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Vol. 10 | Issue 09 | 2023
Vol. 10 | Issue 09 | 2023
Vol. 10 | Issue 09 | 2023
Inquisitive Minds
Ms. Jackie Barkham
Founder and Director,
Swallows and
Amazons Kindergarten
The Role of
Learning in
Young Minds
The Most Prestigious Pre-School Brand of Singapore, 2023
n the bustling tapestry of
ISingapore's educational
landscape, the significance of
early childhood education cannot be
overstated. As a nation that places a
premium on knowledge and
innovation, the foundation laid in those
formative years becomes the bedrock
upon which future success is built. In
this edition, “The Most Prestigious
Pre-School Brand of Singapore,
2023,” The Knowledge Review delves
into the heart of the matter, exploring
the cradle of learning that is Swallows
and Amazons Kindergarten – a
beacon of excellence in the realm of
preschool education.
Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten
stands as a testament to the unwavering
commitment to educational excellence.
In a society that values education as a
cornerstone of progress, this institution
has risen to the forefront, embodying
the principles of holistic learning and
fostering an environment where young
minds can flourish. This edition is a
celebration of the vision, dedication,
and innovative practices that have
propelled Swallows and Amazons to
the zenith of pre-school education in
Within these pages, you will discover
the intricate tapestry of Swallows and
Amazons Kindergarten – from its
inception to the milestones that mark
its journey. The narrative unfolds,
weaving together the threads of
passion, expertise, and a steadfast
commitment to nurturing the potential
inherent in every child.
Education is the cornerstone upon
which societies build their future, and
Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten
stands as a beacon, illuminating the
path toward excellence. Join us on this
enlightening journey and discover why
this institute is more than just a pre-
school – it's a cradle of dreams,
aspirations, and the promise of a
brighter tomorrow.
We hope you find inspiration and
insights within the pages of this
magazine that resonate with the shared
vision of a community invested in the
education of its youngest members.
Happy reading!
Mia Christoph
Nurturing Tomorrow's
Leaders to Excellence
for being recognized by
The Knowledge Review Magazine
in an annual listing of
for its outstanding commitment to excellence in early childhood
education, innovation in teaching methodologies, and dedication
to nurturing the holistic development of young minds.
This certificate is presented to
Swallows and
Amazons Kindergarten
The Most Prestigious Pre-School
Brand of Singapore, 2023
Mary D'souza
Mary d ‘souza
edition October, 2023
Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Office
No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar,
Pune, Maharashtra 411027
Nurturing Young Minds
The Role of Play-Based
Learning in Singaporean
Fostering Inquisitive Minds
Fostering Inquisitive Minds
reschool education plays a vital
Prole in laying the foundation for
a child's future. It sets the stage
for academic success, social
competence, and emotional well-being.
By nurturing early development and
fostering a love for learning,
preschools help children to become
confident, capable learners who are
better equipped to navigate the
challenges of formal education and life
It is essential to expose children to
early literacy, numeracy, and problem-
solving skills. It includes learning
letters, numbers, shapes, and colours
and developing early math and
language skills. These early cognitive
abilities form the building blocks for
future academic success.
Preschools offer opportunities for
children to interact with their peers and
teachers, fostering social skills such as
sharing, taking turns and working
collaboratively. They learn how to
manage their emotions, develop
empathy, and communicate effectively.
These skills are essential for building
positive relationships and navigating
social situations throughout life. They
learn how to make choices, solve
problems, and complete tasks
independently. Through positive
reinforcement and support from
teachers, children build self-confidence
and a sense of competence, which are
vital for future learning and personal
A language-rich environment where
children can expand their vocabulary,
enhance their communication skills,
and develop early literacy abilities is
essential in laying an ideal foundation
for the future of kids. They engage in
storytelling, rhyming, and
conversations, laying a strong
foundation for reading, writing, and
effective communication in later years.
In Singapore, Swallows and Amazons
Kindergarten, an inclusive school, has
created a unique curriculum from both
parents' and educators' perspectives.
The mission of the Swallows and
Amazons Kindergarten is to put the EQ
into IQ.
Its vision is to nurture students who are
open-minded enquirers who will have
the independence of spirit to explore
and maintain their love of learning.
Its core values are:
Ÿ Build on a child's innate sense of
wonder and awe.
Ÿ Keep learning fun, inclusive and
Ÿ Create confident, independent
Ÿ Make the SAA experience happy,
caring and safe.
Fostering Regular Success
Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten
believe that educating children is not
just about getting ready for Primary 1
(IQ). It is about curiosity, exploration,
self-esteem and care for others - the
EQ. It is about creating a classroom
environment for preschool children
that gives the children regular success
experiences. In turn, this keeps up their
morale, enthusiasm and attention span
for learning.
Luckily for children, 'play' is not just
the best way. It is essential for children
to develop high-level social strategies
as well as physical and mental skills.
At Swallows and Amazons, education
is fun, which promotes the love of
learning, so work becomes child's play!
Our students will be
enquirers who will have
the independence of
spirit to explore and
maintain their love of
The Most Prestigious Pre-School
Brand of Singapore, 2023
One of the key differentiating factors at
Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten
is the high teacher-to-child ratio. The
industry norm is fifteen students to one
teacher, and in the Ministry of
Education (MOE) guidelines, it is one
teacher to twenty-five children.
The school has a ratio of 1:5 for the
pre-nursery-aged children (18 months
to 2 years old) 1: 6 for nursery children
(aged 3 to 4 years old), and 1:8 for the
kindergarten children (5-to-6-year-
olds). This teacher-to-child ratio allows
it to treat each child as an individual
and create Individual Learning Plans to
suit their skills and needs. Swallows
and Amazons Kindergarten does not
cater to the average; it caters to the
Nurtures the Habits of the Mind
In developing the pedagogy, Swallows
and Amazons, looked at it from the
parent's perspective as well as from an
educator's viewpoint. It is an inclusive
school, and also it nurtures the Habits
of the Mind approach to creating early
learning environments. Through the
structure of the classroom and the day,
its early childhood educators promote
strategic reasoning, insightfulness,
perseverance, creativity and
craftsmanship through the 16 habits of
the mind.
These life skills are persistence;
listening with understanding and
empathy; managing impulsivity;
thinking flexibly; thinking about
thinking; striving for accuracy;
questioning and posing problems;
applying past knowledge to new
situations; thinking and
communicating with clarity and
precision; gathering data through all
senses; creating, imagining, and
innovating; responding with
wonderment and awe; taking
responsible risks; finding humour;
thinking independently; and remaining
open to continuous learning.
Old-fashioned values of respect for
elders and each other, as well as good
manners, are reinforced at Swallows
and Amazons. Children have fun
exploring and practising new things,
but they also have fun tidying up
afterwards and clearing their lunch
plates away too.
Our classrooms are well-
designed, with child-friendly
spaces that prioritise safety. This
includes age-appropriate
furniture, child-sized equipment,
and secure play areas.
Fostering a Love for Learning
An inquiry-based curriculum and the
accompanying teaching methodologies
play a crucial role in providing a
holistic and well-rounded education for
young learners by nurturing curiosity
by tapping into children's natural
curiosity, fostering a love for learning,
and encouraging them to ask questions,
explore, and investigate. It ignites their
intrinsic motivation, making education
an engaging and exciting experience.
Rather than passively receiving
information, young learners actively
participate in their education. Through
hands-on activities, experiments, and
projects, they become active creators
of knowledge. This approach promotes
deeper understanding, critical thinking,
problem-solving, and decision-making
Inquiry-based learning recognises that
children's development encompasses
We believe that educating children is not just
about getting ready for Primary 1 (IQ). It is about
curiosity, exploration, self-esteem and care for
others - the EQ. It is about creating a classroom
environment for preschool children that gives
the children regular success experiences.
more than just academics. It addresses
their cognitive, social, emotional, and
physical growth. Incorporating various
subjects, hands-on experiences, and
collaboration supports the holistic
development of young learners.
Each child has unique strengths,
interests, and learning styles. Inquiry-
based approaches allow for
individualized instruction, catering to
the diverse needs of young learners.
Teachers can provide differentiated
activities and resources, ensuring that
every child is appropriately challenged
and supported.
Instilling Essential Life Skills
In Swallows and Amazons curriculum,
children develop essential skills that
extend beyond the classroom. They
learn how to ask thoughtful questions,
gather information, evaluate evidence,
communicate ideas, collaborate with
others, and adapt to new situations.
These skills lay a strong foundation for
lifelong learning and success in the
Collaborative learning experiences and
reflection at the school promote the
development of social and emotional
skills. Young learners learn to work
effectively in groups, communicate
their thoughts and feelings, empathize
with others, and resolve conflicts.
These skills contribute to their overall
well-being and future success in social
Its classrooms are well-designed, with
child-friendly spaces that prioritise
safety. This includes age-appropriate
furniture, child-sized equipment, and
secure play areas. Creating a warm and
welcoming environment helps children
feel comfortable and encourages their
active engagement in learning.
Supporting All Aspects of
The school has dedicated learning
centres or areas that offer a variety of
materials and resources to support
different aspects of development.
These centres include a reading corner,
art station, sensory play area, block
building area, dramatic play corner,
and science exploration zone. Each
centre is equipped with materials and
resources that promote hands-on
learning, creativity, and problem-
Its well-designed outdoor play area is
crucial for young learners. It provides
opportunities for physical activities,
gross motor development, and
exploration of nature. Elements such as
climbing structures, sand and water
play areas, nature gardens, and open
spaces for running and playing can
enhance children's overall well-being
and development.
Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten
has a library well stocked with a variety
of age-appropriate books, magazines,
and other reading materials. A wide
range of genres, topics, and reading
levels are available to cater to children's
different interests and abilities. This
fosters a love for reading, language
development, and literacy skills. The
availability of art supplies, such as
crayons, paints, brushes, paper, and
various art materials, encourages
creativity, self-expression, fine motor
skills, and aesthetic appreciation. The
school ensures that children have access
to these materials and a designated
space to engage in artistic activities.
Providing manipulatives and STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) resources supports
cognitive development and critical
thinking skills. This can include
puzzles, building blocks, construction
sets, simple science kits, magnifying
glasses, measuring tools, and age-
appropriate technology resources like
tablets or computers. These resources
stimulate problem-solving, spatial
reasoning, logical thinking, and
scientific exploration.
Each classroom of the kindergarten has
a supply of musical instruments and
props for dancing and pretends play, as
this enhances children's sensory
experiences, coordination, rhythm, and
appreciation for music.
Fostering a Healthier Lifestyle
Swallows and Amazons prioritises
children's health and well-being. The
school offers nutritious meals and
snacks, access to clean drinking water,
proper sanitation facilities, and a
comfortable rest area for nap time. A
healthy and hygienic environment
contributes to children's physical
well-being and overall readiness for
Providing Active Learning
Age-appropriate technology resources
can support learning in today's digital
age. These include educational apps,
interactive learning tools, and devices
that introduce basic computer literacy
skills. It is important to strike a balance
and ensure that technology is used in a
purposeful and supervised manner,
complementing hands-on and active
learning experiences.
The school provides spaces where
children can collaborate on group
projects and display their work. This
fosters a sense of pride, ownership, and
community. Bulletin boards, display
cases, or designated areas to showcase
children's artwork, projects, and
achievements promote a positive
learning environment.
Creating a nurturing and stimulating
environment for young learners
involves careful planning,
consideration of their developmental
needs, and providing a wide range of
facilities and resources. By offering a
well-equipped, supportive, and
engaging environment, preschools can
enhance children's learning,
development, and overall well-being.
To be certified as an educator in
kindergartens and childcare centres in
Singapore, the teachers must meet the
professional, academic and language
requirements of the respective
certification category.
The educator certification levels
indicate the age group of children you
can be deployed to teach. All Swallows
and Amazons teachers are qualified in
Early Childhood Education with a
minimum Diploma in Early Childhood.
The school also has a policy of
continuous professional development
of at least 20 hours per year as well as
a mentoring programme to help new or
young teachers.
Parents as Integral Stakeholders
The school fosters strong partnerships
with parents by establishing a warm
and inviting environment where
parents feel comfortable and valued.
Strong home-school lines of
communication and encouraging
parents to share their thoughts,
concerns and ideas make the ideal
parental environment at Swallows and
Amazons possible.
The school holds various class and
school events and celebrations that
parents are invited to attend, including
sports day, graduation, field trips,
mystery readers, celebratory
assemblies, parent-teacher conferences
At Swallows and
Kindergarten, we have
a library well stocked
with a variety of age-
appropriate books,
magazines, and other
reading materials.
The school has a range of
extracurricular activities (ECAs) held
at school, including sports, swimming,
drama, gymnastics etc. These will
change from time to time.
Swallows and Amazons is Accredited
with SPARKS (Singapore Preschool
Accreditation Framework).
Its inquiry-based learning employs a
variety of assessment methods that go
beyond traditional tests. Teachers
assess children's understanding and
application through observation,
conversations, portfolios and projects.
This approach allows for a more
comprehensive and authentic
evaluation of their knowledge, skills
and growth.
Complying with 21 -Century Needs
By combining an inquiry-based
curriculum with effective teaching
methodologies, educators create an
environment where young learners are
active participants in their education.
This approach nurtures their curiosity,
promotes holistic development, fosters
lifelong learning skills, and prepares
them for success in the 21st century.
The school hires educators from
different backgrounds, ethnicities, and
cultures and encourages diversity in the
teaching team to provide role models
that children can relate to and learn
Its curriculum is inclusive, as it reflects
a wide range of cultures, traditions, and
perspectives. Incorporate diverse
books, toys, and learning materials that
celebrate different ethnicities, genders,
abilities, and family structures.
The school offers professional
development opportunities for staff to
increase their understanding of
diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The school fosters an inclusive
classroom environment where it values
and respects individual differences.
Children are taught to appreciate
diversity, treat everyone with kindness,
and discourage stereotypes or
The school tries its best to ensure that
the preschool environment is accessible
for children with disabilities. It builds
partnerships with therapy centres and
special needs departments in the local
children's hospital.
The children at Swallows and
Amazons understand basic recycling
practices, such as throwing away
plastic and paper items into the correct
bins. The school also has a hydroponics
garden. The school grows, harvests and
cooks the vegetables for the children to
The Knowledge Review
Insights Success Media Tech LLC
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Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States
Phone - (614)-602-1754
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20 | October 2023
educational framework is built, not just
a component of the learning process.
In this domain, young children's
natural curiosity and boundless energy
are not only recognised but also
honored. It's a place where education is
a two-way adventure where kids'
curious spirits are piqued to investigate
the world around them, rather than a
one-way street where kids are passive
recipients of knowledge.
Play-based learning in this educational
utopia is not just a technique of
instruction; it is a way of thinking that
recognises kids as curious, energetic
explorers who are always seeking
information. They are given the ideal
platform for endless investigation on
this adventure, which ignites their
innate passion of learning.
A lifetime of curiosity, creativity, and
limitless opportunities can be unlocked
via play at Singaporean preschools,
where it is more than just a past time.
Holistic Development in Focus
Within Singapore's ever-changing
educational scene, there is a novel
n the booming city-state of
ISingapore, education is more than
simply a box to be checked; it's a
way of life. Singapore prospers in a
fast-paced, fiercely competitive
economy because of its consistent
dedication to educational excellence,
which has earned it recognition on a
global scale. Early childhood education
assumes a significant role in this
context as the foundation for future
Preschools in Singapore have
developed a whole educational
paradigm around play-based learning,
with the goal of using its enormous
potential. Discovering the amazing role
that play-based learning plays in
Singaporean preschools, where
education isn't just a goal but a
passionate desire, is an exciting
A Playful Introduction to Learning
Preschools in Singapore, the birthplace
of educational innovation, are
undergoing a dramatic transformation.
Here, play serves as the essential
cornerstone upon which an exceptional
The Role of
Learning in
Preschools October 2023 | 21
Nurturing Young Minds
method that goes beyond "fun and
games." It's a carefully thought-out
teaching method that addresses every
aspect of a child's growth. Greetings
from the realm of play-based learning,
where the definition of play goes much
beyond surface-level activities to
include development of the mind,
body, and emotions.
Singapore's unique approach to early
childhood education is based on the
understanding that kids are not limited
learners. Play is not just about having
fun; it's also about giving kids the most
important life skills. By using this
approach, kids develop into skilled
communicators, natural problem
solvers, and emotional control experts.
Additionally, they hone their gross and
fine motor abilities, laying the
groundwork for seamless academic
Its appreciation for the importance of a
comprehensive education, however, is
what really distinguishes this method.
Learning takes place outside of
textbooks and lecture halls in
Singapore. The entire range of life
skills are covered in this fascinating
adventure. Here, play becomes more
than just playing; it's the doorway to an
endless future in which education
doesn't stop at four walls but rather
permeates every aspect of a child's life.
Child-Centered Approach
One of the cornerstones of play-based
learning is its child-centered nature. It
recognizes that every child is unique
and progresses at their own pace.
Teachers in Singaporean preschools act
as facilitators, observing and
understanding each child's interests and
strengths. They create an environment
that encourages exploration and
discovery, tailoring activities to meet
individual needs. This personalized
approach ensures that no child is left
behind, and every child's strengths are
Building a Strong Foundation
In the Singaporean context, the early
years are seen as a critical period for
laying a strong foundation for future
learning. Play-based learning not only
imparts knowledge but also inculcates
a love for learning. It fosters essential
skills like creativity, critical thinking,
and problem-solving, which are highly
valued in Singapore's education
system. Children are inspired and
uplifted to ask questions, make
choices, and take risks, all of which
contribute to their overall
Preparation for Formal Education
As children engage in play-based
learning, they naturally develop
essential pre-academic skills. They
learn to count by sharing toys, enhance
their language skills through
conversations and storytelling, and
understand scientific concepts through
hands-on exploration. When the time
comes for formal education, these
young learners are well-prepared to
transition into a more structured
learning environment. They not only
possess foundational knowledge but
also the skills and enthusiasm for
Parental Involvement
Singaporean preschools actively
involve parents in the play-based
learning journey. They provide insights
into how play can be extended at
home, ensuring that the lessons learned
in school continue beyond the
classroom. This partnership between
school and home is instrumental in a
child's overall development. It creates a
seamless and supportive learning
environment where parents and
teachers work together to nurture
young minds.
In the heart of Singapore's fast-paced
society, play-based learning stands as a
testament to the harmonious blend of
fun and education. It recognizes that
children are not empty vessels waiting
to be filled with knowledge but active,
inquisitive beings eager to explore the
world. By embracing play-based
learning, Singaporean preschools are
nurturing young minds, equipping
them with the skills and enthusiasm
needed for a lifetime of learning. This
approach embodies the spirit of
education in Singapore, where the
journey of discovery begins with play.
It's a journey that celebrates curiosity,
fosters creativity, and prepares children
for a future filled with possibilities.
22 | October 2023
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Final File - The Most Prestigious Pre-School Brand of Singapore, 2023 1_compressed (1).pdf

  • 1. Vol. 10 | Issue 09 | 2023 Vol. 10 | Issue 09 | 2023 Vol. 10 | Issue 09 | 2023 Fostering Inquisitive Minds Ms. Jackie Barkham Founder and Director, Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten The Role of Play-Based Learning in Singaporean Preschools Nurturing Young Minds The Most Prestigious Pre-School Brand of Singapore, 2023
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  • 4. n the bustling tapestry of ISingapore's educational landscape, the significance of early childhood education cannot be overstated. As a nation that places a premium on knowledge and innovation, the foundation laid in those formative years becomes the bedrock upon which future success is built. In this edition, “The Most Prestigious Pre-School Brand of Singapore, 2023,” The Knowledge Review delves into the heart of the matter, exploring the cradle of learning that is Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten – a beacon of excellence in the realm of preschool education. Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment to educational excellence. In a society that values education as a cornerstone of progress, this institution has risen to the forefront, embodying the principles of holistic learning and fostering an environment where young minds can flourish. This edition is a celebration of the vision, dedication, and innovative practices that have propelled Swallows and Amazons to the zenith of pre-school education in Singapore. Within these pages, you will discover the intricate tapestry of Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten – from its inception to the milestones that mark its journey. The narrative unfolds, weaving together the threads of passion, expertise, and a steadfast commitment to nurturing the potential inherent in every child. Education is the cornerstone upon which societies build their future, and Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten stands as a beacon, illuminating the path toward excellence. Join us on this enlightening journey and discover why this institute is more than just a pre- school – it's a cradle of dreams, aspirations, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. We hope you find inspiration and insights within the pages of this magazine that resonate with the shared vision of a community invested in the education of its youngest members. Happy reading! Mia Christoph Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders to Excellence
  • 5. for being recognized by The Knowledge Review Magazine in an annual listing of for its outstanding commitment to excellence in early childhood education, innovation in teaching methodologies, and dedication to nurturing the holistic development of young minds. This certificate is presented to Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten The Most Prestigious Pre-School Brand of Singapore, 2023 Mary D'souza Editor-in-Chief Mary d ‘souza October 2023
  • 6. People this behind edition October, 2023 Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Office No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027 CORPORATE OFFICES
  • 7. Contents Nurturing Young Minds The Role of Play-Based Learning in Singaporean Preschools Fostering Inquisitive Minds
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  • 12. reschool education plays a vital Prole in laying the foundation for a child's future. It sets the stage for academic success, social competence, and emotional well-being. By nurturing early development and fostering a love for learning, preschools help children to become confident, capable learners who are better equipped to navigate the challenges of formal education and life ahead. It is essential to expose children to early literacy, numeracy, and problem- solving skills. It includes learning letters, numbers, shapes, and colours and developing early math and language skills. These early cognitive abilities form the building blocks for future academic success. Preschools offer opportunities for children to interact with their peers and teachers, fostering social skills such as sharing, taking turns and working collaboratively. They learn how to manage their emotions, develop empathy, and communicate effectively. These skills are essential for building positive relationships and navigating social situations throughout life. They learn how to make choices, solve problems, and complete tasks independently. Through positive reinforcement and support from teachers, children build self-confidence and a sense of competence, which are vital for future learning and personal growth. A language-rich environment where children can expand their vocabulary, enhance their communication skills, and develop early literacy abilities is essential in laying an ideal foundation for the future of kids. They engage in storytelling, rhyming, and conversations, laying a strong foundation for reading, writing, and effective communication in later years. In Singapore, Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten, an inclusive school, has created a unique curriculum from both parents' and educators' perspectives. The mission of the Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten is to put the EQ into IQ. Its vision is to nurture students who are open-minded enquirers who will have the independence of spirit to explore and maintain their love of learning. Its core values are: Ÿ Build on a child's innate sense of wonder and awe. Ÿ Keep learning fun, inclusive and relevant. Ÿ Create confident, independent learners. Ÿ Make the SAA experience happy, caring and safe. Fostering Regular Success Experiences Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten believe that educating children is not just about getting ready for Primary 1 (IQ). It is about curiosity, exploration, self-esteem and care for others - the EQ. It is about creating a classroom environment for preschool children that gives the children regular success experiences. In turn, this keeps up their morale, enthusiasm and attention span for learning. Luckily for children, 'play' is not just the best way. It is essential for children to develop high-level social strategies as well as physical and mental skills. At Swallows and Amazons, education is fun, which promotes the love of learning, so work becomes child's play! Our students will be open-minded enquirers who will have the independence of spirit to explore and maintain their love of learning.
  • 13. The Most Prestigious Pre-School Brand of Singapore, 2023
  • 14. One of the key differentiating factors at Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten is the high teacher-to-child ratio. The industry norm is fifteen students to one teacher, and in the Ministry of Education (MOE) guidelines, it is one teacher to twenty-five children. The school has a ratio of 1:5 for the pre-nursery-aged children (18 months to 2 years old) 1: 6 for nursery children (aged 3 to 4 years old), and 1:8 for the kindergarten children (5-to-6-year- olds). This teacher-to-child ratio allows it to treat each child as an individual and create Individual Learning Plans to suit their skills and needs. Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten does not cater to the average; it caters to the individual. Nurtures the Habits of the Mind Approach In developing the pedagogy, Swallows and Amazons, looked at it from the parent's perspective as well as from an educator's viewpoint. It is an inclusive school, and also it nurtures the Habits of the Mind approach to creating early learning environments. Through the structure of the classroom and the day, its early childhood educators promote strategic reasoning, insightfulness, perseverance, creativity and craftsmanship through the 16 habits of the mind. These life skills are persistence; listening with understanding and empathy; managing impulsivity; thinking flexibly; thinking about thinking; striving for accuracy; questioning and posing problems; applying past knowledge to new situations; thinking and communicating with clarity and precision; gathering data through all senses; creating, imagining, and innovating; responding with wonderment and awe; taking responsible risks; finding humour; thinking independently; and remaining open to continuous learning. Old-fashioned values of respect for elders and each other, as well as good manners, are reinforced at Swallows and Amazons. Children have fun exploring and practising new things, but they also have fun tidying up afterwards and clearing their lunch plates away too. Our classrooms are well- designed, with child-friendly spaces that prioritise safety. This includes age-appropriate furniture, child-sized equipment, and secure play areas.
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  • 16. Fostering a Love for Learning An inquiry-based curriculum and the accompanying teaching methodologies play a crucial role in providing a holistic and well-rounded education for young learners by nurturing curiosity by tapping into children's natural curiosity, fostering a love for learning, and encouraging them to ask questions, explore, and investigate. It ignites their intrinsic motivation, making education an engaging and exciting experience. Rather than passively receiving information, young learners actively participate in their education. Through hands-on activities, experiments, and projects, they become active creators of knowledge. This approach promotes deeper understanding, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Inquiry-based learning recognises that children's development encompasses We believe that educating children is not just about getting ready for Primary 1 (IQ). It is about curiosity, exploration, self-esteem and care for others - the EQ. It is about creating a classroom environment for preschool children that gives the children regular success experiences.
  • 17. more than just academics. It addresses their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. Incorporating various subjects, hands-on experiences, and collaboration supports the holistic development of young learners. Each child has unique strengths, interests, and learning styles. Inquiry- based approaches allow for individualized instruction, catering to the diverse needs of young learners. Teachers can provide differentiated activities and resources, ensuring that every child is appropriately challenged and supported. Instilling Essential Life Skills In Swallows and Amazons curriculum, children develop essential skills that extend beyond the classroom. They learn how to ask thoughtful questions, gather information, evaluate evidence, communicate ideas, collaborate with others, and adapt to new situations. These skills lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success in the future. Collaborative learning experiences and reflection at the school promote the development of social and emotional skills. Young learners learn to work effectively in groups, communicate their thoughts and feelings, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts. These skills contribute to their overall well-being and future success in social contexts. Its classrooms are well-designed, with child-friendly spaces that prioritise safety. This includes age-appropriate furniture, child-sized equipment, and secure play areas. Creating a warm and welcoming environment helps children feel comfortable and encourages their active engagement in learning. Supporting All Aspects of Development The school has dedicated learning centres or areas that offer a variety of materials and resources to support different aspects of development. These centres include a reading corner, art station, sensory play area, block building area, dramatic play corner, and science exploration zone. Each centre is equipped with materials and resources that promote hands-on learning, creativity, and problem- solving. Its well-designed outdoor play area is crucial for young learners. It provides opportunities for physical activities, gross motor development, and exploration of nature. Elements such as climbing structures, sand and water play areas, nature gardens, and open spaces for running and playing can enhance children's overall well-being and development. Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten has a library well stocked with a variety of age-appropriate books, magazines, and other reading materials. A wide range of genres, topics, and reading levels are available to cater to children's different interests and abilities. This fosters a love for reading, language development, and literacy skills. The availability of art supplies, such as crayons, paints, brushes, paper, and various art materials, encourages creativity, self-expression, fine motor skills, and aesthetic appreciation. The school ensures that children have access to these materials and a designated space to engage in artistic activities. Providing manipulatives and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) resources supports cognitive development and critical thinking skills. This can include puzzles, building blocks, construction sets, simple science kits, magnifying glasses, measuring tools, and age- appropriate technology resources like tablets or computers. These resources stimulate problem-solving, spatial reasoning, logical thinking, and scientific exploration. Each classroom of the kindergarten has a supply of musical instruments and props for dancing and pretends play, as this enhances children's sensory experiences, coordination, rhythm, and appreciation for music. Fostering a Healthier Lifestyle Swallows and Amazons prioritises children's health and well-being. The school offers nutritious meals and snacks, access to clean drinking water, proper sanitation facilities, and a comfortable rest area for nap time. A healthy and hygienic environment contributes to children's physical well-being and overall readiness for learning.
  • 18. Providing Active Learning Experiences Age-appropriate technology resources can support learning in today's digital age. These include educational apps, interactive learning tools, and devices that introduce basic computer literacy skills. It is important to strike a balance and ensure that technology is used in a purposeful and supervised manner, complementing hands-on and active learning experiences. The school provides spaces where children can collaborate on group projects and display their work. This fosters a sense of pride, ownership, and community. Bulletin boards, display cases, or designated areas to showcase children's artwork, projects, and achievements promote a positive learning environment. Creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for young learners involves careful planning, consideration of their developmental needs, and providing a wide range of facilities and resources. By offering a well-equipped, supportive, and engaging environment, preschools can enhance children's learning, development, and overall well-being. To be certified as an educator in kindergartens and childcare centres in Singapore, the teachers must meet the professional, academic and language requirements of the respective certification category. The educator certification levels indicate the age group of children you can be deployed to teach. All Swallows and Amazons teachers are qualified in Early Childhood Education with a minimum Diploma in Early Childhood. The school also has a policy of continuous professional development of at least 20 hours per year as well as a mentoring programme to help new or young teachers. Parents as Integral Stakeholders The school fosters strong partnerships with parents by establishing a warm and inviting environment where parents feel comfortable and valued. Strong home-school lines of communication and encouraging parents to share their thoughts, concerns and ideas make the ideal parental environment at Swallows and Amazons possible. The school holds various class and school events and celebrations that parents are invited to attend, including sports day, graduation, field trips, mystery readers, celebratory assemblies, parent-teacher conferences etc. At Swallows and Amazons Kindergarten, we have a library well stocked with a variety of age- appropriate books, magazines, and other reading materials.
  • 19. The school has a range of extracurricular activities (ECAs) held at school, including sports, swimming, drama, gymnastics etc. These will change from time to time. Swallows and Amazons is Accredited with SPARKS (Singapore Preschool Accreditation Framework). Its inquiry-based learning employs a variety of assessment methods that go beyond traditional tests. Teachers assess children's understanding and application through observation, conversations, portfolios and projects. This approach allows for a more comprehensive and authentic evaluation of their knowledge, skills and growth. st Complying with 21 -Century Needs By combining an inquiry-based curriculum with effective teaching methodologies, educators create an environment where young learners are active participants in their education. This approach nurtures their curiosity, promotes holistic development, fosters lifelong learning skills, and prepares them for success in the 21st century. The school hires educators from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures and encourages diversity in the teaching team to provide role models that children can relate to and learn from. Its curriculum is inclusive, as it reflects a wide range of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Incorporate diverse books, toys, and learning materials that celebrate different ethnicities, genders, abilities, and family structures. The school offers professional development opportunities for staff to increase their understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The school fosters an inclusive classroom environment where it values and respects individual differences. Children are taught to appreciate diversity, treat everyone with kindness, and discourage stereotypes or prejudices. The school tries its best to ensure that the preschool environment is accessible for children with disabilities. It builds partnerships with therapy centres and special needs departments in the local children's hospital. The children at Swallows and Amazons understand basic recycling practices, such as throwing away plastic and paper items into the correct bins. The school also has a hydroponics garden. The school grows, harvests and cooks the vegetables for the children to eat.
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  • 21. The Knowledge Review Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 CONTACT US Success to Subscribe Read Email: For Subscription: Enjoyed this Issue? Give it a Check should be drawn in favor of INSIGHTS SUCCESS MEDIA TECH LLC
  • 22. 20 | October 2023 educational framework is built, not just a component of the learning process. In this domain, young children's natural curiosity and boundless energy are not only recognised but also honored. It's a place where education is a two-way adventure where kids' curious spirits are piqued to investigate the world around them, rather than a one-way street where kids are passive recipients of knowledge. Play-based learning in this educational utopia is not just a technique of instruction; it is a way of thinking that recognises kids as curious, energetic explorers who are always seeking information. They are given the ideal platform for endless investigation on this adventure, which ignites their innate passion of learning. A lifetime of curiosity, creativity, and limitless opportunities can be unlocked via play at Singaporean preschools, where it is more than just a past time. Holistic Development in Focus Within Singapore's ever-changing educational scene, there is a novel n the booming city-state of ISingapore, education is more than simply a box to be checked; it's a way of life. Singapore prospers in a fast-paced, fiercely competitive economy because of its consistent dedication to educational excellence, which has earned it recognition on a global scale. Early childhood education assumes a significant role in this context as the foundation for future achievement. Preschools in Singapore have developed a whole educational paradigm around play-based learning, with the goal of using its enormous potential. Discovering the amazing role that play-based learning plays in Singaporean preschools, where education isn't just a goal but a passionate desire, is an exciting journey. A Playful Introduction to Learning Preschools in Singapore, the birthplace of educational innovation, are undergoing a dramatic transformation. Here, play serves as the essential cornerstone upon which an exceptional The Role of Play-Based Learning in Singaporean Preschools
  • 23. October 2023 | 21 Nurturing Young Minds
  • 24. method that goes beyond "fun and games." It's a carefully thought-out teaching method that addresses every aspect of a child's growth. Greetings from the realm of play-based learning, where the definition of play goes much beyond surface-level activities to include development of the mind, body, and emotions. Singapore's unique approach to early childhood education is based on the understanding that kids are not limited learners. Play is not just about having fun; it's also about giving kids the most important life skills. By using this approach, kids develop into skilled communicators, natural problem solvers, and emotional control experts. Additionally, they hone their gross and fine motor abilities, laying the groundwork for seamless academic preparation. Its appreciation for the importance of a comprehensive education, however, is what really distinguishes this method. Learning takes place outside of textbooks and lecture halls in Singapore. The entire range of life skills are covered in this fascinating adventure. Here, play becomes more than just playing; it's the doorway to an endless future in which education doesn't stop at four walls but rather permeates every aspect of a child's life. Child-Centered Approach One of the cornerstones of play-based learning is its child-centered nature. It recognizes that every child is unique and progresses at their own pace. Teachers in Singaporean preschools act as facilitators, observing and understanding each child's interests and strengths. They create an environment that encourages exploration and discovery, tailoring activities to meet individual needs. This personalized approach ensures that no child is left behind, and every child's strengths are celebrated. Building a Strong Foundation In the Singaporean context, the early years are seen as a critical period for laying a strong foundation for future learning. Play-based learning not only imparts knowledge but also inculcates a love for learning. It fosters essential skills like creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which are highly valued in Singapore's education system. Children are inspired and uplifted to ask questions, make choices, and take risks, all of which contribute to their overall development. Preparation for Formal Education As children engage in play-based learning, they naturally develop essential pre-academic skills. They learn to count by sharing toys, enhance their language skills through conversations and storytelling, and understand scientific concepts through hands-on exploration. When the time comes for formal education, these young learners are well-prepared to transition into a more structured learning environment. They not only possess foundational knowledge but also the skills and enthusiasm for learning. Parental Involvement Singaporean preschools actively involve parents in the play-based learning journey. They provide insights into how play can be extended at home, ensuring that the lessons learned in school continue beyond the classroom. This partnership between school and home is instrumental in a child's overall development. It creates a seamless and supportive learning environment where parents and teachers work together to nurture young minds. Conclusion In the heart of Singapore's fast-paced society, play-based learning stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of fun and education. It recognizes that children are not empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge but active, inquisitive beings eager to explore the world. By embracing play-based learning, Singaporean preschools are nurturing young minds, equipping them with the skills and enthusiasm needed for a lifetime of learning. This approach embodies the spirit of education in Singapore, where the journey of discovery begins with play. It's a journey that celebrates curiosity, fosters creativity, and prepares children for a future filled with possibilities. 22 | October 2023