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Analyses of the Mechanical Design for a Towed Hydrophone
Presented to the
University of California, San Diego
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
MAE 199: Professor Jan Kleissl and Dr. Gerald D’Spain
Prepared by:
Sulaman Ahmed
Spring 2014
To study the potential effects of man-made sound on odontocetes, particularly members
of the beaked whale family, a wide-band towed hydrophone array was designed and constructed.
Two candidate designs were created using the computer aided design program SolidWorks and
modeled in fluid flow using FloWorks. Results show that the Flooded Torpedo which had a drag
of 16 N, torque of 9 Nm, and a shear stress of 20 Pa, while the X-Array had a drag force of 52 N,
torque of 5 Nm, and a shear stress of 34 Pa. However, a modified X-Array with offset wing
struts was chosen to be built in order to provide aperture in 3 dimensions. In addition; the
Flooded Torpedo had no concrete method to allow water to flow through it, it had a higher
possibility of rotating, and the smaller distance between the hydrophones housed inside reduced
spatial resolution.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................4
2. Theory...................................................................................................................................5
3. Experimental Procedure.........................................................................................................6
4. Results...................................................................................................................................9
5. Discussion............................................................................................................................ 15
6. Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 16
7. Appendix A Surface and Cut plots......................................................................................... 18
8. Appendix B Tables................................................................................................................ 41
9. Appendix C Drawings........................................................................................................... 50
1. Introduction
The objective of this project is to create a mechanical design for a towed passive
underwater acoustic array for detecting and localizing transient signals in the ultrasonic band,
greater than 20 kHz, from odontocetes, in particular members of the beaked whale family. The
array is designed to be deployed by two people, towed up to ten knots speed, resist rotating while
being towed, and hydrodynamically designed to minimize the noise on the hydrophones due to
turbulent pressure fluctuations. Two different designs were created, the “Flooded Torpedo” and
“X-Array”, and run through flow simulations to determine the final build design.
Ocean acoustics is the study of the underwater sound field in the ocean. Sound waves
travel underwater by pressure fluctuations that alternate between compressing and dilating the
water molecules. The sound waves radiate in all directions from the source. These pressure
changes caused by the sound waves can be detected by devices such as hydrophones.
Oceanographers are use hydrophones to study ocean sound, understand the sources, and
the potential effects of the sound on marine like, and the properties of the ocean environment.
Passive underwater acoustic monitoring has achieved better understanding of global warming,
earthquakes, movement of magma through the ocean floor from volcanic eruptions, and calls
from marine mammals.
San Diego is home to a large Navy base, which is equipped with vessels with active sonar
capabilities. Active sonar is an instrument used to image the underwater environment, by
emitting pulses of sound. These sounds are believed to be causing a disturbance in the behavior
of beaked whales. It is the goal of Southwest Fisheries Science Center and Scripps Institution of
Oceanography to determine the potential effects the Navy sonar and other man-made acoustic
sounds has on the marine mammals in the proximity of the acoustic source operations.
2. Theory
It is not viable to use optics-based devices such video recorders except over short ranges
in the ocean because the distance light can travel is reduced significantly due to absorption. On
the other hand, sound waves can travel much greater distances than light. Sound travels about
five times faster underwater than in air. Hydrophones are microphones designed for use
underwater, and multiple hydrophones can be arranged in an array. Using an array, signals from
desired directions can be enhanced and signals from undesired directions can be ignored. A
signal processing technique such as beamforming uses the relative locations of the hydrophones
to estimate the location of the sound source. The ship typically must travel in a straight line to
collect a reliable data samples in order for the positions of the hydrophones to stay relatively
constant. The spatial resolution of the beamforming is affected by the relative distances between
the hydrophones; larger distances between hydrophones increases the resolution. For the project,
the array will be towed 300 meters behind the ship to minimize any disturbances to the
hydrophones due to both the noise radiated by the ship and array vibrations and turbulence
caused by the propulsion.
Drag in fluid mechanics is the force in the opposite direction of an object’s velocity,
acting to oppose the object’s motion through a fluid medium. Two main types of drag exist, skin
friction and pressure (form) drag. Skin friction drag is caused by the friction of the fluid and the
surface of the object flowing through it. Pressure drag is caused by the shape of the object and
how the boundary layer separates creating a pressure gradient. If a drag coefficient CD can be
estimated, drag can be calculated using the equation
𝐹𝐷 =
𝐶 𝐷 𝐴⊥ (1)
In equation (1) ρ represents the density of the fluid, υ is the speed, and A is the cross-sectional
surface area. The coefficient depends on the shape of the object and the Reynolds number. The
Reynolds number is a non-dimension quantity estimated from the fluid properties, the speed, a
characteristic length. The Reynolds number is widely used to predict fluid flow patterns. The
power required to overcome drag is
𝑃𝐷 = 𝐹𝐷 𝑣 =
𝐴⊥ 𝐶 𝐷 (2)
A minimum amount of power must be supplied for a body to move. Shear stress is the force from
friction acting on the body of the object by the fluid it is moving through. The equation for shear
stress from drag force is
𝜏 =
Where A now is the cross-sectional area parallel to the drag force. Shear stress is parallel to the
surface while normal stress is perpendicular. The stress on an object can create deformation or
make the object break in the areas of high stress. Stress is measured in units of Pascals, the same
units as for pressure.
3. Experimental Procedure
Two mechanical designs were modeled in Solidworks. The first one is called the Flooded
Torpedo Shell and the second design was named X-Array. Each model is designed to be towed
300 meters behind a ship at a maximum speed of 10 knots. Once the designs were assembled in
SolidWorks, they were run through the simulation program FloWorks.
The Flooded Torpedo Shell is a two stage design, the interior stage housing the
hydrophones attached to the exterior shell of a piece of pipe. The electrical wires are spliced into
the towing cable which runs through the center. The interior stage is flooded with seawater to
allow the hydrophones to take measurements. This design allows for the hydrophones to stay in a
relatively secure area and minimizes any damage that can occur to them or other equipment.
Figure 1 illustrates a computer aided design (CAD) drawing of the flooded torpedo shell design.
Figure 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell
The X-Array is a four winged pipe with cross-section in the shape of the letter “X”.
These wings are streamline aluminum struts from Carlson Aircraft Inc. The wings begin from the
same location on the array body and extending out at an angle of 30 degrees from the pipe. The
wings also are equally separated from each other, creating a shape that looks like a X-Wing
Starfighter from “Star Wars”. The hydrophones are mounted to the end of each of these wings
inside of capsules that are shaped to reduce drag. The towing cable can either run through the
pipe or be attached to the array through rings on the end. Since the array wing struts and
hydrophones capsules are freely flooded when deployed, the X-Array allows the hydrophones to
be unrestricted to the seawater by unlike the previous design, and improves accuracy of the
beamforming because the hydrophones are further spread apart, 0.5 meters between hydrophones
on opposite wings. Figure 2 is a CAD drawing of the X-Array design.
Figure 2: X-Array
A fluid flow simulation was done using the program FloWorks. Each design model was
run in the program using the same parameters. The parameters used in the simulation were the
external flow speed and direction with respect to the array, standard ocean temperature, and a
velocity of 5 m/s (about 10 knots). The designs were run at angles offset from the array body
(pipe): 0 degrees (parallel to the array body), 1 degree, 2 degrees, 4 degrees, and 8 degrees.
Using the Pythagorean theorem, the angles to the body were created by changing the speed in the
vertical direction. So if the arrays were traveling at 5 m/s, zero degrees to the array body would
have a no velocity component in the vertical direction and 4 degrees would have a velocity of
0.351 m/s in the vertical direction. A surface parameters excel sheet, found in Appendix A
Surface and Cut plots, was created from the simulation’s solution along with several surface
plots, Appendix B Tables.
4. Results
The two models’ FloWorks simulation plots are presented in Appendices A Surface and
Cut plots and B Tables. In the flow simulations, the positive Z axis is the direction the array is
being towed. The Y axis is perpendicular to the surface. The appendices also include three more
models, based on the X-Array with new configurations of the wing placement, which were
created after the simulations of the Flooded Torpedo and original X-Array.
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2]
Pressure [Pa] -706895 529007 164165 1.25748
Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.563 997.562 1.25748
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748
Shear Stress [Pa] 7.66431E-12 1673.18 19.9097 1.26585
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748
Normal Force [N] 2.67251 -0.53802 -0.1875 2.61106 1.26585
Shear Force [N] 13.758 -0.02342 0.08625 13.7577 1.26585
Force [N] 16.3787 -0.56144 -0.1013 16.3687 1.26585
Torque [N*m] 9.95017 6.1264 -7.839 0.151464 1.26585
Surface Area [m^2] 1.26585 -4.2E-05 -0.0001 3.3956E-06 1.26585
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 2.52825 1.55811 -1.9882 0.106866 1.26585
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 7.42317 4.5683 -5.8508 0.0445986 1.26585
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 1.25748
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 1.28153 1.28153
Table 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell ( 0 degrees)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 96359.5 105142 100649 0.500327
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327
Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.500327
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327
Shear Stress [Pa]
11 54.0495 33.7295 0.500327
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327
Normal Force [N] 35.9966 2.15824 -3.4519 -35.7657 0.500327
Shear Force [N] 16.8194 0.00468 0.00198 -16.8194 0.500327
Force [N] 52.7425 2.16293 -3.45 -52.5851 0.500327
Torque [N*m] 5.04599 -4.57561 1.65131 -1.34127 0.500327
Surface Area [m^2] 0.500327 5.4E-19 -7E-18 1.21973E-19 0.500327
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 3.75924 -3.33369 1.10359 -1.34183 0.500327
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.35734 -1.24192 0.54772 0.000560196 0.500327
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.500327
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 2: X-Array ( 0 degrees)
The surface plots for pressure show how the hydrodynamic pressure on the arrays varies
over the entire body. This information is important because of the resulting forces acting on the
array and because the hydrophones record the sound waves, which is a pressure wave. The plots
of array found in Appendix A Surface and Cut Plots and the tables found in Appendix B Tables
show the areas of high pressure and the fluctuations due to the array being towed which could
potentially disturb the hydrophones or in the worst case damage the array. In the Flooded
Torpedo, the area with the highest pressure is the front and end cones, which cover the cable and
seal off the midsection of the body. The X-Array also exhibits higher pressure on the area of the
cones and along the ridges of the wings. The pressure over the hydrophone casings, for the X-
Array is low in comparison. The average pressure experienced by the Flooded Torpedo and the
X-Array are 164 kPa and 101 kPa respectively. For the Flooded Torpedo, the pressure fluctuates
from -706 to 529 kPa and for the X-Array from 96 kPa to 105 kPa. The pressure fluctuations, the
minimum and maximum pressure, are much more significant in the Flooded Torpedo than in the
The shear stress surface plots are useful to highlight the areas that will need attention
when the model will be assembled. These areas will have a higher possibility to break during use
and should be reinforced if necessary. The Flooded Torpedo will need care in the area where the
cones connect to the main body. The X-Array has high shear stress in the areas of where the
wing struts are attached. This concentration of shear stress can be problematic since all the wing
struts are attached in the same area of the body. The X-Array also has an average shear stress of
14 Pa higher than the Flooded Torpedo.
For the X-Array, the flow trajectories show the flow velocity around the hydrophones
does not reduce noticeably and for the Flooded Torpedo, the hydrophones are housed inside the
body so the water interacting with the hydrophones will be flowing as fast as the inlet and outlet
allow. Since the arrays are moving at constant velocity, the drag force will be equal to the net
force of the towing cable. From the surface parameters from Appendix B, the drag force on the
Flooded Torpedo is equal to about 16 N and for the X-Array the drag force is equal to about 52
N. The torque dictates how resistant to twisting the towing cables must be. If the cables cannot
resist the torque applied, the models will rotate while being towed. If they do rotate rapidly the
spatial information obtained from the beamforming may be miscalculated. The torque on the X-
Array is about 5 N and on the Flooded Torpedo is 9 N.
After further consideration, some tweaks were made to the original design of the X-Array
to create the first remodel, reference figure 3. The two wing strut pairs are now offset from each
other along the array body by a ½ meter. This change is helpful for the array design for several
reasons. Separation of the two pairs of struts along the main body of the array now provides
array aperture in the 3rd dimension, improving the directional information provided by the
measurements. The stress at the base of each wing strut which was focused on one area of the
pipe has now been spread out, therefore removing the need to reinforce the pipe at this location.
To reduce the probability for the array to rotate, changing buoyancy of individual wing
struts will be considered to keep the array steady and upright when being towed. The second and
third remodels to the X-Array, figures 4 and 5, have increased the angle between the center pipe
of the array and the wing struts to 60 degrees. The two models differ only by a 90-degree
rotation about the array body.
Figure 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 97209.5 103871 100959 0.480425
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.480425
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425
Shear Stress [Pa] 1.38E-07 52.0174 30.2102 0.480425
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425
Normal Force [N] 42.5239 -13.6272 -17.765 36.1525 0.480425
Shear Force [N] 14.4792 -0.00416 0.00357 14.4792 0.480425
Force [N] 55.361 -13.6313 -17.761 50.6317 0.480425
Torque [N*m] 5.62004 -5.36516 0.28628 -1.64861 0.480425
Surface Area [m^2] 0.480425 -0.00083 -0.0009 4.31E-06 0.480425
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.35543 -6.11573 0.51905 -1.64921 0.480425
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.785834 0.75057 -0.2328 0.000603261 0.480425
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.480425
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.606781 0.606781
Table 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset)
Figure 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 98189.1 103476 100791 0.512201
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.512201
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201
Shear Stress [Pa]
07 39.8513 15.9273 0.512201
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
Normal Force [N] 98.2045 9.16301 -9.1747 -97.3446 0.512201
Shear Force [N] 8.14699 0.00032 0.00105 -8.14699 0.512201
Force [N] 106.286 9.16333 -9.1737 -105.492 0.512201
Torque [N*m] 9.68034 -8.04243 1.36951 5.21083 0.512201
Surface Area [m^2] 0.512201 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.000120831 0.512201
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.31224 -7.62043 1.22535 5.21012 0.512201
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.445944 -0.422 0.14416 0.000713627 0.512201
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.512201
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655
Table 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts)
Figure 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (orientation rotated 90 degrees)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 98171.8 103143 100807 0.509449
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449
Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.509449
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449
Shear Stress [Pa]
08 98.9349 22.4727 0.509449
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449
Normal Force [N] 86.243 1.80078 -23.902 -82.845 0.509449
Shear Force [N] 11.4339 -0.00131 -0.2108 -11.4319 0.509449
Force [N] 97.3284 1.79946 -24.113 -94.277 0.509449
Torque [N*m] 10.3684 -10.2114 1.75987 -0.365351 0.509449
Surface Area [m^2] 0.509449 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.00012083 0.509449
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.51814 -9.37847 1.58366 -0.362441 0.509449
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.851402 -0.83296 0.17621
0.00291011 0.509449
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.509449
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655
Table 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (wing position flipped)
The pressure fluctuations and the shear stress for the X-Array are reduced in the new
models in figure 4 and 5. The second and third remodeled of the X-Array do not differ much
between themselves in the results. They both experience only about half of the shear stress the
first remodel experiences. The pressure fluctuations are reduced by about 1 kPa. The torque is
almost the same as before and the drag force is increased to about 100 N.
5. Discussion
Although the simulations show that the Flooded Torpedo had a few better results in the
flow conditions, it was not enough to motivate further development. The largest hurdle the
Flooded Torpedo still had to encounter was the ability to allow water to enter and exit the model.
The two arrays were conceived to house hydrophones and record the most accurate data as
possible. A mechanism to allow water to flow in and out of the Torpedo Shell had not been
created yet. The disturbances from the entry and exit point could lead to significant degradation
in the hydrophones’ ability to record sound due to turbulence and flow noise. The accuracy for
the hydrophones for determining the sound source location depends on the distance between the
hydrophones in the array. The shell does not allow for significant distance in two directions
between the hydrophones. Also the Flooded Torpedo has higher torque then the X-Array by
almost a factor of 2, thus allowing for significant rotation during towing. These elements gave
significant cause for the Flooded Torpedo Shell approach to be shelved.
Out of the several X-Array models, the second and third remodels (figures 4 and 5) gave
the best results. They were able to reduce the shear stress of the X-Array by half and the pressure
fluctuations were also reduced, allowing higher fidelity acoustic recording. The torque for the
two models was about the same as the original X-Array. The simulations also show that
changing the orientation between remodels 2 and 3 does not have a significant effect.
The casing for the hydrophones used in the X-Array models cannot be purchased at any
retailer and are costly to fabricate. A fused deposition manufacturing (FDM) technique is used
for these hydrophone casings. FDM is advantageous because of the reduced cost for most
complicated designs and the ability to produce intricate designs, such as a hollow sphere, that are
impossible for a machine shop to fabricate. FDM is an additive 3-D printing technology. The
printer lays plastic filament or metal wire down in layers building up the specified model. The
extrusion nozzle is fed the material from coils, as the plastic or metal enters the nozzle they are
heated up to liquid state and deposited. The plastic or metal instantly hardens after deposition,
forming the solid model. A computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software using
stereolithography file format (STL) controls the FDM printer. These files can be created directly
from SolidWorks drawings.
6. Conclusion
Two mechanical designs were modeled in SolidWorks and run through simulations in
FloWorks. The simulations showed that the drag on the X-Array was 36 N greater, 52 N to 16 N,
but the torque was half that of the Flooded Torpedo, 5 N to 10 N. The Flooded Torpedo has
some better results in the simulations, but these results do not outweigh the problems: the
hydrophone placement being too close together, increased probability to rotate, and its inability
to allow water to flow in and out undisturbed. The X-Array design had refinements done to the
positions of the wing struts and this final design will be built with the aid of fused deposition
manufacturing (FDM) techniques. The engineering drawings for the design can be found in
Appendix C Drawings.
7. Appendix A
Plot 1: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
Plot 2: Pressure surface plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
Plot 3: Flow trajectory plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
Plot 4: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
Plot 5: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
Plot 6: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
Plot 7: Pressure Surface Plots of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
Plot 8: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
Plot 9: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
Plot 10: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
Plot 11: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
Plot 12: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
Plot 13: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
Plot 14: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
Plot 15: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
Plot 16: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 17: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 18: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 19: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 20: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 21: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 22: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
Plot 23: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 24: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 24: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 25: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 26: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 27: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 28: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
Plot 29: Velocity Cut Plot of Flooded Torpedo Shell at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
Plot 30: Pressure Surface Plot of Flooded Torpedo Shell at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
Plot 31: Shear Stress Surface Plot of Flooded Torpedo Shell at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
Plot 32: Pressure Cut Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings)
Plot 33: Pressure Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings)
Plot 34: Shear Stress Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings)
Plot 35: Pressure Cut Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings rotated)
Plot 36: Pressure Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings rotated)
Plot 37: Shear Stress Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings rotated)
8. Appendix B Tables
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2]
Pressure [Pa] -706895 529007 164165 1.25748
Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.563 997.562 1.25748
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748
Shear Stress [Pa] 7.66431E-12 1673.18 19.9097 1.26585
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748
Normal Force [N] 2.67251 -0.53802 -0.1875 2.61106 1.26585
Shear Force [N] 13.758 -0.02342 0.08625 13.7577 1.26585
Force [N] 16.3787 -0.56144 -0.1013 16.3687 1.26585
Torque [N*m] 9.95017 6.1264 -7.839 0.151464 1.26585
Surface Area [m^2] 1.26585 -4.2E-05 -0.0001 3.3956E-06 1.26585
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 2.52825 1.55811 -1.9882 0.106866 1.26585
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 7.42317 4.5683 -5.8508 0.0445986 1.26585
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 1.25748
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 1.28153 1.28153
Table 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell ( 0 degrees)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 96359.5 105142 100649 0.500327
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327
Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.500327
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327
Shear Stress [Pa]
11 54.0495 33.7295 0.500327
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327
Normal Force [N] 35.9966 2.15824 -3.4519 -35.7657 0.500327
Shear Force [N] 16.8194 0.00468 0.00198 -16.8194 0.500327
Force [N] 52.7425 2.16293 -3.45 -52.5851 0.500327
Torque [N*m] 5.04599 -4.57561 1.65131 -1.34127 0.500327
Surface Area [m^2] 0.500327 5.4E-19 -7E-18 1.21973E-19 0.500327
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 3.75924 -3.33369 1.10359 -1.34183 0.500327
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.35734 -1.24192 0.54772 0.000560196 0.500327
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.500327
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 2: X-Array ( 0 degrees)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 97209.5 103871 100959 0.480425
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.480425
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425
Shear Stress [Pa] 1.38E-07 52.0174 30.2102 0.480425
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425
Normal Force [N] 42.5239 -13.6272 -17.765 36.1525 0.480425
Shear Force [N] 14.4792 -0.00416 0.00357 14.4792 0.480425
Force [N] 55.361 -13.6313 -17.761 50.6317 0.480425
Torque [N*m] 5.62004 -5.36516 0.28628 -1.64861 0.480425
Surface Area [m^2] 0.480425 -0.00083 -0.0009 4.31E-06 0.480425
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.35543 -6.11573 0.51905 -1.64921 0.480425
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.785834 0.75057 -0.2328 0.000603261 0.480425
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.480425
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.606781 0.606781
Table 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 98189.1 103476 100791 0.512201
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.512201
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201
Shear Stress [Pa]
07 39.8513 15.9273 0.512201
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
Normal Force [N] 98.2045 9.16301 -9.1747 -97.3446 0.512201
Shear Force [N] 8.14699 0.00032 0.00105 -8.14699 0.512201
Force [N] 106.286 9.16333 -9.1737 -105.492 0.512201
Torque [N*m] 9.68034 -8.04243 1.36951 5.21083 0.512201
Surface Area [m^2] 0.512201 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.000120831 0.512201
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.31224 -7.62043 1.22535 5.21012 0.512201
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.445944 -0.422 0.14416 0.000713627 0.512201
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.512201
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655
Table 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 98171.8 103143 100807 0.509449
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449
Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.509449
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449
Shear Stress [Pa]
08 98.9349 22.4727 0.509449
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449
Normal Force [N] 86.243 1.80078 -23.902 -82.845 0.509449
Shear Force [N] 11.4339 -0.00131 -0.2108 -11.4319 0.509449
Force [N] 97.3284 1.79946 -24.113 -94.277 0.509449
Torque [N*m] 10.3684 -10.2114 1.75987 -0.365351 0.509449
Surface Area [m^2] 0.509449 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.00012083 0.509449
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.51814 -9.37847 1.58366 -0.362441 0.509449
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.851402 -0.83296 0.17621
0.00291011 0.509449
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.509449
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655
Table 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (wing position flipped)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 96359.5 105142 100649 0.500327
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327
Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.500327
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327
Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.500327
Shear Stress [Pa]
11 54.0495 33.7295 0.500327
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.500327
Normal Force [N] 35.9966 2.15824 -3.45193 -35.7657 0.500327
Shear Force [N] 16.8194 0.00468336 0.00198134 -16.8194 0.500327
Force [N] 52.7425 2.16293 -3.44995 -52.5851 0.500327
Torque [N*m] 5.04599 -4.57561 1.65131 -1.34127 0.500327
Surface Area [m^2] 0.500327
18 1.21973E-19 0.500327
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 3.75924 -3.33369 1.10359 -1.34183 0.500327
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.35734 -1.24192 0.54772 0.000560196 0.500327
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.500327
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 6: X-Array (0 degrees)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 94837.2 108103 100544 0.546729
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.546729
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.546729
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729
Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.547286
Shear Stress [Pa]
07 111.898 32.32 0.547286
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.546729
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
component Z-component
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.547286
Normal Force [N] 56.196 -5.83022 -26.5773 -49.1696 0.547286
Shear Force [N] 17.568 -0.0129863 -0.224603 -17.5666 0.547286
Force [N] 72.154 -5.8432 -26.8019 -66.7362 0.547286
Torque [N*m] 7.87662 -6.61542 3.12847 2.91377 0.547286
Surface Area [m^2] 0.547286
17 0.547286
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 6.61741 -5.32812 2.61574 2.92561 0.547286
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.3857 -1.2873 0.512735 -0.0118467 0.547286
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.546729
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 7: X-Array (1 degree)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 94639.3 105180 100559 0.5478
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.5478
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.5478
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.548069
Shear Stress [Pa]
09 112.735 31.371 0.548069
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.5478
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
component Z-component
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.548069
Normal Force [N] 60.067 -5.18182 -33.3063 -49.7181 0.548069
Shear Force [N] 17.07 0.00629764 -0.452712 -17.0639 0.548069
Force [N] 75.0086 -5.17552 -33.7591 -66.782 0.548069
Torque [N*m] 5.06812 -2.94312 3.06132 2.76627 0.548069
Surface Area [m^2] 0.548069
18 0.548069
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 4.16952 -1.77553 2.55201 2.77842 0.548069
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.2739 -1.16759 0.509309 -0.0121533 0.548069
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.5478
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 8: X-Array (2 degree)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 93721.2 107459 100548 0.54866
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.54866
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.54866
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.55103
Shear Stress [Pa]
06 118.182 30.762 0.55103
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.54866
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
component Z-component
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.55103
Normal Force [N] 92.2996 -13.6999 -76.1761 -50.2863 0.55103
Shear Force [N] 16.8218 0.0255533 -0.845331 -16.8005 0.55103
Force [N] 103.053 -13.6743 -77.0215 -67.0869 0.55103
Torque [N*m] 6.44397 -4.18744 4.85053 -0.680035 0.55103
Surface Area [m^2] 0.55103
18 0.55103
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 5.457 -3.21074 4.36407 -0.651803 0.55103
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.09151 -0.976705 0.486453 -0.0282324 0.55103
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.54866
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 9: X-Array (4 degree)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 91764.3 108807 100533 0.549368
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.549368
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.549368
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.550984
Shear Stress [Pa]
06 147.222 32.5449 0.550984
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.549368
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
component Z-component
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.550984
Normal Force [N] 171.09 -10.4778 -163.635 -48.842 0.550984
Shear Force [N] 17.7554 0.0185277 -1.93349 -17.6498 0.550984
Force [N] 178.727 -10.4592 -165.568 -66.4918 0.550984
Torque [N*m] 7.06934 -4.76638 5.10068 -1.11369 0.550984
Surface Area [m^2] 0.550984
18 0.550984
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 6.05884 -3.83349 4.57277 -1.05057 0.550984
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.07376 -0.932892 0.527912 -0.0631129 0.550984
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.549368
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678
Table 10: X-Array (8 degree)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] -706895 529007 164165 1.25748
Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.563 997.562 1.25748
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 1.26585
Shear Stress [Pa]
12 1673.18 19.9097 1.26585
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 1.26585
Normal Force [N] 2.67251 -0.538019 -0.187529 2.61106 1.26585
Shear Force [N] 13.758 -0.0234178 0.0862466 13.7577 1.26585
Force [N] 16.3787 -0.561437 -0.101282 16.3687 1.26585
Torque [N*m] 9.95017 6.1264 -7.83901 0.151464 1.26585
Surface Area [m^2] 1.26585
0.000111868 3.3956E-06 1.26585
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 2.52825 1.55811 -1.9882 0.106866 1.26585
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 7.42317 4.5683 -5.85082 0.0445986 1.26585
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 1.25748
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 1.28153 1.28153
Table 11: Flooded Torpedo Shell ( 0 degrees)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 97209.5 103871 100959 0.480425
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.480425
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.480425
Shear Stress [Pa]
07 52.0174 30.2102 0.480425
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.480425
Normal Force [N] 42.5239 -13.6272 -17.7645 36.1525 0.480425
Shear Force [N] 14.4792 -0.00416424 0.00357378 14.4792 0.480425
Force [N] 55.361 -13.6313 -17.7609 50.6317 0.480425
Torque [N*m] 5.62004 -5.36516 0.28628 -1.64861 0.480425
Surface Area [m^2] 0.480425
0.000852222 4.31373E-06 0.480425
Torque of Normal Force
[N*m] 6.35543 -6.11573 0.519047 -1.64921 0.480425
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.785834 0.750569 -0.232767 0.000603261 0.480425
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.480425
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.606781 0.606781
Table 12: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 98189.1 103476 100791 0.512201
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.512201
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.512201
Shear Stress [Pa]
07 39.8513 15.9273 0.512201
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.512201
Normal Force [N] 98.2045 9.16301 -9.1747 -97.3446 0.512201
Shear Force [N] 8.14699 0.00032 0.00105 -8.14699 0.512201
Force [N] 106.286 9.16333 -9.1737 -105.492 0.512201
Torque [N*m] 9.68034 -8.04243 1.36951 5.21083 0.512201
Surface Area [m^2] 0.512201 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.000120831 0.512201
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.31224 -7.62043 1.22535 5.21012 0.512201
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.445944 -0.422 0.14416 0.000713627 0.512201
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.512201
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655
Table 13: X-Array Remodeled 2 ( wide wings)
Local parameters
Parameter Minimum Maximum Average
Surface area
Pressure [Pa] 98171.8 103143 100807 0.509449
Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449
Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.509449
Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449
X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449
Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449
Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449
Heat Transfer Coefficient
[W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.509449
Shear Stress [Pa]
08 98.9349 22.4727 0.509449
Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449
Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449
X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449
Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449
Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449
Integral parameters
Parameter Value
Surface area
Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.509449
Normal Force [N] 86.243 1.80078 -23.902 -82.845 0.509449
Shear Force [N] 11.4339 -0.00131 -0.2108 -11.4319 0.509449
Force [N] 97.3284 1.79946 -24.113 -94.277 0.509449
Torque [N*m] 10.3684 -10.2114 1.75987 -0.365351 0.509449
Surface Area [m^2] 0.509449 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.00012083 0.509449
Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.51814 -9.37847 1.58366 -0.362441 0.509449
Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.851402 -0.83296 0.17621
0.00291011 0.509449
Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.509449
CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655
Table 14: X-Array Remodeled 3 ( wide wings rotated)
9. Appendix C Drawings
Figure 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell
Figure 2: X-Array
Figure 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset)
Figure 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts)
Figure 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (orientation rotated 90 degrees)
Figure 6: Original hand drawing of X-array
Figure 7: Original hand drawing of Flooded Torpedo Shell
Figure 8: X-Array Wing drawing
Figure 8: X-Array Hydrophone drawing
Figure 8: X-Array Array Body drawing
Figure 8: X-Array End Cones drawing

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final Towed Hydrophone Array

  • 1. 1 Analyses of the Mechanical Design for a Towed Hydrophone Array Presented to the University of California, San Diego Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering MAE 199: Professor Jan Kleissl and Dr. Gerald D’Spain 06/13/2014 Prepared by: Sulaman Ahmed Spring 2014
  • 2. 2 Abstract To study the potential effects of man-made sound on odontocetes, particularly members of the beaked whale family, a wide-band towed hydrophone array was designed and constructed. Two candidate designs were created using the computer aided design program SolidWorks and modeled in fluid flow using FloWorks. Results show that the Flooded Torpedo which had a drag of 16 N, torque of 9 Nm, and a shear stress of 20 Pa, while the X-Array had a drag force of 52 N, torque of 5 Nm, and a shear stress of 34 Pa. However, a modified X-Array with offset wing struts was chosen to be built in order to provide aperture in 3 dimensions. In addition; the Flooded Torpedo had no concrete method to allow water to flow through it, it had a higher possibility of rotating, and the smaller distance between the hydrophones housed inside reduced spatial resolution.
  • 3. 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................4 2. Theory...................................................................................................................................5 3. Experimental Procedure.........................................................................................................6 4. Results...................................................................................................................................9 5. Discussion............................................................................................................................ 15 6. Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 16 7. Appendix A Surface and Cut plots......................................................................................... 18 8. Appendix B Tables................................................................................................................ 41 9. Appendix C Drawings........................................................................................................... 50
  • 4. 4 1. Introduction The objective of this project is to create a mechanical design for a towed passive underwater acoustic array for detecting and localizing transient signals in the ultrasonic band, greater than 20 kHz, from odontocetes, in particular members of the beaked whale family. The array is designed to be deployed by two people, towed up to ten knots speed, resist rotating while being towed, and hydrodynamically designed to minimize the noise on the hydrophones due to turbulent pressure fluctuations. Two different designs were created, the “Flooded Torpedo” and “X-Array”, and run through flow simulations to determine the final build design. Ocean acoustics is the study of the underwater sound field in the ocean. Sound waves travel underwater by pressure fluctuations that alternate between compressing and dilating the water molecules. The sound waves radiate in all directions from the source. These pressure changes caused by the sound waves can be detected by devices such as hydrophones. Oceanographers are use hydrophones to study ocean sound, understand the sources, and the potential effects of the sound on marine like, and the properties of the ocean environment. Passive underwater acoustic monitoring has achieved better understanding of global warming, earthquakes, movement of magma through the ocean floor from volcanic eruptions, and calls from marine mammals. San Diego is home to a large Navy base, which is equipped with vessels with active sonar capabilities. Active sonar is an instrument used to image the underwater environment, by emitting pulses of sound. These sounds are believed to be causing a disturbance in the behavior of beaked whales. It is the goal of Southwest Fisheries Science Center and Scripps Institution of Oceanography to determine the potential effects the Navy sonar and other man-made acoustic
  • 5. 5 sounds has on the marine mammals in the proximity of the acoustic source operations. 2. Theory It is not viable to use optics-based devices such video recorders except over short ranges in the ocean because the distance light can travel is reduced significantly due to absorption. On the other hand, sound waves can travel much greater distances than light. Sound travels about five times faster underwater than in air. Hydrophones are microphones designed for use underwater, and multiple hydrophones can be arranged in an array. Using an array, signals from desired directions can be enhanced and signals from undesired directions can be ignored. A signal processing technique such as beamforming uses the relative locations of the hydrophones to estimate the location of the sound source. The ship typically must travel in a straight line to collect a reliable data samples in order for the positions of the hydrophones to stay relatively constant. The spatial resolution of the beamforming is affected by the relative distances between the hydrophones; larger distances between hydrophones increases the resolution. For the project, the array will be towed 300 meters behind the ship to minimize any disturbances to the hydrophones due to both the noise radiated by the ship and array vibrations and turbulence caused by the propulsion. Drag in fluid mechanics is the force in the opposite direction of an object’s velocity, acting to oppose the object’s motion through a fluid medium. Two main types of drag exist, skin friction and pressure (form) drag. Skin friction drag is caused by the friction of the fluid and the surface of the object flowing through it. Pressure drag is caused by the shape of the object and how the boundary layer separates creating a pressure gradient. If a drag coefficient CD can be estimated, drag can be calculated using the equation
  • 6. 6 𝐹𝐷 = 1 2 𝜌𝜐2 𝐶 𝐷 𝐴⊥ (1) In equation (1) ρ represents the density of the fluid, υ is the speed, and A is the cross-sectional surface area. The coefficient depends on the shape of the object and the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number is a non-dimension quantity estimated from the fluid properties, the speed, a characteristic length. The Reynolds number is widely used to predict fluid flow patterns. The power required to overcome drag is 𝑃𝐷 = 𝐹𝐷 𝑣 = 1 2 𝜌𝜐3 𝐴⊥ 𝐶 𝐷 (2) A minimum amount of power must be supplied for a body to move. Shear stress is the force from friction acting on the body of the object by the fluid it is moving through. The equation for shear stress from drag force is 𝜏 = 𝐹 𝐷 𝐴∥ (3) Where A now is the cross-sectional area parallel to the drag force. Shear stress is parallel to the surface while normal stress is perpendicular. The stress on an object can create deformation or make the object break in the areas of high stress. Stress is measured in units of Pascals, the same units as for pressure. 3. Experimental Procedure Two mechanical designs were modeled in Solidworks. The first one is called the Flooded Torpedo Shell and the second design was named X-Array. Each model is designed to be towed
  • 7. 7 300 meters behind a ship at a maximum speed of 10 knots. Once the designs were assembled in SolidWorks, they were run through the simulation program FloWorks. The Flooded Torpedo Shell is a two stage design, the interior stage housing the hydrophones attached to the exterior shell of a piece of pipe. The electrical wires are spliced into the towing cable which runs through the center. The interior stage is flooded with seawater to allow the hydrophones to take measurements. This design allows for the hydrophones to stay in a relatively secure area and minimizes any damage that can occur to them or other equipment. Figure 1 illustrates a computer aided design (CAD) drawing of the flooded torpedo shell design. Figure 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell The X-Array is a four winged pipe with cross-section in the shape of the letter “X”. These wings are streamline aluminum struts from Carlson Aircraft Inc. The wings begin from the same location on the array body and extending out at an angle of 30 degrees from the pipe. The
  • 8. 8 wings also are equally separated from each other, creating a shape that looks like a X-Wing Starfighter from “Star Wars”. The hydrophones are mounted to the end of each of these wings inside of capsules that are shaped to reduce drag. The towing cable can either run through the pipe or be attached to the array through rings on the end. Since the array wing struts and hydrophones capsules are freely flooded when deployed, the X-Array allows the hydrophones to be unrestricted to the seawater by unlike the previous design, and improves accuracy of the beamforming because the hydrophones are further spread apart, 0.5 meters between hydrophones on opposite wings. Figure 2 is a CAD drawing of the X-Array design. Figure 2: X-Array A fluid flow simulation was done using the program FloWorks. Each design model was run in the program using the same parameters. The parameters used in the simulation were the external flow speed and direction with respect to the array, standard ocean temperature, and a
  • 9. 9 velocity of 5 m/s (about 10 knots). The designs were run at angles offset from the array body (pipe): 0 degrees (parallel to the array body), 1 degree, 2 degrees, 4 degrees, and 8 degrees. Using the Pythagorean theorem, the angles to the body were created by changing the speed in the vertical direction. So if the arrays were traveling at 5 m/s, zero degrees to the array body would have a no velocity component in the vertical direction and 4 degrees would have a velocity of 0.351 m/s in the vertical direction. A surface parameters excel sheet, found in Appendix A Surface and Cut plots, was created from the simulation’s solution along with several surface plots, Appendix B Tables. 4. Results The two models’ FloWorks simulation plots are presented in Appendices A Surface and Cut plots and B Tables. In the flow simulations, the positive Z axis is the direction the array is being towed. The Y axis is perpendicular to the surface. The appendices also include three more models, based on the X-Array with new configurations of the wing placement, which were created after the simulations of the Flooded Torpedo and original X-Array. Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] -706895 529007 164165 1.25748 Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.563 997.562 1.25748 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748 Shear Stress [Pa] 7.66431E-12 1673.18 19.9097 1.26585 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748 Normal Force [N] 2.67251 -0.53802 -0.1875 2.61106 1.26585 Shear Force [N] 13.758 -0.02342 0.08625 13.7577 1.26585 Force [N] 16.3787 -0.56144 -0.1013 16.3687 1.26585 Torque [N*m] 9.95017 6.1264 -7.839 0.151464 1.26585 Surface Area [m^2] 1.26585 -4.2E-05 -0.0001 3.3956E-06 1.26585 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 2.52825 1.55811 -1.9882 0.106866 1.26585 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 7.42317 4.5683 -5.8508 0.0445986 1.26585 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 1.25748 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 1.28153 1.28153 Table 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell ( 0 degrees)
  • 10. 10 Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 96359.5 105142 100649 0.500327 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327 Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.500327 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.92019E- 11 54.0495 33.7295 0.500327 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327 Normal Force [N] 35.9966 2.15824 -3.4519 -35.7657 0.500327 Shear Force [N] 16.8194 0.00468 0.00198 -16.8194 0.500327 Force [N] 52.7425 2.16293 -3.45 -52.5851 0.500327 Torque [N*m] 5.04599 -4.57561 1.65131 -1.34127 0.500327 Surface Area [m^2] 0.500327 5.4E-19 -7E-18 1.21973E-19 0.500327 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 3.75924 -3.33369 1.10359 -1.34183 0.500327 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.35734 -1.24192 0.54772 0.000560196 0.500327 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.500327 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 2: X-Array ( 0 degrees) The surface plots for pressure show how the hydrodynamic pressure on the arrays varies over the entire body. This information is important because of the resulting forces acting on the array and because the hydrophones record the sound waves, which is a pressure wave. The plots of array found in Appendix A Surface and Cut Plots and the tables found in Appendix B Tables show the areas of high pressure and the fluctuations due to the array being towed which could potentially disturb the hydrophones or in the worst case damage the array. In the Flooded Torpedo, the area with the highest pressure is the front and end cones, which cover the cable and seal off the midsection of the body. The X-Array also exhibits higher pressure on the area of the cones and along the ridges of the wings. The pressure over the hydrophone casings, for the X- Array is low in comparison. The average pressure experienced by the Flooded Torpedo and the X-Array are 164 kPa and 101 kPa respectively. For the Flooded Torpedo, the pressure fluctuates from -706 to 529 kPa and for the X-Array from 96 kPa to 105 kPa. The pressure fluctuations, the minimum and maximum pressure, are much more significant in the Flooded Torpedo than in the X-Array.
  • 11. 11 The shear stress surface plots are useful to highlight the areas that will need attention when the model will be assembled. These areas will have a higher possibility to break during use and should be reinforced if necessary. The Flooded Torpedo will need care in the area where the cones connect to the main body. The X-Array has high shear stress in the areas of where the wing struts are attached. This concentration of shear stress can be problematic since all the wing struts are attached in the same area of the body. The X-Array also has an average shear stress of 14 Pa higher than the Flooded Torpedo. For the X-Array, the flow trajectories show the flow velocity around the hydrophones does not reduce noticeably and for the Flooded Torpedo, the hydrophones are housed inside the body so the water interacting with the hydrophones will be flowing as fast as the inlet and outlet allow. Since the arrays are moving at constant velocity, the drag force will be equal to the net force of the towing cable. From the surface parameters from Appendix B, the drag force on the Flooded Torpedo is equal to about 16 N and for the X-Array the drag force is equal to about 52 N. The torque dictates how resistant to twisting the towing cables must be. If the cables cannot resist the torque applied, the models will rotate while being towed. If they do rotate rapidly the spatial information obtained from the beamforming may be miscalculated. The torque on the X- Array is about 5 N and on the Flooded Torpedo is 9 N. After further consideration, some tweaks were made to the original design of the X-Array to create the first remodel, reference figure 3. The two wing strut pairs are now offset from each other along the array body by a ½ meter. This change is helpful for the array design for several reasons. Separation of the two pairs of struts along the main body of the array now provides array aperture in the 3rd dimension, improving the directional information provided by the
  • 12. 12 measurements. The stress at the base of each wing strut which was focused on one area of the pipe has now been spread out, therefore removing the need to reinforce the pipe at this location. To reduce the probability for the array to rotate, changing buoyancy of individual wing struts will be considered to keep the array steady and upright when being towed. The second and third remodels to the X-Array, figures 4 and 5, have increased the angle between the center pipe of the array and the wing struts to 60 degrees. The two models differ only by a 90-degree rotation about the array body. Figure 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 97209.5 103871 100959 0.480425 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.480425
  • 13. 13 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.38E-07 52.0174 30.2102 0.480425 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425 Normal Force [N] 42.5239 -13.6272 -17.765 36.1525 0.480425 Shear Force [N] 14.4792 -0.00416 0.00357 14.4792 0.480425 Force [N] 55.361 -13.6313 -17.761 50.6317 0.480425 Torque [N*m] 5.62004 -5.36516 0.28628 -1.64861 0.480425 Surface Area [m^2] 0.480425 -0.00083 -0.0009 4.31E-06 0.480425 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.35543 -6.11573 0.51905 -1.64921 0.480425 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.785834 0.75057 -0.2328 0.000603261 0.480425 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.480425 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.606781 0.606781 Table 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset) Figure 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 98189.1 103476 100791 0.512201 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201
  • 14. 14 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.512201 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.30926E- 07 39.8513 15.9273 0.512201 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201 Normal Force [N] 98.2045 9.16301 -9.1747 -97.3446 0.512201 Shear Force [N] 8.14699 0.00032 0.00105 -8.14699 0.512201 Force [N] 106.286 9.16333 -9.1737 -105.492 0.512201 Torque [N*m] 9.68034 -8.04243 1.36951 5.21083 0.512201 Surface Area [m^2] 0.512201 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.000120831 0.512201 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.31224 -7.62043 1.22535 5.21012 0.512201 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.445944 -0.422 0.14416 0.000713627 0.512201 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.512201 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655 Table 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts) Figure 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (orientation rotated 90 degrees) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 98171.8 103143 100807 0.509449 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449 Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.509449 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.12456E- 08 98.9349 22.4727 0.509449
  • 15. 15 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449 Normal Force [N] 86.243 1.80078 -23.902 -82.845 0.509449 Shear Force [N] 11.4339 -0.00131 -0.2108 -11.4319 0.509449 Force [N] 97.3284 1.79946 -24.113 -94.277 0.509449 Torque [N*m] 10.3684 -10.2114 1.75987 -0.365351 0.509449 Surface Area [m^2] 0.509449 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.00012083 0.509449 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.51814 -9.37847 1.58366 -0.362441 0.509449 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.851402 -0.83296 0.17621 - 0.00291011 0.509449 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.509449 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655 Table 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (wing position flipped) The pressure fluctuations and the shear stress for the X-Array are reduced in the new models in figure 4 and 5. The second and third remodeled of the X-Array do not differ much between themselves in the results. They both experience only about half of the shear stress the first remodel experiences. The pressure fluctuations are reduced by about 1 kPa. The torque is almost the same as before and the drag force is increased to about 100 N. 5. Discussion Although the simulations show that the Flooded Torpedo had a few better results in the flow conditions, it was not enough to motivate further development. The largest hurdle the Flooded Torpedo still had to encounter was the ability to allow water to enter and exit the model. The two arrays were conceived to house hydrophones and record the most accurate data as possible. A mechanism to allow water to flow in and out of the Torpedo Shell had not been created yet. The disturbances from the entry and exit point could lead to significant degradation in the hydrophones’ ability to record sound due to turbulence and flow noise. The accuracy for the hydrophones for determining the sound source location depends on the distance between the hydrophones in the array. The shell does not allow for significant distance in two directions between the hydrophones. Also the Flooded Torpedo has higher torque then the X-Array by
  • 16. 16 almost a factor of 2, thus allowing for significant rotation during towing. These elements gave significant cause for the Flooded Torpedo Shell approach to be shelved. Out of the several X-Array models, the second and third remodels (figures 4 and 5) gave the best results. They were able to reduce the shear stress of the X-Array by half and the pressure fluctuations were also reduced, allowing higher fidelity acoustic recording. The torque for the two models was about the same as the original X-Array. The simulations also show that changing the orientation between remodels 2 and 3 does not have a significant effect. The casing for the hydrophones used in the X-Array models cannot be purchased at any retailer and are costly to fabricate. A fused deposition manufacturing (FDM) technique is used for these hydrophone casings. FDM is advantageous because of the reduced cost for most complicated designs and the ability to produce intricate designs, such as a hollow sphere, that are impossible for a machine shop to fabricate. FDM is an additive 3-D printing technology. The printer lays plastic filament or metal wire down in layers building up the specified model. The extrusion nozzle is fed the material from coils, as the plastic or metal enters the nozzle they are heated up to liquid state and deposited. The plastic or metal instantly hardens after deposition, forming the solid model. A computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software using stereolithography file format (STL) controls the FDM printer. These files can be created directly from SolidWorks drawings. 6. Conclusion Two mechanical designs were modeled in SolidWorks and run through simulations in FloWorks. The simulations showed that the drag on the X-Array was 36 N greater, 52 N to 16 N, but the torque was half that of the Flooded Torpedo, 5 N to 10 N. The Flooded Torpedo has
  • 17. 17 some better results in the simulations, but these results do not outweigh the problems: the hydrophone placement being too close together, increased probability to rotate, and its inability to allow water to flow in and out undisturbed. The X-Array design had refinements done to the positions of the wing struts and this final design will be built with the aid of fused deposition manufacturing (FDM) techniques. The engineering drawings for the design can be found in Appendix C Drawings.
  • 18. 18 7. Appendix A Plot 1: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
  • 19. 19 Plot 2: Pressure surface plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 0 degrees Plot 3: Flow trajectory plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
  • 20. 20 Plot 4: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree Plot 5: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
  • 21. 21 Plot 6: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree Plot 7: Pressure Surface Plots of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
  • 22. 22 Plot 8: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree
  • 23. 23 Plot 9: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 1 degree Plot 10: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
  • 24. 24 Plot 11: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees Plot 12: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
  • 25. 25 Plot 13: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees Plot 14: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees
  • 26. 26 Plot 15: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 2 degrees Plot 16: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
  • 27. 27 Plot 17: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees Plot 18: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
  • 28. 28 Plot 19: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees Plot 20: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
  • 29. 29 Plot 21: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees Plot 22: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 4 degrees
  • 30. 30 Plot 23: Velocity Cut Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees Plot 24: Flow Trajectory Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
  • 31. 31 Plot 24: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
  • 32. 32 Plot 25: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees Plot 26: Pressure Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
  • 33. 33 Plot 27: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees Plot 28: Shear Stress Surface Plot of X-Array at 5 m/s and 8 degrees
  • 34. 34 Plot 29: Velocity Cut Plot of Flooded Torpedo Shell at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
  • 35. 35 Plot 30: Pressure Surface Plot of Flooded Torpedo Shell at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
  • 36. 36 Plot 31: Shear Stress Surface Plot of Flooded Torpedo Shell at 5 m/s and 0 degrees
  • 37. 37 Plot 32: Pressure Cut Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings)
  • 38. 38 Plot 33: Pressure Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings) Plot 34: Shear Stress Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings)
  • 39. 39 Plot 35: Pressure Cut Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings rotated) Plot 36: Pressure Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings rotated)
  • 40. 40 Plot 37: Shear Stress Surface Plot of remodeled X-Array (wide wings rotated)
  • 41. 41 8. Appendix B Tables Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] -706895 529007 164165 1.25748 Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.563 997.562 1.25748 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748 Shear Stress [Pa] 7.66431E-12 1673.18 19.9097 1.26585 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748 Normal Force [N] 2.67251 -0.53802 -0.1875 2.61106 1.26585 Shear Force [N] 13.758 -0.02342 0.08625 13.7577 1.26585 Force [N] 16.3787 -0.56144 -0.1013 16.3687 1.26585 Torque [N*m] 9.95017 6.1264 -7.839 0.151464 1.26585 Surface Area [m^2] 1.26585 -4.2E-05 -0.0001 3.3956E-06 1.26585 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 2.52825 1.55811 -1.9882 0.106866 1.26585 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 7.42317 4.5683 -5.8508 0.0445986 1.26585 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 1.25748 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 1.28153 1.28153 Table 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell ( 0 degrees) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 96359.5 105142 100649 0.500327 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327 Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.500327 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.92019E- 11 54.0495 33.7295 0.500327 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327 Normal Force [N] 35.9966 2.15824 -3.4519 -35.7657 0.500327 Shear Force [N] 16.8194 0.00468 0.00198 -16.8194 0.500327 Force [N] 52.7425 2.16293 -3.45 -52.5851 0.500327 Torque [N*m] 5.04599 -4.57561 1.65131 -1.34127 0.500327 Surface Area [m^2] 0.500327 5.4E-19 -7E-18 1.21973E-19 0.500327 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 3.75924 -3.33369 1.10359 -1.34183 0.500327 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.35734 -1.24192 0.54772 0.000560196 0.500327 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.500327 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 2: X-Array ( 0 degrees) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 97209.5 103871 100959 0.480425 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.480425 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.38E-07 52.0174 30.2102 0.480425 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425 Normal Force [N] 42.5239 -13.6272 -17.765 36.1525 0.480425 Shear Force [N] 14.4792 -0.00416 0.00357 14.4792 0.480425
  • 42. 42 Force [N] 55.361 -13.6313 -17.761 50.6317 0.480425 Torque [N*m] 5.62004 -5.36516 0.28628 -1.64861 0.480425 Surface Area [m^2] 0.480425 -0.00083 -0.0009 4.31E-06 0.480425 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.35543 -6.11573 0.51905 -1.64921 0.480425 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.785834 0.75057 -0.2328 0.000603261 0.480425 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.480425 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.606781 0.606781 Table 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 98189.1 103476 100791 0.512201 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.512201 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.30926E- 07 39.8513 15.9273 0.512201 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201 Normal Force [N] 98.2045 9.16301 -9.1747 -97.3446 0.512201 Shear Force [N] 8.14699 0.00032 0.00105 -8.14699 0.512201 Force [N] 106.286 9.16333 -9.1737 -105.492 0.512201 Torque [N*m] 9.68034 -8.04243 1.36951 5.21083 0.512201 Surface Area [m^2] 0.512201 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.000120831 0.512201 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.31224 -7.62043 1.22535 5.21012 0.512201 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.445944 -0.422 0.14416 0.000713627 0.512201 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.512201 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655 Table 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts) Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 98171.8 103143 100807 0.509449 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449 Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.509449 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.12456E- 08 98.9349 22.4727 0.509449 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449 Normal Force [N] 86.243 1.80078 -23.902 -82.845 0.509449 Shear Force [N] 11.4339 -0.00131 -0.2108 -11.4319 0.509449 Force [N] 97.3284 1.79946 -24.113 -94.277 0.509449 Torque [N*m] 10.3684 -10.2114 1.75987 -0.365351 0.509449 Surface Area [m^2] 0.509449 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.00012083 0.509449 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.51814 -9.37847 1.58366 -0.362441 0.509449 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.851402 -0.83296 0.17621 - 0.00291011 0.509449 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.509449 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655 Table 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (wing position flipped)
  • 43. 43 Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 96359.5 105142 100649 0.500327 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327 Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.500327 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.500327 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.500327 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.92019E- 11 54.0495 33.7295 0.500327 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.500327 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.500327 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z- component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.500327 Normal Force [N] 35.9966 2.15824 -3.45193 -35.7657 0.500327 Shear Force [N] 16.8194 0.00468336 0.00198134 -16.8194 0.500327 Force [N] 52.7425 2.16293 -3.44995 -52.5851 0.500327 Torque [N*m] 5.04599 -4.57561 1.65131 -1.34127 0.500327 Surface Area [m^2] 0.500327 5.42101E- 19 -7.12863E- 18 1.21973E-19 0.500327 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 3.75924 -3.33369 1.10359 -1.34183 0.500327 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.35734 -1.24192 0.54772 0.000560196 0.500327 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.500327 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 6: X-Array (0 degrees) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 94837.2 108103 100544 0.546729 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.546729 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.546729 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.546729 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.547286 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.81134E- 07 111.898 32.32 0.547286 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.546729 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286
  • 44. 44 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.547286 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z-component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.547286 Normal Force [N] 56.196 -5.83022 -26.5773 -49.1696 0.547286 Shear Force [N] 17.568 -0.0129863 -0.224603 -17.5666 0.547286 Force [N] 72.154 -5.8432 -26.8019 -66.7362 0.547286 Torque [N*m] 7.87662 -6.61542 3.12847 2.91377 0.547286 Surface Area [m^2] 0.547286 1.20617E- 18 -1.02999E- 18 -2.63529E- 17 0.547286 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.61741 -5.32812 2.61574 2.92561 0.547286 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.3857 -1.2873 0.512735 -0.0118467 0.547286 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.546729 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 7: X-Array (1 degree) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 94639.3 105180 100559 0.5478 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.5478 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.5478 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.5478 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.548069 Shear Stress [Pa] 3.34913E- 09 112.735 31.371 0.548069 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.5478 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.548069 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z-component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.548069 Normal Force [N] 60.067 -5.18182 -33.3063 -49.7181 0.548069 Shear Force [N] 17.07 0.00629764 -0.452712 -17.0639 0.548069
  • 45. 45 Force [N] 75.0086 -5.17552 -33.7591 -66.782 0.548069 Torque [N*m] 5.06812 -2.94312 3.06132 2.76627 0.548069 Surface Area [m^2] 0.548069 -2.07015E- 18 6.17995E- 18 -9.08697E- 18 0.548069 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 4.16952 -1.77553 2.55201 2.77842 0.548069 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.2739 -1.16759 0.509309 -0.0121533 0.548069 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.5478 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 8: X-Array (2 degree) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 93721.2 107459 100548 0.54866 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.54866 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.54866 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.54866 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.55103 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.82152E- 06 118.182 30.762 0.55103 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.54866 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.55103 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z-component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.55103 Normal Force [N] 92.2996 -13.6999 -76.1761 -50.2863 0.55103 Shear Force [N] 16.8218 0.0255533 -0.845331 -16.8005 0.55103 Force [N] 103.053 -13.6743 -77.0215 -67.0869 0.55103 Torque [N*m] 6.44397 -4.18744 4.85053 -0.680035 0.55103 Surface Area [m^2] 0.55103 3.27294E- 18 1.49078E- 19 -7.87402E- 18 0.55103 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 5.457 -3.21074 4.36407 -0.651803 0.55103 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.09151 -0.976705 0.486453 -0.0282324 0.55103 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.54866 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 9: X-Array (4 degree)
  • 46. 46 Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 91764.3 108807 100533 0.549368 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.549368 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.549368 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.549368 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.550984 Shear Stress [Pa] 4.12777E- 06 147.222 32.5449 0.550984 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.549368 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.550984 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z-component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.550984 Normal Force [N] 171.09 -10.4778 -163.635 -48.842 0.550984 Shear Force [N] 17.7554 0.0185277 -1.93349 -17.6498 0.550984 Force [N] 178.727 -10.4592 -165.568 -66.4918 0.550984 Torque [N*m] 7.06934 -4.76638 5.10068 -1.11369 0.550984 Surface Area [m^2] 0.550984 1.87025E- 18 -3.34747E- 18 -3.38136E- 18 0.550984 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.05884 -3.83349 4.57277 -1.05057 0.550984 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 1.07376 -0.932892 0.527912 -0.0631129 0.550984 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.549368 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.593678 0.593678 Table 10: X-Array (8 degree) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] -706895 529007 164165 1.25748 Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.563 997.562 1.25748 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 1.25748 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 1.26585 Shear Stress [Pa] 7.66431E- 12 1673.18 19.9097 1.26585 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.198 293.203 293.201 1.25748 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585
  • 47. 47 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 1.26585 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z- component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 1.26585 Normal Force [N] 2.67251 -0.538019 -0.187529 2.61106 1.26585 Shear Force [N] 13.758 -0.0234178 0.0862466 13.7577 1.26585 Force [N] 16.3787 -0.561437 -0.101282 16.3687 1.26585 Torque [N*m] 9.95017 6.1264 -7.83901 0.151464 1.26585 Surface Area [m^2] 1.26585 -4.19403E- 05 - 0.000111868 3.3956E-06 1.26585 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 2.52825 1.55811 -1.9882 0.106866 1.26585 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 7.42317 4.5683 -5.85082 0.0445986 1.26585 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 1.25748 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 1.28153 1.28153 Table 11: Flooded Torpedo Shell ( 0 degrees) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 97209.5 103871 100959 0.480425 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.480425 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.480425 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.480425 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.37984E- 07 52.0174 30.2102 0.480425 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.480425 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.480425 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z- component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.480425 Normal Force [N] 42.5239 -13.6272 -17.7645 36.1525 0.480425 Shear Force [N] 14.4792 -0.00416424 0.00357378 14.4792 0.480425 Force [N] 55.361 -13.6313 -17.7609 50.6317 0.480425 Torque [N*m] 5.62004 -5.36516 0.28628 -1.64861 0.480425
  • 48. 48 Surface Area [m^2] 0.480425 - 0.000832719 - 0.000852222 4.31373E-06 0.480425 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 6.35543 -6.11573 0.519047 -1.64921 0.480425 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.785834 0.750569 -0.232767 0.000603261 0.480425 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.480425 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.606781 0.606781 Table 12: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 98189.1 103476 100791 0.512201 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201 Density [kg/m^3] 997.561 997.562 997.562 0.512201 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.512201 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.512201 Shear Stress [Pa] 1.30926E- 07 39.8513 15.9273 0.512201 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.512201 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.512201 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z- component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.512201 Normal Force [N] 98.2045 9.16301 -9.1747 -97.3446 0.512201 Shear Force [N] 8.14699 0.00032 0.00105 -8.14699 0.512201 Force [N] 106.286 9.16333 -9.1737 -105.492 0.512201 Torque [N*m] 9.68034 -8.04243 1.36951 5.21083 0.512201 Surface Area [m^2] 0.512201 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.000120831 0.512201 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.31224 -7.62043 1.22535 5.21012 0.512201 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.445944 -0.422 0.14416 0.000713627 0.512201 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.512201 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655 Table 13: X-Array Remodeled 2 ( wide wings) Local parameters Parameter Minimum Maximum Average Bulk Average Surface area [m^2] Pressure [Pa] 98171.8 103143 100807 0.509449 Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449 Density [kg/m^3] 997.562 997.562 997.562 0.509449
  • 49. 49 Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449 X-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449 Y-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449 Z-component of Velocity [m/s] 0 0 0 0.509449 Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m^2/K] 0 0 0 0.509449 Shear Stress [Pa] 2.12456E- 08 98.9349 22.4727 0.509449 Fluid Temperature [K] 293.2 293.203 293.203 0.509449 Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449 X-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449 Y-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449 Z-component of Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0 0 0.509449 Integral parameters Parameter Value X- component Y- component Z- component Surface area [m^2] Heat Transfer Rate [W] 0 0 0 0 0.509449 Normal Force [N] 86.243 1.80078 -23.902 -82.845 0.509449 Shear Force [N] 11.4339 -0.00131 -0.2108 -11.4319 0.509449 Force [N] 97.3284 1.79946 -24.113 -94.277 0.509449 Torque [N*m] 10.3684 -10.2114 1.75987 -0.365351 0.509449 Surface Area [m^2] 0.509449 -0.00063 -0.0004 0.00012083 0.509449 Torque of Normal Force [N*m] 9.51814 -9.37847 1.58366 -0.362441 0.509449 Torque of Shear Force [N*m] 0.851402 -0.83296 0.17621 - 0.00291011 0.509449 Uniformity Index [ ] 1 0.509449 CAD Fluid Area [m^2] 0.641655 0.641655 Table 14: X-Array Remodeled 3 ( wide wings rotated)
  • 50. 50 9. Appendix C Drawings Figure 1: Flooded Torpedo Shell Figure 2: X-Array
  • 51. 51 Figure 3: X-Array Remodeled 1 (wings offset) Figure 4: X-Array Remodeled 2 (wider struts)
  • 52. 52 Figure 5: X-Array Remodeled 3 (orientation rotated 90 degrees) Figure 6: Original hand drawing of X-array
  • 53. 53 Figure 7: Original hand drawing of Flooded Torpedo Shell Figure 8: X-Array Wing drawing
  • 54. 54 Figure 8: X-Array Hydrophone drawing Figure 8: X-Array Array Body drawing
  • 55. 55 Figure 8: X-Array End Cones drawing