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Threats to coral reefs
Submitted By:
B. Bhaskar
• Estimated, total net benefit per year of world coral
reefs is $29.8 billion.
• out of this Tourism& recreation $9.6billion, coastal
protection $ 9billion, fisheries $ 5.7Billion &
Biodiversity for $ 5.5 billion.
• Coral reefs contribute about 25% of the total fish
catch in LIC’s (LEDCs), providing food for one
billion people in Asia alone
Status of coral reefs
• Reef-building corals have existed for over 200
million years, preserving through few challenges
in the Holocene, but are now facing new, human-
induced challenges in Anthropocene.
• In the Holocene (11,000 years ago), reefs were
resilient, experiencing rapid recovery and
prevalence of acroporids; however, since
transitioning into the Anthropocene, reef
systems have lost resilience as disturbances
increased in frequency and duration
• Over the last 3 decades, living coral cover has declined
roughly 53% in the Western Atlantic, 40% in the Indo-Pacific,
and 50% on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR).
• These declines in live coral cover are accompanied by a loss in
structural complexity resulting in alterations in trophic
structure and reductions in ecosystem services.
• Globally, 39% of reefs are classified as low risk, and 52% of
those reefs are found in the Pacific.
• Overall, coral reefs in the Central Pacific experience lower
rates of decline than those in the Atlantic, Indian, and
Southeast-Asian Pacific oceans.
• Therefore, understanding these drivers' relative influence,
local and global, is vital in assessing mechanisms for
managing and protecting coral reef systems and reducing
secondary stressors during repeated marine heatwaves that
cause coral bleaching.
• it is estimated that 6% of reefs across the globe will not be
affected by either local or global stressors, 11% of reefs will be
threatened solely by global factors alone, 22% solely from local
factors, and 61% from the combined effects of local and global
drivers of environmental change.
• Globally, ocean warming and acidification are compromising
carbonate accretion of coral reefs, resulting in less diverse reef
• Highly complex coral architecture is relied upon by a diverse
array of marine organisms; therefore, reduction in complexity of
reefs has severe consequences for biodiversity, ecosystem
functioning, and environmental services.
• Locally, human impacts (i.e., pollution, coastal development,
dredging, tourism, etc.) are causing dramatic phase shifts from
coral-dominated to algal-dominated systems.
• Some of these factors of environmental changes are co-
occurring, potentially amplifying coral reef decline, and creating
cascading effects for coral reef organisms and human
populations who rely on the reefs for many ecosystem services
Global impacts
• Projected increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) over the next
50 years will exceed the conditions coral reefs have
survived over the past half-million years.
• The industrial revolution has led to rapid increases in
atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, which have caused
dramatic shifts in environmental conditions.
• In particular, global changes in ocean chemistry and sea
surface temperatures have promoted significant ecological
decline in coral reef ecosystems.
• In response, the 2015 Paris Agreement was developed to
globally manage greenhouse gas emissions, which is vital
for coral reefs' persistence.
• Without radically reducing carbon emissions, the ocean is
predicted to be 1–3 °C warmer, 0.2 pH units more acidic,
and up to 1 m higher by 2050
Global Threats to Coral Reefs
• Increased ocean temperatures and changing ocean
chemistry are the greatest global threats to coral reef
ecosystems. These threats are caused by warmer
atmospheric temperatures and increasing levels of carbon
dioxide in seawater.
• As atmospheric temperatures rise, so do seawater
temperatures. This warming causes corals to lose the
microscopic algae that produce food that corals need,
placing stress on the corals.
• Without this algae coral also lose their coloration—a
condition known as coral bleaching— because the loss of
algae reveals the white color of the calcium carbonate
structure underlying the polyps.
• Severe or prolonged bleaching can kill coral colonies or leave
them more vulnerable to other threats such as infectious
• Other climate impacts, such as sea level rise,
increased frequency and intensity of tropical
storms, and altered ocean circulation patterns,
can also affect coral reefs.
• Ocean acidification refers to a change in ocean
chemistry in response to the uptake of carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere. The amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is in
equilibrium with that in seawater, so when
atmospheric concentrations increase so do
oceanic concentrations. Carbon dioxide entering
seawater reacts to form carbonic acid, causing an
increase in acidity.
• Each year, the ocean absorbs about one-quarter of the
carbon dioxide emitted from the burning of fossil fuels (oil,
coal, and natural gas). Since the Industrial Revolution,
ocean acidity has increased by about 30%, a rate that is
more than 10 times what has previously occurred for
millions of years. Further, ocean acidity levels are expected
to increase by an additional 40% above present levels by
the end of this century.
• Increases in ocean acidity (measured by lower pH values)
reduce the availability of dissolved salts and ions needed by
corals to form the calcium carbonate structure.
Consequently, coral growth and reef growth can be slowed,
with some species affected more than others. If
acidification becomes severe, coral skeletons can actually
dissolve. On a local level, nutrient enrichment due to run-
off from human activities on land can also cause increased
acidity in coastal waters, exacerbating the effects of ocean
Coral reefs studies and threats in) Malaysia
• Coral reefs in Malaysia are about 4,006 km2 with
over 550 species contributed to nation’s economy.
Threats to coral reef diversity of Andaman Islands, India
• The coral reefs of Andaman Islands with an area of
948.8 km2 have an affinity to the South-East Pacific
Coral Triangle in terms of species diversity. These
reefs are of fringing; channel and patch types with
588 species of hard corals.
• Coral bleaching in Andaman Islands mainly taking
place due to elevated temperature.
• December 2004 Tsunami led to severe loss of corals
in the Andaman Islands.
• ‘Massive’ coral species are found more stress tolerant
than ‘branching’ species.
• Siltation and tourist activities might significantly
affect the corals in future.
Cont… (
• The mass coral bleaching event induced by sea surface temperature (SST)
anomalies coupled with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
phenomena in 2010 led to a loss of almost 70% of live coral in the South
Button Island, Havelock Island, North Bay, Chidiyatapu and Redskin Island.
• Between 28th March and 30th April 2016, in-situ temperatures of 31.80 °
C to 32.30 ° C were reported at North Bay leading to bleaching
of Acropora fungoid.
• The crustal upliftment and crustal subsidence associated with the mega
earthquake during December 2004 Tsunami led to loss of 30% coral cover
in north Andaman and 20% loss in south Andaman, respectively.
• Siltation and tourist activities in certain areas of south Andaman that
were affecting the coral reefs were identified as important anthropogenic
threats to the survival of the reefs.
• The study reviewed the recovery status of different coral species from
existing literature and observed that massive species like the Porites sp.
were comparatively stress tolerant, and showed good resilience to
bleaching and with better recovery potential due to higher thermal
• In contrast, species like the Fungiid sp. were reported to be susceptible to
bleaching with capabilities to regenerate and recruit slowly.
With the majority of the world’s population living in coastal
regions, many people depend on living coral reefs for food,
and protection from storm surges and erosion, as well as the
additional benefits of medical research, tourism and aesthetic
Human activities, such as those associated with global
warming, are threatening coral reefs. Increasing sea
temperatures stress corals and cause damage, including
What are the threats to coral reefs
• coralbleachingandglobal
climate change
• diseases of coralsand
other reef organisms
• plagues of predators like
the crown of-thorns
starfish (COTS) and
other damaging
organisms such
as the sea urchin
• invasivespecies which have
been introduced onto
new coral reefs.
Over-fishing and
overexploitation of coral
reef fisheries and coral rock
and sand resources.
Within the last two decades there
has been an increase in damaging
fishing activities involving the use
of home-made bombs, cyanide and
other damaging practices such as
muro-ami that involves dropping
weighted rocks onto corals to drive
fish into set nets.
Modification and
engineering practices
such as building of ports,
airports and groynes on
coral reefs, including the
practice of
pours sediments onto
shallow areas,
displacing sea area in
exchange for
increased terrestrial
Coral mining involves live coral
being removed from reefs for use
as bricks or road-fill, while sand
and limestone is made into
cement for new buildings.
Corals are also removed from
their habitats to be sold as
souvenirs to tourists and
• Construction (along coasts and
inland), mining, logging and
farming along coastal rivers can
all lead to erosion.
• Valuable topsoil and other sediments
are washed by rain into rivers and end
up in the ocean where they smother
corals by depriving them of the light
needed to survive.
• Additionally, developments are
occurring directly on top of
coral reefs.
Careless boating, diving, snorkelling and fishing can
also damage coral reefs.
Substantial damage has been caused by people
touching the reefs, stirring up sediment, collecting
coral, or dropping anchor on the corals.
These newer global threats (bleaching, disease and
predators) are increasing rapidly in frequency and
severity, coincidentally with direct human
Coral disease has caused major disruptions to coral
reefs in the Caribbean with a range of human
disturbances potentially implicated, and there are
now increasing reports of similar disturbances from
the Indo-Pacific region.
Evidence linking severe coral bleaching and
mortality to increasing rates of global climate
change attributed to rising levels of anthropogenic
greenhouse emissions is growing stronger.
Coral lives in a symbiotic relationship with algae called
zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae live within the coral animal
tissue and carry out photosynthesis providing energy not
only for themselves, but for the coral as well.
Zooxanthellae give the coral its colour.
When environmental conditions become stressful,
zooxanthellae may leave the coral, leaving the coral in an
energy deficit and without colour, a process that is
referred to as coral bleaching.
If the coral is re-colonised by zooxanthellae in a timely
manner, the coral will likely recover. If not, the coral may
Coral bleaching can be caused by increases in
temperature of as little as 1–2ºC above average annual
maximum temperatures.
Coral bleaching
1998 CORAL
The 1998 episode was the largest coral
bleaching and mortality event ever recorded
on coral reefs globally, with major effects in
the Arabian/Persian Gulf, Eastern Africa,
throughout the Indian Ocean, in Southeast
Asia, parts of the western Pacific and the
Caribbean and Atlantic region.
Overall, it was estimated that 16% of
the world’s area of coral reefs was severely
In the wider Caribbean
region, there was moderate
to severe coral bleaching in
1998, but generally there
were low levels of mortality.
At one site on Barbados,
approximately 20% of
bleached corals did not
survive, but there were
complicating factors, notably
hurricane damage.
There has been a
worldwide increase in
reports of diseases in
marine organisms
including fish, sea
urchins, shellfish,
sponges, marine
mammals, and corals.
Since the 1990s, coral
diseases have increased in
number, affecting over 150
species from the Caribbean
and Indo-Pacific alone.
The rate of discovery of new
diseases has increased
considerably, with more
than 29 coral diseases now
Coral diseases can
potentially produce severe
population declines,
threaten biodiversity, and
shift the structure of reef
communities by challenging
the resilience of these
Stress appears to lower a coral’s resistance to
disease and thus affects its ability to survive.
Because elevated temperature is a coral stress,
global climate change may also result in
increasing incidence of coral disease.
It is possible that proximity to human
population centres may increase the likelihood
of infection.
Stress is often associated with increased
susceptibility to disease and many studies have
suggested a correlation between elevated sea
temperatures, sedimentation, and pollution.
Disease outbreaks are
nearly impossible to
manage because the
connectivity of the marine
environment increases the
speed of disease
transmission and renders
standard response such as
quarantine and vaccines
Preventing nutrient runoff
into coastal areas by
managing water quality
could be one important
management technique.
For some reason,
the Caribbean
appears to have
experienced a far
higher incidence of
disease to coral reef
organisms than
reefs of the Indo-
Pacific (at least 82%
of Caribbean coral
species are
susceptible to
disease, compared
to 25% of Indo-
Pacific corals).
Several hypotheses have emerged: the Caribbean is semi-
enclosed, hence the reefs are in relatively close contact due
to the circulation of water; there are higher concentrations
of nutrients and possibly pollutants because of the large
volumes of waters flowing in from major rivers e.g.
Amazon and Mississippi; and the reefs have been isolated
from the others for millions of years. The region also has a
higher population of scientists regularly monitoring the
reefs for problems.
The major impact on the reefs,
however, was a massive explosion
in fleshy algae, causing many
corals to be smothered.
This disease outbreak had far-
reaching consequences which were
still evident in 2004; 20 years after
the death of the urchins the
populations have only recovered to
about 4% of their original status and
the coral cover is still depleted.
Predator plagues such as COTS are
increasingly reported around areas
of human activities, with two strong
hypotheses advanced:
•the plagues may be initiated and
certainly exacerbated by either
over-fishing of key starfish
predators, and/or
•increases in nutrient runoff from the
landfavours the planktonic stages of
the starfish.
The increasing frequency of COTS outbreaks continues despite
decades of scientific study in the Pacific and Australasia and the
cause of these plagues remains unclear.
The negative effects of COTS are exacerbated by many other impacts
including pollution, fishing pressures, sedimentation, river runoff,
global climate change and associated coral bleaching events.
These synergistic pressures lead to widespread, largescale losses of
coral cover and biodiversity.
The highest densities of COTS in recent years have been on coral
reefs in Tanzania and Kenya.
The most likely causes of invasive species introduction are:
•ballast-water exchange for cargo ships travelling long distances
between ports releasing gametes, larvae, or juvenile
individuals into new systems; and
•aquaria-related incidents whereby individuals import
specimens from all
over the world and release them into the
wild after a time in captivity.
Since Indo-Pacific live rock is exported widely, the risk of
introducing Pacific organisms to the tropical Atlantic is high.
A 1998 survey showed that 65% of
coral reefs in the Caribbean are in
danger, and the coral reefs along
St. Lucia's west coast are no
Protecting reefs makes sound
economic sense as
well as environmental sense.
St. Lucia government including the
Department of Fisheries, the
Department of Tourism, local tourist
organisations and the Soufriere
Regional Development Foundation
have begun to take action to prevent
the further destruction of this
valuable natural resource.
In 1986 six areas were declared as marine reserves and another three areas
were created as fishing priority areas. The Soufriere Marine Management
Area is a 12 km stretch of coastline. The SMMA is attempting to manage St
Lucia's marine resources in a sustainable way, although it is not always easy.
SMMA's activities include:
• Scientificresearchon thenaturalresourcesof theregion.
• Provisionof publicinformationandsensitisation.
• ProvisionoffacilitiesforusersoftheSMMA e.g.moorings.
• Co-ordination of economic activities related to the SMMA and its
About one-fifth ofthe world’s coral reefs are so damaged they are beyond
While the percentage of reefs recovering from past damage has risen,
70% of the
world’s reefsare threatened or havealready been destroyed, up from 59% in
Almost half of the reefs severely damaged by coral bleaching in 1998 are
recovering, but other reefs are so badly damaged that they are
unrecognisable as coral reefs.
The destruction of reefs is cause for economic, as well as
ecological, concern, especially for the communities that
depend on coral reefs for the fish they provide and the
revenue they draw as tourist attractions.
The most damaged reefs are in the Persian Gulf where 65%
have been destroyed, followed by reefs in South and
Southeast Asia where 45% and 38%, respectively, are
considered destroyed.
There are also recent reports that many reefs in the wider
Caribbean have lost 80% of their corals.
The percentage of recovering reefs has increased compared
to the last global assessment. Most of the recovered reefs are
in the Indian Ocean, part of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast
of Australia and in Palau. In 2004, Australia increased
protection of the Great Barrier Reef from 4% to 33% and 34%
of Ningaloo Reef Marine Park was made off-limits to fishing.
The Status of Coral
Reefs of the World:
2004 report
documents how
human activities
continue to be the
primary cause of the
global coral reef
The report details many new
initiatives aimed at reversing this
degradation such as by
conserving the biodiversity, the
economic value and beauty of
coral reefs.
The report recognises that the major stresses to coral reefs are: natural
forces that they have coped with for millions of years; direct human
pressures, including sediment and nutrient pollution from the land,
overexploitation and damaging fishing practices, engineering modification
of shorelines; and the global threats of climate change causing coral
bleaching, rising sea levels and potentially threatening the ability of corals
to form skeletons in more acid waters.
Ocean warming
• Corals worldwide live between 1 and 2 °C below their maximum summer
• As the ocean continues to warm, corals are being pushed into their upper
lethal temperature tolerances.
• The resulting coral stress response includes the breakdown in the symbiosis
between the coral host and its algal symbiont, commonly referred to as coral
bleaching .
• Other extreme changes in environmental conditions (e.g., irradiance, salinity
sedimentation) can also cause coral bleaching; however, there has been an
increase in the frequency and severity of mass coral bleaching events that are
linked to increases in ocean temperatures.
• Additionally, coral bleaching events can be episodic and can coincide with
ocean–atmosphere phenomena, such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
• To date, there have been three global bleaching events from 2014 to 2017.
The number of areas (~ 6%) that have previously escaped bleaching will
decrease each year as the potential for bleaching and mortality increases with
or without ENSO events.
• Examining recovery and adaptation rates of various reef systems over time has
proved that bleaching events are likely to become chronic stress in the coming
decades. Consequently, many coral communities will not recover quickly
enough to maintain stable, coral-covered communities
• No reef is safe from the unprecedented rate of warming, eg: Hawaiʻi suffered in 2014 and 2015 with
90% bleaching and 50% mortality due to elevated sea surface temperatures.
• Alongside bleaching, thermal anomalies cause shifts in the coral microbiome by increasing viral
production, which in return increases the carbon and nitrogen flux in the water column and benthos,
and enhances rates of coral disease and mortality.
• This viral production triggers a positive feedback loop that enhances coral decline. White syndrome, a
common disease affecting Pacific reef-building corals, is exacerbated by thermal anomalies on reefs
with > 50% coral cover.
• This same disease was recorded dramatically reducing the abundance of Acropora
palmata and Acropora cervicornis in the Caribbean. Moreover, data from the GBR supports the
detrimental temperature-disease hypothesis while also implying that disease transmission is rapid on
healthy reefs where coral cover is high, putting healthy reefs at high risk as warm temperature
anomalies increase.
• Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD), first occurring at high levels in 2014 along the Florida reef
tract and coinciding with summer bleaching events, has since rapidly spread through Caribbean reefs
causing unprecedented declines.
• Using long-term data, there was no SCTLD prevalence in the Mexican Caribbean region before 2018,
concluding that the disease was able to spread through the entire region within a few months,
severely changing reef community structure.
• While these diseases are decimating reefs at rapid rates, research has shown reefs containing high
densities of coral feeding chaetodontid butterflyfish, from white band disease in the Philippines' to
SCTLD in the Florida Keys, has positive correlations with disease prevalence.
• This suggests that stable, healthy reefs with functionally diverse fish abundances may ameliorate the
impact of coral disease
Ocean acidification
• Nearly 30% of the atmospheric CO2 emissions dissolve into the ocean. As CO2 dissociates, it
releases hydrogen ions and increases the acidity of the seawater.
• This increase in the acidity of the ocean, ocean acidification, has several impacts on the
marine environment.
• Corals secrete calcium carbonate skeletons to maintain the ecologically important three-
dimensional reef matrix.
• A change in ocean chemistry affects the shallow, sunlit, alkaline waters corals need to build
and sustain their reef structure that provides habitat for many organisms and protects
shorelines from bioerosion and storm damage.
• While ongoing changes in ocean chemistry directly influences coral physiology and accretion,
it is difficult to quantify the rate at which ocean acidification is degrading reefs due to a lack
of data at large spatial, temporal, and biogeochemical scales.
• Most acidification studies are conducted on single species, therefore, results are difficult to
forecast across ecologically relevant scales.
• Additionally, there are many assumptions and large discrepancies in coral reef response to
ocean acidification.
• xample, biogeochemical feedback in the open ocean could buffer some effects of
acidification; therefore, we must understand this potential feedback and discrepancies to
accurately predict the impact of acidification on coral reefs.
• Also, reef-associated structure, location, hydrodynamics, and biogeochemical processes may
vary across reefs and should be considered when calculating net community calcification
Sea level rise
• As atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase and our planet continues to
warm, ice sheets are melting, causing sea level fluctuations worldwide.
• In the twenty-first century alone, global sea surface levels are predicted to
rise 2 m, creating considerable alterations in coastal shoreline morphology
with larger implications (20%) in tropical and subtropical habitats.
• Low-lying coral atolls are of immediate concern; as the climate continues to
change, atolls will be subject to wave-driven flooding and fluctuations in
freshwater availability as the reef platforms change.
• Since the last glacial maximum (30,000 years ago), geologic records from
the GBR suggest that the reef has been more resilient to sea-level rise and
warming temperatures but was highly affected by increased sediment
• While historical sea-level rise forces a landward migration of shallow-reef
habitats, the GBR transitioned from a fringing to a barrier reef system.
• Although there is evidence that coral reefs can transition as sea level rises,
the uncertainty comes from the additive effects of a continued increase in
carbon emissions and fishing pressures that prevent reefs from keeping up
with rises in sea level expected by 2100.
• Coral reefs serve as natural barriers that protect nearly 200 million people
worldwide from coastal flooding hazards and associated flooding risk costs
(~ $0.8 million km−1 of reef); however, it is predicted that coastal
communities are at greater risk if reef structural complexity is not
maintained than if sea level continues to rise.
• The vertical accretion and variation in topographic complexity, along with
local rates of sea-level rise, will determine wave height and sediment
transport damage. Nonetheless, the wave energy dissipation is determinant
on complexity rather than sea level.
• Future projections indicate that coral reef erosion rates will exceed
accretion rates due to unprecedented global climate change, thereby
increasing the risk and associated costs of coastal flooding.
• Current water depths have increased past predicted levels for the year
2100, and regional-scale degradation of coral reefs due to sea-level rise puts
many coastal communities in danger.
• In conclusion, there is no singular solution to combatting global climate
change and the negative impacts it has on coral reef ecosystems and the
communities that rely on them. As humans continue to amplify greenhouse
gas emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, coral reefs
will become increasingly vulnerable.
Local impacts
• While global stressors independently affect 11% of reefs worldwide, twice
as many (22%) coral reefs are impacted by local impacts. Local disturbances
(i.e., water quality, sedimentation, human use, fishing pressure) may
potentially influence coral reef responses to and recovery from climatic
• However, the potential of local action to offset global consequences on
coral reefs is relatively unknown because it is difficult to assess across
ecological scales in an experimental setting.
• Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to implement management
and monitoring strategies that document the interaction of local and global
drivers of environmental change to identify potential mitigation strategies.
• The primary sources of human-induced impacts result from land-use
change and terrestrial runoff, which have increased sedimentation and
eutrophication on nearshore coral reefs.
• Documentation dating back to the 1970s shows many areas are impacted
by multiple local impacts and experiencing extensive coral mortality.
• The reduction of resilience in each area is highly location specific and
depends on the type, duration, and magnitude of that impact, local
environmental conditions, and overall ecosystem resiliency
Human use: tourism and coastal development
• Local anthropogenic stressors increase in number, severity,
and frequency simultaneously with increasing human
population densities.
• Excess tourism and urban development such as land-use
change, sedimentation, untreated sewage discharge, physical
damage, and pollution are significant environmental stress
sources for corals and coral reefs.
• Although physical space for development in coastal areas is
limited, state governments and commercial companies
continue to support urban development, increasing
environmental stress on corals.
• Although coral reef-based tourism is crucial for economic
benefits, if degradation continues, socioeconomic services
will decline and threaten many reef-dependent sectors of that
• Coral reef-related tourism generates revenues in over 100 countries across the globe.
• In the United States, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimated
the total economic value of coral reef services to be over USD 3.4 billion.
• In the Coral Triangle, marine tourism contributes to 36% of the overall tourism market;
however, 85% of reefs in the region are threatened by local human activity.
• Coral reef ecosystems in Hawaiʻi are estimated at USD 360 million a year, acting as an asset
that supports many goods and services.
• Many people rely on coral reefs for food, identity, and wealth in the Dominican Republic.
• However, alongside the benefits of coral reef-related tourism comes significant impacts on
the adjacent coral reefs. A health assessment of local reefs in the Dominican Republic has
revealed significant nutrient-based pollution, human-related structural damage, and
overfishing that increases coral bleaching, mortality, and disease abundance. Therefore, the
Dominican Republic has implemented sustainable, land-based, and marine management
practices through ecotourism to sustain economic growth.
• Urgent action is necessary to maintain coral reefs on the GBR. Tourism operators have begun
acting as stewards to engage their guests on climate change threats and how they can take
action to protect the GBR.
• While Australia and other countries attempt to educate their tourists on environmentally
conscious actions, the stress from increasing human impact has decoupled biophysical
relationships in coral reefs, causing dominant species to shift due to human-induced
selective pressure
• Since early settlement, human use and disturbance have disrupted the unique
physical, chemical, and biological features of coral reef ecosystems. In Kāneʻohe
Bay, Hawaiʻi, a well-documented coral reef ecosystem, anthropogenic disturbance
began with the first European settlers in 1778. By the 1960s, the coastal reefs were
devastated by extensive dredging, increased sewage discharge, and excess
sedimentation, leading to a loss in coral cover.
• A reconstruction of the social–ecological relationships in Hawaiian coral reef
systems over the past 700 years showed that reefs were able to recover from
human impacts when the stressors were reduced over long periods (decades+) and
over large spatial scales (> entire island systems or regions).
• To this day, across the Hawaiian Archipelago, there is a strong gradient of human
impact on fish assemblages and hard coral cover with a few remote areas with
small human populations acting as a refuge for fisheries production and
biodiversity functioning.
• A land to sea management technique in West Maui improved coastal water quality
through reducing sediment runoff and cesspool effluent, overall enhancing
snorkeling experience.
• Similarly, in Brazil, strategic management actions helped protect refugee areas
from stressors (i.e., fishing intensity, land-based activities, coastal development.
• These joint integrated land to sea management efforts are the interplay of multiple
• Nearly 25% of coral reefs around the world are threatened by
agricultural pollutants.
• Agriculture is a highly erosive process that passes sediment,
inorganic and organic nutrients, and other human
contaminants to waterways leading to the ocean and
ultimately vulnerable reefs.
• Poor watershed management and land-based runoff have
been found to cause eutrophication, defined as the excessive
richness of nutrients, which creates a dense growth of plant
life and an overall decline of oxygen.
• On coral reefs, eutrophication can cause excessive growth of
algae and the suffocation of coral reefs due to a lack of
oxygen and being outcompeted for resources by the
macroalgae whose growth is being supported by the
excessive rich nutrient source
• Along with agricultural pollution, sewage effluent is another major source of
human pollution, posing significant risks to coral reefs.
• Sewage pollution sources include domestic and industrial wastewater and urban
development from tourism and residential activities.
• Many coastal communities with fringing coral reef ecosystems, such as Puakō in the
Hawaiʻi, rely on cesspools, septic tanks, or aerobic/anaerobic sewage treatments
that contribute significantly to the decline in coral reefs.
• Septic tank location and corresponding sewage pollution aggregates along the
coastline, through the surface and benthic waters, increasing fecal indicator
bacteria (FIB) and nutrient concentrations that contribute to harmful levels of
• A study on the effects of increased, wastewater-derived nutrients found that
increases in sewage nutrient enrichment from hotel seepage pits could be
responsible for lowering coral reef resilience leading to higher degradation rates at
heavily affected sites.
• Human derived sewage, primarily from increased tourism, creates inshore water
enrichment from urban wastewater nutrient sources and has led to a reduction in
benthic coral reef health and rugosity.
• It is believed that nutrient-enriched waters from sewage-derived sources are a
major local stressor responsible for threatening coral reef ecosystems by reducing
their resilience and stability
• With the global decline of coral reef ecosystems and a
global increase in human populations along coastal areas,
there have been management pushes to support
wastewater treatment that will protect coral reefs in high-
risk areas. Sewage and nitrogen pollution in Hawaiʻi not
only led to decreased coral calcification and reproduction
but was also a dominant driver in reef fish biomass
changes, altering ecosystem function.
• In the Florida Keys, the local and regional variability of
nitrogen enrichment increased the risk of coral bleaching,
mortality, and disease under temperature stress.
• Numerous studies confirm that appropriate wastewater
treatment would mitigate local eutrophication and, in
response, increase reef refugia areas by 28% across the
globe, giving reefs time while climate change is addressed
at a global scale
• The delivery of pollution from unsustainable land-
based human activities such as deforestation, poorly
regulated agriculture, and urban and industrial
development resulting in the release of excess amounts
of sediments and nutrients.
• This is exacerbated by the release of nutrients and
other pollutants from untreated or poorly treated
sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes.
Fishing pressure
• Fishing, combined with other localized human drivers, leads to changes in fish
biomass and is used as a direct indicator of reef health status and human
disturbance level.
• Pollution, fishing, and habitat drivers led to an overall decrease in 45% of total fish
biomass over 10 years (2008–2018) on the west coast of Hawaiʻi; however, regional
management of these multiple factors could benefit fish functional groups.
• For example, a ban on scuba spearfishing and fishing nets increased grazer
populations after a year of management. This confirmed that both recreational and
commercial fishing are negatively affecting fish populations, but consistent
management will aid in recovery.
• Additionally, several areas across the Main Hawaiian Islands still support high
standing fish stocks, which can be refugia for maintaining fisheries resources.
• A decline in fish stocks can be attributed to numerous interactive factors, such as
nutrient pollution and overfishing.
• Therefore, management strategies should be implemented (e.g., quantifying fish
biomass) to sustain the reefs and the livelihoods of the communities that rely on
• In conclusion, the global decline of reefs is caused by two categories of localized
human threats: overfishing and coastal development.
• Managers must re-examine these threats and create risk assessments to
effectively allocate resources and protect coral reefs for generations to come.
Actionable science advancements
• There is a critical knowledge gap regarding how to deal with these
multiple stressors that are causing various environmental changes
and a growing need for them to be managed at multiple scales
across different regulatory agencies.
• The increase in the severity and frequency of marine heat waves
challenges conventional management strategies.
• Therefore, there is a critical need to re-assess restoration and
management strategies to sustain coral reef ecosystems under
these continuing challenging conditions.
• The global coral reef degradation that has occurred over the last
30–40 years has shifted coral reef resilience and therefore requires
focused science and management efforts to prevent the loss of
valuable social, ecological, and cultural resources.
• This section discusses (1) advances in science through assisted
evolution, (2) creating risk assessments through collaboration with
local communities, scientists, managers, and policymakers, and (3)
focused management strategies that can be technically and
economically achieved
Advances in science
• Science advancements have shifted to promote coral reef resilience through an
adaptation-focused intervention that will account for a suite of multiple stressors.
• Assisted evolution, the acceleration of evolutionary processes through the
enhancement of specific traits, includes four mechanisms to increase
environmental stress tolerance: (1) epigenetic programming and exposing adult
colonies to high levels of environmental stress, (2) manipulation of the microbes
associated with the coral holobiont, (3) culturing coral-associated endosymbiotic
algae (Symbiodinium spp.) under future environmental conditions to increase
bleaching resistance, or (4) selective breeding of the coral host itself.
• Adaptive actions and restoration techniques could address various environmental
change drivers, but all stressor interactions and environmental alterations must
be considered when analyzing the emergent ecological effects.
• New interventions, such as genetic engineering, could be added to the coral reef
restoration toolbox, but there are challenges in managing risks and uncertainties.
• Therefore, while advances in science are important to consider when making a
restoration plan, it is imperative to create a risk assessment outlining all possible
options, consequences, uncertainties, and trade-offs to fully understand the goals
and objectives in the short and long-term
Creating risk assessments
• The structured decision-making framework, created by Anthony et al., 2020, can help develop a management
plan for high-risk ecosystems or watersheds.
• This framework allows for the creation of a risk-assessment that integrates both local and global management
• For example, the GBR has had approximately 40% coral cover decline on inshore reefs adjacent to human
influence and requires a management plan that addresses local and global anthropogenic impacts .
• Of the funding allocated to threats harming the reefs, some are used inadequately and can be why change or
mitigation is not happening quickly.
• It is essential to continue to work towards mitigating local factors because local threats to corals add to the
effects seen by global threats and may inhibit recovery.
• Creating a strategic plan for long-term conservation allows for clear guidelines and strategic investing.
• A risk assessment can also be useful in less vulnerable, more protected reefs, which can be a conservation
investment and help to repopulate degraded reefs in the climate becomes stabilized.
• The carbon emissions crisis has been globally recognized in the Paris Climate agreement; however, the goals are
ambitious, and if achieved, coral reefs are still predicted to decline by 70–90% across the globe .
• However, not all reefs, or species of coral, are at equal risk of global climate change. Coral reefs vary in
resilience, defined as the net effect of resistance and recovery following a disturbance .
• Predicting tipping points to environmental change is common in complex environmental systems, like coral
reefs, when there are changes in climate, land-use, biodiversity, and biogeochemical cycles.
• Therefore, strategic management of local factors through risk-sensitivity planning can improve the long-term
conservation and persistence of coral reefs under climate pressure .
• Studies from Kāneʻohe Bay, Hawaiʻi, previously under immense anthropogenic pressure from the 1930s to the
1970s, showed that different species have different pH, temperature, and sediment tolerances.
• On the GBR, spatial resilience was determined by water quality levels and could inform strategic planning for
future conservation goals .
Focused management strategies
• There are several benefits to implementing focused management strategies that can assess
benthic composition status and trends to mitigate local factors.
• It is essential to consider local factors in management strategies because they play a role in
resiliency to global climate change.
• example, when synthesizing multiple stressor interactions, it was concluded that managing
sedimentation and nutrient loading could reduce coral bleaching.
• To reduce regional threats, managers and other governance authorities should consider a
holistic approach.
• Management efforts should not focus on restoring historical baseline assemblages but
should instead adapt to support natural recovery processes and embrace new and
evolving conditions on a reef.
• Ecosystem governance needs to shift to a new paradigm that embraces rapid change due to
the unprecedented global heat waves from 2014 to 2017 and continued anthropogenic
• The suggested themes to improve governance in complex ecosystems are to address
proximal and distal drivers, reduce those drivers' levels, and weaken positive feedback
responses contributing to degradation.
• It is also suggested for coral reefs to prioritize areas that demonstrate fewer bleaching signs
than predicted by degree heating weeks recorded in that area.
• Over the long term, those are the reefs that may be more resilient to thermal stress.
• Spatial prioritization is also important when implementing marine protected areas (MPAs).
• Along with providing refuge to corals from human impact (i.e., tourism, fishing,
etc.), the systematic conservation planning of an MPA allows for larval
connectivity that self-sustains coral and reef fish recruitment.
• example, zoning was implemented in the GBR protected areas to regulate the
overexploitation of valuable resources.
• There needs to be a fundamental restructuring of institutional governance
towards planetary stewardship to navigate the Anthropocene and capitalize on
sustainable ecosystem management across the globe. Sustainable development
and collaboration needs to be accelerated to mitigate and adapt to the planet's
current and future transformations.
• Recent developments of resilience-based management (RBM) plans aim to
sustain the natural reef processes that support valuable ecological and social
systems in a localized area, rather than focusing on global climate disturbances
such as bleaching events. RBM highlights reducing local pollution sources,
protecting diversity, and maintaining connectivity pathways on reefs to adapt to
change while simultaneously supporting resilience.
• Apart from ecological disturbances, various socioeconomic factors can transform
coral reef communities. Participatory planning should be promoted to increase
social acceptance and strengthen conservation strategies by considering the
community's social and cultural characteristics.
• Management strategies that foster social adaptive capacity are better fit to
address the complex changes in coastal marine socio-ecological systems, such as
coral reefs, and should be accompanied by cost–benefit analysis to secure
incomes, livelihoods and food security benefits for coastal communities
REF: The coral conservation crisis: interacting local and global stressors reduce
reef resiliency and create challenges for conservation solutions
Alexandra M. Good &
Keisha D. Bahr ; SN Applied Sciences volume 3, Article number: 312 (2021)
• These collaborative, proactive management strategies are crucial for coral reef persistence because prevention is
more effective and efficient than repair after the damage is done.
• Even the GBR, one of the most well-managed systems, has lost a significant percentage of live coral color.
• Therefore, it is crucial to pursue ecosystem-based management that is adaptive to fully understand the ecological
processes that maintain coral reefs at large scales.
• Ecosystem-based management can combat climate change by reducing local anthropogenic stressors and
highlighting human-assisted evolution for change-ready MPAs.
• With climate-induced coral bleaching being the main threat to coral reefs, it is important that management focus
on how reefs respond to and recover from these devastating events. Predicting these regime shifts and identifying
critical thresholds will guide managers through reef-specific management and adaptation tools.
• Alongside predicting stress tolerances and thresholds, management of coral reef ecosystems will benefit from
integrated land to sea models and scenario planning that includes human-induced change.
• Planning strategies need to ensure the local human impacts will be minimized to assist in coral reef recovery
under the future projected climate change impacts. Awareness of natural resources has led many local
communities to implement place-based management enclosures and sustainable practices.
• This place-based management strategy aims to reduce human impacts on coral reefs in a changing climate.
• Overall, while managers and decision-makers attempt to create management strategies to mitigate global
environmental change and its impact on reefs, there is still a research gap surrounding the assessment of the
different strategies being utilized to understand the trade-offs and synergies.
• Collaboration and cooperation across countries to re-organize the scientific research surrounding coral reef
management is crucial to ensure science-based solutions lead to coral reef protection moving forward through the
• Coral reefs face many threats from local sources, including:
• Physical damage or destruction from coastal development,
dredging, quarrying, destructive fishing practices and gear,
boat anchors and groundings, and recreational misuse
(touching or removing corals).
• Pollution that originates on land but finds its way into
coastal waters. There are many types and sources of
pollution from land-based activities, for example:
– Sedimentation from coastal development, urban stormwater
runoff, forestry, and agriculture
Sedimentation has been identified as a primary stressor for the
existence and recovery of coral species and their habitats.
Sediment deposited onto reefs can smother corals and interfere
with their ability to feed, grow, and reproduce.
• Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) from agricultural and
residential fertilizer use, sewage discharges (including wastewater
treatment plants and septic systems), and animal waste
Nutrients are generally recognized as beneficial for marine
ecosystems; however, coral reefs are adapted to low nutrient levels;
so an excess of nutrients can lead to the growth of algae that blocks
sunlight and consumes oxygen corals need for respiration. This
often results in an imbalance affecting the entire ecosystem. Excess
nutrients can also support growth of microorganisms, like bacteria
and fungi, that can be pathogenic to corals.
• Pathogens from inadequately treated sewage, stormwater, and
runoff from livestock pens
Although rare, bacteria and parasites from fecal contamination can
cause disease in corals, especially if they are stressed by other
environmental conditions. Coral disease occurs in healthy
ecosystems, but the input of pathogen-containing pollution can
exacerbate the frequency and intensity of disease outbreaks.
• Toxic substances, including metals, organic chemicals and pesticides found
in industrial discharges, sunscreens, urban and agricultural runoff, mining
activities, and runoff from landfills
Pesticides can affect coral reproduction, growth, and other physiological
processes. Herbicides, in particular, can affect the symbiotic algae (plants).
This can damage their partnership with coral and result in bleaching.
Metals, such as mercury and lead, and organic chemicals, such as
polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), oxybenzone and dioxin, are suspected of
affecting coral reproduction, growth rate, feeding, and defensive
• Trash and micro-plastics from improper disposal and stormwater runoff
Trash such as plastic bags, bottles, and discarded fishing gear (also called
marine debris) that makes its way into the sea can snag on corals and
block the sunlight needed for photosynthesis, or entangle and kill reef
organisms and break or damage corals. Degraded plastics and
microplastics (e.g., beads in soap) can be consumed by coral, fish, sea
turtles, and other reef animals, blocking their digestive tracts and
potentially introducing toxics.
• Overfishing can alter food-web structure and cause
cascading effects, such as reducing the numbers of grazing
fish that keep corals clean of algal overgrowth. Blast fishing
(i.e., using explosives to kill fish) can cause physical damage
to corals as well.
• Coral harvesting for the aquarium trade, jewelry, and
curios can lead to over-harvesting of specific species,
destruction of reef habitat, and reduced biodiversity.
• The aggregate effects of these stressors can decrease
resilience of the reef overall and increase susceptibility to
disease and invasive species. Invasive species can create an
imbalance in the biological checks and balances of a reef
Recommendations for action to conserve
coral reefs
Urgently combat global climate change
Maximize coral reef resilience (by minimizing direct
human pressure on reef)
Scale up management of protected areas
Include more reefs in protected areas
Protect remote reefs
Improve enforcement of MPA regulations
Help improve the decision making with better
ecological and socio-economic monitoring
Major new initiatives in coral reef
• Coral triangle initiative
• The micronesia challenge
• Caribbean challenge
• New large MPAs
• World heritage and coral reefs
• Polar bears and coral reefs
The path forward
• Multiple environmental stressors significantly impact coral reefs. There is a
global disparity in reef resilience across the globe; therefore, their
persistence depends on conservation and management strategies specific
to impacts experienced within that ecosystem [8, 19].
• Therefore, local and regional managers should work together to mitigate
the effects of climate change based on local conditions and responses
[22, 121].
• example, large declines in reef populations across the Hawaiian
Archipelago raised concerns of dangerous levels of overfishing and led to a
local, watershed-based framework for resource management to protect key
species [93].
• Since global factors require numerous countries' assistance, it will be
difficult and timely to get a proper collaboration or agreement that is
agreed upon by all parties. In contrast, local factors can be dealt with
immediately and directly. For example, appropriate wastewater treatments
can mitigate local eutrophication and increase temporary refugia areas to
28%, allowing coral reefs to be relieved of the local stressor while
international agreements are found to abate global stressors [14].
• It is suggested that managers spend time identifying coral reef locations
that, in the absence of other impacts, are most likely to have a heightened
chance of surviving projected climate changes relative to other reefs and
protect those reefs (Fig. 1) [39].
• Multiple environmental variables are simultaneously interacting on coral reefs
causing widespread degradation and understanding climate change impacts on
reefs starts with managing local stressors that will, in return, help mitigate the
global drivers of change.
• The advancements outlined in this review have created a debate between
scientists and resource managers about whether focusing efforts on mitigating
local impacts will increase the resiliency of coral reef ecosystems to global
climate change. This lack of clarity surrounding the recent disagreements on
coral reef conservation practices has created many challenges in implementing
actionable, science-based solutions that will benefit the communities that rely
on them. For example, some researchers argue that global warming is the
universal threat to coral reef integrity and function.
• In contrast, others believe local activities and land-based sources of pollution
are the most critical threats.
• Lastly, some believe local and global threats act in combination.
• To plan, mitigate, and restore the future of coral reefs, it is essential to
acknowledge that 61% of reefs are simultaneously affected by local and global
stressors. It cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ solution for reef protection.
• Our review recommends actionable science-based advancements based on a
local risk assessment that are unique to each region or reef system.
• A similar risk assessment was conducted in the Maldives to assess resilience
by depth and confirmed bleaching events were too frequent and delayed
reef recovery. Therefore, reducing local pressure was suggested to be the
only effective way to improve resilience to thermal stress.
• Resilience can vary region–region, reef–reef, and species–species.
• It is imperative to understand multiple responses to both natural and
anthropogenic change when conducting assessing management responses.
• Modeling thermal thresholds and environmental influence is an effective
way to understand past and future responses to human impact across larger
spatial gradients. In Japan, coral bleaching events were recorded from 2004
to 2016 and revealed multiple factors contributing to bleaching, including a
selection of thermal indices and multiple environmental influences c.
• The coral mortality and bleaching output (COMBO) model was reated as a
tool to calculate the impact of increased greenhouse gas emissions and sea
surface temperature on local and regional scales.
• In the past decade, advancements are now developing more complex ways
in which human impacts disrupt and degrade coral reef ecosystem function.
• Quantifying the types of human impacts and their severity across our
gradient would likely improve future interpretation of the spatial patterns
on the benthic cover.
• However, more information about the types of human impacts occurring
across our large spatial gradient is required to predict “social–ecological
macroecology” accurately
• Simulation modeling in the Philippines concluded that increased local water
quality management and less management designated to fishing would
significantly impact future reef state. The stressors examined interacted
antagonistically; therefore, highlighting the importance of combining multiple
stressors in a simulation model for supporting management
• In Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia, a multivariate statistical model was
applied to examine community composition changes and concluded that water
quality management across the park is critical to improving resiliency
• Lastly, statistical models were used to investigate various coral taxa's responses
to local stressors and climate variability in the Red Sea. This model concluded
that fishing pressure and eutrophication's synergistic interactions exacerbated
the impact of climate change
• While policymakers rely on models to predict regional climatic changes, they
are non-linear in nature and often contain a high level of uncertainty
• Therefore, reliable multivariate models must have a well-monitored design and
detailed calibration method
• Modeling and incorporating multiple environmental variables that are both
natural and human-induced environmental change allows for management
and policy to be focused and science-based, improving resiliency of reef
communities to future climatic events
• Before the third global coral bleaching event (2014–
2017), many “low risk reefs” were situated in
Australian waters.
• One year following the 2016 bleaching event, these
reefs experienced large reductions (51%) in live coral
cover, but recovery varied by region due to functional
changes in the coral and fish community compositions.
• The reefs in the northern half of the GBR were severely
impacted (40%).
• Community-wide trophic restructuring, specifically fish
that scrape algae from reef surfaces, reduces
competition between stressed corals and algae
overgrowth and is critical for reef-scale recovery from
• The new report finds that approximately 75% of
world’s coral reefs are currently threatened by local
and global pressures.
• Local pressures pose the most immediate threat -
especially from overfishing and destructive fishing,
which is particularly widespread in Southeast Asia.
• Global threats from climate change and alterations in
ocean chemistry (i.e. ocean acidification) are
compounding the pressures on reefs. Climate change is
causing ocean temperatures to rise, which, in turn, is
leading to wide-spread coral bleaching.
• According to the newly released Reefs at Risk
Revisited report, coral reefs:
• Support more than 275 million people
• Protect coastlines in more than 100 countries -
helping defend against storms and erosion.
• Accounts for 15% of gross domestic product in
more than 20 countries.
• Hold the potential to fight disease - including
treatments for cancer, HIV, malaria, and other
Coelernterates under Indian wildlife (protection) act, 1972:
notification no& Dt: 1-4/95 WL 1dt: 11/07/2001: Schedule-I.
• Reef building corals (all Sleractinians)
• Black corals (all Antipatharians)
• Organ pipe coral (Tubipora musica)
• Fire coral (all Millipora species)
• Sea Fan (all Gorgonians)
At the World Conservation
Union’s (IUCN) meeting inAustralia (2005)it was claimed that up to
20% of the world’s reefs had been destroyed and that a further
50% could be lost by 2050.
The IUCN called for more marine parks, which could help
protect coral by decreasing overfishing, mining and other
destructive processes.
Given the diversity within coral reefs, their protection is as
important as that of the tropical rain forests.
Thank you all for your time& Open for discussion
Save reefs and save associated Aquatic biodiversity and the actual
value and potential value of various services of the Coral reef
dependent organisms not yet assessed. Thank you all. B

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Frm 607 threats to coral reef b9 copy

  • 1. Threats to coral reefs Submitted By: B. Bhaskar ICAR-FRM
  • 2. Introduction ( ocean/blueprint-for-the-future-we-want/marine-biodiversity/facts-and-figures-on- marine-biodiversity/) • Estimated, total net benefit per year of world coral reefs is $29.8 billion. • out of this Tourism& recreation $9.6billion, coastal protection $ 9billion, fisheries $ 5.7Billion & Biodiversity for $ 5.5 billion. • Coral reefs contribute about 25% of the total fish catch in LIC’s (LEDCs), providing food for one billion people in Asia alone
  • 3. Status of coral reefs • Reef-building corals have existed for over 200 million years, preserving through few challenges in the Holocene, but are now facing new, human- induced challenges in Anthropocene. • In the Holocene (11,000 years ago), reefs were resilient, experiencing rapid recovery and prevalence of acroporids; however, since transitioning into the Anthropocene, reef systems have lost resilience as disturbances increased in frequency and duration
  • 4. • Over the last 3 decades, living coral cover has declined roughly 53% in the Western Atlantic, 40% in the Indo-Pacific, and 50% on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). • These declines in live coral cover are accompanied by a loss in structural complexity resulting in alterations in trophic structure and reductions in ecosystem services. • Globally, 39% of reefs are classified as low risk, and 52% of those reefs are found in the Pacific. • Overall, coral reefs in the Central Pacific experience lower rates of decline than those in the Atlantic, Indian, and Southeast-Asian Pacific oceans. • Therefore, understanding these drivers' relative influence, local and global, is vital in assessing mechanisms for managing and protecting coral reef systems and reducing secondary stressors during repeated marine heatwaves that cause coral bleaching.
  • 5. • it is estimated that 6% of reefs across the globe will not be affected by either local or global stressors, 11% of reefs will be threatened solely by global factors alone, 22% solely from local factors, and 61% from the combined effects of local and global drivers of environmental change. • Globally, ocean warming and acidification are compromising carbonate accretion of coral reefs, resulting in less diverse reef communities. • Highly complex coral architecture is relied upon by a diverse array of marine organisms; therefore, reduction in complexity of reefs has severe consequences for biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and environmental services. • Locally, human impacts (i.e., pollution, coastal development, dredging, tourism, etc.) are causing dramatic phase shifts from coral-dominated to algal-dominated systems. • Some of these factors of environmental changes are co- occurring, potentially amplifying coral reef decline, and creating cascading effects for coral reef organisms and human populations who rely on the reefs for many ecosystem services
  • 6. Global impacts • Projected increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) over the next 50 years will exceed the conditions coral reefs have survived over the past half-million years. • The industrial revolution has led to rapid increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, which have caused dramatic shifts in environmental conditions. • In particular, global changes in ocean chemistry and sea surface temperatures have promoted significant ecological decline in coral reef ecosystems. • In response, the 2015 Paris Agreement was developed to globally manage greenhouse gas emissions, which is vital for coral reefs' persistence. • Without radically reducing carbon emissions, the ocean is predicted to be 1–3 °C warmer, 0.2 pH units more acidic, and up to 1 m higher by 2050
  • 7. Global Threats to Coral Reefs • Increased ocean temperatures and changing ocean chemistry are the greatest global threats to coral reef ecosystems. These threats are caused by warmer atmospheric temperatures and increasing levels of carbon dioxide in seawater. • As atmospheric temperatures rise, so do seawater temperatures. This warming causes corals to lose the microscopic algae that produce food that corals need, placing stress on the corals. • Without this algae coral also lose their coloration—a condition known as coral bleaching— because the loss of algae reveals the white color of the calcium carbonate structure underlying the polyps. • Severe or prolonged bleaching can kill coral colonies or leave them more vulnerable to other threats such as infectious disease.
  • 8. • Other climate impacts, such as sea level rise, increased frequency and intensity of tropical storms, and altered ocean circulation patterns, can also affect coral reefs. • Ocean acidification refers to a change in ocean chemistry in response to the uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is in equilibrium with that in seawater, so when atmospheric concentrations increase so do oceanic concentrations. Carbon dioxide entering seawater reacts to form carbonic acid, causing an increase in acidity.
  • 9. • Each year, the ocean absorbs about one-quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted from the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas). Since the Industrial Revolution, ocean acidity has increased by about 30%, a rate that is more than 10 times what has previously occurred for millions of years. Further, ocean acidity levels are expected to increase by an additional 40% above present levels by the end of this century. • Increases in ocean acidity (measured by lower pH values) reduce the availability of dissolved salts and ions needed by corals to form the calcium carbonate structure. Consequently, coral growth and reef growth can be slowed, with some species affected more than others. If acidification becomes severe, coral skeletons can actually dissolve. On a local level, nutrient enrichment due to run- off from human activities on land can also cause increased acidity in coastal waters, exacerbating the effects of ocean acidification.
  • 10. Coral reefs studies and threats in) Malaysia ( • Coral reefs in Malaysia are about 4,006 km2 with over 550 species contributed to nation’s economy.
  • 11.
  • 12. Threats to coral reef diversity of Andaman Islands, India • The coral reefs of Andaman Islands with an area of 948.8 km2 have an affinity to the South-East Pacific Coral Triangle in terms of species diversity. These reefs are of fringing; channel and patch types with 588 species of hard corals. • Coral bleaching in Andaman Islands mainly taking place due to elevated temperature. • December 2004 Tsunami led to severe loss of corals in the Andaman Islands. • ‘Massive’ coral species are found more stress tolerant than ‘branching’ species. • Siltation and tourist activities might significantly affect the corals in future.
  • 13. Cont… ( • The mass coral bleaching event induced by sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies coupled with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomena in 2010 led to a loss of almost 70% of live coral in the South Button Island, Havelock Island, North Bay, Chidiyatapu and Redskin Island. • Between 28th March and 30th April 2016, in-situ temperatures of 31.80 ° C to 32.30 ° C were reported at North Bay leading to bleaching of Acropora fungoid. • The crustal upliftment and crustal subsidence associated with the mega earthquake during December 2004 Tsunami led to loss of 30% coral cover in north Andaman and 20% loss in south Andaman, respectively. • Siltation and tourist activities in certain areas of south Andaman that were affecting the coral reefs were identified as important anthropogenic threats to the survival of the reefs. • The study reviewed the recovery status of different coral species from existing literature and observed that massive species like the Porites sp. were comparatively stress tolerant, and showed good resilience to bleaching and with better recovery potential due to higher thermal thresholds. • In contrast, species like the Fungiid sp. were reported to be susceptible to bleaching with capabilities to regenerate and recruit slowly.
  • 14. With the majority of the world’s population living in coastal regions, many people depend on living coral reefs for food, and protection from storm surges and erosion, as well as the additional benefits of medical research, tourism and aesthetic beauty. Human activities, such as those associated with global warming, are threatening coral reefs. Increasing sea temperatures stress corals and cause damage, including bleaching. What are the threats to coral reefs
  • 15. THREATS TO CORAL THE MAIN THREATS TO CORAL INCLUDE • coralbleachingandglobal climate change • diseases of coralsand other reef organisms • plagues of predators like the crown of-thorns starfish (COTS) and other damaging organisms such as the sea urchin • invasivespecies which have been introduced onto new coral reefs.
  • 16.
  • 17. OVERFISHING Over-fishing and overexploitation of coral reef fisheries and coral rock and sand resources. Within the last two decades there has been an increase in damaging fishing activities involving the use of home-made bombs, cyanide and other damaging practices such as muro-ami that involves dropping weighted rocks onto corals to drive fish into set nets.
  • 18.
  • 19. ENGINEERING PRACTICES Modification and engineering practices such as building of ports, airports and groynes on coral reefs, including the practice of ‘reclamation’,which pours sediments onto shallow areas, displacing sea area in exchange for increased terrestrial area.
  • 20. CORAL MINING Coral mining involves live coral being removed from reefs for use as bricks or road-fill, while sand and limestone is made into cement for new buildings. Corals are also removed from their habitats to be sold as souvenirs to tourists and exporters.
  • 21. CORAL DESTRUCTION FROM CONSTRUCTION • Construction (along coasts and inland), mining, logging and farming along coastal rivers can all lead to erosion. • Valuable topsoil and other sediments are washed by rain into rivers and end up in the ocean where they smother corals by depriving them of the light needed to survive. • Additionally, developments are occurring directly on top of coral reefs.
  • 22. CORAL DESTRUCTION FROM BOATING Careless boating, diving, snorkelling and fishing can also damage coral reefs. Substantial damage has been caused by people touching the reefs, stirring up sediment, collecting coral, or dropping anchor on the corals.
  • 23. CORAL DESTRUCTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE These newer global threats (bleaching, disease and predators) are increasing rapidly in frequency and severity, coincidentally with direct human disturbances. Coral disease has caused major disruptions to coral reefs in the Caribbean with a range of human disturbances potentially implicated, and there are now increasing reports of similar disturbances from the Indo-Pacific region. Evidence linking severe coral bleaching and mortality to increasing rates of global climate change attributed to rising levels of anthropogenic greenhouse emissions is growing stronger.
  • 24.
  • 25. Coral lives in a symbiotic relationship with algae called zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae live within the coral animal tissue and carry out photosynthesis providing energy not only for themselves, but for the coral as well. Zooxanthellae give the coral its colour. When environmental conditions become stressful, zooxanthellae may leave the coral, leaving the coral in an energy deficit and without colour, a process that is referred to as coral bleaching. If the coral is re-colonised by zooxanthellae in a timely manner, the coral will likely recover. If not, the coral may die. Coral bleaching can be caused by increases in temperature of as little as 1–2ºC above average annual maximum temperatures. Coral bleaching
  • 26.
  • 27. 1998 CORAL BLEACHING EPISODE The 1998 episode was the largest coral bleaching and mortality event ever recorded on coral reefs globally, with major effects in the Arabian/Persian Gulf, Eastern Africa, throughout the Indian Ocean, in Southeast Asia, parts of the western Pacific and the Caribbean and Atlantic region. Overall, it was estimated that 16% of the world’s area of coral reefs was severely damaged.
  • 28. BARBADOS CORAL BLEACHING In the wider Caribbean region, there was moderate to severe coral bleaching in 1998, but generally there were low levels of mortality. At one site on Barbados, approximately 20% of bleached corals did not survive, but there were complicating factors, notably hurricane damage.
  • 29. MARINE ORGANISMS DISEASE There has been a worldwide increase in reports of diseases in marine organisms including fish, sea urchins, shellfish, sponges, marine mammals, and corals. Since the 1990s, coral diseases have increased in number, affecting over 150 species from the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific alone.
  • 30. CORAL DISEASES The rate of discovery of new diseases has increased considerably, with more than 29 coral diseases now described. Coral diseases can potentially produce severe population declines, threaten biodiversity, and shift the structure of reef communities by challenging the resilience of these systems.
  • 31. Stress appears to lower a coral’s resistance to disease and thus affects its ability to survive. Because elevated temperature is a coral stress, global climate change may also result in increasing incidence of coral disease. It is possible that proximity to human population centres may increase the likelihood of infection. Stress is often associated with increased susceptibility to disease and many studies have suggested a correlation between elevated sea temperatures, sedimentation, and pollution.
  • 32. Disease outbreaks are nearly impossible to manage because the connectivity of the marine environment increases the speed of disease transmission and renders standard response such as quarantine and vaccines ineffective. Preventing nutrient runoff into coastal areas by managing water quality could be one important management technique.
  • 33. For some reason, the Caribbean appears to have experienced a far higher incidence of disease to coral reef organisms than reefs of the Indo- Pacific (at least 82% of Caribbean coral species are susceptible to disease, compared to 25% of Indo- Pacific corals).
  • 34. Several hypotheses have emerged: the Caribbean is semi- enclosed, hence the reefs are in relatively close contact due to the circulation of water; there are higher concentrations of nutrients and possibly pollutants because of the large volumes of waters flowing in from major rivers e.g. Amazon and Mississippi; and the reefs have been isolated from the others for millions of years. The region also has a higher population of scientists regularly monitoring the reefs for problems.
  • 35. MAJOR IMPACT ON THE REEFS The major impact on the reefs, however, was a massive explosion in fleshy algae, causing many corals to be smothered. This disease outbreak had far- reaching consequences which were still evident in 2004; 20 years after the death of the urchins the populations have only recovered to about 4% of their original status and the coral cover is still depleted.
  • 36. PREDATOR PLAGUES Predator plagues such as COTS are increasingly reported around areas of human activities, with two strong hypotheses advanced: •the plagues may be initiated and certainly exacerbated by either over-fishing of key starfish predators, and/or •increases in nutrient runoff from the landfavours the planktonic stages of the starfish.
  • 37. COTS OUTBREAKS The increasing frequency of COTS outbreaks continues despite decades of scientific study in the Pacific and Australasia and the cause of these plagues remains unclear. The negative effects of COTS are exacerbated by many other impacts including pollution, fishing pressures, sedimentation, river runoff, global climate change and associated coral bleaching events. These synergistic pressures lead to widespread, largescale losses of coral cover and biodiversity. The highest densities of COTS in recent years have been on coral reefs in Tanzania and Kenya.
  • 38. INVASIVE SPECIES The most likely causes of invasive species introduction are: •ballast-water exchange for cargo ships travelling long distances between ports releasing gametes, larvae, or juvenile individuals into new systems; and •aquaria-related incidents whereby individuals import specimens from all over the world and release them into the wild after a time in captivity. Since Indo-Pacific live rock is exported widely, the risk of introducing Pacific organisms to the tropical Atlantic is high.
  • 39. STRATEGIC PLANNING IN ST. LUCIA A 1998 survey showed that 65% of coral reefs in the Caribbean are in danger, and the coral reefs along St. Lucia's west coast are no exception. Protecting reefs makes sound economic sense as well as environmental sense. St. Lucia government including the Department of Fisheries, the Department of Tourism, local tourist organisations and the Soufriere Regional Development Foundation have begun to take action to prevent the further destruction of this valuable natural resource.
  • 40. SOUFRIERE MARINE MANAGEMENT AREA 1986 In 1986 six areas were declared as marine reserves and another three areas were created as fishing priority areas. The Soufriere Marine Management Area is a 12 km stretch of coastline. The SMMA is attempting to manage St Lucia's marine resources in a sustainable way, although it is not always easy. SMMA's activities include: • Scientificresearchon thenaturalresourcesof theregion. •Regularmonitoringofcoralreefs,waterqualityandotherenvironmentalfactorsand resources. • Provisionof publicinformationandsensitisation. • ProvisionoffacilitiesforusersoftheSMMA e.g.moorings. • Co-ordination of economic activities related to the SMMA and its resources.
  • 41. GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF CORAL REEFS About one-fifth ofthe world’s coral reefs are so damaged they are beyond repair. While the percentage of reefs recovering from past damage has risen, 70% of the world’s reefsare threatened or havealready been destroyed, up from 59% in 2000. Almost half of the reefs severely damaged by coral bleaching in 1998 are recovering, but other reefs are so badly damaged that they are unrecognisable as coral reefs.
  • 42. ECONOMIC ANDECOLOGICALCONCERN The destruction of reefs is cause for economic, as well as ecological, concern, especially for the communities that depend on coral reefs for the fish they provide and the revenue they draw as tourist attractions.
  • 43. PERSIAN GULF REEFS The most damaged reefs are in the Persian Gulf where 65% have been destroyed, followed by reefs in South and Southeast Asia where 45% and 38%, respectively, are considered destroyed. There are also recent reports that many reefs in the wider Caribbean have lost 80% of their corals.
  • 44. RECOVERING REEFS The percentage of recovering reefs has increased compared to the last global assessment. Most of the recovered reefs are in the Indian Ocean, part of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia and in Palau. In 2004, Australia increased protection of the Great Barrier Reef from 4% to 33% and 34% of Ningaloo Reef Marine Park was made off-limits to fishing.
  • 45. PRIMARYCAUSEOF THECRISIS The Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2004 report documents how human activities continue to be the primary cause of the global coral reef crisis. The report details many new initiatives aimed at reversing this degradation such as by conserving the biodiversity, the economic value and beauty of coral reefs.
  • 46. MAJORSTRESSES The report recognises that the major stresses to coral reefs are: natural forces that they have coped with for millions of years; direct human pressures, including sediment and nutrient pollution from the land, overexploitation and damaging fishing practices, engineering modification of shorelines; and the global threats of climate change causing coral bleaching, rising sea levels and potentially threatening the ability of corals to form skeletons in more acid waters.
  • 47. Ocean warming • Corals worldwide live between 1 and 2 °C below their maximum summer temperature. • As the ocean continues to warm, corals are being pushed into their upper lethal temperature tolerances. • The resulting coral stress response includes the breakdown in the symbiosis between the coral host and its algal symbiont, commonly referred to as coral bleaching . • Other extreme changes in environmental conditions (e.g., irradiance, salinity sedimentation) can also cause coral bleaching; however, there has been an increase in the frequency and severity of mass coral bleaching events that are linked to increases in ocean temperatures. • Additionally, coral bleaching events can be episodic and can coincide with ocean–atmosphere phenomena, such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. • To date, there have been three global bleaching events from 2014 to 2017. The number of areas (~ 6%) that have previously escaped bleaching will decrease each year as the potential for bleaching and mortality increases with or without ENSO events. • Examining recovery and adaptation rates of various reef systems over time has proved that bleaching events are likely to become chronic stress in the coming decades. Consequently, many coral communities will not recover quickly enough to maintain stable, coral-covered communities
  • 48. • No reef is safe from the unprecedented rate of warming, eg: Hawaiʻi suffered in 2014 and 2015 with 90% bleaching and 50% mortality due to elevated sea surface temperatures. • Alongside bleaching, thermal anomalies cause shifts in the coral microbiome by increasing viral production, which in return increases the carbon and nitrogen flux in the water column and benthos, and enhances rates of coral disease and mortality. • This viral production triggers a positive feedback loop that enhances coral decline. White syndrome, a common disease affecting Pacific reef-building corals, is exacerbated by thermal anomalies on reefs with > 50% coral cover. • This same disease was recorded dramatically reducing the abundance of Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis in the Caribbean. Moreover, data from the GBR supports the detrimental temperature-disease hypothesis while also implying that disease transmission is rapid on healthy reefs where coral cover is high, putting healthy reefs at high risk as warm temperature anomalies increase. • Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD), first occurring at high levels in 2014 along the Florida reef tract and coinciding with summer bleaching events, has since rapidly spread through Caribbean reefs causing unprecedented declines. • Using long-term data, there was no SCTLD prevalence in the Mexican Caribbean region before 2018, concluding that the disease was able to spread through the entire region within a few months, severely changing reef community structure. • While these diseases are decimating reefs at rapid rates, research has shown reefs containing high densities of coral feeding chaetodontid butterflyfish, from white band disease in the Philippines' to SCTLD in the Florida Keys, has positive correlations with disease prevalence. • This suggests that stable, healthy reefs with functionally diverse fish abundances may ameliorate the impact of coral disease
  • 49. Ocean acidification • Nearly 30% of the atmospheric CO2 emissions dissolve into the ocean. As CO2 dissociates, it releases hydrogen ions and increases the acidity of the seawater. • This increase in the acidity of the ocean, ocean acidification, has several impacts on the marine environment. • Corals secrete calcium carbonate skeletons to maintain the ecologically important three- dimensional reef matrix. • A change in ocean chemistry affects the shallow, sunlit, alkaline waters corals need to build and sustain their reef structure that provides habitat for many organisms and protects shorelines from bioerosion and storm damage. • While ongoing changes in ocean chemistry directly influences coral physiology and accretion, it is difficult to quantify the rate at which ocean acidification is degrading reefs due to a lack of data at large spatial, temporal, and biogeochemical scales. • Most acidification studies are conducted on single species, therefore, results are difficult to forecast across ecologically relevant scales. • Additionally, there are many assumptions and large discrepancies in coral reef response to ocean acidification. • xample, biogeochemical feedback in the open ocean could buffer some effects of acidification; therefore, we must understand this potential feedback and discrepancies to accurately predict the impact of acidification on coral reefs. • Also, reef-associated structure, location, hydrodynamics, and biogeochemical processes may vary across reefs and should be considered when calculating net community calcification rates.
  • 50. Sea level rise • As atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase and our planet continues to warm, ice sheets are melting, causing sea level fluctuations worldwide. • In the twenty-first century alone, global sea surface levels are predicted to rise 2 m, creating considerable alterations in coastal shoreline morphology with larger implications (20%) in tropical and subtropical habitats. • Low-lying coral atolls are of immediate concern; as the climate continues to change, atolls will be subject to wave-driven flooding and fluctuations in freshwater availability as the reef platforms change. • Since the last glacial maximum (30,000 years ago), geologic records from the GBR suggest that the reef has been more resilient to sea-level rise and warming temperatures but was highly affected by increased sediment input. • While historical sea-level rise forces a landward migration of shallow-reef habitats, the GBR transitioned from a fringing to a barrier reef system. • Although there is evidence that coral reefs can transition as sea level rises, the uncertainty comes from the additive effects of a continued increase in carbon emissions and fishing pressures that prevent reefs from keeping up with rises in sea level expected by 2100.
  • 51. • Coral reefs serve as natural barriers that protect nearly 200 million people worldwide from coastal flooding hazards and associated flooding risk costs (~ $0.8 million km−1 of reef); however, it is predicted that coastal communities are at greater risk if reef structural complexity is not maintained than if sea level continues to rise. • The vertical accretion and variation in topographic complexity, along with local rates of sea-level rise, will determine wave height and sediment transport damage. Nonetheless, the wave energy dissipation is determinant on complexity rather than sea level. • Future projections indicate that coral reef erosion rates will exceed accretion rates due to unprecedented global climate change, thereby increasing the risk and associated costs of coastal flooding. • Current water depths have increased past predicted levels for the year 2100, and regional-scale degradation of coral reefs due to sea-level rise puts many coastal communities in danger. • In conclusion, there is no singular solution to combatting global climate change and the negative impacts it has on coral reef ecosystems and the communities that rely on them. As humans continue to amplify greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, coral reefs will become increasingly vulnerable.
  • 52. Local impacts • While global stressors independently affect 11% of reefs worldwide, twice as many (22%) coral reefs are impacted by local impacts. Local disturbances (i.e., water quality, sedimentation, human use, fishing pressure) may potentially influence coral reef responses to and recovery from climatic threats. • However, the potential of local action to offset global consequences on coral reefs is relatively unknown because it is difficult to assess across ecological scales in an experimental setting. • Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to implement management and monitoring strategies that document the interaction of local and global drivers of environmental change to identify potential mitigation strategies. • The primary sources of human-induced impacts result from land-use change and terrestrial runoff, which have increased sedimentation and eutrophication on nearshore coral reefs. • Documentation dating back to the 1970s shows many areas are impacted by multiple local impacts and experiencing extensive coral mortality. • The reduction of resilience in each area is highly location specific and depends on the type, duration, and magnitude of that impact, local environmental conditions, and overall ecosystem resiliency
  • 53. Human use: tourism and coastal development • Local anthropogenic stressors increase in number, severity, and frequency simultaneously with increasing human population densities. • Excess tourism and urban development such as land-use change, sedimentation, untreated sewage discharge, physical damage, and pollution are significant environmental stress sources for corals and coral reefs. • Although physical space for development in coastal areas is limited, state governments and commercial companies continue to support urban development, increasing environmental stress on corals. • Although coral reef-based tourism is crucial for economic benefits, if degradation continues, socioeconomic services will decline and threaten many reef-dependent sectors of that society
  • 54. • Coral reef-related tourism generates revenues in over 100 countries across the globe. • In the United States, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimated the total economic value of coral reef services to be over USD 3.4 billion. • In the Coral Triangle, marine tourism contributes to 36% of the overall tourism market; however, 85% of reefs in the region are threatened by local human activity. • Coral reef ecosystems in Hawaiʻi are estimated at USD 360 million a year, acting as an asset that supports many goods and services. • Many people rely on coral reefs for food, identity, and wealth in the Dominican Republic. • However, alongside the benefits of coral reef-related tourism comes significant impacts on the adjacent coral reefs. A health assessment of local reefs in the Dominican Republic has revealed significant nutrient-based pollution, human-related structural damage, and overfishing that increases coral bleaching, mortality, and disease abundance. Therefore, the Dominican Republic has implemented sustainable, land-based, and marine management practices through ecotourism to sustain economic growth. • Urgent action is necessary to maintain coral reefs on the GBR. Tourism operators have begun acting as stewards to engage their guests on climate change threats and how they can take action to protect the GBR. • While Australia and other countries attempt to educate their tourists on environmentally conscious actions, the stress from increasing human impact has decoupled biophysical relationships in coral reefs, causing dominant species to shift due to human-induced selective pressure
  • 55. • Since early settlement, human use and disturbance have disrupted the unique physical, chemical, and biological features of coral reef ecosystems. In Kāneʻohe Bay, Hawaiʻi, a well-documented coral reef ecosystem, anthropogenic disturbance began with the first European settlers in 1778. By the 1960s, the coastal reefs were devastated by extensive dredging, increased sewage discharge, and excess sedimentation, leading to a loss in coral cover. • A reconstruction of the social–ecological relationships in Hawaiian coral reef systems over the past 700 years showed that reefs were able to recover from human impacts when the stressors were reduced over long periods (decades+) and over large spatial scales (> entire island systems or regions). • To this day, across the Hawaiian Archipelago, there is a strong gradient of human impact on fish assemblages and hard coral cover with a few remote areas with small human populations acting as a refuge for fisheries production and biodiversity functioning. • A land to sea management technique in West Maui improved coastal water quality through reducing sediment runoff and cesspool effluent, overall enhancing snorkeling experience. • Similarly, in Brazil, strategic management actions helped protect refugee areas from stressors (i.e., fishing intensity, land-based activities, coastal development. • These joint integrated land to sea management efforts are the interplay of multiple stressors.
  • 56. Pollution • Nearly 25% of coral reefs around the world are threatened by agricultural pollutants. • Agriculture is a highly erosive process that passes sediment, inorganic and organic nutrients, and other human contaminants to waterways leading to the ocean and ultimately vulnerable reefs. • Poor watershed management and land-based runoff have been found to cause eutrophication, defined as the excessive richness of nutrients, which creates a dense growth of plant life and an overall decline of oxygen. • On coral reefs, eutrophication can cause excessive growth of algae and the suffocation of coral reefs due to a lack of oxygen and being outcompeted for resources by the macroalgae whose growth is being supported by the excessive rich nutrient source
  • 57. • Along with agricultural pollution, sewage effluent is another major source of human pollution, posing significant risks to coral reefs. • Sewage pollution sources include domestic and industrial wastewater and urban development from tourism and residential activities. • Many coastal communities with fringing coral reef ecosystems, such as Puakō in the Hawaiʻi, rely on cesspools, septic tanks, or aerobic/anaerobic sewage treatments that contribute significantly to the decline in coral reefs. • Septic tank location and corresponding sewage pollution aggregates along the coastline, through the surface and benthic waters, increasing fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and nutrient concentrations that contribute to harmful levels of eutrophication. • A study on the effects of increased, wastewater-derived nutrients found that increases in sewage nutrient enrichment from hotel seepage pits could be responsible for lowering coral reef resilience leading to higher degradation rates at heavily affected sites. • Human derived sewage, primarily from increased tourism, creates inshore water enrichment from urban wastewater nutrient sources and has led to a reduction in benthic coral reef health and rugosity. • It is believed that nutrient-enriched waters from sewage-derived sources are a major local stressor responsible for threatening coral reef ecosystems by reducing their resilience and stability
  • 58. • With the global decline of coral reef ecosystems and a global increase in human populations along coastal areas, there have been management pushes to support wastewater treatment that will protect coral reefs in high- risk areas. Sewage and nitrogen pollution in Hawaiʻi not only led to decreased coral calcification and reproduction but was also a dominant driver in reef fish biomass changes, altering ecosystem function. • In the Florida Keys, the local and regional variability of nitrogen enrichment increased the risk of coral bleaching, mortality, and disease under temperature stress. • Numerous studies confirm that appropriate wastewater treatment would mitigate local eutrophication and, in response, increase reef refugia areas by 28% across the globe, giving reefs time while climate change is addressed at a global scale
  • 59. • The delivery of pollution from unsustainable land- based human activities such as deforestation, poorly regulated agriculture, and urban and industrial development resulting in the release of excess amounts of sediments and nutrients. • This is exacerbated by the release of nutrients and other pollutants from untreated or poorly treated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes.
  • 60. Fishing pressure • Fishing, combined with other localized human drivers, leads to changes in fish biomass and is used as a direct indicator of reef health status and human disturbance level. • Pollution, fishing, and habitat drivers led to an overall decrease in 45% of total fish biomass over 10 years (2008–2018) on the west coast of Hawaiʻi; however, regional management of these multiple factors could benefit fish functional groups. • For example, a ban on scuba spearfishing and fishing nets increased grazer populations after a year of management. This confirmed that both recreational and commercial fishing are negatively affecting fish populations, but consistent management will aid in recovery. • Additionally, several areas across the Main Hawaiian Islands still support high standing fish stocks, which can be refugia for maintaining fisheries resources. • A decline in fish stocks can be attributed to numerous interactive factors, such as nutrient pollution and overfishing. • Therefore, management strategies should be implemented (e.g., quantifying fish biomass) to sustain the reefs and the livelihoods of the communities that rely on them. • In conclusion, the global decline of reefs is caused by two categories of localized human threats: overfishing and coastal development. • Managers must re-examine these threats and create risk assessments to effectively allocate resources and protect coral reefs for generations to come.
  • 61. Actionable science advancements • There is a critical knowledge gap regarding how to deal with these multiple stressors that are causing various environmental changes and a growing need for them to be managed at multiple scales across different regulatory agencies. • The increase in the severity and frequency of marine heat waves challenges conventional management strategies. • Therefore, there is a critical need to re-assess restoration and management strategies to sustain coral reef ecosystems under these continuing challenging conditions. • The global coral reef degradation that has occurred over the last 30–40 years has shifted coral reef resilience and therefore requires focused science and management efforts to prevent the loss of valuable social, ecological, and cultural resources. • This section discusses (1) advances in science through assisted evolution, (2) creating risk assessments through collaboration with local communities, scientists, managers, and policymakers, and (3) focused management strategies that can be technically and economically achieved
  • 62. Advances in science • Science advancements have shifted to promote coral reef resilience through an adaptation-focused intervention that will account for a suite of multiple stressors. • Assisted evolution, the acceleration of evolutionary processes through the enhancement of specific traits, includes four mechanisms to increase environmental stress tolerance: (1) epigenetic programming and exposing adult colonies to high levels of environmental stress, (2) manipulation of the microbes associated with the coral holobiont, (3) culturing coral-associated endosymbiotic algae (Symbiodinium spp.) under future environmental conditions to increase bleaching resistance, or (4) selective breeding of the coral host itself. • Adaptive actions and restoration techniques could address various environmental change drivers, but all stressor interactions and environmental alterations must be considered when analyzing the emergent ecological effects. • New interventions, such as genetic engineering, could be added to the coral reef restoration toolbox, but there are challenges in managing risks and uncertainties. • Therefore, while advances in science are important to consider when making a restoration plan, it is imperative to create a risk assessment outlining all possible options, consequences, uncertainties, and trade-offs to fully understand the goals and objectives in the short and long-term
  • 63. Creating risk assessments • The structured decision-making framework, created by Anthony et al., 2020, can help develop a management plan for high-risk ecosystems or watersheds. • This framework allows for the creation of a risk-assessment that integrates both local and global management efforts. • For example, the GBR has had approximately 40% coral cover decline on inshore reefs adjacent to human influence and requires a management plan that addresses local and global anthropogenic impacts . • Of the funding allocated to threats harming the reefs, some are used inadequately and can be why change or mitigation is not happening quickly. • It is essential to continue to work towards mitigating local factors because local threats to corals add to the effects seen by global threats and may inhibit recovery. • Creating a strategic plan for long-term conservation allows for clear guidelines and strategic investing. • A risk assessment can also be useful in less vulnerable, more protected reefs, which can be a conservation investment and help to repopulate degraded reefs in the climate becomes stabilized. • The carbon emissions crisis has been globally recognized in the Paris Climate agreement; however, the goals are ambitious, and if achieved, coral reefs are still predicted to decline by 70–90% across the globe . • However, not all reefs, or species of coral, are at equal risk of global climate change. Coral reefs vary in resilience, defined as the net effect of resistance and recovery following a disturbance . • Predicting tipping points to environmental change is common in complex environmental systems, like coral reefs, when there are changes in climate, land-use, biodiversity, and biogeochemical cycles. • Therefore, strategic management of local factors through risk-sensitivity planning can improve the long-term conservation and persistence of coral reefs under climate pressure . • Studies from Kāneʻohe Bay, Hawaiʻi, previously under immense anthropogenic pressure from the 1930s to the 1970s, showed that different species have different pH, temperature, and sediment tolerances. • On the GBR, spatial resilience was determined by water quality levels and could inform strategic planning for future conservation goals .
  • 64. Focused management strategies • There are several benefits to implementing focused management strategies that can assess benthic composition status and trends to mitigate local factors. • It is essential to consider local factors in management strategies because they play a role in resiliency to global climate change. • example, when synthesizing multiple stressor interactions, it was concluded that managing sedimentation and nutrient loading could reduce coral bleaching. • To reduce regional threats, managers and other governance authorities should consider a holistic approach. • Management efforts should not focus on restoring historical baseline assemblages but should instead adapt to support natural recovery processes and embrace new and evolving conditions on a reef. • Ecosystem governance needs to shift to a new paradigm that embraces rapid change due to the unprecedented global heat waves from 2014 to 2017 and continued anthropogenic pressures. • The suggested themes to improve governance in complex ecosystems are to address proximal and distal drivers, reduce those drivers' levels, and weaken positive feedback responses contributing to degradation. • It is also suggested for coral reefs to prioritize areas that demonstrate fewer bleaching signs than predicted by degree heating weeks recorded in that area. • Over the long term, those are the reefs that may be more resilient to thermal stress. • Spatial prioritization is also important when implementing marine protected areas (MPAs).
  • 65. • Along with providing refuge to corals from human impact (i.e., tourism, fishing, etc.), the systematic conservation planning of an MPA allows for larval connectivity that self-sustains coral and reef fish recruitment. • example, zoning was implemented in the GBR protected areas to regulate the overexploitation of valuable resources. • There needs to be a fundamental restructuring of institutional governance towards planetary stewardship to navigate the Anthropocene and capitalize on sustainable ecosystem management across the globe. Sustainable development and collaboration needs to be accelerated to mitigate and adapt to the planet's current and future transformations. • Recent developments of resilience-based management (RBM) plans aim to sustain the natural reef processes that support valuable ecological and social systems in a localized area, rather than focusing on global climate disturbances such as bleaching events. RBM highlights reducing local pollution sources, protecting diversity, and maintaining connectivity pathways on reefs to adapt to change while simultaneously supporting resilience. • Apart from ecological disturbances, various socioeconomic factors can transform coral reef communities. Participatory planning should be promoted to increase social acceptance and strengthen conservation strategies by considering the community's social and cultural characteristics. • Management strategies that foster social adaptive capacity are better fit to address the complex changes in coastal marine socio-ecological systems, such as coral reefs, and should be accompanied by cost–benefit analysis to secure incomes, livelihoods and food security benefits for coastal communities
  • 66. REF: The coral conservation crisis: interacting local and global stressors reduce reef resiliency and create challenges for conservation solutions Alexandra M. Good & Keisha D. Bahr ; SN Applied Sciences volume 3, Article number: 312 (2021) • These collaborative, proactive management strategies are crucial for coral reef persistence because prevention is more effective and efficient than repair after the damage is done. • Even the GBR, one of the most well-managed systems, has lost a significant percentage of live coral color. • Therefore, it is crucial to pursue ecosystem-based management that is adaptive to fully understand the ecological processes that maintain coral reefs at large scales. • Ecosystem-based management can combat climate change by reducing local anthropogenic stressors and highlighting human-assisted evolution for change-ready MPAs. • With climate-induced coral bleaching being the main threat to coral reefs, it is important that management focus on how reefs respond to and recover from these devastating events. Predicting these regime shifts and identifying critical thresholds will guide managers through reef-specific management and adaptation tools. • Alongside predicting stress tolerances and thresholds, management of coral reef ecosystems will benefit from integrated land to sea models and scenario planning that includes human-induced change. • Planning strategies need to ensure the local human impacts will be minimized to assist in coral reef recovery under the future projected climate change impacts. Awareness of natural resources has led many local communities to implement place-based management enclosures and sustainable practices. • This place-based management strategy aims to reduce human impacts on coral reefs in a changing climate. • Overall, while managers and decision-makers attempt to create management strategies to mitigate global environmental change and its impact on reefs, there is still a research gap surrounding the assessment of the different strategies being utilized to understand the trade-offs and synergies. • Collaboration and cooperation across countries to re-organize the scientific research surrounding coral reef management is crucial to ensure science-based solutions lead to coral reef protection moving forward through the Anthropocene.
  • 67. • Coral reefs face many threats from local sources, including: • Physical damage or destruction from coastal development, dredging, quarrying, destructive fishing practices and gear, boat anchors and groundings, and recreational misuse (touching or removing corals). • Pollution that originates on land but finds its way into coastal waters. There are many types and sources of pollution from land-based activities, for example: – Sedimentation from coastal development, urban stormwater runoff, forestry, and agriculture Sedimentation has been identified as a primary stressor for the existence and recovery of coral species and their habitats. Sediment deposited onto reefs can smother corals and interfere with their ability to feed, grow, and reproduce.
  • 68. • Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) from agricultural and residential fertilizer use, sewage discharges (including wastewater treatment plants and septic systems), and animal waste Nutrients are generally recognized as beneficial for marine ecosystems; however, coral reefs are adapted to low nutrient levels; so an excess of nutrients can lead to the growth of algae that blocks sunlight and consumes oxygen corals need for respiration. This often results in an imbalance affecting the entire ecosystem. Excess nutrients can also support growth of microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi, that can be pathogenic to corals. • Pathogens from inadequately treated sewage, stormwater, and runoff from livestock pens Although rare, bacteria and parasites from fecal contamination can cause disease in corals, especially if they are stressed by other environmental conditions. Coral disease occurs in healthy ecosystems, but the input of pathogen-containing pollution can exacerbate the frequency and intensity of disease outbreaks.
  • 69. • Toxic substances, including metals, organic chemicals and pesticides found in industrial discharges, sunscreens, urban and agricultural runoff, mining activities, and runoff from landfills Pesticides can affect coral reproduction, growth, and other physiological processes. Herbicides, in particular, can affect the symbiotic algae (plants). This can damage their partnership with coral and result in bleaching. Metals, such as mercury and lead, and organic chemicals, such as polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), oxybenzone and dioxin, are suspected of affecting coral reproduction, growth rate, feeding, and defensive responses. • Trash and micro-plastics from improper disposal and stormwater runoff Trash such as plastic bags, bottles, and discarded fishing gear (also called marine debris) that makes its way into the sea can snag on corals and block the sunlight needed for photosynthesis, or entangle and kill reef organisms and break or damage corals. Degraded plastics and microplastics (e.g., beads in soap) can be consumed by coral, fish, sea turtles, and other reef animals, blocking their digestive tracts and potentially introducing toxics.
  • 70. • Overfishing can alter food-web structure and cause cascading effects, such as reducing the numbers of grazing fish that keep corals clean of algal overgrowth. Blast fishing (i.e., using explosives to kill fish) can cause physical damage to corals as well. • Coral harvesting for the aquarium trade, jewelry, and curios can lead to over-harvesting of specific species, destruction of reef habitat, and reduced biodiversity. • The aggregate effects of these stressors can decrease resilience of the reef overall and increase susceptibility to disease and invasive species. Invasive species can create an imbalance in the biological checks and balances of a reef ecosystem.
  • 71. Recommendations for action to conserve coral reefs Urgently combat global climate change Maximize coral reef resilience (by minimizing direct human pressure on reef) Scale up management of protected areas Include more reefs in protected areas Protect remote reefs Improve enforcement of MPA regulations Help improve the decision making with better ecological and socio-economic monitoring
  • 72. Major new initiatives in coral reef conservation • Coral triangle initiative • The micronesia challenge • Caribbean challenge • New large MPAs • World heritage and coral reefs • Polar bears and coral reefs
  • 73. The path forward • Multiple environmental stressors significantly impact coral reefs. There is a global disparity in reef resilience across the globe; therefore, their persistence depends on conservation and management strategies specific to impacts experienced within that ecosystem [8, 19]. • Therefore, local and regional managers should work together to mitigate the effects of climate change based on local conditions and responses [22, 121]. • example, large declines in reef populations across the Hawaiian Archipelago raised concerns of dangerous levels of overfishing and led to a local, watershed-based framework for resource management to protect key species [93]. • Since global factors require numerous countries' assistance, it will be difficult and timely to get a proper collaboration or agreement that is agreed upon by all parties. In contrast, local factors can be dealt with immediately and directly. For example, appropriate wastewater treatments can mitigate local eutrophication and increase temporary refugia areas to 28%, allowing coral reefs to be relieved of the local stressor while international agreements are found to abate global stressors [14]. • It is suggested that managers spend time identifying coral reef locations that, in the absence of other impacts, are most likely to have a heightened chance of surviving projected climate changes relative to other reefs and protect those reefs (Fig. 1) [39].
  • 74. • Multiple environmental variables are simultaneously interacting on coral reefs causing widespread degradation and understanding climate change impacts on reefs starts with managing local stressors that will, in return, help mitigate the global drivers of change. • The advancements outlined in this review have created a debate between scientists and resource managers about whether focusing efforts on mitigating local impacts will increase the resiliency of coral reef ecosystems to global climate change. This lack of clarity surrounding the recent disagreements on coral reef conservation practices has created many challenges in implementing actionable, science-based solutions that will benefit the communities that rely on them. For example, some researchers argue that global warming is the universal threat to coral reef integrity and function. • In contrast, others believe local activities and land-based sources of pollution are the most critical threats. • Lastly, some believe local and global threats act in combination. • To plan, mitigate, and restore the future of coral reefs, it is essential to acknowledge that 61% of reefs are simultaneously affected by local and global stressors. It cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ solution for reef protection. • Our review recommends actionable science-based advancements based on a local risk assessment that are unique to each region or reef system.
  • 75. • A similar risk assessment was conducted in the Maldives to assess resilience by depth and confirmed bleaching events were too frequent and delayed reef recovery. Therefore, reducing local pressure was suggested to be the only effective way to improve resilience to thermal stress. • Resilience can vary region–region, reef–reef, and species–species. • It is imperative to understand multiple responses to both natural and anthropogenic change when conducting assessing management responses. • Modeling thermal thresholds and environmental influence is an effective way to understand past and future responses to human impact across larger spatial gradients. In Japan, coral bleaching events were recorded from 2004 to 2016 and revealed multiple factors contributing to bleaching, including a selection of thermal indices and multiple environmental influences c. • The coral mortality and bleaching output (COMBO) model was reated as a tool to calculate the impact of increased greenhouse gas emissions and sea surface temperature on local and regional scales. • In the past decade, advancements are now developing more complex ways in which human impacts disrupt and degrade coral reef ecosystem function. • Quantifying the types of human impacts and their severity across our gradient would likely improve future interpretation of the spatial patterns on the benthic cover.
  • 76. • However, more information about the types of human impacts occurring across our large spatial gradient is required to predict “social–ecological macroecology” accurately • Simulation modeling in the Philippines concluded that increased local water quality management and less management designated to fishing would significantly impact future reef state. The stressors examined interacted antagonistically; therefore, highlighting the importance of combining multiple stressors in a simulation model for supporting management • In Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia, a multivariate statistical model was applied to examine community composition changes and concluded that water quality management across the park is critical to improving resiliency • Lastly, statistical models were used to investigate various coral taxa's responses to local stressors and climate variability in the Red Sea. This model concluded that fishing pressure and eutrophication's synergistic interactions exacerbated the impact of climate change • While policymakers rely on models to predict regional climatic changes, they are non-linear in nature and often contain a high level of uncertainty • Therefore, reliable multivariate models must have a well-monitored design and detailed calibration method • Modeling and incorporating multiple environmental variables that are both natural and human-induced environmental change allows for management and policy to be focused and science-based, improving resiliency of reef communities to future climatic events
  • 77. • Before the third global coral bleaching event (2014– 2017), many “low risk reefs” were situated in Australian waters. • One year following the 2016 bleaching event, these reefs experienced large reductions (51%) in live coral cover, but recovery varied by region due to functional changes in the coral and fish community compositions. • The reefs in the northern half of the GBR were severely impacted (40%). • Community-wide trophic restructuring, specifically fish that scrape algae from reef surfaces, reduces competition between stressed corals and algae overgrowth and is critical for reef-scale recovery from bleaching
  • 78. • The new report finds that approximately 75% of world’s coral reefs are currently threatened by local and global pressures. • Local pressures pose the most immediate threat - especially from overfishing and destructive fishing, which is particularly widespread in Southeast Asia. • Global threats from climate change and alterations in ocean chemistry (i.e. ocean acidification) are compounding the pressures on reefs. Climate change is causing ocean temperatures to rise, which, in turn, is leading to wide-spread coral bleaching.
  • 79. • According to the newly released Reefs at Risk Revisited report, coral reefs: • Support more than 275 million people worldwide. • Protect coastlines in more than 100 countries - helping defend against storms and erosion. • Accounts for 15% of gross domestic product in more than 20 countries. • Hold the potential to fight disease - including treatments for cancer, HIV, malaria, and other diseases.
  • 80. Coelernterates under Indian wildlife (protection) act, 1972: notification no& Dt: 1-4/95 WL 1dt: 11/07/2001: Schedule-I. part4(A) • Reef building corals (all Sleractinians) • Black corals (all Antipatharians) • Organ pipe coral (Tubipora musica) • Fire coral (all Millipora species) • Sea Fan (all Gorgonians)
  • 81. C ONCLUS IO N Conclusion: At the World Conservation Union’s (IUCN) meeting inAustralia (2005)it was claimed that up to 20% of the world’s reefs had been destroyed and that a further 50% could be lost by 2050. The IUCN called for more marine parks, which could help protect coral by decreasing overfishing, mining and other destructive processes. Given the diversity within coral reefs, their protection is as important as that of the tropical rain forests.
  • 82. Thank you all for your time& Open for discussion Save reefs and save associated Aquatic biodiversity and the actual value and potential value of various services of the Coral reef dependent organisms not yet assessed. Thank you all. B