools are receiving Get more content on
  • 2. My Philosophy of Education Essay examples My Philosophy of Education My Philosophy of Education is closely related to what the Essentialists and Perennialists believe. Like the Essentialists, I believe there should be a back to the basics approach to teaching. The curriculum should focus on subjects such as writing, reading, history, science, and math. These are essentials that all students should know. There should be mastery of material of the essentialsubjects before the students move on to the next grade level. The curriculum should be rigorous and the standards should be set high. The high standards that are set for the students should strengthen the student's intellect and enhance their moral qualities. Students should learn of the people who shaped more content... Most of the time, the teacher should stay away from the student's interests that interfere with academic cirriculum. Student's interests should be widely expressed in extra curriculum activities. The teacher should ultimately decide a lot of the curriculum based on the needs of each student. This brings me to the part of Progressivism that I believe to be very influential in the way students learn and how they increase their level of knowledge and skills. Students should be grouped by abilities. When I observed a 4th grade class this semester students were working at their own levels and with other peers at the same level. The students were working on the exact same subject matter, but the level of difficulty was unique to the individual. The desks were set up in small groups for the students to work together on material. The students took tests every few months in order for the teacher to examine their level of learning and place them with the appropriate group and correct learning material. The students improved overall from test to test. No two students are alike. Working at their own level and with others at the same level increase their ability to learn and increase their level of knowledge to where it should be. The students should learn to think critically, hypothetically, analytically, and creatively. During the creative part is where there should be an Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Educational Philosophy Educational Philosophy Education is without a doubt the fundamental tool that shapes our society. Every thought, process, technological advance, and advancement in the world would not have occurred without education. Presently, the educational system accounts for shaping today's youth into tomorrow's leaders and giving them the tools they need to succeed in making our society expand. Consequently, today's educators have quite a heavy burden to deal with to ensure that children properly perform their responsibilities. The world is an ever–changing place and as educators, it is our purpose to serve that ever–changing world by giving everyone an equal opportunity to receive an education, and guaranteeing the lives that we touch more content... Much of a youth's life is spent in classrooms, which conveys how much of a role model the teacher plays in her student's lives. The teacher's actions can encourage or discourage student growth and self–confidence, while providing them with an example of how they should behave. For example, I believe teachers should never give up on their students or their abilities, and this positive attitude will make the students want to work harder to succeed. Moreover, students will learn discipline in the classroom and it is the teacher's responsibility to make the students understand the correct way to act in each circumstance. The teacher plays an endless amount of roles, all of which cannot be discussed, but all of which are essential to accomplish their tasks in her classroom. It is not important for students to walk out of a classroom knowing the formula for the area of a triangle, but it is of vast importance that the student walks out of the classroom understanding why the area of a triangle is what it is and where the idea originates. Students need to feel that they are learning something worthwhile and interesting. Their needs will not be satiated by memorization or repetition, but by creating their own knowledge and understanding how this knowledge affects their lives. The teacher must find a way to make her subject matter come to life for the students. Since I am a math teacher, I especially believe in the importance of student understanding, Get more content on
  • 4. Philosophy of Education Essays Philosophy of Education Everyone has their own personal views on philosophy and they also have their own educational goals, myself included. Over the course of this paper I will discuss my views on philosophy and my educational goals. Furthermore I will address the nature of students; the nature of knowledge; the purpose of public education; my methods of teaching; and finally the curricular areas that I feel are the most important. First I shall discuss the nature of students. Much like Rousseau, I believe humans are born naturally innocent and are largely shaped by the environment, they are also partially shaped by nature. Every single person has the ability to learn. Nature and nurture determine more content... Not only do the subjects affect the students' lives; the actual teachers themselves can have a great impact on students' lives also. I firmly believe that elementary school teachers are one of the most influential experiences for children. One bad/good experience with a teacher can affect the whole life of a student. Now that I have addressed the nature of students, I shall now discuss the nature of knowledge. First of all I believe knowledge is relative, it changes everyday with new discoveries being realized all the time. Knowledge is also different for everyone, and it depends on the person, place, and time. As I stated before with the mentally/physically handicapped and child prodigies, no two people are exactly alike. They learn on all kinds of levels and variables, including speed, how much, etc. Now that I have addressed the nature of knowledge, I shall now discuss the purpose of education. I believe the overall purpose of education is to discover the truth and pass it on. Also, by passing on knowledge we can keep life at it's present state and allow it to move on. For example, if a caveman who learned to make fire died without passing on his knowledge, the knowledge would die with him. Therefore the ones who did not know how to make fire would freeze to death the next winter. If we did not pass on knowledge, useful information would die along with person who held it. Could you imagine inventing everything Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Philosophy on Education Philosophy on Education Education what is it? Is it only, how it is defined, as the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning? Is education only something you receive in a school. Education to me begins at birth; a journey that has begun, as you experience new things you learn and grow mentally and emotionally. By the time a child begins school they have learned a multitude of things which include a number of things like walking, speaking, listening this is just the beginning of their learning career. My beliefs are that all children can learn they have a right to be educated and be safe in the environment in which they learning in are, these things are a must. To begin with I believe that every child more content... Like I all children and people can lean and continue to learn throughout their lives. When a child first begins to go to school they are making their first attempts at crawling. They are learning the alphabet, numbers among other things. They learn to be social, work together, sharing, and following directions. Most of this should already be known but is reinforced at the school. Learning these basic functions will help the student as they progress through their educational career. With the family unit what it is today, the schools have had to become more than just a place for educational purposes. By today's standards you are not only an educator but, a social worker, a nurse, a confidant a multitude of hats must be worn to be an educator today. It seems to me that schools today have become the ones teaching children respect and morals. I know that there are issues concerning thoughts on the ability of all children being able to learn. My thoughts on this are yes every child can learn something. They may not learn at the same level and may even have handicaps but they are capable of learning. I believe that through the elementary (grade school), middle or junior high and high schools all of these create processes which are an integral part in the steps needed to become productive contributor to society. It is important to realize that it is our duty to educate every child in America. This includes those that are undocumented, have Get more content on
  • 6. Philosophy of Education Essay examples Philosophy As Abigail Adams once said, "Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attained to with diligence." Just as students learn with ardor and diligence, teaching is also a profession learned with ardor and diligence to achieve excellence as a teacher in today's classroom. As I have grown up in a family thriving with teachers, I have seen both lessons taught and lessons learned. Children can offer a unique reward; to see a child learn is an accomplishing and satisfying feeling. To teach is to be an intellectualist, dramatist,psychologist, and many other titles. Only teaching offers this wide range of possibilities–and what exciting possibilities these are! Teaching styles differ more content... While the nature of students may be different, I feel the purpose of education should be similar to those performing as public educators. My overall view of the purpose of education is to make those whom I teach better. Primarily, I want my students to be intellectually better when they leave my classroom. With this purpose in mind, students can form educated opinions, live prosperous lives, and contribute their views to better society and our changing world. Another overall purpose of education is to inspire. Inspiration takes the shape of many forms and the teacher can be a most powerful example. As a teacher, one of the most inspiring lessons would be making others want to teach. I was inspired to become a teacher by one of my own high school teachers. It is the example of an inspiring teacher that prods others to follow in his or her footsteps. This is a goal I hope to accomplish as a public educator. Just as the purpose of teaching public education is important to me, the method in which I choose to teach is also so. I am a firm believer in repetition. Opening a particular lesson by reviewing information previously learned allows students to form associations, draw conclusions between the information, and study more effectively for quizzes and exams. I will also be a teacher who tries to Get more content on
  • 7. My Philosophy on Education Essay My Philosophy on Education My Philosophy on Education encompasses many areas but the result is an approach that I feel will educate every child in the best possible way. I am specializing in Early Childhood, because of this I feel that my philosophy is based on what is best for the child through the age of eight. My Philosophy is a mixture of the Progressivism approach and the Constructivists approach. These beliefs not only focus on one aspect of the classroom but rather on the classroom as a whole. The curriculum of my classroom should be based on the works of John Dewey. I believe the best curriculum for the child in an early childhood setting is one that is based on the interests of the children. The children should be more content... I also believe in around the curriculum approaches. At the same time you are talking about the caterpillar you can also have the children count how many other caterpillars they may see on the tree and sing a song about caterpillars. On the Constructivists side I believe like Jean Piaget that children do learn through exploration and I would provide ample time for exploration in my classroom. My teaching methods would be child–centered. Under the belief system of Francis W. Parker who believed that all learning should be learner centered rather than teacher centered. I would try to plan activities that would both interest the children but also engage them in critical thinking and problem solving. I feel that teaching real life skills can be just as important as any academic skill. I would encourage these thoughts through the use of simple manageable projects, Cooperative learning experiences, and through role playing exercises. I feel these activities would not only increase their level of thinking but would also encourage social skills which are also very important. I want a classroom that is democratically sucessful such as the one that Ella Flagg Young envisioned for her staff. I want that vision for the children I teach. The children should be an active participant in the classroom as a whole, not just learning process but also in classroom management. I feel children should help create their own rules for the classroom. By helping to create the rules the Get more content on
  • 8. Educational Philosophies Essay Educational Philosophies Many different ideas of the correct educational philosophy exist. Highly acclaimed psychologists and educators developed these varying philosophies. Each of these philosophies have their strengths and weaknesses and have their positives and negatives in different situations. It is our job as educators to sift through this list of philosophies to find our own style and philosophy. We must research the pros and cons of each philosophy and pick and choose which sections of each idea to take out and make our own. Our job is also to familiarize ourselves with the philosophies that we do not agree with. So that we have a clear picture in our minds of what we want and do not want as part of our more content... This philosophy may teach children to read, write, and do arithmetic, but it will also teach them to detest school and dislike learning. To correspond these complaints specifically to literacy learning, students will only learn how to read and how to write. They will not know why to read or write. Nor will they learn what to read or write. Like said above, they will not learn to love the creativity of writing nor the excitement of reading. Behaviorism is the idea that behavior is learned and because of that all behavior can be unlearned and new behaviors learned in its place. Behaviorism views development as a continuos process in which children play a relatively passive role. Behaviorists assume that the only things that are real are the things we can see and observe. We cannot see the mind, but we can see how people act, react and behave. What people do, not what they think or real, is the object of study. Behavior is the essence of a person. I do not so much disagree with the general ideas of this theory. Behavior does impact learning and much can be learned about a child through their behavior. Also, behaviorism has developed many excellent means of discipline and classroom management. However, the behavior is not the child. I feel that a behavior is merely a cause of something else that is occurring within the child. It does not seem Get more content on
  • 9. My Teaching Philosophy Essay My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they go, and should continue learning long after they've graduated from high school or college. Education isn't something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead something that people carry with them. It's a survival pack for life, and some people are better equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education more content... The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for the rest of their lives. Learning is not a skill that is necessarily instinctual or easy, and therefore different approaches must be used to make learning easier and more fun for students. Teaching is not a skill that can be memorized or made repetitive, and so teachers must continue to challenge not only their students, but also themselves. Teachers that become complacent in their jobs are not good teachers. Those who can find a way to make an old lesson new and exciting will have an energized classroom, and will be reenergized themselves. Every child is different. That sounds like an obvious statement, but so many ineffective teachers seem to forget this. Each student has his or her own varying abilities, talents, and levels of competence, and it is the job of a teacher not only to recognize this, but to help each student recognize this as well. If a child isn't doing well in a particular subject, both the teacher and the student should work towards figuring out why, and the teacher should accept the challenge of finding a way to make a particular subject more Get more content on
  • 10. Philosophy of Education Essay Philosophy of Education As I begin my education for becoming a teacher, I am beginning to make decisions on things such as how I would like my teaching style to be, ways to deal with discipline problems, and how I would like my classroom to be set up. However, I cannot put my ideas into one philosophy. I feel that using many styles of teaching is better than just using one. Some students may learn better with one style of teaching while others may learn better with another. The teaching philosophies I can best relate to are realism, pragmatism, and idealism. The main reason I would like to become a teacher is the love for little kids. I really enjoy being around children. After more content... When students arrive in the mornings, I will have a small review assignment on the board for them to work on until class begins. There will also be a set order for teaching the different subjects. Not having big changes in their daily routine should help the students feel more comfortable and help keep control in the classroom. I will use involvement in activities to keep the children interested in learning. A field trip, group activity, or play that is related to a subject we are covering will be very educational and motivational for the students. Anything that keeps them involved will keep them interested as well. Like the Idealists, I will encourage the children to challenge themselves to learn more and make better grades. When dealing with discipline problems I will use the idealistic, realistic, and pragmatic philosophies. Rules and punishments for the classroom will be established the first day of school and posted on the walls. I will deal with discipline problems in the classroom, using the idealist approach, sending the students to the principal's office as a last resort. Punishment for breaking rules will be pulling a card or writing their name on the board, which lowers their deportment grade for the day and takes away part of their recess. Also instead of just punishing the students, I will try to help them solve the problem. I will also have Get more content on
  • 11. My Philosophy of Education Essay Philosophy on Education Education entails individual human development in the cognitive, emotional, creative and social areas. All children are entitled to a free education regardless of race, cultural background or handicaps. For education to be an effective part of the students life, the student and teacher must be actively and enthusiastically involved in learning. A teacher needs to be well prepared and organized. They need to know the perspective goals for each student and ways to achieve these goals. Teachers need to work with students to help them grow and develop ways to use their knowledge. Education is the most important aspect in ones life. Through the development of education, children learn knowledge more content... There are many philosophies to consider when preparing to teach. The ones I wish to incorporate into my curriculum are those of Jean–Jacques Rousseau, who believed that everyone posses in the depth of our being certain feelings and passions, and when these feelings are first shielded from polluted influences in our culture, and then liberated and allowed to control our conduct, may we posses true understanding and virtue. I also like those of Progressivism which is respect for individuality, relevant to the needs and interests of students. Along with these two theories I think educators need to include some perennialism which is a general, liberal, humanistic approach because we all need the basics and then build upon those to discover who we are and what we want to gain from education and life. I believe we have come to a point in our society where we have lost track of traditional American virtues and what our country was founded on. My wish as an educator would to be able to bring back some of the back to basics approach into the public school system. For teachers to really be effective we should choose the best of all philosophies, and combine them into a curriculum that workds for everyone?s needs and abilities. A teacher who is able to adapt their teaching techniques for each individual through determining how the pupil learns best. There is the visual, Get more content on