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7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5

                                                                    These POs will be integrated throughout the year:
   AZ                                                                                       Essential Learning
Standard                                Knowledge                                                                                                  Skills
                  PREWRITING                                                          Generate ideas through a variety of activities (e.g., prior knowledge, discussion with others,
S1C1PO1                                                                               printed material or other sources).
                  Prewriting strategies

                  Purpose                                                             Determine the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate, to persuade, to explain) of
                                                                                      an intended writing piece.

                  Audience                                                            Determine the intended audience of a writing piece.
                  Central idea                                                        Establish a central idea appropriate to the type of writing.
                  Organizational strategies
S1C1PO5                                                                               Use organizational strategies (e.g., outlines, charts, tables, graphs, Venn Diagrams, webs,
                                                                                      story map, plot pyramid) to plan writing.

S1C1PO6                                                                               Maintain a record (e.g., lists, journals, folders, notebooks) of writing ideas.
                  Writing record
S1C2PO1                                                                               Use a prewriting plan to develop a draft with main idea(s) and supporting details.
                  Prewriting plan

                  Organization                                                        Organize writing into a logical sequence that is clear to the audience.
                  REVISING                                                            Evaluate the draft for use of ideas and content, organization, voice, word choice, and sentence
S1C3PO1           Six traits                                                          fluency.

S1C3PO2           Details                                                             Add details to the draft to more effectively accomplish the purpose.

S1C3PO3           Irrelevant and/or redundant information                             Delete irrelevant and/or redundant information from the draft to more effectively accomplish
                                                                                      the purpose.

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                           -1-
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                           Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                        10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
Standard                                Knowledge                                                                                                  Skills
S1C3PO4           Word order                                                          Rearrange words, sentences, and paragraphs to clarify the meaning or to enhance the writing

S1C3PO5           Transition words                                                    Add transitional words, phrases and/or sentences to clarify meaning or enhance the writing

S1C3PO6           Sentence structures                                                 Use a variety of sentence structures (i.e., simple, compound, complex) to improve sentence
                                                                                      fluency in the draft.

S1C3PO7                                                                               Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics) to refine the draft.
                  Refinement tools and strategies
                  Resources and reference materials                                   Use resources and reference materials to select more precise vocabulary.

S1C4PO1           Punctuation, spelling, grammar errors                               Identify punctuation, spelling, and grammar and usage errors in the draft.

S1C4PO2           Convention resources                                                Use resources (e.g., dictionary, word lists, spelling/grammar checkers) to correct conventions.

S1C4PO3           Proofreading marks                                                  Apply proofreading marks to indicate errors in conventions.

S1C4PO4           Editing tools and strategies                                        Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics) to edit the draft.

S2C6PO6           Apostrophes                                                         Use apostrophes to punctuate:
                                                                                         a. contractions
                                                                                         b. singular possessives
                                                                                         e. plural possessives

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                           -2-
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                           Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                        10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5
                                       Knowledge                                                                                               SKILLS

S2C6PO7          High frequency words                                               Spell high frequency words correctly.

S2C6PO8          Common spelling patterns                                           Use common spelling patterns/generalizations to spell words correctly.
S2C6PO9          Homonyms                                                           Use homonyms correctly in context.

S2C6PO10         Resources                                                          Use resources to spell correctly.
S2C6PO13         Subject/Verb Agreement                                             Use subject/verb agreement in simple, compound, and complex sentences.


S1C5PO1          Audience and purpose                                               Prepare writing in a format (e.g., oral presentation, manuscript, multimedia) appropriate to
                                                                                    audience and purpose.

S1C5PO2          Margins and spacing                                                Use margins and spacing to enhance the final product.

S1C5PO3          Graphics                                                           Use graphics (e.g., drawings, charts, graphs), when applicable, to enhance the final product.

S1C5PO4          Legible handwriting                                                Write legibly.

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                           -3-
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                           Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                        10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                        Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 1
Unit Name and Description: Writing and Personal Narratives

Cluster: 1
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                      Essential Question(s)

                                                                                                       How does a good writer build excitement when telling a personal story?
Narrative writing includes plot, developed characters, setting, dialogue
and figurative language or descriptive words.
                                                                                                       What are the essential components of a narrative?
A personal narrative must include a strong beginning and an ending that
                                                                                                       How do the essential components make the narrative interesting?
provides a sense of closure or resolution.
                                                                                                       How can literal and figurative language help develop a narrative?
Literal and figurative language can helps the reader create images in their
minds of the narrative story.
   AZ                                                                Essential Learning                                                                            Key                    Summative
Standard                       Knowledge                                                                 Skills                                                 Vocabulary                Assessment
                   Narrative writing                              Write a narrative that includes:
 S3C1PO1                                                                                                                                                    Narrative Writing
                                                                        a. an engaging plot based on imagined or real ideas,
                                                                            observations, or memories of an event or                                        Six Traits
                                                                            experience                                                                      Plot
                                                                        b. effectively developed characters
                                                                        c. a clearly described setting                                                      Characters
                                                                        d. dialogue, as appropriate                                                         Setting
                                                                        e. figurative language, or descriptive words and
                                                                            phrases to enhance style and tone                                               Dialogue
                   Ideas and details                              Use clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic.                                Reflect

S2C2PO2            Beginning                                      Develop a strong beginning or introduction that draws in the                              Observations
                                                                  reader.                                                                                   Resolution

  PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
        *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                  -4-
     Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                  Isaac School District
   Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                               10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S2C2PO6           Ending, resolution or closure                  Create an ending that provides a sense of resolution or                                   Originality
S2C3PO2           Voice                                          Convey a sense of identity through originality, sincerity,                                Liveliness
                                                                 liveliness, or humor appropriate to the topic and type of
                                                                 writing.                                                                                  Humor
                                                                                                                                                           Intended Message
S2C4PO2           Word choice                                    Use words that consistently support style and type of writing.
S2C5PO3           Sentence fluency                               Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance
                                                                 the flow of the writing.                                                                  Focused Ideas

S2C5PO4           Dialogue                                       Use effective and natural dialogue when appropriate.

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                 -5-
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                 Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                              10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2
Unit Name and Description: Expressive

Cluster: 2
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                           Essential Question(s)
                                                                                                            How does a good writer build excitement when telling a personal story?
Narrative writing includes plot, developed characters, setting, dialogue
and figurative language or descriptive words.
                                                                                                            What are the essential components of a narrative?
A personal narrative must include a strong beginning and an ending that
                                                                                                            How might narrative components make a story interesting?
provides a sense of closure or resolution.
                                                                                                            How can literal and figurative language help develop a narrative?
Narratives can have literal and figurative language in them that helps readers
create images in their mind.
AZ                                                                       Essential Learning                                                                         Key Vocabulary          Summative
Standard                                                                                                       Skills                                                                       Assessment
*S3C1PO1          Narrative                                             Write a narrative that includes:                                                            Plot                    Character
                                                                           a. an engaging plot based on imagined or real ideas,                                                             Sketch
                                                                               observations, or memories of an event or
                                                                                                                                                                    Character               Personal
                                                                           b. effectively developed characters                                                      Major Character
                                                                           c. a clearly described setting                                                                                   Narrative Story
                                                                                                                                                                    Minor Character
                                                                           d. dialogue, as appropriate                                                                                      Poem
                                                                           e. figurative language, or descriptive words and
                                                                               phrases to enhance style and tone                                                    Dialogue
S2C1PO2           Ideas                                                 Provide content and selected details that are well-suited to                                Figurative
                                                                        audience and purpose.                                                                       Language
S2C4PO3           Word choice                                           Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and natural.
S2C5PO2           Sentence fluency                                      Create sentences that flow together and sound natural when
                                                                        read aloud.
*S2C5PO3          Sentence fluency                                      Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance
                                                                        the flow of the writing.

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                      -6-
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                   10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S3C1PO2            Expressive writing                                   Write in a variety of expressive forms (e.g., poetry, skit) that,                            Descriptive Words
                                                                        according to mode, employ:
                                                                             a. figurative language
                                                                             b. rhythm
                                                                                                                                                                     Literal language
                                                                             c. dialogue
                                                                             d. characterization
                                                                             e. plot                                                                                 Rhythm
                                                                             f. appropriate format                                                                   Originality
S2C4PO4            Literal and figurative language                      Use literal and figurative language where appropriate to                                     Sincerity
                                                                        purpose.                                                                                     Liveliness
*S2C3PO2           Voice                                                Convey a sense of identity through originality, sincerity,                                   Humor
                                                                        liveliness, or humor appropriate to the topic and type of
                                                                        writing.                                                                                     Structure
S2C3PO1            Voice                                                Show awareness of the audience through word choice, style,                                   Memories
                                                                        and an appropriate connection with, or distance from, the
S2C6PO3            Quotation Marks                                       Use quotation marks to punctuate:
                                                                             a. dialogue
                                                                             b. titles of short works (e.g., chapter, story, article, song,
                                                                             c. exact words from sources
S2C6PO11           Paragraph breaks                                     Use paragraph breaks to indicate an organizational structure.
S2C6PO12           Parts of Speech                                      Use the following parts of speech correctly in simple
                                                                              a. nouns
                                                                              b. action/linking verbs
                                                                              c. personal pronouns
                                                                              d. adjectives
                                                                              e. adverbs
                                                                              f. conjunctions
                                                                              g. prepositions
                                                                              h. interjections

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                      -7-
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                   10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 2

Unit Name and Description: Expository Writing

Cluster: 3
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                           Essential Question(s)

                                                                                                            What is the purpose of expository writing?
Expository text has a main purpose.
                                                                                                            How can expository writing be helpful in the real world?
When you write a non-fiction piece, you must base your writing on evidence
or information taken from reliable sources.
                                                                                                            What might be a reason for writing an expository paper?
Recording details before writing an expository text will help develop all the
                                                                                                            How is expository text different from other types of writing?
parts that are needed.

    AZ                                                                   Essential Learning                                                                                                    Summative
                                                                                                                                                                    Key Vocabulary
 Standard                         Knowledge                                                                   Skills                                                                           Assessment
 S3C2PO3          Process Essay                                         Write a process essay that includes:                                                        Introduction
                                                                              a. a thesis statement
                                                                              b. supporting details
                                                                              c. introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs                                      Conclusion
                                                                                                                                                                    Supporting Details
                                                                                                                                                                    Thesis Statement
                                                                                                                                                                    Process Essay

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                      -8-
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                   10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S3C2PO1            Information related to topic                         Record information (e.g., observations, notes, lists, charts,                                Observations
                                                                        map labels and legends) related to the topic.
S3C2PO2            Summary                                                                                                                                           Charts
                                                                        Write a summary based on the information gathered that
                                                                        include(s):                                                                                  Legends
                                                                            a. a topic sentence                                                                      Topic sentence
                                                                            b. supporting details                                                                    Relevant
                                                                            c. relevant information                                                                  information
S2C1PO3            Ideas                                                Develop a sufficient explanation or exploration of the topic.                                Exploration
                                                                                                                                                                     Simple sentences
S2C2PO3            Organization                                         Place details appropriately to support the main idea.                                        Compound
S2C2PO5            Organization                                         Construct paragraphs by arranging sentences with an                                          Complex sentences
                                                                        organizing principle (e.g., to develop a topic, to indicate a

*S2C4PO2           Word Choice                                          Use words that consistently support style and type of writing.

S2C5PO1            Simple, Compound, Complex                            Write simple, compound, and complex sentences.
S2C3PO3            Voice                                                Use language appropriate for the topic and purpose.

*S2C6PO11          Paragraph Breaks                                     Use paragraph breaks to indicate an organizational structure.

S1C1PO7            Time management                                      Use time management strategies, when appropriate, to
                                                                        produce a writing product within a set time period.

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                      -9-
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                   10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Functional Writing

Cluster: 4
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                           Essential Question(s)

                                                                                                            How is a business letter different from a friendly letter?
Functional writing provides specific directions or information related to real-
world tasks.                                                                                                Why is functional writing important?

Interpret, write and identify examples of functional writing to include: letters,                           Why is using all the components of a letter important?
recipes, directions, manuals, procedures, posters, graphs, etc.

When writing a letter it is important to choose the appropriate voice.

   AZ                                                                  Essential Learning                                                                                Key                Summative
Standard                         Knowledge                                                                    Skills                                                  Vocabulary            Assessment
S3C3PO3           Friendly letter                                       Write a friendly letter that includes a:                                                    Heading                Friendly letter
                                                                              a. heading
                                                                                                                                                                    Salutation             Business letter
                                                                              b. salutation
                                                                              c. body                                                                               Body
                                                                              d. closing                                                                            Closing
                                                                              e. signature                                                                          Signature
S3C3PO5           Envelope                                              Address an envelope for correspondence that includes:                                       Correspondence
                                                                           a. an appropriate return address
                                                                           b. an appropriate recipient address

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                     - 10 -
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                     Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                  10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S3C3PO4            Business letter                                       Write a formal letter that follows a conventional business                                  Formal letter
                                                                         letter format.                                                                              Business letter
S3C3PO1            Functional texts                                      Write a variety of functional texts (e.g., directions, recipes,                             Format
                                                                         procedures, rubrics, labels, posters, graphs/tables).                                       Functional text
S2C6PO5            Colons                                                                                                                                            Recipes
                                                                         Use colons to punctuate business letter salutations.
S2C6PO2            Commas                                                Use commas to correctly punctuate:                                                          Colon
                                                                            a. items in a series                                                                     Comma
                                                                            b. greetings and closings of letters                                                     Greetings
                                                                            c. introductory words and clauses                                                        Closings
                                                                            d. direct address                                                                        Introductory words
                                                                            e. interrupters                                                                          Clauses
                                                                            f. compound sentences                                                                    Interrupters
                                                                            g. appositives                                                                           Appositives
*S2C5PO2           Sentence Fluency                                     Create sentences that flow together and sound natural when                                   Compound
                                                                        read aloud.                                                                                  sentences
S2C3PO4            Voice                                                Choose appropriate voice (e.g., formal, informal, academic                                   Formal Voice
                                                                        discourse) for the audience and purpose.                                                     Informal voice
*S2C1PO1           Ideas                                                Use clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic.                                   Academic
S2C2PO1            Organization                                         Use a structure that fits the type of writing (e.g., letter format,
                                                                        narrative, play, essay).

*S2C4PO3           Word choice                                          Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and natural.

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                       - 11 -
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                       Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                    10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 3
Unit Name and Description: Persuasive Writing

Cluster: 5
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                           Essential Question(s)

In persuasive writing an author presents an issue and expresses an opinion in                               What is the purpose of persuasive writing?
order to convince an audience to agree with the opinion or to take a particular
action.                                                                                                     How might persuasive writing persuade a reader?

Persuasive writing is often used in advertisements to get the reader to buy a                               What are some examples of powerful language that you have seen in
product.                                                                                                    advertisements?

Persuasive writing uses appropriate and powerful language to convey a
message to a specific audience.

    AZ                                                                   Essential Learning                                                                                                    Summative
                                                                                                                                                                    Key Vocabulary
 Standard                         Knowledge                                                              Skills                                                                                Assessment
 S3C4PO1          Persuasive Essay                                      Write persuasive text (e.g., essay, paragraph, written                                      Persuasive text         Persuasive Ad
                                                                        communications) that:
                                                                                                                                                                    Essay                   Persuasive
                                                                           a. establishes and develops a controlling idea
                                                                                                                                                                    Paragraph               Letter
                                                                           b. supports arguments with detailed evidence
                                                                           c. includes persuasive techniques                                                        Communications          Persuasive
                                                                           d. excludes irrelevant information                                                                               Speech
                                                                                                                                                                    Controlling idea
                                                                             e. attributes sources of information when                                                                      Persuasive
                                                                                   appropriate                                                                      Detailed evidence

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                      - 12 -
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                   10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
S2C1PO4                  Ideas                                             Include ideas and details that show original perspective.      Persuasive                               Essay
S2C2PO4                  Transitions                                       Include effective transitions among all elements (sentences,   Irrelevant
                                                                           paragraphs, ideas).                                            information
S2C4PO1                  Word choice                                       Use accurate, specific, powerful words that effectively convey Attribute
                                                                           the intended message.                                          Formal voice
*S2C3PO4                 Voice                                             Choose appropriate voice (e.g., formal, informal, academic     Informal voice
                                                                           discourse) for the audience and purpose.                       Academic
*S2C3PO1                 Voice                                             Show awareness of the audience through word choice, style, Awareness of
                                                                           and an appropriate connection with, or distance from, the      audience
                                                                           audience.                                                      Language
*S2C3PO3                 Voice                                              Use language appropriate for the topic and purpose.           Dialogue
                                                                                                                                          Simple sentences
*S2C5PO4                 Dialogue                                          Use effective and natural dialogue when appropriate.           sentences
*S2C5PO1                 Simple, Compound, and Complex                     Write simple, compound, and complex sentences.                 Nouns
                         Sentences                                                                                                        Action/linking
*S2C6PO12                Parts of Speech                                   Use the following parts of speech correctly in simple          verbs
                                                                           sentences:                                                     Personal pronouns
                                                                                a. nouns                                                  Adjectives
                                                                                b. action/linking verbs                                   Adverbs
                                                                                c. personal pronouns                                      Conjunctions
                                                                                d. adjectives                                             Prepositions
                                                                                e. adverbs                                                Interjections
                                                                                f. conjunctions
                                                                                g. prepositions
                                                                                h. interjections
*S1C1PO7                 Time management                                   Use time management strategies, when appropriate, to
                                                                           produce a writing product within a set time period.

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                           - 13 -
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                           Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                        10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5

Quarter: 4                                      The POs in the following cluster(s) are 7th Grade Performance Objectives
Unit Name and Description: Literary Response

Cluster: 6
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                           Essential Question(s)

                                                                                                            How do you reflect about what you read?
A literary response is the writer’s reaction to a literary selection.
                                                                                                            What might a reader gain or learn from writing a literary response?
A literary response includes examples from the text, personal experiences,
and references to other works.
                                                                                                            Do you think writing about what you read helps you understand things?
Using clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic helps the writer
understand the piece of literature.

    AZ                                                                   Essential Learning                                                                                                     Summative
                                                                                                                                                                    Key Vocabulary
 Standard                         Knowledge                                                                   Skills                                                                            Assessment
S3C5PO1           Literature response                                   Write a response to literature that:                                                        Literary response        Literary
                                                                              a. presents several clear ideas                                                                                Response
                                                                              b. supports inferences and conclusions with
                                                                                  examples from the text, personal experience,                                      Conclusions
                                                                                  references to other works, or reference to non-                                   References
                                                                                  print media                                                                       Non-print media
                                                                              c. relates own ideas to supporting details in a clear                                 Supporting details
                                                                                  and logical manner
                                                                                                                                                                    Logical manner

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                       - 14 -
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                       Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                    10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                       Isaac School District No. 5
*S2C1PO1           Ideas                                                Use clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic.         Language
*S2C2PO3           Organization                                         Place details appropriately to support the main idea.              Details
                                                                                                                                           Main Idea
*S2C3PO3           Voice                                                Use language appropriate for the topic and purpose.                Topic
                                                                                                                                           Quotation marks
*S2C4PO3           Word choice                                          Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and natural.
S2C6PO4            Italics                                              Use italics (in typed copy) and underlining (in handwriting) to Organizational
                                                                        indicate titles of longer works (e.g., books, plays, magazines,    structure
                                                                        movies, TV series).                                                Simple sentences
*S2C6PO3           Quotation marks                                       Use quotation marks to punctuate:                                 Compound
                                                                            a. dialogue                                                    Sentences
                                                                            b. titles of short works (e.g., chapter, story, article, song, Complex Sentences
                                                                            c. exact words from sources
*S2C6PO11          Paragraph breaks                                      Use paragraph breaks to indicate an organizational
*S2C5PO3           Sentence fluency                                      Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance
                                                                         the flow of the writing.
*S2C5PO1           Simple, compound, and complex                         Write simple, compound, and complex sentences.

 PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
       *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                           - 15 -
    Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                           Isaac School District
  Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                        10-14-2010
7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map
                                                                      Isaac School District No. 5
Quarter: 4                                       The POs in the following cluster(s) are 7th Grade Performance Objectives
Unit Name and Description: Research

Cluster: 7
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings                                                                           Essential Question(s)

                                                                                                            What kinds of research do you enjoy doing or writing about?
Research writing is a process in which the writer identifies a topic or question
to be answered.                                                                                             How is paraphrasing different from copying exactly what the author has
It is important to conduct thorough research on your topic by looking for
information from many different sources.                                                                    What are the best sources to use for research and why are they the best
Paraphrasing conveys ideas and details from the source.

    AZ                                                                   Essential Learning                                                                                                    Summative
                                                                                                                                                                    Key Vocabulary
 Standard                         Knowledge                                                                   Skills                                                                           Assessment
 S3C6PO2          Research report                                       . Write an informational report that includes:                                              Research Paper          Research Paper
                                                                            a. a focused topic
                                                                                                                                                                    Facts                   Ideas include:
                                                                            b. appropriate facts and relevant details
                                                                                                                                                                    Details                 research a
                                                                            c. a logical sequence
                                                                                                                                                                                            college you
                                                                            d. a concluding statement                                                               Concluding
                                                                                                                                                                                            want to attend,
                                                                            e. a list of sources used                                                               Statements
                                                                                                                                                                                            research a
S3C6PO1           Research summary                                      Write a summary of information from sources (e.g.                                           Sources                 career, research
                                                                        encyclopedias, websites, experts) that includes:                                            Encyclopedia            a country, etc.
                                                                              a. paraphrasing to convey ideas and details from the
                                                                              b. main idea(s) and relevant details

PREAMBLE:      Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble.
      *        = POs previously introduced                    Bold = Priority PO                                                                                                      - 16 -
   Italics     = POs taught at earlier grade level            [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor                                                                                      Isaac School District
 Underlining   = Cognitive rigor                                                                                                                                                   10-14-2010

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Seventh Grade Writing Curriculum Map

  • 1. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 PREAMBLE These POs will be integrated throughout the year: AZ Essential Learning Standard Knowledge Skills PREWRITING Generate ideas through a variety of activities (e.g., prior knowledge, discussion with others, S1C1PO1 printed material or other sources). Prewriting strategies Purpose Determine the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate, to persuade, to explain) of S1C1PO2 an intended writing piece. Audience Determine the intended audience of a writing piece. S1C1PO3 Central idea Establish a central idea appropriate to the type of writing. S1C1PO4 Organizational strategies S1C1PO5 Use organizational strategies (e.g., outlines, charts, tables, graphs, Venn Diagrams, webs, story map, plot pyramid) to plan writing. S1C1PO6 Maintain a record (e.g., lists, journals, folders, notebooks) of writing ideas. Writing record DRAFTING S1C2PO1 Use a prewriting plan to develop a draft with main idea(s) and supporting details. Prewriting plan Organization Organize writing into a logical sequence that is clear to the audience. S1C2PO2 REVISING Evaluate the draft for use of ideas and content, organization, voice, word choice, and sentence S1C3PO1 Six traits fluency. S1C3PO2 Details Add details to the draft to more effectively accomplish the purpose. S1C3PO3 Irrelevant and/or redundant information Delete irrelevant and/or redundant information from the draft to more effectively accomplish the purpose. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -1- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 2. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 PREAMBLE AZ Standard Knowledge Skills REVISING S1C3PO4 Word order Rearrange words, sentences, and paragraphs to clarify the meaning or to enhance the writing style. S1C3PO5 Transition words Add transitional words, phrases and/or sentences to clarify meaning or enhance the writing style. S1C3PO6 Sentence structures Use a variety of sentence structures (i.e., simple, compound, complex) to improve sentence fluency in the draft. S1C3PO7 Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics) to refine the draft. Refinement tools and strategies Resources and reference materials Use resources and reference materials to select more precise vocabulary. S1C3PO8 EDITING S1C4PO1 Punctuation, spelling, grammar errors Identify punctuation, spelling, and grammar and usage errors in the draft. S1C4PO2 Convention resources Use resources (e.g., dictionary, word lists, spelling/grammar checkers) to correct conventions. S1C4PO3 Proofreading marks Apply proofreading marks to indicate errors in conventions. S1C4PO4 Editing tools and strategies Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics) to edit the draft. S2C6PO6 Apostrophes Use apostrophes to punctuate: a. contractions b. singular possessives e. plural possessives PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -2- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 3. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 PREAMBLE AZ Knowledge SKILLS Standard S2C6PO7 High frequency words Spell high frequency words correctly. S2C6PO8 Common spelling patterns Use common spelling patterns/generalizations to spell words correctly. S2C6PO9 Homonyms Use homonyms correctly in context. S2C6PO10 Resources Use resources to spell correctly. S2C6PO13 Subject/Verb Agreement Use subject/verb agreement in simple, compound, and complex sentences. PUBLISHING S1C5PO1 Audience and purpose Prepare writing in a format (e.g., oral presentation, manuscript, multimedia) appropriate to audience and purpose. S1C5PO2 Margins and spacing Use margins and spacing to enhance the final product. S1C5PO3 Graphics Use graphics (e.g., drawings, charts, graphs), when applicable, to enhance the final product. S1C5PO4 Legible handwriting Write legibly. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -3- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 4. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 1 Unit Name and Description: Writing and Personal Narratives Cluster: 1 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) How does a good writer build excitement when telling a personal story? Narrative writing includes plot, developed characters, setting, dialogue and figurative language or descriptive words. What are the essential components of a narrative? A personal narrative must include a strong beginning and an ending that How do the essential components make the narrative interesting? provides a sense of closure or resolution. How can literal and figurative language help develop a narrative? Literal and figurative language can helps the reader create images in their minds of the narrative story. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment Narrative writing Write a narrative that includes: S3C1PO1 Narrative Writing a. an engaging plot based on imagined or real ideas, observations, or memories of an event or Six Traits experience Plot b. effectively developed characters c. a clearly described setting Characters d. dialogue, as appropriate Setting e. figurative language, or descriptive words and phrases to enhance style and tone Dialogue Ideas and details Use clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic. Reflect S2C1PO1 Engaging S2C2PO2 Beginning Develop a strong beginning or introduction that draws in the Observations reader. Resolution PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -4- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 5. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S2C2PO6 Ending, resolution or closure Create an ending that provides a sense of resolution or Originality closure. Sincerity S2C3PO2 Voice Convey a sense of identity through originality, sincerity, Liveliness liveliness, or humor appropriate to the topic and type of writing. Humor Intended Message S2C4PO2 Word choice Use words that consistently support style and type of writing. Convey Support S2C5PO3 Sentence fluency Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance the flow of the writing. Focused Ideas S2C5PO4 Dialogue Use effective and natural dialogue when appropriate. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -5- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 6. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Expressive Cluster: 2 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) How does a good writer build excitement when telling a personal story? Narrative writing includes plot, developed characters, setting, dialogue and figurative language or descriptive words. What are the essential components of a narrative? A personal narrative must include a strong beginning and an ending that How might narrative components make a story interesting? provides a sense of closure or resolution. How can literal and figurative language help develop a narrative? Narratives can have literal and figurative language in them that helps readers create images in their mind. AZ Essential Learning Key Vocabulary Summative Standard Skills Assessment Knowledge *S3C1PO1 Narrative Write a narrative that includes: Plot Character a. an engaging plot based on imagined or real ideas, Sketch Setting observations, or memories of an event or Character Personal experience Narrative b. effectively developed characters Major Character c. a clearly described setting Narrative Story Minor Character d. dialogue, as appropriate Poem Characterization e. figurative language, or descriptive words and phrases to enhance style and tone Dialogue S2C1PO2 Ideas Provide content and selected details that are well-suited to Figurative audience and purpose. Language S2C4PO3 Word choice Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and natural. S2C5PO2 Sentence fluency Create sentences that flow together and sound natural when read aloud. *S2C5PO3 Sentence fluency Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance the flow of the writing. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -6- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 7. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S3C1PO2 Expressive writing Write in a variety of expressive forms (e.g., poetry, skit) that, Descriptive Words according to mode, employ: Style a. figurative language Tone b. rhythm Literal language c. dialogue Narrative d. characterization e. plot Rhythm f. appropriate format Originality S2C4PO4 Literal and figurative language Use literal and figurative language where appropriate to Sincerity purpose. Liveliness *S2C3PO2 Voice Convey a sense of identity through originality, sincerity, Humor liveliness, or humor appropriate to the topic and type of writing. Structure S2C3PO1 Voice Show awareness of the audience through word choice, style, Memories and an appropriate connection with, or distance from, the audience. S2C6PO3 Quotation Marks Use quotation marks to punctuate: a. dialogue b. titles of short works (e.g., chapter, story, article, song, poem) c. exact words from sources S2C6PO11 Paragraph breaks Use paragraph breaks to indicate an organizational structure. S2C6PO12 Parts of Speech Use the following parts of speech correctly in simple sentences: a. nouns b. action/linking verbs c. personal pronouns d. adjectives e. adverbs f. conjunctions g. prepositions h. interjections PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -7- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 8. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 2 Unit Name and Description: Expository Writing Cluster: 3 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) What is the purpose of expository writing? Expository text has a main purpose. How can expository writing be helpful in the real world? When you write a non-fiction piece, you must base your writing on evidence or information taken from reliable sources. What might be a reason for writing an expository paper? Recording details before writing an expository text will help develop all the How is expository text different from other types of writing? parts that are needed. AZ Essential Learning Summative Key Vocabulary Standard Knowledge Skills Assessment S3C2PO3 Process Essay Write a process essay that includes: Introduction a. a thesis statement Body b. supporting details c. introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs Conclusion Supporting Details Thesis Statement Process Essay PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -8- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 9. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S3C2PO1 Information related to topic Record information (e.g., observations, notes, lists, charts, Observations map labels and legends) related to the topic. Lists S3C2PO2 Summary Charts Write a summary based on the information gathered that include(s): Legends a. a topic sentence Topic sentence b. supporting details Relevant c. relevant information information S2C1PO3 Ideas Develop a sufficient explanation or exploration of the topic. Exploration Explanation Simple sentences S2C2PO3 Organization Place details appropriately to support the main idea. Compound sentences S2C2PO5 Organization Construct paragraphs by arranging sentences with an Complex sentences organizing principle (e.g., to develop a topic, to indicate a chronology). *S2C4PO2 Word Choice Use words that consistently support style and type of writing. S2C5PO1 Simple, Compound, Complex Write simple, compound, and complex sentences. Sentences S2C3PO3 Voice Use language appropriate for the topic and purpose. *S2C6PO11 Paragraph Breaks Use paragraph breaks to indicate an organizational structure. S1C1PO7 Time management Use time management strategies, when appropriate, to produce a writing product within a set time period. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO -9- Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 10. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Functional Writing Cluster: 4 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) How is a business letter different from a friendly letter? Functional writing provides specific directions or information related to real- world tasks. Why is functional writing important? Interpret, write and identify examples of functional writing to include: letters, Why is using all the components of a letter important? recipes, directions, manuals, procedures, posters, graphs, etc. When writing a letter it is important to choose the appropriate voice. AZ Essential Learning Key Summative Standard Knowledge Skills Vocabulary Assessment S3C3PO3 Friendly letter Write a friendly letter that includes a: Heading Friendly letter a. heading Salutation Business letter b. salutation c. body Body d. closing Closing e. signature Signature Envelope S3C3PO5 Envelope Address an envelope for correspondence that includes: Correspondence a. an appropriate return address Recipient b. an appropriate recipient address PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 10 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 11. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S3C3PO4 Business letter Write a formal letter that follows a conventional business Formal letter letter format. Business letter S3C3PO1 Functional texts Write a variety of functional texts (e.g., directions, recipes, Format procedures, rubrics, labels, posters, graphs/tables). Functional text S2C6PO5 Colons Recipes Use colons to punctuate business letter salutations. Procedure Rubrics S2C6PO2 Commas Use commas to correctly punctuate: Colon a. items in a series Comma b. greetings and closings of letters Greetings c. introductory words and clauses Closings d. direct address Introductory words e. interrupters Clauses f. compound sentences Interrupters g. appositives Appositives *S2C5PO2 Sentence Fluency Create sentences that flow together and sound natural when Compound read aloud. sentences Series S2C3PO4 Voice Choose appropriate voice (e.g., formal, informal, academic Formal Voice discourse) for the audience and purpose. Informal voice *S2C1PO1 Ideas Use clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic. Academic discourse S2C2PO1 Organization Use a structure that fits the type of writing (e.g., letter format, narrative, play, essay). *S2C4PO3 Word choice Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and natural. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 11 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 12. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 3 Unit Name and Description: Persuasive Writing Cluster: 5 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) In persuasive writing an author presents an issue and expresses an opinion in What is the purpose of persuasive writing? order to convince an audience to agree with the opinion or to take a particular action. How might persuasive writing persuade a reader? Persuasive writing is often used in advertisements to get the reader to buy a What are some examples of powerful language that you have seen in product. advertisements? Persuasive writing uses appropriate and powerful language to convey a message to a specific audience. AZ Essential Learning Summative Key Vocabulary Standard Knowledge Skills Assessment S3C4PO1 Persuasive Essay Write persuasive text (e.g., essay, paragraph, written Persuasive text Persuasive Ad communications) that: Essay Persuasive a. establishes and develops a controlling idea Paragraph Letter b. supports arguments with detailed evidence c. includes persuasive techniques Communications Persuasive d. excludes irrelevant information Speech Controlling idea e. attributes sources of information when Persuasive Arguments appropriate Detailed evidence PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 12 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 13. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 S2C1PO4 Ideas Include ideas and details that show original perspective. Persuasive Essay techniques S2C2PO4 Transitions Include effective transitions among all elements (sentences, Irrelevant paragraphs, ideas). information S2C4PO1 Word choice Use accurate, specific, powerful words that effectively convey Attribute the intended message. Formal voice *S2C3PO4 Voice Choose appropriate voice (e.g., formal, informal, academic Informal voice discourse) for the audience and purpose. Academic discourse *S2C3PO1 Voice Show awareness of the audience through word choice, style, Awareness of and an appropriate connection with, or distance from, the audience audience. Language Topic *S2C3PO3 Voice Use language appropriate for the topic and purpose. Dialogue Simple sentences Compound *S2C5PO4 Dialogue Use effective and natural dialogue when appropriate. sentences Complex sentences *S2C5PO1 Simple, Compound, and Complex Write simple, compound, and complex sentences. Nouns Sentences Action/linking *S2C6PO12 Parts of Speech Use the following parts of speech correctly in simple verbs sentences: Personal pronouns a. nouns Adjectives b. action/linking verbs Adverbs c. personal pronouns Conjunctions d. adjectives Prepositions e. adverbs Interjections f. conjunctions g. prepositions h. interjections *S1C1PO7 Time management Use time management strategies, when appropriate, to produce a writing product within a set time period. PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 13 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 14. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 4 The POs in the following cluster(s) are 7th Grade Performance Objectives Unit Name and Description: Literary Response Cluster: 6 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) How do you reflect about what you read? A literary response is the writer’s reaction to a literary selection. What might a reader gain or learn from writing a literary response? A literary response includes examples from the text, personal experiences, and references to other works. Do you think writing about what you read helps you understand things? Using clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic helps the writer understand the piece of literature. AZ Essential Learning Summative Key Vocabulary Standard Knowledge Skills Assessment S3C5PO1 Literature response Write a response to literature that: Literary response Literary a. presents several clear ideas Response Inferences b. supports inferences and conclusions with examples from the text, personal experience, Conclusions references to other works, or reference to non- References print media Non-print media c. relates own ideas to supporting details in a clear Supporting details and logical manner Logical manner PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 14 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 15. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 *S2C1PO1 Ideas Use clear, focused ideas and details to support the topic. Language Ideas *S2C2PO3 Organization Place details appropriately to support the main idea. Details Main Idea *S2C3PO3 Voice Use language appropriate for the topic and purpose. Topic Quotation marks *S2C4PO3 Word choice Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and natural. Italics S2C6PO4 Italics Use italics (in typed copy) and underlining (in handwriting) to Organizational indicate titles of longer works (e.g., books, plays, magazines, structure movies, TV series). Simple sentences *S2C6PO3 Quotation marks Use quotation marks to punctuate: Compound a. dialogue Sentences b. titles of short works (e.g., chapter, story, article, song, Complex Sentences poem) c. exact words from sources *S2C6PO11 Paragraph breaks Use paragraph breaks to indicate an organizational structure. *S2C5PO3 Sentence fluency Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance the flow of the writing. *S2C5PO1 Simple, compound, and complex Write simple, compound, and complex sentences. sentences PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 15 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010
  • 16. 7th Grade Writing Curriculum Map Isaac School District No. 5 Quarter: 4 The POs in the following cluster(s) are 7th Grade Performance Objectives Unit Name and Description: Research Cluster: 7 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Question(s) What kinds of research do you enjoy doing or writing about? Research writing is a process in which the writer identifies a topic or question to be answered. How is paraphrasing different from copying exactly what the author has written? It is important to conduct thorough research on your topic by looking for information from many different sources. What are the best sources to use for research and why are they the best resources? Paraphrasing conveys ideas and details from the source. AZ Essential Learning Summative Key Vocabulary Standard Knowledge Skills Assessment S3C6PO2 Research report . Write an informational report that includes: Research Paper Research Paper a. a focused topic Facts Ideas include: b. appropriate facts and relevant details Details research a c. a logical sequence college you d. a concluding statement Concluding want to attend, e. a list of sources used Statements research a S3C6PO1 Research summary Write a summary of information from sources (e.g. Sources career, research encyclopedias, websites, experts) that includes: Encyclopedia a country, etc. a. paraphrasing to convey ideas and details from the Paraphrasing source b. main idea(s) and relevant details PREAMBLE: Recurring concepts and performance objectives that are to be integrated throughout the year to support student mastery are listed in the Preamble. * = POs previously introduced Bold = Priority PO - 16 - Italics = POs taught at earlier grade level [ ] = Increased Skill Rigor Isaac School District Underlining = Cognitive rigor 10-14-2010