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General Biology
(Biol. 2012)
By: Estifanos Tarekegn
Gamby Medial College
Estifanos Tarekegn (MSc)
April, 2020
Chapter One
Basic concepts of biological science
Learning Objectives:
After completing this chapter you will be expected to:
 Define the term biology
 Explain scientific methods
 Describe the origin and the nature of life
 In late 1700s, P.A. Monet and J. B. Lamarck coined the term biology.
“Biology” - Greek word
 Bio = Life
 Logos = Study of
 Earlier study of living things was restricted to the pure Sciences
like Botany and Zoology that together comprise the Biology.
 Recently new branches evolved to a very broad concept of science called
Biological science.
 Biology = Science of Living Things.
= Life Science.
 Life sciences = Systematic study of living beings or
= Study of nature.
 Mystery of life's origin = big debating issue in science.
 Theories
Theory of Special Creation:
All forms of life on earth have been created by God. Belive in a six day creation.
Believers often called creationists.
Theory of Spontaneous Generation:
Living organisms arise suddenly and spontaneously from non-living matter.
Aristotle was one of believers
Theory of Catastrophism:
Modification of the theory of Special Creation.
There have been several creations of life by God, each preceded by a catastrophe due
to geological disturbance and completely destroyed existing life, each
new creation consisted of life form different from that of previous ones.
The origin and nature of life …
Cosmozoic Theory = Theory of Panspermia
Life has reached Earth from other heavenly bodies such as meteorites,
in the form of highly resistance spores of some organisms.
 Discarded because it lacks evidence.
Theory of Chemical Evolution = Materialistic Theory = Physico-chemical Theory
Origin of life on earth is the result of a slow and gradual process of
chemical evolution that probably occurred about 3.8 billion years ago.
 Proposed by - A. I. Oparin, a Russian scientist in 1923 and
- J.B.S Haldane, an English scientist, in 1928.
 Life = "condition" that distinguishes animals & plants from inorganic
materials and dead organisms.
 Man, most sophisticated form of life demonstrates three aspects of life:
 Physical life = Basic existence demonstrated by presence of function
 Life of the mind = Mind contributes effectiveness and scope
 Life of the spirit = Spiritual entity contributes maximum living
 Common proprties of living things
• Irritability = Ability to be excited or detect stimuli and to respond
• Growth, reproduction and Excreation (remval of metabolic wastes)
• Adaptability = Permitting both change and maintenance of balances
• Metabolism = Transformation of energy and the use of materials.
= Most characteristic of all
 A process for experimentation.
 An empirical method of acquiring knowledge.
 Technique used in construction and testing of scientific hypothesis
 Summary of the scientific method
Step 1: Observe behavior or other phenomena
Step 2: Form a tentative answer or explanation (a hypothesis (guess a reason)
Step 3: Use your hypothesis to generate a testable prediction
Step 4: Make systematic, planned observations (data collection)
Step 5: Results and Discussion, Use the observations to evaluate the original hypothesis
Step 6: Conclusion
Step 7: Recommendation
Learning Objectives:
After completing this chapter you will be expected to:
Define the term biomolecules
Describe list of organic and inorganic molecules and their biological importance
Identify the basic structures of biomolecules
Explain precursors of each macromolecules with respective polymerization process
State physical and chemical nature of water and their relevance to existence of life
Biological molecules
= Organic and inorganic molecules basically found in a living cell.
= Are
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids and
 Nucleic acids.
 Most known inorganic molecules are water and minerals
= for normal functioning of the cell.
• Most abundant organic molecules in nature,
• Made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
• Source of energy, provide structural support for cells and help communication
between cells (cell-cell recognition).
• Parts of RNA, DNA and several coenzymes (nad+, nadp+, fad, coa).
• Found in the form of either a sugar or many sugars linked together by glcosidic
• On the number sugar units thez can be monosaccharides,disaccharides and
Monosaccharides = single sugar molecule
 They are poly hydroxy aldehydes or ketones.
For example Glucose is aldehyde and fructose is Ketone.
 Aldoses are reducing sugars,which rdduce Cu(Ii) blue to Cu(I) brick red.
 ketoses are non –reducing this is based on the reaction with Benedict's reagent
 All polysaccharides found in living things are polymers of aldose monosaccharides.
Structure of monosaccharides (glucose and fructose)
Monosaccharides …
 Monosaccharides are simple sugars.
 However in the number of carbons (3, 4, 5, 6),
a monosaccharide is a triose, tetrose, pentose or hexose.
Alpha Glucose
 H OH
 In water = Pentoses and hexoses exist mainly in the cyclic form, and
combine to form large saccharide molecules.
Monosaccharides …
 Common examples of monosaccharides(hexoses):-
• Most important carbohydrate fuel in human cells.
• Concentration in the blood is about 1 gdm-3
• Pass through cell membrane into the cell = small size and solubility in
• Energy is released when the molecules are metabolized.
 Is also aldose sugar similar to glucose molecules
 Different only in the arrangement of molecules.
 Glucose and galactose can’t be easily converted into one another
 Galactose cannot play the same part in respiration as glucose.
 Galactose and Glucose exist in α and β in a solution but not Fructose.
Monosaccharides …
 Is a ketose (a non-reducing sugar) = unlike to glucose and galactose
 Has a five-atom ring rather than a six-atom ring.
 glucose and galactose form α and β in a solution but Fructose forms
only one cyclic form.
Monosaccharides …
common pentoses
• Ribose and deoxyribose are common pentoses
• The ribose unit forms part of a nucleotide of RNA.
• And the deoxyribose unit forms part of the nucleotide of DNA
 made up by two molecules of monosaccharides
joined together by condesation reaction (removal of water) that requires energy.
 A glycosidic bond holds the two monosaccharide units together.
+ = + H2O
Structure of maltose (disaccharides)
Disaccharides …
 Most sugars found in nature but Monosaccharides are rare
 Soluble in water,
 Too big to pass through the cell membrane by diffusion.
 Broken down in the small intestine during digestion
= to give the smaller monosaccharides
= that pass into blood and through cell membranes into cells.
 Hydrolysis reaction and is the reverse of a condensation reaction
= done by adding of water, and it releases energy.
Disaccharides …
 The three most important disaccharides
 Sucrose = Glucose + Fructose
= Non-reducing sugar
 Lactose = Glucose + Galactose
= Reducing sugars
 Maltose = Glucose + Glucose
= Reducing sugars
 Monosaccharides undergo a series of condensation reactions to form
very large molecules = polysaccharides
= This is called condensation polymerization
= Building blocks are called monomers.
 Insoluble in water (important to store energy) and very long molecules.
 Properties of a polysaccharide molecule depend on
 Its length (though they are usually very long)
 The extent of any branching (side chaining).
 Any folding which results in a more compact molecule
 Whether the chain is 'straight' or 'coiled'
Common polysccharides
 Produced in plants as a way of storing energy.
 Mixture of amylose and amylopectin,
= Both are polymers of α-glucose.
 Amylose is an unbranched polymer of α-glucose.
 The molecules coil into a helical structure
 It forms a colloidal suspension in hot water.
 Amylopectin is a branched polymer.
• Is a storage carbohydrate in animal cells.
• Like amylopectin but highly brunched.
• quickly hydrolysed to release glucose for respiration.
Common polysccharides
 Makes up the cell walls in plant cells.
 Made from β-glucose molecules and
 The polymer molecules are 'straight.
 The toughness is due to
 Arrangement of glucose units in the polymer chain and
 hydrogen-bonding between neighboring chains.
 Not hydrolyzed easily
 Therefore, cant be digested = so not a source of energy for humans.
 The stomachs of herbivores has enzyme cellulase to digest cellulose.
 Highly variable groups of that include fats, oils, waxes and some steroids.
 Esters of fatty acids and alcohol (glycerol or chains of alcohols).
 Primary function is to store energy.
 A lipid triglyceride is fat if it is solid and oil if it is liquid at room temperature.
 Triglycerides are stored in the fat cells, also called adipocytes or lipocytes.
 Fat cells are categorized in white fat cells and brown fat cells.
The difference is from their ways of storing lipids.
 White fat cells store one large lipid drop while brown fat cells store smaller
and multiple droplets of lipids spreading in the whole body of the c ell.
 Different lipids occur in the human body
1) triacylglycerol
2) cholesterol, and
3) polar lipids = include phospholipids, glycolipids and sphingolipids
 Plant leaves are coated with lipids called waxes to prevent water loss, and
honeycomb in a bee hive is made of beeswax.
 Saturated fats = Lipids that have tail chains with only single bonds between the
carbon atoms of fatty acids because no more hydrogens can bond to the tail.
 Unsaturated fats = Lipids that have at least one double bond between carbon
atoms in the tail chain
 Polyunsaturated fats = Fats with more than one double bond in the tail
High polzunsaturated fattz acids help to prevent cholesterol being laid downin the
Lipids …
Properties of lipids
 Insoluble in water. longer chains are more hydrophopic, less soluble.
 Double bonds increase solubility
 Melting points: Depend on chain length and saturation
 Double bonds lead acyl chain disorder and low melting temperatures
 Unsaturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature.
Importance of lipids
As the main component of cell membranes (phospholipids)
Insulation of heat and water,
Storing energy, protection and cellular communication
 Compound made of small carbon compounds called amino acids
 All amino acids
 Share the same general structure but differ only in r-group.
 Made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sometimes sulfur.
 Covalent bonds called peptide bonds join amino acids together to form proteins.
 Peptide bond is formed b/n the amino group and the carboxyl group of amino acids.
Proteins …
 Many aminoacids joined by peptide bonds form apolypeptide chain
= the primary structure of a protein.
 The primary structure folds it self in to a secondary structure
= (α-helixs or B-pleated sheet).
 Further folding of secondary structure brings tertiary structure of a protein.
 The tertiary structure of many proteins is globular, with unique shapes
 Determinig the shapes of enzyme’s active sites,
 Hormonal receptors in the plasma membrane of some cells
 Antibodies to bind with antigenes.
 Some proteins form a fourth level of structure by combining with other proteins
like collagen(fibrous protein).
Proteins …
 Proteins are involved in nearly every function of your body.
= Our muscles, skin, and hair all are made of proteins.
 Provide Structural support
Transport substances inside the cell and between cells,
Communicate signals within the cell and between cells.
 Speed up chemical reactions(enzyemes), and control cell growth.
Nucleic acids
 Are complex macromolecules that store and transmit genetic information.
 Made of smaller repeating subunits called nucleotides, composed of carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and hydrogen atoms
 Six major nucleotides, having three units a phosphate, a nitrogenous base, and a
pentose sugar (either ribose or deoxyribose).
Nucleic acids…
 Two types in living organisms:
 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
 Ribonucleic acid (RNA).
 Five different bases found in nucleotide subunits that make up Dna and Rna,
 Adenine
 Cytosine
 Thymine
 Guanine and
 Either thymine (Dna) or uracil (Rna).
 Atp is also a phosphorylated nucleotide, with three phosphate groups.
 Adenine and guanine are purines (two carbon Nitrogen ring bases)
 Cytosine, thymine & uracil are pyrimidine bases (one Carbon Nitrogen ring bases).
 Needed in small amounts for metabolic activities
 Help enzymes function as coenzyme.
 Vitamin D is made by cells in skin.
 Some B vitamins and k are produced by bacteria living in the large intestine
 Sufficient quantities of most vitamins cannot be made by the body,
= a well-balanced diet can provide
 Some vitamins(A,D,E,K) are fat-soluble can be stored in small quantities
= in the liver and fatty tissues of the body.
 Other vitamins (B, C) are water- solubles and cannot be stored in the body.
 Water molecules are polar molecules formed by covalent bonds that link
two hydrogen (H) atoms to one oxygen (O) atom.
 Tasteless, Odorless, existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states.
 Is good solvent, media for transportation and a reactant in body reactions
like hydrolysis.
 Has high specific heat capacity, a lotof energy is required to heat water up
 Loses heat slowly to keep temprature for enzyme’s function.
 High latent heat of evaporation needs a lot of energy to turn liquid in to water.
= Important to cool the body by sweating durig hot times.
 Are inorganic compounds.
 Serve as building materials.
Example = calcium is an important component of bones.
 Involved with metabolic functions.
Example = iron is needed to make hemoglobin in RBC
= some like zn,cu as co-factors in enzymes.
 Other minerals involve in nerve function
Example = Na, K, Ca.
 Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll, involved in photosynthesis.
The cellular basis of life
Learning Objectives:
After completing this chapter you will be expected to:
 Explain cell theory
 Identifzy cell organells
 Explain functions of biological memberanes
The cell theory
 In late 1600’s, Robert Hook first observe plant cells with a crude microscope.
 In1674, Anton Van Leeuwen Koek
sow unicellular (protoctistants) in a drop of water and bacteria from his teeth.
 In 1830’s Mathias Schleiden and Theodore Shwann proposed
 All living things are composed of cells.
 A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.
 Rudolph Virchow extended this idea by contending that
cells arise only from other cells(cells from pre existing cells).
 A typical eukaryotic cell has 3 major parts
 Plasma membrane
 Cytoplasm = Intracellular fluid with organelles
 Nucleus = Controls cellular activities.
= a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function.
= are membranous and non membranous.
 Membranous
= Endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth) = Golgi bodies
= Nucleus = Lysosomes
= Mitochondria = Chloroplasts
= Peroxisomes = Vacuoles
 Non-membrane bound cell organelles
= Ribosomes (70S and 80S) = microtubules
= Centrosomes = basal bodies
= Cilia and flagella = Microfilaments.
 Prokaryotic cells lack membrane bounded organells.
The nucleus
 Distinctly oval or spherically shaped largest central structure
 Surrounded by a double-layered membrane (outer and inner nuclear envelope )
 Contains chromatin and one or more nucleoli.
 In nucleus, DNA directs protein synthesis and
Serves as a genetic blueprint during cell replication.
 Nuclear pores transfer most ions and water soluble molecules b/n nucleus and
The nucleus may be:
 Rounded Eg. In hepatocytes,
 Indented (segmented) Eg. In neutrophils.
 Binucleated Eg. In parietal cells, cardiac muscle cells,
 Multinucleated Eg. In osteoclasts, skeletal muscle cells.
 Very large (many dna) Eg. In megakaryocytes
 Absent Eg. In mature erythrocytes, blood platelets.
The nucleus …
 "Colored material" = easily stained for viewing with microscope.
 Composed mainly of coils DNA bound to basic protein called histones.
 One or more lightly stained structures in the nucleus.
 Actively engage in synthesizing of ribosomes.
 Nucleolus, unlike most organelles, does not have a limiting membrane.
 Instead, is simply a structure that contains large amounts of RNA and
protein of the type found in ribosomes.
 The nucleolus becomes enlarged when a cell is synthesizing proteins.
 Organells are dispresed with in a complex jelly like marrow called cytosol.
 Organelles occupy about half of the total cell volume.
 The remaining part of the cytoplasm is cytosol.
 Each organelle is a separate compartment fulfilling a partial or cellular
 Cytoplasm contain the following important organells.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
 Fluid-filled membrane system extensively present throughout the cytosol.
 The ER is one continuous organelle with many communicating channels.
 Two different types are = Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
= Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) …
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum:
 The outer surface of the rER contains dark particles called ribosomes.
 Ribosomal RNA protein complexes produce protein under direction of
nuclear DNA.
 Some ribosomes are “free” dispersed throughout the cytosol.
 The rough ER in association with ribosomes produces and releases a variety
of proteins, into the fluid-filled space enclosed by the membrane.
 Some proteins for export as secretory products (hormones or enzymes).
 Other proteins are transported to sites within the cell for use in the
construction of new plasma membrane or new organelle membrane.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) …
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum:
 Looks smooth and does not have ribosomes => does not produce proteins.
 Associated with the synthesis and transport of lipids and steroids.
 In liver and kidney cells, contains enzymes
 involved in detoxifying harmful endogenous substances with in the body
 by metabolism or exogenous substances entering body as drugs or other foreign
 The detoxifying enzymes alter toxic substances so they could be easily eliminated in urine.
 Special role in skeletal muscle cells = stores ionic calcium => role in muscle contraction.
The golgi complex:
 Associated with the ER
 Contains sets of flattened, curved, membrane - enclosed sacs or cisternae,
stacked in layers.
 Number of stacks vary in cells; cells specialized for protein secretion have
hundreds of stacks, whereas some have one.
 Processing the raw material into finished products.
the “raw” protein from the ER are modified into their final state
= by adjustment made in the sugar attached to the protein.
 Sorting and directing finished product to their final destination.
According to their function and destination,
 Serve as the intracellular “digestive system”.
 Membrane-enclosed sacs with powerful hydrolytic enzymes capable of
 Digesting
 Removing unwanted cellular debris and foreign materials
= Such as bacteria that have been internalized within the cell.
 Surrounding membrane confines these enzymes, preventing from destroying
the cell that houses them.
 Extrinsic material to be attacked by lysosomal enzymes is brought into the
interior of the cell through the process of endocytosis.
 Pinocytosis = If the fluid is internalized by endocytosis,
 Endocytosis is also accomplished by phagocytosis.
 Can take up old organelles and break down to their component molecules.
Those molecules that can be released are reabsorbed into the cytosol
Autophagy = process by which worn-out organelles are digested.
 A human liver cell recycles about half its content every week.
Lysosomal storage disease (Tay-Sachs disease) = inherited condition
= Lysosomes are not effective because they lack specific enzymes.
= As a result, harmful waste products accumulate disrupting normal
function of cells, often with fatal results
 Membrane-enclosed sacs containing oxidative enzymes
 Catalase = decomposes hydrogen per oxide
 Antitoxidants = detoxify various wastes.
 Oxidative enzymes need oxygen to remove hydrogen in detoxifying
waste products within the cell or foreign compounds that have entered in
= such as ethanol consumed in alcoholic drinks (in liver and kidneys).
 Peroximal disorders = Disrupt the normal processing of lipids and
= Severely disrupt normal function of nervous system
by altering the structure of the nerve cell membrane.
 Power houses of a cell
 Their number varies depending on the cell types.
 Double membrane
 The inner membrane forms a series of enfolding called cristae
which project into an inner cavity filled with a jelly-like matrix.
 Are unusual organelles b/se in the matrix they have unique DNA.
 Mitochondria have the ability to replicate themselves
even when the cell to which they belong is not undergoing cell division.
 Useful among plastids as they contain chlorophyll (green pigment)
for photosynthesis.
 Chioroplasts also have their own DNA as mitochondria.
 is a complex protein network that act as the “bone and muscle” of the cell.
 Provide
 Shape of a cell
 Structural support
 Substances movement through cell (cilia, flagella, intracytoplasmic
 Contribute to movements of the cell as a whole.
Plasma/cell membrane
 Is very thin layer fluid lipid bilayer embedded with protein as trilaminar
 form outermost boundary of living cell and enclosing the intracellular fluid (ICF).
 Determinenes composition of cell by selective permeability of substances to pass
between the cell and its Ecf environment.
 Is asymmetrical, two surfaces are not the same in thei compositions.
Componets of cell membrane
Phospholipid bilayer
 Basic structure of plasma membrane.
 Have a polar charged head having a negatively charged phosphate group and
two non-polar (electrically neutral) fatty acid tails.
 The polar end is hydrophilic (water loving) can interact with water molecule, is also polar.
 The non-polar end is hydrophobic (water fearing) and will not mix with water.
 Such two-sided molecule assemble to a lipid bilayer in contact with water.
 The water surface of the layer is exposed to ECF,
 whereas the inner layer is in contact with the intracellular fluid (ICF).
 is a barrier to passage of water-soluble substances between the ICF and ECF
and is responsible for the fluidity of the membrane.
Membrane proteins
 some membrane proteins are extending through the entire membrane having
polar regions at both ends, others are on either sides.
 emedded membrane proteins in the lipid layer form mosaic pattern.
Funcions of membrane proteins
1. Some form water-filled passage ways or channels proteins, across the lipid bilayer
allow ions to pass through without coming in direct contact with lipid interior
2. Other proteins serve as carrier molecule that transport specific molecule that cannot
cross on their own. e.g.thyroid epithelial cell possesses carriers for iodine.
3. Receptor molecules: proteins have very specific shapes and this makes them ideal
as receptor molecules for chemical signaling between cells.
e.g - hormones are chemical messengers, which circulate in the blood but,
only bind to specific target cells, which have the correct receptors sites.
- Neurotransmitters, the chemicals that enable nerve impules from one
nerve cell to the next, also fit into specific receptor proteins in nerve cells.
4. Some proteins are arranged as filaments network/meshwork on the inner side as
cytoskeleton.maintain cell shape.
Funcions of membrane proteins …
5. Some proteins(antigens) enables cells to recognize other cells with branching
carbohydrate side chain like antennae(glyco protein)
6. Energy Transfer in photosynthesis and respiration proteins take part in
the energy transfer systems in the membranes of chloroplast and mitochondria.
7. Enzymes: membrane proteins sometimes act as enzymes, e.g the micro
villi on epithelial cells lining some part of the gut contain digestive enzymes in
their cell surface membrane.
• Have branching carbohydrate side chain and involved in cell-cell recognition.
• May act as a receptor sites for chemical signals. With glycoproteins.
• Also in sticking the correct cell together in tissues. Eg. Sperm recognition of ova
 Lies in between the phosphate molecules, preventing fatty acid chain
from packing together and crystallizing that decrease fluidity of membrane.
 Acts like a plug, reducing even further the escape or
entry of polar molecules through the membrane.
 For synthesis of steroid hormones, bile acids and Vitamin D.
Cellular diversity
 Different cells for different functions.
 Cells are diverse in their size, shape and internal structures
this also applies to cells found in the same organism.
 This diversity is influenced by their roles and function within organism's body.
E.G = egg of birds/reptiles and a neuron cell of giraffe, which is 2 meters length.
Transport across the cell membranes
 The plasma membrane is selectively permeable.
 Lipid-soluble substances, small and non-charged particles can passively
diffuse through the plasma membrane down their electro-chemical gradients.
 Highly lipid-soluble particles are able to dissolve in lipid bilayer and pass
through membrane.
 Uncharged/non-polar molecules oxygen, carbon dioxide and fatty acids are
highly lipid-soluble and readily permeate the membrane.
water is polar but small in size.
 Charged particle sodium/potassium ions and polar molecules such as glucose
and proteins have low lipid solubility, but are very soluble in water
 For water-soluble ions of less than 0.8 nm diameter, protein channels serve as an
alternate route for passage
Substances cross the plasma membrane using
1. passive processes (simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis)
 Do not require the cell to expend energy for movement.
 Rely on kinetic energy of particles of the substance & concentation gradient.
2. Active processes (active transport,bulk or vesicular transport )
 Require (ATP).
Simple diffusion
= Net movement of molecules from a region of their high to lower concentration.
= The molecules move down a concentration gradient.
 Factors influence the rate of net diffusion across a membrane are:
1. permeability of the membrane
2. surface area of the membrane
3. molecular weight of the substance (lighter one diffuses rapidly)
4. distance through which diffusion must take place
N.B:- Increasing all the factors increases rate of net diffusion,
but increasing distance – thickness decreases the rate of diffusion.
Facilitated diffusion
 Uses carrier or channel proteins to facilitate the transfer of a particular substance
across the membrane ''downhill'' from higher to lower concentration with an ion pores.
 This process is passive and does not require energy.
 Not the actual surface area of the membrane but number of carrier or channel
proteins affects the rate of facilitated diffusion.
 Is diffusion of water from a system with a high water potential (less solute) to a system
with a lower water potential (high solute) across semipermeable membrane.
 Noitce that we do not say water concentration, but water potential (ᵠ-psi).
 ᵠ(pure water)=0pa
Active transport
 Requires protein carrier to transfer a specific substance across the membrane
against concentration gradient.
 It is one directional only, unlike diffusion tha is reversible.
 Carrier phophorylation increases the affinity for its passenger.
 The carrier has ATPase activity splitting high-energy phosphate from an ATP
to yield ADP plus a free Pi. This phosphate group gets bound to the carrier.
 Phosphorylation and binding of particle on the low concentration side induces
a conformational change in the carrier protein
so that passenger is now exposed to the high concentration side of the membrane.
 This change in carrier shape is accompanied by dephosphorylation.
 Removal of phosphate reduces the affinity of the binding site for the passenger, so the passenger is
released on the high concentration side.
Active transport ...
 The carrier then returns to the original conformation.
This active transport mechanisms are often called pumps.
 The major ions within the cells and their surrounding are sodium (Na+),
potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl-).
 In recent years, the combined pump is called the sodium pump (Na+-K-pump).
 For every 2K+ions taken into the cell, 3Na+ ions are removed.
 Then a potential difference is built up across the membrane, with the inner
side of the cell being negative.
 This tends to restrict the entry of negatively charged ions (anions) such as
chloride and favoring diffusion of cations into the cell.
 This explains why chloride concentration inside red cell is less than the
outside despite the fact that chloride ions can diffuse in and out by facilitated
Active transport ...
 Similarly, positively charged ions (cations) tend to be attracted in to cell.
 Thus both concentration and charge are important in deciding the direction in
which ions cross the membrane.
 The pump is essential in controlling the osmotic balance in animal cells
(osmoregulation) .
 If the pump is inhibited, the cell swells and brusts because of the building-up
of Na+, which results in excess water entering in to the cell by osmosis .
 The pump is also important in
 Maintaining electrical activity in nerve and muscle cells
 Driving active transport of some substances such as sugar and amino acids.
 In addition, high concentration of potassium are needed inside cells for protein
synthesis, glycolysis, photosynthesis and other vital processes.
Ingeneral Na+-K+-pump plays three important roles.
1. It establishes sodium and potassium concentration gradients across the
plasma membrane of all cells
these gradients are important in nerve and muscle to generate electrical signals.
2. It helps regulate cell volume by controlling the concentration of solutes
inside the cell and thus minimizing osmotic effects that would induce
swelling or shrinking of the cell.
3. The energy used to run the pump also indirectly serves as the energy source
for the co-transport of glucose and amino acids across the membrane
(intestine and kidney cell).
Bulk or vesicular transport (endocytosis, exocytosis)
 Very large substances such as hormone secretion or ingestion of invading
microbe by leukocytes.
 These materials cannot cross the plasma membrane by usual crossing but by
wrapped in membrane(vesicle).
 Transport into the cell is termed endocytosis, out of the cell is exocytosis.
 pinocytosis (cell drinking) = Endocytosis of fluid
 phagocytosis (cell eating) = Endocytosis of large multimolecular particle
 Endocytosis and exocytosis are active processes.
 The influence of concentration can occur either way.
Chapter Four
Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders
Learning Objectives:
After completing this chapter you will be expected to:
 Define Metabolism
 Explain the role of enzymes in metabolism
 Identify bioenergetic and biosynthesis
Cellular metabolism
 Metabolism
= Sum of chemical reactions takes place within each cell of a living organism.
= The main chemical processes of all living matter are similar, if not identical.
 These reactions can be either catabolic reactions or anabolic reactions
Catabolic pathways = Convert nutrients to energy
= Release energy by breaking down larger molecules into smaller
Anabolic pathways = synthesis of larger biomolecules
= Use energy released by catabolic pathways to build larger molecules
from smaller molecules.
= Insure the continual flow of energy within an organism.
 The reactants and products of these chemical reactions are metabolites.
Enzymes and their role in metabolism
 Most chemical reactions within cells do not occur spontaneously.
Instead, they need a catalyst to get them started.
 Heat may be a catalyst, but inefficient because
heat cannot be applied to molecules in a controlled fashion.
 Most chemical reactions require biological catalyst called enzymes.
= Protein (organic) catalysts that speed biochemical reactions by
= Facilitating the molecular rearrangements that support cell function.
= Speed up reactions by lowering activation energy required to start chem. reaction.
= Change shape when substrates bind. This is termed "induced fit“
 Meaning that the precise orientation of enzyme required for catalytic activity can be
induced by the binding of the substrate.
Chemical nature and classification of enzymes
Enyzmes can be
1. Simple enzymes = Made up of only protein (polypeptide).
Eg- Digestive enzymes such as pepsin, and trypsin.
2. Conjugate (holoenzyme) Enzymes = Enzyme which is formed of two parts.
 The protein part called Apo enzyme and
 A non-protein part named cofactor.
 There can be an enzymatic activity only when both components
(apoenzyme and cofactor) present together.
 If the cofactor is firmly bound to apoenzyme, it is called prosthetic group.
And called coenzyme if less permanentiy bound to the apoenzyme.
Chemical nature and classification of enzymes ...
 Coenzymes
 Are organic molecules and
 Many are derived from vitamins bind with the enzyme to give
catalytic activities.
Eg. - niacin and riboflavin with the enzyme oxidoreductase in respiration.
 Metal cofactors K+ Mg++, Mn++and Cu++ involve in enzymatic reaction.
e.g zinc ions in enzyme carbon anhydrase which cauese carbondioxide to
react with water and copper ions in cytochrome oxidase.
 If the metal forms part of the molecule, as iron of hemoglobin or cytochrome is,
the enzymes are called metallo-enzymes.
Classes of enzymes
1- Oidoreductase - Transfer hydrogen and oxygen atoms or electrons from one
substrate to another. Eg. dehydrogenase,oxidase.
2- Transferase - Transfer a specific group like phosphate from one substrate to
another. Eg. transaminase,kianase.
3- Hydrolase - Hdrolysis of a substance e.G esterase,digestive enzymes.
4- Isomerase - Change the molecular form of substances
Eg. phosphohexoisomerase,fumerase.
5- Lyases - Non hydrolytic removal of a group or addition of a group to a
substrate. Eg. decarboxylase,aidolase.
6- Ligase (synthetase) - Joining of two molecules by formation of new bonds.
Eg. citric acid synthetase.
Mechanisms of enzyme action
 Enzymes always catalyze reactions in both directions and
cannot drive a reaction forward or affect the equilibrium position.
 The combination formed by an enzyme and its substrates is called
enzyme–substrate complex.
 The substrates are attracted to the active site by electrostatic and
hydrophobic forces, which are called non covalent bonds.
 Because they are physical attractions and not chemical bonds.
Factors affecting enzymatic activities
 Temperature
Increasing temperature increases the kinetic energy,
= increases the rate of reaction, forming more product.
Temperature ...
 High tmperature increases vibration energy to break the weak hydrogen and
ionic bonds with in the enzymes
= This will cause the active site to change shape and dentures enzymes.
 The temperature at which the maximum rate of reaction occurs is called the
Enzyme’s Optimum Temperature. This is different for different enzymes.
 The optimum temperature for most enzymes in the human body is 37oc.
PH - Acidity and Basicity
 Is a measure of the hydrogen ion (+) concentration, and therefore
A good indicator of the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration.
 Lower pH values mean = Higher H+ concentrations and
= Lower OH-concentrations.
PH - Acidity and Basicity ...
 Significant changes in PH breaks ionic bonds that hold the tertiary structure,
and alter the charge on the amino acids that form the active sites this makes
difficult for the substrate molecules to bind.
 The majority of enzymes in most mammals works efficiently with in 6-8PH.
 Enzymes in different locations of our body have different optimum pH values
since their environmental conditions may be different.
Eg, Pepsin functions best around pH-2 in stomach, contains hydrochloric acid.
 Because enzymes are sensitive to changes in acidity, most living systems are
highly buffered;
i.e., they have mechanisms that enable them to maintain a constant acidity.
Factors affecting enzymatic activities …
Substrate and enzyme concentration
 Increasing substrate and enzyme concentration increases rate of reaction.
 This is because
= More substrate molecules will be colliding with enzyme molecules,
= So more product will be formed.
 However, after a certain concentration, any increase will have no effect on the
rate of reaction, will no longer be the limiting factor.
 Noitce that metabolism is a sum of aseries of chemical reactions in which the
product of one reaction is the substrate for the next
= that is why several enzymes are needed in metabolic pathway.
Factors affecting enzymatic activities …
Enzyme inhibitors
 Enzyme activity can be inhibited in various ways.
 Inhibition could be reversible (competitive & non-competitive) or irreversible.
Competitive inhibition:
= occurs when molecules are very similar to the substrate molecules bind
to the active site and prevent binding of the actual substrate.
E.g - Penicillin is a competitive inhibitor that blocks the active site of
an enzyme that many bacteria use to construct their cell walls.
- the pain killer ibuprofen acts as the competitive inhibitor of the
enzyme cyclo-oxidase-2 competing with the precurssor of
prostaglandin that give,that gives the sensation of pain are the
substrate of cyclo-oxidase-2.
Noncompetitive inhibition
 An inhibitor binds to enzyme at a location other than the active site.
= This type of noncompetitive inhibition is called Allosteric inhibition
= The place where the inhibitor binds to enzyme is called Allosteric site
 Frequently, an end-product of a metabolic pathway serves as an allosteric
inhibitor on an earlier enzyme of the pathway.
 This inhibition of enzyme by a product of its pathway is a form of
negative feedback.
 In some cases of noncompetitive inhibition, the inhibitor is thought to
to the enzyme in such a way as to physically block the normal active site.
Irreversible inhibition
 Inhibitors bind strongly to enzymes, usually by a covalent bond
Permanetly altering the structure of the enzyme molecule.
 Irreversible inhibitors are generally specific for one class of enzyme
and do not inactivate all proteins
 They do not function by destroying protein structure but by
specifically altering the active site of their target.
Eg. The nerve gas DFP (Di Iso Propyl Floro Phosphate) combines
with the amino acid Serine at active site of Acetyl Choleantrase.
Bioenergetics and biosynthesis
Cellular respiration
 Most living organisms obtain energy by breaking down organic molecules
(catabolism) during cellular respiration.
 The function of cellular respiration is to make ATP from carbon compounds
such as glucose
 Adenosine Tri phosphate (ATP) is used to provide immediate energy for cells
to do work b/se
 ATP releases energy in a single stape hydrolysis and
 Able to move around the cell with out escaping from the cell.
Cellular respiration ...
 Three basic metabolic phases of respiration (catabolic process)
Phase I - Breakdown of large complex biomolecules
like polysaccharides, proteins and lipids to their building blocks (hydrolysis)
= The chemical reactions during this stage do not release much energy.
Phase II - Building blocks are usually oxidized to a common intermediate
- Acetyl-coa,
- Pyruvate or
- Other citric acid cycle intermediates.
Phase III – Citric acid cycle followed by
= Electron transport and
= Oxidative phosphorylation.
 Cellular respiration occurs in two main parts:
= Glycolysis and
= Aerobic respiration
Part one = Glycolysis: anaerobic respiration
 Is glucose splitting and essential because glucose is not lipid soluble and
medium sized can not diffuse to the mitochondrial membrane
 Takes place in the cytosol (cytoplasmic fluid excluding organelles)
 Takes place in the absence of oxygen
 Common pathway for both anaerobic and aerobic respirations.
 Universal for the whole organisms (animals, plants and microorganisms)
 Glucose is more preferred for respiration than other carbohydrates and
lipids because it provides quick energy for the cell.
 Glycolysis results two 3c pyruvates that can enter to the mitochondria using a carrier
pyruvate trnslocase,2 reduced NADH (hydrogen carrier coenzymes,2netATP).
Glycolysis …
 Glycogen is a polymeric storage form of glucose in human and is most
abundant in the liver and striated muscle.
 Glycogen is synthesized when glucose supply is high, and its degradation
helps to maintain the blood glucose level when we are fasting.
 When glycogen is depleted, more glucose is synthesized by gluconeogenesis.
 Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and in the kidneys.
 Gluconeogenesis is (GNG) is a metabolic path way that produces glucose
from non-carbohydrate substrates (proteins, lipids) during the period of
fasting, starvation, low carbohydrate diet, or intense exercise.
 If glucose is available in excess of immediate needs and glycogen is already
stocked up to capacity, It will still be broken down by glycolysis and
pyruvate dehydrogenase to acetyl -CoA.
Glycolysis ...
 However, acetyl-CoA will then not be oxidized,
but it will instead be used for fatty acid synthesis.
 Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the cytosol of cells in the liver and fat tissue .
 Glycolysis involves ten enzymatic reactions
The first five = preparatory phases = investment phases and
The rest five = pay-off phases = gain of energy-rich molecules ATP & NADH.
 First step = The phosphorylation of glucose
= Forming glucose 6-phosphate (G6P)
= Consumes ATP, but it acts to keep the glucose concentration low
for continuous transport of glucose into the cell through the plasma membrane, and
to block the glucose from leaking out free diffusion out of the cell is prevented by
the charged nature of G6P.
Glycolysis ...
 Second step
= The structural isomerization of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P)
= To fructose-6-phosphate(F6P)
= By phosphohexose isomerase
 Le Chatelier's Principle = Isomerization to a keto sugar is necessary for
carbanion (negative charge of carbon that is stable)
 Most, but not all reactions in glycolysis are reversible; the pathway as a whole
is also irreversible.
 However, alternate routes exist that bypass the irreversible reactions and allow
glucose to be synthesized from pyruvate.
The regulatory stapes of glycolysis
 In the first regulated step
Hexokinase converts glucose into glucose-6-phosphate.
Instead of continuing through the glycolysis pathway, this intermediate can be
converted into glucose storage molecules, such as glycogen or starch.
 In the second regulated step = the third step of glycolysis
Phosphofructokinase converts fructose-6-phosphate into
• Then is converted into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.
• The dihydroxyacetone phosphate can be removed from glycolysis
• By conversion into glycerol-3-phosphate,which can be used to form triglycerides.
Conversely, triglycerides can be broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.
The fate of pyruvate
 In the absence of oxygen (anaerobic) pyruvate is reduced
 To lactic acid in animals, and
 To alcohol & carbon dioxide in yeast some others.
 In the presence of oxygen (aerobic) enters to the matrix of mitochondria
for farther oxidation.
 Some diseases are related to the failure of one or more steps of glycolysis
Eg. - Hemolytic anemia = great destruction of RBC,
= RBC are destroyed faster than their production.
- The exact mechanism of hemolytic anemia is unknown.
Part two: Aerobic respiration
 One fate of pyruvate is enters to TCA cycle for complete oxidation.
that convert pyruvate to a acetyl COA after intermediate processes
 The enzyme complex convert pyruvate to a acetyl COA through
 Decarboxylation of pyruvate (loss of CO2)
 Formation of acetyl group
 Linkage of acetyl group to coenzyme A forming acetyl - CoA.
 This intermediate process produces 2 carbondioxides, 2 reduced NADH and
2 acetyl COA.
 As acetyi-COA enters to the matrix of mitochondria.
Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle = krebs cycle begins
Phase III Citric acid cycle = Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle = krebs cycle
Steps of the krebs cycle
 Acetyl CoA combining with a 4-carbon compound
To form a 6-carbon compound known as citric acid.
 Citric acid broken down releasing 2 molecules of carbon dioxide and
Generating 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1FADH.
= FAD is another electron carrier similar to NADH and NADPH.
 Finally, Acetyl CoA & citric acid are generated and cycle continues
 TCA cycle is an important source of biosynthetic precursors
Eg. = α-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate are used for synthesis of of amino acids
like glutamic acid, asparatic acid etc.
= Succinyl - CoA to form porphyrin ring of cytochromes, chlorophyll etc
 Acetyl - CoA is the starting material for fatty acid biosynthesis.
C- Electron Transport Chain
 In aerobic respiration
Oxidative-phosphorylation (electron transport and chemiosmosis)
 Is the final step in the break-down of glucose
 It also is the point at which most of the ATP is produced.
 High -energy electrons and hydrogen ions from NADH and FADH2
Produced in the Krebs cycle are used to convert ADP to ATP.
 36 ATPs are produced
 Net 2 ATPs from glycolysis
 2ATPs from krebs cycle, and
 34 ATPs from oxidative phosphorylation are produced.
 But 2 ATPs are required to bring 2NADH of glycolysis to the mitochondria.
 In biosynthesis simple compounds are
 Modified
 Converted into other compounds or
 Joined together to form macromolecules.
 Photosynthesis is an ultimate source of energy for all life forms
Plants, algae, and some bacteria such as cyanobacteria are photosynthetics.
 Photosynthetic processes are
Oxygenic photosynthesis = Light energy transfers electrons from H2O to CO2
Anoxygenic photosynthesis = Use sources other than water.
 Chlorophylls is green-colored pigments that traps blue and red light.
 There are different types chiorophyll types.
 Carotenoids(xanthophyll, Carotene), Phycobilins (in cyano bacteria & red algae)
absorb wave lengths not absorbed by chlorophyll.
Antennae complex
 A large collection of 100 to 5,000 pigment molecules constitutes antennae.
= Effectively capture light energy in the form of photons.
 Reaction centers = The pigments and proteins which convert light energy to
chemical energy and begin the process of electron transfer
= The reaction center molecule is always Chlorophyll a.
 Reaction in photosynthesis are
Light dependent reaction = takes place in the membrane of thylakoids
= Generates ATP and reduced NADP, inputs for light independent reaction.
Light independent reaction = takes place in the stroma
= Produce Glucose using the Calvin cycle.
 Main processes of the Calvin cycle are = Carbon fixation
= Reduction and
= Regeneration of RUBP are
Alternative Pathways of photosynthesis
 C4 plants = Plants fix carbon dioxide into four-carbon compounds
instead of three-carbon molecules during the Calvin cycle.
= Grow in tropical areas like Ethiopia.
= Such as maize, sugar cane, crabgrass.
They have structural modifications in the arrangement of cells in their leaves.
 They keep their stomata closed during hot days, while the four
carbon compounds are transferred to special cells where CO2 enters the
Calvin cycle.
 This allows for sufficient carbon dioxide uptake, while simultaneously
minimizing water loss.
Alternative Pathways of photosynthesis …
 CAM plants is called crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM photosynthesis)
 The CAM pathway = occurs in water conserving plants
- live in deserts, salt marshes, and other water limited environments
 CAM plants = Such as cacti, orchids, and the pineapple.
= Allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaves only at night,
= When the atmosphere is cooler and more humid.
= At night, they fix carbon dioxide into organic compounds
 During the day, carbon dioxide is released from these compounds and enters
the Calvin cycle.
 This pathway also allows for sufficient carbon dioxide uptake, while
minimizing water loss.
Metabolic Disorders, Diagnosis And Treatments
 Metabolic disorders occur when = Normal processes become disrupted.
= Liver or pancreas do not function properly
 Disorders in metabolism can be
 Inherited or
 Acquired during your lifetime
 Inherited metabolic disorders = inborn errors of metabolism
 When defective gene causes an enzyme deficiency.
 Have many types including types of food-relateds such as
= Amino acids (the building block for proteins),
= Carbohydrates, and
= Fatty acids (the building block for fats
Carbohydrate disorders
= Diabetes insipidus, = Von Gierke‟s disease
= Hereditary fructose intolerance = McArdle disease
= Galactosemia = Pompe‟s disease
= Pyruvate metabolism disorders = Forbes‟ disease
Fatty acid oxidation defects
= Gaucher‟s disease = Niemann-Pick disease
= Fabry‟s disease, and
= Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency
Amino acid disorders
= Tay-Sachs disease = Phenylketonuria,
= Tyrosinemia, = Maple syrup urine disease and Homocystinuria
 Acid-base imbalance, Disorders of calcium metabolism, DNA repair-deficiency disorders,
Iron metabolism disorders, Mitochondrial diseases, Phosphorus metabolism disorders,
Malabsorption syndromes, Water-electrolyte imbalance are some of the disorders associated with
Complications of untreated metabolic disorders can be
serious Complications of metabolic disorders include:
 Organ failure/dysfunction,
 Seizures and tremors and
 Unconsciousness and coma.
Other causes of metabolic disorders
 A combination of inherited and environmental factors.
Some of the conditions that can cause metabolic disorders include:
 Alcohol abuse, Diabetes
(chronic disease that affects your body's ability to use sugar for energy)
 Diuretic abuse, Gout
(type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joints)
 Ingestion of poison or toxins
including excessive aspirin, bicarbonate, alkali, ethylene glycol, or methanol
 Kidney failure, Pneumonia, respiratory failure, or collapsed lung
 Sepsis
(life-threatening bacterial blood infection)
Risk factors of metabolic disorders
Factors increase the risk of developing metabolic disorders
 Certain chronic medical conditions
= Lung or kidney disease (kidney stones, kidney failure and kidney anomalies)
= Diabetes - Diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) or
- If he/she have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
 Family history of genetic metabolic disorder
 Race and ethnicity:
people with African, Hispanic, First Nations, Asian, and Pacific Islander
backgrounds are at higher risk than whites for type 2 diabetes.
 Most others
HIV/AIDS, age, obesty, hormone imbalance, insulin resistance.
Diagnosis of metabolic disorders
Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed if any three of the following five
markers are present:
1- Elevated waist circumference:
= 40 inches or more for men; 35 inches or more for women
2- Elevated triglycerides: 150 mg/dl or higher
3- Reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (AKA ''good'' cholesterol):
= Less than 40 mg/dl in men; less than 50 mg/dl in women
4- Elevated blood pressure:
= 130/85 mm hg or higher or are already taking blood pressure medications
5- Elevated fasting glucose:
= 100 mg/dl or higher or are already taking glucose-lowering medications
Treatments of metabolic disorder
 Inborn errors of metabolism (inherited metabolic disorders) are often treated
= Nutritional counseling and support = Periodic assessment
= Physical therapy and other supportive care options.
 Multiple treatment options are available for inherited metabolic disorders
Eg. = Bone marrow transplantation = Enzyme replacement therapy
= Gene therapy = Mineral supplementation,
= Nutritional counseling = Medications
= Surgery etc.
 Acquired metabolic disorder treatment = Include normalizing
metabolic balance by reversing the cause and administering medications.
 Complications of untreated metabolic disorders can be serious
Chapter Five
Genetics and Evolution
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter you will be expected to
 Define Genetics
 Describe the importance of studying Genetics
 Explain the process of Evolution
 Field of biology that studies how traits passed from parents to their offspring.
Mendel = Made experiment with pea plants and
= Was able to deduce the rules of inheritances from his result.
= Choose pea plants (Pistum stavium) b/c it exhibits clearly contrasting
characteristics, like tall or short, purple or white flowers etc.
Mendel's conclusion
1. Characters are unitary. That is, they are discrete (purple vs. white,).
2. Genetic characteristics have alternate forms, each inherited from one of
two parents. Today, we call these alleles.
3. One allele is dominant over the other. The phenotype reflects the dominant
Mendel's conclusion …
4. Gametes are created by random segregation.
Heterozygotic individuals produce gametes with an equal frequency of the
two alleles.
5. Different traits have independent assortment.
In modern terms, genes are unlinked
Molecular genetics and inheritance
 Chromosome is along strand of DNA on which large number of genes stored.
 In eukaryotes is bound with histone protein. histone is not a genetic material.
 Chromosomes are not easily distinguished unless condensed.
 Gene a section of DNA that determines a specific feature.
Molecular genetics and inheritance ….
= Huge molecule made up of two strands of nucleotides into a double strand
= The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel
= Basic unit of DNA strand is a nucleotide (monomers of DNA).
 There are four types of nucleotides
 Adenine (A) – containing nucleotide
 Guanine (G) – containing nucleotide
 Cytosine (C) - containing nucleotide and
 Thymine (T) -containing nucleotide (in DNA or Uracil (U) nucleotide in RNA)
 All nucleotides have
 A phosphate group,
 A pentose sugar (deoxyribose in DNA and ribose sugar in RNA).
The nucleotides in one strand are paired with the nucleotides in the other strand
according to the base pairing- rule.
= Adenine – Thymine(uracil in RNA)
= Cytosine – Guanine.
 DNA is a very stable molecule at normal temperature.
 The hydrogen bonds hold two strands together in position through the bases.
 Sugar-phosphates form the back bone (strand) of DNA ladder and nitrogen
bases stapes or rungs.(nucleoside- sugar & base with out phosphate group).
DNA replication and cell division
 DNA replication is the ability of DNA to make exact copy of it self.
 The replication semi-conservative. Each formed new DNA molecule contains
one strand from the original (old) DNA and one new strand DNA molecules.
Main stages are DNA replication and cell division
1. DNA helicase enzyme - break H-bonds to reveal two single strands and
unwind (open) the helix DNA
2. DNA polymerase follow the helicase enzyme along each single-stranded region,
which acts as a template for synthesis of a new strand.
3. DNA polymerase assembles free DNA nucleotides into new strands alongside each of
template strand.
4. Two-identical DNA molecules to each other and the original one is resulted.
Each contains one strand from the original (old) and one newly synthesized.
Cell division
1- Mitosis = produces two daughter cells genetically identical to the parent cell.
= Allows for continual construction and repair of the organism and
= means of vegetative reproduction in unicellular organisms.
2. Meiosis = to produce haploid gametes
= Results in four haploid daughter cells by undergoing one round of DNA replication
followed by two divisions.
Homologous chromosomes are separated in the first division, and sister chromatids in the second
division. Both of these cell division cycles are important for sexual reproduction.
Protein synthesis
 Code for protein synthesis is specified by DNA and has to be sent to ribosome.
 But DNA is a huge molecule and remains in nucleus
to assemble amino acids in the correct sequence to form protein.
Events during protein synthesis
1. Transcription – DNA code for protein is rewritten in a molecule of
messenger RNA (MRNA).
2. MRNA travels from nucleus to ribosome
3. Free amino acids are transported from cytoplasm to ribosome
by transfer RNA (tRNA)molecules
4. Ribosome read mRNA code and assembles amino acids presented by tRNA
into a protein by a process = translation
 A gene is a sequence of base triplets in DNA that carries the code for protein.
 There are 4 bases, there is 43=64 possible triplet codes /amino acids/ but only
20 amino acids are used to make all different proteins.
 Only one strands of a DNA molecule carries code for proteins ( called sense
strand or coding stand),the other strand is non-coding or antisense strand.
Genetic codes are
1. The genetic code is degenerative i.e more than one codon recognize the
same amino amino acid, except methionine & trytophan. Eg. Arginine has 6.
2. All codons are in triplets, universal and non-overlapping.
3. Only 61 of the 64 codons code for amino acids the 3(TAA,TAG,TGA) are
termination codons.
Trascription in eukaryotes
 The enzyme DNA-dependent RNA polymerase binds with a section of DNA
next to the gene to be transcribed.
 Transcription factors activate the enzyme.
 The enzymes “unwind” and separate the strands of a DNA molecule.
 RNA polymerase assembles free RNA nucleotides on the complementary
strand (antisense strand).
 mRNA (transcribed RNA) leaves the DNA; the strands of DNA rejoin & re-coil.
 Translation of the MRNA code into a protein depends on the interaction with
in the ribosome b/n mRNA,and tRNA.
Translation …
 tRNA molecules the ''cloverleaf'‘ configuration that at one end a triplet of
bases called anticodon. anticodon is a triplet on tRNA.
 The other end of tRNA molecule has an attachment site for the amino acid
that is specified by the mRNA codon.
 During translation two codons of mRNA enter the ribosome.
 Then 2 tRNA molecules(with aminoacid attached) having complementary
anticodons to the first 2 codons of mRNA binds to those codons.
 A peptide bond is formed b/n aminoacids of tRNA exist at A and P sites of
ribosome,and a the dipeptide is transferred to tRNA in the A site.
 The ribosome moves along the mRNA by one condon ,into the ribosome at
the time the free tRNA exits the ribosome at E site &dipeptide moves to P site.
 Ribosome moves along Mrna to bring new codon, this continues until coming of stop
codon .
Translation …
 The translation of the mRNA code into a protein molecule requires energy
that comes from hydrolysis of GTP /guanoisne triphosphate/ not ATP.
 Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus, unlike to eukaryotic cells in these cells
transcription & translation are coupled processes.
 Eukaryotic mRNAs are modified before living the nucleus.
 Prokaryotic mRNA does not need post-transcriptional process because it only
contains exons (coding genes) not introns (non-coding genes).
 We obtain essential amino acids from our foods, body produces non essential
amino acids by the process called tranasamination.
 Transamination: - is a process of amino group of an amino acid is removed
and transferred to a keto acid, then it becomes a different amino acid/keto acid
E.g. pyruvic acid (keto acid) → alanine (amino acid) - by transamination.
 Genes are switched on by "transcription factors"-
which are proteins that bind to a regulatory sequence of DNA near to
the gene they influence.
 They operate in the following way:
 The transcription factors bind to a promoter sequence of DNA near the gene
to be activated.
 RNA polymerase binds to the DNA/ transcription factor complex.
 The RNA polymerase activated and moves away from DNA along the gene.
 The RNA polymerase transcribes the antisense strand of the DNA and the
gene is now being expressed.
 There are factors to repress (switched off) gene action too. Short interfering
 siRNA is unusual-very short, only 21-23 nucleotides, double stranded
 siRNAs don't act on the gene itself, but interfere/silence the mrna once it has
been transcribed from DNA. It is post transcriptional interference.
 Is the alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism,
virus, or extra chromosomal DNA.
 Can be spontaneous due to errors in DNA replication or induced mutation due
to exposures to mutagens like carcinogenic chemicals and high energy
radiation- ultraviolet radiation, x- ray.
Mutation …
 Most mutation is harmful, each new cell has an average 120 mutations.
 But; most mutations detected & repaired
 95% of our DNA is non-coding, and genetic codes are degenerative.
 Mutation is raw material for evolution.
 Mutation can be either point mutation or chromosomal mutation.
1- Point mutation = That involves a single base.
= It includes substitution, addition,and deletion.
2. Chromosomal Mutations = Situation where part /segment/ of a
chromosome sequence of DNA is disturbed
or a chromosome is missed/added.
Chromosomal Mutations ….
 Main types of chromosomal mutation
= Euploidy (polyploidy) = Is the presence of additional chromosome sets
Eg. – Triploid, Tetraploid
= Aneuploidy = Is that is the presence of a variation number of
chromomosomes in the genome.
 2 n+1 = trisomy/47 chromosomes, e.g. Down‟s syndrome
 2n-1 = monosomics – turner syndrome/45chr.
 2n+1+1 = double trisomy
 2n-2 = nullisomic, organisms that loss one homologous
Gidu syndrome = Mental retardation caused by part of deletion of
chromosome number 5 of man.euploidy frequently occurs in
plants rarely in animals
 Complete nondisjunction and interspecies crosses lead to euploidy.
 Frequently occurs in plats rarely in animals.
Meiotic and mitotic nondisjunction,and chromosome loss leads to aneuploidy.
Consequence of gene-mutations
 Mutations on body cell (non- sex cell) cannot be inherited but may result in
harmless, damage or kill the cell, make cell cancerous- which might kill the person.
 Mutations in different genes will produce different effects but two types of gene are
important in regulating cell division and preventing the formation of a tumor.
A. Proto-oncogenes = when proto-oncogenes mutate, they often become active
= which stimulate cell to divide in an uncontrolled manner.
B. Tumor-suppressor genes-
 Recognize this uncontrolled cell division and act to suppress cell division.
 If these genes mutate and become inactive, a tumor will form as uncontrolled
cell division continues.
 Tumor - Is a mass of cells created when cell replication gets out of control
and cause cancer.
Manipulation of DNA genetic engineering
= The tranfering of genes from one organism to another organism of the
same or different species.
= The organism is termed = Genetically modified organism (GMO),
= Transgenic organism or
= Genetically engineered organism.
Genetic engineering is early done on Bactria, to produce useful products
like Insulin, antibiotics,, Human growth hormone, Vaccines-Hepatitis B,
Bovine somatotrophin, high yield milk and muscle development in cattle.
 Plants are also genetically modified: to absorb more CO2 – global warming,
Disease (drought) resistants,to produce specific product
Eg. Golden rice produce beta-carotene (in vitamin 'A') prevent night blindness.
Some other potential application of genetic engineering
 Disease could be prevented by detecting defected genes.
 To treat infectious diseases by implanting antiviral proteins (antibodies).
 To produce plants and animals that have high growth rate and reduced
 Susceptibility to disease – reduce use of fertilizers and pesticides.
 Animals and plants can be 'tailor made' to show desirable characteristics
ABO Blood Groups And Rh Factors
 In 901, it was discovered that there were three blood types, A, B, and O.
Type AB is rare and was discovered later.
 Alleles of types IA and IB are dominant over type i.
Types of blood
Genotype Blood Type Antigens Antibodies Donate To Receive From
i i Type O None Anti-A and Anti-B A, B, AB, O O
IA IA Type A A Anti-B A, AB A, O
IA i Type A A Anti-B A, AB A, O
IB IB Type B B Anti-A B, AB B, O
IB i Type B B Anti-A B, AB B, O
IA IB Type AB A and B None AB A, B, AB, O
Rh Factor (D antigen)
 The Rh factor, the second most important blood group system after the ABO
blood group system, was first discovered in Rhesus monkeys.
 The Rh factor is inherited independently from the ABO blood type.
 Genotypes for the Rh factor are +/+, +/ -, and -/-.
 People who are +/+ or +/- possess the Rh(D) antigen and test as Rh positive.
 People who are -/- do not possess the Rh(D) antigen and test as Rh negative.
Genotype Phenotype Blood Proteins Blood Antibodies Donate To Receive From
+/+ Rh+ Rh(D) proteins None Rh+ Rh+ or Rh-
+/- Rh+ Rh(D) proteins None Rh+ Rh+ or Rh-
-/- Rh- None Anti-Rh(D) Rh+ or Rh- Rh-
Genotype Blood Type Blood
i i Type O None Anti-A and
IA IA Type A A Anti-B
IA i Type A A Anti-B
IB IB Type B B Anti-A
IB i Type B B Anti-A
IA IB Type AB A and B None
Genotype Phenotype Blood
+/+ Rh+ Rh(D) None
+/- Rh+ Rh(D) None
-/- Rh- None Anti-Rh(D)
• Evolution is the gradual change of organisms on the earth over long periods, with
new forms replacing old ones. As evolution has progressed new species area arising.
 Evolution can also be the change in genetic composition of a population over
successive generations which may be caused by meiosis, hybridization, natural
selection or mutation.
This leads to a sequence of events by which the population diverges from other
populations of the same species and may lead to the origin of a new species.
There are five main theories of the origin of life on Earth:
1. special creationism
2. spontaneous generation
3. eternity of life
4. cosmozoan theory and
5. biochemical origin
• Biochemical theory(abigenesis);-better accepted theory
• suggests that life on earth originated as a result of a number of
biochemical reactions producing organic molecules, which combined
(associated) to form cells.
• Aleksander Oparin (1924) and John Haldane (1929) they both suggested:
the primitive atmosphere of the earth was a reducing atmosphere – no free
oxygen (no oxygen gas).
• There was of energy, such as lightening or ultraviolet light (Uv – rays).
• For reactions to synthesize a wide range of organic compounds (amino
acids, sugars and fatty acids).
• In 1953, Stanley Miller tested the biochemical theory.
• He applied electrical sparks repeatedly through a mixture of gases (N3, water,
H2 and CH4) that were represent the primitive atmosphere of the earth (no
oxygen) connected a flask of heated water.
• Miller leaving the equipment for longer periods of time, a larger variety and
more complex organic molecules were formed including:
- amino acids - to form proteins
- pentose sugar - to form nucleic acids
- hexose sugar - need for respiration and to form starch and cellulose.
- Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)- starting point for synthesizes of nitrogen
containing bases in nucleotides
• This experiment gave strong evidence to support the Oparin-Haldane
hypothesis,with certain limitations.
The evolution of life
Theoris of evolution
A. Lamarck Theory of evolution
• two-part mechanism by which change was gradually introduced into the species
and passed down through the generations.
• This theory is also called theory of transformation or Lamarckism. The two
parts of Lamarck theory are:
1- Use and disuse=a structure or process in organism that can be used
continuously will become enlarged or more developed.
2- Inheritance acquired traits= that traits changed (acquired)during an
organism's lifetime could be passed on to its offspring's.
B. Charles Darwin and Natural Selection
= Survival of the fittest
• - species tend to have more offspring's than can possibly survive
• There will be a “struggle for existence” b/n members of a species because
they are over – reproduced and resources are limited.
• Some members of a species will be better adapted than others to the
environment because there is a variation in the offspring.
• Darwin proposed:- Those members of a species, which are best adapted to
their environment, will survive and reproduce in greater number than other
less adapted (died out).
C. Neo – Darwinism Theory
• Neo-Darwinism is a modification of Darwin's theory that takes into
account genetics and ethology (behavior).
• Alleles will increase in frequency if they are beneficial in their effect,
• may increase slowly, stable or decrease if they are neutral
• decrease and could disappear if they are harmful (disadvantages) in their
Chapter Six
Infectious diseases and Immunity
Learning Objectives:
After completing this chapter you will be expected to:
 Identify infectious diseases
 Explain the momde of disease transmission
 Identify non specific and specific defence mechanisms
Infectious diseases and Immunity
 Infectious diseases =diseases caused by living organisms called infectious agents
like bacteriaI, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes and prions.
 All infectious diseases begin at some surface of the host, whether it be the external
surfaces such as the skin and conjunctiva
 Or internal surfaces such as the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract,
intestine, or urogenital tract.
In order to cause infectious disease a pathogen accomplish the following
= It must enter the host
= It must metabolize and multiply on or in the host tissue.
= It must resist host defenses
= It must damage the host.
 Prions are misfolded protiens that can trasmit their misfolded shape to normal
variants of the same nearby protein.cause several fatal and neurogenerative diseases.
Cont ...
• Pathgens enter through the mouth, eyes, or genital openings, or through
wounds that breach the skin barrier to pathogens.
• some pathogens can grow at the initial entry site.
• Some pathogens then multiply between host cells or within body fluids,
• while others such as viruses and some bacterial species enter the host cells
and grow there.
• Body tissue damage is usually due to the production of toxins or
destructive enzymes by the pathogen.
Infection=entrance and growing of pathogen within a host.
Disease= occurs when the cells in host are damaged, tissue function is
impaired dueto the infection and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.
Sign, symptom and syndrome
Symptom = a change in body function that is felt by a patient as a result of disease
= is subjective
 Sign= change in a body that can be measured or observed as a result of disease
= is objective
 Syndrome=A specific group of signs and symptoms that accompany a disease
Classifying infectious diseases
• Communicable disease: A disease that is spread from one host to another e.g virus
• Contagious disease: A disease that is easily spread from one host to another e.g
• Non-communicable disease: A disease that is not transmitted from one host to
Classifying infectious diseases by occurrence of diseases
 Incidence = fraction of a population contracting a disease in specific time
 Prevalence = fraction of a population having a specific disease at a given time
 Sporadic disease = disease that occurs occasionally in a population
 Endemic disease = disease constantly present in a population
 Epidemic disease = disease acquired by many hosts in a given area in a short
 Pandemic disease = worldwide epidemic
By Severity or duration of infectious disease
 Acute = Disease develops rapidly
 Chronic = Disease develops slowly
 Subacute = Symptoms appear between acute and chronic
 Latent = Disease with a period of no symptoms when the
causative agent is inactive
By extent of host involvement
• An infection of infectious diseases are local, systemic or focal infection
• A-Local infection: Pathogens are limited to a small area of the body e.g abscesses
• B- Systemic infection: an infection throughout the body by blood and/or lymph
* Bacteremia: bacteria in the blood
* Sepsis: toxic inflammatory condition arising from the spread of microbes,
especially bacteria or their toxins, from a focus of infection
* Septicemia: growth of bacteria in the blood
* Toxemia: toxins in the blood
* Viremia: viruses in the blood
C- Focal infection: systemic infection that began as a local infection then etend to the
other e.g. local tooth infection can moves via blood or lymph to set up a new infection
at another site - rheumatoid arthritis
• Primary: acute infection causing initial illness
• Secondary: occurs after host is weakened from primary infection
• Subclinical (in apparent): no noticeable signs and symptoms
Disease development and stages
Incubation period= time interval between initial infection and first appearance
of signs and symptoms.
 Prodromal period=characterized by appearance of first mild signs and
Period of illness=disease at its height: all disease signs and symptoms apparent.
Period of decline=signs and symptoms subside.
Period of convalescence=body returns to prediseased state, health is restored.
Disease development and stages
microorganisms are classified based on their pathogenicity :-
A-Primary pathogen = microbe or virus that causes disease in healthy individual
B-Opportunistic pathogen (opportunist) = causes disease only when body’s innate
or adaptive defenses are compromised or when introduced into unusual location. It can
be members of normal microbiota or common in environment (e.g., Pseudomonas).
C-Normal microbiota (normal flora) = are organisms that routinely reside on body’s
surfaces and the relationship is delicate balance and some
can cause disease if opportunity arise.
 Weaknesses in innate or adaptive defenses leave individuals vulnerable to invasion.
= These individuals are said to be immune-compromised
- Factors include malnutrition, cancer, AIDS or other disease, surgery, wounds,
genetic defects, alcohol or drug abuse, and immunosuppressive therapy
following procedures such as organ transplants
The spread of infection
 Human reservoirs of infection - people who have a disease or are carriers of
pathogenic microorganisms.
• Sick people = actively ill
• Carriers = harbors disease organisms in their body without manifest symptoms
• Latent infection carriers = contagious during incubation period or convalescent
 Zoonoses - diseases affecting wild & domestic animals & can be transmitted
to man by Direct contact with animal or its waste, Eating animals , Blood
sucking arthropods
 Nonliving reservoirs - soil, water, and food can be reservoirs of infection.
Presence of microorganisms is often due to contamination by feces or urine
Types of infectious disease and their causative agent
• Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites , helminthes and prions are different
types of pathogen.
• are unicellular prokaryotic with circular genomes, double-stranded
• have a variety of morphologies among them , the most common are bacillus (rod-
shaped), coccus (spherical), or spirillum (helical rods).
• two broad classes based on their cell wall structures.
Gram-negative bacteria (thin cell wall) - appear pink after Gram staining .
e.g. Salmonella tophi, which cause typhoid fever, and Yersinia pasties, which causes
Gram-positive bacteria (thick cell wall) - appear purple after Gram staining .
e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, which causes skin, respiratory, and wound infections, and
Clostridium tetani , which produces a toxin that can be lethal for humans.
Cont …
• Some examples of bacterial infections are: bacterial meningitis, otitis media,
pneumonia, tuberculosis, upper respiratory tract infection, gastritis, food
poisoning, eye infections, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, skin infections
and sexually transmitted diseases.
• Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, but some strains become
resistant and can survive the treatment.
• Can infect all organisms from plants, animals to fungi and bacteria.
• Viruses, however, are not organisms themselves because, apart from a host
cell, they have no metabolism and cannot reproduce.
• Viruses cause disease by disrupting the metabolic system of the cell.
• the genetic material of the virus incorporates with the host DNA &instructs
the cell to produce more viruses,also make repressor proteins that stop the
synthesis of the host cell's proteins, RNA, and DNA.
• DNA viruses are the herpes viruses that cause chicken pox, cold sores, and
painful genital lesions, and the poxvirus that causes smallpox.
• Significant RNA viruses that cause human disease include rhinoviruses that
cause most common colds; myxoviruses and paramyxoviruses that cause
influenza, measles, and mumps; rotaviruses that cause gastroenteritis;
• the Retroviruses that cause AIDS and several types of cancer.
• Viral diseases can not be treated with antibiotics because ,they are not true
cells and are only active inside cells which antibiotics can’t reach.
• Fungi are eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms that have rigid chitinious cell
• Fungi cause diseases because;
• Growth of hyphae brings physical damage on tissues, some fungi produce toxic
substances,& enzyme secreted by hyphae digest substances on tissue.
• Examples of diseases caused by fungi =are ringworm and histoplasmosis (a
mild to severe lung infection transmitted by bat or bird droppings). Yeasts of
the Candida genus are opportunistic pathogens that may cause diseases such as
thrush (a throat infection) among people who are immunocompromised or
undergoing antibiotic therapy.
• Protozoa are unicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes that include the familiar
amoeba and paramecium.
• Protozoa can be acquired through contaminated food or water or by the bite
of an infected arthropod such as a mosquito.
• Diarrheal disease can be caused by two common protozoan parasites,
Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum.
• Malaria, a tropical illness that causes 300 - 500 million cases annually, is
caused by different species of the protozoan Plasmodium.
• p.vivax, p.falciparum, p.ovale ,p.malarae & p.knowlesi are common species
of plasmodium.
• they are animals, their physiology is similar in some ways to ours. Treating
parasitic helminth infections is difficult b/s drugs that kill helminths are
frequently very toxic to human cells.
• The common helminthes are Ascaries, tape worm, hook worm Schistosoma etc.
• A prion is a protein that contains no genetic material. It is normally harmless,
• but if it folds into an abnormal shape, it can become a rogue agent and affect the
structure of the brain or other parts of the nervous system.
• Prions don’t replicate or feed on the host but trigger abnormal behavior in the
body's cells and proteins.
• The known prion diseases include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (in humans),
scrapie (in sheep), and bovine spongiform encephalopathy ("mad cow disease"
in cattle);
• all known prion diseases frequently result in brain tissue that is riddled
with holes.
• While some prion diseases are inherited, others are apparently due to
infection by eating infected tissue or inadvertently through medical
procedures such as tissue transplants.
• Infectious agents may be transmitted either direct or indirect contact.
• Direct contact-occurs when an individual is infected by contact with the
reservoir, e.g by touching an infected person, ingesting infected meat, or
being bitten by an infected animal or insect.
• it also includes inhaling the infectious agent in droplets emitted by
sneezing or coughing and contracting the infectious agent through intimate
sexual contact.
• Some diseases that are transmitted primarily by direct contact with the
reservoir include ringworm, AIDS, trichinosis, influenza, rabies, and
• Indirect contact- occurs when a pathogen can withstand the environment
outside its host for a long period of time before infecting another individual.
• modes of transmission are horizontal ;because the infectious agent is passed
from person to person in a group.
• Some diseases also are transmitted vertically; that is, they are transmitted
from parent to child during the processes of reproduction (through sperm or
egg cells), fetal development, or birth.
• Diseases in which vertical transmission occurs include AIDS and herpes
encephalitis (which occurs when an infant contracts the herpes simplex type
II virus during birth).
Host defenses against infectious diseases
Overview of the immune system
• The immune system is the body’s biological defense mechanism that protects
against foreign invaders.
• In1796 when an English physician, Edward Jenner,used the cowpox virus to
confer protection against smallpox
• In 1885 louis pasteur developed the first vaccine against Rabies Anthrax ,he also
formulated germ theory.
• The immune system is composed of a number of different cell types, tissues and
mechanisms for preventing infectious diseases can be;
1) nonspecific or innate defenses
2) specific or adaptive defenses
1-Nonspecific mechanisms =Innate Immune system
 are primary (first line) defense against disease.
present at birth and changes little throughout the life
• These mechanisms includes;-
anatomical barriers-long and convulated nasal opening ,skin,skull and vertebreal
physiological deterrents - tears, saliva, blood ,sweat or nasal secretions that
contain lysozyme ,acidic vaginal secretion,phagocytic cells, clotting factors in
blood plasma intiating clotting at site of injury,complment proteins( proteins
participating in a cascade of molecular events that result in inflammation)
normal flora- protect the host by successfully competing with disease-causing
Inflammation - involves swelling, reddening, elevated temperature, pain and loss
of function
2-Specific mechanisms of host resistance =Adaptive defense
• When these nonspecific mechanisms fail, the body initiates a second line,
specific line of defense.
• is brought into action even as the innate immune system is dealing with the
microbe, and especially if it is unable to remove the invading microbe.
• enables the body to target particular pathogens and pathogen-infected cells.
• It depends on specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes called T cells
and B cells which are both differentiated from multi potent heamotopoietic stem
cell in the bone marrow
• T-cells mature in thymus gland and B-cells mature in bone marrow
• adaptive defense mechanism has two complementary components-
 the cell-mediated (cellular) response and
the antibody-mediated ( humoral)response.
 Cellular or Cell-mediated immunity
• involves T-cells
• responsible for directly destroying body cells that are infected with a
virus or have become cancerous, or for activating other immune cells
to be more efficient microbe killers
 Humoral or Antibody-mediated immunity
• involves both T-cells and B-cells
• is critical for the destruction of invading pathogens as well as the
elimination of toxins.
• Consists of antibodies circulating in the fluids of the body
• Targets are mainly extracellular microbes and parasites
• Both the cell-mediated and antibody-mediated responses are initiated after a particular type of
phagocytic cell,a macrophage , engulfs a pathogen .How?
phagocytic cell, a macrophage, engulfs a pathogen
Macrophages digest the pathogen and then display antigens from the pathogen on their surface
T –helper cell will be stimulated by the antigen and release signal molecules called lymphokines
The lymphokines, in turn stimulate the cell-mediated and antibody-mediated responses ,then
The cell-mediated response- Lymphokine-stimulated killer T-cells attach to the pathogen-infected cells and
destroy them, whereas lymphokine-activated phagocytic cells produce more toxic molecules that can kill
the pathogen directly.
The antibody-mediated response -occurs when the lymphokines activate specific B-cells to
produce antibodies and these antibodies attach to antigens on the surface of the pathogens and signal
attack by phagocytic cells and complement system
o Other B-cells go on to become memory B-cells, which respond quickly by producing more antibodies
upon subsequent infection.
overview of cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immune responses
Interaction between innate and adaptive immunity
• The innate and adaptive immune system have different types of cell
,molecules and characteristics responsible for the two different types
of immune systems
• But the various cells of both systems work together through direct
contact with each other, and through interactions with chemical
mediators, the cytokines and chemokines. Here are some examples:-
1. Macrophages are responsible to phagocytsis the infectious microbes
and at the same time produce important cytokines that help to induce the
adaptive immune response.
2. Complement components of the innate immune system can be
activated directly by microbes, but can also be activated by antibodies,
molecules of the adaptive system.
Adverse immune reactions (responses)
• The aim of the immune responses is to protect the body from damage
• Adverse immunological reactions can occur and cause adverse effects due to
either of the following:
 Exaggerated immune response
 producing inappropriate immune response against self components
 Due to failure of appropriate recognition mechanism
There are three types of immunological disorders :
1) Hypersensitivity
2) Autoimmune diseases
3) Immunodeficiency
Hypersensitivity reactions
• Hypersensitivity is the over reactivity by the immune system to antigens
• Hypersensitivity reactions are antigen specific and occur after the immune system has
already responded to an antigen.
• There are four types of hypersensitivity reactions: Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV
• Types I, II and III :
- are antibody or immune complex mediated
- occurs within minutes or hours after sensitized individual re-encounters the
same antigen
• Type IV is :-is cell mediated
- Occurs days after re-encountering the antigen
- also called Delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH)
Type I Hypersensitivity = immediate hypersensitivity
• is immediate hypersensitivity which occurs minutes to 1 hour after exposure to
• Is mediated by the antibody IgE
• Antigen binds to IgE that is bound to tissue mast cells and blood basophils
triggering release of either preformed mediators (e.g., histamine, proteases,
chemotactic factors) or synthesis of other mediators (e.g., prostaglandins,
leukotrienes , platelet-activating factor, cytokines).
• These mediators cause vasodilation , increased capillary permeability, mucus
hyper secretion, smooth muscle spasm, and tissue infiltration with eosinophil's,
type 2 helper T cell (TH2) and other inflammatory cells.
Type I hypersensitivity reactions includes -
* All atopic disorders (e.g., atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma , rhinitis, conjunctivitis)
* Many allergic disorders (e.g., anaphylaxis, some cases of angioedema , urticaria,
latex and some food allergies)
• Atopy - is an exaggerated IgE-mediated immune response
• Allergy -is any exaggerated immune response to a foreign antigen regardless of
• Thus, all atopic disorders are considered allergic, but many allergic disorders
(eg, hypersensitivity pneumonitis) are not atopic
Type II Hypersensitivity
= Antibody-dependent cytotoxic hypersensitivity
• results when antibody igM and IgG bind to cell surface antigens or to a
molecule coupled to a cell surface.
• The antigen-antibody complex activates cells that participate in antibody-
dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (e.g., natural killer cells, eosinophils,
macrophages), complement, or both.
• The result is cell and tissue damage
• Type II hypersensitivity disorders includes:
*hyper acute graft rejection of an organ transplant, Coombs-positive hemolytic
anemia, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and anti–glomerular basement membrane disease (e.g.,
Good pasture syndrome, Rhesus Incompatibility , incompatible blood transfusion
Type III Hypersensitivity = Immune complex disease
• Type III reactions cause inflammation in response to circulating antigen binds to
antibody IgG and forms antigen-antibody immune complexes.
• These complexes deposit in various tissue (e.g., glomeruli, blood vessels)and
activate the complement system or certain immune cells resulting in release of
inflammatory mediators and causing systemic reactions.
• Type III reactions develop 4 to 10 days after exposure to antigen and, if exposure to
the antigen continues, can become chronic
• Type III disorders include :
*serum sickness, systemic lupus erythematous (SLE),rheumatoid
arthritis(RA),leukocytoclastic vasculitis, cryoglobulinemia, acute hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, and several types of glomerulonephritis.
Type IV Hypersensitivity = Delayed type hypersensitivity
• Is cell mediated and delayed hypersensitivity reaction (start from 24 hrs. after
contact with an antigen).
• T cells, sensitized after contact with a specific antigen, are activated by continued
exposure or re exposure to the antigen
• they damage tissue by direct toxic effects or through release of cytokines, which
activate T cells, together with dendritic cells eosinophils, monocytes and
macrophages, neutrophils, or natural killer cells.
• Disorders involving type IV reactions include : dermatitis(e.g. poison ivy),
sub acute and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allograft rejection, the
immune response to tuberculosis, and many forms of drug hypersensitivity.
Autoimmunity and autoimmune disease
• is an acquired immune reactivity to self antigens which lead to tissue damage
• Normally, the immune system can tell the difference between foreign cells and
your own cells. In the case of an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes part
of your body like joints or skin, as foreign.
• It releases proteins called auto-antibodies that attack healthy cells
• Some autoimmune diseasestarget only one organ. Type 1 diabetes damages the
pancreas. Other diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), affect the whole
The most common autoimmune disease
Type 1 diabetes = The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which helps regulate
blood sugar levels.
• In type 1 diabetes mellitus ,the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing
cells in the pancreases
• High blood sugar results and can lead to damage in the blood vessels, as well as organs
like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.
 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) = In RA, the immune system attacks the joints.
• This attack causes redness, warmth, soreness, and stiffness in the joints.
• Unlike osteoarthritis, which commonly affects people as they get older, RA can start as early as
your30s or sooner
 Psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis = causes skin cells to multiply too quickly and the extra cells
build up and form inflamed red patches , commonly with silver-white scales of plaque on
the skin.
• Some people with psoriasis also develop swelling, stiffness, and pain in their joints.
 Multiple sclerosis = damages the myelin sheath, the protective coating that surrounds
nerve cells, in your central nervous system.
• Damage to the myelin sheath slows the transmission speed of messages between brain
and spinal cord to and from the rest of body.
• lead to symptoms like numbness, weakness, balance issues, and trouble walking.
 Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) = affects many organs, including the joints,
kidneys, brain and heart.
• Joint pain, fatigue, and rashes are among the most common symptoms.
 Inflammatory bowel disease = cause inflammation in the lining of the intestinal wall.
2 type of IBD affecting a different part of the GI tract.
• Crohn’s disease : can inflame any part of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus.
• Ulcerative colitis : affects only the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum 158
 Addison’s disease = affects the adrenal glands, which produce the
Cortisol, aldosterone and androgen hormones.
• Too little production of cortisol and aldosterone will lead to symptoms like
weakness, fatigue, weight loss, and low blood sugar.
 Graves’ disease = attacks the thyroid gland in the neck, causing it to produce too
much of its hormones.
• Having too much of these hormones increase body’s activities, causing symptoms
like nervousness, a fast heartbeat, heat intolerance, weight loss and bulging eyes
(called exophthalmos )
 Sjogren’s syndrome = attacks the glands that provide lubrication to the eyes and
• The hallmark symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth, but it may also affect the joints
or skin.
 Myasthenia gravis=affects nerve impulses that help the brain control the muscles.
• The most common symptom is muscle weakness that gets worse with activity and improves
with rest.
• Often muscles that control eye movements, eyelid opening, swallowing, and facial
movements are involved.
 Autoimmune vasculitis=is when the immune system attacks
blood vessels. The inflammation that results narrows the arteries and veins, allowing less
blood to flow through them.
 Pernicious anemia=is condition of intrinsic factors (proteins produced in stomach lining)
deficiency which are needed for the small intestine to absorb vitamin B-12 from food.
• Without enough of this vitamin, one will develop an anemia and the body’s ability for
proper DNA synthesis will be altered.
 Celiac disease=is state of inflammation when gluten (protein found in
wheat, rye, and other grain products) is in small intestine . 160
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis= thyroid hormone production is too low.
Symptoms include weight gain, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, hair loss, and swelling of the
thyroid (goiter).
 Celiac disease= is state of inflammation when gluten (protein found in wheat, rye, and
other grain products) is in small intestine
 Psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis= causes skin cells to multiply too quickly and the extra cells
build up and form inflamed red patches, commonly with silver-white scales of plaque on
the skin.
• Some people with psoriasis also develop swelling, stiffness, and pain in their joints.
• 161

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  • 1. General Biology (Biol. 2012) By: Estifanos Tarekegn
  • 2. To Gamby Medial College By Estifanos Tarekegn (MSc) April, 2020
  • 3. Chapter One Basic concepts of biological science Learning Objectives: After completing this chapter you will be expected to:  Define the term biology  Explain scientific methods  Describe the origin and the nature of life
  • 4. BASIC CONCEPTS OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE  In late 1700s, P.A. Monet and J. B. Lamarck coined the term biology. “Biology” - Greek word  Bio = Life  Logos = Study of  Earlier study of living things was restricted to the pure Sciences like Botany and Zoology that together comprise the Biology.  Recently new branches evolved to a very broad concept of science called Biological science.  Biology = Science of Living Things. = Life Science.  Life sciences = Systematic study of living beings or = Study of nature.
  • 5. THE ORIGIN AND NATURE OF LIFE  Mystery of life's origin = big debating issue in science.  Theories Theory of Special Creation: All forms of life on earth have been created by God. Belive in a six day creation. Believers often called creationists. Theory of Spontaneous Generation: Living organisms arise suddenly and spontaneously from non-living matter. Aristotle was one of believers Theory of Catastrophism: Modification of the theory of Special Creation. There have been several creations of life by God, each preceded by a catastrophe due to geological disturbance and completely destroyed existing life, each new creation consisted of life form different from that of previous ones.
  • 6. The origin and nature of life … Cosmozoic Theory = Theory of Panspermia Life has reached Earth from other heavenly bodies such as meteorites, in the form of highly resistance spores of some organisms.  Discarded because it lacks evidence. Theory of Chemical Evolution = Materialistic Theory = Physico-chemical Theory Origin of life on earth is the result of a slow and gradual process of chemical evolution that probably occurred about 3.8 billion years ago.  Proposed by - A. I. Oparin, a Russian scientist in 1923 and - J.B.S Haldane, an English scientist, in 1928.
  • 7. NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE  Life = "condition" that distinguishes animals & plants from inorganic materials and dead organisms.  Man, most sophisticated form of life demonstrates three aspects of life:  Physical life = Basic existence demonstrated by presence of function  Life of the mind = Mind contributes effectiveness and scope  Life of the spirit = Spiritual entity contributes maximum living  Common proprties of living things • Irritability = Ability to be excited or detect stimuli and to respond • Growth, reproduction and Excreation (remval of metabolic wastes) • Adaptability = Permitting both change and maintenance of balances (homeostasis) • Metabolism = Transformation of energy and the use of materials. = Most characteristic of all
  • 8. SCIENTIFIC METHOD  A process for experimentation.  An empirical method of acquiring knowledge.  Technique used in construction and testing of scientific hypothesis  Summary of the scientific method Step 1: Observe behavior or other phenomena Step 2: Form a tentative answer or explanation (a hypothesis (guess a reason) Step 3: Use your hypothesis to generate a testable prediction Step 4: Make systematic, planned observations (data collection) Step 5: Results and Discussion, Use the observations to evaluate the original hypothesis Step 6: Conclusion Step 7: Recommendation
  • 9. CHAPTER TWO BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES Learning Objectives: After completing this chapter you will be expected to: Define the term biomolecules Describe list of organic and inorganic molecules and their biological importance Identify the basic structures of biomolecules Explain precursors of each macromolecules with respective polymerization process State physical and chemical nature of water and their relevance to existence of life
  • 10. Biological molecules = Organic and inorganic molecules basically found in a living cell. = Are  Proteins  Carbohydrates  Lipids and  Nucleic acids.  Most known inorganic molecules are water and minerals = for normal functioning of the cell. Carbohydrates • Most abundant organic molecules in nature, • Made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. • Source of energy, provide structural support for cells and help communication between cells (cell-cell recognition). • Parts of RNA, DNA and several coenzymes (nad+, nadp+, fad, coa). • Found in the form of either a sugar or many sugars linked together by glcosidic linkage. • On the number sugar units thez can be monosaccharides,disaccharides and polysaccharides.
  • 11. Monosaccharides = single sugar molecule  They are poly hydroxy aldehydes or ketones. For example Glucose is aldehyde and fructose is Ketone.  Aldoses are reducing sugars,which rdduce Cu(Ii) blue to Cu(I) brick red.  ketoses are non –reducing this is based on the reaction with Benedict's reagent  All polysaccharides found in living things are polymers of aldose monosaccharides. Structure of monosaccharides (glucose and fructose)
  • 12. Monosaccharides …  Monosaccharides are simple sugars.  However in the number of carbons (3, 4, 5, 6), a monosaccharide is a triose, tetrose, pentose or hexose. CH2OH H Alpha Glucose OH  H OH  In water = Pentoses and hexoses exist mainly in the cyclic form, and combine to form large saccharide molecules.
  • 13. Monosaccharides …  Common examples of monosaccharides(hexoses):- Glucose • Most important carbohydrate fuel in human cells. • Concentration in the blood is about 1 gdm-3 • Pass through cell membrane into the cell = small size and solubility in water • Energy is released when the molecules are metabolized. Galactose  Is also aldose sugar similar to glucose molecules  Different only in the arrangement of molecules.  Glucose and galactose can’t be easily converted into one another  Galactose cannot play the same part in respiration as glucose.  Galactose and Glucose exist in α and β in a solution but not Fructose.
  • 14. Monosaccharides … Fructose  Is a ketose (a non-reducing sugar) = unlike to glucose and galactose  Has a five-atom ring rather than a six-atom ring.  glucose and galactose form α and β in a solution but Fructose forms only one cyclic form.
  • 15. Monosaccharides … common pentoses • Ribose and deoxyribose are common pentoses • The ribose unit forms part of a nucleotide of RNA. • And the deoxyribose unit forms part of the nucleotide of DNA
  • 16. Disaccharides  made up by two molecules of monosaccharides joined together by condesation reaction (removal of water) that requires energy.  A glycosidic bond holds the two monosaccharide units together. + = + H2O Structure of maltose (disaccharides)
  • 17. Disaccharides …  Most sugars found in nature but Monosaccharides are rare  Soluble in water,  Too big to pass through the cell membrane by diffusion.  Broken down in the small intestine during digestion = to give the smaller monosaccharides = that pass into blood and through cell membranes into cells.  Hydrolysis reaction and is the reverse of a condensation reaction = done by adding of water, and it releases energy.
  • 18. Disaccharides …  The three most important disaccharides  Sucrose = Glucose + Fructose = Non-reducing sugar  Lactose = Glucose + Galactose = Reducing sugars  Maltose = Glucose + Glucose = Reducing sugars
  • 19. Polysaccharides  Monosaccharides undergo a series of condensation reactions to form very large molecules = polysaccharides = This is called condensation polymerization = Building blocks are called monomers.  Insoluble in water (important to store energy) and very long molecules.  Properties of a polysaccharide molecule depend on  Its length (though they are usually very long)  The extent of any branching (side chaining).  Any folding which results in a more compact molecule  Whether the chain is 'straight' or 'coiled'
  • 20. Common polysccharides Starch  Produced in plants as a way of storing energy.  Mixture of amylose and amylopectin, = Both are polymers of α-glucose.  Amylose is an unbranched polymer of α-glucose.  The molecules coil into a helical structure  It forms a colloidal suspension in hot water.  Amylopectin is a branched polymer. Glycogen • Is a storage carbohydrate in animal cells. • Like amylopectin but highly brunched. • quickly hydrolysed to release glucose for respiration.
  • 21. Common polysccharides Cellulose  Makes up the cell walls in plant cells.  Made from β-glucose molecules and  The polymer molecules are 'straight.  The toughness is due to  Arrangement of glucose units in the polymer chain and  hydrogen-bonding between neighboring chains.  Not hydrolyzed easily  Therefore, cant be digested = so not a source of energy for humans.  The stomachs of herbivores has enzyme cellulase to digest cellulose.
  • 22. Lipids  Highly variable groups of that include fats, oils, waxes and some steroids.  Esters of fatty acids and alcohol (glycerol or chains of alcohols).  Primary function is to store energy.  A lipid triglyceride is fat if it is solid and oil if it is liquid at room temperature.  Triglycerides are stored in the fat cells, also called adipocytes or lipocytes.  Fat cells are categorized in white fat cells and brown fat cells. The difference is from their ways of storing lipids.  White fat cells store one large lipid drop while brown fat cells store smaller and multiple droplets of lipids spreading in the whole body of the c ell.
  • 23. Lipids  Different lipids occur in the human body 1) triacylglycerol 2) cholesterol, and 3) polar lipids = include phospholipids, glycolipids and sphingolipids  Plant leaves are coated with lipids called waxes to prevent water loss, and honeycomb in a bee hive is made of beeswax.  Saturated fats = Lipids that have tail chains with only single bonds between the carbon atoms of fatty acids because no more hydrogens can bond to the tail.  Unsaturated fats = Lipids that have at least one double bond between carbon atoms in the tail chain  Polyunsaturated fats = Fats with more than one double bond in the tail High polzunsaturated fattz acids help to prevent cholesterol being laid downin the
  • 24. Lipids … Properties of lipids  Insoluble in water. longer chains are more hydrophopic, less soluble.  Double bonds increase solubility  Melting points: Depend on chain length and saturation  Double bonds lead acyl chain disorder and low melting temperatures  Unsaturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature. Importance of lipids As the main component of cell membranes (phospholipids) Insulation of heat and water, Storing energy, protection and cellular communication
  • 25. Proteins  Compound made of small carbon compounds called amino acids  All amino acids  Share the same general structure but differ only in r-group.  Made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sometimes sulfur.  Covalent bonds called peptide bonds join amino acids together to form proteins.  Peptide bond is formed b/n the amino group and the carboxyl group of amino acids.
  • 26. Proteins …  Many aminoacids joined by peptide bonds form apolypeptide chain = the primary structure of a protein.  The primary structure folds it self in to a secondary structure = (α-helixs or B-pleated sheet).  Further folding of secondary structure brings tertiary structure of a protein.  The tertiary structure of many proteins is globular, with unique shapes  Determinig the shapes of enzyme’s active sites,  Hormonal receptors in the plasma membrane of some cells  Antibodies to bind with antigenes.  Some proteins form a fourth level of structure by combining with other proteins like collagen(fibrous protein).
  • 27. Proteins …  Proteins are involved in nearly every function of your body. = Our muscles, skin, and hair all are made of proteins.  Provide Structural support Transport substances inside the cell and between cells, Communicate signals within the cell and between cells.  Speed up chemical reactions(enzyemes), and control cell growth. Nucleic acids  Are complex macromolecules that store and transmit genetic information.  Made of smaller repeating subunits called nucleotides, composed of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and hydrogen atoms  Six major nucleotides, having three units a phosphate, a nitrogenous base, and a pentose sugar (either ribose or deoxyribose).
  • 28. Nucleic acids…  Two types in living organisms:  Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and  Ribonucleic acid (RNA).  Five different bases found in nucleotide subunits that make up Dna and Rna,  Adenine  Cytosine  Thymine  Guanine and  Either thymine (Dna) or uracil (Rna).  Atp is also a phosphorylated nucleotide, with three phosphate groups.  Adenine and guanine are purines (two carbon Nitrogen ring bases)  Cytosine, thymine & uracil are pyrimidine bases (one Carbon Nitrogen ring bases).
  • 29. vitamins  Needed in small amounts for metabolic activities  Help enzymes function as coenzyme.  Vitamin D is made by cells in skin.  Some B vitamins and k are produced by bacteria living in the large intestine  Sufficient quantities of most vitamins cannot be made by the body, = a well-balanced diet can provide  Some vitamins(A,D,E,K) are fat-soluble can be stored in small quantities = in the liver and fatty tissues of the body.  Other vitamins (B, C) are water- solubles and cannot be stored in the body.
  • 30. Water  Water molecules are polar molecules formed by covalent bonds that link two hydrogen (H) atoms to one oxygen (O) atom.  Tasteless, Odorless, existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states.  Is good solvent, media for transportation and a reactant in body reactions like hydrolysis.  Has high specific heat capacity, a lotof energy is required to heat water up  Loses heat slowly to keep temprature for enzyme’s function.  High latent heat of evaporation needs a lot of energy to turn liquid in to water. = Important to cool the body by sweating durig hot times.
  • 31. Minerals  Are inorganic compounds.  Serve as building materials. Example = calcium is an important component of bones.  Involved with metabolic functions. Example = iron is needed to make hemoglobin in RBC = some like zn,cu as co-factors in enzymes.  Other minerals involve in nerve function Example = Na, K, Ca.  Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll, involved in photosynthesis.
  • 32. CHAPTER THREE The cellular basis of life Learning Objectives: After completing this chapter you will be expected to:  Explain cell theory  Identifzy cell organells  Explain functions of biological memberanes
  • 33. The cell theory  In late 1600’s, Robert Hook first observe plant cells with a crude microscope.  In1674, Anton Van Leeuwen Koek sow unicellular (protoctistants) in a drop of water and bacteria from his teeth.  In 1830’s Mathias Schleiden and Theodore Shwann proposed  All living things are composed of cells.  A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.  Rudolph Virchow extended this idea by contending that cells arise only from other cells(cells from pre existing cells).  A typical eukaryotic cell has 3 major parts  Plasma membrane  Cytoplasm = Intracellular fluid with organelles  Nucleus = Controls cellular activities.
  • 34. CELL ORGANELLS Organelle = a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function. = are membranous and non membranous.  Membranous = Endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth) = Golgi bodies = Nucleus = Lysosomes = Mitochondria = Chloroplasts = Peroxisomes = Vacuoles  Non-membrane bound cell organelles = Ribosomes (70S and 80S) = microtubules = Centrosomes = basal bodies = Cilia and flagella = Microfilaments.  Prokaryotic cells lack membrane bounded organells.
  • 35. The nucleus  Distinctly oval or spherically shaped largest central structure  Surrounded by a double-layered membrane (outer and inner nuclear envelope )  Contains chromatin and one or more nucleoli.  In nucleus, DNA directs protein synthesis and Serves as a genetic blueprint during cell replication.  Nuclear pores transfer most ions and water soluble molecules b/n nucleus and cytoplasm The nucleus may be:  Rounded Eg. In hepatocytes,  Indented (segmented) Eg. In neutrophils.  Binucleated Eg. In parietal cells, cardiac muscle cells,  Multinucleated Eg. In osteoclasts, skeletal muscle cells.  Very large (many dna) Eg. In megakaryocytes  Absent Eg. In mature erythrocytes, blood platelets.
  • 36. The nucleus … Chromatin:  "Colored material" = easily stained for viewing with microscope.  Composed mainly of coils DNA bound to basic protein called histones. Nucleoli:  One or more lightly stained structures in the nucleus.  Actively engage in synthesizing of ribosomes.  Nucleolus, unlike most organelles, does not have a limiting membrane.  Instead, is simply a structure that contains large amounts of RNA and protein of the type found in ribosomes.  The nucleolus becomes enlarged when a cell is synthesizing proteins.
  • 37. CELL ORGANELLS … Cytoplasm  Organells are dispresed with in a complex jelly like marrow called cytosol.  Organelles occupy about half of the total cell volume.  The remaining part of the cytoplasm is cytosol.  Each organelle is a separate compartment fulfilling a partial or cellular function.  Cytoplasm contain the following important organells. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)  Fluid-filled membrane system extensively present throughout the cytosol.  The ER is one continuous organelle with many communicating channels.  Two different types are = Smooth endoplasmic reticulum = Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • 38. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) … Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum:  The outer surface of the rER contains dark particles called ribosomes.  Ribosomal RNA protein complexes produce protein under direction of nuclear DNA.  Some ribosomes are “free” dispersed throughout the cytosol.  The rough ER in association with ribosomes produces and releases a variety of proteins, into the fluid-filled space enclosed by the membrane.  Some proteins for export as secretory products (hormones or enzymes).  Other proteins are transported to sites within the cell for use in the construction of new plasma membrane or new organelle membrane.
  • 39. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) … Smooth endoplasmic reticulum:  Looks smooth and does not have ribosomes => does not produce proteins. Functions  Associated with the synthesis and transport of lipids and steroids.  In liver and kidney cells, contains enzymes  involved in detoxifying harmful endogenous substances with in the body  by metabolism or exogenous substances entering body as drugs or other foreign compounds.  The detoxifying enzymes alter toxic substances so they could be easily eliminated in urine.  Special role in skeletal muscle cells = stores ionic calcium => role in muscle contraction.
  • 40. The golgi complex:  Associated with the ER  Contains sets of flattened, curved, membrane - enclosed sacs or cisternae, stacked in layers.  Number of stacks vary in cells; cells specialized for protein secretion have hundreds of stacks, whereas some have one. Functions  Processing the raw material into finished products. the “raw” protein from the ER are modified into their final state = by adjustment made in the sugar attached to the protein.  Sorting and directing finished product to their final destination. According to their function and destination,
  • 41. Lysosomes:  Serve as the intracellular “digestive system”.  Membrane-enclosed sacs with powerful hydrolytic enzymes capable of  Digesting  Removing unwanted cellular debris and foreign materials = Such as bacteria that have been internalized within the cell.  Surrounding membrane confines these enzymes, preventing from destroying the cell that houses them.  Extrinsic material to be attacked by lysosomal enzymes is brought into the interior of the cell through the process of endocytosis.  Pinocytosis = If the fluid is internalized by endocytosis,  Endocytosis is also accomplished by phagocytosis.
  • 42. Lysosomes...  Can take up old organelles and break down to their component molecules. Those molecules that can be released are reabsorbed into the cytosol Autophagy = process by which worn-out organelles are digested.  A human liver cell recycles about half its content every week. Lysosomal storage disease (Tay-Sachs disease) = inherited condition = Lysosomes are not effective because they lack specific enzymes. = As a result, harmful waste products accumulate disrupting normal function of cells, often with fatal results
  • 43. Peroxisome  Membrane-enclosed sacs containing oxidative enzymes  Catalase = decomposes hydrogen per oxide  Antitoxidants = detoxify various wastes.  Oxidative enzymes need oxygen to remove hydrogen in detoxifying waste products within the cell or foreign compounds that have entered in = such as ethanol consumed in alcoholic drinks (in liver and kidneys).  Peroximal disorders = Disrupt the normal processing of lipids and = Severely disrupt normal function of nervous system by altering the structure of the nerve cell membrane.
  • 44. Mitochondria  Power houses of a cell  Their number varies depending on the cell types.  Double membrane  The inner membrane forms a series of enfolding called cristae which project into an inner cavity filled with a jelly-like matrix.  Are unusual organelles b/se in the matrix they have unique DNA.  Mitochondria have the ability to replicate themselves even when the cell to which they belong is not undergoing cell division.
  • 45. Chloroplasts  Useful among plastids as they contain chlorophyll (green pigment) for photosynthesis.  Chioroplasts also have their own DNA as mitochondria. Cytoskeleton  is a complex protein network that act as the “bone and muscle” of the cell.  Provide  Shape of a cell  Structural support  Substances movement through cell (cilia, flagella, intracytoplasmic vesicles)  Contribute to movements of the cell as a whole.
  • 46. Plasma/cell membrane  Is very thin layer fluid lipid bilayer embedded with protein as trilaminar  form outermost boundary of living cell and enclosing the intracellular fluid (ICF).  Determinenes composition of cell by selective permeability of substances to pass between the cell and its Ecf environment.  Is asymmetrical, two surfaces are not the same in thei compositions. Componets of cell membrane Phospholipid bilayer  Basic structure of plasma membrane.  Have a polar charged head having a negatively charged phosphate group and two non-polar (electrically neutral) fatty acid tails.  The polar end is hydrophilic (water loving) can interact with water molecule, is also polar.  The non-polar end is hydrophobic (water fearing) and will not mix with water.
  • 47. Cont.....  Such two-sided molecule assemble to a lipid bilayer in contact with water.  The water surface of the layer is exposed to ECF,  whereas the inner layer is in contact with the intracellular fluid (ICF).  is a barrier to passage of water-soluble substances between the ICF and ECF and is responsible for the fluidity of the membrane. Membrane proteins  some membrane proteins are extending through the entire membrane having polar regions at both ends, others are on either sides.  emedded membrane proteins in the lipid layer form mosaic pattern.
  • 48. Funcions of membrane proteins 1. Some form water-filled passage ways or channels proteins, across the lipid bilayer allow ions to pass through without coming in direct contact with lipid interior 2. Other proteins serve as carrier molecule that transport specific molecule that cannot cross on their own. e.g.thyroid epithelial cell possesses carriers for iodine. 3. Receptor molecules: proteins have very specific shapes and this makes them ideal as receptor molecules for chemical signaling between cells. e.g - hormones are chemical messengers, which circulate in the blood but, only bind to specific target cells, which have the correct receptors sites. - Neurotransmitters, the chemicals that enable nerve impules from one nerve cell to the next, also fit into specific receptor proteins in nerve cells. 4. Some proteins are arranged as filaments network/meshwork on the inner side as cytoskeleton.maintain cell shape.
  • 49. Funcions of membrane proteins … 5. Some proteins(antigens) enables cells to recognize other cells with branching carbohydrate side chain like antennae(glyco protein) 6. Energy Transfer in photosynthesis and respiration proteins take part in the energy transfer systems in the membranes of chloroplast and mitochondria. 7. Enzymes: membrane proteins sometimes act as enzymes, e.g the micro villi on epithelial cells lining some part of the gut contain digestive enzymes in their cell surface membrane. Glycolipids • Have branching carbohydrate side chain and involved in cell-cell recognition. • May act as a receptor sites for chemical signals. With glycoproteins. • Also in sticking the correct cell together in tissues. Eg. Sperm recognition of ova
  • 50. Cholesterol  Lies in between the phosphate molecules, preventing fatty acid chain from packing together and crystallizing that decrease fluidity of membrane.  Acts like a plug, reducing even further the escape or entry of polar molecules through the membrane.  For synthesis of steroid hormones, bile acids and Vitamin D. Cellular diversity  Different cells for different functions.  Cells are diverse in their size, shape and internal structures this also applies to cells found in the same organism.  This diversity is influenced by their roles and function within organism's body. E.G = egg of birds/reptiles and a neuron cell of giraffe, which is 2 meters length.
  • 51. Transport across the cell membranes  The plasma membrane is selectively permeable.  Lipid-soluble substances, small and non-charged particles can passively diffuse through the plasma membrane down their electro-chemical gradients.  Highly lipid-soluble particles are able to dissolve in lipid bilayer and pass through membrane.  Uncharged/non-polar molecules oxygen, carbon dioxide and fatty acids are highly lipid-soluble and readily permeate the membrane. water is polar but small in size.  Charged particle sodium/potassium ions and polar molecules such as glucose and proteins have low lipid solubility, but are very soluble in water  For water-soluble ions of less than 0.8 nm diameter, protein channels serve as an alternate route for passage
  • 52. Substances cross the plasma membrane using 1. passive processes (simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis)  Do not require the cell to expend energy for movement.  Rely on kinetic energy of particles of the substance & concentation gradient. 2. Active processes (active transport,bulk or vesicular transport )  Require (ATP). Simple diffusion = Net movement of molecules from a region of their high to lower concentration. = The molecules move down a concentration gradient.  Factors influence the rate of net diffusion across a membrane are: 1. permeability of the membrane 2. surface area of the membrane 3. molecular weight of the substance (lighter one diffuses rapidly) 4. distance through which diffusion must take place N.B:- Increasing all the factors increases rate of net diffusion, but increasing distance – thickness decreases the rate of diffusion.
  • 53. Facilitated diffusion  Uses carrier or channel proteins to facilitate the transfer of a particular substance across the membrane ''downhill'' from higher to lower concentration with an ion pores.  This process is passive and does not require energy.  Not the actual surface area of the membrane but number of carrier or channel proteins affects the rate of facilitated diffusion. Osmosis  Is diffusion of water from a system with a high water potential (less solute) to a system with a lower water potential (high solute) across semipermeable membrane.  Noitce that we do not say water concentration, but water potential (ᵠ-psi).  ᵠ(pure water)=0pa
  • 54. Active transport  Requires protein carrier to transfer a specific substance across the membrane against concentration gradient.  It is one directional only, unlike diffusion tha is reversible.  Carrier phophorylation increases the affinity for its passenger.  The carrier has ATPase activity splitting high-energy phosphate from an ATP to yield ADP plus a free Pi. This phosphate group gets bound to the carrier.  Phosphorylation and binding of particle on the low concentration side induces a conformational change in the carrier protein so that passenger is now exposed to the high concentration side of the membrane.  This change in carrier shape is accompanied by dephosphorylation.  Removal of phosphate reduces the affinity of the binding site for the passenger, so the passenger is released on the high concentration side.
  • 55. Active transport ...  The carrier then returns to the original conformation. This active transport mechanisms are often called pumps.  The major ions within the cells and their surrounding are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl-).  In recent years, the combined pump is called the sodium pump (Na+-K-pump).  For every 2K+ions taken into the cell, 3Na+ ions are removed.  Then a potential difference is built up across the membrane, with the inner side of the cell being negative.  This tends to restrict the entry of negatively charged ions (anions) such as chloride and favoring diffusion of cations into the cell.  This explains why chloride concentration inside red cell is less than the outside despite the fact that chloride ions can diffuse in and out by facilitated diffusion.
  • 56. Active transport ...  Similarly, positively charged ions (cations) tend to be attracted in to cell.  Thus both concentration and charge are important in deciding the direction in which ions cross the membrane.  The pump is essential in controlling the osmotic balance in animal cells (osmoregulation) .  If the pump is inhibited, the cell swells and brusts because of the building-up of Na+, which results in excess water entering in to the cell by osmosis .  The pump is also important in  Maintaining electrical activity in nerve and muscle cells  Driving active transport of some substances such as sugar and amino acids.  In addition, high concentration of potassium are needed inside cells for protein synthesis, glycolysis, photosynthesis and other vital processes.
  • 57. Ingeneral Na+-K+-pump plays three important roles. 1. It establishes sodium and potassium concentration gradients across the plasma membrane of all cells these gradients are important in nerve and muscle to generate electrical signals. 2. It helps regulate cell volume by controlling the concentration of solutes inside the cell and thus minimizing osmotic effects that would induce swelling or shrinking of the cell. 3. The energy used to run the pump also indirectly serves as the energy source for the co-transport of glucose and amino acids across the membrane (intestine and kidney cell).
  • 58. Bulk or vesicular transport (endocytosis, exocytosis)  Very large substances such as hormone secretion or ingestion of invading microbe by leukocytes.  These materials cannot cross the plasma membrane by usual crossing but by wrapped in membrane(vesicle).  Transport into the cell is termed endocytosis, out of the cell is exocytosis.  pinocytosis (cell drinking) = Endocytosis of fluid  phagocytosis (cell eating) = Endocytosis of large multimolecular particle  Endocytosis and exocytosis are active processes.  The influence of concentration can occur either way.
  • 59. Chapter Four Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders Learning Objectives: After completing this chapter you will be expected to:  Define Metabolism  Explain the role of enzymes in metabolism  Identify bioenergetic and biosynthesis
  • 60. Cellular metabolism  Metabolism = Sum of chemical reactions takes place within each cell of a living organism. = The main chemical processes of all living matter are similar, if not identical.  These reactions can be either catabolic reactions or anabolic reactions Catabolic pathways = Convert nutrients to energy = Release energy by breaking down larger molecules into smaller molecules. Anabolic pathways = synthesis of larger biomolecules = Use energy released by catabolic pathways to build larger molecules from smaller molecules. = Insure the continual flow of energy within an organism.  The reactants and products of these chemical reactions are metabolites.
  • 61. Enzymes and their role in metabolism  Most chemical reactions within cells do not occur spontaneously. Instead, they need a catalyst to get them started.  Heat may be a catalyst, but inefficient because heat cannot be applied to molecules in a controlled fashion.  Most chemical reactions require biological catalyst called enzymes. Enzymes = Protein (organic) catalysts that speed biochemical reactions by = Facilitating the molecular rearrangements that support cell function. = Speed up reactions by lowering activation energy required to start chem. reaction. = Change shape when substrates bind. This is termed "induced fit“  Meaning that the precise orientation of enzyme required for catalytic activity can be induced by the binding of the substrate.
  • 62. Chemical nature and classification of enzymes Enyzmes can be 1. Simple enzymes = Made up of only protein (polypeptide). Eg- Digestive enzymes such as pepsin, and trypsin. 2. Conjugate (holoenzyme) Enzymes = Enzyme which is formed of two parts.  The protein part called Apo enzyme and  A non-protein part named cofactor.  There can be an enzymatic activity only when both components (apoenzyme and cofactor) present together.  If the cofactor is firmly bound to apoenzyme, it is called prosthetic group. And called coenzyme if less permanentiy bound to the apoenzyme.
  • 63. Chemical nature and classification of enzymes ...  Coenzymes  Are organic molecules and  Many are derived from vitamins bind with the enzyme to give catalytic activities. Eg. - niacin and riboflavin with the enzyme oxidoreductase in respiration.  Metal cofactors K+ Mg++, Mn++and Cu++ involve in enzymatic reaction. e.g zinc ions in enzyme carbon anhydrase which cauese carbondioxide to react with water and copper ions in cytochrome oxidase.  If the metal forms part of the molecule, as iron of hemoglobin or cytochrome is, the enzymes are called metallo-enzymes.
  • 64. Classes of enzymes 1- Oidoreductase - Transfer hydrogen and oxygen atoms or electrons from one substrate to another. Eg. dehydrogenase,oxidase. 2- Transferase - Transfer a specific group like phosphate from one substrate to another. Eg. transaminase,kianase. 3- Hydrolase - Hdrolysis of a substance e.G esterase,digestive enzymes. 4- Isomerase - Change the molecular form of substances Eg. phosphohexoisomerase,fumerase. 5- Lyases - Non hydrolytic removal of a group or addition of a group to a substrate. Eg. decarboxylase,aidolase. 6- Ligase (synthetase) - Joining of two molecules by formation of new bonds. Eg. citric acid synthetase.
  • 65. Mechanisms of enzyme action  Enzymes always catalyze reactions in both directions and cannot drive a reaction forward or affect the equilibrium position.  The combination formed by an enzyme and its substrates is called enzyme–substrate complex.  The substrates are attracted to the active site by electrostatic and hydrophobic forces, which are called non covalent bonds.  Because they are physical attractions and not chemical bonds. Factors affecting enzymatic activities  Temperature Increasing temperature increases the kinetic energy, = increases the rate of reaction, forming more product.
  • 66. Temperature ...  High tmperature increases vibration energy to break the weak hydrogen and ionic bonds with in the enzymes = This will cause the active site to change shape and dentures enzymes.  The temperature at which the maximum rate of reaction occurs is called the Enzyme’s Optimum Temperature. This is different for different enzymes.  The optimum temperature for most enzymes in the human body is 37oc. PH - Acidity and Basicity  Is a measure of the hydrogen ion (+) concentration, and therefore A good indicator of the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration.  Lower pH values mean = Higher H+ concentrations and = Lower OH-concentrations.
  • 67. PH - Acidity and Basicity ...  Significant changes in PH breaks ionic bonds that hold the tertiary structure, and alter the charge on the amino acids that form the active sites this makes difficult for the substrate molecules to bind.  The majority of enzymes in most mammals works efficiently with in 6-8PH.  Enzymes in different locations of our body have different optimum pH values since their environmental conditions may be different. Eg, Pepsin functions best around pH-2 in stomach, contains hydrochloric acid.  Because enzymes are sensitive to changes in acidity, most living systems are highly buffered; i.e., they have mechanisms that enable them to maintain a constant acidity.
  • 68. Factors affecting enzymatic activities … Substrate and enzyme concentration  Increasing substrate and enzyme concentration increases rate of reaction.  This is because = More substrate molecules will be colliding with enzyme molecules, = So more product will be formed.  However, after a certain concentration, any increase will have no effect on the rate of reaction, will no longer be the limiting factor.  Noitce that metabolism is a sum of aseries of chemical reactions in which the product of one reaction is the substrate for the next = that is why several enzymes are needed in metabolic pathway.
  • 69. Factors affecting enzymatic activities … Enzyme inhibitors  Enzyme activity can be inhibited in various ways.  Inhibition could be reversible (competitive & non-competitive) or irreversible. Competitive inhibition: = occurs when molecules are very similar to the substrate molecules bind to the active site and prevent binding of the actual substrate. E.g - Penicillin is a competitive inhibitor that blocks the active site of an enzyme that many bacteria use to construct their cell walls. - the pain killer ibuprofen acts as the competitive inhibitor of the enzyme cyclo-oxidase-2 competing with the precurssor of prostaglandin that give,that gives the sensation of pain are the substrate of cyclo-oxidase-2.
  • 70. Noncompetitive inhibition  An inhibitor binds to enzyme at a location other than the active site. = This type of noncompetitive inhibition is called Allosteric inhibition = The place where the inhibitor binds to enzyme is called Allosteric site  Frequently, an end-product of a metabolic pathway serves as an allosteric inhibitor on an earlier enzyme of the pathway.  This inhibition of enzyme by a product of its pathway is a form of negative feedback.  In some cases of noncompetitive inhibition, the inhibitor is thought to to the enzyme in such a way as to physically block the normal active site.
  • 71. Irreversible inhibition  Inhibitors bind strongly to enzymes, usually by a covalent bond Permanetly altering the structure of the enzyme molecule.  Irreversible inhibitors are generally specific for one class of enzyme and do not inactivate all proteins  They do not function by destroying protein structure but by specifically altering the active site of their target. Eg. The nerve gas DFP (Di Iso Propyl Floro Phosphate) combines with the amino acid Serine at active site of Acetyl Choleantrase.
  • 72. Bioenergetics and biosynthesis Cellular respiration  Most living organisms obtain energy by breaking down organic molecules (catabolism) during cellular respiration.  The function of cellular respiration is to make ATP from carbon compounds such as glucose  Adenosine Tri phosphate (ATP) is used to provide immediate energy for cells to do work b/se  ATP releases energy in a single stape hydrolysis and  Able to move around the cell with out escaping from the cell.
  • 73. Cellular respiration ...  Three basic metabolic phases of respiration (catabolic process) Phase I - Breakdown of large complex biomolecules like polysaccharides, proteins and lipids to their building blocks (hydrolysis) = The chemical reactions during this stage do not release much energy. Phase II - Building blocks are usually oxidized to a common intermediate - Acetyl-coa, - Pyruvate or - Other citric acid cycle intermediates. Phase III – Citric acid cycle followed by = Electron transport and = Oxidative phosphorylation.
  • 74.  Cellular respiration occurs in two main parts: = Glycolysis and = Aerobic respiration Part one = Glycolysis: anaerobic respiration  Is glucose splitting and essential because glucose is not lipid soluble and medium sized can not diffuse to the mitochondrial membrane  Takes place in the cytosol (cytoplasmic fluid excluding organelles)  Takes place in the absence of oxygen  Common pathway for both anaerobic and aerobic respirations.  Universal for the whole organisms (animals, plants and microorganisms)  Glucose is more preferred for respiration than other carbohydrates and lipids because it provides quick energy for the cell.  Glycolysis results two 3c pyruvates that can enter to the mitochondria using a carrier pyruvate trnslocase,2 reduced NADH (hydrogen carrier coenzymes,2netATP).
  • 75. Glycolysis …  Glycogen is a polymeric storage form of glucose in human and is most abundant in the liver and striated muscle.  Glycogen is synthesized when glucose supply is high, and its degradation helps to maintain the blood glucose level when we are fasting.  When glycogen is depleted, more glucose is synthesized by gluconeogenesis.  Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and in the kidneys.  Gluconeogenesis is (GNG) is a metabolic path way that produces glucose from non-carbohydrate substrates (proteins, lipids) during the period of fasting, starvation, low carbohydrate diet, or intense exercise.  If glucose is available in excess of immediate needs and glycogen is already stocked up to capacity, It will still be broken down by glycolysis and pyruvate dehydrogenase to acetyl -CoA.
  • 76. Glycolysis ...  However, acetyl-CoA will then not be oxidized, but it will instead be used for fatty acid synthesis.  Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the cytosol of cells in the liver and fat tissue .  Glycolysis involves ten enzymatic reactions The first five = preparatory phases = investment phases and The rest five = pay-off phases = gain of energy-rich molecules ATP & NADH.  First step = The phosphorylation of glucose = Forming glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) = Consumes ATP, but it acts to keep the glucose concentration low for continuous transport of glucose into the cell through the plasma membrane, and to block the glucose from leaking out free diffusion out of the cell is prevented by the charged nature of G6P.
  • 77. Glycolysis ...  Second step = The structural isomerization of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) = To fructose-6-phosphate(F6P) = By phosphohexose isomerase  Le Chatelier's Principle = Isomerization to a keto sugar is necessary for carbanion (negative charge of carbon that is stable)  Most, but not all reactions in glycolysis are reversible; the pathway as a whole is also irreversible.  However, alternate routes exist that bypass the irreversible reactions and allow glucose to be synthesized from pyruvate.
  • 78. The regulatory stapes of glycolysis  In the first regulated step Hexokinase converts glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. Instead of continuing through the glycolysis pathway, this intermediate can be converted into glucose storage molecules, such as glycogen or starch.  In the second regulated step = the third step of glycolysis Phosphofructokinase converts fructose-6-phosphate into fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, • Then is converted into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. • The dihydroxyacetone phosphate can be removed from glycolysis • By conversion into glycerol-3-phosphate,which can be used to form triglycerides. Conversely, triglycerides can be broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.
  • 79. The fate of pyruvate  In the absence of oxygen (anaerobic) pyruvate is reduced  To lactic acid in animals, and  To alcohol & carbon dioxide in yeast some others.  In the presence of oxygen (aerobic) enters to the matrix of mitochondria for farther oxidation.  Some diseases are related to the failure of one or more steps of glycolysis Eg. - Hemolytic anemia = great destruction of RBC, = RBC are destroyed faster than their production. - The exact mechanism of hemolytic anemia is unknown.
  • 80. Part two: Aerobic respiration  One fate of pyruvate is enters to TCA cycle for complete oxidation. that convert pyruvate to a acetyl COA after intermediate processes  The enzyme complex convert pyruvate to a acetyl COA through  Decarboxylation of pyruvate (loss of CO2)  Formation of acetyl group  Linkage of acetyl group to coenzyme A forming acetyl - CoA.  This intermediate process produces 2 carbondioxides, 2 reduced NADH and 2 acetyl COA.  As acetyi-COA enters to the matrix of mitochondria. Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle = krebs cycle begins
  • 81. Phase III Citric acid cycle = Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle = krebs cycle Steps of the krebs cycle  Acetyl CoA combining with a 4-carbon compound To form a 6-carbon compound known as citric acid.  Citric acid broken down releasing 2 molecules of carbon dioxide and Generating 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1FADH. = FAD is another electron carrier similar to NADH and NADPH.  Finally, Acetyl CoA & citric acid are generated and cycle continues  TCA cycle is an important source of biosynthetic precursors Eg. = α-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate are used for synthesis of of amino acids like glutamic acid, asparatic acid etc. = Succinyl - CoA to form porphyrin ring of cytochromes, chlorophyll etc  Acetyl - CoA is the starting material for fatty acid biosynthesis.
  • 82. C- Electron Transport Chain  In aerobic respiration Oxidative-phosphorylation (electron transport and chemiosmosis)  Is the final step in the break-down of glucose  It also is the point at which most of the ATP is produced.  High -energy electrons and hydrogen ions from NADH and FADH2 Produced in the Krebs cycle are used to convert ADP to ATP.  36 ATPs are produced  Net 2 ATPs from glycolysis  2ATPs from krebs cycle, and  34 ATPs from oxidative phosphorylation are produced.  But 2 ATPs are required to bring 2NADH of glycolysis to the mitochondria.
  • 83. Biosynthesis  In biosynthesis simple compounds are  Modified  Converted into other compounds or  Joined together to form macromolecules.  Photosynthesis is an ultimate source of energy for all life forms Plants, algae, and some bacteria such as cyanobacteria are photosynthetics.  Photosynthetic processes are Oxygenic photosynthesis = Light energy transfers electrons from H2O to CO2 Anoxygenic photosynthesis = Use sources other than water.  Chlorophylls is green-colored pigments that traps blue and red light.  There are different types chiorophyll types.  Carotenoids(xanthophyll, Carotene), Phycobilins (in cyano bacteria & red algae) absorb wave lengths not absorbed by chlorophyll.
  • 84. Antennae complex  A large collection of 100 to 5,000 pigment molecules constitutes antennae. = Effectively capture light energy in the form of photons.  Reaction centers = The pigments and proteins which convert light energy to chemical energy and begin the process of electron transfer = The reaction center molecule is always Chlorophyll a.  Reaction in photosynthesis are Light dependent reaction = takes place in the membrane of thylakoids = Generates ATP and reduced NADP, inputs for light independent reaction. Light independent reaction = takes place in the stroma = Produce Glucose using the Calvin cycle.  Main processes of the Calvin cycle are = Carbon fixation = Reduction and = Regeneration of RUBP are
  • 85. Alternative Pathways of photosynthesis  C4 plants = Plants fix carbon dioxide into four-carbon compounds instead of three-carbon molecules during the Calvin cycle. = Grow in tropical areas like Ethiopia. = Such as maize, sugar cane, crabgrass. They have structural modifications in the arrangement of cells in their leaves.  They keep their stomata closed during hot days, while the four carbon compounds are transferred to special cells where CO2 enters the Calvin cycle.  This allows for sufficient carbon dioxide uptake, while simultaneously minimizing water loss.
  • 86. Alternative Pathways of photosynthesis …  CAM plants is called crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM photosynthesis)  The CAM pathway = occurs in water conserving plants - live in deserts, salt marshes, and other water limited environments  CAM plants = Such as cacti, orchids, and the pineapple. = Allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaves only at night, = When the atmosphere is cooler and more humid. = At night, they fix carbon dioxide into organic compounds  During the day, carbon dioxide is released from these compounds and enters the Calvin cycle.  This pathway also allows for sufficient carbon dioxide uptake, while minimizing water loss.
  • 87. Metabolic Disorders, Diagnosis And Treatments  Metabolic disorders occur when = Normal processes become disrupted. = Liver or pancreas do not function properly  Disorders in metabolism can be  Inherited or  Acquired during your lifetime  Inherited metabolic disorders = inborn errors of metabolism  When defective gene causes an enzyme deficiency.  Have many types including types of food-relateds such as = Amino acids (the building block for proteins), = Carbohydrates, and = Fatty acids (the building block for fats
  • 88. Carbohydrate disorders = Diabetes insipidus, = Von Gierke‟s disease = Hereditary fructose intolerance = McArdle disease = Galactosemia = Pompe‟s disease = Pyruvate metabolism disorders = Forbes‟ disease Fatty acid oxidation defects = Gaucher‟s disease = Niemann-Pick disease = Fabry‟s disease, and = Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency Amino acid disorders = Tay-Sachs disease = Phenylketonuria, = Tyrosinemia, = Maple syrup urine disease and Homocystinuria  Acid-base imbalance, Disorders of calcium metabolism, DNA repair-deficiency disorders, Iron metabolism disorders, Mitochondrial diseases, Phosphorus metabolism disorders, Malabsorption syndromes, Water-electrolyte imbalance are some of the disorders associated with metabolism.
  • 89. Complications of untreated metabolic disorders can be serious Complications of metabolic disorders include:  Organ failure/dysfunction,  Seizures and tremors and  Unconsciousness and coma.
  • 90. Other causes of metabolic disorders  A combination of inherited and environmental factors. Some of the conditions that can cause metabolic disorders include:  Alcohol abuse, Diabetes (chronic disease that affects your body's ability to use sugar for energy)  Diuretic abuse, Gout (type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joints)  Ingestion of poison or toxins including excessive aspirin, bicarbonate, alkali, ethylene glycol, or methanol  Kidney failure, Pneumonia, respiratory failure, or collapsed lung  Sepsis (life-threatening bacterial blood infection)
  • 91. Risk factors of metabolic disorders Factors increase the risk of developing metabolic disorders  Certain chronic medical conditions = Lung or kidney disease (kidney stones, kidney failure and kidney anomalies) = Diabetes - Diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) or - If he/she have a family history of type 2 diabetes.  Family history of genetic metabolic disorder  Race and ethnicity: people with African, Hispanic, First Nations, Asian, and Pacific Islander backgrounds are at higher risk than whites for type 2 diabetes.  Most others HIV/AIDS, age, obesty, hormone imbalance, insulin resistance.
  • 92. Diagnosis of metabolic disorders Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed if any three of the following five markers are present: 1- Elevated waist circumference: = 40 inches or more for men; 35 inches or more for women 2- Elevated triglycerides: 150 mg/dl or higher 3- Reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (AKA ''good'' cholesterol): = Less than 40 mg/dl in men; less than 50 mg/dl in women 4- Elevated blood pressure: = 130/85 mm hg or higher or are already taking blood pressure medications 5- Elevated fasting glucose: = 100 mg/dl or higher or are already taking glucose-lowering medications
  • 93. Treatments of metabolic disorder  Inborn errors of metabolism (inherited metabolic disorders) are often treated = Nutritional counseling and support = Periodic assessment = Physical therapy and other supportive care options.  Multiple treatment options are available for inherited metabolic disorders Eg. = Bone marrow transplantation = Enzyme replacement therapy = Gene therapy = Mineral supplementation, = Nutritional counseling = Medications = Surgery etc.  Acquired metabolic disorder treatment = Include normalizing metabolic balance by reversing the cause and administering medications.  Complications of untreated metabolic disorders can be serious
  • 94. Chapter Five Genetics and Evolution Learning Objectives After completing this chapter you will be expected to  Define Genetics  Describe the importance of studying Genetics  Explain the process of Evolution
  • 95. Genetics  Field of biology that studies how traits passed from parents to their offspring. Mendel = Made experiment with pea plants and = Was able to deduce the rules of inheritances from his result. = Choose pea plants (Pistum stavium) b/c it exhibits clearly contrasting characteristics, like tall or short, purple or white flowers etc. Mendel's conclusion 1. Characters are unitary. That is, they are discrete (purple vs. white,). 2. Genetic characteristics have alternate forms, each inherited from one of two parents. Today, we call these alleles. 3. One allele is dominant over the other. The phenotype reflects the dominant allele.
  • 96. Mendel's conclusion … 4. Gametes are created by random segregation. Heterozygotic individuals produce gametes with an equal frequency of the two alleles. 5. Different traits have independent assortment. In modern terms, genes are unlinked Molecular genetics and inheritance  Chromosome is along strand of DNA on which large number of genes stored.  In eukaryotes is bound with histone protein. histone is not a genetic material.  Chromosomes are not easily distinguished unless condensed.  Gene a section of DNA that determines a specific feature.
  • 97. Molecular genetics and inheritance …. DNA = Huge molecule made up of two strands of nucleotides into a double strand = The two strands of DNA are anti-parallel = Basic unit of DNA strand is a nucleotide (monomers of DNA).  There are four types of nucleotides  Adenine (A) – containing nucleotide  Guanine (G) – containing nucleotide  Cytosine (C) - containing nucleotide and  Thymine (T) -containing nucleotide (in DNA or Uracil (U) nucleotide in RNA)  All nucleotides have  A phosphate group,  A pentose sugar (deoxyribose in DNA and ribose sugar in RNA).
  • 98. The nucleotides in one strand are paired with the nucleotides in the other strand according to the base pairing- rule. = Adenine – Thymine(uracil in RNA) = Cytosine – Guanine.  DNA is a very stable molecule at normal temperature.  The hydrogen bonds hold two strands together in position through the bases.  Sugar-phosphates form the back bone (strand) of DNA ladder and nitrogen bases stapes or rungs.(nucleoside- sugar & base with out phosphate group). DNA replication and cell division  DNA replication is the ability of DNA to make exact copy of it self.  The replication semi-conservative. Each formed new DNA molecule contains one strand from the original (old) DNA and one new strand DNA molecules.
  • 99. Main stages are DNA replication and cell division 1. DNA helicase enzyme - break H-bonds to reveal two single strands and unwind (open) the helix DNA 2. DNA polymerase follow the helicase enzyme along each single-stranded region, which acts as a template for synthesis of a new strand. 3. DNA polymerase assembles free DNA nucleotides into new strands alongside each of template strand. 4. Two-identical DNA molecules to each other and the original one is resulted. Each contains one strand from the original (old) and one newly synthesized. Cell division 1- Mitosis = produces two daughter cells genetically identical to the parent cell. = Allows for continual construction and repair of the organism and = means of vegetative reproduction in unicellular organisms. 2. Meiosis = to produce haploid gametes = Results in four haploid daughter cells by undergoing one round of DNA replication followed by two divisions. Homologous chromosomes are separated in the first division, and sister chromatids in the second division. Both of these cell division cycles are important for sexual reproduction.
  • 100. Protein synthesis  Code for protein synthesis is specified by DNA and has to be sent to ribosome.  But DNA is a huge molecule and remains in nucleus to assemble amino acids in the correct sequence to form protein. Events during protein synthesis 1. Transcription – DNA code for protein is rewritten in a molecule of messenger RNA (MRNA). 2. MRNA travels from nucleus to ribosome 3. Free amino acids are transported from cytoplasm to ribosome by transfer RNA (tRNA)molecules 4. Ribosome read mRNA code and assembles amino acids presented by tRNA into a protein by a process = translation
  • 101. GENETIC CODES  A gene is a sequence of base triplets in DNA that carries the code for protein.  There are 4 bases, there is 43=64 possible triplet codes /amino acids/ but only 20 amino acids are used to make all different proteins.  Only one strands of a DNA molecule carries code for proteins ( called sense strand or coding stand),the other strand is non-coding or antisense strand. Genetic codes are 1. The genetic code is degenerative i.e more than one codon recognize the same amino amino acid, except methionine & trytophan. Eg. Arginine has 6. 2. All codons are in triplets, universal and non-overlapping. 3. Only 61 of the 64 codons code for amino acids the 3(TAA,TAG,TGA) are termination codons.
  • 102. Trascription in eukaryotes  The enzyme DNA-dependent RNA polymerase binds with a section of DNA next to the gene to be transcribed.  Transcription factors activate the enzyme.  The enzymes “unwind” and separate the strands of a DNA molecule.  RNA polymerase assembles free RNA nucleotides on the complementary strand (antisense strand).  mRNA (transcribed RNA) leaves the DNA; the strands of DNA rejoin & re-coil. Translation  Translation of the MRNA code into a protein depends on the interaction with in the ribosome b/n mRNA,and tRNA.
  • 103. Translation …  tRNA molecules the ''cloverleaf'‘ configuration that at one end a triplet of bases called anticodon. anticodon is a triplet on tRNA.  The other end of tRNA molecule has an attachment site for the amino acid that is specified by the mRNA codon.  During translation two codons of mRNA enter the ribosome.  Then 2 tRNA molecules(with aminoacid attached) having complementary anticodons to the first 2 codons of mRNA binds to those codons.  A peptide bond is formed b/n aminoacids of tRNA exist at A and P sites of ribosome,and a the dipeptide is transferred to tRNA in the A site.  The ribosome moves along the mRNA by one condon ,into the ribosome at the time the free tRNA exits the ribosome at E site &dipeptide moves to P site.  Ribosome moves along Mrna to bring new codon, this continues until coming of stop codon .
  • 104. Translation …  The translation of the mRNA code into a protein molecule requires energy that comes from hydrolysis of GTP /guanoisne triphosphate/ not ATP.  Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus, unlike to eukaryotic cells in these cells transcription & translation are coupled processes.  Eukaryotic mRNAs are modified before living the nucleus.  Prokaryotic mRNA does not need post-transcriptional process because it only contains exons (coding genes) not introns (non-coding genes).  We obtain essential amino acids from our foods, body produces non essential amino acids by the process called tranasamination.  Transamination: - is a process of amino group of an amino acid is removed and transferred to a keto acid, then it becomes a different amino acid/keto acid E.g. pyruvic acid (keto acid) → alanine (amino acid) - by transamination.
  • 105. CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION  Genes are switched on by "transcription factors"- which are proteins that bind to a regulatory sequence of DNA near to the gene they influence.  They operate in the following way:  The transcription factors bind to a promoter sequence of DNA near the gene to be activated.  RNA polymerase binds to the DNA/ transcription factor complex.  The RNA polymerase activated and moves away from DNA along the gene.  The RNA polymerase transcribes the antisense strand of the DNA and the gene is now being expressed.
  • 106. Cont…  There are factors to repress (switched off) gene action too. Short interfering RNA (siRNA)  siRNA is unusual-very short, only 21-23 nucleotides, double stranded  siRNAs don't act on the gene itself, but interfere/silence the mrna once it has been transcribed from DNA. It is post transcriptional interference. Mutation  Is the alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extra chromosomal DNA.  Can be spontaneous due to errors in DNA replication or induced mutation due to exposures to mutagens like carcinogenic chemicals and high energy radiation- ultraviolet radiation, x- ray.
  • 107. Mutation …  Most mutation is harmful, each new cell has an average 120 mutations.  But; most mutations detected & repaired  95% of our DNA is non-coding, and genetic codes are degenerative.  Mutation is raw material for evolution.  Mutation can be either point mutation or chromosomal mutation. 1- Point mutation = That involves a single base. = It includes substitution, addition,and deletion. 2. Chromosomal Mutations = Situation where part /segment/ of a chromosome sequence of DNA is disturbed or a chromosome is missed/added.
  • 108. Chromosomal Mutations ….  Main types of chromosomal mutation = Euploidy (polyploidy) = Is the presence of additional chromosome sets Eg. – Triploid, Tetraploid = Aneuploidy = Is that is the presence of a variation number of chromomosomes in the genome.  2 n+1 = trisomy/47 chromosomes, e.g. Down‟s syndrome  2n-1 = monosomics – turner syndrome/45chr.  2n+1+1 = double trisomy  2n-2 = nullisomic, organisms that loss one homologous chromosome. Gidu syndrome = Mental retardation caused by part of deletion of chromosome number 5 of man.euploidy frequently occurs in plants rarely in animals
  • 109. Euploidy  Complete nondisjunction and interspecies crosses lead to euploidy.  Frequently occurs in plats rarely in animals. Aneuploidy Meiotic and mitotic nondisjunction,and chromosome loss leads to aneuploidy. Consequence of gene-mutations  Mutations on body cell (non- sex cell) cannot be inherited but may result in harmless, damage or kill the cell, make cell cancerous- which might kill the person.  Mutations in different genes will produce different effects but two types of gene are important in regulating cell division and preventing the formation of a tumor. A. Proto-oncogenes = when proto-oncogenes mutate, they often become active oncogenes = which stimulate cell to divide in an uncontrolled manner.
  • 110. B. Tumor-suppressor genes-  Recognize this uncontrolled cell division and act to suppress cell division.  If these genes mutate and become inactive, a tumor will form as uncontrolled cell division continues.  Tumor - Is a mass of cells created when cell replication gets out of control and cause cancer. Manipulation of DNA genetic engineering = The tranfering of genes from one organism to another organism of the same or different species. = The organism is termed = Genetically modified organism (GMO), = Transgenic organism or = Genetically engineered organism.
  • 111. Genetic engineering is early done on Bactria, to produce useful products like Insulin, antibiotics,, Human growth hormone, Vaccines-Hepatitis B, Bovine somatotrophin, high yield milk and muscle development in cattle.  Plants are also genetically modified: to absorb more CO2 – global warming, Disease (drought) resistants,to produce specific product Eg. Golden rice produce beta-carotene (in vitamin 'A') prevent night blindness. Some other potential application of genetic engineering  Disease could be prevented by detecting defected genes.  To treat infectious diseases by implanting antiviral proteins (antibodies).  To produce plants and animals that have high growth rate and reduced  Susceptibility to disease – reduce use of fertilizers and pesticides.  Animals and plants can be 'tailor made' to show desirable characteristics
  • 112. ABO Blood Groups And Rh Factors  In 901, it was discovered that there were three blood types, A, B, and O. Type AB is rare and was discovered later.  Alleles of types IA and IB are dominant over type i. Types of blood Genotype Blood Type Antigens Antibodies Donate To Receive From i i Type O None Anti-A and Anti-B A, B, AB, O O IA IA Type A A Anti-B A, AB A, O IA i Type A A Anti-B A, AB A, O IB IB Type B B Anti-A B, AB B, O IB i Type B B Anti-A B, AB B, O IA IB Type AB A and B None AB A, B, AB, O
  • 113. Rh Factor (D antigen)  The Rh factor, the second most important blood group system after the ABO blood group system, was first discovered in Rhesus monkeys.  The Rh factor is inherited independently from the ABO blood type.  Genotypes for the Rh factor are +/+, +/ -, and -/-.  People who are +/+ or +/- possess the Rh(D) antigen and test as Rh positive.  People who are -/- do not possess the Rh(D) antigen and test as Rh negative. Genotype Phenotype Blood Proteins Blood Antibodies Donate To Receive From +/+ Rh+ Rh(D) proteins None Rh+ Rh+ or Rh- +/- Rh+ Rh(D) proteins None Rh+ Rh+ or Rh- -/- Rh- None Anti-Rh(D) Rh+ or Rh- Rh-
  • 114. Summery Genotype Blood Type Blood Proteins Blood Antibodies i i Type O None Anti-A and Anti-B IA IA Type A A Anti-B IA i Type A A Anti-B IB IB Type B B Anti-A IB i Type B B Anti-A IA IB Type AB A and B None Genotype Phenotype Blood Proteins Blood Antibodies +/+ Rh+ Rh(D) None +/- Rh+ Rh(D) None -/- Rh- None Anti-Rh(D)
  • 115. EVOLUTION.... • Evolution is the gradual change of organisms on the earth over long periods, with new forms replacing old ones. As evolution has progressed new species area arising.  Evolution can also be the change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations which may be caused by meiosis, hybridization, natural selection or mutation. This leads to a sequence of events by which the population diverges from other populations of the same species and may lead to the origin of a new species. There are five main theories of the origin of life on Earth: 1. special creationism 2. spontaneous generation 3. eternity of life 4. cosmozoan theory and 5. biochemical origin
  • 116. Cont.... • Biochemical theory(abigenesis);-better accepted theory • suggests that life on earth originated as a result of a number of biochemical reactions producing organic molecules, which combined (associated) to form cells. • Aleksander Oparin (1924) and John Haldane (1929) they both suggested: the primitive atmosphere of the earth was a reducing atmosphere – no free oxygen (no oxygen gas). • There was of energy, such as lightening or ultraviolet light (Uv – rays). • For reactions to synthesize a wide range of organic compounds (amino acids, sugars and fatty acids).
  • 117. Cont.... • In 1953, Stanley Miller tested the biochemical theory. • He applied electrical sparks repeatedly through a mixture of gases (N3, water, H2 and CH4) that were represent the primitive atmosphere of the earth (no oxygen) connected a flask of heated water. • Miller leaving the equipment for longer periods of time, a larger variety and more complex organic molecules were formed including: - amino acids - to form proteins - pentose sugar - to form nucleic acids - hexose sugar - need for respiration and to form starch and cellulose. - Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)- starting point for synthesizes of nitrogen containing bases in nucleotides • This experiment gave strong evidence to support the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis,with certain limitations.
  • 119. Theoris of evolution A. Lamarck Theory of evolution • two-part mechanism by which change was gradually introduced into the species and passed down through the generations. • This theory is also called theory of transformation or Lamarckism. The two parts of Lamarck theory are: 1- Use and disuse=a structure or process in organism that can be used continuously will become enlarged or more developed. 2- Inheritance acquired traits= that traits changed (acquired)during an organism's lifetime could be passed on to its offspring's.
  • 120. B. Charles Darwin and Natural Selection = Survival of the fittest • - species tend to have more offspring's than can possibly survive (fecundity) • There will be a “struggle for existence” b/n members of a species because they are over – reproduced and resources are limited. • Some members of a species will be better adapted than others to the environment because there is a variation in the offspring. • Darwin proposed:- Those members of a species, which are best adapted to their environment, will survive and reproduce in greater number than other less adapted (died out).
  • 121. C. Neo – Darwinism Theory • Neo-Darwinism is a modification of Darwin's theory that takes into account genetics and ethology (behavior). • Alleles will increase in frequency if they are beneficial in their effect, • may increase slowly, stable or decrease if they are neutral • decrease and could disappear if they are harmful (disadvantages) in their effects.
  • 122. Chapter Six Infectious diseases and Immunity Learning Objectives: After completing this chapter you will be expected to:  Identify infectious diseases  Explain the momde of disease transmission  Identify non specific and specific defence mechanisms
  • 123. Infectious diseases and Immunity  Infectious diseases =diseases caused by living organisms called infectious agents like bacteriaI, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes and prions.  All infectious diseases begin at some surface of the host, whether it be the external surfaces such as the skin and conjunctiva  Or internal surfaces such as the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, intestine, or urogenital tract. In order to cause infectious disease a pathogen accomplish the following = It must enter the host = It must metabolize and multiply on or in the host tissue. = It must resist host defenses = It must damage the host.  Prions are misfolded protiens that can trasmit their misfolded shape to normal variants of the same nearby protein.cause several fatal and neurogenerative diseases.
  • 124. Cont ... • Pathgens enter through the mouth, eyes, or genital openings, or through wounds that breach the skin barrier to pathogens. • some pathogens can grow at the initial entry site. • Some pathogens then multiply between host cells or within body fluids, • while others such as viruses and some bacterial species enter the host cells and grow there. • Body tissue damage is usually due to the production of toxins or destructive enzymes by the pathogen. Infection=entrance and growing of pathogen within a host. Disease= occurs when the cells in host are damaged, tissue function is impaired dueto the infection and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.
  • 125. Sign, symptom and syndrome Symptom = a change in body function that is felt by a patient as a result of disease = is subjective  Sign= change in a body that can be measured or observed as a result of disease = is objective  Syndrome=A specific group of signs and symptoms that accompany a disease Classifying infectious diseases • Communicable disease: A disease that is spread from one host to another e.g virus • Contagious disease: A disease that is easily spread from one host to another e.g corona • Non-communicable disease: A disease that is not transmitted from one host to another
  • 126. Classifying infectious diseases by occurrence of diseases  Incidence = fraction of a population contracting a disease in specific time  Prevalence = fraction of a population having a specific disease at a given time  Sporadic disease = disease that occurs occasionally in a population  Endemic disease = disease constantly present in a population  Epidemic disease = disease acquired by many hosts in a given area in a short time  Pandemic disease = worldwide epidemic
  • 127. By Severity or duration of infectious disease  Acute = Disease develops rapidly  Chronic = Disease develops slowly  Subacute = Symptoms appear between acute and chronic  Latent = Disease with a period of no symptoms when the causative agent is inactive
  • 128. By extent of host involvement • An infection of infectious diseases are local, systemic or focal infection • A-Local infection: Pathogens are limited to a small area of the body e.g abscesses • B- Systemic infection: an infection throughout the body by blood and/or lymph * Bacteremia: bacteria in the blood * Sepsis: toxic inflammatory condition arising from the spread of microbes, especially bacteria or their toxins, from a focus of infection * Septicemia: growth of bacteria in the blood * Toxemia: toxins in the blood * Viremia: viruses in the blood C- Focal infection: systemic infection that began as a local infection then etend to the other e.g. local tooth infection can moves via blood or lymph to set up a new infection at another site - rheumatoid arthritis
  • 129. Cont.... • Primary: acute infection causing initial illness • Secondary: occurs after host is weakened from primary infection • Subclinical (in apparent): no noticeable signs and symptoms Disease development and stages Incubation period= time interval between initial infection and first appearance of signs and symptoms.  Prodromal period=characterized by appearance of first mild signs and symptoms. Period of illness=disease at its height: all disease signs and symptoms apparent. Period of decline=signs and symptoms subside. Period of convalescence=body returns to prediseased state, health is restored.
  • 131. Pathogenicity microorganisms are classified based on their pathogenicity :- A-Primary pathogen = microbe or virus that causes disease in healthy individual B-Opportunistic pathogen (opportunist) = causes disease only when body’s innate or adaptive defenses are compromised or when introduced into unusual location. It can be members of normal microbiota or common in environment (e.g., Pseudomonas). C-Normal microbiota (normal flora) = are organisms that routinely reside on body’s surfaces and the relationship is delicate balance and some can cause disease if opportunity arise.  Weaknesses in innate or adaptive defenses leave individuals vulnerable to invasion. = These individuals are said to be immune-compromised - Factors include malnutrition, cancer, AIDS or other disease, surgery, wounds, genetic defects, alcohol or drug abuse, and immunosuppressive therapy following procedures such as organ transplants
  • 132. The spread of infection  Human reservoirs of infection - people who have a disease or are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms. • Sick people = actively ill • Carriers = harbors disease organisms in their body without manifest symptoms • Latent infection carriers = contagious during incubation period or convalescent period.  Zoonoses - diseases affecting wild & domestic animals & can be transmitted to man by Direct contact with animal or its waste, Eating animals , Blood sucking arthropods  Nonliving reservoirs - soil, water, and food can be reservoirs of infection. Presence of microorganisms is often due to contamination by feces or urine
  • 133. Types of infectious disease and their causative agent • Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites , helminthes and prions are different types of pathogen. Bacteria • are unicellular prokaryotic with circular genomes, double-stranded • have a variety of morphologies among them , the most common are bacillus (rod- shaped), coccus (spherical), or spirillum (helical rods). • two broad classes based on their cell wall structures. Gram-negative bacteria (thin cell wall) - appear pink after Gram staining . e.g. Salmonella tophi, which cause typhoid fever, and Yersinia pasties, which causes plague. Gram-positive bacteria (thick cell wall) - appear purple after Gram staining . e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, which causes skin, respiratory, and wound infections, and Clostridium tetani , which produces a toxin that can be lethal for humans.
  • 134. Cont … • Some examples of bacterial infections are: bacterial meningitis, otitis media, pneumonia, tuberculosis, upper respiratory tract infection, gastritis, food poisoning, eye infections, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, skin infections and sexually transmitted diseases. • Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, but some strains become resistant and can survive the treatment. Viruses • Can infect all organisms from plants, animals to fungi and bacteria. • Viruses, however, are not organisms themselves because, apart from a host cell, they have no metabolism and cannot reproduce.
  • 135. Cont…. • Viruses cause disease by disrupting the metabolic system of the cell. • the genetic material of the virus incorporates with the host DNA &instructs the cell to produce more viruses,also make repressor proteins that stop the synthesis of the host cell's proteins, RNA, and DNA. • DNA viruses are the herpes viruses that cause chicken pox, cold sores, and painful genital lesions, and the poxvirus that causes smallpox. • Significant RNA viruses that cause human disease include rhinoviruses that cause most common colds; myxoviruses and paramyxoviruses that cause influenza, measles, and mumps; rotaviruses that cause gastroenteritis; • the Retroviruses that cause AIDS and several types of cancer.
  • 136. Cont.. • Viral diseases can not be treated with antibiotics because ,they are not true cells and are only active inside cells which antibiotics can’t reach. Fungi • Fungi are eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms that have rigid chitinious cell walls • Fungi cause diseases because; • Growth of hyphae brings physical damage on tissues, some fungi produce toxic substances,& enzyme secreted by hyphae digest substances on tissue. • Examples of diseases caused by fungi =are ringworm and histoplasmosis (a mild to severe lung infection transmitted by bat or bird droppings). Yeasts of the Candida genus are opportunistic pathogens that may cause diseases such as thrush (a throat infection) among people who are immunocompromised or undergoing antibiotic therapy.
  • 137. Cont…. Protozoa • Protozoa are unicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes that include the familiar amoeba and paramecium. • Protozoa can be acquired through contaminated food or water or by the bite of an infected arthropod such as a mosquito. • Diarrheal disease can be caused by two common protozoan parasites, Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum. • Malaria, a tropical illness that causes 300 - 500 million cases annually, is caused by different species of the protozoan Plasmodium. • p.vivax, p.falciparum, p.ovale ,p.malarae & p.knowlesi are common species of plasmodium.
  • 138. Cont….. Helminths • they are animals, their physiology is similar in some ways to ours. Treating parasitic helminth infections is difficult b/s drugs that kill helminths are frequently very toxic to human cells. • The common helminthes are Ascaries, tape worm, hook worm Schistosoma etc. Prions • A prion is a protein that contains no genetic material. It is normally harmless, • but if it folds into an abnormal shape, it can become a rogue agent and affect the structure of the brain or other parts of the nervous system. • Prions don’t replicate or feed on the host but trigger abnormal behavior in the body's cells and proteins. • The known prion diseases include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (in humans), scrapie (in sheep), and bovine spongiform encephalopathy ("mad cow disease" in cattle);
  • 139. Cont.. • all known prion diseases frequently result in brain tissue that is riddled with holes. • While some prion diseases are inherited, others are apparently due to infection by eating infected tissue or inadvertently through medical procedures such as tissue transplants. • Infectious agents may be transmitted either direct or indirect contact. • Direct contact-occurs when an individual is infected by contact with the reservoir, e.g by touching an infected person, ingesting infected meat, or being bitten by an infected animal or insect. • it also includes inhaling the infectious agent in droplets emitted by sneezing or coughing and contracting the infectious agent through intimate sexual contact.
  • 140. Cont….. • Some diseases that are transmitted primarily by direct contact with the reservoir include ringworm, AIDS, trichinosis, influenza, rabies, and malaria. • Indirect contact- occurs when a pathogen can withstand the environment outside its host for a long period of time before infecting another individual. • modes of transmission are horizontal ;because the infectious agent is passed from person to person in a group. • Some diseases also are transmitted vertically; that is, they are transmitted from parent to child during the processes of reproduction (through sperm or egg cells), fetal development, or birth. • Diseases in which vertical transmission occurs include AIDS and herpes encephalitis (which occurs when an infant contracts the herpes simplex type II virus during birth).
  • 141. Host defenses against infectious diseases Overview of the immune system • The immune system is the body’s biological defense mechanism that protects against foreign invaders. • In1796 when an English physician, Edward Jenner,used the cowpox virus to confer protection against smallpox • In 1885 louis pasteur developed the first vaccine against Rabies Anthrax ,he also formulated germ theory. • The immune system is composed of a number of different cell types, tissues and organ mechanisms for preventing infectious diseases can be; 1) nonspecific or innate defenses 2) specific or adaptive defenses
  • 142. 1-Nonspecific mechanisms =Innate Immune system  are primary (first line) defense against disease. present at birth and changes little throughout the life • These mechanisms includes;- anatomical barriers-long and convulated nasal opening ,skin,skull and vertebreal columon physiological deterrents - tears, saliva, blood ,sweat or nasal secretions that contain lysozyme ,acidic vaginal secretion,phagocytic cells, clotting factors in blood plasma intiating clotting at site of injury,complment proteins( proteins participating in a cascade of molecular events that result in inflammation) normal flora- protect the host by successfully competing with disease-causing organisms Inflammation - involves swelling, reddening, elevated temperature, pain and loss of function
  • 143. 2-Specific mechanisms of host resistance =Adaptive defense • When these nonspecific mechanisms fail, the body initiates a second line, specific line of defense. • is brought into action even as the innate immune system is dealing with the microbe, and especially if it is unable to remove the invading microbe. • enables the body to target particular pathogens and pathogen-infected cells. • It depends on specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes called T cells and B cells which are both differentiated from multi potent heamotopoietic stem cell in the bone marrow • T-cells mature in thymus gland and B-cells mature in bone marrow • adaptive defense mechanism has two complementary components-  the cell-mediated (cellular) response and the antibody-mediated ( humoral)response.
  • 144.  Cellular or Cell-mediated immunity • involves T-cells • responsible for directly destroying body cells that are infected with a virus or have become cancerous, or for activating other immune cells to be more efficient microbe killers  Humoral or Antibody-mediated immunity • involves both T-cells and B-cells • is critical for the destruction of invading pathogens as well as the elimination of toxins. • Consists of antibodies circulating in the fluids of the body • Targets are mainly extracellular microbes and parasites
  • 145. Cont... • Both the cell-mediated and antibody-mediated responses are initiated after a particular type of phagocytic cell,a macrophage , engulfs a pathogen .How? phagocytic cell, a macrophage, engulfs a pathogen Macrophages digest the pathogen and then display antigens from the pathogen on their surface T –helper cell will be stimulated by the antigen and release signal molecules called lymphokines The lymphokines, in turn stimulate the cell-mediated and antibody-mediated responses ,then The cell-mediated response- Lymphokine-stimulated killer T-cells attach to the pathogen-infected cells and destroy them, whereas lymphokine-activated phagocytic cells produce more toxic molecules that can kill the pathogen directly. The antibody-mediated response -occurs when the lymphokines activate specific B-cells to produce antibodies and these antibodies attach to antigens on the surface of the pathogens and signal attack by phagocytic cells and complement system o Other B-cells go on to become memory B-cells, which respond quickly by producing more antibodies upon subsequent infection.
  • 146. overview of cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immune responses
  • 147. Interaction between innate and adaptive immunity • The innate and adaptive immune system have different types of cell ,molecules and characteristics responsible for the two different types of immune systems
  • 148. Cont... • But the various cells of both systems work together through direct contact with each other, and through interactions with chemical mediators, the cytokines and chemokines. Here are some examples:- 1. Macrophages are responsible to phagocytsis the infectious microbes and at the same time produce important cytokines that help to induce the adaptive immune response. 2. Complement components of the innate immune system can be activated directly by microbes, but can also be activated by antibodies, molecules of the adaptive system.
  • 149. Adverse immune reactions (responses) • The aim of the immune responses is to protect the body from damage • Adverse immunological reactions can occur and cause adverse effects due to either of the following:  Exaggerated immune response  producing inappropriate immune response against self components  Due to failure of appropriate recognition mechanism There are three types of immunological disorders : 1) Hypersensitivity 2) Autoimmune diseases 3) Immunodeficiency
  • 150. Hypersensitivity reactions • Hypersensitivity is the over reactivity by the immune system to antigens • Hypersensitivity reactions are antigen specific and occur after the immune system has already responded to an antigen. • There are four types of hypersensitivity reactions: Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV • Types I, II and III : - are antibody or immune complex mediated - occurs within minutes or hours after sensitized individual re-encounters the same antigen • Type IV is :-is cell mediated - Occurs days after re-encountering the antigen - also called Delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) 150
  • 151. Type I Hypersensitivity = immediate hypersensitivity • is immediate hypersensitivity which occurs minutes to 1 hour after exposure to antigen • Is mediated by the antibody IgE • Antigen binds to IgE that is bound to tissue mast cells and blood basophils triggering release of either preformed mediators (e.g., histamine, proteases, chemotactic factors) or synthesis of other mediators (e.g., prostaglandins, leukotrienes , platelet-activating factor, cytokines). • These mediators cause vasodilation , increased capillary permeability, mucus hyper secretion, smooth muscle spasm, and tissue infiltration with eosinophil's, type 2 helper T cell (TH2) and other inflammatory cells. 151
  • 152. Type I hypersensitivity reactions includes - * All atopic disorders (e.g., atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma , rhinitis, conjunctivitis) * Many allergic disorders (e.g., anaphylaxis, some cases of angioedema , urticaria, latex and some food allergies) • Atopy - is an exaggerated IgE-mediated immune response • Allergy -is any exaggerated immune response to a foreign antigen regardless of mechanism. • Thus, all atopic disorders are considered allergic, but many allergic disorders (eg, hypersensitivity pneumonitis) are not atopic 152
  • 153. Type II Hypersensitivity = Antibody-dependent cytotoxic hypersensitivity • results when antibody igM and IgG bind to cell surface antigens or to a molecule coupled to a cell surface. • The antigen-antibody complex activates cells that participate in antibody- dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (e.g., natural killer cells, eosinophils, macrophages), complement, or both. • The result is cell and tissue damage • Type II hypersensitivity disorders includes: *hyper acute graft rejection of an organ transplant, Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and anti–glomerular basement membrane disease (e.g., Good pasture syndrome, Rhesus Incompatibility , incompatible blood transfusion 153
  • 154. Type III Hypersensitivity = Immune complex disease • Type III reactions cause inflammation in response to circulating antigen binds to antibody IgG and forms antigen-antibody immune complexes. • These complexes deposit in various tissue (e.g., glomeruli, blood vessels)and activate the complement system or certain immune cells resulting in release of inflammatory mediators and causing systemic reactions. • Type III reactions develop 4 to 10 days after exposure to antigen and, if exposure to the antigen continues, can become chronic • Type III disorders include : *serum sickness, systemic lupus erythematous (SLE),rheumatoid arthritis(RA),leukocytoclastic vasculitis, cryoglobulinemia, acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and several types of glomerulonephritis. 154
  • 155. Type IV Hypersensitivity = Delayed type hypersensitivity • Is cell mediated and delayed hypersensitivity reaction (start from 24 hrs. after contact with an antigen). • T cells, sensitized after contact with a specific antigen, are activated by continued exposure or re exposure to the antigen • they damage tissue by direct toxic effects or through release of cytokines, which activate T cells, together with dendritic cells eosinophils, monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, or natural killer cells. • Disorders involving type IV reactions include : dermatitis(e.g. poison ivy), sub acute and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allograft rejection, the immune response to tuberculosis, and many forms of drug hypersensitivity. 155
  • 156. Autoimmunity and autoimmune disease • is an acquired immune reactivity to self antigens which lead to tissue damage • Normally, the immune system can tell the difference between foreign cells and your own cells. In the case of an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes part of your body like joints or skin, as foreign. • It releases proteins called auto-antibodies that attack healthy cells • Some autoimmune diseasestarget only one organ. Type 1 diabetes damages the pancreas. Other diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), affect the whole body. 156
  • 157. The most common autoimmune disease Type 1 diabetes = The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. • In type 1 diabetes mellitus ,the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreases • High blood sugar results and can lead to damage in the blood vessels, as well as organs like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.  Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) = In RA, the immune system attacks the joints. • This attack causes redness, warmth, soreness, and stiffness in the joints. • Unlike osteoarthritis, which commonly affects people as they get older, RA can start as early as your30s or sooner  Psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis = causes skin cells to multiply too quickly and the extra cells build up and form inflamed red patches , commonly with silver-white scales of plaque on the skin. • Some people with psoriasis also develop swelling, stiffness, and pain in their joints. 157
  • 158. Cont…  Multiple sclerosis = damages the myelin sheath, the protective coating that surrounds nerve cells, in your central nervous system. • Damage to the myelin sheath slows the transmission speed of messages between brain and spinal cord to and from the rest of body. • lead to symptoms like numbness, weakness, balance issues, and trouble walking.  Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) = affects many organs, including the joints, kidneys, brain and heart. • Joint pain, fatigue, and rashes are among the most common symptoms.  Inflammatory bowel disease = cause inflammation in the lining of the intestinal wall. 2 type of IBD affecting a different part of the GI tract. • Crohn’s disease : can inflame any part of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus. • Ulcerative colitis : affects only the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum 158
  • 159. Cont…  Addison’s disease = affects the adrenal glands, which produce the Cortisol, aldosterone and androgen hormones. • Too little production of cortisol and aldosterone will lead to symptoms like weakness, fatigue, weight loss, and low blood sugar.  Graves’ disease = attacks the thyroid gland in the neck, causing it to produce too much of its hormones. • Having too much of these hormones increase body’s activities, causing symptoms like nervousness, a fast heartbeat, heat intolerance, weight loss and bulging eyes (called exophthalmos )  Sjogren’s syndrome = attacks the glands that provide lubrication to the eyes and mouth. • The hallmark symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth, but it may also affect the joints or skin. 159
  • 160. Cont…  Myasthenia gravis=affects nerve impulses that help the brain control the muscles. • The most common symptom is muscle weakness that gets worse with activity and improves with rest. • Often muscles that control eye movements, eyelid opening, swallowing, and facial movements are involved.  Autoimmune vasculitis=is when the immune system attacks blood vessels. The inflammation that results narrows the arteries and veins, allowing less blood to flow through them.  Pernicious anemia=is condition of intrinsic factors (proteins produced in stomach lining) deficiency which are needed for the small intestine to absorb vitamin B-12 from food. • Without enough of this vitamin, one will develop an anemia and the body’s ability for proper DNA synthesis will be altered.  Celiac disease=is state of inflammation when gluten (protein found in wheat, rye, and other grain products) is in small intestine . 160
  • 161. Cont… Hashimoto’s thyroiditis= thyroid hormone production is too low. Symptoms include weight gain, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, hair loss, and swelling of the thyroid (goiter).  Celiac disease= is state of inflammation when gluten (protein found in wheat, rye, and other grain products) is in small intestine  Psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis= causes skin cells to multiply too quickly and the extra cells build up and form inflamed red patches, commonly with silver-white scales of plaque on the skin. • Some people with psoriasis also develop swelling, stiffness, and pain in their joints. • 161