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Kelsey Wheeler.
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    Research and analysis four front covers, contents pages and double page spreads.
‘Free’ advertisement are                                                                                      Mast Head line is
   shown within the whole                                                                                       written in a big bold
           magazine.                                                                                             font to catch the
                                                                                                                    readers eye.

                                                                                                           Latest music and must have
  Text relates to main image.                                                                               lists inside. This makes the
     This will be featured                                                                                     reader want to buy the
  throughout the magazine,                                                                                 magazine as they want to be
 until the double page spread                                                                              up to date with all the latest
         story is shown.                                                                                                songs.

                                                                                                                   Shock stories!
                                                                                                            Engages the audience to read
 Majority of the text is in                                                                                  more. Also the drop quote
  the left thirds of the                                                                                       shows the tone of the
  cover, this is a stereo                                                                                            interview.
     typical feature.
                                                                                                           The magazine itself is of a
                                                                                                           ‘Pop’ genre. You can tell
                                                                                                           this by the colours and by
                                                                                                           the cover stories shown on
  Celebrities are used to                                                                                  the cover, as if it was a
 make the audience want                                                                                    rock genre magazine it
 to read about their lives                                                                                 would have a darker colour
  therefore more people                                                                                    scheme. Also it’s target
 will buy their magazine,                                                                                  audience is aimed at
   more so than others.                                                                                    majority of the teenage
                                                                                                           population, mainly girls as
                                                                                                           by the main image chosen
       Advice.                                                                                             most girls aspire to be Katy
     ‘Greatest”                                                                                            Perry but also the male
                                                                                                           population as they adore
 Colour scheme of white
   black and pink. Also
                                                                                           The price of the magazine is shown by the date
   thepink colour used
                                                                                            issue, £1.75 is the price of this particular issue.
 matches the same shade
                                                                                             This is relatively cheap for a music magazine,
  of pink in Katy Perry’s
                                                                                           this is because its target audience is for working
                                                                                              class/average people, and the quality of the
                                Date of Issue number this will also be shown on a number              magazine isn’t of the highest.
Front cover-Blender              of pages to show that the magazine is up to date with
The typography
  used for this title will be
   shown throughout the              The pages title has been
 magazine as it matches the         written in a different font
  typography on the front               to the usual weekly
   cover, this is a form of               magazine as this
           synergy                    particular magazine is
                                    featuring Katy Perry more
                                       so than other artists.
     Main image is very
    different to others.
 Supposed to interest the
   readers as to why it is
   show differently. The              Not all of the pages
     way the image is                     have been
  represented is relating            mentioned, only the
      to ‘Katy Perry’s’               top four stories, to
   personality as she is a             make the reader
     very independent                want to look through
           person.                   the whole magazine.

   Date of the issue is shown
  here in a thinner font as it is       Web address is
  not to be confused with the           represented on
  ‘Features’ heading, which is         nearly every page
 shown with the similar font to       within the magazine
     the mast head of the               as it is a form of
   magazine keeping with the            advertisement.
         colour scheme.

                                      Page number and
                                        issue number is
   Direct quote from an             shown here in a little
  interview, making the                sized font as the
 reader want to continue                  editors of the
   reading through the              magazine do not think
   magazine to find the               it should take any
     interview itself..              attention away from
                                       the main image.

Contents page- Blender
Web address is shown on every page
as an additional advertisement to gain        Unusual how the text
            more readers..                    goes of the page, this              Typography used is                                    This image
                                            connotes that Katy Perry             continued throughout                                 relates to the
                                             is an unusual individual             the magazine itself.                               main image on
 Direct quote (2)                                                                                                                    the front page.
                                                                                                                                     Featuring Katy
                                                                                                                                        Perry. The
                                                                                                                                     image denotes
                                                                                                                                      of Katy Perry
                                                                                                                                       showing her
                                                                                                                                     more ‘tougher’
                                                                                                                                        side which
                                                                                                                                      connotes that
                                                                                                                                     she is showing
 The text is laid                                                                                                                   that she is not a
      out as                                                                                                                           stereotypical
   newspaper                                                                                                                           ‘girly girl’ by
  article as the                                                                                                                     having her fists
  magazine is                                                                                                                        clenched into a
    doing an                                                                                                                            ball high up
 interview with                                                                                                                      shows that she
Katy Perry. The                                                                                                                         is ready to
 amount of text                                                                                                                          stand her
 that has been                                                                                                                       ground and will
showed, shows                                                                                                                         not be a push
   us that the                                                                                                                        over like other
magazine have                                                                                                                          stars, also it
      a high                                                                                                                          connotes that
 expectation of                                                                                                                      she is ready to
the reader. This                                                                                                                      fight until she
 also shows us                                                                                                                        gets what she
     that the                                                                                                                              wants.
magazine is for
  more mature

                                                                                                                              The colour scheme of
                                                                                                                              black, white, blue and
                                                                                                                               pink has been used
                                         Directors quotes are usually represented on the bottom of the article or on the     consistently throughout
                                         contents page, but this particular article has two, this is to engage the readers        the magazine.
Double page spread- Blender                                  making them want to read on more so.
                                                                                        •Issue number
    The masthead is                                                                     •Web address
      written in a
   distinctive font to
   catch the readers
 eye line and is in the                                                               The price of the
   same blue tone as                                                               magazine is also stated
     the rest of the                                                                here as £2 the price
 magazine matching                                                                    range for music
  the colour scheme.                                                               magazines are roughly
                                                                                   around this price due
                                                                                    to the quality of the
                                                                                      materials used.
 The text here is shown
 of the left third of the
 cover, therefore being                                                               Pug has been used
   in its stereo typical                                                               here to catch the
 position as majority of                                                            target audiences eye.
 magazines are laid out                                                              The fact that it is in
    one on top of the                                                                black and white and
  other therefore only                                                               doesn’t look ‘classy’
  seeing the left hand                                                               would relate to the
 third of the magazine.                                                                 image of Amy
                                                                                     Winehouse as most
                                                                                     people see her as a
   Shock story                                                                        very independent
 relates to main                                                                          individual.

                                                                               Main image a mid close up
 Colour scheme is shown                                                        Featuring Amy Winehouse.
through the front cover and                                                  This feature engages us to read
   is shown consistently                                                     on this also relates to the shock
 throughout the magazine                                                                 story line.

    Barcode is in its                                      The genre of this magazine is not clearly shown in
stereotypical placement                                         ways, for example the main image of Amy
   on the cover at the                                      Winehouse, her music in particular is in between
bottom in either corner.                                     jazz styled and pop music but the colours used
                              Front cover-Rolling stones   such as the black and white pug suggests its aimed
                                                             at ‘grunge’ ‘dark’ ‘rock/pop’ audiences as well.
Colour scheme is
  shown through the
    front cover and
        featured                                             The typography that
    throughout the                                            has been is shown
  magazine to show                                                consistently
   a form consistent                                            throughout the
       of synergy                                            magazine as a form
                                                                  of synergy.

                                                                 List of contents and
                                                                numbered pages are
                                                                   presented in the
                                                                middle of the page as
                                                                this ia a stereotypical
      Numbers have been                                               convention.
  placed on the images here
  to indicate the location of
        the articles in the
   magazine as well as the
     list of contents itself.
                                                             The columns of text down here
                                                                 are not part of the list of
                                                              contents but it shows a list of
                                                              events happening and what is
                                                                happening on the website
                                                                 online. Almost a type of
       The main image is         The main cover story that    advertisement/notification to
   shown below the list of        links to the front cover   keep the audience up to date.
   contents larger than the     featuring Amy WInehouse.
   others to make it stand
     out against the others
       as it is listed in the
    ‘MUSIC’ column there                                     Web address bottom right
    is a interview featuring                                 corner. Again this is shown
             the stars.                                      throughout the magazine as
                                                             it is a form of advertisments
                                                             and also gains more
                                                             readers from their online
Contents page- Rolling stones                                blogs.
The coloured lines around the double page
             On the contents page it states which page this double page spread                           spread itself bring back the blue in the original
          story is but unusually the pages themselves do not have any numbering                          colour scheme and it also doesn’t make the
           on them to indicate which page the reader is on as you can see below                          double page spread look dull, and also the colours
           there is a small marking in the corner of each page but it actually just                      used contrast with each other in such a way that
                        has the initials ‘R.S’ standing for RollingStones.                               as the reader you can not help but look.

 The text colour used
 here was featured on
                                                                                                                                                 This image is the
    the cover but has
                                                                                                                                               main image making
   been used here to
                                                                                                                                                 the double page
contrast with the black
                                                                                                                                                spread condensed
 and white layout and
                                                                                                                                                  onto one page,
   image to catch the
                                                                                                                                               which is unusual as
 readers attention as
                                                                                                                                                   a stereotypical
  the typography is of
                                                                                                                                                  convention of a
    such a large size,
                                                                                                                                               double page spread
  leading to a smaller
                                                                                                                                               is to have a variety
 and thinner font style
                                                                                                                                                 of images spread
in the same colour, to
                                                                                                                                                   out across the
    then showing the
                                                                                                                                               pages and have the
    actual article is its
                                                                                                                                                text split up so it is
  professional layout.
                                                                                                                                                 usually easier for
                                                                                                                                                  the audience to
To begin the text there is
 a ‘Drop cap’ which is a
stereotypical convention
for columns of texts like
  this as it catches the
    readers attention.

Editors note, opinion                                      Text has been laid out as a newspaper            The image itself has a double meaning, for example as the
on the story, actually                                   article, to show the importance of the story,      article is about how Amy has changed as a person the fact
ends with a rhetorical                                   The amount of text that has been showed,                that she has her back to the text within the image
question leaving the                                      shows us that the magazine have a high             connotes that she is ashamed of her life story and wants
readers still engaged                                   expectation of the reader. This also shows us         to change. The image also denotes her walking into the
with the story.                                         that the magazine is for more mature people         shadows with her head down, connoting that she is going
                                                                                                              to the ‘dark side’ within life and she has given up on all
Double page spread- Rolling stones
Masthead is written in lower
 Strip line-includes buzz words making               case and appears to look more
 readers want to purchase the magazine               informal than others giving the
 more so than others as it makes the                 impression that it is not as posh
 magazine seem more interesting and more             as it has been represented.

  •Barcode                                           By having majority of the text down
  •Price                                                the right hand side is unusual as
                                                     normally the text is on the first third
  •Website                                            (left hand side) due to the fact that
  •Date and issue number                             magazines are usually stacked on top
                                                     of each other, the reason as to why
  These are all put together closely in the          the text is on the left so that if they
  bottom right hand corner as these types             are piled up you can read the main
  of magazines layout their magazines to             parts of the story without having to
  have the less important and eye catching                 pick up the magazine itself.
  conventions at the bottom, as most
  companies believe that the audience
  readers from top to bottom so if they
  loose interest throughout the page they
  have got all the more important                     The big writing in the middle stating
  information out there.                               ‘Dance Act’ would suggest that the
                                                       genre of this magazine is more of a
                                                         pop/dance style rather than a
                                                        Rock/Indi genre. The Typography
                                                     itself for the “A” as it is italic it makes
This particular magazine cover so happens to be a     the A’s look like a road in such a way
monthly limited edition. Usually there font covers   connoting a road to holly wood. As it
 would be very different and more outrageously       states ‘Who is the greatest…’ making
 colored and laid out where as this one has been          the readers want to read on.
            made to look more ‘classy’
 Below I have inserted a few of the more regular
                     covers.                         The colour scheme of black,
                                                     white and gold, makes the
                                                     magazine look more expensive,
                                                     hence why customers don’t mind
                                                     paying £4.20. This is priced
                                                     higher than usual as it is a limited
                                                     edition and the quality is very
                                                     good and is of a high standard for
Front cover-Mixmag                                   presentation.
There is insert of a small version of the front cover, this is showing the
The different fonts used have been shown    design synergy between the pages therefore explaining the difference
consistently to show the contrast between     between the two shown through the fonts, layout and the style of                  The color scheme is still used
 the colours used and the different tones                         images that have been used.                                 throughout the magazine this is a
       shown within the magazine.                                                                                            form of synergy besides the images.

   Name of the
 magazine/logo is
 represented on                                                                                                                                   The images shown
   the left hand                                                                                                                                     in the bottom
    third of the                                                                                                                                  right hand corner
       pages                                                                                                                                       all have numbers
  reinforcing the                                                                                                                                   on them as an
       media                                                                                                                                          indication of
    ownership.                                                                                                                                    where they are in
                                                                                                                                                     the magazine
                                                                                                                                                     itself. This is a
                                                                                                                                                  convention as the
                                                                                                                                                       readers will
                                                                                                                                                    recognize well
    ‘Free CD’
                                                                                                                                                   known stars and
                                                                                                                                                   want to continue
     on every
                                                                                                                                                       reading the
  pages. Usually
                                                                                                                                                   magazine to find
                                                                                                                                                        out more.
 like this would
 be represented
   on the front
  page and this
   would have
 been a form of

                                                                List of contents and page numbers on both pages. This is a stereo typical
                                                              convention for every magazine, but is a very popular way of indicating where
                                                                           the images used are featured in the magazine itself.
Contents page- Mixmag
Logo of the
    magazine is        The different fonts used have been shown consistently to
                                                                                                   The color scheme is still used throughout the
 shown on every             contrast with the colours used within the text.
                                                                                                          magazine besides the images.
article to represent
media ownership.

                                                                                                                           Columns of text
                                                                                                                           never cross the
                                                                                                                         centre line. White
      Directors                                                                                                             text is used to
   quote is used                                                                                                        contrast against the
   to engage the                                                                                                         black background.
   readers about                                                                                                        These colours have
       what is                                                                                                                been used
  included within                                                                                                          throughout the
     the article.                                                                                                       whole magazine but
                                                                                                                        more so on articles
                                                                                                                         like this to get the
                                                                                                                         readers attention.
 To begin the text
  there is a ‘Drop
   cap’ which is a
    stereotypical                                                                                                        Also the drop quote
  convention for                                                                                                           that is shown is a
 columns of texts                                                                                                          random position
    like this as it                                                                                                     shows the tone of the
     catches the                                                                                                        interview. I believe it
readers attention.                                                                                                      has been placed here
                                                                                                                         as the reader will be
                                                                                                                          attracted to them
                                                                                                                          main image before
 They have used                                                                                                           they begin to read
  a small image                                                                                                           therefore they will
that relates to the                                                                                                      know a bit about the
    article as it                                                                                                                 story.
makes the article
  easier to read
with more visual
                                                          The small bursts of lights here could be a form of synergy from the image in the bottom
                                                        left hand corner from the coloured lights of the sound board surrounded by a huge crowd,
                                                               being used, which connotes that the band the article is about is very popular.

Double Page spread-Mixmag
Colour scheme is shown
 through the front cover and
the magazine itself and also                Sky lines are shown usually on the
       the companies                         top of a magazine to engage the
     website.(Synergy)                       readers with a shock story. Most
                                               magazines the strap lines are
                                            shown in the colour scheme that is
                                             shown throughout the magazine

  Pugs are featured on the
front covers of magazine to
gain the audiences attention
                                            The masthead denotes broken up
                                          capitals for the name of the magazine
                                           and connotes loud music shattering
                                            glass or even a strong emotion of
 List of certain contents with images                      anger.
that look like they have been printed
off and stuck on afterwards similar to
   a pug but are known as polaroid
 which are shown down here to give        Text relates to main image. This will
 the readers an idea of what is in the        be featured throughout the
    magazine before purchasing it.          magazine, until the double page
                                                 spread story is shown.
  The cover of the magazine instantly
   shows us in a range of techniques
 which genre it is. By the colours and
 typography used, the celebrities and
    bands shown and also the use of                       •Barcode
colours shows us that this magazine is                      •Date
   not the pop/dance genre but is a                    •Issue number
       rock/heavy metal genre.                         •Web address

      ‘Plugs’ have been used
      here instead of a ‘pug’
       to show other stories             The price of the magazine is also stated
           featured in the                here at £1.95 as the magazine is not of
             magazine.                   a high quality and the target audience is
                                             of a lower class standard with an
                                                      average wage.
Front cover-Kerrang
The main image denotes the person singing
                                                     passionately and heavily into the microphone
                                                      therefore connoting that it is to do with rock
                                                     music which is also suggested by the way he is
                                                   represented throughout his choice of clothing and

The masthead is featured on the contents page
 in the same font style as this represents their                   Issue number and date of the
company and many people would recognize this                         magazine is again repeated
                   logo/font.                                     throughout the magazine in the
                                                                      same font style and size.

                                                                       List of contents and page
                                                                      numbers is a stereotypical
   Again the same colours scheme has                              convention for magazines and this
  been kept throughout the magazine as                             layout is very popular due to the
    a form of synergy. Readers will also                              way you can locate stories
   recognize the magazine through the                                     through the images.
           title and the colours.

                                                                     Website address is shown on
                                                                       nearly every page in the
      Numbers have been placed on the                                  magazine as it a form of
   images here to indicate the location of                           advertisments in a way to get
    the articles in the magazine as well as                         their readers to visit their web
           the list of contents itself.                                          page.

       Editors note. These are usually
      shown on the contents pages of                                   These advertisements are
     magazines, its just a little message                                shown throughout the
     from the editor normally thanking                               magazine offering deals about
        the readers and giving them                                   subscription of the magazine
      information on up coming issues                                   and great free gifts and
                     ect.                                            discounts you’ll be able to get.

Contents page-Kerrang
This double page spread unusually does not follow the colour scheme shown throughout the
   front cover and the contents page. This article has a strict colour scheme of black white and               The same font style has been used throughout the
     red, this could be that the artists could have specifically asked for these colours, as from             magazine so far, but within this particular double page
 research shown their latest album around this time the cover was black white and red, this is a                 spread the editor has used italics so show the
           form of cross media convergence as the discuss their album within the article.                           difference between the main body text.

                                                                                                                                       The images that have been used
                                                                                                                                       are of a close long shot and have
                                                                                                                                          been positioned in unusual
                                                                                                                                          positions but this makes the
                                                                                                                                          article more striking, as the
                                                                                                                                       readers will see the images more
                                                                                                                                         so than the text knowing they
                                                                                                                                          would recognize the artists
                                                                                                                                           wanting to read on more.

                                                                                                                                      These bubbles of texts are also known
                                                                                                                                      as ‘starbursts of text’ which highlights
                                                                                                                                       parts of the text so the audience can
Double page spread-Kerrang                                                                                                             read parts and then want to read on.
                                                                                                                                         Again they have been kept to the
                                                                                                                                      colour scheme of black white and red.
   The article itself has been laid out as a question and answer format, this makes the article/interview seem easier for the
                readers to relate to the artists. This particular lay out is very popular within double page spreads.

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  • 1. Kelsey Wheeler. M M a a g g a a z z I I n n e e R R e e s s e e a a r r c c h h Research and analysis four front covers, contents pages and double page spreads.
  • 2. ‘Free’ advertisement are Mast Head line is shown within the whole written in a big bold magazine. font to catch the readers eye. Latest music and must have Text relates to main image. lists inside. This makes the This will be featured reader want to buy the throughout the magazine, magazine as they want to be until the double page spread up to date with all the latest story is shown. songs. Shock stories! Engages the audience to read Majority of the text is in more. Also the drop quote the left thirds of the shows the tone of the cover, this is a stereo interview. typical feature. The magazine itself is of a ‘Pop’ genre. You can tell this by the colours and by the cover stories shown on Celebrities are used to the cover, as if it was a make the audience want rock genre magazine it to read about their lives would have a darker colour therefore more people scheme. Also it’s target will buy their magazine, audience is aimed at more so than others. majority of the teenage population, mainly girls as by the main image chosen Advice. most girls aspire to be Katy ‘Greatest” Perry but also the male population as they adore her. Colour scheme of white black and pink. Also The price of the magazine is shown by the date thepink colour used issue, £1.75 is the price of this particular issue. matches the same shade This is relatively cheap for a music magazine, of pink in Katy Perry’s this is because its target audience is for working clothing. class/average people, and the quality of the Date of Issue number this will also be shown on a number magazine isn’t of the highest. Front cover-Blender of pages to show that the magazine is up to date with everything.
  • 3. The typography used for this title will be shown throughout the The pages title has been magazine as it matches the written in a different font typography on the front to the usual weekly cover, this is a form of magazine as this synergy particular magazine is featuring Katy Perry more so than other artists. Main image is very different to others. Supposed to interest the readers as to why it is show differently. The Not all of the pages way the image is have been represented is relating mentioned, only the to ‘Katy Perry’s’ top four stories, to personality as she is a make the reader very independent want to look through person. the whole magazine. Date of the issue is shown here in a thinner font as it is Web address is not to be confused with the represented on ‘Features’ heading, which is nearly every page shown with the similar font to within the magazine the mast head of the as it is a form of magazine keeping with the advertisement. colour scheme. Page number and issue number is Direct quote from an shown here in a little interview, making the sized font as the reader want to continue editors of the reading through the magazine do not think magazine to find the it should take any interview itself.. attention away from the main image. Contents page- Blender
  • 4. Web address is shown on every page as an additional advertisement to gain Unusual how the text more readers.. goes of the page, this Typography used is This image connotes that Katy Perry continued throughout relates to the is an unusual individual the magazine itself. main image on Direct quote (2) the front page. Featuring Katy Perry. The image denotes of Katy Perry showing her more ‘tougher’ side which connotes that she is showing The text is laid that she is not a out as stereotypical newspaper ‘girly girl’ by article as the having her fists magazine is clenched into a doing an ball high up interview with shows that she Katy Perry. The is ready to amount of text stand her that has been ground and will showed, shows not be a push us that the over like other magazine have stars, also it a high connotes that expectation of she is ready to the reader. This fight until she also shows us gets what she that the wants. magazine is for more mature people The colour scheme of black, white, blue and pink has been used Directors quotes are usually represented on the bottom of the article or on the consistently throughout contents page, but this particular article has two, this is to engage the readers the magazine. Double page spread- Blender making them want to read on more so.
  • 5. •Date •Issue number The masthead is •Web address written in a distinctive font to catch the readers eye line and is in the The price of the same blue tone as magazine is also stated the rest of the here as £2 the price magazine matching range for music the colour scheme. magazines are roughly around this price due to the quality of the materials used. The text here is shown of the left third of the cover, therefore being Pug has been used in its stereo typical here to catch the position as majority of target audiences eye. magazines are laid out The fact that it is in one on top of the black and white and other therefore only doesn’t look ‘classy’ seeing the left hand would relate to the third of the magazine. image of Amy Winehouse as most people see her as a Shock story very independent relates to main individual. image. Main image a mid close up Colour scheme is shown Featuring Amy Winehouse. through the front cover and This feature engages us to read is shown consistently on this also relates to the shock throughout the magazine story line. Barcode is in its The genre of this magazine is not clearly shown in stereotypical placement ways, for example the main image of Amy on the cover at the Winehouse, her music in particular is in between bottom in either corner. jazz styled and pop music but the colours used Front cover-Rolling stones such as the black and white pug suggests its aimed at ‘grunge’ ‘dark’ ‘rock/pop’ audiences as well.
  • 6. Colour scheme is shown through the front cover and featured The typography that throughout the has been is shown magazine to show consistently a form consistent throughout the of synergy magazine as a form of synergy. List of contents and numbered pages are presented in the middle of the page as this ia a stereotypical Numbers have been convention. placed on the images here to indicate the location of the articles in the magazine as well as the list of contents itself. The columns of text down here are not part of the list of contents but it shows a list of events happening and what is happening on the website online. Almost a type of The main image is The main cover story that advertisement/notification to shown below the list of links to the front cover keep the audience up to date. contents larger than the featuring Amy WInehouse. others to make it stand out against the others as it is listed in the ‘MUSIC’ column there Web address bottom right is a interview featuring corner. Again this is shown the stars. throughout the magazine as it is a form of advertisments and also gains more readers from their online Contents page- Rolling stones blogs.
  • 7. The coloured lines around the double page On the contents page it states which page this double page spread spread itself bring back the blue in the original story is but unusually the pages themselves do not have any numbering colour scheme and it also doesn’t make the on them to indicate which page the reader is on as you can see below double page spread look dull, and also the colours there is a small marking in the corner of each page but it actually just used contrast with each other in such a way that has the initials ‘R.S’ standing for RollingStones. as the reader you can not help but look. The text colour used here was featured on This image is the the cover but has main image making been used here to the double page contrast with the black spread condensed and white layout and onto one page, image to catch the which is unusual as readers attention as a stereotypical the typography is of convention of a such a large size, double page spread leading to a smaller is to have a variety and thinner font style of images spread in the same colour, to out across the then showing the pages and have the actual article is its text split up so it is professional layout. usually easier for the audience to read. To begin the text there is a ‘Drop cap’ which is a stereotypical convention for columns of texts like this as it catches the readers attention. Editors note, opinion Text has been laid out as a newspaper The image itself has a double meaning, for example as the on the story, actually article, to show the importance of the story, article is about how Amy has changed as a person the fact ends with a rhetorical The amount of text that has been showed, that she has her back to the text within the image question leaving the shows us that the magazine have a high connotes that she is ashamed of her life story and wants readers still engaged expectation of the reader. This also shows us to change. The image also denotes her walking into the with the story. that the magazine is for more mature people shadows with her head down, connoting that she is going to the ‘dark side’ within life and she has given up on all hope. Double page spread- Rolling stones
  • 8. Masthead is written in lower Strip line-includes buzz words making case and appears to look more readers want to purchase the magazine informal than others giving the more so than others as it makes the impression that it is not as posh magazine seem more interesting and more as it has been represented. appealing. •Barcode By having majority of the text down •Price the right hand side is unusual as normally the text is on the first third •Website (left hand side) due to the fact that •Date and issue number magazines are usually stacked on top of each other, the reason as to why These are all put together closely in the the text is on the left so that if they bottom right hand corner as these types are piled up you can read the main of magazines layout their magazines to parts of the story without having to have the less important and eye catching pick up the magazine itself. conventions at the bottom, as most companies believe that the audience readers from top to bottom so if they loose interest throughout the page they have got all the more important The big writing in the middle stating information out there. ‘Dance Act’ would suggest that the genre of this magazine is more of a pop/dance style rather than a Rock/Indi genre. The Typography itself for the “A” as it is italic it makes This particular magazine cover so happens to be a the A’s look like a road in such a way monthly limited edition. Usually there font covers connoting a road to holly wood. As it would be very different and more outrageously states ‘Who is the greatest…’ making colored and laid out where as this one has been the readers want to read on. made to look more ‘classy’ Below I have inserted a few of the more regular covers. The colour scheme of black, white and gold, makes the magazine look more expensive, hence why customers don’t mind paying £4.20. This is priced higher than usual as it is a limited edition and the quality is very good and is of a high standard for Front cover-Mixmag presentation.
  • 9. There is insert of a small version of the front cover, this is showing the The different fonts used have been shown design synergy between the pages therefore explaining the difference consistently to show the contrast between between the two shown through the fonts, layout and the style of The color scheme is still used the colours used and the different tones images that have been used. throughout the magazine this is a shown within the magazine. form of synergy besides the images. Name of the magazine/logo is represented on The images shown the left hand in the bottom third of the right hand corner pages all have numbers reinforcing the on them as an media indication of ownership. where they are in the magazine itself. This is a popular convention as the readers will recognize well ‘Free CD’ known stars and advertisments want to continue on every reading the pages. Usually magazine to find advertisements out more. like this would be represented on the front page and this would have been a form of synergy. List of contents and page numbers on both pages. This is a stereo typical convention for every magazine, but is a very popular way of indicating where the images used are featured in the magazine itself. Contents page- Mixmag
  • 10. Logo of the magazine is The different fonts used have been shown consistently to The color scheme is still used throughout the shown on every contrast with the colours used within the text. magazine besides the images. article to represent media ownership. Columns of text never cross the centre line. White Directors text is used to quote is used contrast against the to engage the black background. readers about These colours have what is been used included within throughout the the article. whole magazine but more so on articles like this to get the readers attention. To begin the text there is a ‘Drop cap’ which is a stereotypical Also the drop quote convention for that is shown is a columns of texts random position like this as it shows the tone of the catches the interview. I believe it readers attention. has been placed here as the reader will be attracted to them main image before They have used they begin to read a small image therefore they will that relates to the know a bit about the article as it story. makes the article easier to read with more visual aids. The small bursts of lights here could be a form of synergy from the image in the bottom left hand corner from the coloured lights of the sound board surrounded by a huge crowd, being used, which connotes that the band the article is about is very popular. Double Page spread-Mixmag
  • 11. Colour scheme is shown through the front cover and the magazine itself and also Sky lines are shown usually on the the companies top of a magazine to engage the website.(Synergy) readers with a shock story. Most magazines the strap lines are shown in the colour scheme that is shown throughout the magazine itself. Pugs are featured on the front covers of magazine to gain the audiences attention The masthead denotes broken up capitals for the name of the magazine and connotes loud music shattering glass or even a strong emotion of List of certain contents with images anger. that look like they have been printed off and stuck on afterwards similar to a pug but are known as polaroid which are shown down here to give Text relates to main image. This will the readers an idea of what is in the be featured throughout the magazine before purchasing it. magazine, until the double page spread story is shown. The cover of the magazine instantly shows us in a range of techniques which genre it is. By the colours and typography used, the celebrities and bands shown and also the use of •Barcode colours shows us that this magazine is •Date not the pop/dance genre but is a •Issue number rock/heavy metal genre. •Web address ‘Plugs’ have been used here instead of a ‘pug’ to show other stories The price of the magazine is also stated featured in the here at £1.95 as the magazine is not of magazine. a high quality and the target audience is of a lower class standard with an average wage. Front cover-Kerrang
  • 12. The main image denotes the person singing passionately and heavily into the microphone therefore connoting that it is to do with rock music which is also suggested by the way he is represented throughout his choice of clothing and tattoos. The masthead is featured on the contents page in the same font style as this represents their Issue number and date of the company and many people would recognize this magazine is again repeated logo/font. throughout the magazine in the same font style and size. List of contents and page numbers is a stereotypical Again the same colours scheme has convention for magazines and this been kept throughout the magazine as layout is very popular due to the a form of synergy. Readers will also way you can locate stories recognize the magazine through the through the images. title and the colours. Website address is shown on nearly every page in the Numbers have been placed on the magazine as it a form of images here to indicate the location of advertisments in a way to get the articles in the magazine as well as their readers to visit their web the list of contents itself. page. Editors note. These are usually shown on the contents pages of These advertisements are magazines, its just a little message shown throughout the from the editor normally thanking magazine offering deals about the readers and giving them subscription of the magazine information on up coming issues and great free gifts and ect. discounts you’ll be able to get. Contents page-Kerrang
  • 13. This double page spread unusually does not follow the colour scheme shown throughout the front cover and the contents page. This article has a strict colour scheme of black white and The same font style has been used throughout the red, this could be that the artists could have specifically asked for these colours, as from magazine so far, but within this particular double page research shown their latest album around this time the cover was black white and red, this is a spread the editor has used italics so show the form of cross media convergence as the discuss their album within the article. difference between the main body text. The images that have been used are of a close long shot and have been positioned in unusual positions but this makes the article more striking, as the readers will see the images more so than the text knowing they would recognize the artists wanting to read on more. These bubbles of texts are also known as ‘starbursts of text’ which highlights parts of the text so the audience can Double page spread-Kerrang read parts and then want to read on. Again they have been kept to the colour scheme of black white and red. The article itself has been laid out as a question and answer format, this makes the article/interview seem easier for the readers to relate to the artists. This particular lay out is very popular within double page spreads.