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Scala best practices
Agoda 2017
Alexander Zaidel
Functional programming
Is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer
programs—that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids
changing-state and mutable data.
Referential transparency and purity
An expression e is referentially transparent if for all programs p, all occurrences of e in p
can be replaced by the result of evaluating e, without affecting the observable behavior
of p. A function f is pure if the expression f(x) is referentially transparent for all
referentially transparent x.
Example of pure function:
def fun(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b
Example of pure function:
def wrong(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b
def right(a: Int, b: Int): Try[Int] = Try(a / b)
def getBookingInfo(): BookingInfo = ???
val bookingInfo = getBookingInfo()
object MakeABooking {
def apply(bookingInfo: BookingInfo): Booking = {
new Booking(bookingInfo)
object UserType extends Enumeration {
val NewUser, RecurringUser = Value
def someAction(userType: UserType): Unit = {
userType match {
case UserType.NewUser => action1
case UserType.RecurringUser => action2
def someAction(userType: UserType.Value): Unit = {
userType match {
case UserType.NewUser => action1
case UserType.RecurringUser => action2
object UserType extends Enumeration {
type UserType = Value
val NewUser, RecurringUser = Value
class vs case class
Public access modifiers
case classes
case class User(name: String, birthDay: java.util.Date, country: String)
val ivan = User("Ivan", new java.util.Date(), "Thailand")
val pipat = ivan.copy(name = "Pipat")
case classes unapply
def getUser(): User = ???
getUser match {
case User("Ivan", _, _) | User(_, _, "Thailand") => action1
case _ => action2
case classes immutability
val ivan = User("Ivan", new java.util.Date(), "Thailand")
real cost
case class Person(name: String, lastName: String)
default values
def findUser(userName: String, birthday: Date = new Date(), country: String =
"Thailand"): User = ???
findUser("name", country = "USA")
class Hotel(val name: String, val address: String, val country: String)
def getHotel(): Hotel = ???
getHotel() match {
case Hotel(_, "", "UK") => action1
case _ => action2
object Hotel {
def unapply(hotel: Hotel): Option[(String, String, String)] = {
Option((, hotel.address,
Companion object
class Booking {
import Booking._
private val id: Long = DefaultId
private val created: Long = 0L
Companion object
object Booking {
def doSomething(booking: Booking): Unit = {
private val DefaultId = 0L
lazy val
class Service {
private def longRunningComputation(): Int = {
private lazy val k = longRunningComputation()
public class Service {
private int k; private volatile boolean bitmap$0;
private int longRunningComputation(){Thread.sleep(1000L);return 42;}
private int k$lzycompute(){
synchronized (this){
if (!this.bitmap$0){
this.k = longRunningComputation();this.bitmap$0 = true;
} return this.k; } }
private int k(){ return this.bitmap$0 ? this.k : k$lzycompute(); }
lazy val causing a deadlock
Access modifiers
equals vs ==
object Foo {
def getName(): String = null
equals vs ==
object Foo {
def getName(): String = null
getName() == ""
val value: String = ???
Option(value).map(someValue => {
val tmp = someValue + 1
val value: String = ???
Option(value).map { someValue =>
val tmp = someValue + 1
case class User(age: Int, name: String, gender: Option[String])
val user = User(25, "Ivan", Some("male"))
user.gender match {
case Some(gender) => println("Gender: " + gender)
case None => println("Gender: not specified")
def foo(gender: String): Unit = ???
val user = User(25, "Ivan", Some("male"))
if(user.gender.isDefined) {
user.gender match {
case Some(gender) => Some(gender.length)
case None => None
def findUserFromDb(userId: Int): Option[User] = ???
val currentUser = findUserFromDb(userId)
val defaultUser = findUserFromDb(defaultUserId)
currentUser orElse defaultUser
def getName(): String = null
Some(getName()).map { name =>
def getName(): String = null
Option(getName()).map { name =>
def predicate: Boolean = ???
def foo(): List[Int] = ???
if(predicate) foo() else List()
List.empty, Map.empty, Array.empty
def predicate: Boolean = ???
def foo(): List[Int] = ???
if(predicate) foo() else List.empty
def foo(): List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
foo() match {
case b: List[String] => println("String")
case a: List[Int] => println("Int")
case c: List[AnyRef] => println("AnyRef")
case c: List[AnyVal] => println("AnyVal")
(1 to 400).filter(_ > 200).map(_.toString)
(1 to 400).collect{
case a if(a > 200) => a.toString
seq.find(_ == x).isDefined
seq.exists(_ == x)
Don’t compute full length for length matching
seq.length > n
seq.length < n
seq.length == n
seq.length != n
seq.lengthCompare(n) > 0
seq.lengthCompare(n) < 0
seq.lengthCompare(n) == 0
seq.lengthCompare(n) != 0
Don’t rely on == to compare array contents
array1 == array2
Don’t check index bounds explicitly
if (i < seq.length) Some(seq(i)) else None
Be careful with contains argument type
Seq(1, 2, 3).contains("1") // compilable
Seq(1, 2, 3).contains(1)
Merge consecutive filter calls
seq.filter(x => p1(x) && p2(x))
seq.collectFirst {
case (x) if predicate =>
case class User(name: String, hobby: String)
List(User("Ivan", "football"),
User("Pipat", "scala"),
User("Eugene", "scala")
).groupBy(_.hobby).map(users => users._2.size)
User("Ivan", "football"),
User("Pipat", "scala"),
User("Eugene", "scala")
).groupBy(_.hobby).map { case (hobby, users) => users.size }
def apply[T](body : => T)(implicit executor :ExecutionContext) : Future[T]
def longRunningJob(): Int = {Thread.sleep(1000); 42}
Future(longRunningJob()).map { result =>
result + 100
}.recover { case NonFatal(e) => 0 }
val myFuture = Future(longRunningJob())
case Success(value) => value + 100
case Failure(t) => 0
case class Hotel(id: Long)
val preCachedHotels: List[Hotel] = ???
def dbCall(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = ???
def findHotel(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = preCachedHotels.find( == id).
map { user => Future(user) }.getOrElse(dbCall(id))
Future: successful
case class Hotel(id: Long)
val preCachedHotels: List[Hotel] = ???
def dbCall(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = ???
def findHotel(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = preCachedHotels.find( == id).
map { user => Future.successful(user) }.getOrElse(dbCall(id))
def callDB(id: Long): Future[User] = ???
def findUser(id: Long): Future[User] = {
if(id < 0) Future(new Exception("User can't contain negative id"))
else callDB(id)
Future: failed
def callDB(id: Long): Future[User] = ???
def findUser(id: Long): Future[User] = {
if(id < 0) Future.failed(new Exception("User can't contain negative id"))
else callDB(id)
case class User(id: Long)
def getAllUserIds(): List[Long] = ???
def findUserById(id: Long): Future[User] = ???
val usersF: List[Future[User]] = getAllUserIds().map(findUserById)
val allUsersFetchedF: Future[List[User]] = Future.sequence(usersF)
for comprehension
val aOption = Some(5); val bOption = Some(6)
aOption.flatMap(a => => a + b))
for {
a <- aOption
b <- bOption
} yield a + b
for comprehension and futures
for {
cityId <- someCalculation()
countryId <- someOtherCalculation()
district <- someDifferentCalculation()
} yield doSomethingWith(cityId, countryId, district)
val cityIdF = someCalculation()
val countryIdF = someOtherCalculation()
val districtF = someDifferentCalculation()
for {
cityId <- cityIdF
countryId <- countryIdF
district <- districtF
} yield doSomethingWith(cityId, countryId, district)
Implicits conversion
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
implicit def userToString(user: User): String = s"${}${user.age}"
def giveMeString(arg: String): Unit = println(arg)
val IamString = User("string", 42)
Implicit Parameter
case class Minerals(typeOfMineral: String)
implicit val calcium = Minerals("calcium")
def needMoreMinerals(implicit minerals: Minerals): Unit =
PIMP my library
implicit class StringPimp(value: String) {
def allStringsAreMine(): String = "I was enslaved"
Abstract methods in traits
trait Foo { def foo() }
trait M extends Foo{abstract override def foo() { println("M"); } }
class FooImpl1 extends Foo { override def foo() { println("Impl") } }
class FooImpl2 extends FooImpl1 with M
new FooImpl2().foo()
Sealed classes
def getMyOption[T](): MyOption[T] =
getMyOption() match {
case MyEmpty => action1
case MySome(a) => action1
sealed abstract class
case object MyEmpty extends
case class MySome[T](t: T)
extends MyOption[T]
case class MyAnotherState[T](t: T)
extends MyOption[T]
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Programming in Scala, 3rd Edition
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Scala best practices

  • 1. Scala best practices Agoda 2017 Alexander Zaidel
  • 2. Functional programming Is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
  • 3. Referential transparency and purity An expression e is referentially transparent if for all programs p, all occurrences of e in p can be replaced by the result of evaluating e, without affecting the observable behavior of p. A function f is pure if the expression f(x) is referentially transparent for all referentially transparent x.
  • 4. Example of pure function: def fun(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b
  • 5. Example of pure function: def wrong(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b def right(a: Int, b: Int): Try[Int] = Try(a / b)
  • 6. apply def getBookingInfo(): BookingInfo = ??? val bookingInfo = getBookingInfo() MakeABooking(bookingInfo) MakeABooking.apply(bookingInfo)
  • 7. apply object MakeABooking { def apply(bookingInfo: BookingInfo): Booking = { new Booking(bookingInfo) } }
  • 8. Enumerations object UserType extends Enumeration { val NewUser, RecurringUser = Value }
  • 9. Enumerations def someAction(userType: UserType): Unit = { userType match { case UserType.NewUser => action1 case UserType.RecurringUser => action2 } }
  • 10. Enumerations def someAction(userType: UserType.Value): Unit = { userType match { case UserType.NewUser => action1 case UserType.RecurringUser => action2 } }
  • 11. object UserType extends Enumeration { type UserType = Value val NewUser, RecurringUser = Value }
  • 12. class vs case class Hashcode Equals, Appy Public access modifiers Unapply Immutability Serializable copy
  • 13. case classes case class User(name: String, birthDay: java.util.Date, country: String) val ivan = User("Ivan", new java.util.Date(), "Thailand") val pipat = ivan.copy(name = "Pipat") println(
  • 14. case classes unapply def getUser(): User = ??? getUser match { case User("Ivan", _, _) | User(_, _, "Thailand") => action1 case _ => action2 }
  • 15. case classes immutability val ivan = User("Ivan", new java.util.Date(), "Thailand") ivan.birthDay.setTime(1L)
  • 16. real cost case class Person(name: String, lastName: String)
  • 17. default values def findUser(userName: String, birthday: Date = new Date(), country: String = "Thailand"): User = ??? findUser("name") findUser("name", country = "USA")
  • 18. unapply class Hotel(val name: String, val address: String, val country: String) def getHotel(): Hotel = ??? getHotel() match { case Hotel(_, "", "UK") => action1 case _ => action2 }
  • 19. unapply object Hotel { def unapply(hotel: Hotel): Option[(String, String, String)] = { Option((, hotel.address, } }
  • 20. Companion object class Booking { import Booking._ private val id: Long = DefaultId private val created: Long = 0L }
  • 21. Companion object object Booking { def doSomething(booking: Booking): Unit = { println(booking.created) } private val DefaultId = 0L }
  • 22. lazy val class Service { private def longRunningComputation(): Int = { Thread.sleep(1000) 42 } private lazy val k = longRunningComputation() }
  • 23. public class Service { private int k; private volatile boolean bitmap$0; private int longRunningComputation(){Thread.sleep(1000L);return 42;} private int k$lzycompute(){ synchronized (this){ if (!this.bitmap$0){ this.k = longRunningComputation();this.bitmap$0 = true; } return this.k; } } private int k(){ return this.bitmap$0 ? this.k : k$lzycompute(); } }
  • 24. lazy val causing a deadlock
  • 26. equals vs == object Foo { def getName(): String = null getName().equals("") }
  • 27. equals vs == object Foo { def getName(): String = null getName() == "" }
  • 28. Option val value: String = ??? Option(value).map(someValue => { val tmp = someValue + 1 println(tmp) })
  • 29. Option val value: String = ??? Option(value).map { someValue => val tmp = someValue + 1 println(tmp) }
  • 30. Option case class User(age: Int, name: String, gender: Option[String]) val user = User(25, "Ivan", Some("male")) user.gender match { case Some(gender) => println("Gender: " + gender) case None => println("Gender: not specified") }
  • 31. Option def foo(gender: String): Unit = ??? val user = User(25, "Ivan", Some("male")) if(user.gender.isDefined) { foo(user.gender.get) }
  • 32. Option user.gender match { case Some(gender) => Some(gender.length) case None => None }
  • 33. Option def findUserFromDb(userId: Int): Option[User] = ??? val currentUser = findUserFromDb(userId) val defaultUser = findUserFromDb(defaultUserId) currentUser orElse defaultUser
  • 34. Option def getName(): String = null Some(getName()).map { name => name.length }
  • 35. Option def getName(): String = null Option(getName()).map { name => name.length }
  • 36. Collections def predicate: Boolean = ??? def foo(): List[Int] = ??? if(predicate) foo() else List()
  • 37. List.empty, Map.empty, Array.empty def predicate: Boolean = ??? def foo(): List[Int] = ??? if(predicate) foo() else List.empty
  • 38. def foo(): List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) foo() match { case b: List[String] => println("String") case a: List[Int] => println("Int") case c: List[AnyRef] => println("AnyRef") case c: List[AnyVal] => println("AnyVal") }
  • 39. Collections (1 to 400).filter(_ > 200).map(_.toString) vs (1 to 400).collect{ case a if(a > 200) => a.toString }
  • 41. Don’t compute full length for length matching seq.length > n seq.length < n seq.length == n seq.length != n seq.lengthCompare(n) > 0 seq.lengthCompare(n) < 0 seq.lengthCompare(n) == 0 seq.lengthCompare(n) != 0
  • 42. Don’t rely on == to compare array contents array1 == array2 vs array1.sameElements(array2)
  • 43. Don’t check index bounds explicitly if (i < seq.length) Some(seq(i)) else None vs seq.lift(i)
  • 44. Be careful with contains argument type Seq(1, 2, 3).contains("1") // compilable vs Seq(1, 2, 3).contains(1)
  • 45. Merge consecutive filter calls seq.filter(p1).filter(p2) vs seq.filter(x => p1(x) && p2(x))
  • 47. tuples case class User(name: String, hobby: String) List(User("Ivan", "football"), User("Pipat", "scala"), User("Eugene", "scala") ).groupBy(_.hobby).map(users => users._2.size)
  • 48. tuples List( User("Ivan", "football"), User("Pipat", "scala"), User("Eugene", "scala") ).groupBy(_.hobby).map { case (hobby, users) => users.size }
  • 49. Future def apply[T](body : => T)(implicit executor :ExecutionContext) : Future[T]
  • 50. Future def longRunningJob(): Int = {Thread.sleep(1000); 42} Future(longRunningJob()).map { result => result + 100 }.recover { case NonFatal(e) => 0 }
  • 51. Future val myFuture = Future(longRunningJob()) myFuture.onComplete{ case Success(value) => value + 100 case Failure(t) => 0 }
  • 52. Future case class Hotel(id: Long) val preCachedHotels: List[Hotel] = ??? def dbCall(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = ??? def findHotel(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = preCachedHotels.find( == id). map { user => Future(user) }.getOrElse(dbCall(id))
  • 53. Future: successful case class Hotel(id: Long) val preCachedHotels: List[Hotel] = ??? def dbCall(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = ??? def findHotel(id: Long): Future[Hotel] = preCachedHotels.find( == id). map { user => Future.successful(user) }.getOrElse(dbCall(id))
  • 54. Future def callDB(id: Long): Future[User] = ??? def findUser(id: Long): Future[User] = { if(id < 0) Future(new Exception("User can't contain negative id")) else callDB(id) }
  • 55. Future: failed def callDB(id: Long): Future[User] = ??? def findUser(id: Long): Future[User] = { if(id < 0) Future.failed(new Exception("User can't contain negative id")) else callDB(id) }
  • 56. Future.sequence case class User(id: Long) def getAllUserIds(): List[Long] = ??? def findUserById(id: Long): Future[User] = ??? val usersF: List[Future[User]] = getAllUserIds().map(findUserById) val allUsersFetchedF: Future[List[User]] = Future.sequence(usersF)
  • 57. for comprehension val aOption = Some(5); val bOption = Some(6) aOption.flatMap(a => => a + b)) for { a <- aOption b <- bOption } yield a + b
  • 58. for comprehension and futures for { cityId <- someCalculation() countryId <- someOtherCalculation() district <- someDifferentCalculation() } yield doSomethingWith(cityId, countryId, district)
  • 59. val cityIdF = someCalculation() val countryIdF = someOtherCalculation() val districtF = someDifferentCalculation() for { cityId <- cityIdF countryId <- countryIdF district <- districtF } yield doSomethingWith(cityId, countryId, district)
  • 60. Implicits conversion case class User(name: String, age: Int) implicit def userToString(user: User): String = s"${}${user.age}" def giveMeString(arg: String): Unit = println(arg) val IamString = User("string", 42) giveMeString(IamString)
  • 61. Implicit Parameter case class Minerals(typeOfMineral: String) implicit val calcium = Minerals("calcium") def needMoreMinerals(implicit minerals: Minerals): Unit = println(minerals.typeOfMineral) needMoreMinerals
  • 62. PIMP my library implicit class StringPimp(value: String) { def allStringsAreMine(): String = "I was enslaved" } println("Hello".allStringsAreMine())
  • 63. Abstract methods in traits trait Foo { def foo() } trait M extends Foo{abstract override def foo() { println("M"); } } class FooImpl1 extends Foo { override def foo() { println("Impl") } } class FooImpl2 extends FooImpl1 with M new FooImpl2().foo()
  • 64. Sealed classes def getMyOption[T](): MyOption[T] = ??? getMyOption() match { case MyEmpty => action1 case MySome(a) => action1 } sealed abstract class MyOption[T] case object MyEmpty extends MyOption[Nothing] case class MySome[T](t: T) extends MyOption[T] case class MyAnotherState[T](t: T) extends MyOption[T]
  • 65. Resources Scala for the Impatient Programming in Scala, 3rd Edition
  • 66. Q & A