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Customer: Saige Ferentinos
Animal: Penguins
Report by: Felicia Ferentinos
Penguins Report
Penguins are carnivores that means that they only eat meat. The animals that
they usually prey on are fish and squid. There are some species that will rather
eat smaller animals like krill. to help them to find their meal they will have to use
their good eyesight so that they can locate their prey. They can see really will
when they are underwater but when they come to the sunlight up in the surface.
Then their eyes will start to change their shape so that they can match with the
charging of the light. When they are swimming then they will usually chase their
prey and then they will start to snatch it in their bills. Then after that is over then
they will start to swallow the prey whole. The penguin also has a backward-
pointing spine. This spine really helps the penguin to hold on to slippery food
when they are swallowing them. Penguins will spend 75% of their time in water
looking for food. The penguins that eat in the Antarctic will know to eat krill and
squid. The penguins that eat fish they usually live in areas where it’s warmer.
Different species of penguins like to eat different types of food like the Adelie
penguin for example. These penguins like to eat krill. The blacked footed penguin
likes to eat fish so different species has there very own different types of food
that they enjoy. If there is a penguin that does not have a favorite food than they
will eat whatever kind of food that they can find. The emperor penguin will eat
about 30 pounds of food in one time. Penguins are really good swimmers they
can swim about 15 miles per hour. They can swim so much faster then any
human can. They can also be faster then a bottlenose dolphin. Lots of people
say that they see lots of people streaking around pools that are in aquarium. By
them using speed and agility then these birds can swim or dive so that they can
over take their prey. The emperor can dive really deep they can dive about 900
feet so that they can find big squids so that they can eat it. All species of
penguins all live in the southern Hemisphere (which means that they only live
south of the equator). These birds live in different types of climates which are to
warm and to cold. There are some penguins that live on predator free lands and
there are some that live on parts of a continent. The Emperor penguin is the only
one that lives on Antarctica. Penguins do not live at the North Pole. Every
penguin lives in the south of the equator. The places that penguins can be found
are on the South Pole, New Zealand, Southern of Australia, and South Africa and
on the coast of South America. There are some Antarctic-dwelling species can
swim thousands of miles before they have to reach waters that is hot. They
usually go to these places doing the winter. The only penguins that live in cold
areas are the Adelies and the emperors. These penguins never leave their cold
areas for a year long. All of the penguin species live near water icy waters like
the waters on Antarctica or on the tropical Galapagos Islands that is off of the
coast of the Ecuador that is at the south of the equator. These birds have tended
on islands and they also had remote on the landmasses that is relatively free
from any predators that live on land. There are some species will spend 75% of
their time in the water so that they can look for food so that they can stay alive.
Penguins can only be seen in the south half of the world. There are areas some
species that live in areas that are mild or the area has really hot weather but
most of them live farther south areas these places are the cold places. There are
some species that live on the thick ice that can be around Antarctica. These birds
can not fly so they will be a really easy meal for predators that live on land. The
penguins that live on islands and on coastlines these places only have a little bit
of predators in these lands. There are some penguins that will spend three-fourth
of their time in the water then on land. These penguins can even go out for even
month without going to the surface. Penguins will only come to the shore when
they are having babies are to go in the shield their old feathers. There are not a
lot of penguins that live in the south climates. Like the penguins that live on the
Galapagos that is near the equator. These penguins live near there because
they can survive the cold temperatures and they can also take the cold water that
is being brought to the islands that is by the ocean currents. Penguins can be
found on every single continent that is located at the south Hemisphere. The
places that are in the southern hemisphere are in the tropical Galapagos Islands
(The Galapagos penguins live here). This island is near South America and to
Antarctica (The emperor penguin lives in this part of the world). The blue penguin
it is also known as fairy penguin is the smallest species of penguin. It can grow
about 16 inches tall (, 41 m). They can weigh about 2.2 (1 kg) pounds. The
biggest penguin of the species is the emperor penguin they can grow about 3.7
feet (1.1 m) tall and they can weigh about between 60 to 90 pounds (27-41 kg).
The Emperor penguin can also grow about 3.7 feet (1.1 m). They can also weigh
about 65 pounds (30ft) that is like a little bit less then a half then an size of an
adult human. The size of a penguin can be big as 45 in (115 cm). They can
weigh about 88 lbs (40 kg). The emperor penguin can be big as four feet tall and
they can weigh about 65 to 85 pounds that is like the same size as human child.
The little blue penguin can be big as 14 to 16 inches tall and they can weigh
about two pounds. Some penguins can be big as two feet (.6m) tall and they can
weigh about ten pounds (5 kg.)The emperor penguins are really special because
of their size which is 4 feet (1.2 m) tall and they can weigh about 100 pounds (45
kg). The emperor penguin is known to be the biggest penguin in the world it can
stand about 112 cm (44in) tall. The smallest penguin of the species is the fairy
penguin and they can stand about 41 cm (16 in). The emperor penguin can
weigh about 27-41 kg (60-90 lbs). The fairy penguin is known to be the lightest of
all the penguins and they weigh about 1 kg (2.2 lbs). The emperor penguin can
stand about 4 foot to the height. The height of the little blue penguin is 16 inches
high. The emperor penguin can be about 4 feet and the fairy penguin can reach
about 16 inches. These birds can grow about 16-45 in (40 -115 cm). The
Emperor penguins normal size can be about 45 inches (115 centimeters in a
length). The Emperor penguin can also grow about 88 pounds and 40 inches tall.
The fairy penguin also known as the little blue penguin can be big as 16 to 17
inches tall and they can weigh about only 2 pounds. There are most species of
penguin that can live about 10 to 15 years. The Emperor penguin can live about
25 years. When they are in the wild then they can live about 15 to 20 years.
When they are in the wild. They can live for a long time when they are in
captivity. Penguins will made to live in the cold. To keep them warm they have
really warm coats that are called feathers. The feathers that are out are usually
the feathers that are tight together. These feathers are covered with really special
oil that the penguin will make inside of its body. Penguins will also preen their
feathers they can do this by running their bills along them so that they can clean
them and that will spread the oil. The oil that the feathers have usually keeps the
penguins waterproof and windproof. Under these outer feathers these birds have
a layer of warm, fluffy feathers that are called down. Under their skin they have
really thick layer of fat. This fat will keep these animals warm too. But there are
sometimes when the penguins gets too hot. When that happens then they will
start to fluff up their feathers so that the warm air will escape from the penguins
body. Penguins are black and while because their coat helps to avoid predators
that might want to eat them. Under the white belly is a difficult to distinguish from
the waters reflective surface. The penguins black back help it to camouflage in
the murky depths below. Penguins will usually preen their feathers meticulously
so that they can maintain insulation and to waterproof a gland so that their tails
will get oil into their feathers. This can help the bird to spread thoroughly when
they are preening their feathers. Penguins are warm-blooded animals just like us.
The body temperature for a penguin is 100 F. Our normal temperature is 98.6 F.
These birds can stay warm by the layer of insulation that can be located under
their skin. They have a really special fat that is called bubbler. This is covering
their skin with their feathers that is called down and they also have a really tight
packed layer that is out sight of their feathers this also helps them to stay warm
to. The penguin’s feathers do not stay forever. Lots of bird species have replaced
their feathers by molting, which in other words shedding the old feathers after the
old feathers are gone then they will start to be replaced with new feathers. To
molt the penguins need to be in really icy sea areas. They will only molt for just
one time. During this time this can take like a month to do. Then they will have to
stay out of the water. Penguins spend a lot of their time worrying about the
temperature because they are warm-blooded animals just like humans are. The
other body temperature of a penguin is 100 degrees F. Penguins often need to
stay warm in their really cold habitats. Another way for penguins to stay warm is
by them huddled to each other shoulders with their wings that is against their
body so that they can both keep each other warm. Penguins can keep 5,000
penguins together so that they can keep them warm. The Galapagos penguin
has a really different problem because these birds live in tropical weather that
can be way to hot for them. To help these penguins to stay cool then they will
have to spread out their wings and fluff out their feathers this can help these
penguins to stay the penguin is one of the birds who do not fly. But they are
really good jumpers they can jump over a meter. When these birds are not in the
water then the penguins will start to stand on their fat little legs. They may look
really awkward when they are walking. The reason why these animals waddle
because they have really small feet that are to far apart from their bodies. When
the penguin gets really tried from waddling then they will start to plop down on
their bellies if only the ground is icy. This is called tobogganing. in other words
this is also called sliding on their bellies. Sliding is so much easier then wadding.
Penguins are really different birds because they have black and white feathers
and they can also walk funny. But most unlike any other birds they can not fly in
the air. Penguins spend most of their time in the water because that is the place
where their food is located in is in the ocean. When they are in the water then
they will dive and they will also flap their wings. It kind a looks like they are flying
but in the water. A penguin is shaped like a torpedo. They were made to swim
really fast they can swim about 15 miles per hour. The penguin’s body is
streamlined and that is how they are design for swimming. These birds can use
their wings as flippers so that they can swim though the ocean. The penguins
webbed feet acts like paddles this helps them to float when they are on the
surface and it also helps with rudders for when they are steering when these
birds are underwater. These birds have really heavy bones their bones help them
to stay under the water when they are swimming. When these birds are in the
water then these birds can be sleek and they can also be really fast to. To help
them with their swimming penguins will use their powerful wings as flippers.
When they are moving with their wings in the water it kind a looks like they are
flying in the water. The feet on a penguin have webs on their skin that is between
their toes. The penguins webbed feet and their tails help them to steer when they
are swimming. There are times when penguins will also leap out of the water
when they are swimming. This skill is called proposing. People call this because
porpoise will also do this skill too. There are some species of penguin that will
often swim like that. There are some species that will only do that when they feel
like they are in danger. There are sometimes use this to get out of the water fast.
To do this they will have to swim really fast and then they will have to shoot
themselves right out of the water and into the ice or onto rocks. Penguins are a
really good food source for lots of different marine mammals like the leopard
seal. These animals can hunt these birds by going under the ice flows and then
they will wait for their prey to come to them. The other predators that the
penguins face are sea lions and killer whales. Penguins can not do anything
without any protection. They can protect themselves by using their white bellies
to help them to camouflage with the snow and with the sunlight so that they can
make it harder for the predator to find them. These birds can be hunted with
different types of birds. Some of the birds that hunt them are the Australian sea
eagle and the Skua. On the back of the penguin they have a black color feathers
that can help them to blend in into the darkness of the water of the ocean. This
comes in handy because then it will be really hard to see them from above.
Penguins also have land predators to and those predators are ferrets, cats,
snakes, lizards, foxes and rats. Penguins face lots of deadly predators like
sharks, sea lions and killer whales these animals really enjoy eating penguins.
But the worst ocean predator that the penguins face is a really deadly animal that
is called the leopard seal. These seals can swim really fast and they can catch
any penguin that is not careful. There are some species of animals who like to
eat penguin eggs and their young to. These predators are snakes, lizards, foxes,
and seabirds like the skuas. When the mating season comes then they will go to
a special nesting area that can be located on the shore. The area where the
penguin mates make a nest and raising their chick these areas are called
rookery. When penguins are ready to have babies then the male penguin will
start to stand with his back arched and his wings stretched. Then he will make a
really loud call and struts this can help them to attract a female. When the male
and female have found each other then they will start to bond with each other
they can do this by touching their necks and slapping each other on the back of
their flippers. They can also sing to each other so that they can learn have to
know each others voices. When they do find a mate then they will usually stay
together for about a year or until they have chicks. Penguins usually come to the
surface so that they can mate and so that they can have their babies. There are
most penguins that will lay their eggs on a simple nest that is made out of their
feathers, grass, or even pile of rocks. The African, Humboldt, Magellanic,
Galapagos and the little blue penguin are the only species that will lay their eggs
in burrows. These penguins will use their beaks to dig up a burrow. Penguins
always return to the same nesting area. Penguins will usually lay only one or two
eggs. Both of the parents are both keeping the eggs warm. They will take turns
for looking after the eggs. They will continue to look after them until 2 months.
Penguins will usually keep their eggs during the incubation period. When it is
time for the eggs to hatch then it will start to chip its way out of the egg shell they
can do this by using their egg tooth that is located on the end of the babies beak.
Penguins often have babies in colonies. The males and the females both take
turns on taking care of the one or two eggs that are usually laid per season.
When the eggs parents are out looking for food then the guarded parent will
watch over the egg. They can do this by putting the egg in between the top of it's
feet and thick skin that can hang from their belly so that they can keep the egg
warm. There are most penguins that can build a nest like the other bird species
and they will usually lay two eggs in a year. The Emperor and king penguin can
carry their eggs between their feet. When it is time for the eggs to hatch then the
mother and the father will take turns on looking after the baby or looking for food.
They can carry their chicks by using their toes. When the weather starts to get
cold then the eggs and the chicks will be covered with flap of skin that can help
keep them warm even when the temperature drops from 80 degrees below zero
(Fahrenheit). When it is time for them to mate then the penguins will go on the
shore so that they can make their nests. There are so many different types of
species have there own different ways on making nests and finding a good place
to make a nest. There are some species that make really big nests locations and
that is called rookeries. There are some of these nests in really snowy ice lands.
There are other penguins that can build a nest on rocky cliffs. In the rookery
every female can lay her egg in many cases. There are some species that can
make their nests out of stones or grass. Only the Emperor and king penguin are
the only penguins that can only lay one egg and these are the only species that
don't make nests at all. There is a other way that these penguins can keep their
eggs warm and protected. They can balance the egg on their feet. They can do
this by using their thick folded featherless skin so that they can cover the egg so
that it can stay warm. The male emperor penguin will continue to keep the egg
warm until about a week or for a while because the female went out into the
ocean so that she can get food. When it is almost time for the egg to hatch then
the female will come back to the breeding grounds and she will take the fathers
place so that he can finally go out to find something to eat. When the eggs are
about to be hatched then the baby chick will start to break through the egg shell.
They have to open it without any help from their parents. To open the shell they
will use a really special egg tooth this can help them to chip and to peck their way
out of the shell. It may take about 3 days for the baby to active break free from
the egg. When they first come out of the egg. They do not look like their parents.
That is because they are covered with soft, fluffy down. To help keep them warm
then the chick will be have to go under their parents feathers. These babies can
eat food that is stored inside of their parents. The chick will be able to find the
food by sticking their heads deep inside of the parent’s mouths. Sometimes when
the parents are out in the ocean looking for food then the chick will usually stay
together in a nursery. In a really big rookery of penguins they will have to find
each other and they will also have to find their chicks to. To find each other
penguins will usually call each other and they will have to know each others call.
These sounds can be heard from thousands of birds. Baby penguins can grow
really fast. That is the time when they will start to learn how to waddle. They will
also start to lose their fluffy down and then they will start to grow their adult
feathers. The feathers that will start to grow into waterproof feathers, when this
happens then the younger will start to go into the ocean so that they will can
learn how to swim. After they learn how to swim then that will be the time when
they will start to look out for themselves and to start to look for food for their own.
When a new penguin has come out of the egg then the parents will help the chick
to stay warm. Each parent will take turns on staying with the baby and then the
other parent will go out to the ocean to find food. The chicks that are lot older will
stay in a kindergarten group when their parents are feeding. That will leave these
chicks in a group that will need lots of protection from predators and from the
cold. Baby penguins have really fluffy feathers that can trap heat and that can
also help them to keep themselves warm. When they start to get older then the
feathers will start to be replaced by adult feathers. This will take about seven to
ten weeks. The feathers that they are going to get are waterproof that means that
these feathers do not dry when they come out of the water. Even the chick’s
feathers are not waterproof like the adult feathers so that means that these
penguin chicks are not allow to go in the water until they have grown their adult
feathers. The moment that the egg is laid. A female penguin will lay about one or
two eggs at a time. Then after the eggs are in place then the female will go out
into the sea so that she can look for food in the mean time the male will watch
over the egg until she comes back. When the female does return to the breeding
grounds (Which will normally take about two weeks for the female to come back
to the nest). When the female does come back then it will be the males turn to
look for food so that he can leave the female alone with the baby. When the baby
is out of the egg then they will start to make a contact call to their parents when
they go out to hunt. When the chick is strong enough to take care of their selves
then both of the parents will start to move up into the sea in the same time. In the
meantime when they do get older then they will start to stay in a group alone with
other chicks in the family. (it sort of looks like a daycare for baby penguin chicks).
When the parents come back to the family then they will start to make contact
calls so that they can call to their baby. The penguin breeding season starts in
the spring and in the summer. The king and emperor are the only penguins in the
species that can only lay just one egg but the other species can lay more then
two eggs. Scientists are saying that they maybe as 100 million penguins that are
still alive in the world today. Lots of penguin species life in remote areas. The
good news is that these birds are not being hunted or tapped this bird is being
protected by laws. The only big problem for penguins is that their ocean habitat is
getting destroyed. There are some species that starting to competing with
humans because they are taking away their fish and even pollution is starting to
be a really big problem for these birds that are living in the remote areas. In order
to save the penguin we have to do something to save our oceans. The reason
why it is so hard for penguins to find food all of because of pollution is wiping
away their homes. There are some penguin species that are doing really well but
there are other species that are not doing so well. Like the Galapagos penguins
are endangered just like any other ocean animals they all are facing lots of
different threats. The reason why these animals are in trouble because of oil
spills and people are throwing trash into the ocean. This is bad because when
people throw their trash in the ocean then when an animal wants to eat then the
garbage will be on their food and then when an animal eats it then it will get sick
and die. They are also being threatened in the water and even on land because
of Global warming. There are some species losing their nesting areas because
people are taking over their lands. But the good news is that people and
government all over the world are working on plans to help save these beautiful
penguins. In the early times when sailors did not know that they have been
known to eat penguins but they did not like the taste really good. Penguins were
endangered because sailors will kill them so that they can make meat so that
they can eat them during very long ocean voyages. Sailors have also been
known to eat penguin eggs to. Sailors can also sometimes gather thousands of
penguins in one colony. In the year of 1800s. People have been killing penguins
for bubbler people will use this to make boiled so that they can make oil out of it.
These birds do not get killed like this anymore. But there is a much bigger
problem for the penguins and that is their habitats because people are taking
over these birds homes. They are clearing up their land so that they can make
room for homes and farms. This has caused lot of problems for the penguins
homes because then their will be no room for the penguins to lay their eggs. The
domestic animals like cats, dogs, and cattle will sometimes attack penguins.
These animals also have destroyed their nests. People are disturbing penguins
when they are at sea looking for food. Another big problem for these birds is that
human population is growing and that means that they are taking a lot of the
penguins food which are fish, squid and krill and all the other food that they eat.
These birds are also getting trapped by fishing nets. These nets will also kill them
to. These birds are also in trouble because of tankers they are a problem
because they are the ones that are causing oil spills. Penguins have to go in the
polluted water if they do not go in the water then they will starve. If the penguin
does go in the water then they will be covered with oil. That is bad because those
waters are poison so if a penguin goes into the water then they will start to get
cold and they will also die. That is because their feathers can not insulate them
as much. There are people that are causing lots of problems for these birds and
there are other people that are trying to fix these problems. In some areas of the
world they are starting to replace plants so that they can help their nesting sites.
People are also making protected areas for penguins. The tanker spill is being
taking care of to because there are volunteers are rushing to help rescue the
penguins that are being covered with oil. Scientists were trying to figure this out
like international penguin conference are starting to share the new things that
they have learned about penguins and they are trying to find ways so that these
birds can be safe from humans. The penguin is a cute, tottering and they also
have really good looking black- white colored feathers. We have learned that
these beautiful birds are on this planet for a reason. Just like we are. They are
taking their place in the circle of life. We must find away to save these birds from
extinction. Remember penguins are people to. Remember think before you do
stuff because you just might hurt someone else. This is not just our planet it is
also their planet to. Together we can save the penguin and other endangered
birds that are out there. Remember these animals can not live without you. That
is what I know about penguins.

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Penguin report

  • 1. Customer: Saige Ferentinos Animal: Penguins Report by: Felicia Ferentinos Penguins Report ________________________________________________________________ Penguins are carnivores that means that they only eat meat. The animals that they usually prey on are fish and squid. There are some species that will rather eat smaller animals like krill. to help them to find their meal they will have to use their good eyesight so that they can locate their prey. They can see really will when they are underwater but when they come to the sunlight up in the surface. Then their eyes will start to change their shape so that they can match with the charging of the light. When they are swimming then they will usually chase their prey and then they will start to snatch it in their bills. Then after that is over then they will start to swallow the prey whole. The penguin also has a backward- pointing spine. This spine really helps the penguin to hold on to slippery food when they are swallowing them. Penguins will spend 75% of their time in water looking for food. The penguins that eat in the Antarctic will know to eat krill and squid. The penguins that eat fish they usually live in areas where it’s warmer. Different species of penguins like to eat different types of food like the Adelie penguin for example. These penguins like to eat krill. The blacked footed penguin likes to eat fish so different species has there very own different types of food that they enjoy. If there is a penguin that does not have a favorite food than they will eat whatever kind of food that they can find. The emperor penguin will eat about 30 pounds of food in one time. Penguins are really good swimmers they can swim about 15 miles per hour. They can swim so much faster then any human can. They can also be faster then a bottlenose dolphin. Lots of people say that they see lots of people streaking around pools that are in aquarium. By them using speed and agility then these birds can swim or dive so that they can over take their prey. The emperor can dive really deep they can dive about 900 feet so that they can find big squids so that they can eat it. All species of penguins all live in the southern Hemisphere (which means that they only live south of the equator). These birds live in different types of climates which are to warm and to cold. There are some penguins that live on predator free lands and there are some that live on parts of a continent. The Emperor penguin is the only one that lives on Antarctica. Penguins do not live at the North Pole. Every penguin lives in the south of the equator. The places that penguins can be found are on the South Pole, New Zealand, Southern of Australia, and South Africa and on the coast of South America. There are some Antarctic-dwelling species can swim thousands of miles before they have to reach waters that is hot. They usually go to these places doing the winter. The only penguins that live in cold areas are the Adelies and the emperors. These penguins never leave their cold areas for a year long. All of the penguin species live near water icy waters like the waters on Antarctica or on the tropical Galapagos Islands that is off of the coast of the Ecuador that is at the south of the equator. These birds have tended on islands and they also had remote on the landmasses that is relatively free
  • 2. from any predators that live on land. There are some species will spend 75% of their time in the water so that they can look for food so that they can stay alive. Penguins can only be seen in the south half of the world. There are areas some species that live in areas that are mild or the area has really hot weather but most of them live farther south areas these places are the cold places. There are some species that live on the thick ice that can be around Antarctica. These birds can not fly so they will be a really easy meal for predators that live on land. The penguins that live on islands and on coastlines these places only have a little bit of predators in these lands. There are some penguins that will spend three-fourth of their time in the water then on land. These penguins can even go out for even month without going to the surface. Penguins will only come to the shore when they are having babies are to go in the shield their old feathers. There are not a lot of penguins that live in the south climates. Like the penguins that live on the Galapagos that is near the equator. These penguins live near there because they can survive the cold temperatures and they can also take the cold water that is being brought to the islands that is by the ocean currents. Penguins can be found on every single continent that is located at the south Hemisphere. The places that are in the southern hemisphere are in the tropical Galapagos Islands (The Galapagos penguins live here). This island is near South America and to Antarctica (The emperor penguin lives in this part of the world). The blue penguin it is also known as fairy penguin is the smallest species of penguin. It can grow about 16 inches tall (, 41 m). They can weigh about 2.2 (1 kg) pounds. The biggest penguin of the species is the emperor penguin they can grow about 3.7 feet (1.1 m) tall and they can weigh about between 60 to 90 pounds (27-41 kg). The Emperor penguin can also grow about 3.7 feet (1.1 m). They can also weigh about 65 pounds (30ft) that is like a little bit less then a half then an size of an adult human. The size of a penguin can be big as 45 in (115 cm). They can weigh about 88 lbs (40 kg). The emperor penguin can be big as four feet tall and they can weigh about 65 to 85 pounds that is like the same size as human child. The little blue penguin can be big as 14 to 16 inches tall and they can weigh about two pounds. Some penguins can be big as two feet (.6m) tall and they can weigh about ten pounds (5 kg.)The emperor penguins are really special because of their size which is 4 feet (1.2 m) tall and they can weigh about 100 pounds (45 kg). The emperor penguin is known to be the biggest penguin in the world it can stand about 112 cm (44in) tall. The smallest penguin of the species is the fairy penguin and they can stand about 41 cm (16 in). The emperor penguin can weigh about 27-41 kg (60-90 lbs). The fairy penguin is known to be the lightest of all the penguins and they weigh about 1 kg (2.2 lbs). The emperor penguin can stand about 4 foot to the height. The height of the little blue penguin is 16 inches high. The emperor penguin can be about 4 feet and the fairy penguin can reach about 16 inches. These birds can grow about 16-45 in (40 -115 cm). The Emperor penguins normal size can be about 45 inches (115 centimeters in a length). The Emperor penguin can also grow about 88 pounds and 40 inches tall. The fairy penguin also known as the little blue penguin can be big as 16 to 17 inches tall and they can weigh about only 2 pounds. There are most species of penguin that can live about 10 to 15 years. The Emperor penguin can live about
  • 3. 25 years. When they are in the wild then they can live about 15 to 20 years. When they are in the wild. They can live for a long time when they are in captivity. Penguins will made to live in the cold. To keep them warm they have really warm coats that are called feathers. The feathers that are out are usually the feathers that are tight together. These feathers are covered with really special oil that the penguin will make inside of its body. Penguins will also preen their feathers they can do this by running their bills along them so that they can clean them and that will spread the oil. The oil that the feathers have usually keeps the penguins waterproof and windproof. Under these outer feathers these birds have a layer of warm, fluffy feathers that are called down. Under their skin they have really thick layer of fat. This fat will keep these animals warm too. But there are sometimes when the penguins gets too hot. When that happens then they will start to fluff up their feathers so that the warm air will escape from the penguins body. Penguins are black and while because their coat helps to avoid predators that might want to eat them. Under the white belly is a difficult to distinguish from the waters reflective surface. The penguins black back help it to camouflage in the murky depths below. Penguins will usually preen their feathers meticulously so that they can maintain insulation and to waterproof a gland so that their tails will get oil into their feathers. This can help the bird to spread thoroughly when they are preening their feathers. Penguins are warm-blooded animals just like us. The body temperature for a penguin is 100 F. Our normal temperature is 98.6 F. These birds can stay warm by the layer of insulation that can be located under their skin. They have a really special fat that is called bubbler. This is covering their skin with their feathers that is called down and they also have a really tight packed layer that is out sight of their feathers this also helps them to stay warm to. The penguin’s feathers do not stay forever. Lots of bird species have replaced their feathers by molting, which in other words shedding the old feathers after the old feathers are gone then they will start to be replaced with new feathers. To molt the penguins need to be in really icy sea areas. They will only molt for just one time. During this time this can take like a month to do. Then they will have to stay out of the water. Penguins spend a lot of their time worrying about the temperature because they are warm-blooded animals just like humans are. The other body temperature of a penguin is 100 degrees F. Penguins often need to stay warm in their really cold habitats. Another way for penguins to stay warm is by them huddled to each other shoulders with their wings that is against their body so that they can both keep each other warm. Penguins can keep 5,000 penguins together so that they can keep them warm. The Galapagos penguin has a really different problem because these birds live in tropical weather that can be way to hot for them. To help these penguins to stay cool then they will have to spread out their wings and fluff out their feathers this can help these penguins to stay the penguin is one of the birds who do not fly. But they are really good jumpers they can jump over a meter. When these birds are not in the water then the penguins will start to stand on their fat little legs. They may look really awkward when they are walking. The reason why these animals waddle because they have really small feet that are to far apart from their bodies. When the penguin gets really tried from waddling then they will start to plop down on
  • 4. their bellies if only the ground is icy. This is called tobogganing. in other words this is also called sliding on their bellies. Sliding is so much easier then wadding. Penguins are really different birds because they have black and white feathers and they can also walk funny. But most unlike any other birds they can not fly in the air. Penguins spend most of their time in the water because that is the place where their food is located in is in the ocean. When they are in the water then they will dive and they will also flap their wings. It kind a looks like they are flying but in the water. A penguin is shaped like a torpedo. They were made to swim really fast they can swim about 15 miles per hour. The penguin’s body is streamlined and that is how they are design for swimming. These birds can use their wings as flippers so that they can swim though the ocean. The penguins webbed feet acts like paddles this helps them to float when they are on the surface and it also helps with rudders for when they are steering when these birds are underwater. These birds have really heavy bones their bones help them to stay under the water when they are swimming. When these birds are in the water then these birds can be sleek and they can also be really fast to. To help them with their swimming penguins will use their powerful wings as flippers. When they are moving with their wings in the water it kind a looks like they are flying in the water. The feet on a penguin have webs on their skin that is between their toes. The penguins webbed feet and their tails help them to steer when they are swimming. There are times when penguins will also leap out of the water when they are swimming. This skill is called proposing. People call this because porpoise will also do this skill too. There are some species of penguin that will often swim like that. There are some species that will only do that when they feel like they are in danger. There are sometimes use this to get out of the water fast. To do this they will have to swim really fast and then they will have to shoot themselves right out of the water and into the ice or onto rocks. Penguins are a really good food source for lots of different marine mammals like the leopard seal. These animals can hunt these birds by going under the ice flows and then they will wait for their prey to come to them. The other predators that the penguins face are sea lions and killer whales. Penguins can not do anything without any protection. They can protect themselves by using their white bellies to help them to camouflage with the snow and with the sunlight so that they can make it harder for the predator to find them. These birds can be hunted with different types of birds. Some of the birds that hunt them are the Australian sea eagle and the Skua. On the back of the penguin they have a black color feathers that can help them to blend in into the darkness of the water of the ocean. This comes in handy because then it will be really hard to see them from above. Penguins also have land predators to and those predators are ferrets, cats, snakes, lizards, foxes and rats. Penguins face lots of deadly predators like sharks, sea lions and killer whales these animals really enjoy eating penguins. But the worst ocean predator that the penguins face is a really deadly animal that is called the leopard seal. These seals can swim really fast and they can catch any penguin that is not careful. There are some species of animals who like to eat penguin eggs and their young to. These predators are snakes, lizards, foxes, and seabirds like the skuas. When the mating season comes then they will go to
  • 5. a special nesting area that can be located on the shore. The area where the penguin mates make a nest and raising their chick these areas are called rookery. When penguins are ready to have babies then the male penguin will start to stand with his back arched and his wings stretched. Then he will make a really loud call and struts this can help them to attract a female. When the male and female have found each other then they will start to bond with each other they can do this by touching their necks and slapping each other on the back of their flippers. They can also sing to each other so that they can learn have to know each others voices. When they do find a mate then they will usually stay together for about a year or until they have chicks. Penguins usually come to the surface so that they can mate and so that they can have their babies. There are most penguins that will lay their eggs on a simple nest that is made out of their feathers, grass, or even pile of rocks. The African, Humboldt, Magellanic, Galapagos and the little blue penguin are the only species that will lay their eggs in burrows. These penguins will use their beaks to dig up a burrow. Penguins always return to the same nesting area. Penguins will usually lay only one or two eggs. Both of the parents are both keeping the eggs warm. They will take turns for looking after the eggs. They will continue to look after them until 2 months. Penguins will usually keep their eggs during the incubation period. When it is time for the eggs to hatch then it will start to chip its way out of the egg shell they can do this by using their egg tooth that is located on the end of the babies beak. Penguins often have babies in colonies. The males and the females both take turns on taking care of the one or two eggs that are usually laid per season. When the eggs parents are out looking for food then the guarded parent will watch over the egg. They can do this by putting the egg in between the top of it's feet and thick skin that can hang from their belly so that they can keep the egg warm. There are most penguins that can build a nest like the other bird species and they will usually lay two eggs in a year. The Emperor and king penguin can carry their eggs between their feet. When it is time for the eggs to hatch then the mother and the father will take turns on looking after the baby or looking for food. They can carry their chicks by using their toes. When the weather starts to get cold then the eggs and the chicks will be covered with flap of skin that can help keep them warm even when the temperature drops from 80 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit). When it is time for them to mate then the penguins will go on the shore so that they can make their nests. There are so many different types of species have there own different ways on making nests and finding a good place to make a nest. There are some species that make really big nests locations and that is called rookeries. There are some of these nests in really snowy ice lands. There are other penguins that can build a nest on rocky cliffs. In the rookery every female can lay her egg in many cases. There are some species that can make their nests out of stones or grass. Only the Emperor and king penguin are the only penguins that can only lay one egg and these are the only species that don't make nests at all. There is a other way that these penguins can keep their eggs warm and protected. They can balance the egg on their feet. They can do this by using their thick folded featherless skin so that they can cover the egg so that it can stay warm. The male emperor penguin will continue to keep the egg
  • 6. warm until about a week or for a while because the female went out into the ocean so that she can get food. When it is almost time for the egg to hatch then the female will come back to the breeding grounds and she will take the fathers place so that he can finally go out to find something to eat. When the eggs are about to be hatched then the baby chick will start to break through the egg shell. They have to open it without any help from their parents. To open the shell they will use a really special egg tooth this can help them to chip and to peck their way out of the shell. It may take about 3 days for the baby to active break free from the egg. When they first come out of the egg. They do not look like their parents. That is because they are covered with soft, fluffy down. To help keep them warm then the chick will be have to go under their parents feathers. These babies can eat food that is stored inside of their parents. The chick will be able to find the food by sticking their heads deep inside of the parent’s mouths. Sometimes when the parents are out in the ocean looking for food then the chick will usually stay together in a nursery. In a really big rookery of penguins they will have to find each other and they will also have to find their chicks to. To find each other penguins will usually call each other and they will have to know each others call. These sounds can be heard from thousands of birds. Baby penguins can grow really fast. That is the time when they will start to learn how to waddle. They will also start to lose their fluffy down and then they will start to grow their adult feathers. The feathers that will start to grow into waterproof feathers, when this happens then the younger will start to go into the ocean so that they will can learn how to swim. After they learn how to swim then that will be the time when they will start to look out for themselves and to start to look for food for their own. When a new penguin has come out of the egg then the parents will help the chick to stay warm. Each parent will take turns on staying with the baby and then the other parent will go out to the ocean to find food. The chicks that are lot older will stay in a kindergarten group when their parents are feeding. That will leave these chicks in a group that will need lots of protection from predators and from the cold. Baby penguins have really fluffy feathers that can trap heat and that can also help them to keep themselves warm. When they start to get older then the feathers will start to be replaced by adult feathers. This will take about seven to ten weeks. The feathers that they are going to get are waterproof that means that these feathers do not dry when they come out of the water. Even the chick’s feathers are not waterproof like the adult feathers so that means that these penguin chicks are not allow to go in the water until they have grown their adult feathers. The moment that the egg is laid. A female penguin will lay about one or two eggs at a time. Then after the eggs are in place then the female will go out into the sea so that she can look for food in the mean time the male will watch over the egg until she comes back. When the female does return to the breeding grounds (Which will normally take about two weeks for the female to come back to the nest). When the female does come back then it will be the males turn to look for food so that he can leave the female alone with the baby. When the baby is out of the egg then they will start to make a contact call to their parents when they go out to hunt. When the chick is strong enough to take care of their selves then both of the parents will start to move up into the sea in the same time. In the
  • 7. meantime when they do get older then they will start to stay in a group alone with other chicks in the family. (it sort of looks like a daycare for baby penguin chicks). When the parents come back to the family then they will start to make contact calls so that they can call to their baby. The penguin breeding season starts in the spring and in the summer. The king and emperor are the only penguins in the species that can only lay just one egg but the other species can lay more then two eggs. Scientists are saying that they maybe as 100 million penguins that are still alive in the world today. Lots of penguin species life in remote areas. The good news is that these birds are not being hunted or tapped this bird is being protected by laws. The only big problem for penguins is that their ocean habitat is getting destroyed. There are some species that starting to competing with humans because they are taking away their fish and even pollution is starting to be a really big problem for these birds that are living in the remote areas. In order to save the penguin we have to do something to save our oceans. The reason why it is so hard for penguins to find food all of because of pollution is wiping away their homes. There are some penguin species that are doing really well but there are other species that are not doing so well. Like the Galapagos penguins are endangered just like any other ocean animals they all are facing lots of different threats. The reason why these animals are in trouble because of oil spills and people are throwing trash into the ocean. This is bad because when people throw their trash in the ocean then when an animal wants to eat then the garbage will be on their food and then when an animal eats it then it will get sick and die. They are also being threatened in the water and even on land because of Global warming. There are some species losing their nesting areas because people are taking over their lands. But the good news is that people and government all over the world are working on plans to help save these beautiful penguins. In the early times when sailors did not know that they have been known to eat penguins but they did not like the taste really good. Penguins were endangered because sailors will kill them so that they can make meat so that they can eat them during very long ocean voyages. Sailors have also been known to eat penguin eggs to. Sailors can also sometimes gather thousands of penguins in one colony. In the year of 1800s. People have been killing penguins for bubbler people will use this to make boiled so that they can make oil out of it. These birds do not get killed like this anymore. But there is a much bigger problem for the penguins and that is their habitats because people are taking over these birds homes. They are clearing up their land so that they can make room for homes and farms. This has caused lot of problems for the penguins homes because then their will be no room for the penguins to lay their eggs. The domestic animals like cats, dogs, and cattle will sometimes attack penguins. These animals also have destroyed their nests. People are disturbing penguins when they are at sea looking for food. Another big problem for these birds is that human population is growing and that means that they are taking a lot of the penguins food which are fish, squid and krill and all the other food that they eat. These birds are also getting trapped by fishing nets. These nets will also kill them to. These birds are also in trouble because of tankers they are a problem because they are the ones that are causing oil spills. Penguins have to go in the
  • 8. polluted water if they do not go in the water then they will starve. If the penguin does go in the water then they will be covered with oil. That is bad because those waters are poison so if a penguin goes into the water then they will start to get cold and they will also die. That is because their feathers can not insulate them as much. There are people that are causing lots of problems for these birds and there are other people that are trying to fix these problems. In some areas of the world they are starting to replace plants so that they can help their nesting sites. People are also making protected areas for penguins. The tanker spill is being taking care of to because there are volunteers are rushing to help rescue the penguins that are being covered with oil. Scientists were trying to figure this out like international penguin conference are starting to share the new things that they have learned about penguins and they are trying to find ways so that these birds can be safe from humans. The penguin is a cute, tottering and they also have really good looking black- white colored feathers. We have learned that these beautiful birds are on this planet for a reason. Just like we are. They are taking their place in the circle of life. We must find away to save these birds from extinction. Remember penguins are people to. Remember think before you do stuff because you just might hurt someone else. This is not just our planet it is also their planet to. Together we can save the penguin and other endangered birds that are out there. Remember these animals can not live without you. That is what I know about penguins.