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Functional GUIs with F#
Frank A. Krueger
I ❤️ F#
Simple Domain
module DrawingDomain =
type Shape = Oval | Rectangle
Simple Domain
type Point = { X : float; Y : float }
type Size = { Width : float; Height : float }
type Frame = { Position : Point
Size : Size }
Simple Domain
type Shape =
| Oval of Frame
| Rectangle of Frame
Moar Features!
type Shape =
| Oval of Frame
| Rectangle of Frame
| Path of Point list
| Union of Shape list
| Subtract of Shape list
Common Properties
type Element =
Id : Guid
Name : string
Color : Color
Shape : Shape
and Shape =
| Oval of Frame
| Rectangle of Frame
| Path of Point list
| Union of Element list
| Subtract of Element list
Document Model
type Document =
Elements : Element list
module DrawingDomain =
type Color = { R : float; G : float; B : float; A : float }
type Point = { X : float; Y : float }
type Size = { Width : float; Height : float }
type Frame = { Position : Point
Size : Size }
type Shape =
| Oval of Frame
| Rectangle of Frame
| Path of Point list
| Union of Shape list
| Subtract of Shape list
type Element =
Id : Guid
Name : string
Color : Color
Shape : Shape
type Document =
Elements : Element list
CRUD Operations
New Document
let newDocument =
Elements = []
Add Oval
let addOval doc frame =
let gray = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5
let oval =
Id = Guid.NewGuid ()
Name = "Oval"
Color = gray
Shape = Oval frame
{ doc with
Elements = oval :: doc.Elements
Add Oval
let d1 = newDocument
let d2 = addOval d1 { Position = { X = 0.0; Y = 0.0 }
Size = { Width = 200.0;
Height = 200.0; } }
val d1 : Document = {Elements = [];}
val d2 : Document =
{Elements = [{Id = 9993a910-c487-4b6f-9025-279ce941518f;
Name = "Oval";
Color = {R = 0.5;
G = 0.5;
B = 0.5;
A = 1.0;};
Shape = Oval {Position = {X = 0.0;
Y = 0.0;};
Size = {Width = 200.0;
Height = 200.0;};};}];}
Remove Elements
let removeElement doc id =
val newData : int list = [0; 1000; 2000; 3000; 4000]
let data = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
let times1000 x = x * 1000
let newData = data |> times1000
Map the Document
let rec mapElements f elms =
let mapChildren e =
match e.Shape with
| Union children ->
{ e with Shape = Union (mapElements f children) }
| Subtract children ->
{ e with Shape = Subtract (mapElements f children) }
| _ -> e
let mapElement = mapChildren >> f
elms |> List.choose mapElement
and mapDocument f doc =
{ doc with
Elements = mapElements f doc.Elements
Remove Element
et removeElement doc id =
let keep e = if e.Id = id then None else Some e
mapDocument keep doc
Change the Color
let setColor doc ids newColor =
let selected e = Set.contains e.Id ids
let set e =
if selected e then
Some { e with Color = newColor }
else Some e
mapDocument set doc
Mutant Free Zone
Code Behind, View Model, View Controllers,
Reactive, Binding, whatever…
1. User types something
2. Text property changes
3. Some middleman to help you sleep at night
4. Mutate the Model (change properties)
Mutant Love Zone
F# is OOP
type ShapeMutant () =
let mutable color = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5
member this.Color
with get () = color
and set v = color <- v
F# is OOP
type ShapeMutant () =
let mutable color = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5
member this.Color
with get () = color
and set v = color <- v
How do I keep my functional
model and still use OOP UI
• Views reference a way to find the data they need,
they don’t reference the data directly
• There is a single Update function on the Document
1. Sets a new document state
2. Signals that the document has changed
OOP Name Editorpublic class ElementNameEditor
TextEdit view;
Element model;
void Initialize ()
// Display the current data
view.Text = model.Name;
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged += (s, e) =>
model.Name = view.Text;
// Refresh when the doc changes
model.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.Name == "Text")
view.Text = model.Name;
} ;
public class ElementNameEditor
TextEdit view;
Element model;
void Initialize ()
// Display the current data
view.Text = model.Name;
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged += (s, e) =>
model.Name = view.Text;
// Refresh when the doc changes
model.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.Name == "Text")
view.Text = model.Name;
} ;
OOP Name Editor
Direct Reference
Two Changes…
1. Instead of a Direct
Reference, use an Indirect
2. Instead of MAGIC, call a
function and handle the
update event
Functional Name Editor
type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) =
member this.Initialize () =
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ ->
let newName = view.Text
let setName e =
if e.Id = id then
Some { e with Name = newName }
else Some e
let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data
docc.Update newDoc)
// Display the current data
let refresh doc =
let model = getElement id doc
view.Text <- model.Name
refresh docc.Data
// Refresh when the doc changes
docc.Updated.Add refresh
Functional Name Editor
type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) =
member this.Initialize () =
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ ->
let newName = view.Text
let setName e =
if e.Id = id then
Some { e with Name = newName }
else Some e
let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data
docc.Update newDoc)
// Display the current data
let refresh doc =
let model = getElement id doc
view.Text <- model.Name
refresh docc.Data
// Refresh when the doc changes
docc.Updated.Add refresh
Indirect Reference
Functional Name Editor
type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) =
member this.Initialize () =
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ ->
let newName = view.Text
let setName e =
if e.Id = id then
Some { e with Name = newName }
else Some e
let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data
docc.Update newDoc)
// Display the current data
let refresh doc =
let model = getElement id doc
view.Text <- model.Name
refresh docc.Data
// Refresh when the doc changes
docc.Updated.Add refresh
Explicit Update Function
Functional Name Editor
type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) =
member this.Initialize () =
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ ->
let newName = view.Text
let setName e =
if e.Id = id then
Some { e with Name = newName }
else Some e
let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data
docc.Update newDoc)
// Display the current data
let refresh doc =
let model = getElement id doc
view.Text <- model.Name
refresh docc.Data
// Refresh when the doc changes
docc.Updated.Add refresh Single Update Event
type DocumentController () =
let updated = Event<_> ()
let mutable data = newDocument
member this.Data = data
member this.Update newData =
data <- newData
updated.Trigger newData
member this.Updated = updated.Publish
type DocumentController () =
let updated = Event<_> ()
let mutable data = newDocument
member this.Data = data
member this.Update newData =
data <- newData
updated.Trigger newData
member this.Updated = updated.Publish
Single Source of Mutation
public class ElementNameEditor
TextEdit view;
Element model;
void Initialize ()
// Display the current data
view.Text = model.Name;
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged += (s, e) =>
model.Name = view.Text;
// Refresh when the doc changes
model.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => {
if (e.Name == "Text")
view.Text = model.Name;
} ;
type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id
member this.Initialize () =
// Handle user changes
view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ ->
let newName = view.Text
let setName e =
if e.Id = id then
Some { e with Name = newName }
else Some e
let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data
docc.Update newDoc)
// Display the current data
let refresh doc =
let model = getElement id doc
view.Text <- model.Name
refresh docc.Data
// Refresh when the doc changes
docc.Updated.Add refresh
Five Reasons
1. Undo, Redo, and History
2. Atomic Save and Background Open
3. Background Updates
4. No Dangling References
5. Keep My Functional Model
App Requirements
• Undo & Redo
• Background Save &
OOP Undo Architecture
Whenever you change the document,
pass a reference to another function that
can undo all those changes
OOP Undo
view.TextChanged += (s, e) =>
SetName (view.Text);
void SetName (string newName)
var oldName = model.Name;
UndoManager.RegisterUndo (() =>
SetName (oldName));
UndoManager.SetAction ("Rename");
model.Name = newName;
view.TextChanged += (s, e) =>
model.Name = view.Text;
For every command you write,
you have to write its inverse
F# Undo
docc.Update newDoc
F# Undo
docc.Update newDoc
docc.Update newDoc "Rename"
F# Undo
docc.Update newDoc
docc.Update newDoc "Rename"
No Need to Write an Inverse Function!
type DocumentControllerWithUndo () =
let updated = Event<_> ()
let mutable historyIndex = 0
let mutable history = [(newDocument, "New")]
member this.Data = history.[historyIndex]
member this.Update newData message =
history <- (newData, message) :: history
historyIndex <- 0
updated.Trigger newData
member this.Updated = updated.Publish
member this.Undo () =
historyIndex <- historyIndex + 1
updated.Trigger this.Data
member this.Redo () =
historyIndex <- historyIndex - 1
updated.Trigger this.Data
type DocumentControllerWithUndo () =
let updated = Event<_> ()
let mutable historyIndex = 0
let mutable history = [(newDocument, "New")]
member this.Data = history.[historyIndex]
member this.Update newData message =
history <- (newData, message) :: history
historyIndex <- 0
updated.Trigger newData
member this.Updated = updated.Publish
member this.Undo () =
historyIndex <- historyIndex + 1
updated.Trigger this.Data
member this.Redo () =
historyIndex <- historyIndex - 1
updated.Trigger this.Data
Atomic Save
Because the DocumentController has a
immutable snapshots of the data,
atomic saves are trivial.
Atomic Save
Because the DocumentController has a
immutable snapshots of the data,
atomic saves are trivial.
Background Open
Because the Document is immutable, it
doesn’t matter what thread it came
Background Open
Because the Document is immutable, it
doesn’t matter what thread it came
Background Updates
Because the Document is immutable, it
doesn’t matter what thread was used to
create it or how long it took to generate.
Background Updates
Because the Document is immutable, it
doesn’t matter what thread was used to
create it or how long it took to generate.
No Dangling References
Most of my memory leaks occur
because my model has an event that
has a reference to a UI object.
I never remember to unsubscribe all my
With fewer events, there are fewer
mistakes to be made, and its easier to
track down trouble makers.
No Dangling References
Most of my memory leaks occur
because my model has an event that
has a reference to a UI object.
I never remember to unsubscribe all my
With fewer events, there are fewer
mistakes to be made, and its easier to
track down trouble makers.
For This…
1. Undo, Redo, and History
2. Atomic Save and Background Open
3. Background Updates
4. No Dangling References
5. Keep My Functional Model
I Get…
1. Instead of a Direct Reference,
use an Indirect Reference
2. Call a single Update function
and handle the Updated event
Thank You
Frank A. Krueger

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StrimziCon 2024 - Transition to Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi

Functional GUIs with F#

  • 1. Functional GUIs with F# Frank A. Krueger FRINGE 2015
  • 3.
  • 4. Simple Domain module DrawingDomain = type Shape = Oval | Rectangle
  • 5. Simple Domain type Point = { X : float; Y : float } type Size = { Width : float; Height : float } type Frame = { Position : Point Size : Size }
  • 6. Simple Domain type Shape = | Oval of Frame | Rectangle of Frame
  • 7. Moar Features! type Shape = | Oval of Frame | Rectangle of Frame | Path of Point list | Union of Shape list | Subtract of Shape list
  • 8. Common Properties type Element = { Id : Guid Name : string Color : Color Shape : Shape } and Shape = | Oval of Frame | Rectangle of Frame | Path of Point list | Union of Element list | Subtract of Element list
  • 9. Document Model type Document = { Elements : Element list }
  • 10. module DrawingDomain = type Color = { R : float; G : float; B : float; A : float } type Point = { X : float; Y : float } type Size = { Width : float; Height : float } type Frame = { Position : Point Size : Size } type Shape = | Oval of Frame | Rectangle of Frame | Path of Point list | Union of Shape list | Subtract of Shape list type Element = { Id : Guid Name : string Color : Color Shape : Shape } type Document = { Elements : Element list }
  • 12. New Document let newDocument = { Elements = [] }
  • 13. Add Oval let addOval doc frame = let gray = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 let oval = { Id = Guid.NewGuid () Name = "Oval" Color = gray Shape = Oval frame } { doc with Elements = oval :: doc.Elements }
  • 14. Add Oval let d1 = newDocument let d2 = addOval d1 { Position = { X = 0.0; Y = 0.0 } Size = { Width = 200.0; Height = 200.0; } } val d1 : Document = {Elements = [];} val d2 : Document = {Elements = [{Id = 9993a910-c487-4b6f-9025-279ce941518f; Name = "Oval"; Color = {R = 0.5; G = 0.5; B = 0.5; A = 1.0;}; Shape = Oval {Position = {X = 0.0; Y = 0.0;}; Size = {Width = 200.0; Height = 200.0;};};}];}
  • 16. Mapping val newData : int list = [0; 1000; 2000; 3000; 4000] let data = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4] let times1000 x = x * 1000 let newData = data |> times1000
  • 17. Map the Document let rec mapElements f elms = let mapChildren e = match e.Shape with | Union children -> { e with Shape = Union (mapElements f children) } | Subtract children -> { e with Shape = Subtract (mapElements f children) } | _ -> e let mapElement = mapChildren >> f elms |> List.choose mapElement and mapDocument f doc = { doc with Elements = mapElements f doc.Elements }
  • 18. Remove Element et removeElement doc id = let keep e = if e.Id = id then None else Some e mapDocument keep doc
  • 19. Change the Color let setColor doc ids newColor = let selected e = Set.contains e.Id ids let set e = if selected e then Some { e with Color = newColor } else Some e mapDocument set doc
  • 21. GUIs
  • 22. OOP GUIs FrankName Code Behind, View Model, View Controllers, Reactive, Binding, whatever… 1. User types something 2. Text property changes 3. Some middleman to help you sleep at night 4. Mutate the Model (change properties) Model
  • 24. F# is OOP type ShapeMutant () = let mutable color = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 member this.Color with get () = color and set v = color <- v
  • 25. F# is OOP type ShapeMutant () = let mutable color = rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 member this.Color with get () = color and set v = color <- v
  • 26. How do I keep my functional model and still use OOP UI libraries?
  • 27. Answer • Views reference a way to find the data they need, they don’t reference the data directly • There is a single Update function on the Document that: 1. Sets a new document state 2. Signals that the document has changed
  • 28. OOP Name Editorpublic class ElementNameEditor { TextEdit view; Element model; void Initialize () { // Display the current data view.Text = model.Name; // Handle user changes view.TextChanged += (s, e) => model.Name = view.Text; // Refresh when the doc changes model.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.Name == "Text") view.Text = model.Name; } ; } }
  • 29. public class ElementNameEditor { TextEdit view; Element model; void Initialize () { // Display the current data view.Text = model.Name; // Handle user changes view.TextChanged += (s, e) => model.Name = view.Text; // Refresh when the doc changes model.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.Name == "Text") view.Text = model.Name; } ; } } OOP Name Editor Direct Reference MAGIC
  • 31. 1. Instead of a Direct Reference, use an Indirect Reference
  • 32. 2. Instead of MAGIC, call a function and handle the update event
  • 33. Functional Name Editor type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) = member this.Initialize () = // Handle user changes view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ -> let newName = view.Text let setName e = if e.Id = id then Some { e with Name = newName } else Some e let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data docc.Update newDoc) // Display the current data let refresh doc = let model = getElement id doc view.Text <- model.Name refresh docc.Data // Refresh when the doc changes docc.Updated.Add refresh
  • 34. Functional Name Editor type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) = member this.Initialize () = // Handle user changes view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ -> let newName = view.Text let setName e = if e.Id = id then Some { e with Name = newName } else Some e let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data docc.Update newDoc) // Display the current data let refresh doc = let model = getElement id doc view.Text <- model.Name refresh docc.Data // Refresh when the doc changes docc.Updated.Add refresh Indirect Reference
  • 35. Functional Name Editor type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) = member this.Initialize () = // Handle user changes view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ -> let newName = view.Text let setName e = if e.Id = id then Some { e with Name = newName } else Some e let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data docc.Update newDoc) // Display the current data let refresh doc = let model = getElement id doc view.Text <- model.Name refresh docc.Data // Refresh when the doc changes docc.Updated.Add refresh Explicit Update Function
  • 36. Functional Name Editor type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id) = member this.Initialize () = // Handle user changes view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ -> let newName = view.Text let setName e = if e.Id = id then Some { e with Name = newName } else Some e let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data docc.Update newDoc) // Display the current data let refresh doc = let model = getElement id doc view.Text <- model.Name refresh docc.Data // Refresh when the doc changes docc.Updated.Add refresh Single Update Event
  • 37. DocumentController type DocumentController () = let updated = Event<_> () let mutable data = newDocument member this.Data = data member this.Update newData = data <- newData updated.Trigger newData member this.Updated = updated.Publish
  • 38. DocumentController type DocumentController () = let updated = Event<_> () let mutable data = newDocument member this.Data = data member this.Update newData = data <- newData updated.Trigger newData member this.Updated = updated.Publish Single Source of Mutation
  • 39. Why? public class ElementNameEditor { TextEdit view; Element model; void Initialize () { // Display the current data view.Text = model.Name; // Handle user changes view.TextChanged += (s, e) => model.Name = view.Text; // Refresh when the doc changes model.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.Name == "Text") view.Text = model.Name; } ; } } type ElementNameEditor (view : TextEdit, docc : DocumentController, id member this.Initialize () = // Handle user changes view.TextChanged.Add (fun _ -> let newName = view.Text let setName e = if e.Id = id then Some { e with Name = newName } else Some e let newDoc = mapDocument setName docc.Data docc.Update newDoc) // Display the current data let refresh doc = let model = getElement id doc view.Text <- model.Name refresh docc.Data // Refresh when the doc changes docc.Updated.Add refresh
  • 40. Five Reasons 1. Undo, Redo, and History 2. Atomic Save and Background Open 3. Background Updates 4. No Dangling References 5. Keep My Functional Model
  • 41. Document-based App Requirements • Undo & Redo • Background Save & Open
  • 42. OOP Undo Architecture Whenever you change the document, pass a reference to another function that can undo all those changes
  • 43. OOP Undo view.TextChanged += (s, e) => SetName (view.Text); void SetName (string newName) { var oldName = model.Name; UndoManager.RegisterUndo (() => SetName (oldName)); UndoManager.SetAction ("Rename"); model.Name = newName; } view.TextChanged += (s, e) => model.Name = view.Text;
  • 44. For every command you write, you have to write its inverse 😳
  • 47. F# Undo docc.Update newDoc docc.Update newDoc "Rename" No Need to Write an Inverse Function!
  • 48. type DocumentControllerWithUndo () = let updated = Event<_> () let mutable historyIndex = 0 let mutable history = [(newDocument, "New")] member this.Data = history.[historyIndex] member this.Update newData message = history <- (newData, message) :: history historyIndex <- 0 updated.Trigger newData member this.Updated = updated.Publish member this.Undo () = historyIndex <- historyIndex + 1 updated.Trigger this.Data member this.Redo () = historyIndex <- historyIndex - 1 updated.Trigger this.Data
  • 49. type DocumentControllerWithUndo () = let updated = Event<_> () let mutable historyIndex = 0 let mutable history = [(newDocument, "New")] member this.Data = history.[historyIndex] member this.Update newData message = history <- (newData, message) :: history historyIndex <- 0 updated.Trigger newData member this.Updated = updated.Publish member this.Undo () = historyIndex <- historyIndex + 1 updated.Trigger this.Data member this.Redo () = historyIndex <- historyIndex - 1 updated.Trigger this.Data
  • 50. Atomic Save Because the DocumentController has a immutable snapshots of the data, atomic saves are trivial.
  • 51. Atomic Save Because the DocumentController has a immutable snapshots of the data, atomic saves are trivial.
  • 52. Background Open Because the Document is immutable, it doesn’t matter what thread it came from.
  • 53. Background Open Because the Document is immutable, it doesn’t matter what thread it came from.
  • 54. Background Updates Because the Document is immutable, it doesn’t matter what thread was used to create it or how long it took to generate.
  • 55. Background Updates Because the Document is immutable, it doesn’t matter what thread was used to create it or how long it took to generate.
  • 56. No Dangling References Most of my memory leaks occur because my model has an event that has a reference to a UI object. I never remember to unsubscribe all my events. With fewer events, there are fewer mistakes to be made, and its easier to track down trouble makers.
  • 57. No Dangling References Most of my memory leaks occur because my model has an event that has a reference to a UI object. I never remember to unsubscribe all my events. With fewer events, there are fewer mistakes to be made, and its easier to track down trouble makers.
  • 58. For This… 1. Undo, Redo, and History 2. Atomic Save and Background Open 3. Background Updates 4. No Dangling References 5. Keep My Functional Model I Get… 1. Instead of a Direct Reference, use an Indirect Reference 2. Call a single Update function and handle the Updated event
  • 59. Thank You Frank A. Krueger @praeclarum

Editor's Notes

  1. Primary amongst these is its succinct syntax for modeling the domain of your app.
  2. For a working example through this presentation, I want to discuss a drawing program. Drawing programs let you: draw shapes combine shapes edit the hierarchy edit the graphics themselves property editors
  3. If you're new to F#, then this reads simply as "Shapes are Ovals OR Rectangles". This is called a discriminated union. Enums are very simple discriminated unions.
  4. We need to allow the user to position these shapes. We do this by adding data to the variants - in this case a frame. Let's start by defining the frame. These curly braces denote "records" - objects where all the properties are public. This is safe in F# because everything is immutable by default so no one can mess with your objects.
  5. We then add this frame data to the various shapes.
  6. That's pretty good, but let's also make this an advanced drawing program with boolean operations on the shapes. Note that ships are now recursive
  7. All shapes have a few common properties. We will pull these common things out into an Element record.
  8. Now we need to write all the operations that the user can perform on the document. I’ll show just a few to give you a flavor.
  9. Takes a document and a frame, and gives a NEW DOCUMENT with the oval added to the beginning of the list of elements
  10. Takes a document and a frame, and gives a NEW DOCUMENT with the oval added to the beginning of the list of elements
  11. This is an important function, but it’s also a great opportunity to write a new kind of helper function
  12. Mapping is just applying a function to a bunch of data. In this case we apply a function that multiplies a number by 1000. But you can map a lot more than just normal lists. You can map complicated data like documents.
  13. We never changed the document. We just kept on creating new documents with the new data. For efficiency we also reused objects from the last document.
  14. GUIs are tangled webs of state and events. This goes against the simplicity of my Model.
  15. Since GUI libraries work on the premise of mutating state, they force that concept onto your model.
  16. This is fine because F# is an object oriented language
  17. But oh. This is so not F#. How do we get out of this mutant love zone?
  18. Make this compatible with my Functional Model.
  19. Am I just holding onto an ideology?
  20. I love to write document-based apps.
  21. That’s a lot of code just for a property set, imagine a complicated function!
  22. Now every Update is undoable. We even have a full history so we can be advanced like Photoshop.
  23. Now every Update is undoable