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FMP Evaluation
Amy Watson
Production Process
Contextual Research
I would say a good strength from this part of the process would be that I managed to identify the inspirations for my product, as well as analyse
carefully the different techniques that the animators I chose used within their own productions to make them the way they are. Another strength I can
identify is the theory based section, where I could see clearly the reason why stop motion animation are so successful, based on the audience who
see it and where it would be broadcasted. Finally, another strength I could say is that I managed to find reliable sources within their career history that
helped gain a better understanding of how the process of animations work.
I would say that my contextual research helped my work in a way where it provided me with enough information for animation techniques and
methods on how to make a smooth and even animation. Also, it helped me understand the steps into the animation industry and how these legendary
animation got themselves within the industry by using their talents and creativity. And finally, the theory work helped me to understand which audience
may benefit from my future animation
I would say a strong weakness would be that it was hard to identify the theory at the beginning and which theory would work best. This is because
when referring to the theory sheet I was given in my theory essay project, it was hard to pick out which one best describe this as a whole. Another
weakness would be that it was hard to indicate what kind of techniques I would use, as some other animators such as Ray Harryhausen used the idea
of his own invention Dynamation, which is animation atop stop motion figures, to create my work.
I could have improved by adding more to the career history of each animator, in order to get a better idea about their individual journeys and how I
may become inspired by it. Also, I could’ve improved on the theory based work, explain more on different expanding theories as well as more about
how they help influence the audience and how beneficial are the theories when it comes to referencing animations and their benefits.
This research would’ve effected by work as an inspiration and great reference for future research and planning. It would also provide a great deal of
information in terms of audience reference and the psychographics in terms of the audience and social status.
Initial Plans: Initial Reaction
I would say the main strength of the initial reaction was that I managed to identify the skills that I have increased throughout
my time at college, as well as the quilts I have endured whilst being here. Another strength I can identify if that I have
explained carefully about what I was going to make in the time I had for my production, and how I was inspired by Aardman
I think that the reactions helped my work by helping me gain confidence over the quality and completion of my video, as well
as helping me feel confident about the actual production itself. Also, it helped me explore my past skills
I would say there was no weakness within this part, as I managed to accumulate all my strengths that I have developed over
the years.
I could have improved by adding more about my skills that I have developed of the years in regards to animation and
character drawing design. This could’ve helped boost more on my confidence on the overall project to begin with.
I believe that this would effected my work in a way where it would act as a guideline to remind me of what I’m good of, as well
as reflecting on any skills for future research.
Initial Plans: Mind Maps and Mood Boards
I would say the biggest strength would be that I managed to organise everything within section of the maps and mood boards, this
way it was easy to identify what would inspire me most, as well as what would work best when it comes to referencing. Another
strength I could say is that the mood boards all match up with my thoughts for my work, as well as solid inspirations for what I did for
the designs as well as characters and setting of the video.
This part helped my work by helping me expand my ideas as well as getting to explain about the inspirations behind my video. This
helped me because I used the inspirations as references for when it came to future planning. Also, this helped me with exploring
possible uses of existing product features to come up with character designs and themes.
I would say a strong weakness would be that it was hard to come up with more suggestions on the mind map and about the different
aspect of the characters to an advanced level. Also, it was hard to find pictures for the background mood board that look similar to
what I had in mind in future planning. And finally, it was hard to find to come up with the perfect quotes for the characters to say in
order to maker it interesting.
I could have improved by adding more animators to my inspired mood board so then I would have a good number of inspirations as
back up for my evidence when it comes to planning. Also, I could improve by adding more to there mind maps in terms of character
so that I can extend more on personalities and characteristics etc. Another improvement I could think of is adding more about the
psychographics and social status of the audience I have chosen for the viewers of the video.
These maps and mood board effected my work by helping me get more organised and prepared for my journey ahead, as well as
feeling inspired by the work of legendary animators.
Research: Existing Product Research
The main strength I can think of in regards to this part of the research was that I was able to identify in detail about
the different elements within the productions, such as the lighting and the compositions. This helped me get a better
idea of how the animators set up the scenery and characters for their productions as well as the uses of props and
lighting in order to make them successful. Another strength I can think of is that I managed to easily identify the
audience appeal, and how they would benefit form the animations in terms of content. This research helped my work
in a way where it would help me recognise what common elements are required to make a full stop motion animation
and to make it successful. I would say the weakness, well, I could say it was hard to identify the audience appeal
completely because I couldn’t figure out the advanced content such as the theory and possible psychographics. That
leads me to improvements, I could’ve improved by adding more about the psychographics, as well as the social
status to discuss more about the audience in more detail. The effect that this research would have on the project
would be a useful one because it would help me understand more about the steps about the process of animation.
Research: Survey
I would say the main strength here would be that the observations clearly identify the meaning behind the scores that
everyone gave on each question, as well as the appealing that my product was guaranteed to do. Another strength I
could find was how the answers from each question seemed to have reliable scores, which helped my confidence to
grow on what I believe is what the audience would have wanted. This research helped my work in a way where the
results helped me get a good idea of what the audience would want to see in future animations. The weakness I could
find within this is that it there were some results that didn’t show all completely, in other words, they didn’t have all scores
for all categories, which made it a little hard to observe, but that is everyone’s different opinion. Another weakness I
could find is that some of the answer scores made it difficult to answer, in other words, the audience appeal section was
hard to answer because there was some questions in regards to the impossible such as price, which in the end didn’t
regard my own product, as on Youtube, it would be free. What I could’ve do to improve is try to come up with more
complex questions to get more detailed and personal answers so that I am able to extract the personal thoughts and use
them for greater references. Also, I could improve by adding more questions to get a better ideas for audience appeal i.e
certain elements or wider range of existing products. This would have effected my work in a way where it would help me
get good idea of what the audience would’ve wanted from my product, and I am grateful for their responses.
I could say a good strength in regard to the experiments is that they helped me practice my skills in readiness for
the actual production, as well as exploring the different mouth movements that may be required for the
construction of my video. Another strength I can think of is that I managed to record all the techniques for the
processes, though some were similar, and it also gave me an opportunity to say my thoughts and feeling whilst
doing these experiments. Once again, these processes help me by exploring the secret techniques and
practicing the art of stop motion in order to help accumulate a smooth and even animation in the final product. A
weakness I found was it was hard in the sound atmosphere test to obtain a silent noise completely in one of the
tests, but overall, it was a good result. Another weakness I can think of is that when it came to the mouth
movement experiments, it was hard to obtain a smooth animation because because the line prevalent in each
frame did not run smooth when put together I found. I could’ve improved by doing an experiment based on the
pitch of vocals, to see which height of pitch would work best for the characters. Also, I coulee improved by doing
another experiment based on the lighting techies to see what would work best. These experiments effected my
work in a way where they helped me the develop my skills for the overall video, as well as gain my confidence
for when it came to the video.
I would day the biggest strength found within my
proposal is that I managed to discuss about the
concept of the project in full detail, as well as the
psychographics and social status of those that my
video will effect. Another strength I can identify is
that I was able to find reliable resources in the
bibliography to help me reference and get
inspiration for my work. This helped my work in a
way where it helped me explore the possibilities of
the outcome of the product when it was finished,
as well as analysing audience research so that I
would be able to keep those elements in my work
all the way through. A weakness I could identify is
that the rationale was hard to explain, because I
developed a lot of skills over the years, I needed
to explain my top skills that would be used within
my production. I could improve by adding more to
the rationale overall, discuss more about my past
project and how they could’ve helped with the skill
building up to my production. This would’ve
effected my work in a way where it would help
build a strong case in development and evidence
for my planning as well as upcoming research, I
could go back to this document and look over for
reference and guidance.
Pre Production: Style Sheets
I would say a good strength here is that the style sheets helped me drew inspiration from real
objects and text, as well as coming up with unique colour themes for my characters so that it
would seem that they are all special in their own way. Another strength I could think of is that the
different fonts and colours all back up my initial thoughts for the designs of the video. This
helped me in a way where the different styles of the elements helped inspire my won work and
worked as a guidance for when it came to design. A weakness I can think of is that some of the
image styles didn’t match that much for what I had in mind, but thats no one’s fault. I could’ve
improved by adding more image style for more inspiration, as well as more slides based of
character and setting inspirations from Aardman’s work. This effected my work in a way where it
helped me explore further inspirations in time for my work, as well as adding more about where I
got the inspirations came from.
Pre Production: Storyboard
A strength I could say about this part of there planning
was that I managed to give a brief timing and detailed
angle shot of how I would want the video to turn out
when it is completed as well as what I want the charters
to say when it comes to their interviews. Another strength
I can think of and how it helped me is that the storyboard
allowed me to prepare myself for when it comes to
production as well as the perpetration of the scenes. A
weakness I can find is that there was no proper
guarantee of the time limits for each character, or the
right camera angle, it was only till I actually filmed the
video that I got my time limits and angles. I could’ve
improved by adding more about the tv screen transitions
within, therefore it would be a whole storyboard and not
just including the beginning, shots and end. This effected
my work in way of preparation and organisation, so it
helped me feel more prepared for when it comes to the
final piece.
I would say the main strength was that I managed to obtain a smooth animation throughout in some form or
another, which is what I intended for the video that was discussed in my planning. Also, I managed to match
the character’s motion in mouth movement with the vocals just in time with each other. I would say a weakness
was that it was hard to start with the mouth movement and the vocals to begin with. For example, when it
came to do the first of the bunch (Graphy), it was hard to adjust the correct mouth shapes for the right words
so that it would look fluently and freely as if they look like free of speech. I could’ve improved by adding more
frames to make it seem more smooth and more freely similar to Creature Comforts, which was the inspiration.
Qualities (General thoughts
on work)
Qualities: Stan scene
When it came to doing Stan’s
scene, I needed to figure out what
would work best to get him to move
up and down by himself. So, the
best way to do this is the take
pictures with my hand pressing
down on his head and then used
the erasing tool to erase my hand
from the shot. The quality of the
finalised images of Stan do look
good in my opinion.
The voice over of the character
was very good indeed, as the voice
actor really brings out Stan’s
character, and that is brilliant
because the goal was to help bring
out the best of the characters
through their vocals.
Qualities: Graphy scene
Within Graphy’s scene, I am
happy with how the mouth
movement of the character as
she describes fluently about
what creativity truly means and
how she enjoys the creativity as
a pencil.
Also, even though it is my own
voice, I am glad with the turn
out because it is exactly of how
I imagined what she would
sound like and talk like. I am
happy also with how the design
in reality turned out, as it is
exactly what I pictured.
Qualities: Ross scene
In Ross’ scene, I really like how
his eyelids are half closing his
eyes, to give the illusion that he
is chilling and relaxing like a gang
leader, which is exactly his kind of
Also, in terms of his voice, I
honestly think Dan did a really
great job portraying the character
to perfection. Also, I like how he
gave Ross a distinctive charm
within the vocals and gave him
his own unique personality for
everyone to enjoy.
Qualities: Paula scene
Within Paula’s scene, I really
like how the character’s voice
gives us the feeling that she is
strong as well as smart as
Ross’ right hand hole punch. I
love how the voice also m
makes the character seem
dark and mysterious.
Also, I also like how she may
look menacing and dark, but
the eyes and mouth also give
her a cute appearance,
because after all, it’s family
Qualities: Blades scene
I really like how Blades’ scene with
him talking really fast as well as
doing this in a funny tone. I also like
how he cuts the interview short,
which is typical of him as he
believes just because he’s a pair of
scissors, everything has to be sharp.
Also, I like how his tone of voice
goes high at the end of each
sentence, which gives him a funny
vibe, as well as an interesting one.
Qualities: Lady Ruler scene
And finally, in Lady Ruler’s
video, I like how she greets the
camera with a high pitched and
positive Hello. This is good
because in her character, she
is well known for being happy
and loyal to her friends.
Also, I like how she goes on
about her qualities in a
confident and positive tone, as
as her final line in a much slant
Time Management
• Did you manage your time well?
Yes, I did manage my time well because the filming of the characters was easy, as well as making the logo, it wasn’t as
time consuming as I thought.
• Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What
would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
I managed to complete my work on time, but if I did have additional time, I could’ve added more frames in order to
make thing more smoother and more detailed.
Technical Qualities
My Product Creature Comforts
They both include a similar layout of character
and setting. For example, the characters are in the
fore ground and the background: a detailed layout
of the atmosphere they are living in.
My video is based on a Desktop,
and is revolved around the life of
stationary and their qualities.
Creature Comforts is based in an English zoo,
where the animals in each enclosure talking
about their living conditions.
They both have detailed credits at the
end, describing the different
participants and references used
within their work.
The animals in Creature
Comforts are all made out
of plasticine, whilst mine
are not.
The character within my video
are all made out of real
stationary and are not made out
of plasticine.
They both have different voice
actors, that match the characters
perfectly. They also talk about their
qualities and living ways.
The lighting of my video
is a natural light
through my studio
My product has a 2D intro at
the beginning, making it not
entirely stop motion.
The creature comforts scenes does not have music in
the background, unlike mine. Instead, it’s the noise of
The characters in my animation nearly all
have straight and emotionless faces unlike
Creature Comforts.
In Creature Comforts, the
characters are voiced by all
different ages, whilst mine is
only voiced by teens.
Aesthetic Qualities
Does your work look good?
To be honest, I think my work does look good to some extent. I mean, the quality could’ve been a lot better and also the smoothness of the character motion
might have been better with more frames added. But overall, I am proud with the turnout, and of the character’s personalities just make me laugh.
Was it creative?
I guess it was creative enough, in a
way where I haven’t seen a piece
of stationary talk in animation
before. But really, the main
inspiration came from the amazing
work of Aardman’s Creature
Comforts, as it was the main
driving force and inspiration behind
my own idea. But I guess in a way
it is creative with the different
characteristics and traits that the
characters show that I believe will
make anyone who sees it laugh.
What aspects of the animation
do you like?
What I like most is the different
characteristics that the characters
show. They make a great
contrast as well as a unique
atmosphere for what I made in
the overall 3 mins. Also, I like
how they talk about realistic
things such as being creative as
well as being useful. I like how,
particularly in Stan’s scene, how
he describes having staples
inside him, which me made roar
with laughter.
What could I have done to
I could have improved my
video by adding more
frames to make the
characters move more
smoother in motion, but
also, to get the mouth
movements to match more
with the timing of the words
within the dialogue for each
How could I improve?
I could add more frames with
different angles of the characters to
make it seem smooth and at times,
different movements.
Audience Appeal
How have you appealed your audience?
I believe I have appealed the audience by adding
character with cartoon like appearances that talk
about the funniest of things. As my audience is
family friendly, I believe that the characters and
their colourful atmospheres and settings really
make the audience happy and laughing with joy.
What specific bits would appeal your target
I would say that the scene with Ross was the
funniest part as appealing for the audience. The
reason being is because how he talks and how he
is full of himself, which I must admit is very funny. I
knew Dan was the perfect person to be Ross’
voice actor.
Peer Feedback
Peer Feedback 1
• What did you like about the
I liked the overall animation style you have
used for your product. I also liked how well
the animation matches in time with the
voices it made the product seem a lot more
• What improvements could have
been made to the product?
I don’t think that there is anything that you
could improve on. Animation is unique to
every person and I think that this style is
definitely unique in it’s own way.
Peer Feedback 2 (From Cast Member)
• What did you like about the product?
I loved how you bring emotions to everyday items we are all surrounded by. A
connection which everyone in the first world can relate to!
I loved the added facial features to items which have no face originally. you clearly
show that something as simple as palatine can add emotions to an item to anything.
really bloody epic.
• What improvements could have been made to the product
being involved in the production, I would have liked to see a script. i think this would
have been beneficial in 2 ways:
◦ for each character and their said emotions, it would have been easier for
myself to live as Ross if I had known some of the things he likes to do and
erase. just some directing from yourself to the script would have helped me
personally. I don't know how the others felt. I could tell what you want now
because your parts are fantastic.
◦ it would have been easier for you to plan some more facial features for each
character if they said some more distinctive lines. (my part especially xd,
sorry I was so bad)
Peer Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
I like how it is very original, and very funny
indeed. It gives a completely new outlook on
stationary equipment.
• What improvements could have been made
to the product?
I think the improvement could be to remove the
camera recording screen, as it looks a little
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer
I agree with the fact that the camera screen could be
removed, after all it does look a little distracting. I
also agree with the fact there could be more
expression added to the characters.
• What do you disagree with from your peer
From what I’ve seen, I don’t think there is anything I
don’t agree with, everyone has given great response
and I agree with them all.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What changes would you make to your product
based upon your peer feedback and why?
The changes I would make are
to add more expressions to my
character, so that it doesn’t
look like they are emotionless.
Also, I would change the layout
of scenes by removing the
camera screen so that it
doesn’t look distracting.
Thank you
For everything

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Fmp evaluation

  • 3. Contextual Research I would say a good strength from this part of the process would be that I managed to identify the inspirations for my product, as well as analyse carefully the different techniques that the animators I chose used within their own productions to make them the way they are. Another strength I can identify is the theory based section, where I could see clearly the reason why stop motion animation are so successful, based on the audience who see it and where it would be broadcasted. Finally, another strength I could say is that I managed to find reliable sources within their career history that helped gain a better understanding of how the process of animations work. I would say that my contextual research helped my work in a way where it provided me with enough information for animation techniques and methods on how to make a smooth and even animation. Also, it helped me understand the steps into the animation industry and how these legendary animation got themselves within the industry by using their talents and creativity. And finally, the theory work helped me to understand which audience may benefit from my future animation I would say a strong weakness would be that it was hard to identify the theory at the beginning and which theory would work best. This is because when referring to the theory sheet I was given in my theory essay project, it was hard to pick out which one best describe this as a whole. Another weakness would be that it was hard to indicate what kind of techniques I would use, as some other animators such as Ray Harryhausen used the idea of his own invention Dynamation, which is animation atop stop motion figures, to create my work. I could have improved by adding more to the career history of each animator, in order to get a better idea about their individual journeys and how I may become inspired by it. Also, I could’ve improved on the theory based work, explain more on different expanding theories as well as more about how they help influence the audience and how beneficial are the theories when it comes to referencing animations and their benefits. This research would’ve effected by work as an inspiration and great reference for future research and planning. It would also provide a great deal of information in terms of audience reference and the psychographics in terms of the audience and social status.
  • 4. Initial Plans: Initial Reaction I would say the main strength of the initial reaction was that I managed to identify the skills that I have increased throughout my time at college, as well as the quilts I have endured whilst being here. Another strength I can identify if that I have explained carefully about what I was going to make in the time I had for my production, and how I was inspired by Aardman Animations. I think that the reactions helped my work by helping me gain confidence over the quality and completion of my video, as well as helping me feel confident about the actual production itself. Also, it helped me explore my past skills I would say there was no weakness within this part, as I managed to accumulate all my strengths that I have developed over the years. I could have improved by adding more about my skills that I have developed of the years in regards to animation and character drawing design. This could’ve helped boost more on my confidence on the overall project to begin with. I believe that this would effected my work in a way where it would act as a guideline to remind me of what I’m good of, as well as reflecting on any skills for future research.
  • 5. Initial Plans: Mind Maps and Mood Boards I would say the biggest strength would be that I managed to organise everything within section of the maps and mood boards, this way it was easy to identify what would inspire me most, as well as what would work best when it comes to referencing. Another strength I could say is that the mood boards all match up with my thoughts for my work, as well as solid inspirations for what I did for the designs as well as characters and setting of the video. This part helped my work by helping me expand my ideas as well as getting to explain about the inspirations behind my video. This helped me because I used the inspirations as references for when it came to future planning. Also, this helped me with exploring possible uses of existing product features to come up with character designs and themes. I would say a strong weakness would be that it was hard to come up with more suggestions on the mind map and about the different aspect of the characters to an advanced level. Also, it was hard to find pictures for the background mood board that look similar to what I had in mind in future planning. And finally, it was hard to find to come up with the perfect quotes for the characters to say in order to maker it interesting. I could have improved by adding more animators to my inspired mood board so then I would have a good number of inspirations as back up for my evidence when it comes to planning. Also, I could improve by adding more to there mind maps in terms of character so that I can extend more on personalities and characteristics etc. Another improvement I could think of is adding more about the psychographics and social status of the audience I have chosen for the viewers of the video. These maps and mood board effected my work by helping me get more organised and prepared for my journey ahead, as well as feeling inspired by the work of legendary animators.
  • 6. Research: Existing Product Research The main strength I can think of in regards to this part of the research was that I was able to identify in detail about the different elements within the productions, such as the lighting and the compositions. This helped me get a better idea of how the animators set up the scenery and characters for their productions as well as the uses of props and lighting in order to make them successful. Another strength I can think of is that I managed to easily identify the audience appeal, and how they would benefit form the animations in terms of content. This research helped my work in a way where it would help me recognise what common elements are required to make a full stop motion animation and to make it successful. I would say the weakness, well, I could say it was hard to identify the audience appeal completely because I couldn’t figure out the advanced content such as the theory and possible psychographics. That leads me to improvements, I could’ve improved by adding more about the psychographics, as well as the social status to discuss more about the audience in more detail. The effect that this research would have on the project would be a useful one because it would help me understand more about the steps about the process of animation.
  • 7. Research: Survey I would say the main strength here would be that the observations clearly identify the meaning behind the scores that everyone gave on each question, as well as the appealing that my product was guaranteed to do. Another strength I could find was how the answers from each question seemed to have reliable scores, which helped my confidence to grow on what I believe is what the audience would have wanted. This research helped my work in a way where the results helped me get a good idea of what the audience would want to see in future animations. The weakness I could find within this is that it there were some results that didn’t show all completely, in other words, they didn’t have all scores for all categories, which made it a little hard to observe, but that is everyone’s different opinion. Another weakness I could find is that some of the answer scores made it difficult to answer, in other words, the audience appeal section was hard to answer because there was some questions in regards to the impossible such as price, which in the end didn’t regard my own product, as on Youtube, it would be free. What I could’ve do to improve is try to come up with more complex questions to get more detailed and personal answers so that I am able to extract the personal thoughts and use them for greater references. Also, I could improve by adding more questions to get a better ideas for audience appeal i.e certain elements or wider range of existing products. This would have effected my work in a way where it would help me get good idea of what the audience would’ve wanted from my product, and I am grateful for their responses.
  • 8. Experiments I could say a good strength in regard to the experiments is that they helped me practice my skills in readiness for the actual production, as well as exploring the different mouth movements that may be required for the construction of my video. Another strength I can think of is that I managed to record all the techniques for the processes, though some were similar, and it also gave me an opportunity to say my thoughts and feeling whilst doing these experiments. Once again, these processes help me by exploring the secret techniques and practicing the art of stop motion in order to help accumulate a smooth and even animation in the final product. A weakness I found was it was hard in the sound atmosphere test to obtain a silent noise completely in one of the tests, but overall, it was a good result. Another weakness I can think of is that when it came to the mouth movement experiments, it was hard to obtain a smooth animation because because the line prevalent in each frame did not run smooth when put together I found. I could’ve improved by doing an experiment based on the pitch of vocals, to see which height of pitch would work best for the characters. Also, I coulee improved by doing another experiment based on the lighting techies to see what would work best. These experiments effected my work in a way where they helped me the develop my skills for the overall video, as well as gain my confidence for when it came to the video.
  • 9. Proposal I would day the biggest strength found within my proposal is that I managed to discuss about the concept of the project in full detail, as well as the psychographics and social status of those that my video will effect. Another strength I can identify is that I was able to find reliable resources in the bibliography to help me reference and get inspiration for my work. This helped my work in a way where it helped me explore the possibilities of the outcome of the product when it was finished, as well as analysing audience research so that I would be able to keep those elements in my work all the way through. A weakness I could identify is that the rationale was hard to explain, because I developed a lot of skills over the years, I needed to explain my top skills that would be used within my production. I could improve by adding more to the rationale overall, discuss more about my past project and how they could’ve helped with the skill building up to my production. This would’ve effected my work in a way where it would help build a strong case in development and evidence for my planning as well as upcoming research, I could go back to this document and look over for reference and guidance.
  • 10. Pre Production: Style Sheets I would say a good strength here is that the style sheets helped me drew inspiration from real objects and text, as well as coming up with unique colour themes for my characters so that it would seem that they are all special in their own way. Another strength I could think of is that the different fonts and colours all back up my initial thoughts for the designs of the video. This helped me in a way where the different styles of the elements helped inspire my won work and worked as a guidance for when it came to design. A weakness I can think of is that some of the image styles didn’t match that much for what I had in mind, but thats no one’s fault. I could’ve improved by adding more image style for more inspiration, as well as more slides based of character and setting inspirations from Aardman’s work. This effected my work in a way where it helped me explore further inspirations in time for my work, as well as adding more about where I got the inspirations came from.
  • 11. Pre Production: Storyboard A strength I could say about this part of there planning was that I managed to give a brief timing and detailed angle shot of how I would want the video to turn out when it is completed as well as what I want the charters to say when it comes to their interviews. Another strength I can think of and how it helped me is that the storyboard allowed me to prepare myself for when it comes to production as well as the perpetration of the scenes. A weakness I can find is that there was no proper guarantee of the time limits for each character, or the right camera angle, it was only till I actually filmed the video that I got my time limits and angles. I could’ve improved by adding more about the tv screen transitions within, therefore it would be a whole storyboard and not just including the beginning, shots and end. This effected my work in way of preparation and organisation, so it helped me feel more prepared for when it comes to the final piece.
  • 12. Production I would say the main strength was that I managed to obtain a smooth animation throughout in some form or another, which is what I intended for the video that was discussed in my planning. Also, I managed to match the character’s motion in mouth movement with the vocals just in time with each other. I would say a weakness was that it was hard to start with the mouth movement and the vocals to begin with. For example, when it came to do the first of the bunch (Graphy), it was hard to adjust the correct mouth shapes for the right words so that it would look fluently and freely as if they look like free of speech. I could’ve improved by adding more frames to make it seem more smooth and more freely similar to Creature Comforts, which was the inspiration.
  • 14. Qualities: Stan scene When it came to doing Stan’s scene, I needed to figure out what would work best to get him to move up and down by himself. So, the best way to do this is the take pictures with my hand pressing down on his head and then used the erasing tool to erase my hand from the shot. The quality of the finalised images of Stan do look good in my opinion. The voice over of the character was very good indeed, as the voice actor really brings out Stan’s character, and that is brilliant because the goal was to help bring out the best of the characters through their vocals.
  • 15. Qualities: Graphy scene Within Graphy’s scene, I am happy with how the mouth movement of the character as she describes fluently about what creativity truly means and how she enjoys the creativity as a pencil. Also, even though it is my own voice, I am glad with the turn out because it is exactly of how I imagined what she would sound like and talk like. I am happy also with how the design in reality turned out, as it is exactly what I pictured.
  • 16. Qualities: Ross scene In Ross’ scene, I really like how his eyelids are half closing his eyes, to give the illusion that he is chilling and relaxing like a gang leader, which is exactly his kind of personality. Also, in terms of his voice, I honestly think Dan did a really great job portraying the character to perfection. Also, I like how he gave Ross a distinctive charm within the vocals and gave him his own unique personality for everyone to enjoy.
  • 17. Qualities: Paula scene Within Paula’s scene, I really like how the character’s voice gives us the feeling that she is strong as well as smart as Ross’ right hand hole punch. I love how the voice also m makes the character seem dark and mysterious. Also, I also like how she may look menacing and dark, but the eyes and mouth also give her a cute appearance, because after all, it’s family friendly.
  • 18. Qualities: Blades scene I really like how Blades’ scene with him talking really fast as well as doing this in a funny tone. I also like how he cuts the interview short, which is typical of him as he believes just because he’s a pair of scissors, everything has to be sharp. Also, I like how his tone of voice goes high at the end of each sentence, which gives him a funny vibe, as well as an interesting one.
  • 19. Qualities: Lady Ruler scene And finally, in Lady Ruler’s video, I like how she greets the camera with a high pitched and positive Hello. This is good because in her character, she is well known for being happy and loyal to her friends. Also, I like how she goes on about her qualities in a confident and positive tone, as as her final line in a much slant fashion.
  • 20. Time Management • Did you manage your time well? Yes, I did manage my time well because the filming of the characters was easy, as well as making the logo, it wasn’t as time consuming as I thought. • Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work? I managed to complete my work on time, but if I did have additional time, I could’ve added more frames in order to make thing more smoother and more detailed.
  • 21. Technical Qualities My Product Creature Comforts They both include a similar layout of character and setting. For example, the characters are in the fore ground and the background: a detailed layout of the atmosphere they are living in. My video is based on a Desktop, and is revolved around the life of stationary and their qualities. Creature Comforts is based in an English zoo, where the animals in each enclosure talking about their living conditions. They both have detailed credits at the end, describing the different participants and references used within their work. The animals in Creature Comforts are all made out of plasticine, whilst mine are not. The character within my video are all made out of real stationary and are not made out of plasticine. They both have different voice actors, that match the characters perfectly. They also talk about their qualities and living ways. The lighting of my video is a natural light through my studio window. My product has a 2D intro at the beginning, making it not entirely stop motion. The creature comforts scenes does not have music in the background, unlike mine. Instead, it’s the noise of nature. The characters in my animation nearly all have straight and emotionless faces unlike Creature Comforts. In Creature Comforts, the characters are voiced by all different ages, whilst mine is only voiced by teens.
  • 22. Aesthetic Qualities Does your work look good? To be honest, I think my work does look good to some extent. I mean, the quality could’ve been a lot better and also the smoothness of the character motion might have been better with more frames added. But overall, I am proud with the turnout, and of the character’s personalities just make me laugh. Was it creative? I guess it was creative enough, in a way where I haven’t seen a piece of stationary talk in animation before. But really, the main inspiration came from the amazing work of Aardman’s Creature Comforts, as it was the main driving force and inspiration behind my own idea. But I guess in a way it is creative with the different characteristics and traits that the characters show that I believe will make anyone who sees it laugh. What aspects of the animation do you like? What I like most is the different characteristics that the characters show. They make a great contrast as well as a unique atmosphere for what I made in the overall 3 mins. Also, I like how they talk about realistic things such as being creative as well as being useful. I like how, particularly in Stan’s scene, how he describes having staples inside him, which me made roar with laughter. What could I have done to improve? I could have improved my video by adding more frames to make the characters move more smoother in motion, but also, to get the mouth movements to match more with the timing of the words within the dialogue for each character. How could I improve? I could add more frames with different angles of the characters to make it seem smooth and at times, different movements.
  • 23. Audience Appeal How have you appealed your audience? I believe I have appealed the audience by adding character with cartoon like appearances that talk about the funniest of things. As my audience is family friendly, I believe that the characters and their colourful atmospheres and settings really make the audience happy and laughing with joy. What specific bits would appeal your target audience? I would say that the scene with Ross was the funniest part as appealing for the audience. The reason being is because how he talks and how he is full of himself, which I must admit is very funny. I knew Dan was the perfect person to be Ross’ voice actor.
  • 25. Peer Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? I liked the overall animation style you have used for your product. I also liked how well the animation matches in time with the voices it made the product seem a lot more professional. • What improvements could have been made to the product? I don’t think that there is anything that you could improve on. Animation is unique to every person and I think that this style is definitely unique in it’s own way.
  • 26. Peer Feedback 2 (From Cast Member) • What did you like about the product? I loved how you bring emotions to everyday items we are all surrounded by. A connection which everyone in the first world can relate to! I loved the added facial features to items which have no face originally. you clearly show that something as simple as palatine can add emotions to an item to anything. really bloody epic. • What improvements could have been made to the product being involved in the production, I would have liked to see a script. i think this would have been beneficial in 2 ways: ◦ for each character and their said emotions, it would have been easier for myself to live as Ross if I had known some of the things he likes to do and erase. just some directing from yourself to the script would have helped me personally. I don't know how the others felt. I could tell what you want now because your parts are fantastic. ◦ it would have been easier for you to plan some more facial features for each character if they said some more distinctive lines. (my part especially xd, sorry I was so bad)
  • 27. Peer Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? I like how it is very original, and very funny indeed. It gives a completely new outlook on stationary equipment. • What improvements could have been made to the product? I think the improvement could be to remove the camera recording screen, as it looks a little distracting.
  • 28. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? I agree with the fact that the camera screen could be removed, after all it does look a little distracting. I also agree with the fact there could be more expression added to the characters. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think there is anything I don’t agree with, everyone has given great response and I agree with them all.
  • 29. Peer Feedback Summary • What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why? The changes I would make are to add more expressions to my character, so that it doesn’t look like they are emotionless. Also, I would change the layout of scenes by removing the camera screen so that it doesn’t look distracting.