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Prepared by:
Col (Dr) Amir Muhriz Abdul
Latiff M.D (USM) Mpath
Senior Lecturer and
Medical Faculty UiTM

1.   Describe gene & chromosome abnormalities in
     haemoglobinopathies, leukaemias, (Philadelphia
     chromosome and other related chromosomal
     abnormalities) & bleeding disorders
2.   Interpret the chromosome and gene nomenclature in
     relevant diseases.
3.   Relate the importance of genetic studies in the
     classification and management of disease.
4.   List common test used in the detection of genetic
     abnormalities in haematology
5.   Discuss the importance of carrier detection in
     haematological diseases.

 1.   Important definitions
 2.   Chromosomal and molecular abnormalities
      a. Haemoglobinopathy and thalassaemia
      b. Leukaemia
      c. Bleeding disorders
 3. Importance of genetic and chromosomal
    studies in haematology
 4. common test used in the detection of genetic
    abnormalities in haematology
 5. Importance of carrier detection in
    haematological diseases

                             11/27/2012            3
Important definition
The branch of science concerned with the means and
  consequences of transmission and generation of the
  components of biological inheritance.
(Stedman, 26th ed)

Molecular genetics:
 The study of the molecular constitution of genes and
  chromosomes (World English Dictionary)

any of several threadlike bodies, consisting of chromatin, that
   carry the genes in a linear order: the human species has 23
   pairs, designated 1 to 22 in order of decreasing size and
   X and Y for the female and male sex chromosomes

Importance of genetics
 The only way to understand hereditary
 What we are begins with our genetic heritage
  and is modified by our environment and
 Our genetic heritage determines susceptibility
  to multifactorial diseases such as:
    ◦ Hypertension            Diabetes
    ◦ Vascular disease        Cancer
    ◦ Osteoarthritis          Autoimmune diseases
   Critical to developing new disease treatments
    ◦ Statins       tPA       EPO
The scope of genetics
  The human genome has been sequenced!
  Approximately 35,000 genes, most of which
   encode a protein, in a haploid genome of 3 X
   10 base pairs
  Only about 1.5 % of the DNA actually encodes
   functional genes
  All living organisms are remarkably similar at
   the genetic level
     ◦ Same genetic code
     ◦ About 50 % of genes comparable between us and
    All nucleated somatic cells have a complete
     set of genes
     ◦ Only a small fraction of genes are active in a single
     ◦ Enables cloning
The burden of Mendelian (single gene)
   Although individually rare, genetic diseases
    collectively constitute a major health problem
   About 5 - 8 % of admissions to a pediatric hospital
    and about 1 % of admissions to an adult hospital
    are for Mendelian disorders
   9 % of pediatric deaths are due to Mendelian
   About 1- 2 % of the population has a Mendelian
   Most Mendelian disorders are apparent by
   Life span is reduced in about 60 % of these
   Each person is estimated to have 1 - 5 lethal
From cellular to molecular biology
Genetic terminology

    Gene: The fundamental unit of heredity.
     About 35,000 in the human genome. A
     typical gene:
5’                                                                  3’
      enhancer   promoter                               repressor



                       5’ UTR                 3’ UTR
                                                   AAAAAAAAA    mRNA
                             coding domain (ORF)
Exons, introns and alternative splicing

 Most genes have introns
 Alternative splicing is common
 Many alternate proteins can be generated
  from a single gene, each of which can have a
  unique function
Transcription and translation

 Transcription: Generation of an RNA copy of a
  single gene
 Translation: Synthesis of a protein using the
  mRNA as a template
Important definitions
   Alleles: Alternative forms of a gene that can be
    distinguished by their alternate phenotypic effects or
    by molecular differences; a single allele for each locus
    is inherited separately from each parent
 Autosome: One of chromosomes 1 - 22
 Dominant allele: An allele whose phenotype is
    detectable (even if only weakly) in a single dose or
   Recessive allele: An allele whose phenotype is
    apparent only in the homozygous or hemizygous
   Heterozygous: Having a normal allele on one
    chromosome and a mutant allele on the other
More terms to know
   Hemizygous: Having half the number of alleles
    (e.g. males are hemizygous for all X chromosome
   Expressivity: The severity or intensity of the
    phenotype of an allele.
   Penetrance: The degree to which a gene
    expresses any observable phenotype
   Locus (pl. loci): The position on a chromosome of a
    gene or other chromosome marker; also, the DNA
    at that position.
   Proband: The first affected individual who comes to
    clinical genetic evaluation. Indicated by an arrow on
    the pedigree diagram.
Major mutation types
   Single base substitutions that cause premature
    termination of protein synthesis, change of amino
    acid, suppress termination of protein translation, alter
    level of gene expression, or alter patterns of mRNA
   Translocations, that bring disparate genes or
    chromosome segments together
   Deletions of a few nucleotides up to long stretches of
   Insertions and duplications of nucleotides up to long
    stretches of DNA
   Many different mutations can occur within a given
    gene, although it appears that genes have different
    degrees of mutability
   Different mutations affecting a gene can result in
    distinct clinical syndromes
Types of mutations
   Point mutations: Change of the normal
    base to another
    ◦ Possible consequences:
      Silent mutation: No consequence
      Missense mutation: changes the codon to one
       encoding a different amino acid
      Nonsense mutation: Changes codon from one
       encoding an amino acid to a stop codon
      Splice site alteration: can abolish or create a
       splice site
      Regulatory region mutation: Can result in net
       increased or decreased gene expression
Location, location, location
Small mutations can have subtle or drastic

                           In frame deletion of one codo:
                           No frameshift

 Deletion of one
 base: Frameshift                 Out of frame deletion of
                                  three bases:
Clues that suggest a Mendelian
  Positive family history
  Characteristic syndrome
  Unusual syndrome (e.g. progressive
   neurologic deterioration, multiple organ
   system abnormalities, intermittent
   neurologic symptoms) at any age
  Common syndrome at unusually early age
  Lack of environmental or other primary
   cause of symptoms and signs
Taking a family history
   Inquire about the health of each family member
    through second degree relatives
    (grandparents, first cousins)
   Pay special attention to any signs or symptoms
    related to your patient’s condition in relatives
   Inquire about causes of any deaths, including
    any stillbirths or early deaths,
   Obtain medical (and death) records of relatives
    as well as of proband
   Inquire about any possible consanguinity
   Recognize that false paternity does occur
Some essential nomenclature for chromosomal notations

Comma (, )          Separates chromosome numbers, sex chromosomes and
                    chromosome abnormalities.
del                 Deletion denotes both terminal and interstitial deletion
inv                 Inversion of a part of a chromosome
Minus ( -)          Chromosome loss, monosomy
p                   Short arm of chromosome
q                   Long arm of a chromosome
Ph                  Philadelphia chromosome
t                   translocation

                                           11/27/2012                          20
Pedigree symbols
Constitutional karyotype

There is a role of constitutional karyotype that predispose to malignancy.


Down syndrome, trisomy 21- increased risk of developing acute
Klinefelter’s syndrome 47, XXY.
Bloom’s syndrome
Fanconi’s anaemia.

                                        11/27/2012                           22
Chromosomal and molecular
abnormalities in leukaemia
Disease                        genes        Correspondin Method of
                                            g protein    activation
AML       t(8;21) (q22;q22)    ETO          AML-1         fusion

AML, M3   t(15,17) (q22;q21)   PML          PML-RARA      fusion

AML M4    inv (16) (p13q22)    MYH-11       CBF           fusion

CML       t (9,22) (p34q11)    ABL          Bcr-abl       fusion

                                     11/27/2012                       23
Philadelphia chromosome

Partial karyogram of chromosomes 9 and 22 from a
patient with CML, showing t(9;22). The normal chromosome of
each pair is on the left and the abnormal (translocated)
chromosomes are on the right (arrowed)

                                        11/27/2012            24
The most consistent chromosomal abnormality
associated with a haematological malignancy is the
Philadelphia chromosome (Ph).

1. CML, this translocation is found in 92% of patients.
2. BCR–ABL fusion gene.
3. Breakpoints within BCR occur within a 5.8-kb region,
   termed the major breakpoint cluster region (M- BCR),
4. This transcribes an aberrant 8.5-kb mRNA, encoding
   a chimeric p210 protein with enhanced tyrosine
   kinase activity.

                            11/27/2012                    25
AML t(8;21)
1. Good-risk cytogenetic groups
2. This translocation occurs
   predominantly in FAB type M2
   (acute myeloid leukaemia with
   granulocytic maturation at or
   beyond promyelocyte stage) and
   M4 (myelomonocytic leukaemia).

 3. It fuses the core binding factor alpha gene (CBFα, AML1 or RUN1) on
    chromosome 21 with ETO on chromosome 8 to produce a novel
    chimeric gene.

                                      11/27/2012                          26
AML – inv (16)

1. These abnormalities of chromosome 16
   are found in AML M4 and are notable for
   their association with abnormal
   eosinophilia (M4Eo) and a good

2. Fusion of the smooth muscle myosin
   heavy-chain gene, MYH11, normally on
   16p13 and CBFβ, normally on 16q22.

3. FISH and RT- PCR have become routine
   detection methods.

                                     11/27/2012   27
PML-RARA fusion gene

              11/27/2012   28
AML – t(15,17)
1. The translocation
   t(15;17)(q22;q21) (is specific for
   AML M3 and M3v (acute
   promyelocytic leukaemia).
2. APML patients has a tendency to
   develop bleeding tendencies
   because of the presence of
3. patients < 35 years old.
4. Rearrangement of the retinoic acid receptor alpha
   (RARα) gene, located at 17q21, which is fused to the
   PML gene on chromosome 15, a gene which is
   transcribed in normal haemopoietic cells.

                                  11/27/2012              29
5. PML-RARA fusion transcript blocks the differentiation.

6. The prognosis in these patients is good.

7. Response to treatment with all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). This
   acts by converting the PML–RAR-α fusion protein from a
   transcriptional repressor to a transcriptional activator, thus
   inducing terminal differentiation of the leukaemic clone. (i.e.
   Maturation of promyelocytes)

8. ATRA has now been adopted as a component of first-line
   therapy for this disease, highlighting the importance of
   accurate identification of this chromosomal abnormality.

9. FISH and RT-PCR

                                   11/27/2012                        30
Other techniques: FISH

FISH (fluorescence in situ

Four interphase nuclei showing
individual signals specific for the
ABL (red) and BCR (green) genes
on the normal chromosomes 9 and
22 respectively and the BCR/ABL
fusion (red/green collocalized
signals appearing yellow) indicating
presence of the Philadelphia

                                       11/27/2012   31
Other techniques: multiplex FISH

Karyogram of a
male painted in
seven colours in
a way as to
produce coloured
along the
chromosome arms
identification of the
chromosome pairs.

                                11/27/2012       32
Beta Thalassaemia

Definition: Thalassemia is inherited disorders
characterized reduced or absent amounts of hemoglobin,
the oxygen-carrying protein inside the red blood cells.
Two Basic Groups of Thalassemia

   Alpha Thalassemia

   Beta Thalassemia: A person with this
    disorder has two mutated genes
There are 3 types of Beta

   Thalassemia Minor

   Thalassemia Intermediate.

   Thalassemia Major or Cooley's
                                                 In the case of beta thalassemias, in
                                                 contrast to alpha -thalassemias, the
                                                 most frequently encountered molecular
                                                 abnormalities are point mutations and
                                                 short insertions or deletions limited to a
                                                 few nucleotides

                                         chain is still synthesized. The quantity of
Two situations have clearly to be        globin chain, which is made, varies largely
distinguished:                           from one molecular defect to another, this
   In beta + thalassemias, the mutated   chain may be structurally normal or
gene encodes for a small amount of       abnormal
                                            In beta 0 thalassemias , the gene is
normal mRNA and, thus, a low amount
                                         unable to encode for any functional mRNA
of                                       and therefore there is no beta chain
Beta Thalasemia
   It is caused by a change in the gene for the beta
    globin component of hemoglobin

   It can cause variable anemia that can range from
    moderate to severe.

    Beta thalassaemia trait is seen most commonly in
    people with the following ancestry: Mediterranean
    (including North African, and particularly Italian and
    Greek), Middle Eastern, Indian, African, Chinese,
    and Southeast Asian (including Vietnamese,
    Laotian, Thai, Singaporean, Filipino, Cambodian,
    Malaysian, Burmese, and Indonesian
Symptoms of Beta

   It is characterize by severe anemia that can
    begin months after birth
   Paleness
   Delays in growth and development
   Bone marrow expansion.
   Untreated Beta Thalassemia major can lead
    to child death due to heart failure.
Alpha and Beta Thalassemias
   The thalassaemia are, therefore,
    considered quantitative hemoglobin

   Because all types of thalassaemia
    are caused by changes in either the
    alpha- or beta-globin gene. These
    changes cause little or no globin to be
11/27/2012   40
Types of mutation that can occur in globin
genes and adjoining sequences.
   Point mutations -Within coding sequence, i.e. within an exon
   Within non-coding sequence, i.e. In an intron
   Mutation 5’ or 3’ to the gene (i.e. outside the gene)
   Deletion or duplication of one or more genes
   Deletion of genes with downstream enhancer being juxtaposed to remaining
   Duplication of a gene
   Triplication of entire a globin gene cluster
   Abnormal cross-over during meiosis leading to gene fusion
   Deletion of DNAsequences but without a frame shift in coding sequence
   Deletion plus inversion
   Deletion plus insertion
   Frame shift mutation
   Types of mutation that can occur in globin genes and adjoining sequences.

                                              11/27/2012                        41
A famous pedigree
A nicer pedigree
A modest pedigree
X linked recessive, normal father,
  carrier mother
1 carrier daughter
1 normal daughter
1 affected son
1 normal son
Clotting cascade
Hemophilia A
   Clinical syndrome
    ◦ Easily prone to hemorrhage from minor trauma
    ◦ Hemarthroses common - result in degenerative joint disease
    ◦ Ecchymoses, but not petechiae
   Laboratory
    ◦ Prolonged PTT, normal PT & bleeding times
    ◦ Normal platelet function
 A treatable genetic disease: Plasma (90 % of those
  treated with donor blood products developed AIDS in
  the 1980’s), recombinant factor 8 (10 -15 % develop
 Over 620 different mutations known to affect the factor
  VIII clotting factor gene (allelic heterogeneity)
 Gene lies at Xq28
One common Factor VIII
Knowing genetic syndromes
can help prevent treatable
complications of untreatable
Ethnic background and
geographic origins are
important risk factors for some
genetic conditions
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
  Common among Africans, Asians and around
   the Mediterranean
  Discovered that about 10 % of African
   American servicemen during WWII
   developed hemolytic anemia when given
   certain drugs, such as sulfonamides,
   antimalarials or when they ate fava beans
  Caused by deficiency of the enzyme, which
   is needed to generate NADPH
G6PD deficiency

 Affects the G6PD gene at Xq28
 Many mutations and polymorphisms
  have been discovered
 Heterozygosity (technically
  hemizygosity) in women appears to
  confer resistance to malaria
Prevalence of G6PD
Old World Malaria prevalence
X linked recessive, affected
2 carrier
2 normal sons:
Never any Male-

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Genetics in haematology2012

  • 1. Prepared by: Col (Dr) Amir Muhriz Abdul Latiff M.D (USM) Mpath (Haematology) Senior Lecturer and Haematologist Medical Faculty UiTM 1
  • 2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe gene & chromosome abnormalities in haemoglobinopathies, leukaemias, (Philadelphia chromosome and other related chromosomal abnormalities) & bleeding disorders 2. Interpret the chromosome and gene nomenclature in relevant diseases. 3. Relate the importance of genetic studies in the classification and management of disease. 4. List common test used in the detection of genetic abnormalities in haematology 5. Discuss the importance of carrier detection in haematological diseases. 2
  • 3. Contents 1. Important definitions 2. Chromosomal and molecular abnormalities in a. Haemoglobinopathy and thalassaemia b. Leukaemia c. Bleeding disorders 3. Importance of genetic and chromosomal studies in haematology 4. common test used in the detection of genetic abnormalities in haematology 5. Importance of carrier detection in haematological diseases 11/27/2012 3
  • 4. Important definition Genetics: The branch of science concerned with the means and consequences of transmission and generation of the components of biological inheritance. (Stedman, 26th ed) Molecular genetics: The study of the molecular constitution of genes and chromosomes (World English Dictionary) Chromosomes: any of several threadlike bodies, consisting of chromatin, that carry the genes in a linear order: the human species has 23 pairs, designated 1 to 22 in order of decreasing size and X and Y for the female and male sex chromosomes respectively. ( 4
  • 5. Importance of genetics  The only way to understand hereditary diseases  What we are begins with our genetic heritage and is modified by our environment and experiences  Our genetic heritage determines susceptibility to multifactorial diseases such as: ◦ Hypertension Diabetes ◦ Vascular disease Cancer ◦ Osteoarthritis Autoimmune diseases  Critical to developing new disease treatments ◦ Statins tPA EPO
  • 6. The scope of genetics  The human genome has been sequenced!  Approximately 35,000 genes, most of which encode a protein, in a haploid genome of 3 X 9 10 base pairs  Only about 1.5 % of the DNA actually encodes functional genes  All living organisms are remarkably similar at the genetic level ◦ Same genetic code ◦ About 50 % of genes comparable between us and plants  All nucleated somatic cells have a complete set of genes ◦ Only a small fraction of genes are active in a single cell ◦ Enables cloning
  • 7. The burden of Mendelian (single gene) disorders  Although individually rare, genetic diseases collectively constitute a major health problem  About 5 - 8 % of admissions to a pediatric hospital and about 1 % of admissions to an adult hospital are for Mendelian disorders  9 % of pediatric deaths are due to Mendelian disorders  About 1- 2 % of the population has a Mendelian disorder  Most Mendelian disorders are apparent by childhood  Life span is reduced in about 60 % of these disorders  Each person is estimated to have 1 - 5 lethal
  • 8. From cellular to molecular biology
  • 9. Genetic terminology  Gene: The fundamental unit of heredity. About 35,000 in the human genome. A typical gene: 5’ 3’ enhancer promoter repressor intron exon 5’ UTR 3’ UTR AAAAAAAAA mRNA coding domain (ORF)
  • 10. Exons, introns and alternative splicing  Most genes have introns  Alternative splicing is common  Many alternate proteins can be generated from a single gene, each of which can have a unique function
  • 11. Transcription and translation  Transcription: Generation of an RNA copy of a single gene  Translation: Synthesis of a protein using the mRNA as a template
  • 12. Important definitions  Alleles: Alternative forms of a gene that can be distinguished by their alternate phenotypic effects or by molecular differences; a single allele for each locus is inherited separately from each parent  Autosome: One of chromosomes 1 - 22  Dominant allele: An allele whose phenotype is detectable (even if only weakly) in a single dose or copy  Recessive allele: An allele whose phenotype is apparent only in the homozygous or hemizygous state.  Heterozygous: Having a normal allele on one chromosome and a mutant allele on the other
  • 13. More terms to know  Hemizygous: Having half the number of alleles (e.g. males are hemizygous for all X chromosome genes)  Expressivity: The severity or intensity of the phenotype of an allele.  Penetrance: The degree to which a gene expresses any observable phenotype  Locus (pl. loci): The position on a chromosome of a gene or other chromosome marker; also, the DNA at that position.  Proband: The first affected individual who comes to clinical genetic evaluation. Indicated by an arrow on the pedigree diagram.
  • 14. Major mutation types  Single base substitutions that cause premature termination of protein synthesis, change of amino acid, suppress termination of protein translation, alter level of gene expression, or alter patterns of mRNA splicing  Translocations, that bring disparate genes or chromosome segments together  Deletions of a few nucleotides up to long stretches of DNA  Insertions and duplications of nucleotides up to long stretches of DNA  Many different mutations can occur within a given gene, although it appears that genes have different degrees of mutability  Different mutations affecting a gene can result in distinct clinical syndromes
  • 15. Types of mutations  Point mutations: Change of the normal base to another ◦ Possible consequences:  Silent mutation: No consequence  Missense mutation: changes the codon to one encoding a different amino acid  Nonsense mutation: Changes codon from one encoding an amino acid to a stop codon  Splice site alteration: can abolish or create a splice site  Regulatory region mutation: Can result in net increased or decreased gene expression
  • 17. Small mutations can have subtle or drastic effects In frame deletion of one codo: No frameshift Deletion of one base: Frameshift Out of frame deletion of three bases: Frameshift
  • 18. Clues that suggest a Mendelian disease  Positive family history  Characteristic syndrome  Unusual syndrome (e.g. progressive neurologic deterioration, multiple organ system abnormalities, intermittent neurologic symptoms) at any age  Common syndrome at unusually early age  Lack of environmental or other primary cause of symptoms and signs
  • 19. Taking a family history  Inquire about the health of each family member through second degree relatives (grandparents, first cousins)  Pay special attention to any signs or symptoms related to your patient’s condition in relatives  Inquire about causes of any deaths, including any stillbirths or early deaths, institutionalizations  Obtain medical (and death) records of relatives as well as of proband  Inquire about any possible consanguinity  Recognize that false paternity does occur
  • 20. Some essential nomenclature for chromosomal notations Comma (, ) Separates chromosome numbers, sex chromosomes and chromosome abnormalities. del Deletion denotes both terminal and interstitial deletion inv Inversion of a part of a chromosome Minus ( -) Chromosome loss, monosomy p Short arm of chromosome q Long arm of a chromosome Ph Philadelphia chromosome t translocation 11/27/2012 20
  • 22. Constitutional karyotype There is a role of constitutional karyotype that predispose to malignancy. e.g. Down syndrome, trisomy 21- increased risk of developing acute leukaemia. Klinefelter’s syndrome 47, XXY. Bloom’s syndrome Fanconi’s anaemia. 11/27/2012 22
  • 23. Chromosomal and molecular abnormalities in leukaemia Disease genes Correspondin Method of g protein activation AML t(8;21) (q22;q22) ETO AML-1 fusion AML, M3 t(15,17) (q22;q21) PML PML-RARA fusion AML M4 inv (16) (p13q22) MYH-11 CBF fusion CML t (9,22) (p34q11) ABL Bcr-abl fusion 11/27/2012 23
  • 24. Philadelphia chromosome Partial karyogram of chromosomes 9 and 22 from a patient with CML, showing t(9;22). The normal chromosome of each pair is on the left and the abnormal (translocated) chromosomes are on the right (arrowed) 11/27/2012 24
  • 25. The most consistent chromosomal abnormality associated with a haematological malignancy is the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph). 1. CML, this translocation is found in 92% of patients. 2. BCR–ABL fusion gene. 3. Breakpoints within BCR occur within a 5.8-kb region, termed the major breakpoint cluster region (M- BCR), 4. This transcribes an aberrant 8.5-kb mRNA, encoding a chimeric p210 protein with enhanced tyrosine kinase activity. 11/27/2012 25
  • 26. AML t(8;21) 1. Good-risk cytogenetic groups 2. This translocation occurs predominantly in FAB type M2 (acute myeloid leukaemia with granulocytic maturation at or beyond promyelocyte stage) and M4 (myelomonocytic leukaemia). 3. It fuses the core binding factor alpha gene (CBFα, AML1 or RUN1) on chromosome 21 with ETO on chromosome 8 to produce a novel chimeric gene. 11/27/2012 26
  • 27. AML – inv (16) 1. These abnormalities of chromosome 16 are found in AML M4 and are notable for their association with abnormal eosinophilia (M4Eo) and a good prognosis. 2. Fusion of the smooth muscle myosin heavy-chain gene, MYH11, normally on 16p13 and CBFβ, normally on 16q22. 3. FISH and RT- PCR have become routine detection methods. 11/27/2012 27
  • 28. PML-RARA fusion gene 11/27/2012 28
  • 29. AML – t(15,17) 1. The translocation t(15;17)(q22;q21) (is specific for AML M3 and M3v (acute promyelocytic leukaemia). 2. APML patients has a tendency to develop bleeding tendencies because of the presence of promyelocytes. 3. patients < 35 years old. 4. Rearrangement of the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARα) gene, located at 17q21, which is fused to the PML gene on chromosome 15, a gene which is transcribed in normal haemopoietic cells. 11/27/2012 29
  • 30. 5. PML-RARA fusion transcript blocks the differentiation. 6. The prognosis in these patients is good. 7. Response to treatment with all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). This acts by converting the PML–RAR-α fusion protein from a transcriptional repressor to a transcriptional activator, thus inducing terminal differentiation of the leukaemic clone. (i.e. Maturation of promyelocytes) 8. ATRA has now been adopted as a component of first-line therapy for this disease, highlighting the importance of accurate identification of this chromosomal abnormality. 9. FISH and RT-PCR 11/27/2012 30
  • 31. Other techniques: FISH FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization). Four interphase nuclei showing individual signals specific for the ABL (red) and BCR (green) genes on the normal chromosomes 9 and 22 respectively and the BCR/ABL fusion (red/green collocalized signals appearing yellow) indicating the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome. 11/27/2012 31
  • 32. Other techniques: multiplex FISH Karyogram of a normal male painted in seven colours in such a way as to produce coloured bands along the chromosome arms (Rx-FISH) allowing identification of the individual chromosome pairs. 11/27/2012 32
  • 33. Beta Thalassaemia Definition: Thalassemia is inherited disorders characterized reduced or absent amounts of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein inside the red blood cells.
  • 34. Two Basic Groups of Thalassemia Disorder  Alpha Thalassemia  Beta Thalassemia: A person with this disorder has two mutated genes
  • 35. There are 3 types of Beta Thalassemia  Thalassemia Minor  Thalassemia Intermediate.  Thalassemia Major or Cooley's Anemia
  • 36. Thalassemias In the case of beta thalassemias, in contrast to alpha -thalassemias, the most frequently encountered molecular abnormalities are point mutations and short insertions or deletions limited to a few nucleotides chain is still synthesized. The quantity of Two situations have clearly to be globin chain, which is made, varies largely distinguished: from one molecular defect to another, this In beta + thalassemias, the mutated chain may be structurally normal or gene encodes for a small amount of abnormal In beta 0 thalassemias , the gene is normal mRNA and, thus, a low amount unable to encode for any functional mRNA of and therefore there is no beta chain synthesize
  • 37. Beta Thalasemia  It is caused by a change in the gene for the beta globin component of hemoglobin  It can cause variable anemia that can range from moderate to severe.  Beta thalassaemia trait is seen most commonly in people with the following ancestry: Mediterranean (including North African, and particularly Italian and Greek), Middle Eastern, Indian, African, Chinese, and Southeast Asian (including Vietnamese, Laotian, Thai, Singaporean, Filipino, Cambodian, Malaysian, Burmese, and Indonesian
  • 38. Symptoms of Beta Thalassemia  It is characterize by severe anemia that can begin months after birth  Paleness  Delays in growth and development  Bone marrow expansion.  Untreated Beta Thalassemia major can lead to child death due to heart failure.
  • 39. Alpha and Beta Thalassemias  The thalassaemia are, therefore, considered quantitative hemoglobin diseases.  Because all types of thalassaemia are caused by changes in either the alpha- or beta-globin gene. These changes cause little or no globin to be produced.
  • 41. Types of mutation that can occur in globin genes and adjoining sequences.  Point mutations -Within coding sequence, i.e. within an exon  Within non-coding sequence, i.e. In an intron  Mutation 5’ or 3’ to the gene (i.e. outside the gene)  Deletion or duplication of one or more genes  Deletion of genes with downstream enhancer being juxtaposed to remaining gene  Duplication of a gene  Triplication of entire a globin gene cluster  Abnormal cross-over during meiosis leading to gene fusion  Deletion of DNAsequences but without a frame shift in coding sequence  Deletion plus inversion  Deletion plus insertion  Frame shift mutation  Types of mutation that can occur in globin genes and adjoining sequences. 11/27/2012 41
  • 45. X linked recessive, normal father, carrier mother 1 carrier daughter 1 normal daughter 1 affected son 1 normal son
  • 47. Hemophilia A  Clinical syndrome ◦ Easily prone to hemorrhage from minor trauma ◦ Hemarthroses common - result in degenerative joint disease ◦ Ecchymoses, but not petechiae  Laboratory ◦ Prolonged PTT, normal PT & bleeding times ◦ Normal platelet function  A treatable genetic disease: Plasma (90 % of those treated with donor blood products developed AIDS in the 1980’s), recombinant factor 8 (10 -15 % develop antibodies)  Over 620 different mutations known to affect the factor VIII clotting factor gene (allelic heterogeneity)  Gene lies at Xq28
  • 48. One common Factor VIII mutation
  • 49. Knowing genetic syndromes can help prevent treatable complications of untreatable diseases
  • 50. Ethnic background and geographic origins are important risk factors for some genetic conditions
  • 51. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency  Common among Africans, Asians and around the Mediterranean  Discovered that about 10 % of African American servicemen during WWII developed hemolytic anemia when given certain drugs, such as sulfonamides, antimalarials or when they ate fava beans  Caused by deficiency of the enzyme, which is needed to generate NADPH
  • 52. G6PD deficiency  Affects the G6PD gene at Xq28  Many mutations and polymorphisms have been discovered  Heterozygosity (technically hemizygosity) in women appears to confer resistance to malaria
  • 54. Old World Malaria prevalence
  • 55. X linked recessive, affected father 2 carrier daughters 2 normal sons: Never any Male- to- Male transmission!