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Got Milk Research Paper
Got Milk by Sarah Devino I believe tot that people should stop drinking milk because it is unhealthy
and non–nutritious. I will be talking about why milk is not good for you . It is dangerous for the
environment . It is also dangerous for the human body and it is a toxin that will stay in you body.
One of the reasons anyone should stop drinking milk is because it is unhealthy towards the
environment. We also use large quantities of fertilizer to milk the dairy cows. Cow produce a lot of
waste , which is about 210 pounds daily. Dairy cows will produce a lot of nitrogen green gas , when
they are defecating on the ground. Depending on what the cow eat they produce more methane ,
than CO2 in the atmosphere, Some people argue that it depends on the diet that you feed the cows
will produce less methane , if you feed them a more healthy diet. It also takes about 4 to 6 watts of
electricity a week to produce because of all the processing of the milk. Some argue that they are
trying to more eco–friendly ways to produce dairy milk . Milking dairy cows will eliminate any
nutrients in the ground . ... Show more content on ...
Drinking cow's milk has a high amount of protein that cows have more of in there milk. Drinking
this milking will have high health risks further on in the future. Drinking too much milk causes an
excess amount of mucus in nose. Recent studies shown in SAVE OUR BONES CAMPAIGN ,
drinking milk will not absorb any calcium in the bones, instead it will deplete any calcium in your
bones and you will have a higher risk of fracturing you bones. if you drink too much milk it will
cause you to have osteoporosis. If you drink too much milk it will weaken your bones causing
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Got Milk? Roach Milk Summary
The article I read is called "Got Milk? Roach milk could be a new superfood" by Dinsa Sachan. The
article is mainly about how scientists have studied a specific type of cockroach, the Pacific beetle
cockroach, and have discovered that it could contain a type of milk. This cockroach species is the
only one that's viviparous, which means that it gives birth to live young. The cockroach uses the
milk–like liquid to feed the babies before they are born. That milk contains special crystals that are
located in the guts of cockroach embryos, which are full of protein. These crystals were first
discovered back in 2004 by Subramanian Ramaswamy, who was studying at the University of Iowa
in Iowa City. To learn
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The Biological Basis Of Human Lactase
Milk is very important to all societies, the different varieties in milk gives the opportunity for others
to have the ability to gain drink milk. But, scientist now want to try and figure out why some
humans can't digest milk while others can. The scientific research that has been done in order to
explain the biological basis of human lactase is archaeological and genetics. Archaeologist
examined pottery shards in order to grasp what the animals where actually consuming indicating
where the proteins came from. Other scientists did field work with both Africans and Europeans that
either had experiences raising a cattle or did not have experiences with cattle in order to show that
human lactase is genetic. In order to show and or to further explain the biological basis of human
lactase I will first discuss who can actually drink milk, the history of both Europeans and Africans.
Next, I will discuss the values of both plant domestication and animal domestication. I will then talk
about where cattle's get their vitamins from and lastly I will discuss the value of milk, as well as
how it benefited other people.
According to the article "Ancient DNA Solves milk mystery written by Erika Check, the people who
can easily consume milk are those that were a part of the African and European culture. The reason
being is because they were one of the first groups of people who started to raise cows and other
animals that could produce milk. This means that Africans and Europeans are the
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Got Milk? Essay
In 1993, due to the decline in milk consumption, dairy farmers in California came together to form
the California Milk Processors Board (CMPB). They agreed to give three cents for each gallon sold
to fund an advertising campaign with the main purpose of "reminding people to drink milk"
( Jeff Manning, the man hired by the CMPB to find an advertising company,
appointed an ad agency known today as: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. The San Francisco based
company began immediate consumer research in which they found the majority of people loathed
running out of milk, especially when sitting down to a sweet or sticky treat. They took this
information and formed what's known as the deprivation strategy. Rather than just advertising ...
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Print ads featuring treats such as cookies and cupcakes with a bite taken out of them, while also
containing the phrase, "got milk?" began circulating through magazines. By October of 1993 the
first "Got Milk?" ad aired on television. Starring the unforgettable Sean Whalen as the plain–folk
history buff, who receives a call from a radio station asking him their $10,000 question.
Immediately knowing the correct answer Whalen responds "Aaron Burr", but due to the bite of
peanut butter sandwich he had just taken, and no milk to wash it down with; the only thing that
escaped his lips was an unintelligible, "Awooon Buuuh" (gotmilk; you tube). There's many
advertising techniques used in this commercial. The appearance of Sean Whalen gave the ad
famous–person testimonial, while the ill–fated character he played brought plain–folks pitch into the
mix. Hidden–fear appeal, was created by establishing the fear of not being able to answer the
$10,000 question due to something that could easily be fixed with a glass of milk. The combination
of these advertising techniques with humor, helped "Aaron Burr" become one of's
ten best ads of all time, as well as winning the Best in Show award at the 1994 Clio Awards. By
1997, Goodby and Manning began to question the popularity of their campaign. They wondered if
perhaps their ideas were boring, worn out so to
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The Image Of Body By Milk
The ad is one for milk, having the common logo "got milk?" in the upper right corner of the ad. In
the middle of the right side it also says, "Mind by Gaga. Body by milk." If you take your attention to
the opposite side of the ad some more writing can be observed. In the left top corner it says,
"Creative genius. Studies suggest Teens who choose milk instead of sugary drinks lead to have a
more productive and healthy mind. So grab a glass and drink up my little Monsters. Body by milk." All of the words on this ad are printed in a white color, with a contrasting
background of plain black. Smack dab in the middle of the ad is a female character, more commonly
known as Lady Gaga, a pop star and singer. Starting at the top if the image we see that she is very
bright red/orange hair that is in loose curls and flows across her shoulders. Her hair is covering one
eye completely. While the other eye is is shut half way with a lot of makeup. Her head is tilted back
and to the side, giving the examiner a look at the underside of her nose. Then further down is her
mouth. Her mouth is opened, almost seductively, so we can see her top set of teeth and part of her
tongue. Her lips are bright red and he has a milk mustache. We can see one of her ears and her long
narrow neck. All of her skin is very pale in color, almost matching the whiteness of the text that is
also in the ad. She is not wearing clothes persay, but rather a bra looking device that shoots out
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Animal-Free Milk History
What type of milk, and do you drink. Also how much milk do you drink on a daily basis? Chocolate
strawberry, white, cotton candy? Have you ever drank milk, Today we have animal–free milk, but
back then they didn't have animal–free milk. Milk has a lot of facts to it. Milk has quite the history.
Milk has been around for a long time. Not all people can drink milk. In early Egypt, milk was only
for rich and wealthy (Molland 1). This was because not everyone could afford to pay for milk, or
trade for milk because they are poor or unwealthy which means you have any money to waste. Also
today a lot more people can drink milk but there are those people who can't drink milk because they
are lactose intolerant. Also, "around two–thirds of humans
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Disappointment Of Dairy Queen Milk
"Disappointment of Dairy Queen Milk as a Brand" Conceptual: From hundreds of years, Milk has
been considered as an essential piece of day by day eating regimen of numerous individuals around
the world. It has both nutritious and dietary advantages. Having a glass of milk requires no
restrictions of age. Individuals of all age bunches expend it regular. Pakistan is a rural nation where
the accessibility of crude materials as milk is exceptionally advantageous. Exploiting this, numerous
national and multi–national organizations began their operations in Pakistan identified with dairy
items. Among them are Nestle and Haleeb Foods Limited, who got enormous achievement in this
industry. They are the pioneers who presented stuffed milk without precedent for Pakistan. Haleeb
Dairy Queen Milk is an understood brand of Haleeb Foods Limited which is presented without
precedent for 2000, to cook the section of savoring milk Pakistan. Regardless of its uniqueness,
Haleeb Dairy Queen is not as effective as it is required to be. In the accompanying ... Show more
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Around then, the organization was the first who presents the most recent innovation with profoundly
prepared machines for the generation of Milk. This gear was obtained from Holland. In 1986, the
leader brand of HFL was dispatched by the name of Haleeb milk. The thought behind the
presentation of Haleeb Milk was that, around then crisp milk can't be saved/alright for a drawn out
stretch of time without fridges. Notwithstanding being safeguarded in iceboxes, the milk will lose its
freshness and even taste. Thus, stuffed milk Haleeb with most noteworthy quality benchmarks
safeguarded in Tetra pak have been presented that can be ok for a more drawn out timeframe even
without fridges. The timeframe of realistic usability of such drain is three weeks. Haleeb along these
lines situated itself as immaculate, hygienic stuffed milk that have longer
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Goats Milk Short Story
Goats Milk The bus came to a screeching stop, I stood up and walked down the aisle and off the bus.
I walked up the driveway and into my house. I went down the spiral staircase and then I set my bag
down by my computer. I went back up the stairs and into the kitchen to get a snack, there I find my
mom doing the dishes. I get out the toaster and was about ready to put toast in when my mother said,
"Glad your home, you should go to the barn and check on the goats. They have been making more
noise than usual." "I will go down," I said. So I went out the kitchen and through the door, I took a
right, and then took a left down the big hill. Then I walked down sixteen stairs until I was in the
chicken coop. I took a left and walked into the barn ... Show more content on ...
Since this was my first time delivering without my dad I wanted to take all precautions that I could
to ensure that the kids live along with the soon to be a mom. At this time Oscar was with the females
when the kids are born, the males want to kill them so that there will be no competition in the future.
So I took Oscar's collar and lead him out the door. Then I got Franklin and George out of the barn.
Then I got Annie, Bonnie, and Cristal out and closed the door. Then I went back to look at Evie and
the hoofs were out further and this time you could see the nose. Then I went and got some hay and
put it in a pile behind her. Then I made another pile for me to sit on since I was still in my school
clothes. Since the sack was already broken I did not need to break it, so I held on to the hoofs and
every time she had a contraction I would pull slightly so that it would be easier. Then I heard the
opening and closing of doors, then I saw my mom coming around the corner. "How is it going?" She
asked. "Fine, the kid's hoofs and legs are out," I said still watching Evie. After three more
contractions the kid comes sliding out, and into the new world. I take the towel and wipe off all the
slime that was on the kid's face. The kid was black and brown. Then I took the kid and put it by the
mother so that the mother can smell it. If you don't put the kid next to the mother when they are born
the mother might not know that she had a kid,
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Creative Story : A Short Story
"On the news tonight the worst thing that could ever happen to mankind has happened". The news
reporter said in a sad voice. "No there isn't a meteor that is going wipe out all of the humanity but
something a lot worse...Choccy Milk production is being stopped worldwide but we don't know
why. We will get back to you as soon as we know more details about the situation". I couldn't hold
the tears Choccy Milk was like heaven on earth for me. Choccy Milk actual was my favorite thing
and everyone I knew loved it. So why would they stop making it? I ran to my parents who were in
the kitchen watching the news on another television to tell them about the bad news. "Don't worry
son." Dad said, "I've got this under control". My Mother leads me off to my bedroom and said:
"everything will be better tomorrow, good night". She tucked me in and walked to the door of my
room turned off the lights and closed the door. After a little while of tossing and turning, I finally got
to sleep.
Later that night, I woke to hear a delivery truck reversing down the driveway. I heard voices but
couldn't recognize whose they were. I peeked out the window. "BEEP BEEP BEEP" the truck turned
off. Then the back of the truck opened up and three very large barrels with unknown contents fell
out the back of the truck. A figure rolled them towards our shed as the truck sped off. That I'm an
inquisitive person human being I needed to sneak out of the house and see what was in the barrels. I
knew that if I got
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Why Do People Make Me Drink Milk?
I remember my mother made my school bus wait while she's standing in front of me and everyone
in the bus to make me drink milk. Since early day I have known something was funny on drinking
milk, maybe was my mother pushing it or maybe was my born instinct advising me that was not
necessary for me to drink that. I grew up investigating my rejection of something is given to you
from early states since you born to your finals days everybody is pushing something that seems
abnormal to drink. Why I say abnormal? Because humans are the only living thing that drink milk
from other species, where I'm going make sense? A cow don't drink milk from a human and we don't
feed a sheep, cow milk then, why humans are sold to believe is ok to drink another species milk?
Got milk? Is an advertisement from the Food and Drug Administration as well as from the milk
produced to incite consume of their product. This product have not been evaluated to determine their
consumption, safety, even though the FDA said otherwise, they do not explain to the consumers the
exact contains of milk and they secondary effects of consuming this product, we just lab rabbits
testing for the government, to after they come out with so much deterrents. Back to the situation
should we drink milk or not? At this point we should introduce some facts on milk I started at the
beginning of this conversation. Humans are the only specie drinking milk from another species.
Medical specialist always telling pregnant women to
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New Adventure And Excitement Of A City Girl
I can remember the day like its was just yesterday. The sun shinning was like a golden light of a
summer evening, the skies were clear and blue as the oceans, the air was cool and soothing, there
was fresh tree and grass smells, animals making noise, just lots of peace and relaxation going on. So
much love from one another in a family after not seeing each other in many years was just beyond
amazing. New adventure and excitement ready to begin. A city girl in the country this should be
exciting and interesting. Not in a millions years would I have imagined going back to the country I
was born in and having it feel like home when all I knew for a home was America. It felt like I never
left. What a great feeling to feel after worrying about not fitting in and not liking it since I was so
use to something different. I was filled with great joy but still worried about if I can last the whole
vacation period. I was going to make the best of this vacation and enjoy everything, learn new
things, and just explore a whole new land that was filled with adventure. Whenever I did explore the
country I did get strange looks from others and sometimes questions because apparently I looked
foreign. "Oh sweetie where are you from?" "Do.... you...." I honestly found it very funny that people asked those question and that some
looked at me as if I was foreign. At certain times I would act silly and act like I didn't understand
them and even spoke English
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Persuasive Essay On Milk
In recent years, countless Americans have stopped drinking milk since technology and innovations
in the dairy industry have caused cow's milk to become more unhealthy, less ethical, and has shown,
that cow's milk is unnatural for humans to consume. As countless Americans focus on their diets and
healthy eating they have noticed and realized that milk isn't as healthy as they were once told by Ads
such as "Got milk?" which over 300 famous celebrities made ads for, because executives at
MilkPEP told times magazine that they created these ads since milk was "boring", they also stated
that "Milk is not a very high–interest item in people's lives. It's a staple," Jeff Goodby stated, co–
chairman of Goodby, Silverstein, and Partners (Tracy Miller). Recently, countless Americans have
stopped consuming milk since it's not as healthy as they have been told by ads such as MilkPEP who
created the "Got Milk?" ads in which they state the average Americans should consume three cups
of milk a day (Tracy Miller). However, large dairies have driven for profit margins rather than the
quality of the milk and innovations such as pasteurization, genetically modified growth hormones,
and genetically modified cow fed have caused cow's milk to become unhealthy and caused milk not
to have as many nutrients as it could have. Furthermore, these technological advances such as
genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), which is an artificial hormone that was
created to synthetically boost milk
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Goodby's Advertisement Campaign
In 1993, the California Milk Processor Board, a non–profit run by the California Department of
Food and Agriculture, was created. Their mission was to confront the issue of decreasing milk
consumption, as Americans were choosing soda and juice over milk. The board asked advertising
agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for help with ideas regarding a campaign to increase milk
sales and consumption. Initially, the agency was caught off guard, because they viewed milk as
something boring and common, not in need of an ad campaign. Goodby explained the challenge:
"We have all tried it. Most of us already own some...Milk is not new. It is not improvised...There is
very little to say about it."
The catch phrase "got milk?" was coined by Goodby during a focus group in which the employees
were brainstorming, and a woman pointed out that "The only time I even think about milk is when I
run out of it". At first, it seemed as though this phrase was not the winner – ... Show more content on ...
These commercials lasted from 1993–2005. In 1995, the milk mustache advertisements launched.
MilkPEP began to partner with other brands and products, such as Oreos, for these advertisements.
In 1996, they recognized how quickly the Hispanic demographic was growing, leading them to
create the "Familia, Amor y Leche" campaign that ran until 2005. Around 2005, in the midst of
America's diet and health conscious movement, MilkPEP aimed to reestablish milk's health benefits,
through a "Superdrink" campaign. Around the same time, when baseball players were getting in
trouble for PEDs, the campaign advertised milk as a natural performance enhancer. Lastly, in 2011,
in order to combat imitators such as soy milk and almond milk, the commercials put down and made
fun of these types of "milk", advertising real milk as the more natural and healthier
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Planet Puff
Butter Brickle From Space
BOOM! Today was the day that all of the cotton balls pulverized. There were cotton balls from all
over the universe. Slowly all of them came together to make PLANET PUFF. Gilgamesh, Okega,
and Ala were the only aliens left of their breed of alien. Their species of alien was the most
interesting. They were a mix of omari and mathia aliens. They lived on Planet Puff with all kinds of
different alien species. Planet Puff was the most visited planet in the milky way. Every kind of non–
human life form wanted to go there. Today was one of the most celebrated days on the planet. All of
the aliens stepped out of their mushroom houses and waited for the emperor to walk down their leaf.
This was one of the traditions ... Show more content on ...
Gilgamesh had decided it was time to settle down at a planet. This planet was different from any
other planet. It was a dirt looking planet from afar, but when they got closer they were
dismayed.They had just passed a floating sign that said Planet Hoffe. Gilgamesh said, "Planet Hoffe
here we come!" WSSSHHHH! The ship had just landed. Before they got out they checked to see
where the asteroid was and there was no sign of it. They decided to set up camp right where they
landed so in case there was an emergency they would be safe. Okega waddled off the ship and onto
the ground. He was amazed when he found mountains of toffee and chocolate. He was flabbergasted
at the beautiful sight. The other 2 came out and looked around with him. They had picked a cool
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'Rhetorical Analysis Of Got Milk'
Advertisments are on every corner we see. Some we see ocasionally, some we see all the time. On
billbords downtown, on tv, even ads on your pandora app. Although we may not get the picture,
each ad symbolizes a company or trademark. Each advertisement we see persuades or influences
others of some sort. The repetiton or promotion of an ad may catch the audience eye. We know by
heart we if see an famous celebrity with an milk mustache, that's the "Got Milk" advertisement. The
campagin uses ethos, pathos,and logos to make the audience change their drinking habits and drink
more milk. The Rhianna and Taylor Swift ads catches the most attetion. While "Got Milk" ads are
famously known for the celeberties they use, they also have some flaws in portrying the right
message to their audience. ... Show more content on ...
The California Milk Processor Board needed to reverse plunging industry sales fast. Ever since, they
have been credited with great increasing milk sales in California. Starting out with commericials, the
campaign showed actors eating dried foods such as, peanut butter & jelly, peanuts, crackers, or
cookies and then the actor would be stuck with a dried mouth and no milk. By the end of the
commercial would be the words "Got Milk." The consumption of fluid milk had steadily declined
from 0.96 (1970) cups per person to 0.59 (2011). People had other options to drink such as sodas,
waters, juices, and energy drinks. Although the campaign didn't actually get people to buy more
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Whole Milk Vs Dairy Milk
Dairy milk has long been a staple of The American home throughout the years, and rightfully so.
Versus it's alternative counterparts, standard whole cow's milk is a singular natural source for many
of the body's needed nutrients. These nutrients are needed for the developing body in young
children, as well offering several benefits and enhancing performance in many athletes. Dairy
alternatives do not achieve this same offering on their own and must be enriched.
Milk is a very important source of essential vitamins and minerals. According to The Southeast
Dairy Association, just one 8–ounce serving of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein.
( That same cup also contains at least 25% of your bodies recommended daily
values ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Deborah Goldman, assistant professor in the University of Minnesota's Department of Pediatric
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, states that whole milk is vital to brain development.
"Whole milk supports neuron formation and other major brain growth and development."
( Calcium and phosphorous are necessary for growing strong bones and teeth,
and calcium also supports muscle contraction, which is important for heart health. Riboflavin is vital
for body growth, red cell production, and metabolism. This combination of nutrients alone is
essential for healthy child growth.
Another value of milk is that of its natural benefits for athletes. Chocolate Milk offers much more
that simple water post exercise. "Drinking plain water after exercise replaces water – and that's it,"
states Kelly L. Phillips in her Fitness Magazine article, "Got Milk? Try Chocolate After Your
Workout." Versus water and most sports drinks, and even plain milk, chocolate milk more
carbohydrates and protein, which is crucial for replenishing tired muscles. Value like this would be
most beneficial to endurance athletes that require a healthy source of calories, carbs, and
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The Success of the Got Milk? Campaign Essay
The Success of the Got Milk? Campaign Judging from the results of studies milk has a lack of
portability, not enough flavour variety and not thirst–quenching or refreshing contrary to what sodas
can bring. Moreover, one of the weak points was the lack of advertising. Admittedly milk is linked
with other daily food products such as cereals or cookies, everybody knows that milk is good for
health. But people aren't aware enough that they could not live without that product. They are not
conscious that they need milk to live daily. The consumption of milk has become more a reflex than
something else: people don't think about it until you make notice that it is an essential product, as
the test shows ... Show more content on ...
on the other hand, people seem to have forgotten the necessity of drinking of milk. The objectives of
the "Got Milk" campaign were therefore to show that a normal life without this drink was
impossible and to make them "think about it and answer the question for themselves". So this
campaign didn't emphasised neither the advantages of milk among other beverages (because people
already know them), nor the pleasure people can have by drinking milk, but, on the contrary, it
highlighted the disadvantages, the lack of pleasure of a life without milk. The aim of this campaign
was not to say "soft drinks are detrimental to heath" but "milk is essential to health". People who
received the campaign were confronted of a "milk deprivation" situation or so to speak a sort of
testimony, that is why they could find alone the answer, of the question the campaign only
suggested, as it were the necessary changes in their consumption habits. Concerning the audiences,
all of them were targeted, as the variety of ads shows it: An "integrated marketing communications
campaign" has been launched with almost all the possible means: "billboards, print ads, sales
promotions, joint promotions with
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Got Breast Milk? Comparing Breast Milk To Infant Formula.
Got Breast Milk? Comparing Breast Milk to Infant Formula
Parents want to make the best choices for their children. At birth, the decision needs to be made on
how a baby will receive nourishment. This decision can impact a child for the rest of their lives.
Comparing breast milk to infant formula will determine that breast milk is definitely the best choice
for babies. Breast milk is better than infant formula because it provides immune–boosting
antibodies, has a higher nutritional value, and leads to higher intellectual quotient (IQ).
The first thing that may come to mind when deciding on whether to breastfeed or formula feed are
the child's health. Imagine being in the hospital with a sick child, not knowing what is wrong with
them, why ... Show more content on ...
"In addition to possessing IgA, breast milk contains a range of other nutritional components." (Niers
347). It is important to evaluate the ingredients and nutritional value in infant formula compared to
breast milk. "Human milk contains at least 100 ingredients that are not found in formula." (Jahn 13)
Comparing vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats are some of the components to evaluate. After
reviewing The Journal of Nutrition, Assessment of Nutrition Requirement for Infant Formulas on
Minerals and on Vitamins, with very careful review on the vitamins A, D, E, K, Thiamine,
Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin C; and the minerals
Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Sodium, Potassium,
Selenium, Fluoride and Chromium, it is concluded that there are too many variable factors such as
weight, age, and intake amount that make it nearly impossible to determine if the child is receiving
the correct amount of these very important vitamins and minerals. Not receiving enough or
receiving too much of these vitamins and minerals could result in health and developmental issues.
(Journal of Nutrition; Vitamins 2182–2200, Minerals 2140–2181) On the other
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Got Milk Case
Institute Of Business AdministrationBrand Management | got milk?branding a commodity | Written
Case Analysis | | Name of group Members:ALIRAZAUMAIR AHMEDMUHAMMAD
deals with milk losing its appeal among the school children and the increasing preference to soft
drinks in the US during the late 1980's and early 1990's. California people were drinking less milk
every year. Milk consumption per capita in California had dropped 6 percent between 1987 and
1992. Realizing that the dairy industry is declining and needed outside assistance, the California
Department of Food and Agriculture formed the California Milk Processor Board (CMPB) in 1993.
A few months ... Show more content on ...
* Marketing expenditures are more or less concentrated on television advertising and billboards.
Lack of BTL activities, experiential marketing and social event promotion were evident which can
be one of the reasons of low recall and decline in consumption. * Considering the nature and storage
limitation of milk the consumer attitude towards milk was wobbly and strong reasons to change the
attitude were required. * Lack of support from the farmers and local milk processor results in small
budget. Considering the size of the milk industry and high promotional cost running a successful
nation wide campaign in small budget is rarely possible. Where Got Milk? Went wrong? * Hispanics
were the major milk consumers in California; there population was increasing at a constant rate
according to the US census. Initially when the ads were made it was found that running out of milk
or rice in Hispanic family is not considered funny also the translation of got milk in Spanish is quite
weird. * Got milk? took a step away from its deprivation formula in October 1997 and launched a
new campaign of Drysville. But research revealed that Drysville campaign was unable to effect
consumer's immediate consumption or purchase decision. ANALYSIS OF PROMOTIONAL
STRATEGY The 'Got Milk? Promotional campaign has some objectives, Manning begin a grass
root campaign keeping in mind the following objectives. * To change the public's
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Dialectical Journal For The Giver
Captain Jay Jonas never heard of such a radio transmission before. " World Trade Center... ten–
sixty. Send every available ambulance, everything you've got to the World Trade Center... Now!" "
Ten– sixty" meant a catastrophic event. Jonas got his first look at the North Tower.
Smoke and flames were spewing out of gaping holes bored by American Airlines' Boeing 767 that
crashed between the 93 and 99 floors on the North face of the 110– story building. Each of the
North Tower floors were roughly an acre. The top 20 floors engulfed in flames, he was staring at a
20– acre fire raging 90 stories above. He thought in his head that, This is the most unbelievable sight
I've ever seen. Meldrum parked the fire truck on the West Street in front of the ... Show more
content on ...
They had flashlights, radios, air packs, coils of rope, rescue webbing, a six– foot hook, and a
Halligan, which is like a crowbar with special edges. Jonas's men each were carrying anywhere from
90 to 110 pounds of gear. The higher that they climbed, the stronger that they could smell the jet fuel
and smoke also, the building began cracking, cracking, and moaning. They were shocked by how
calm most of the civilians where many of them patted the men on the back and said, " God bless
you." and " Thank you." Jonas saw more people with severe burns the men had taken their jackets
off and covered up women whose clothes and skin had been burned off.
It's awful to see. Jonas thought, but this really is New York at its best. Everybody is doing the right
thing, and they 're doing it without being told. Before the men made it to the 12th floor, Jonas and
his men had responded to two separate Mayday ( distress– signal ) messages. In both cases a
firefighter needed help because he had chest pains from the climb. When Jonas reached the 27th
floor he met Captain Billy Burke from Engine 21 and firefighter Andy Fredericks from squad 18.
Two of the men got lost from the group so while
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Descriptive Essay On The Game Of Life
This garnet has kept my mind running a number of times. In bed, in a befuddlement during school,
in the car waiting for a red light to turn green. Sometimes I thought "It's not even a big deal", but
most of the time I laid wide awake because the anticipation made my heart race. The rapid beating
of my heart similar to the thrill of playing Pacman. Racing around the grid, the familiar "waka
waka" ringing through my ears. In some ways, my ring represents reaching the next level of this
game, the game of life. Drawing closer to the ever evident end, I'm, in a way, forced to thinking
about the person I was, the person I've become, and the person I want to be. When we began high
school, we were thrown into an unknown world of new faces, new studies, and new dreams. Much
like a video game, we made our way through obstacles, finding new ways to escape problems and
get to the next stage, just like Pacman has to escape and conquer the ghosts. Each dot puts Pacman
closer to his goal, just as we've consumed little "dots" of knowledge, friendship, and love in these
hallways. Two hundred forty–four dots fill the Pacman grid, and hundreds of grids are completed
right here at Mercy every year. The support of the community becoming an ever binding connection
to our place as a Mercy girl. Catherine McAuley's message becoming a proverb for our future. Our
friendships becoming a comfort and light for dark times. Our rings are one look into the many
laughs, smiles, and hours of hard work,
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Got Milk Documentary Analysis
Although all of the advertising campaigns mentioned in the documentary have impacted me in some
way, I would have to say that the one that has impacted me the most would be the "got milk"
campaign. I thought it was interesting to hear the story of what inspired the slogan, mainly because
of how such a simple catchy phrase exploded and became one of the most used slogans around the
world. In the documentary it was shown that the main goal when selecting the slogan was simply to
remind people to continue buying milk. I am sure the campaign accomplished that goal and
exceeded any expectations they had. Personally the "got milk" campaign did not make me or my
family purchase more milk than before but I remember seeing "got milk" advertisements
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Harris Burdick Narrative: The Third Floor Bedroom
Harris Burdick Narrative – The Third–Floor Bedroom
Jason glanced through the car window as his father pulled into the driveway of their new house,
dirty and plain. Their family had moved from Texas into a house in the misty woods with the nearest
city, Flora, half a mile away. I don't like this place thought Jason. "You'll make some friends soon,
son," his father said to him as if he had read his mind. "You'll start school in a few weeks." Jason
had no response. His father had decided to move because of a job offer in Flora, involving lumber.
Jason surveyed the house. It was a standard house with three floors, one of them the attic. "Grab
some boxes Jason!" his father called, interrupting Jason's train of thought. Maybe this won't be so
bad Jason thought as he lifted a box of lamps. After all, he did like the quietness of the woods as
opposed to Texas. "Not bad, eh?" said Jason's father, patting him on his back. "It's okay," Jason
admitted. "Once we clean up here and there, it'll look beautiful!" his father chirped. Rolling his eyes,
Jason thought that his father was the happiest and most naive person in the world. He was ... Show
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Jason froze. He slowly turned around. One of the outside guards had seen Jason walk in. "What are
you doing here?" he barked. Jason was paralyzed with fear. If he allowed himself to be taken, he
might as well say goodbye to the future. Jason decided to run but grabbed an extra hydrogen
canister. Jason turned the corner and ducked behind a box. The guard should have called for backup,
but he decided against it. He was just a kid! This would be no problem. He rounded the corner just
as a blast of compressed hydrogen reached his face. Jason had opened the other canister just as the
guard turned. The guard was propelled into a wall from the force and was out cold. Panting, Jason
ran out of the building and left when the guards
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Rhetorical Analysis On Got Milk
Got Milk? We see advertisement everywhere from left right. Ads are seen on devices and while just
driving around. Advertisements are used to get people to purchase a product. Got milk "was an
American campaign encouraging the consumption of cow's milk, which was created by the
advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners." Got milk ads have many inspirational
celebrities to model their company. Such as famous singers, dancers, athletes, actors, talk show host,
and models. I'm analyzing a got milk ad of Hayden Panettiere from 2007. The ad's strategy is to
show how each celebrity drinks milk. The ad plays an audience towards teens, both boys and girls
by offering them to choose a healthy lifestyle. By choosing a healthy lifestyle, teens ... Show more
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Teen girls look up to her and teen boys find her attractive. By using Hayden for the ad, it shows how
strong and healthy she is. The slim red dress that she is wearing is trying to show an example of the
good things that the milk does to the body. Her facial expression shouts 'confidence' and
'seriousness' because she drinks milk. Hayden is a good role model and a public figure to teens
because of her beauty and health. If she drinks milk, then you should too. But why did the company
choose Hayden to model their ad. Hayden has been famous since she was a child and she grew up
healthy. She also supported 15 different charities such as African Wildlife foundation, stand up to
cancer, save the whales, K9 connection, etc. She is also a good advocator and she is known as a hero
on TV shows and in real life. Hayden is an animal right activist. In Japan, Hayden surfed the waters
off the coast to save dolphins from slaughter with a group of activist, called Sea Shepard. She said
that she risked her life and that "A lot people... are involved in causes and organization... but don't
actually do something. It was a great feeling to be there physically, making a difference." This
shows that Hayden is good role model because she actively and effectively participates in what she
believes in. When teens find out more of the good things of what she does and looks at this ad.
Teens will feel motivated to be just like her and take action. But first they need to drink milk in
order to accomplish many things that she
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Creative Story : A Short Story
1996 SUBARU LEGACY. Her choppy black hair was sprawled against a crumpled up blanket in the
backseat of her family's old car from the 2000s. A holey sheet covered her sweat soaked chest as she
blinked at the roof of the car. It was covered in old stains from when she and her little sister were
children. There was dried chocolate milk dotting the fabric, reminding her of how they were fighting
over the small carton of dairy. She threw her arm over her warm forehead and rested it there for a
couple minutes. She could feel the pitter patter in her chest. She could hear the ragged breaths that
she breathed. She could smell the sweat that coated her body. She blinked, her eyelashes kissing the
apples of her rosy cheeks and hiding her onyx irises. The sound of the driver's side door popping
open made her head shoot to Jamie Adams' face. His small button nose casted a shadow on his
cupid's bow, and his light brown ruffled hair stuck up in various sections. "You going to get up,
beautiful?" She let out a groan and sat up, pushing her palms against the hot, sweat–soaked blankets.
Swiftly, she brushed her slender fingers through her matted hair and sent her dad a gentle smile.
"Yeah, yeah. I am." "Ok, love you," he said. Then he left her, the door slammed behind him as he
jogged to catch up with Rick Grimes. "I love you too, dad," she whispered. She peeled the sheet
from her sticky body and rubbed at her eyes with
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Not Milk? Essays
Got milk? If you do, you are at risk of cancer, osteoporosis, calcium deficiency, diabetes, heart
disease, and atherosclerosis (PCRM). You might be thinking that I have gone completely mad. Of
course milk is good for health; we all grew up drinking milk. We are told by the ads, the campaigns,
and the culture that milk is good for us. We learnt about the importance of drinking milk and
consuming dairy products in our health education class. In fact, they are in the food pyramid! The
truth is milk does harm to you body, the word "milk" isn't as comforting as it sounds. The main
selling point of milk is calcium. We were taught to believe that drinking milk helps promote calcium
growth, therefore, strengthening our bones. Milk is also ... Show more content on ...
High intakes of calcium causes the body to lower the amount of calcium absorbed while eliminating
wastes. In fact, a person drinking less milk tends to form healthier skeletons (Mclean). Moreover,
exercises have been found to contribute a major effect on increasing bone density. Decreasing your
risk of getting osteoporosis can be made by reducing intakes of animal protein and sodium, and
consuming fruits and vegetables instead. Milk contains growth factors that enhance and stimulate
growth and development of different organs in infants. Adults' bodies also absorb those growth
factors. However, adults' cells don't need to multiply as fast as youngsters anymore. Aside from
stimulating growth rate in normal cells, they also speed up the growth of damaged cells caused by
harmful substances in our environment. If the DNA or RNA in an adult's body's DNA or RNA is
damaged, a person is in greater risk of getting cancer ("Milk Cause Cancer Too", 2007). Recent
research by a Harvard researcher, Dr. Davaasambuu, also supports the statement of milk causing
cancer. She cited a study in 42 countries comparing cancer rates showed that cancer rates are highest
in countries with high rates of consumption of dairy products. These countries are Switzerland and
Denmark, and the lowest in Algeria. There is also a link between the rising rates of dairy products
consumption and the increased death rates from prostate cancer. Even breast cancer is also
associated with the consumption rate
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Got Milk Advertising
Thousands of magazines, commercials, billboards, feature David Beckham and his chiseled
physique. One advertisement promotes the 'Got Milk?' advertising campaign. Here, a shirtless
Beckham with a milk mustache is holding a soccer ball. The advertisement's main product claim is
that drinking milk, along with eating right and staying active, will make you stronger and more
beautiful. Milk will build muscle and make teenagers leaner. This claim is explicitly stated in the
ad's caption and can be scientifically tested. However, most of the advertisement contains implicit
claims that deceive the audience. Pseudo claims seen in the ad include that drinking milk helps you
"look great," and that you achieve your idealized "body by milk." Additionally,
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Disadvantages Of Dairy Milk
Got milk? Dairy cow milk isn't as good for the public we had originally thought. By not drinking
dairy cow milk we can be healthier by switching to other alternative sources of milk. Dairy cows are
being milked all day long showing that animal care should be improved. By reducing our dairy
consumption, we would reduce our need for cows which will also save the environment from water
usage and greenhouse gas emissions. In most cases, dairy milk has always been the go–to option in
our fridges since we were children. Even today, dairy milk is the leading milk product, and it
accounts for the majority of milk drank in the United States. However, these days new alternatives
have risen such as soy milk or almond milk to name a few. In fact, a Mintel research study done in
2015 found that non–dairy milk purchases in the United States had increased by 9% just that year
(Rowland, 2017). This showed a drastic change in consumer habits in America because the
American milk market had traditionally been dominated by dairy. To put things in perspective, that
same Mintel study found that almost half, 49%, of Americans drink non–dairy milk (US, n.d). This
massive increase in recent non–dairy milk consumption reflects a massive increase in accessibility
to non–dairy milk products. Just ten years ago access to non–dairy products was far more limited
than it is today, and the non–dairy products available were undesirable. Because of advances in food
science, there are not only more non–dairy
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A Few Miles South Of Soledad, The Salinas River
A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and
green. The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight
before reaching the narrow pool. On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the
strong and rocky Gabilan Mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees– willows
fresh and green with every spring, carrying in their lower leaf junctures the debris of the winter 's
flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool.
On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great
skittering if he runs among them. Rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening,
and the damp flats are covered with the night tracks of 'coons, and with the spread pads of dogs
from the ranches, and with the split–wedge tracks of deer that come to drink in the dark.
There is a path through the willows and among the sycamores, a path beaten hard by boys coming
down from the ranches to swim in the deep pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily
down from the highway in the evening to jungle–up near water. In front of the low horizontal limb
of a giant sycamore there is an ash pile made by many fires; the limb is worn smooth by men who
have sat on it.
Evening of a hot day started the little wind to moving among the leaves. The shade climbed up the
hills toward the top. On
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Got Milk Essay
Got Milk? An Analysis "Got Milk?" is perhaps one of the greatest marketing taglines ever. It has
become practically ingrained in our culture since its debut in 1993. "Milk is not a very high–interest
item in people's lives. It's a staple," said Jeff Goodby, creator of the slogan. Although milk is not
new, not improved, and generally considered boring, the "Got Milk?" ads are stunningly effective
because of its simplicity, use of celebrities, and broad audience reach.
The best slogans, San Diego State University marketing professor George Belch says, don't require
consumers to do too much thinking, but they shouldn't be blanket statements, either. "Got Milk?" is
not only simple, but it motivates the consumer. "The message is: always have milk around." The
"Got Milk?" campaign did it with humor and suddenly it became cool to drink milk. What helped
push it even further was using the celebrity cachet. By utilizing that, awareness of drinking milk has
increased by 90% since its early 90's launch. The ad company got famous athletes, comedians, pop
stars, game show hosts, and even cartoon characters sporting milk mustaches with a healthy milk
fact vaguely related to the celebrity being featured. In the Simpson's "Got Milk?" ad, Bart jokes
about the milk mustaches and Lisa retorts with ... Show more content on ...
However, they're targeted to different audiences. The Simpsons were everywhere in the 90's, every
kid could easily recognize them. The Three Stooges were irrelevant by the time the 90's rolled
around but they were still recognizable to the older generation who grew up with black and white tv,
therefore it's targeted more to seniors. All things considered, milk is not new, not improved, and
generally considered unexciting. The "Got Milk?" ads are anything but because of its simplicity, use
of relevant pop culture icons, and a wide demographic variety. So have a cow,
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Cravendale Milk Essay
The Cravendale advert was created by Wieden and Kennedy commissioned by Belgian animators
Pic Pic and Andre to create this interesting series of stop motion ads for Arla, which are the makers
of Cravendale filtered milk. The series shows how these characters explore different places and have
a variety of different events to get their hands on Cravendale milk. The adverts were an instant hit
and delivered a 33% growth in sales for Cravendale, a filtered, and as such long lasting milk
product. The technique of animating toy figures that the older generation might recognise brings
people a sense of nostalgia as well as a charm. Seeing these old figurines that people will remember
from their childhood come alive in such a manner brings distinctive humour to the advert which the
family can enjoy. This advert is targeted at men of all classes because in the advert it's a man
shopping while the other figures are doing actions that kids would do. For example at the start you
see the main character pick up the heavy item of hay and put it in the trolley, and then he uses a
spyglass to find the next item. While this happens the other two characters are pushing the trolley
and simply walking like children ... Show more content on ...
They would then find an interest in the advert and want the product despite them not knowing what
it is, simply because the events in the advert made them chuckle. Also the sounds which are used
throughout the advert are seen as humorous; instead of the characters using full sentences they use
gestures or one word answers, the most distinctive word you hear in the advert is "milk". However
due to the tones of their voices as the word "milk" is repeated the whole way through the
commercial children will remember this, so when shopping with their parents and they see milk they
will remember the advert and opt for
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Meaning Of The Phrase 'Got Land?'
"Got land?" a simple phrase that is seen in many different ways by many different people. It was
first seen as an introduction by the early settlers of Canada in the sixteenth century, then it was seen
as the negotiation tools between the Canadian government and the First Nation peoples from the
seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and now it is seen as the reminder of all that was lost by the
First Nation peoples for the prophet of Canada. While Canada was nurtured and loved to help it
bloom into what it is today, the First Nation peoples were plucked, forgotten, and thrown away
because they did not fit into the arrangement.
"Got milk?" was first used in 1993, (Holt, 2002), by the California Milk Processor Board to help
improve milk consumption. It was a simple phrase that became iconic. One of the campaign
members, Jeff Manning, stated: "What could you say about milk? It was white and came in gallons.
People felt they knew all there was to know about it, so it was hard to find a strategic platform"
(Holt, 2002). A statement that was made about milk fits into the definition of decolonization ...
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We do not love our land as one nation, we do not love each other as one society, and in return, we do
not love ourselves as one. To the naked eye Canada looks like one big happy family that has learned
to grow together, but the decolonization has confirmed that we are two separate nations living
among each other. We live in the same country, the same town, and with the same culture, but we
are not the same people. The First Nation people's now ask "got land?", not because they are looking
for an introduction or a negotiation tool, but because they are looking for what was taken. They are
looking to find a location that they can feel at one with the land and the people; they are looking for
a safe place so they can learn again how to love
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Got Milk Case Study
Dole is going to have an event next month for all kids. What Dole is doing is nothing new. There has
been so much more things, like when Darth Vader, from Star Wars, and Yoda, went and sold bags of
apples. A nutritious snack. In the 1990's, hundreds of movie stars and athletes went and helped in the
"Got Milk" campaign. There are photographs with the athletes and movie stars with milk on the
upper lip. There are also the Flintstone vitamins. A majority of people when they were kids took
these. Parents got there children to eat these very easily because they were colorful and were shaped
as cartoon characters. Did you ever hear of Popeye? Well, he also got kids to eat spinach. Kids can
be very easily convinced to do anything. Rob Frankel, a Los Angeles expert in marketing, said "Kids
easily fall in love with characters." Marketing helps you advertise your company and sell your
products. You usually see these advertisements on tv, or in magazines. Anything that kids enjoy, or
look appealing to the eye, also have to look appealing to their parents eye too. Parents care ... Show
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Mammals were the ones who ate them and spread them out. But, mammals started to disappear
about 13,000 years ago. North America and South America lost most of its megafauna around that
time. North America lost 68% and South America lost 80%. This meant that Avocados needed luck
to survive because they needed to be spread out the same way the mammals did it. Surprisingly, the
avocados would rot and fall to the ground and grow. This meant that lucked has saved them. The
avocado itself does not even know that the great mammals are gone. Once the people arrived on
earth, they started to eat avocados on earth and spread the pit on the ground like the great mammals.
But, should we eat avocados? Well, just don't eat the pit, because that is poisonous to the human,
and most animals. Speaking of food, did you hear that Young students enjoy the art of
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The Farmer's Monologue
The door opened with a crash just as a pair of expensive pumps was kicked off feet and into the air.
She had seen her best friend Vienna Nansen angry before, but this was on a whole new level. "What
the hell is this we are leaving to stay on some farm in Kansas? Do I look like some milk made or
some farmer's damn daughter?" "Have a care with your words Vienna, I have a guess and do not
forget your god child napping in the next room?" "Hey," giggled Allison. "Don't stop for me. I'm just
happy to know not all your friends want to sit around making little squeaks behind their hands. I've
heard less noise from cackling hens that made more sense than what they want to talk about. And,
don't get me started when I mention boys," ... Show more content on ...
"Just don't forget to burp him and make sure he doesn't roll over the edge after you're done with him
and he needs a nap. So are you coming with us to...? Man, can that girl run. She better slow down or
she's going to kill someone. I hope no one tells her that this is the longest relationship Ben has ever
had. "Do you think he is going to ask Vienna to marry him this time?" "That's what my mom said.
Vienna's mom wasn't too happy at first, but after my mom started telling her how all the women in
Ben's family have been beauty queens and the boy she wanted Vienna to marry couldn't gain the
attention of a drunken gold digger down on her luck, she had changed her mind. I've seen pictures of
the boy. My mom was being nice, too nice." "I've known him my entire life, the outward appearance
is much nicer than who he is. Not to worry, he comes from a very wealthy and influential family. I'm
sure his parents will buy... find someone suitable for him. Now tell me more about this moonlight
and haylofts." "It sounds to me as if you are trying for a little girl this time?" she asked, as she
wrapped her arms around Katy's shoulders, giving her a big
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Got Milk? Essay
Got Milk?
In the fast paced world of today, advertisers have to keep up with the times. One of the best ways
they do this is through the Got Milk ads. Milk is a part of everyday life and the advertisers for Milk
show this through modern tactics and popular celebrities. By putting familiar faces on magazine ads
and using interesting T.V. commercials, companies sell their products. The ways in which they sell
the products is not by just stating that their product is good, they appeal to the human emotions,
ethics and most of all what is logical. There are many ad campaigns out there that strongly target
one area, such as your emotions, but the Got Milk advertisers campaign has all three of these
To begin with, each ad ... Show more content on ...
There is information on free stuff you can win; there are images of the new 2004 Got Milk magazine
ads and even video clips of the commercials that air on T.V. There is a Got Milk club that people can
join as well. One of the commercials had the video clip of a teen boy at the post office sending a
package marked fragile. The package travel through the post office and into the truck, it is dropped
and kicked and thrown around. The truck then proceeds to the house to deliver it, it goes over bumps
and the package is again thrown all over. The truck arrives at the destination and the mail man drops
the package. There is a dog outside the house shaking it and biting at it. The same boy opens the
door to find his package a complete mess; he opens it and inside is his Chocolate Milk. The ad's
catch was "Shake Things Up". This T.V. commercial would appeal to all people. It is funny for the
comic lover and serious for the parent wanting their kid to drink milk. This ad has numerous
emotional appeals, everything from not liking the post office for ruining the package, to loving the
post office for shaking up the milk. People look for humor in their life and this ad does that while
appealing to one's logical side of needing to drink milk. Advertising companies have many different
ways of selling their product, they even succeed at selling emotions such as fun, and making you
think about how logical it really is to drink milk.
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The Harm of Milk Essay
The Harm of Milk
Got Milk? Well, Austin Powers, Tracy McGrady, Serena Williams, Britney Spears, and even Elvis
all do. But, do they know what they are selling in this Got Milk? Advertisements? The Got Milk?
campaign was based on a milk deprivation strategy that reminded consumers how inconvenient it
was to be without milk. The advertisment made milk a very popular drink because of its
attractiveness not because of the nutrients and health issues. It has been believed by many that milk
is needed to have a strong and healthy body, when actually milk can be extremely harmful and the
nutrients needed for a good body can be found in many other sources.
Statistics show that milk consumption is on the rise in the United States since the ... Show more
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Most of America¡¯s dairy cows have leukemia virus and after they graze in fields with pesticides
their milk contains a mixture of lethal chemicals (¡°Milk: The Deadly Poison¡±). Equally as
important are the hormones and antibiotics dairy farmers inject into their cows. One hormone,
known as recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH, is injected into many cows to increase
milk production. There is evidence that rBGH assists the growth of tumors in lab animals and it
stimulates another hormone closely connected with breast cancer (¡°The Case against Dairy¡±).
Also, farmers are permitted to give antibiotics to their cows to fight various diseases. Milk and dairy
products contain traces of the antibiotic that are passed on to us. Exposure to such toxins breed
strains of bacteria that are immune to even the strongest medicine (¡°The Case against Dairy¡±).
Most of us do not realize the number of people that are lactose intolerant. Worldwide estimates
suggest that two–thirds of the population have trouble digesting milk because of lactose intolerance.
According to Teacher Magazine, minorities may have difficulty digesting a sugar in milk known as
lactose. An estimated ninety percent of Asian Americans, seventy percent of African Americans and
Native Americans, fifty percent of Hispanics, and fifteen percent of Caucasians are lactose
intolerant. Hand in hand with lactose
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Self-Promotion and Celebrity Endorsements of Healthy...
Self–Promotion and Celebrity Endorsements of Healthy Lifestyles
In his book Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture, P. David Marshall states "The
close scrutiny that is given to celebrities is to accentuate the possibility and potential for individuals
to shape themselves unfettered by the constraints of a hierarchical society" (246). Therefore,
celebrities are seen as role models for a lifestyle that might never be fully attainable by the average
person, but can be imitated. What is ironic then is that following a celebrity–endorsed lifestyle does
not create individuality, but reduces it. While celebrities endorse products, they also appear in
advertisements which promote a healthy lifestyle where through the abstinence ... Show more
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Both phrases are denotationally persuasive, letting parent know that following what is said in the ad
will lead to happy children and good parent–child relationships. The way to achieve this is by
reading the information, but also buying concert tickets and supporting the band. As well, near the
bottom of the advertisement, the tag line "We All Make a Difference" appears under the Budweiser
logo. By adding this in, parents can also be persuaded to enjoy the beer responsibly as the company
projects itself through this advertisement as one that is concerned for the health and safety of
children. In all these ways, the linguistic messages of the advertisement go well beyond promoting
the cause, but also promote the celebrity endorsers, and in this case, the product which the
advertisement is deterring children from.
The iconic messages in the advertisement are also at work to achieve the cross–promotional result.
The non–coded Budweiser logo works in conjunction with the tag line "We All Make a Difference"
as discussed above, to promote the brand of beer. What is more interesting however, is the use of the
band's image as a coded message. Each of the five band members are looking directly at the reader,
with serious expressions on their faces, presenting a sense of importance in the
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Superheroeses Vs. Got Milk
Superheroes are great for advertisements (ads) because they are more effective. For example,
Monster Beverage Incorporation decided to use the Hulk for their product Monster Energy, while
Got Milk? Campaign used Fantastic four to encourage people to drink milk. This all started when
both companies were both at its lowest peak. One day my family and I went to the grocery store to
buy milk. Just as I grabbed the milk, Hulk started to rush towards me and yelled in a horrifying
"Hulk smash milk!"
My heart pounded as if it wanted to come out of my chest and my hands shook uncontrollably. Just
as I went to put back the milk, Hulk started to wrestle with a rocky specimen that I recognized very
easily. Out of the blues, Mr. Fantastic, Human ... Show more content on ...
According to the statement, the milk ad focuses on teens. This audience have been considered
because "Faced with declining milk consumption by teenagers, dairy companies are embarking on
an advertising campaign with sports and entertainment celebrities and interactive features that they
hope will win young people over." (NY Times Body by Milk: More Than Just a White Mustache)
This strictly states that due to teens refusing milk, the company will do their best to win them over
with the use of athletes and stars. Another thing is that they are at the age where they are still
growing and developing muscles. Additionally, teens like to think or feel that they are invincible at
times. So by having this team as the models, the ad is almost saying that by drinking milk you will
be invincible like the team. In continuation, Fantastic Four is a factor that draws the attention of a
teen because this team of superheroes is known to almost every youth in the United
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Why Do People Make Me Drink Milk?
I remember my mother made my school bus wait while she's standing in front of me and everyone
in the bus to make me drink milk. Since early day I have known something was funny on drinking
milk, maybe was my mother pushing it or maybe was my born instinct advising me that was not
necessary for me to drink that. I grew up investigating my rejection of something is given to you
from early states since you born to your finals days everybody is pushing something that seems
abnormal to drink. Why I say abnormal? Because humans are the only living thing that drink milk
from other species, where I'm going make sense? A cow don't drink milk from a human and we don't
feed a sheep, cow milk then, why humans are sold to believe is ok to drink another species milk?
Got milk? Is an advertisement from the Food and Drug Administration as well as from the milk
produced to incite consume of their product. This product have not been evaluated to determine their
consumption, safety, even though the FDA said otherwise, they do not explain to the consumers the
exact contains of milk and they secondary effects of consuming this product, we just lab rabbits
testing for the government, to after they come out with so much deterrents. Back to the situation
should we drink milk or not? At this point we should introduce some facts on milk I started at the
beginning of this conversation. Humans are the only specie drinking milk from another species.
Medical specialist always telling pregnant women to
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Got Milk Research Paper

  • 1. Got Milk Research Paper Got Milk by Sarah Devino I believe tot that people should stop drinking milk because it is unhealthy and non–nutritious. I will be talking about why milk is not good for you . It is dangerous for the environment . It is also dangerous for the human body and it is a toxin that will stay in you body. One of the reasons anyone should stop drinking milk is because it is unhealthy towards the environment. We also use large quantities of fertilizer to milk the dairy cows. Cow produce a lot of waste , which is about 210 pounds daily. Dairy cows will produce a lot of nitrogen green gas , when they are defecating on the ground. Depending on what the cow eat they produce more methane , than CO2 in the atmosphere, Some people argue that it depends on the diet that you feed the cows will produce less methane , if you feed them a more healthy diet. It also takes about 4 to 6 watts of electricity a week to produce because of all the processing of the milk. Some argue that they are trying to more eco–friendly ways to produce dairy milk . Milking dairy cows will eliminate any nutrients in the ground . ... Show more content on ... Drinking cow's milk has a high amount of protein that cows have more of in there milk. Drinking this milking will have high health risks further on in the future. Drinking too much milk causes an excess amount of mucus in nose. Recent studies shown in SAVE OUR BONES CAMPAIGN , drinking milk will not absorb any calcium in the bones, instead it will deplete any calcium in your bones and you will have a higher risk of fracturing you bones. if you drink too much milk it will cause you to have osteoporosis. If you drink too much milk it will weaken your bones causing ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Got Milk? Roach Milk Summary The article I read is called "Got Milk? Roach milk could be a new superfood" by Dinsa Sachan. The article is mainly about how scientists have studied a specific type of cockroach, the Pacific beetle cockroach, and have discovered that it could contain a type of milk. This cockroach species is the only one that's viviparous, which means that it gives birth to live young. The cockroach uses the milk–like liquid to feed the babies before they are born. That milk contains special crystals that are located in the guts of cockroach embryos, which are full of protein. These crystals were first discovered back in 2004 by Subramanian Ramaswamy, who was studying at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. To learn ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Biological Basis Of Human Lactase Milk is very important to all societies, the different varieties in milk gives the opportunity for others to have the ability to gain drink milk. But, scientist now want to try and figure out why some humans can't digest milk while others can. The scientific research that has been done in order to explain the biological basis of human lactase is archaeological and genetics. Archaeologist examined pottery shards in order to grasp what the animals where actually consuming indicating where the proteins came from. Other scientists did field work with both Africans and Europeans that either had experiences raising a cattle or did not have experiences with cattle in order to show that human lactase is genetic. In order to show and or to further explain the biological basis of human lactase I will first discuss who can actually drink milk, the history of both Europeans and Africans. Next, I will discuss the values of both plant domestication and animal domestication. I will then talk about where cattle's get their vitamins from and lastly I will discuss the value of milk, as well as how it benefited other people. According to the article "Ancient DNA Solves milk mystery written by Erika Check, the people who can easily consume milk are those that were a part of the African and European culture. The reason being is because they were one of the first groups of people who started to raise cows and other animals that could produce milk. This means that Africans and Europeans are the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Got Milk? Essay In 1993, due to the decline in milk consumption, dairy farmers in California came together to form the California Milk Processors Board (CMPB). They agreed to give three cents for each gallon sold to fund an advertising campaign with the main purpose of "reminding people to drink milk" ( Jeff Manning, the man hired by the CMPB to find an advertising company, appointed an ad agency known today as: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. The San Francisco based company began immediate consumer research in which they found the majority of people loathed running out of milk, especially when sitting down to a sweet or sticky treat. They took this information and formed what's known as the deprivation strategy. Rather than just advertising ... Show more content on ... Print ads featuring treats such as cookies and cupcakes with a bite taken out of them, while also containing the phrase, "got milk?" began circulating through magazines. By October of 1993 the first "Got Milk?" ad aired on television. Starring the unforgettable Sean Whalen as the plain–folk history buff, who receives a call from a radio station asking him their $10,000 question. Immediately knowing the correct answer Whalen responds "Aaron Burr", but due to the bite of peanut butter sandwich he had just taken, and no milk to wash it down with; the only thing that escaped his lips was an unintelligible, "Awooon Buuuh" (gotmilk; you tube). There's many advertising techniques used in this commercial. The appearance of Sean Whalen gave the ad famous–person testimonial, while the ill–fated character he played brought plain–folks pitch into the mix. Hidden–fear appeal, was created by establishing the fear of not being able to answer the $10,000 question due to something that could easily be fixed with a glass of milk. The combination of these advertising techniques with humor, helped "Aaron Burr" become one of's ten best ads of all time, as well as winning the Best in Show award at the 1994 Clio Awards. By 1997, Goodby and Manning began to question the popularity of their campaign. They wondered if perhaps their ideas were boring, worn out so to ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Image Of Body By Milk The ad is one for milk, having the common logo "got milk?" in the upper right corner of the ad. In the middle of the right side it also says, "Mind by Gaga. Body by milk." If you take your attention to the opposite side of the ad some more writing can be observed. In the left top corner it says, "Creative genius. Studies suggest Teens who choose milk instead of sugary drinks lead to have a more productive and healthy mind. So grab a glass and drink up my little Monsters. Body by milk." All of the words on this ad are printed in a white color, with a contrasting background of plain black. Smack dab in the middle of the ad is a female character, more commonly known as Lady Gaga, a pop star and singer. Starting at the top if the image we see that she is very bright red/orange hair that is in loose curls and flows across her shoulders. Her hair is covering one eye completely. While the other eye is is shut half way with a lot of makeup. Her head is tilted back and to the side, giving the examiner a look at the underside of her nose. Then further down is her mouth. Her mouth is opened, almost seductively, so we can see her top set of teeth and part of her tongue. Her lips are bright red and he has a milk mustache. We can see one of her ears and her long narrow neck. All of her skin is very pale in color, almost matching the whiteness of the text that is also in the ad. She is not wearing clothes persay, but rather a bra looking device that shoots out ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Animal-Free Milk History What type of milk, and do you drink. Also how much milk do you drink on a daily basis? Chocolate strawberry, white, cotton candy? Have you ever drank milk, Today we have animal–free milk, but back then they didn't have animal–free milk. Milk has a lot of facts to it. Milk has quite the history. Milk has been around for a long time. Not all people can drink milk. In early Egypt, milk was only for rich and wealthy (Molland 1). This was because not everyone could afford to pay for milk, or trade for milk because they are poor or unwealthy which means you have any money to waste. Also today a lot more people can drink milk but there are those people who can't drink milk because they are lactose intolerant. Also, "around two–thirds of humans ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Disappointment Of Dairy Queen Milk "Disappointment of Dairy Queen Milk as a Brand" Conceptual: From hundreds of years, Milk has been considered as an essential piece of day by day eating regimen of numerous individuals around the world. It has both nutritious and dietary advantages. Having a glass of milk requires no restrictions of age. Individuals of all age bunches expend it regular. Pakistan is a rural nation where the accessibility of crude materials as milk is exceptionally advantageous. Exploiting this, numerous national and multi–national organizations began their operations in Pakistan identified with dairy items. Among them are Nestle and Haleeb Foods Limited, who got enormous achievement in this industry. They are the pioneers who presented stuffed milk without precedent for Pakistan. Haleeb Dairy Queen Milk is an understood brand of Haleeb Foods Limited which is presented without precedent for 2000, to cook the section of savoring milk Pakistan. Regardless of its uniqueness, Haleeb Dairy Queen is not as effective as it is required to be. In the accompanying ... Show more content on ... Around then, the organization was the first who presents the most recent innovation with profoundly prepared machines for the generation of Milk. This gear was obtained from Holland. In 1986, the leader brand of HFL was dispatched by the name of Haleeb milk. The thought behind the presentation of Haleeb Milk was that, around then crisp milk can't be saved/alright for a drawn out stretch of time without fridges. Notwithstanding being safeguarded in iceboxes, the milk will lose its freshness and even taste. Thus, stuffed milk Haleeb with most noteworthy quality benchmarks safeguarded in Tetra pak have been presented that can be ok for a more drawn out timeframe even without fridges. The timeframe of realistic usability of such drain is three weeks. Haleeb along these lines situated itself as immaculate, hygienic stuffed milk that have longer ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Goats Milk Short Story Goats Milk The bus came to a screeching stop, I stood up and walked down the aisle and off the bus. I walked up the driveway and into my house. I went down the spiral staircase and then I set my bag down by my computer. I went back up the stairs and into the kitchen to get a snack, there I find my mom doing the dishes. I get out the toaster and was about ready to put toast in when my mother said, "Glad your home, you should go to the barn and check on the goats. They have been making more noise than usual." "I will go down," I said. So I went out the kitchen and through the door, I took a right, and then took a left down the big hill. Then I walked down sixteen stairs until I was in the chicken coop. I took a left and walked into the barn ... Show more content on ... Since this was my first time delivering without my dad I wanted to take all precautions that I could to ensure that the kids live along with the soon to be a mom. At this time Oscar was with the females when the kids are born, the males want to kill them so that there will be no competition in the future. So I took Oscar's collar and lead him out the door. Then I got Franklin and George out of the barn. Then I got Annie, Bonnie, and Cristal out and closed the door. Then I went back to look at Evie and the hoofs were out further and this time you could see the nose. Then I went and got some hay and put it in a pile behind her. Then I made another pile for me to sit on since I was still in my school clothes. Since the sack was already broken I did not need to break it, so I held on to the hoofs and every time she had a contraction I would pull slightly so that it would be easier. Then I heard the opening and closing of doors, then I saw my mom coming around the corner. "How is it going?" She asked. "Fine, the kid's hoofs and legs are out," I said still watching Evie. After three more contractions the kid comes sliding out, and into the new world. I take the towel and wipe off all the slime that was on the kid's face. The kid was black and brown. Then I took the kid and put it by the mother so that the mother can smell it. If you don't put the kid next to the mother when they are born the mother might not know that she had a kid, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Creative Story : A Short Story "On the news tonight the worst thing that could ever happen to mankind has happened". The news reporter said in a sad voice. "No there isn't a meteor that is going wipe out all of the humanity but something a lot worse...Choccy Milk production is being stopped worldwide but we don't know why. We will get back to you as soon as we know more details about the situation". I couldn't hold the tears Choccy Milk was like heaven on earth for me. Choccy Milk actual was my favorite thing and everyone I knew loved it. So why would they stop making it? I ran to my parents who were in the kitchen watching the news on another television to tell them about the bad news. "Don't worry son." Dad said, "I've got this under control". My Mother leads me off to my bedroom and said: "everything will be better tomorrow, good night". She tucked me in and walked to the door of my room turned off the lights and closed the door. After a little while of tossing and turning, I finally got to sleep. Later that night, I woke to hear a delivery truck reversing down the driveway. I heard voices but couldn't recognize whose they were. I peeked out the window. "BEEP BEEP BEEP" the truck turned off. Then the back of the truck opened up and three very large barrels with unknown contents fell out the back of the truck. A figure rolled them towards our shed as the truck sped off. That I'm an inquisitive person human being I needed to sneak out of the house and see what was in the barrels. I knew that if I got ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Why Do People Make Me Drink Milk? I remember my mother made my school bus wait while she's standing in front of me and everyone in the bus to make me drink milk. Since early day I have known something was funny on drinking milk, maybe was my mother pushing it or maybe was my born instinct advising me that was not necessary for me to drink that. I grew up investigating my rejection of something is given to you from early states since you born to your finals days everybody is pushing something that seems abnormal to drink. Why I say abnormal? Because humans are the only living thing that drink milk from other species, where I'm going make sense? A cow don't drink milk from a human and we don't feed a sheep, cow milk then, why humans are sold to believe is ok to drink another species milk? Got milk? Is an advertisement from the Food and Drug Administration as well as from the milk produced to incite consume of their product. This product have not been evaluated to determine their consumption, safety, even though the FDA said otherwise, they do not explain to the consumers the exact contains of milk and they secondary effects of consuming this product, we just lab rabbits testing for the government, to after they come out with so much deterrents. Back to the situation should we drink milk or not? At this point we should introduce some facts on milk I started at the beginning of this conversation. Humans are the only specie drinking milk from another species. Medical specialist always telling pregnant women to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. New Adventure And Excitement Of A City Girl I can remember the day like its was just yesterday. The sun shinning was like a golden light of a summer evening, the skies were clear and blue as the oceans, the air was cool and soothing, there was fresh tree and grass smells, animals making noise, just lots of peace and relaxation going on. So much love from one another in a family after not seeing each other in many years was just beyond amazing. New adventure and excitement ready to begin. A city girl in the country this should be exciting and interesting. Not in a millions years would I have imagined going back to the country I was born in and having it feel like home when all I knew for a home was America. It felt like I never left. What a great feeling to feel after worrying about not fitting in and not liking it since I was so use to something different. I was filled with great joy but still worried about if I can last the whole vacation period. I was going to make the best of this vacation and enjoy everything, learn new things, and just explore a whole new land that was filled with adventure. Whenever I did explore the country I did get strange looks from others and sometimes questions because apparently I looked foreign. "Oh sweetie where are you from?" "Do.... you...." I honestly found it very funny that people asked those question and that some looked at me as if I was foreign. At certain times I would act silly and act like I didn't understand them and even spoke English ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Persuasive Essay On Milk In recent years, countless Americans have stopped drinking milk since technology and innovations in the dairy industry have caused cow's milk to become more unhealthy, less ethical, and has shown, that cow's milk is unnatural for humans to consume. As countless Americans focus on their diets and healthy eating they have noticed and realized that milk isn't as healthy as they were once told by Ads such as "Got milk?" which over 300 famous celebrities made ads for, because executives at MilkPEP told times magazine that they created these ads since milk was "boring", they also stated that "Milk is not a very high–interest item in people's lives. It's a staple," Jeff Goodby stated, co– chairman of Goodby, Silverstein, and Partners (Tracy Miller). Recently, countless Americans have stopped consuming milk since it's not as healthy as they have been told by ads such as MilkPEP who created the "Got Milk?" ads in which they state the average Americans should consume three cups of milk a day (Tracy Miller). However, large dairies have driven for profit margins rather than the quality of the milk and innovations such as pasteurization, genetically modified growth hormones, and genetically modified cow fed have caused cow's milk to become unhealthy and caused milk not to have as many nutrients as it could have. Furthermore, these technological advances such as genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), which is an artificial hormone that was created to synthetically boost milk ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Goodby's Advertisement Campaign In 1993, the California Milk Processor Board, a non–profit run by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, was created. Their mission was to confront the issue of decreasing milk consumption, as Americans were choosing soda and juice over milk. The board asked advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for help with ideas regarding a campaign to increase milk sales and consumption. Initially, the agency was caught off guard, because they viewed milk as something boring and common, not in need of an ad campaign. Goodby explained the challenge: "We have all tried it. Most of us already own some...Milk is not new. It is not improvised...There is very little to say about it." The catch phrase "got milk?" was coined by Goodby during a focus group in which the employees were brainstorming, and a woman pointed out that "The only time I even think about milk is when I run out of it". At first, it seemed as though this phrase was not the winner – ... Show more content on ... These commercials lasted from 1993–2005. In 1995, the milk mustache advertisements launched. MilkPEP began to partner with other brands and products, such as Oreos, for these advertisements. In 1996, they recognized how quickly the Hispanic demographic was growing, leading them to create the "Familia, Amor y Leche" campaign that ran until 2005. Around 2005, in the midst of America's diet and health conscious movement, MilkPEP aimed to reestablish milk's health benefits, through a "Superdrink" campaign. Around the same time, when baseball players were getting in trouble for PEDs, the campaign advertised milk as a natural performance enhancer. Lastly, in 2011, in order to combat imitators such as soy milk and almond milk, the commercials put down and made fun of these types of "milk", advertising real milk as the more natural and healthier ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Planet Puff Butter Brickle From Space BOOM! Today was the day that all of the cotton balls pulverized. There were cotton balls from all over the universe. Slowly all of them came together to make PLANET PUFF. Gilgamesh, Okega, and Ala were the only aliens left of their breed of alien. Their species of alien was the most interesting. They were a mix of omari and mathia aliens. They lived on Planet Puff with all kinds of different alien species. Planet Puff was the most visited planet in the milky way. Every kind of non– human life form wanted to go there. Today was one of the most celebrated days on the planet. All of the aliens stepped out of their mushroom houses and waited for the emperor to walk down their leaf. This was one of the traditions ... Show more content on ... Gilgamesh had decided it was time to settle down at a planet. This planet was different from any other planet. It was a dirt looking planet from afar, but when they got closer they were dismayed.They had just passed a floating sign that said Planet Hoffe. Gilgamesh said, "Planet Hoffe here we come!" WSSSHHHH! The ship had just landed. Before they got out they checked to see where the asteroid was and there was no sign of it. They decided to set up camp right where they landed so in case there was an emergency they would be safe. Okega waddled off the ship and onto the ground. He was amazed when he found mountains of toffee and chocolate. He was flabbergasted at the beautiful sight. The other 2 came out and looked around with him. They had picked a cool ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. 'Rhetorical Analysis Of Got Milk' Advertisments are on every corner we see. Some we see ocasionally, some we see all the time. On billbords downtown, on tv, even ads on your pandora app. Although we may not get the picture, each ad symbolizes a company or trademark. Each advertisement we see persuades or influences others of some sort. The repetiton or promotion of an ad may catch the audience eye. We know by heart we if see an famous celebrity with an milk mustache, that's the "Got Milk" advertisement. The campagin uses ethos, pathos,and logos to make the audience change their drinking habits and drink more milk. The Rhianna and Taylor Swift ads catches the most attetion. While "Got Milk" ads are famously known for the celeberties they use, they also have some flaws in portrying the right message to their audience. ... Show more content on ... The California Milk Processor Board needed to reverse plunging industry sales fast. Ever since, they have been credited with great increasing milk sales in California. Starting out with commericials, the campaign showed actors eating dried foods such as, peanut butter & jelly, peanuts, crackers, or cookies and then the actor would be stuck with a dried mouth and no milk. By the end of the commercial would be the words "Got Milk." The consumption of fluid milk had steadily declined from 0.96 (1970) cups per person to 0.59 (2011). People had other options to drink such as sodas, waters, juices, and energy drinks. Although the campaign didn't actually get people to buy more ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Whole Milk Vs Dairy Milk Dairy milk has long been a staple of The American home throughout the years, and rightfully so. Versus it's alternative counterparts, standard whole cow's milk is a singular natural source for many of the body's needed nutrients. These nutrients are needed for the developing body in young children, as well offering several benefits and enhancing performance in many athletes. Dairy alternatives do not achieve this same offering on their own and must be enriched. Milk is a very important source of essential vitamins and minerals. According to The Southeast Dairy Association, just one 8–ounce serving of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein. ( That same cup also contains at least 25% of your bodies recommended daily values ... Show more content on ... Dr. Deborah Goldman, assistant professor in the University of Minnesota's Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, states that whole milk is vital to brain development. "Whole milk supports neuron formation and other major brain growth and development." ( Calcium and phosphorous are necessary for growing strong bones and teeth, and calcium also supports muscle contraction, which is important for heart health. Riboflavin is vital for body growth, red cell production, and metabolism. This combination of nutrients alone is essential for healthy child growth. Another value of milk is that of its natural benefits for athletes. Chocolate Milk offers much more that simple water post exercise. "Drinking plain water after exercise replaces water – and that's it," states Kelly L. Phillips in her Fitness Magazine article, "Got Milk? Try Chocolate After Your Workout." Versus water and most sports drinks, and even plain milk, chocolate milk more carbohydrates and protein, which is crucial for replenishing tired muscles. Value like this would be most beneficial to endurance athletes that require a healthy source of calories, carbs, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Success of the Got Milk? Campaign Essay The Success of the Got Milk? Campaign Judging from the results of studies milk has a lack of portability, not enough flavour variety and not thirst–quenching or refreshing contrary to what sodas can bring. Moreover, one of the weak points was the lack of advertising. Admittedly milk is linked with other daily food products such as cereals or cookies, everybody knows that milk is good for health. But people aren't aware enough that they could not live without that product. They are not conscious that they need milk to live daily. The consumption of milk has become more a reflex than something else: people don't think about it until you make notice that it is an essential product, as the test shows ... Show more content on ... on the other hand, people seem to have forgotten the necessity of drinking of milk. The objectives of the "Got Milk" campaign were therefore to show that a normal life without this drink was impossible and to make them "think about it and answer the question for themselves". So this campaign didn't emphasised neither the advantages of milk among other beverages (because people already know them), nor the pleasure people can have by drinking milk, but, on the contrary, it highlighted the disadvantages, the lack of pleasure of a life without milk. The aim of this campaign was not to say "soft drinks are detrimental to heath" but "milk is essential to health". People who received the campaign were confronted of a "milk deprivation" situation or so to speak a sort of testimony, that is why they could find alone the answer, of the question the campaign only suggested, as it were the necessary changes in their consumption habits. Concerning the audiences, all of them were targeted, as the variety of ads shows it: An "integrated marketing communications campaign" has been launched with almost all the possible means: "billboards, print ads, sales promotions, joint promotions with ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Got Breast Milk? Comparing Breast Milk To Infant Formula. Got Breast Milk? Comparing Breast Milk to Infant Formula Parents want to make the best choices for their children. At birth, the decision needs to be made on how a baby will receive nourishment. This decision can impact a child for the rest of their lives. Comparing breast milk to infant formula will determine that breast milk is definitely the best choice for babies. Breast milk is better than infant formula because it provides immune–boosting antibodies, has a higher nutritional value, and leads to higher intellectual quotient (IQ). The first thing that may come to mind when deciding on whether to breastfeed or formula feed are the child's health. Imagine being in the hospital with a sick child, not knowing what is wrong with them, why ... Show more content on ... "In addition to possessing IgA, breast milk contains a range of other nutritional components." (Niers 347). It is important to evaluate the ingredients and nutritional value in infant formula compared to breast milk. "Human milk contains at least 100 ingredients that are not found in formula." (Jahn 13) Comparing vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats are some of the components to evaluate. After reviewing The Journal of Nutrition, Assessment of Nutrition Requirement for Infant Formulas on Minerals and on Vitamins, with very careful review on the vitamins A, D, E, K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin C; and the minerals Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Sodium, Potassium, Selenium, Fluoride and Chromium, it is concluded that there are too many variable factors such as weight, age, and intake amount that make it nearly impossible to determine if the child is receiving the correct amount of these very important vitamins and minerals. Not receiving enough or receiving too much of these vitamins and minerals could result in health and developmental issues. (Journal of Nutrition; Vitamins 2182–2200, Minerals 2140–2181) On the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Got Milk Case Institute Of Business AdministrationBrand Management | got milk?branding a commodity | Written Case Analysis | | Name of group Members:ALIRAZAUMAIR AHMEDMUHAMMAD FASIEHMOHSIN ALI HASANSAJJAD AHMED | Date:28/04/2011 | INTRDUCTION The case deals with milk losing its appeal among the school children and the increasing preference to soft drinks in the US during the late 1980's and early 1990's. California people were drinking less milk every year. Milk consumption per capita in California had dropped 6 percent between 1987 and 1992. Realizing that the dairy industry is declining and needed outside assistance, the California Department of Food and Agriculture formed the California Milk Processor Board (CMPB) in 1993. A few months ... Show more content on ... * Marketing expenditures are more or less concentrated on television advertising and billboards. Lack of BTL activities, experiential marketing and social event promotion were evident which can be one of the reasons of low recall and decline in consumption. * Considering the nature and storage limitation of milk the consumer attitude towards milk was wobbly and strong reasons to change the attitude were required. * Lack of support from the farmers and local milk processor results in small budget. Considering the size of the milk industry and high promotional cost running a successful nation wide campaign in small budget is rarely possible. Where Got Milk? Went wrong? * Hispanics were the major milk consumers in California; there population was increasing at a constant rate according to the US census. Initially when the ads were made it was found that running out of milk or rice in Hispanic family is not considered funny also the translation of got milk in Spanish is quite weird. * Got milk? took a step away from its deprivation formula in October 1997 and launched a new campaign of Drysville. But research revealed that Drysville campaign was unable to effect consumer's immediate consumption or purchase decision. ANALYSIS OF PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY The 'Got Milk? Promotional campaign has some objectives, Manning begin a grass root campaign keeping in mind the following objectives. * To change the public's ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Dialectical Journal For The Giver Captain Jay Jonas never heard of such a radio transmission before. " World Trade Center... ten– sixty. Send every available ambulance, everything you've got to the World Trade Center... Now!" " Ten– sixty" meant a catastrophic event. Jonas got his first look at the North Tower. Smoke and flames were spewing out of gaping holes bored by American Airlines' Boeing 767 that crashed between the 93 and 99 floors on the North face of the 110– story building. Each of the North Tower floors were roughly an acre. The top 20 floors engulfed in flames, he was staring at a 20– acre fire raging 90 stories above. He thought in his head that, This is the most unbelievable sight I've ever seen. Meldrum parked the fire truck on the West Street in front of the ... Show more content on ... They had flashlights, radios, air packs, coils of rope, rescue webbing, a six– foot hook, and a Halligan, which is like a crowbar with special edges. Jonas's men each were carrying anywhere from 90 to 110 pounds of gear. The higher that they climbed, the stronger that they could smell the jet fuel and smoke also, the building began cracking, cracking, and moaning. They were shocked by how calm most of the civilians where many of them patted the men on the back and said, " God bless you." and " Thank you." Jonas saw more people with severe burns the men had taken their jackets off and covered up women whose clothes and skin had been burned off. It's awful to see. Jonas thought, but this really is New York at its best. Everybody is doing the right thing, and they 're doing it without being told. Before the men made it to the 12th floor, Jonas and his men had responded to two separate Mayday ( distress– signal ) messages. In both cases a firefighter needed help because he had chest pains from the climb. When Jonas reached the 27th floor he met Captain Billy Burke from Engine 21 and firefighter Andy Fredericks from squad 18. Two of the men got lost from the group so while ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Descriptive Essay On The Game Of Life This garnet has kept my mind running a number of times. In bed, in a befuddlement during school, in the car waiting for a red light to turn green. Sometimes I thought "It's not even a big deal", but most of the time I laid wide awake because the anticipation made my heart race. The rapid beating of my heart similar to the thrill of playing Pacman. Racing around the grid, the familiar "waka waka" ringing through my ears. In some ways, my ring represents reaching the next level of this game, the game of life. Drawing closer to the ever evident end, I'm, in a way, forced to thinking about the person I was, the person I've become, and the person I want to be. When we began high school, we were thrown into an unknown world of new faces, new studies, and new dreams. Much like a video game, we made our way through obstacles, finding new ways to escape problems and get to the next stage, just like Pacman has to escape and conquer the ghosts. Each dot puts Pacman closer to his goal, just as we've consumed little "dots" of knowledge, friendship, and love in these hallways. Two hundred forty–four dots fill the Pacman grid, and hundreds of grids are completed right here at Mercy every year. The support of the community becoming an ever binding connection to our place as a Mercy girl. Catherine McAuley's message becoming a proverb for our future. Our friendships becoming a comfort and light for dark times. Our rings are one look into the many laughs, smiles, and hours of hard work, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Got Milk Documentary Analysis Although all of the advertising campaigns mentioned in the documentary have impacted me in some way, I would have to say that the one that has impacted me the most would be the "got milk" campaign. I thought it was interesting to hear the story of what inspired the slogan, mainly because of how such a simple catchy phrase exploded and became one of the most used slogans around the world. In the documentary it was shown that the main goal when selecting the slogan was simply to remind people to continue buying milk. I am sure the campaign accomplished that goal and exceeded any expectations they had. Personally the "got milk" campaign did not make me or my family purchase more milk than before but I remember seeing "got milk" advertisements ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Harris Burdick Narrative: The Third Floor Bedroom Harris Burdick Narrative – The Third–Floor Bedroom Jason glanced through the car window as his father pulled into the driveway of their new house, dirty and plain. Their family had moved from Texas into a house in the misty woods with the nearest city, Flora, half a mile away. I don't like this place thought Jason. "You'll make some friends soon, son," his father said to him as if he had read his mind. "You'll start school in a few weeks." Jason had no response. His father had decided to move because of a job offer in Flora, involving lumber. Jason surveyed the house. It was a standard house with three floors, one of them the attic. "Grab some boxes Jason!" his father called, interrupting Jason's train of thought. Maybe this won't be so bad Jason thought as he lifted a box of lamps. After all, he did like the quietness of the woods as opposed to Texas. "Not bad, eh?" said Jason's father, patting him on his back. "It's okay," Jason admitted. "Once we clean up here and there, it'll look beautiful!" his father chirped. Rolling his eyes, Jason thought that his father was the happiest and most naive person in the world. He was ... Show more content on ... Jason froze. He slowly turned around. One of the outside guards had seen Jason walk in. "What are you doing here?" he barked. Jason was paralyzed with fear. If he allowed himself to be taken, he might as well say goodbye to the future. Jason decided to run but grabbed an extra hydrogen canister. Jason turned the corner and ducked behind a box. The guard should have called for backup, but he decided against it. He was just a kid! This would be no problem. He rounded the corner just as a blast of compressed hydrogen reached his face. Jason had opened the other canister just as the guard turned. The guard was propelled into a wall from the force and was out cold. Panting, Jason ran out of the building and left when the guards ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Rhetorical Analysis On Got Milk Got Milk? We see advertisement everywhere from left right. Ads are seen on devices and while just driving around. Advertisements are used to get people to purchase a product. Got milk "was an American campaign encouraging the consumption of cow's milk, which was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners." Got milk ads have many inspirational celebrities to model their company. Such as famous singers, dancers, athletes, actors, talk show host, and models. I'm analyzing a got milk ad of Hayden Panettiere from 2007. The ad's strategy is to show how each celebrity drinks milk. The ad plays an audience towards teens, both boys and girls by offering them to choose a healthy lifestyle. By choosing a healthy lifestyle, teens ... Show more content on ... Teen girls look up to her and teen boys find her attractive. By using Hayden for the ad, it shows how strong and healthy she is. The slim red dress that she is wearing is trying to show an example of the good things that the milk does to the body. Her facial expression shouts 'confidence' and 'seriousness' because she drinks milk. Hayden is a good role model and a public figure to teens because of her beauty and health. If she drinks milk, then you should too. But why did the company choose Hayden to model their ad. Hayden has been famous since she was a child and she grew up healthy. She also supported 15 different charities such as African Wildlife foundation, stand up to cancer, save the whales, K9 connection, etc. She is also a good advocator and she is known as a hero on TV shows and in real life. Hayden is an animal right activist. In Japan, Hayden surfed the waters off the coast to save dolphins from slaughter with a group of activist, called Sea Shepard. She said that she risked her life and that "A lot people... are involved in causes and organization... but don't actually do something. It was a great feeling to be there physically, making a difference." This shows that Hayden is good role model because she actively and effectively participates in what she believes in. When teens find out more of the good things of what she does and looks at this ad. Teens will feel motivated to be just like her and take action. But first they need to drink milk in order to accomplish many things that she ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Creative Story : A Short Story THE YELLOW RAYS OF THE SUN POUNDED THROUGH THE DIRTY WINDOWS IN THE 1996 SUBARU LEGACY. Her choppy black hair was sprawled against a crumpled up blanket in the backseat of her family's old car from the 2000s. A holey sheet covered her sweat soaked chest as she blinked at the roof of the car. It was covered in old stains from when she and her little sister were children. There was dried chocolate milk dotting the fabric, reminding her of how they were fighting over the small carton of dairy. She threw her arm over her warm forehead and rested it there for a couple minutes. She could feel the pitter patter in her chest. She could hear the ragged breaths that she breathed. She could smell the sweat that coated her body. She blinked, her eyelashes kissing the apples of her rosy cheeks and hiding her onyx irises. The sound of the driver's side door popping open made her head shoot to Jamie Adams' face. His small button nose casted a shadow on his cupid's bow, and his light brown ruffled hair stuck up in various sections. "You going to get up, beautiful?" She let out a groan and sat up, pushing her palms against the hot, sweat–soaked blankets. Swiftly, she brushed her slender fingers through her matted hair and sent her dad a gentle smile. "Yeah, yeah. I am." "Ok, love you," he said. Then he left her, the door slammed behind him as he jogged to catch up with Rick Grimes. "I love you too, dad," she whispered. She peeled the sheet from her sticky body and rubbed at her eyes with ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Not Milk? Essays Got milk? If you do, you are at risk of cancer, osteoporosis, calcium deficiency, diabetes, heart disease, and atherosclerosis (PCRM). You might be thinking that I have gone completely mad. Of course milk is good for health; we all grew up drinking milk. We are told by the ads, the campaigns, and the culture that milk is good for us. We learnt about the importance of drinking milk and consuming dairy products in our health education class. In fact, they are in the food pyramid! The truth is milk does harm to you body, the word "milk" isn't as comforting as it sounds. The main selling point of milk is calcium. We were taught to believe that drinking milk helps promote calcium growth, therefore, strengthening our bones. Milk is also ... Show more content on ... High intakes of calcium causes the body to lower the amount of calcium absorbed while eliminating wastes. In fact, a person drinking less milk tends to form healthier skeletons (Mclean). Moreover, exercises have been found to contribute a major effect on increasing bone density. Decreasing your risk of getting osteoporosis can be made by reducing intakes of animal protein and sodium, and consuming fruits and vegetables instead. Milk contains growth factors that enhance and stimulate growth and development of different organs in infants. Adults' bodies also absorb those growth factors. However, adults' cells don't need to multiply as fast as youngsters anymore. Aside from stimulating growth rate in normal cells, they also speed up the growth of damaged cells caused by harmful substances in our environment. If the DNA or RNA in an adult's body's DNA or RNA is damaged, a person is in greater risk of getting cancer ("Milk Cause Cancer Too", 2007). Recent research by a Harvard researcher, Dr. Davaasambuu, also supports the statement of milk causing cancer. She cited a study in 42 countries comparing cancer rates showed that cancer rates are highest in countries with high rates of consumption of dairy products. These countries are Switzerland and Denmark, and the lowest in Algeria. There is also a link between the rising rates of dairy products consumption and the increased death rates from prostate cancer. Even breast cancer is also associated with the consumption rate ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Got Milk Advertising Thousands of magazines, commercials, billboards, feature David Beckham and his chiseled physique. One advertisement promotes the 'Got Milk?' advertising campaign. Here, a shirtless Beckham with a milk mustache is holding a soccer ball. The advertisement's main product claim is that drinking milk, along with eating right and staying active, will make you stronger and more beautiful. Milk will build muscle and make teenagers leaner. This claim is explicitly stated in the ad's caption and can be scientifically tested. However, most of the advertisement contains implicit claims that deceive the audience. Pseudo claims seen in the ad include that drinking milk helps you "look great," and that you achieve your idealized "body by milk." Additionally, ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Disadvantages Of Dairy Milk Got milk? Dairy cow milk isn't as good for the public we had originally thought. By not drinking dairy cow milk we can be healthier by switching to other alternative sources of milk. Dairy cows are being milked all day long showing that animal care should be improved. By reducing our dairy consumption, we would reduce our need for cows which will also save the environment from water usage and greenhouse gas emissions. In most cases, dairy milk has always been the go–to option in our fridges since we were children. Even today, dairy milk is the leading milk product, and it accounts for the majority of milk drank in the United States. However, these days new alternatives have risen such as soy milk or almond milk to name a few. In fact, a Mintel research study done in 2015 found that non–dairy milk purchases in the United States had increased by 9% just that year (Rowland, 2017). This showed a drastic change in consumer habits in America because the American milk market had traditionally been dominated by dairy. To put things in perspective, that same Mintel study found that almost half, 49%, of Americans drink non–dairy milk (US, n.d). This massive increase in recent non–dairy milk consumption reflects a massive increase in accessibility to non–dairy milk products. Just ten years ago access to non–dairy products was far more limited than it is today, and the non–dairy products available were undesirable. Because of advances in food science, there are not only more non–dairy ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. A Few Miles South Of Soledad, The Salinas River A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool. On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky Gabilan Mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees– willows fresh and green with every spring, carrying in their lower leaf junctures the debris of the winter 's flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool. On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them. Rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening, and the damp flats are covered with the night tracks of 'coons, and with the spread pads of dogs from the ranches, and with the split–wedge tracks of deer that come to drink in the dark. There is a path through the willows and among the sycamores, a path beaten hard by boys coming down from the ranches to swim in the deep pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily down from the highway in the evening to jungle–up near water. In front of the low horizontal limb of a giant sycamore there is an ash pile made by many fires; the limb is worn smooth by men who have sat on it. Evening of a hot day started the little wind to moving among the leaves. The shade climbed up the hills toward the top. On ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Got Milk Essay Got Milk? An Analysis "Got Milk?" is perhaps one of the greatest marketing taglines ever. It has become practically ingrained in our culture since its debut in 1993. "Milk is not a very high–interest item in people's lives. It's a staple," said Jeff Goodby, creator of the slogan. Although milk is not new, not improved, and generally considered boring, the "Got Milk?" ads are stunningly effective because of its simplicity, use of celebrities, and broad audience reach. The best slogans, San Diego State University marketing professor George Belch says, don't require consumers to do too much thinking, but they shouldn't be blanket statements, either. "Got Milk?" is not only simple, but it motivates the consumer. "The message is: always have milk around." The "Got Milk?" campaign did it with humor and suddenly it became cool to drink milk. What helped push it even further was using the celebrity cachet. By utilizing that, awareness of drinking milk has increased by 90% since its early 90's launch. The ad company got famous athletes, comedians, pop stars, game show hosts, and even cartoon characters sporting milk mustaches with a healthy milk fact vaguely related to the celebrity being featured. In the Simpson's "Got Milk?" ad, Bart jokes about the milk mustaches and Lisa retorts with ... Show more content on ... However, they're targeted to different audiences. The Simpsons were everywhere in the 90's, every kid could easily recognize them. The Three Stooges were irrelevant by the time the 90's rolled around but they were still recognizable to the older generation who grew up with black and white tv, therefore it's targeted more to seniors. All things considered, milk is not new, not improved, and generally considered unexciting. The "Got Milk?" ads are anything but because of its simplicity, use of relevant pop culture icons, and a wide demographic variety. So have a cow, ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Cravendale Milk Essay The Cravendale advert was created by Wieden and Kennedy commissioned by Belgian animators Pic Pic and Andre to create this interesting series of stop motion ads for Arla, which are the makers of Cravendale filtered milk. The series shows how these characters explore different places and have a variety of different events to get their hands on Cravendale milk. The adverts were an instant hit and delivered a 33% growth in sales for Cravendale, a filtered, and as such long lasting milk product. The technique of animating toy figures that the older generation might recognise brings people a sense of nostalgia as well as a charm. Seeing these old figurines that people will remember from their childhood come alive in such a manner brings distinctive humour to the advert which the family can enjoy. This advert is targeted at men of all classes because in the advert it's a man shopping while the other figures are doing actions that kids would do. For example at the start you see the main character pick up the heavy item of hay and put it in the trolley, and then he uses a spyglass to find the next item. While this happens the other two characters are pushing the trolley and simply walking like children ... Show more content on ... They would then find an interest in the advert and want the product despite them not knowing what it is, simply because the events in the advert made them chuckle. Also the sounds which are used throughout the advert are seen as humorous; instead of the characters using full sentences they use gestures or one word answers, the most distinctive word you hear in the advert is "milk". However due to the tones of their voices as the word "milk" is repeated the whole way through the commercial children will remember this, so when shopping with their parents and they see milk they will remember the advert and opt for ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Meaning Of The Phrase 'Got Land?' "Got land?" a simple phrase that is seen in many different ways by many different people. It was first seen as an introduction by the early settlers of Canada in the sixteenth century, then it was seen as the negotiation tools between the Canadian government and the First Nation peoples from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and now it is seen as the reminder of all that was lost by the First Nation peoples for the prophet of Canada. While Canada was nurtured and loved to help it bloom into what it is today, the First Nation peoples were plucked, forgotten, and thrown away because they did not fit into the arrangement. "Got milk?" was first used in 1993, (Holt, 2002), by the California Milk Processor Board to help improve milk consumption. It was a simple phrase that became iconic. One of the campaign members, Jeff Manning, stated: "What could you say about milk? It was white and came in gallons. People felt they knew all there was to know about it, so it was hard to find a strategic platform" (Holt, 2002). A statement that was made about milk fits into the definition of decolonization ... Show more content on ... We do not love our land as one nation, we do not love each other as one society, and in return, we do not love ourselves as one. To the naked eye Canada looks like one big happy family that has learned to grow together, but the decolonization has confirmed that we are two separate nations living among each other. We live in the same country, the same town, and with the same culture, but we are not the same people. The First Nation people's now ask "got land?", not because they are looking for an introduction or a negotiation tool, but because they are looking for what was taken. They are looking to find a location that they can feel at one with the land and the people; they are looking for a safe place so they can learn again how to love ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Got Milk Case Study Dole is going to have an event next month for all kids. What Dole is doing is nothing new. There has been so much more things, like when Darth Vader, from Star Wars, and Yoda, went and sold bags of apples. A nutritious snack. In the 1990's, hundreds of movie stars and athletes went and helped in the "Got Milk" campaign. There are photographs with the athletes and movie stars with milk on the upper lip. There are also the Flintstone vitamins. A majority of people when they were kids took these. Parents got there children to eat these very easily because they were colorful and were shaped as cartoon characters. Did you ever hear of Popeye? Well, he also got kids to eat spinach. Kids can be very easily convinced to do anything. Rob Frankel, a Los Angeles expert in marketing, said "Kids easily fall in love with characters." Marketing helps you advertise your company and sell your products. You usually see these advertisements on tv, or in magazines. Anything that kids enjoy, or look appealing to the eye, also have to look appealing to their parents eye too. Parents care ... Show more content on ... Mammals were the ones who ate them and spread them out. But, mammals started to disappear about 13,000 years ago. North America and South America lost most of its megafauna around that time. North America lost 68% and South America lost 80%. This meant that Avocados needed luck to survive because they needed to be spread out the same way the mammals did it. Surprisingly, the avocados would rot and fall to the ground and grow. This meant that lucked has saved them. The avocado itself does not even know that the great mammals are gone. Once the people arrived on earth, they started to eat avocados on earth and spread the pit on the ground like the great mammals. But, should we eat avocados? Well, just don't eat the pit, because that is poisonous to the human, and most animals. Speaking of food, did you hear that Young students enjoy the art of ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Farmer's Monologue The door opened with a crash just as a pair of expensive pumps was kicked off feet and into the air. She had seen her best friend Vienna Nansen angry before, but this was on a whole new level. "What the hell is this we are leaving to stay on some farm in Kansas? Do I look like some milk made or some farmer's damn daughter?" "Have a care with your words Vienna, I have a guess and do not forget your god child napping in the next room?" "Hey," giggled Allison. "Don't stop for me. I'm just happy to know not all your friends want to sit around making little squeaks behind their hands. I've heard less noise from cackling hens that made more sense than what they want to talk about. And, don't get me started when I mention boys," ... Show more content on ... "Just don't forget to burp him and make sure he doesn't roll over the edge after you're done with him and he needs a nap. So are you coming with us to...? Man, can that girl run. She better slow down or she's going to kill someone. I hope no one tells her that this is the longest relationship Ben has ever had. "Do you think he is going to ask Vienna to marry him this time?" "That's what my mom said. Vienna's mom wasn't too happy at first, but after my mom started telling her how all the women in Ben's family have been beauty queens and the boy she wanted Vienna to marry couldn't gain the attention of a drunken gold digger down on her luck, she had changed her mind. I've seen pictures of the boy. My mom was being nice, too nice." "I've known him my entire life, the outward appearance is much nicer than who he is. Not to worry, he comes from a very wealthy and influential family. I'm sure his parents will buy... find someone suitable for him. Now tell me more about this moonlight and haylofts." "It sounds to me as if you are trying for a little girl this time?" she asked, as she wrapped her arms around Katy's shoulders, giving her a big ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Got Milk? Essay Got Milk? In the fast paced world of today, advertisers have to keep up with the times. One of the best ways they do this is through the Got Milk ads. Milk is a part of everyday life and the advertisers for Milk show this through modern tactics and popular celebrities. By putting familiar faces on magazine ads and using interesting T.V. commercials, companies sell their products. The ways in which they sell the products is not by just stating that their product is good, they appeal to the human emotions, ethics and most of all what is logical. There are many ad campaigns out there that strongly target one area, such as your emotions, but the Got Milk advertisers campaign has all three of these factors. To begin with, each ad ... Show more content on ... There is information on free stuff you can win; there are images of the new 2004 Got Milk magazine ads and even video clips of the commercials that air on T.V. There is a Got Milk club that people can join as well. One of the commercials had the video clip of a teen boy at the post office sending a package marked fragile. The package travel through the post office and into the truck, it is dropped and kicked and thrown around. The truck then proceeds to the house to deliver it, it goes over bumps and the package is again thrown all over. The truck arrives at the destination and the mail man drops the package. There is a dog outside the house shaking it and biting at it. The same boy opens the door to find his package a complete mess; he opens it and inside is his Chocolate Milk. The ad's catch was "Shake Things Up". This T.V. commercial would appeal to all people. It is funny for the comic lover and serious for the parent wanting their kid to drink milk. This ad has numerous emotional appeals, everything from not liking the post office for ruining the package, to loving the post office for shaking up the milk. People look for humor in their life and this ad does that while appealing to one's logical side of needing to drink milk. Advertising companies have many different ways of selling their product, they even succeed at selling emotions such as fun, and making you think about how logical it really is to drink milk. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The Harm of Milk Essay The Harm of Milk Got Milk? Well, Austin Powers, Tracy McGrady, Serena Williams, Britney Spears, and even Elvis all do. But, do they know what they are selling in this Got Milk? Advertisements? The Got Milk? campaign was based on a milk deprivation strategy that reminded consumers how inconvenient it was to be without milk. The advertisment made milk a very popular drink because of its attractiveness not because of the nutrients and health issues. It has been believed by many that milk is needed to have a strong and healthy body, when actually milk can be extremely harmful and the nutrients needed for a good body can be found in many other sources. Statistics show that milk consumption is on the rise in the United States since the ... Show more content on ... Most of America¡¯s dairy cows have leukemia virus and after they graze in fields with pesticides their milk contains a mixture of lethal chemicals (¡°Milk: The Deadly Poison¡±). Equally as important are the hormones and antibiotics dairy farmers inject into their cows. One hormone, known as recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH, is injected into many cows to increase milk production. There is evidence that rBGH assists the growth of tumors in lab animals and it stimulates another hormone closely connected with breast cancer (¡°The Case against Dairy¡±). Also, farmers are permitted to give antibiotics to their cows to fight various diseases. Milk and dairy products contain traces of the antibiotic that are passed on to us. Exposure to such toxins breed strains of bacteria that are immune to even the strongest medicine (¡°The Case against Dairy¡±). Most of us do not realize the number of people that are lactose intolerant. Worldwide estimates suggest that two–thirds of the population have trouble digesting milk because of lactose intolerance. According to Teacher Magazine, minorities may have difficulty digesting a sugar in milk known as lactose. An estimated ninety percent of Asian Americans, seventy percent of African Americans and Native Americans, fifty percent of Hispanics, and fifteen percent of Caucasians are lactose intolerant. Hand in hand with lactose ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Self-Promotion and Celebrity Endorsements of Healthy... Self–Promotion and Celebrity Endorsements of Healthy Lifestyles In his book Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture, P. David Marshall states "The close scrutiny that is given to celebrities is to accentuate the possibility and potential for individuals to shape themselves unfettered by the constraints of a hierarchical society" (246). Therefore, celebrities are seen as role models for a lifestyle that might never be fully attainable by the average person, but can be imitated. What is ironic then is that following a celebrity–endorsed lifestyle does not create individuality, but reduces it. While celebrities endorse products, they also appear in advertisements which promote a healthy lifestyle where through the abstinence ... Show more content on ... Both phrases are denotationally persuasive, letting parent know that following what is said in the ad will lead to happy children and good parent–child relationships. The way to achieve this is by reading the information, but also buying concert tickets and supporting the band. As well, near the bottom of the advertisement, the tag line "We All Make a Difference" appears under the Budweiser logo. By adding this in, parents can also be persuaded to enjoy the beer responsibly as the company projects itself through this advertisement as one that is concerned for the health and safety of children. In all these ways, the linguistic messages of the advertisement go well beyond promoting the cause, but also promote the celebrity endorsers, and in this case, the product which the advertisement is deterring children from. The iconic messages in the advertisement are also at work to achieve the cross–promotional result. The non–coded Budweiser logo works in conjunction with the tag line "We All Make a Difference" as discussed above, to promote the brand of beer. What is more interesting however, is the use of the band's image as a coded message. Each of the five band members are looking directly at the reader, with serious expressions on their faces, presenting a sense of importance in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Superheroeses Vs. Got Milk Superheroes are great for advertisements (ads) because they are more effective. For example, Monster Beverage Incorporation decided to use the Hulk for their product Monster Energy, while Got Milk? Campaign used Fantastic four to encourage people to drink milk. This all started when both companies were both at its lowest peak. One day my family and I went to the grocery store to buy milk. Just as I grabbed the milk, Hulk started to rush towards me and yelled in a horrifying voice, "Hulk smash milk!" My heart pounded as if it wanted to come out of my chest and my hands shook uncontrollably. Just as I went to put back the milk, Hulk started to wrestle with a rocky specimen that I recognized very easily. Out of the blues, Mr. Fantastic, Human ... Show more content on ... According to the statement, the milk ad focuses on teens. This audience have been considered because "Faced with declining milk consumption by teenagers, dairy companies are embarking on an advertising campaign with sports and entertainment celebrities and interactive features that they hope will win young people over." (NY Times Body by Milk: More Than Just a White Mustache) This strictly states that due to teens refusing milk, the company will do their best to win them over with the use of athletes and stars. Another thing is that they are at the age where they are still growing and developing muscles. Additionally, teens like to think or feel that they are invincible at times. So by having this team as the models, the ad is almost saying that by drinking milk you will be invincible like the team. In continuation, Fantastic Four is a factor that draws the attention of a teen because this team of superheroes is known to almost every youth in the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Why Do People Make Me Drink Milk? I remember my mother made my school bus wait while she's standing in front of me and everyone in the bus to make me drink milk. Since early day I have known something was funny on drinking milk, maybe was my mother pushing it or maybe was my born instinct advising me that was not necessary for me to drink that. I grew up investigating my rejection of something is given to you from early states since you born to your finals days everybody is pushing something that seems abnormal to drink. Why I say abnormal? Because humans are the only living thing that drink milk from other species, where I'm going make sense? A cow don't drink milk from a human and we don't feed a sheep, cow milk then, why humans are sold to believe is ok to drink another species milk? Got milk? Is an advertisement from the Food and Drug Administration as well as from the milk produced to incite consume of their product. This product have not been evaluated to determine their consumption, safety, even though the FDA said otherwise, they do not explain to the consumers the exact contains of milk and they secondary effects of consuming this product, we just lab rabbits testing for the government, to after they come out with so much deterrents. Back to the situation should we drink milk or not? At this point we should introduce some facts on milk I started at the beginning of this conversation. Humans are the only specie drinking milk from another species. Medical specialist always telling pregnant women to ... Get more on ...