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Global Social Media Marketing Strategy
How to Develop a Social Media Promotion
Plan to Promote Sales?
Social media marketing can help you cultivate positive audiences where
they spend their time. It can also create multiple traffic streams, consistently
bring in customers, and expose your business to the 3.78 billion online
users who make up nearly 48% of the world's population.
Perhaps, this can be a time-consuming task that will exhaust you, with the
result that your target customers don't know or care about your presence,
wasting time and money instead of becoming an asset to many well-known
brands as you see.
The difference is that developing a social media marketing strategy can
make your business goal-oriented, while there's also a process that allows
you to execute without distracting yourself too much from running your
But starting from scratch can be a daunting task, especially with so many
different channels to build a brand image and the promises that come with it.
That's why we've put together this guide to show you how to develop your
own social media promotion strategy, as well as tools and tips to help you
achieve it.
What is a social media marketing strategy?
A social marketing strategy gives you a holistic view of your social media
marketing goals and how best to achieve them. Brands continue to ride the
wave of social media marketing, with 73% of marketers rating their efforts as
"slightly effective" or "very effective" for their business.
Whether it's TikTok advertising or influencer marketing, social media gives
brands access to cost-effective marketing. Includes:
 Drive traffic and sales
 Take advantage of influencer networks
 Build brand awareness
 Gather a positive audience
 Connect with existing and potential customers
 Provide customer support
This is because you have many channels to integrate, each with its own
strengths and weaknesses to consider.
For simplicity and ease of use, we'll break down your social media strategy
into seven parts:
1. Goals: The results you want to achieve through your efforts, and how you will
measure them.
2. Target audience: Research and define your customers.
3. Metrics: Create data-driven marketing strategies.
4. Content portfolio: The types of ideas or posts to repeat in your social media
5. Channels: The social networks you want to invest your time in, and what
you'll be doing with them.
6. Infrastructure: Set up processes and tools to effectively enforce your
7. Improve: Adapt and innovate as you progress during the year.
This isn't a recipe for digital marketing success, just a framework to help you
lay the groundwork. By the end of the day, you'll have a better understanding
of how all of these pillars connect and inform each other, helping you make
more informed decisions and modify your social media strategy over time.
How to develop a social media marketing
In 2020, more than 1.3 million new users joined social media every day. Each
of them spent an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes on social networking and
A good strategy will help your brand find the right customers in this growing
field. Whether you're new to social media or revisiting your 2022 strategy,
follow these steps to develop your strategy.
 Set goals that are relevant to your business
 Identify your target audience
 Your metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicator)
 Create a content portfolio
Set goals that are relevant to your business.
Everything you post or do should be linked to one of your goals as a business
owner. First, write down your goals and think about how you will measure the
success of your efforts.
Social media marketing requires a lot of testing and experimentation. If you
don't know what signal to look out for, you can't improve any aspect of it. You
can even use these signals to define goals for your social media goals to help
you stay motivated and on track.
In addition to branding, you need all the social features.
People need to find you. They need to be able to find
you on social media and on your website and make sure
everything is clear and consistent.
Beast founder John Cascarano
Here are some social media marketing goals you should consider:
Increase brand awareness. Reach more people and increase the likelihood
that your brand will be seen by the right people. You can measure this by
impressions/reach, likes, shares, mentions, or any other signal that someone
has seen your post.
Create demand for products. Get people interested in your product through
relevant inspiration or education, which you can tell by the number of clicks on
your website, the products added to the cart, or reviews/messages from
interested customers.
Get leads and customers. Refers to paying customers, or at least people
you can make sales through their email.
A network of partnerships. Influencer marketing or co-marketing
campaigns with influencers or like-minded brands.
Cultivate a loyal fan base. Cultivate a loyal audience that is willing to receive
your messages; Don't inflate your fan count with fake or purchased followers.
You need to build a real community of people who are interested in your
product and willing to promote your content or product to others. You can
measure this by adding or losing followers over a specific period of time, or by
your engagement (total engagement divided by the number of followers).
Build social identity. Get positive reviews or content generated by
customers/influencers that are positive for your product and may be used for
other marketing efforts.
Provide customer service. The presence of social media will expose you to
questions, complaints, and inquiries from your customers. Therefore, one of
your goals is to support customers or direct them to another priority private
channel. One way to measure this is through your response time to Direct
Messages. (This will appear on your Facebook page in the form of a badge,
for example.) )
Become a thought leader in your target market. Social media gives you a
voice that you can use not only to engage in conversations, but also to steer
them in the direction you think you should go in and build credibility around
your product or service.
Everything you do should align with one or more of these goals, and the ideas
and new strategies you plan to test should be evaluated based on their
potential to achieve those goals.
As we move on to the next step, identifying who you want to reach, keep
these broad goals in mind.
Identify your target audience:
Social media marketing starts with knowing your ideal customer. Building a
rich background for your target audience takes time, but there are steps you
can take today to deliver long-term value.
Take the time to research your target audience and look for demographic and
psychological statistics or observable patterns that will help you form a
psychological image of someone who is likely to buy from you. This exercise
will not only inform your initial strategy, but also help you build a voice and
tone for your brand that resonates with your target audience.
If your business is rightfully focused on a specific niche (like cat owners), your
job will be easier than trying to reach a more regular audience (like telecom
and aviation brands). Look at places where your audience frequent, such
as forums or blogs, to see what they're interested in.
Facebook is one of the largest social networks with a database of 2.89 billion
monthly active users and is also a great channel for conducting audience
surveys. Check out your competitors' pages and click on some of their active
followers' profiles to better understand who they are.
After doing your deep research, you can put it all together to create an ideal
customer or buyer persona who is likely to buy your product.
You don't need to fill in every characteristic, but describe the image of the
person you can portray as it relates to your business.
Identify key metrics and KPIs:
You'd think social media analytics has millions of numbers to look at. Almost
everything has a number.
Each social media platform has different analytics tools. Your decision on
what metrics to track will depend on your goals described above.
However, in order to grow your social media accounts, you need to keep an
eye on some numbers.
Social media engagement involves tracking a range of different metrics. It is
used to understand if your audience is actively engaging with your content
and how well your campaigns are performing. High engagement indicates
audience health (i.e. how quickly they react) and whether your content is
You'll look at different engagement metrics, such as:
 Like, comment and retweet. Engagement rates such as sharing or
retweeting are different on each platform. But likes and comments are
 Post engagement. This number is divided by the number of post
engagements divided by each impression.
 Number of clicks. This metric is closely related to your click-through rate,
and it shows you the number of times someone clicked on your content.
Awareness metrics can give you an idea of how well your brand is on the
platform. If you have a goal to increase brand awareness, here are a few
things to look at:
 Account mentions. The number of times your brand has been mentioned on
social media. These can be positive or negative, giving you the opportunity to
respond to people and shape your brand perception.
 Impressions. The total number of times a post appears in viewers' timelines.
 Coverage. The total number of unique users who saw your content.
 Emotion. Share of your brand's voice. It shows how many people are talking
about your brand compared to your competitors.
Return on Investment (ROI)
One of the most important metrics of any social media campaign is your ROI.
If you use an in-app store like the Facebook store, you can track sales. You
can see how many people are buying something on your website through
social channels under "Sales by social sources" in Shopify Analytics.
Create a content portfolio:
Managing social media marketing channels is a bit like running your own TV
network. You can make a content series with new "episodes of the week".
You can federate your content to other channels. You can replay fan's favorite
shows on Thursdays or schedule #ThrowBackThursdays to fill empty time
slots and commercials for selling products.
By defining content composition, repeating formatting, and post types, you
can more easily conceive and produce social content, while adding a cadence
to your release plan that provides diversity and consistency to your audience.
Otherwise, you'll be nervously scraping together what to publish every day.
Most noteworthy social media accounts make implicit promises to their
audiences that they continue to fulfill. For business owners, it usually starts
with a question:
Beyond your product, how can you consistently deliver value to your target
It's not just about what you post, it's also about how you allocate resources
(time, money, ideas) to maintain your social media presence. Some ideas
require greater investment because they help achieve multiple goals at the
same time.
In your portfolio, you need to have ideas that you can plan, replicate, and
schedule regular releases in advance. For example, you might post a
customer testimonial every Tuesday and share a quote every Wednesday and
These relatively easy-to-turn assets can keep your social media
calendar complete, while you build more complex resources like promotional
videos or blog posts.
The content portfolio you develop can include:
1. Message. Information about what's happening in your industry or posts based
on current trends.
2. Inspiration. Motivation to use your product or pursue a certain lifestyle, such
as citing pictures or photos from around the world.
3. Educate. Share interesting statistics, facts, or how-to guides through your
blog or YouTube channel.
4. Product/promotional posts. High-quality product images, demo videos,
testimonials, or feature descriptions of the products in use can help you
achieve your ultimate goal of getting an order. You can run this content as an
ad after you've created it.
5. Contests and giveaways. Trading a contest or free download for an email
address is a great way to promote content other than the product that is
valuable to you and your audience.
6. Customer/influencer display. Show photos or videos of your customers or
people they follow.
7. Community activities. Share gatherings, fundraisers, or learning
opportunities, especially if you're a local business.
8. Q&A. Ask your audience a question or request to get a response, such as
"tag a friend who is always late" or answer a customer question you frequently
9. Tips and tricks. Share useful information and tutorials about the product.
10. Behind the scenes. Share how your product is made or what you're
doing to grow your business to provide some transparency that your audience
can understand. Letting your audience know the people behind your business
goes a long way toward building trust or building your personal brand as a
11. And many more. Get creative and try to come up with a combination of
content that sets you apart from your competitors.
To get started, you'll want to identify five or seven content prototypes,
balancing your content mix with post formats that can be created quickly that
can take some time to produce, such as product demo videos, as well as
articles for sales and articles aimed at pleasing and expanding your audience.
Based on my hypothetical business of selling t-shirts to Torontons, I might
start with the following template below, linking each template to a different
1. Share links to popular products from my store. (Sales)
2. Create and post original memes about life in Toronto. (Visibility and Reach)
3. Share posts from BlogTO or other Toronto-based publications. (Participation)
4. Share a high-quality photo of a popular gathering place or local event in
Toronto. (Audience development and engagement)
5. Solicit audience feedback on potential t-shirt design ideas. (Participation)
6. Share a photo of a model wearing my shirt and tag them. (Create demand and
attract influencers)
Try to change your plan within a week. When new social media followers
enter your account, their perception of your brand will be your last three to six
posts. If these posts are explicitly promoting your product or service, they will
lose interest.
Note: Keep in mind that any content you create is likely to be promoted
to your audience again and again over time, or through other channels.
Don't be shy about the final "replay," especially if a post has proven to
drive traffic, engagement, or sales.
To inspire you to design your own content portfolio, here are some ideas you
can learn from brands that excel on social media.
User-generated content
Fashion Nova relies on fashion education on its blog and YouTube channel to
market its clothing, which undoubtedly takes time to make.
But in its website and marketing communications, it allows shoppers to
browse collocations through their Instagram accounts. The photos will then
be shared via the shoppable Instagram app to Fashion Nova's own Instagram
account or store.
If your product needs to be shared on social media, you can take advantage
of this and get social content that can be used for your own social media
Product life scene diagram
While it's great to have multiple content formats to add variety to your social
media marketing mix, even a proven content format, consistently published,
can do wonders for audience growth.
Letterfolk's Instagram is a great example of how to develop a theme through
the content you post, which can reduce the workload of social media posting
in the long run without sacrificing engagement. Almost all posts have the
same premise: photos of their best-selling products being applied in people's
The brand can succeed with this strategy because each post helps it achieve
several goals at once, namely:
 Use resonant quotes to create high program engagement.
 Cultivate followers through an account with clear and consistent premises.
 Drive sales by showcasing products.
Think about how you can develop your own content format to achieve several
goals at once with one post.
The introduction of smartphone cameras has made recording easy. A survey
by Biteable revealed that 60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool,
and 94% of marketers plan to continue using video for years to come.
YouTube is the most popular video social channel, used by 88% of
marketers, followed by Facebook, with 76% of marketers.
Shooting videos is easy and convenient. You don't need an entire production
studio to produce engaging videos. Video demos, product updates, how-to
guides, and general entertainment videos are all great things to get followers
and direct them to your website.
While it's clear that YouTube is the king of video content, there are other video
channels that can be leveraged:
 TikTok
 Instagram Reels
 Instagram Stories
 Snapchat
 Facebook Stories
Good video content usually falls into two categories: useful or entertaining.
For example, fashion designer Justine Leconte has a channel on YouTube
that focuses on ethical fashion, lifestyle, and trends. She teaches women how
to create wardrobes, match colors, and more according to their body shape.
Each of Justine's video content gets millions of views, attracting the right
audience for her brand.
live broadcast
In the past few years, live streaming has gone from little known to unusually
popular. According to the latest data from StreamElements, the live streaming
industry grew by 99% from 2019 to 2020 alone. Conviva's latest State of
Streaming report shows that live content also spends 27% more time per
watch than on-demand video.
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn all have live video. Social media
live streaming is authentic and engaging. The best part is that you don't need
any fancy video equipment to start streaming, just your smartphone.
Some interesting live streaming suggestions:
 Organize Q&A sessions where fans can ask questions about your brand and
get answers.
 Tutorials for making the tools used.
 Share your thoughts on related industry topics.
 Show the behind-the-scenes stories of how you've built your products and
 Grab a flash sale.
 Host giveaway contests or fundraisers.
Try one or two of the above suggestions for your brand. Test what resonates
best with your audience and expand more ideas over time.

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Global Social Media Marketing Strategy Explained For Business.pdf

  • 1. Global Social Media Marketing Strategy Explained: How to Develop a Social Media Promotion Plan to Promote Sales? Social media marketing can help you cultivate positive audiences where they spend their time. It can also create multiple traffic streams, consistently bring in customers, and expose your business to the 3.78 billion online users who make up nearly 48% of the world's population. Perhaps, this can be a time-consuming task that will exhaust you, with the result that your target customers don't know or care about your presence, wasting time and money instead of becoming an asset to many well-known brands as you see. The difference is that developing a social media marketing strategy can make your business goal-oriented, while there's also a process that allows
  • 2. you to execute without distracting yourself too much from running your business. But starting from scratch can be a daunting task, especially with so many different channels to build a brand image and the promises that come with it. That's why we've put together this guide to show you how to develop your own social media promotion strategy, as well as tools and tips to help you achieve it. What is a social media marketing strategy? A social marketing strategy gives you a holistic view of your social media marketing goals and how best to achieve them. Brands continue to ride the wave of social media marketing, with 73% of marketers rating their efforts as "slightly effective" or "very effective" for their business. Whether it's TikTok advertising or influencer marketing, social media gives brands access to cost-effective marketing. Includes:  Drive traffic and sales  Take advantage of influencer networks  Build brand awareness  Gather a positive audience  Connect with existing and potential customers  Provide customer support This is because you have many channels to integrate, each with its own strengths and weaknesses to consider. For simplicity and ease of use, we'll break down your social media strategy into seven parts: 1. Goals: The results you want to achieve through your efforts, and how you will measure them. 2. Target audience: Research and define your customers. 3. Metrics: Create data-driven marketing strategies. 4. Content portfolio: The types of ideas or posts to repeat in your social media planning.
  • 3. 5. Channels: The social networks you want to invest your time in, and what you'll be doing with them. 6. Infrastructure: Set up processes and tools to effectively enforce your policies. 7. Improve: Adapt and innovate as you progress during the year. This isn't a recipe for digital marketing success, just a framework to help you lay the groundwork. By the end of the day, you'll have a better understanding of how all of these pillars connect and inform each other, helping you make more informed decisions and modify your social media strategy over time. How to develop a social media marketing strategy..? In 2020, more than 1.3 million new users joined social media every day. Each of them spent an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes on social networking and messaging. A good strategy will help your brand find the right customers in this growing field. Whether you're new to social media or revisiting your 2022 strategy, follow these steps to develop your strategy.  Set goals that are relevant to your business  Identify your target audience  Your metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicator)  Create a content portfolio Set goals that are relevant to your business. Everything you post or do should be linked to one of your goals as a business owner. First, write down your goals and think about how you will measure the success of your efforts. Social media marketing requires a lot of testing and experimentation. If you don't know what signal to look out for, you can't improve any aspect of it. You can even use these signals to define goals for your social media goals to help you stay motivated and on track. In addition to branding, you need all the social features. People need to find you. They need to be able to find
  • 4. you on social media and on your website and make sure everything is clear and consistent. Beast founder John Cascarano Here are some social media marketing goals you should consider: Increase brand awareness. Reach more people and increase the likelihood that your brand will be seen by the right people. You can measure this by impressions/reach, likes, shares, mentions, or any other signal that someone has seen your post. Create demand for products. Get people interested in your product through relevant inspiration or education, which you can tell by the number of clicks on your website, the products added to the cart, or reviews/messages from interested customers. Get leads and customers. Refers to paying customers, or at least people you can make sales through their email. A network of partnerships. Influencer marketing or co-marketing campaigns with influencers or like-minded brands. Cultivate a loyal fan base. Cultivate a loyal audience that is willing to receive your messages; Don't inflate your fan count with fake or purchased followers. You need to build a real community of people who are interested in your product and willing to promote your content or product to others. You can measure this by adding or losing followers over a specific period of time, or by your engagement (total engagement divided by the number of followers). Build social identity. Get positive reviews or content generated by customers/influencers that are positive for your product and may be used for other marketing efforts. Provide customer service. The presence of social media will expose you to questions, complaints, and inquiries from your customers. Therefore, one of your goals is to support customers or direct them to another priority private channel. One way to measure this is through your response time to Direct Messages. (This will appear on your Facebook page in the form of a badge, for example.) ) Become a thought leader in your target market. Social media gives you a voice that you can use not only to engage in conversations, but also to steer
  • 5. them in the direction you think you should go in and build credibility around your product or service. Everything you do should align with one or more of these goals, and the ideas and new strategies you plan to test should be evaluated based on their potential to achieve those goals. As we move on to the next step, identifying who you want to reach, keep these broad goals in mind. Identify your target audience: Social media marketing starts with knowing your ideal customer. Building a rich background for your target audience takes time, but there are steps you can take today to deliver long-term value. Take the time to research your target audience and look for demographic and psychological statistics or observable patterns that will help you form a psychological image of someone who is likely to buy from you. This exercise will not only inform your initial strategy, but also help you build a voice and tone for your brand that resonates with your target audience. If your business is rightfully focused on a specific niche (like cat owners), your job will be easier than trying to reach a more regular audience (like telecom and aviation brands). Look at places where your audience frequent, such as forums or blogs, to see what they're interested in. Facebook is one of the largest social networks with a database of 2.89 billion monthly active users and is also a great channel for conducting audience surveys. Check out your competitors' pages and click on some of their active followers' profiles to better understand who they are. After doing your deep research, you can put it all together to create an ideal customer or buyer persona who is likely to buy your product. You don't need to fill in every characteristic, but describe the image of the person you can portray as it relates to your business. Identify key metrics and KPIs: You'd think social media analytics has millions of numbers to look at. Almost everything has a number.
  • 6. Each social media platform has different analytics tools. Your decision on what metrics to track will depend on your goals described above. However, in order to grow your social media accounts, you need to keep an eye on some numbers. Engagement Social media engagement involves tracking a range of different metrics. It is used to understand if your audience is actively engaging with your content and how well your campaigns are performing. High engagement indicates audience health (i.e. how quickly they react) and whether your content is interesting. You'll look at different engagement metrics, such as:  Like, comment and retweet. Engagement rates such as sharing or retweeting are different on each platform. But likes and comments are universal.  Post engagement. This number is divided by the number of post engagements divided by each impression.  Number of clicks. This metric is closely related to your click-through rate, and it shows you the number of times someone clicked on your content. Visibility Awareness metrics can give you an idea of how well your brand is on the platform. If you have a goal to increase brand awareness, here are a few things to look at:  Account mentions. The number of times your brand has been mentioned on social media. These can be positive or negative, giving you the opportunity to respond to people and shape your brand perception.  Impressions. The total number of times a post appears in viewers' timelines.  Coverage. The total number of unique users who saw your content.  Emotion. Share of your brand's voice. It shows how many people are talking about your brand compared to your competitors.
  • 7. Return on Investment (ROI) One of the most important metrics of any social media campaign is your ROI. If you use an in-app store like the Facebook store, you can track sales. You can see how many people are buying something on your website through social channels under "Sales by social sources" in Shopify Analytics. Create a content portfolio: Managing social media marketing channels is a bit like running your own TV network. You can make a content series with new "episodes of the week". You can federate your content to other channels. You can replay fan's favorite shows on Thursdays or schedule #ThrowBackThursdays to fill empty time slots and commercials for selling products. By defining content composition, repeating formatting, and post types, you can more easily conceive and produce social content, while adding a cadence to your release plan that provides diversity and consistency to your audience. Otherwise, you'll be nervously scraping together what to publish every day. Most noteworthy social media accounts make implicit promises to their audiences that they continue to fulfill. For business owners, it usually starts with a question: Beyond your product, how can you consistently deliver value to your target audience? It's not just about what you post, it's also about how you allocate resources (time, money, ideas) to maintain your social media presence. Some ideas require greater investment because they help achieve multiple goals at the same time. In your portfolio, you need to have ideas that you can plan, replicate, and schedule regular releases in advance. For example, you might post a customer testimonial every Tuesday and share a quote every Wednesday and Friday. These relatively easy-to-turn assets can keep your social media calendar complete, while you build more complex resources like promotional videos or blog posts. The content portfolio you develop can include:
  • 8. 1. Message. Information about what's happening in your industry or posts based on current trends. 2. Inspiration. Motivation to use your product or pursue a certain lifestyle, such as citing pictures or photos from around the world. 3. Educate. Share interesting statistics, facts, or how-to guides through your blog or YouTube channel. 4. Product/promotional posts. High-quality product images, demo videos, testimonials, or feature descriptions of the products in use can help you achieve your ultimate goal of getting an order. You can run this content as an ad after you've created it. 5. Contests and giveaways. Trading a contest or free download for an email address is a great way to promote content other than the product that is valuable to you and your audience. 6. Customer/influencer display. Show photos or videos of your customers or people they follow. 7. Community activities. Share gatherings, fundraisers, or learning opportunities, especially if you're a local business. 8. Q&A. Ask your audience a question or request to get a response, such as "tag a friend who is always late" or answer a customer question you frequently receive. 9. Tips and tricks. Share useful information and tutorials about the product. 10. Behind the scenes. Share how your product is made or what you're doing to grow your business to provide some transparency that your audience can understand. Letting your audience know the people behind your business goes a long way toward building trust or building your personal brand as a founder. 11. And many more. Get creative and try to come up with a combination of content that sets you apart from your competitors. To get started, you'll want to identify five or seven content prototypes, balancing your content mix with post formats that can be created quickly that can take some time to produce, such as product demo videos, as well as articles for sales and articles aimed at pleasing and expanding your audience. Based on my hypothetical business of selling t-shirts to Torontons, I might start with the following template below, linking each template to a different goal: 1. Share links to popular products from my store. (Sales) 2. Create and post original memes about life in Toronto. (Visibility and Reach) 3. Share posts from BlogTO or other Toronto-based publications. (Participation)
  • 9. 4. Share a high-quality photo of a popular gathering place or local event in Toronto. (Audience development and engagement) 5. Solicit audience feedback on potential t-shirt design ideas. (Participation) 6. Share a photo of a model wearing my shirt and tag them. (Create demand and attract influencers) Try to change your plan within a week. When new social media followers enter your account, their perception of your brand will be your last three to six posts. If these posts are explicitly promoting your product or service, they will lose interest. Note: Keep in mind that any content you create is likely to be promoted to your audience again and again over time, or through other channels. Don't be shy about the final "replay," especially if a post has proven to drive traffic, engagement, or sales. To inspire you to design your own content portfolio, here are some ideas you can learn from brands that excel on social media.
  • 10. User-generated content Fashion Nova relies on fashion education on its blog and YouTube channel to market its clothing, which undoubtedly takes time to make. But in its website and marketing communications, it allows shoppers to browse collocations through their Instagram accounts. The photos will then be shared via the shoppable Instagram app to Fashion Nova's own Instagram account or store. If your product needs to be shared on social media, you can take advantage of this and get social content that can be used for your own social media posts.
  • 11. Product life scene diagram While it's great to have multiple content formats to add variety to your social media marketing mix, even a proven content format, consistently published, can do wonders for audience growth. Letterfolk's Instagram is a great example of how to develop a theme through the content you post, which can reduce the workload of social media posting in the long run without sacrificing engagement. Almost all posts have the same premise: photos of their best-selling products being applied in people's lives. The brand can succeed with this strategy because each post helps it achieve several goals at once, namely:  Use resonant quotes to create high program engagement.  Cultivate followers through an account with clear and consistent premises.  Drive sales by showcasing products.
  • 12. Think about how you can develop your own content format to achieve several goals at once with one post. Video The introduction of smartphone cameras has made recording easy. A survey by Biteable revealed that 60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 94% of marketers plan to continue using video for years to come. YouTube is the most popular video social channel, used by 88% of marketers, followed by Facebook, with 76% of marketers. Shooting videos is easy and convenient. You don't need an entire production studio to produce engaging videos. Video demos, product updates, how-to guides, and general entertainment videos are all great things to get followers and direct them to your website. While it's clear that YouTube is the king of video content, there are other video channels that can be leveraged:  TikTok  Instagram Reels  Instagram Stories  IGTV  Snapchat  Facebook Stories Good video content usually falls into two categories: useful or entertaining. For example, fashion designer Justine Leconte has a channel on YouTube that focuses on ethical fashion, lifestyle, and trends. She teaches women how to create wardrobes, match colors, and more according to their body shape. Each of Justine's video content gets millions of views, attracting the right audience for her brand. live broadcast In the past few years, live streaming has gone from little known to unusually popular. According to the latest data from StreamElements, the live streaming industry grew by 99% from 2019 to 2020 alone. Conviva's latest State of
  • 13. Streaming report shows that live content also spends 27% more time per watch than on-demand video. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn all have live video. Social media live streaming is authentic and engaging. The best part is that you don't need any fancy video equipment to start streaming, just your smartphone. Some interesting live streaming suggestions:  Organize Q&A sessions where fans can ask questions about your brand and get answers.  Tutorials for making the tools used.  Share your thoughts on related industry topics.  Show the behind-the-scenes stories of how you've built your products and services.  Grab a flash sale.  Host giveaway contests or fundraisers. Try one or two of the above suggestions for your brand. Test what resonates best with your audience and expand more ideas over time.