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Internet of Things is creating an environment of convergence in the society. This
technology environment brings a paradigm shift in our professional and personal life. As a
connected environment, IoT adds customer value and loyalty. Today, IoT is being
implemented everywhere which is of human concern like smart city, smart environment,
security, smart business process, smart agriculture, home automation and healthcare.
No matter which way you look at it, technology has been headed towards automation
for a long time now. In fact, isn’t the very basic principle of technology to make our lives
easier by leaving fewer things to be explicitly done by us? It might be making us all lazier
every day, or one might argue that it is giving us far greater time to pursue whatever we
desire. Whatever might be the effect, there is no doubt that automation is the future and place
that it is happening the most significantly is right in our homes.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home
appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators,
and connectivity which enables these things to connect and exchange data, creating
opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems,
resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits and reduced human intervention.
IoT has become so vital in our daily life and it is going to create a big impact in the
near future. For example, solutions can be provided instantly for the traffic flows, reminding
about the vehicle maintenance, reduce energy consumption. Monitoring sensors will diagnose
pending maintenance issues, and even prioritize maintenance crew schedules for repair
equipment. Data analysis systems will help metropolitan and cosmopolitan cities to function
easily in terms of traffic management, waste management, pollution control, law enforcement
and other major functions efficiently.
Considering it to the next level, linked devices can help the people personally like you
get an alert from the refrigerator reminding you to shop some vegetables when the vegetable
tray is empty, your home security systems enables you to open the door for some guest with
help of connected devices(IoT). Since there is a massive growth in number of devices day by
day, the amount of data generated would also be enormous.
Here is where Big Data and IoT go hand in hand.
BigData manages the enormous amount of data generated using its technologies. The
Internet of Things (IoT) and big data are two vital subjects in commercial, industrial, and
many other applications. The name IoT was framed in approximately a decade ago and refers
to the world of machines or devices connected to the Internet, by which a large amount of big
data is collected, stored and managed. Big data additionally refers to the analysis of this
generated data to produce useful results. The main motivating power behind the IoT and
BigData has been the collection and analysis of data related to consumer activities in order to
find out why and what customers buy.
It was not too long ago that we visualised houses of the future where things would be
done on their own- lights coming on by themselves, coffee being brewed just the way you
like as you are about to wake up and your shower knowing the weather outside and adjusting
the water temperature accordingly. And now we are at a point where technology to achieve
all that has been around for a while and has now become affordable. Hence, it is not a
particularly big surprise that we are witnessing some amazing things happening in the world
of automation.
Future of IoT
There is a lot of scope for IoT in future. The world will have 50 billion connected
devices by 2020. IoT is foreseen to touch every industry and people in every domain,
optimizing businesses and simplifying people’s lives. IoT mainly focuses on following
 Industrial IoT
 Connected Cars
 Smart Security
 Big Data
 Smart Cities
 Data Analysis
 Smart Healthcare and so on....
The below figure shows the Current status and Future prospect of IoT as shown
“Change is the only thing permanent in this world”
Architecture of IoT contains basically
4 layers:
1. Application Layer
2. Gateway and the network layer
3. Management Service layer
4. Sensor layer
Fig 3.1: Layers of IoT
Applications are essential for proper utilization of all the data collected. These cloud based
applications which are responsible for rendering effective meaning to the data collected.
Applications are controlled by users and are delivery point of particular services.
Examples: home automation apps, security systems, industrial control hub etc.
Basically it provides
 Lowest Abstraction Layer
 With sensors we are creating digital nervous system.
 Incorporated to measure physical quantities
 Interconnects the physical and digital world
 Collects and process the real time information
Gateways are responsible for routing the processed data and send it to proper locations for its
(data) proper utilization. In other words, we can say that gateway helps in to and fro
communication of the data. It provides network connectivity to the data. Network
connectivity is essential for any IoT system to communicate.
Examples: LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN etc.
Basically it provides
 Robust and High performance network infrastructure
 Supports the communication requirements for latency, bandwidth or security
 Allows multiple organizations to share and use the same network independently
Processors are the brain of the IoT system. Their main function is to process the data captured
by the sensors and process them so as to extract the valuable data from the enormous amount
of raw data collected. In a word, we can say that it gives intelligence to the data. Processors
mostly work on real-time basis and can be easily controlled by applications. These are also
responsible for securing the data – that is performing encryption and decryption of data.
Embedded hardware devices, microcontroller etc are the ones that process the data because
they have processors attached to it.
Basically it provides
 Capturing of periodic sensory data
 Data Analytics (Extracts relevant information from massive amount of raw data)
 Streaming Analytics (Process real time data)
 Ensures security and privacy of data.
These form the front end of the IoT devices. These are the so called “Things” of the
system. Their main purpose is to collect data from its surrounding (sensors) or give out data
to its surrounding (actuators). These have to be uniquely identifiable devices with a unique IP
address so that they can be easily identifiable over a large network.
These have to be active in nature which means that they should be able to collect real time
data. These can either work on their own (autonomous in nature) or can be made to work by
the user depending on their needs (user controlled).
Basically it provides
 Provides a user interface for using IoT.
 Different applications for various sectors like Transportation, Healthcare, Agriculture,
Supply chains, Government, Retail etc.
Examples: gas sensor, water quality sensor, moisture sensor etc.
The overall architecture of Internet of Things(IoT) is shown below:
Fig 3.2: Architecture of IoT
Internet of Things is not the result of a single novel technology; instead, several
complementary technical developments provide capabilities that taken together help to bridge
the gap between the virtual and physical world.
These capabilities include:
 Communication and cooperation
 Addressability
 Identification
 Sensing
 Actuation
 Embedded information processing
 Localization
 User interfaces
How the IoT works is quite simple
 First, it acquires information with respect to basic resources (names, addresses and so
on) and related attributes of objects by means of automatic identification and
perception technologies such as RFID, wireless sensor and satellite positioning, in
other words the sensors, RFID tags and all other uniquely identifiable objects or
"things" acquire real-time information (data) with the virtue of a central hub like
 Second, by virtue of many kinds of communications technologies, it integrates object-
related information into the information network and realizes the intelligent indexing
and integration of the information related to masses of objects by resorting to
fundamental resource services (similar to the resolution, addressing and discovery of
the internet).
 Finally, utilizing intelligent computing technologies such as cloud computing, fuzzy
recognition, data mining and semantic analysis, it analyzes and processes the
information related to masses of objects so as to eventually realize intelligent decision
and control in the physical world.
Fig 4.1: Working nature of IoT
IoT platforms can help organizations reduce cost through improved process efficiency, asset
utilization and productivity.
The growth and convergence of data, processes and things on the internet would make
such connections more relevant and important, creating more opportunities for people,
businesses and industries. By the year 2020, there will be a lot more connected devices than
people on earth
IOT mainly useful for the following nature
 Dynamic control of industry and daily life.
 Improves the resource utilization ratio.
 Integrating human society and physical systems.
 Flexible configuration.
 Acts as technology integrator.
 Universal inter-networking.
The Three Cs of IoT
i. Communication: IoT communicates information to people and systems, such as state and
health of equipment (e.g. it's on or off, charged, full or empty) and data from sensors that can
monitor a person’s vital signs. In most cases, we didn’t have access to this information before
or it was collected manually and infrequently. For example, an IOT-enabled HVAC system
can report if its air filter is clean and functioning properly. Almost every company has a class
of assets it could track. GPS-enabled assets can communicate their current location and
movement. Location is important for items that move, such as trucks, but it’s also applicable
for locating items and people within an organization. In the healthcare industry, IoT can help
a hospital track the location of everything from wheelchairs to cardiac defibrillators to
surgeons. In the transportation industry, a business can deliver real-time tracking and
condition of parcels and pallets. For example, Maersk can use sensors to track the location of
a refrigerated shipping container and its current temperature.
ii. Control and Automation: In a connected world, a business will have visibility into a
device’s condition. In many cases, a business or consumer will also be able to remotely
control a device. For example, a business can remotely turn on or shut down a specific piece
of equipment or adjust the temperature in a climate-controlled environment. Meanwhile, a
consumer can use IoT to unlock their car or start the washing machine. Once a performance
baseline has been established, a process can send alerts for anomalies and possibly deliver an
automated response. For example, if the brake pads on a truck are about to fail, it can prompt
the company to take the vehicle out of service and automatically schedule maintenance.
iii. Cost Savings: Many companies will adopt IoT to save money. Measurement provides
actual performance data and equipment health, instead of just estimates. Businesses,
particularly industrial companies, lose money when equipment fails. With new sensor
information, IoT can help a company save money by minimizing equipment failure and
allowing the business to perform planned maintenance. Sensors can also measuring items,
such as driving behavior and speed, to reduce fuel expense and wear and tear on
consumables. New smart meters in homes and businesses can also provide data that helps
people understand energy consumption and opportunities for cost savings.
At present IoT is faced with many challenges, such as:
 Scalability
 Technological Standardization
 Inter operability
 Discovery
 Software complexity
 Data volumes and interpretation
 Power Supply
 Interaction and short range communication
 Wireless communication
 Fault tolerance
Criticisms and Controversies of IoT
Scholars and social observers and pessimists have doubts about the promises of the
ubiquitous computing revolution, in the areas as:
 Privacy
 Security
 Autonomy and Control
 Social control
 Political manipulation
 Design
 Environmental impact
 Influences human moral decision making
Solutions to the challenges
Several solutions are proposed to overcome the problems. Some of them are -
 Overcoming compatibility issues is a significant IoT hurdle, but emerging companies
are starting to enable increased interoperability through open-source development.
 Governments and industry bodies need to set standards and regulations for the various
industries to ensure that data is not misused.
 IoT needs strong authentication methods, encrypted data and a platform that can track
irregularities on a network
1. Smart home
Smart Home clearly stands out, ranking as highest Internet of Things application on all
measured channels. More than 60,000 people currently search for the term “Smart Home”
each month. This is not a surprise. The IoT Analytics company database for Smart Home
includes 256 companies and startups. More companies are active in smart home than any
other application in the field of IoT. The total amount of funding for Smart Home startups
currently exceeds $2.5bn. This list includes prominent startup names such as Nest or AlertMe
as well as a number of multinational corporations like Philips, Haier, or Belkin.
2. Wearable's
Wearables remains a hot topic too. As consumers await the release of Apple’s new smart
watch in April 2015, there are plenty of other wearable innovations to be excited about: like
the Sony Smart B Trainer, the Myo gesture control, or LookSee bracelet. Of all the IoT
startups, wearables maker Jawbone is probably the one with the biggest funding to date. It
stands at more than half a billion dollars!
3. Smart City
Smart city spans a wide variety of use cases, from traffic management to water distribution,
to waste management, urban security and environmental monitoring. Its popularity is fueled
by the fact that many Smart City solutions promise to alleviate real pains of people living in
cities these days. IoT solutions in the area of Smart City solve traffic congestion problems,
reduce noise and pollution and help make cities safer.
4. Smart grids
Smart grids is a special one. A future smart grid promises to use information about the
behaviors of electricity suppliers and consumers in an automated fashion to improve the
efficiency, reliability, and economics of electricity. 41,000 monthly Google searches
highlights the concept’s popularity. However, the lack of tweets (Just 100 per month) shows
that people don’t have much to say about it.
5. Industrial internet
The industrial internet is also one of the special Internet of Things applications. While many
market researches such as Gartner or Cisco see the industrial internet as the IoT concept with
the highest overall potential, its popularity currently doesn’t reach the masses like smart
home or wearables do. The industrial internet however has a lot going for it. The industrial
internet gets the biggest push of people on Twitter (~1,700 tweets per month) compared to
other non-consumer-oriented IoT concepts.
6. Connected car
The connected car is coming up slowly. Owing to the fact that the development cycles in the
automotive industry typically take 2-4 years, we haven’t seen much buzz around the
connected car yet. But it seems we are getting there. Most large auto makers as well as some
brave startups are working on connected car solutions. And if the BMWs and Fords of this
world don’t present the next generation internet connected car soon, other well-known giants
will: Google, Microsoft, and Apple have all announced connected car platforms.
7. Connected Health (Digital health/Telehealth/Telemedicine)
Connected health remains the sleeping giant of the Internet of Things applications. The
concept of a connected health care system and smart medical devices bears enormous
potential (see our analysis of market segments), not just for companies also for the well-being
of people in general. Yet, Connected Health has not reached the masses yet. Prominent use
cases and large-scale startup successes are still to be seen. Might 2015 bring the
8. Smart retail
Proximity-based advertising as a subset of smart retail is starting to take off. But the
popularity ranking shows that it is still a niche segment. One LinkedIn post per month is
nothing compared to 430 for smart home.
9. Smart supply chain
Supply chains have been getting smarter for some years already. Solutions for tracking goods
while they are on the road, or getting suppliers to exchange inventory information have been
on the market for years. So while it is perfectly logic that the topic will get a new push with
the Internet of Things, it seems that so far its popularity remains limited.
10. Smart farming
Smart farming is an often overlooked business-case for the internet of Things because it does
not really fit into the well-known categories such as health, mobility, or industrial. However,
due to the remoteness of farming operations and the large number of livestock that could be
monitored the Internet of Things could revolutionize the way farmers work. But this idea has
not yet reached large-scale attention. Nevertheless, one of the Internet of Things applications
that should not be underestimated. Smart farming will become the important application field
in the predominantly agricultural-product exporting countries.
Pros of Internet of Things: Here are some advantages of IoT:
1. Cost Savings: It makes the electronic appliances communicate to each other in an
effective manner thereby conserving and saving cost and energy; hence, it’s helpful to people
in their daily routines. By allowing the data to be shared and communicated between
electronic devices and then translating it into our required way, IoT is making our systems
2. Information: It is true that with more information, you can make better decisions.
Whether it is general decisions as needing to know what to buy at a grocery store or if your
company has enough supplies and widgets, knowledge is great power and more knowledge is
always good.
3. Communication: IoT encourages Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication
(communication between devices). Owing to this, the physical devices are capable to stay
connected; hence, total transparency is available with greater quality and lesser inefficiencies.
4. Automation and Control: Owing to physical objects getting controlled and connected
digitally with wireless infrastructure, there is a big amount of automation and control in the
workings. All the machines are capable to communicate with each other without human
intervention which leads to prompt output.
5. Efficiency: Machine-to-machine interaction provides for better efficiency, enabling people
to focus on other jobs.
6. Instant Data Access: More available information helps simplify the decision making
process, making life easier to manage.
Cons of Internet of Things: Here are some cons of Internet of Things:
1. Over Dependency on Technology: At present , it is observed that the younger generation
is a technology freak and they depend upon technology and its devices for every little thing.
With the help of IoT, this dependency will become even more in daily routines. No
application is free from fault and there are some hitches in each technical application. Totally
relying on IoT devices may create a trouble in case of non-working or crash of an IoT
2. Losing Security on Privacy: As there is involvement of different technologies and
devices, there is monitoring by more than one companies, which directly questions the
security and privacy issues. Data retrieval and storage also becomes a major concern for the
companies because all of them are involved at the same time. In case of keeping only one
company, it may lead to question of domination.
3. Lesser Employment Prospects: With IoT, daily activities getting automated and naturally
there will be fewer requirements of human resources and less educated staff, which may
create employment issue in the society.
4. Complexity: With all complex systems, there is possibility of failure. Failures could be
sky rocket in case of Internet of Things.
5. Compatibility: Currently, there is not international standard of compatibility for the IoT
which can make it hard for devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each
The future of IoT is virtually unlimited due to advances in technology and consumers' desire
to integrate devices such as smart phones with household machines. Wi-Fi has made it
possible to connect people and machines on land, in the air and at sea. It is critical that both
companies and governments keep in ethics in mind as we approach the fourth Industrial
Revolution (Pye, 2014). With so much data travelling from device to device, security in
technology will be required to grow just as fast as connectivity in order to keep up with
demands. Governments will uncountable face tough decisions as to how far the private the
sector is allowed to go in terms of robotics and information sharing. The possibilities are
exciting, productivity will increase and amazing things will come by connecting the world.

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  • 1. FUTURE OF IOT 1 RAHEEM UNNISA 1. ABSTRACT Internet of Things is creating an environment of convergence in the society. This technology environment brings a paradigm shift in our professional and personal life. As a connected environment, IoT adds customer value and loyalty. Today, IoT is being implemented everywhere which is of human concern like smart city, smart environment, security, smart business process, smart agriculture, home automation and healthcare. No matter which way you look at it, technology has been headed towards automation for a long time now. In fact, isn’t the very basic principle of technology to make our lives easier by leaving fewer things to be explicitly done by us? It might be making us all lazier every day, or one might argue that it is giving us far greater time to pursue whatever we desire. Whatever might be the effect, there is no doubt that automation is the future and place that it is happening the most significantly is right in our homes.
  • 2. FUTURE OF IOT 2 RAHEEM UNNISA 2. INTRODUCTION The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect and exchange data, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits and reduced human intervention. IoT has become so vital in our daily life and it is going to create a big impact in the near future. For example, solutions can be provided instantly for the traffic flows, reminding about the vehicle maintenance, reduce energy consumption. Monitoring sensors will diagnose pending maintenance issues, and even prioritize maintenance crew schedules for repair equipment. Data analysis systems will help metropolitan and cosmopolitan cities to function easily in terms of traffic management, waste management, pollution control, law enforcement and other major functions efficiently. Considering it to the next level, linked devices can help the people personally like you get an alert from the refrigerator reminding you to shop some vegetables when the vegetable tray is empty, your home security systems enables you to open the door for some guest with help of connected devices(IoT). Since there is a massive growth in number of devices day by day, the amount of data generated would also be enormous. Here is where Big Data and IoT go hand in hand. BigData manages the enormous amount of data generated using its technologies. The Internet of Things (IoT) and big data are two vital subjects in commercial, industrial, and many other applications. The name IoT was framed in approximately a decade ago and refers to the world of machines or devices connected to the Internet, by which a large amount of big data is collected, stored and managed. Big data additionally refers to the analysis of this generated data to produce useful results. The main motivating power behind the IoT and BigData has been the collection and analysis of data related to consumer activities in order to find out why and what customers buy. It was not too long ago that we visualised houses of the future where things would be done on their own- lights coming on by themselves, coffee being brewed just the way you like as you are about to wake up and your shower knowing the weather outside and adjusting the water temperature accordingly. And now we are at a point where technology to achieve all that has been around for a while and has now become affordable. Hence, it is not a
  • 3. FUTURE OF IOT 3 RAHEEM UNNISA particularly big surprise that we are witnessing some amazing things happening in the world of automation. Future of IoT There is a lot of scope for IoT in future. The world will have 50 billion connected devices by 2020. IoT is foreseen to touch every industry and people in every domain, optimizing businesses and simplifying people’s lives. IoT mainly focuses on following things:  Industrial IoT  Connected Cars  Smart Security  Big Data  Smart Cities  Data Analysis  Smart Healthcare and so on.... CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE PROSPECT OF IOT The below figure shows the Current status and Future prospect of IoT as shown “Change is the only thing permanent in this world”
  • 4. FUTURE OF IOT 4 RAHEEM UNNISA 3. ARCHITECTURE OF IOT Architecture of IoT contains basically 4 layers: 1. Application Layer 2. Gateway and the network layer 3. Management Service layer 4. Sensor layer Fig 3.1: Layers of IoT APPLICATION LAYER: Applications are essential for proper utilization of all the data collected. These cloud based applications which are responsible for rendering effective meaning to the data collected. Applications are controlled by users and are delivery point of particular services. Examples: home automation apps, security systems, industrial control hub etc. Basically it provides  Lowest Abstraction Layer  With sensors we are creating digital nervous system.  Incorporated to measure physical quantities  Interconnects the physical and digital world  Collects and process the real time information GATEWAY AND THE NETWORK LAYER: Gateways are responsible for routing the processed data and send it to proper locations for its (data) proper utilization. In other words, we can say that gateway helps in to and fro communication of the data. It provides network connectivity to the data. Network connectivity is essential for any IoT system to communicate.
  • 5. FUTURE OF IOT 5 RAHEEM UNNISA Examples: LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN etc. Basically it provides  Robust and High performance network infrastructure  Supports the communication requirements for latency, bandwidth or security  Allows multiple organizations to share and use the same network independently MANAGEMENT LAYER: Processors are the brain of the IoT system. Their main function is to process the data captured by the sensors and process them so as to extract the valuable data from the enormous amount of raw data collected. In a word, we can say that it gives intelligence to the data. Processors mostly work on real-time basis and can be easily controlled by applications. These are also responsible for securing the data – that is performing encryption and decryption of data. Embedded hardware devices, microcontroller etc are the ones that process the data because they have processors attached to it. Basically it provides  Capturing of periodic sensory data  Data Analytics (Extracts relevant information from massive amount of raw data)  Streaming Analytics (Process real time data)  Ensures security and privacy of data. SENSOR LAYER: These form the front end of the IoT devices. These are the so called “Things” of the system. Their main purpose is to collect data from its surrounding (sensors) or give out data to its surrounding (actuators). These have to be uniquely identifiable devices with a unique IP address so that they can be easily identifiable over a large network.
  • 6. FUTURE OF IOT 6 RAHEEM UNNISA These have to be active in nature which means that they should be able to collect real time data. These can either work on their own (autonomous in nature) or can be made to work by the user depending on their needs (user controlled). Basically it provides  Provides a user interface for using IoT.  Different applications for various sectors like Transportation, Healthcare, Agriculture, Supply chains, Government, Retail etc. Examples: gas sensor, water quality sensor, moisture sensor etc. The overall architecture of Internet of Things(IoT) is shown below: Fig 3.2: Architecture of IoT
  • 7. FUTURE OF IOT 7 RAHEEM UNNISA 4. HOW IOT WORKS Internet of Things is not the result of a single novel technology; instead, several complementary technical developments provide capabilities that taken together help to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical world. These capabilities include:  Communication and cooperation  Addressability  Identification  Sensing  Actuation  Embedded information processing  Localization  User interfaces How the IoT works is quite simple  First, it acquires information with respect to basic resources (names, addresses and so on) and related attributes of objects by means of automatic identification and perception technologies such as RFID, wireless sensor and satellite positioning, in other words the sensors, RFID tags and all other uniquely identifiable objects or "things" acquire real-time information (data) with the virtue of a central hub like smartphones.  Second, by virtue of many kinds of communications technologies, it integrates object- related information into the information network and realizes the intelligent indexing and integration of the information related to masses of objects by resorting to fundamental resource services (similar to the resolution, addressing and discovery of the internet).  Finally, utilizing intelligent computing technologies such as cloud computing, fuzzy recognition, data mining and semantic analysis, it analyzes and processes the information related to masses of objects so as to eventually realize intelligent decision and control in the physical world.
  • 8. FUTURE OF IOT 8 RAHEEM UNNISA Fig 4.1: Working nature of IoT IoT platforms can help organizations reduce cost through improved process efficiency, asset utilization and productivity. The growth and convergence of data, processes and things on the internet would make such connections more relevant and important, creating more opportunities for people, businesses and industries. By the year 2020, there will be a lot more connected devices than people on earth IOT mainly useful for the following nature  Dynamic control of industry and daily life.  Improves the resource utilization ratio.  Integrating human society and physical systems.  Flexible configuration.  Acts as technology integrator.  Universal inter-networking.
  • 9. FUTURE OF IOT 9 RAHEEM UNNISA The Three Cs of IoT i. Communication: IoT communicates information to people and systems, such as state and health of equipment (e.g. it's on or off, charged, full or empty) and data from sensors that can monitor a person’s vital signs. In most cases, we didn’t have access to this information before or it was collected manually and infrequently. For example, an IOT-enabled HVAC system can report if its air filter is clean and functioning properly. Almost every company has a class of assets it could track. GPS-enabled assets can communicate their current location and movement. Location is important for items that move, such as trucks, but it’s also applicable for locating items and people within an organization. In the healthcare industry, IoT can help a hospital track the location of everything from wheelchairs to cardiac defibrillators to surgeons. In the transportation industry, a business can deliver real-time tracking and condition of parcels and pallets. For example, Maersk can use sensors to track the location of a refrigerated shipping container and its current temperature. ii. Control and Automation: In a connected world, a business will have visibility into a device’s condition. In many cases, a business or consumer will also be able to remotely control a device. For example, a business can remotely turn on or shut down a specific piece of equipment or adjust the temperature in a climate-controlled environment. Meanwhile, a consumer can use IoT to unlock their car or start the washing machine. Once a performance baseline has been established, a process can send alerts for anomalies and possibly deliver an automated response. For example, if the brake pads on a truck are about to fail, it can prompt the company to take the vehicle out of service and automatically schedule maintenance. iii. Cost Savings: Many companies will adopt IoT to save money. Measurement provides actual performance data and equipment health, instead of just estimates. Businesses, particularly industrial companies, lose money when equipment fails. With new sensor information, IoT can help a company save money by minimizing equipment failure and allowing the business to perform planned maintenance. Sensors can also measuring items, such as driving behavior and speed, to reduce fuel expense and wear and tear on consumables. New smart meters in homes and businesses can also provide data that helps people understand energy consumption and opportunities for cost savings.
  • 10. FUTURE OF IOT 10 RAHEEM UNNISA 5. TECHNICAL CHALLENGES OF IOT At present IoT is faced with many challenges, such as:  Scalability  Technological Standardization  Inter operability  Discovery  Software complexity  Data volumes and interpretation  Power Supply  Interaction and short range communication  Wireless communication  Fault tolerance Criticisms and Controversies of IoT Scholars and social observers and pessimists have doubts about the promises of the ubiquitous computing revolution, in the areas as:  Privacy  Security  Autonomy and Control  Social control  Political manipulation  Design  Environmental impact  Influences human moral decision making Solutions to the challenges Several solutions are proposed to overcome the problems. Some of them are -  Overcoming compatibility issues is a significant IoT hurdle, but emerging companies are starting to enable increased interoperability through open-source development.  Governments and industry bodies need to set standards and regulations for the various industries to ensure that data is not misused.  IoT needs strong authentication methods, encrypted data and a platform that can track irregularities on a network
  • 11. FUTURE OF IOT 11 RAHEEM UNNISA 6. APPLICATIONS 1. Smart home Smart Home clearly stands out, ranking as highest Internet of Things application on all measured channels. More than 60,000 people currently search for the term “Smart Home” each month. This is not a surprise. The IoT Analytics company database for Smart Home includes 256 companies and startups. More companies are active in smart home than any other application in the field of IoT. The total amount of funding for Smart Home startups currently exceeds $2.5bn. This list includes prominent startup names such as Nest or AlertMe as well as a number of multinational corporations like Philips, Haier, or Belkin. 2. Wearable's Wearables remains a hot topic too. As consumers await the release of Apple’s new smart watch in April 2015, there are plenty of other wearable innovations to be excited about: like the Sony Smart B Trainer, the Myo gesture control, or LookSee bracelet. Of all the IoT startups, wearables maker Jawbone is probably the one with the biggest funding to date. It stands at more than half a billion dollars! 3. Smart City Smart city spans a wide variety of use cases, from traffic management to water distribution, to waste management, urban security and environmental monitoring. Its popularity is fueled by the fact that many Smart City solutions promise to alleviate real pains of people living in cities these days. IoT solutions in the area of Smart City solve traffic congestion problems, reduce noise and pollution and help make cities safer. 4. Smart grids Smart grids is a special one. A future smart grid promises to use information about the behaviors of electricity suppliers and consumers in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, and economics of electricity. 41,000 monthly Google searches highlights the concept’s popularity. However, the lack of tweets (Just 100 per month) shows that people don’t have much to say about it. 5. Industrial internet The industrial internet is also one of the special Internet of Things applications. While many market researches such as Gartner or Cisco see the industrial internet as the IoT concept with the highest overall potential, its popularity currently doesn’t reach the masses like smart home or wearables do. The industrial internet however has a lot going for it. The industrial internet gets the biggest push of people on Twitter (~1,700 tweets per month) compared to other non-consumer-oriented IoT concepts.
  • 12. FUTURE OF IOT 12 RAHEEM UNNISA 6. Connected car The connected car is coming up slowly. Owing to the fact that the development cycles in the automotive industry typically take 2-4 years, we haven’t seen much buzz around the connected car yet. But it seems we are getting there. Most large auto makers as well as some brave startups are working on connected car solutions. And if the BMWs and Fords of this world don’t present the next generation internet connected car soon, other well-known giants will: Google, Microsoft, and Apple have all announced connected car platforms. 7. Connected Health (Digital health/Telehealth/Telemedicine) Connected health remains the sleeping giant of the Internet of Things applications. The concept of a connected health care system and smart medical devices bears enormous potential (see our analysis of market segments), not just for companies also for the well-being of people in general. Yet, Connected Health has not reached the masses yet. Prominent use cases and large-scale startup successes are still to be seen. Might 2015 bring the breakthrough? 8. Smart retail Proximity-based advertising as a subset of smart retail is starting to take off. But the popularity ranking shows that it is still a niche segment. One LinkedIn post per month is nothing compared to 430 for smart home. 9. Smart supply chain Supply chains have been getting smarter for some years already. Solutions for tracking goods while they are on the road, or getting suppliers to exchange inventory information have been on the market for years. So while it is perfectly logic that the topic will get a new push with the Internet of Things, it seems that so far its popularity remains limited. 10. Smart farming Smart farming is an often overlooked business-case for the internet of Things because it does not really fit into the well-known categories such as health, mobility, or industrial. However, due to the remoteness of farming operations and the large number of livestock that could be monitored the Internet of Things could revolutionize the way farmers work. But this idea has not yet reached large-scale attention. Nevertheless, one of the Internet of Things applications that should not be underestimated. Smart farming will become the important application field in the predominantly agricultural-product exporting countries.
  • 13. FUTURE OF IOT 13 RAHEEM UNNISA 7. PROS AND CONS OF IOT Pros of Internet of Things: Here are some advantages of IoT: 1. Cost Savings: It makes the electronic appliances communicate to each other in an effective manner thereby conserving and saving cost and energy; hence, it’s helpful to people in their daily routines. By allowing the data to be shared and communicated between electronic devices and then translating it into our required way, IoT is making our systems efficient. 2. Information: It is true that with more information, you can make better decisions. Whether it is general decisions as needing to know what to buy at a grocery store or if your company has enough supplies and widgets, knowledge is great power and more knowledge is always good. 3. Communication: IoT encourages Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication (communication between devices). Owing to this, the physical devices are capable to stay connected; hence, total transparency is available with greater quality and lesser inefficiencies. 4. Automation and Control: Owing to physical objects getting controlled and connected digitally with wireless infrastructure, there is a big amount of automation and control in the workings. All the machines are capable to communicate with each other without human intervention which leads to prompt output. 5. Efficiency: Machine-to-machine interaction provides for better efficiency, enabling people to focus on other jobs. 6. Instant Data Access: More available information helps simplify the decision making process, making life easier to manage. Cons of Internet of Things: Here are some cons of Internet of Things: 1. Over Dependency on Technology: At present , it is observed that the younger generation is a technology freak and they depend upon technology and its devices for every little thing. With the help of IoT, this dependency will become even more in daily routines. No application is free from fault and there are some hitches in each technical application. Totally
  • 14. FUTURE OF IOT 14 RAHEEM UNNISA relying on IoT devices may create a trouble in case of non-working or crash of an IoT infrastructure. 2. Losing Security on Privacy: As there is involvement of different technologies and devices, there is monitoring by more than one companies, which directly questions the security and privacy issues. Data retrieval and storage also becomes a major concern for the companies because all of them are involved at the same time. In case of keeping only one company, it may lead to question of domination. 3. Lesser Employment Prospects: With IoT, daily activities getting automated and naturally there will be fewer requirements of human resources and less educated staff, which may create employment issue in the society. 4. Complexity: With all complex systems, there is possibility of failure. Failures could be sky rocket in case of Internet of Things. 5. Compatibility: Currently, there is not international standard of compatibility for the IoT which can make it hard for devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each other.
  • 15. FUTURE OF IOT 15 RAHEEM UNNISA 8. CONCLUSION The future of IoT is virtually unlimited due to advances in technology and consumers' desire to integrate devices such as smart phones with household machines. Wi-Fi has made it possible to connect people and machines on land, in the air and at sea. It is critical that both companies and governments keep in ethics in mind as we approach the fourth Industrial Revolution (Pye, 2014). With so much data travelling from device to device, security in technology will be required to grow just as fast as connectivity in order to keep up with demands. Governments will uncountable face tough decisions as to how far the private the sector is allowed to go in terms of robotics and information sharing. The possibilities are exciting, productivity will increase and amazing things will come by connecting the world.
  • 16. FUTURE OF IOT 16 RAHEEM UNNISA 9. REFERENCES    introduction 