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Adam Lepard
I think that the cinematography for this film could prove challenging as it mainly consist of
bright colourful lighting in a dark setting which will require a lot of lighting equipment and
planning to make sure that everyone is visible. I think that something that makes the
cinematography more difficult to make is that the scene will look like its all in one shot so
there will be the issue of having all the lighting being in the right place to light up the rooms
and characters as much as possible. The lighting will consist of red, green and blue as these
are bold primary colours and they work as a reference to the Dario Argento films that inspired
my film. I think that cinematography will be quite important in my film as it’ll be what engages
my audience in the atmosphere of the scene through various visual aspects. I think that the
main thing that I want to express through the visuals of the film is a dark sense of paranoia
lingering in the setting and more importantly it should feel unnatural as if to imply that there's
something false about the party and that something more sinister is happening beneath the
An inspiration to the visual style of my video will be 1977 Suspiria
which was a big inspiration for my FMP last year so I already have
some experienced replicating the colourful lighting however I want to
perfect the lighting in this project by creating a whole scene that takes
place in these visuals.
I think that the main thing that I need to do
when working on the visual style of the film I
need to make sure that I have every character
in the scene look distinct so that none of the
audience members get confused by who there
watching as the coloured lights can make it
difficult to distinguish who your looking at. I
think that I can solve this problem by choosing
actors that look very different in appearance.
No Body trailer 2019
Due to the lockdown caused by the Corona virus I won’t be able to use
any actors other than my family members in scenes which is why I’m
taking a new approach to the cinematography in my scene. I will have
to remove the idea of making the scene a one take tracking shot as this
would only work with the spectical of lots of things going on which I
can’t do. Instead I’m going to take a more normal aproach using
various camera angles camera angles and editing techniques. I’m
looking to improve my works technical quality due to the impact that the
lack of actors will have on my existing plans. Because I don’t have
coloured lighting gels availible to me I will likely have to edit in colour
effects/filters to show what the scene should have looked like under
normal conditions. Hopefully the changes that I have to make to the
cinematography will bring a similar result and appeal even if I’m unable
to do what I originally intended.
Because I want the scene to all be in one shot the editing of the film
shouldn’t be shouldn’t be much of an issue however this isn’t the case as
my scene will only look like it all one take when actually I’ll be hiding cuts
in the camera movement and lighting changes when necessary so that I
can change actors into different outfits and settings. Doing this is important
as it means that I won’t need as many actors in my film so I don’t need to
worry if a couple of actors can’t make it to the shoot and it also means that
I can move around lighting and sound equipment meaning I can use these
hidden cuts to conserve equipment, actors and time. This makes filming
more simple as I can rely on these cuts to make sure that the shots still
look like they’re all one shot when actually I can get the best possible
visuals without needing to worry about running out of actors or equipment.
Another important aspect of the editing process is
using colour grading to make sure that the visuals
are adjusted to look exactly how they should do as
you can make colours more vivid, brighter or
darker which is especially useful when working in
a dark setting like I’ll be doing. I think that I already
have a good Idea of how to edit the visuals of my
scene as I have tested out my colour grading in
the lighting test video that I made in my production
experiments. There will be a match cut at the end
of the one take which I will need to prepare well for
as I’ve learnt in my production experiments where
I attempted to make a match cut but it failed as
there was a continuity error but I’ve learnt from my
mistake and I will make a better plan for the shot
so that the cut works well.
In my trailer I need to have a completely different editing flow than what I
have in my scene. After watching a lot of horror film trailers there are a
few editing techniques that become obvious which are used to either
intrigue or scare the audience. First of all I need to make sure that I can
make my trailer interesting without having any spoilers, this means
including any big reveals or character deaths in the trailer as this often
annoys the viewer as it makes them feel like they are seeing to much of
the film to make it worth watching as it ruins the surprise of seeing
something for the first time. I think that by including shots in my trailer that
allude to the fact that something bad is going to happen like I did in the
trailer I made last year then I can avoid trailer and create intrigue. Quick
cuts are used to ramp up tension and this is done towards the end of the
trailer where as the start of the trailer should be slow and good at giving an
idea of what the film will be about. Horror film trailers often make the music
go silent in moments of tension which I could also use as it does a good
job of creating fear and expectation of scares. Editing the trailer shouldn’t
At the moment to make sure that I stay on track and use my time as efficiently
as possible I am sticking to the plan I made in my propsal, this was a list of
the weeks we have in the project and a brief explination of what I would do in
that week. So far I’ve found that plan I made to be extremely useful for
effectively letting me complete my work in an organised manner. For my
production I’m planning to film the scene in the first week of production as that
is when I’ll be able to gather a lot of actors and in my third week I’ll film the
trailer as I will only need a couple of actors as well as the footage from the
scene to make the trailer, for the rest of production I’ll either be editing,
making music or taking feedback from my peers. At the moment the biggest
worry I have about time is that the corona virus will spread to a point that the
UK is put under lockdown as this will mean that I will have to use the backup
plan that I devised in my problem solving powerpoint. At the moment I think
that a lockdown is highly likely so I’m glad that I have a back up plan incase
this happens.
Things have gotten pretty bad since the last time I was working on this
powerpoint. I became ill with something that had similar symptoms to the corona
virus and have had to be put on lockdown with the rest of my family, a few days
after we were put on lockdown the rest of the country was also placed into
lockdown and for the past two weeks due to my illness I’ve been unable to work.
I likely got this illness from the aplicant day I went to on the weekend before I
started showing symptoms. Anyway I’m better now and I can work again
however it’s obvious that this will have a major impact on the quality of my work
as I can no longer film with anyone other than my family and I am missing some
of the equipment that I would’ve needed. I have essentially been set back two
weeks compared to eveyone else so I need to keep working on this project
everyday so that I can catch up as well as making sure that all of my work is a
high quality.
I want to start of the scene with the character sat at the table drinking with his friend. I can put in music and
sound effect of voices to make it seem more lively and give the setting the vibe of a house party. I will be
shooting the film at night for the sake of atmosphere and so that the lighting casts shadows more clearly.
The stairway in my house will be shown in my film as the main character walks up to investigate
what a noise he hears happening. I think I ‘ll use a shot of the character from a high angle at the top
of the stairs so that he looks powerless at the bottom, this is to give a foreboading atmosphere.
I will be shooting the final shots of my scene in my
dad’s bedroom which is where the main character
will be killed of. I chose this room as it’s very
spacious and allows for so great camera angle
such as the camrea sweeping across the room.
The hallway outside the bedroom is where the
main character meets the stranger who locks him
in the room. The stairway is small and cramped
which will hopefully create a sense of
cluastrophobia and tension.
 Camera x2 – Canon 550D
 SD cards x3
 Shoulder mount – using Olivers
 Gimbal – borrowed from college
 Batteries x2
 LED lights x2 – borrowed from college
 Red,green and blue lighting gels – using Olivers
 Microphone – borrowed from college
 Sound recorder – browwed from college
List of the equipment I will need for the filming of my scene
I will need to borrow this equipment the day before I film as I
have only a few days to use the kit, I will book all the equipment
weeks in advance as well so that I will definitely have everything
that I need to film with when the day comes to film.
Due to the illness I gained before lockdown I wasn’t able to collect the kit I
would need in order to film my project the way I wanted, fortunatly I do
have a camera at home so that I can still film something. Obviously what I
film won’t be as high quality as I wanted however I can at least make
something resembling the finished product that I would’ve created.
Equipment I have:
 Camera – Canon 550D
 Lighting
 A computer that can use editing software
 SD cards x2
This Is obviously just the basics that are needed to create a film so this will
likely feel like some kind of challege to create my desired product with
minimal equipment.
I’m going to be making my own masks for the cult
characters in the scene I’m filming as I think that it’ll
allow me to make the masks as scary as I like so I
wanted to take a look at masks from different
cultures to get design ideas. African tribal and
theatrical masks have elongated and exaggerated
features such as wide smiles and large eyes which
make the masks look like distorted and deranged
Looking at traditional Japanese mask you
can see that a lot of it is inspired by
folklore and demons. Japanese noh
masks are theater masks made to create
different facial expressions from different
angles. I think that the masks look creepy
as they seem uncanny which make them
look disturbing.
I had a look a Mexican and Aztec
traditional masks which are use for
carnivals and theatrics. What stood out to
me is that the masks are colourful as well
as scary which something that I could
incorporate into the masks I make as
they’ll fit the colourful nightmare that I’m
When I was designing this mask I wanted to base it off the
the mexican/aztec mask designs that were colourful yet
creepy in a way. I wanted to make the mask in this design
look like a skull with elongated and distorted features to
make it look more distuirbing. I gave it big red and green
eyes and a wide sinsiter smile and a mane of multi coloured
strips of paper. I would likely make the mask out of paper
mache as although messy it would be the most the most
simple way to create a good looking mask. The colour
scheme of the mask will match that of the film and even
though it won’t be shown in full colour in my scene due to the
lighting I would still like to colour the mask so that it has the
extra detail. I thought that this design looked fairly good
however I wanted to try out another design as well to see if I
could make a more unique design.
My attempt with this mask design was to
create a mask design that would look unique
and other-worldly in appearance. I thought of
the design and realised it could be made by
getting pieces of malleable metal wire and
twisting them together to make a mask out of
these wires that has large and small gaps
where you can see parts of the wearers face.
The wire would be covered in paper mache
and coloured for aesthetics. I inspired the
design off of trypophobia which is the fear of
clusters of holes. I think the design works for
my horror aesthetic as although it isn’t cult like
in the traditional sense, it looks unique and the
surreal design gives it a kind of cult-ish vibe.
Due to the corona virus pandemic I’m basically
unable to get the matireals that I need to create the
mask design that I wanted so instead I was going
to create a mask out of paper or something and
hope that it would look decent however while me
and my parents were dropping some food off at my
grandads house I saw a stone plate that my
grandad had on a wall outside of his house which I
decided to use as the mask in the video. The stone
plate has a sun design with a face on it which I
thought was quite fitting for a cult aesthetic which is
the main reason I wanted to use it. The only issue
is the plate is fairly heavy and can’t really be used
as a proper mask so whoever plays the cult
member with the mask must hold the plate over
their face with one hand.
What the character will do in this scene
Matt A friend of the
White t-shirt,
black jacket,
black jeans
He’s come to
the party to
have a good
He has become a target for the cult after
spilling a drink. He is chased upstairs into
one of the bedrooms and killed off. He is
the victim in this scene.
What the character will do in this scene
Lucy Cult member
and party
A stained
white dress or
She wants to
kill off Matt as
she has
spotted an
opportunity to
isolate him
She starts by aggressively insulting Matt
for spilling his drink on her and chases
him through the house. She forces him
upstairs where another party attendant
pushes him into a room where he is
locked in. She is the antagonist of the
What the character will do in this scene
James protagonist Black t-shirt,
red jacket,
blue jeans
He is at the
party to find
love and is
unaware of
the more
motivations of
the party.
James is distracted by Rose who has
taken him away from Matt and the rest of
his friends so that he won’t find out that
the cult can kill off Matt in secret. Once
matt is killed the scene ends in James and
Rose sharing a drink.
What the character will do in this scene
Rose Cult member
and love
interest of
Rose wears
red to show
that her
character is
similar to
Wants to
James from
where Matt is
getting killed
She takes James into the kitchen in the
opening shot and after Matt is killed Rose
and James are shown drinking together.
She is aware of what's happened and
James is not.
What the character will do in this scene
Cult member/
Ritual Mask
and robes.
Carries a
Wants to
sacrifice the
that aren’t
part of the
In this scene Farther kills Matt once he is
locked in the bed room. He is the horror
element of the scene and the main killer in
the film.
In my production experiments I made a track to see if I
could get back into the practice of making music and
this was easier than I thought it would as I managed to
make a track that sounded right for the atmosphere of
my production so I wanted to use this track for the
music in the scene that I’ll film. I can make this track
longer during production so that it fits the scene. I want
the music to sound like it’s playing at the party so I’m
going to try and make the sound change as the
characters go into different areas of the house which
can be done by making the music more quiet, ambient
and giving it some reverb so it sounds more distant as
characters move further away from the source of
sound. I wanted this track to sound synthy, loud and
dark which I think I’ve managed to achieve and if I
need to fix any issue I will do so in production.
In my trailer I want the music to feel fast paced and energetic so that it
makes viewers hearts race as they listen to it. The music should sound
kind of similar to the music used in my film scene so that there's a
consistency to the sound of the film, I can do this by including similar
instruments and notes but using them to create a different beat. I want the
music to slowly progress in volume and intensity so that it’s gripping to
watch, this also reinforces that this is being advertised as a horror film. If I
want to used a track that already exists I could do a dark sounding horror
remix of a song like what was done in the trailer Us (2019 Jordan Peele)
where the track “I got 5 on it” was remade to make it sound more scary
and suspenseful. I think that before I do anything like remixing a song I will
have a go at making my own track as this way I will have more control
over what the song sounds like.
I came across the font Linear Beam which look interesting as it was
missing small stripes so I thought that I could use this in a way where I
could make the title out of multicoloured uses of the same word and I
layered them ontop of each other. I wanted to use red, green and blue
for the title as these will be the primary colours used for the film. I think
this font would work as it has the disorientating colourful qualities that I
want to explore with the aesthetic of my film. I gave each layer of the text
a bit of transparency so that the layers blend an create a sort of glowing
effect. I like this title design as it looks sinister and colourful so in a way it
does a great job of summing up my film. I think that aesthetically it’s
perfect for my film however it would be good it were more bold which is
why I continued looking through some other fonts.
• When I found this font I was surprised as it was basically
exactly what I was looking for after my first experiment with
fonts as it was similar in style yet more bold. I started be
doing a similar thing to my last experiment where I made
various copies of the title and made them into different
colours, and arraged them in different ways.
• I think that the first arrangement I made is a bit too
disorientating as I think that at first glance it would be difficult
to see the title.
• I like the second arrangement as it’s easy to read while still
matching the aesthetic of the film, it is most likely the
arrangement that I’ll use in my production.
• I thing the thrid arrangment works however I prefer the look
of the second arrangement so it’s likely that I won’t use this
arrangement in my trailer.
Filming date: 23
March 2020
-Nathan Latimer – James
-Nathan Readman – Matt
-Fiona Begg – Rose
-Sarah Judge – Lucy
-Peni Naisau – Father Buer (Masked killer)
-Tom Atkinson, Emillie Sen, Holly Clark – Extras
Oliver Nicholson – camera operator, sound technician
Adam Lepard – Camera operator, lighting and director
Adam Lepard – Alex
Tom Lepard – Sam, Stranger and Masked Killer
Calvin Lepard – Camera operator
Tom Lepard – Camera operator
Adam Lepard – Camera operator, lighting and director
We will take turns filming as I can film shots that my character isn’t in, Tom
can film shots that just my character is in and Calvin will film shots that me
and Tom are both in.
This is a collection of images that show what
the staircase setting will look like with the
locations that I have available. I was
basically looking for average staircases as
this is what it’ll look like. I found a few
images where the staircases where lit up
If I had a larger budget and could
afford to film in any location I would
want film a spiral staircase rather than
a normal staircase as I think that
doing a tracking shot that followed a
character up the spiral would look
quite cool and add to the over the top
disorientating style that I hope to
create. Unfortunately I don’t have
anywhere where I could film a spiral
I want the lighting in the bedroom one of the characters
stumbles into to be entirely red as red strongly implies danger
due to it’s connotations with blood and fire. As this is room
where the character will be killed off by the cult I want it to
feel dangerous and tense, the lighting will flash, as a warning
and the music will be distant, almost silent to create a sense
of atmosphere and anticipation of a threat.
I want the kitchen to be lit with either a green or blue light it’ll be
a place of danger as it’s where the main character could be
getting poisoned so I think that a green light could give a sense
of sickness. It’ll be where the scene ends so I want to finish the
scene leaving people wanting more.
In my first concept sketch I drew the protagonist of the
scene facing a staircase that shifts in lighting from blue to
red. I used this sketch as a way to show how the
emphasis of this scene would be to show that the setting
in my film is a danger to the main characters as the party
in this scene shifts from a seemingly friendly event to a
hostile environment. In the sketch I drew shadowy figures
looking at the protagonist through the room on the left
which was meant to represent the cult member/party
goers who are watching the protagonist climb the stairs
which will lead to their death in this scene. Due to the
corona virus lockdown I won’t be able to have the cult
members looking through in this shot however if I likely try
to film this scene again after this project is over as I still
want to make the version that I originally intended even if
I’m unable to do so in my FMP.
In this drawing I wanted to sketch the shot where the
protagonist of the scene is about to be killed by a masked cult
member. The lighting for this shot will be red with a possible
streak of blue. In the sketch I wanted to show how the main
character is defense-less and afraid where as the killer is
powerful and a source of fear. I think I could’ve added more
detail to the room the charracters are in, as I only drew the
door to the room in the background to show that the
protagonist is trapped in the room with the killer. This is where
I first drew the design for the killer, deciding that they would
wear long black robes and one of the mask designs I thought
of while holding a knife raised in the air. Later I decided the
killer would use a cleaver instead of a normal kitchen knife as
I thought that this brought a more sinister aspect to the killer
as their method seemed more thought out this way.
In my scene the colour scheme will be a mix of red,
green and blue as this will be the different colours of
lighting that will be used. This colour scheme is
inspired by Dario Argento films such as Suspiria and
inferno as I think that it looks really great aesthetically
and it can be used to great effect. One of my favorite
moments from Suspiria is when the red lighting
seeping into a green room is used to show someone
dangerous entering the room and I think that it’s great
because the lighting represent danger and that’s the
sense I want to replicate in this film. As the lighting is
going to be the main colour scheme of the film I think
that it say a lot about the atmosphere of the film, it’s
disorientating and vivid, it feels exciting and
I’m actually really pleased with how my
story boards turned out as I think it does a
good job of showing what the finish result
should look like. I drew the story boards in
pencil first and then drew over the pencil in
pen and used different colour pens to
show shifts in the lighting. The first page
shows the main character as he walks up
the stairs to investigate a noise and finds a
stranger who points him towards a room.
Admittedly The call to adventure is a little
weak in this scene so I will try and make
the opening a bit more believable in the
screenplay that I’ll write. I probably
should’ve written the screenplay before my
story board which is something that
unfortunately hadn’t crossed my mind as I
was making the story board.
In this page the main character enters
the room, only to have the stranger
push him in and lock the door so that
the protagonist is trapped in the room.
The protagonist turns on the light and
looks around. As this scene is a sort of
prologue for the rest of the film, this
protagonist isn’t really humanised in
the story board which is also
something I plan to change in the
screenplay as it’ll only take a bit of
dialogue to make the audience care
for this character which will be
important to setting up his death. The
purpose of this scene is to show that
this party (the setting of the film) is
violent and dangerous and this is the
page/ point in the story where this is
In this page of the story board the
protagonist sees the killer stood in the
corner of the room walking toward
him. The protagonist attempts to
escape the room but he collapses
from fear and the killer swings their
knife into the protagonists head. Once
the protagonist is killed the scene
ends and the title appears on screen. I
ran out of red ink for this page so the
red pencil also represents a red light. I
have some left over fake blood from
last years halloween which I know I
could use in this scene which is why I
included the imagery of the
protagonists bloody face at the end as
I think it would be add to the shock
value of the scene.
No. Shot type Time Lighting Setting Description
1 Wide angle 4 A dark green wash Dinning room Alex and Sam sit at a table drinking
2 Back and fourth
close ups
6 Dark green Dinning room Alex and Sam begin talking about
how they got invited to the party
3 Close up 2 Dark green Dinning room Sam takes a drink
4 Wide shot 3 Dark green Dinning room Their coversation comes to a close
5 Upwards pan 2 Dark green Dinning room Sam gets up from his chair
6 Back and fourth
close ups
4 Dark green Dinning room Sam and Alex talk
7 Wide shot 4 Dark green Dinning room Sam walks out of frame to go
8 Wide shot 4 Dark green Dinning room Alex sits on his own
9 Close up 2 Dark green Dinning room Alex turns to look at a painting on the
10 Wide zoom in 5 Dark green Dinning room Camera zooms in on the painting
11 Close up 3 Dark green Dinning room A shot of Alex’s eyes
12 Close up 2 Dark green Dinning room A shot of Alex,s half full
*Time is in
No. Shot type Time Lighting Setting Description
13 Close up 3 Dark green Dinning room Closer detail of the painting
14 Close up 3 Dark green Dinning room The glass is now almost
15 Pan up/down 6 Dark green Dinning room A noise is heard above Alex, he
looks up and realises his friend could
be in danger
16 Tracking shot 10 Dark green - blue Dinning room/staircase Alex gets up and goes to investigate
17 Wide shot from
bottom of stairs
3 Blue lighting Staircase Alex starts walking up the stairs
18 Tracking shot
8 Blue lighting Staircase Camera follows Alex up the stairs
19 Tracking shot
Pt.2 wide shot
3 Red lighting Stairway Alex begins walking down the
stairway and sees someone stood in
his way
20 Wide shot 7 Red lighting Stairway Alex approaches the stranger
21 Exchange of close
10 Red lighting Stairway Alex and the stranger talk
22 Wide shot 4 Red lighting Stairway Stranger points to the door behind
23 Close up 3 Red lighting Stairway The slightly opened door
24 Wide shot 5 Red lighting Stairway Alex goes to enter the room
No. Shot type Time Lighting Setting Description
25 Close up 2 Red lighting stairway Alex reaches for the door handle
26 Wide shot from
inside the room
4 Red lighting Bedroom The door opens into the room
27 Close up 2 Red lighting Bedroom The stranger smiles
28 Wide shot from
inside the room
4 Red lighting Bedroom Alex is pushed into the room by the
29 5-10 darkness Bedroom Alex bangs on the door
shouting to be let out
30 Close up 2 Red lighting Bedroom Alex turns the rooms light on
31 Wide shot 3 Red lighting Bedroom Alex looks at the room he’s in
32 pan 6 Red lighting Bedroom As the camera stops we see a figure
emerge from the corner of the room
33 Close up 4 Red lighting Bedroom Alex is shocked and keeps trying to
get through the door
34 Close up 2 Red lighting Bedroom The figure comes closer
35 Close up 3 Red lighting Bedroom Alex collapses
36 Close up 5 Red lighting Bedroom Sam’s body is shown under the bed
37 Quick pan up 4 Red lighting Bedroom The cultist swings the knife down on
38 Close up 3 Red lighting Bedroom Alex’s bloody face
This is the third and final attempt I had at making my screenplay and
ultimately I think it was successful as although fairly generic it’s
something achievable with the actors that I have availible to me
(essentially me and my brother). Essentially I’ve made my screenplay
so that it doesn’t differ so far from my previous plans that it’s no longer
the same project however I’ve made it so that it requires few actors
and less dialogue than I intended with my early plans pre-lockdown.
The scene is basically a prologue for the rest of the film and the two
main characters in this scene are Sam and Alex who both are killed off
in this scene. As Alex is the focus of this scene Sam’s character exists
so that Alex has someone to talk to so that the audience can learn a
little about what’s going on scene. When Sam goes upstairs it
becomes Alex’s insentive to find Sam after a loud noise is heard.
Even though I don’t have any coloured lighting anymore I still included
it in the screenplay as I figured that I could just use coloured filters in
my edited product so that it gives a sense of what aesthetics I
originally intended.
I had made my storyboards before my screenplay so
originally I just had Alex investigate a noise for pretty much
no reason so I think the reason that this is screenplay
improved is that Alex has a motive for going upstairs and
investigating the sound. He’s worried that Sam could have
drank too much and passed out so his insentive is to help
Sam which gives the character a sense of morality and
makes him potentially likeable in a short space of time so
that his death is more shocking once we get to it.
In the description sections of the screenplay I liked to talk
about where the characters, what they look like and the
atmosphere I want to create, this was usefull for giving
insight into costume design and setting. I gave the character
of the stranger a hat as this would disguise the fact that the
actor who plays Sam also plays the stranger. The hat will
also put shade over the strangers eyes making him seem
When Alex goes into the bedroom, the music will
become more muffeled as it is coming from
downstairs so now he is far away from the source
of music. I think that Alex and Sam’s fate in this
scene is a good prolouge for a horror film as it
gives the audience an introduction for the setting of
the film and sets of the horror theme with a display
of violence which should leave viewers wanting to
know why this has happened. I gave the killer in
this scene a mask as I thought that this would add
a sense of mystery to the scene (who’s behind the
mask) and it wouldd also be an example of a horror
film trope where killers where masks in slasher
films such as Halloween or Friday the 13
. Using a
mask tells the audience that the film will have a
similar theme to that of a classic slaher.

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FMP pre production

  • 2. CINEMATOGRAPHY I think that the cinematography for this film could prove challenging as it mainly consist of bright colourful lighting in a dark setting which will require a lot of lighting equipment and planning to make sure that everyone is visible. I think that something that makes the cinematography more difficult to make is that the scene will look like its all in one shot so there will be the issue of having all the lighting being in the right place to light up the rooms and characters as much as possible. The lighting will consist of red, green and blue as these are bold primary colours and they work as a reference to the Dario Argento films that inspired my film. I think that cinematography will be quite important in my film as it’ll be what engages my audience in the atmosphere of the scene through various visual aspects. I think that the main thing that I want to express through the visuals of the film is a dark sense of paranoia lingering in the setting and more importantly it should feel unnatural as if to imply that there's something false about the party and that something more sinister is happening beneath the surface.
  • 3. CINEMATOGRAPHY An inspiration to the visual style of my video will be 1977 Suspiria which was a big inspiration for my FMP last year so I already have some experienced replicating the colourful lighting however I want to perfect the lighting in this project by creating a whole scene that takes place in these visuals. I think that the main thing that I need to do when working on the visual style of the film I need to make sure that I have every character in the scene look distinct so that none of the audience members get confused by who there watching as the coloured lights can make it difficult to distinguish who your looking at. I think that I can solve this problem by choosing actors that look very different in appearance. No Body trailer 2019
  • 4. CINEMATOGRAPHY:NEW PLANS Due to the lockdown caused by the Corona virus I won’t be able to use any actors other than my family members in scenes which is why I’m taking a new approach to the cinematography in my scene. I will have to remove the idea of making the scene a one take tracking shot as this would only work with the spectical of lots of things going on which I can’t do. Instead I’m going to take a more normal aproach using various camera angles camera angles and editing techniques. I’m looking to improve my works technical quality due to the impact that the lack of actors will have on my existing plans. Because I don’t have coloured lighting gels availible to me I will likely have to edit in colour effects/filters to show what the scene should have looked like under normal conditions. Hopefully the changes that I have to make to the cinematography will bring a similar result and appeal even if I’m unable to do what I originally intended.
  • 5. EDITING Because I want the scene to all be in one shot the editing of the film shouldn’t be shouldn’t be much of an issue however this isn’t the case as my scene will only look like it all one take when actually I’ll be hiding cuts in the camera movement and lighting changes when necessary so that I can change actors into different outfits and settings. Doing this is important as it means that I won’t need as many actors in my film so I don’t need to worry if a couple of actors can’t make it to the shoot and it also means that I can move around lighting and sound equipment meaning I can use these hidden cuts to conserve equipment, actors and time. This makes filming more simple as I can rely on these cuts to make sure that the shots still look like they’re all one shot when actually I can get the best possible visuals without needing to worry about running out of actors or equipment.
  • 6. EDITING Another important aspect of the editing process is using colour grading to make sure that the visuals are adjusted to look exactly how they should do as you can make colours more vivid, brighter or darker which is especially useful when working in a dark setting like I’ll be doing. I think that I already have a good Idea of how to edit the visuals of my scene as I have tested out my colour grading in the lighting test video that I made in my production experiments. There will be a match cut at the end of the one take which I will need to prepare well for as I’ve learnt in my production experiments where I attempted to make a match cut but it failed as there was a continuity error but I’ve learnt from my mistake and I will make a better plan for the shot so that the cut works well.
  • 7. EDITING In my trailer I need to have a completely different editing flow than what I have in my scene. After watching a lot of horror film trailers there are a few editing techniques that become obvious which are used to either intrigue or scare the audience. First of all I need to make sure that I can make my trailer interesting without having any spoilers, this means including any big reveals or character deaths in the trailer as this often annoys the viewer as it makes them feel like they are seeing to much of the film to make it worth watching as it ruins the surprise of seeing something for the first time. I think that by including shots in my trailer that allude to the fact that something bad is going to happen like I did in the trailer I made last year then I can avoid trailer and create intrigue. Quick cuts are used to ramp up tension and this is done towards the end of the trailer where as the start of the trailer should be slow and good at giving an idea of what the film will be about. Horror film trailers often make the music go silent in moments of tension which I could also use as it does a good job of creating fear and expectation of scares. Editing the trailer shouldn’t
  • 8. TIME At the moment to make sure that I stay on track and use my time as efficiently as possible I am sticking to the plan I made in my propsal, this was a list of the weeks we have in the project and a brief explination of what I would do in that week. So far I’ve found that plan I made to be extremely useful for effectively letting me complete my work in an organised manner. For my production I’m planning to film the scene in the first week of production as that is when I’ll be able to gather a lot of actors and in my third week I’ll film the trailer as I will only need a couple of actors as well as the footage from the scene to make the trailer, for the rest of production I’ll either be editing, making music or taking feedback from my peers. At the moment the biggest worry I have about time is that the corona virus will spread to a point that the UK is put under lockdown as this will mean that I will have to use the backup plan that I devised in my problem solving powerpoint. At the moment I think that a lockdown is highly likely so I’m glad that I have a back up plan incase this happens.
  • 9. TIME: UPDATE Things have gotten pretty bad since the last time I was working on this powerpoint. I became ill with something that had similar symptoms to the corona virus and have had to be put on lockdown with the rest of my family, a few days after we were put on lockdown the rest of the country was also placed into lockdown and for the past two weeks due to my illness I’ve been unable to work. I likely got this illness from the aplicant day I went to on the weekend before I started showing symptoms. Anyway I’m better now and I can work again however it’s obvious that this will have a major impact on the quality of my work as I can no longer film with anyone other than my family and I am missing some of the equipment that I would’ve needed. I have essentially been set back two weeks compared to eveyone else so I need to keep working on this project everyday so that I can catch up as well as making sure that all of my work is a high quality.
  • 10. LOCATION I want to start of the scene with the character sat at the table drinking with his friend. I can put in music and sound effect of voices to make it seem more lively and give the setting the vibe of a house party. I will be shooting the film at night for the sake of atmosphere and so that the lighting casts shadows more clearly.
  • 11. LOCATION The stairway in my house will be shown in my film as the main character walks up to investigate what a noise he hears happening. I think I ‘ll use a shot of the character from a high angle at the top of the stairs so that he looks powerless at the bottom, this is to give a foreboading atmosphere.
  • 12. LOCATION I will be shooting the final shots of my scene in my dad’s bedroom which is where the main character will be killed of. I chose this room as it’s very spacious and allows for so great camera angle such as the camrea sweeping across the room. The hallway outside the bedroom is where the main character meets the stranger who locks him in the room. The stairway is small and cramped which will hopefully create a sense of cluastrophobia and tension.
  • 13. EQUIPMENT  Camera x2 – Canon 550D  SD cards x3  Shoulder mount – using Olivers  Gimbal – borrowed from college  Batteries x2  LED lights x2 – borrowed from college  Red,green and blue lighting gels – using Olivers  Microphone – borrowed from college  Sound recorder – browwed from college List of the equipment I will need for the filming of my scene I will need to borrow this equipment the day before I film as I have only a few days to use the kit, I will book all the equipment weeks in advance as well so that I will definitely have everything that I need to film with when the day comes to film.
  • 14. EQUIPMENT: UPDATE Due to the illness I gained before lockdown I wasn’t able to collect the kit I would need in order to film my project the way I wanted, fortunatly I do have a camera at home so that I can still film something. Obviously what I film won’t be as high quality as I wanted however I can at least make something resembling the finished product that I would’ve created. Equipment I have:  Camera – Canon 550D  Lighting  A computer that can use editing software  SD cards x2 This Is obviously just the basics that are needed to create a film so this will likely feel like some kind of challege to create my desired product with minimal equipment.
  • 15. I’m going to be making my own masks for the cult characters in the scene I’m filming as I think that it’ll allow me to make the masks as scary as I like so I wanted to take a look at masks from different cultures to get design ideas. African tribal and theatrical masks have elongated and exaggerated features such as wide smiles and large eyes which make the masks look like distorted and deranged faces. PROPS: CULT/MASK DESIGN AFRICAN MASKS
  • 16. PROPS: CULT/MASK DESIGN JAPAN Looking at traditional Japanese mask you can see that a lot of it is inspired by folklore and demons. Japanese noh masks are theater masks made to create different facial expressions from different angles. I think that the masks look creepy as they seem uncanny which make them look disturbing.
  • 17. PROPS: CULT/MASK DESIGN MEXICO I had a look a Mexican and Aztec traditional masks which are use for carnivals and theatrics. What stood out to me is that the masks are colourful as well as scary which something that I could incorporate into the masks I make as they’ll fit the colourful nightmare that I’m
  • 18. PROPS: CULT/MASK DESIGN MY DESIGNS When I was designing this mask I wanted to base it off the the mexican/aztec mask designs that were colourful yet creepy in a way. I wanted to make the mask in this design look like a skull with elongated and distorted features to make it look more distuirbing. I gave it big red and green eyes and a wide sinsiter smile and a mane of multi coloured strips of paper. I would likely make the mask out of paper mache as although messy it would be the most the most simple way to create a good looking mask. The colour scheme of the mask will match that of the film and even though it won’t be shown in full colour in my scene due to the lighting I would still like to colour the mask so that it has the extra detail. I thought that this design looked fairly good however I wanted to try out another design as well to see if I could make a more unique design.
  • 19. PROPS: CULT/MASK DESIGN MY DESIGNS My attempt with this mask design was to create a mask design that would look unique and other-worldly in appearance. I thought of the design and realised it could be made by getting pieces of malleable metal wire and twisting them together to make a mask out of these wires that has large and small gaps where you can see parts of the wearers face. The wire would be covered in paper mache and coloured for aesthetics. I inspired the design off of trypophobia which is the fear of clusters of holes. I think the design works for my horror aesthetic as although it isn’t cult like in the traditional sense, it looks unique and the surreal design gives it a kind of cult-ish vibe.
  • 20. PROPS: CULT/MASK DESIGN UPDATE Due to the corona virus pandemic I’m basically unable to get the matireals that I need to create the mask design that I wanted so instead I was going to create a mask out of paper or something and hope that it would look decent however while me and my parents were dropping some food off at my grandads house I saw a stone plate that my grandad had on a wall outside of his house which I decided to use as the mask in the video. The stone plate has a sun design with a face on it which I thought was quite fitting for a cult aesthetic which is the main reason I wanted to use it. The only issue is the plate is fairly heavy and can’t really be used as a proper mask so whoever plays the cult member with the mask must hold the plate over their face with one hand.
  • 21. CHARACTER DESIGNS AND MOTIVES Characters name Characters role Characters outfit Characters motives What the character will do in this scene Matt A friend of the protagonist White t-shirt, black jacket, black jeans He’s come to the party to have a good time. He has become a target for the cult after spilling a drink. He is chased upstairs into one of the bedrooms and killed off. He is the victim in this scene.
  • 22. CHARACTER DESIGNS AND MOTIVES Characters name Characters role Characters outfit Characters motives What the character will do in this scene Lucy Cult member and party attendant A stained white dress or t-shirt She wants to kill off Matt as she has spotted an opportunity to isolate him She starts by aggressively insulting Matt for spilling his drink on her and chases him through the house. She forces him upstairs where another party attendant pushes him into a room where he is locked in. She is the antagonist of the scene
  • 23. CHARACTER DESIGNS AND MOTIVES Characters name Characters role Characters outfit Characters motives What the character will do in this scene James protagonist Black t-shirt, red jacket, blue jeans He is at the party to find love and is unaware of the more sinister motivations of the party. James is distracted by Rose who has taken him away from Matt and the rest of his friends so that he won’t find out that the cult can kill off Matt in secret. Once matt is killed the scene ends in James and Rose sharing a drink.
  • 24. CHARACTER DESIGNS AND MOTIVES Characters name Characters role Characters outfit Characters motives What the character will do in this scene Rose Cult member and love interest of James Rose wears red to show that her character is similar to James Wants to separate James from where Matt is getting killed She takes James into the kitchen in the opening shot and after Matt is killed Rose and James are shown drinking together. She is aware of what's happened and James is not.
  • 25. CHARACTER DESIGNS AND MOTIVES Characters name Characters role Characters outfit Characters motives What the character will do in this scene Farther Buer Cult member/ Cult leader Ritual Mask and robes. Carries a knife Wants to sacrifice the party attendants that aren’t part of the cult In this scene Farther kills Matt once he is locked in the bed room. He is the horror element of the scene and the main killer in the film.
  • 26. MUSIC: TRACK IN THE VIDEO In my production experiments I made a track to see if I could get back into the practice of making music and this was easier than I thought it would as I managed to make a track that sounded right for the atmosphere of my production so I wanted to use this track for the music in the scene that I’ll film. I can make this track longer during production so that it fits the scene. I want the music to sound like it’s playing at the party so I’m going to try and make the sound change as the characters go into different areas of the house which can be done by making the music more quiet, ambient and giving it some reverb so it sounds more distant as characters move further away from the source of sound. I wanted this track to sound synthy, loud and dark which I think I’ve managed to achieve and if I need to fix any issue I will do so in production.
  • 27. MUSIC: TRAILER MUSIC In my trailer I want the music to feel fast paced and energetic so that it makes viewers hearts race as they listen to it. The music should sound kind of similar to the music used in my film scene so that there's a consistency to the sound of the film, I can do this by including similar instruments and notes but using them to create a different beat. I want the music to slowly progress in volume and intensity so that it’s gripping to watch, this also reinforces that this is being advertised as a horror film. If I want to used a track that already exists I could do a dark sounding horror remix of a song like what was done in the trailer Us (2019 Jordan Peele) where the track “I got 5 on it” was remade to make it sound more scary and suspenseful. I think that before I do anything like remixing a song I will have a go at making my own track as this way I will have more control over what the song sounds like.
  • 29. TRAILER: FONT I came across the font Linear Beam which look interesting as it was missing small stripes so I thought that I could use this in a way where I could make the title out of multicoloured uses of the same word and I layered them ontop of each other. I wanted to use red, green and blue for the title as these will be the primary colours used for the film. I think this font would work as it has the disorientating colourful qualities that I want to explore with the aesthetic of my film. I gave each layer of the text a bit of transparency so that the layers blend an create a sort of glowing effect. I like this title design as it looks sinister and colourful so in a way it does a great job of summing up my film. I think that aesthetically it’s perfect for my film however it would be good it were more bold which is why I continued looking through some other fonts.
  • 30. TRAILER: FONT • When I found this font I was surprised as it was basically exactly what I was looking for after my first experiment with fonts as it was similar in style yet more bold. I started be doing a similar thing to my last experiment where I made various copies of the title and made them into different colours, and arraged them in different ways. • I think that the first arrangement I made is a bit too disorientating as I think that at first glance it would be difficult to see the title. • I like the second arrangement as it’s easy to read while still matching the aesthetic of the film, it is most likely the arrangement that I’ll use in my production. • I thing the thrid arrangment works however I prefer the look of the second arrangement so it’s likely that I won’t use this arrangement in my trailer.
  • 31. CAST/FILMING DATE Filming date: 23 rd March 2020 Cast -Nathan Latimer – James -Nathan Readman – Matt -Fiona Begg – Rose -Sarah Judge – Lucy -Peni Naisau – Father Buer (Masked killer) -Tom Atkinson, Emillie Sen, Holly Clark – Extras Crew Oliver Nicholson – camera operator, sound technician Adam Lepard – Camera operator, lighting and director
  • 32. CAST: UPDATE Cast Adam Lepard – Alex Tom Lepard – Sam, Stranger and Masked Killer Crew Calvin Lepard – Camera operator Tom Lepard – Camera operator Adam Lepard – Camera operator, lighting and director We will take turns filming as I can film shots that my character isn’t in, Tom can film shots that just my character is in and Calvin will film shots that me and Tom are both in.
  • 33. MOOD BOARD: STAIRCASE This is a collection of images that show what the staircase setting will look like with the locations that I have available. I was basically looking for average staircases as this is what it’ll look like. I found a few images where the staircases where lit up
  • 34. MOOD BOARD: STAIRCASE If I had a larger budget and could afford to film in any location I would want film a spiral staircase rather than a normal staircase as I think that doing a tracking shot that followed a character up the spiral would look quite cool and add to the over the top disorientating style that I hope to create. Unfortunately I don’t have anywhere where I could film a spiral staircase.
  • 35. MOOD BOARD: BEDROOM I want the lighting in the bedroom one of the characters stumbles into to be entirely red as red strongly implies danger due to it’s connotations with blood and fire. As this is room where the character will be killed off by the cult I want it to feel dangerous and tense, the lighting will flash, as a warning and the music will be distant, almost silent to create a sense of atmosphere and anticipation of a threat.
  • 36. MOOD BOARD: KITCHEN I want the kitchen to be lit with either a green or blue light it’ll be a place of danger as it’s where the main character could be getting poisoned so I think that a green light could give a sense of sickness. It’ll be where the scene ends so I want to finish the scene leaving people wanting more.
  • 37. CONCEPT SKETCHES In my first concept sketch I drew the protagonist of the scene facing a staircase that shifts in lighting from blue to red. I used this sketch as a way to show how the emphasis of this scene would be to show that the setting in my film is a danger to the main characters as the party in this scene shifts from a seemingly friendly event to a hostile environment. In the sketch I drew shadowy figures looking at the protagonist through the room on the left which was meant to represent the cult member/party goers who are watching the protagonist climb the stairs which will lead to their death in this scene. Due to the corona virus lockdown I won’t be able to have the cult members looking through in this shot however if I likely try to film this scene again after this project is over as I still want to make the version that I originally intended even if I’m unable to do so in my FMP.
  • 38. CONCEPT SKETCHES In this drawing I wanted to sketch the shot where the protagonist of the scene is about to be killed by a masked cult member. The lighting for this shot will be red with a possible streak of blue. In the sketch I wanted to show how the main character is defense-less and afraid where as the killer is powerful and a source of fear. I think I could’ve added more detail to the room the charracters are in, as I only drew the door to the room in the background to show that the protagonist is trapped in the room with the killer. This is where I first drew the design for the killer, deciding that they would wear long black robes and one of the mask designs I thought of while holding a knife raised in the air. Later I decided the killer would use a cleaver instead of a normal kitchen knife as I thought that this brought a more sinister aspect to the killer as their method seemed more thought out this way.
  • 39. COLOURS SCHEME In my scene the colour scheme will be a mix of red, green and blue as this will be the different colours of lighting that will be used. This colour scheme is inspired by Dario Argento films such as Suspiria and inferno as I think that it looks really great aesthetically and it can be used to great effect. One of my favorite moments from Suspiria is when the red lighting seeping into a green room is used to show someone dangerous entering the room and I think that it’s great because the lighting represent danger and that’s the sense I want to replicate in this film. As the lighting is going to be the main colour scheme of the film I think that it say a lot about the atmosphere of the film, it’s disorientating and vivid, it feels exciting and dangerous.
  • 40. STORY BOARDS I’m actually really pleased with how my story boards turned out as I think it does a good job of showing what the finish result should look like. I drew the story boards in pencil first and then drew over the pencil in pen and used different colour pens to show shifts in the lighting. The first page shows the main character as he walks up the stairs to investigate a noise and finds a stranger who points him towards a room. Admittedly The call to adventure is a little weak in this scene so I will try and make the opening a bit more believable in the screenplay that I’ll write. I probably should’ve written the screenplay before my story board which is something that unfortunately hadn’t crossed my mind as I was making the story board.
  • 41. STORY BOARDS In this page the main character enters the room, only to have the stranger push him in and lock the door so that the protagonist is trapped in the room. The protagonist turns on the light and looks around. As this scene is a sort of prologue for the rest of the film, this protagonist isn’t really humanised in the story board which is also something I plan to change in the screenplay as it’ll only take a bit of dialogue to make the audience care for this character which will be important to setting up his death. The purpose of this scene is to show that this party (the setting of the film) is violent and dangerous and this is the page/ point in the story where this is shown.
  • 42. STORY BOARDS In this page of the story board the protagonist sees the killer stood in the corner of the room walking toward him. The protagonist attempts to escape the room but he collapses from fear and the killer swings their knife into the protagonists head. Once the protagonist is killed the scene ends and the title appears on screen. I ran out of red ink for this page so the red pencil also represents a red light. I have some left over fake blood from last years halloween which I know I could use in this scene which is why I included the imagery of the protagonists bloody face at the end as I think it would be add to the shock value of the scene.
  • 43. SHOT LIST No. Shot type Time Lighting Setting Description 1 Wide angle 4 A dark green wash Dinning room Alex and Sam sit at a table drinking 2 Back and fourth close ups 6 Dark green Dinning room Alex and Sam begin talking about how they got invited to the party 3 Close up 2 Dark green Dinning room Sam takes a drink 4 Wide shot 3 Dark green Dinning room Their coversation comes to a close 5 Upwards pan 2 Dark green Dinning room Sam gets up from his chair 6 Back and fourth close ups 4 Dark green Dinning room Sam and Alex talk 7 Wide shot 4 Dark green Dinning room Sam walks out of frame to go upstairs 8 Wide shot 4 Dark green Dinning room Alex sits on his own 9 Close up 2 Dark green Dinning room Alex turns to look at a painting on the wall 10 Wide zoom in 5 Dark green Dinning room Camera zooms in on the painting 11 Close up 3 Dark green Dinning room A shot of Alex’s eyes 12 Close up 2 Dark green Dinning room A shot of Alex,s half full glass *Time is in seconds
  • 44. No. Shot type Time Lighting Setting Description 13 Close up 3 Dark green Dinning room Closer detail of the painting 14 Close up 3 Dark green Dinning room The glass is now almost empty 15 Pan up/down 6 Dark green Dinning room A noise is heard above Alex, he looks up and realises his friend could be in danger 16 Tracking shot 10 Dark green - blue Dinning room/staircase Alex gets up and goes to investigate 17 Wide shot from bottom of stairs 3 Blue lighting Staircase Alex starts walking up the stairs 18 Tracking shot Pt.1 8 Blue lighting Staircase Camera follows Alex up the stairs 19 Tracking shot Pt.2 wide shot 3 Red lighting Stairway Alex begins walking down the stairway and sees someone stood in his way 20 Wide shot 7 Red lighting Stairway Alex approaches the stranger 21 Exchange of close ups 10 Red lighting Stairway Alex and the stranger talk 22 Wide shot 4 Red lighting Stairway Stranger points to the door behind him 23 Close up 3 Red lighting Stairway The slightly opened door 24 Wide shot 5 Red lighting Stairway Alex goes to enter the room
  • 45. No. Shot type Time Lighting Setting Description 25 Close up 2 Red lighting stairway Alex reaches for the door handle 26 Wide shot from inside the room 4 Red lighting Bedroom The door opens into the room 27 Close up 2 Red lighting Bedroom The stranger smiles 28 Wide shot from inside the room 4 Red lighting Bedroom Alex is pushed into the room by the stranger 29 5-10 darkness Bedroom Alex bangs on the door shouting to be let out 30 Close up 2 Red lighting Bedroom Alex turns the rooms light on 31 Wide shot 3 Red lighting Bedroom Alex looks at the room he’s in 32 pan 6 Red lighting Bedroom As the camera stops we see a figure emerge from the corner of the room 33 Close up 4 Red lighting Bedroom Alex is shocked and keeps trying to get through the door 34 Close up 2 Red lighting Bedroom The figure comes closer 35 Close up 3 Red lighting Bedroom Alex collapses 36 Close up 5 Red lighting Bedroom Sam’s body is shown under the bed 37 Quick pan up 4 Red lighting Bedroom The cultist swings the knife down on Alex 38 Close up 3 Red lighting Bedroom Alex’s bloody face
  • 46. SCRIPT/SCREENPLAY This is the third and final attempt I had at making my screenplay and ultimately I think it was successful as although fairly generic it’s something achievable with the actors that I have availible to me (essentially me and my brother). Essentially I’ve made my screenplay so that it doesn’t differ so far from my previous plans that it’s no longer the same project however I’ve made it so that it requires few actors and less dialogue than I intended with my early plans pre-lockdown. The scene is basically a prologue for the rest of the film and the two main characters in this scene are Sam and Alex who both are killed off in this scene. As Alex is the focus of this scene Sam’s character exists so that Alex has someone to talk to so that the audience can learn a little about what’s going on scene. When Sam goes upstairs it becomes Alex’s insentive to find Sam after a loud noise is heard. Even though I don’t have any coloured lighting anymore I still included it in the screenplay as I figured that I could just use coloured filters in my edited product so that it gives a sense of what aesthetics I originally intended.
  • 47. SCRIPT/SCREENPLAY I had made my storyboards before my screenplay so originally I just had Alex investigate a noise for pretty much no reason so I think the reason that this is screenplay improved is that Alex has a motive for going upstairs and investigating the sound. He’s worried that Sam could have drank too much and passed out so his insentive is to help Sam which gives the character a sense of morality and makes him potentially likeable in a short space of time so that his death is more shocking once we get to it. In the description sections of the screenplay I liked to talk about where the characters, what they look like and the atmosphere I want to create, this was usefull for giving insight into costume design and setting. I gave the character of the stranger a hat as this would disguise the fact that the actor who plays Sam also plays the stranger. The hat will also put shade over the strangers eyes making him seem untrustworthy.
  • 48. SCRIPT/SCREENPLAY When Alex goes into the bedroom, the music will become more muffeled as it is coming from downstairs so now he is far away from the source of music. I think that Alex and Sam’s fate in this scene is a good prolouge for a horror film as it gives the audience an introduction for the setting of the film and sets of the horror theme with a display of violence which should leave viewers wanting to know why this has happened. I gave the killer in this scene a mask as I thought that this would add a sense of mystery to the scene (who’s behind the mask) and it wouldd also be an example of a horror film trope where killers where masks in slasher films such as Halloween or Friday the 13 th . Using a mask tells the audience that the film will have a similar theme to that of a classic slaher.