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                                           7th Grade Science Curriculum Map
This document contains all mandated Arizona state standards for 7th grade science. The standards have been organized into units and clusters. The
units represent the major domain or field of scientific study under which the identified standards fall. The cluster represents the collection of similar
concepts within the larger domain. Within these units and clusters the performance objectives have been sequenced to represent a logical progression
of the content knowledge. It is expected that all teachers follow the sequence of units and clusters as described in the following document.

Approximate Time
Approximate times are based on a 60-minute instructional session for grades 6-8 and a 30-minute instructional session for grades 4 and 5. All
units and clusters must be taught prior to the third quarter benchmark assessments.

Essential Questions
Essential Questions are to be posed to the students at the beginning of the cluster and revisited throughout the cluster. They are designed to facilitate
conceptual development of the content and can be used as a tool for making connections, higher order thinking and inquiry. The students should be
able to answer these on their own by the end of the cluster.

Big Ideas
Big Ideas are the essential understandings that are critical for students’ learning. These are the enduring understandings we want students to carry
with them from grade level to grade level. Answering the Essential Questions is indicative of a student mastering the Big Idea, however they are not
always synonymous. Thus, in cases that the answer to the Essential Question does not include all components of the Big Idea, the Big Idea (for teacher
use) has been provided in italics.

Common Misconceptions
These are common misunderstandings students bring to the learning process. Being aware of such misconceptions allows us to plan for them during

Content and Skill/Process Standards
This document has been organized by content standards and skill or process standard. The content standards are those that represent knowledge
specific to the scientific domain outlined in the unit (strands 4-6). The skill/process standards represent the skills involved in scientific inquiry, scientific
habits of mind and/or scientific advancements and opportunities (strands 1-3). The content and skill/process standards have been paired to represent
possible combinations of performance objectives from strands 1-3 with performance objectives from strands 4-6. As described in the Arizona state
standards, strands 1-3 are not intended to be taught in isolation; thus, the pairing of these performance objectives provides a possible context for
teaching these performance objectives. Each time, the performance objective should be taught to a deeper level of understanding and/or should be
connected to the other performance objectives in the cluster.

8/13/12                                                                         1                                        Isaac Elementary School District
Common Core/Cross Curricular
The standards in the Common Core/Cross Curricular column represent possible reading, writing, math and language standards that can be reinforced
or taught through the science standards with which they are paired. These standards will be added as the Common Core curriculum is developed for
4th-8th grade.

With input from grade level teachers, standards have been prioritized in two ways. The content standards have been prioritized using a three-point
scale. Essential standards represent those that are heavily weighted on state/national exams, foundational, and/or applicable in multiple contexts.
Important standards are those that are applicable in many contexts and less heavily weighted on state/national exams. Useful standards are those
with the least weight on state/national exams and are likely only useful in a specific scientific context. This is denoted in the priority column with the
codes E (essential), I (important) and U (useful). This label applies to the content standards only. The skill/process standards that are a priority for
this grade level are highlighted in blue and are expected to be mastered at this grade level.

Key Vocabulary
The key vocabulary that should be taught for each of the performance objectives is listed under key vocabulary. These vocabulary words are coded
as tier one (1), tier two (2) or tier three (3). Tier one words are those that are very common and should not be explicitly taught. Tier two words are
high utility words that can be used across content areas or contexts. Tier three words are content specific words.

The two types of resources listed are the Lab/Activity resources and the Web/Core Resources. All are suggestions that teachers may use to support
instruction. They are aligned to the performance objectives listed in the same row. The Web Resources are useful Internet links that can be used for
the teacher’s edification prior to instruction or as a tool during instruction. The core resources are suggested pages from the adopted texts. Similarly,
the Lab/Activity resources are possible labs or activities that support the performance objectives with which they are paired.

Unit/Cluster Project
The Unit/Cluster Projects are possible projects that teachers can use to support students in making connections, critical thinking, higher order thinking,
and/or spiraling curriculum. Unit projects support standards from all clusters within a unit while cluster project support the standards in a particular
cluster. While it is not required that a teacher do a project with every unit or cluster these resources will support project-based instruction and
practice should the teacher choose to implement them.

The assessment section of the map has been left blank for teachers to plan the dates that they will give a formative assessment for the cluster. It is
expected that each cluster be assessed using a common formative assessment.

Performance objectives may appear more than once. Each time they should be taught within the context of the cluster and/or revisited to a deeper
level of knowledge. Underlined segments of a PO indicate an additional piece of the PO that was likely not covered in previous clusters. [Brackets]
will occasionally appear though out the document and indicate clarification of the PO. Bracketed information is not a part of the PO itself.

8/13/12                                                                      2                                       Isaac Elementary School District

 Unit: Earth Science
 Cluster: Earth’s Structure

 Approximate Time: 9 days

8/13/12                       3   Isaac Elementary School District
                         Essential Questions                                               Big Ideas
                       How is the Earth like an onion?                The Earth has unique layers. Each of the layers has
                                                                              a unique composition and distinct properties.

                                                                       The Earth is like an onion in that it also has layers and
                                                                       although the layers are similar, they are not exactly the
                                                                       same. They are also alike in that a change in the inner
                                                                       layers results in a change in the outer layers but not
                                                                       always vice versa.

           Does the Earth look the same today as it did yesterday?    The Earth’s surface or Crust is constantly changing.

                                                                       No, not exactly. The Earth’s surface is constantly
                                                                       changing as erosion, deposition, plate tectonics and
                                                                       volcanism occur. Although it can be slow, all of these
                                                                       change the surface and therefore the appearance of
                                                                       the Earth.

8/13/12                                                           4                         Isaac Elementary School District
 Priority         Knowledge/Content                        Skill/Process             Common         Key                             Resources
                                                                                    Core/Cross   Vocabulary            Lab/Activity         Web & Core
    E       S6:C1:PO2 Describe the properties and                                                (3) crust
            the composition of the following major                                               (3) mantle
            layers of the Earth:                                                                 (3) core
                   crust                                                                       (2) composition
                   mantle                                                                      (2) properties
                   core
    E       S6:C1:PO3 Explain the following              S1:C1:PO2 Select                        (2) attributed                              The Changing Earth
            processes involved in the formation of the   appropriate resources                   (2) process                                Lesson 1.2 pg. 14-19
            Earth’s structure:                           for background in                       (2) formation
                   erosion                             formation related to a                  (3) erosion                                 The Earth’s Surface
                   deposition                          question, for use in the                (3) deposition                             Lesson 3.2 pg. 82-88
                   plate tectonics                     design of a controlled                  (3) plate tectonics
                                                         investigation                           (3) volcanism
                   volcanism
                                                         S1:C2:PO2 Design an                     (2) independent
                                                         investigation to test                   variable
                                                         individual variables                    (2) dependent
                                                         using scientific                        variable
                                                         processes                               (2) control

                                                         S1:C4:PO3                               (2) quantitative
                                                         Communicate the                         (2) qualitative
                                                         results of an
                                                         investigation with
                                                         appropriate use of
                                                         qualitative and


Unit: Earth Science
Cluster: Earth’s Processes

8/13/12                                                                              5                                      Isaac Elementary School District
 Approximate Time: 10 days
                           Essential Questions                                                Big Ideas
       Though we cannot see it happening at the moment, how do we know    Lithospheric plate movement is one way that the
                  that the tectonic plates in the lithosphere move?             surface of the Earth is constantly changing. The
                                                                                     surface changes in the Earth reflect the
                                                                                            movement of the plates.

                                                                           There are several ways we can know this including
                                                                           taking measurements over time and comparing plate

                                                                              Tectonic plates move in three ways; converge,
           How do tectonic plates move and what happens when they do?       diverge, and transform. Depending on which way
                                                                                  they move, a different landform will result.

                                                                           Plates move as the Earth below them shift and
                                                                           change with conduction and convection. The plates
                                                                           either slide past one another, over one another or into
                                                                           one another. When this happens, mountains, rift
                                                                           valley, sea floor spreading, faults, trenches, and
                                                                           volcanoes result.

8/13/12                                                          6                            Isaac Elementary School District
 Priority         Knowledge/Content                     Skill/Process            Common           Key                        Resources
                                                                                Core/Cross     Vocabulary        Lab/Activity    Web & Core
    E       S6:C2:PO3 Analyze the evidence that       S1:C1:PO2 Select         W-S3:C6:PO1   (3) lithospheric
            lithospheric plate movements occur        appropriate resources    R-S3:C1:PO6   (2) evidence
                                                      for background           R-S3:C2:PO3
                                                      information related to
                                                      a question
    E       S6:C2:PO4 Explain lithospheric plate                                             (3) listhosphere    Introduction to
            movement as a result of convection                                               (3) asthenosphere   Density
                                                                                             (2) density
                                                                                             (2) convection      Showing
                                                                                             (2) conduction      Convection
                                                                                                                 (Colored Water

    I       S6:C2:PO5 Relate plate boundary           S1:C3:PO2 Form a                       (2) converge                                Earth’s Surface
            movements to their resulting landforms,   logical argument                       (2) diverge                             Lesson 3.4 pg. 96-101
            including:                                about a correlation                    (2) transform
                   mountains                        between variables or                   (2) mountain
                   faults                           sequence of events                     (2) fault
                   rift valleys                     (e.g., construct a                     (3) rift valley
                                                      cause-and-effect chain                 (2) trench
                   trenches                         that explains a                        (2) volcano
                   volcanoes                        sequence of events)
    U       S6:C2:PO6 Describe how earthquakes        S2:C1:PO4 Analyze                      (3) seismograph
            are measured                              the use of technology                  (3) seismologist
                                                      in science-related                     (3) seismic wave
                                                      careers (seismologist)

                                                      S1:C4:PO1 Choose an
                                                      appropriate graphic
                                                      representation for
                                                      collected data:
                                                             line graph
                                                             double bar
                                                             stem and
                                                                leaf plot
                                                             histogram

8/13/12                                                                          7                                    Isaac Elementary School District


 Unit: Earth Science
 Cluster: Rocks and Minerals
 Approximate Time: 15 days

8/13/12                        8   Isaac Elementary School District
                         Essential Questions                                                          Big Ideas
        One day, while hiking in the desert you find what looks like a      The fossil record and rock record can tell us a great deal
          rock with the impression of a fish skeleton in it. What is this              about who or what was in an area long ago.
           object and what can you infer from finding it in the desert?
                                                                            The item is a fossil. It is most likely telling us that at one time
                                                                            that area was covered with water and inhabited by fish. It
                                                                            could also be telling us that at one time there were bodies of
                                                                            water in the area and people who used/ate the fish from
       Scientifically speaking, why are most women’s engagement rings
                                                                              Rocks and minerals have observable, usable, properties.
             and saw blades used to cut metal made with diamonds?
                                                                            Diamonds are the most durable of the gemstones therefore
                                                                            they make a good choice for a piece of jewelry that will be
                                                                            worn everyday and will encounter a lot of use/abuse and for a
                                                                            saw that needs to be strong enough to cut metal.

8/13/12                                                                 9                                 Isaac Elementary School District
 Priority    Knowledge/Content               Skill/Process             Common           Key                            Resources
                                                                      Core/Cross     Vocabulary      Lab/Activity          Web & Core
    I       S6:C1:PO1 Classify rocks and   S2:C2:PO3 Apply the        W-S3:C2:PO1   (3) mohs scale   Streak Lab                  Earth’s Surface
            minerals by the following      following scientific       W-S3:C3:PO1   (2) hardness                              Lesson 2.1 pg. 43-49
            observable properties:         processes to other                       (2) texture
                  grain                  problem solving or                       (2) grain
                  color                  decision making
                  texture                situations:
                  hardness                      observing
                                                  classifying
                                                  organizing

                                           S1:C2:PO5 Keep a
                                           record of
                                           observations, notes,
                                           sketches, questions,
                                           and ideas using tools
                                           such as written and/or
                                           computer logs

                                           S1:C2:PO3 Conduct a
                                           investigation, utilizing
                                           multiple trials, to test
                                           a hypothesis using
                                           scientific processes

                                           S2:C2:PO3 Apply the
                                           following scientific
                                           processes to other
                                           problem solving or
                                           decision making
                                                   Comparing

                                           S1:C3:PO6 Refine
                                           hypotheses based on
                                           results from

                                           S1:C4:PO2 Display
                                           data collected from a
8/13/12                                                                        10                                 Isaac Elementary School District

          Communicate the
          results and conclusion
          of the investigation

8/13/12                            11   Isaac Elementary School District
      I     S6:C2:PO1 Explain the rock                                       (3) rock cycle                                       Earth’s Surface
            cycle                                                                                                              Lesson 2.1 pg. 43-49

      E     S6:C2:PO2 Distinguish the          S1:C2:PO1                     (2) distinguish     Sedimentary Rock
            components and characteristics     Demonstrate safe              (3) igneous         Simulation (crayons)
            of the rock cycle for the          behavior and                  (3) metamorphic
            following types of rocks:          appropriate                   (3) sedimentary
                   igneous                   procedures (e.g., use
                   metamorphic               and care of
                   sedimentary               technology, materials,
                                               organisms) in all
                                               science inquiry

                                               S1:C4:PO4 Write
                                               clear, step-by-step
                                               instructions for
                                               following procedures
                                               (without the use of
                                               personal pronouns)

                                               S1:C1:PO1 Formulate
                                               questions based on
                                               observations that lead
                                               to the development of
                                               a hypothesis

                                               S1:C1:PO3 Explain
                                               the role of a
                                               hypothesis in a
                                               scientific inquiry
      I     S6:C1:PO4 Describe how the                                       (3) fossil                                           Earth’s Surface
            rock and fossil record show that                                 (3) fossil record                                 Lesson 3.3 pg. 89-95
            environmental conditions have                                    (2) geological
            changed over geological and
            recent time


8/13/12                                                                 12                                       Isaac Elementary School District

 Unit: Earth Science
 Cluster: Earth and the Solar System

 Approximate Time: 20 days
                      Essential Questions                                                                Big Ideas
                                                                                  There are observable, predictable patterns of movement
                                                                                                   for the Sun, Earth, and Moon.

       What is the relationship between the Earth’s tilt on its axis and the      The different seasons result from the tilt of Earth on its
               weather in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?                                                 axis.

                                                                                 Since the Earth is tilted on its axis, the Northern and
                                                                                 Southern Hemispheres are not the equidistant from the Sun.
                                                                                 The closer hemisphere experiences summer while the one
                                                                                 that is further away experiences winter. In this way, the
                                                                                 Northern and Southern hemispheres experience opposite
                                                                                 seasons and as the Earth revolves around the sun, the
                                                                                 seasons change as the hemispheres get closer to or further
                                                                                 from the sun.
         How do scientists know that the Moon’s gravity affects Earth?
                                                                                    The gravitational pull of the Moon causes the Earth’s

                                                                                 The tides provide evidence of the Moon’s gravity affecting
                                                                                 Earth. High and low tide result from variation in pull of the
                                                                                 Moon’s gravity based on how close that side of the Earth is to
                                                                                 the Moon.

8/13/12                                                                  13                                 Isaac Elementary School District
 Priority       Knowledge/Content                   Skill/Process             Common             Key                               Resources
                                                                             Core/Cross       Vocabulary         Lab/Activity          Web & Core
    U       S6:C3:PO6 Explain the relationship                                                (2) solar system                                Space Science
            among common objects in the solar                                                 (2) galaxy                                   Lesson 1.1 pg. 9-14
            system, galaxy, and the universe                                                  (2) universe
    E       S6:C3:PO2 Construct a model for        S1:C2:PO1                 Scale            (2) relative
            the relative positions of the Earth,   Demonstrate safe          conversions      position
            Sun and Moon                           behavior and                               (2) Earth
                                                   appropriate                                (2) Sun
                                                   procedures (e.g., use                      (2) Moon
                                                   and care of
                                                   materials, organisms)
                                                   in all science inquiry

                                                   S1:C4:PO4 Write
                                                   clear, step-by-step
                                                   instructions for
                                                   following procedures
                                                   (without the use of
                                                   personal pronouns)

                                                   S1:C2:PO4 Perform
                                                   measurements using
                                                   scientific tools (e.g.,
                                                   microscopes, probes,

                                                   S2:C2:PO3 Apply
                                                   the following
                                                   scientific processes to
                                                   other problem
                                                   solving or decision
                                                   making situations:
                                                          Measuring
    E       S6:C3:PO1 Explain the phases of        S1:C3:PO3 Analyze         Math –           (2) phase          Moon Diary                    Space Science
            the Moon in terms of the relative      results of data           fractions        (2) waxing                                   Lesson 2.3 pg. 59-63
            positions of the Earth, Sun and Moon   collection in order to                     (2) waning
                                                   accept or reject the                       (3) gibbous                 
                                                   hypothesis                                 (2) crescent
                                                                                              (2) full
8/13/12                                                                                  14                                   Isaac Elementary School District
          S1:C3:PO4                 (2) quarter
          Determine validity
          and reliability of        (2) valid
          results of an             (2) validity
          investigation             (2) reliable
                                    (2) reliability

8/13/12                        15                     Isaac Elementary School District
      U   S2:C1:PO1 Identify how diverse             S2:C2:PO1 Describe            (3) Percival
          people and/or cultures, past and           how science is an             Lowell
          present, have made important               ongoing process that          (3) Copernicus
          contributions to scientific innovations;   changes in response
          Percival Lowell and Copernicus             to new information
                                                     and discoveries

                                                     S2:C2:PO2 Describe
                                                     how scientific
                                                     knowledge is subject
                                                     to change as new
                                                     information and/or
                                                     prevailing theories
      E   S6:C3:PO2 Construct a model for            S1:C2:PO1                     (3) eclipse                                           Space Science
          the relative positions of the Earth,       Demonstrate safe              (2) relative                                      Lesson 2.3 pg. 63-66
          Sun and Moon as they relate to             behavior and                  (3) umbra
          corresponding eclipses                     appropriate                   (3) penumbra
                                                     procedures (e.g., use
                                                     and care of
                                                     materials, organisms)
                                                     in all science inquiry

                                                     S3:C2:PO3 Design
                                                     and construct a
                                                     solution to an
                                                     identified need or
                                                     problem using simple
                                                     classroom materials
      E   S6:C3:PO3 Explain the                                                    (2) interrelated                                      Space Science
          interrelationship between the Earth’s                                    (2) tide                                          Lesson 2.3 pg. 65-66
          tides and the Moon                                                       (2) gravity
                                                                                   (3) centrifugal                   
      E   S6:C3:PO4 Explain the seasons in                                         (2) axis               Space Science
          the Northern and Southern                                                (2) tilt            Chapter Investigation
          Hemispheres in terms of the tilt of                                      (2) hemisphere           Pg. 50-51
          the Earth’s axis relative to the Earth’s                                 (2) revolution
          revolution around the sun                                                (2) rotation
                                                                                   (2) season
                                                                                   (2) opposite
      U   S6:C3:PO5 Identify the following                                         (3) constellation                 
          major constellations visible                                             (2) visibility                              space-week/constellation/
          (seasonally) from the Northern                                           (2) seasonal                                constellation.html
          Hemisphere:                                                              (3) Orion
8/13/12                                                                       16                                       Isaac Elementary School District
                   Orion                                                           (3) Ursa Major
                   Ursa Major (Great Bear)                                         (3) Cygnus
                   Cygnus                                                          (3) Scorpius
                                                                                     (3) Cassiopeia
                   Scorpius
                   Cassiopeia
      U     S2:C1:PO2 Describe how a major             S3:C2:PO4 Describe            (2) revolutionized
            milestone in science or technology         a scientific discovery        (2) milestone
            has revolutionized the thinking of the     that influences
            time (e.g., global positioning system,     technology
            telescopes, seismographs,
            photography)                               S2:C1:PO3 Analyze
                                                       the impact of a
                                                       major scientific
                                                       occurring within the
                                                       past decade
      U     S2:C1:PO1 Identify how diverse                                           (3) Luis Alvarez 
            people and/or cultures, past and                                         (3) Walter                 nobel_prizes/physics/laureates
            present, have made important                                             Alvarez                    /1968/alvarez-bio.html
            contributions to scientific innovations;
            Luis Alvarez and Walter Alvarez


8/13/12                                                                         17                        Isaac Elementary School District

 Unit: Life Science
 Cluster: Interactions with Ecosystems

 Approximate Time: 11 days
                              Essential Questions                                                       Big Ideas
         What is the relationship between organisms and the environment?           Organisms and environments constantly interact.

                                                                                   A change in either the organisms or the environment
                                                                                   will result in a change in the other.

       What would happen to a food chain if one of the organisms in it were to          Food chains and food webs represent the
                                  become extinct?                                      interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem.

                                                                                   Extinction of an organism from the food chain would
                                                                                   dramatically change the environment and therefore
                                                                                   the food chain for all of the other organisms. It is
                                                                                   possible that the loss of one organism could result in the
                                                                                   loss of others due to the disruption of the environment
                                                                                   and interactions. Conversely, it could result in the over
                                                                                   population of another species if the one to become
                                                                                   extinct was a predator.
8/13/12                                                              18                                 Isaac Elementary School District
 Priority          Knowledge/Content                     Skill/Process    Common         Key                            Resources
                                                                         Core/Cross   Vocabulary           Lab/Activity        Web & Core
    I       S4:C3:PO1 Compare food chains in a                                        (3) food chain                                  Ecology
            specified ecosystem and their                                             (3) food web                             Lesson 1.3 pg. 22-29
            corresponding food web                                                    (2) transfer
                                                                                      (2) corresponding
                                                                                      (2) energy
    E       S4:C3:PO2 Explain how organisms obtain                                    (2) obtain                                      Ecology
            and use resources to develop and thrive                                   (2) resources                            Lesson 2.1 pg. 45-51
            in:                                                                       (3) niche
                  niches                                                            (2) niche                                       Ecology
                  predator/prey relationships                                       (2) predator                             Lesson 2.2 pg. 54-62
                                                                                      (2) prey
    E       S4:C3:PO6 Create a model of the                                           (2) interaction                                 Ecology
            interactions of living organisms within an                                (2) ecosystem                             Lesson 1.1 pg. 9-13
            ecosystem                                                                 (3) biotic factor
                                                                                      (3) abiotic factor
            S2:C1:PO1 Identify how diverse people                                     (3) Rachel Carson           
            and/or cultures, past and present, have
            made important contributions to scientific
            innovations; Rachel Carson
Cluster     Students will create a model of a real or
            created ecosystem. Models should include
Project:    food webs, niches and explanations of the
            relationships between organisms in the
Ecology     system.

Unit: Life Science
Cluster: Populations

 Approximate Time: 25 days
8/13/12                                                                   19                                    Isaac Elementary School District
                        Essential Questions                                                          Big Ideas
       In any given ecosystem what is the risk of any one organism          All organisms in a given ecosystem affect one another. A
                   experiencing a drastic population boom?                     change with one population will result in changes with other

                                                                            In any ecosystem, the risk of an organism experiencing a
                                                                            population boom is that it will likely adversely affect other
                                                                            organisms in the ecosystem. If the organism is a predator it will
                                                                            likely wipeout the organisms on which it feeds which could then
                                                                            lead to an over population of the organism on which that one
                                                                            fed and so on.

       Although we live in Arizona, why should we all be concerned             The Earth is one large ecosystem with other, smaller,
        about the destruction/change of habitats in other regions of the            ecosystems in it. Changing one affects all the others.
           world (i.e., the South American rainforests or the Arctic)?
                                                                            We should all be concerned because every individual habitat or
                                                                            environment on Earth is connected. It may take a while for the
                                                                            effects to become evident in our own environments but they will
                                                                            occur and will likely be problematic.

8/13/12                                                                20                                Isaac Elementary School District
 Priority      Knowledge/Content                          Skill/Process                Common      Key Vocabulary                        Resources
                                                                                      Core/Cross                              Lab/Activity    Web & Core
    E       S4:C3:PO3 Analyze the                                                                  (2) ecosystem                                       Ecology
            interactions of living organisms                                                       (2) interaction                              Lesson 1.4 pg. 30-37
            with their ecosystems                                                                  (3) biome
                   Limiting factors                                                              (2) limiting factor                                 Ecology
                   Carrying capacity                                                             (3) carrying capacity                        Lesson 2.3 pg. 63-69
    I       S4:C3:PO4 Evaluate data related          S1:C3:PO1 Analyze data                        (3) overgrazing
            to problems associated with              obtained in a scientific                      (3) forest management
            population growth (e.g.,                 investigation to identify                     (3) deforestation
            overgrazing, forest management,          trends                                        (3) non-native species
            invasion of non-native species) and                                                    (2) invasion
            possible solutions                       S2:C2:PO3 Apply the
                                                     following scientific processes
                                                     to other problem solving or
                                                     decision making situations:
                                                            identifying
                                                            generating

                                                     S1:C3:PO5 Formulate a
                                                     conclusion based on data

                                                     S1:C3:PO7 Formulate new
                                                     questions based on the
                                                     results of a previous
            S3:C1:PO1 Analyze environmental                                                        (2) pollution                                       Ecology
            risks (e.g., pollution, destruction of                                                 (2) destruction                              Lesson 3.2 pg. 89-97
            habitat) caused by human                                                               (2) habitat
            interaction with biological or
            geological systems
    I       S4:C3:PO5 Predict how                    S2:C2:PO3 Apply the                           (2) flood
            environmental factors (e.g., floods,     following scientific processes                (2) drought
            droughts, temperature changes)           to other problem solving or                   (2) survival rate
            affect survival rates in living          decision making situations:                   (2) environmental factor
            organisms                                       predicting
                                                            communicating
                                                            questioning
                                                            inferring

8/13/12                                                                                21                                      Isaac Elementary School District
            S3:C1:PO2 Analyze environmental                                                                    Ecology
            benefits of the following human                                                             Lesson 3.3 pg. 98-105
            interactions with biological or
            geological systems:
                   reforestation
                   habitat restoration
                   construction of dams
            S3:C1:PO3 Propose possible             S3:C2:PO1 Propose viable
            solutions to address the               methods of responding to an
            environmental risks in biological or   identified need or problem
            geological systems
                                                   S3:C2:PO2 Compare
                                                   solutions to best address an
                                                   identified need or problem


8/13/12                                                                           22   Isaac Elementary School District

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Earth's Layers and Structure

  • 1. 7th 7th Grade Science Curriculum Map Introduction This document contains all mandated Arizona state standards for 7th grade science. The standards have been organized into units and clusters. The units represent the major domain or field of scientific study under which the identified standards fall. The cluster represents the collection of similar concepts within the larger domain. Within these units and clusters the performance objectives have been sequenced to represent a logical progression of the content knowledge. It is expected that all teachers follow the sequence of units and clusters as described in the following document. Organization Approximate Time Approximate times are based on a 60-minute instructional session for grades 6-8 and a 30-minute instructional session for grades 4 and 5. All units and clusters must be taught prior to the third quarter benchmark assessments. Essential Questions Essential Questions are to be posed to the students at the beginning of the cluster and revisited throughout the cluster. They are designed to facilitate conceptual development of the content and can be used as a tool for making connections, higher order thinking and inquiry. The students should be able to answer these on their own by the end of the cluster. Big Ideas Big Ideas are the essential understandings that are critical for students’ learning. These are the enduring understandings we want students to carry with them from grade level to grade level. Answering the Essential Questions is indicative of a student mastering the Big Idea, however they are not always synonymous. Thus, in cases that the answer to the Essential Question does not include all components of the Big Idea, the Big Idea (for teacher use) has been provided in italics. Common Misconceptions These are common misunderstandings students bring to the learning process. Being aware of such misconceptions allows us to plan for them during instruction. Content and Skill/Process Standards This document has been organized by content standards and skill or process standard. The content standards are those that represent knowledge specific to the scientific domain outlined in the unit (strands 4-6). The skill/process standards represent the skills involved in scientific inquiry, scientific habits of mind and/or scientific advancements and opportunities (strands 1-3). The content and skill/process standards have been paired to represent possible combinations of performance objectives from strands 1-3 with performance objectives from strands 4-6. As described in the Arizona state standards, strands 1-3 are not intended to be taught in isolation; thus, the pairing of these performance objectives provides a possible context for teaching these performance objectives. Each time, the performance objective should be taught to a deeper level of understanding and/or should be connected to the other performance objectives in the cluster. 8/13/12 1 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 2. 7th Common Core/Cross Curricular The standards in the Common Core/Cross Curricular column represent possible reading, writing, math and language standards that can be reinforced or taught through the science standards with which they are paired. These standards will be added as the Common Core curriculum is developed for 4th-8th grade. Priority With input from grade level teachers, standards have been prioritized in two ways. The content standards have been prioritized using a three-point scale. Essential standards represent those that are heavily weighted on state/national exams, foundational, and/or applicable in multiple contexts. Important standards are those that are applicable in many contexts and less heavily weighted on state/national exams. Useful standards are those with the least weight on state/national exams and are likely only useful in a specific scientific context. This is denoted in the priority column with the codes E (essential), I (important) and U (useful). This label applies to the content standards only. The skill/process standards that are a priority for this grade level are highlighted in blue and are expected to be mastered at this grade level. Key Vocabulary The key vocabulary that should be taught for each of the performance objectives is listed under key vocabulary. These vocabulary words are coded as tier one (1), tier two (2) or tier three (3). Tier one words are those that are very common and should not be explicitly taught. Tier two words are high utility words that can be used across content areas or contexts. Tier three words are content specific words. Resources The two types of resources listed are the Lab/Activity resources and the Web/Core Resources. All are suggestions that teachers may use to support instruction. They are aligned to the performance objectives listed in the same row. The Web Resources are useful Internet links that can be used for the teacher’s edification prior to instruction or as a tool during instruction. The core resources are suggested pages from the adopted texts. Similarly, the Lab/Activity resources are possible labs or activities that support the performance objectives with which they are paired. Unit/Cluster Project The Unit/Cluster Projects are possible projects that teachers can use to support students in making connections, critical thinking, higher order thinking, and/or spiraling curriculum. Unit projects support standards from all clusters within a unit while cluster project support the standards in a particular cluster. While it is not required that a teacher do a project with every unit or cluster these resources will support project-based instruction and practice should the teacher choose to implement them. Assessment The assessment section of the map has been left blank for teachers to plan the dates that they will give a formative assessment for the cluster. It is expected that each cluster be assessed using a common formative assessment. Other Performance objectives may appear more than once. Each time they should be taught within the context of the cluster and/or revisited to a deeper level of knowledge. Underlined segments of a PO indicate an additional piece of the PO that was likely not covered in previous clusters. [Brackets] will occasionally appear though out the document and indicate clarification of the PO. Bracketed information is not a part of the PO itself. 8/13/12 2 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 3. 7th Unit: Earth Science Cluster: Earth’s Structure Approximate Time: 9 days 8/13/12 3 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 4. 7th Essential Questions Big Ideas  How is the Earth like an onion?  The Earth has unique layers. Each of the layers has a unique composition and distinct properties. The Earth is like an onion in that it also has layers and although the layers are similar, they are not exactly the same. They are also alike in that a change in the inner layers results in a change in the outer layers but not always vice versa.  Does the Earth look the same today as it did yesterday?  The Earth’s surface or Crust is constantly changing. No, not exactly. The Earth’s surface is constantly changing as erosion, deposition, plate tectonics and volcanism occur. Although it can be slow, all of these change the surface and therefore the appearance of the Earth. 8/13/12 4 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 5. 7th Priority Knowledge/Content Skill/Process Common Key Resources Core/Cross Vocabulary Lab/Activity Web & Core Curricular E S6:C1:PO2 Describe the properties and (3) crust the composition of the following major (3) mantle layers of the Earth: (3) core  crust (2) composition  mantle (2) properties  core E S6:C1:PO3 Explain the following S1:C1:PO2 Select (2) attributed The Changing Earth processes involved in the formation of the appropriate resources (2) process Lesson 1.2 pg. 14-19 Earth’s structure: for background in (2) formation  erosion formation related to a (3) erosion The Earth’s Surface  deposition question, for use in the (3) deposition Lesson 3.2 pg. 82-88  plate tectonics design of a controlled (3) plate tectonics investigation (3) volcanism  volcanism S1:C2:PO2 Design an (2) independent investigation to test variable individual variables (2) dependent using scientific variable processes (2) control S1:C4:PO3 (2) quantitative Communicate the (2) qualitative results of an investigation with appropriate use of qualitative and quantitative information Cluster Project: Assessment: Unit: Earth Science Cluster: Earth’s Processes 8/13/12 5 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 6. 7th Approximate Time: 10 days Essential Questions Big Ideas  Though we cannot see it happening at the moment, how do we know  Lithospheric plate movement is one way that the that the tectonic plates in the lithosphere move? surface of the Earth is constantly changing. The surface changes in the Earth reflect the movement of the plates. There are several ways we can know this including taking measurements over time and comparing plate borders.  Tectonic plates move in three ways; converge,  How do tectonic plates move and what happens when they do? diverge, and transform. Depending on which way they move, a different landform will result. Plates move as the Earth below them shift and change with conduction and convection. The plates either slide past one another, over one another or into one another. When this happens, mountains, rift valley, sea floor spreading, faults, trenches, and volcanoes result. 8/13/12 6 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 7. 7th Priority Knowledge/Content Skill/Process Common Key Resources Core/Cross Vocabulary Lab/Activity Web & Core Curricular E S6:C2:PO3 Analyze the evidence that S1:C1:PO2 Select W-S3:C6:PO1 (3) lithospheric lithospheric plate movements occur appropriate resources R-S3:C1:PO6 (2) evidence for background R-S3:C2:PO3 information related to a question E S6:C2:PO4 Explain lithospheric plate (3) listhosphere Introduction to movement as a result of convection (3) asthenosphere Density (2) density (2) convection Showing (2) conduction Convection (Colored Water Model) I S6:C2:PO5 Relate plate boundary S1:C3:PO2 Form a (2) converge Earth’s Surface movements to their resulting landforms, logical argument (2) diverge Lesson 3.4 pg. 96-101 including: about a correlation (2) transform  mountains between variables or (2) mountain  faults sequence of events (2) fault  rift valleys (e.g., construct a (3) rift valley cause-and-effect chain (2) trench  trenches that explains a (2) volcano  volcanoes sequence of events) U S6:C2:PO6 Describe how earthquakes S2:C1:PO4 Analyze (3) seismograph are measured the use of technology (3) seismologist in science-related (3) seismic wave careers (seismologist) S1:C4:PO1 Choose an appropriate graphic representation for collected data:  line graph  double bar graph  stem and leaf plot  histogram 8/13/12 7 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 8. 7th Cluster Project: Assessment: Unit: Earth Science Cluster: Rocks and Minerals Approximate Time: 15 days 8/13/12 8 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 9. 7th Essential Questions Big Ideas  One day, while hiking in the desert you find what looks like a  The fossil record and rock record can tell us a great deal rock with the impression of a fish skeleton in it. What is this about who or what was in an area long ago. object and what can you infer from finding it in the desert? The item is a fossil. It is most likely telling us that at one time that area was covered with water and inhabited by fish. It could also be telling us that at one time there were bodies of water in the area and people who used/ate the fish from them.  Scientifically speaking, why are most women’s engagement rings  Rocks and minerals have observable, usable, properties. and saw blades used to cut metal made with diamonds? Diamonds are the most durable of the gemstones therefore they make a good choice for a piece of jewelry that will be worn everyday and will encounter a lot of use/abuse and for a saw that needs to be strong enough to cut metal. 8/13/12 9 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 10. 7th Priority Knowledge/Content Skill/Process Common Key Resources Core/Cross Vocabulary Lab/Activity Web & Core Curricular I S6:C1:PO1 Classify rocks and S2:C2:PO3 Apply the W-S3:C2:PO1 (3) mohs scale Streak Lab Earth’s Surface minerals by the following following scientific W-S3:C3:PO1 (2) hardness Lesson 2.1 pg. 43-49 observable properties: processes to other (2) texture  grain problem solving or (2) grain  color decision making  texture situations:  hardness  observing  classifying  organizing data S1:C2:PO5 Keep a record of observations, notes, sketches, questions, and ideas using tools such as written and/or computer logs S1:C2:PO3 Conduct a controlled investigation, utilizing multiple trials, to test a hypothesis using scientific processes S2:C2:PO3 Apply the following scientific processes to other problem solving or decision making situations:  Comparing S1:C3:PO6 Refine hypotheses based on results from investigations S1:C4:PO2 Display data collected from a controlled 8/13/12 10 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 11. 7th investigation S1:C4:PO5 Communicate the results and conclusion of the investigation 8/13/12 11 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 12. 7th I S6:C2:PO1 Explain the rock (3) rock cycle Earth’s Surface cycle Lesson 2.1 pg. 43-49 /rockcycle/index.html E S6:C2:PO2 Distinguish the S1:C2:PO1 (2) distinguish Sedimentary Rock components and characteristics Demonstrate safe (3) igneous Simulation (crayons) of the rock cycle for the behavior and (3) metamorphic following types of rocks: appropriate (3) sedimentary  igneous procedures (e.g., use  metamorphic and care of  sedimentary technology, materials, organisms) in all science inquiry S1:C4:PO4 Write clear, step-by-step instructions for following procedures (without the use of personal pronouns) S1:C1:PO1 Formulate questions based on observations that lead to the development of a hypothesis S1:C1:PO3 Explain the role of a hypothesis in a scientific inquiry I S6:C1:PO4 Describe how the (3) fossil Earth’s Surface rock and fossil record show that (3) fossil record Lesson 3.3 pg. 89-95 environmental conditions have (2) geological changed over geological and recent time Cluster Project: Assessment: 8/13/12 12 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 13. 7th Unit: Earth Science Cluster: Earth and the Solar System Approximate Time: 20 days Essential Questions Big Ideas  There are observable, predictable patterns of movement for the Sun, Earth, and Moon.  What is the relationship between the Earth’s tilt on its axis and the  The different seasons result from the tilt of Earth on its weather in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? axis. Since the Earth is tilted on its axis, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are not the equidistant from the Sun. The closer hemisphere experiences summer while the one that is further away experiences winter. In this way, the Northern and Southern hemispheres experience opposite seasons and as the Earth revolves around the sun, the seasons change as the hemispheres get closer to or further from the sun.  How do scientists know that the Moon’s gravity affects Earth?  The gravitational pull of the Moon causes the Earth’s tides. The tides provide evidence of the Moon’s gravity affecting Earth. High and low tide result from variation in pull of the Moon’s gravity based on how close that side of the Earth is to the Moon. 8/13/12 13 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 14. 7th Priority Knowledge/Content Skill/Process Common Key Resources Core/Cross Vocabulary Lab/Activity Web & Core Curricular U S6:C3:PO6 Explain the relationship (2) solar system Space Science among common objects in the solar (2) galaxy Lesson 1.1 pg. 9-14 system, galaxy, and the universe (2) universe E S6:C3:PO2 Construct a model for S1:C2:PO1 Scale (2) relative the relative positions of the Earth, Demonstrate safe conversions position Sun and Moon behavior and (2) Earth appropriate (2) Sun procedures (e.g., use (2) Moon and care of technology, materials, organisms) in all science inquiry S1:C4:PO4 Write clear, step-by-step instructions for following procedures (without the use of personal pronouns) S1:C2:PO4 Perform measurements using appropriate scientific tools (e.g., balances, microscopes, probes, micrometers) S2:C2:PO3 Apply the following scientific processes to other problem solving or decision making situations:  Measuring E S6:C3:PO1 Explain the phases of S1:C3:PO3 Analyze Math – (2) phase Moon Diary Space Science the Moon in terms of the relative results of data fractions (2) waxing Lesson 2.3 pg. 59-63 positions of the Earth, Sun and Moon collection in order to (2) waning accept or reject the (3) gibbous hypothesis (2) crescent (2) full 8/13/12 14 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 15. 7th S1:C3:PO4 (2) quarter Determine validity and reliability of (2) valid results of an (2) validity investigation (2) reliable (2) reliability 8/13/12 15 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 16. 7th U S2:C1:PO1 Identify how diverse S2:C2:PO1 Describe (3) Percival people and/or cultures, past and how science is an Lowell present, have made important ongoing process that (3) Copernicus contributions to scientific innovations; changes in response Percival Lowell and Copernicus to new information and discoveries S2:C2:PO2 Describe how scientific knowledge is subject to change as new information and/or technology challenges prevailing theories E S6:C3:PO2 Construct a model for S1:C2:PO1 (3) eclipse Space Science the relative positions of the Earth, Demonstrate safe (2) relative Lesson 2.3 pg. 63-66 Sun and Moon as they relate to behavior and (3) umbra corresponding eclipses appropriate (3) penumbra procedures (e.g., use and care of technology, materials, organisms) in all science inquiry S3:C2:PO3 Design and construct a solution to an identified need or problem using simple classroom materials E S6:C3:PO3 Explain the (2) interrelated Space Science interrelationship between the Earth’s (2) tide Lesson 2.3 pg. 65-66 tides and the Moon (2) gravity (3) centrifugal force E S6:C3:PO4 Explain the seasons in (2) axis Space Science the Northern and Southern (2) tilt Chapter Investigation Hemispheres in terms of the tilt of (2) hemisphere Pg. 50-51 the Earth’s axis relative to the Earth’s (2) revolution revolution around the sun (2) rotation (2) season (2) opposite U S6:C3:PO5 Identify the following (3) constellation major constellations visible (2) visibility space-week/constellation/ (seasonally) from the Northern (2) seasonal constellation.html Hemisphere: (3) Orion 8/13/12 16 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 17. 7th  Orion (3) Ursa Major  Ursa Major (Great Bear) (3) Cygnus  Cygnus (3) Scorpius (3) Cassiopeia  Scorpius  Cassiopeia U S2:C1:PO2 Describe how a major S3:C2:PO4 Describe (2) revolutionized milestone in science or technology a scientific discovery (2) milestone has revolutionized the thinking of the that influences time (e.g., global positioning system, technology telescopes, seismographs, photography) S2:C1:PO3 Analyze the impact of a major scientific development occurring within the past decade U S2:C1:PO1 Identify how diverse (3) Luis Alvarez people and/or cultures, past and (3) Walter nobel_prizes/physics/laureates present, have made important Alvarez /1968/alvarez-bio.html contributions to scientific innovations; Luis Alvarez and Walter Alvarez Cluster Project: Assessment: 8/13/12 17 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 18. 7th Unit: Life Science Cluster: Interactions with Ecosystems Approximate Time: 11 days Essential Questions Big Ideas  What is the relationship between organisms and the environment?  Organisms and environments constantly interact. A change in either the organisms or the environment will result in a change in the other.  What would happen to a food chain if one of the organisms in it were to  Food chains and food webs represent the become extinct? interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem. Extinction of an organism from the food chain would dramatically change the environment and therefore the food chain for all of the other organisms. It is possible that the loss of one organism could result in the loss of others due to the disruption of the environment and interactions. Conversely, it could result in the over population of another species if the one to become extinct was a predator. 8/13/12 18 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 19. 7th Priority Knowledge/Content Skill/Process Common Key Resources Core/Cross Vocabulary Lab/Activity Web & Core Curricular I S4:C3:PO1 Compare food chains in a (3) food chain Ecology specified ecosystem and their (3) food web Lesson 1.3 pg. 22-29 corresponding food web (2) transfer (2) corresponding (2) energy E S4:C3:PO2 Explain how organisms obtain (2) obtain Ecology and use resources to develop and thrive (2) resources Lesson 2.1 pg. 45-51 in: (3) niche  niches (2) niche Ecology  predator/prey relationships (2) predator Lesson 2.2 pg. 54-62 (2) prey E S4:C3:PO6 Create a model of the (2) interaction Ecology interactions of living organisms within an (2) ecosystem Lesson 1.1 pg. 9-13 ecosystem (3) biotic factor (3) abiotic factor S2:C1:PO1 Identify how diverse people (3) Rachel Carson and/or cultures, past and present, have made important contributions to scientific innovations; Rachel Carson Cluster Students will create a model of a real or created ecosystem. Models should include Project: food webs, niches and explanations of the relationships between organisms in the Ecology system. Models Assessment: Unit: Life Science Cluster: Populations Approximate Time: 25 days 8/13/12 19 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 20. 7th Essential Questions Big Ideas  In any given ecosystem what is the risk of any one organism  All organisms in a given ecosystem affect one another. A experiencing a drastic population boom? change with one population will result in changes with other populations. In any ecosystem, the risk of an organism experiencing a population boom is that it will likely adversely affect other organisms in the ecosystem. If the organism is a predator it will likely wipeout the organisms on which it feeds which could then lead to an over population of the organism on which that one fed and so on.  Although we live in Arizona, why should we all be concerned  The Earth is one large ecosystem with other, smaller, about the destruction/change of habitats in other regions of the ecosystems in it. Changing one affects all the others. world (i.e., the South American rainforests or the Arctic)? We should all be concerned because every individual habitat or environment on Earth is connected. It may take a while for the effects to become evident in our own environments but they will occur and will likely be problematic. 8/13/12 20 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 21. 7th Priority Knowledge/Content Skill/Process Common Key Vocabulary Resources Core/Cross Lab/Activity Web & Core Curricular E S4:C3:PO3 Analyze the (2) ecosystem Ecology interactions of living organisms (2) interaction Lesson 1.4 pg. 30-37 with their ecosystems (3) biome  Limiting factors (2) limiting factor Ecology  Carrying capacity (3) carrying capacity Lesson 2.3 pg. 63-69 I S4:C3:PO4 Evaluate data related S1:C3:PO1 Analyze data (3) overgrazing to problems associated with obtained in a scientific (3) forest management population growth (e.g., investigation to identify (3) deforestation overgrazing, forest management, trends (3) non-native species invasion of non-native species) and (2) invasion possible solutions S2:C2:PO3 Apply the following scientific processes to other problem solving or decision making situations:  identifying variables  generating hypotheses S1:C3:PO5 Formulate a conclusion based on data analysis S1:C3:PO7 Formulate new questions based on the results of a previous investigation S3:C1:PO1 Analyze environmental (2) pollution Ecology risks (e.g., pollution, destruction of (2) destruction Lesson 3.2 pg. 89-97 habitat) caused by human (2) habitat interaction with biological or geological systems I S4:C3:PO5 Predict how S2:C2:PO3 Apply the (2) flood environmental factors (e.g., floods, following scientific processes (2) drought droughts, temperature changes) to other problem solving or (2) survival rate affect survival rates in living decision making situations: (2) environmental factor organisms  predicting  communicating  questioning  inferring 8/13/12 21 Isaac Elementary School District
  • 22. 7th S3:C1:PO2 Analyze environmental Ecology benefits of the following human Lesson 3.3 pg. 98-105 interactions with biological or geological systems:  reforestation  habitat restoration  construction of dams S3:C1:PO3 Propose possible S3:C2:PO1 Propose viable solutions to address the methods of responding to an environmental risks in biological or identified need or problem geological systems S3:C2:PO2 Compare solutions to best address an identified need or problem Cluster Project: Assessment: 8/13/12 22 Isaac Elementary School District