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Giant white shark report part 2
All species of sharks that includes the great white shark are all carnivores which means
that they only eat meat. All different sharks hunt in lots of different ways and they are
lots of sharks that will kill their prey from the bottom of the water. The shark will start to
go into really deep water where it is really hard for the prey animal to see the shark
coming. When they do spot a prey then the shark will start to race after it top speed and
then they will start to come out of the darkness that is in the bottom of the ocean. When
they are hunting for example the thresher shark can take full advantage of their long
and sturdy tail. When they do a spot of fish then they will use their tail to put herd of the
fish together. Then the shark will start to stuns them with their really powerful slaps.
They can do this by using their tail. There are some species of shark that will usually
swim alone but there are only a few species of shark that are known to be seen in
packs. The shark species that are known to swim in a group is the sand tiger shark.
These sharks are really easy at killing a herd fish of that can be found in shallow water.
After a great white shark has eaten a large meal then it will weigh about 6.6 pounds.
Then the great white will never be able to eat again until 45 days. There are a few
species of shark that can be really dangerous to really big prey. But there are some
species of shark like the whale shark is a massive fish they can be about 50 feet long.
These sharks can survive by sifting and they can also swallow really small organisms
that can be taken out of the water. There is no shark that has teeth that is made for
chewing instead of chewing they will take really small bites off the pieces of the fish and
then they will start to swallow the chunks whole. There has been a really strange image
that has been found in the shark's stomachs for many years. The images that have
been seen in these animals’ mouths are license plates, musical instruments and they
can even eat bottles of wine. These animals can eat anything that is in their ocean
home. When a great white shark is young then they will be able to eat fish, rays and
they can even eat other species of sharks. When the great white is an adult then they
will eat really big animals like the food that they will eat are pinnipeds these animals are
sea lions and seals and they will also eat toothed whales and the whales that they will
eat are beluga whale and they will also eat otters and they will also eat sea turtles, They
can also eat carrion, That means that they will eat a dead animal that will happen to be
floating somewhere in the water. When the giant white has eaten a really big meal then
they will not eat for 2 months. The food that sharks cannot eat is a puffer fish because
have a piney spiny balloon if this animal gets in the sharks throat then they will be stuck
in there and they can easily kill the shark. The other fish that they cannot eat is a fish
that is called a Moses. Sharks cannot eat this because they have a foul taste that will
taste like a chemical when they go into the sharks mouth when they are bitten.
Scientists that this chemical is used by human divers. When a shark eats it really
depends on what type of species of shark but most shark species will mostly eat fish,
crustaceans, mollusks, plankton, krill, they will even eat marine mammals and they will
also eat other sharks to. When the great white shark is young then they will eat fish, that
will also include other sharks and they will also eat rays to. When the shark continues to
grow then they will start to prey on sea mammals like seals and sea lions. Sharks will
usually attack their prey by surprisingthem. They do this when they see a seal that is on
the surface that is near the water. These animals will often position themselves under
the seal. They will swim under their prey by swimming really fast and then they will burst
out of the water then they will do a leap out of the water this is called a breach and then
they will fall back into the water with the seal in their mouths. Sharks do not often chew
their food. Instead of chewing their food they will usually rip their meal and then they will
swallow the food whole. They are done eating a big meal then the great white will rip it
into pieces. Not be able to eat again like at least in a month or two months without them
eating food. There are so many different types of species that will use different skills for
hunting and for killing their prey to. There are some species that will swim really fast so
that they can catch their food but there are other sharks that will rather wait for their
prey to come to them. These animals are also known to be scavengers that is a kind of
animal that will take a meal from another animal or that has been takenfood that another
animal that has left behind. And these animals are always on the lookout for carcasses
that is another word for a dead animal that is floating in the ocean. The great white
shark can easily eat any fish that is big or they can eat any animal that is warm-blooded.
The great white shark will normally eat fish, really small sharks, turtles, dolphins, and
they also eat pinnipeds like seals and sea lions. These animals are known to be apex
predators. The only animals that can attack a great white shark are other great whites,
sperm whales and the killer whale. To kill an animal the shark will usually ambush their
prey. They will often do this by a deliver a massive disabling bite and they will start to
back off so that they can allow the animal to expire. This allows the animal to avoid
combat with prey that can be dangerous prey like sea lions. This will also allow how
people get rescue by getting bitten by these creatures which also appears to attack a
person which mostly is an error. The animals that the great white shark will eat are
Marine mammals like seals, sea lions. The other food that they will eat is fish. They will
scavenge on whale carcasses to. The great white shark is the only shark that has the
ability to left its head above the water. They do this because so that the shark can have
a better look at the different objects in that area like prey. This skill is called spy-
hopping. The great white shark is the only shark that can do this. This skill is really good
for them to use their sense of smell very good when they are on top of the water. That is
because smell travels a lot faster in the air then under the water. Sharks can hunt in the
waters that are murky or that is near any darkness. A shark can located their prey by
hiding under the sand or another way for a shark to locatetheir prey is to remain till so
that they can see their prey. Then when they do see the prey. Then they will point to the
direction where they need to go. A shark can locate sound by over 3,000 feet away, but
the prey is far away like a few hundred yards. Then their sense of smell will start to kick
in. There are some other species of shark that can smell about one piece of blood that
night be over 100 feet in the water. If these sense do not help enough then they will use
their lateral organ that is located inside of their body. This is a way for a shark to use
their lateral organs to find out the movement of the prey like when a fish swims then that
will help the shark to locate where it is. The prey will not know where the shark is going
to attack by using this skill. When they do caught their prey then the animals will only
have a little time to escape the shark’s teeth. There are some species that are so
powerful that they can even bite through the steel. The other food that sharks eat are
crabs, fish, squid, sea turtles, sea birds, seals but the bigger species of shark will
normally will eat or really small plankton animals. Sharks can be found on every ocean
in the world but they are usually will be seen in warmer waters. All year long sharks can
be found swimming near the equator When they are far from the equator then it will be
less to found any sharks in that area. A sharks range is really big when they are in the
months that are in the warm summer. That is when the waters will start to get warm for
the sharks to swim in. These animals will also be seen in the far south of the southern
coast of Australia and they can also be far from the north from the Canadian- U.S.
border. There are more sharks to survive only in salt water. But there are some species
that would rather swim in salt or in fresh waters to. The great white shark can be seen in
Coastal waters that can be found in every major ocean but the great white will mostly
often be seen in Australia, South Africa, California and they can also be found
somewhere around Mexico. The great white shark can be adapted to life on the wide
range of the aquatic habitats that are various of temperature but there are some species
that can be inhabit in shallow, coastal areas. There are other species that can be
spotted in really deep waters. That can be found in the ocean floors and they can also
be found in open oceans to. The other types of sharks that can be seen in salt and in
fresh waters and the deltas are the usually the bull sharks that are more common to be
seen in these waters. The great white shark can be seen in warm temperate waters.
There are a few of them that have been seen in cold waters to that can be off the coast
of Iceland, Noca Scotia and they can also be swimming around South Australia. The
great white shark can be found in favor temperate waters all over the world that is on
the side of coastlines. These animals will also be found in tropical waters and in sub-
tropical waters. The great white shark can be found on every ocean region in the world
that has cold water. These animals can be found off the coast of the United States,
Australia and of South Africa. The great white shark can be found places that are near
the shore that have more temperate (that is not very hot and that is not very cold). That
can be found on every single coastline in all over the world. Great white sharks have
been seen off the coastlines of California to Alaska. They can also be found on the east
coast of the United States and there are most of them that are living in the Gulf coast
and on Hawaii. There are also most of these sharks off the coast of South America,
South Africa, and on the Australia. But great whites cannot be seen in the north coast of
Australia. The other places that they can also be seen are in New Zealand. When they
are in this area then they will normally be seen in the Mediterranean Sea. They can also
be seen in West Africa to Scandinavia. They can also be seen in Japan and in the east
coastlines of China and in the South Russia. Sharks can be found in coastal waters that
can be in the deepest part of the ocean. There are some species that will live near
rivers. This deadly predator can be found on every ocean in the world. There are some
great whites that can weigh more than 4,500 pounds (2,000 kilograms). The average
size for a great white shark is 12 to 16 feet long (3.7-4.9m) long. The largest size that
has ever been recorded for the great white shark was 23 feet (7 m) long. These animals
can weigh about 7,000 pounds (3200 kg). The females are much biggerthan the males
are. The length of a great white shark is 3 to 6m. They can also weigh about 1200 kg.
That is there average size and their weight. The great white shark will also weigh about
5,000 lbs. (2.268kg). The great white shark can grow about 8m long and they can also
weight about 2,000kg. The length of the great white shark is 20-26ft (6-8m).These
animals can weigh 2,000ft (4,400 lb.) and even more. The length of these animals can
also be 6 meters (20 feet) and they can weigh about 2,000 kilograms (4,000 pounds),
the great white shark is known to be the world’s biggest shark. The length of the great
white shark is 20-26ft (6-8m). These animals can also weight about 2,000kg (4,400 lb.)
and even more. The biggest great white shark that has ever been discovered was 23
feet long and they can even weight about 7,000 pounds. These animals have really
rough skin they use this to protect them. It is like suit of armor. The average size for a
great white shark is 4.3-5.5m (14-18ft). The other biggest size for a great white shark
that has been recorded that was off the coast of Cuba and that was 6.4m (21 ft.). The
average weigh for a great white shark is 680-1.800kg (1.500-4.000 lb.) These animals
can also grow about 15 ft. (4.6m) to they can even grow more as 20ft (6 m). These
animals can weigh about 5.000lbs (2,268 kg) or even more. The smallest species of
shark can be big as 7 inches and the biggest species of shark can be big as 50 feet
long. The great white shark can also grow about 20ft (6m). There are some species of
shark that can grow about 4-46ft (1.3-14m). No one activity knows how long a great
white shark activity can live for but some say that they can live about 30 to 40 years.
There is no one that knows how long a great white shark will activity live for.Some say
that they can life until they are 100 years old but this has not been proven yet. Sharks
have really good sense that can help them to find their prey. There are so many
predators on this planet that can find a way to locate their prey and that knows how to
track it down then a shark can. They can also find their prey in murky water or in places
that can be dark to see them. But that does not stop a shark for finding its next meal.
This can alsobe a way for the shark to figure out that the prey is hurt or not. They can
also use their senses to find a prey that can be hiding in the sand. Lots of people think
that sharks are stupid eating machines but these animals are really sensitive to
everything that is going on in the water. That is going on around them. These animals
can react really fast to the information that their senses that has bought to them. Sharks
have really good sense of smell this can also help the shark to detect blood that can be
somewhere in the water. They can even smell blood over miles away from where they
are. These sharks can also use their vision to find their next meal to. These animals can
locate blood over seven miles away. These animals can use their senses to pick up the
animal's sound and their movement that is going on in the water that can be over
hundreds of feet away. When they get closer to their prey then they will use their eyes
to find it. They will also use their sense of smell to find their prey to. They can smell over
a mile away. They can do this by following the trail of blood that can be floating in the
water. The great white shark can smell a drop of blood in 25 gal (100 L.) of water and
they can also sense a really small amount of blood in the water to it might be 3 miles (5
km) away from where they are located at. Sharks will normally use their sense of smell
so that they can follow the electric charges. They will also use their sense to find
changes in the water pressure, the senses that are really less important are their sight
and their sense of hearing. These are the types of sense that some sharks do not use
that often and that is their sight and their hearing. A great white shark can smell a drop
of blood over 25 gallons (100 liters) of water. Sharks do not use their nostrils for
breathing they will only use it for smelling things that can be found in the ocean. The
only way that a shark can breathe is by using their gills. Sharks also have an extra
sense that can help them to catch their prey. This sense can help the shark to detect
electromagnetic fields which happens to be the movement of the animal. This sense
can find electrical discharges that can somewhere in the water that can be done by the
series of jelly canals this called ampullae of Lorenzini This can help the shark to sense
the really small electrical fields can generate all different types of animals that can be in
an area. Like for example their muscle contractions can also cause themselves to find
any magnetic fields. Lots of sharks will sometimes use navigation for finding their prey
to. The front of the sharks head is called a snout. It look likes the same as an human
nose. The ampulla of lorenzini is located on the snout that can be really sensitive and
this can also help the shark to find the electrical fields so that they can find the animals
movements. This sense can also help the shark to find animals that can be found in the
water. This can also help animals that are hiding from them. In a sharks mouth they
have the most powerful jaws on the planet but these jaws are a lot different than any
other animal because both the upper and lower jaw both move. Every species of shark
has their own shaped teeth on what kind of teeth will really depends on their diet. A
shark's teeth may grow over 20,000 teeth in a shark’s mouth that will take a shark a
really long time to have that many teeth. Sharks will never run out of new teeth. If one of
their teeth is lost then another teeth will start to come forward so that they willnew teeth
can be replace with the old teeth. When sharks bite with their lower jaw. That will be the
first thing that the shark will do when they are catching their prey. Then they will start to
toss their head back and forth so that they can tear their prey into pieces so that they
can swallow it whole. The great white shark is the only shark that will usually go up to
the surface and then they will also stick their head out of the water. Nobody knows why
they do that maybe because so that they can get a better view so that they can see their
prey better like sea lions. Scientists can easilytill the teeth ofa great white shark. They
can till by their upper teeth that are known to be big, broad and they also have a
triangular shape and the lower teeth have a slightly more slender kind of teeth. On a
shark's teeth there are serrated on their teeth. Just like any other species of shark their
teeth will start to get loose and then when it falls out then they will be replaced by new
teeth. A great white shark will have 300 teeth in their mouth that can be in the number of
rows that can be found on top jaws and on the bottom jaws. Teeth of a shark can be
really big and some of them can be really small, some are sharp and blunt, there are
other shark teeth that can be jagged or smooth. Their teeth are shaped to adapt the
kind of food that they eat. The flat teeth are used for catching snails, crabs and sea
urchins. The jagged are used to chew bigger animals. Sharks jaws will only get loose to
connect to the animals skull so that they can open their mouth wide so that they can
swallow the bigger prey. Every species of shark has rows and rows of teeth that can be
located outside of their mouth. They also have teeth that can be found on the outside of
the main teeth. This will allow the shark to break off the replaced teeth. The teeth of a
shark can be unattached to the jaws and they can also be retractable just like cat claws
are. The teeth will start to move into a place where the jaws are open. Sharks will
normally grow new rows of teeth. The teeth are in flesh in the rather that will attached to
the jaw. The jaws will be replaced for every eight days. A shark will normally will lose
about 30,000 teeth through out of their entire life. There are most great white sharks
that are not fatal. There have been 1/2 to 1/3 sharks that had attacked people. There
are only about 30 to 50 great white sharks that had killed about 10 to 15 people. Not
every shark in the sea is not fierce carnivores. There are some sharks that can be really
harmless but the harmless sharks are mostly the bigger sharks Those sharks happen to
be the basking shark, the whale shark and the megamouth shark all of these sharks are
made for this description. These really big animals will normally eat plankton. Plankton
is a little shrimp like animal that can be found in the bound of the ocean. To do that then
they will have to pen their mouth really wide and they will also have to swim forward so
that they can catch the plankton. These animals have something special inside of them
that is called Gill rakers this is located on the back of their throat. So that they can strain
the really small animals that can be found somewhere around the ocean. Sharks are
some type of fish. Sharks are just like any other fish in the ocean. Sharks close relatives
are really the rays, skates, guitarfish and they are also relative to the sawfish. Sharks
and their relatives all have the same features that any other fish have which are fins,
they live in the water, and they will also breathe by using their gills. Every shark species
all do not have eyelids but there are some shark species that have three eyelids that is
in their eyes. Sharks also have a lower and upper jaw just like we do. The third eyelids
that they use are usually used to protect their eyes when they are swimming in the
water. Sharks can breathe the same way as any other fish species. These animals have
gills because so that they can get some air. To do this the shark will have to draw water
insideof their mouth and they will also let the water out of the gills. All through attacks
by great white sharks on humans are really documented. These attacks usually never
happen most often. Shark attacks on humans are really rare. This is rare because great
white sharks usually find humans do not taste really good. When a shark does attack a
person it would probably be mistaken for something else like a seal or sea lion. Shark
attacks are known to be really rare on humans but there are some species that happen
to be really dangerous to humans. The sharks that are known to attack a person are
great white shark, tiger shark, and the bull shark. The most common place where
sharks can easily attack people are in locations that are in the United States. There are
some species of fish that will only have one gill that is open so that the water can come
out. Sharks will usually have five gills open but there are some species of fish that will
have six or seven gills. When the water passes over the gills then it will come in contact
with really small blood vessels. A shark’s skin is made out of all different series of
scales this will act like an outer skeleton. They do that so it will be easy for them to
move and so that they can save energy when they are in the water. On the upper side
of the shark there is a dark side on them that can help them to blend into the water for
when they are on top of the water. These animals also have a underside on them to and
it is white and they also have lighter color too. This also helps them to blend in when
they are in lighter areas in the ocean when they are at the bottom of the sea. This will
help them to hide from predators and from prey Sharks are a kind of fish that does not
have any bones. These animals only have a cartilage. Sharks do not usually attack
people there are only 25 sharks that have been known to attack people. Sharks had
killed about 100 people in a year. There are a lot of people that have been killed by
bees and lighting way often then getting killed by a shark. The other dangerous shark in
the world is the oceanic white tip shark. There are some species of shark like the great
white shark or maybe the gray reef shark can be really aggressive when they are ready
to attack then they will start to throw their prey and then they will throw it around their
head. Then they will throw in to their mouths but to do this skill then they will have to be
in a really good position so that they can take a really big bite out of their prey. They will
use their tails as for a more acute that is probably for a preparation so that they can
chase their prey. The most sharks that has done the most human kills is the bull shark.
That is because bull sharks live near shallow water that is a real good common place
where people swim in and these sharks can be really plentiful sharks but there are other
sharks that have been known to attack a human that will also include the gray shark,
blue shark, the hammerhead shark, mako shark, the nurse shark, the lemon shark,
blacktip reef sharks, wobble gongs, the sand tiger shark, spitting shark and the
porbeagle shark. When a shark is swimming then they are moving like they are flying in
the water. There are some species that will swim fast like (40 mph or 64.4kph. The
predators that live in open water then those sharks will swim really slow that can be
located in the bottom dwells that is when they are eating shells and fish but there are
some slow swimmers and they will also feed on the tiny animals and the plants. Sharks
are really different than any other fish because they cannot stop themselves from
swimming and these animals cannot swim backwards to. The shark’s pectoral fins
cannot bend upwards like other fish can. Sharks most always swim on their sides so
that they do not bump into anything. It is not easy for them to stop swimming. There are
some species of shark that can swim by propelling themselves through the water they
can do this by using their tail. The fins are used to keep the shark balance. Just like
other species of shark like (the whale shark). Their bodies can help them to propel from
side to side this can help them swim through the water. Sharks never stop swimming
because then they will drown. All of these sharks had also attacked humans to. Sharks
are really different than any other of the bony fish that are in this animal group. Some
scientist say when a male great white grows into a really big size then they will be
turned into a female. The eggs will be fertilized inside the female’s body. The males
haveclasper that is on their extensions that can be located on their Pelvic fin they will
use this so that they can connect their sperm to the female and that is how the females
can fertilize their eggs. There are lots of sharks that will usually give birth to life young
but there are some species of shark that will have their eggs and they will normally
hatch later on. The gestation period for a shark is known to be as two years long but the
dogfish shark has the longest gestation period then all of the sharks that are in the
ocean. The sharks gestation period will usually work when the baby will spend their time
inside the female until they are ready to be born. Baby sharks are usually called pups.
They will usually be born when they have a full mouth of teeth and when they are ready
to take care of themselves. Then when they are born then they will start swimming away
really fast . They will also swim away from their own mothers who might even try to eat
them. A female shark can have a litter of one to two pups (This is litter for a great white
shark) but for other shark species like the blue and the whale shark they have the total
of 100 pups in a litter. There are lots of different sharks in this world which means that
sharks come into the world in so many different ways to. Some sharks will lay eggs just
like birds do. Eggs that are usually being hatched inside the mother’s body until they are
read to be born. Baby sharks will grow inside their mothers just like what humans do.
Female sharks will usually have 1 to 100 babies at a time. This also depends on the
type of shark. The sharks that have their pups are usually growing inside of them then
they will have only a few babies at a time. Then the sharks will lay eggs that will laid
outside of the mother’s body. Shark mothers do not usually take care of their offspring
or when they are born but when they are ready to have their babies then the mother will
start to look for a safe place for her to lay her eggs and to give birth. The mating season
for a shark it really depends on the species. The gestation period can be 2 months or to
2 years it depends on the species. There are some species that can lay eggs and there
some sharks that will have their young that will be covered with really thin membrane
and there are other species that will give birth to live young. The Number of the babies it
really depends on what type of shark but there are some sharks that can have 1 to 2
pups and they can even have even more like 100 eggs or pups. After the pups are born
then they will start to swim away so that they can take care of themselves. These
babies will be born with a mouth with filled withteeth andthen they are able to take care
of themselves then that is when they are ready to go on their own way. There are most
sharks that are usually born alive. They will start to move away from their mothers in
fully formed then they are ready to go on their hunt for themselves. The number of litters
for a baby shark really depends on the type of species like for example the tiger shark
will have 80 babies in a littler and the nurse shark will normally have 20 to 30 babies in
a littler at a time. There are only a few of the shark species that would activity have eggs
instead on having their babies born alive. A shark’s egg will usually have strings that
can be located on them. Seaweed or coral will also be placed around the egg so that
they do not float away from a current. Shark babies can be really independent when
they are born. When a great white shark is about to be born then they will start to swim
alone with dozen of their siblings. When these babies are away from their mothers will
usually swim immediately away from their mothers when they are born. The baby
sharks will be out on their own the moment that they are born. When they do come out
into the open ocean then their mother will only see her babies as prey. When they are
born then the baby shark will be big as 5 feet (1.5 meters) long that is when they are
start to be before they are adults. A great white shark may grow about three times better
than any other animal that can live their life on the top of the oceans food chain. But
before they are bigger than the pup must watch out from predators that might be bigger
than they are that will also include on other great white sharks. The first time the babies
are out on their own then they will not be able to survive on their own for the first time in
their lives. The first foods that the babies will start to eat are fish and they will also eat
other sharks. The other foods that a baby shark will eat are rays. When they start to
grow then the shark will start to go after bigger animals like sea mammals like sea lions
and seals. Shark pups will usually have to hunt all by their selves and some of them
mostly die before they even start their first hunt and before they are fully grown. There is
a not lot of information about how sharks There are lots of sharks that will give birth to
healthy developed babies but there are seven species of shark like the dogfish will
usually lay eggs. The eggs will protected in a really hard, horny egg cases. On every
corner of the egg has a really long and curly tendril that can be found on every corner of
the case that is covered with seaweed so that it can be fixed for safely so that the eggs
will not be floating away by a current. The eggs will be ready to hatch after six or to nine
months. Great white sharks can also have 10 to 14 pups in a littler. People are killing
thousands of sharks every year because for sport and for food. The sharksskins are
used to make products out of that because they are making their skins for leather. But in
the year of the 1950's then people have been killing sharks for their livers so that they
can make vitamins. Shark fin soup and shark steaks are both being eaten in lots of
different countries. Sharks and people have never been friends. There is no other
animal that people fear most then sharks. That is because of the horror stories that
have been told about shark attacks. They will also get these stories from movies and
from books. That makes people think that there is a big shark that is waiting to bite any
swimmer that step into the ocean. But there are some facts about sharks that are
different. Like for one thing is that people are not getting attacked by sharks more often
and there are most people that are being attacked but they are not getting killed. It looks
like sharks do not enjoy the taste of humans. But if they do bite a human then they will
usually swim away after taking one bite. But there are lots of people that are killing
sharks and millions of them are getting killed in every year. For a long time people have
been killing sharks for food, fertilizer and for other things. The great white shark is
getting caught by fisherman. Fishermen are not just catching great whites they are also
catching all different species of sharks. People are killing millions of sharks for food,
fertilizer and other products that humans use. People have been killing these animals
for a year now. But there are some species that are known to be threatened and there
are some that are not. The future for these ancient hunters is starting to be really good.
But people have to remember that people are more dangerous to sharks then sharks
are to people. Great white sharks may not have a lot of predators to look out for but the
most dangerous threat to any shark is humans. There are a lot of people that are killing
the great white for so many reasons and one of them is that people are killing them so
that they can make meat out of them. These threats by great white sharks are being
caused by humans. All of these threats are causing the great white shark population to
decrease which is making the great white shark a threatened species today. The
biggest species of shark’s numbers are decreasing in numbers from all over the world
that is because people are hunting them. The great white shark, the Basking shark and
the whale shark are all waning. But there are some places where the great white shark
is being protected and these places are off the coast of California and on South Africa. It
is really possible that there is so many sharks are being killed yearly that is due for
illegal and unrecorded. There are 73 millions of sharks that are being killed every year
because of finning alone. This is when people are cutting off the shark's fins. The
people do not kill the shark they will usually cut off their fins when they are alive and
then they will throw the body back into the sea. Then this is when the sharks start to
breed to death and they will also start to drown. People will use the shark’s fins to make
shark fin soup. This is known for a traditional Asian delicacy. Right before people used
sandpaper. People will activity use really rough shark skin do that it. They can also use
this to make wood smooth and it can also be used to polish the wood to. The warriors
that live in Japan are all wrapped in shark skin right around the handles of their swords
so that they can keep it from slipping off of their hands. The Indian that live in Florida
will usually use sharp and hard teeth that are from great white sharks. They willuse their
teeth to make arrowheads. The natives that live in lots of different islands that are near
the Pacific Ocean. They will also use sharks teeth to make harpoons and alsoto make
weapons out of. The meats that are made out of sharks can be really tasty and every
person in the world loves it. The fish that people put in England’s fish and chips are
activity made out of shark meat. There are some Asian countries that have really
interesting dishes that are made out of raw shark meat. The denticles that are on shark
skin can be removed off of their skin. The shark’s denticles are made out of really strong
leather. Shoes that are made outof sharks can last as long as four times longer than the
rather leather that we usually use. Every single shark in the sea plays a really important
role for our oceans ecosystem. Without these animals then the other animals
populations will start to be increase of the tremendous of emotions of the oceans food
chain. The only way to save these animals is to learn a lot about them. There are about
5 species of shark that are extinct now. Those sharks are is the Cladoselaced this shark
is known for being the first complete shark fossil. Their fossil has been found in the late
Devonian. The other extinct shark is the stethacanthus this shark is a weird looking
shark that has a brushy like denticies that can be found all around its head and it can
also be found on the parged protrusion which is on the back of their head. The other
extinct shark is called the Orhacanthus this shark is a really old fresh-water shark that
had a really long spine growing from the back of their skull. This shark also had a really
long dorsal fin which can reallygrow all the way down the sharks back. These sharks
lived in 280 million years ago. These sharks are from the Pennsylvanian period it can
also be called the Permian period. These sharks were even around right before the
dinosaurs were evolved. The other shark that is extinct is anreally old shark that is
called the Hybodus this shark was in the Carboniferous period. This shark went extinct
during the really big K-T mass which they were extinct like about 65 million years ago
that was when the dinosaurs start to die out. On these animals they have fin spines, an
anal fin which can grow about 7.5 feet (2.5 m) long. The last extinct shark is the
Megalodon shark. This shark isan really old meat-eating shark. This shark lived about 5-
1.6 million years ago. This shark is now extinct now. The size of this shark was about 40
feet (12 m) long. But this is just only the estimate that the fossil teeth that have been
discovered. These sharks have the same teeth as the great white shark that can be
almost as 3 times bigger. Sharks are really important animals because they help with
the maintain of the balance of all the different types of fish and any other animal that
can be found in the ocean. But there are in trouble today. There are more than 100
species of shark that are being threatened. The sharks that are threatened are the great
white shark, hammerhead shark and the whale shark. Humans are the most dangerous
threat to a shark. The spiny dogfish is one of the sharks that are known to live in the
waters of Europe. There are so many of themthat are being catch for meat right now
this is one of the species of shark that are endangered today. There are some sharks
that are having trouble with breeding like the sand tiger shark these sharks will usually
give birth to only two pups in every other year. This will also mean that there are some
species that do not reproduce a lot of pups as they should. That is because they are
getting replaced by being caught. Sharks will be sold as meat in the UK. The kind of
meat that they will be is fish n chips which is salmon fish. All of the hammerhead shark
species are all at risk. There are some species that are being catch for purpose alone
with other fish. The most expensive fins in the world are activity shark fins. Sharks are
really important to the eco system. We have to help this amazing fish that have been
feared for about 100 of years but if you learn about sharks you will learn the more that
you can understand them better them then to fear them. That way you will get to
understand them better. Remember this is not just our ocean it is there home. So they
have to hunt in order for them to stay alive and take really good care of the planet. I
have learneda lot about sharks. I hope that you do to. That is what I know about all the
species of shark.

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Giant white shark report part 2

  • 1. Giant white shark report part 2 All species of sharks that includes the great white shark are all carnivores which means that they only eat meat. All different sharks hunt in lots of different ways and they are lots of sharks that will kill their prey from the bottom of the water. The shark will start to go into really deep water where it is really hard for the prey animal to see the shark coming. When they do spot a prey then the shark will start to race after it top speed and then they will start to come out of the darkness that is in the bottom of the ocean. When they are hunting for example the thresher shark can take full advantage of their long and sturdy tail. When they do a spot of fish then they will use their tail to put herd of the fish together. Then the shark will start to stuns them with their really powerful slaps. They can do this by using their tail. There are some species of shark that will usually swim alone but there are only a few species of shark that are known to be seen in packs. The shark species that are known to swim in a group is the sand tiger shark. These sharks are really easy at killing a herd fish of that can be found in shallow water. After a great white shark has eaten a large meal then it will weigh about 6.6 pounds. Then the great white will never be able to eat again until 45 days. There are a few species of shark that can be really dangerous to really big prey. But there are some species of shark like the whale shark is a massive fish they can be about 50 feet long. These sharks can survive by sifting and they can also swallow really small organisms that can be taken out of the water. There is no shark that has teeth that is made for chewing instead of chewing they will take really small bites off the pieces of the fish and then they will start to swallow the chunks whole. There has been a really strange image that has been found in the shark's stomachs for many years. The images that have been seen in these animals’ mouths are license plates, musical instruments and they can even eat bottles of wine. These animals can eat anything that is in their ocean home. When a great white shark is young then they will be able to eat fish, rays and they can even eat other species of sharks. When the great white is an adult then they will eat really big animals like the food that they will eat are pinnipeds these animals are sea lions and seals and they will also eat toothed whales and the whales that they will eat are beluga whale and they will also eat otters and they will also eat sea turtles, They can also eat carrion, That means that they will eat a dead animal that will happen to be floating somewhere in the water. When the giant white has eaten a really big meal then they will not eat for 2 months. The food that sharks cannot eat is a puffer fish because have a piney spiny balloon if this animal gets in the sharks throat then they will be stuck in there and they can easily kill the shark. The other fish that they cannot eat is a fish that is called a Moses. Sharks cannot eat this because they have a foul taste that will taste like a chemical when they go into the sharks mouth when they are bitten. Scientists that this chemical is used by human divers. When a shark eats it really depends on what type of species of shark but most shark species will mostly eat fish, crustaceans, mollusks, plankton, krill, they will even eat marine mammals and they will
  • 2. also eat other sharks to. When the great white shark is young then they will eat fish, that will also include other sharks and they will also eat rays to. When the shark continues to grow then they will start to prey on sea mammals like seals and sea lions. Sharks will usually attack their prey by surprisingthem. They do this when they see a seal that is on the surface that is near the water. These animals will often position themselves under the seal. They will swim under their prey by swimming really fast and then they will burst out of the water then they will do a leap out of the water this is called a breach and then they will fall back into the water with the seal in their mouths. Sharks do not often chew their food. Instead of chewing their food they will usually rip their meal and then they will swallow the food whole. They are done eating a big meal then the great white will rip it into pieces. Not be able to eat again like at least in a month or two months without them eating food. There are so many different types of species that will use different skills for hunting and for killing their prey to. There are some species that will swim really fast so that they can catch their food but there are other sharks that will rather wait for their prey to come to them. These animals are also known to be scavengers that is a kind of animal that will take a meal from another animal or that has been takenfood that another animal that has left behind. And these animals are always on the lookout for carcasses that is another word for a dead animal that is floating in the ocean. The great white shark can easily eat any fish that is big or they can eat any animal that is warm-blooded. The great white shark will normally eat fish, really small sharks, turtles, dolphins, and they also eat pinnipeds like seals and sea lions. These animals are known to be apex predators. The only animals that can attack a great white shark are other great whites, sperm whales and the killer whale. To kill an animal the shark will usually ambush their prey. They will often do this by a deliver a massive disabling bite and they will start to back off so that they can allow the animal to expire. This allows the animal to avoid combat with prey that can be dangerous prey like sea lions. This will also allow how people get rescue by getting bitten by these creatures which also appears to attack a person which mostly is an error. The animals that the great white shark will eat are Marine mammals like seals, sea lions. The other food that they will eat is fish. They will scavenge on whale carcasses to. The great white shark is the only shark that has the ability to left its head above the water. They do this because so that the shark can have a better look at the different objects in that area like prey. This skill is called spy- hopping. The great white shark is the only shark that can do this. This skill is really good for them to use their sense of smell very good when they are on top of the water. That is because smell travels a lot faster in the air then under the water. Sharks can hunt in the waters that are murky or that is near any darkness. A shark can located their prey by hiding under the sand or another way for a shark to locatetheir prey is to remain till so that they can see their prey. Then when they do see the prey. Then they will point to the direction where they need to go. A shark can locate sound by over 3,000 feet away, but the prey is far away like a few hundred yards. Then their sense of smell will start to kick
  • 3. in. There are some other species of shark that can smell about one piece of blood that night be over 100 feet in the water. If these sense do not help enough then they will use their lateral organ that is located inside of their body. This is a way for a shark to use their lateral organs to find out the movement of the prey like when a fish swims then that will help the shark to locate where it is. The prey will not know where the shark is going to attack by using this skill. When they do caught their prey then the animals will only have a little time to escape the shark’s teeth. There are some species that are so powerful that they can even bite through the steel. The other food that sharks eat are crabs, fish, squid, sea turtles, sea birds, seals but the bigger species of shark will normally will eat or really small plankton animals. Sharks can be found on every ocean in the world but they are usually will be seen in warmer waters. All year long sharks can be found swimming near the equator When they are far from the equator then it will be less to found any sharks in that area. A sharks range is really big when they are in the months that are in the warm summer. That is when the waters will start to get warm for the sharks to swim in. These animals will also be seen in the far south of the southern coast of Australia and they can also be far from the north from the Canadian- U.S. border. There are more sharks to survive only in salt water. But there are some species that would rather swim in salt or in fresh waters to. The great white shark can be seen in Coastal waters that can be found in every major ocean but the great white will mostly often be seen in Australia, South Africa, California and they can also be found somewhere around Mexico. The great white shark can be adapted to life on the wide range of the aquatic habitats that are various of temperature but there are some species that can be inhabit in shallow, coastal areas. There are other species that can be spotted in really deep waters. That can be found in the ocean floors and they can also be found in open oceans to. The other types of sharks that can be seen in salt and in fresh waters and the deltas are the usually the bull sharks that are more common to be seen in these waters. The great white shark can be seen in warm temperate waters. There are a few of them that have been seen in cold waters to that can be off the coast of Iceland, Noca Scotia and they can also be swimming around South Australia. The great white shark can be found in favor temperate waters all over the world that is on the side of coastlines. These animals will also be found in tropical waters and in sub- tropical waters. The great white shark can be found on every ocean region in the world that has cold water. These animals can be found off the coast of the United States, Australia and of South Africa. The great white shark can be found places that are near the shore that have more temperate (that is not very hot and that is not very cold). That can be found on every single coastline in all over the world. Great white sharks have been seen off the coastlines of California to Alaska. They can also be found on the east coast of the United States and there are most of them that are living in the Gulf coast and on Hawaii. There are also most of these sharks off the coast of South America, South Africa, and on the Australia. But great whites cannot be seen in the north coast of
  • 4. Australia. The other places that they can also be seen are in New Zealand. When they are in this area then they will normally be seen in the Mediterranean Sea. They can also be seen in West Africa to Scandinavia. They can also be seen in Japan and in the east coastlines of China and in the South Russia. Sharks can be found in coastal waters that can be in the deepest part of the ocean. There are some species that will live near rivers. This deadly predator can be found on every ocean in the world. There are some great whites that can weigh more than 4,500 pounds (2,000 kilograms). The average size for a great white shark is 12 to 16 feet long (3.7-4.9m) long. The largest size that has ever been recorded for the great white shark was 23 feet (7 m) long. These animals can weigh about 7,000 pounds (3200 kg). The females are much biggerthan the males are. The length of a great white shark is 3 to 6m. They can also weigh about 1200 kg. That is there average size and their weight. The great white shark will also weigh about 5,000 lbs. (2.268kg). The great white shark can grow about 8m long and they can also weight about 2,000kg. The length of the great white shark is 20-26ft (6-8m).These animals can weigh 2,000ft (4,400 lb.) and even more. The length of these animals can also be 6 meters (20 feet) and they can weigh about 2,000 kilograms (4,000 pounds), the great white shark is known to be the world’s biggest shark. The length of the great white shark is 20-26ft (6-8m). These animals can also weight about 2,000kg (4,400 lb.) and even more. The biggest great white shark that has ever been discovered was 23 feet long and they can even weight about 7,000 pounds. These animals have really rough skin they use this to protect them. It is like suit of armor. The average size for a great white shark is 4.3-5.5m (14-18ft). The other biggest size for a great white shark that has been recorded that was off the coast of Cuba and that was 6.4m (21 ft.). The average weigh for a great white shark is 680-1.800kg (1.500-4.000 lb.) These animals can also grow about 15 ft. (4.6m) to they can even grow more as 20ft (6 m). These animals can weigh about 5.000lbs (2,268 kg) or even more. The smallest species of shark can be big as 7 inches and the biggest species of shark can be big as 50 feet long. The great white shark can also grow about 20ft (6m). There are some species of shark that can grow about 4-46ft (1.3-14m). No one activity knows how long a great white shark activity can live for but some say that they can live about 30 to 40 years. There is no one that knows how long a great white shark will activity live for.Some say that they can life until they are 100 years old but this has not been proven yet. Sharks have really good sense that can help them to find their prey. There are so many predators on this planet that can find a way to locate their prey and that knows how to track it down then a shark can. They can also find their prey in murky water or in places that can be dark to see them. But that does not stop a shark for finding its next meal. This can alsobe a way for the shark to figure out that the prey is hurt or not. They can also use their senses to find a prey that can be hiding in the sand. Lots of people think that sharks are stupid eating machines but these animals are really sensitive to everything that is going on in the water. That is going on around them. These animals
  • 5. can react really fast to the information that their senses that has bought to them. Sharks have really good sense of smell this can also help the shark to detect blood that can be somewhere in the water. They can even smell blood over miles away from where they are. These sharks can also use their vision to find their next meal to. These animals can locate blood over seven miles away. These animals can use their senses to pick up the animal's sound and their movement that is going on in the water that can be over hundreds of feet away. When they get closer to their prey then they will use their eyes to find it. They will also use their sense of smell to find their prey to. They can smell over a mile away. They can do this by following the trail of blood that can be floating in the water. The great white shark can smell a drop of blood in 25 gal (100 L.) of water and they can also sense a really small amount of blood in the water to it might be 3 miles (5 km) away from where they are located at. Sharks will normally use their sense of smell so that they can follow the electric charges. They will also use their sense to find changes in the water pressure, the senses that are really less important are their sight and their sense of hearing. These are the types of sense that some sharks do not use that often and that is their sight and their hearing. A great white shark can smell a drop of blood over 25 gallons (100 liters) of water. Sharks do not use their nostrils for breathing they will only use it for smelling things that can be found in the ocean. The only way that a shark can breathe is by using their gills. Sharks also have an extra sense that can help them to catch their prey. This sense can help the shark to detect electromagnetic fields which happens to be the movement of the animal. This sense can find electrical discharges that can somewhere in the water that can be done by the series of jelly canals this called ampullae of Lorenzini This can help the shark to sense the really small electrical fields can generate all different types of animals that can be in an area. Like for example their muscle contractions can also cause themselves to find any magnetic fields. Lots of sharks will sometimes use navigation for finding their prey to. The front of the sharks head is called a snout. It look likes the same as an human nose. The ampulla of lorenzini is located on the snout that can be really sensitive and this can also help the shark to find the electrical fields so that they can find the animals movements. This sense can also help the shark to find animals that can be found in the water. This can also help animals that are hiding from them. In a sharks mouth they have the most powerful jaws on the planet but these jaws are a lot different than any other animal because both the upper and lower jaw both move. Every species of shark has their own shaped teeth on what kind of teeth will really depends on their diet. A shark's teeth may grow over 20,000 teeth in a shark’s mouth that will take a shark a really long time to have that many teeth. Sharks will never run out of new teeth. If one of their teeth is lost then another teeth will start to come forward so that they willnew teeth can be replace with the old teeth. When sharks bite with their lower jaw. That will be the first thing that the shark will do when they are catching their prey. Then they will start to toss their head back and forth so that they can tear their prey into pieces so that they
  • 6. can swallow it whole. The great white shark is the only shark that will usually go up to the surface and then they will also stick their head out of the water. Nobody knows why they do that maybe because so that they can get a better view so that they can see their prey better like sea lions. Scientists can easilytill the teeth ofa great white shark. They can till by their upper teeth that are known to be big, broad and they also have a triangular shape and the lower teeth have a slightly more slender kind of teeth. On a shark's teeth there are serrated on their teeth. Just like any other species of shark their teeth will start to get loose and then when it falls out then they will be replaced by new teeth. A great white shark will have 300 teeth in their mouth that can be in the number of rows that can be found on top jaws and on the bottom jaws. Teeth of a shark can be really big and some of them can be really small, some are sharp and blunt, there are other shark teeth that can be jagged or smooth. Their teeth are shaped to adapt the kind of food that they eat. The flat teeth are used for catching snails, crabs and sea urchins. The jagged are used to chew bigger animals. Sharks jaws will only get loose to connect to the animals skull so that they can open their mouth wide so that they can swallow the bigger prey. Every species of shark has rows and rows of teeth that can be located outside of their mouth. They also have teeth that can be found on the outside of the main teeth. This will allow the shark to break off the replaced teeth. The teeth of a shark can be unattached to the jaws and they can also be retractable just like cat claws are. The teeth will start to move into a place where the jaws are open. Sharks will normally grow new rows of teeth. The teeth are in flesh in the rather that will attached to the jaw. The jaws will be replaced for every eight days. A shark will normally will lose about 30,000 teeth through out of their entire life. There are most great white sharks that are not fatal. There have been 1/2 to 1/3 sharks that had attacked people. There are only about 30 to 50 great white sharks that had killed about 10 to 15 people. Not every shark in the sea is not fierce carnivores. There are some sharks that can be really harmless but the harmless sharks are mostly the bigger sharks Those sharks happen to be the basking shark, the whale shark and the megamouth shark all of these sharks are made for this description. These really big animals will normally eat plankton. Plankton is a little shrimp like animal that can be found in the bound of the ocean. To do that then they will have to pen their mouth really wide and they will also have to swim forward so that they can catch the plankton. These animals have something special inside of them that is called Gill rakers this is located on the back of their throat. So that they can strain the really small animals that can be found somewhere around the ocean. Sharks are some type of fish. Sharks are just like any other fish in the ocean. Sharks close relatives are really the rays, skates, guitarfish and they are also relative to the sawfish. Sharks and their relatives all have the same features that any other fish have which are fins, they live in the water, and they will also breathe by using their gills. Every shark species all do not have eyelids but there are some shark species that have three eyelids that is in their eyes. Sharks also have a lower and upper jaw just like we do. The third eyelids
  • 7. that they use are usually used to protect their eyes when they are swimming in the water. Sharks can breathe the same way as any other fish species. These animals have gills because so that they can get some air. To do this the shark will have to draw water insideof their mouth and they will also let the water out of the gills. All through attacks by great white sharks on humans are really documented. These attacks usually never happen most often. Shark attacks on humans are really rare. This is rare because great white sharks usually find humans do not taste really good. When a shark does attack a person it would probably be mistaken for something else like a seal or sea lion. Shark attacks are known to be really rare on humans but there are some species that happen to be really dangerous to humans. The sharks that are known to attack a person are great white shark, tiger shark, and the bull shark. The most common place where sharks can easily attack people are in locations that are in the United States. There are some species of fish that will only have one gill that is open so that the water can come out. Sharks will usually have five gills open but there are some species of fish that will have six or seven gills. When the water passes over the gills then it will come in contact with really small blood vessels. A shark’s skin is made out of all different series of scales this will act like an outer skeleton. They do that so it will be easy for them to move and so that they can save energy when they are in the water. On the upper side of the shark there is a dark side on them that can help them to blend into the water for when they are on top of the water. These animals also have a underside on them to and it is white and they also have lighter color too. This also helps them to blend in when they are in lighter areas in the ocean when they are at the bottom of the sea. This will help them to hide from predators and from prey Sharks are a kind of fish that does not have any bones. These animals only have a cartilage. Sharks do not usually attack people there are only 25 sharks that have been known to attack people. Sharks had killed about 100 people in a year. There are a lot of people that have been killed by bees and lighting way often then getting killed by a shark. The other dangerous shark in the world is the oceanic white tip shark. There are some species of shark like the great white shark or maybe the gray reef shark can be really aggressive when they are ready to attack then they will start to throw their prey and then they will throw it around their head. Then they will throw in to their mouths but to do this skill then they will have to be in a really good position so that they can take a really big bite out of their prey. They will use their tails as for a more acute that is probably for a preparation so that they can chase their prey. The most sharks that has done the most human kills is the bull shark. That is because bull sharks live near shallow water that is a real good common place where people swim in and these sharks can be really plentiful sharks but there are other sharks that have been known to attack a human that will also include the gray shark, blue shark, the hammerhead shark, mako shark, the nurse shark, the lemon shark, blacktip reef sharks, wobble gongs, the sand tiger shark, spitting shark and the porbeagle shark. When a shark is swimming then they are moving like they are flying in
  • 8. the water. There are some species that will swim fast like (40 mph or 64.4kph. The predators that live in open water then those sharks will swim really slow that can be located in the bottom dwells that is when they are eating shells and fish but there are some slow swimmers and they will also feed on the tiny animals and the plants. Sharks are really different than any other fish because they cannot stop themselves from swimming and these animals cannot swim backwards to. The shark’s pectoral fins cannot bend upwards like other fish can. Sharks most always swim on their sides so that they do not bump into anything. It is not easy for them to stop swimming. There are some species of shark that can swim by propelling themselves through the water they can do this by using their tail. The fins are used to keep the shark balance. Just like other species of shark like (the whale shark). Their bodies can help them to propel from side to side this can help them swim through the water. Sharks never stop swimming because then they will drown. All of these sharks had also attacked humans to. Sharks are really different than any other of the bony fish that are in this animal group. Some scientist say when a male great white grows into a really big size then they will be turned into a female. The eggs will be fertilized inside the female’s body. The males haveclasper that is on their extensions that can be located on their Pelvic fin they will use this so that they can connect their sperm to the female and that is how the females can fertilize their eggs. There are lots of sharks that will usually give birth to life young but there are some species of shark that will have their eggs and they will normally hatch later on. The gestation period for a shark is known to be as two years long but the dogfish shark has the longest gestation period then all of the sharks that are in the ocean. The sharks gestation period will usually work when the baby will spend their time inside the female until they are ready to be born. Baby sharks are usually called pups. They will usually be born when they have a full mouth of teeth and when they are ready to take care of themselves. Then when they are born then they will start swimming away really fast . They will also swim away from their own mothers who might even try to eat them. A female shark can have a litter of one to two pups (This is litter for a great white shark) but for other shark species like the blue and the whale shark they have the total of 100 pups in a litter. There are lots of different sharks in this world which means that sharks come into the world in so many different ways to. Some sharks will lay eggs just like birds do. Eggs that are usually being hatched inside the mother’s body until they are read to be born. Baby sharks will grow inside their mothers just like what humans do. Female sharks will usually have 1 to 100 babies at a time. This also depends on the type of shark. The sharks that have their pups are usually growing inside of them then they will have only a few babies at a time. Then the sharks will lay eggs that will laid outside of the mother’s body. Shark mothers do not usually take care of their offspring or when they are born but when they are ready to have their babies then the mother will start to look for a safe place for her to lay her eggs and to give birth. The mating season for a shark it really depends on the species. The gestation period can be 2 months or to
  • 9. 2 years it depends on the species. There are some species that can lay eggs and there some sharks that will have their young that will be covered with really thin membrane and there are other species that will give birth to live young. The Number of the babies it really depends on what type of shark but there are some sharks that can have 1 to 2 pups and they can even have even more like 100 eggs or pups. After the pups are born then they will start to swim away so that they can take care of themselves. These babies will be born with a mouth with filled withteeth andthen they are able to take care of themselves then that is when they are ready to go on their own way. There are most sharks that are usually born alive. They will start to move away from their mothers in fully formed then they are ready to go on their hunt for themselves. The number of litters for a baby shark really depends on the type of species like for example the tiger shark will have 80 babies in a littler and the nurse shark will normally have 20 to 30 babies in a littler at a time. There are only a few of the shark species that would activity have eggs instead on having their babies born alive. A shark’s egg will usually have strings that can be located on them. Seaweed or coral will also be placed around the egg so that they do not float away from a current. Shark babies can be really independent when they are born. When a great white shark is about to be born then they will start to swim alone with dozen of their siblings. When these babies are away from their mothers will usually swim immediately away from their mothers when they are born. The baby sharks will be out on their own the moment that they are born. When they do come out into the open ocean then their mother will only see her babies as prey. When they are born then the baby shark will be big as 5 feet (1.5 meters) long that is when they are start to be before they are adults. A great white shark may grow about three times better than any other animal that can live their life on the top of the oceans food chain. But before they are bigger than the pup must watch out from predators that might be bigger than they are that will also include on other great white sharks. The first time the babies are out on their own then they will not be able to survive on their own for the first time in their lives. The first foods that the babies will start to eat are fish and they will also eat other sharks. The other foods that a baby shark will eat are rays. When they start to grow then the shark will start to go after bigger animals like sea mammals like sea lions and seals. Shark pups will usually have to hunt all by their selves and some of them mostly die before they even start their first hunt and before they are fully grown. There is a not lot of information about how sharks There are lots of sharks that will give birth to healthy developed babies but there are seven species of shark like the dogfish will usually lay eggs. The eggs will protected in a really hard, horny egg cases. On every corner of the egg has a really long and curly tendril that can be found on every corner of the case that is covered with seaweed so that it can be fixed for safely so that the eggs will not be floating away by a current. The eggs will be ready to hatch after six or to nine months. Great white sharks can also have 10 to 14 pups in a littler. People are killing thousands of sharks every year because for sport and for food. The sharksskins are
  • 10. used to make products out of that because they are making their skins for leather. But in the year of the 1950's then people have been killing sharks for their livers so that they can make vitamins. Shark fin soup and shark steaks are both being eaten in lots of different countries. Sharks and people have never been friends. There is no other animal that people fear most then sharks. That is because of the horror stories that have been told about shark attacks. They will also get these stories from movies and from books. That makes people think that there is a big shark that is waiting to bite any swimmer that step into the ocean. But there are some facts about sharks that are different. Like for one thing is that people are not getting attacked by sharks more often and there are most people that are being attacked but they are not getting killed. It looks like sharks do not enjoy the taste of humans. But if they do bite a human then they will usually swim away after taking one bite. But there are lots of people that are killing sharks and millions of them are getting killed in every year. For a long time people have been killing sharks for food, fertilizer and for other things. The great white shark is getting caught by fisherman. Fishermen are not just catching great whites they are also catching all different species of sharks. People are killing millions of sharks for food, fertilizer and other products that humans use. People have been killing these animals for a year now. But there are some species that are known to be threatened and there are some that are not. The future for these ancient hunters is starting to be really good. But people have to remember that people are more dangerous to sharks then sharks are to people. Great white sharks may not have a lot of predators to look out for but the most dangerous threat to any shark is humans. There are a lot of people that are killing the great white for so many reasons and one of them is that people are killing them so that they can make meat out of them. These threats by great white sharks are being caused by humans. All of these threats are causing the great white shark population to decrease which is making the great white shark a threatened species today. The biggest species of shark’s numbers are decreasing in numbers from all over the world that is because people are hunting them. The great white shark, the Basking shark and the whale shark are all waning. But there are some places where the great white shark is being protected and these places are off the coast of California and on South Africa. It is really possible that there is so many sharks are being killed yearly that is due for illegal and unrecorded. There are 73 millions of sharks that are being killed every year because of finning alone. This is when people are cutting off the shark's fins. The people do not kill the shark they will usually cut off their fins when they are alive and then they will throw the body back into the sea. Then this is when the sharks start to breed to death and they will also start to drown. People will use the shark’s fins to make shark fin soup. This is known for a traditional Asian delicacy. Right before people used sandpaper. People will activity use really rough shark skin do that it. They can also use this to make wood smooth and it can also be used to polish the wood to. The warriors that live in Japan are all wrapped in shark skin right around the handles of their swords
  • 11. so that they can keep it from slipping off of their hands. The Indian that live in Florida will usually use sharp and hard teeth that are from great white sharks. They willuse their teeth to make arrowheads. The natives that live in lots of different islands that are near the Pacific Ocean. They will also use sharks teeth to make harpoons and alsoto make weapons out of. The meats that are made out of sharks can be really tasty and every person in the world loves it. The fish that people put in England’s fish and chips are activity made out of shark meat. There are some Asian countries that have really interesting dishes that are made out of raw shark meat. The denticles that are on shark skin can be removed off of their skin. The shark’s denticles are made out of really strong leather. Shoes that are made outof sharks can last as long as four times longer than the rather leather that we usually use. Every single shark in the sea plays a really important role for our oceans ecosystem. Without these animals then the other animals populations will start to be increase of the tremendous of emotions of the oceans food chain. The only way to save these animals is to learn a lot about them. There are about 5 species of shark that are extinct now. Those sharks are is the Cladoselaced this shark is known for being the first complete shark fossil. Their fossil has been found in the late Devonian. The other extinct shark is the stethacanthus this shark is a weird looking shark that has a brushy like denticies that can be found all around its head and it can also be found on the parged protrusion which is on the back of their head. The other extinct shark is called the Orhacanthus this shark is a really old fresh-water shark that had a really long spine growing from the back of their skull. This shark also had a really long dorsal fin which can reallygrow all the way down the sharks back. These sharks lived in 280 million years ago. These sharks are from the Pennsylvanian period it can also be called the Permian period. These sharks were even around right before the dinosaurs were evolved. The other shark that is extinct is anreally old shark that is called the Hybodus this shark was in the Carboniferous period. This shark went extinct during the really big K-T mass which they were extinct like about 65 million years ago that was when the dinosaurs start to die out. On these animals they have fin spines, an anal fin which can grow about 7.5 feet (2.5 m) long. The last extinct shark is the Megalodon shark. This shark isan really old meat-eating shark. This shark lived about 5- 1.6 million years ago. This shark is now extinct now. The size of this shark was about 40 feet (12 m) long. But this is just only the estimate that the fossil teeth that have been discovered. These sharks have the same teeth as the great white shark that can be almost as 3 times bigger. Sharks are really important animals because they help with the maintain of the balance of all the different types of fish and any other animal that can be found in the ocean. But there are in trouble today. There are more than 100 species of shark that are being threatened. The sharks that are threatened are the great white shark, hammerhead shark and the whale shark. Humans are the most dangerous threat to a shark. The spiny dogfish is one of the sharks that are known to live in the waters of Europe. There are so many of themthat are being catch for meat right now
  • 12. this is one of the species of shark that are endangered today. There are some sharks that are having trouble with breeding like the sand tiger shark these sharks will usually give birth to only two pups in every other year. This will also mean that there are some species that do not reproduce a lot of pups as they should. That is because they are getting replaced by being caught. Sharks will be sold as meat in the UK. The kind of meat that they will be is fish n chips which is salmon fish. All of the hammerhead shark species are all at risk. There are some species that are being catch for purpose alone with other fish. The most expensive fins in the world are activity shark fins. Sharks are really important to the eco system. We have to help this amazing fish that have been feared for about 100 of years but if you learn about sharks you will learn the more that you can understand them better them then to fear them. That way you will get to understand them better. Remember this is not just our ocean it is there home. So they have to hunt in order for them to stay alive and take really good care of the planet. I have learneda lot about sharks. I hope that you do to. That is what I know about all the species of shark.