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                                               UNIT 2
                                               LEVEL : ENGLISH I

1.LANGUAGE AWARENESS .........................................................................................................2
2.LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ......................................................................................................5
3.LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES....................................................................................... 11
4.LANGUAGE TEACHING .......................................................................................................... 16
5.PLANNING AND EVALUATION .............................................................................................. 21
6.- SELF--‐ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. ........................................................................ 25

Language Awareness can be defined as explicit knowledge about language,
and conscious perception and sensitivity in language learning, language
teaching and language use.

 Can we become better language users or learners or teachers if we e.g. in
our relations with other people and/or cultures, and in our ability to see
through language that manipulates or discriminates? Language Awareness
interests also include learning more about what sorts of ideas about language
people normally operate with, and what effects these have on how they
conduct their everyday affairs: e.g. their professional dealings.


In this course student have to communicate feelings , arguments , thinking ,
knowledge , ideas , reflexions ,opinions in all public areas like personal,
educational and occupational , resourcing and respectively in English
Language , the student has to be autonomous , the student has to understand
how to use daily expressions , greetings and interchange personal
information about daily routine and habits.



Spelling rules for 3rd person

Jobs and daily routine

What does your father do? (dialogue , comprehension reading

Grammar simple present (affirmative , negative and interrogative)

How often do you….? (speaking activity)

Make autonomous students

Know the simple present form (affirmative , negative and interrogative)

The student will be able to interchange personal information about himself and
other person talking about daily routine and habits.

The student will be able to write a description from himself and other person
about daily routine and free-time activities.


My purpose for this unit is make autonomous students where they can read ,
speak , write and understand the use and form for the simple present. They
can resource whichever situation where they have to use simple present with
a comprehension in all the forms.


    - UP
                  LEARN AND


                                                      PRESENT THE


                                                            SPOKEN AND

                                         WITH ALL THE
                                         RESOURCES IN THE
                                         FOUR SKILLS

On this unit it´s important that students get the information and show that they
use this structure correctly .I believe that us a teachers have to teach to
students how to use the language , let‟s remember that us are motivators as
well so we need to use all the tools as we can.


When students answer something we can notice if the form that we were
using was correct , just look their faces ,if they don‟t have all the correct
information the look like a warriors in a hard road but in the other side if they
learn and understand everything they look like a fish in to water.

e.g. 2 hours class

Warm-up                                   Let´s sing (numbers song) to go in a
                                          daily activity
Act. 1                                    The teacher will show a clock with
                                          some daily routine activities.( The
                                          students will understand the telling
                                          time and they will practice the
                                          vocabulary (listen and repeat)
Act. 2                                    Read a dialogue between two people
                                          where they are going to read , act out
                                          and understand the unknown words
Act. 3                                    From the dialogue take the
                                          expressions which have simple
                                          present to introduce this tense, give to
                                          ss the structure grammar in
                                          affirmative , negative and
Act. 4                                    Explain to ss the rule for 3rd person in
Act. 5                                    Practice with some verbs . Copy the
                                          list of verbs and change in to
                                          3rdperson .
                                          e.g. go-goes
Act. 5                                    The teacher is going to bring some
                                          envelopes with puzzle sentences
                                          where the students are going to join
                                          two sentences .The first team who win
                                          is going to write the sentences on the
Act. 6                                    The students will write examples from
                                          simple present in notebook

Sensitzing students to different cultural standards

present and the verb be)

1. Description of class and course

This is the same group as for the Planning and Evaluation project. It is a A1
course. There are 18 students between the ages of 18 and 25, 10 female and
8 male. They meet for class 1 and a half hour every Friday from 7:00 pm to
8:30 pm.
This is a motivated group. Some of the students need the target language to
apply for good employments. The group meets on Friday evenings, and 5 of
them come from northern states.
The course book is Blockbuster US 1 student book and workbook

2. Aims of the lesson

- To learn and practice the verb to be.
- To talk about different states
- To ask and talk about personal experiences with people in different states.
- To consider cultural standards in different countries.
- To compare own cultural standards with cultural standards in other

3. Personal aims

- To provide an interesting lesson that students will enjoy.
- To explain the grammar structure of countable and non-countable nouns that
students can employ.
- To motivate students to become aware of different cultural standards.
4. Procedure

1. The teacher writes the phrase: different countries, different cultures.
2. The teacher posts in the wall around the classroom the names of the
3. The teacher welcomes students and explains that the topic will be
“experiences with people of different countries”.
4. Give the students a flashcard with countries or nationalities
5. Ask the students to circulate and find the partner with the correspondent
6. Ask the students to form groups and sit in the area where their
country/nationality belongs to. Each student will play the role of a native born
in the country they picked.
7. Students will open their books (p. 4). They will read the title aloud. Teacher
says “I‟m (name) I‟m from France. Where am I from? Point to students and
ask: Where are you from? Why are you studying English?
8. Students will make a list with things that they relate to those countries. It
may include: clothing, food, physical appearance, etc.
9. With a PPT presentation, the teacher will show the different countries,
including physical location, photos of people, traditional customs, etc.
10. Teacher will ask the students; “have you been to any of this countries?”
Elicit things like landscapes, people, etc. Students will point out the
differences between these countries and their own country. Make the students
use the verb be in sentences like: “they are tall (or short)” “they are tall”. The
teacher will correct smoothly.
11. Students will check the grammar (p. 6) and complete the questions and
the answers, using contractions. (p 6-7) (Positive form)
12. Working in pairs, students will practice asking each other questions and
write both the questions and the answers in their notebooks. The teacher will
check the work.
13. The teacher can use extra material for exercises like worksheets
downloaded from the internet.
14. Have the students move around and ask other students some personal
information, like nationality. It´s a good time to know and practice greetings
and introductions.
15. Have students to complete exercises 1 and 2 on page W1.
16. Finally in groups discuss what are the main differences they encounter
between their own culture and other cultures.

5. Conclusions

This unit motivates students to know each other better, and it also encourages
students to get to know someone else. This lesson also let the students think
about their culture manners and the verbal and non-verbal communication
signs that may be very different from ours. They will also understand the
importance of intercultural dialogue.

6. Self Evaluation

The objective for this lesson is to get the students culturally aware. The
material provided should appeal the interest of students and made them
aware of the importance of developing the necessary skills for intercultural
communication. However, it is important to keep in mind that for most
students this may be the first contact with a new language, so the teacher has
to have the ability to adapt to the student‟s pace and yet keep the teaching

7. Lesson Plan “Culture”

Phases of
                                Social    Media/ materials      Aim of       (min
Learning         Activities
                                Form                            activity      s)

Engage      --‐Before lesson    Group                         --‐engage      15
Students:   begins, T. writes   plenar Board                  students       min
Introduc1   theme different     y      Paper                  in topic.
on to       countries/differe          Set of cards with      --‐
theme:      nt cultures on             countries/nationali    introduce
“different   board. --                  ties        theme.
countries/   - S. divided into                      --‐S.
different    Groups of 3 with                       reflect
cultures“.   country/nationali                      On culture
(Reflectin   ties cards.                            in own
g on own     -Each group                            country.
culture)     gets paper
             Group make
             papers with
             associated to
             other cultures
‐teach       PPT                 plenar Projector   Use verb      15
grammar:     presentation T.     y      computer    to be to      min.
(comparin    asks S. “have                          make
g            you been to any                        introductio
cultures)    of these                               ns and
             countries?                             getting
Verb to      --‐T. shows OH      plenar OH (p. 6)   --‐T.         15
be           T/S read OH         y                  explains      min
grammati     together                               Grammar
cal                                                 structure
structure                                           --‐S.
                                                    and ask

Grammar      s. Ask each         Plena Notebooks    --‐S. talk    20
practice.    other questions     ry     workbook    About         min
Verb be      about               partne             personal
affirmativ   themselves and      r                  experienc
e form       the country they                       es.
             represent                              --‐S.
             s. circulate to                        reflect on
             find information.                      And
                                                    To cultural

Grammar       s. practice       group    worksheets   --‐S.         10
practice.     grammar in a                            Practice      min
Verb be       worksheet.                              verb to be
affirmativ    s. practice                             affirmative
e form        grammar p. 6-7                          --‐S. talk
                                                      es using
                                                      s and
                                                      of own

Conclusio     --‐In groups      Group                 --‐S.         15
n:            S. discuss if     plenar                develop       min
(Reflect      there are         y                     Empathy
on            situations that                         with
cultural      they find                               Other
difference    particularly                            cultures.
s             interesting and                         --‐develop
and           how they are                            Critical
similaritie   different from                          cultural
s             their own                               awarenes
              practices.                              s,
                                                      and other

    Portugal          Portuguese            Austria            Austrian
     Spain             Spanish              Greece              Greek
    England            English             The USA            American
     France             French              Japan             Japanese
    Germany            German                Brazil            Brazilian
      Italy             Italian             China              Chinese

               Hello there! We are from England. So we are English!

What about you? Where are you from? ………………………………………….

What nationality are you?   ………………………………………………………..

A. Follow the example and complete the sentences with the correct
nationality. Don‟t forget to include the verb!

   1. I am from Spain. I am
   2. You are from France. You
   3. He is from the USA. He
   4. She is from China. She
   5. It is from Italy. It ……………………………………………………………...
   6. We are from Brazil. We ………………………………………………………
   7. You are from Germany. You
   8. They are from Greece. They
   9. Leo is from Austria. …………………………………………………………
   10. Ann and Chun are from Japan.

B. Now do the other way round and find out which country is missing! Don‟t
forget to include the verb!

   1.   I am Austrian. I am from ……………………………………………….......
   2.   You are American. You ………………………………………………........
   3.   He is Italian. He ……………………………………………………….........
   4.   She is Chinese. She ………………………………………………………..
   5.   It is French. It ……………………………………………………………..
   6.   We are Japanese. We ……………………………………………………..
   7.   You are English. You ……………………………………………………..
8. They are Spanish. They …………………………………………………..
  9. Johanna is Greek. ………………………………………………………...
Lewis and Gwen are German. …………………………………………..


Second-language acquisition or second-language learning is the process by
which people learn a second language. Second-language acquisition (often
abbreviated to SLA) also refers to the scientific discipline devoted to studying
that process. There are many different learning types and approaches to
learning. To learn effectively it is important to tailor your study habits to your
own needs and approach, this often means choosing techniques that work for
you and evaluating them from time to time to determine if you need to try
something new.


This is an A2 course. There are 20 students between the ages of 18 and 25,
12 women and 8 men. They meet for class 1 hour three times a week
(Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) from 5:00 to 6:00pm. This is a
motivated group, most of the students need the English language to apply for
good employments. 5 of the students are married and have children so this is
a motivating factor for them too.


-Comparative Adjectives

-Superlative Adjectives


-To present and practice the comparative form of adjectives.

-To present and practice the superlative form of adjectives.

-To identify the differences in use between comparative and superlative


-To develop activities for different learning styles.

-To make students use comparative adjectives in context.
-To make students use superlative adjectives in context.

-To encourage students to keep on practicing comparative and        superlative

-To incorporate the 4 skills.


    - UP
                                    PRACTICE OF
                                                    PRODUCTION OF
                                                    ADJECTIVES IN
                                                                      OF SUPERLATIVE

                                                            PRACTICE OF

                                            PRODUCTION OF
                                            ADJECTIVES IN


Throughout the development of this lesson, students acquired knowledge of
the use of comparative and superlative adjectives by performing different
activities. The whole group was certainly motivated to learn because all the
material and activities applied on this lesson were focused on different
learning styles. So we as teachers must always have in mind that all our
students learn and processing information in different ways, If we are always
aware of that when planning, we will have better learning results indeed.


I think it was a successful lesson because the main objectives were achieved.
Students were able to perform different activities and they were able to use
comparative and superlative adjectives in context. What I liked the most was
the opportunity I had to manage material for the different learning styles.


e.g. 1 hour class

Warm-up                                     The teacher shows students some
                                            images and elicits adjectives from
                                            them. (5min)
Act. 1                                      The teacher asks some students to
                                            pass infront and asks the rest of the
                                            class some questions about their
                                            physical appearance. Eg. Who is taller
                                            Pepe or Mario?
                                            Then she encourages ss to use the
                                            following structure. Eg. Pepe is taller
                                            than Mario.
                                            The teacher keeps doing the same
                                            with different classmates.(15min)
Act. 2                                      The teacher explains the rules of the
                                            formation of comparative adjectives.
Act. 3                                      The teacher pastes some posters of
                                            different famous people on the board
                                            and asks ss to make comparisons
                                            among them.(15min)
Closing                                     The teacher throws a ball or balloon to
                                            someone in the class by the time she
                                            says an adjective.The student who
                                            catches the ball will have to say a
                                            comparative statement that fits for 2 of
                                            her/his classmates. Then the student
                                            will have to throw the ball again and
                                            the classmate who catches it will do
                                            the same.(10min)


Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
One-syllable adjectives.

Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding –er for the
comparative form and –est for the superlative.

                       ComparativeForm       SuperlativeForm

tall                   taller                tallest

old                    older                 oldest

long                   longer                longest

Mary is tallerthan Max.

Mary is the tallestof all the students.

Max is olderthan John.

Of the three students, Max is the oldest.

My hair is longerthan your hair.

Max's story is the longeststory I've ever heard.

If the one-syllable adjective ends with an e, just add –r for the comparative form and –st for
the superlative form.

Adjective with Final - ComparativeForm       SuperlativeForm

large                  larger                largest

wise                   wiser                 wisest

Mary's car is largerthan Max's car.

Mary's house is the tallestof all the houses on the block.

Max is wiserthan his brother.

Max is the wisestperson I know.

If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant with a vowel before it, double the
consonant and add –er for the comparative form; and double the consonant and add –est
for the superlative form.
Adjective Ending    ComparativeForm           SuperlativeForm
with a Single
Consonant with a
Single Vowel before

big                    bigger                 biggest

thin                   thinner                thinnest

fat                    fatter                 fattest

My dog is biggerthan your dog.

My dog is the biggestof all the dogs in the neighborhood.

Max is thinnerthan John.

Of all the students in the class, Max is the thinnest.

My mother is fatterthan your mother.

Mary is the fattestperson I've ever seen.

Two-syllable adjectives.

With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with more and the superlative
with most.

                       ComparativeForm        SuperlativeForm

peaceful               more peaceful          mostpeaceful

pleasant               more pleasant          mostpleasant

careful                more careful           mostcareful

thoughtful             more thoughtful        mostthoughtful

Language teaching is the practice and theory of learning and teaching a
language, it is also important to mention that Language Teaching process is
the facilitation of learning, in which you can "teach" a foreign language
successfully if, among other things, you know something about learns or fails
to learn a second language. There are many methods and approaches for
teaching a second language but the use of them depends on our students‟
needs and objectives.


This is an A2 course. There are 20 students between the ages of 18 and 25.
They meet for class 1 hour three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays) from 5:00 to 7:00pm. This is a motivated group; most of the students
need the English language to apply for good employments. 5 of the students
are married and have children so this is a motivating factor for them too.


-The verb should (for giving advice)



-To present and practice the verb “should” “shouldn‟t to ask for and give

-To present and practice vocabulary related to ailments.

-To recognize the correct use of should or shouldn‟t according to the situation.


-To plan activities which can provide students the opportunity to apply what
they learn in the classroom to real life experiences.
-To create a positive learning environment by the use of different methods and

-To enhance students participation through simulation and role-play.

- To integrate the four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) in the

-To make students learn and use the verb should (or shouldn‟t) to ask for and
give advice.

-To make students learn and use vocabulary related to ailments in context.


   - UP
                  RELATED TO
                  AILMENTS     PRACTICE OF
                               RELATED TO
                                                 RELATED TO
                                                 AILMENTS         PRESENTATION
                                                                  OF SHOULD AND

                                                            PRACTICE OF
                                                            SHOULD AND
                                          PRODUCTION OF
                                          SHOULD AND



By selecting and adapting different teaching methods and approaches it was
easier to fulfill the lesson‟s objectives. Through role-play and other activities
students had the opportunity to practice should and shouldn‟t and they were
able to use vocabulary related to ailments in context. Due to this experience I
consider it necessary to keep on track of new methods and teaching
strategies in order to provide students with the necessary tools for a second
language learning environment.


It was a bit hard to choose the appropriate methods because I first had to
check students‟ background, however I was able to achieve my goals and I
think the lesson finally was a big succeeds because I was aware of everything
surrounding my class as for example, materials, instructions, error correction,

LESSON PLAN (1 hour class)

Warm-up                                  The teacher will share a personal
                                         experience with students by telling
                                         them what ailment she/he once had.
                                         Then she/he will advice students by
                                         using should or shouldn‟t in case they
suffer the same ailment than her/him.
              (5 min)
Act. 1       The teacher will present students
             some flashcards or images with
             different ailments and then she/he will
             mention an advice for them using
             should or shouldn‟t. Eg. The girl in the
             picture has a toothache, she should
             go to the dentist. At the end, the
             teacher will show the flashcards again
             but this time, she/he will elicit the
             ailments and advices from students.
Act. 2       The teacher will ask some students to
             mime different ailments infront of the
             class and the rest of it will have to
             guess what the ailment is, afterwards
             they will have to say the
             corresponding advice to that ailment
             using should or shouldn‟t. (15min)
Act. 3       Students will be given papers with
             different situations they will have to
             role-play. Eg. STUDENT A: You have
             a problem with your health. Tell
             student B what‟s wrong with you and
             ask him/her for advice.
             STUDENT B: Student A has a
             problem with his/her health. Listen to
             him/her and then tell him/her what
             he/she should or shouldn‟t do. Once
             students have the activity ready, they
             will present it to their classmates and
             then the teacher is going to ask them
             questions about what happened in
             each situation encouraging them to
             use vocabulary related to ailments
             and should/shouldn‟t.
             (20 min)
Closing      The teacher will review the class by
             miming his/herself some of the
             ailments and students will have to say
             an advice. Eg. T- What‟s wrong with
             me?( by the time she/he touches
             her/his head) SS- You have a
             headache. T- What shoud I do? SS-
             You should take a pain reliever. (5


       We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we
       think is right or wrong.

       You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do

       You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do

       Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I
       think or I don't think.


You look tired. I think you should take a few days off.

Alice works very long hours. She should to talk to her boss.

- I have an English test tomorrow.
- I shouldn't worry if I were you. You have worked really hard.

- I never have enough money.
- I don't think you should go out so much.

Should - Quick Grammar Note

To give advice to someone you can also say:

       I should do it if I were you.
       I shouldn't be so rude, if I were you.

When you regret not doing something in the past, you can say:

       I shouldn't have spoken to him like that.
       I shouldhaveapologizedearlier

Planning an educational evaluation refers to a systematic and ongoing
process which includes:

-Researching and collecting information, from different sources, about the
learning process, the content, the methods, the context, the outcomes of an
educational activity.

-The establishment of certain criteria (evaluation criteria)

-The discernment and judgment of the analyzed information (according to the
set evaluation criteria and at the light of the educational objectives).

-Drawing conclusions and recommendations which allow the re-orientation
and eventual improvement of the educational activity”

Educational evaluation can help to change things and to plan “different
things”, but it can also help us to plan things better, in order to prevent
negative consequences and to compensate for possible shortcomings.


In this course student have to communicate feelings , arguments , thinking ,
knowledge , ideas , reflexions ,opinions in all public areas like personal,
educational and occupational , resourcing and respectively in English
Language , the student has to be autonomous , the student has to understand
how to use daily expressions , greetings and interchange personal
information about daily routine and habits.

Spelling rules for 3rd person
Jobs and daily routine
What does your father do? (dialogue , comprehension reading
Grammar simple present (affirmative , negative and interrogative)
How often do you….? (speaking activity)

Make autonomous students
Know the simple present form (affirmative, negative and interrogative)
The student will be able to interchange personal information about himself and
other person talking about daily routine and habits.
The student will be able to write a description from himself and other person
about daily routine and free-time activities.


The main aim in this area is to evaluate students,with different types of
strategies, in all language skills using the CEFR as a reference to check how
well they canread, speak, write and understand the use and form for the
simple present; evaluate if they have achieved and acquired competences.


With the different evaluations methods this areaevaluates the competencies:
knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and values gained, developed or
achieved during the educational activity.

   1- In the warm –up activity previous knowledge and students needs can
      be evaluated by asking or let them express orally.

   2- Vocabulary will be evaluated with a memory game.

   3- To evaluate listening, a short quiz with video will be used.

   4- In grammar structure, students have to create a presentation where
      they include and apply grammar to describe pictures and daily life

   5- To evaluate speaking they will present their projects in class where
      they have to explain it.

   6- A final written exam will be used to evaluate grammar and writing skills.

   7- Students answer a short test to evaluate their performance and
      participation in the course.


On this unit it´s important that students get the information and show that they
use this structure correctly. We know that there are not golden rules” for the
development of a perfect educational evaluation.
We have to be creative to choose the correct strategies to use formative and
summative evaluations which can provide us real results about our students.


These questions can help to evaluate ourselves as teachers to realize if we
are doing a good job at the planning and evaluation moment.

Do I define the     aims    of     my      lesson?

Do I plan mylessons       including different evaluation techniques?

Do I use various   ways      of    conducing        a   course     evaluation?

Do I do needs analysis          and assess my             student‟s     language
competence according            to the CEFR?

Do I inform my students          on    language examinations            available to
them and advise them             on    the appropriate options          for them?

Do I help my   students     to     plan     further     learning   to    suit   their


                                Evaluation Lesson Plan
Topic: Simple Present

Activity                                     Materials                   Type of
   1- In the warm –up activity               Flashcards                  -Personal
      previous knowledge and                 Memory game                 And Group
      students needs can be                  Computer                    -Formative
      evaluated by asking or let             Projector                   -Summative
      them express orally.                   Exams                       -Quantitative
   2- Vocabulary will be evaluated
      with a memory game.

   3- To evaluate listening, a short
      quiz with video will be used.

   4- In grammar structure,
      students have to create a
      presentation where they
      include and apply grammar to
      describe pictures and daily
      life activities.

   5- To evaluate speaking they
will present their projects in
     class where they have to
     explain it.

  6- A final written exam will be
     used to evaluate grammar
     and writing skills.

  7- Students answer a short test
     to evaluate their performance
     and participation in the


Name ________________________________________________Date
Group ___________ Score ____________
I. Select the correct answer to complete the sentences.

    1. Hi! My name _____ John.
     a. is        b. are      c. am        d. was
    2. Nice to meet _____!
     a. now       b. he       c. you       d. too

    3. What___ your e-mail address?
     a. „s       b. are       c. am        d. you

    4. My telephone ________ is 555 667 890
     a. address b. name       c. color    d. number

    5. ______ you Michael?
     a. Is        b. Are          c. Am    d. „s

    6. Yes, I ____.
     a. „m          b. not        c. too   d. am

    7. No, I‟m _____.
     a. am        b. are          c. not   d. is

    8. A. What‟s your _______ name? B. It‟s Gonzalez.
     a. first      b. last     c. middle    d. nickname

    9. David Smith is single.
a. Mrs. Smith b. Ms. Smith c. Miss Smith           d. Mr. Smith

      10. Liz Silva is married.
      a. Mrs. Silva b. Mr. Silva c. Miss Silva d. Sra. Silva

      II. Chose the best response.

      1. Good morning!
       a. Nice to meet you.               b. You‟re welcome c. Good morning
             d. Good night

      2. How are you?
       a. Nice to meet you.               b. I‟m fine, thanks   c. Good morning
             d. Good night

      3. Bye. See you tomorrow.
       a. Nice to meet you.               b. You‟re welcome c. Good morning
              d. Ok. See you later

      4. Good-bye. Have a nice day.

1.-Description of the area:
This area includes Development of observation skills, dealing with feedback,
awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses, awareness of
possibilities for further professional development and the resources and
sources of help.

2.- Description of class and course

In this course the students will be able to understand and use the simple
present, frequency adverbs and prepositions of time to talk about activities. In
this lesson students will talk about when things happen, they will learn to
describe weekday and weekend routines, also the habitual actions .

3.- Topic: Daily life.

        To motivate students, we need the students to realize that they can
apply what they practice in class, in a real life situation. If We can make this,
we can say that it is a successful lesson because the students will be more
interested in their activities and also they will show interest in their classmates‟
activities. Students will feel motivated when they share their interest with other
4.- Aims of the lesson

-      Use prepositions of time correctly.
-      Talk about the frequency they do their activities
-      Students describe weekdays and weekend routines.
-      Talk about interesting activities

5.- Personal aims
I.     To promote learner autonomy.
II.    Know the simple present form.
III.   The students will be able to use prepositions of time correctly.
IV.    To receive feedback on my teaching performance
V.     To share ideas with colleagues to promote best practice
VI.    The student will be able to interchange personal information about
himself and other person talking about daily activities.

6.- Procedure

1-Before lesson begins, ask students to look at a picture.
- Ask what a routine is.
- Share their ideas.

2-Explain that students will hear a conversation.
Read the questions at the end of the conversation.
Play the recording again and check the answers with the class
3-Explain the frequency adverbs and prepositions of time

4-The teacher will show a pictures with some daily routine activities.( The students will
understand the prepositions of time, frequency adverbs and they will practice the
vocabulary (listen and repeat)
5-Students walk around the classroom and ask each person to tell them two interesting
things or unusual things they do each week
6-The students have to ask and answer questions about their activities with all their
7-when students finish asking and answering questions around the classroom, ask for
the first volunteers out of several to share some interesting or unusual things they
learned about their classmates

8-The students will write examples from some interesting or unusual activities to help
them stimulate and increase their vocabulary.

5.- Conclusions
I think this lesson encouraged students to experiment with the language, to
use the previous vocabulary and grammar they learned. I consider that this
lesson was useful for them because it made them realize that there is a
purpose, that they can use it in a real life situation. The objective in general of
this course is that students realize that they can apply the language, the can
use the activities practiced in the classroom to interact outside the class.

6.- Self Evaluation
I try to do this lesson attractive , using slide in a language classroom, giving
students real life situations, encouraging and motivating the students to learn
and use the language and I also incorporate listening task and activities which
encourage and facilitate learner autonomy and interaction between the
integrant of the class. These activities take into account learners‟ learning
styles and cultural expectations. I also shared ideas with colleagues to
promote the improvement in our classrooms and students.

7.- Lesson plan.

Icebreaker Before lesson begins, ask students to look at a picture.
- Ask what a routine is.
- Share their ideas.

Icebreaker                               Before lesson begins, ask students to
                                         look at a picture.
                                         - Ask what a routine is.
                                         - Share their ideas.

Act. 1
                                         Explain that students will hear a
                                         Read the questions at the end of the
                                         Play the recording again and check
                                         the answers with the class
Act. 2                                   Explain the frequency adverbs and
                                         prepositions of time

Act. 3                                   The teacher will show a pictures with
                                         some daily routine activities.( The
                                         students will understand the
                                         prepositions of time, frequency
                                         adverbs and they will practice the
                                         vocabulary (listen and repeat)
Act. 4                                   Students walk around the classroom
                                         and ask each person to tell them two
                                         interesting things or unusual things
                                         they do each week
Act. 5                                   The students have to ask and answer
                                         questions about their activities with all
                                         their classmates.
Act. 5                                   when students finish asking and
                                         answering questions around the
                                         classroom, ask for the first volunteers
                                         out of several to share some
interesting or unusual things they
                                                 learned about their classmates

Act. 6                                           The students will write examples from
                                                 some interesting or unusual activities
                                                 to help them stimulate and increase
                                                 their vocabulary.



              centuries                       in 20th century
              years                           in 2012 / in that year
in            seasons                         in summer
              months                          in September
              during parts of the             in the morning / in the afternoon/ in the
              day                             evening
on            dates                           on 4th March
              days                            on Saturday / on Monday morning
              special days                    on Christmas Eve
              weekends                        at the weekend
              nighr                           at night
at            time                            at 6 o‟clock
              great annual festivals          at Easter
              meals                           at dinner

A) Write at, in or on.

     1. Classes start................. September.
     2. My birthday is ................. 15 July.
     3. They like meeting .................lunchtime.
     4. The film starts ................. 9 o‟clock.
     5. All the family meets ................. Christmas day.
     6. I usually stay at home .................the weekend.
     7. They have Karate lessons .................the evening.
     8. The bank closes .................3:00 pm.
     9. We are going skiing ................. Easter.
10.   I don‟t like getting up early .................the morning.
11.   We usually go to the pub ................. Saturday night.
12.   Justin Bieber was born ................. 1994.
13.   He doesn‟t drive .................night.
14.   ................. winter we go to school by bus.
15.   They don‟t watch TV.................dinner
4.6 part 1

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  • 2. Content 1.LANGUAGE AWARENESS .........................................................................................................2 2.LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ......................................................................................................5 3.LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES....................................................................................... 11 4.LANGUAGE TEACHING .......................................................................................................... 16 5.PLANNING AND EVALUATION .............................................................................................. 21 6.- SELF--‐ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. ........................................................................ 25
  • 3. 1.LANGUAGE AWARENESS DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA Language Awareness can be defined as explicit knowledge about language, and conscious perception and sensitivity in language learning, language teaching and language use. Can we become better language users or learners or teachers if we e.g. in our relations with other people and/or cultures, and in our ability to see through language that manipulates or discriminates? Language Awareness interests also include learning more about what sorts of ideas about language people normally operate with, and what effects these have on how they conduct their everyday affairs: e.g. their professional dealings. DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS AND COURSE In this course student have to communicate feelings , arguments , thinking , knowledge , ideas , reflexions ,opinions in all public areas like personal, educational and occupational , resourcing and respectively in English Language , the student has to be autonomous , the student has to understand how to use daily expressions , greetings and interchange personal information about daily routine and habits. TOPIC SIMPLE PRESENT Spelling rules for 3rd person Jobs and daily routine What does your father do? (dialogue , comprehension reading Grammar simple present (affirmative , negative and interrogative) How often do you….? (speaking activity)
  • 4. AIMS OF THE LESSON Make autonomous students Know the simple present form (affirmative , negative and interrogative) The student will be able to interchange personal information about himself and other person talking about daily routine and habits. The student will be able to write a description from himself and other person about daily routine and free-time activities. PERSONAL AIMS My purpose for this unit is make autonomous students where they can read , speak , write and understand the use and form for the simple present. They can resource whichever situation where they have to use simple present with a comprehension in all the forms. PROCEDURE WARM - UP LEARN AND PRACTICE VOCABULARY LISTENING COMPRENHENSION PRESENT THE GRAMMAR STRUCTURES RULES LEARNING SPOKEN AND WRITING LANGUAGE PRODUCTION WITH ALL THE RESOURCES IN THE FOUR SKILLS
  • 5. CONCLUSION On this unit it´s important that students get the information and show that they use this structure correctly .I believe that us a teachers have to teach to students how to use the language , let‟s remember that us are motivators as well so we need to use all the tools as we can. SELF-EVALUATION When students answer something we can notice if the form that we were using was correct , just look their faces ,if they don‟t have all the correct information the look like a warriors in a hard road but in the other side if they learn and understand everything they look like a fish in to water. LESSON PLAN e.g. 2 hours class Warm-up Let´s sing (numbers song) to go in a daily activity Act. 1 The teacher will show a clock with some daily routine activities.( The students will understand the telling time and they will practice the vocabulary (listen and repeat) Act. 2 Read a dialogue between two people where they are going to read , act out and understand the unknown words Act. 3 From the dialogue take the expressions which have simple present to introduce this tense, give to ss the structure grammar in affirmative , negative and interrogative. Act. 4 Explain to ss the rule for 3rd person in verbs. Act. 5 Practice with some verbs . Copy the list of verbs and change in to 3rdperson . e.g. go-goes Act. 5 The teacher is going to bring some envelopes with puzzle sentences where the students are going to join two sentences .The first team who win is going to write the sentences on the board. Act. 6 The students will write examples from simple present in notebook
  • 6. 2.LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Sensitzing students to different cultural standards Theme: DIFFERENT COUNTRIES/DIFFERENT CULTURES (using simple present and the verb be) 1. Description of class and course This is the same group as for the Planning and Evaluation project. It is a A1 course. There are 18 students between the ages of 18 and 25, 10 female and 8 male. They meet for class 1 and a half hour every Friday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. This is a motivated group. Some of the students need the target language to apply for good employments. The group meets on Friday evenings, and 5 of them come from northern states. The course book is Blockbuster US 1 student book and workbook 2. Aims of the lesson - To learn and practice the verb to be. - To talk about different states - To ask and talk about personal experiences with people in different states. - To consider cultural standards in different countries. - To compare own cultural standards with cultural standards in other countries. 3. Personal aims - To provide an interesting lesson that students will enjoy. - To explain the grammar structure of countable and non-countable nouns that students can employ. - To motivate students to become aware of different cultural standards.
  • 7. 4. Procedure 1. The teacher writes the phrase: different countries, different cultures. 2. The teacher posts in the wall around the classroom the names of the continents 3. The teacher welcomes students and explains that the topic will be “experiences with people of different countries”. 4. Give the students a flashcard with countries or nationalities 5. Ask the students to circulate and find the partner with the correspondent country/nationality. 6. Ask the students to form groups and sit in the area where their country/nationality belongs to. Each student will play the role of a native born in the country they picked. 7. Students will open their books (p. 4). They will read the title aloud. Teacher says “I‟m (name) I‟m from France. Where am I from? Point to students and ask: Where are you from? Why are you studying English? 8. Students will make a list with things that they relate to those countries. It may include: clothing, food, physical appearance, etc. 9. With a PPT presentation, the teacher will show the different countries, including physical location, photos of people, traditional customs, etc. 10. Teacher will ask the students; “have you been to any of this countries?” Elicit things like landscapes, people, etc. Students will point out the differences between these countries and their own country. Make the students use the verb be in sentences like: “they are tall (or short)” “they are tall”. The teacher will correct smoothly. 11. Students will check the grammar (p. 6) and complete the questions and the answers, using contractions. (p 6-7) (Positive form) 12. Working in pairs, students will practice asking each other questions and write both the questions and the answers in their notebooks. The teacher will check the work. 13. The teacher can use extra material for exercises like worksheets downloaded from the internet.
  • 8. 14. Have the students move around and ask other students some personal information, like nationality. It´s a good time to know and practice greetings and introductions. 15. Have students to complete exercises 1 and 2 on page W1. 16. Finally in groups discuss what are the main differences they encounter between their own culture and other cultures. 5. Conclusions This unit motivates students to know each other better, and it also encourages students to get to know someone else. This lesson also let the students think about their culture manners and the verbal and non-verbal communication signs that may be very different from ours. They will also understand the importance of intercultural dialogue. 6. Self Evaluation The objective for this lesson is to get the students culturally aware. The material provided should appeal the interest of students and made them aware of the importance of developing the necessary skills for intercultural communication. However, it is important to keep in mind that for most students this may be the first contact with a new language, so the teacher has to have the ability to adapt to the student‟s pace and yet keep the teaching going. 7. Lesson Plan “Culture” T=teacher/S=students Time Phases of Social Media/ materials Aim of (min Learning Activities Form activity s) Engage --‐Before lesson Group --‐engage 15 Students: begins, T. writes plenar Board students min Introduc1 theme different y Paper in topic. on to countries/differe Set of cards with --‐ theme: nt cultures on countries/nationali introduce
  • 9. “different board. -- ties theme. countries/ - S. divided into --‐S. different Groups of 3 with reflect cultures“. country/nationali On culture (Reflectin ties cards. in own g on own -Each group country. culture) gets paper Group make papers with things associated to other cultures Pre-- ‐teach PPT plenar Projector Use verb 15 grammar: presentation T. y computer to be to min. (comparin asks S. “have make g you been to any introductio cultures) of these ns and countries? getting acquainte d Verb to --‐T. shows OH plenar OH (p. 6) --‐T. 15 be T/S read OH y explains min grammati together Grammar cal structure structure --‐S. revise Structure and ask ques1ons If required. --‐S. Grammar s. Ask each Plena Notebooks --‐S. talk 20 practice. other questions ry workbook About min Verb be about partne personal affirmativ themselves and r experienc e form the country they es. represent --‐S. s. circulate to reflect on find information. And evaluate Their behavior And response To cultural situa1ons and
  • 10. encounter s. Grammar s. practice group worksheets --‐S. 10 practice. grammar in a Practice min Verb be worksheet. verb to be affirmativ s. practice affirmative e form grammar p. 6-7 --‐S. talk About personal Experienc es using given structure -- ‐encourag e Awarenes s and evalua1on of own culture and other cultures. Conclusio --‐In groups Group --‐S. 15 n: S. discuss if plenar develop min (Reflect there are y Empathy on situations that with cultural they find Other difference particularly cultures. s interesting and --‐develop and how they are Critical similaritie different from cultural s their own awarenes practices. s, evaluating own and other cultures. 8. ATTACHMENTS
  • 11. COUNTRY NATIONALITY COUNTRY NATIONALITY Portugal Portuguese Austria Austrian Spain Spanish Greece Greek England English The USA American France French Japan Japanese Germany German Brazil Brazilian Italy Italian China Chinese Hello there! We are from England. So we are English! What about you? Where are you from? …………………………………………. What nationality are you? ……………………………………………………….. A. Follow the example and complete the sentences with the correct nationality. Don‟t forget to include the verb! 1. I am from Spain. I am ………………………………………….......................... 2. You are from France. You ……………………………………………………. 3. He is from the USA. He ………………………………………………………. 4. She is from China. She ………………………………………………………... 5. It is from Italy. It ……………………………………………………………... 6. We are from Brazil. We ……………………………………………………… 7. You are from Germany. You ………………………………………………… 8. They are from Greece. They ………………………………………………… 9. Leo is from Austria. ………………………………………………………… 10. Ann and Chun are from Japan. ……………………………………………… B. Now do the other way round and find out which country is missing! Don‟t forget to include the verb! 1. I am Austrian. I am from ………………………………………………....... 2. You are American. You ………………………………………………........ 3. He is Italian. He ………………………………………………………......... 4. She is Chinese. She ……………………………………………………….. 5. It is French. It …………………………………………………………….. 6. We are Japanese. We …………………………………………………….. 7. You are English. You ……………………………………………………..
  • 12. 8. They are Spanish. They ………………………………………………….. 9. Johanna is Greek. ………………………………………………………... Lewis and Gwen are German. ………………………………………….. 3.LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA Second-language acquisition or second-language learning is the process by which people learn a second language. Second-language acquisition (often abbreviated to SLA) also refers to the scientific discipline devoted to studying that process. There are many different learning types and approaches to learning. To learn effectively it is important to tailor your study habits to your own needs and approach, this often means choosing techniques that work for you and evaluating them from time to time to determine if you need to try something new. DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS AND COURSE This is an A2 course. There are 20 students between the ages of 18 and 25, 12 women and 8 men. They meet for class 1 hour three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) from 5:00 to 6:00pm. This is a motivated group, most of the students need the English language to apply for good employments. 5 of the students are married and have children so this is a motivating factor for them too. TOPICS -Comparative Adjectives -Superlative Adjectives AIMS OF THE LESSON -To present and practice the comparative form of adjectives. -To present and practice the superlative form of adjectives. -To identify the differences in use between comparative and superlative adjectives. PERSONAL AIMS -To develop activities for different learning styles. -To make students use comparative adjectives in context.
  • 13. -To make students use superlative adjectives in context. -To encourage students to keep on practicing comparative and superlative adjectives. -To incorporate the 4 skills. PROCEDURE WARM - UP PRESENTATION OF COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES PRACTICE OF COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES PRODUCTION OF COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES IN CONTEXT PRESENTATION OF SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES PRACTICE OF SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES PRODUCTION OF SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES IN CONTEXT CLOSING CONCLUSION Throughout the development of this lesson, students acquired knowledge of the use of comparative and superlative adjectives by performing different activities. The whole group was certainly motivated to learn because all the material and activities applied on this lesson were focused on different learning styles. So we as teachers must always have in mind that all our
  • 14. students learn and processing information in different ways, If we are always aware of that when planning, we will have better learning results indeed. SELF-EVALUATION I think it was a successful lesson because the main objectives were achieved. Students were able to perform different activities and they were able to use comparative and superlative adjectives in context. What I liked the most was the opportunity I had to manage material for the different learning styles. LESSON PLAN e.g. 1 hour class Warm-up The teacher shows students some images and elicits adjectives from them. (5min) Act. 1 The teacher asks some students to pass infront and asks the rest of the class some questions about their physical appearance. Eg. Who is taller Pepe or Mario? Then she encourages ss to use the following structure. Eg. Pepe is taller than Mario. The teacher keeps doing the same with different classmates.(15min) Act. 2 The teacher explains the rules of the formation of comparative adjectives. (15min) Act. 3 The teacher pastes some posters of different famous people on the board and asks ss to make comparisons among them.(15min) Closing The teacher throws a ball or balloon to someone in the class by the time she says an adjective.The student who catches the ball will have to say a comparative statement that fits for 2 of her/his classmates. Then the student will have to throw the ball again and the classmate who catches it will do the same.(10min) ATTACHMENT Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
  • 15. One-syllable adjectives. Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding –er for the comparative form and –est for the superlative. One- ComparativeForm SuperlativeForm SyllableAdjective tall taller tallest old older oldest long longer longest Mary is tallerthan Max. Mary is the tallestof all the students. Max is olderthan John. Of the three students, Max is the oldest. My hair is longerthan your hair. Max's story is the longeststory I've ever heard. If the one-syllable adjective ends with an e, just add –r for the comparative form and –st for the superlative form. One-Syllable Adjective with Final - ComparativeForm SuperlativeForm e large larger largest wise wiser wisest Mary's car is largerthan Max's car. Mary's house is the tallestof all the houses on the block. Max is wiserthan his brother. Max is the wisestperson I know. If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant with a vowel before it, double the consonant and add –er for the comparative form; and double the consonant and add –est for the superlative form.
  • 16. One-Syllable Adjective Ending ComparativeForm SuperlativeForm with a Single Consonant with a Single Vowel before It big bigger biggest thin thinner thinnest fat fatter fattest My dog is biggerthan your dog. My dog is the biggestof all the dogs in the neighborhood. Max is thinnerthan John. Of all the students in the class, Max is the thinnest. My mother is fatterthan your mother. Mary is the fattestperson I've ever seen. Two-syllable adjectives. With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most. Two- ComparativeForm SuperlativeForm SyllableAdjective peaceful more peaceful mostpeaceful pleasant more pleasant mostpleasant careful more careful mostcareful thoughtful more thoughtful mostthoughtful
  • 17. 4.LANGUAGE TEACHING DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA Language teaching is the practice and theory of learning and teaching a language, it is also important to mention that Language Teaching process is the facilitation of learning, in which you can "teach" a foreign language successfully if, among other things, you know something about learns or fails to learn a second language. There are many methods and approaches for teaching a second language but the use of them depends on our students‟ needs and objectives. DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS AND COURSE: This is an A2 course. There are 20 students between the ages of 18 and 25. They meet for class 1 hour three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) from 5:00 to 7:00pm. This is a motivated group; most of the students need the English language to apply for good employments. 5 of the students are married and have children so this is a motivating factor for them too. TOPICS: -The verb should (for giving advice) -Ailments AIMS OF THE LESSON: -To present and practice the verb “should” “shouldn‟t to ask for and give advice. -To present and practice vocabulary related to ailments. -To recognize the correct use of should or shouldn‟t according to the situation. PERSONAL AIMS: -To plan activities which can provide students the opportunity to apply what they learn in the classroom to real life experiences.
  • 18. -To create a positive learning environment by the use of different methods and approaches. -To enhance students participation through simulation and role-play. - To integrate the four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) in the lesson. -To make students learn and use the verb should (or shouldn‟t) to ask for and give advice. -To make students learn and use vocabulary related to ailments in context. PROCEDURE: WARM - UP PRESENTATION OF VOCABULARY RELATED TO AILMENTS PRACTICE OF VOCABULARY RELATED TO AILMENTS
  • 19. PRODUCTION OF VOCABULARY RELATED TO AILMENTS PRESENTATION OF SHOULD AND SHOULDN’T PRACTICE OF SHOULD AND SHOULDN’T PRODUCTION OF SHOULD AND SHOULDN’T CLOSING CONCLUSION: By selecting and adapting different teaching methods and approaches it was easier to fulfill the lesson‟s objectives. Through role-play and other activities students had the opportunity to practice should and shouldn‟t and they were able to use vocabulary related to ailments in context. Due to this experience I consider it necessary to keep on track of new methods and teaching strategies in order to provide students with the necessary tools for a second language learning environment. SELF-EVALUATION It was a bit hard to choose the appropriate methods because I first had to check students‟ background, however I was able to achieve my goals and I think the lesson finally was a big succeeds because I was aware of everything surrounding my class as for example, materials, instructions, error correction, etc. LESSON PLAN (1 hour class) Warm-up The teacher will share a personal experience with students by telling them what ailment she/he once had. Then she/he will advice students by using should or shouldn‟t in case they
  • 20. suffer the same ailment than her/him. (5 min) Act. 1 The teacher will present students some flashcards or images with different ailments and then she/he will mention an advice for them using should or shouldn‟t. Eg. The girl in the picture has a toothache, she should go to the dentist. At the end, the teacher will show the flashcards again but this time, she/he will elicit the ailments and advices from students. (15min) Act. 2 The teacher will ask some students to mime different ailments infront of the class and the rest of it will have to guess what the ailment is, afterwards they will have to say the corresponding advice to that ailment using should or shouldn‟t. (15min) Act. 3 Students will be given papers with different situations they will have to role-play. Eg. STUDENT A: You have a problem with your health. Tell student B what‟s wrong with you and ask him/her for advice. STUDENT B: Student A has a problem with his/her health. Listen to him/her and then tell him/her what he/she should or shouldn‟t do. Once students have the activity ready, they will present it to their classmates and then the teacher is going to ask them questions about what happened in each situation encouraging them to use vocabulary related to ailments and should/shouldn‟t. (20 min) Closing The teacher will review the class by miming his/herself some of the ailments and students will have to say an advice. Eg. T- What‟s wrong with me?( by the time she/he touches her/his head) SS- You have a headache. T- What shoud I do? SS- You should take a pain reliever. (5 min) ATTACHMENT
  • 21. THE USE OF SHOULD AND SHOULDN‟T We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong. You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it. You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it. Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I think or I don't think. Examples You look tired. I think you should take a few days off. Alice works very long hours. She should to talk to her boss. - I have an English test tomorrow. - I shouldn't worry if I were you. You have worked really hard. - I never have enough money. - I don't think you should go out so much. Should - Quick Grammar Note To give advice to someone you can also say: I should do it if I were you. I shouldn't be so rude, if I were you. When you regret not doing something in the past, you can say: I shouldn't have spoken to him like that. I shouldhaveapologizedearlier
  • 22. 5.PLANNING AND EVALUATION DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA Planning an educational evaluation refers to a systematic and ongoing process which includes: -Researching and collecting information, from different sources, about the learning process, the content, the methods, the context, the outcomes of an educational activity. -The establishment of certain criteria (evaluation criteria) -The discernment and judgment of the analyzed information (according to the set evaluation criteria and at the light of the educational objectives). -Drawing conclusions and recommendations which allow the re-orientation and eventual improvement of the educational activity” Educational evaluation can help to change things and to plan “different things”, but it can also help us to plan things better, in order to prevent negative consequences and to compensate for possible shortcomings. DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS AND COURSE In this course student have to communicate feelings , arguments , thinking , knowledge , ideas , reflexions ,opinions in all public areas like personal, educational and occupational , resourcing and respectively in English Language , the student has to be autonomous , the student has to understand how to use daily expressions , greetings and interchange personal information about daily routine and habits. TOPIC SIMPLE PRESENT Spelling rules for 3rd person Jobs and daily routine What does your father do? (dialogue , comprehension reading Grammar simple present (affirmative , negative and interrogative) How often do you….? (speaking activity) AIMS OF THE LESSON Make autonomous students Know the simple present form (affirmative, negative and interrogative) The student will be able to interchange personal information about himself and other person talking about daily routine and habits.
  • 23. The student will be able to write a description from himself and other person about daily routine and free-time activities. PERSONAL AIMS The main aim in this area is to evaluate students,with different types of strategies, in all language skills using the CEFR as a reference to check how well they canread, speak, write and understand the use and form for the simple present; evaluate if they have achieved and acquired competences. PROCEDURE With the different evaluations methods this areaevaluates the competencies: knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and values gained, developed or achieved during the educational activity. 1- In the warm –up activity previous knowledge and students needs can be evaluated by asking or let them express orally. 2- Vocabulary will be evaluated with a memory game. 3- To evaluate listening, a short quiz with video will be used. 4- In grammar structure, students have to create a presentation where they include and apply grammar to describe pictures and daily life activities. 5- To evaluate speaking they will present their projects in class where they have to explain it. 6- A final written exam will be used to evaluate grammar and writing skills. 7- Students answer a short test to evaluate their performance and participation in the course. CONCLUSIONS On this unit it´s important that students get the information and show that they use this structure correctly. We know that there are not golden rules” for the development of a perfect educational evaluation.
  • 24. We have to be creative to choose the correct strategies to use formative and summative evaluations which can provide us real results about our students. SELF EVAUATION These questions can help to evaluate ourselves as teachers to realize if we are doing a good job at the planning and evaluation moment. Do I define the aims of my lesson? Do I plan mylessons including different evaluation techniques? Do I use various ways of conducing a course evaluation? Do I do needs analysis and assess my student‟s language competence according to the CEFR? Do I inform my students on language examinations available to them and advise them on the appropriate options for them? Do I help my students to plan further learning to suit their needs? LESSON PLAN Evaluation Lesson Plan Topic: Simple Present Activity Materials Type of evaluation 1- In the warm –up activity Flashcards -Personal previous knowledge and Memory game And Group students needs can be Computer -Formative evaluated by asking or let Projector -Summative them express orally. Exams -Quantitative -Qualitative 2- Vocabulary will be evaluated with a memory game. 3- To evaluate listening, a short quiz with video will be used. 4- In grammar structure, students have to create a presentation where they include and apply grammar to describe pictures and daily life activities. 5- To evaluate speaking they
  • 25. will present their projects in class where they have to explain it. 6- A final written exam will be used to evaluate grammar and writing skills. 7- Students answer a short test to evaluate their performance and participation in the course. ATTACHEMENTS FINAL EXAM Name ________________________________________________Date __________ Group ___________ Score ____________ I. Select the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1. Hi! My name _____ John. a. is b. are c. am d. was 2. Nice to meet _____! a. now b. he c. you d. too 3. What___ your e-mail address? a. „s b. are c. am d. you 4. My telephone ________ is 555 667 890 a. address b. name c. color d. number 5. ______ you Michael? a. Is b. Are c. Am d. „s 6. Yes, I ____. a. „m b. not c. too d. am 7. No, I‟m _____. a. am b. are c. not d. is 8. A. What‟s your _______ name? B. It‟s Gonzalez. a. first b. last c. middle d. nickname 9. David Smith is single.
  • 26. a. Mrs. Smith b. Ms. Smith c. Miss Smith d. Mr. Smith 10. Liz Silva is married. a. Mrs. Silva b. Mr. Silva c. Miss Silva d. Sra. Silva II. Chose the best response. 1. Good morning! a. Nice to meet you. b. You‟re welcome c. Good morning d. Good night 2. How are you? a. Nice to meet you. b. I‟m fine, thanks c. Good morning d. Good night 3. Bye. See you tomorrow. a. Nice to meet you. b. You‟re welcome c. Good morning d. Ok. See you later 4. Good-bye. Have a nice day. 6.- SELF--‐ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. 1.-Description of the area: This area includes Development of observation skills, dealing with feedback, awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses, awareness of possibilities for further professional development and the resources and sources of help. 2.- Description of class and course In this course the students will be able to understand and use the simple present, frequency adverbs and prepositions of time to talk about activities. In this lesson students will talk about when things happen, they will learn to describe weekday and weekend routines, also the habitual actions . 3.- Topic: Daily life. To motivate students, we need the students to realize that they can apply what they practice in class, in a real life situation. If We can make this, we can say that it is a successful lesson because the students will be more interested in their activities and also they will show interest in their classmates‟ activities. Students will feel motivated when they share their interest with other students.
  • 27. 4.- Aims of the lesson - Use prepositions of time correctly. - Talk about the frequency they do their activities - Students describe weekdays and weekend routines. - Talk about interesting activities 5.- Personal aims I. To promote learner autonomy. II. Know the simple present form. III. The students will be able to use prepositions of time correctly. IV. To receive feedback on my teaching performance V. To share ideas with colleagues to promote best practice VI. The student will be able to interchange personal information about himself and other person talking about daily activities. 6.- Procedure 1-Before lesson begins, ask students to look at a picture. - Ask what a routine is. - Share their ideas. 2-Explain that students will hear a conversation. Read the questions at the end of the conversation. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class 3-Explain the frequency adverbs and prepositions of time 4-The teacher will show a pictures with some daily routine activities.( The students will understand the prepositions of time, frequency adverbs and they will practice the vocabulary (listen and repeat) 5-Students walk around the classroom and ask each person to tell them two interesting things or unusual things they do each week 6-The students have to ask and answer questions about their activities with all their classmates. 7-when students finish asking and answering questions around the classroom, ask for the first volunteers out of several to share some interesting or unusual things they learned about their classmates 8-The students will write examples from some interesting or unusual activities to help them stimulate and increase their vocabulary. 5.- Conclusions I think this lesson encouraged students to experiment with the language, to use the previous vocabulary and grammar they learned. I consider that this lesson was useful for them because it made them realize that there is a purpose, that they can use it in a real life situation. The objective in general of
  • 28. this course is that students realize that they can apply the language, the can use the activities practiced in the classroom to interact outside the class. 6.- Self Evaluation I try to do this lesson attractive , using slide in a language classroom, giving students real life situations, encouraging and motivating the students to learn and use the language and I also incorporate listening task and activities which encourage and facilitate learner autonomy and interaction between the integrant of the class. These activities take into account learners‟ learning styles and cultural expectations. I also shared ideas with colleagues to promote the improvement in our classrooms and students. 7.- Lesson plan. Icebreaker Before lesson begins, ask students to look at a picture. - Ask what a routine is. - Share their ideas. Icebreaker Before lesson begins, ask students to look at a picture. - Ask what a routine is. - Share their ideas. Act. 1 Explain that students will hear a conversation. Read the questions at the end of the conversation. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class Act. 2 Explain the frequency adverbs and prepositions of time Act. 3 The teacher will show a pictures with some daily routine activities.( The students will understand the prepositions of time, frequency adverbs and they will practice the vocabulary (listen and repeat) Act. 4 Students walk around the classroom and ask each person to tell them two interesting things or unusual things they do each week Act. 5 The students have to ask and answer questions about their activities with all their classmates. Act. 5 when students finish asking and answering questions around the classroom, ask for the first volunteers out of several to share some
  • 29. interesting or unusual things they learned about their classmates Act. 6 The students will write examples from some interesting or unusual activities to help them stimulate and increase their vocabulary. ATTACHEMENTS PREPOSITIONS OF TIME centuries in 20th century years in 2012 / in that year in seasons in summer months in September during parts of the in the morning / in the afternoon/ in the day evening on dates on 4th March days on Saturday / on Monday morning special days on Christmas Eve weekends at the weekend nighr at night at time at 6 o‟clock great annual festivals at Easter meals at dinner A) Write at, in or on. 1. Classes start................. September. 2. My birthday is ................. 15 July. 3. They like meeting .................lunchtime. 4. The film starts ................. 9 o‟clock. 5. All the family meets ................. Christmas day. 6. I usually stay at home .................the weekend. 7. They have Karate lessons .................the evening. 8. The bank closes .................3:00 pm. 9. We are going skiing ................. Easter.
  • 30. 10. I don‟t like getting up early .................the morning. 11. We usually go to the pub ................. Saturday night. 12. Justin Bieber was born ................. 1994. 13. He doesn‟t drive .................night. 14. ................. winter we go to school by bus. 15. They don‟t watch TV.................dinner