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Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik dengan Metode Gyssens
pada Pasien Purulent Cellulitis dengan MRSA (Methicillin-
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
Disusun oleh:
Nama : Nesha Mutiara
NPM : 2021000056
No. Absen : 10
Kelas : Farmasi Rumah Sakit Terapan
HALAMAN JUDUL.................................................................................................... 1
DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................................ 2
Kasus............................................................................................................................ 3
Pembahasan.................................................................................................................. 3
Hasil Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotika....................................................................... 6
Saran............................................................................................................................. 7
Daftar Pustaka.............................................................................................................. 7
Lampiran Jurnal ........................................................................................................... 8
Kasus :
Seorang pengguna narkoba intravena (IVDU) berusia 42 tahun dirawat di rumah sakit
karena mengeluh demam dan sakit pada pangkal paha. Dia telah menyuntik selama
beberapa tahun dan mempunyai riwayat beberapa kali masuk rumah sakit untuk
tempat suntikan yang terinfeksi. Dia saat ini menyuntikkan ke pangkal paha kiri.
Pasien kurus dengan kebersihan pribadi yang buruk, demam (39.2O
C), nadinya 130
kali/menit, dan tekanan darah 100/70 mmHg. Pernafasan dan kardiovaskular tidak
menonjol dan perutnya lunak dan tidak kaku. Lengan bekas luka dari suntikan
sebelumnya, dan kulit menunjukkan bukti eksoriasi dari goresan kronis.
Pembengkakan inguinal kiri, menjadi panas, merah, dan menyakitkan saat disentuh.
Terdapat selulitis di sekitar area yang bengkak. Darah rutin dan kultur darah diambil
dan mulai dengan IV benzyl penicillin dan flukloksasilin untuk abses dan selulitisnya.
Pembedahan direncanakan untuk mengeringkan abses.
Bagaimana analisis kualitatif penggunaan antimikroba pada pasien tersebut?
Metode analisis kualitatif yang digunakan adalah metode Gyssens. Alasan dipilih
metode Gyssens yaitu karena spesifik untuk mengevaluasi seluruh aspek peresepan
antibiotika yang meliputi penilaian alternatif yang lebih efektif, lebih tidak toksik,
lebih murah, spektrum lebih sempit, serta dosis obat, lama pengobatan, interval, dan
rute pemberian obat (1). Sedangkan metode kualitatif lainnya tidak dipilih karena:
1. Metode Beers untuk mengevaluasi peresepan yang berisiko terjadi DRPs
(Drug Related Problems) pada pasien
2. Metode STOPP/START (Screening Tools of Older Person’s
Prescription/Screening Tool to Alert doctor to Right Treatment) untuk
mengetahui jumlah kejadian PIM (Potentially Inappropriate Medications) dan
PPO (Potentially Prescription Omissions) pada pasien geriatri (usia 65 tahun
ke atas) sehingga menghindari peresepan yang berpotensi tidak tepat dan
mencegah kejadian efek samping obat pada pasien geriatri
3. Metode Naranjo untuk identifikasi efek samping obat
4. ICD-10 (clinical pathway) merupakan suatu konsep pra perawatan yang
disusun berdasarkan standar prosedur dari setiap profesi dari pelayanan medis,
pelayanan keperawatan, pelayanan farmasi, dan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya
yang mengacu pada standar pelayanan dari profesi masing-masing di
pelayanan rumah sakit (2).
Metode Gyssens dilakukan dengan menggunakan alur terstruktur yang terdiri dari 13
poin kategori penilaian sebagai berikut (3):
Kategori Penilaian Keterangan
Kategori 0 Penggunaan antibiotika tepat/rasional
Kategori I Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat waktu
Kategori II A Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat dosis
Kategori II B Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat interval pemberian
Kategori II C Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat rute/cara pemberian
Kategori III A Penggunaan antibiotika terlalu lama
Kategori III B Penggunaan antibiotika terlalu singkat
Kategori IV A Ada antibiotika lain yang lebih efektif
Kategori IV B Ada antibiotika lain yang kurang toksik / lebih aman
Kategori IV C Ada antibiotika lain yang lebih murah
Kategori IV D Ada antibiotika lain yang spektrumnya lebih sempit
Kategori V Tidak ada indikasi penggunaan antibiotika
Kategori VI Data rekam medis tidak lengkap dan tidak dapat dievaluasi
Berikut adalah diagram alur metode Gyssens (4) :
Gambar Diagram Alur Metode Gyssens (4)
Hasil evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika termasuk kategori IVA dengan alur deskripsi
sebagai berikut :
Kategori YA / TIDAK Alasan
VI YA Data rekam medis pasien lengkap sesuai dengan Peraturan
Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 269 Tahun
2008 yaitu meliputi identitas pasien, hasil anamnesis,
minimal keluhan, riwayat penyakit, hasil pemeriksaan
fisik, hasil pemeriksaan penunjang medis, diagnosis,
rencana penatalaksanaan, serta pengobatan atau tindakan
V YA Ada indikasi penggunaan antibiotika yaitu berdasarkan :
-Demam 39.2O
C → respon sistem imun tubuh melawan
-White cell count di atas nilai rujukan → infeksi mikroba
-C-reactive protein di atas nilai rujukan → inflamasi serius
dalam tubuh akibat infeksi berat
-Adanya Streptococcus pyogenes → selulitis
-Adanya MRSA dari pus abses
IV A YA Meskipun flukloksasilin dan benzyl penicillin dapat
digunakan sebagai first line untuk mengobati selulitis, tapi
tidak efektif untuk mengobati selulitis yang disertai MRSA
sehingga dibutuhkan alternatif antibiotika.
MRSA (Methicilin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) adalah infeksi bakteri
Staphylococcus aureus yang resisten terhadap antibiotik flukloksasilin dan benzyl-
penicillin yang dapat disebabkan oleh faktor community acquired seperti tidak
menjaga kebersihan tubuh. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan alternatif antibiotika untuk
mengobati purulent cellulitis yang disertai MRSA dengan pilihan antibiotika
trimetroprim-sulfametoksazol (TMP-SMX), doksisiklin, dan klindamisin (5).
PERDOSKI (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia) telah
menetapkan pedoman tatalaksananya yang juga telah diadaptasi oleh RSUD Dr.
Soetomo Surabaya sebagai berikut (6, 7) :
1. TMP-SMX 160/180 mg, 2x sehari
2. Doksisiklin 2x100 mg
3. Klindamisin 15 mg/kgBB/hari terbagi 3 dosis sehari
Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika tersebut, penulis merumuskan tiga
saran untuk mempermudah apoteker mengevaluasi penggunaan antibiotika:
1. Dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mengetahui sensitivitas dan
kemungkinan alergi pasien terhadap TMP-SMX, doksisiklin maupun
2. Pilihan alternatif antibiotika diberikan melalui rute per oral untuk
minimalisasi risiko infeksi nosokomial dan minimalisasi biaya
3. Disertai data lengkap dosis obat, interval pemberian dan lama pemberian
untuk mempermudah evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika
Daftar Pustaka
1. Gyssens. Audits for Monitoring the Quality of Antimicrobial Prescriptions. In
Antibiotic Policies. Springer US.
2. UR, Hesty, NG Adiwisastra, dan W Arozal. Efektivitas Implementasi Clinical
Pathway pada pasien Anak Gastroenteritis Akut (GEA) dengan Dehidrasi
yang Dirawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Permata Bekasi. Jurnal Medical Profession
(MedPro) Vol. 3 No. 3. 2019.
3. Yuniar, Irene, MR Karyanti, T Tambunan, dan NA Rizkyani. Evaluasi
Penggunaan Antiobiotik dengan Kartu Monitoring Antibiotik Gyssens. Sari
Pediatri Vol. 14 No. 6. 2013.
4. Anggraini, Rika. Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotika untuk Pengobatan
Infeksi pada Pasien Anak Rawat Inap di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan.
Skripsi. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sumatera Utara. 2017.
5. Lambert, Mara. IDSA Guideline on the Treatment of MRSA Infections in
Adults and Children. American Academy of Family Physicians. 2011.
6. Widaty, Sandra dkk. Panduan Praktik Klinis bagi Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan
Kelamin Indonesia. PERDOSKI. 2017.
7. Listiawan, Yualinto dkk. Panduan Praktik Klinis SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit
dan Kelamin RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. 2020.
August 15, 2011 ◆
Volume 84, Number 4 American Family Physician 455
The prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staph-
ylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the United States
continues to increase, with more than 94,000
cases of invasive disease reported in 2005.
Illnesses caused by MRSA include skin and
soft-tissue infections, bacteremia and endo-
carditis, pneumonia, bone and joint infec-
tions, central nervous system disease, and
toxic shock and sepsis syndromes. The Infec-
tious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) has
released its first evidence-based guidelines
on the treatment of MRSA infections. In
addition to common clinical syndromes, the
guidelines address treatment with vancomy-
cin, limitations of susceptibility testing, and
alternative therapies.
Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections in
Community-Associated MRSA
Simple abscesses or boils may be managed
with incision and drainage alone; more data
are needed on the use of antibiotics in this
setting. Antibiotics are recommended for
patients who have abscesses associated with
severe or extensive disease (e.g., multiple
sites of infection) or rapid progression in
the presence of associated cellulitis; signs
and symptoms of systemic illness; associated
comorbidities or immunosuppression; very
young or very old age; abscesses in areas diffi-
cult to drain (e.g., face, hand, genitalia); asso-
ciated septic phlebitis; or lack of response to
incision and drainage alone. Empiric therapy
for five to 10 days is recommended pending
culture results for outpatients with purulent
cellulitis. Infection from β-hemolytic strep-
tococci does not usually require empiric
therapy. For those with nonpurulent cel-
lulitis, five to 10 days of empiric therapy
for β-hemolytic streptococcal infection is
recommended, based on the patient’s clinical
response. Empiric coverage for community-
associated MRSA is recommended in patients
who do not respond to beta-lactam antibiot-
ics, and also may be considered in those with
systemic toxicity.
Oral antibiotic options for treating skin
and soft-tissue infections in patients with
community-associated MRSA include
clindamycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxa-
zole (TMP/SMX; Bactrim, Septra), a tet-
racycline (doxycycline or minocycline
[Minocin]), and linezolid (Zyvox). Options
for treating both β-hemolytic streptococci
and community-associated MRSA include
clindamycin alone, TMP/SMX or a tetra-
cycline in combination with a beta-lactam
antibiotic (e.g., amoxicillin), or linezolid
alone. Rifampin is not recommended for use
as a single agent or adjunctive therapy.
For hospitalized patients with complicated
skin and soft-tissue infections (i.e., deeper
soft-tissue infections, surgical or traumatic
wound infection, major abscesses, cellulitis,
or infected ulcers and burns), empiric ther-
apy for MRSA should be considered pend-
ing culture results, in addition to surgical
debridement and broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Empiric therapy options include intravenous
vancomycin, linezolid (600 mg orally or intra-
venously twice per day), daptomycin (Cubi-
cin; 4 mg per kg intravenously once per day),
telavancin (Vibativ; 10 mg per kg intrave-
nously once per day), or clindamycin (600 mg
IDSA Guidelines on the Treatment of MRSA Infections
in Adults and Children
Coverage of guidelines
from other organizations
does not imply endorse-
ment by AFP or the AAFP.
A collection of Practice
Guidelines published in
AFP is available at http://
Guideline source: Infectious Diseases Society of America
Evidence rating system used? Yes
Literature search described? Yes
Published source: Clinical Infectious Diseases, February 1, 2011
Available at:
Practice Guidelines
Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of
one individual user of the Web site.All other rights reserved. Contact for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
Practice Guidelines
456 American Family Physician Volume 84, Number 4 ◆
August 15, 2011
intravenously or orally three times per day). A beta-lactam
antibiotic (e.g., cefazolin) may be considered in hospital-
ized patients with nonpurulent cellulitis. MRSA-active
therapy may be modified if there is no clinical response.
Treatment for seven to 14 days is recommended, but
should be individualized to the patient’s clinical response.
Cultures from abscesses and other purulent infections
are recommended in patients who have received anti-
biotic therapy, those with severe local infection or signs
of systemic illness, and those who have not responded
adequately to initial treatment. Cultures are also recom-
mended if there is concern of a cluster or outbreak.
In children with minor skin infections (e.g., impetigo)
or secondarily infected lesions (e.g., eczema, ulcers, lac-
erations), treatment with mupirocin 2% topical cream
(Bactroban) is recommended. Tetracyclines are not rec-
ommended for children younger than eight years. Van-
comycin is recommended in hospitalized children. If the
child is stable without ongoing bacteremia or intravas-
cular infection, empiric therapy with clindamycin (10 to
13 mg per kg intravenously every six to eight hours for a
total of 40 mg per kg per day) is an option if the resistance
rate is less than 10 percent. If the strain is susceptible,
transition to oral therapy is advised. Linezolid may be
considered as an alternative (600 mg orally or intrave-
nously twice per day for children 12 years and older;
10 mg per kg orally or intravenously every eight hours for
children younger than 12 years).
Recurrent MRSA Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections
Physicians should provide instructions on personal
hygiene and wound care for patients with skin and soft-
tissue infections. Patients should cover draining wounds
with clean, dry bandages. Regular bathing is advised, as
well as hand washing with soap and water or an alcohol-
based hand gel, especially after touching infected skin or
an item that has been in contact with a draining wound.
Patients should also avoid reusing or sharing items that
that have touched infected skin (e.g., disposable razors,
linens, towels). Commercially available cleaners or deter-
gents should be used to clean high-touch surfaces (e.g.,
doorknobs, counters, bathtubs, toilet seats) that may
come in contact with bare skin or uncovered infections.
Decolonization may be considered if a patient devel-
ops a recurrent infection despite good personal hygiene
and wound care, or if other household members develop
infections. Strategies for decolonization include nasal
decolonization with mupirocin twice per day for five to
10 days, or nasal decolonization with mupirocin twice
per day for five to 10 days plus topical body decoloniza-
tion with a skin antiseptic solution (e.g., chlorhexidine
[Peridex]) for five to 14 days or dilute bleach baths.
Dilute bleach baths can be made with 1 teaspoon of
bleach per 1 gallon of water (or one-fourth cup per
one-fourth bathtub or 13 gallons of water) and are given
for 15 minutes twice per week for three months. Oral
antimicrobial therapy is recommended only for treat-
ing active infection and is not routinely recommended
for decolonization. An oral agent in combination with
rifampin, if the strain is susceptible, may be considered
if infections recur despite these measures.
If household or interpersonal transmission is sus-
pected, patients and contacts should be instructed to
practice personal and environmental hygiene measures.
In symptomatic contacts, nasal and topical body decolo-
nization strategies may be considered after treating the
active infection. Decolonization strategies also may be
considered in asymptomatic household contacts. The
role of cultures in managing recurrent skin and soft-
tissue infections is limited. Screening cultures before
decolonization are not routinely recommended if at least
one of the previous infections was caused by MRSA. Sur-
veillance cultures after a decolonization regimen are not
routinely recommended if there is no active infection.
MRSA Bacteremia and Infective Endocarditis
Uncomplicated bacteremia is defined as positive blood
culture results and the following: exclusion of endocar-
ditis; no implanted prostheses; follow-up blood cultures
performed on specimens obtained two to four days after
the initial set that do not grow MRSA; defervescence
within 72 hours of initiating effective therapy; and no
evidence of metastatic sites of infection. Recommended
treatment for adults with uncomplicated bacteremia
includes vancomycin or daptomycin at a dosage of 6 mg
per kg intravenously once per day for at least two weeks.
For adults with complicated bacteremia (positive blood
culture results without meeting criteria for uncompli-
cated bacteremia), four to six weeks of therapy is recom-
mended, depending on the extent of infection. Some
experts recommend higher dosages of daptomycin (8 to
10 mg per kg intravenously once per day).
For adults with infective endocarditis, intravenous
vancomycin or daptomycin (6 mg per kg intravenously
once per day for six weeks) is recommended. Some
experts recommend higher dosages of daptomycin (8 to
10 mg per kg intravenously once per day). Adding
gentamicin or rifampin to vancomycin is not recom-
mended in patients with bacteremia or native valve
infective endocarditis. A clinical assessment to identify
the source and extent of the infection with elimina-
tion and/or debridement of other sites of infection is
Practice Guidelines
August 15, 2011 ◆
Volume 84, Number 4 American Family Physician 461
recommended. Additional blood cultures two to four
days after initial positive cultures and as needed there-
after are recommended to document clearance of bacte-
remia. Echocardiography is recommended for all adults
with bacteremia. Transesophageal echocardiography is
preferred over transthoracic echocardiography. Evalu-
ation for valve replacement surgery is recommended if
any of the following are present: large vegetation (greater
than 10 mm in diameter), occurrence of one or more
embolic events during the first two weeks of therapy,
severe valvular insufficiency, valvular perforation or
dehiscence, decompensated heart failure, perivalvular
or myocardial abscess, new heart block, or persistent
fevers or bacteremia.
Patients with infective endocarditis and a prosthetic
valve should be treated with intravenous vancomycin
and rifampin (300 mg orally or intravenously every
eight hours for at least six weeks), plus gentamicin
(1 mg per kg intravenously every eight hours for two
weeks). Early evaluation for valve replacement surgery is
In children, intravenous vancomycin (15 mg per kg
every six hours) is recommended for treating bactere-
mia and infective endocarditis. The duration of therapy
may range from two to six weeks depending on the
source, the presence of endovascular infection, and
metastatic foci of infection. Data regarding the safety
and effectiveness of alternative agents in children are
limited, although daptomycin (6 to 10 mg per kg intra-
venously once per day) may be an option. Clindamycin
and linezolid should not be used if there is concern
of infective endocarditis or an endovascular source of
infection, although they may be considered in children
with bacteremia that rapidly clears and is not related to
an endovascular focus. Data are insufficient to support
the routine use of combination therapy with rifampin
or gentamicin in children with bacteremia or infective
endocarditis. The decision to use combination therapy
should be individualized. Echocardiography is recom-
mended in children with congenital heart disease, bac-
teremia lasting more than two to three days, or other
clinical findings suggestive of endocarditis.
MRSA Pneumonia
Empiric therapy for MRSA is recommended, pending
sputum and/or blood culture results, for hospitalized
patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia
defined by one of the following: a requirement for
admission to the intensive care unit, necrotizing or
cavitary infiltrates, or empyema. Treatment options for
health care–associated MRSA or community-associated
MRSA pneumonia include seven to 21 days of intrave-
nous vancomycin or linezolid, or clindamycin (600 mg
orally or intravenously three times per day) if the strain is
susceptible. In patients with MRSA pneumonia compli-
cated by empyema, antimicrobial therapy should be used
with drainage procedures.
In children, intravenous vancomycin is recommended
for treating MRSA pneumonia. If the patient is stable
without ongoing bacteremia or intravascular infection,
clindamycin (10 to 13 mg per kg intravenously every six
to eight hours for a total of 40 mg per kg per day) can
be used as empiric therapy if the clindamycin resistance
rate is low (e.g., less than 10 percent). Patients can be
transitioned to oral therapy if the strain is susceptible.
Linezolid is an alternative option.
MRSA Bone and Joint Infections
The mainstay of therapy for osteomyelitis is surgical
debridement with drainage of associated soft-tissue
abscesses. The optimal route of administration of anti-
biotic therapy has not been established; parenteral, oral,
or initial parenteral therapy followed by oral therapy may
be used, depending on patient circumstances. Antibiotic
options for parenteral administration include intravenous
vancomycin and daptomycin (6 mg per kg intravenously
once per day). Antibiotic options with parenteral and oral
routes of administration include the following: TMP/
SMX (4 mg per kg [TMP component] twice per day) in
combination with rifampin (600 mg once per day), line-
zolid, and clindamycin (600 mg every eight hours). Some
experts recommend adding oral rifampin (600 mg per
day, or 300 to 450 mg twice per day) to the chosen anti-
biotic. For patients with concurrent bacteremia, rifampin
should be added after bacteremia has cleared.
The optimal duration of therapy for MRSA osteomy-
elitis is unknown, although a minimum of eight weeks
is recommended. Some experts suggest an additional
one to three months (and possibly longer for chronic
infection or if debridement is not performed) of oral
rifampin-based combination therapy with TMP/SMX,
doxycycline, minocycline, clindamycin, or a fluoro-
quinolone, chosen based on susceptibilities. Magnetic
resonance imaging with gadolinium is the imaging
modality of choice for detecting early osteomyelitis and
associated soft-tissue disease. Measuring erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, or both may
help guide the response to therapy.
Practice Guidelines
462 American Family Physician Volume 84, Number 4 ◆
August 15, 2011
Drainage or debridement of the joint space should be
performed. For patients with septic arthritis, the antibi-
otic choices for osteomyelitis are recommended; a three-
to four-week course of therapy is suggested.
For patients with early-onset (less than two months after
surgery) or acute hematogenous prosthetic joint infec-
tions involving a stable implant with short duration of
symptoms (three weeks or less) and debridement (but
device retention), parenteral therapy should be initiated
(see antibiotic recommendations for osteomyelitis) plus
rifampin (600 mg per day, or 300 to 450 mg orally twice
per day for two weeks), followed by rifampin plus a fluo-
roquinolone, TMP/SMX, a tetracycline, or clindamycin
for three months for hips and six months for knees.
Prompt debridement with device removal is recom-
mended for unstable implants or late-onset infections,
or in patients with more than three weeks of symptoms.
For early-onset spinal implant infections (30 days or
less after surgery) or implants in an actively infected site,
initial parenteral therapy plus rifampin followed by pro-
longed oral therapy is recommended. The optimal dura-
tion of parenteral and oral therapy is unclear; oral therapy
should be continued until spinal fusion has occurred.
For late-onset infections (more than 30 days after sur-
gery), device removal is recommended. Long-term oral
suppressive antibiotics (e.g., TMP/SMX, a tetracycline, a
fluoroquinolone in conjunction with rifampin, clinda-
mycin) with or without rifampin may be considered,
particularly if device removal is not possible.
Vancomycin is recommended in children with acute
hematogenous MRSA osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. If
the patient is stable without ongoing bacteremia or intra-
vascular infection, clindamycin (10 to 13 mg per kg intra-
venously every six to eight hours for a total of 40 mg per
kg per day) can be used as empiric therapy if the resistance
rate is low (e.g., less than 10 percent), with transition to
oral therapy if the strain is susceptible. The duration of
therapy should be individualized, but a minimum of three
to four weeks is recommended for patients with septic
arthritis, and four to six weeks for patients with osteomy-
elitis. Daptomycin (6 mg per kg intravenously once per
day) and linezolid are alternative therapies.
MRSA Infections of the Central Nervous System
The recommended treatment for patients with menin-
gitis is intravenous vancomycin for two weeks. Some
experts recommend adding rifampin (600 mg per day,
or 300 to 450 mg twice per day). Alternatives include
linezolid or TMP/SMX (5 mg per kg intravenously every
eight to 12 hours). Shunt removal is recommended in
cases of central nervous system shunt infection, and the
shunt should not be replaced until cerebrospinal fluid
cultures are repeatedly negative.
Neurosurgical evaluation for incision and drainage is
recommended for patients with brain abscess, subdural
empyema, or spinal epidural abscess. Recommended
treatment is intravenous vancomycin for four to six
weeks. Some experts recommend adding rifampin. Alter-
natives include linezolid and TMP/SMX.
Surgical evaluation for incision and drainage of contigu-
ous sites of infection or abscess is recommended. The role
of anticoagulation is controversial. Recommended treat-
ment is intravenous vancomycin for four to six weeks.
Some experts recommend adding rifampin. Alternatives
include linezolid and TMP/SMX.
Children with MRSA infections of the central nervous
system should be treated with intravenous vancomycin.
Adjunctive Therapies for the Treatment
of MRSA Infections
Protein synthesis inhibitors (e.g., clindamycin, linezolid)
and intravenous immune globulin are not routinely rec-
ommended as adjunctive therapy for the management of
invasive MRSA disease, although they may be considered
in certain scenarios (e.g., necrotizing pneumonia, severe
Vancomycin Dosing and Monitoring
Recommendations for vancomycin dosing are based on a
consensus statement of the American Society of Health-
System Pharmacists, the IDSA, and the Society of Infec-
tious Diseases Pharmacists.
In patients with normal renal function, intravenous van-
comycin (15 to 20 mg per kg every eight to 12 hours) is
recommended, but should not exceed 2 g per dose. In
seriously ill patients (e.g., those with sepsis, meningitis,
pneumonia, or infective endocarditis) with suspected
MRSA infection, a loading dose of 25 to 30 mg per kg may
be considered. Because of the risk of red man syndrome
and possible anaphylaxis associated with large doses of
Practice Guidelines
August 15, 2011 ◆
Volume 84, Number 4 American Family Physician 463
vancomycin, physicians should consider prolonging the
infusion time to two hours and giving an antihistamine
before administering the loading dose.
Use of trough vancomycin concentrations is the most
accurate and practical method to guide vancomycin dos-
ing. Serum trough concentrations should be obtained at
steady state conditions, before the fourth or fifth dose.
Monitoring peak vancomycin concentrations is not
recommended. Vancomycin trough concentrations of
15 to 20 mcg per mL are recommended in patients with
serious infections, such as bacteremia, infective endo-
carditis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, pneumonia, or severe
skin and soft-tissue infections (e.g., necrotizing fasciitis)
caused by MRSA. For most patients with skin and soft-
tissue infections who have normal renal function and
are not obese, traditional dosages of 1 g every 12 hours
are adequate, and trough monitoring is not required.
Trough vancomycin monitoring is recommended for
patients with serious infections or who are morbidly
obese, have renal dysfunction (including those receiving
dialysis), or have fluctuating volumes of distribution. A
regimen of continuous infusion is not recommended.
Data on vancomycin dosing in children are limited. The
recommended treatment is vancomycin (15 mg per kg
intravenously every six hours) in children with serious or
invasive disease. The effectiveness and safety of targeting
trough concentrations of 15 to 20 mcg per mL in children
require additional study, but should be considered in
those with serious infections, such as bacteremia, infec-
tive endocarditis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, pneumonia,
or severe skin and soft-tissue infections.
Vancomycin Susceptibility Testing for Guiding
For isolates with a vancomycin minimal inhibitory con-
centration of 2 mcg per mL or less (e.g., susceptible
according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
breakpoints), the patient’s clinical response should dic-
tate the continued use of vancomycin, independent of
the minimal inhibitory concentration. If the patient has
had a previous clinical and microbiologic response to
vancomycin, it may be continued with close follow-up.
If the patient has not responded to vancomycin therapy
despite adequate debridement and removal of other foci
of infection, an alternative agent is recommended. For
isolates with a vancomycin minimal inhibitory concen-
tration greater than 2 mcg per mL (e.g., vancomycin-
intermediate S. aureus, vancomycin-resistant S. aureus),
an alternative agent should be prescribed.
Persistent MRSA Bacteremia and Vancomycin
Treatment Failures in Adults
A search for and removal of other foci of infection,
drainage, or surgical debridement is recommended.
High-dose daptomycin (10 mg per kg per day), if the
isolate is susceptible, in combination with another agent
(e.g., gentamicin, rifampin, linezolid, TMP/SMX, a beta-
lactam antibiotic) should be considered. If reduced
susceptibility to vancomycin and daptomycin is pres-
ent, alternative treatment options include dalfopristin/
quinupristin (Synercid; 7.5 mg per kg intravenously every
eight hours), TMP/SMX, linezolid, or telavancin. These
may be given as a single agent or in combination with
other antibiotics.
MRSA Infections in Neonates
For mild cases of pustulosis with localized disease, topi-
cal treatment with mupirocin may be adequate in full-
term neonates and young infants. For localized disease
in a premature or very low-birth-weight infant or more
extensive disease involving multiple sites in full-term
infants, intravenous vancomycin or clindamycin is rec-
ommended until bacteremia is excluded.
Recommended treatment of neonatal MRSA sepsis is
intravenous vancomycin, with dosing as outlined in Red
Book. Clindamycin and linezolid are alternative treat-
ments for nonendovascular infections. ■
Answers to This Issue’s CME Quiz
Q1. D
Q2. B
Q3. A, B
Q4. A
Q5. A, B, C, D
Q6. D
Q7. B
Q8. A, B, C, D
Q9. A
Q10. D
Clindamycin versus Trimethoprim–Sulfamethoxazole for
Uncomplicated Skin Infections
Loren G. Miller, M.D., M.P.H., Robert S. Daum, M.D., C.M., C. Buddy Creech, M.D., M.P.H.,
David Young, M.D., Michele D. Downing, R.N., M.S.N., Samantha J. Eells, M.P.H., Stephanie
Pettibone, B.S., Rebecca J. Hoagland, M.S., Henry F. Chambers, M.D., and for the DMID
07-0051 Team*
Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (L.G.M., S.J.E.) and Division of Infectious Diseases,
Harbor–UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Medical Center (L.G.M., S.J.E.), Torrance,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles (L.G.M., S.J.E.), Division of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) (D.Y.), and Division of
Infectious Diseases, San Francisco General Hospital and UCSF (M.D.D., H.F.C.), San Francisco
— all in California; Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Chicago, Chicago
(R.S.D.); Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (C.B.C.); the
EMMES Corporation, Rockville, MD (S.P.); and Cota Enterprises, Meriden, KS (R.J.H.). Address
reprint requests to Dr. Miller at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Harbor–UCLA Medical Center,
1000 W. Carson St., Box 466, Torrance, CA 90509
Loren G. Miller:
Background—Skin and skin-structure infections are common in ambulatory settings. However,
the efficacy of various antibiotic regimens in the era of community-acquired methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is unclear.
Methods—We enrolled outpatients with uncomplicated skin infections who had cellulitis,
abscesses larger than 5 cm in diameter (smaller for younger children), or both. Patients were
enrolled at four study sites. All abscesses underwent incision and drainage. Patients were
randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either clindamycin or trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
(TMP-SMX) for 10 days. Patients and investigators were unaware of the treatment assignments
and microbiologic test results. The primary outcome was clinical cure 7 to 10 days after the end of
*A list of additional members of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) 07-0051 Team is provided in the
Supplementary Appendix, available at
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of
No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at
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( called “My NEJM.” Each article and search result links to this feature. Users can create personal folders and move
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HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19.
Published in final edited form as:
N Engl J Med. 2015 March 19; 372(12): 1093–1103. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1403789.
Results—A total of 524 patients were enrolled (264 in the clindamycin group and 260 in the
TMP-SMX group), including 155 children (29.6%). One hundred sixty patients (30.5%) had an
abscess, 280 (53.4%) had cellulitis, and 82 (15.6%) had mixed infection, defined as at least one
abscess lesion and one cellulitis lesion. S. aureus was isolated from the lesions of 217 patients
(41.4%); the isolates in 167 (77.0%) of these patients were MRSA. The proportion of patients
cured was similar in the two treatment groups in the intention-to-treat population (80.3% in the
clindamycin group and 77.7% in the TMP-SMX group; difference, −2.6 percentage points; 95%
confidence interval [CI], −10.2 to 4.9; P = 0.52) and in the populations of patients who could be
evaluated (466 patients; 89.5% in the clindamycin group and 88.2% in the TMP-SMX group;
difference, −1.2 percentage points; 95% CI, −7.6 to 5.1; P = 0.77). Cure rates did not differ
significantly between the two treatments in the subgroups of children, adults, and patients with
abscess versus cellulitis. The proportion of patients with adverse events was similar in the two
Conclusions—We found no significant difference between clindamycin and TMP-SMX, with
respect to either efficacy or side-effect profile, for the treatment of uncomplicated skin infections,
including both cellulitis and abscesses. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of
Health; number, NCT00730028.)
Skin and Skin-Structure Infections (hereafter referred to as skin infections) are common
conditions among patients seeking medical care in the United States,1,2 accounting for
approximately 14.2 million outpatient visits in 20051 and more than 850,000 hospital
admissions.3 Skin infections are associated with considerable complications, including
bacteremia, the need for hospitalization and surgical procedures, and death.4,5
Results of cultures of skin-infection lesions in the United States have shown that most of the
infections are caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),6,7 but the
efficacy of various antibiotic regimens in areas where community-associated MRSA is
endemic has not been defined.8,9 Either clindamycin or trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
(TMP-SMX) is recommended because of the low cost and activity against community-
associated MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains of each of these
drugs,2,10-12 yet there are few comparative data on the safety and efficacy of these antibiotic
agents for the treatment of skin infections. To address this limitation, we performed a
randomized clinical trial comparing clindamycin and TMP-SMX for the treatment of
uncomplicated skin infections at four U.S. centers located in areas of community-associated
MRSA endemicity.
Study Design and Population
We performed a multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial of
clindamycin versus TMP-SMX for the treatment of uncomplicated skin infections. Patients
were eligible if they had two or more of the following signs or symptoms for 24 or more
hours: erythema, swelling or induration, local warmth, purulent drainage, and tenderness to
pain or palpation. Patients were categorized as having cellulitis (defined as inflammation of
Miller et al. Page 2
N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19.
the skin and associated skin structures without signs of a drainable fluid collection), abscess
(defined as a circumscribed, drainable collection of pus), or both (if lesions of both cellulitis
and abscess were present). Exclusion criteria were superficial skin infections (e.g.,
impetigo), skin infection at a body site that requires specialized management (e.g.,
perirectal, genital, or hand infection), a human or animal bite at the infection site, high fever
(oral temperature, 38.5°C [38.0°C in children 6 to 11 months of age]), receipt of
immunosuppressive medications or the presence of an immunocompromising condition such
as diabetes or chronic renal failure, morbid obesity (body-mass index [the weight in
kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], 40), surgical-site or prosthetic-
device infection, and receipt of antibacterial therapy with antistaphylococcal activity in the
previous 14 days. Patients were ineligible if they lived in a long-term care facility, had
cancer or an inflammatory disorder that required treatment in the previous 12 months, or had
major surgery in the previous 12 months. All the inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed in
Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at The full protocol and statistical-analysis plan are also available at
Study Population, Stratification, and Randomization
From May 2009 through August 2011, patients were recruited at four locations (University
of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago; San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco;
Harbor–UCLA [University of California, Los Angeles] Medical Center, Torrance, CA; and
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville) from urgent care clinics, emergency
departments, and affiliated clinics. All the patients or their parents or guardians provided
written informed consent, and assent was obtained when age-appropriate. The protocol was
approved by the institutional review board at each institution.
Patients were stratified into one of two groups on the basis of the characteristics of their
infection before randomization: a group that included patients with a larger abscess or
cellulitis (larger-abscess–cellulitis group) or a group that included patients with a smaller
abscess (limited-abscess group). The protocol and data-analysis plan prespecified that the
limited-abscess group and the larger-abscess–cellulitis group be analyzed separately because
their treatment assignments differed, in that the limited-abscess stratum included a placebo
group. Patients who had a single abscess with a greatest diameter up to 5.0 cm (≤3.0 cm in
patients 6 to 11 months of age and ≤4.0 cm in patients 1 to 8 years of age) were stratified
into the limited-abscess group. All other patients, including those with an abscess greater
than 5.0 cm in diameter (and proportionally smaller in young children), patients with two or
more sites of skin infection, and patients with cellulitis without abscess (including
erysipelas), were stratified into the larger-abscess–cellulitis group. The size of the abscess
cavity was measured manually in three dimensions (width, length, and depth) and recorded
on a standardized form. All abscesses were treated by means of incision and drainage. In this
article, we describe the results for the larger-abscess–cellulitis group only.
Study Medication
After abscesses were drained (if present) and the size of the abscesses was determined,
patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive clindamycin or TMP-SMX.
Variable-block randomization, with assignments made independently at each site, was
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performed by an independent contract research organization (EMMES) that developed the
randomization code.
Clindamycin was given as two 150-mg tablets three times daily. TMP-SMX was given at
doses of 160 mg of trimethoprim and 800 mg of sulfamethoxazole administered as two
single-strength tablets twice daily. Patients randomly assigned to receive TMP-SMX were
given two placebo pills for the midday dose. Pediatric doses were adjusted according to the
body weight of the patient (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix); liquid suspensions
were available for pediatric dosing. Pills were overencapsulated to prevent identification by
study staff and patients, and the taste of the clindamycin liquid preparations was masked
with the use of flavoring both to prevent identification and to improve adherence. Patients
were unaware of the treatment assignments, as were the study staff members, with the
exception of the research pharmacists, who determined the correct dosing. The study
medications were purchased by the study sponsor, the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.
Microbiologic Studies and Demographic Data
To prevent investigator bias if treatment failures occurred, investigators were unaware of the
microbiologic results, although the results could be obtained by an independent safety
monitor on request. Swab cultures were obtained if there was a skin break, exudate, blister
fluid, or other material that could be cultured. Nonsuppurative lesions were not cultured.
Cultures, species identification of isolates, and susceptibility tests were performed by the
clinical microbiology laboratory at each participating institution in accordance with methods
approved by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.13 External oversight for study
activities was provided by two contract research organizations, Pharmaceutical Product
Development (PPD) and the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Clinical
Research Operations and Management Support (DMID-CROMS).
Patients were surveyed about demographic characteristics and coexisting conditions.
Patients were seen at the end of treatment (day 12), at the test of cure (7 to 10 days after
completion of the prescribed 10-day course of therapy), and at the 1-month follow-up (day
40). Information about clinical response and possible medication side effects was obtained
with the use of standardized forms.
Statistical Analysis
The primary study outcome was clinical cure at the test-of-cure visit. Two primary efficacy
analyses were performed: one in the intention-to-treat population and the other in the
population of patients who could be evaluated (Fig. 1). A lack of clinical cure was defined
as a lack of resolution of signs or symptoms of infection, the occurrence of side effects that
necessitated discontinuation of treatment with the study medication within the first 48 hours,
or any one of the following before the test-of-cure visit: occurrence of a skin infection at a
new body site, unplanned surgical treatment of the skin infection, or hospitalization related
to the infection. The primary null hypothesis was that clindamycin and TMP-SMX would
have equal rates of cure. The study was designed as a superiority trial with 80% power to
detect an absolute difference between the two treatment groups of 10 percentage points in
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cure rates (85% vs. 95%) in the population that could be evaluated, at an alpha level of 0.05.
Assuming a 20% attrition rate, we calculated that 524 patients (262 in each group) needed to
be enrolled. The prespecified secondary outcomes were cure rates at the end of treatment
and at the 1-month follow up visit; cure rates in the adult and pediatric populations; cure
rates among patients with cellulitis, abscess, or mixed abscess and cellulitis (defined as
separate lesions of abscess and cellulitis) at the test-of-cure visit; and adverse-event rates.
Comparisons between groups were performed with the use of Pearson's chi-square test,
Fisher's exact test, or an analysis-of-variance test, as appropriate; all tests were two-sided.
Interim analyses for safety were performed by an independent data and safety monitoring
committee. Findings from the trial are described in accordance with Consolidated Standards
of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guide-lines.14
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients
A total of 524 patients were enrolled; 264 received clindamycin treatment, and 260 received
TMP-SMX treatment (Fig. 1). A total of 52.3% of the patients were male, 53.2% were
black, 40.3% were white, and 28.6% were Hispanic. The mean age was 27.1 years. A total
of 29.6% of the patients were children (Table 1, and Table S3 in the Supplementary
Appendix). There were no significant demographic differences between the groups.
Abscess was present in 160 patients (30.5%), cellulitis in 280 (53.4%), and mixed abscess
and cellulitis in 82 (15.6%); the lesions in 2 patients (0.4%) were not characterized. There
were no significant differences between the groups with regard to clinical presentation,
signs, or symptoms. Incision and drainage were performed in 44.5% of the patients. Detailed
clinical information on the patients is provided in Table 1.
Cultures were obtained for 296 patients (56.5%). The most common baseline isolate found
in culture was S. aureus (217 of 524 patients, 41.4%) (Table 2); 27 of the 217 isolates
(12.4%) were clindamy-cin-resistant, and 1 of 217 isolates (0.5%) was TMP-SMX–resistant.
Stratification of culture results according to skin infection type is shown in Table S4 in the
Supplementary Appendix.
Clinical Cure at the Test-of-Cure Visit
The rate of cure in the intention-to-treat population (524 patients) at the test-of-cure visit
was 80.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 75.2 to 85.4) in the clindamycin group and 77.7%
(95% CI, 72.3 to 83.1) in the TMP-SMX group (difference, −2.6 percentage points; 95% CI,
-10.2 to 4.9; P = 0.52) (Table 3). In the population that could be evaluated (466 patients), the
rate of cure was 89.5% (95% CI, 85.2 to 93.7) in the clindamycin group and 88.2% (95% CI,
83.7 to 92.7) in the TMP-SMX group (difference, −1.2 percentage points; 95% CI, −7.6 to
5.1; P = 0.77) (Fig. 2).
There were no significant differences between treatment groups, in either the intention-to-
treat population or the population that could be evaluated, in subgroups consisting of
children, adults, or patients with cellulitis, abscesses, or mixed abscess and cellulitis lesions
(Table 3). In addition, there were no significant between-group differences in subgroups of
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patients infected with S. aureus, MRSA, or MSSA in either the intention-to-treat population
or the population that could be evaluated. In the population that could be evaluated, 11 of 15
clindamycin-treated patients with clindamycin-resistant S. aureus isolates were cured, as
compared with 77 of 84 patients with susceptible isolates (73.3% [95% CI, 47.0 to 99.7] vs.
91.7% [95% CI, 85.0 to 98.3], P = 0.06).
Efficacy at 1 Month
Cure rates at the 1-month follow-up visit were similar for the clindamycin and TMP-SMX
groups in the intention-to-treat population (193 of 264 patients [73.1%; 95% CI, −67.6 to
78.6] and 176 of 260 patients [67.7%; 95% CI, 61.8 to 73.6], respectively; difference, −5.4
percentage points [95% CI, −13.6 to 2.8]; P = 0.18) and in the population that could be
evaluated (193 of 230 patients [83.9%; 95% CI, 78.9 to 88.9] and 176 of 225 patients
[78.2%; 95% CI, 72.6 to 83.8]; difference, −5.7 percentage points [95% CI, −13.3 to 1.9]; P
= 0.15), respectively.
Adverse Events
Overall rates of adverse events were similar in the clindamycin and TMP-SMX groups
(18.9% and 18.6%, respectively). The most common adverse events in the clindamycin and
TMP-SMX groups were diarrhea (9.7% and 10.1%), nausea (2.3% and 2.7%), vomiting
(2.3% and 1.6%), pruritus (1.5% and 1.2%), and rash (1.2% and 0.8%) (Table S5 in the
Supplementary Appendix). There were no cases of Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea.
Most adverse events were mild or moderate and resolved without sequelae. There were no
treatment-associated serious adverse events (Table S6). The rates of treatment
discontinuation due to adverse events were similar in the two groups (8.3% and 8.8%)
(Table S7 in the Supplementary Appendix).
We performed a double-blind, multicenter, randomized clinical trial to compare TMP-SMX
and clindamycin, each of which is commonly recommended as empirical therapy for
uncomplicated skin infections in the outpatient population with only minor or no coexisting
conditions.6,7,15,16 The cure rates with TMP-SMX and clindamycin did not differ
significantly. The cure rate with TMP-SMX ranged from 5 percentage points higher to 7 to
10 percentage points lower than the cure rate with clindamycin, on the basis of the 95%
confidence intervals for rate differences in the intention-to-treat population and the
population that could be evaluated. This well-powered superiority trial did not show the
superiority of either intervention. Although it is not appropriate to claim that there are no
differences on the basis of the negative result of the superiority test, important differences
can reasonably be ruled out with the use of confidence intervals. Adverse-event rates with
the two therapies were similar.
Among all the patients, 46% had one or more abscesses larger than 5 cm in diameter
(proportionally smaller in young children), all of which underwent incision and drainage.
The 5-cm cutoff was based on data from a single-center observational study involving
children, in which abscesses larger than 5 cm were associated with treatment failure.17
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Although incision and drainage alone may be sufficient for treatment in many cases, there
are likely to be subgroups in which antibiotic therapy is needed. Outcomes in antibiotic-
treated patients with abscesses in our relatively low-risk population could reflect either
similar true efficacies or the adequacy of incision and drainage alone. Large placebo-
controlled trials are needed to further understand the role of active pharmacologic therapy in
the treatment of patients with abscesses.
The cure rates for TMP-SMX and clindamycin were similar among patients who had
cellulitis as the sole lesion type. In the prespecified analysis of patients with cellulitis only,
the point estimates of the TMP-SMX mean cure rates were 86.6% and 76.4% for the
population that could be evaluated and the intention-to-treat population, respectively —
rates that are 4.3 percentage points (95% CI, −13.1 to 4.6) to 4.5 percentage points (95% CI,
−15.1 to 6.1) lower than the rates with clindamycin. In a post hoc analysis of patients with
cellulitis with or without an abscess at another site, the cure rates were 87.9% (138 of 157
patients) with TMP-SMX and 90.9% (149 of 164) with clindamycin in the population that
could be evaluated (difference, −3.0 percentage points [95% CI, −10.5 to 4.6]) and 77.1%
(138 of 179) and 81.4% (149 of 183), respectively, in the intention-to-treat population
(difference, −4.3 percentage points [95% CI, −13.5 to 4.8]). Our study was not powered to
determine the superiority of one agent over the other in the subgroup of patients with
cellulitis, but the data suggest that if there is a difference in outcome it is probably small.
Moreover, in further support of the efficacy of TMP-SMX, the lower boundaries of the
confidence intervals are above the 18 to 30% range for the inferiority of placebo to active
agents cited for the outcome of cellulitis in the 2013 Food and Drug Administration
guidance for acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections.18,19
The cause of cellulitis is incompletely understood, because a causative pathogen is not
identified in most cases20; this is consistent with our study, in which 80% of cellulitis
lesions could not be cultured because skin was intact. Expert opinion8 and empirical
data21,22 suggest that cellulitis is most commonly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Our
findings are provocative, because TMP-SMX has been considered a poor empirical choice
for the treatment of cellulitis. Recent data show that S. pyogenes strains may be TMP-SMX–
susceptible if low-concentration thymidine agar is used for testing.23 Our results showing
that TMP-SMX and clindamycin have similar efficacy in patients with cellulitis are
consistent with these in vitro data.
With respect to adverse events, the rates were similar in the two groups. In particular, the
rates of diarrhea were similar. The absence of C. difficile–associated diarrhea may stem from
its relatively low incidence in patients with low disease severity and younger age,24-26
characteristics that were typical of the patients in this trial. Rash has been a concern with
TMP-SMX therapy27; however, dermatologic side-effect rates were similar in the two
groups. Overall adverse-event rates were similar in the pediatric and adult subgroups.
Our study has limitations. First, we excluded patients with serious coexisting conditions, and
the outcomes of skin infections treated with clindamycin and TMP-SMX in populations with
such conditions may differ. However, our investigation involved outpatients, the population
in which approximately 95% of skin infections are treated,28 and thus is generalizable to a
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large population. Second, we examined only two antibiotics, and the comparative efficacy
and side-effect profile of other oral medications are unclear. However, the two antibiotics
we studied are those typically recommended by experts in areas of MRSA endemicity.2,10-12
Third, patients were followed for 1 month after therapy was completed, which is a strength
in comparison with studies lacking a documented follow-up visit but is also a limitation. S.
aureus infections are often recurrent,29,30 and 1 month of follow-up may be inadequate for
assessing the efficacy of a drug in preventing recurrent disease.
Fourth, the dosages of clindamycin and TMP-SMX for skin infections are not well defined.
Some have suggested using twice the dose we used (see, e.g., number
NCT00729937), whereas others have recommended the same dose.8 Our data show that the
efficacy of TMP-SMX doses of 160 mg and 800 mg does not differ significantly from that
of a commonly recommended dose of clindamycin — specifically, 300 mg three times
daily.8 Finally, the proportions of patients who had an S. aureus isolate that was resistant to
clindamycin or TMP-SMX (5.2% and 0.2%, respectively) were relatively low. Given the
low prevalence of resistance, its contribution to treatment failure is unclear, although there
was a trend toward a lower clindamycin cure rate for infections caused by clindamycin-
resistant S. aureus versus clindamycin-susceptible isolates (73.3% vs. 91.7%, P = 0.06),
which also raises important questions about the spontaneous response rate. The number of
patients with inducible clindamycin-resistant isolates was even smaller (three patients in the
population that could be evaluated), which precluded making conclusions about its role in
treatment failure.
Our study has important strengths. It was a double-blind, randomized clinical trial
accompanied by detailed drug accountability (i.e., storage, handling, and dispensing of study
drugs, as well as documentation of their administration), detailed systematic reviews of
adverse drug effects, and relatively low rates of attrition (10.5%). We included both adults
and children, which is of critical importance given that skin infections are highly prevalent
among persons of all ages.7,28 Finally, the populations studied were ethnically and
geographically diverse. In summary, we found no significant differences between the
efficacy of clindamycin and that of TMP-SMX for the treatment of uncomplicated skin
infections in children and adults with few or no major coexisting conditions.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
Supported by grants from the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (1U01 HHSN272200700031C,
to Dr. Chambers) and the National Center for Research Resources (UL1RR033176, now at the National Center for
Advancing Translational Sciences, UL1TR000124).
Dr. Miller reports receiving consulting fees from Cubist, Durata, and Pfizer; Dr. Daum, fees for serving on an
advisory board from Pfizer; Dr. Creech, grant support from Pfizer and Cubist; Dr. Hoagland, fees for providing
statistical analysis and programming services from EMMES; and Dr. Chambers, fees for serving on advisory
boards from Theravance and AstraZeneca, consulting fees from Cubist, Pfizer, Trius, and AstraZeneca, and grant
support from Cubist; Dr. Chambers also reports that he holds stock in Trius and Merck and that his institution holds
a contract for a clinical trial from Cerexa.
Miller et al. Page 8
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We thank Christine Chiou, M.D., Maureen Mehigan, R.N., B.S.N., and Hyung Koo, R.N., B.S.N., at the Division of
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; and Thad Zajdowicz, Nancy Browning, and the staff at EMMES for their
support with the conduct of this clinical trial.
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Figure 1. Enrollment, Randomization, and Follow-up
TMP-SMX denotes trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole.
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Figure 2. Comparison of the Efficacy of Clindamycin and TMP-SMX in Patients with
Uncomplicated Skin Infection
The graph shows the proportion of patients cured by the time of the test-of-cure visit in the
intention-to-treat population and the population that could be evaluated. The actual
confidence level was 95.60% after adjustment for interim analyses.
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Table 1
Baseline Characteristics of the Patients, According to Treatment Group*
Characteristic Clindamycin Group (N = 264) TMP-SMX Group (N = 260) All Patients (N = 524)
Female sex — no. (%) 129 (48.9) 121 (46.5) 250 (47.7)
Hispanic ethnic background — no. (%)†
Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino 188 (71.2) 186 (71.5) 374 (71.4)
Hispanic or Latino 76 (28.8) 74 (28.5) 150 (28.6)
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)†
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1 (0.4) 2 (0.8) 3 (0.6)
Asian 5 (1.9) 4 (1.5) 9 (1.7)
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 4 (1.5) 2 (0.8) 6 (1.1)
Black 141 (53.4) 138 (53.1) 279 (53.2)
White 102 (38.6) 109 (41.9) 211 (40.3)
Multiracial 10 (3.8) 4 (1.5) 14 (2.7)
Other or unknown 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4)
Age group — no. (%)
1 yr 6 (2.3) 5 (1.9) 11 (2.1)
1–8 yr 45 (17.0) 42 (16.2) 87 (16.6)
9–17 yr 30 (11.4) 27 (10.4) 57 (10.9)
≥18 yr 183 (69.3) 186 (71.5) 369 (70.4)
Temperature — °C 36.61±0.50 36.59±0.52 36.60±0.51
Area of wound — cm2,‡,§ 43.84±140.03 35.35±71.13 39.62±111.28
Purulent drainage present — no. (%) 124 (47.0) 113 (43.5) 237 (45.2)
Incision and drainage performed — no. (%) 122 (46.2) 111 (42.7) 233 (44.5)
Type of lesion — no. (%)¶
Abscess only 80 (30.3) 80 (30.8) 160 (30.5)
Cellulitis only 136 (51.5) 144 (55.4) 280 (53.4)
Mixed abscess and cellulitis‖ 47 (17.8) 35 (13.5) 82 (15.6)
Complete data on demographics and age, stratified according to treatment group, are provided in Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix. P
values for all comparisons were nonsignificant (P0.05 for all comparisons). The denominator for calculation of percentages is the number of
patients in the intention-to-treat population for each treatment group. Plus–minus values are means ±SD. TMP-SMX denotes trimethoprim–
Race and ethnic group and information on Hispanic ethnic background were self-reported.
Data were available for 263 patients in the clindamycin group and 259 in the TMP-SMX group.
Areas were calculated with the use of the formula for an ellipse ([length × width × π]/4).
The type of lesion was not known for 2 patients.
Patients categorized as having mixed abscess and cellulitis lesions were those who had more than one lesion, with at least one abscess lesion that
underwent incision and drainage and at least one cellulitis lesion that did not require incision and drainage.
N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19.
Miller et al. Page 14
Table 2
Wound Culture Results at Baseline*
Culture Result Clindamycin Group (N = 264)
TMP-SMX Group (N =
260) All Patients (N = 524)
no. of patients (%)
No culture obtained 110 (41.7) 118 (45.4) 228 (43.5)
Culture obtained but no growth 6 (2.3) 6 (2.3) 12 (2.3)
Culture obtained but no results 4 (1.5) 3 (1.2) 7 (1.3)
Positive culture 144 (54.5) 133 (51.2) 277 (52.9)
Staphylococcus aureus 108 (40.9) 109 (41.9) 217 (41.4)
MRSA 84 (31.8) 83 (31.9) 167 (31.9)
Clindamycin-resistant 12 (4.5) 9 (3.5) 21 (4.0)
TMP-SMX–resistant 1 (0.4) 0 1 (0.2)
MSSA 25 (9.5) 27 (10.4) 52 (9.9)
Clindamycin-resistant 3 (1.1) 3 (1.2) 6 (1.1)
TMP-SMX–resistant 0 0 0
Streptococcus pyogenes 3 (1.1) 5 (1.9) 8 (1.5)
Group B streptococcus 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4)
Beta-hemolytic group C streptococcus 2 (0.8) 0 2 (0.4)
Beta-hemolytic group F streptococcus 0 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2)
Non–group A and B beta-hemolytic streptococcus 1 (0.4) 0 1 (0.2)
Viridans group streptococcus 9 (3.4) 9 (3.5) 18 (3.4)
Enterobacter species 1 (0.4) 0 1 (0.2)
Enterococcus species 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4)
Escherichia coli 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) 4 (0.8)
Hemophilus species 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) 4 (0.8)
Klebsiella species 1 (0.4) 2 (0.8) 3 (0.6)
Lactobacillus species 2 (0.8) 0 2 (0.4)
Proteus mirabilis 9 (3.4) 1 (0.4) 10 (1.9)
Bacterial growth not otherwise specified 2 (0.8) 0 2 (0.4)
Coagulase-negative staphylococcus 19 (7.2) 19 (7.3) 38 (7.3)
Diphtheroid bacilli 8 (3.0) 7 (2.7) 15 (2.9)
Other 11 (4.2) 7 (2.7) 18 (3.4)
The denominator for the calculation of percentages is the number of patients in the intention-to-treat population for each group. Patients are
counted once for each species identified. MRSA denotes methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and MSSA methicillin-susceptible S. aureus.
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[ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ] 45
Community-acquired methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(CA-MRSA), first recognized in the
early 1980s, was noted to occur in
patients with MRSA infections who
had no identifiable, predisposing risk
Over time, the prevalence
of CA-MRSA infection has increased
across the United States in both the
pediatric and adult populations with
CA-MRSA infections commonly
encountered in ambulatory
dermatology practices. Some have
theorized that CA-MRSA was at first
a hospital-acquired pathogen with
strains traceable to specific
healthcare facilities, while others
developed de novo within the
With the passing of
time, CA-MRSA has become more
distinct, both genetically and
epidemiologically, from nosocomial
MRSA, leading many to believe that
CA-MRSA isolates did not emerge
from local nosocomial MRSA
Molecular, genetic, and
microbiologic studies have revealed
that CA-MRSA is associated with a
unique genetic profile and
It has been observed
that many CA-MRSA strains have
become endemic in a given
geographic region, progressively
replacing other strains due to
selective genetic advantages.12–15
According to a 15-year study
performed in San Diego, there has
been a dramatic increase in CA-
MRSA infections since 2002, with an
increasing proportion of cases
related to intrafamilial spread.1
estimated 85 percent of CA-MRSA
infections present in the skin as
abscesses or as folliculitis.16
Outbreaks are usually in the
younger populations and in small
clusters in localized geographic
regions in both rural and urban
areas. In its most severe form, CA-
MRSA has also been shown to cause
septic arthritis, osteomyelitis,
pyomyositis, necrotizing fasciitis,
and necrotizing pneumonia,
especially in young children.11
incidence of infection increases with
close physical contact, loss of skin
integrity, and sharing of
contaminated personal use articles
or equipment.1
Other factors, such
as hygiene and physical crowding,
also play a large role in spreading
CA-MRSA infections. With regard to
carriage, the estimated prevalence
of S. aureus and MRSA nasal
colonization in the United States
was reported to be 32.4 percent and
0.8 percent, respectively, based on a
large population-based evaluation.17
A high rate of S. aureus
colonization also involves the
perineum, which like the anterior
nares, demonstrates high organism
density and a greater propensity for
consistent carriage over time.18–21
What is the role of oral antibiotic
therapy in the treatment of
cutaneous CA-MRSA infections
seen in outpatient dermatology
Oral antibiotic therapy is an
important component of therapy for
uncomplicated cutaneous CA-MRSA
In office-based
dermatology practices, most CA-
MRSA infections present as
folliculitis or furunculosis, with
many patients presenting with at
least a few abscess-like lesions.11,16
Incision and drainage represents the
primary therapy for treatment of
lesions presenting as abscesses.11,18,20
Because many patients present with
multiple lesions, oral antibiotic
therapy is indicated to assist in
eradicating the infection.11,16,18
cases confounded by multiple
recurrences over time, it is often
necessary to address decolonization
Section Editor: James Q. Del Rosso, DO, FAOCD
Use of Oral Doxycycline
for Community-acquired
Staphylococcus aureus
(CA-MRSA) Infections
James Q. Del Rosso, DO, FAOCD;
Sanjay Bhambri, DO;
Grace Kim, DO
[ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ]
of foci of staphylococcal carriage,
such as the anterior nares,
perineum, and hands.17–21
What antibiotic therapy options
are available for treatment of
cutaneous CA-MRSA infections?
Several antibiotic options, such as
fluoroquinolones, lincosamides (i.e.,
clindamycin), rifampin, daptomycin,
carbapenems, and linezolid, are
available to treat skin and soft-tissue
infections (SSTIs) caused by CA-
Oral antibiotics
belonging to the tetracycline family,
including minocycline and
doxycycline, provide an effective
means of treating CA-MRSA
As stated above,
incision and drainage remains the
single most important intervention
against CA-MRSA infections, which
present as abscess-like lesions.
However, when oral antibiotic
therapy is indicated based on the
judgement of the clinician,
tetracycline agents and
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole are
effective in the majority of patients
presenting with uncomplicated
SSTIs caused by CA-MRSA, and are
commonly recommended.1,2,11,16,18,22,23
Tetracyclines are effective against
many strains of CA-MRSA.1,2,24–26
What information is available on
the use of oral doxycycline for
treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA
Multiple reports support the use
of doxycycline in patients with
suspected or confirmed cutaneous
CA-MRSA infection.24–26
retrospective cohort study
investigated the therapeutic
outcomes of patients with CA-MRSA
infection treated with extended-
spectrum tetracyclines.24
This study
evaluated results from 276 patients
who presented with 282 episodes of
cutaneous MRSA between 2002 and
2007. Ninety episodes (32%) were
treated with extended-spectrum
tetracyclines (doxycycline or
minocycline); whereas, 192 episodes
(68%) were treated with a β-lactam
agent. The rate of susceptibility of
MRSA strains to tetracyclines
remained stable at 95 percent
during the study. Doxycycline
monotherapy was administered in 87
of 90 episodes (97%) treated with
tetracyclines. Ninety-six percent of
patients (86/90) treated with an
extended-spectrum tetracycline
achieved success with resolution of
their CA-MRSA infection, as
compared to 88 percent (168/192)
of patients treated with β-lactam
monotherapy. Treatment failure was
higher in the β-lactam group than in
the extended-spectrum tetracycline
group (12.5% vs. 4.4%). Four
patients who were treatment failures
in the tetracycline group exhibited
improvement on continued
tetracycline therapy after a repeat
incision and drainage procedure.
In another study of adult patients
with CA-MRSA infections, 54
percent (13/24) were treated with
doxycycline and 46 percent (11/24)
were treated with minocycline.25
Doxycycline achieved a 92-percent
success rate as compared to a 73-
percent success rate with
minocycline. Based on microbiologic
testing in vitro, doxycycline has
also been shown to be a very potent
agent against CA-MRSA strains with
a minimum inhibitory concentration
(MIC50) value of 0.25µg/mL.26
When used to treat cutaneous
CA-MRSA infections, a daily
doxycycline dose of 200mg per day
is generally used. The duration of
therapy varies based on clinical
response, with an average duration
of treatment ranging from 10 to 21
Interestingly, when utilized
in combination with rifampin,
doxycycline may prevent the
emergence of CA-MRSA strains that
become resistant to rifampin.27
What concerns exist regarding CA-
MRSA resistance to non-β-lactam
oral antibiotics, including
extended-spectrum tetracycline
Antibiotic resistance to CA-MRSA
is emerging with resistance reported
to many antibiotics including
fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and
Resistance of S.
aureus to tetracyclines has been
reported and is achieved by two
potential mechanisms: active reflux
and ribosomal protection.24,25,30
reflux is mediated by plasmid-
located tetK and tetL genes;
whereas, chromosome-located tetM
or tetO genes mediate ribosomal
Presence of the
tetM gene confers resistance to all
antibiotics within the tetracycline
family including doxycycline and
minocycline; however, presence of
tetK gene confers resistance to
tetracycline, but the isolates can still
be inhibited by minocycline.30
exists potential for cross-resistance
between tetracycline and the
extended-spectrum tetracycline
derivatives. Therefore, tetracycline-
resistant S. aureus should also be
considered resistant to doxycycline
and minocycline unless sensitivity
testing is performed against each
individual tetracycline agent that
demonstrates otherwise.25,30
In most
reference microbiology laboratories
used by dermatologists in clinical
practice across the United States,
sensitivity to tetracycline is all that
is reported routinely.
May the formulation of oral
doxycycline be clinically
[ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ] 47
significant in the treatment of
cutaneous CA-MRSA infections?
Doxycycline is available as either
the monohydrate or hyclate salt,
with most formulations being
immediate release and nonenteric
coated. An enteric-coated
formulation of doxycycline hyclate is
also available (75mg, 100mg, and
150mg tablets). This enteric-coating
technology allows for a delay in
degradation of the enteric-coated
pellets, which are embedded within
the body of the tablet matrix. Thus,
release of doxycycline bypasses the
stomach and occurs within the
upper small intestine where the
active drug is absorbed.31
Abdominal pain, esophageal pain,
nausea, and vomiting are common
gastrointestinal (GI) side effects
associated with immediate-release,
nonenteric coated formulations of
doxycycline hyclate and
In one study, a
three-fold higher incidence of
nausea and vomiting was noted in
subjects receiving nonenteric-coated
doxycycline as compared to those
treated with either penicillin,
ampicillin, or tetracycline.32
Nonenteric-coated doxycycline has
also proven to be more poorly
tolerated in terms of GI side effects
as compared to roxithromycin and
Although it has
been suggested that nonenteric-
coated doxycycline monohydrate
produces fewer GI side effects than
nonenteric-coated doxycycline
hyclate, due to the lower pH of the
former, definitive clinical evidence
supporting this theoretical
suggestion is lacking.31,36
In a randomized, prospective,
double-blind, multiple-dose,
placebo-controlled, three-way cross-
over study, healthy adult subjects
(N=98; mean age 29 years) were
treated for four consecutive days
with either enteric-coated
doxycycline hyclate 100mg,
nonenteric-coated doxycycline
hyclate 100mg, or placebo capsules,
after treatment on Day 1 with
100mg twice daily.37
All subjects
received all three treatments, with a
three-day washout between the
four-day courses of active treatment.
The order of drug administration
was balanced and randomized, and a
double-dummy technique was used
to preserve the study blind.
Medication was administered with
180mL of water and at least one
hour before food intake. Study
diaries were used to capture the
incidence and severity of GI
complaints, with recordings
completed at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 12,
and 24 hours post dose. Symptom
scores were computed by summing
the individual complaints within
each treatment period. Figure 1
depicts the mean symptom scores
for all three treatment periods,
indicating that reports of GI side
effects were greatest with
nonenteric-coated doxycycline
hyclate capsules.
In another randomized, double-
blind, multiple-dose, prospective,
three-way cross-over, placebo-
controlled trial completed in
healthy adults (N=111; mean age 26
years), enteric-coated doxycycline
hyclate 150mg, nonenteric-coated
doxycycline monohydrate 150mg,
and placebo tablets were compared
regarding the incidence of adverse
events, especially GI side effects.31
All subjects received each
treatment over three consecutive
days with a washout period of 4 to
10 days between active study
periods. Medication was
administered in the morning after
an overnight 10-hour fast with
200mL of water, with no food intake
allowed for at least two hours post
dose. Subject diaries were used
each day to capture the timing,
frequency, severity, and cessation of
any side effects. Figure 2
demonstrates the results reported
by subjects during the study. The
[ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ]
incidence of adverse events was
highest during treatment with
nonenteric-coated doxycycline
monohydrate 150mg tablets. The
number of subjects experiencing GI
side effects, especially nausea and
abdominal pain, was markedly
higher during administration of
nonenteric-coated doxycycline
monohydrate 150mg tablets.
Effective oral antibiotic treatment
of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections
requires adherence with the
treatment regimen, which in some
cases may be 1 to 2 weeks longer
than a conventional duration of
Therefore, decreasing
the potential for subjective GI
complaints that often lead to
voluntary discontinuation of therapy
by the patient is clinically relevant.
The marked reduction in GI side
effects associated with enteric-
coated doxycycline hyclate tablets
favors greater overall adherence
with the recommended treatment
What can be concluded from the
available information on the use
of oral doxycycline for the
treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA
Based on available data,
doxycycline should be considered
among the group of first-line oral
antibiotic agents used to treat
uncomplicated cutaneous CA-MRSA
infections. Both in-vitro and clinical
studies support its use.24–26
Doxycycline exhibits a more
favorable safety profile as compared
to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
and immediate-release minocycline
formulations used to treat CA-MRSA
Unlike rifampin and
fluoroquinolones, there is no
evidence of rapid emergence of
bacterial resistance when
doxycycline is used as monotherapy
to treat cutaneous CA-MRSA
Additionally, the
availability of an enteric-coated
doxycycline formulation, which is
associated with a lower incidence of
GI side effects, provides an option
that is likely to optimize
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Dr. Del Rosso is Dermatology Residency Director, Valley Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, Touro
University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Henderson, Nevada; Clinical Associate Professor, Dermatology,
University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada; Las Vegas Skin  Cancer Clinics, Las Vegas and
Henderson, Nevada. Dr. Bhambri is Chief Dermatology Resident, Valley Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas,
Nevada. Dr. Kim is a dermatologist at Valley Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. The authors report
no conflicts of interest in relationship to the content of this article.
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Farmasi Rumah Sakit - Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotika dengan Metode Gyssens

  • 1. 1 Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik dengan Metode Gyssens pada Pasien Purulent Cellulitis dengan MRSA (Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) Disusun oleh: Nama : Nesha Mutiara NPM : 2021000056 No. Absen : 10 Kelas : Farmasi Rumah Sakit Terapan PROGRAM STUDI PROFESI APOTEKER UNIVERSITAS PANCASILA JAKARTA 2021
  • 2. 2 DAFTAR ISI HALAMAN JUDUL.................................................................................................... 1 DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................................ 2 Kasus............................................................................................................................ 3 Pembahasan.................................................................................................................. 3 Hasil Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotika....................................................................... 6 Saran............................................................................................................................. 7 Daftar Pustaka.............................................................................................................. 7 Lampiran Jurnal ........................................................................................................... 8
  • 3. 3 Kasus : Seorang pengguna narkoba intravena (IVDU) berusia 42 tahun dirawat di rumah sakit karena mengeluh demam dan sakit pada pangkal paha. Dia telah menyuntik selama beberapa tahun dan mempunyai riwayat beberapa kali masuk rumah sakit untuk tempat suntikan yang terinfeksi. Dia saat ini menyuntikkan ke pangkal paha kiri. Pemeriksaan: Pasien kurus dengan kebersihan pribadi yang buruk, demam (39.2O C), nadinya 130 kali/menit, dan tekanan darah 100/70 mmHg. Pernafasan dan kardiovaskular tidak menonjol dan perutnya lunak dan tidak kaku. Lengan bekas luka dari suntikan sebelumnya, dan kulit menunjukkan bukti eksoriasi dari goresan kronis. Pembengkakan inguinal kiri, menjadi panas, merah, dan menyakitkan saat disentuh. Terdapat selulitis di sekitar area yang bengkak. Darah rutin dan kultur darah diambil dan mulai dengan IV benzyl penicillin dan flukloksasilin untuk abses dan selulitisnya. Pembedahan direncanakan untuk mengeringkan abses. Pertanyaan: Bagaimana analisis kualitatif penggunaan antimikroba pada pasien tersebut? Pembahasan: Metode analisis kualitatif yang digunakan adalah metode Gyssens. Alasan dipilih metode Gyssens yaitu karena spesifik untuk mengevaluasi seluruh aspek peresepan antibiotika yang meliputi penilaian alternatif yang lebih efektif, lebih tidak toksik, lebih murah, spektrum lebih sempit, serta dosis obat, lama pengobatan, interval, dan rute pemberian obat (1). Sedangkan metode kualitatif lainnya tidak dipilih karena:
  • 4. 4 1. Metode Beers untuk mengevaluasi peresepan yang berisiko terjadi DRPs (Drug Related Problems) pada pasien 2. Metode STOPP/START (Screening Tools of Older Person’s Prescription/Screening Tool to Alert doctor to Right Treatment) untuk mengetahui jumlah kejadian PIM (Potentially Inappropriate Medications) dan PPO (Potentially Prescription Omissions) pada pasien geriatri (usia 65 tahun ke atas) sehingga menghindari peresepan yang berpotensi tidak tepat dan mencegah kejadian efek samping obat pada pasien geriatri 3. Metode Naranjo untuk identifikasi efek samping obat 4. ICD-10 (clinical pathway) merupakan suatu konsep pra perawatan yang disusun berdasarkan standar prosedur dari setiap profesi dari pelayanan medis, pelayanan keperawatan, pelayanan farmasi, dan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya yang mengacu pada standar pelayanan dari profesi masing-masing di pelayanan rumah sakit (2). Metode Gyssens dilakukan dengan menggunakan alur terstruktur yang terdiri dari 13 poin kategori penilaian sebagai berikut (3): Kategori Penilaian Keterangan Kategori 0 Penggunaan antibiotika tepat/rasional Kategori I Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat waktu Kategori II A Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat dosis Kategori II B Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat interval pemberian Kategori II C Penggunaan antibiotika tidak tepat rute/cara pemberian Kategori III A Penggunaan antibiotika terlalu lama Kategori III B Penggunaan antibiotika terlalu singkat Kategori IV A Ada antibiotika lain yang lebih efektif Kategori IV B Ada antibiotika lain yang kurang toksik / lebih aman Kategori IV C Ada antibiotika lain yang lebih murah Kategori IV D Ada antibiotika lain yang spektrumnya lebih sempit Kategori V Tidak ada indikasi penggunaan antibiotika Kategori VI Data rekam medis tidak lengkap dan tidak dapat dievaluasi
  • 5. 5 Berikut adalah diagram alur metode Gyssens (4) : Gambar Diagram Alur Metode Gyssens (4)
  • 6. 6 Hasil evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika termasuk kategori IVA dengan alur deskripsi sebagai berikut : Kategori YA / TIDAK Alasan VI YA Data rekam medis pasien lengkap sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 269 Tahun 2008 yaitu meliputi identitas pasien, hasil anamnesis, minimal keluhan, riwayat penyakit, hasil pemeriksaan fisik, hasil pemeriksaan penunjang medis, diagnosis, rencana penatalaksanaan, serta pengobatan atau tindakan medis V YA Ada indikasi penggunaan antibiotika yaitu berdasarkan : -Demam 39.2O C → respon sistem imun tubuh melawan infeksi -White cell count di atas nilai rujukan → infeksi mikroba -C-reactive protein di atas nilai rujukan → inflamasi serius dalam tubuh akibat infeksi berat -Adanya Streptococcus pyogenes → selulitis -Adanya MRSA dari pus abses IV A YA Meskipun flukloksasilin dan benzyl penicillin dapat digunakan sebagai first line untuk mengobati selulitis, tapi tidak efektif untuk mengobati selulitis yang disertai MRSA sehingga dibutuhkan alternatif antibiotika. MRSA (Methicilin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) adalah infeksi bakteri Staphylococcus aureus yang resisten terhadap antibiotik flukloksasilin dan benzyl- penicillin yang dapat disebabkan oleh faktor community acquired seperti tidak menjaga kebersihan tubuh. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan alternatif antibiotika untuk mengobati purulent cellulitis yang disertai MRSA dengan pilihan antibiotika trimetroprim-sulfametoksazol (TMP-SMX), doksisiklin, dan klindamisin (5). PERDOSKI (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia) telah menetapkan pedoman tatalaksananya yang juga telah diadaptasi oleh RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya sebagai berikut (6, 7) : 1. TMP-SMX 160/180 mg, 2x sehari 2. Doksisiklin 2x100 mg 3. Klindamisin 15 mg/kgBB/hari terbagi 3 dosis sehari
  • 7. 7 Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika tersebut, penulis merumuskan tiga saran untuk mempermudah apoteker mengevaluasi penggunaan antibiotika: 1. Dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mengetahui sensitivitas dan kemungkinan alergi pasien terhadap TMP-SMX, doksisiklin maupun klindamisin 2. Pilihan alternatif antibiotika diberikan melalui rute per oral untuk minimalisasi risiko infeksi nosokomial dan minimalisasi biaya 3. Disertai data lengkap dosis obat, interval pemberian dan lama pemberian untuk mempermudah evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika Daftar Pustaka 1. Gyssens. Audits for Monitoring the Quality of Antimicrobial Prescriptions. In Antibiotic Policies. Springer US. 2. UR, Hesty, NG Adiwisastra, dan W Arozal. Efektivitas Implementasi Clinical Pathway pada pasien Anak Gastroenteritis Akut (GEA) dengan Dehidrasi yang Dirawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Permata Bekasi. Jurnal Medical Profession (MedPro) Vol. 3 No. 3. 2019. 3. Yuniar, Irene, MR Karyanti, T Tambunan, dan NA Rizkyani. Evaluasi Penggunaan Antiobiotik dengan Kartu Monitoring Antibiotik Gyssens. Sari Pediatri Vol. 14 No. 6. 2013. 4. Anggraini, Rika. Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotika untuk Pengobatan Infeksi pada Pasien Anak Rawat Inap di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. Skripsi. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sumatera Utara. 2017. 5. Lambert, Mara. IDSA Guideline on the Treatment of MRSA Infections in Adults and Children. American Academy of Family Physicians. 2011. 6. Widaty, Sandra dkk. Panduan Praktik Klinis bagi Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia. PERDOSKI. 2017. 7. Listiawan, Yualinto dkk. Panduan Praktik Klinis SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. 2020.
  • 8. August 15, 2011 ◆ Volume 84, Number 4 American Family Physician 455 The prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staph- ylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the United States continues to increase, with more than 94,000 cases of invasive disease reported in 2005. Illnesses caused by MRSA include skin and soft-tissue infections, bacteremia and endo- carditis, pneumonia, bone and joint infec- tions, central nervous system disease, and toxic shock and sepsis syndromes. The Infec- tious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) has released its first evidence-based guidelines on the treatment of MRSA infections. In addition to common clinical syndromes, the guidelines address treatment with vancomy- cin, limitations of susceptibility testing, and alternative therapies. Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections in Community-Associated MRSA Simple abscesses or boils may be managed with incision and drainage alone; more data are needed on the use of antibiotics in this setting. Antibiotics are recommended for patients who have abscesses associated with severe or extensive disease (e.g., multiple sites of infection) or rapid progression in the presence of associated cellulitis; signs and symptoms of systemic illness; associated comorbidities or immunosuppression; very young or very old age; abscesses in areas diffi- cult to drain (e.g., face, hand, genitalia); asso- ciated septic phlebitis; or lack of response to incision and drainage alone. Empiric therapy for five to 10 days is recommended pending culture results for outpatients with purulent cellulitis. Infection from β-hemolytic strep- tococci does not usually require empiric therapy. For those with nonpurulent cel- lulitis, five to 10 days of empiric therapy for β-hemolytic streptococcal infection is recommended, based on the patient’s clinical response. Empiric coverage for community- associated MRSA is recommended in patients who do not respond to beta-lactam antibiot- ics, and also may be considered in those with systemic toxicity. Oral antibiotic options for treating skin and soft-tissue infections in patients with community-associated MRSA include clindamycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxa- zole (TMP/SMX; Bactrim, Septra), a tet- racycline (doxycycline or minocycline [Minocin]), and linezolid (Zyvox). Options for treating both β-hemolytic streptococci and community-associated MRSA include clindamycin alone, TMP/SMX or a tetra- cycline in combination with a beta-lactam antibiotic (e.g., amoxicillin), or linezolid alone. Rifampin is not recommended for use as a single agent or adjunctive therapy. For hospitalized patients with complicated skin and soft-tissue infections (i.e., deeper soft-tissue infections, surgical or traumatic wound infection, major abscesses, cellulitis, or infected ulcers and burns), empiric ther- apy for MRSA should be considered pend- ing culture results, in addition to surgical debridement and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Empiric therapy options include intravenous vancomycin, linezolid (600 mg orally or intra- venously twice per day), daptomycin (Cubi- cin; 4 mg per kg intravenously once per day), telavancin (Vibativ; 10 mg per kg intrave- nously once per day), or clindamycin (600 mg IDSA Guidelines on the Treatment of MRSA Infections in Adults and Children MARA LAMBERT Coverage of guidelines from other organizations does not imply endorse- ment by AFP or the AAFP. A collection of Practice Guidelines published in AFP is available at http:// practguide. Guideline source: Infectious Diseases Society of America Evidence rating system used? Yes Literature search described? Yes Published source: Clinical Infectious Diseases, February 1, 2011 Available at: ciq146.full Practice Guidelines Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site.All other rights reserved. Contact for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
  • 9. Practice Guidelines 456 American Family Physician Volume 84, Number 4 ◆ August 15, 2011 intravenously or orally three times per day). A beta-lactam antibiotic (e.g., cefazolin) may be considered in hospital- ized patients with nonpurulent cellulitis. MRSA-active therapy may be modified if there is no clinical response. Treatment for seven to 14 days is recommended, but should be individualized to the patient’s clinical response. Cultures from abscesses and other purulent infections are recommended in patients who have received anti- biotic therapy, those with severe local infection or signs of systemic illness, and those who have not responded adequately to initial treatment. Cultures are also recom- mended if there is concern of a cluster or outbreak. CHILDREN In children with minor skin infections (e.g., impetigo) or secondarily infected lesions (e.g., eczema, ulcers, lac- erations), treatment with mupirocin 2% topical cream (Bactroban) is recommended. Tetracyclines are not rec- ommended for children younger than eight years. Van- comycin is recommended in hospitalized children. If the child is stable without ongoing bacteremia or intravas- cular infection, empiric therapy with clindamycin (10 to 13 mg per kg intravenously every six to eight hours for a total of 40 mg per kg per day) is an option if the resistance rate is less than 10 percent. If the strain is susceptible, transition to oral therapy is advised. Linezolid may be considered as an alternative (600 mg orally or intrave- nously twice per day for children 12 years and older; 10 mg per kg orally or intravenously every eight hours for children younger than 12 years). Recurrent MRSA Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections Physicians should provide instructions on personal hygiene and wound care for patients with skin and soft- tissue infections. Patients should cover draining wounds with clean, dry bandages. Regular bathing is advised, as well as hand washing with soap and water or an alcohol- based hand gel, especially after touching infected skin or an item that has been in contact with a draining wound. Patients should also avoid reusing or sharing items that that have touched infected skin (e.g., disposable razors, linens, towels). Commercially available cleaners or deter- gents should be used to clean high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, counters, bathtubs, toilet seats) that may come in contact with bare skin or uncovered infections. Decolonization may be considered if a patient devel- ops a recurrent infection despite good personal hygiene and wound care, or if other household members develop infections. Strategies for decolonization include nasal decolonization with mupirocin twice per day for five to 10 days, or nasal decolonization with mupirocin twice per day for five to 10 days plus topical body decoloniza- tion with a skin antiseptic solution (e.g., chlorhexidine [Peridex]) for five to 14 days or dilute bleach baths. Dilute bleach baths can be made with 1 teaspoon of bleach per 1 gallon of water (or one-fourth cup per one-fourth bathtub or 13 gallons of water) and are given for 15 minutes twice per week for three months. Oral antimicrobial therapy is recommended only for treat- ing active infection and is not routinely recommended for decolonization. An oral agent in combination with rifampin, if the strain is susceptible, may be considered if infections recur despite these measures. If household or interpersonal transmission is sus- pected, patients and contacts should be instructed to practice personal and environmental hygiene measures. In symptomatic contacts, nasal and topical body decolo- nization strategies may be considered after treating the active infection. Decolonization strategies also may be considered in asymptomatic household contacts. The role of cultures in managing recurrent skin and soft- tissue infections is limited. Screening cultures before decolonization are not routinely recommended if at least one of the previous infections was caused by MRSA. Sur- veillance cultures after a decolonization regimen are not routinely recommended if there is no active infection. MRSA Bacteremia and Infective Endocarditis BACTEREMIA AND INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS, NATIVE VALVE Uncomplicated bacteremia is defined as positive blood culture results and the following: exclusion of endocar- ditis; no implanted prostheses; follow-up blood cultures performed on specimens obtained two to four days after the initial set that do not grow MRSA; defervescence within 72 hours of initiating effective therapy; and no evidence of metastatic sites of infection. Recommended treatment for adults with uncomplicated bacteremia includes vancomycin or daptomycin at a dosage of 6 mg per kg intravenously once per day for at least two weeks. For adults with complicated bacteremia (positive blood culture results without meeting criteria for uncompli- cated bacteremia), four to six weeks of therapy is recom- mended, depending on the extent of infection. Some experts recommend higher dosages of daptomycin (8 to 10 mg per kg intravenously once per day). For adults with infective endocarditis, intravenous vancomycin or daptomycin (6 mg per kg intravenously once per day for six weeks) is recommended. Some experts recommend higher dosages of daptomycin (8 to 10 mg per kg intravenously once per day). Adding gentamicin or rifampin to vancomycin is not recom- mended in patients with bacteremia or native valve infective endocarditis. A clinical assessment to identify the source and extent of the infection with elimina- tion and/or debridement of other sites of infection is ▲
  • 10. Practice Guidelines August 15, 2011 ◆ Volume 84, Number 4 American Family Physician 461 recommended. Additional blood cultures two to four days after initial positive cultures and as needed there- after are recommended to document clearance of bacte- remia. Echocardiography is recommended for all adults with bacteremia. Transesophageal echocardiography is preferred over transthoracic echocardiography. Evalu- ation for valve replacement surgery is recommended if any of the following are present: large vegetation (greater than 10 mm in diameter), occurrence of one or more embolic events during the first two weeks of therapy, severe valvular insufficiency, valvular perforation or dehiscence, decompensated heart failure, perivalvular or myocardial abscess, new heart block, or persistent fevers or bacteremia. INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS, PROSTHETIC VALVE Patients with infective endocarditis and a prosthetic valve should be treated with intravenous vancomycin and rifampin (300 mg orally or intravenously every eight hours for at least six weeks), plus gentamicin (1 mg per kg intravenously every eight hours for two weeks). Early evaluation for valve replacement surgery is recommended. CHILDREN In children, intravenous vancomycin (15 mg per kg every six hours) is recommended for treating bactere- mia and infective endocarditis. The duration of therapy may range from two to six weeks depending on the source, the presence of endovascular infection, and metastatic foci of infection. Data regarding the safety and effectiveness of alternative agents in children are limited, although daptomycin (6 to 10 mg per kg intra- venously once per day) may be an option. Clindamycin and linezolid should not be used if there is concern of infective endocarditis or an endovascular source of infection, although they may be considered in children with bacteremia that rapidly clears and is not related to an endovascular focus. Data are insufficient to support the routine use of combination therapy with rifampin or gentamicin in children with bacteremia or infective endocarditis. The decision to use combination therapy should be individualized. Echocardiography is recom- mended in children with congenital heart disease, bac- teremia lasting more than two to three days, or other clinical findings suggestive of endocarditis. MRSA Pneumonia PNEUMONIA Empiric therapy for MRSA is recommended, pending sputum and/or blood culture results, for hospitalized patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia defined by one of the following: a requirement for admission to the intensive care unit, necrotizing or cavitary infiltrates, or empyema. Treatment options for health care–associated MRSA or community-associated MRSA pneumonia include seven to 21 days of intrave- nous vancomycin or linezolid, or clindamycin (600 mg orally or intravenously three times per day) if the strain is susceptible. In patients with MRSA pneumonia compli- cated by empyema, antimicrobial therapy should be used with drainage procedures. CHILDREN In children, intravenous vancomycin is recommended for treating MRSA pneumonia. If the patient is stable without ongoing bacteremia or intravascular infection, clindamycin (10 to 13 mg per kg intravenously every six to eight hours for a total of 40 mg per kg per day) can be used as empiric therapy if the clindamycin resistance rate is low (e.g., less than 10 percent). Patients can be transitioned to oral therapy if the strain is susceptible. Linezolid is an alternative option. MRSA Bone and Joint Infections OSTEOMYELITIS The mainstay of therapy for osteomyelitis is surgical debridement with drainage of associated soft-tissue abscesses. The optimal route of administration of anti- biotic therapy has not been established; parenteral, oral, or initial parenteral therapy followed by oral therapy may be used, depending on patient circumstances. Antibiotic options for parenteral administration include intravenous vancomycin and daptomycin (6 mg per kg intravenously once per day). Antibiotic options with parenteral and oral routes of administration include the following: TMP/ SMX (4 mg per kg [TMP component] twice per day) in combination with rifampin (600 mg once per day), line- zolid, and clindamycin (600 mg every eight hours). Some experts recommend adding oral rifampin (600 mg per day, or 300 to 450 mg twice per day) to the chosen anti- biotic. For patients with concurrent bacteremia, rifampin should be added after bacteremia has cleared. The optimal duration of therapy for MRSA osteomy- elitis is unknown, although a minimum of eight weeks is recommended. Some experts suggest an additional one to three months (and possibly longer for chronic infection or if debridement is not performed) of oral rifampin-based combination therapy with TMP/SMX, doxycycline, minocycline, clindamycin, or a fluoro- quinolone, chosen based on susceptibilities. Magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium is the imaging modality of choice for detecting early osteomyelitis and associated soft-tissue disease. Measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, or both may help guide the response to therapy.
  • 11. Practice Guidelines 462 American Family Physician Volume 84, Number 4 ◆ August 15, 2011 SEPTIC ARTHRITIS Drainage or debridement of the joint space should be performed. For patients with septic arthritis, the antibi- otic choices for osteomyelitis are recommended; a three- to four-week course of therapy is suggested. DEVICE-RELATED OSTEOARTICULAR INFECTIONS For patients with early-onset (less than two months after surgery) or acute hematogenous prosthetic joint infec- tions involving a stable implant with short duration of symptoms (three weeks or less) and debridement (but device retention), parenteral therapy should be initiated (see antibiotic recommendations for osteomyelitis) plus rifampin (600 mg per day, or 300 to 450 mg orally twice per day for two weeks), followed by rifampin plus a fluo- roquinolone, TMP/SMX, a tetracycline, or clindamycin for three months for hips and six months for knees. Prompt debridement with device removal is recom- mended for unstable implants or late-onset infections, or in patients with more than three weeks of symptoms. For early-onset spinal implant infections (30 days or less after surgery) or implants in an actively infected site, initial parenteral therapy plus rifampin followed by pro- longed oral therapy is recommended. The optimal dura- tion of parenteral and oral therapy is unclear; oral therapy should be continued until spinal fusion has occurred. For late-onset infections (more than 30 days after sur- gery), device removal is recommended. Long-term oral suppressive antibiotics (e.g., TMP/SMX, a tetracycline, a fluoroquinolone in conjunction with rifampin, clinda- mycin) with or without rifampin may be considered, particularly if device removal is not possible. CHILDREN Vancomycin is recommended in children with acute hematogenous MRSA osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. If the patient is stable without ongoing bacteremia or intra- vascular infection, clindamycin (10 to 13 mg per kg intra- venously every six to eight hours for a total of 40 mg per kg per day) can be used as empiric therapy if the resistance rate is low (e.g., less than 10 percent), with transition to oral therapy if the strain is susceptible. The duration of therapy should be individualized, but a minimum of three to four weeks is recommended for patients with septic arthritis, and four to six weeks for patients with osteomy- elitis. Daptomycin (6 mg per kg intravenously once per day) and linezolid are alternative therapies. MRSA Infections of the Central Nervous System MENINGITIS The recommended treatment for patients with menin- gitis is intravenous vancomycin for two weeks. Some experts recommend adding rifampin (600 mg per day, or 300 to 450 mg twice per day). Alternatives include linezolid or TMP/SMX (5 mg per kg intravenously every eight to 12 hours). Shunt removal is recommended in cases of central nervous system shunt infection, and the shunt should not be replaced until cerebrospinal fluid cultures are repeatedly negative. BRAIN ABSCESS, SUBDURAL EMPYEMA, AND SPINAL EPIDURAL ABSCESS Neurosurgical evaluation for incision and drainage is recommended for patients with brain abscess, subdural empyema, or spinal epidural abscess. Recommended treatment is intravenous vancomycin for four to six weeks. Some experts recommend adding rifampin. Alter- natives include linezolid and TMP/SMX. SEPTIC THROMBOSIS OF CAVERNOUS OR DURAL VENOUS SINUS Surgical evaluation for incision and drainage of contigu- ous sites of infection or abscess is recommended. The role of anticoagulation is controversial. Recommended treat- ment is intravenous vancomycin for four to six weeks. Some experts recommend adding rifampin. Alternatives include linezolid and TMP/SMX. CHILDREN Children with MRSA infections of the central nervous system should be treated with intravenous vancomycin. Adjunctive Therapies for the Treatment of MRSA Infections Protein synthesis inhibitors (e.g., clindamycin, linezolid) and intravenous immune globulin are not routinely rec- ommended as adjunctive therapy for the management of invasive MRSA disease, although they may be considered in certain scenarios (e.g., necrotizing pneumonia, severe sepsis). Vancomycin Dosing and Monitoring Recommendations for vancomycin dosing are based on a consensus statement of the American Society of Health- System Pharmacists, the IDSA, and the Society of Infec- tious Diseases Pharmacists. ADULTS In patients with normal renal function, intravenous van- comycin (15 to 20 mg per kg every eight to 12 hours) is recommended, but should not exceed 2 g per dose. In seriously ill patients (e.g., those with sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, or infective endocarditis) with suspected MRSA infection, a loading dose of 25 to 30 mg per kg may be considered. Because of the risk of red man syndrome and possible anaphylaxis associated with large doses of
  • 12. Practice Guidelines August 15, 2011 ◆ Volume 84, Number 4 American Family Physician 463 vancomycin, physicians should consider prolonging the infusion time to two hours and giving an antihistamine before administering the loading dose. Use of trough vancomycin concentrations is the most accurate and practical method to guide vancomycin dos- ing. Serum trough concentrations should be obtained at steady state conditions, before the fourth or fifth dose. Monitoring peak vancomycin concentrations is not recommended. Vancomycin trough concentrations of 15 to 20 mcg per mL are recommended in patients with serious infections, such as bacteremia, infective endo- carditis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, pneumonia, or severe skin and soft-tissue infections (e.g., necrotizing fasciitis) caused by MRSA. For most patients with skin and soft- tissue infections who have normal renal function and are not obese, traditional dosages of 1 g every 12 hours are adequate, and trough monitoring is not required. Trough vancomycin monitoring is recommended for patients with serious infections or who are morbidly obese, have renal dysfunction (including those receiving dialysis), or have fluctuating volumes of distribution. A regimen of continuous infusion is not recommended. CHILDREN Data on vancomycin dosing in children are limited. The recommended treatment is vancomycin (15 mg per kg intravenously every six hours) in children with serious or invasive disease. The effectiveness and safety of targeting trough concentrations of 15 to 20 mcg per mL in children require additional study, but should be considered in those with serious infections, such as bacteremia, infec- tive endocarditis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, pneumonia, or severe skin and soft-tissue infections. Vancomycin Susceptibility Testing for Guiding Therapy For isolates with a vancomycin minimal inhibitory con- centration of 2 mcg per mL or less (e.g., susceptible according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute breakpoints), the patient’s clinical response should dic- tate the continued use of vancomycin, independent of the minimal inhibitory concentration. If the patient has had a previous clinical and microbiologic response to vancomycin, it may be continued with close follow-up. If the patient has not responded to vancomycin therapy despite adequate debridement and removal of other foci of infection, an alternative agent is recommended. For isolates with a vancomycin minimal inhibitory concen- tration greater than 2 mcg per mL (e.g., vancomycin- intermediate S. aureus, vancomycin-resistant S. aureus), an alternative agent should be prescribed. Persistent MRSA Bacteremia and Vancomycin Treatment Failures in Adults A search for and removal of other foci of infection, drainage, or surgical debridement is recommended. High-dose daptomycin (10 mg per kg per day), if the isolate is susceptible, in combination with another agent (e.g., gentamicin, rifampin, linezolid, TMP/SMX, a beta- lactam antibiotic) should be considered. If reduced susceptibility to vancomycin and daptomycin is pres- ent, alternative treatment options include dalfopristin/ quinupristin (Synercid; 7.5 mg per kg intravenously every eight hours), TMP/SMX, linezolid, or telavancin. These may be given as a single agent or in combination with other antibiotics. MRSA Infections in Neonates NEONATAL PUSTULOSIS For mild cases of pustulosis with localized disease, topi- cal treatment with mupirocin may be adequate in full- term neonates and young infants. For localized disease in a premature or very low-birth-weight infant or more extensive disease involving multiple sites in full-term infants, intravenous vancomycin or clindamycin is rec- ommended until bacteremia is excluded. NEONATAL MRSA SEPSIS Recommended treatment of neonatal MRSA sepsis is intravenous vancomycin, with dosing as outlined in Red Book. Clindamycin and linezolid are alternative treat- ments for nonendovascular infections. ■ Answers to This Issue’s CME Quiz Q1. D Q2. B Q3. A, B Q4. A Q5. A, B, C, D Q6. D Q7. B Q8. A, B, C, D Q9. A Q10. D
  • 13. Clindamycin versus Trimethoprim–Sulfamethoxazole for Uncomplicated Skin Infections Loren G. Miller, M.D., M.P.H., Robert S. Daum, M.D., C.M., C. Buddy Creech, M.D., M.P.H., David Young, M.D., Michele D. Downing, R.N., M.S.N., Samantha J. Eells, M.P.H., Stephanie Pettibone, B.S., Rebecca J. Hoagland, M.S., Henry F. Chambers, M.D., and for the DMID 07-0051 Team* Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (L.G.M., S.J.E.) and Division of Infectious Diseases, Harbor–UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Medical Center (L.G.M., S.J.E.), Torrance, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles (L.G.M., S.J.E.), Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) (D.Y.), and Division of Infectious Diseases, San Francisco General Hospital and UCSF (M.D.D., H.F.C.), San Francisco — all in California; Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Chicago, Chicago (R.S.D.); Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (C.B.C.); the EMMES Corporation, Rockville, MD (S.P.); and Cota Enterprises, Meriden, KS (R.J.H.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Miller at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Harbor–UCLA Medical Center, 1000 W. Carson St., Box 466, Torrance, CA 90509 Loren G. Miller: Abstract Background—Skin and skin-structure infections are common in ambulatory settings. However, the efficacy of various antibiotic regimens in the era of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is unclear. Methods—We enrolled outpatients with uncomplicated skin infections who had cellulitis, abscesses larger than 5 cm in diameter (smaller for younger children), or both. Patients were enrolled at four study sites. All abscesses underwent incision and drainage. Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either clindamycin or trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) for 10 days. Patients and investigators were unaware of the treatment assignments and microbiologic test results. The primary outcome was clinical cure 7 to 10 days after the end of treatment. *A list of additional members of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) 07-0051 Team is provided in the Supplementary Appendix, available at The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at My Nejm in the Journal Online: Individual subscribers can store articles and searches using a feature on the Journal's website ( called “My NEJM.” Each article and search result links to this feature. Users can create personal folders and move articles into them for convenient retrieval later. HHS Public Access Author manuscript N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Published in final edited form as: N Engl J Med. 2015 March 19; 372(12): 1093–1103. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1403789. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 14. Results—A total of 524 patients were enrolled (264 in the clindamycin group and 260 in the TMP-SMX group), including 155 children (29.6%). One hundred sixty patients (30.5%) had an abscess, 280 (53.4%) had cellulitis, and 82 (15.6%) had mixed infection, defined as at least one abscess lesion and one cellulitis lesion. S. aureus was isolated from the lesions of 217 patients (41.4%); the isolates in 167 (77.0%) of these patients were MRSA. The proportion of patients cured was similar in the two treatment groups in the intention-to-treat population (80.3% in the clindamycin group and 77.7% in the TMP-SMX group; difference, −2.6 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], −10.2 to 4.9; P = 0.52) and in the populations of patients who could be evaluated (466 patients; 89.5% in the clindamycin group and 88.2% in the TMP-SMX group; difference, −1.2 percentage points; 95% CI, −7.6 to 5.1; P = 0.77). Cure rates did not differ significantly between the two treatments in the subgroups of children, adults, and patients with abscess versus cellulitis. The proportion of patients with adverse events was similar in the two groups. Conclusions—We found no significant difference between clindamycin and TMP-SMX, with respect to either efficacy or side-effect profile, for the treatment of uncomplicated skin infections, including both cellulitis and abscesses. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health; number, NCT00730028.) Skin and Skin-Structure Infections (hereafter referred to as skin infections) are common conditions among patients seeking medical care in the United States,1,2 accounting for approximately 14.2 million outpatient visits in 20051 and more than 850,000 hospital admissions.3 Skin infections are associated with considerable complications, including bacteremia, the need for hospitalization and surgical procedures, and death.4,5 Results of cultures of skin-infection lesions in the United States have shown that most of the infections are caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),6,7 but the efficacy of various antibiotic regimens in areas where community-associated MRSA is endemic has not been defined.8,9 Either clindamycin or trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) is recommended because of the low cost and activity against community- associated MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains of each of these drugs,2,10-12 yet there are few comparative data on the safety and efficacy of these antibiotic agents for the treatment of skin infections. To address this limitation, we performed a randomized clinical trial comparing clindamycin and TMP-SMX for the treatment of uncomplicated skin infections at four U.S. centers located in areas of community-associated MRSA endemicity. Methods Study Design and Population We performed a multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial of clindamycin versus TMP-SMX for the treatment of uncomplicated skin infections. Patients were eligible if they had two or more of the following signs or symptoms for 24 or more hours: erythema, swelling or induration, local warmth, purulent drainage, and tenderness to pain or palpation. Patients were categorized as having cellulitis (defined as inflammation of Miller et al. Page 2 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 15. the skin and associated skin structures without signs of a drainable fluid collection), abscess (defined as a circumscribed, drainable collection of pus), or both (if lesions of both cellulitis and abscess were present). Exclusion criteria were superficial skin infections (e.g., impetigo), skin infection at a body site that requires specialized management (e.g., perirectal, genital, or hand infection), a human or animal bite at the infection site, high fever (oral temperature, 38.5°C [38.0°C in children 6 to 11 months of age]), receipt of immunosuppressive medications or the presence of an immunocompromising condition such as diabetes or chronic renal failure, morbid obesity (body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], 40), surgical-site or prosthetic- device infection, and receipt of antibacterial therapy with antistaphylococcal activity in the previous 14 days. Patients were ineligible if they lived in a long-term care facility, had cancer or an inflammatory disorder that required treatment in the previous 12 months, or had major surgery in the previous 12 months. All the inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed in Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at The full protocol and statistical-analysis plan are also available at Study Population, Stratification, and Randomization From May 2009 through August 2011, patients were recruited at four locations (University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago; San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco; Harbor–UCLA [University of California, Los Angeles] Medical Center, Torrance, CA; and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville) from urgent care clinics, emergency departments, and affiliated clinics. All the patients or their parents or guardians provided written informed consent, and assent was obtained when age-appropriate. The protocol was approved by the institutional review board at each institution. Patients were stratified into one of two groups on the basis of the characteristics of their infection before randomization: a group that included patients with a larger abscess or cellulitis (larger-abscess–cellulitis group) or a group that included patients with a smaller abscess (limited-abscess group). The protocol and data-analysis plan prespecified that the limited-abscess group and the larger-abscess–cellulitis group be analyzed separately because their treatment assignments differed, in that the limited-abscess stratum included a placebo group. Patients who had a single abscess with a greatest diameter up to 5.0 cm (≤3.0 cm in patients 6 to 11 months of age and ≤4.0 cm in patients 1 to 8 years of age) were stratified into the limited-abscess group. All other patients, including those with an abscess greater than 5.0 cm in diameter (and proportionally smaller in young children), patients with two or more sites of skin infection, and patients with cellulitis without abscess (including erysipelas), were stratified into the larger-abscess–cellulitis group. The size of the abscess cavity was measured manually in three dimensions (width, length, and depth) and recorded on a standardized form. All abscesses were treated by means of incision and drainage. In this article, we describe the results for the larger-abscess–cellulitis group only. Study Medication After abscesses were drained (if present) and the size of the abscesses was determined, patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive clindamycin or TMP-SMX. Variable-block randomization, with assignments made independently at each site, was Miller et al. Page 3 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 16. performed by an independent contract research organization (EMMES) that developed the randomization code. Clindamycin was given as two 150-mg tablets three times daily. TMP-SMX was given at doses of 160 mg of trimethoprim and 800 mg of sulfamethoxazole administered as two single-strength tablets twice daily. Patients randomly assigned to receive TMP-SMX were given two placebo pills for the midday dose. Pediatric doses were adjusted according to the body weight of the patient (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix); liquid suspensions were available for pediatric dosing. Pills were overencapsulated to prevent identification by study staff and patients, and the taste of the clindamycin liquid preparations was masked with the use of flavoring both to prevent identification and to improve adherence. Patients were unaware of the treatment assignments, as were the study staff members, with the exception of the research pharmacists, who determined the correct dosing. The study medications were purchased by the study sponsor, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health. Microbiologic Studies and Demographic Data To prevent investigator bias if treatment failures occurred, investigators were unaware of the microbiologic results, although the results could be obtained by an independent safety monitor on request. Swab cultures were obtained if there was a skin break, exudate, blister fluid, or other material that could be cultured. Nonsuppurative lesions were not cultured. Cultures, species identification of isolates, and susceptibility tests were performed by the clinical microbiology laboratory at each participating institution in accordance with methods approved by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.13 External oversight for study activities was provided by two contract research organizations, Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD) and the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Operations and Management Support (DMID-CROMS). Patients were surveyed about demographic characteristics and coexisting conditions. Patients were seen at the end of treatment (day 12), at the test of cure (7 to 10 days after completion of the prescribed 10-day course of therapy), and at the 1-month follow-up (day 40). Information about clinical response and possible medication side effects was obtained with the use of standardized forms. Statistical Analysis The primary study outcome was clinical cure at the test-of-cure visit. Two primary efficacy analyses were performed: one in the intention-to-treat population and the other in the population of patients who could be evaluated (Fig. 1). A lack of clinical cure was defined as a lack of resolution of signs or symptoms of infection, the occurrence of side effects that necessitated discontinuation of treatment with the study medication within the first 48 hours, or any one of the following before the test-of-cure visit: occurrence of a skin infection at a new body site, unplanned surgical treatment of the skin infection, or hospitalization related to the infection. The primary null hypothesis was that clindamycin and TMP-SMX would have equal rates of cure. The study was designed as a superiority trial with 80% power to detect an absolute difference between the two treatment groups of 10 percentage points in Miller et al. Page 4 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 17. cure rates (85% vs. 95%) in the population that could be evaluated, at an alpha level of 0.05. Assuming a 20% attrition rate, we calculated that 524 patients (262 in each group) needed to be enrolled. The prespecified secondary outcomes were cure rates at the end of treatment and at the 1-month follow up visit; cure rates in the adult and pediatric populations; cure rates among patients with cellulitis, abscess, or mixed abscess and cellulitis (defined as separate lesions of abscess and cellulitis) at the test-of-cure visit; and adverse-event rates. Comparisons between groups were performed with the use of Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, or an analysis-of-variance test, as appropriate; all tests were two-sided. Interim analyses for safety were performed by an independent data and safety monitoring committee. Findings from the trial are described in accordance with Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guide-lines.14 Results Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients A total of 524 patients were enrolled; 264 received clindamycin treatment, and 260 received TMP-SMX treatment (Fig. 1). A total of 52.3% of the patients were male, 53.2% were black, 40.3% were white, and 28.6% were Hispanic. The mean age was 27.1 years. A total of 29.6% of the patients were children (Table 1, and Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). There were no significant demographic differences between the groups. Abscess was present in 160 patients (30.5%), cellulitis in 280 (53.4%), and mixed abscess and cellulitis in 82 (15.6%); the lesions in 2 patients (0.4%) were not characterized. There were no significant differences between the groups with regard to clinical presentation, signs, or symptoms. Incision and drainage were performed in 44.5% of the patients. Detailed clinical information on the patients is provided in Table 1. Cultures were obtained for 296 patients (56.5%). The most common baseline isolate found in culture was S. aureus (217 of 524 patients, 41.4%) (Table 2); 27 of the 217 isolates (12.4%) were clindamy-cin-resistant, and 1 of 217 isolates (0.5%) was TMP-SMX–resistant. Stratification of culture results according to skin infection type is shown in Table S4 in the Supplementary Appendix. Clinical Cure at the Test-of-Cure Visit The rate of cure in the intention-to-treat population (524 patients) at the test-of-cure visit was 80.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 75.2 to 85.4) in the clindamycin group and 77.7% (95% CI, 72.3 to 83.1) in the TMP-SMX group (difference, −2.6 percentage points; 95% CI, -10.2 to 4.9; P = 0.52) (Table 3). In the population that could be evaluated (466 patients), the rate of cure was 89.5% (95% CI, 85.2 to 93.7) in the clindamycin group and 88.2% (95% CI, 83.7 to 92.7) in the TMP-SMX group (difference, −1.2 percentage points; 95% CI, −7.6 to 5.1; P = 0.77) (Fig. 2). There were no significant differences between treatment groups, in either the intention-to- treat population or the population that could be evaluated, in subgroups consisting of children, adults, or patients with cellulitis, abscesses, or mixed abscess and cellulitis lesions (Table 3). In addition, there were no significant between-group differences in subgroups of Miller et al. Page 5 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 18. patients infected with S. aureus, MRSA, or MSSA in either the intention-to-treat population or the population that could be evaluated. In the population that could be evaluated, 11 of 15 clindamycin-treated patients with clindamycin-resistant S. aureus isolates were cured, as compared with 77 of 84 patients with susceptible isolates (73.3% [95% CI, 47.0 to 99.7] vs. 91.7% [95% CI, 85.0 to 98.3], P = 0.06). Efficacy at 1 Month Cure rates at the 1-month follow-up visit were similar for the clindamycin and TMP-SMX groups in the intention-to-treat population (193 of 264 patients [73.1%; 95% CI, −67.6 to 78.6] and 176 of 260 patients [67.7%; 95% CI, 61.8 to 73.6], respectively; difference, −5.4 percentage points [95% CI, −13.6 to 2.8]; P = 0.18) and in the population that could be evaluated (193 of 230 patients [83.9%; 95% CI, 78.9 to 88.9] and 176 of 225 patients [78.2%; 95% CI, 72.6 to 83.8]; difference, −5.7 percentage points [95% CI, −13.3 to 1.9]; P = 0.15), respectively. Adverse Events Overall rates of adverse events were similar in the clindamycin and TMP-SMX groups (18.9% and 18.6%, respectively). The most common adverse events in the clindamycin and TMP-SMX groups were diarrhea (9.7% and 10.1%), nausea (2.3% and 2.7%), vomiting (2.3% and 1.6%), pruritus (1.5% and 1.2%), and rash (1.2% and 0.8%) (Table S5 in the Supplementary Appendix). There were no cases of Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea. Most adverse events were mild or moderate and resolved without sequelae. There were no treatment-associated serious adverse events (Table S6). The rates of treatment discontinuation due to adverse events were similar in the two groups (8.3% and 8.8%) (Table S7 in the Supplementary Appendix). Discussion We performed a double-blind, multicenter, randomized clinical trial to compare TMP-SMX and clindamycin, each of which is commonly recommended as empirical therapy for uncomplicated skin infections in the outpatient population with only minor or no coexisting conditions.6,7,15,16 The cure rates with TMP-SMX and clindamycin did not differ significantly. The cure rate with TMP-SMX ranged from 5 percentage points higher to 7 to 10 percentage points lower than the cure rate with clindamycin, on the basis of the 95% confidence intervals for rate differences in the intention-to-treat population and the population that could be evaluated. This well-powered superiority trial did not show the superiority of either intervention. Although it is not appropriate to claim that there are no differences on the basis of the negative result of the superiority test, important differences can reasonably be ruled out with the use of confidence intervals. Adverse-event rates with the two therapies were similar. Among all the patients, 46% had one or more abscesses larger than 5 cm in diameter (proportionally smaller in young children), all of which underwent incision and drainage. The 5-cm cutoff was based on data from a single-center observational study involving children, in which abscesses larger than 5 cm were associated with treatment failure.17 Miller et al. Page 6 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 19. Although incision and drainage alone may be sufficient for treatment in many cases, there are likely to be subgroups in which antibiotic therapy is needed. Outcomes in antibiotic- treated patients with abscesses in our relatively low-risk population could reflect either similar true efficacies or the adequacy of incision and drainage alone. Large placebo- controlled trials are needed to further understand the role of active pharmacologic therapy in the treatment of patients with abscesses. The cure rates for TMP-SMX and clindamycin were similar among patients who had cellulitis as the sole lesion type. In the prespecified analysis of patients with cellulitis only, the point estimates of the TMP-SMX mean cure rates were 86.6% and 76.4% for the population that could be evaluated and the intention-to-treat population, respectively — rates that are 4.3 percentage points (95% CI, −13.1 to 4.6) to 4.5 percentage points (95% CI, −15.1 to 6.1) lower than the rates with clindamycin. In a post hoc analysis of patients with cellulitis with or without an abscess at another site, the cure rates were 87.9% (138 of 157 patients) with TMP-SMX and 90.9% (149 of 164) with clindamycin in the population that could be evaluated (difference, −3.0 percentage points [95% CI, −10.5 to 4.6]) and 77.1% (138 of 179) and 81.4% (149 of 183), respectively, in the intention-to-treat population (difference, −4.3 percentage points [95% CI, −13.5 to 4.8]). Our study was not powered to determine the superiority of one agent over the other in the subgroup of patients with cellulitis, but the data suggest that if there is a difference in outcome it is probably small. Moreover, in further support of the efficacy of TMP-SMX, the lower boundaries of the confidence intervals are above the 18 to 30% range for the inferiority of placebo to active agents cited for the outcome of cellulitis in the 2013 Food and Drug Administration guidance for acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections.18,19 The cause of cellulitis is incompletely understood, because a causative pathogen is not identified in most cases20; this is consistent with our study, in which 80% of cellulitis lesions could not be cultured because skin was intact. Expert opinion8 and empirical data21,22 suggest that cellulitis is most commonly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Our findings are provocative, because TMP-SMX has been considered a poor empirical choice for the treatment of cellulitis. Recent data show that S. pyogenes strains may be TMP-SMX– susceptible if low-concentration thymidine agar is used for testing.23 Our results showing that TMP-SMX and clindamycin have similar efficacy in patients with cellulitis are consistent with these in vitro data. With respect to adverse events, the rates were similar in the two groups. In particular, the rates of diarrhea were similar. The absence of C. difficile–associated diarrhea may stem from its relatively low incidence in patients with low disease severity and younger age,24-26 characteristics that were typical of the patients in this trial. Rash has been a concern with TMP-SMX therapy27; however, dermatologic side-effect rates were similar in the two groups. Overall adverse-event rates were similar in the pediatric and adult subgroups. Our study has limitations. First, we excluded patients with serious coexisting conditions, and the outcomes of skin infections treated with clindamycin and TMP-SMX in populations with such conditions may differ. However, our investigation involved outpatients, the population in which approximately 95% of skin infections are treated,28 and thus is generalizable to a Miller et al. Page 7 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 20. large population. Second, we examined only two antibiotics, and the comparative efficacy and side-effect profile of other oral medications are unclear. However, the two antibiotics we studied are those typically recommended by experts in areas of MRSA endemicity.2,10-12 Third, patients were followed for 1 month after therapy was completed, which is a strength in comparison with studies lacking a documented follow-up visit but is also a limitation. S. aureus infections are often recurrent,29,30 and 1 month of follow-up may be inadequate for assessing the efficacy of a drug in preventing recurrent disease. Fourth, the dosages of clindamycin and TMP-SMX for skin infections are not well defined. Some have suggested using twice the dose we used (see, e.g., number NCT00729937), whereas others have recommended the same dose.8 Our data show that the efficacy of TMP-SMX doses of 160 mg and 800 mg does not differ significantly from that of a commonly recommended dose of clindamycin — specifically, 300 mg three times daily.8 Finally, the proportions of patients who had an S. aureus isolate that was resistant to clindamycin or TMP-SMX (5.2% and 0.2%, respectively) were relatively low. Given the low prevalence of resistance, its contribution to treatment failure is unclear, although there was a trend toward a lower clindamycin cure rate for infections caused by clindamycin- resistant S. aureus versus clindamycin-susceptible isolates (73.3% vs. 91.7%, P = 0.06), which also raises important questions about the spontaneous response rate. The number of patients with inducible clindamycin-resistant isolates was even smaller (three patients in the population that could be evaluated), which precluded making conclusions about its role in treatment failure. Our study has important strengths. It was a double-blind, randomized clinical trial accompanied by detailed drug accountability (i.e., storage, handling, and dispensing of study drugs, as well as documentation of their administration), detailed systematic reviews of adverse drug effects, and relatively low rates of attrition (10.5%). We included both adults and children, which is of critical importance given that skin infections are highly prevalent among persons of all ages.7,28 Finally, the populations studied were ethnically and geographically diverse. In summary, we found no significant differences between the efficacy of clindamycin and that of TMP-SMX for the treatment of uncomplicated skin infections in children and adults with few or no major coexisting conditions. Supplementary Material Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material. Acknowledgments Supported by grants from the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (1U01 HHSN272200700031C, to Dr. Chambers) and the National Center for Research Resources (UL1RR033176, now at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, UL1TR000124). Dr. Miller reports receiving consulting fees from Cubist, Durata, and Pfizer; Dr. Daum, fees for serving on an advisory board from Pfizer; Dr. Creech, grant support from Pfizer and Cubist; Dr. Hoagland, fees for providing statistical analysis and programming services from EMMES; and Dr. Chambers, fees for serving on advisory boards from Theravance and AstraZeneca, consulting fees from Cubist, Pfizer, Trius, and AstraZeneca, and grant support from Cubist; Dr. Chambers also reports that he holds stock in Trius and Merck and that his institution holds a contract for a clinical trial from Cerexa. Miller et al. Page 8 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 21. We thank Christine Chiou, M.D., Maureen Mehigan, R.N., B.S.N., and Hyung Koo, R.N., B.S.N., at the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; and Thad Zajdowicz, Nancy Browning, and the staff at EMMES for their support with the conduct of this clinical trial. References 1. Hersh AL, Chambers HF, Maselli JH, Gonzales R. National trends in ambulatory visits and antibiotic prescribing for skin and soft-tissue infections. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168:1585–91. [PubMed: 18663172] 2. Pallin DJ, Egan DJ, Pelletier AJ, Espinola JA, Hooper DC, Camargo CA Jr. Increased US emergency department visits for skin and soft tissue infections, and changes in antibiotic choices, during the emergence of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Ann Emerg Med. 2008; 51:291–8. [PubMed: 18222564] 3. Edelsberg J, Taneja C, Zervos M, et al. Trends in US hospital admissions for skin and soft tissue infections. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009; 15:1516–8. [PubMed: 19788830] 4. Carratalà J, Rosón B, Fernández-Sabé N, et al. Factors associated with complications and mortality in adult patients hospitalized for infectious cellulitis. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2003; 22:151– 7. [PubMed: 12649712] 5. Lipsky BA, Kollef MH, Miller LG, Sun X, Johannes RS, Tabak YP. Predicting bacteremia among patients hospitalized for skin and skin-structure infections: derivation and validation of a risk score. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2010; 31:828–37. [PubMed: 20586653] 6. Moran GJ, Krishnadasan A, Gorwitz RJ, et al. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections among patients in the emergency department. N Engl J Med. 2006; 355:666–74. [PubMed: 16914702] 7. Ray GT, Suaya JA, Baxter R. Incidence, microbiology, and patient characteristics of skin and soft- tissue infections in a U.S. population: a retrospective population-based study. BMC Infect Dis. 2013; 13:252. [PubMed: 23721377] 8. Stevens DL, Bisno AL, Chambers HF, et al. Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of skin and soft-tissue infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2005; 41:1373–406. [PubMed: 16231249] 9. Gorwitz, RJ.; Jernigan, DB.; Powers, JH.; Jernigan, JA. Strategies for clinical management of MRSA in the community: summary of an experts' meeting convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2006. ExpMtgSummary-2006.pdf 10. Hyun DY, Mason EO, Forbes A, Kaplan SL. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or clindamycin for treatment of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft tissue infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009; 28:57–9. [PubMed: 19057459] 11. Mascitti KB, Gerber JS, Zaoutis TE, Barton TD, Lautenbach E. Preferred treatment and prevention strategies for recurrent community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft-tissue infections: a survey of adult and pediatric providers. Am J Infect Control. 2010; 38:324–8. [PubMed: 20420965] 12. Williams DJ, Cooper WO, Kaltenbach LA, et al. Comparative effectiveness of antibiotic treatment strategies for pediatric skin and soft-tissue infections. Pediatrics. 2011; 128(3):e479–e487. [PubMed: 21844058] 13. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). CLSI document M7-A9. Wayne, PA: CLSI; Jan. 2012 Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically; approved standard — ninth edition. 2012/11/03-CLSI-M07-A9-2012.pdf 14. Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D. CONSORT Group. CONSORT 2010 statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 152:726–32. [PubMed: 20335313] 15. Chen CJ, Huang YC, Chiu CH, Su LH, Lin TY. Clinical features and genotyping analysis of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in Taiwanese children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005; 24:40–5. [PubMed: 15665709] 16. David MZ, Daum RS. Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: epidemiology and clinical consequences of an emerging epidemic. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2010; 23:616–87. [PubMed: 20610826] Miller et al. Page 9 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
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  • 23. Figure 1. Enrollment, Randomization, and Follow-up TMP-SMX denotes trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. Miller et al. Page 11 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 24. Figure 2. Comparison of the Efficacy of Clindamycin and TMP-SMX in Patients with Uncomplicated Skin Infection The graph shows the proportion of patients cured by the time of the test-of-cure visit in the intention-to-treat population and the population that could be evaluated. The actual confidence level was 95.60% after adjustment for interim analyses. Miller et al. Page 12 N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
  • 25. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Miller et al. Page 13 Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of the Patients, According to Treatment Group* Characteristic Clindamycin Group (N = 264) TMP-SMX Group (N = 260) All Patients (N = 524) Female sex — no. (%) 129 (48.9) 121 (46.5) 250 (47.7) Hispanic ethnic background — no. (%)† Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino 188 (71.2) 186 (71.5) 374 (71.4) Hispanic or Latino 76 (28.8) 74 (28.5) 150 (28.6) Race or ethnic group — no. (%)† American Indian or Alaskan Native 1 (0.4) 2 (0.8) 3 (0.6) Asian 5 (1.9) 4 (1.5) 9 (1.7) Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 4 (1.5) 2 (0.8) 6 (1.1) Black 141 (53.4) 138 (53.1) 279 (53.2) White 102 (38.6) 109 (41.9) 211 (40.3) Multiracial 10 (3.8) 4 (1.5) 14 (2.7) Other or unknown 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4) Age group — no. (%) 1 yr 6 (2.3) 5 (1.9) 11 (2.1) 1–8 yr 45 (17.0) 42 (16.2) 87 (16.6) 9–17 yr 30 (11.4) 27 (10.4) 57 (10.9) ≥18 yr 183 (69.3) 186 (71.5) 369 (70.4) Temperature — °C 36.61±0.50 36.59±0.52 36.60±0.51 Area of wound — cm2,‡,§ 43.84±140.03 35.35±71.13 39.62±111.28 Purulent drainage present — no. (%) 124 (47.0) 113 (43.5) 237 (45.2) Incision and drainage performed — no. (%) 122 (46.2) 111 (42.7) 233 (44.5) Type of lesion — no. (%)¶ Abscess only 80 (30.3) 80 (30.8) 160 (30.5) Cellulitis only 136 (51.5) 144 (55.4) 280 (53.4) Mixed abscess and cellulitis‖ 47 (17.8) 35 (13.5) 82 (15.6) * Complete data on demographics and age, stratified according to treatment group, are provided in Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix. P values for all comparisons were nonsignificant (P0.05 for all comparisons). The denominator for calculation of percentages is the number of patients in the intention-to-treat population for each treatment group. Plus–minus values are means ±SD. TMP-SMX denotes trimethoprim– sulfamethoxazole. † Race and ethnic group and information on Hispanic ethnic background were self-reported. ‡ Data were available for 263 patients in the clindamycin group and 259 in the TMP-SMX group. § Areas were calculated with the use of the formula for an ellipse ([length × width × π]/4). ¶ The type of lesion was not known for 2 patients. ‖ Patients categorized as having mixed abscess and cellulitis lesions were those who had more than one lesion, with at least one abscess lesion that underwent incision and drainage and at least one cellulitis lesion that did not require incision and drainage. N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19.
  • 26. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Miller et al. Page 14 Table 2 Wound Culture Results at Baseline* Culture Result Clindamycin Group (N = 264) TMP-SMX Group (N = 260) All Patients (N = 524) no. of patients (%) No culture obtained 110 (41.7) 118 (45.4) 228 (43.5) Culture obtained but no growth 6 (2.3) 6 (2.3) 12 (2.3) Culture obtained but no results 4 (1.5) 3 (1.2) 7 (1.3) Positive culture 144 (54.5) 133 (51.2) 277 (52.9) Staphylococcus aureus 108 (40.9) 109 (41.9) 217 (41.4) MRSA 84 (31.8) 83 (31.9) 167 (31.9) Clindamycin-resistant 12 (4.5) 9 (3.5) 21 (4.0) TMP-SMX–resistant 1 (0.4) 0 1 (0.2) MSSA 25 (9.5) 27 (10.4) 52 (9.9) Clindamycin-resistant 3 (1.1) 3 (1.2) 6 (1.1) TMP-SMX–resistant 0 0 0 Streptococcus pyogenes 3 (1.1) 5 (1.9) 8 (1.5) Group B streptococcus 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4) Beta-hemolytic group C streptococcus 2 (0.8) 0 2 (0.4) Beta-hemolytic group F streptococcus 0 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2) Non–group A and B beta-hemolytic streptococcus 1 (0.4) 0 1 (0.2) Viridans group streptococcus 9 (3.4) 9 (3.5) 18 (3.4) Enterobacter species 1 (0.4) 0 1 (0.2) Enterococcus species 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4) Escherichia coli 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) 4 (0.8) Hemophilus species 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) 4 (0.8) Klebsiella species 1 (0.4) 2 (0.8) 3 (0.6) Lactobacillus species 2 (0.8) 0 2 (0.4) Proteus mirabilis 9 (3.4) 1 (0.4) 10 (1.9) Bacterial growth not otherwise specified 2 (0.8) 0 2 (0.4) Coagulase-negative staphylococcus 19 (7.2) 19 (7.3) 38 (7.3) Diphtheroid bacilli 8 (3.0) 7 (2.7) 15 (2.9) Other 11 (4.2) 7 (2.7) 18 (3.4) * The denominator for the calculation of percentages is the number of patients in the intention-to-treat population for each group. Patients are counted once for each species identified. MRSA denotes methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and MSSA methicillin-susceptible S. aureus. N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19.
  • 27. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Miller et al. Page 15 Table 3 Cure Rate at Test-of-Cure Visit in the Overall Population and Relevant Subgroups * Group with Clinical Cure Clindamycin Group TMP-SMX Group Difference P Value no./total no. % (95%, CI) no./total no. % (95%, CI) percentage points All patients Intention-to-treat population 212/264 80.3 (75.2 to 85.4) 202/260 77.7 (72.3 to 83.1) −2.6 (-10.2 to 4.9) 0.52 Population that could be evaluated 212/237 89.5 (85.2 to 93.7) 202/229 88.2 (83.7 to 92.7) −1.2 (−7.6 to 5.1) 0.77 Children Intention-to-treat population 70/81 86.4 (78.1 to 94.7) 60/74 81.1 (71.2 to 90.9) −5.3 (−18.6 to 7.9) 0.39 Population that could be evaluated 70/76 92.1 (85.2 to 99.0) 60/67 89.6 (81.3 to 97.8) −2.6 (−13.7 to 8.6) 0.77 Adults Intention-to-treat population 142/183 77.6 (71.1 to 84.1) 142/186 76.3 (69.8 to 82.9) −1.3 (−10.6 to 8.1) 0.81 Population that could be evaluated 142/161 88.2 (82.8 to 93.6) 142/162 87.7 (82.1 to 93.2) −0.5 (−8.5 to 7.4) 1.00 Patients with cellulitis without abscess Intention-to-treat population 110/136 80.9 (73.7 to 88.0) 110/144 76.4 (68.9 to 83.9) −4.5 (−15.1 to 6.1) 0.38 Population that could be evaluated 110/121 90.9 (85.2 to 96.6) 110/127 86.6 (80.1 to 93.1) −4.3 (−13.1 to 4.6) 0.32 Patients with abscess Intention-to-treat population 63/80 78.8 (68.9 to 88.6) 64/80 80.0 (70.4 to 89.6) 1.3 (−12.9 to 15.4) 1.00 Population that could be evaluated 63/73 86.3 (77.5 to 95.1) 64/72 88.9 (80.7 to 97.0) 2.6 (−9.8 to 15.0) 0.80 Patients with mixed abscess and cellulitis Intention-to-treat population 39/47 83.0 (70.9 to 95.1) 28/35 80.0 (65.0 to 95.0) −3.0 (−23.0 to 17.0) 0.78 Population that could be evaluated 39/43 90.7 (80.6 to 100) 28/30 93.3 (82.5 to 100) 2.6 (−13.0 to 18.3) 1.00 Patients with a single lesion in the intention-to-treat population 136/170 80.0 (73.5 to 86.5) 141/174 81.0 (74.8 to 87.3) 1.0 (−8.1 to 10.2) 0.89 Patients with 1 lesion in the intention-to-treat population 76/93 81.7 (73.1 to 90.3) 61/85 71.8 (61.3 to 82.2) −10.0 (−23.8 to 3.9) 0.15 * The actual confidence level was 95.60% after adjustment for interim analyses. P values for comparisons were determined with the use of Fisher's exact test. N Engl J Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 September 19.
  • 28. [ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ] 45 45 45 45 45 QUESTIONS • CHALLENGES • CONTROVERSIES Introduction Community-acquired methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA), first recognized in the early 1980s, was noted to occur in patients with MRSA infections who had no identifiable, predisposing risk factors.1–5 Over time, the prevalence of CA-MRSA infection has increased across the United States in both the pediatric and adult populations with CA-MRSA infections commonly encountered in ambulatory dermatology practices. Some have theorized that CA-MRSA was at first a hospital-acquired pathogen with strains traceable to specific healthcare facilities, while others developed de novo within the community.6–10 With the passing of time, CA-MRSA has become more distinct, both genetically and epidemiologically, from nosocomial MRSA, leading many to believe that CA-MRSA isolates did not emerge from local nosocomial MRSA strains.1 Molecular, genetic, and microbiologic studies have revealed that CA-MRSA is associated with a unique genetic profile and phenotype.11 It has been observed that many CA-MRSA strains have become endemic in a given geographic region, progressively replacing other strains due to selective genetic advantages.12–15 According to a 15-year study performed in San Diego, there has been a dramatic increase in CA- MRSA infections since 2002, with an increasing proportion of cases related to intrafamilial spread.1 An estimated 85 percent of CA-MRSA infections present in the skin as abscesses or as folliculitis.16 Outbreaks are usually in the younger populations and in small clusters in localized geographic regions in both rural and urban areas. In its most severe form, CA- MRSA has also been shown to cause septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, pyomyositis, necrotizing fasciitis, and necrotizing pneumonia, especially in young children.11 The incidence of infection increases with close physical contact, loss of skin integrity, and sharing of contaminated personal use articles or equipment.1 Other factors, such as hygiene and physical crowding, also play a large role in spreading CA-MRSA infections. With regard to carriage, the estimated prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA nasal colonization in the United States was reported to be 32.4 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively, based on a large population-based evaluation.17 A high rate of S. aureus colonization also involves the perineum, which like the anterior nares, demonstrates high organism density and a greater propensity for consistent carriage over time.18–21 What is the role of oral antibiotic therapy in the treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections seen in outpatient dermatology practices? Oral antibiotic therapy is an important component of therapy for uncomplicated cutaneous CA-MRSA infections.11,18 In office-based dermatology practices, most CA- MRSA infections present as folliculitis or furunculosis, with many patients presenting with at least a few abscess-like lesions.11,16 Incision and drainage represents the primary therapy for treatment of lesions presenting as abscesses.11,18,20 Because many patients present with multiple lesions, oral antibiotic therapy is indicated to assist in eradicating the infection.11,16,18 In cases confounded by multiple recurrences over time, it is often necessary to address decolonization QUESTIONS • CHALLENGES • CONTROVERSIES Section Editor: James Q. Del Rosso, DO, FAOCD Use of Oral Doxycycline for Community-acquired Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) Infections James Q. Del Rosso, DO, FAOCD; Sanjay Bhambri, DO; Grace Kim, DO
  • 29. [ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ] 46 46 46 46 46 of foci of staphylococcal carriage, such as the anterior nares, perineum, and hands.17–21 What antibiotic therapy options are available for treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections? Several antibiotic options, such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fluoroquinolones, lincosamides (i.e., clindamycin), rifampin, daptomycin, carbapenems, and linezolid, are available to treat skin and soft-tissue infections (SSTIs) caused by CA- MRSA.11,16,18,22,23 Oral antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline family, including minocycline and doxycycline, provide an effective means of treating CA-MRSA infections.11,16,18,22,23 As stated above, incision and drainage remains the single most important intervention against CA-MRSA infections, which present as abscess-like lesions. However, when oral antibiotic therapy is indicated based on the judgement of the clinician, tetracycline agents and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole are effective in the majority of patients presenting with uncomplicated SSTIs caused by CA-MRSA, and are commonly recommended.1,2,11,16,18,22,23 Tetracyclines are effective against many strains of CA-MRSA.1,2,24–26 What information is available on the use of oral doxycycline for treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections? Multiple reports support the use of doxycycline in patients with suspected or confirmed cutaneous CA-MRSA infection.24–26 A retrospective cohort study investigated the therapeutic outcomes of patients with CA-MRSA infection treated with extended- spectrum tetracyclines.24 This study evaluated results from 276 patients who presented with 282 episodes of cutaneous MRSA between 2002 and 2007. Ninety episodes (32%) were treated with extended-spectrum tetracyclines (doxycycline or minocycline); whereas, 192 episodes (68%) were treated with a β-lactam agent. The rate of susceptibility of MRSA strains to tetracyclines remained stable at 95 percent during the study. Doxycycline monotherapy was administered in 87 of 90 episodes (97%) treated with tetracyclines. Ninety-six percent of patients (86/90) treated with an extended-spectrum tetracycline achieved success with resolution of their CA-MRSA infection, as compared to 88 percent (168/192) of patients treated with β-lactam monotherapy. Treatment failure was higher in the β-lactam group than in the extended-spectrum tetracycline group (12.5% vs. 4.4%). Four patients who were treatment failures in the tetracycline group exhibited improvement on continued tetracycline therapy after a repeat incision and drainage procedure. In another study of adult patients with CA-MRSA infections, 54 percent (13/24) were treated with doxycycline and 46 percent (11/24) were treated with minocycline.25 Doxycycline achieved a 92-percent success rate as compared to a 73- percent success rate with minocycline. Based on microbiologic testing in vitro, doxycycline has also been shown to be a very potent agent against CA-MRSA strains with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC50) value of 0.25µg/mL.26 When used to treat cutaneous CA-MRSA infections, a daily doxycycline dose of 200mg per day is generally used. The duration of therapy varies based on clinical response, with an average duration of treatment ranging from 10 to 21 days.22,23 Interestingly, when utilized in combination with rifampin, doxycycline may prevent the emergence of CA-MRSA strains that become resistant to rifampin.27 What concerns exist regarding CA- MRSA resistance to non-β-lactam oral antibiotics, including extended-spectrum tetracycline agents? Antibiotic resistance to CA-MRSA is emerging with resistance reported to many antibiotics including fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and lincosamides.22,23,28,29 Resistance of S. aureus to tetracyclines has been reported and is achieved by two potential mechanisms: active reflux and ribosomal protection.24,25,30 Active reflux is mediated by plasmid- located tetK and tetL genes; whereas, chromosome-located tetM or tetO genes mediate ribosomal protection.18,24,25,30 Presence of the tetM gene confers resistance to all antibiotics within the tetracycline family including doxycycline and minocycline; however, presence of tetK gene confers resistance to tetracycline, but the isolates can still be inhibited by minocycline.30 There exists potential for cross-resistance between tetracycline and the extended-spectrum tetracycline derivatives. Therefore, tetracycline- resistant S. aureus should also be considered resistant to doxycycline and minocycline unless sensitivity testing is performed against each individual tetracycline agent that demonstrates otherwise.25,30 In most reference microbiology laboratories used by dermatologists in clinical practice across the United States, sensitivity to tetracycline is all that is reported routinely. May the formulation of oral doxycycline be clinically QUESTIONS • CHALLENGES • CONTROVERSIES
  • 30. [ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ] 47 47 47 47 47 significant in the treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections? Doxycycline is available as either the monohydrate or hyclate salt, with most formulations being immediate release and nonenteric coated. An enteric-coated formulation of doxycycline hyclate is also available (75mg, 100mg, and 150mg tablets). This enteric-coating technology allows for a delay in degradation of the enteric-coated pellets, which are embedded within the body of the tablet matrix. Thus, release of doxycycline bypasses the stomach and occurs within the upper small intestine where the active drug is absorbed.31 Abdominal pain, esophageal pain, nausea, and vomiting are common gastrointestinal (GI) side effects associated with immediate-release, nonenteric coated formulations of doxycycline hyclate and monohydrate.32,33 In one study, a three-fold higher incidence of nausea and vomiting was noted in subjects receiving nonenteric-coated doxycycline as compared to those treated with either penicillin, ampicillin, or tetracycline.32 Nonenteric-coated doxycycline has also proven to be more poorly tolerated in terms of GI side effects as compared to roxithromycin and ciprofloxacin.34,35 Although it has been suggested that nonenteric- coated doxycycline monohydrate produces fewer GI side effects than nonenteric-coated doxycycline hyclate, due to the lower pH of the former, definitive clinical evidence supporting this theoretical suggestion is lacking.31,36 In a randomized, prospective, double-blind, multiple-dose, placebo-controlled, three-way cross- over study, healthy adult subjects (N=98; mean age 29 years) were treated for four consecutive days with either enteric-coated doxycycline hyclate 100mg, nonenteric-coated doxycycline hyclate 100mg, or placebo capsules, after treatment on Day 1 with 100mg twice daily.37 All subjects received all three treatments, with a three-day washout between the four-day courses of active treatment. The order of drug administration was balanced and randomized, and a double-dummy technique was used to preserve the study blind. Medication was administered with 180mL of water and at least one hour before food intake. Study diaries were used to capture the incidence and severity of GI complaints, with recordings completed at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours post dose. Symptom scores were computed by summing the individual complaints within each treatment period. Figure 1 depicts the mean symptom scores for all three treatment periods, indicating that reports of GI side effects were greatest with nonenteric-coated doxycycline hyclate capsules. In another randomized, double- blind, multiple-dose, prospective, three-way cross-over, placebo- controlled trial completed in healthy adults (N=111; mean age 26 years), enteric-coated doxycycline hyclate 150mg, nonenteric-coated doxycycline monohydrate 150mg, and placebo tablets were compared regarding the incidence of adverse events, especially GI side effects.31 All subjects received each treatment over three consecutive days with a washout period of 4 to 10 days between active study periods. Medication was administered in the morning after an overnight 10-hour fast with 200mL of water, with no food intake allowed for at least two hours post dose. Subject diaries were used each day to capture the timing, frequency, severity, and cessation of any side effects. Figure 2 demonstrates the results reported by subjects during the study. The QUESTIONS • CHALLENGES • CONTROVERSIES
  • 31. [ A p r i l 2 0 0 9 • V o l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 4 ] 48 48 48 incidence of adverse events was highest during treatment with nonenteric-coated doxycycline monohydrate 150mg tablets. The number of subjects experiencing GI side effects, especially nausea and abdominal pain, was markedly higher during administration of nonenteric-coated doxycycline monohydrate 150mg tablets. Effective oral antibiotic treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections requires adherence with the treatment regimen, which in some cases may be 1 to 2 weeks longer than a conventional duration of treatment.22,23 Therefore, decreasing the potential for subjective GI complaints that often lead to voluntary discontinuation of therapy by the patient is clinically relevant. The marked reduction in GI side effects associated with enteric- coated doxycycline hyclate tablets favors greater overall adherence with the recommended treatment course. What can be concluded from the available information on the use of oral doxycycline for the treatment of cutaneous CA-MRSA infections? Based on available data, doxycycline should be considered among the group of first-line oral antibiotic agents used to treat uncomplicated cutaneous CA-MRSA infections. Both in-vitro and clinical studies support its use.24–26 Doxycycline exhibits a more favorable safety profile as compared to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and immediate-release minocycline formulations used to treat CA-MRSA infections.38,39 Unlike rifampin and fluoroquinolones, there is no evidence of rapid emergence of bacterial resistance when doxycycline is used as monotherapy to treat cutaneous CA-MRSA infections.16,23–27 Additionally, the availability of an enteric-coated doxycycline formulation, which is associated with a lower incidence of GI side effects, provides an option that is likely to optimize adherence.31,37 References 1. Crum NF, Lee RU, Thornton MS, et al. Fifteen-year study of the changing epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Am J Med. 2006;119:943–951. 2. Hryniewicz W. Epidemiology of MRSA. Infection. 1999;27: S13–S16. 3. Salgado CS, Far BM, Calfee DP. Community-acquired methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a meta-analysis of prevalence and risk factors. Clin Infect Dis. 200:36:131–139. 4. Gorak EJ, Yamada SM, Brown JD. Community-aquired methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitalized adults and children without known risk factors. Clin Infect Dis. 1999;29:797–800. 5. Herold BC, Immergluck LC, Maranan MC, et al. Community- acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in children with no identified predisposing risk. JAMA. 1998;279(8):593–598. 6. Charlebois ED, Perdreau- Remingon F, Kreiswirth B, et al. Origins of community strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;15:47–54. 7. Eady EA, Cove JH. Staphylococcal resistance revisited: Community- acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus—an emerging problem for the management of skin and soft tissue infections. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2003;16:103–124. 8. Fey PD, Said-Salim B, Rupp ME, et al. Comparative molecular analysis of community- or QUESTIONS • CHALLENGES • CONTROVERSIES
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