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1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                   Isaac School District No. 5
                                                   Isaac School District No. 5

Authors:                                                                                                        School
Sara Salazar                                                                                                    Lela Alston
Marissa King                                                                                                    Alta E. Butler
Emily Bergquist                                                                                                 Alta E. Butler
Gina Ruiz                                                                                                       Moya
Delia Rivera                                                                                                    P.T. Coe
Cassandra Leon                                                                                                  P.T. Coe


Rationale for the selection of priority objectives is based on the Five Pillars of Reading.

Linking performance objectives are scaffolded to guide the student’s toward mastery of priority objective(s). Each quarter a variety of genres
of both expository text and literary elements are spiraled and clustered to increase skill rigor according to blooms taxonomy. Mastery of these
objectives is critical and will help prepare students for second grade.

As a team, we have determined a number of recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to
support student mastery. These recurring performance objectives are listed in the Preamble.
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                             Isaac School District No. 5
                                                          These POs will be integrated throughout the year:
                                                                           Essential Learning
                                        Knowledge                                                                     Skills
                  PRINT CONCEPTS
S1C1PO3           Features of a sentence                               Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., capitalization, ending punctuation).

S1C1PO4           Title, author and table of contents                  Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book.
                  PHONEMIC AWARENESS
S1C2PO4           Initial, medial and final sounds in words            Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single syllable words.
S1C2PO5           Long and short vowel sounds                          Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words
S1C2PO7           Phonemes, one syllable words, consonant              Blend spoken phonemes with more than three sounds into one-syllable words, including
                  blends and digraphs                                  consonant blends and digraphs (e.g., /f/i/n/d = find; /f/l/a/t/ = flat).
S1C3PO3           Base words to compounds words                        Use knowledge of base words to identify compound words.
S1C3PO4           Words with common spelling patterns                  Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, -ate).
S1C3PO5           High frequency words; irregular sight words          Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words.

S1C4PO1           Base words and inflections                           Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look, looks, looked, looking).

S1C5PO1           Fluent reading                                       Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy.
S1C6PO1           Reasonable and meaningful predictions                Predict what might happen next in a reading selection.
S1C6PO2           Events from a literary selection can relate          Relate information and events in a reading selection to life experiences and life experiences to
                  to life experiences                                  the text.

 *           = POs previously introduced                      Bold = Priority PO                                                                                      2
 Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level              [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                    6-28-2010
 Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                      Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Print Concepts

Cluster: 1
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

                                                                                          What does a sentence look like?
Every book has a title and author.
                                                                                          What does an author do?
Every sentence begins with a capital letter and has ending punctuation.
                                                                                          Where would you find the table of contents in a book?
Books have similar parts.
                                                                                          What can a book cover tell you?

                                                                                          Why do authors use punctuation?
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                         Key                Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                 Vocabulary            Assessment
S1C1PO3             Features of a sentence                Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g.,           punctuation
                                                          capitalization, ending punctuation).                                 capital letter
                                                                                                                               upper case
S3C1PO3             Features of expository text           Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents,    lower case
                                                          heading ,bold print) of expository text.                             capitalization
S1C1PO2             Upper and lower case letters          Distinguish between upper case and lower case letters.               table of contents
S1C1PO4             Title, author and table of contents   Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book.
                    of a book

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                        3
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                      6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                      Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness

Cluster: 2
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Letters make sounds.                                                                      What is the difference between the sounds in a word and the syllables?

Sounds make up words.                                                                     Why is it important to know the difference between initial, medial and final
We can change one sound to make different words.

Changing beginning sounds can create rhyming words.
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                          Key                Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                  Vocabulary            Assessment
S1C2PO6             Letter sounds, letter patterns and    Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including            vowel
                    vowel patterns into recognizable      consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns                   vowel patterns
                    words                                 (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable                long vowel
                                                          words.                                                                 short vowel
                                                                                                                                 consonant blend
S1C2PO1             Rhyming words and consonant           Generate a series of rhyming words including consonant                 rhyme
                    blends                                blends.                                                                blend

S1C2PO4             Initial, medial and final sounds in   Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single
                    single syllable words                 syllable words.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                         4
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                       6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
S1C2PO8             Spoken phonemes into phoneme      Segment spoken phonemes contained in one-syllable words of
                    sounds                            two to five phoneme sounds into individual phoneme sounds
                                                      (e.g., splat = /s/p/l/a/t/ using manipulatives to mark each

S1C2PO3             New spoken words                  Recognize the new spoken word when a specified phoneme is
                                                      added, changed or removed (e.g., change cow to how, pan to

*           = POs previously introduced                Bold = Priority PO                                                             5
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level        [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                           6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Fluency

Cluster: 3
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                        Essential Question(s)

Poetry is made up of words arranged in sound patterns with rhyme and                     What do good readers sound like?
                                                                                         Why do we memorize high frequency words?
Fluency is being able to read quickly and accurately with the
ability to self-correct.                                                                 Why do we need to read with fluency?

Knowing high frequency words helps make readers more fluent.
   AZ                                                    Essential Learning                                                          Key              Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                               Skills                                  Vocabulary          Assessment
S1C5PO2             Natural speech                       Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like                   fluency
                                                         natural speech.                                                        rhyme
S1C3PO5             High frequency words, irregular      Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words.              high frequency
                    sight words                                                                                                 words

S1C5PO1             Fluent reading                       Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy.

S2C1PO5             Poetry with rhythm and rhyme         Participate (e.g., clapping, chanting, choral reading) in the
                                                         reading of poetry by responding to the rhyme and rhythm.

*           = POs previously introduced                   Bold = Priority PO                                                                                       6
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level           [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                     6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                    Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Decoding

Cluster: 4
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                           Essential Question(s)

Different sounds make up words.                                                             Why is letter/sound correspondence important?

Readers use word families to help them read.                                                How do word families help me decode text?

Readers decode words to read fluently.                                                      Why is it important to know parts of a word?

Vowels have a short and long sound.
   AZ                                                       Essential Learning                                                         Key             Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                  Skills                                 Vocabulary         Assessment
S1C3PO4             Words with common spelling              Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, -         phonics
                    patterns                                ate).                                                                 decoding
*S1C2PO6            Sounds from letters, letter patterns,   Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including           vowels
                    consonant blends, and vowels            consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns                  blends
                    combine into recognizable words         (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable               word families
                                                            words.                                                                rhyming

*           = POs previously introduced                      Bold = Priority PO                                                                                     7
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level              [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                   6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                     Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                         Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Word Parts

Cluster: 5
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Using word parts helps readers decode words.                                              How can words change?

Changing the ending of a word changes the word and its meaning.                           Why is knowledge of word parts important?

                                                                                          How can inflectional endings change the meaning of a word?

   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                        Key                  Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                Vocabulary              Assessment
S1C4PO1             Base words and their inflections      Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look,             base word
                                                          looks, looked, looking).                                            inflectional ending

S1C3PO2             Inflectional endings and base words   Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) to
                                                          identify base words.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                         8
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                       6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                          Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read

Cluster: 6
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                          Essential Question(s)

Readers understand what they read.                                                         Why is it important to know the 5 W’s in a story (e.g., who, what, when,

Answering and justifying questions shows understanding.                                    where and why)?

Events in a text happen in a specific order.                                               What do good readers do to understand what they read?

Good readers predict what will happen next in a story.
   AZ                                                      Essential Learning                                                          Key               Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                 Skills                                  Vocabulary           Assessment
S3C1PO2             Questions about expository text        Answer and [justify] questions (e.g., who, what, where,               sequence
                                                           when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read.                 events
S2C1PO4             Realistic and fantasy text             Determine whether a literary selection, heard or read, is             classify
                                                           realistic or fantasy.                                                 retell
S1C6PO2             Events from a literary selection can   Relate information and events in a reading selection to life          realistic
                    relate to life experiences             experiences and life experiences to the text.                         fantasy
S1C6PO1             Reasonable and meaningful              Predict what might happen next in a reading selection.                experience
S1C4PO2             Conceptual categories                  Classify common words into conceptual categories (e.g.,
                                                           animals, food, toys).

*           = POs previously introduced                     Bold = Priority PO                                                                                        9
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level             [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                      6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S2C1PO3             Sequence of events               Sequence a series of events in a literary selection, heard or

*           = POs previously introduced               Bold = Priority PO                                                               10
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level       [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                             6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                        Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Print Concepts

Cluster: 7
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                       Essential Question(s)

Every book has a title and author.                                                      What does a sentence look like?

Every sentence begins with a capital letter and has ending punctuations.                What does an author do?

Books have similar parts.                                                               Where would you find the table of contents in a book?

Non-fiction books are organized to help the reader understand information.              What can a book cover tell you?

Signs have meaning.                                                                     Why do authors use punctuation?

We use alphabetical order to organize things like dictionaries and lists.               Why do we use alphabetical order?

                                                                                        How does the organization of a book help you read?

   AZ                                                   Essential Learning                                                         Key               Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                              Skills                                 Vocabulary           Assessment
*S1C1PO3            Features of a sentence              Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g.,           punctuation
                                                        capitalization, ending punctuation).
                                                                                                                             capital letter
                                                                                                                             upper case
*S3C1PO3            Features of expository text         Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents,
                                                        heading, bold print) of expository text.                             lower case

*           = POs previously introduced                  Bold = Priority PO                                                                                       11
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level          [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                     6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                   Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
*S1C1PO2            Upper and lower case letters          Distinguish between upper case and lower case letters.         title
                                                                                                                         table of contents
*S1C1PO4            Title, author and table of contents   Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book.   author
                    of a book                                                                                            sentence
S1C1PO1             Alphabetical order                    Alphabetize a series of words to the first letter.
S3C2PO3             Meaning of specific signs             State the meaning of specific signs (e.g., traffic, safety,
                                                          warning signs).

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                  12
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness

Cluster: 8
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Letters make sounds.                                                                      How can I use letters and sounds to make words?

Sounds make up words.                                                                     How do I make rhyming words?

We can change one sound to make a different word.                                         How do we know when words rhyme?

Changing beginning sounds can create rhyming words.                                       How do we make word families?

Vowels have short and long sounds.

   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                        Key               Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                Vocabulary           Assessment
*S1C2PO6            Letter sounds, letter patterns and    Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including          vowel
                    vowel patterns combine into           consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns                 vowel patterns
                    recognizable words                    (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable              long vowel
                                                          words.                                                               short vowel
                                                                                                                               consonant blend
*S1C2PO1            Rhyming words, consonant blends       Generate a series of rhyming words, including consonant              rhyme
                                                          blends.                                                              blend

*S1C2PO4            Initial, medial and final sounds in   Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single
                    single syllable words                 syllable words.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                      13
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                    6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                    Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
*S1C2PO8            Spoken phonemes into phoneme      Segment spoken phonemes contained in one-syllable words of
                    sounds                            two to five phoneme sounds into individual phoneme sounds
                                                      (e.g., splat = /s/p/l/a/t/ using manipulatives to mark each

S1C2PO7             Spoken phonemes, consonant        Blend spoken phonemes with more than three sounds into
                    blends and digraphs               one-syllable words, including consonant blends and digraphs
                                                      (e.g., /f/i/n/d = find; /f/l/a/t/ = flat).

S1C2PO5             Long and short vowel sounds       Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally
                                                      stated single syllable words (bit/bite).

*           = POs previously introduced                Bold = Priority PO                                                             14
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level        [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                           6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Fluency

Cluster: 9
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                        Essential Question(s)

Fluency is being able to read quickly and accurately with the ability to self-           What is fluency?
                                                                                         How will reading fluently help me in the future?
Knowing high frequency words helps make readers more fluent.
                                                                                         How does knowing high frequency words help me read fluently?
Knowing common contractions helps make readers more fluent.
                                                                                         What do fluent readers sound like?
Good readers understand word order.
                                                                                         Why do we need to know word order?

   AZ                                                    Essential Learning                                                          Key             Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                               Skills                                  Vocabulary         Assessment
*S1C5PO2            Natural speech                       Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like                  fluency
                                                         natural speech.                                                       rhyme
*S1C3PO5            High frequency words, irregular      Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words.             high frequency
                    sight words                                                                                                words
*S1C5PO1            Fluent reading                       Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy.

S1C3PO6             Common Contractions                  Read common contractions fluently (e.g., I’m, I’ll, can’t).

*           = POs previously introduced                   Bold = Priority PO                                                                                      15
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level           [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                    6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                   Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S1C3PO7             Word order (syntax) and decoding   [Apply] knowledge of word order and context to confirm

*           = POs previously introduced                 Bold = Priority PO                                                        16
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level         [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                      6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                   Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                              Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Decoding

Cluster: 10
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                           Essential Question(s)

Different sounds make up words.                                                             Why are rhymes important in reading?

Readers use word families to help them read.                                                How do letter sounds help us read?

Readers decode words to read fluently.                                                      What is a rhyming word?

Vowels have a short and long sound.                                                         Why is it important to be able to decode words?

Words with the same ending sound are called rhyming words.
   AZ                                                       Essential Learning                                                          Key             Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                  Skills                                  Vocabulary         Assessment
*S1C3PO4            Words with common spelling              Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, -          phonics
                    patterns                                ate).                                                                  decoding
*S1C2PO6            Letter sounds, letter patterns and      Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including            vowels
                    vowel patterns combine into             consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns                   blends
                    recognizable words                      (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable                word families
                                                            words.                                                                 rhyming

*S1C2PO5            Long and short vowel sounds             Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally
                                                            stated single syllable words (bit/bite).

*           = POs previously introduced                      Bold = Priority PO                                                                                      17
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level              [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                    6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                      Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
`S1C3PO1            Letter- sound correspondence      Decode regularly spelled two syllable words fluently by
                                                      applying the most common letter-sound correspondences,
                                                      including the sounds represented by:
                                                      • Single letters (consonants and vowels),
                                                      • Consonant blends (e.g., bl, st, tr),
                                                      • Consonant digraphs (e.g., th, sh, ck), and
                                                      • Vowel digraphs and diphthongs (e.g., ea, ie, ee).

*S1C2PO1            Rhyming words, consonant blends   Generate a series of rhyming words including consonant

*S2C1PO5            Poetry with rhythm and rhyme      Participate (e.g., clapping, chanting, choral reading) in the
                                                      reading of poetry by responding to the rhyme and rhythm.

*           = POs previously introduced                Bold = Priority PO                                                               18
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level        [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                             6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                         Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                         Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Word Parts

Cluster: 11
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Using word parts helps readers decode words.                                              How can endings change the meaning of words?
Changing the ending of a word changes the word and its meaning.                           How do inflectional endings help us read?
A compound word is two base words put together to create a new word.                      How are contractions made?
A contraction is a shortened form of two words put together.                              Why do we use contractions?

                                                                                          What makes a compound word?
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                         Key                  Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                 Vocabulary              Assessment
*S1C4PO1            Base Words and Inflections            Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look,              base word
                                                          looks, looked, looking).                                             inflectional ending
S1C4PO4             Compound words                        [Recognize] that two words can make a compound word (e.g.,           compound word
                                                          sailboat, football, popcorn).

S1C3PO3             Base words to compound words          Use knowledge of base words to identify compound words.

*S1C3PO2            Inflectional endings and base words   Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed,
                                                          -ing) to identify base words.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                          19
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                        6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                        Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S1C4PO3             Contractions                     Identify the words that comprise contractions (e.g., can’t=can
                                                     not, it’s=it is, aren’t=are not).

*           = POs previously introduced               Bold = Priority PO                                                                20
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level       [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                              6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                         Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                          Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read

Cluster: 12
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                          Essential Question(s)

Characters have specific traits that are important to the story.                           Why are characters important in a story?

Events or characters can be similar to events or people in the life of a reader.           Why is it important to know the sequence of events in a story?

Fantasy stories contain make believe characters/events.                                    What information can readers use to make predictions?

                                                                                           What is the difference between fantasy and realistic?
   AZ                                                      Essential Learning                                                            Key                Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                 Skills                                    Vocabulary            Assessment
*S3C1PO2            Questions about expository text        Answer [and justify] questions (e.g., who, what, where,                characters
                                                           when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read.                  traits
                                                                                                                                  sequence of events
*S1C6PO2            Events from a literary selection can   Relate information and events in a reading selection to life           classify
                    relate to life experiences             experiences and life experiences to the text.                          real

S2C1PO2             Character traits, roles and            Describe characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) within a
                    similarities                           literary selection, heard or read.

*S2C1PO4            Realistic and fantasy text             Determine whether a literary selection, heard or read, is
                                                           realistic or fantasy.

*           = POs previously introduced                     Bold = Priority PO                                                                                           21
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level             [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                         6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                          Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
*S1C6PO1            Reasonable and meaningful        Predict what might happen next in a reading selection.

*S2C1PO3            Sequence of events               Sequence a series of events in a literary selection, heard or

*           = POs previously introduced               Bold = Priority PO                                                               22
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level       [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                             6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                        Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Print Concepts

Cluster: 13
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Every sentence begins with a capital letter and has ending punctuations.                  What information can you find in a non-fiction book?

We use alphabetical order to organize things like dictionaries and lists.                 What does a complete sentence look like?

Non-fiction books are organized to help the reader understand information.                How can knowing alphabetical order help you?

Words can be organized by its first letter.
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                         Key                 Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                 Vocabulary             Assessment
*S1C1PO3            Features of a sentence                Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g.,           punctuation
                                                          capitalization, ending punctuation).                                 capital letter
*S3C1PO3            Features of expository text           Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents,    alphabetical order
                                                          heading ,bold print) of expository text.                             sentence
*S1C1PO4            Title, author and table of contents   Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book.         title
                    of a book                                                                                                  table of contents
*S1C1PO1            Alphabetical order                    Alphabetize a series of words to the first letter.                   bold print

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                         23
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                       6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                            Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness

Cluster: 14
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Vowels have short and long sounds.                                                        What are words made of?

Words have syllables.                                                                     Why is blending important?

Letter patterns create rhyming words.                                                     Why is it important to know the difference between initial, medial and final
Words have initial, medial and final sounds.
                                                                                          Why is it important to break words into sounds?

   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                          Key                Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                  Vocabulary            Assessment
*S1C2PO6            Letter sounds, letter patterns and    Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including            vowel
                    vowel patterns combine into           consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns                   vowel patterns
                    recognizable words                    (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable                long vowel
                                                          words.                                                                 short vowel
                                                                                                                                 consonant blend
S1C2PO2             Multi- syllable words                 Orally segment a multi-syllable word into its syllables.               syllable

*S1C2PO4            Initial, medial and final sounds      Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single-
                                                          syllable words.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                         24
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                       6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
*S1C2PO8            Spoken phonemes into phoneme      Segment spoken phonemes contained in one-syllable words of
                    sounds                            two to five phoneme sounds into individual phoneme sounds
                                                      (e.g., splat = /s/p/l/a/t/ using manipulatives to mark each

*S1C2PO7            Spoken phonemes, consonant        Blend spoken phonemes with more than three sounds into
                    blends and digraphs               one-syllable words, including consonant blends and digraphs
                                                      (e.g., /f/i/n/d = find; /f/l/a/t/ = flat).

*S1C2PO5            Long and short vowel sounds       Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally
                                                      stated single syllable words (bit/bite).

*           = POs previously introduced                Bold = Priority PO                                                             25
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level        [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                           6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Fluency

Cluster: 15
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                        Essential Question(s)

Fluency is being able to read quickly and accurately with the ability to self-           What is fluency?
                                                                                         How will reading fluently help me in the future?
Knowing high frequency words helps make readers more fluent.
                                                                                         How does knowing high frequency words help me read fluently?
Knowing common contractions helps make readers more fluent.
                                                                                         What do fluent readers sound like?
Good readers understand word order.
                                                                                         Why do we need to know word order?

   AZ                                                    Essential Learning                                                          Key             Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                               Skills                                  Vocabulary         Assessment
*S1C5PO2            Natural speech                       Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like                  fluency
                                                         natural speech.                                                       rhyme
*S1C3PO5            High frequency words, irregular      Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words.             high frequency
                    sight words                                                                                                words
*S1C5PO1            Fluent reading                       Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy.                 contractions

*S1C3PO6            Common Contractions                  Read common contractions fluently (e.g., I’m, I’ll, can’t).

*S1C3PO7            Word order (syntax) and decoding     [Apply] knowledge of word order and context to confirm

*           = POs previously introduced                   Bold = Priority PO                                                                                      26
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level           [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                    6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                   Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Decoding

Cluster: 16
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                           Essential Question(s)

Different sounds make up words.                                                             Why are rhymes important in reading?

Good Readers use word families to help them read.                                           What is the difference between a long vowel and short vowel?

Good readers decode words to read fluently.                                                 Why is it important to know the different common spelling patterns?

Vowels have a short and long sound.

Words with the same ending sound are called rhyming words.
   AZ                                                       Essential Learning                                                          Key              Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                  Skills                                  Vocabulary          Assessment
*S1C3PO4            Words with common spelling              Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, -          phonics
                    patterns                                ate).                                                                  decoding
*S1C2PO6            Sounds from letters, letter patterns,   Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including            vowels
                    consonant blends, and vowels            consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns                   blends
                    combine into recognizable words         (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable                word families
                                                            words.                                                                 rhyming

*S1C2PO5            Long and short vowel sounds             Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally
                                                            stated single syllable words (bit/bite).

*           = POs previously introduced                      Bold = Priority PO                                                                                       27
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level              [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                     6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
*S1C3PO1            Letter- sound correspondence      Decode regularly spelled two syllable words fluently by
                                                      applying the most common letter-sound correspondences,
                                                      including the sounds represented by:
                                                      • Single letters (consonants and vowels),
                                                      • Consonant blends (e.g., bl, st, tr),
                                                      • Consonant digraphs (e.g., th, sh, ck), and
                                                      • Vowel digraphs and diphthongs (e.g., ea, ie, ee).

*S1C2PO1            Rhyming words and consonant       Generate a series of rhyming words including consonant
                    blends                            blends.

*           = POs previously introduced                Bold = Priority PO                                                         28
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level        [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                       6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                   Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                         Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Word Parts

Cluster: 17
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Using word parts helps readers decode words.                                              What is the difference between a contraction and a compound word?

Changing the ending of a word changes the word and its meaning.                           How are contractions made?

A contraction is a shortened form of two words put together.                              Why do we use contractions?

A compound word is two base words put together to create a new word.                      What makes a compound word?

A base word is a word to which other word parts may be added.
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                        Key                  Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                Vocabulary              Assessment
*S1C4PO1            Base words and their inflections      Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look,             base word
                                                          looks, looked, looking).                                            inflectional ending
*S1C4PO4            Compound words                        Recognize that two words can make a compound word (e.g.,            compound word
                                                          sailboat, football, popcorn).

*S1C3PO3            Base words to compounds words.        Utilize knowledge of base words to identify compound words.

*S1C3PO2            Inflectional endings and base words   Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed,
                                                          -ing) to identify base words.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                         29
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                       6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                       Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
*S1C4PO3            Contractions                     Identify the words that comprise contractions (e.g., can’t=can
                                                     not, it’s=it is, aren’t=are not).

*           = POs previously introduced               Bold = Priority PO                                                                30
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level       [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                              6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                         Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                            Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read

Cluster: 18
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Expository texts are about real life.                                                     Why are characters important in a story?

Characters have specific traits that are important to the story.                          Why is it important to know the sequence of events in a story?

Events or characters can be similar to events or people in the life of a reader.          What information can readers use to make predictions?

                                                                                          What is the difference between fantasy and realistic?
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                            Key             Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                    Vocabulary         Assessment
*S3C1PO2            Questions about expository text       Answer [and justify] questions (e.g., who, what, where,                characters
                                                          when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read.                  traits
*S2C1PO2            Character traits, roles and           [Analyze] characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) with in a     non-fiction/
                    similarities                          literary selection, heard or read.                                     expository text
                                                                                                                                 main idea
S3C1PO1             Topic of expository text              Identify the topic of an expository text, heard or read.               culture

S2C2PO1             Events, characters and conflicts      Compare events, characters and conflicts in literary selections
                    from a variety of cultures            from a variety of cultures to their experiences.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                        31
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                      6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                      Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                         Isaac School District No. 5
S3C2PO1             Written multi-step directions      Follow a set of written multi-step directions with pictures cues
                                                       to assist.

S3C2PO2             Specific tasks completed           Determine whether a specific task is completed, by checking
                                                       to make sure all the steps were followed in the right order,
                                                       with picture cues to assist.

*           = POs previously introduced                 Bold = Priority PO                                                                  32
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level         [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                             Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                         Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 4                           The POs in the following cluster(s) are from the subsequent grade level (2nd Grade)
Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness

Cluster: 19
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Letters make sounds.                                                                      How can I use letters and sounds to make words?

Sounds make up words.                                                                     Why do we need to know the separate sounds in a word?

We can change one sound to make different words.                                          Why is blending important?

A word can be separated into syllables.                                                   How do spelling patterns help us read?
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                            Key            Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                    Vocabulary        Assessment
S1C2PO1             Multi-syllable words into             Orally segment a multi-syllable word into its syllables.                 syllable
                    syallables                                                                                                     blend
S1C2PO2             Isolated Phonemes into two syllable   Blend isolated phonemes to form two syllable words, using r-
                    words                                 controlled vowel sounds, digraphs and diphthongs (e.g.,
                                                          /t/…/i/…/g/…/er/ makes tiger).

S1C2PO3             Spoken phonemes                       Segment spoken phonemes in two-syllable words, using
                                                          manipulatives to mark each phoneme (e.g., tiger makes
                                                          /t/…/i/…/g/…/er/ while student moves one block for each

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                       33
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                     6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                     Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 4                        The POs in the following cluster(s) are from the subsequent grade level (2nd Grade)
Unit Name and Description: Decoding

Cluster: 20
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                      Essential Question(s)

Different sounds make up words.                                                        Why is it important to know the different common spelling patterns?

Readers use word families to help them read.                                           What is a prefix?

Readers decode words to read fluently.                                                 What is a suffix?

Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of a word.                                    How do prefixes and suffixes change a word?

A contraction is a shortened form of two words put together.                           What is the difference between a contraction and a compound word?

A compound word is two base words put together to make a new word.
   AZ                                                  Essential Learning                                                         Key               Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                             Skills                                 Vocabulary           Assessment
S1C3PO4             Spelling patterns                  Use knowledge of spelling patterns such as diphthongs and            prefix
                                                       special vowel spellings when reading.                                suffix
S1C3PO6             High frequency words and           [Read] high frequency words and irregular sight words.               compound word
                    irregular sight words                                                                                   sight words

S1C4PO1             Simple prefixes                    Identify simple prefixes (e.g., un-, re-) to determine the
                                                       meaning of words.

*           = POs previously introduced                 Bold = Priority PO                                                                                       34
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level         [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                     6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                  Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S1C4PO3             Simple suffixes                  Identify simple suffixes (e.g., -ful, -ly) to determine the
                                                     meaning of words.

S1C4PO6             Contractions                     [Determine] the words that comprise contractions (e.g.,
                                                     can’t=can not, it’s=it is, aren’t=are not).

S1C4PO7             Compound words                   Determine the meaning of compound words, using knowledge
                                                     of individual words (e.g., lunchtime, daydream, everyday).

*           = POs previously introduced               Bold = Priority PO                                                             35
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level       [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                           6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                           Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 4                           The POs in the following cluster(s) are from the subsequent grade level (2nd Grade)
Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read: Narrative Text

Cluster: 21
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                         Essential Question(s)

Events in a text happen in a specific order.                                              What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

We ask questions about a narrative to understand it better.                               What helps us make predictions?

A narrative is a story that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional            How does the setting help you understand the story?
                                                                                          Why are characters important in a story?

                                                                                          How can questions help us understand what we read?
   AZ                                                     Essential Learning                                                            Key               Summative
Standard                          Knowledge                                                Skills                                    Vocabulary           Assessment
S2C1PO7             Fiction and nonfiction                [Justify] differences between fiction and nonfiction.                 fiction
S2C1PO1             Characters, plots, specific events,   [Distinguish] literary elements of text including characters,         characters
                    problem, solution and setting         plot (specific events, problem and solution), and setting.            plot
S1C6PO1             Reasonable and meaningful             Predict what might happen next in a reading selection.                solution
                    predictions                                                                                                 predict
S1C6PO3             Relevant questions                    [Formulate] relevant questions in order to comprehend text.           sequence of events

S2C1PO3             Sequence of events                    Sequence a series of events in a literary selection.

*           = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                          36
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                                                        6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                        Isaac School District
1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map
                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S2C1PO4             Cause and effect                 Identify cause and effect of specific events in a literary

*           = POs previously introduced               Bold = Priority PO                                                            37
Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level       [ ]  = Increased skill rigor                                          6-28-2010
Underlining = Cognitive rigor                                                                                     Isaac School District

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7th Grade Math Curriculum MapIsaac_Schools_5
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Unit 5 Fifth Grade cs 2012 2013Isaac_Schools_5
Unit 4 Fifth Grade cs 2012 2013
Unit 4 Fifth Grade cs 2012 2013Unit 4 Fifth Grade cs 2012 2013
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First Grade Reading

  • 1. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Isaac School District No. 5 Authors: School Sara Salazar Lela Alston Marissa King Alta E. Butler Emily Bergquist Alta E. Butler Gina Ruiz Moya Delia Rivera P.T. Coe Cassandra Leon P.T. Coe Rationale Rationale for the selection of priority objectives is based on the Five Pillars of Reading. Linking performance objectives are scaffolded to guide the student’s toward mastery of priority objective(s). Each quarter a variety of genres of both expository text and literary elements are spiraled and clustered to increase skill rigor according to blooms taxonomy. Mastery of these objectives is critical and will help prepare students for second grade. As a team, we have determined a number of recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery. These recurring performance objectives are listed in the Preamble.
  • 2. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 PREAMBLE These POs will be integrated throughout the year: AZ Essential Learning Standard Knowledge Skills PRINT CONCEPTS S1C1PO3 Features of a sentence Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., capitalization, ending punctuation). S1C1PO4 Title, author and table of contents Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book. PHONEMIC AWARENESS S1C2PO4 Initial, medial and final sounds in words Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single syllable words. S1C2PO5 Long and short vowel sounds Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words (bit/bite). S1C2PO7 Phonemes, one syllable words, consonant Blend spoken phonemes with more than three sounds into one-syllable words, including blends and digraphs consonant blends and digraphs (e.g., /f/i/n/d = find; /f/l/a/t/ = flat). PHONICS S1C3PO3 Base words to compounds words Use knowledge of base words to identify compound words. S1C3PO4 Words with common spelling patterns Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, -ate). S1C3PO5 High frequency words; irregular sight words Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words. VOCABULARY S1C4PO1 Base words and inflections Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look, looks, looked, looking). FLUENCY S1C5PO1 Fluent reading Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy. COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES S1C6PO1 Reasonable and meaningful predictions Predict what might happen next in a reading selection. S1C6PO2 Events from a literary selection can relate Relate information and events in a reading selection to life experiences and life experiences to to life experiences the text. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 2 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 3. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Print Concepts Cluster: 1 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) What does a sentence look like? Every book has a title and author. What does an author do? Every sentence begins with a capital letter and has ending punctuation. Where would you find the table of contents in a book? Books have similar parts. What can a book cover tell you? Why do authors use punctuation? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C1PO3 Features of a sentence Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., punctuation capitalization, ending punctuation). capital letter upper case S3C1PO3 Features of expository text Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents, lower case heading ,bold print) of expository text. capitalization title S1C1PO2 Upper and lower case letters Distinguish between upper case and lower case letters. table of contents author sentence S1C1PO4 Title, author and table of contents Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book. expository of a book * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 3 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 4. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness Cluster: 2 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Letters make sounds. What is the difference between the sounds in a word and the syllables? Sounds make up words. Why is it important to know the difference between initial, medial and final sounds? We can change one sound to make different words. Changing beginning sounds can create rhyming words. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C2PO6 Letter sounds, letter patterns and Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including vowel vowel patterns into recognizable consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns vowel patterns words (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable long vowel words. short vowel consonant blend S1C2PO1 Rhyming words and consonant Generate a series of rhyming words including consonant rhyme blends blends. blend S1C2PO4 Initial, medial and final sounds in Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single single syllable words syllable words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 4 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 5. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S1C2PO8 Spoken phonemes into phoneme Segment spoken phonemes contained in one-syllable words of sounds two to five phoneme sounds into individual phoneme sounds (e.g., splat = /s/p/l/a/t/ using manipulatives to mark each phoneme). S1C2PO3 New spoken words Recognize the new spoken word when a specified phoneme is added, changed or removed (e.g., change cow to how, pan to an). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 5 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 6. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Fluency Cluster: 3 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Poetry is made up of words arranged in sound patterns with rhyme and What do good readers sound like? rhythm. Why do we memorize high frequency words? Fluency is being able to read quickly and accurately with the ability to self-correct. Why do we need to read with fluency? Knowing high frequency words helps make readers more fluent. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C5PO2 Natural speech Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like fluency natural speech. rhyme poetry S1C3PO5 High frequency words, irregular Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words. high frequency sight words words S1C5PO1 Fluent reading Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy. S2C1PO5 Poetry with rhythm and rhyme Participate (e.g., clapping, chanting, choral reading) in the reading of poetry by responding to the rhyme and rhythm. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 6 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 7. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Decoding Cluster: 4 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Different sounds make up words. Why is letter/sound correspondence important? Readers use word families to help them read. How do word families help me decode text? Readers decode words to read fluently. Why is it important to know parts of a word? Vowels have a short and long sound. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C3PO4 Words with common spelling Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, - phonics patterns ate). decoding consonant *S1C2PO6 Sounds from letters, letter patterns, Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including vowels consonant blends, and vowels consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns blends combine into recognizable words (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable word families words. rhyming phonograms * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 7 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 8. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Word Parts Cluster: 5 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Using word parts helps readers decode words. How can words change? Changing the ending of a word changes the word and its meaning. Why is knowledge of word parts important? How can inflectional endings change the meaning of a word? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C4PO1 Base words and their inflections Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look, base word looks, looked, looking). inflectional ending S1C3PO2 Inflectional endings and base words Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) to identify base words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 8 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 9. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read Cluster: 6 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Readers understand what they read. Why is it important to know the 5 W’s in a story (e.g., who, what, when, Answering and justifying questions shows understanding. where and why)? Events in a text happen in a specific order. What do good readers do to understand what they read? Good readers predict what will happen next in a story. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S3C1PO2 Questions about expository text Answer and [justify] questions (e.g., who, what, where, sequence when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read. events predict S2C1PO4 Realistic and fantasy text Determine whether a literary selection, heard or read, is classify realistic or fantasy. retell events S1C6PO2 Events from a literary selection can Relate information and events in a reading selection to life realistic relate to life experiences experiences and life experiences to the text. fantasy personal S1C6PO1 Reasonable and meaningful Predict what might happen next in a reading selection. experience predictions S1C4PO2 Conceptual categories Classify common words into conceptual categories (e.g., animals, food, toys). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 9 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 10. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S2C1PO3 Sequence of events Sequence a series of events in a literary selection, heard or read. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 10 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 11. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Print Concepts Cluster: 7 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Every book has a title and author. What does a sentence look like? Every sentence begins with a capital letter and has ending punctuations. What does an author do? Books have similar parts. Where would you find the table of contents in a book? Non-fiction books are organized to help the reader understand information. What can a book cover tell you? Signs have meaning. Why do authors use punctuation? We use alphabetical order to organize things like dictionaries and lists. Why do we use alphabetical order? How does the organization of a book help you read? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C1PO3 Features of a sentence Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., punctuation capitalization, ending punctuation). capital letter upper case *S3C1PO3 Features of expository text Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents, heading, bold print) of expository text. lower case capitalization * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 11 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 12. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S1C1PO2 Upper and lower case letters Distinguish between upper case and lower case letters. title table of contents *S1C1PO4 Title, author and table of contents Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book. author of a book sentence alphabetical S1C1PO1 Alphabetical order Alphabetize a series of words to the first letter. order expository S3C2PO3 Meaning of specific signs State the meaning of specific signs (e.g., traffic, safety, warning signs). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 12 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 13. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness Cluster: 8 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Letters make sounds. How can I use letters and sounds to make words? Sounds make up words. How do I make rhyming words? We can change one sound to make a different word. How do we know when words rhyme? Changing beginning sounds can create rhyming words. How do we make word families? Vowels have short and long sounds. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C2PO6 Letter sounds, letter patterns and Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including vowel vowel patterns combine into consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns vowel patterns recognizable words (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable long vowel words. short vowel consonant blend *S1C2PO1 Rhyming words, consonant blends Generate a series of rhyming words, including consonant rhyme blends. blend *S1C2PO4 Initial, medial and final sounds in Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single single syllable words syllable words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 13 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 14. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S1C2PO8 Spoken phonemes into phoneme Segment spoken phonemes contained in one-syllable words of sounds two to five phoneme sounds into individual phoneme sounds (e.g., splat = /s/p/l/a/t/ using manipulatives to mark each phoneme). S1C2PO7 Spoken phonemes, consonant Blend spoken phonemes with more than three sounds into blends and digraphs one-syllable words, including consonant blends and digraphs (e.g., /f/i/n/d = find; /f/l/a/t/ = flat). S1C2PO5 Long and short vowel sounds Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words (bit/bite). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 14 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 15. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Fluency Cluster: 9 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Fluency is being able to read quickly and accurately with the ability to self- What is fluency? correct. How will reading fluently help me in the future? Knowing high frequency words helps make readers more fluent. How does knowing high frequency words help me read fluently? Knowing common contractions helps make readers more fluent. What do fluent readers sound like? Good readers understand word order. Why do we need to know word order? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C5PO2 Natural speech Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like fluency natural speech. rhyme poetry *S1C3PO5 High frequency words, irregular Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words. high frequency sight words words contractions *S1C5PO1 Fluent reading Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy. S1C3PO6 Common Contractions Read common contractions fluently (e.g., I’m, I’ll, can’t). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 15 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 16. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S1C3PO7 Word order (syntax) and decoding [Apply] knowledge of word order and context to confirm decoding. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 16 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 17. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Decoding Cluster: 10 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Different sounds make up words. Why are rhymes important in reading? Readers use word families to help them read. How do letter sounds help us read? Readers decode words to read fluently. What is a rhyming word? Vowels have a short and long sound. Why is it important to be able to decode words? Words with the same ending sound are called rhyming words. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C3PO4 Words with common spelling Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, - phonics patterns ate). decoding consonant *S1C2PO6 Letter sounds, letter patterns and Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including vowels vowel patterns combine into consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns blends recognizable words (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable word families words. rhyming *S1C2PO5 Long and short vowel sounds Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words (bit/bite). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 17 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 18. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 `S1C3PO1 Letter- sound correspondence Decode regularly spelled two syllable words fluently by applying the most common letter-sound correspondences, including the sounds represented by: • Single letters (consonants and vowels), • Consonant blends (e.g., bl, st, tr), • Consonant digraphs (e.g., th, sh, ck), and • Vowel digraphs and diphthongs (e.g., ea, ie, ee). *S1C2PO1 Rhyming words, consonant blends Generate a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. *S2C1PO5 Poetry with rhythm and rhyme Participate (e.g., clapping, chanting, choral reading) in the reading of poetry by responding to the rhyme and rhythm. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 18 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 19. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Word Parts Cluster: 11 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Using word parts helps readers decode words. How can endings change the meaning of words? Changing the ending of a word changes the word and its meaning. How do inflectional endings help us read? A compound word is two base words put together to create a new word. How are contractions made? A contraction is a shortened form of two words put together. Why do we use contractions? What makes a compound word? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C4PO1 Base Words and Inflections Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look, base word looks, looked, looking). inflectional ending contraction S1C4PO4 Compound words [Recognize] that two words can make a compound word (e.g., compound word sailboat, football, popcorn). S1C3PO3 Base words to compound words Use knowledge of base words to identify compound words. *S1C3PO2 Inflectional endings and base words Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) to identify base words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 19 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 20. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S1C4PO3 Contractions Identify the words that comprise contractions (e.g., can’t=can not, it’s=it is, aren’t=are not). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 20 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 21. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read Cluster: 12 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Characters have specific traits that are important to the story. Why are characters important in a story? Events or characters can be similar to events or people in the life of a reader. Why is it important to know the sequence of events in a story? Fantasy stories contain make believe characters/events. What information can readers use to make predictions? What is the difference between fantasy and realistic? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S3C1PO2 Questions about expository text Answer [and justify] questions (e.g., who, what, where, characters when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read. traits sequence of events predict *S1C6PO2 Events from a literary selection can Relate information and events in a reading selection to life classify relate to life experiences experiences and life experiences to the text. real fantasy S2C1PO2 Character traits, roles and Describe characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) within a similarities literary selection, heard or read. *S2C1PO4 Realistic and fantasy text Determine whether a literary selection, heard or read, is realistic or fantasy. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 21 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 22. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S1C6PO1 Reasonable and meaningful Predict what might happen next in a reading selection. predictions *S2C1PO3 Sequence of events Sequence a series of events in a literary selection, heard or read. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 22 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 23. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Print Concepts Cluster: 13 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Every sentence begins with a capital letter and has ending punctuations. What information can you find in a non-fiction book? We use alphabetical order to organize things like dictionaries and lists. What does a complete sentence look like? Non-fiction books are organized to help the reader understand information. How can knowing alphabetical order help you? Words can be organized by its first letter. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C1PO3 Features of a sentence Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., punctuation capitalization, ending punctuation). capital letter capitalization *S3C1PO3 Features of expository text Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents, alphabetical order heading ,bold print) of expository text. sentence author *S1C1PO4 Title, author and table of contents Identify the title, author, and table of contents of a book. title of a book table of contents heading *S1C1PO1 Alphabetical order Alphabetize a series of words to the first letter. bold print non-fiction * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 23 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 24. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness Cluster: 14 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Vowels have short and long sounds. What are words made of? Words have syllables. Why is blending important? Letter patterns create rhyming words. Why is it important to know the difference between initial, medial and final sounds? Words have initial, medial and final sounds. Why is it important to break words into sounds? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C2PO6 Letter sounds, letter patterns and Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including vowel vowel patterns combine into consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns vowel patterns recognizable words (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable long vowel words. short vowel consonant blend S1C2PO2 Multi- syllable words Orally segment a multi-syllable word into its syllables. syllable blend *S1C2PO4 Initial, medial and final sounds Distinguish between initial, medial and final sounds in single- syllable words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 24 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 25. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S1C2PO8 Spoken phonemes into phoneme Segment spoken phonemes contained in one-syllable words of sounds two to five phoneme sounds into individual phoneme sounds (e.g., splat = /s/p/l/a/t/ using manipulatives to mark each phoneme). *S1C2PO7 Spoken phonemes, consonant Blend spoken phonemes with more than three sounds into blends and digraphs one-syllable words, including consonant blends and digraphs (e.g., /f/i/n/d = find; /f/l/a/t/ = flat). *S1C2PO5 Long and short vowel sounds Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words (bit/bite). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 25 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 26. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Fluency Cluster: 15 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Fluency is being able to read quickly and accurately with the ability to self- What is fluency? correct. How will reading fluently help me in the future? Knowing high frequency words helps make readers more fluent. How does knowing high frequency words help me read fluently? Knowing common contractions helps make readers more fluent. What do fluent readers sound like? Good readers understand word order. Why do we need to know word order? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C5PO2 Natural speech Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like fluency natural speech. rhyme poetry *S1C3PO5 High frequency words, irregular Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words. high frequency sight words words *S1C5PO1 Fluent reading Read grade level text consistently with 90% accuracy. contractions *S1C3PO6 Common Contractions Read common contractions fluently (e.g., I’m, I’ll, can’t). *S1C3PO7 Word order (syntax) and decoding [Apply] knowledge of word order and context to confirm decoding. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 26 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 27. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Decoding Cluster: 16 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Different sounds make up words. Why are rhymes important in reading? Good Readers use word families to help them read. What is the difference between a long vowel and short vowel? Good readers decode words to read fluently. Why is it important to know the different common spelling patterns? Vowels have a short and long sound. Words with the same ending sound are called rhyming words. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C3PO4 Words with common spelling Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, - phonics patterns ate). decoding consonant *S1C2PO6 Sounds from letters, letter patterns, Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including vowels consonant blends, and vowels consonant blends and long- and short- vowel patterns blends combine into recognizable words (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable word families words. rhyming *S1C2PO5 Long and short vowel sounds Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in orally stated single syllable words (bit/bite). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 27 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 28. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S1C3PO1 Letter- sound correspondence Decode regularly spelled two syllable words fluently by applying the most common letter-sound correspondences, including the sounds represented by: • Single letters (consonants and vowels), • Consonant blends (e.g., bl, st, tr), • Consonant digraphs (e.g., th, sh, ck), and • Vowel digraphs and diphthongs (e.g., ea, ie, ee). *S1C2PO1 Rhyming words and consonant Generate a series of rhyming words including consonant blends blends. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 28 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 29. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Word Parts Cluster: 17 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Using word parts helps readers decode words. What is the difference between a contraction and a compound word? Changing the ending of a word changes the word and its meaning. How are contractions made? A contraction is a shortened form of two words put together. Why do we use contractions? A compound word is two base words put together to create a new word. What makes a compound word? A base word is a word to which other word parts may be added. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S1C4PO1 Base words and their inflections Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look, base word looks, looked, looking). inflectional ending contraction *S1C4PO4 Compound words Recognize that two words can make a compound word (e.g., compound word sailboat, football, popcorn). *S1C3PO3 Base words to compounds words. Utilize knowledge of base words to identify compound words. *S1C3PO2 Inflectional endings and base words Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) to identify base words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 29 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 30. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S1C4PO3 Contractions Identify the words that comprise contractions (e.g., can’t=can not, it’s=it is, aren’t=are not). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 30 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 31. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read Cluster: 18 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Expository texts are about real life. Why are characters important in a story? Characters have specific traits that are important to the story. Why is it important to know the sequence of events in a story? Events or characters can be similar to events or people in the life of a reader. What information can readers use to make predictions? What is the difference between fantasy and realistic? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment *S3C1PO2 Questions about expository text Answer [and justify] questions (e.g., who, what, where, characters when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read. traits directions *S2C1PO2 Character traits, roles and [Analyze] characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) with in a non-fiction/ similarities literary selection, heard or read. expository text main idea S3C1PO1 Topic of expository text Identify the topic of an expository text, heard or read. culture S2C2PO1 Events, characters and conflicts Compare events, characters and conflicts in literary selections from a variety of cultures from a variety of cultures to their experiences. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 31 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 32. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S3C2PO1 Written multi-step directions Follow a set of written multi-step directions with pictures cues to assist. S3C2PO2 Specific tasks completed Determine whether a specific task is completed, by checking to make sure all the steps were followed in the right order, with picture cues to assist. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 32 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 33. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 4 The POs in the following cluster(s) are from the subsequent grade level (2nd Grade) Unit Name and Description: Phonemic Awareness Cluster: 19 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Letters make sounds. How can I use letters and sounds to make words? Sounds make up words. Why do we need to know the separate sounds in a word? We can change one sound to make different words. Why is blending important? A word can be separated into syllables. How do spelling patterns help us read? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C2PO1 Multi-syllable words into Orally segment a multi-syllable word into its syllables. syllable syallables blend vowel S1C2PO2 Isolated Phonemes into two syllable Blend isolated phonemes to form two syllable words, using r- words controlled vowel sounds, digraphs and diphthongs (e.g., /t/…/i/…/g/…/er/ makes tiger). S1C2PO3 Spoken phonemes Segment spoken phonemes in two-syllable words, using manipulatives to mark each phoneme (e.g., tiger makes /t/…/i/…/g/…/er/ while student moves one block for each phoneme). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 33 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 34. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 4 The POs in the following cluster(s) are from the subsequent grade level (2nd Grade) Unit Name and Description: Decoding Cluster: 20 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Different sounds make up words. Why is it important to know the different common spelling patterns? Readers use word families to help them read. What is a prefix? Readers decode words to read fluently. What is a suffix? Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of a word. How do prefixes and suffixes change a word? A contraction is a shortened form of two words put together. What is the difference between a contraction and a compound word? A compound word is two base words put together to make a new word. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S1C3PO4 Spelling patterns Use knowledge of spelling patterns such as diphthongs and prefix special vowel spellings when reading. suffix contraction S1C3PO6 High frequency words and [Read] high frequency words and irregular sight words. compound word irregular sight words sight words S1C4PO1 Simple prefixes Identify simple prefixes (e.g., un-, re-) to determine the meaning of words. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 34 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 35. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S1C4PO3 Simple suffixes Identify simple suffixes (e.g., -ful, -ly) to determine the meaning of words. S1C4PO6 Contractions [Determine] the words that comprise contractions (e.g., can’t=can not, it’s=it is, aren’t=are not). S1C4PO7 Compound words Determine the meaning of compound words, using knowledge of individual words (e.g., lunchtime, daydream, everyday). * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 35 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 36. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 4 The POs in the following cluster(s) are from the subsequent grade level (2nd Grade) Unit Name and Description: Understanding What We Read: Narrative Text Cluster: 21 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) Events in a text happen in a specific order. What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction? We ask questions about a narrative to understand it better. What helps us make predictions? A narrative is a story that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional How does the setting help you understand the story? events. Why are characters important in a story? How can questions help us understand what we read? AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S2C1PO7 Fiction and nonfiction [Justify] differences between fiction and nonfiction. fiction nonfiction S2C1PO1 Characters, plots, specific events, [Distinguish] literary elements of text including characters, characters problem, solution and setting plot (specific events, problem and solution), and setting. plot problem S1C6PO1 Reasonable and meaningful Predict what might happen next in a reading selection. solution predictions predict setting S1C6PO3 Relevant questions [Formulate] relevant questions in order to comprehend text. sequence of events S2C1PO3 Sequence of events Sequence a series of events in a literary selection. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 36 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District
  • 37. 1st Grade Reading Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S2C1PO4 Cause and effect Identify cause and effect of specific events in a literary selection. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO 37 Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased skill rigor 6-28-2010 Underlining = Cognitive rigor Isaac School District