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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain
Calibration System
Atanu Nath
INFN - Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
On behalf of the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration.
Department of Physics, IIT Guwahati
Guwahati, India
Jan 10, 2020
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
One slide on me
I am from Lala, Hailakandi.
Did my B.Sc (Physics) from the Dept. of Physics, G. C. College, Silchar
M.Sc from the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
Graduate school at TIFR, Mumbai.
Ph.D, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy, on matching long
and short distance QCD in rare Kaon decays, under Giancarlo D’Ambrosio.
Post Doctoral Fellow, INFN, Naples, Italy in collaboration with Fermilab,
Run-coordinator of the Muon g − 2 experiment.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What is g − 2 and why is it so important?
I have prepared this talk keeping in mind that undergrads might also be
attending. Therefore, some stuff might seem trivial but please bear with me.
• I will start from a very crude introduction of g-factor.
• I will introduce some of the basic QED rules and diagrams.
• I may also brush over some of the HEP definitions.
• I will not be able to go into the details of the "Gain calibration" part.
I will not answer ”why is it so important?“ part right now but will become
apparent as we move forward...
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Spin and magnetic moment of particles
Consider an electron orbiting in a circle of radius r with a speed v. The
magnetic moment µorb will be given by the resulting current times the area of
the circle:
µorb = i A =
= −
ˆn = −
where Lorb = r × mv.
This expression also holds for a
fundamental particle with intrinsic
angular momentum S and charge Q
provided we correct it with a factor g:
µ = g
Such a magnet when placed in a
magnetic field experiences a torque
that gives rise to a potential energy
U = −µ · B
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The g factor
Pauli’s equation, which is also the non-relativistic limit of Dirac equation
describes a spin-1/2 particle with charge e and mass m in an external
electromagnetic field given by the potentials (φ, A):
(−i − e A)2
Kinetic Energy
− 2
S · B + e φ
Potential Energy
 ψ
Comparing the second term (magnetic potential energy) with U = −µ · B of
the last slide, we see that Dirac’s equation predicts
g = 2
But is it??
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
History of g = 2
Lamb Shift (1947): According to relativistic quantum mechanics, g = 2, if
that is true the energy difference between 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 levels of the
Hydrogen atom should be zero.
Celebrated paper...
But in the Nobel winning experiment, Lamb and Retherford found a relative
shift of 1058 MHz suggesting g = 2! This result fueled the development of
modern QED, the most successful theory in science so far.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
RQM is not complete!
Relativistic QM is not complete.
Soon Schwinger, Tomonaga, Feynman and others started developing
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), that soon earned the reputation of
the “most accurate theory of nature” so far and it still stands so.
Feynman developed his diagramatic method that simplified
super-complicated calculations of QED.
Let’s learn Feynman Diagrams through Quantum Electrodynamics.
We will use the following conventions
Time will flow from left to right.
Verticle axis will roughly represent the space.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Fundamental propagators in QED
There’s only one allowed way of joining them, the QED
vertex, describes the interaction of a charged particle with an
EM field (photon):
Following are not allowed
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Let us draw the QED vertex in different ways
and see what they mean.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
An electron emits a photon and moves on.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
A positron absorbs a photon and moves on.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
An electron and a positron annihilate into a photon.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
A photon produces an electron-positron pair.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Let us draw a bit more complicated diagrams with more than one vertex and
involving virtual particles.
Electron-positron pair annihilating to produce a photon that eventually
produces another electron-postron pair.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Let us draw a bit more complicated diagrams with more than one vertex and
involving virtual particles.
Electron emits a photon and moves on, the photon eventually gets
absorbed by a postron.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Let’s draw a diagram with a virtual electron in a loop
A photon producing a virtual electron-positron pair that annihilates to
re-produce the photon. This is basically the photon interacting with the
vacuum of space which apparently is not so vacuum after all!
But as we go on increasing the number of vertices, the diagram becomes less
and less important.
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
QED: Lamb shift
At this moment we will be able to understand the lamb shift, the experiment
that fueled the development of QED.
S and P orbitals have different shapes and gets kicked differently by virtual
photons in the vacuum
as a result the energy of electrons in these two states differ slightly (0.00003%).
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
QED: magnetic moment of a particle.
We will be calculating a simple diagram of a charged particle interacting with
an external magnetic field,
as this has the minimum number of vertices, this is the dominant diagram
producing the result g = 2... But of course less important diagrams are
possible representing the same physical phenomenon, that is diagrams with
intermediate virtual particles, for example:
Complete result is the sum of all possible infinite number of diagrams.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron
First order correction (1-loop) was calculated by Julian Schwinger in 1948.
ge − 2
= ae =
+ O(α2
) Scwinger’s grave.
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What’s running in the loops?
That blob includes everything that is allowed in nature,
leptons, quarks, weak-bosons or something unknown to
current physics, any virtual field can interact with the
lepton (that is running in a loop) in question and
contribute to its g factor. This is precisely why g acts as
an excellent probe to what’s lurking in the vacuum, SM
and/or BSM fields.
The anomaly is defined through the quantity a = (g − 2)/2. Total anomaly
can be written as:
a = aQED
+ ahadronic
+ aweak
Standard Model
+ aBSM
New Physics
We need to know the SM contribution both theoretically and experimentally
with equal precision in order to say something conclusive about the Beyond
Standard Model part.
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What’s running in the loops?
Suppose a virtual particle of mass Mloop is running in the loop, contributions
to the magnetic moment from such a loop enter as functions of m2
a ∼
therefore we can guess the mass of an unknown particle.
We are interested in the magnetic moment of a muon...
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
But why µ? What’s wrong with e?
As we have seen, loop contributions enter as functions of m2
a ∼
electron being the lightest lepton, even in a one-muon loop Mloop = mµ
implies (m2
µ) a contribution O 10−10
Muon is ,
times more sensitive than electron in sensing a heavy unknown particle.
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What’s wrong with τ then?
τ is the heaviest lepton therefore m2
τ /M2
loop is the biggest for τ, certainly aτ
will be the most sensitive probe to any new physics.
Well it is and the theoretical calculation provides us with a very precise value of
aτ = 117721(5) × 10−8
but it is so short-lived (10−13
seconds) that no practical experiment can be
designed with the current technology, current experimental bound is
−0.052 < aτ < 0.013
Even the sign is not known experimentally!!!
This leaves us with the only choice µ, but it has QCD challanges!
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The hadronic issue!
QCD has this beautiful (yet nasty!)
property called the “assymptotic
freedom”, strength of attraction between
two quarks increases as we pull them
Which practically means, at long-distance
(∼ low-energy), diagrams with more
vertices are more important in QCD!
That means we have to calculate increasing number of diagrams with
increasing complexity!!! And there are infinite of them!
The usual procedure, called the perturbation series just fails, therefore
scientists rely on models for calculations as a result big errors enter the
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The hadronic issue!
From left to right we have leading order QED, weak and hadronic
contributions, biggest uncertainty of course enters from the hadronic (quark
and gluon loops) contributions, that, for now, can only be calculated using
dispersion approach:
µ [LO] =
ˆ ∞
(s) = 6931(33)(7) × 10−11
The red part is due to experimental data taken from σ(e+
→ hadrons).
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Standard model result
QED (γ, )
µ = (116584718.971 ± 0.07) × 10−11
EW (W, Z)
µ = (153.6 ± 1) × 10−11
Hadronic (quarks, gluons)
µ = (6846.8 ± 24.2) × 10−11
µ = (98 ± 26) × 10−11
Total SM
µ = (116591820.4 ± 35.6) × 10−11
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What about the experiments? Before we get there, let us remember a few
Spin and handed-ness of particles: if spin of a particle is directed along
(opposite to) its momentum then it’s a right (left)-handed particle. All
neutrinos (antineutrinos) are left (right) handed.
Parity is violated in weak interactions
Let us now dive into the experiment...
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
General Principle of the experiments
Polarized muons
are sent to the
magnetic storage
ring where they
orbit and decay to
positrons and
As spin precesses
around the
magnetic field as a
result decay
positrons show
modulations in
their number.
Decay positron
oscillation is
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
How do we polarize muons?
It’s a 2 body decay, neutrinos are left-handed.
To conserve angular momentum, µ+
has to be left-handed
too, that is muon-spin directed opposite to its momentum.
Can we measure their spin directions from the decay positrons?
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Muon decay: Positron direction ∝ muon spin direction.
3-body decay, νe, ¯νµ are left, right-handed
respectively implying e+
spin along its
Due to parity violation, fast positrons are
emitted along the muon spin direction.
W(Θ) ∝ [1 + α(E) cos Θ]
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
µ+ decay: highest energy e+ along µ+ spin
Fastest e+
are along the direction of muon spin.
Therefore, detecting e+
with energy > a threshold (1.8 GeV ), means
reading the muon spin direction.
That’s why calorimeters are arranged near the beam path and pointed
towards the beam.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
How do we measure g-2?
Spin s when put in a magnetic field B,
precesses around it with a frequency
ωs =
+ aµ
But the muons are also orbiting inside
the ring, this cyclotrone frequency is
ωc =
Therefore we define the difference as
ωa =
Remember aµ = (gµ − 2)/2
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
A magic worth mentioning...
To maintain vertical stability an electric field E (quadrupole) is also applied,
which makes it a bit more complicated
ωa =
aµB − aµ −
γ2 − 1
v × E
But there’s a magic...
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The magic momentum γ ∼ 29
To maintain vertical stability an electric field E (quadrupole) is also applied,
which makes it a bit more complicated
ωa =
aµB −

aµ −
γ2 − 1
v × E
But there’s a magic...
A clever choice of muon energy (3.1 GeV) or γ (∼ 29) will result in a
This specific momentum of the muon is called “the magic-momentum”.
Therefore finally:
ωa =
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
ωa and decay positrons...
gµ = 2 will imply aµ = 0 that is Larmor and cyclotrone frequencies will
match perfectly implying no mis-alignment between the spin and the
momentum of the muons.
Slight mismatch will result in oscillation of the number of fast decay
positrons. Actually it’s about 12o
per ring-lap, requires ∼ 30 laps to
re-align =⇒ 30×149 (time taken in one lap) ns 4.5 µs.
Measuring those decay positrons will mean measurement of ωa hence aµ.
Remember muon spin and the decay positron energy are highly correlated!
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The wiggles
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The wiggles
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The wiggles and the ωa
N(E, t) ∝ e−t/γτµ
[1 − A(E, t) cos(ωat + φ)]
Number of decay positrons N
modulates with ωa.
It also exponentially decays with
lifetime γτµ ∼ 64 µs.
Recalling the equation
ωa =
a measurement of the magnetic
field and the muon mass will finish
the job.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Exciting results!!!
All we discussed so far are common to most of the old experiments, let’s
consider the results and the consequences.
The Brookhaven
(E821) result (0.54
ppm) is the last and
the most exciting one,
µ − aexpt
µ ) 3.7σ
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
There’s a 4-5 times more precise experiment going on right now... = an aim
of 7σ theory-experiment disagreement.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The great move: 5150 kilometers, 25th June → July 20th, 2013
• Continuously wound coild, can’t
break into pieces, can’t flex 
• 15 m diameter ring = 4 highway
• $2M to move  $30M to build a
new one!
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The Fermilab g-2 collaboration: 33 countries
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
g-2 @ FNAL: Improvements of systematics over BNL
The new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab, the E989 is aiming to be 4 times
more precise (0.14 ppm) than the BNL (0.54 ppm), which requires
improvements at several fronts.
Improved statistics: 21× BNL statistics.
Low pion contamination: Pions (3.11 GeV) travels longer (∼ 1 km)
distance = pure muon beam at the end.
Gain calibration: A laser based calibration system will monitor the
changes in the gain during and outside a muon fill and correct for it.
Low pile-up: A calorimeter is highly segmented (SiPMs collecting light
from 6 × 9 PbF2 crystals).
Improved tracker system.
Extremely uniform and stable (±40ppm) magnetic field of 1.45 T.
Systematic uncertainty ∼ 70 ppb.
6 different analysis groups using differnt reconstruction and fitting effects,
treating detector effects differently.
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Doubly-blinded experiment
What analyzers fit is the clock freuency R and not the ωa, that are related via:
ωa = 2π · 0.2291MHz · [1 − (R − ∆Ra − ∆Rp) × 10−6
∆Rp is the relative freuency offset introduced by individual analysis groups and
∆Ra is the absolute clock shift.
• Digitizer clock frequency is shifted in the range of ±25 ppm. This is not
known to anyone in the collaboration.
• Individual analysis groups have their own private analysis level frequency
shift not known to other analysis group.
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All kinds of Physicists
And also optical physicists...
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
A little bit about the Italian contribution: the gain correction
Figure: 2 ns apart particles hitting the
Figure: High load in the few µs after the
injection of beam.
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What we are doing: Gain calibration
Short-term gain change
Huge load during muon-fill
in the ring causes the
gains of the SiPMs drop
significantly ∼ 10%
Recovery time is typically
a few tens of µs.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What we are doing: Gain calibration
Short-term gain change
We send 3 laser pulses of known intensity
during a muon fill.
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g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What we are doing: Gain calibration
Short-term gain change
We send 3 laser pulses of known intensity
during a muon fill.
In one of the next fills we shift those laser
pulses by 5 µs.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
What we are doing: Gain calibration
Short-term gain change
We send 3 laser pulses of known intensity
during a muon fill.
In one of the next fills we shift those laser
pulses by 5 µs.
We continue shifting until we scan the
whole “gain-sagging” muon fill window.
This way we obtain the “gain-sagging function” GSiP M
(t) of the Silicon
re+ = rSiP M
e+ × GSiP M
and correct the SiPM response.
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What we are doing: Gain calibration
Long-term gain change
Gain also varies with
temperature, therefore
day-night dependence is
observed over longer DAQ
We constantly send laser
pulses of known intensity
outside muon fills all the
time to map the long term
Figure: Ratio of known laser signals obtained
using two Pin diodes over 60 hours.
This way we obtain the “gain-sagging function” GSiP M
(t) of the Silicon
re+ = rSiP M
e+ × GSiP M
and correct the SiPM response.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The laser calibration system
We use the laser also to simulate positron events.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
The laser calibration system
We use the laser also to simulate positron events.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Calibrating the calibration...
Periodically we calibrate our laser system by sending charge pulses to see:
• if our system is linear.
• how much temperature response is due to the electronics and how much is
due to the laser source.
Figure: ADC response due to charged
pulses (DAC in mV ).
Figure: Calibration ADC over days and
hence temperature modulations.
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The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
We are almost at the end... let us take a moment to see how g − 2 is
important when we compare this with LHC...
• aµ is a clean observable: LHC is a extremely complex machine with tons
of systematics to be tamed! While g − 2 is clean and can serve as a
cross-check of LHC.
• aµ is sensitive to quantities that are difficult to measure at LHC: LHC
is sensitive to colored particles whereas the aµ is sensitive to weakly
interacting particles that couple to muons and hence the sensitivities are
• aµ is an inclusive measure of quantum effects: due to huge
background, it is not possible to detect all new particles at LHC. But aµ
being purely quantum observable, is sensitive to all virtual particles. A
large δaµ will mean the existence of a particle that has not been seen at
LHC. Highly precise aµ can put bounds on the masses of such particles
and hence can guide LHC for optimized searches. A small δaµ will imply
exclusion of certain particles. This way aµ can cover the parameter space
that are difficult for LHC to explore.
• aµ can help select models that are degenerate from LHC point of view.
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Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Current status and plans
We are at Run-3, Run-1 alone is 2 × Brookhaven statistics.
Results with 1.4× BNL Rin-1 data has been analyzed completely,
expected to be submitted for publication this spring.
Run-2 analysis in progress...
Final 20× BNL result is planned for 2021 publication.
If the central value of BNL stands, an SM-experiment discrepancy of 7σ is
expected, which is 2 σ more than what we need for a discovery!!!
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System59 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
-Brian Cox
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System60 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Some of the references
Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment, PDG
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: a theoretical introduction,
Marc Knecht
The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon, Friedrich Jegerlehner
Experimental Prospects on Muon g-2, Mark Lancaster
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System61 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System62 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Beam life
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System63 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Beam parameters
An 8 GeV proton fired at a target to produce pions, they are then injected into
a delivery ring where pions decay into muons π+
→ µ+
νµ. 4 orbits of the
delivery ring provide long decay path, any remaining protons are then separated
enough by orbital distance and can be discarded. Resulting 96%
longitudinally-polarized µ+
beam ∼ 8 × 106
muons/sec with energy 3.094 GeV
and π+
content of  10−5
%. This also reduces the hadronic flash by 20 times
compared to BNL due to reduced left-over protons and pions. Besides, the
decay positrons are 21 times higher compared to BNL too.
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System64 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Error budget
ωa =
aµB − aµ −
γ2 − 1
β × E − aµ
γ + 1
(β · B)β
Most of the off-magic momenta are scrapped-off using collimators. Third term
is due to momenta that are not perpendicular and there persists a few muons
with vertical pitch, but these effects are known thrown well analyzed data, they
account for sub-ppm corrections to ωa.
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System65 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System66 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Laser source
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System67 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
aµ history
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System68 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Magnetic field
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System69 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Magnetic field
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System70 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Final equation
Determining aµ according to equation
aµ =
requires evaluating the average magnetic field experienced by the stored muons.
Therefore, the B-field must be convoluted with the muon distribution by
integrating all measured values of ωp (Larmor frequency of a free proton) over
the muon storage region. Once both ωa and ωp have been correctly extracted,
the muon magnetic anomaly is calculated via
aµ =
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System71 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System72 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System73 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
E989 Collaboration
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System74 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Parity: this is like a mirror, if I am
right-handed my mirror image will be a
left-handed person. Parity operation is
like taking a mirror image.
But what is handed-ness of a particle?
If the spin of a particle is directed along its direction of motion then the
particle is right-handed otherwise it is a left-handed particle.
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System75 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Parity violation in Weak interactions
Chinese-American lady Chien-Shiung
Wu designed and led the famous
Wu-experiment and found that parity
gets violated in weak decays!
What does that mean?
Impications are profound
physics is not the same if you look at this world and its mirrored version.
some phenomena that you see in this world might not happen in the
mirror world.
Let’s have a brief look at her experiment.
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System76 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Wu Experiment (1956)
Cobalt-60 decays to Nickel-60 emitting an electron and electron-anti-neutrino
through weac interaction.
27Co → 60
28Ni + e−
+ ¯νe + 2γ
On the right we have the real-wrold set-up, where
the magnetic moment points up and electron is
emitted at an angle θ.
On the right we have the mirror image of the
set-up, where the magnetic moment points
downwards, emitted electron is expected at an
angle π − θ with the magnetic moment.
But they found that the angle θ is preferred over π − θ indicating an
asymmetry between the real and the mirror world.
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System77 / 78
Magnetic moment theory
g-2 experiment
The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG
Right-handed neutrinos don’t exist!
Handedness: If the spin is directed along the direction of motion then it is
right-handed otherwise it is a left-handed particle.
Consider a left-handed neutrino and and its mirror image, as the spin flips in
the mirror, we should see a right-handed neutrino in the mirror. But we don’t
see any right-handed neutrinos in nature, meaning, nature doesn’t always
respect the mirror symmetry. Neutrinos are produced through weak
interactions that prefers left over right.
right-handed neutrinos don’t exist.
left-handed anti-neutrinos don’t exist.
We are now ready to proceed with the muon g-2 experiment...
Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System78 / 78

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Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System

  • 1. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System Atanu Nath INFN - Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Napoli, Naples, Italy. On behalf of the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration. Department of Physics, IIT Guwahati Guwahati, India Jan 10, 2020 Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System1 / 78
  • 2. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG One slide on me I am from Lala, Hailakandi. Did my B.Sc (Physics) from the Dept. of Physics, G. C. College, Silchar (2007). M.Sc from the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata (2010). Graduate school at TIFR, Mumbai. Ph.D, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy, on matching long and short distance QCD in rare Kaon decays, under Giancarlo D’Ambrosio. Post Doctoral Fellow, INFN, Naples, Italy in collaboration with Fermilab, USA. Run-coordinator of the Muon g − 2 experiment. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System2 / 78
  • 3. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What is g − 2 and why is it so important? I have prepared this talk keeping in mind that undergrads might also be attending. Therefore, some stuff might seem trivial but please bear with me. • I will start from a very crude introduction of g-factor. • I will introduce some of the basic QED rules and diagrams. • I may also brush over some of the HEP definitions. • I will not be able to go into the details of the "Gain calibration" part. I will not answer ”why is it so important?“ part right now but will become apparent as we move forward... Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System3 / 78
  • 4. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Spin and magnetic moment of particles Consider an electron orbiting in a circle of radius r with a speed v. The magnetic moment µorb will be given by the resulting current times the area of the circle: µorb = i A = −e 2πr/v πr2 ˆn = − evr 2 × m m ˆn = − e 2m Lorb where Lorb = r × mv. This expression also holds for a fundamental particle with intrinsic angular momentum S and charge Q provided we correct it with a factor g: µ = g Q 2m S Such a magnet when placed in a magnetic field experiences a torque that gives rise to a potential energy U = −µ · B Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System4 / 78
  • 5. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The g factor Pauli’s equation, which is also the non-relativistic limit of Dirac equation describes a spin-1/2 particle with charge e and mass m in an external electromagnetic field given by the potentials (φ, A): i ∂ψ ∂t =     (−i − e A)2 2m Kinetic Energy − 2 e 2m S · B + e φ Potential Energy     ψ Comparing the second term (magnetic potential energy) with U = −µ · B of the last slide, we see that Dirac’s equation predicts g = 2 But is it?? Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System5 / 78
  • 6. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG History of g = 2 Lamb Shift (1947): According to relativistic quantum mechanics, g = 2, if that is true the energy difference between 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 levels of the Hydrogen atom should be zero. Celebrated paper... But in the Nobel winning experiment, Lamb and Retherford found a relative shift of 1058 MHz suggesting g = 2! This result fueled the development of modern QED, the most successful theory in science so far. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System6 / 78
  • 7. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG RQM is not complete! Relativistic QM is not complete. Soon Schwinger, Tomonaga, Feynman and others started developing Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), that soon earned the reputation of the “most accurate theory of nature” so far and it still stands so. Feynman developed his diagramatic method that simplified super-complicated calculations of QED. Let’s learn Feynman Diagrams through Quantum Electrodynamics. We will use the following conventions Time will flow from left to right. Verticle axis will roughly represent the space. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System7 / 78
  • 8. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED Fundamental propagators in QED There’s only one allowed way of joining them, the QED vertex, describes the interaction of a charged particle with an EM field (photon): Following are not allowed Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System8 / 78
  • 9. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED Let us draw the QED vertex in different ways and see what they mean. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System9 / 78
  • 10. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED An electron emits a photon and moves on. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System10 / 78
  • 11. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED A positron absorbs a photon and moves on. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System11 / 78
  • 12. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED An electron and a positron annihilate into a photon. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System12 / 78
  • 13. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED A photon produces an electron-positron pair. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System13 / 78
  • 14. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED Let us draw a bit more complicated diagrams with more than one vertex and involving virtual particles. Electron-positron pair annihilating to produce a photon that eventually produces another electron-postron pair. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System14 / 78
  • 15. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED Let us draw a bit more complicated diagrams with more than one vertex and involving virtual particles. Electron emits a photon and moves on, the photon eventually gets absorbed by a postron. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System15 / 78
  • 16. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED Let’s draw a diagram with a virtual electron in a loop A photon producing a virtual electron-positron pair that annihilates to re-produce the photon. This is basically the photon interacting with the vacuum of space which apparently is not so vacuum after all! But as we go on increasing the number of vertices, the diagram becomes less and less important. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System16 / 78
  • 17. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED: Lamb shift At this moment we will be able to understand the lamb shift, the experiment that fueled the development of QED. S and P orbitals have different shapes and gets kicked differently by virtual photons in the vacuum as a result the energy of electrons in these two states differ slightly (0.00003%). Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System17 / 78
  • 18. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG QED: magnetic moment of a particle. We will be calculating a simple diagram of a charged particle interacting with an external magnetic field, as this has the minimum number of vertices, this is the dominant diagram producing the result g = 2... But of course less important diagrams are possible representing the same physical phenomenon, that is diagrams with intermediate virtual particles, for example: Complete result is the sum of all possible infinite number of diagrams. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System18 / 78
  • 19. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron First order correction (1-loop) was calculated by Julian Schwinger in 1948. ge − 2 2 = ae = α 2π + O(α2 ) Scwinger’s grave. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System19 / 78
  • 20. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What’s running in the loops? That blob includes everything that is allowed in nature, leptons, quarks, weak-bosons or something unknown to current physics, any virtual field can interact with the lepton (that is running in a loop) in question and contribute to its g factor. This is precisely why g acts as an excellent probe to what’s lurking in the vacuum, SM and/or BSM fields. The anomaly is defined through the quantity a = (g − 2)/2. Total anomaly can be written as: a = aQED + ahadronic + aweak Standard Model + aBSM New Physics (1) We need to know the SM contribution both theoretically and experimentally with equal precision in order to say something conclusive about the Beyond Standard Model part. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System20 / 78
  • 21. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What’s running in the loops? Suppose a virtual particle of mass Mloop is running in the loop, contributions to the magnetic moment from such a loop enter as functions of m2 /M2 loop a ∼ m2 M2 loop therefore we can guess the mass of an unknown particle. We are interested in the magnetic moment of a muon... Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System21 / 78
  • 22. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Muon Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System22 / 78
  • 23. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG But why µ? What’s wrong with e? As we have seen, loop contributions enter as functions of m2 /M2 loop a ∼ m2 M2 loop electron being the lightest lepton, even in a one-muon loop Mloop = mµ implies (m2 e/m2 µ) a contribution O 10−10 . Muon is , m2 µ m2 e 43000 times more sensitive than electron in sensing a heavy unknown particle. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System23 / 78
  • 24. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What’s wrong with τ then? τ is the heaviest lepton therefore m2 τ /M2 loop is the biggest for τ, certainly aτ will be the most sensitive probe to any new physics. Well it is and the theoretical calculation provides us with a very precise value of aτ = 117721(5) × 10−8 but it is so short-lived (10−13 seconds) that no practical experiment can be designed with the current technology, current experimental bound is −0.052 < aτ < 0.013 Even the sign is not known experimentally!!! This leaves us with the only choice µ, but it has QCD challanges! Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System24 / 78
  • 25. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The hadronic issue! QCD has this beautiful (yet nasty!) property called the “assymptotic freedom”, strength of attraction between two quarks increases as we pull them apart. Which practically means, at long-distance (∼ low-energy), diagrams with more vertices are more important in QCD! That means we have to calculate increasing number of diagrams with increasing complexity!!! And there are infinite of them! The usual procedure, called the perturbation series just fails, therefore scientists rely on models for calculations as a result big errors enter the results. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System25 / 78
  • 26. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The hadronic issue! From left to right we have leading order QED, weak and hadronic contributions, biggest uncertainty of course enters from the hadronic (quark and gluon loops) contributions, that, for now, can only be calculated using dispersion approach: ahad µ [LO] = 1 3 α π 2 ˆ ∞ m2 π K(s) s R(0) (s) = 6931(33)(7) × 10−11 The red part is due to experimental data taken from σ(e+ e− → hadrons). Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System26 / 78
  • 27. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Standard model result QED (γ, ) aQED µ = (116584718.971 ± 0.07) × 10−11 EW (W, Z) aEW µ = (153.6 ± 1) × 10−11 Hadronic (quarks, gluons) aHV P µ = (6846.8 ± 24.2) × 10−11 aHLbL µ = (98 ± 26) × 10−11 Total SM aSM µ = (116591820.4 ± 35.6) × 10−11 Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System27 / 78
  • 28. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What about the experiments? Before we get there, let us remember a few things: Spin and handed-ness of particles: if spin of a particle is directed along (opposite to) its momentum then it’s a right (left)-handed particle. All neutrinos (antineutrinos) are left (right) handed. Parity is violated in weak interactions Let us now dive into the experiment... Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System28 / 78
  • 29. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG General Principle of the experiments Polarized muons are sent to the magnetic storage ring where they orbit and decay to positrons and neutrinos. As spin precesses around the magnetic field as a result decay positrons show modulations in their number. Decay positron oscillation is measured. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System29 / 78
  • 30. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG How do we polarize muons? It’s a 2 body decay, neutrinos are left-handed. To conserve angular momentum, µ+ has to be left-handed too, that is muon-spin directed opposite to its momentum. Can we measure their spin directions from the decay positrons? Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System30 / 78
  • 31. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Muon decay: Positron direction ∝ muon spin direction. 3-body decay, νe, ¯νµ are left, right-handed respectively implying e+ spin along its momentum. Due to parity violation, fast positrons are emitted along the muon spin direction. W(Θ) ∝ [1 + α(E) cos Θ] Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System31 / 78
  • 32. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG µ+ decay: highest energy e+ along µ+ spin Fastest e+ are along the direction of muon spin. Therefore, detecting e+ with energy > a threshold (1.8 GeV ), means reading the muon spin direction. That’s why calorimeters are arranged near the beam path and pointed towards the beam. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System32 / 78
  • 33. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG How do we measure g-2? Spin s when put in a magnetic field B, precesses around it with a frequency ωs = eB mµ 1 γ + aµ But the muons are also orbiting inside the ring, this cyclotrone frequency is ωc = eB mµ 1 γ Therefore we define the difference as ωa, ωa = eB mµ aµ Remember aµ = (gµ − 2)/2 Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System33 / 78
  • 34. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG A magic worth mentioning... To maintain vertical stability an electric field E (quadrupole) is also applied, which makes it a bit more complicated ωa = e mµ aµB − aµ − 1 γ2 − 1 v × E But there’s a magic... Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System34 / 78
  • 35. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The magic momentum γ ∼ 29 To maintain vertical stability an electric field E (quadrupole) is also applied, which makes it a bit more complicated ωa = e mµ aµB − aµ − 1 γ2 − 1 v × E But there’s a magic... A clever choice of muon energy (3.1 GeV) or γ (∼ 29) will result in a cancellation. This specific momentum of the muon is called “the magic-momentum”. Therefore finally: ωa = eB mµ aµ Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System35 / 78
  • 36. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG ωa and decay positrons... gµ = 2 will imply aµ = 0 that is Larmor and cyclotrone frequencies will match perfectly implying no mis-alignment between the spin and the momentum of the muons. Slight mismatch will result in oscillation of the number of fast decay positrons. Actually it’s about 12o per ring-lap, requires ∼ 30 laps to re-align =⇒ 30×149 (time taken in one lap) ns 4.5 µs. Measuring those decay positrons will mean measurement of ωa hence aµ. Remember muon spin and the decay positron energy are highly correlated! Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System36 / 78
  • 37. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The wiggles Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System37 / 78
  • 38. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The wiggles Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System38 / 78
  • 39. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The wiggles and the ωa N(E, t) ∝ e−t/γτµ [1 − A(E, t) cos(ωat + φ)] Number of decay positrons N modulates with ωa. It also exponentially decays with lifetime γτµ ∼ 64 µs. Recalling the equation ωa = eB mµ aµ a measurement of the magnetic field and the muon mass will finish the job. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System39 / 78
  • 40. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Exciting results!!! All we discussed so far are common to most of the old experiments, let’s consider the results and the consequences. The Brookhaven (E821) result (0.54 ppm) is the last and the most exciting one, because (aSM µ − aexpt µ ) 3.7σ Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System40 / 78
  • 41. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG There’s a 4-5 times more precise experiment going on right now... = an aim of 7σ theory-experiment disagreement. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System41 / 78
  • 42. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The great move: 5150 kilometers, 25th June → July 20th, 2013 • Continuously wound coild, can’t break into pieces, can’t flex 3mm • 15 m diameter ring = 4 highway lanes • $2M to move $30M to build a new one! Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System42 / 78
  • 43. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Arrival.. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System43 / 78
  • 44. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Celebration.. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System44 / 78
  • 45. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The Fermilab g-2 collaboration: 33 countries Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System45 / 78
  • 46. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG g-2 @ FNAL: Improvements of systematics over BNL The new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab, the E989 is aiming to be 4 times more precise (0.14 ppm) than the BNL (0.54 ppm), which requires improvements at several fronts. Improved statistics: 21× BNL statistics. Low pion contamination: Pions (3.11 GeV) travels longer (∼ 1 km) distance = pure muon beam at the end. Gain calibration: A laser based calibration system will monitor the changes in the gain during and outside a muon fill and correct for it. Low pile-up: A calorimeter is highly segmented (SiPMs collecting light from 6 × 9 PbF2 crystals). Improved tracker system. Extremely uniform and stable (±40ppm) magnetic field of 1.45 T. Systematic uncertainty ∼ 70 ppb. 6 different analysis groups using differnt reconstruction and fitting effects, treating detector effects differently. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System46 / 78
  • 47. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Doubly-blinded experiment What analyzers fit is the clock freuency R and not the ωa, that are related via: ωa = 2π · 0.2291MHz · [1 − (R − ∆Ra − ∆Rp) × 10−6 ∆Rp is the relative freuency offset introduced by individual analysis groups and ∆Ra is the absolute clock shift. • Digitizer clock frequency is shifted in the range of ±25 ppm. This is not known to anyone in the collaboration. • Individual analysis groups have their own private analysis level frequency shift not known to other analysis group. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System47 / 78
  • 48. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG All kinds of Physicists And also optical physicists... Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System48 / 78
  • 49. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG A little bit about the Italian contribution: the gain correction Figure: 2 ns apart particles hitting the calos. Figure: High load in the few µs after the injection of beam. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System49 / 78
  • 50. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What we are doing: Gain calibration Short-term gain change Huge load during muon-fill in the ring causes the gains of the SiPMs drop significantly ∼ 10% Recovery time is typically a few tens of µs. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System50 / 78
  • 51. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What we are doing: Gain calibration Short-term gain change We send 3 laser pulses of known intensity during a muon fill. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System51 / 78
  • 52. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What we are doing: Gain calibration Short-term gain change We send 3 laser pulses of known intensity during a muon fill. In one of the next fills we shift those laser pulses by 5 µs. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System52 / 78
  • 53. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What we are doing: Gain calibration Short-term gain change We send 3 laser pulses of known intensity during a muon fill. In one of the next fills we shift those laser pulses by 5 µs. We continue shifting until we scan the whole “gain-sagging” muon fill window. This way we obtain the “gain-sagging function” GSiP M (t) of the Silicon photo-multiplier. re+ = rSiP M e+ × GSiP M and correct the SiPM response. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System53 / 78
  • 54. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG What we are doing: Gain calibration Long-term gain change Gain also varies with temperature, therefore day-night dependence is observed over longer DAQ time. We constantly send laser pulses of known intensity outside muon fills all the time to map the long term gain-change. Figure: Ratio of known laser signals obtained using two Pin diodes over 60 hours. This way we obtain the “gain-sagging function” GSiP M (t) of the Silicon photo-multiplier. re+ = rSiP M e+ × GSiP M and correct the SiPM response. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System54 / 78
  • 55. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The laser calibration system We use the laser also to simulate positron events. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System55 / 78
  • 56. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG The laser calibration system We use the laser also to simulate positron events. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System56 / 78
  • 57. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Calibrating the calibration... Periodically we calibrate our laser system by sending charge pulses to see: • if our system is linear. • how much temperature response is due to the electronics and how much is due to the laser source. Figure: ADC response due to charged pulses (DAC in mV ). Figure: Calibration ADC over days and hence temperature modulations. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System57 / 78
  • 58. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG We are almost at the end... let us take a moment to see how g − 2 is important when we compare this with LHC... • aµ is a clean observable: LHC is a extremely complex machine with tons of systematics to be tamed! While g − 2 is clean and can serve as a cross-check of LHC. • aµ is sensitive to quantities that are difficult to measure at LHC: LHC is sensitive to colored particles whereas the aµ is sensitive to weakly interacting particles that couple to muons and hence the sensitivities are complimentary. • aµ is an inclusive measure of quantum effects: due to huge background, it is not possible to detect all new particles at LHC. But aµ being purely quantum observable, is sensitive to all virtual particles. A large δaµ will mean the existence of a particle that has not been seen at LHC. Highly precise aµ can put bounds on the masses of such particles and hence can guide LHC for optimized searches. A small δaµ will imply exclusion of certain particles. This way aµ can cover the parameter space that are difficult for LHC to explore. • aµ can help select models that are degenerate from LHC point of view. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System58 / 78
  • 59. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Current status and plans We are at Run-3, Run-1 alone is 2 × Brookhaven statistics. Results with 1.4× BNL Rin-1 data has been analyzed completely, expected to be submitted for publication this spring. Run-2 analysis in progress... Final 20× BNL result is planned for 2021 publication. If the central value of BNL stands, an SM-experiment discrepancy of 7σ is expected, which is 2 σ more than what we need for a discovery!!! Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System59 / 78
  • 60. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Thanks -Brian Cox Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System60 / 78
  • 61. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Some of the references Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment, PDG The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: a theoretical introduction, Marc Knecht The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon, Friedrich Jegerlehner Experimental Prospects on Muon g-2, Mark Lancaster Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System61 / 78
  • 62. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG BACKUPS Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System62 / 78
  • 63. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Beam life Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System63 / 78
  • 64. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Beam parameters An 8 GeV proton fired at a target to produce pions, they are then injected into a delivery ring where pions decay into muons π+ → µ+ νµ. 4 orbits of the delivery ring provide long decay path, any remaining protons are then separated enough by orbital distance and can be discarded. Resulting 96% longitudinally-polarized µ+ beam ∼ 8 × 106 muons/sec with energy 3.094 GeV and π+ content of 10−5 %. This also reduces the hadronic flash by 20 times compared to BNL due to reduced left-over protons and pions. Besides, the decay positrons are 21 times higher compared to BNL too. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System64 / 78
  • 65. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Error budget ωa = e mµc aµB − aµ − 1 γ2 − 1 β × E − aµ γ γ + 1 (β · B)β Most of the off-magic momenta are scrapped-off using collimators. Third term is due to momenta that are not perpendicular and there persists a few muons with vertical pitch, but these effects are known thrown well analyzed data, they account for sub-ppm corrections to ωa. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System65 / 78
  • 66. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG LHC-wise? Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System66 / 78
  • 67. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Laser source Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System67 / 78
  • 68. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG aµ history Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System68 / 78
  • 69. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Magnetic field Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System69 / 78
  • 70. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Magnetic field Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System70 / 78
  • 71. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Final equation Determining aµ according to equation aµ = eaµB mµc requires evaluating the average magnetic field experienced by the stored muons. Therefore, the B-field must be convoluted with the muon distribution by integrating all measured values of ωp (Larmor frequency of a free proton) over the muon storage region. Once both ωa and ωp have been correctly extracted, the muon magnetic anomaly is calculated via aµ = ge 2 mµ me µp µe ωa ωp Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System71 / 78
  • 72. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG DAQ Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System72 / 78
  • 73. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG DAQ Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System73 / 78
  • 74. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG E989 Collaboration Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System74 / 78
  • 75. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Parity: this is like a mirror, if I am right-handed my mirror image will be a left-handed person. Parity operation is like taking a mirror image. But what is handed-ness of a particle? If the spin of a particle is directed along its direction of motion then the particle is right-handed otherwise it is a left-handed particle. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System75 / 78
  • 76. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Parity violation in Weak interactions Chinese-American lady Chien-Shiung Wu designed and led the famous Wu-experiment and found that parity gets violated in weak decays! What does that mean? Impications are profound physics is not the same if you look at this world and its mirrored version. some phenomena that you see in this world might not happen in the mirror world. Let’s have a brief look at her experiment. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System76 / 78
  • 77. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Wu Experiment (1956) Cobalt-60 decays to Nickel-60 emitting an electron and electron-anti-neutrino through weac interaction. 60 27Co → 60 28Ni + e− + ¯νe + 2γ On the right we have the real-wrold set-up, where the magnetic moment points up and electron is emitted at an angle θ. On the right we have the mirror image of the set-up, where the magnetic moment points downwards, emitted electron is expected at an angle π − θ with the magnetic moment. But they found that the angle θ is preferred over π − θ indicating an asymmetry between the real and the mirror world. Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System77 / 78
  • 78. Magnetic moment theory g-2 experiment The new g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab IITG Right-handed neutrinos don’t exist! Handedness: If the spin is directed along the direction of motion then it is right-handed otherwise it is a left-handed particle. Consider a left-handed neutrino and and its mirror image, as the spin flips in the mirror, we should see a right-handed neutrino in the mirror. But we don’t see any right-handed neutrinos in nature, meaning, nature doesn’t always respect the mirror symmetry. Neutrinos are produced through weak interactions that prefers left over right. right-handed neutrinos don’t exist. left-handed anti-neutrinos don’t exist. We are now ready to proceed with the muon g-2 experiment... Atanu Nath Fermilab Muon g − 2 Experiment: Laser Based Gain Calibration System78 / 78