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Generational Differences
From the beginning of my studies I wanted to help children and adolescents with their family issues.
I came from a difficult childhood, and thought that this was my area of expertise. Thereafter, my
feelings began to shift some recognizing that I too made many mistakes with my own children that I
began to see that most of the home issues are born of generational situations that have evolved to
present issues. Consequently, it created a desire and inclination to lead a family group. Probably the
most difficult issues that a family group can present are the generational differences and establishing
trust in the members. Having a son talk to his father in a group setting could be beneficial to their
confrontation, rather than trying to deal with
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Generational Differences In The Workplace
The current generations that are predominantly represented in the workplace are Baby Boomers
(Boomers), Generation X (Gen X), and Generation Y (Millennials or Gen Y). Differences among the
various generations are often portrayed as Boomers having more loyalty to an organization, and
generally being more diligent in their work (Wong, Gardiner, Lang, & Coulon, 2008). Gen X are not
as likely as Boomers to display loyalty to a particular institution or organization, and are seen as
more independent, self–sufficient, and being unimpressed with authority (Wong et al., 2008). Gen Y
are said to be more comfortable with change than Boomers, and value skill development, new
opportunities, and are more tech savvy than other generations (Wong et al., 2008). ... Show more
content on ...
However, there is very little empirical evidence to back up claims of generational differences in the
workplace (Becton, Walker, & Jones–Farmer, 2014; Costanza, Badger, Fraser, Severt, & Gade,
2012). There is also insufficient explanations as to why such blatant differences between generations
would come into existence (Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015). Furthermore, there is abundant
alternative explanations for observed differences, and an overall lack of support for effective
mediations by organizations to address possible generational differences (Costanza & Finkelstein,
2015). Overall, although there are people of different ages within the workplace, specific
generations seem to be artificially induced and labeled through the use of birth years, and lack solid
evidence to support such clear
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Generational Differences Essay
Generational Differences
Every generation is influenced by its period 's economic, political and social events. From the Great
Depression to the civil rights and women 's movements to the advent of television and advanced
computer technologies. Thus generational background/situation may also affect the way they work.
The key is to be able to effectively address and take advantage of the differences in values and
expectations of each generation in the workplace. The current work place consists of four different
generations; The Baby Boomers (1946–1964) who are slowly retiring and existing the workforce,
The Generation X (1965–1976), The Generation Y or millennia (1977–1997), and the Generation Z
who are about to or are just entering the work force. Although these different generations tend to
want similar things in a workplace their environment/background has shaped their character, values,
and expectations (Hahn 2011).
Baby Boomers' perspective
According to Hahn (2011), baby boomers share the following background and characteristics:
Raised during a time of economic prosperity and optimism.
Grew up with a clear division of gender roles and low divorce rate.
Experience the Vietnam War, the Apollo 11 moon landing, and the civil right movement.
They are comfortable working in hierarchical organizations.
Demonstrate a strong sense of self, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Expect life to revolve around work.
Prefer face to face meetings.
May feel
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Generational Differences In Silent Generation, Baby...
Time over relationship, face–to–face over virtual social media which method is better or does each
method bring added value to the workplace? Bill Brennan's "Generational Differences" discusses the
generational differences between the 4 main groups, or generations, of the United States; Silent
Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. Through his depiction, Brenner
discusses how shared events influence and define each generation and that while individuals in each
group are diverse; they still share certain thoughts, values and behaviors because of shared events.
Each generation should use their differences, in loyalty, work/life balance and communication, to
educate each other and create a more effective workplace environment. ... Show more content on ...
While the Silent Generation and Boomers are characterized as being extremely loyal towards their
employers, whereas Generation X & Y lack loyalty with their employer. For instance, Brenner
depicts the Silent Generation (born before 1945) as long–term employees who value loyalty and do
not question authority. Brenner states that "they tend to respect hierarchy" (p. 26). Next, Baby
Boomers (born between 1946) tend to challenge authority, want open lines of communication,
results driven and competitive. Brenner states Boomers "...would like to have been long term
employees" (p. 27) Continuing on, Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) are not overly loyal
to their employer and tend to be skeptical. Brenner states, "the most difficult to work with..." (p.27)
Finally, Generation Y (born between 1980 and 1994) may value their relationship with co–workers
over their relationship with their company so are not especially loyal. Brenner states, "many Gen
Yers experienced downsizing through their parents, in some cases this has created a lack of trust".
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Are Generational Differences a Reason to Judge...
Edward S. Lyba, Ed.D. proclaimed, "Diversity in the workplace means creating an environment
where people from dissimilar backgrounds can utilize their talents and work productively together,"
(NEPA Diversity Guide, 2007). Organizations have been striving to understand and create an
abundant amount of diversity amongst their employees. It has been instilled in the minds of today's
employees that everyone is different and unique and companies want originality. Since companies
have been putting a strong focus on diversity, it has encouraged employees to develop excuses as to
why they are different. Recently, organizations and employees the same, have turned to the excuse
of a generation gap as justification to resist this change. Should ... Show more content on ...
Research has been done in regards to why people resist change; the answer remains unclear (Kouzes
and Posner, 1995). The corporate world, public and private sectors, are ever changing; people need
to stop resisting change. Further, through Kouzes and Posner's research they claimed, "We
appreciate others when we adopt a learning attitude," (1995). The problem is not that we are
different; the problem is that people are not adapting to the changing environment quickly enough. It
is human nature to make excuses; the generational difference is just another excuse. It is not that
generations have different values or morals, they don't want to change their ways. Regardless of
what generation an employee grew up in, it is never easy to adapt to a younger, more progressive,
college graduate taking over as their boss. Baby boomers, generation x'ers and generations y'ers
need to realize change, embrace it, and learn to work with it.
Next, as organizations promote diversity, employees and workers need to as well. It is important to
note that the word diversity does not mean varied morals and values, rather, varied backgrounds,
experiences, and cultures. "One surprising finding from research is that appreciating diversity
encourages both open discussion and productive conflict management, "(Kouzes & Posner, 1995).
Employees of different generations need to stop neglecting one another's differences, in terms of
experience, and communicate to promote these
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Generational Differences In Nursing Care
We are in the process of planning groups and in–services regarding generational differences and
conflict management. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks, we can have the process started.
In the meantime, a few points to consider.
There are clear differences between practice between nurses who have entered the MH field within
the last few years and those that have practiced for longer periods of time. Both of these groups have
strengths and weaknesses, and you can all learn from one another.
There is a tendency for nurses in MH to become jaded after a few years, whether it be from coping
mechanisms or being repeatedly burned by patients. However, that is no excuse to ignore patient
needs and have negative feelings towards our patient population. You are here to help, not judge. ...
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This is particularly true for co–dependent personalities, and those of us with histories of substance
use and/or mental illness in our families. You are here to help, not judge other nurses or become
someone support
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Managing Generational Differences Of The Workplace Essay
Managing Generational Differences
Workforces are diverse, not only with respect to gender, racio–ethnicity, culture and work styles, but
also with respect to age. Workplaces have always had numerous generations working together.
There 's the bright–eyed and bushy–tailed younger generation of newcomers, the established middle
generation that holds most of the management roles and the older generation of senior executives
who are 30 or 40 years of valuable experience. Each of these distinct age groups comes with their
own set generational differences, which can cause some friction among colleagues and superiors.
These differences exist throughout organisations, from entry to executive level.
The Differences
Today's workplace is no different than those of past years, with Traditionals, Generation X and baby
boomers all coexisting in the same office. But as more boomers work past retirement age, and tech–
savvy millennials continue to graduate and enter the workforce, the stark differences in the values,
communication styles and work habits of each generation are becoming more and more pronounced.
Generational differences can have an effect on everything in the workplace, including recruiting,
building teams, dealing with change, motivating, managing, and maintaining and increasing
productivity. Research indicates that people communicate based on their generational backgrounds.
Each generation has distinct attitudes, behaviours, expectations, habits and
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Understanding and Managing Generational Differences Essay
DIFFERENCES IN THE WORK PLACE" ( Cited from Kapoor and Solomon 2011)
Introduction In the present diversified work force in terms of age ,gender,culture ,work style, the
employee demographics consist of the four generations which are Traditionalists, Baby Boomers,
Generation X and Millenials
Generations Birth Years Corevalue Prefered Communication Style
Traditionalists 1925 to 1945 Clear Direction, Loyal and discipline Memos, Letters,
Personal notes
Baby Boomers 1946 to 1964 Idealist, Optimistic ,Respect to Authority. Phone calls, Face to Face
Gen X 1965 to 1980
Self Reliant ,Work Independently, skeptical to authority Voicemail, Email. ... Show more content on ...
They are good at multi tasking and can work on simultaneous projects as long as the company
allows them to prioritize the projects (Gursoy et al.2008).
GEN Y ( Also called as Millenials):Millennial have grown up with technology and are comfortable
with change. They value skill development and enjoy the challenge of new opportunities. Millennial
are able to multi task, they want the flexibility to work where and when they want so that they can
pursue their outside interests.
Generational Conflicts in the work place The conflicts or differences can be caused due to various
reasons like the preferences in the Communication Style, the Traditionalists and the Baby Boomers
prefer more of face to face communication and the GenX and the Millennial prefer email and text
messaging ([16] Glass ,2007:[52]Wagner,2007) Differences can also happen how they view
authority and Management like Traditionalist believe in a chain in command , Baby Boomers
believe in a consensus Model ( Roy,2008a,b) And when it comes to career stability, Traditionalists
and Generation X likes to focus on employability over climbing the career ladder. And Generation Y
has a high preference for engaging workplaces
Managing Generational
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Characteristics Of Generational Differences In Nursing...
Characteristics of Different Generations in Nursing Workforce
Generational diversity in the workplace has gained much attention since it has an impact on the
organization. Managers in healthcare organizations face many issues concerning the generational
differences due to the differences in characteristics that differentiate these groups of workers older
and younger employees. The generational differences are based on the historical, cultural, social and
economic events that happened during different times. The most significant factor is reliance on
technology that has separated the younger generation from the older one (Levi, 2013). Productivity
in nurse practice and clinical settings can be boosted by combining the differences in the learning
preferences and work ethics through successful integration. Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and
millennials are the major groups in the workplace. Their attitudes towards work, family, comfort
with technology and communication styles differ (Hendricks & Cope, 2013).
Baby boomers like work and they have a strong work ethic. This generation group have a positive
attitude towards work and are not afraid to toil hard in the workplace. The baby boomers obtain their
satisfaction and self–worth directly from career and professional achievements. Due to the
dedication and positive attitude that this group has towards work, it may be challenging for them to
establish a working balance between home and work. On the other hand, the generation Xers lack
the workaholic attitudes that their boomer parents have. They do not prioritize work and the Xers
tend to have a negative attitude towards work and may change jobs frequently. Generation Xers are
treated as the slacker generation. Their diverse attitudes towards work are attributed to the concept
of developing a life/work balance. Generation X question the authoritative figures in the workplace
(Lyons & Kuron, 2014). The millennials or generation Ys are the current groups of workers
regarded as a global–centric generation. The millennials are predicted to make approximately half of
the workforce globally by 2050. The millennials are lazy and see work in a slightly different way
compared to the earlier generations.
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Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers and...
Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers and Millennials and The Impacts on HR
Kimberly Senkler
September 14, 2010
Human Resource Management BA 421 KP Normally we tend to think of diversity in relation to age,
race, gender and religion. These days there is more focus being given to diversity in the form of
generational differences.
While the other factors in diversity (age, race, gender and religion) tend to lead to legal issues,
generational diversity is generally more of a performance issue. Generations can be loosely defined
as bodies of individuals born and living at about the same time. "Each generation is molded by
distinctive experiences during their critical developmental periods" (Twenge, 2008). The ... Show
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Millennials tend to be technologically advanced and eager to learn. They also value social
responsibility and team–work. They are often seen as impatient and quick to express opinions
without having all of the data. Millennials are quick to jump–ship if they do not feel if they are
progressing fast enough, often at speeds that might be seen as unreasonable. Dayan (2005) says that
about 5.6 million Millennials are about to enter the employment market. Millennials are said to be
the most challenging generation for employers. Attracting Boomers and Millennials "The number of
employees over the age of 55 has increased by 30 percent; however, the number of 25– to 54–year–
olds has only increased by 1 percent" (Claire, 2009). In 2008 the eldest of the 77 million baby–
boomers turned 62. Estimates are that by the end of the decade about 40 percent of the work force
will be eligible to retire. As people begin to reach the age of retirement there may be not be enough
new employees to fill the gap (Clare, 2009). Companies need to find ways to attract Boomers and
Millennials. Companies that want to attract Boomers and Millennials need to be creative in their
culture, HR policies and work environments. According to the U.S. Census Bureau the number of
people 65 and older will possibly double by the year 2030. According to Yager (2008) forecasts are
showing that the United States could reach a labor shortage by 2030. As
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Generational Differences in the Workplace Essay
Generational Differences in the Workplace Composition II–Eng 102 Generational Differences in the
Workplace The workplace of today involves interactions among people from four different
generations often causing much conflict for leaders and organizations. Each generation represented
has its own set of different values and beliefs. These differences can easily lead to conflicting
barriers within the workplace. This can pose a significant problem for those in leadership. In order
to combat this issue, leaders and organizations can effectively deal with these issues by offering
different programs such as executive mentoring, town hall meetings, and leadership seminars for
those in leadership. The ... Show more content on ...
Kyles (2005) defines them as competitive, political, hardworking, and nonconformists. "Known for
their workaholic ethic, Boomers will do whatever it takes to get the job done and get ahead, and they
expect to be rewarded. They outnumber all generations and hold a majority of management–level
positions. They are also approaching retirement and are heavily concerned with financial and job
security" (Kyles, 2005, p. 54). This group is very hard working and also offers a lot of wisdom that
can be beneficial to those of the younger generations. The third generation represented is often
referred to as "Generation X." Members of this group are born between 1965 and 1979. Kyles
(2005) defines them as individualistic, disloyal, techno literate, and one of the most challenging
groups to manage. This can be attributed to the fact that this group grew up in the rebellious years of
the sixties and seventies. Marshall (2004) states, "The employer has to provide an opportunity to
work and grow, or they are going to leave" (p. 18). This says a lot about the influence of culture on
this generation. The last and final generation represented is referred to as "Generation Y." This group
is typically born between 1980 and 1999. Kyles (2005) states, "Generation Y is coming of age
during a time of technological sophistication, extreme economic swings, individual prosperity,
terrorism, and
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And Values Of The Future Generations
When thinking about what is necessary to pass on to the future generations, people of different ages
and backgrounds consider what is critical to vary. During and after the interview I had with my
mother discussing what advice and concepts we want the future generations to know, it was evident
how we similarly and differently saw the world. When our answers were the same, it was typical
because my mother has instilled what she thinks are important values in me. When our answers
where different, however, it could occasionally be blamed on the generational gap between us or the
difference in values based on when we were raised. It is evident that my mother and I want the
future people of our society to have many of the same qualities we try to exhibit every day. The
similarities between the two sets of answers was astonishing. In fact, about half of my mother and
my answers were identical or had a different phrasing of an identical idea. For our concepts, we both
though that it is important to be self–sufficient or self–reliant. This way of thinking is something
both my grandmother and mother value, so it must have been passed onto me. The second concept
that we both had in common was to find one's personal truth and listen to others points of view.
These may seem different, but in my answer of listening to others points of view, the main outcome
of that is to create one's own idea from others. This relates to my mother's answer of finding inner
truth because both concepts
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Generational Difference in Work Values
Course Title: Success Strategies for the Hospitality and Service Industries
Course Number: M900
Full Name: Jackey
Assignment Title: Academic Writing and Presentation
Word Count: 1388
The article: Generational differences in work values: a study of hospitality management was
conducted by the author to understand the structure of hospitality work values and its perception
among 3 different generations of managers and supervisors (Chen, P., & Choi, Y., 2008).
In order to achieve this objective a survey was conducted of 398 managers and supervisors from
hospitality organizations in the USA. The research identified 15 work values along with their
hierarchical order. Based on it a four dimensional (comfort and security, ... Show more content on ...
Retirement benefits are important factors in job choices (Armour, 2005).
Among the 15 work values, way of life and achievement ranked as the most important work values
by all three generational groups. Baby Boomers ranked altruism higher than younger generations.
Generation Xers and Millennials ranked supervisory relationship higher than Baby Boomers.
Generation Xers viewed security and independence higher than the other two generations.
Millennials ranked economic return as one of the top five work values. Interestingly, neither of the
groups ranked management as on of the top five work values (Chen, & Choi, 2008).
The study applied factor analysis procedures to explore the underlying dimensions of hospitality
managers' work values. The result was a four–dimension–solution with 64.49 percent of variance
explained by the components. Based on the commonality within the item groupings the four
dimensions were labeled as: comfort and security, professional growth, personal growth, and work
environment (Chen, & Choi, 2008).
The first dimension, comfort and security, included four items: way of life, supervisory
relationships, security, and economic return. The second dimension, professional growth, contained
four items: management, independence, prestige, and variety. The third dimension, personal growth,
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The Generational Differences Between Firefighters
What are the generational differences facing the fire service today and what tools can we employ to
navigate these differences? It's the first time in American history that five generations are sharing
the workplace, from Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, the Millennials or Generation Y,
and the new unnamed generation. With five generations come five sets of ideas, how to conduct
one's self, approach activities, values and motivators. Different beliefs, understandings, and
undertakings create misinterpretations and frustrations. The fire service is currently facing a similar
situation. It's imperative to recognize and understand these differences to avoid misunderstandings
and to help your department work effectively to meet its goals. Not every employee displays aspect
of their generation category, but understanding the individualities of each generation will help with
teamwork, supervision, embracing change, and productivity. With each generation there are different
communication styles and driving factors that motivate production. It is essential that you
understand how each generation communicates and what they motivators are so that you can
communicate ideas and organization vision to them. What can we do in the fire service to prepare to
handle these challenges? Traditionalists are also known as the Veteran Generation, they are made up
of individuals who were born between 1925–1945. They were brought up in a more challenging
time with life experiences that
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Howley Reflection Journal # 2: Generational Differences
Howley Reflection Journal #2: Generational Differences
After reading the article by Farag, Tullai–McGuinesss, & Anthony (2009), I will reflect upon my
experiences in a leadership role dealing with various different age groups through numerous
situations. The discussion will include the generation I generally identify with, with whom I tend to
work best with, and how this affects my unit. I will also reflect on the author's conclusions and
recommendations and how they will likely affect my area of practice.
The Boomers
Emergency Room nursing tends to be a specialty where many nurses stay the longevity of their
career. The nature of the emergency room is fast paced, chaotic at times, and always changing,
nurses have difficulty transitioning ... Show more content on ...
In my work setting, they come with a few years experience already. The millennials have
tremendous enthusiasm and thirst to learn. This generation is quick with any change and is easy to
adapt; this helps within the emergency room. The Millenials readily ask for more help or demand
longer orientation. I have not seen the other generations take care of themselves as well as the
Mellenials, not sure if this is a bad thing but it occasionally stops me in my tracks; I could never
have done that or talked that way to my manager as a new nurse. They appear more empowered to
seek justice and aren't happy with just doing something because that is the way it always has been
done. The younger generation challenges me to grow and look at situations or procedures with fresh
eyes. Technology comes as second nature to this group. Technology can be a hindrance as well, the
phones appear to be an issue, but often they are using this technology at their fingertips for work,
looking up drugs, calculating doses, and looking up a condition. The seasoned nurses assume they
are slacking off or finished all their work and are sitting there and that is frustrating and builds
contention. I find they do not look to apologize for being viewed this way; they know their work is
up to par and won't apologize for having some time. As a manager, I have been reflecting upon this
quite a bit lately, the families become annoyed, yet when asked
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Generational Differences Fairy Tales
Generational Differences in Fairy Tales Fairy tales, for thousands of years, have filled the minds of
listeners with folkloric characters, picturesque settings and significant life lessons. This literature
genre stems from a deeply rooted oral tradition that is seen in cultures worldwide. Classic fantasy
tales have been captured and turned into literature by many writers, such as Angela Carter and
Charles Perrault, who add their own creativity and interpretation to each story. Bluebeard, a tale of a
wealthy and seemingly kind businessman who kills seven of his wives and locks their bodies away
in an off limits cellar and is now out to seek a new wife, brings together an unsettling combination
of death, love, curiosity and marriage. Both Carter ... Show more content on ...
Opening up with a typical fairy tale intro, "There once was..."(Perrault 144), and then diving right
into the plot of his story with just enough details to fill a mind with a perfect picture. He then
identifies his main character, Bluebeard, who has great wealth and an upper class status. Unlike
Carters, Perrault's main character is a male and the story is being narrated through third person, both
ideas which are very commonly seen in traditional fairy tale telling. His next character is the female
who is only described as a, "[perfect] beauty,"(Perrault 144), and who also at first despises
Bluebeard when he begins to ask for her or her sister's hand in marriage. Nevertheless, after seeing
all his wealth after a week long country vacation, where, "everyday there were parties of pleasure,
hunting, fishing, dancing and dining," (Perrault 144), she decides to looked past his less desirable
characteristics and get married. Further into the story the husband tests his new wife by tempting
her. After giving her keys to every lockbox, closet, room and drawer in the house he says, "Open
anything you want. Go anywhere you wish. But I absolutely forbid you to enter that little room, and
if you so much as open it a crack, there will be no limit to my anger," (Perrault 145). When her
husband leaves, the wife becomes overwhelmed with anxiousness to go look in the forbidden room.
Perrault describes how she rudely left her guests upstairs do to her tormenting curiosity and ran
down the stairs so fast that, "more than once thought she was going to break her neck," (Perrault
145. Once reaching the door she has a brief moment of clarity, thinking of the future harm that could
come, however, the temptation was to overpowering. The way Perrault tells his version of these
scenes makes it seem very condescending towards women. He makes the wife out to be a rude,
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Generational Differences: Generation X and Generation Y
The hottest topic of conversation is between two generations is superiority. The Generation X argues
that Generation Y is getting everything in their plate without having to work for it. The millenials
counter that by saying that technological know how is the need of the day and nobody survives
bereft of that. This is what the older generations lacks and finds it difficult to cope with the times.
Hence the millenials consider themselves better. But is this argument really valid? Are the criteria
used equally applicable? After the interview with my friend and my uncle, I decided that my friend
has a better opinion about the generational differences. Generation Y– also "called Millennials"
refers to people born approximately between the 1980's –2000. The striking behavior patterns we
see among them are one being "group oriented". They are more comfortable acting in groups.
Facebook is just one of many examples, which being an integral part of their lives. Typically they
have also been more subjected to group activities since childhood, often parents or teachers
engaging them in–group activities. Parents and the current teaching system are responsible for their
obsession with group activities. They are also highly optimistic about everything, and positive in
their outlook. Though we know that they are also vulnerable to stress. They are really passionate
about everything they do, regardless of the outcome. They like to participate in activities like
fighting for a cause,
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Bill Brennan Generational Differences Summary
Generational Differences:
"If you don't think generation makes a difference, think of this example. When asked to recall how
and where Kennedy died, the Veterans and Baby Boomers would say gunshots in Dallas, Texas;
Generation X remembers a plane crash near Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; and Milinials might say,
"Kennedy who?" (FDUMagazine Online, p. 2) Each individual generation brings different values
and skills to the table, but the pronounced differences can cause conflict within the workplace. Bill
Brennan's "Generational Differences" discusses the generational differences between the four main
groups, or generations, of the United States; Veterans (born before 1945), Baby Boomers (born
between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) and Millennials, Gen Y,
(born between 1980 and 1994). Through his depiction, ... Show more content on ...
It is important to keep in mind that each generation sees the world through a unique lens that forms
as a result of the events that were taking place in the world as these individuals grew up. Brenner
focuses on the different events that have shaped their values and their perception of work. For
example, the Veterans went through World War II and grew up with a strict regimen. As such,
quality, respect and authority are important to them. Baby Boomers embraced the value of having to
sacrifice to get ahead. All that sacrifice makes them very loyal. Generation X workers were the
latchkey children who watched their Boomer parents forge a new workplace. They were also the
first generation to grow up with technology. As such, this generation cares more about productivity
and less about the number of hours spent on the job. Millennials are a generation entrenched in
technology and therefore urn for instant gratification. They bore easily. Because they best
understand how to maximize technology, they value a balance between work and
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Generational Differences Between Managers And Supervisors
Managers and Supervisors must be consistent in their approach if they're going to have success in
supporting multiple generations. It's well known that there are similarities and differences among the
generations. However, many of the differences don't apply to every individual of a generational
group. Because generational groups are so diverse, it's difficult to conclude that preferences
associated with an entire generation are true for everyone in the group. It's also important to
establish guidelines and policies to address all generational differences. One example of this, would
be to require that every employee set yearly goals and objectives and at the end of the year, measure
how well the employee performed against those objectives.
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Leadership: Generational Differences
Skill Focus
Strategic Thinking
Conflict Resolution
Change Management
Relationship Building
Teamwork and Collaboration
Coaching and Feedback
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Identity Development
Healthy Living
Personal Safety
Civic Responsibility
Service to Others
Plan and Organize
Ethics and Values
High Standards
Organizational Knowledge
Historical Knowledge
Example Topics
Generational Differences
Setting goals
Mentoring Relationships
Healthy Relationship Building
Power Dynamics
Group Development
Building a Positive Culture
Honoring Commitments
Academic Excellence
Study Skills
Career Path Development
Organizational Skills
Personal Finance/Financial
Personal Assessment
Sexual Assault Prevention
Social Responsibility ... Show more content on ...
Immediately following Formal Recruitment: Week 1
Kappa extension team members, Chapter Consultants and Leadership Consultants are on campus to
host informational sessions for unaffiliated women, conduct philanthropic events and social
gatherings at different venues on campus, meet with student leaders, and host tabling events. Kappa
launches campus–wide marketing campaign, "Be Greek. Be Kappa," immediately following
conclusion of Formal Recruitment. Week 2
Kappa extension team hosts two days of Kappa Kickoff events, which provide women with
opportunities to learn more about Kappa. We would showcase the opportunities available to
members of the organization and continue marketing efforts with tabling events throughout campus.
Two days of Meet & Greets – informal interviews – which allow women to meet with extension
team members, ask questions and learn more about the benefits and financial responsibilities of
membership. Final event and Bid
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Generational Differences in Yezierska’s Bread Givers Essay
Generational Differences in Yezierska's Bread Givers Anzia Yezierska's most–taught novel, Bread
Givers, "is an extensive observation of relationships in an immigrant family of early 20th century
America" (Sample 1). Noticeably, one of the most fascinating qualities of Yezierska's work is that,
though most readers probably come from significantly different backgrounds than that of her
characters, she writes in a manner that allows her stories to be discussed in contemporary terms,
(Drucker 1) while simultaneously illustrating the immigrant experience. Particularly, this
phenomenon can be seen in her portrayal of certain generational conflicts. In Bread Givers,
Yezierska depicts the struggle of finding one's self in life, a ... Show more content on ...
Most commonly, the first generation immigrant frowns upon assimilation because they are quite
content with living the way that they always have. In contrast, the second generation immigrant has
less problems with assimilating. This is quite understandable, as essentially, every generation wakes
up in a new world. Therefore, the second generation tends to become more "Americanized." Often,
they are coined the "divided" generation, as opposed to the "heroic" first generation who usually
resists assimilation altogether. In Bread Givers, Reb Smolinsky is a "patriarchal father," representing
"traditional Jewish ways" (Drucker 1). Throughout the novel, it seems that he encompasses every
aspect of a man embedded in traditional culture. In other words, everything that he does is rooted in
the past, showing his first generational resistance to assimilation. In his constant refusal to
assimilate, Reb Smolinsky becomes a symbolic representation of the Old World. On the other hand,
his daughter, Sara Smolinsky has "breathed heavily on the New World's aura" (Sample 1). Certainly,
her actions throughout Bread Givers are consistent with the nature of second generation immigrants
in assimilation. The contrast between their views on assimilation is clear as Sara says, "He could
never understand. He was the Old World. I was the New" (Yezierska 207). This generational conflict
concerning assimilation is
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Generational Differences : Different Mindsets Working...
Generational Differences: Different Mindsets Working Together Laura M. Stone Wayland Baptist
University Introduction The current workplace is a complex system of people and processes. Like
any modern workplace, organizations consists of a multitude of different generations of employees.
Most organizations will consist of Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials. Each of these
generations has their own mindset, beliefs, and values when it comes to life and work. The different
generations have similar life experiences which help form these beliefs (Dixon, Mercado, &
Knowles, 2013). Understanding these different generations and how they can both be positive and
negative in the organization is an important aspect for management and human resources. Each
generations brings both assets and liabilities to an organization. Most of these traits are influenced
during childhood and early adolescence and therefore, not easily changed in later life (Schullery,
2013). It is in the best interest of the leaders and human resources employees of an organization to
understand how to make an environment for all of these generations to be comfortable and work
effectively. Also, they need to be prepared to handle any difficulties or confrontations that may arise
from generational misunderstandings. Generation Time Frames Depending on an employee's age,
they will fall into a generational set that is meant to assist in describing their core values, attributes,
family & personal
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Ethics, Emotional Intelligence And Generational Differences
In class we have discussed articles on Ethics, Emotional Intelligence and Generational Differences
in Managing Individuals, I began analyzing my own work experiences and the roles these aspects
play in my life. Below is my reflection on how the three aspects are interrelated with each other.
From generation to generation values are passed down from our parents. Out of those values, we
learn what is ethical and unethical. It is the simple moral principles we live by that also impact our
human emotions on what we feel and believe in that is right or wrong. We bring these values that we
inherited, with us in the work place. Generational Differences: My view as a manager on
Generational Differences is that flexible and patient is a must with it comes to certain individuals
that are generations after me. Even generations before me. I have to find creative ways to motivate
and encourage people to perform and complete job requirements on time. This requires me to find a
balance between and increase my level of understanding on the generational differences. However,
what is most shocking is that the simplest tasks you assign an employee seems to be much more
difficult. I have to learn to become more resourceful and develop new strategies to assist employees
with accomplishing certain requirements. In the past working with both younger and older
employees operating under the conditions of both McGregor's Theory X and Y, and a mixture of
Theory Z. Meaning an employee can be
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What Are Generational Differences
People from different generations are, simply put, different. This is true in all aspects of life
including the social, religious, and familial components. However, where this truth can become
quite apparent is in the workplace. I interviewed four of my family members to determine how
much these generational differences would hold true despite being a part of the same family, and
therefore likely to be similar. What I learned is that each person has some characteristics that align
with their generation, and some that do not. Yet, this happens in varying degrees for different people.
Still understanding how a person wants to be managed will help a manager manage them more
effectively. Since generations play a big role in how a person works and ... Show more content on ...
The people skills would fit more with Baby Boomers, but the other aspects are all definitely Gen X
characteristics. In fact she takes the independence factor a little to far. She does not enjoy working in
groups, and is bad at asking for help. These would definitely be characteristics that would
distinguish a Gen Xer in the workplace. She also is pretty good with technology, and used to be
excellent with it, but she has not kept up with its growth as much. This would probably be true for a
lot of Gen Xers. Where it becomes even clearer that my mom fits in with the Gen Xers is with what
she desires in a manager. She wants a manager who knows how to do what they are telling their
employees to do, so that if help is needed, they can provide it. However, she does not want to be
micromanaged. She thinks managers need to realize that the result is more important than the
process. So, they should give the project, and then let the employee handle it on their own, unless
the employee asks for help with the
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Characteristics Of Generational Differences
After being with my company for over twenty years there have been many organizational changes.
In my role as a hiring manager, it is important to understand the generational differences between
employees. Generational terms like, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and whatever comes
next may be indicative of general patterns. However, we must be mindful that, while each
generation develops a kind of collective identity, generational stereotypes must be seen for what
they are, oversimplified labels. It is much more helpful to view all generations as complex groups
made up of people with all kinds of values, goals, and points of view.
It is important to understand each generation's characteristics which could help in attracting,
engaging, retaining, developing, and leveraging these characteristics to improve collaboration and
on–the–job interactions within our teams, creating a stronger organization. I will compare
generational differences, identify why it is important to understand and embrace generational
differences and more importantly, how generational differences impact organizations.
Generational Profiles
There are many articles, studies, and books that group generations into categories identified by
"birth years, age, location and significant life events at critical development stages, typically divided
by five to seven years" (Kupperschmidt, 2000). Generational terms like Traditionalists or Veterans
(people born before 1945), Baby Boomers
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Generational Difference in the Attitude of Immigrants Essay
There are many factors that contribute to what attitude an immigrant is going to have on their
newfound home. Some think the most important thing is their economic outlook, some their
religious beliefs, but for most, it is as simple as when they were born. Out of any factor, the
generational difference has the largest affect on the approach the immigrants have on their new
country, which in many cases is the United States. The generational difference is the largest
determining factor because of the impressionability of children, the established identity that the
adults must change, and the attachment to the old country that is stronger in some than others. It
cannot be said for sure that a certain generation is the "better" immigrant, but ... Show more content
on ...
When it comes to culture, the children are the first to adopt it. The new society and all it has to offer
captivates them. Like Gogol and his sister, they want to eat all the food from America, they want all
the new toys, and they want to be American. In Crossing Over by Ruben Martinez, the fancy shoes
and clothes that come from America captivate many young Mexicans that cannot wait to go cross
the border themselves. They want to be like the "migrant boys and their brand–new sneakers and
cooler–than–cool beanies..." (87). More so than adults, kids are mesmerized by a flashy society that
has newer and better things to offer. Other than what the society has to offer, kids are often benefited
by a more tolerant age. Many immigrants are treated poorly whether it be at the hand of racism or
stereotypes. This can really turn people off the American society and taint the image of the average
American. It is often said that kids are colorblind, and that very much holds true to different races,
whether it be Asian, Latino, or African. Adults can face discrimination when it comes to the way
they talk or dress, but children usually avoid this. Then, by the time they are adults, they have
assimilated very well the American culture and blend right in. Adults usually have a harder time
adjusting to the new culture. Many times, they simply do not want to have anything to do with a
new culture because they already have an identity with the culture of their past home.
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Baby Boomers And Generation Y Generational Differences
In situations where a Baby Boomer or Gen Y attends training that is not conducted in their preferred
method of learning, they seem, uncomfortable, bored, or overwhelmed in the class. When a student
in a training course is focusing on their boredom, being uncomfortable, or being overwhelmed, they
are not fully present in the course and retraining knowledge properly. This research study will focus
on the Baby Boomers and Generation Y, the two generations populating most of the workforce. The
study will examine the generational differences in training satisfaction, retention, and job transfer
based on the type of training attended. This will include pre–tests, post–tests, post training post–
tests, and interviews with trainees and their supervisors
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Movie Vs Play Analysis
Similarities is the state of fact of being similar. Differences is a point or way in which people or
things are not the same. A play and movie can have the same content, but they have plenty of
differences. While reading the play and watching the movie we have compared and contrasted each.
Both have the same background. A small poor african american family living on the South side of
Chicago. With issues that range from generational clashes to the civil rights and human movement.
The Youngers have a opportunity to escape from poverty which comes in the form of a 10,000 life
insurance check that Lena Younger (Mama) receives on the behave of her husband's death.
Throughout each the movie and play there are features Protagonist, Dreams, and main
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The Reflection Of A Generational Differences In Leadership
As society evolves, generational differences are more apparent than before. To me, a "generation" is
a group of people who share age, attitudes, ways of life, and certain beliefs. Members of one
generation can learn many things from those in another, and vice–versa, whether that knowledge is
some that the member of the opposite generation agrees or empathizes with or not. When interacting
with those of different generations than yours, it is important to keep generational differences in
mind, whether they are some you can capitalize upon for a mutual benefit or some that may be
challenging, but able to be overcome. For my generational interview for this assignment, I
interviewed Lori Smith, my former 4–H leader, current fellow 4–H volunteer and judging team
coach, and educator at one of the high schools in my home county's school district. Lori is 55 years
old and was raised on a farm in Southern Indiana. Her father was a vocational agriculture teacher
and mother was a homemaker and registered nurse. After college at Purdue University, she married
and moved to North Carolina and later Central Florida, where she currently resides. I chose to
interview her as she has experience with extension, with involvement in various programs, most
notably 4–H as a member as a kid, parent when her kids were members, volunteer, and now leader
and team coach for over 40 years total. In the interview, I asked her what generation she considers
herself to be a member of, how she would
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Generational Differences
Much of the literature on Millennials and Generational Differences presents theoretical and
methodological issues, and often the research undertaken in this are by practitioners reaches
conclusions about Millennials, without presenting any actual empirical evidence(Ng et al., 2012).
The literature also identifies the academic research on generations as an issue, and whilst this aspect
of the research is supported by empirical evidence, it often is conducted cross–sectionally –
meaning, that the data is only collected at one point in time, and therefore the findings could be
attributed to either the age of the individuals surveyed or the generation specifically (Ng et al.,
2012). Hence, it is difficult to draw direct conclusions about any specific ... Show more content on ...
The general assumption is that the Silent Generation consists of those individuals born between
1925–1945, the Baby Boomers are born between 1946–1964, Generation X are individuals born
between 1965–1981 and Generation Y are those born between 1982–1999 (Twenge et al., 2010).
However, there are some date variations on the exact cut–off dates for each generation. In their
review of theory and evidence on generational differences in work values, Parry and Urwin found
that all the studies to date use different cut–off dates for each individual generation and argue that
the fact that different scholars have defined each generation differently, can to some extent explain
why there is no consistent evidence for the existence and nature of generational differences in work
values (Parry and Urwin, 2011). Further complicating the grouping of generations, is the argument
by several scholars, who imply, that those individuals, who are close to the cut–off dates of a
generation might not necessarily belong to either one, but more form a blend of two generations.
Hence, the argument is formed, that only those who fit into the middle of a generation actually
depict this generations values and attitudes and share common experiences (Parry & Urwin, 2011).
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The Characteristics Of Generational Differences In The...
Jordan Clary
Professor Debra Owens
Human Resource Management
27 September 2017
Generational Differences in the Classroom
Most people have a learning style that mirrors how they were taught when they were younger. It
should be noted that there is not a one size fits all method when it comes to learning. The key to
being able to appeal to each of the different generations is to offer diversity in teaching styles in
order to satisfy the different preferences. As of now, there are four generations that are in the
workforce and those four generations are: The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and
the Millennials. This paper will examine the characteristics of these four generations, how their
learning styles differ, and what to provide to each group in order for their learning experience to be
most rewarding.
The Silent Generation was born between the mid 1920's to early 1940's. The silent generation was
born in the middle of the Great Depression, and saw their parents struggle with finance issues
(Levonius, 2015). This generation learned to value the money that they had and tended to save more
than spend. This generation was raised in the midst of the World War, therefore this generation
preferred to keep their heads down and stay silent while working hard to achieve slow progress
(Levonius, 2015). In the classroom, members of this generation prefer to be in the background and
not the center of attention. They are a group that respects authority, does what is asked of them and
does not quit the job until complete. This generation grew up in a teacher–centric educational
system, meaning that children should be seen and not heard. While they were in school if they spoke
out of turn there was usually some sort of punishment. The silent generation has a learning style that
is based on the classic classroom structure, and what that means is they prefer to sit in front of an
instructor and listen to the lecture. They like for learning to be taught in a linear format with
feedback that is clear (Levonius, 2015). It is common that this generation has decided to return to
school simply for the fact that they want to keep their minds sharp, after retirement. It is important
for these adult students to
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Reflection On Generational Differences
Howley Reflection Journal #2: Generational Differences
After reading the article by Farag, Tullai–McGuinesss, & Anthony (2009), I will reflect upon my
experiences in a leadership role dealing with various different age groups through numerous
situations. The discussion will include the generation I generally identify with, with whom I tend to
work best with, and how this affects my unit. I will also reflect on the author's conclusions and
recommendations and how they will likely affect my area of practice.
The Boomers
Emergency Room nursing tends to be a specialty where many nurses stay the longevity of their
career. Nurses have difficulty transitioning out of this environment because of its nature of being
fast paced, chaotic at times, ... Show more content on ...
(2009), I believe the researchers had some valid points at the completion of their study. To retain
nurses, as leaders, we need to understand the differences in the generations. Boomers want
recognition for their achievements, expect rewards for performance, want to feel that they are
contributing, and appreciate supportive managers (Farag et al., 2009). Including Boomers in
decisions and placing them on committees helps the Boomers to be included and useful. Gen–Xers,
on the other hand, want immediate feedback and gratification, expect collaborative decision–
making, and anticipate mentoring relationships while working with competent and knowledgeable
leaders (Farag et al., 2009). They would benefit from finding a mentor and consistent feedback.
Generation X and Millennial nurses had significantly lower job satisfaction scores than the Baby
Boomers (Leiter & Laschinger, 2010). On my unit satisfaction is impacted as well, although recently
I am seeing a shift as the demands and pace are increasing the Boomers are having a harder time
keeping up in the emergency room environment. The Millenials need to feel valued and also have a
seat at the table, but they also need the time to grow their skill set and would benefit from feedback.
The generations working together and passing back and forth what they are proficient in is
enjoyable to watch, to see a Millennial helping a Boomer with the computer or new equipment is
just as important as that Boomer or Gen Xer passing on the stories and the "whys" behind how we
do some things. As a leader it is my goal to relate to and meet each person where they are and help
them to
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Generational Differences Of The Workplace Today
Generational Differences in the Workplace Today
Todays workplace consists of Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millenials. An individual's
generations is determined by the era the individual was born. Each generation possess certain values
and characteristics. At times these differences can cause issues in the work place. I will discuss the
concept of Generational Differences in the workplace today.
Managing Multiple Generations
Managing multiple generations can pose a challenge for employers. Managers have to find a
balance. Taylor (2014) state "The modern workplace is no different than those of years past, with
Generation Y, Generation X and baby boomers all coexisting in the same office. But as more
boomers work past retirement age, and tech–savvy millennials continue to graduate and enter the
workforce, the stark differences in the values, communication styles and work habits of each
generation are becoming increasingly pronounced." (Taylor, 2014). Taylor (2014) also states ""As
new generations join the workforce, there is a period of adaptation that 's required on both ends,"
said Rich Milgram, CEO of career network "New talent needs to respect and
assimilate, while established talent needs to adjust and remain flexible. Companies should challenge
their employees to rise above [generational differences], think outside their comfort zone and tackle
problems together."" (Taylor, 2014).
Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers are hard workers. They believe individuals
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Generational Differences In Nursing Research
Embracing and understanding new technology is vital to a nurse's career, especially for the older
nurse. Dr. Mitchell spoke about how it was important to be comfortable enough for nurses, or
anyone, to be able to say when they do not feel comfortable with newly implemented technology
(Health IT Podcast, 2016). When new software or machines are introduced that go against the way it
is always done, I find that nurses tend to push back in droves. Not to say that this is all of them, but I
think this has a lot to do with a generational difference. Nurses that gained experience before EHR
and scanning the patient for every action, these are the nurses that get comfortable, the ones that
push against changes. I think that they do this because they
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Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers And Millennials
Today, the workforce is made up of many different generations, which is affecting and effectively
changing the workplace culture as a whole. The major generational differences between millennials
and baby boomers can be either positive or negative depending on whom you ask. Boomers may
categorize millennials as lazy and entitled, while millennials may call themselves innovative. No
matter what they call themselves or each other, they all have to work together now as simply as that.
This topic has sparked a lot of discussion as to how it's best for each generation to act and deal with
their other generational coworkers.
Workplace culture is the way your company operates and the personality it possesses. A Forbes
article stated three ways to ... Show more content on ...
Companies need new strategies to utilize the strengths of each employee. Once boomers do retire
there will be a large void in the workforce since there is so many of them. This will create another
change in business culture because younger people will be needed to fill those spots.
All of these situations are becoming more and more common in the new workforce. In order for a
business to run smoothly all of the workers, managers and subordinates need to be able to find
common ground to accomplish the set tasks. There is no avoiding your coworkers so this is
I don't see the change of culture to stop anytime soon. I believe that people will continue to develop
new ideas to make things easier and faster. There are also more generations entering the workforce,
and while one may think that they are similar because they know technology they are all vastly
different. The old saying of "turning into your mother/father" may come true for the millennials as
they become older in the workforce. I can see there always being disagreements among different
generations because each thinks that their way is better. Still, people will obviously need to learn to
work together and adjust to different generational
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The Generational Differences Between The Generation X And...
This paper inquires about the generational differences between the Generation X (1961–1981) and
Generation Y (1981–2001). After reviewing several articles and identifying the important
information, it has been summed up in one paper. It includes, growing up in different eras and how
they compare and contrast. As well as, what it was like to learn in those era's, meaning mostly how
has technology advanced our learning programs and teaching techniques. The reader will also find
how it is to work with the different generations of people, more importantly their weaknesses and
strengths. How work hours have shifted from 13–14 hour days and decreased all the way to 7–8
hour days. They do seem to balance each other out being the Gen Y, also known as Millennials or
Digital Natives, are capable of multitasking throughout their shifts due to the technology available.
Times are definitely changing and it is time to jump on board if you would like to sail smoothly.
Difference in learning traits between Gen X on and Gen Y
Generation X and Generation Y being not that different in age are made of very different
complexities. Generation X born between the years of 1960 and 1980, and Generation Y otherwise
known as the millennials were born between 1981 and 2001. It has been a challenge for teachers to
adapt to new learning techniques, Generation X was raised in a higher work ethic environment,
whereas, Gen Y grew up with technology and had endless amounts of information at the touch of a
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Generational Differences In Older Generations
"We didn't have birthdays like you growing up." I was gripped from the beginning of this interview
to learn about the generational differences between me and my grandmother. Donna McGuire, my
grandmother, has led a very different life than mine own due to multiple generation gaps and
geographical differences. This interview really enlightened me about the struggles that people went
through in previous years and how their childhoods were so drastically different than ours. What
was really eye opening about this interview was that not only how technology has changed how we
live but the evolution of society that makes older generations seem so distant even though the
difference in years is only around 60 years. Her first memory as a child is running through farms in
her bare feet in rural Wisconsin, which is one of her most fond ones at that. She was a very bright
young student, being the first girl chosen to be on a baseball team and received very good grades
and was involved in other extracurricular activities such as the yearbook and the school newspaper
for a brief stint. On her street growing up, birthday parties were not a celebration as they are today,
instead an opportunity for the kids on the street to get together and eat ice cream and cupcakes, "I
never had a party where we did pin the tail on the donkey or hired a clown or anything like that, I
just remember being happy when it was my turn to dole out the cupcakes and ice cream." It was a
different time and
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Generational Differences In Maus A Survivor's Tale
Society has drastically changed in the past decades. The younger public nowadays is growing up in
a completely different culture than that of older generations. Often times because of this distinction,
one may find themselves in conflicts with others who grew up in a different era. This is all due to
the generational differences between both groups. Generational differences occur because people of
different generations have different values, experiences, and work ethics that mold them into who
they are. People of different generations grow up having different ethics, which can lead to the
clashing of ideas. In Art Speigleman's graphic novel Maus: A Survivors Tale, Spiegleman alludes to
this idea by providing personal examples through out ... Show more content on ...
In Susan Haywood's power point presentation "Managing Intergenerational Conflict in the
Workplace," Haywood shows careful analysis and compares Traditionalists to Baby Boomers.
Traditionalists are people who were born between 1925–1945 while Baby Boomers are people born
between 1946–1964. These generations have distinct reasons for working. Traditionalist work
because "[they] want a roof and food"(Haywood). Traditionalist grew up during times of the great
depression and other significant historical events, and work as they see it as a necessity to survive.
They have experienced scarcity, and are very devoted to their work, as they take nothing for granted.
Baby Boomers on the other hand, have very different factors that drive their work ethic. Baby
Boomers view their work as an " exciting adventure" (Haywood). Baby Boomers grew up in a
generation that was way more rebellious that previous one's. They are not used to being as
responsible or devoted as their parents were, and view work as more of a thrill than a tedious task.
What drives one's work often times may be different according to the standards they had when
growing up. Differing work ethics can lead to dispute, and generational differences are again
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Generational Differences: The Use Of the Internet Essay...
Generational Differences: The Use Of the Internet
Everyone is doing it: surfing the net. Every generation nowadays is using the Internet for some
reason or another. Kids, sometimes for play; students for school work; and adults in the workforce
are using the net for business related topics or to plan their next vacation; seniors are using it to keep
in touch with their grandchildren. If you aren't using the net, then you are obviously not in tune with
the Real World.
There have been my in depth studies dealing with generational use of the Internet. Who is wired and
who is not. The gender gap. Who, how and why a person is using the Internet. Before I get into my
own observations, I would like to introduce some observations ... Show more content on ...
But the nature of children's experiences using computers in school varied greatly by subject and
teacher objectives, and the data suggested that lower–income students use computers more often for
repetitive practice, whereas higher–income students use computers more often for more
sophisticated, intellectually complex applications. Differences between low–income and high–
income children's access to home computers were less subtle. Surveyed data indicated that only
about 22% of children in families with annual incomes of less than $20,000 had access to a home
computer, compared to 91% of those in families with annual incomes of more than $75,000. And
among children with access, those in low income families were reported to use the computer less
than those in high–income families, maybe because most low–income families with computers
lacked a connection to the Internet. The two most predictive factors of children's use of home
computers were the child's age and the computers capabilities. (Becker)
High–School/College students: Through study, it is found that scholars (high–school and college)
use the Internet for much of their school work. Many of them even take classes or components of
their classes on the Internet. A random sample of 100 scholars was taken. It was found that all of
them had some sort of access to a computer via home, work or school.
It has been
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Generational Differences

  • 1. Generational Differences From the beginning of my studies I wanted to help children and adolescents with their family issues. I came from a difficult childhood, and thought that this was my area of expertise. Thereafter, my feelings began to shift some recognizing that I too made many mistakes with my own children that I began to see that most of the home issues are born of generational situations that have evolved to present issues. Consequently, it created a desire and inclination to lead a family group. Probably the most difficult issues that a family group can present are the generational differences and establishing trust in the members. Having a son talk to his father in a group setting could be beneficial to their confrontation, rather than trying to deal with ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Generational Differences In The Workplace The current generations that are predominantly represented in the workplace are Baby Boomers (Boomers), Generation X (Gen X), and Generation Y (Millennials or Gen Y). Differences among the various generations are often portrayed as Boomers having more loyalty to an organization, and generally being more diligent in their work (Wong, Gardiner, Lang, & Coulon, 2008). Gen X are not as likely as Boomers to display loyalty to a particular institution or organization, and are seen as more independent, self–sufficient, and being unimpressed with authority (Wong et al., 2008). Gen Y are said to be more comfortable with change than Boomers, and value skill development, new opportunities, and are more tech savvy than other generations (Wong et al., 2008). ... Show more content on ... However, there is very little empirical evidence to back up claims of generational differences in the workplace (Becton, Walker, & Jones–Farmer, 2014; Costanza, Badger, Fraser, Severt, & Gade, 2012). There is also insufficient explanations as to why such blatant differences between generations would come into existence (Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015). Furthermore, there is abundant alternative explanations for observed differences, and an overall lack of support for effective mediations by organizations to address possible generational differences (Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015). Overall, although there are people of different ages within the workplace, specific generations seem to be artificially induced and labeled through the use of birth years, and lack solid evidence to support such clear ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Generational Differences Essay Generational Differences Every generation is influenced by its period 's economic, political and social events. From the Great Depression to the civil rights and women 's movements to the advent of television and advanced computer technologies. Thus generational background/situation may also affect the way they work. The key is to be able to effectively address and take advantage of the differences in values and expectations of each generation in the workplace. The current work place consists of four different generations; The Baby Boomers (1946–1964) who are slowly retiring and existing the workforce, The Generation X (1965–1976), The Generation Y or millennia (1977–1997), and the Generation Z who are about to or are just entering the work force. Although these different generations tend to want similar things in a workplace their environment/background has shaped their character, values, and expectations (Hahn 2011). Baby Boomers' perspective According to Hahn (2011), baby boomers share the following background and characteristics: Raised during a time of economic prosperity and optimism. Grew up with a clear division of gender roles and low divorce rate. Experience the Vietnam War, the Apollo 11 moon landing, and the civil right movement. They are comfortable working in hierarchical organizations. Demonstrate a strong sense of self, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Expect life to revolve around work. Prefer face to face meetings. May feel ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Generational Differences In Silent Generation, Baby... Time over relationship, face–to–face over virtual social media which method is better or does each method bring added value to the workplace? Bill Brennan's "Generational Differences" discusses the generational differences between the 4 main groups, or generations, of the United States; Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. Through his depiction, Brenner discusses how shared events influence and define each generation and that while individuals in each group are diverse; they still share certain thoughts, values and behaviors because of shared events. Each generation should use their differences, in loyalty, work/life balance and communication, to educate each other and create a more effective workplace environment. ... Show more content on ... While the Silent Generation and Boomers are characterized as being extremely loyal towards their employers, whereas Generation X & Y lack loyalty with their employer. For instance, Brenner depicts the Silent Generation (born before 1945) as long–term employees who value loyalty and do not question authority. Brenner states that "they tend to respect hierarchy" (p. 26). Next, Baby Boomers (born between 1946) tend to challenge authority, want open lines of communication, results driven and competitive. Brenner states Boomers "...would like to have been long term employees" (p. 27) Continuing on, Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) are not overly loyal to their employer and tend to be skeptical. Brenner states, "the most difficult to work with..." (p.27) Finally, Generation Y (born between 1980 and 1994) may value their relationship with co–workers over their relationship with their company so are not especially loyal. Brenner states, "many Gen Yers experienced downsizing through their parents, in some cases this has created a lack of trust". (p. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Are Generational Differences a Reason to Judge... Edward S. Lyba, Ed.D. proclaimed, "Diversity in the workplace means creating an environment where people from dissimilar backgrounds can utilize their talents and work productively together," (NEPA Diversity Guide, 2007). Organizations have been striving to understand and create an abundant amount of diversity amongst their employees. It has been instilled in the minds of today's employees that everyone is different and unique and companies want originality. Since companies have been putting a strong focus on diversity, it has encouraged employees to develop excuses as to why they are different. Recently, organizations and employees the same, have turned to the excuse of a generation gap as justification to resist this change. Should ... Show more content on ... Research has been done in regards to why people resist change; the answer remains unclear (Kouzes and Posner, 1995). The corporate world, public and private sectors, are ever changing; people need to stop resisting change. Further, through Kouzes and Posner's research they claimed, "We appreciate others when we adopt a learning attitude," (1995). The problem is not that we are different; the problem is that people are not adapting to the changing environment quickly enough. It is human nature to make excuses; the generational difference is just another excuse. It is not that generations have different values or morals, they don't want to change their ways. Regardless of what generation an employee grew up in, it is never easy to adapt to a younger, more progressive, college graduate taking over as their boss. Baby boomers, generation x'ers and generations y'ers need to realize change, embrace it, and learn to work with it. Next, as organizations promote diversity, employees and workers need to as well. It is important to note that the word diversity does not mean varied morals and values, rather, varied backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. "One surprising finding from research is that appreciating diversity encourages both open discussion and productive conflict management, "(Kouzes & Posner, 1995). Employees of different generations need to stop neglecting one another's differences, in terms of experience, and communicate to promote these ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Generational Differences In Nursing Care We are in the process of planning groups and in–services regarding generational differences and conflict management. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks, we can have the process started. In the meantime, a few points to consider. There are clear differences between practice between nurses who have entered the MH field within the last few years and those that have practiced for longer periods of time. Both of these groups have strengths and weaknesses, and you can all learn from one another. There is a tendency for nurses in MH to become jaded after a few years, whether it be from coping mechanisms or being repeatedly burned by patients. However, that is no excuse to ignore patient needs and have negative feelings towards our patient population. You are here to help, not judge. ... Show more content on ... This is particularly true for co–dependent personalities, and those of us with histories of substance use and/or mental illness in our families. You are here to help, not judge other nurses or become someone support ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Managing Generational Differences Of The Workplace Essay Managing Generational Differences Introduction Workforces are diverse, not only with respect to gender, racio–ethnicity, culture and work styles, but also with respect to age. Workplaces have always had numerous generations working together. There 's the bright–eyed and bushy–tailed younger generation of newcomers, the established middle generation that holds most of the management roles and the older generation of senior executives who are 30 or 40 years of valuable experience. Each of these distinct age groups comes with their own set generational differences, which can cause some friction among colleagues and superiors. These differences exist throughout organisations, from entry to executive level. The Differences Today's workplace is no different than those of past years, with Traditionals, Generation X and baby boomers all coexisting in the same office. But as more boomers work past retirement age, and tech– savvy millennials continue to graduate and enter the workforce, the stark differences in the values, communication styles and work habits of each generation are becoming more and more pronounced. Generational differences can have an effect on everything in the workplace, including recruiting, building teams, dealing with change, motivating, managing, and maintaining and increasing productivity. Research indicates that people communicate based on their generational backgrounds. Each generation has distinct attitudes, behaviours, expectations, habits and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Understanding and Managing Generational Differences Essay SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE "UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING GENERATIONAL DIFFERENCES IN THE WORK PLACE" ( Cited from Kapoor and Solomon 2011) Introduction In the present diversified work force in terms of age ,gender,culture ,work style, the employee demographics consist of the four generations which are Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millenials Generations Birth Years Corevalue Prefered Communication Style Traditionalists 1925 to 1945 Clear Direction, Loyal and discipline Memos, Letters, Personal notes Baby Boomers 1946 to 1964 Idealist, Optimistic ,Respect to Authority. Phone calls, Face to Face Gen X 1965 to 1980 Self Reliant ,Work Independently, skeptical to authority Voicemail, Email. ... Show more content on ... They are good at multi tasking and can work on simultaneous projects as long as the company allows them to prioritize the projects (Gursoy et al.2008). GEN Y ( Also called as Millenials):Millennial have grown up with technology and are comfortable with change. They value skill development and enjoy the challenge of new opportunities. Millennial are able to multi task, they want the flexibility to work where and when they want so that they can pursue their outside interests. Generational Conflicts in the work place The conflicts or differences can be caused due to various reasons like the preferences in the Communication Style, the Traditionalists and the Baby Boomers prefer more of face to face communication and the GenX and the Millennial prefer email and text messaging ([16] Glass ,2007:[52]Wagner,2007) Differences can also happen how they view authority and Management like Traditionalist believe in a chain in command , Baby Boomers believe in a consensus Model ( Roy,2008a,b) And when it comes to career stability, Traditionalists and Generation X likes to focus on employability over climbing the career ladder. And Generation Y has a high preference for engaging workplaces Managing Generational ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Characteristics Of Generational Differences In Nursing... Characteristics of Different Generations in Nursing Workforce Generational diversity in the workplace has gained much attention since it has an impact on the organization. Managers in healthcare organizations face many issues concerning the generational differences due to the differences in characteristics that differentiate these groups of workers older and younger employees. The generational differences are based on the historical, cultural, social and economic events that happened during different times. The most significant factor is reliance on technology that has separated the younger generation from the older one (Levi, 2013). Productivity in nurse practice and clinical settings can be boosted by combining the differences in the learning preferences and work ethics through successful integration. Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials are the major groups in the workplace. Their attitudes towards work, family, comfort with technology and communication styles differ (Hendricks & Cope, 2013). Baby boomers like work and they have a strong work ethic. This generation group have a positive attitude towards work and are not afraid to toil hard in the workplace. The baby boomers obtain their satisfaction and self–worth directly from career and professional achievements. Due to the dedication and positive attitude that this group has towards work, it may be challenging for them to establish a working balance between home and work. On the other hand, the generation Xers lack the workaholic attitudes that their boomer parents have. They do not prioritize work and the Xers tend to have a negative attitude towards work and may change jobs frequently. Generation Xers are treated as the slacker generation. Their diverse attitudes towards work are attributed to the concept of developing a life/work balance. Generation X question the authoritative figures in the workplace (Lyons & Kuron, 2014). The millennials or generation Ys are the current groups of workers regarded as a global–centric generation. The millennials are predicted to make approximately half of the workforce globally by 2050. The millennials are lazy and see work in a slightly different way compared to the earlier generations. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers and... Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers and Millennials and The Impacts on HR Kimberly Senkler September 14, 2010 Human Resource Management BA 421 KP Normally we tend to think of diversity in relation to age, race, gender and religion. These days there is more focus being given to diversity in the form of generational differences. While the other factors in diversity (age, race, gender and religion) tend to lead to legal issues, generational diversity is generally more of a performance issue. Generations can be loosely defined as bodies of individuals born and living at about the same time. "Each generation is molded by distinctive experiences during their critical developmental periods" (Twenge, 2008). The ... Show more content on ... Millennials tend to be technologically advanced and eager to learn. They also value social responsibility and team–work. They are often seen as impatient and quick to express opinions without having all of the data. Millennials are quick to jump–ship if they do not feel if they are progressing fast enough, often at speeds that might be seen as unreasonable. Dayan (2005) says that about 5.6 million Millennials are about to enter the employment market. Millennials are said to be the most challenging generation for employers. Attracting Boomers and Millennials "The number of employees over the age of 55 has increased by 30 percent; however, the number of 25– to 54–year– olds has only increased by 1 percent" (Claire, 2009). In 2008 the eldest of the 77 million baby– boomers turned 62. Estimates are that by the end of the decade about 40 percent of the work force will be eligible to retire. As people begin to reach the age of retirement there may be not be enough new employees to fill the gap (Clare, 2009). Companies need to find ways to attract Boomers and Millennials. Companies that want to attract Boomers and Millennials need to be creative in their culture, HR policies and work environments. According to the U.S. Census Bureau the number of people 65 and older will possibly double by the year 2030. According to Yager (2008) forecasts are showing that the United States could reach a labor shortage by 2030. As ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Generational Differences in the Workplace Essay Generational Differences in the Workplace Composition II–Eng 102 Generational Differences in the Workplace The workplace of today involves interactions among people from four different generations often causing much conflict for leaders and organizations. Each generation represented has its own set of different values and beliefs. These differences can easily lead to conflicting barriers within the workplace. This can pose a significant problem for those in leadership. In order to combat this issue, leaders and organizations can effectively deal with these issues by offering different programs such as executive mentoring, town hall meetings, and leadership seminars for those in leadership. The ... Show more content on ... Kyles (2005) defines them as competitive, political, hardworking, and nonconformists. "Known for their workaholic ethic, Boomers will do whatever it takes to get the job done and get ahead, and they expect to be rewarded. They outnumber all generations and hold a majority of management–level positions. They are also approaching retirement and are heavily concerned with financial and job security" (Kyles, 2005, p. 54). This group is very hard working and also offers a lot of wisdom that can be beneficial to those of the younger generations. The third generation represented is often referred to as "Generation X." Members of this group are born between 1965 and 1979. Kyles (2005) defines them as individualistic, disloyal, techno literate, and one of the most challenging groups to manage. This can be attributed to the fact that this group grew up in the rebellious years of the sixties and seventies. Marshall (2004) states, "The employer has to provide an opportunity to work and grow, or they are going to leave" (p. 18). This says a lot about the influence of culture on this generation. The last and final generation represented is referred to as "Generation Y." This group is typically born between 1980 and 1999. Kyles (2005) states, "Generation Y is coming of age during a time of technological sophistication, extreme economic swings, individual prosperity, terrorism, and ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. And Values Of The Future Generations When thinking about what is necessary to pass on to the future generations, people of different ages and backgrounds consider what is critical to vary. During and after the interview I had with my mother discussing what advice and concepts we want the future generations to know, it was evident how we similarly and differently saw the world. When our answers were the same, it was typical because my mother has instilled what she thinks are important values in me. When our answers where different, however, it could occasionally be blamed on the generational gap between us or the difference in values based on when we were raised. It is evident that my mother and I want the future people of our society to have many of the same qualities we try to exhibit every day. The similarities between the two sets of answers was astonishing. In fact, about half of my mother and my answers were identical or had a different phrasing of an identical idea. For our concepts, we both though that it is important to be self–sufficient or self–reliant. This way of thinking is something both my grandmother and mother value, so it must have been passed onto me. The second concept that we both had in common was to find one's personal truth and listen to others points of view. These may seem different, but in my answer of listening to others points of view, the main outcome of that is to create one's own idea from others. This relates to my mother's answer of finding inner truth because both concepts ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Generational Difference in Work Values Course Title: Success Strategies for the Hospitality and Service Industries Course Number: M900 Full Name: Jackey Assignment Title: Academic Writing and Presentation Word Count: 1388 The article: Generational differences in work values: a study of hospitality management was conducted by the author to understand the structure of hospitality work values and its perception among 3 different generations of managers and supervisors (Chen, P., & Choi, Y., 2008). In order to achieve this objective a survey was conducted of 398 managers and supervisors from hospitality organizations in the USA. The research identified 15 work values along with their hierarchical order. Based on it a four dimensional (comfort and security, ... Show more content on ... Retirement benefits are important factors in job choices (Armour, 2005). Among the 15 work values, way of life and achievement ranked as the most important work values by all three generational groups. Baby Boomers ranked altruism higher than younger generations. Generation Xers and Millennials ranked supervisory relationship higher than Baby Boomers. Generation Xers viewed security and independence higher than the other two generations. Millennials ranked economic return as one of the top five work values. Interestingly, neither of the groups ranked management as on of the top five work values (Chen, & Choi, 2008). The study applied factor analysis procedures to explore the underlying dimensions of hospitality managers' work values. The result was a four–dimension–solution with 64.49 percent of variance explained by the components. Based on the commonality within the item groupings the four dimensions were labeled as: comfort and security, professional growth, personal growth, and work environment (Chen, & Choi, 2008). The first dimension, comfort and security, included four items: way of life, supervisory relationships, security, and economic return. The second dimension, professional growth, contained four items: management, independence, prestige, and variety. The third dimension, personal growth, ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Generational Differences Between Firefighters What are the generational differences facing the fire service today and what tools can we employ to navigate these differences? It's the first time in American history that five generations are sharing the workplace, from Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, the Millennials or Generation Y, and the new unnamed generation. With five generations come five sets of ideas, how to conduct one's self, approach activities, values and motivators. Different beliefs, understandings, and undertakings create misinterpretations and frustrations. The fire service is currently facing a similar situation. It's imperative to recognize and understand these differences to avoid misunderstandings and to help your department work effectively to meet its goals. Not every employee displays aspect of their generation category, but understanding the individualities of each generation will help with teamwork, supervision, embracing change, and productivity. With each generation there are different communication styles and driving factors that motivate production. It is essential that you understand how each generation communicates and what they motivators are so that you can communicate ideas and organization vision to them. What can we do in the fire service to prepare to handle these challenges? Traditionalists are also known as the Veteran Generation, they are made up of individuals who were born between 1925–1945. They were brought up in a more challenging time with life experiences that ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Howley Reflection Journal # 2: Generational Differences Howley Reflection Journal #2: Generational Differences After reading the article by Farag, Tullai–McGuinesss, & Anthony (2009), I will reflect upon my experiences in a leadership role dealing with various different age groups through numerous situations. The discussion will include the generation I generally identify with, with whom I tend to work best with, and how this affects my unit. I will also reflect on the author's conclusions and recommendations and how they will likely affect my area of practice. The Boomers Emergency Room nursing tends to be a specialty where many nurses stay the longevity of their career. The nature of the emergency room is fast paced, chaotic at times, and always changing, nurses have difficulty transitioning ... Show more content on ... In my work setting, they come with a few years experience already. The millennials have tremendous enthusiasm and thirst to learn. This generation is quick with any change and is easy to adapt; this helps within the emergency room. The Millenials readily ask for more help or demand longer orientation. I have not seen the other generations take care of themselves as well as the Mellenials, not sure if this is a bad thing but it occasionally stops me in my tracks; I could never have done that or talked that way to my manager as a new nurse. They appear more empowered to seek justice and aren't happy with just doing something because that is the way it always has been done. The younger generation challenges me to grow and look at situations or procedures with fresh eyes. Technology comes as second nature to this group. Technology can be a hindrance as well, the phones appear to be an issue, but often they are using this technology at their fingertips for work, looking up drugs, calculating doses, and looking up a condition. The seasoned nurses assume they are slacking off or finished all their work and are sitting there and that is frustrating and builds contention. I find they do not look to apologize for being viewed this way; they know their work is up to par and won't apologize for having some time. As a manager, I have been reflecting upon this quite a bit lately, the families become annoyed, yet when asked ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Generational Differences Fairy Tales Generational Differences in Fairy Tales Fairy tales, for thousands of years, have filled the minds of listeners with folkloric characters, picturesque settings and significant life lessons. This literature genre stems from a deeply rooted oral tradition that is seen in cultures worldwide. Classic fantasy tales have been captured and turned into literature by many writers, such as Angela Carter and Charles Perrault, who add their own creativity and interpretation to each story. Bluebeard, a tale of a wealthy and seemingly kind businessman who kills seven of his wives and locks their bodies away in an off limits cellar and is now out to seek a new wife, brings together an unsettling combination of death, love, curiosity and marriage. Both Carter ... Show more content on ... Opening up with a typical fairy tale intro, "There once was..."(Perrault 144), and then diving right into the plot of his story with just enough details to fill a mind with a perfect picture. He then identifies his main character, Bluebeard, who has great wealth and an upper class status. Unlike Carters, Perrault's main character is a male and the story is being narrated through third person, both ideas which are very commonly seen in traditional fairy tale telling. His next character is the female who is only described as a, "[perfect] beauty,"(Perrault 144), and who also at first despises Bluebeard when he begins to ask for her or her sister's hand in marriage. Nevertheless, after seeing all his wealth after a week long country vacation, where, "everyday there were parties of pleasure, hunting, fishing, dancing and dining," (Perrault 144), she decides to looked past his less desirable characteristics and get married. Further into the story the husband tests his new wife by tempting her. After giving her keys to every lockbox, closet, room and drawer in the house he says, "Open anything you want. Go anywhere you wish. But I absolutely forbid you to enter that little room, and if you so much as open it a crack, there will be no limit to my anger," (Perrault 145). When her husband leaves, the wife becomes overwhelmed with anxiousness to go look in the forbidden room. Perrault describes how she rudely left her guests upstairs do to her tormenting curiosity and ran down the stairs so fast that, "more than once thought she was going to break her neck," (Perrault 145. Once reaching the door she has a brief moment of clarity, thinking of the future harm that could come, however, the temptation was to overpowering. The way Perrault tells his version of these scenes makes it seem very condescending towards women. He makes the wife out to be a rude, disobedient ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Generational Differences: Generation X and Generation Y The hottest topic of conversation is between two generations is superiority. The Generation X argues that Generation Y is getting everything in their plate without having to work for it. The millenials counter that by saying that technological know how is the need of the day and nobody survives bereft of that. This is what the older generations lacks and finds it difficult to cope with the times. Hence the millenials consider themselves better. But is this argument really valid? Are the criteria used equally applicable? After the interview with my friend and my uncle, I decided that my friend has a better opinion about the generational differences. Generation Y– also "called Millennials" refers to people born approximately between the 1980's –2000. The striking behavior patterns we see among them are one being "group oriented". They are more comfortable acting in groups. Facebook is just one of many examples, which being an integral part of their lives. Typically they have also been more subjected to group activities since childhood, often parents or teachers engaging them in–group activities. Parents and the current teaching system are responsible for their obsession with group activities. They are also highly optimistic about everything, and positive in their outlook. Though we know that they are also vulnerable to stress. They are really passionate about everything they do, regardless of the outcome. They like to participate in activities like fighting for a cause, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Bill Brennan Generational Differences Summary Generational Differences: "If you don't think generation makes a difference, think of this example. When asked to recall how and where Kennedy died, the Veterans and Baby Boomers would say gunshots in Dallas, Texas; Generation X remembers a plane crash near Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; and Milinials might say, "Kennedy who?" (FDUMagazine Online, p. 2) Each individual generation brings different values and skills to the table, but the pronounced differences can cause conflict within the workplace. Bill Brennan's "Generational Differences" discusses the generational differences between the four main groups, or generations, of the United States; Veterans (born before 1945), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) and Millennials, Gen Y, (born between 1980 and 1994). Through his depiction, ... Show more content on ... It is important to keep in mind that each generation sees the world through a unique lens that forms as a result of the events that were taking place in the world as these individuals grew up. Brenner focuses on the different events that have shaped their values and their perception of work. For example, the Veterans went through World War II and grew up with a strict regimen. As such, quality, respect and authority are important to them. Baby Boomers embraced the value of having to sacrifice to get ahead. All that sacrifice makes them very loyal. Generation X workers were the latchkey children who watched their Boomer parents forge a new workplace. They were also the first generation to grow up with technology. As such, this generation cares more about productivity and less about the number of hours spent on the job. Millennials are a generation entrenched in technology and therefore urn for instant gratification. They bore easily. Because they best understand how to maximize technology, they value a balance between work and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Generational Differences Between Managers And Supervisors Managers and Supervisors must be consistent in their approach if they're going to have success in supporting multiple generations. It's well known that there are similarities and differences among the generations. However, many of the differences don't apply to every individual of a generational group. Because generational groups are so diverse, it's difficult to conclude that preferences associated with an entire generation are true for everyone in the group. It's also important to establish guidelines and policies to address all generational differences. One example of this, would be to require that every employee set yearly goals and objectives and at the end of the year, measure how well the employee performed against those objectives. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Leadership: Generational Differences LEADERSHIP SISTERHOOD INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT WELL–BEING COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY HUMAN DIGNITY HERITAGE Skill Focus Communication Strategic Thinking Conflict Resolution Vision Change Management Relationship Building Trust Teamwork and Collaboration Coaching and Feedback Professionalism Learning Critical Thinking Problem Solving Decision Making Identity Development Healthy Living Personal Safety Self–Awareness Civic Responsibility Influence Service to Others Plan and Organize Ethics and Values High Standards Integrity
  • 40. Organizational Knowledge Historical Knowledge Example Topics Generational Differences Setting goals Motivation Mentoring Relationships Healthy Relationship Building Power Dynamics Group Development Building a Positive Culture Honoring Commitments Academic Excellence Study Skills Career Path Development Professionalism Organizational Skills Personal Finance/Financial Wellness Safety Personal Assessment Sexual Assault Prevention Social Responsibility ... Show more content on ... Immediately following Formal Recruitment: Week 1 Kappa extension team members, Chapter Consultants and Leadership Consultants are on campus to host informational sessions for unaffiliated women, conduct philanthropic events and social gatherings at different venues on campus, meet with student leaders, and host tabling events. Kappa launches campus–wide marketing campaign, "Be Greek. Be Kappa," immediately following conclusion of Formal Recruitment. Week 2 Kappa extension team hosts two days of Kappa Kickoff events, which provide women with opportunities to learn more about Kappa. We would showcase the opportunities available to members of the organization and continue marketing efforts with tabling events throughout campus. Two days of Meet & Greets – informal interviews – which allow women to meet with extension team members, ask questions and learn more about the benefits and financial responsibilities of membership. Final event and Bid ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Generational Differences in Yezierska’s Bread Givers Essay Generational Differences in Yezierska's Bread Givers Anzia Yezierska's most–taught novel, Bread Givers, "is an extensive observation of relationships in an immigrant family of early 20th century America" (Sample 1). Noticeably, one of the most fascinating qualities of Yezierska's work is that, though most readers probably come from significantly different backgrounds than that of her characters, she writes in a manner that allows her stories to be discussed in contemporary terms, (Drucker 1) while simultaneously illustrating the immigrant experience. Particularly, this phenomenon can be seen in her portrayal of certain generational conflicts. In Bread Givers, Yezierska depicts the struggle of finding one's self in life, a ... Show more content on ... Most commonly, the first generation immigrant frowns upon assimilation because they are quite content with living the way that they always have. In contrast, the second generation immigrant has less problems with assimilating. This is quite understandable, as essentially, every generation wakes up in a new world. Therefore, the second generation tends to become more "Americanized." Often, they are coined the "divided" generation, as opposed to the "heroic" first generation who usually resists assimilation altogether. In Bread Givers, Reb Smolinsky is a "patriarchal father," representing "traditional Jewish ways" (Drucker 1). Throughout the novel, it seems that he encompasses every aspect of a man embedded in traditional culture. In other words, everything that he does is rooted in the past, showing his first generational resistance to assimilation. In his constant refusal to assimilate, Reb Smolinsky becomes a symbolic representation of the Old World. On the other hand, his daughter, Sara Smolinsky has "breathed heavily on the New World's aura" (Sample 1). Certainly, her actions throughout Bread Givers are consistent with the nature of second generation immigrants in assimilation. The contrast between their views on assimilation is clear as Sara says, "He could never understand. He was the Old World. I was the New" (Yezierska 207). This generational conflict concerning assimilation is ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Generational Differences : Different Mindsets Working... Generational Differences: Different Mindsets Working Together Laura M. Stone Wayland Baptist University Introduction The current workplace is a complex system of people and processes. Like any modern workplace, organizations consists of a multitude of different generations of employees. Most organizations will consist of Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials. Each of these generations has their own mindset, beliefs, and values when it comes to life and work. The different generations have similar life experiences which help form these beliefs (Dixon, Mercado, & Knowles, 2013). Understanding these different generations and how they can both be positive and negative in the organization is an important aspect for management and human resources. Each generations brings both assets and liabilities to an organization. Most of these traits are influenced during childhood and early adolescence and therefore, not easily changed in later life (Schullery, 2013). It is in the best interest of the leaders and human resources employees of an organization to understand how to make an environment for all of these generations to be comfortable and work effectively. Also, they need to be prepared to handle any difficulties or confrontations that may arise from generational misunderstandings. Generation Time Frames Depending on an employee's age, they will fall into a generational set that is meant to assist in describing their core values, attributes, family & personal ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Ethics, Emotional Intelligence And Generational Differences In class we have discussed articles on Ethics, Emotional Intelligence and Generational Differences in Managing Individuals, I began analyzing my own work experiences and the roles these aspects play in my life. Below is my reflection on how the three aspects are interrelated with each other. From generation to generation values are passed down from our parents. Out of those values, we learn what is ethical and unethical. It is the simple moral principles we live by that also impact our human emotions on what we feel and believe in that is right or wrong. We bring these values that we inherited, with us in the work place. Generational Differences: My view as a manager on Generational Differences is that flexible and patient is a must with it comes to certain individuals that are generations after me. Even generations before me. I have to find creative ways to motivate and encourage people to perform and complete job requirements on time. This requires me to find a balance between and increase my level of understanding on the generational differences. However, what is most shocking is that the simplest tasks you assign an employee seems to be much more difficult. I have to learn to become more resourceful and develop new strategies to assist employees with accomplishing certain requirements. In the past working with both younger and older employees operating under the conditions of both McGregor's Theory X and Y, and a mixture of Theory Z. Meaning an employee can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. What Are Generational Differences People from different generations are, simply put, different. This is true in all aspects of life including the social, religious, and familial components. However, where this truth can become quite apparent is in the workplace. I interviewed four of my family members to determine how much these generational differences would hold true despite being a part of the same family, and therefore likely to be similar. What I learned is that each person has some characteristics that align with their generation, and some that do not. Yet, this happens in varying degrees for different people. Still understanding how a person wants to be managed will help a manager manage them more effectively. Since generations play a big role in how a person works and ... Show more content on ... The people skills would fit more with Baby Boomers, but the other aspects are all definitely Gen X characteristics. In fact she takes the independence factor a little to far. She does not enjoy working in groups, and is bad at asking for help. These would definitely be characteristics that would distinguish a Gen Xer in the workplace. She also is pretty good with technology, and used to be excellent with it, but she has not kept up with its growth as much. This would probably be true for a lot of Gen Xers. Where it becomes even clearer that my mom fits in with the Gen Xers is with what she desires in a manager. She wants a manager who knows how to do what they are telling their employees to do, so that if help is needed, they can provide it. However, she does not want to be micromanaged. She thinks managers need to realize that the result is more important than the process. So, they should give the project, and then let the employee handle it on their own, unless the employee asks for help with the ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Characteristics Of Generational Differences Introduction After being with my company for over twenty years there have been many organizational changes. In my role as a hiring manager, it is important to understand the generational differences between employees. Generational terms like, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and whatever comes next may be indicative of general patterns. However, we must be mindful that, while each generation develops a kind of collective identity, generational stereotypes must be seen for what they are, oversimplified labels. It is much more helpful to view all generations as complex groups made up of people with all kinds of values, goals, and points of view. It is important to understand each generation's characteristics which could help in attracting, engaging, retaining, developing, and leveraging these characteristics to improve collaboration and on–the–job interactions within our teams, creating a stronger organization. I will compare generational differences, identify why it is important to understand and embrace generational differences and more importantly, how generational differences impact organizations. Generational Profiles There are many articles, studies, and books that group generations into categories identified by "birth years, age, location and significant life events at critical development stages, typically divided by five to seven years" (Kupperschmidt, 2000). Generational terms like Traditionalists or Veterans (people born before 1945), Baby Boomers ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Generational Difference in the Attitude of Immigrants Essay There are many factors that contribute to what attitude an immigrant is going to have on their newfound home. Some think the most important thing is their economic outlook, some their religious beliefs, but for most, it is as simple as when they were born. Out of any factor, the generational difference has the largest affect on the approach the immigrants have on their new country, which in many cases is the United States. The generational difference is the largest determining factor because of the impressionability of children, the established identity that the adults must change, and the attachment to the old country that is stronger in some than others. It cannot be said for sure that a certain generation is the "better" immigrant, but ... Show more content on ... When it comes to culture, the children are the first to adopt it. The new society and all it has to offer captivates them. Like Gogol and his sister, they want to eat all the food from America, they want all the new toys, and they want to be American. In Crossing Over by Ruben Martinez, the fancy shoes and clothes that come from America captivate many young Mexicans that cannot wait to go cross the border themselves. They want to be like the "migrant boys and their brand–new sneakers and cooler–than–cool beanies..." (87). More so than adults, kids are mesmerized by a flashy society that has newer and better things to offer. Other than what the society has to offer, kids are often benefited by a more tolerant age. Many immigrants are treated poorly whether it be at the hand of racism or stereotypes. This can really turn people off the American society and taint the image of the average American. It is often said that kids are colorblind, and that very much holds true to different races, whether it be Asian, Latino, or African. Adults can face discrimination when it comes to the way they talk or dress, but children usually avoid this. Then, by the time they are adults, they have assimilated very well the American culture and blend right in. Adults usually have a harder time adjusting to the new culture. Many times, they simply do not want to have anything to do with a new culture because they already have an identity with the culture of their past home. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Baby Boomers And Generation Y Generational Differences In situations where a Baby Boomer or Gen Y attends training that is not conducted in their preferred method of learning, they seem, uncomfortable, bored, or overwhelmed in the class. When a student in a training course is focusing on their boredom, being uncomfortable, or being overwhelmed, they are not fully present in the course and retraining knowledge properly. This research study will focus on the Baby Boomers and Generation Y, the two generations populating most of the workforce. The study will examine the generational differences in training satisfaction, retention, and job transfer based on the type of training attended. This will include pre–tests, post–tests, post training post– tests, and interviews with trainees and their supervisors ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Movie Vs Play Analysis Similarities is the state of fact of being similar. Differences is a point or way in which people or things are not the same. A play and movie can have the same content, but they have plenty of differences. While reading the play and watching the movie we have compared and contrasted each. Both have the same background. A small poor african american family living on the South side of Chicago. With issues that range from generational clashes to the civil rights and human movement. The Youngers have a opportunity to escape from poverty which comes in the form of a 10,000 life insurance check that Lena Younger (Mama) receives on the behave of her husband's death. Throughout each the movie and play there are features Protagonist, Dreams, and main ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Reflection Of A Generational Differences In Leadership As society evolves, generational differences are more apparent than before. To me, a "generation" is a group of people who share age, attitudes, ways of life, and certain beliefs. Members of one generation can learn many things from those in another, and vice–versa, whether that knowledge is some that the member of the opposite generation agrees or empathizes with or not. When interacting with those of different generations than yours, it is important to keep generational differences in mind, whether they are some you can capitalize upon for a mutual benefit or some that may be challenging, but able to be overcome. For my generational interview for this assignment, I interviewed Lori Smith, my former 4–H leader, current fellow 4–H volunteer and judging team coach, and educator at one of the high schools in my home county's school district. Lori is 55 years old and was raised on a farm in Southern Indiana. Her father was a vocational agriculture teacher and mother was a homemaker and registered nurse. After college at Purdue University, she married and moved to North Carolina and later Central Florida, where she currently resides. I chose to interview her as she has experience with extension, with involvement in various programs, most notably 4–H as a member as a kid, parent when her kids were members, volunteer, and now leader and team coach for over 40 years total. In the interview, I asked her what generation she considers herself to be a member of, how she would ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Generational Differences Much of the literature on Millennials and Generational Differences presents theoretical and methodological issues, and often the research undertaken in this are by practitioners reaches conclusions about Millennials, without presenting any actual empirical evidence(Ng et al., 2012). The literature also identifies the academic research on generations as an issue, and whilst this aspect of the research is supported by empirical evidence, it often is conducted cross–sectionally – meaning, that the data is only collected at one point in time, and therefore the findings could be attributed to either the age of the individuals surveyed or the generation specifically (Ng et al., 2012). Hence, it is difficult to draw direct conclusions about any specific ... Show more content on ... The general assumption is that the Silent Generation consists of those individuals born between 1925–1945, the Baby Boomers are born between 1946–1964, Generation X are individuals born between 1965–1981 and Generation Y are those born between 1982–1999 (Twenge et al., 2010). However, there are some date variations on the exact cut–off dates for each generation. In their review of theory and evidence on generational differences in work values, Parry and Urwin found that all the studies to date use different cut–off dates for each individual generation and argue that the fact that different scholars have defined each generation differently, can to some extent explain why there is no consistent evidence for the existence and nature of generational differences in work values (Parry and Urwin, 2011). Further complicating the grouping of generations, is the argument by several scholars, who imply, that those individuals, who are close to the cut–off dates of a generation might not necessarily belong to either one, but more form a blend of two generations. Hence, the argument is formed, that only those who fit into the middle of a generation actually depict this generations values and attitudes and share common experiences (Parry & Urwin, 2011). ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Characteristics Of Generational Differences In The... Jordan Clary Professor Debra Owens Human Resource Management 27 September 2017 Generational Differences in the Classroom Most people have a learning style that mirrors how they were taught when they were younger. It should be noted that there is not a one size fits all method when it comes to learning. The key to being able to appeal to each of the different generations is to offer diversity in teaching styles in order to satisfy the different preferences. As of now, there are four generations that are in the workforce and those four generations are: The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennials. This paper will examine the characteristics of these four generations, how their learning styles differ, and what to provide to each group in order for their learning experience to be most rewarding. The Silent Generation was born between the mid 1920's to early 1940's. The silent generation was born in the middle of the Great Depression, and saw their parents struggle with finance issues (Levonius, 2015). This generation learned to value the money that they had and tended to save more than spend. This generation was raised in the midst of the World War, therefore this generation preferred to keep their heads down and stay silent while working hard to achieve slow progress (Levonius, 2015). In the classroom, members of this generation prefer to be in the background and not the center of attention. They are a group that respects authority, does what is asked of them and does not quit the job until complete. This generation grew up in a teacher–centric educational system, meaning that children should be seen and not heard. While they were in school if they spoke out of turn there was usually some sort of punishment. The silent generation has a learning style that is based on the classic classroom structure, and what that means is they prefer to sit in front of an instructor and listen to the lecture. They like for learning to be taught in a linear format with feedback that is clear (Levonius, 2015). It is common that this generation has decided to return to school simply for the fact that they want to keep their minds sharp, after retirement. It is important for these adult students to ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Reflection On Generational Differences Howley Reflection Journal #2: Generational Differences After reading the article by Farag, Tullai–McGuinesss, & Anthony (2009), I will reflect upon my experiences in a leadership role dealing with various different age groups through numerous situations. The discussion will include the generation I generally identify with, with whom I tend to work best with, and how this affects my unit. I will also reflect on the author's conclusions and recommendations and how they will likely affect my area of practice. The Boomers Emergency Room nursing tends to be a specialty where many nurses stay the longevity of their career. Nurses have difficulty transitioning out of this environment because of its nature of being fast paced, chaotic at times, ... Show more content on ... (2009), I believe the researchers had some valid points at the completion of their study. To retain nurses, as leaders, we need to understand the differences in the generations. Boomers want recognition for their achievements, expect rewards for performance, want to feel that they are contributing, and appreciate supportive managers (Farag et al., 2009). Including Boomers in decisions and placing them on committees helps the Boomers to be included and useful. Gen–Xers, on the other hand, want immediate feedback and gratification, expect collaborative decision– making, and anticipate mentoring relationships while working with competent and knowledgeable leaders (Farag et al., 2009). They would benefit from finding a mentor and consistent feedback. Generation X and Millennial nurses had significantly lower job satisfaction scores than the Baby Boomers (Leiter & Laschinger, 2010). On my unit satisfaction is impacted as well, although recently I am seeing a shift as the demands and pace are increasing the Boomers are having a harder time keeping up in the emergency room environment. The Millenials need to feel valued and also have a seat at the table, but they also need the time to grow their skill set and would benefit from feedback. The generations working together and passing back and forth what they are proficient in is enjoyable to watch, to see a Millennial helping a Boomer with the computer or new equipment is just as important as that Boomer or Gen Xer passing on the stories and the "whys" behind how we do some things. As a leader it is my goal to relate to and meet each person where they are and help them to ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Generational Differences Of The Workplace Today Generational Differences in the Workplace Today Todays workplace consists of Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millenials. An individual's generations is determined by the era the individual was born. Each generation possess certain values and characteristics. At times these differences can cause issues in the work place. I will discuss the concept of Generational Differences in the workplace today. Managing Multiple Generations Managing multiple generations can pose a challenge for employers. Managers have to find a balance. Taylor (2014) state "The modern workplace is no different than those of years past, with Generation Y, Generation X and baby boomers all coexisting in the same office. But as more boomers work past retirement age, and tech–savvy millennials continue to graduate and enter the workforce, the stark differences in the values, communication styles and work habits of each generation are becoming increasingly pronounced." (Taylor, 2014). Taylor (2014) also states ""As new generations join the workforce, there is a period of adaptation that 's required on both ends," said Rich Milgram, CEO of career network "New talent needs to respect and assimilate, while established talent needs to adjust and remain flexible. Companies should challenge their employees to rise above [generational differences], think outside their comfort zone and tackle problems together."" (Taylor, 2014). Baby Boomers Baby Boomers are hard workers. They believe individuals ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Generational Differences In Nursing Research Embracing and understanding new technology is vital to a nurse's career, especially for the older nurse. Dr. Mitchell spoke about how it was important to be comfortable enough for nurses, or anyone, to be able to say when they do not feel comfortable with newly implemented technology (Health IT Podcast, 2016). When new software or machines are introduced that go against the way it is always done, I find that nurses tend to push back in droves. Not to say that this is all of them, but I think this has a lot to do with a generational difference. Nurses that gained experience before EHR and scanning the patient for every action, these are the nurses that get comfortable, the ones that push against changes. I think that they do this because they ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Generational Differences Between Baby Boomers And Millennials Today, the workforce is made up of many different generations, which is affecting and effectively changing the workplace culture as a whole. The major generational differences between millennials and baby boomers can be either positive or negative depending on whom you ask. Boomers may categorize millennials as lazy and entitled, while millennials may call themselves innovative. No matter what they call themselves or each other, they all have to work together now as simply as that. This topic has sparked a lot of discussion as to how it's best for each generation to act and deal with their other generational coworkers. Workplace culture is the way your company operates and the personality it possesses. A Forbes article stated three ways to ... Show more content on ... Companies need new strategies to utilize the strengths of each employee. Once boomers do retire there will be a large void in the workforce since there is so many of them. This will create another change in business culture because younger people will be needed to fill those spots. All of these situations are becoming more and more common in the new workforce. In order for a business to run smoothly all of the workers, managers and subordinates need to be able to find common ground to accomplish the set tasks. There is no avoiding your coworkers so this is inevitable. I don't see the change of culture to stop anytime soon. I believe that people will continue to develop new ideas to make things easier and faster. There are also more generations entering the workforce, and while one may think that they are similar because they know technology they are all vastly different. The old saying of "turning into your mother/father" may come true for the millennials as they become older in the workforce. I can see there always being disagreements among different generations because each thinks that their way is better. Still, people will obviously need to learn to work together and adjust to different generational ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Generational Differences Between The Generation X And... This paper inquires about the generational differences between the Generation X (1961–1981) and Generation Y (1981–2001). After reviewing several articles and identifying the important information, it has been summed up in one paper. It includes, growing up in different eras and how they compare and contrast. As well as, what it was like to learn in those era's, meaning mostly how has technology advanced our learning programs and teaching techniques. The reader will also find how it is to work with the different generations of people, more importantly their weaknesses and strengths. How work hours have shifted from 13–14 hour days and decreased all the way to 7–8 hour days. They do seem to balance each other out being the Gen Y, also known as Millennials or Digital Natives, are capable of multitasking throughout their shifts due to the technology available. Times are definitely changing and it is time to jump on board if you would like to sail smoothly. Difference in learning traits between Gen X on and Gen Y Generation X and Generation Y being not that different in age are made of very different complexities. Generation X born between the years of 1960 and 1980, and Generation Y otherwise known as the millennials were born between 1981 and 2001. It has been a challenge for teachers to adapt to new learning techniques, Generation X was raised in a higher work ethic environment, whereas, Gen Y grew up with technology and had endless amounts of information at the touch of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Generational Differences In Older Generations "We didn't have birthdays like you growing up." I was gripped from the beginning of this interview to learn about the generational differences between me and my grandmother. Donna McGuire, my grandmother, has led a very different life than mine own due to multiple generation gaps and geographical differences. This interview really enlightened me about the struggles that people went through in previous years and how their childhoods were so drastically different than ours. What was really eye opening about this interview was that not only how technology has changed how we live but the evolution of society that makes older generations seem so distant even though the difference in years is only around 60 years. Her first memory as a child is running through farms in her bare feet in rural Wisconsin, which is one of her most fond ones at that. She was a very bright young student, being the first girl chosen to be on a baseball team and received very good grades and was involved in other extracurricular activities such as the yearbook and the school newspaper for a brief stint. On her street growing up, birthday parties were not a celebration as they are today, instead an opportunity for the kids on the street to get together and eat ice cream and cupcakes, "I never had a party where we did pin the tail on the donkey or hired a clown or anything like that, I just remember being happy when it was my turn to dole out the cupcakes and ice cream." It was a different time and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Generational Differences In Maus A Survivor's Tale Society has drastically changed in the past decades. The younger public nowadays is growing up in a completely different culture than that of older generations. Often times because of this distinction, one may find themselves in conflicts with others who grew up in a different era. This is all due to the generational differences between both groups. Generational differences occur because people of different generations have different values, experiences, and work ethics that mold them into who they are. People of different generations grow up having different ethics, which can lead to the clashing of ideas. In Art Speigleman's graphic novel Maus: A Survivors Tale, Spiegleman alludes to this idea by providing personal examples through out ... Show more content on ... In Susan Haywood's power point presentation "Managing Intergenerational Conflict in the Workplace," Haywood shows careful analysis and compares Traditionalists to Baby Boomers. Traditionalists are people who were born between 1925–1945 while Baby Boomers are people born between 1946–1964. These generations have distinct reasons for working. Traditionalist work because "[they] want a roof and food"(Haywood). Traditionalist grew up during times of the great depression and other significant historical events, and work as they see it as a necessity to survive. They have experienced scarcity, and are very devoted to their work, as they take nothing for granted. Baby Boomers on the other hand, have very different factors that drive their work ethic. Baby Boomers view their work as an " exciting adventure" (Haywood). Baby Boomers grew up in a generation that was way more rebellious that previous one's. They are not used to being as responsible or devoted as their parents were, and view work as more of a thrill than a tedious task. What drives one's work often times may be different according to the standards they had when growing up. Differing work ethics can lead to dispute, and generational differences are again ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Generational Differences: The Use Of the Internet Essay... Generational Differences: The Use Of the Internet Everyone is doing it: surfing the net. Every generation nowadays is using the Internet for some reason or another. Kids, sometimes for play; students for school work; and adults in the workforce are using the net for business related topics or to plan their next vacation; seniors are using it to keep in touch with their grandchildren. If you aren't using the net, then you are obviously not in tune with the Real World. There have been my in depth studies dealing with generational use of the Internet. Who is wired and who is not. The gender gap. Who, how and why a person is using the Internet. Before I get into my own observations, I would like to introduce some observations ... Show more content on ... But the nature of children's experiences using computers in school varied greatly by subject and teacher objectives, and the data suggested that lower–income students use computers more often for repetitive practice, whereas higher–income students use computers more often for more sophisticated, intellectually complex applications. Differences between low–income and high– income children's access to home computers were less subtle. Surveyed data indicated that only about 22% of children in families with annual incomes of less than $20,000 had access to a home computer, compared to 91% of those in families with annual incomes of more than $75,000. And among children with access, those in low income families were reported to use the computer less than those in high–income families, maybe because most low–income families with computers lacked a connection to the Internet. The two most predictive factors of children's use of home computers were the child's age and the computers capabilities. (Becker) High–School/College students: Through study, it is found that scholars (high–school and college) use the Internet for much of their school work. Many of them even take classes or components of their classes on the Internet. A random sample of 100 scholars was taken. It was found that all of them had some sort of access to a computer via home, work or school. It has been ... Get more on ...