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By: Dr. Mohamad Gaber
Phone: 01022133330
E mail:
Infantile Colic (Baby colic)
• A condition where a healthy, well-fed infant cries
for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a
week, for more than 3 weeks.
• Does diagnosis require lab test or imaging?
• Doesn't require lab test or imaging
• Time taken for recovery
• Can last several months
• Common for babies from wee
• almost always goes away on its own by 3 or 4
months of age
• The condition is characterized by:
• Episodes of crying especially at night
• Legs pulled up to the stomach
• Flushed face
• Clenched hands
• Wrinkled brow
• Complications
• Frustration for the parents
• Depression following delivery
• Child abuse
• Excess visits to the doctor
• Main cause for baby colic is unknown but
it is associated with underlying organic
diseases like:
• A growing digestive system with muscles
that often spasm
• Gas
• Gastrointestinal discomfort like intestinal
• Constipation
• Lactose intolerance
• Anal fissures
• Subdural haematoma
• Development of antibodies responses to
the bovine protein in cow milk
• Conservative treatment It includes
reassuring the child by calming methods
• Nutrition
• Foods to eat:
• Use hydrolysed formula to bottle fed
• Foods to avoid:
• Avoid cow milk
• High sugar foods such as undiluted juices by
• Mothers should avoid too many milk products
What is flatulence?
• Also known as farting, passing wind, or having
gas, flatulence is a medical term for releasing
gas from the digestive system through the
anus. It happens when gas collects inside the
digestive system and is a normal process.
• Gas collects in the digestive tract when your
body breaks down food. It can also happen
when you swallow air while eating or drinking.
Gas is usually made up of oxygen, nitrogen,
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and occasionally
Infant Gas
• Babies can be pretty gassy. It's common for them to pass gas 13-21 times
each day! Why so much? Infants have plenty of chances to swallow air, like
when they:
• Eat, whether food comes from a breast or bottle
• Suck a pacifier
• Cry
• Bloating: a swollen state caused by retention of fluid or gas.
• When air gets trapped in a baby's belly, you may notice that they:
• Burp
• Get fussy
• Are bloated
• Cry
• Fart
• Have a hard tummy
How to
Help a
Baby Feel
• Check feeding position. "When you're nursing or bottle-
feeding, try to keep the baby's head higher than her
• Burp your baby. One of the easiest ways to ease gas
pains is to burp them during and after they nurse. If
they don't belch right away, lay them down on their
back for a few minutes and then try again.
• Change equipment. "If you're bottle-feeding, switch to a
slower-flow nipple," says Joel Lavine, MD, PhD, professor of
pediatrics at Columbia University.
• Work it out. Gently massage your baby, pump their legs back
and forth (like riding a bike) while they are on their back, or
give their tummy time (watch them while they lie on their
stomach). A warm bath can also help them get rid of extra
• Take a closer look at foods.
• Over-the-Counter (OTC) Treatments You can
try simethicone gas drops for infant gas, or Gripe water
Pediatric Constipation
• Constipation in children has reported prevalence rates between 1% and 30%. [1] It is the
principal complaint in 3-5% of all visits to pediatric outpatient clinics and as many as 35% of all
visits to pediatric gastroenterologists
• Definition
• The North American Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) defines
constipation as "a delay or difficulty in defecation, present for 2 weeks or more, and sufficient to
cause significant distress to the patient.
• The Paris Consensus on Childhood Constipation Terminology (PACCT) defines constipation as "a
period of 8 weeks with at least 2 of the following symptoms: defecation frequency less than 3
times per week, passage of large stools that clog the toilet, palpable abdominal or rectal fecal
mass, stool withholding behavior, or painful defecation.
• Bowel motility is one of the most complex and sophisticated functions in the human
body. The colon absorbs water and functions as a reservoir. Liquid waste delivered by the
small bowel into the cecum becomes solid stool in the descending and sigmoid colon.
The colon has a slow motility; its peristalsis seems to be less active in the distal portions
of the colon. Every 24-48 hours, the rectosigmoid develops active peristaltic waves that
indicate that it must be emptied. This is perceived by the individual, who then has the
capacity to voluntarily retain the stool or to empty it, depending on social circumstances.
• In the United States, constipation is extremely common among infants and young children. In a
1987 report, Issenman et al found that 16% of parents reported that their 2-year-old children
had constipation [5] ; 2 decades later, Loening-Baucke reported that the prevalence of
constipation was 22.6% among 482 children aged 4-17 years. [6] In a longitudinal study of
children aged 9-11 years, Saps et al reported an 18% overall prevalence of constipation. [7]
• In a European study, Yong and Beattie found that 34% of parents in the United Kingdom
reported their children aged 4-7 years had at least intermittent difficulties with constipation, [8]
and a South American study by de Araujo Sant'Anna and Calcado found that 28% of Brazilian
children aged 8-10 years were constipated. [9]
• Constipation occurs in all pediatric age groups from infancy to young adulthood. Typically,
childhood constipation develops during 3 stages of childhood: in infants during weaning, in
toddlers during toilet training, and in school-aged children
• Most children suffering from constipation have no underlying medical condition. They
are often labeled as having functional constipation or acquired megacolon. In most
cases, childhood constipation develops when the child begins to associate pain with
defecation. Once pain is associated with the passage of bowel movements, the child
begins to withhold stools in an attempt to avoid discomfort. As stool withholding
continues, the rectum gradually accommodates, and the normal urge to defecate
gradually disappears. The infrequent passage of very large and hard stools reinforces the
child's association of pain with defecation, resulting in worsening stool retention and
progressively more abnormal defecation dynamics with anal sphincter spasm. Chronic
rectal distention ultimately results in both loss of rectal sensitivity, and loss of the urge to
defecate, which can lead to fecal incontinence (ie, encopresis).
• Dietary changes, such as increasing the child's intake of fluids and
carbohydrates, are commonly recommended as part of the
treatment of constipation.[23]
• Balanced diet
• Complex carbohydrates and unabsorbable sugars (eg, sorbitol) are
found in many fruit juices (eg, prune, pear, apple). These
carbohydrates increase stool frequency by increasing fecal water
content. Although randomized controlled trials have not been
conducted to examine the effects of increasing the intake of
fluids, nonabsorbable carbohydrates, or fiber on childhood
constipation, recommending a balanced diet that includes whole
grains, fruits, vegetables, and an abundance of fluids seems
appropriate. Because data are limited, forceful implementation of
a particular diet does not seem warranted.
• Cow milk avoidance
• In infants and young children, it is appropriate to consider
removing cow-milk protein from the diet for a period is
appropriate, because chronic constipation may be precipitated by
ingestion of cow-milk proteins
• In several randomized trials, laxatives have been
shown to be beneficial in the treatment of chronic
childhood constipation. Studies have also shown
that polyethylene glycol, mineral oil, magnesium
hydroxide, , lactulose and Sorbitol are effective
and can be used for prolonged time periods
without risk(Osmotic Laxatives). And other types of
laxatives, lubricants, stool softeners and other
agents that increase motility.
Constipation in babies
• Babies can become constipated a times, although it’s far less common in breastfed
babies. Constipation can be caused by several different things including dehydration,
minor illnesses such as a cold and changes in diet, including change in formula milk
or going on to formula milk after breastfeeding.
• Constipation symptoms
• Symptoms of constipation in babies include:
• A baby is passing hard stools less often than what is normal for them
• A baby seems to be straining or in pain
• A baby seems unhappy, angry, irritated or lacking in energy
The symptoms of constipation can be eased by the following:
Offer your baby cooled, boiled water between milk feeds.
If your baby a little older and is eating some solids, encouraging the baby to
eat more fruit or vegetables that are rich in fiber may help.
For babies established on solids, apples, pears and prunes all help bowel
Massaging the baby’s tummy very gently or moving their legs in a cycling
motion while they are lying on their back will help.
Make sure that the formula milk feds are made up correctly if your baby is
bottle fed. Too much milk powder can make the feed too concentrated.
Reflux in babies
• Babies are prone to reflux, as they have small stomachs and the lower
oesophagus valve (which opens to let milk into the stomach and then
tightens to prevent it from moving back up) may not be fully developed.
• About 50 per cent of babies get reflux up to the age of three months. For most
babies the oesophagus valve will strengthen by the time the baby is 10 months
old. Generally reflux usually first starts before the age of 8 weeks and is resolved
by the age of one year.
Symptoms of reflux in babies
Bringing up milk or being sick
during or after feeding
unsettled during feeding
Gulping after burping or feeding
Lactose intolerance in babies
• lactose is a natural sugar found in milk including breast, formula and
cow’s milk. It’s an important source of carbohydrate – but for our bodies
to use it properly, it has to be broken down by an enzyme called lactase. If
there is no enough lactase produced, this is referred to as lactose
intolerance, because the lactose can’t be digested
• Babies can develop a temporary form of lactose intolerance called
secondary lactose intolerance after an illness such as gastroenteritis.
Symptoms of this normally disappear after a few weeks, when the lining
of the gut heals, and the cells start to product lactase again.
Symptoms of lactose intolerance in babies include:
A bloated stomach
Stomach pains
What Is Indigestion?
Indigestion (say: in-dih-JES-chun) is just
another name for an upset stomach.
It's also called dyspepsia (say: dis-PEP-
his refers to an uncomfortable feeling
kids feel in their stomachs, usually after
a heavy meal. Clinically, this condition
is referred to as dyspepsia.
• upper abdominal pain, fullness, heartburn,
nausea, belching, bloating ,early satiety.
• Indigestion is a diagnosis related to a
combination of symptoms that can be
attributed to "organic" or "functional"
causes. Organic dyspepsia should have
pathological findings upon endoscopy, like
an ulcer in the stomach lining in peptic
ulcer disease.
• Functional dyspepsia is unlikely to be
detected on endoscopy but can be broken
down into two subtypes, epigastric pain
syndrome (EPS) and post-prandial distress
syndrome (PDS). In addition, indigestion
could be caused by medications, food, or
other disease processes.
Gripe water
• Gripe water is a non-prescription product sold in many countries around
the world to relieve colic and other gastrointestinal ailments and
discomforts of infants.
• Gripe water has sweetener which makes it pleasing in taste for the
babies. The quantity of sugar and different other sweeteners in gripe
water can cause cavities and other tooth problems.
• Gripe water can make a few babies very sick because it gathers their
wind so well that they can burp quite violently and bring their milk up
with it.
• Gripe water is known to convert the tiny bubbles of gas into one whole
gas bubble, which becomes easier to burp out and leads to relief. That is
how gripe water aids in digestion.
• This anti-gas (anti-flatulence) medication
acts in the stomach and intestines to
change the surface tension of gas bubbles
enabling smaller bubbles to join together
into bigger bubbles. It results elimination
of gas more easily by belching or passing
• Indications for Simethicone
• 1. Abdominal pain which is due to
excessive gas in the digestive tract
• 2. Before gastroscopy or radiography of
the bowel
• work by helping to release trapped wind.
This helps to relieve tummy pain and
indigestion. Dentinox Infant Colic Drops
are for the gentle relief of wind and
griping pains in babies. This medicine can
be used from birth onwards
Fennel Seed Extract 5mg
Ginger root extract 5mg
What is Ginger Root?
• Ginger Root
• Drug class: Herbal products
• Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant native to
Asia and it’s closely related to turmeric,
cardamom, and galangal.. The ginger spice
comes from the roots of the plant. It's used as
a food flavoring and medicine.
• Ginger contains chemicals that might
reduce nausea and swelling. These
chemicals seem to work in the stomach
and intestines, but they might also
help the brain and nervous system to
control nausea
• According to the USDA, 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces) of raw ginger contains approximately:
• 80 calories
• 17.8 grams carbohydrates
• 1.8 grams protein
• 0.7 grams fat
• 2 grams dietary fiber
• 415 milligrams potassium (12 percent DV)
• 0.2 milligrams copper (11 percent DV)
• 0.2 milligrams manganese (11 percent DV)
• 43 milligrams magnesium (11 percent DV)
• 5 milligrams vitamin C (8 percent DV)
• 0.2 milligrams vitamin B6 (8 percent DV)
• 0.7 milligrams niacin (4 percent DV)
• 34 milligrams phosphorus (3 percent DV)
• 0.6 milligrams iron (3 percent DV)
• As mentioned above, ginger is full of
protective compounds, most notably
gingerol, but also:
• shogaol
• paradol
• zingerone
• terpenes
• polysaccharides
• lipids
• organic acids
• raw fibers
The health benefits
The health benefits of ginger include relief from digestive issues,
relief from cough and cold, remedy from other respiratory diseases
like influenza, bronchitis, whooping cough, relief from nausea,
stomach ache, motion sickness and seasickness, healing of gastric
ulcers and protection of liver.
What is the health benefits
of ginger
• Contains gingerol, which has powerful
medicinal properties
• Gingerol is the main bioactive compound
in ginger. It’s responsible for much of
ginger’s medicinal properties.
• Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant effects, according to
research. For instance, it may help
reduce oxidative stress, which is the
result of having an excess amount of
free radicals in the body.
Can help
treat chronic
• chronic indigestion is characterized by recurrent pain
and discomfort in the upper part of the stomach.
• It’s believed that delayed emptying of the stomach is
a major driver of indigestion. Interestingly, ginger has
been shown to speed up emptying of the stomach .
• People with functional dyspepsia, which is indigestion
with no known cause, were given either ginger
capsules or a placebo in a small 2011 study. One hour
later, they were all given soup.
It took 12.3 minutes for the stomach to empty in
people who received ginger. It took 16.1 minutes in
those who received the placebo.
• These effects have also been seen in people without
indigestion. In a 2008 study by some members of the
same research team, 24 healthy individuals were
given ginger capsules or a placebo. They were all
given soup an hour later. Consuming ginger as
opposed to a placebo significantly accelerated
emptying of the stomach. It took 13.1 minutes for
people who received ginger and 26.7 minutes for
people who received the placebo.
• One of the most powerful ginger
benefits is its ability to support
digestive health and prevent
problems like dyspepsia, a common
condition of impaired digestion
characterized by symptoms like pain,
heartburn, fullness and discomfort.
• According to a study in the World
Journal of Gastroenterology, ginger
helps speed up the emptying of the
stomach by 25 percent compared to
a placebo in people with indigestion.
Another study even found that
taking ginger capsules with a meal
actually doubled the speed of gastric
Can treat
many forms
of nausea,
• Ginger appears to be highly effective
against nausea.
• It may help relieve nausea and vomiting
for people undergoing certain types of
surgery. Ginger may also
help chemotherapy-related nausea, but
larger human studies are needed
• However, it may be the most effective when
it comes to pregnancy-related nausea, such
as morning sickness.
• According to a review of 12 studies that
included a total of 1,278 pregnant women,
1.1–1.5 grams of ginger can
significantly reduce symptoms of nausea.
• However, this review concluded that ginger
had no effect on vomiting episodes .
• Fungal infections cause a wide
variety of conditions, from yeast
infections to jock itch and athlete’s
foot. Fortunately, ginger helps kill
off disease-causing fungi due to its
powerful antifungal properties.
• A 2016 test-tube study found ginger
extract to be effective against two
types of yeast that commonly cause
fungal infections in the mouth.
Another test-tube study measured
the antifungal effects of 29 plant
species and found that ginger was
among the most effective at killing
off fungus.
Helps Fight
• In addition to its antifungal
properties, ginger boasts the ability
to fight off bacterial infections as
well, such as urinary tract infections,
pneumonia and bronchitis.
• According to one test-tube study, the
compounds found in this spice could
help inhibit the growth of certain
strains of bacteria that cause gum
disease. Another test-tube study
showed that ginger extract was
effective against several strains of
drug-resistant bacteria as well.
• Although inflammation can be a normal,
healthy immune response to injury and
infection, chronic inflammation is believed
to be a major contributor to conditions like
heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer.
• One review in the International Journal of
Preventive Medicine noted that ginger extract
may help inhibit the synthesis of certain
markers of inflammation. According to a 2020
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,
there’s evidence demonstrating a significant
impact of ginger in lowering circulating
inflammatory mediators, including C-reactive
protein (CRP), hs-CRP and TNF-α levels.
• There is also a possibility that ginger benefits
include preventing blood clots (thus reducing
risk of heart attack) due to its natural acids
that thin the blood, but studies so far are
Benefits of
Ginger for
• Although ginger is most commonly used to relieve cough in babies,
it has other benefits, too.
• 1. Reduces Gas
• Flatulence or gas problems can be both irritating and
uncomfortable for babies. The use of ginger for treating stomach
issues, primarily the presence of gas in the intestine, has existed
for ages. Giving it to the baby can help reduce the passing of gas
by a considerable amount.
• 2. Makes the Liver Strong
• The human liver is one of the strongest organs in the body as it
can digest almost anything. However, when a baby’s liver is still
developing, food poisoning could quickly become complicated.
Ginger extracts increase the tolerance of the liver.
• 3. Boosts Immunity
• As the season changes, babies become more prone to seasonal
ailments like flu, and cold and cough. Ginger helps provide the first
line of defence in this regard. Of all the respiratory issues, parents
dread bronchitis the most. In this, the mucous membrane gets
inflamed, causing problems in breathing. Give a mixture of dry
ginger powder, pepper, long clove powder, and honey thrice a day
to boost immunity.
Benefits of
Ginger for
• Alleviates Stomach Pain
• Be it intestinal gas, colic spasms, or
other stomach issues, there’s
nothing that a small dose of ginger
can’t fix. Mix some ginger juice with
a little lemon juice to help set the
stomach right. A couple of doses
every day can reduce these
problems substantially.
• Aids Digestion
• Ginger has the ability to battle
digestive problems in infants
effectively. Indigestion, bloating, and
constipation can all be prevented by
using ginger in your baby’s food.
Benefits of
Ginger for
• Relieves Whooping Cough
• Whooping cough is contagious, and
prolonged coughing can cause abrasion in
the lungs. Your baby’s respiratory system
is delicate and needs something to give it a
boost. A mixture of ginger juice and honey,
given in small quantities, can help your
infant recover from the cough.
• Relieves Nausea and Motion Sickness
• Motion sickness can even happen to babies
when they travel onboard a car or plane. If
your baby faces nausea and motion
sickness, giving a small amount of ginger
can help keep the food down, and reduce
the chances of vomiting and acid reflux.
Benefits of
• Effectively treats cold and cough
• For many centuries, ginger has been
one of the prominent medicines for
treating cold and cough. It has been
proved due to the fact that the
biochemicals found in ginger control
the spread of rhinoviruses which are
responsible for spreading cold and
cough. So, you can give ginger
boiled in water when your baby is
suffering from cold and cough.
• Fennel is a flowering plant species
in the carrot family. It is a hardy,
perennial herb with yellow flowers
and feathery leaves. It is indigenous
to the shores of the Mediterranean
but has become widely naturalized
in many parts of the world,
especially on dry soils near the sea-
coast and on riverbanks.
Science-Based Benefits of
Fennel and Fennel Seeds
• 1. Highly nutritious
• Both fennel and its seeds are packed with
nutrients. Here’s the nutrition for 1 cup (87
grams) of raw fennel bulb and 1
tablespoon (6 grams) of dried fennel
Nutrition facts
2. Contain
• Perhaps the most impressive benefits
of fennel and fennel seeds come from
the antioxidants and potent plant
compounds they contain.
• Essential oil of the plant has been
shown to contain more than 87 volatile
compounds, including the polyphenol
antioxidants rosmarinic acid,
chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and
• Polyphenol antioxidants are potent
anti-inflammatory agents that have
powerful effects on your health.
2. Contain
• What’s more, over 28 compounds have
been identified in fennel seeds,
including anethole, fenchone, methyl
chavicol, and limonene.
• Animal and test-tube studies note that
the organic compoundanethole has
anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and
anti-inflammatory properties .
• Finally, the plant compound limonene
helps combat free radicals and has been
shown to protect rat cells from damage
caused by certain chronic diseases .
Benefits of
Fennel for
• 1. Protection From Microbes
• Infants always face the risk of infection from different
bacteria and fungi. Fennel seeds have been known to
contain various properties that are antimicrobial. These
provide protection from multiple pathogens and help keep
infants healthy.
• 2. Treating Disorders of the Digestive System
• Your baby might be constantly farting or suffering from a
bloating sensation in the stomach, which are all indicative
of the digestive system working incorrectly. Instead of
opting for any medication, give your child some fennel
water by boiling the seeds in it and straining them out. The
effects are instantaneous and quite effective
• 3. Remedying Any Colic Issues
• When any gas remains present in the stomach, it can start
causing painful cramps in the child. If a baby cannot pass a
fart, he might start crying uncontrollably. In such a case,
fennel water or fennel oil can be quite effective in reducing
the instances of such colic problems from occurring.
benefits of
giving fennel
to your baby
• 4.Natural laxative: Fennel tea is
also beneficial for constipation.
Giving your baby, fennel tea
relieves from constipation.
Constipation is known to occur in
babies who are bottle-fed. In
bottle-fed babies, bacteria start
breeding and stops friendly
bacteria from growing, which help
in peristaltic movements in the
colon. Fennel tea is helpful in
clearing constipation resulting in a
healthy digestive system and
healthy baby. (A McIntyre, Herbal
Treatment of Children).
benefits of
fennel to
your baby
• Remedy for respiratory diseases: Fennel seeds are
also helpful in relieving from respiratory disorders
such as cough, asthma, bronchitis and lung
abscesses. Juice of fennel leaves is beneficial for these
respiratory diseases. If fennel leaves are not
available, then tea of fennel seeds can also be used.
(Bakhru, Herbs That Heal).
• Antimicrobial properties: Fennel seeds contain
antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial properties
control bacteria as well as fungal species. Most
importantly, pathogenic microbes were controlled by
fennel. (Rather et al, 2012)
• Supply of anti-oxidants: The importance of anti-
oxidants is perhaps under estimated in babies. Babies
have a good appetite and eat relatively heavier for
their size. The reason being fast growth. Because of
the heavy appetite, babies release lot of free radicals.
These free radicals have to be countered with anti-
oxidants as they can damage the surrounding tissues
and cells. Fennel with its antioxidant properties can be
given on a regularly in the form of fennel tea to
babies. (Rather et al, 2012).
LC Value
Nono water Caraway oil+dill
oil+sodium bicarbonate
Git distrbuances
16.75 dbk
OTHER GI COMBINATIONS 592,568 8,217,837 -17.12%
Gripe water
smile syrup
Terpene less dill
seed oil + sodium
120 ml 23.5 napco 1-6 months 5ml
6-12 months 2*5ml to be taken
during or after feed up not more
than 6 times in a day ..launch in
225,753 5,305,208 100.00%
Calma king dill seed oil +
sodium bicarbonae+
Caraway oil
120ml 30 pharmanet Antispsmodic carminative and
mild sedative effect +antacid
For infant &children:
Up to 6 months 5ml 3 times. 6-12
months 10 ml 3 times over 12 months
15 ml 3 times .
Given directly or in the baby bottle.
134,983 2,785,194 -3.84%
Gripe water
Terpene less dill seed oil + sodium bicarbonate 120ml 18 Novell GIT disturbances
93,101 1,675,818 -67.67%
Caraway oil+cinammon oil+ fennel 120ml 15 Mepaco antispasmodic
232,608 1,631,706 34.63%
Dill oil+ sodium bicarb 100ml 13 AUG GIT disturbances
5,813 84,779 -95.80%
Sekem baby
caraway_+anise+fennel+liquorice+chamomile 15 filter bags
15 sekem
156,064 3,043,266 -38.84%
LC Value
Dentinox infant
colic drops
dimeticone 100ml 50 interpharma
1,100,297 33,834,141 -49.89%
2% oral drops
simethicone 30ml 10 Amriya
2,694,123 22,946,434 14.44%
dill seed oil +
120ml 18 saja
564,070 10,153,260 14.54%
RX Analysis
RX (Thousands) Ped % of total RX Gp
% of total RX
DENTINOX 701.621 (682.622) 97% (18.999) 3%
SIMETHICONE 484.215 (450.262) 93% (27.723) 7%
SIMEDILL 295.901 (295.901) 100% ………….
NONOO WATER 130.021 (126.801) 98% (3.220) 2%
SANSO BABY WATER 85.049 (79.060) 93% (5.989) 7%
GRIPE WATER 15.536 (15.536) 100%
• Targeting : Pediatricians ,segments ( all
stages from infancy to children).
• Positioning: powerful natural remedy for
digestive issues (From gas and colic in
babies to indigestion and constipation in
• Our slogan
No more crying
for little tummies
Thank you &
Good luck
By: Dr. Mohamad Gaber
Phone: 01022133330
E mail:

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Gastric discomfort in children and herbal remedies MANUAL.pdf

  • 1. ALPHAFLATUL Liquid NO MORE CRYING FOR LITTLE TUMMIES By: Dr. Mohamad Gaber Phone: 01022133330 E mail: Manual
  • 5. Infantile Colic (Baby colic) • A condition where a healthy, well-fed infant cries for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks. • Does diagnosis require lab test or imaging? • Doesn't require lab test or imaging • Time taken for recovery • Can last several months • Common for babies from wee • almost always goes away on its own by 3 or 4 months of age
  • 6. SYMPTOMS • The condition is characterized by: • Episodes of crying especially at night • Legs pulled up to the stomach • Flushed face • Clenched hands • Wrinkled brow • Complications • Frustration for the parents • Depression following delivery • Child abuse • Excess visits to the doctor
  • 7. Causes • Main cause for baby colic is unknown but it is associated with underlying organic diseases like: • A growing digestive system with muscles that often spasm • Gas • Gastrointestinal discomfort like intestinal cramping • Constipation • Lactose intolerance • Anal fissures • Subdural haematoma • Development of antibodies responses to the bovine protein in cow milk
  • 8. TREATMENT • Conservative treatment It includes reassuring the child by calming methods • Nutrition • Foods to eat: • Use hydrolysed formula to bottle fed babies • Foods to avoid: • Avoid cow milk • High sugar foods such as undiluted juices by mothers • Mothers should avoid too many milk products
  • 9. What is flatulence? • Also known as farting, passing wind, or having gas, flatulence is a medical term for releasing gas from the digestive system through the anus. It happens when gas collects inside the digestive system and is a normal process. • Gas collects in the digestive tract when your body breaks down food. It can also happen when you swallow air while eating or drinking. Gas is usually made up of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and occasionally methane
  • 10. Infant Gas • Babies can be pretty gassy. It's common for them to pass gas 13-21 times each day! Why so much? Infants have plenty of chances to swallow air, like when they: • Eat, whether food comes from a breast or bottle • Suck a pacifier • Cry
  • 11. Bloating • Bloating: a swollen state caused by retention of fluid or gas. • When air gets trapped in a baby's belly, you may notice that they: • Burp • Get fussy • Are bloated • Cry • Fart • Have a hard tummy
  • 12. How to Help a Baby Feel Better • Check feeding position. "When you're nursing or bottle- feeding, try to keep the baby's head higher than her stomach,“ • Burp your baby. One of the easiest ways to ease gas pains is to burp them during and after they nurse. If they don't belch right away, lay them down on their back for a few minutes and then try again. • Change equipment. "If you're bottle-feeding, switch to a slower-flow nipple," says Joel Lavine, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics at Columbia University. • Work it out. Gently massage your baby, pump their legs back and forth (like riding a bike) while they are on their back, or give their tummy time (watch them while they lie on their stomach). A warm bath can also help them get rid of extra gas. • Take a closer look at foods. • Over-the-Counter (OTC) Treatments You can try simethicone gas drops for infant gas, or Gripe water
  • 13. Pediatric Constipation • Constipation in children has reported prevalence rates between 1% and 30%. [1] It is the principal complaint in 3-5% of all visits to pediatric outpatient clinics and as many as 35% of all visits to pediatric gastroenterologists • Definition • The North American Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) defines constipation as "a delay or difficulty in defecation, present for 2 weeks or more, and sufficient to cause significant distress to the patient. • The Paris Consensus on Childhood Constipation Terminology (PACCT) defines constipation as "a period of 8 weeks with at least 2 of the following symptoms: defecation frequency less than 3 times per week, passage of large stools that clog the toilet, palpable abdominal or rectal fecal mass, stool withholding behavior, or painful defecation.
  • 14. Anatomy • Bowel motility is one of the most complex and sophisticated functions in the human body. The colon absorbs water and functions as a reservoir. Liquid waste delivered by the small bowel into the cecum becomes solid stool in the descending and sigmoid colon. The colon has a slow motility; its peristalsis seems to be less active in the distal portions of the colon. Every 24-48 hours, the rectosigmoid develops active peristaltic waves that indicate that it must be emptied. This is perceived by the individual, who then has the capacity to voluntarily retain the stool or to empty it, depending on social circumstances.
  • 15. Epidemiology • In the United States, constipation is extremely common among infants and young children. In a 1987 report, Issenman et al found that 16% of parents reported that their 2-year-old children had constipation [5] ; 2 decades later, Loening-Baucke reported that the prevalence of constipation was 22.6% among 482 children aged 4-17 years. [6] In a longitudinal study of children aged 9-11 years, Saps et al reported an 18% overall prevalence of constipation. [7] • In a European study, Yong and Beattie found that 34% of parents in the United Kingdom reported their children aged 4-7 years had at least intermittent difficulties with constipation, [8] and a South American study by de Araujo Sant'Anna and Calcado found that 28% of Brazilian children aged 8-10 years were constipated. [9] • Constipation occurs in all pediatric age groups from infancy to young adulthood. Typically, childhood constipation develops during 3 stages of childhood: in infants during weaning, in toddlers during toilet training, and in school-aged children
  • 16. Pathophysiology • Most children suffering from constipation have no underlying medical condition. They are often labeled as having functional constipation or acquired megacolon. In most cases, childhood constipation develops when the child begins to associate pain with defecation. Once pain is associated with the passage of bowel movements, the child begins to withhold stools in an attempt to avoid discomfort. As stool withholding continues, the rectum gradually accommodates, and the normal urge to defecate gradually disappears. The infrequent passage of very large and hard stools reinforces the child's association of pain with defecation, resulting in worsening stool retention and progressively more abnormal defecation dynamics with anal sphincter spasm. Chronic rectal distention ultimately results in both loss of rectal sensitivity, and loss of the urge to defecate, which can lead to fecal incontinence (ie, encopresis).
  • 17. Dietary Modification • Dietary changes, such as increasing the child's intake of fluids and carbohydrates, are commonly recommended as part of the treatment of constipation.[23] • Balanced diet • Complex carbohydrates and unabsorbable sugars (eg, sorbitol) are found in many fruit juices (eg, prune, pear, apple). These carbohydrates increase stool frequency by increasing fecal water content. Although randomized controlled trials have not been conducted to examine the effects of increasing the intake of fluids, nonabsorbable carbohydrates, or fiber on childhood constipation, recommending a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and an abundance of fluids seems appropriate. Because data are limited, forceful implementation of a particular diet does not seem warranted. • Cow milk avoidance • In infants and young children, it is appropriate to consider removing cow-milk protein from the diet for a period is appropriate, because chronic constipation may be precipitated by ingestion of cow-milk proteins
  • 18. Medication Summary • In several randomized trials, laxatives have been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of chronic childhood constipation. Studies have also shown that polyethylene glycol, mineral oil, magnesium hydroxide, , lactulose and Sorbitol are effective and can be used for prolonged time periods without risk(Osmotic Laxatives). And other types of laxatives, lubricants, stool softeners and other agents that increase motility. • .
  • 19. Constipation in babies • Babies can become constipated a times, although it’s far less common in breastfed babies. Constipation can be caused by several different things including dehydration, minor illnesses such as a cold and changes in diet, including change in formula milk or going on to formula milk after breastfeeding. • Constipation symptoms • Symptoms of constipation in babies include: • A baby is passing hard stools less often than what is normal for them • A baby seems to be straining or in pain • A baby seems unhappy, angry, irritated or lacking in energy
  • 20. Constipation treatment The symptoms of constipation can be eased by the following: Offer your baby cooled, boiled water between milk feeds. If your baby a little older and is eating some solids, encouraging the baby to eat more fruit or vegetables that are rich in fiber may help. For babies established on solids, apples, pears and prunes all help bowel movements. Massaging the baby’s tummy very gently or moving their legs in a cycling motion while they are lying on their back will help. Make sure that the formula milk feds are made up correctly if your baby is bottle fed. Too much milk powder can make the feed too concentrated. O.T.C
  • 21. Reflux in babies • Babies are prone to reflux, as they have small stomachs and the lower oesophagus valve (which opens to let milk into the stomach and then tightens to prevent it from moving back up) may not be fully developed. • About 50 per cent of babies get reflux up to the age of three months. For most babies the oesophagus valve will strengthen by the time the baby is 10 months old. Generally reflux usually first starts before the age of 8 weeks and is resolved by the age of one year.
  • 22. Reflux symptoms Symptoms of reflux in babies include: Bringing up milk or being sick during or after feeding Coughing/hiccuping/being unsettled during feeding Gulping after burping or feeding
  • 23. Lactose intolerance in babies • lactose is a natural sugar found in milk including breast, formula and cow’s milk. It’s an important source of carbohydrate – but for our bodies to use it properly, it has to be broken down by an enzyme called lactase. If there is no enough lactase produced, this is referred to as lactose intolerance, because the lactose can’t be digested • Babies can develop a temporary form of lactose intolerance called secondary lactose intolerance after an illness such as gastroenteritis. Symptoms of this normally disappear after a few weeks, when the lining of the gut heals, and the cells start to product lactase again.
  • 24. Lactose intolerance symptoms Symptoms of lactose intolerance in babies include: Vomiting Diarrhea A bloated stomach Stomach pains Wind
  • 25. Indigestion What Is Indigestion? Indigestion (say: in-dih-JES-chun) is just another name for an upset stomach. It's also called dyspepsia (say: dis-PEP- shuh). his refers to an uncomfortable feeling kids feel in their stomachs, usually after a heavy meal. Clinically, this condition is referred to as dyspepsia.
  • 26. Symptoms • upper abdominal pain, fullness, heartburn, nausea, belching, bloating ,early satiety. • Indigestion is a diagnosis related to a combination of symptoms that can be attributed to "organic" or "functional" causes. Organic dyspepsia should have pathological findings upon endoscopy, like an ulcer in the stomach lining in peptic ulcer disease. • Functional dyspepsia is unlikely to be detected on endoscopy but can be broken down into two subtypes, epigastric pain syndrome (EPS) and post-prandial distress syndrome (PDS). In addition, indigestion could be caused by medications, food, or other disease processes.
  • 28. Gripe water • Gripe water is a non-prescription product sold in many countries around the world to relieve colic and other gastrointestinal ailments and discomforts of infants. • Gripe water has sweetener which makes it pleasing in taste for the babies. The quantity of sugar and different other sweeteners in gripe water can cause cavities and other tooth problems. • Gripe water can make a few babies very sick because it gathers their wind so well that they can burp quite violently and bring their milk up with it. • Gripe water is known to convert the tiny bubbles of gas into one whole gas bubble, which becomes easier to burp out and leads to relief. That is how gripe water aids in digestion.
  • 29. Simethicone • This anti-gas (anti-flatulence) medication acts in the stomach and intestines to change the surface tension of gas bubbles enabling smaller bubbles to join together into bigger bubbles. It results elimination of gas more easily by belching or passing flatus. • Indications for Simethicone • 1. Abdominal pain which is due to excessive gas in the digestive tract • 2. Before gastroscopy or radiography of the bowel
  • 30. dimeticone • work by helping to release trapped wind. This helps to relieve tummy pain and indigestion. Dentinox Infant Colic Drops are for the gentle relief of wind and griping pains in babies. This medicine can be used from birth onwards
  • 33. ALPHAFLATUL liquid Fennel Seed Extract 5mg Ingredients Ginger root extract 5mg
  • 34. What is Ginger Root? • Ginger Root • Drug class: Herbal products • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant native to Asia and it’s closely related to turmeric, cardamom, and galangal.. The ginger spice comes from the roots of the plant. It's used as a food flavoring and medicine. • Ginger contains chemicals that might reduce nausea and swelling. These chemicals seem to work in the stomach and intestines, but they might also help the brain and nervous system to control nausea
  • 35. Nutrition • According to the USDA, 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces) of raw ginger contains approximately: • 80 calories • 17.8 grams carbohydrates • 1.8 grams protein • 0.7 grams fat • 2 grams dietary fiber • 415 milligrams potassium (12 percent DV) • 0.2 milligrams copper (11 percent DV) • 0.2 milligrams manganese (11 percent DV) • 43 milligrams magnesium (11 percent DV) • 5 milligrams vitamin C (8 percent DV) • 0.2 milligrams vitamin B6 (8 percent DV) • 0.7 milligrams niacin (4 percent DV) • 34 milligrams phosphorus (3 percent DV) • 0.6 milligrams iron (3 percent DV)
  • 36. Nutrition • As mentioned above, ginger is full of protective compounds, most notably gingerol, but also: • shogaol • paradol • zingerone • terpenes • polysaccharides • lipids • organic acids • raw fibers
  • 37. The health benefits The health benefits of ginger include relief from digestive issues, relief from cough and cold, remedy from other respiratory diseases like influenza, bronchitis, whooping cough, relief from nausea, stomach ache, motion sickness and seasickness, healing of gastric ulcers and protection of liver.
  • 38. What is the health benefits of ginger • Contains gingerol, which has powerful medicinal properties • Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger. It’s responsible for much of ginger’s medicinal properties. • Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, according to research. For instance, it may help reduce oxidative stress, which is the result of having an excess amount of free radicals in the body.
  • 39. Can help treat chronic indigestion • chronic indigestion is characterized by recurrent pain and discomfort in the upper part of the stomach. • It’s believed that delayed emptying of the stomach is a major driver of indigestion. Interestingly, ginger has been shown to speed up emptying of the stomach . • People with functional dyspepsia, which is indigestion with no known cause, were given either ginger capsules or a placebo in a small 2011 study. One hour later, they were all given soup. It took 12.3 minutes for the stomach to empty in people who received ginger. It took 16.1 minutes in those who received the placebo. • These effects have also been seen in people without indigestion. In a 2008 study by some members of the same research team, 24 healthy individuals were given ginger capsules or a placebo. They were all given soup an hour later. Consuming ginger as opposed to a placebo significantly accelerated emptying of the stomach. It took 13.1 minutes for people who received ginger and 26.7 minutes for people who received the placebo.
  • 40. Promotes Proper Digestion • One of the most powerful ginger benefits is its ability to support digestive health and prevent problems like dyspepsia, a common condition of impaired digestion characterized by symptoms like pain, heartburn, fullness and discomfort. • According to a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, ginger helps speed up the emptying of the stomach by 25 percent compared to a placebo in people with indigestion. Another study even found that taking ginger capsules with a meal actually doubled the speed of gastric emptying.
  • 41. Can treat many forms of nausea, especially morning sickness • Ginger appears to be highly effective against nausea. • It may help relieve nausea and vomiting for people undergoing certain types of surgery. Ginger may also help chemotherapy-related nausea, but larger human studies are needed • However, it may be the most effective when it comes to pregnancy-related nausea, such as morning sickness. • According to a review of 12 studies that included a total of 1,278 pregnant women, 1.1–1.5 grams of ginger can significantly reduce symptoms of nausea. • However, this review concluded that ginger had no effect on vomiting episodes .
  • 42. Fights Fungal Infections • Fungal infections cause a wide variety of conditions, from yeast infections to jock itch and athlete’s foot. Fortunately, ginger helps kill off disease-causing fungi due to its powerful antifungal properties. • A 2016 test-tube study found ginger extract to be effective against two types of yeast that commonly cause fungal infections in the mouth. Another test-tube study measured the antifungal effects of 29 plant species and found that ginger was among the most effective at killing off fungus.
  • 43. Helps Fight Bacterial Infections • In addition to its antifungal properties, ginger boasts the ability to fight off bacterial infections as well, such as urinary tract infections, pneumonia and bronchitis. • According to one test-tube study, the compounds found in this spice could help inhibit the growth of certain strains of bacteria that cause gum disease. Another test-tube study showed that ginger extract was effective against several strains of drug-resistant bacteria as well.
  • 44. Eases Inflammation • Although inflammation can be a normal, healthy immune response to injury and infection, chronic inflammation is believed to be a major contributor to conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. • One review in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine noted that ginger extract may help inhibit the synthesis of certain markers of inflammation. According to a 2020 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, there’s evidence demonstrating a significant impact of ginger in lowering circulating inflammatory mediators, including C-reactive protein (CRP), hs-CRP and TNF-α levels. • There is also a possibility that ginger benefits include preventing blood clots (thus reducing risk of heart attack) due to its natural acids that thin the blood, but studies so far are inconclusive.
  • 45. Health Benefits of Ginger for Infants • Although ginger is most commonly used to relieve cough in babies, it has other benefits, too. • 1. Reduces Gas • Flatulence or gas problems can be both irritating and uncomfortable for babies. The use of ginger for treating stomach issues, primarily the presence of gas in the intestine, has existed for ages. Giving it to the baby can help reduce the passing of gas by a considerable amount. • 2. Makes the Liver Strong • The human liver is one of the strongest organs in the body as it can digest almost anything. However, when a baby’s liver is still developing, food poisoning could quickly become complicated. Ginger extracts increase the tolerance of the liver. • 3. Boosts Immunity • As the season changes, babies become more prone to seasonal ailments like flu, and cold and cough. Ginger helps provide the first line of defence in this regard. Of all the respiratory issues, parents dread bronchitis the most. In this, the mucous membrane gets inflamed, causing problems in breathing. Give a mixture of dry ginger powder, pepper, long clove powder, and honey thrice a day to boost immunity.
  • 46. Health Benefits of Ginger for Infants • Alleviates Stomach Pain • Be it intestinal gas, colic spasms, or other stomach issues, there’s nothing that a small dose of ginger can’t fix. Mix some ginger juice with a little lemon juice to help set the stomach right. A couple of doses every day can reduce these problems substantially. • Aids Digestion • Ginger has the ability to battle digestive problems in infants effectively. Indigestion, bloating, and constipation can all be prevented by using ginger in your baby’s food.
  • 47. Health Benefits of Ginger for Infants • Relieves Whooping Cough • Whooping cough is contagious, and prolonged coughing can cause abrasion in the lungs. Your baby’s respiratory system is delicate and needs something to give it a boost. A mixture of ginger juice and honey, given in small quantities, can help your infant recover from the cough. • Relieves Nausea and Motion Sickness • Motion sickness can even happen to babies when they travel onboard a car or plane. If your baby faces nausea and motion sickness, giving a small amount of ginger can help keep the food down, and reduce the chances of vomiting and acid reflux.
  • 48. Health Benefits of Ginger • Effectively treats cold and cough • For many centuries, ginger has been one of the prominent medicines for treating cold and cough. It has been proved due to the fact that the biochemicals found in ginger control the spread of rhinoviruses which are responsible for spreading cold and cough. So, you can give ginger boiled in water when your baby is suffering from cold and cough.
  • 49. Fennel • Fennel is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It is a hardy, perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean but has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world, especially on dry soils near the sea- coast and on riverbanks.
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  • 51. Science-Based Benefits of Fennel and Fennel Seeds • 1. Highly nutritious • Both fennel and its seeds are packed with nutrients. Here’s the nutrition for 1 cup (87 grams) of raw fennel bulb and 1 tablespoon (6 grams) of dried fennel seeds
  • 53. 2. Contain powerful plant compounds • Perhaps the most impressive benefits of fennel and fennel seeds come from the antioxidants and potent plant compounds they contain. • Essential oil of the plant has been shown to contain more than 87 volatile compounds, including the polyphenol antioxidants rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and apigenin. • Polyphenol antioxidants are potent anti-inflammatory agents that have powerful effects on your health.
  • 54. 2. Contain powerful plant compounds • What’s more, over 28 compounds have been identified in fennel seeds, including anethole, fenchone, methyl chavicol, and limonene. • Animal and test-tube studies note that the organic compoundanethole has anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties . • Finally, the plant compound limonene helps combat free radicals and has been shown to protect rat cells from damage caused by certain chronic diseases .
  • 55. Health Benefits of Fennel for Infants • 1. Protection From Microbes • Infants always face the risk of infection from different bacteria and fungi. Fennel seeds have been known to contain various properties that are antimicrobial. These provide protection from multiple pathogens and help keep infants healthy. • 2. Treating Disorders of the Digestive System • Your baby might be constantly farting or suffering from a bloating sensation in the stomach, which are all indicative of the digestive system working incorrectly. Instead of opting for any medication, give your child some fennel water by boiling the seeds in it and straining them out. The effects are instantaneous and quite effective • 3. Remedying Any Colic Issues • When any gas remains present in the stomach, it can start causing painful cramps in the child. If a baby cannot pass a fart, he might start crying uncontrollably. In such a case, fennel water or fennel oil can be quite effective in reducing the instances of such colic problems from occurring.
  • 56. Health benefits of giving fennel to your baby • 4.Natural laxative: Fennel tea is also beneficial for constipation. Giving your baby, fennel tea relieves from constipation. Constipation is known to occur in babies who are bottle-fed. In bottle-fed babies, bacteria start breeding and stops friendly bacteria from growing, which help in peristaltic movements in the colon. Fennel tea is helpful in clearing constipation resulting in a healthy digestive system and healthy baby. (A McIntyre, Herbal Treatment of Children).
  • 57. Health benefits of giving fennel to your baby Again…… • Remedy for respiratory diseases: Fennel seeds are also helpful in relieving from respiratory disorders such as cough, asthma, bronchitis and lung abscesses. Juice of fennel leaves is beneficial for these respiratory diseases. If fennel leaves are not available, then tea of fennel seeds can also be used. (Bakhru, Herbs That Heal). • Antimicrobial properties: Fennel seeds contain antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial properties control bacteria as well as fungal species. Most importantly, pathogenic microbes were controlled by fennel. (Rather et al, 2012) • Supply of anti-oxidants: The importance of anti- oxidants is perhaps under estimated in babies. Babies have a good appetite and eat relatively heavier for their size. The reason being fast growth. Because of the heavy appetite, babies release lot of free radicals. These free radicals have to be countered with anti- oxidants as they can damage the surrounding tissues and cells. Fennel with its antioxidant properties can be given on a regularly in the form of fennel tea to babies. (Rather et al, 2012).
  • 59. THE COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE • ANTIFLATULENTS + OTHERS PRODUCT INGREDIENTS PACK PRICE COMPANY REMARKS MAT Mar 2022 Units MAT Mar 2022 LC Value MAT Mar 2022 growth% Nono water Caraway oil+dill oil+sodium bicarbonate 120ml Git distrbuances 16.75 dbk OTHER GI COMBINATIONS 592,568 8,217,837 -17.12% Gripe water smile syrup Terpene less dill seed oil + sodium bicarbonate 120 ml 23.5 napco 1-6 months 5ml 6-12 months 2*5ml to be taken during or after feed up not more than 6 times in a day ..launch in 2021 225,753 5,305,208 100.00% Calma king dill seed oil + sodium bicarbonae+ Caraway oil 120ml 30 pharmanet Antispsmodic carminative and mild sedative effect +antacid effect For infant &children: Up to 6 months 5ml 3 times. 6-12 months 10 ml 3 times over 12 months 15 ml 3 times . Given directly or in the baby bottle. 134,983 2,785,194 -3.84%
  • 60. ANTIFLATULENTS + OTHERS Gripe water bambino Terpene less dill seed oil + sodium bicarbonate 120ml 18 Novell GIT disturbances 93,101 1,675,818 -67.67% CARMINEX Caraway oil+cinammon oil+ fennel 120ml 15 Mepaco antispasmodic 232,608 1,631,706 34.63% Sansobaby water Dill oil+ sodium bicarb 100ml 13 AUG GIT disturbances 5,813 84,779 -95.80% Sekem baby calm caraway_+anise+fennel+liquorice+chamomile 15 filter bags 1.5gm 15 sekem 156,064 3,043,266 -38.84%
  • 61. PLAIN ANTIFLATULENTS PRODUCT INGREDIENTS PACK &PRICE PRICE COMPANY MAT Mar 2022 Units MAT Mar 2022 LC Value MAT Mar 2022 growth% Dentinox infant colic drops dimeticone 100ml 50 interpharma 1,100,297 33,834,141 -49.89% Simethicone 2% oral drops simethicone 30ml 10 Amriya 2,694,123 22,946,434 14.44% Simedill emulsion dill seed oil + simethicone 120ml 18 saja 564,070 10,153,260 14.54%
  • 62. RX Analysis RX (Thousands) Ped % of total RX Gp % of total RX DENTINOX 701.621 (682.622) 97% (18.999) 3% SIMETHICONE 484.215 (450.262) 93% (27.723) 7% SIMEDILL 295.901 (295.901) 100% …………. NONOO WATER 130.021 (126.801) 98% (3.220) 2% SANSO BABY WATER 85.049 (79.060) 93% (5.989) 7% GRIPE WATER 15.536 (15.536) 100%
  • 63. OUR PLAN OF ACTIONS • Targeting : Pediatricians ,segments ( all stages from infancy to children). • Positioning: powerful natural remedy for digestive issues (From gas and colic in babies to indigestion and constipation in children). • Our slogan No more crying for little tummies
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  • 68. Thank you & Good luck By: Dr. Mohamad Gaber Phone: 01022133330 E mail: