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Fair Trade Market Research Assignment
Fair Trade Research Assignment
What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of
trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable
prices, Fair Trade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates
against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more
control over their lives. Fair Trade also ensures that the products being purchased have been grown
or created under a hygienic and safe environment. Today, more than six million farmers, producers
and growers benefit from the unique Fair Trade system. This scheme provides the farmers and
producers with a fair price for the produce helping them to sustain a suitable living. They also
receive an additional sum, also known as the Fair Trade Premium, which can be used for social,
economic and environmental development in their communities. The developments can include
improvements in medical and educational facilities. Fairtrade also prohibits the use of the child
labour system. (Fairtrade, 2015)
Why was Fair Trade developed?
The Fair Trade system's initial purpose is so that farmers in less developed countries earn a higher
sustainable price. Sticking to the Fair Trade guidelines means that the farmers receive a better price
for their crop and they stand a better chance to make a living. (, 2015) This is
also mutually
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Fair Trade Vs. Free Trade
Fair Trade vs. Free Trade
The economic systems free trade and fair trade in like manner apply Foucault's triangle of power
and totalitarian knowledge. Specifically, I will analyze what negative effects the lack of subjugated
knowledge causes within these system 's foundations and their future betterment through Foucault's
lessons. As a rule, "most of the evil in this world is done by people with the best intentions" (T.S.
Eliot). On October 1947, 23 nations in Geneva signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
'GATT'. This liberated international trade and businesses to begin foreign production investing. The
aforementioned agreement was tremendous for the economy. Numerous countries are Free Trade
countries, including the U.S. Within free trade, goods, capital and services flow unhindered between
nations, without barriers, which would hinder the speed of trading processes. There are no earning
ceilings; citizens from free trade countries may secure as much money as they have the ability to
earn, within the confines of the law. Max Havelaar founded the fair trade model in 1988 under the
initiative of the Dutch development agency Solidaridad. And the current face of fair trade, Fairtrade
Labelling Organizations International 'FLO ' established in Bonn, Germany with the intention to
unite the national Fair trade organizations under one umbrella and to set worldwide standards and
Walmart is commonly used to demonstrate the free trade system. Wal–Mart is
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Disadvantages Of Fair Trade
Having the privilege to live in a developed country like America has blessed us with an abundance
of prospers opportunities, but have we let these opportunities outweigh the Earths health? This
question may not be one that can be answered till future time. Accordingly, what we can discuss is
how our purchases have a ripple effect on the natural environment and undeveloped cultures in
which many times they derived from or are at. With concepts like fair trade and using reusable and
sustainable products to help make a healthier and a more just world.
Being a conscious consumer currently is no small task, with multiple choices of mega stores filled
with products that our most time often than not filled with products that are cheaply produced.
Moreover, the big company's give little regard to the producer. This is where the concept of fair
trade comes from. In a piece of Harvard's Journal of Economic Perspectives states that "Fair Trade is
a labeling initiative aimed at improving the lives of the poor in developing countries by offering
better terms to producers and helping them to organize." (Dragusanu, Giovannucci, Nunn, 2014)
The article continues to say that "...Fair Trade–certified coffee exports were 1.8 percent of global
coffee exports in 2009..." (Dragusanu, Giovannucci, Nunn, 2014) A reason why this percent maybe
so small could be due to peoples who make the argument that Fair Trade is not economically
sustainable. This meaning that if these producers are underneath the
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Disadvantages Of Fair Trade Coffee
In Canada, coffee represents 18% of all consumed beverages, making it the second most popular
drink in Canada, water being the first. Fair trade coffee ensures that the coffee farmers who produce
Canada's second most popular beverage are paid fairly. Fair trade coffee is a partnership that relies
on the collaboration of coffee producers, traders, buyers, and consumers to produce equitable and
sustainable changes in the way we trade coffee (Liberman, S., R.N. 2008). Fair trade certification
was developed in 1988 to guarantee that farmers are paid a stable minimum price for their product
and to empower small–scale coffee producers (Cole, N. L., & Brown, K. 2014). However, due to a
growing market, fair trade coffee certification is losing sight of its original goal to help create fair
trade circumstances for small–scale coffee producers.
The "Fair Trade for All" implementation which aims to increase the market for fair trade coffee
beans by allowing coffee plantations, who produce large amounts of coffee, to become fair trade
certified. However, supply for fair trade coffee is larger than the demand. This makes it much harder
for small coffee producers to sell their coffee as they must compete with large coffee plantations
who can produce much more coffee, ultimately putting small–scale coffee producers at a
disadvantage (Cole, N. L., & Brown, K. 2014).
Fair trade certified farmers are paid more for their coffee beans than non–certified farmers, however,
fair trade
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Fair Trade In Canada
According to Lyon, Bezaury, & Mutersbaugh (2010), Fair–trade is a "process which helps improve
the well–being and economic stability of disempowered farmers, by using certified commodity–
chains to foster development". For the KHC company, Fair–trade is essential because they want to
provide and endorse exceptional coffee beans that they are proud to use; that means, "using coffee
that is good and fair for both our coffee drinkers and for farmers are essential" (Kicking Horse
Coffee, n.d.). In fact, over the past 20 years, Kicking Horse won numerous awards in many
categories, including Canada's Fastest– Growing Companies, Canada's Top Women Entrepreneurs,
Canada's Favourite Fair–trade Product and number 15 Best Workplace in Canada (Kicking Horse
Coffee, n.d.).
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The Fair Trade Of Coffee
Introduction and Background:
Many Canadians start their day with a cup of coffee, taking for granted how the coffee bean was
grown, harvested, packaged and shipped to their coffee provider to then roast and prepare for us to
purchase for as little as $1.50 per cup. Today coffee is the most important product in the Fair Trade
market affecting over five hundred thousand producers and workers. The Fair Trade label can be
traced back to 1988 originating from a church based Non Governmental Organization (NGO) from
the Netherlands that began an initiative to ensure coffee growers and pickers would receive
sufficient wages for their work. The NGO created the fair trade label called Max Havelaar.
Following this, similar organizations followed ... Show more content on ...
Environmental impact:
Fair trade has been shown to have a positive impact on the environment. In fair trade production,
harmful chemicals are prohibited. There is an environmental criteria to ensure all fair trade–certified
occupations work towards good environmental practices (Raynolds & Bennett 2015). By practicing
safe farming, the health and safety is guaranteed for farm families, workers and the community. Fair
trade farmers must participate in a yearly examination to ensure they minimizing their use of
agrochemicals and provide a summary on their impacts to the environment. In fair trade production,
genetically modified crops are prohibited (Dragusanu et al. 2014). Fair trade has successfully been
able to promote more environmentally friendly farming among their certified farmers. This practice
supports long term environmental and social sustainability.
Bacon et al. (2008) found that "68 percent of Fair Trade farmers had implemented ecological water
purification systems, compared to 40 percent for conventional farmers. Moreover, 43 percent of Fair
Trade farmers had implemented soil and water conservation practices, while only 10 percent of
conventional farmers had done so."(p. 229). Fair trade aims to tackle climate change and reduce as
many harmful chemicals as possible. This is made possible by providing farmers with access to
organic training that opens the doors to premium markets. This ultimately provides farmers
incentives to
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free trade fair trade
"Completely free trade would be fair. 'Fair trade' encourages people to stay in uncompetitive sectors
in which they will always be poor." Discuss.
The concept of the 'Fair Trade' initiative can be summarised with reasonable simplicity; "Fair Trade
works to alleviate poverty in the global South through a strategy of 'trade, not aid,' improving farmer
and worker livelihoods through direct sales, better prices and stable market links, as well as support
for producer organizations and communities" (Raynolds and Long 2007 16), "promoting a supply
chain that delivers value to the producer and buyer more evenly" (Nicholls and Opal, 2004 12).
Essentially, it is exchanges, the terms of which meet the demands of justice (Eisenberg 2005). The ...
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In such circumstances, free trade is clearly not a balanced trade, and the guarantees that Fair Trade
label offers coffee producers; $1.26 per pound (Fair Trade Advocacy Office [FTAO], 2003) with an
additional 10% premium for coffee which has been organically certified clearly do offer a lifeline
for those potentially at risk of economic as well as physical exploitation. On top of that, such a
concept as Fair Trade also pegs coffee value against the dollar, one of the more stable and globally
recognised currencies, and considerably less likely to fall victim to extreme devaluation or inflation.
Complications do however arise when raising the issue of remaining poor and in uncompetitive
sectors, as shall be further discussed in the following paragraph; on one hand free trade can lead to
unfair exchange, where as on the other hand fair trade can lead to farmers remaining in poverty due
to a lack of inspiration and/or necessity to better ones existence, as long as one is able to feed the
family through cultivating a patch of land less than five hectares (2003)one may be less likely to
aspire to further gains, thus remaining relatively poor
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Mexican Fair Trade
Fair trade is a movement that strives for fair treatment for farmers and it's main goal is to reduce
poverty in the developing nations. Fair trade strives for social justice and Brewing Justice analyzes
indigenous coffee farmers in Oaxaca, Mexico to see if the fair trade is an important movement for
the farmers. We are brought into the households of workers to see the social movements, economic
and cultural survival, and environmental effects of fair trade. Author Daniel Jaffee spent months
deep in Mexico to see how Fair Trade affected the coffee crops of societies and shares stories of his
experiences to help support his claim that Fair Trade is not a solution to the growing numbers of
families in poverty who grow coffee. Jaffee tells ... Show more content on ...
While this is a true statement, farmers within the fair trade movement suffer more a bigger burden of
cost rather than conventional farmers. Jaffee states that within Oaxaca is an organization Michiza
Cooperative where farmers achieve higher income, but growing organic coffee leads to higher costs
and more time spent on the acreage to develop healthy coffee beans. Figure 16 shows us the most
important crops in Oaxaca in 1991 with corn being number 1 and coffee following in a close second
(pg 67). Jaffee states that this is a remarkable statistic "...given that coffee is grown in less that one–
quarter of the state." (pg 67). This shows that coffee is a very important crop within Oaxaca that
farmers rely heavily on for their income. The higher income farmers receive from Michiza
Cooperative is being used towards mozo's (hired workers), children's education, etc. The strength of
Jaffee's argument becomes more apparent when he gathers a statistic where fair–trade households
are losing just as much money as conventional families. He states that "Only twelve of the fifty–one
families (he) surveyed..actually had a positive net income in 2002–3" (pg 105). Having no income
leads to borrowing more money. Although when farmers belong to a fair trade organization, they
don't need to borrow as much as conventional farmers. About 29.2% of fair–trade families have to
borrow money each year, wheres 57.1% of conventional farmers borrow money each year (Table 15
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The Importance Of Fair Trade Merchandise At Hebden Bridge...
In this task I will be examining the interest for and accessibility of Fair trade merchandise in a
nearby retail zone in Hebden Bridge and lime square, I have decided to explore these two places as
they are contradictory Hebden Bridge located in a rural area and Lime Square located in a non–rural
area. Firstly, I am going to discuss moral utilization; Ethical consumerism is purchasing things that
are made ethically. For the most part, this implies without mischief to or misuse of people, creatures
or the indigenous habitat, or the exploitation of human (sweatshops) in Ledc countries, it
additionally implies to Positive purchasing and supporting moral items, and organizations that work
on standards and construct to basically bring in light of Benefit for the growth of the world as
opposed to self–interest, allowing business self–interest only for the continuation of doing general
good for the environment and the primary input workers. It's essential that we start consuming
ethical products as there are more positive benefit socially, environmentally and economically for
instance, if we start consuming ethical stuff we will be decreasing carbon dioxide that is let in the
atmosphere automatically reducing global warming and also stop the use of fossil fuel transportation
to send goods to another country. An economic benefit of fair trade goods is that Ledc worker will
be able to get fair wages, proper working condition, making the country a more infrastructure area,
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Does Fair Trade Work
No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented. Buying coffee at the local coffee
shop down the street, we see the Fair Trade logo and wonder whether ordering Fair Trade coffee
rather than conventional coffee really supports farmers in unindustrialized countries. In other words,
does Fair Trade work? The Fair Trade initiative aims to improve the living conditions of producers
in developing nations. The goals of Fair Trade are to achieve higher prices for producers, greater
availability of financing for producers, longer–term and more sustainable buyer–seller relationships,
improved social goods and community development, and the use of environmentally friendly
production processes. Fair Trade works through a certification
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Literature Review. What Is Fair Trade?. In Recent Years,
Literature Review
What is Fair Trade? In recent years, there has been a drastic and noticeable change in the perceived
need to support laborers in developing areas. The most popular and supported method of doing this
is through a system known as "fair trade". The system, simply put, is one created to transfer more
profits, and thus a better living, to the workers who make them. This is done through a markup, or
premium, in the price of the product (Rios, Finklestein, & Landa, 2014). A large portion of this
premium goes to (or at least should) the person who made the good, while another large chunk of it
goes towards certification of the fair–trade status of the goods. This leads us to the second part, and
arguable detriment, of the ... Show more content on ...
The advent of the internet allowed for consumers to become aware of problems beyond their
everyday lives, leading to an increase in the empathy and social awareness of the average person.
Rather than simply buying the brands that they know and identify with, consumers now felt a need
to support disadvantaged laborers, and fair trade goods were the clearest way.
Perception of Fair Trade Fair trade is viewed positively by the general public; the intentions mostly
come across as altruistic, with the profits from premium prices being used to help laborers. Some are
of differing minds on this subject, however. There are those who whole heartedly believe in the
cause of fair–trade, believing that hard working artisans deserve a living for their work. They see
their position as citizens within developing countries as unfair hindrances, and are willing to pay
extra to help relieve some of that burden. There are others, however, who see things differently; they
believe that if you cannot succeed in the market based on your own merits, then you do not deserve
to succeed, and should find different work. This should, theoretically, lead to a stronger, healthier
market that is working at equilibrium. This "survival of the fittest" mentality comes from a mindset
that the world is just, and that people generally get what they deserve. This "just world" mind set is
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Fair Trade Coffee Offers a Solution to the Coffee Crisis...
Fair Trade Coffee Offers a Solution to the Coffee Crisis
When you buy a cup of coffee in Starbucks every morning to keep you awake through the day, do
you ever think of the origins of these coffee beans? How much of those three dollars you pay in
Starbucks goes to the Farmers? Personally, I'm not a coffee–drinker. But somehow I realize the big
sign in front of Java City in the Reitz Union Food Court, which says "Certified Fair Trade Coffee."
I'm surprised how few students know what it means. Currently, farmers in Brazil and Vietnam grow
the majority of coffee beans.
These farmers then sell their beans to the middlemen who pay them low prices–an average of $0.3–
0.4 per pound. The farmers are earning less or even losing for growing ... Show more content on ...
As a result, wholesale coffee prices are at their lowest levels in 100 years. Back in 1997, unroasted
coffee beans that had a wholesale price of $2 a pound dipped to under 50 cents a pound in 2002, a
price below many farmers' production cost. Since farmers couldn't afford the proper working
conditions, the beans would be grown using the twelve most health–threatening types of pesticide.
Furthermore, "With low prices, farmers tend to reduce inputs and take less care of the trees. In some
cases this means that it is easier to cut down forest for plantations rather than care for existing ones,"
said Néstor Osorio, executive director of the ICO (Roach). The farmers could not afford to improve
organic growing conditions and develop higher quality coffee beans. It directly reduces the range of
quality and varieties of coffee we are obtaining! According to Liam Brody, a program coordinator
for Oxfam America in Boston, the situation was so adverse that "hundreds of thousands of coffee
farmers in Africa and Central and South America have lost their jobs as farmland is converted to
other agricultural uses such as livestock grazing or the cultivation of illicit drugs"(Roach).
To alleviate the coffee crisis, Fair Trade coffee is the most appropriate action. TransFair is the only
organization in the United States to determine whether or not coffee beans meet fair trade standards–
"an importer must meet stringent international criteria; paying a minimum price per
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Fair Trade And Its Effects On Society
Fair Trade
Who am I? I work around twelve to fourteen hours every single day, I make barely enough money to
survive, I work in some of the most dangerous conditions in the world, and I am exploited based on
the poverty I live in. I am a garment worker in a developing country. While most people would
assume that this describes slaves a long time ago, this is actually a current issue that we have a much
greater impact on than we may realize. When we purchase clothing from stores such as H&M or
Forever 21, with every dollar tank top, or a cheap pair of jeans we purchase, we are encouraging this
sort of modern day slavery. The label for Fair Trade was created in 1988, and over the years, the
certification has changed rapidly and now there are a number of standards companies have to abide
by to achieve the Fair Trade label. Due to this, consumers are now guaranteed of the morality of the
product (Marcovitz page 27). The book Fair Trade describes what Fair Trade really stands for by
saying, "Fair Trade displays a radical shift in trade policy by using morality instead of personal and
corporate gain as the motive in the world economy" (Fair Trade page 1). This means that instead of
getting wealthy being the main goal for the entrepreneurs at the top of companies, the goal is to help
workers and make the world a more fair place. They do this by paying a living wage to their
employees, giving them contractual rights, giving them a reasonable amount of hours, and countless
other of
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Essay on Fair Trade Business Plan
Fair Trade Business Plan
1 Executive Summary
2 Company Vision
3 Product/Service Description
3.1 Products
3.2 Services
4 Industry Analysis
4.1 Industry Overview
4.2 Company Niche
5 Competition Analysis
5.1 Direct Competition
5.2 Indirect Competition
5.3 SWOT Analysis
6 Marketing Plan
6.1 Target Market Demographic
6.2 Pricing Strategy
6.3 Advertising
6.4 Public Relations and Promotion
6.5 Market Research
7 Operations Plan
7.1 Location
7.2 Equipment
7.3 Purchasing Policies & Quality Control
7.4 Staffing and Training
8 Conclusion
1 Executive Summary
This business plan proposes ... Show more content on ...
Honey, marmalade, preserves, chocolate spread, jam and chutney.
Nuts & snacks, including flapjacks, muesli, chocolate biscuits & shortbread, seasonal cakes i.e.
Christmas, and cereal bars.
Brown and white organic Basmati rice, and Quinoa, a type of grain.
Wines & spirits – including red wine, white wine, white rum, chocolate liqueur, coffee liqueur.
Premium hamper baskets, in various sizes using products from the shop's range.
Non–food items will include:
Sports balls, including footballs, rugby and basketballs.
Fair Trade paper and paper based products.
A small range of male and female fashion t–shirts made from certified Fair Trade cotton, from the
labels Epona and Conkers. A cotton shopping bag will be a key sale item, encouraged as a
replacement for plastic bags.
Books on Fair Trade and related issues.
3.2 Services
To support the wide range of products on sale, a key selling point will be the personal advice and
information that can be given on the products, exactly where in the world they have come from and
who produced them. This gives the customers confidence to buy into the Fair Trade ideals and
encourage repeat purchase in this shop above others. Information leaflets on the products and the
various Fair Trade organisations, along with guidance on where to go for further information, will
back this up. The Internet website will inform customers in the same way and provide links to the
best Fair Trade information
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Coffee Is Not Fair Trade
Coffee is one of the most profitable and most traded commodities on the planet. It is second in trade
to that of oil and gas. There are so many issues that surround this product, otherwise known as black
gold. Coffee growers typically only get around three cents from over $1.50 cup of coffee that is sold
in the United States. The world surrounding coffee is not fair. There are so many problems that arise
because of its lack of fair trade. According to the United Nations, women do around two thirds of
the work are only rewarded five percent of the world's income and own less than one percent of the
world's real property. Coffee is a luxury food that many people take for granted and because of that,
a large portion of coffee growers and their workers are exploited leading to the lack of fair trade.
Coffee is cultivated in more than eighty countries in Central and South America, Africa and Asia and
it cultivates the lives of around 20–25 million farming families. Smallholder coffee farms, combined
with their families and rural workers produce over seventy percent of this labor. Most rural women
around the work are farmers. This is how they put food on the table for their families and it is
estimated that women produce between 60 and 80 percent of the food in most developing countries
and are responsible for about half of the world's food production. In the world of coffee, women
carry out more than 70 percent of the work that is put into coffee production. Around 20 percent
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What Is Fair Trade?
What is Fair Trade? According to Dolan (2007) "The fair–trade movement is founded on a 'politics
of reconnection' (Hartwick 1998:433) between Northern consumers and their Southern brethren,
enabling the latter to receive a fair return for their work and decent working and living conditions
through equitable trade" (p. 245). In other words, it is a movement that connects consumers of
developed countries to producers in developing countries through a system of exchange to help to
promote better working conditions for the workers in developing countries. Fair Trade products
usually cost more than regular products, but the producers of these products are provided with better
working conditions. The major purpose of Fair Trade does not focus on the minimization of costs as
otherwise could be observed in the practice of today's market, but rather it focuses on saving lives
and environment. In other words, the purpose of Fair Trade is to create social relationships between
the parties of exchange that are not based on the drive of materiality, but are based on promotion of
'social justice' (e.g. better working conditions for the workers in developing countries). In this paper,
I will outline four major benefits of Fair Trade consisted of self–formation of consumers, recreation
of social and economic ties, opportunity for consumers to help out workers in developing countries
and establishment of personal relationships between consumers and producers. Three major
problems associated
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The Importance Of The Fair Trade Movement
The movement I chose to research was the Fair–Trade Movement. The main goal of the Fair–Trade
Movement is to provide support to allow workers and farmers in local communities to not get
overshadowed or taken advantage of by large corporations and be provided with sustainable and
reasonable working conditions. Fairtrade is important as it is used to help improve the lives and
communities of producers that are small scale. Furthermore, Fairtrade is more than just trading
goods "It highlights the need for change in the rules and practice of conventional trade and shows
how a successful business can also put people first. It is a tangible contribution to the fight against
poverty, climate change and economic crisis" (World Fair Trade Organization).
The key values of the Fairtrade movement include five values that the Fair–Trade Movement are
committed to which are: People First, Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and Passion (Fair–Trade
Canada). In terms of people, the Fairtrade movement focuses their goal around promoting and
improving the wellbeing of people such as farmers, workers and other members of small scale, or
local businesses. Secondly, for integrity they try to be as "honest, ethical and transparent as possible
as they are accountable to their stakeholders" (Fair–Trade Canada). Third, respect is a key value to
the Fairtrade movement as they want to collaborate and work with diverse groups who share similar
values as the movement. Finally, passion is their last key value
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Fair Trade Ethnoscapes
Fair Trade has been a buzz word in the world lately with the movement towards human rights. It's
important to note that technoscapes and ethnoscapes have played big factors in this movement and
spread of ethical goods. Global consumption of coffee in the past two years has been lead in this
order from Europe, Asia and Oceania, North America, South America, Africa, and Central America
and Mexico ("Trade Statistics Table", 2017). A big reason why fair trade has spread globally is
because of ethnoscapes, the movement of culture and people across borders. When people travel to
different areas in the coffee belt, they used to see the abuse of human labor, poor working
conditions, child workers, and that these farmers were not able to make much money ... Show more
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Along with the second biggest part of the equation are the consumers of the products, not only the
countries that import the goods. In the last six months, the European Union fluctuated, but did not
falter being the leading importer of coffee with 9,994 units in july 2017, 10,439 units in September
2017, and 9,509 units in December of 2017. The United States imported 2,453 units in July 2017,
2,255 units in September 2017, and 2,328 units in December 2017. Japan imported 580 units in July
2017, 607 units in September 2017, and 460 units in December 2017. The Russian Federation
imported 476 units in July 2017, 446 units in September 2017, and 467 units in December 2017. All
units in thousand 60 kilogram bags ("Trade Statistics Table"). Within the European Union is the
biggest coffee market as well as the oldest coffee market, which are the United Kingdom and the
Netherlands. Both countries' fair trade sales increased by 24% in 2011 and continue to increase as
more producers become Fair Trade certified (Ladhari,2015). The United States fair trade sales
increased by 12% in that same year. While these statistics were acquired, it was also noted about the
consumer's purchasing trends compared to their personal values. According to Pelsmaker,
consumers' ideal purchasing trends are not completely reflective of their actual buying behavior
(Pelsmacker, 2005). Therefore, the
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Is Fair Trade Organization?
Merriam–Webster defines fair trade as "a movement whose goal is to help producers in developing
countries to get a fair price for their products so as to reduce poverty, provide for the ethical
treatment of workers and farmers, and promote environmentally sustainable practices" (Merriam–
Webster, 2016). Although the endeavor of Fair Trade is defined as one to aid producers in
developing countries, some results have not proven to align with the goals of improving the social,
working, and living conditions in third world countries. The ideal process of fair trade begins with
the producer in a developing country of a product (like coffee, vanilla, or chocolate). The producer
must become fair trade certified to enter the market, and must meet producer standards implemented
by the Fair Trade Organization, then the producer can sell their product in bulk to a buyer, exporter
or importer. The buyer, exporter , or importer must also become fair trade certified and meet trader
standards. They will pay the producer at least the least possible price for the Fair Trade product
agreed upon through a process of consulting with Fair Trade producers and buyers, plus a premium
which is allotted to a fund for farmers and workers to improve living conditions in their community.
The bulk product is then sold to a manufacturer, held to trader standards as well, who offer the final
product to a brand owner. The brand owner must have a license to use the Fair Trade mark on their
packaging before
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The Coffee Crisis: Is Fair Trade The Solution?
"One fifth of the world's humanity lives in countries where many people think nothing of spending
$2 a day on a cappuccino. Another fifth of humanity survive on less than $1 a day"
(People & Planet, 2015). Unnoticed by many Americans, and according to the National Coffee
Association, humans are working in countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, and the Ivory Coast,
(participle) (n.d) under the scorching sun, more than twelve hours a day harvesting coffee beans,
receiving a paycheck so little it cannot even cover the expenses of education or health care. Workers
from African countries are forced to work in conditions that are unjust, living on less than a dollar a
day, many devoting their time to harvesting the coffee bean. Workers are hyper–dependent ... Show
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Most coffee growing regions are also home to some of the most delicate ecosystems on earth,
therefore it is imperative that the money being profited from this luxurious treat is trickling its way
back down to support, not only the workers, but the environment as well. Unfortunately, it has not.
In an article titled, "How Green is You Coffee?" writer Michael Jenner clearly depicts just what
exactly is happening and how it is hurting our planet earth. "The biggest source of environmental
damage where coffee is concerned comes during the production of the beans themselves. The global
surge in demand has had a profound effect on the growing methods used with massive implications
on sustainability" (2015.) The use of shaded canopy trees allowed the beans to grow naturally and
provide a habitat for indigenous species. It also prevented topsoil erosion and erased the need for
any use of chemical fertilizer. As soon as market demands grew this organic growing process soon
changed to a quicker and more profitable form of agriculture better knows an 'sun cultivation.'
"Originating in the 1970s, sun–grown coffee is produced in plantations, with no forested canopy,
which has resulted in fertilizers becoming a necessity and has had a seriously detrimental effect on
biodiversity" (Jenner 2015). WWF recently made the
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Fair Trade Is An Organized Social Movement
Fair trade is an organized social movement. Its goal is to carry out trade under commercial
agreements where producers achieve better trading conditions and sustainability by setting
minimum prices at which distributors can sell their products. The movement is focused mainly on
products that are made and exported from developing nations to developed ones. Most commonly
products and commodities such as coffee, sugar, tea, honey, cotton, cocoa, gold and fruits etc from
countries like India, Brazil, Sri Lanka and African nations.
The following report looks at what the concept of Fair Trade means and the impact that it has on
producers, communities and the environment. It then proceeds on to the demographics regarding
consumers of fair trade products, who they are and what sort of products do they prefer most. It shall
look at why they do or do not opt for fair trade products and will provide advice to retailers on how
to improve sales of fair trade goods with a recommendation at end for people on how to do their part
in promoting the fair trade cause.
According to;
" Fair–trade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and
It's about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more
control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work."
People buy fair trade products as they cut the middleman. This means that when we buy a
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International Movement: Fair Trade Analysis
Previously known and described as 'alternative development', Fair Trade is an international
movement which seeks global social justice, economic justice and environmental sustainability
through the workings of the market. (Lyon and Moberg 2010) Addressing injustice has never been
more important as many have worked hard to convey information of the social conditions under
which goods we consume are produced, and the people who produce them for a fairer trade between
producers and consumers regardless of where we come from, where we are, and what we do. (Jaffee
2007) In this essay, I will analyse the Fair Trade movement firstly in terms of the world systems
theory, and then in terms of the world polity theory. I will then discuss and justify ... Show more
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Secondly, there is the semi–periphery, made up of states vulnerable to exploitation by the core with
the ability to play a role in exploiting peripheral areas. Lastly there is the periphery; consisting of
least developed states and exploited by the core for its cheap labour, raw materials and agricultural
production. (Halsall 2007) (World–Systems Theory 2014) Driven by the capitalist accumulation and
geopolitics where countries and corporations compete for power and wealth, international division
of labour has resulted in different categories and regions rewarded differently and surplus flowing
disproportionately to the core resulting in great disparities and contributing towards greater
inequality between the global north and the global south, leading to a rise in anti–systemic
movements contesting the forces of neoliberal globalisation. (Chase–Dunn 2001) (Skocpol 1977)
(Smith and Wiest 2012)
The development of Fair Trade as a movement seeking more socially just and environmentally
responsible trade relations emphasizes the problems the world–system has with its different
categories with the international division of labour. (Jaffee 2007) As there is a great inequality
between the global north and south in terms of trade relations as the core benefits the most from
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Fair Trade In Australia
Australian Government is currently apart of nine Fair Trade Agreements (FTAs), soon to become
ten, which all play parts in ensuring that trading nationally and internationally is ethical and
respectful of individual's human rights. Australia is also a member of the World Trade Organisation
(WTO), an international organisation that provides a forum for countries to negotiate their issues
regarding trade and fair trade. All of the FTAs were therefore supported by and fit under the main
principles of the WTO. The main benefits of fair trade and, thus, the WTO's work, is that it ensures
that products have been sourced ethically and makes it quite simple for consumers to check if their
products are sourced ethically. Of course despite this, many ... Show more content on ...
FairTrade products aren't necessarily always more expensive than their alternatives, but quite often
they are. This can be quite unfortunate for people who want to support ethically sourced products
but cannot spare the extra money and must settle for the alternative. FairTrade attempts to minimize
this effect in many ways, for example, they deal directly with the farmers and skip any middle–men
who would bump the price to make more profit. This isn't always effective though, and
supermarkets and other stores often raise prices higher than they should. Cocoa is once again a very
good example of this, with chocolate's bearing the FairTrade mark almost always costing more,
making it much less likely to be purchased. The difference in prices are very often the reason behind
people not supporting FairTrade, preventing its growth and therefore equality for all.
The Australian Government has signed many Fair Trade Agreements with various countries and has
joined the World Trade Organisation, who has assisted with the negotiations for these FTAs. The
involvement in the WTO has resulted in many actions within Australia to promote fair and equal
trading, such as the government giving subsidies to various producers, as well as products being
marked with the FairTrade symbol, making it easy for customers to ensure that their products have
been ethically
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Fair Trade Inc. Usa
This case talks about Fair Trade USA which is one of the leading certifier of fair trade products in
North America. Fair Trade USA was founded by Paul Rice in 1998. From a non profit organization,
Fair Trade USA growth has been phenomenal. Initially after first year of its inception, it started
certifying one million pounds of coffee. Today it is certifying more than 1 billion pounds of coffee
per day.
Ft USA got into valuable partnerships with Starbucks, Pepsi co, Whole foods and others and
received 55 % brand recognition amongst its consumers in USA. Though the growth looks
tremendous, FT USA currently certifies less than 6 % of all coffee consumed in the U.S. Rice has
then thought how the 10 million dollar non profit should proceed over the next decade. So Ft USA
oriented itself towards the pursuit of deep and effective social impact with real market penetration
that will better match its existing widespread consumer brand recognition.
FT USA benefitted over seven million people in developing countries and helped rural families who
were in poverty. FT USA ensured that its label means ensured strict adherence to a rigorous set of
standards that serve to inform the customers that certified products are socially and environmentally
As a social enterprise, FT USA early on had sought to reduce dependency on grants and donations
by first building a strong earned revenue stream, which came from its certification services and by
licensing the Fair Trade Certified
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Essay The History of Fair Trade
Fair trade can be defined as a social movement thats objective is to help producers in developing
countries make better trading conditions and elevate sustainability. Fair trade is contrasting to the
other trade practices in our world, its about making codes of fairness in the marketplace. The
practice of fair trade seeks to reshape the way we buy and sell products – to verify that all farmers
and skilled workers behind the manufacturing of goods get a better deal. Most people would assume
this as a better means for prices, however can include better and longer lasting relationships. Fair
trade is also about information, having the knowledge as to where are food/products are coming
from, and having the knowledge that all products were ... Show more content on ...
However the fair trade movement was majorly shaped in the years following WWII. The Mennonite
Central Committee and SERRV International were the first in 1946 to develop fair trade supply
chains in developing countries. The products were mostly sold by volunteers in charity stores. North
Americas first fair trade organization started in 1946 also, Ten Thousand Villages. Later in 1988, the
launch of the first fair trade label (Max Havelaar) was created under the initiative of a Dutch
development agency. The Max Havelaar label was further replicated in several markets in Europe
and North America. In 1989 the International Fair Trade Association (IFAT) was the first umbrella
organization to unite and coordinate fair trade business and organizations. They became the first
organization to commit to fair trade 100%. Later in 1997 the Fairtrade International (FLO) was
established, this was the second major umbrella organization for fair trade. However the FLO does
not require fair trade on 100% of its members or products. Later in 2004, Fairtrade international split
into two independent organizations, FLO which sets fair trade standards, and producer support, and
FLO–CERT, which inspects and certifies producer organizations. Today fair trade has developed
into something much more, the global sales have soared over the past decade. This proves that fair
trade is actually making a difference in our world, a little bit at a time.
The fair
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Fair Trade Dbq
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each
have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each
of us will have two ideas. – George Bernard Shaw.
This quote describes how the wise traders thought when trading. They knew that trading a fair trade
wouldn't be as significant as it would with sharing ideas. The effects that occurred in Europe and
began the overseas discoveries and European expansion, started a new and different world. The
Europeans had an easier way of receiving goods, without going through problems. The impact of the
explorers that sailed prior to 1521 from Spain and Portugal, was affected by the Columbian
Exchange. The explorers ... Show more content on ...
Each explorer has contributed to their country advancing the society in multiple ways. Bartholomeu
Dias was a Portuguese explorer that set sail in 1487 to sail northeast into the Indian Ocean. He set
sail with "two small caravels and a slower supply ship." As stated in the textbook American Journey.
After Dias was overseas for a couple days, there was a huge storm lasting two weeks. Throwing
Dias off his original course, the strong winds pushed him southward in sight of land. Dias had
realized that he had sailed past the southernmost point of Africa called a Cape. In 1487,
Bartholomeu Dias also found a direct water route to India providing the Portuguese with another
way of trading food, for different goods. In the Primary Source Packet document 2, it states, "In
1487 Dias sailed to India, finding a direct water route to India forming another trading route for the
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Fair Trade On The Banana Industry
Fair Trade in the Banana Industry
The banana industry has been met with much hardship since its establishment, and Colombia is no
stranger to those hardships. The total production in Colombia is estimated at 95 million boxes a
year, generating around 700 million dollars in 2012. Banana represents 3.0% of Colombia 's total
exports and 6.0% of non–traditional exports, which generates 0.4% of the country 's Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). Colombian banana exporters are the third biggest in Latin America. In 2009,
24.21% of the production was sent to the United States and Canada, 62.26% to the European Union
and 13.55% to other countries. The production of export bananas takes place in two different:
Urabá, and Santa Marta. Between 2009 and 2010, Colombia was reported as the country with the
third highest Fairtrade income, with approximately $62 million USD. In order to maintain a high
form of production, banana farmers would often neglect important matters such as environmental
standards and human working conditions as the path to a cleaner farming and safer working
conditions is not the most cost–effective form of production. However, the integration of fair trade
in the banana world has directly greatly modified the banana industry. Along with the implication of
fair trade the environment has been made one of the top priorities with ensuring farming is done so
by means that will allow the land to regenerate and even to promote healthy environmental
initiatives. The farmers
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Fair Trade vs Free Trade
Fair Trade Versus Free Trade
Cohort 4 believes that fair trade is the most prosperous way to trade with other countries. Both free
trade and fair trade have advantages and disadvantages. The researchers in Cohort 4 have
established a viewpoint regarding fair trade and free trade. Considering the research that the cohort
has conducted, they are in opposition to free trade.
The terms free and fair trade sometimes go hand–in–hand but there are distinct differences between
the two. According to Wikipedia, free trade is a system of trade policy that allows traders to act and
or transact without interference from the government. Free trade implies the trade of goods without
taxes (tarrifs) or other trade barriers such as quotas, subsidies, ... Show more content on ...
Fair Trade's consumer recognition has tripled in the last five years, proving the company's
sustainability in a global market. As of today, this organization works with more than 800 companies
to verify more than 6,000 products as Fair Trade. In 2009, Fair Trade Certified products generated
$1.2 billion in retail sales, indicating their large–scale business practices. The month of October is
themed "Every Purchase Matters" for Fair Trade USA. This annual awareness campaign rings
together a diverse range of corporate, nonprofit, producer and consumer partners with more than 100
events – including fund–raising parties, and promotions across the United States. These events raise
understanding and knowledge of the Fair Trade movement with "social, economic, and
environmental empowerment" for the farming population and consumers all across the globe
(Economics, 2010). In Addition to Fair Trade USA, Cohort 4 believes that the general American
population does not support free trade as well. "NBC news and Wall Street Journal did a poll and the
results were interesting. Sixty nine percent of Americans believe that free trade agreements with
other countries have cost jobs in the United States. While eighteen percent believe that they have
created jobs" (Harwood). During the recession it is easy to see that many Americans are out of work.
Since many products used in the U.S.
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Cafe Campesino: First Organic Fair Trade Organization
Café Campesino was founded in 1998, after Bill Harris traveled to Guatemala with Habitat for
Humanity's Global Village program. The name of Café Campesino actually means in Spanish 'coffee
from a small farmer' Café Campesino resides in Americus, GA. It is a premier roaster, marketer, and
retailer of specialty organic coffee from around the world. The store has less than 15 employees and
from what I can tell through pictures the building is on the smaller side but looks quite cozy and
comfortable. I believe this business has room to grow with the right techniques and could become
dominant over others coffee shop in the area.
Situation Analysis
Café Campesino is the first Organic Fair Trade organization of its kind. They represent ... Show
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There are also barriers keeping Café Campesino from reaching the most of their potential customers
and generating more revenue. There are strengths though that they do have which are that their place
of business is very homey and makes you feel comfortable in the environment, there are many
options to choose from, and they present their core value, vision, and mission very well. There are
also going to be weaknesses along the business and like I mentioned above there are barriers that are
keeping them from getting the most of the customers available. I think another weakness is that
from reading reviews not a lot of people know what it was until they passed by, so maybe they could
consider advertising more and getting their name out there. I also believe another weakness is their
location, and that if they were closer to the college they would see even more
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Fair Trade
Fair Trade: Consumerism for Global Justice
The Fair Trade movement is rapidly becoming an emerging and dynamic strength to respond to the
negative influence of globalization, or rather, to the contemporary international trade injustice.
While on the other hand, there is criticism on fair trade, claiming that fair trade is not fair and it goes
against free market theory. This term paper aims at introducing the development of fair trade,
justifying its economical and ethical significance on the international trade and production chain,
and also reflecting on its limitations from different respective.
The term paper is structured starting from conceptual framework, which focuses on defining the
term of "fair trade", ... Show more content on ...
One set of standards applies to small–scale producers, who don't depend on hired workers all the
time, but run their farm mainly on their own and their family's labour. The other set applies to hired
labors, whose employers pay decent wages, guarantee the right to join trade unions, ensure health
and safety standards and provide adequate housing where relevant.
The Standards Unit (SU) within FLO is responsible for developing and revising fair trade standards.
Fair trade standards refer to: (a) generic standards, (b) product standards, (c) fair trade minimum
prices (FTMP) and fair trade premiums (FTP). Producers and traders must meet applicable standards
for their products to be certified as fair trade.
Fair trade prices
According to fair trade standards, most products have a fair trade price, which is the minimum that
should be paid to the producers for their goods. This fair trade minimum price (FTMP) is intended
to cover the average producers' costs of sustainable production (COSP) per product. If global or
regional minimum prices are determined, otherwise national prices are set. Producers or workers (in
the case of hired labour situations) of fair trade products also receive a fair trade premiums(FTP) in
addition to the minimum price. The determination of a minimum price may involve the
determination of the related premium (Andreas Kratz, 2010).
Impact of fair trade
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Why Consumers Purchase Fair-Trade Products Essay
Fair trade is an initiative that was created by importing organisations in the United States and
Europe with the purpose of fostering inclusion, capacity building as well as equal opportunities for
agricultural and textile producers who had been marginalised in less developed nations (Huybrechts
2012). The whole concept of fair trade has seized the imagination of the public in a remarkable way.
This is evidenced not only by increased sales of products or the rampant acknowledgement of the
trade mark, rather from the almost global recognition and understanding of the term itself as well as
immense advocacy at the grassroots through establishments as fair trade towns.
Fair trade has been defined by major fair–trade ... Show more content on ...
By offering an alternative solution to free trade, fair trade tries to solve the failures of capitalism
such as the information asymmetry and the unequal benefit between stakeholders for trading
partnerships between developing and developing countries. Notably, Consumers appear to apportion
more and more interest in the goods and services they consume. The origin and background of the
products they buy are becoming particularly important to them. This explains the inclination
towards ethical consumption which includes among others the purchase of fair trade products. With
increased availability of trade fair products in mainstream markets ethical consumer choices also
grows. The ability to make a positive impact as a consumer, in partnership with fair trade
organisations is another dimension of fair trade's popularity. With fair trade, the consumers can help
bridge the wealth gap and reach farmers and artisans who need fair trade to survive and thrive.
Ethical consumption of fair trade products
Primarily, as stated by Raynolds, Murray and Wilkinson (2007), "if alternative products (i.e. Fare
Trade) enter existing market circuits, their environmental and social qualities become subordinated
to their price, as occurs with other commodities" (p. 299). Even though the consumers of fair trade
products may be linked with social responsibility, they are equally still largely concerned with issues
such as convenience, quality, aesthetics as
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Fair Trade Coffee
Fair Trade Coffee: Ethics, Religion, and Sustainable Production
Global Marketing Management
International Summer University 2010– WU, Wien
Table of Contents
Introduction 3 Problem Statement 3 The Fair Trade vision 3 Background: The Fair Trade
Foundation 4 Background: Fair Trade Labeling Organization International 4 Fair Trade Mark 4 Fair
Trade Pricing 5 The Fair Trade Premium 5 Question 1. Why should Starbucks, Kraft, and Nestle
create 'ethical supply chains'? 6 Question 2: Do you agree with the finding that few consumers
consider the impact of their purchase decisions on anyone or anything but themselves and their
family? 7 Question 3: What recommendations would you make to help cure the ills of the ... Show
more content on ...
Member organizations now also include Banana Link, Methodist Relief and Development Fund,
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, People & Planet, SCIAF, Shared Interest Foundation,
Soroptimist International, Tearfund and the United Reformed Church. The Foundation is the UK
member of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO), which unites 21 labeling
initiatives across Europe, Japan, North America, Mexico and Australia/New Zealand as well as
networks of producer organizations from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (Fair Trade
Foundation 2010). Fair Trade Labeling was created in the Netherlands in the late 1980s. The Max
Havelaar Foundation launched the first Fair Trade consumer guarantee label in 1988 on coffee
sourced from Mexico (Fair Trade Mark 2010). In the UK, the Fairtrade Foundation was established
in 1992, with the first products to carry the Fair Trade Mark launched in 1994 (Fair Trade Mark
Background: Fair Trade Labeling Organization International
The Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International (FLO) was established in Bonn, Germany to
'unite the labeling initiatives under one umbrella' and to establish worldwide standards and
certification. For a product to display the Fair Trade Mark (FTM), it must meet international
Fairtrade standards, which are set by the international certification body, FLO. These
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Mexico Fair Trade
The present day global capitalist economy dominates world markets and, though it proves efficient
for the industrialized North, it does not favour those living in the Global South. Fair Trade, perhaps
today's largest alternative to this system, has existed since the beginning of the 20th century and has
been challenging capitalism since its inception. What began as missionary efforts exploded in the
1990s to create what we now know as present day Fair Trade operations. Fair Trade Canada defines
Fair Trade as a "system that seeks to change the terms of trade for the products we buy" and ensures
that producers and artisans receive the highest possible price for their products allowing them to
improve their life situations (Fair Trade International, ... Show more content on ...
This, in turn, has had a substantial impact on their environment. By prohibiting GMOs, the producer
eliminates the associated risks. In places that use GMOs, there have been cases of animals growing
ill after consuming the genetically modified products. As well, prohibiting GMOS completely
eliminates the risk of humans growing ill or having allergic reactions to the GMOs. Closely related
to GMOs are agrochemicals, or chemicals that are applied to a product to make it pest–resistant.
These include pesticides and insecticides that are used to prevent insects and other pest from
destroying crops. In the industrialized North, agrochemicals are applied to almost every grown food
product, unless labelled "organic" or stated otherwise. Though not banned, agrochemical use by Fair
Trade producers is discouraged, limited, and when used, handled carefully. The limitation of
agrochemicals positively impacts the environment and reduces health risks to consumers and
producers. In places that use agrochemicals, it is common for run–off water containing these
harmful chemicals to travel from agricultural areas to groundwater which not only contaminates the
ground water but also runs the risk of contaminating larger bodies of water, such as like lakes and
oceans. This poses major health risks for humans drinking the water, and also creates environmental
risks for water–dwelling creatures
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Importance Of Fair Trade Movement
Trade is the act of buying and selling goods and services. This idea of trade became popular
globally, starting the fair trade movement. According to FINE in 2001, fair trade is defined as a
trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks greater equity in
international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to,
and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South (Moore,
Wilkinson, Redfern & Snedker). The fair trade movement originated in the late nineteenth century.
It began as charitable organizations and political solidarity trading with poor communities in the
1940s until it expanded to become a movement in the 1960s–1970s. The movement was officially
created when the leading traders and importers joined forces from multiple different countries. The
movement was created to to import goods for trade. Fair trade organizations (backed by consumers)
are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in
the rules and practice of conventional international trade (Moore 73–74). The importance of the fair
trade movement can be explained by the foundation of the movement, the goals of the movement,
the obstacles of the movement, current organizations who follow the movement, and the overall
movement itself. To begin, the fair trade movement can be understood by its organizations being
divided into four groups called the
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Evolving Trade Policy: The Benefits of 'Fair Trade' Over...
Trade Policy is a crucial part of our society in the United States, along with many others across the
globe, that greatly depend on the profits and materials accessible due to the transfer of goods, ideas,
and other materials between countries. Currently the trade policy that seems to dominate the trade
market is 'Free Trade' which tends to leave the larger, wealthier counties with the most benefits
while the developing countries are struggling to compete due to the lack of materials and workspace.
Gradually withdrawing from Free Trade and expanding the Fair Trade movement that has sparked
up would ultimately provide all people with equal advantages. This policy would put workers and
the environment first and would be focused on dealing ... Show more content on ...
This acts as a safety net for farmers at times when world markets fall below a sustainable level.
Without this, farmers are completely at the mercy of the market. Those who possess
environmentally sustainable practice (farming techniques) would be rewarded and the profits
obtained would be reinvested back into the local community. Knowing these benefits, industries
around the world have already switched over to Fair Trade and the numbers are continuing to grow.
There are now 746 Fair Trade certified producer organizations in 58 producing countries
representing over 1 million farmers and workers (Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International).
The FLO estimates that 5 million people already directly benefit from Fair Trade those of which
include the farming communities throughout the developing world, now benefit from fairer terms of
trade. Unlike before, when under the Free Trade policy, the larger and more established farms would
receive the huge subsidies per year. While the smaller farms, who needed the money most, would be
given a diminutive subsidy which often led the agriculturist to selling their business and acres of
land to survive. Robert Alan, a social activist, said, "The Fair Trade movement is growing as people
realize that they can help alleviate poverty and protect the environment by choosing Fair Trade
products." This statement seems to hold true because sales of Fair Trade products grew by
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What Is Fair Trade?
What is Fair Trade? Fair trade is exactly how it sounds, fair! It 's a global trade model where
products are made by people that are employed in developing countries. The workers are treated
fairly, compensated fairly, and typically run their own business. (If a product is fair trade, it was
NOT made in a sweatshop. So you can sleep soundly at night knowing you are not contributing to
unfair business practices.) Through sustainable employment practices, these farmers, artisans, and
crafters are being lifted out of poverty, permanently. They are able to build and create their own
sustainable business, teaching them how to use the free market to their advatnage. So you can easily
say that fair trade workers positively influence their communities. "With Fair Trade USA, the money
you spend on day–to–day goods can improve an entire community's day–to–day lives." – Fair Trade
Why is it Important? Fair Trade is importnat for many reasons. Fair trade products are a great way to
support local textile and crafting traditions. Every culture does something a little different, and with
globalization, sadly, the world has started streamlining the way we do things and the way we make
our products. Every country and culture has a very special way of doing things, and it is slowly
dissapearing. It is rare to find ancient and traditional craft anymore. Another reason we should care
about fair trade is because its a sustaiable business model. It is buiolt upon a lasting
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Fair Trade Is A Non Profit Based Out Of Oakland California
. What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade is a certification from Fair Trade USA, a non–profit based out of Oakland California, that
certifies that the product you are buying has been made with the utmost social and environmental
responsibility. I.E. that the manufacturer was not abusing their workers or harming the environment
when they make their product. To quote the paper: "As the leading third–party certifier of fair trade
products in North America, FT USA's certification stamp or seal of approval was also more than just
a label; it ensured adherence to a rigorous set of standards so that 'purchases are socially and
environmentally responsible.'" As well as: "FT USA's Fair Trade Certified label was distinctly
focused on empowering 'farmers and workers to fight poverty through trade, and to protect the
Originally it had a focus on coffee, an industry where workers are commonly abused or severely
underpaid. But the certification has since expanded to cover organic, environmental, and certain
company–specific standards for a huge amount of products.
2. How does Fair Trade certification process differ from Utz Certified or others?
Fair Trade extends beyond just setting a few social and environmental standards. The big difference
between Fair Trade and RA or UTZ is the fact that Fair Trade sets a standard for community
empowerment. They demanded specific floor prices, community development premiums, and an
overall empowering structure for farmers and such. The Fair
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Argumentative Essay On Fair Trade
Due to how poorly workers are treated, unions have started to be organized, though they are still
uncommon. People who are planing a union are almost always fired and added to a list that is
accessible to all the free trade zones. The woman interviewed is currently working in a free trade
factory. She was part of a union that was successful and was able to demand a medical clinic, a
person workers could go to with any problems, higher quality safety equipment, subsets for food
and transit, and was not required to work overtime. TheTrans–Pacific Partnership (TPP)– Currently
no workers have a say. I used to think fair trade was a great concept, now I believe there are better
options, like direct trade and whole trade. Though buying fair trade is still a better option than
supporting the free trade industry. My high school used to do a fair trade annual fundraiser, and I
learned about the positives of fair trade, but I never considered the negative aspects. Mike Woodard,
briefly touched upon fair trade. He stated that with a capitalist system, fair trade won't really work.
There are still middlemen who receive a large portion of the profit meaning even though consumers
pay more for fair trade, a lot is still not even reaching the workers. We visited Selva Negra on our
second weekend in Nicaragua. Selva Negra is a german styled mountain resort that is completely
sustainable and the coffee grown on the estate is sold whole trade. They sell a majority of their
coffee to Whole Foods Markets in the US and use the rest in their restaurant. The tour guide
mentioned that Whole Foods has guaranteed to buy a large portion of the coffee produced each
season. Because of this, Selva Negra business doesn't need to worry about networking and finding
multiple businesses to buy their coffee. In addition, because Selva Negra is selling large quantities,
they get a better price for their coffee. Mike Woodard spoke about direct trade and the benefits. He
said that when buying whole trade certified items, there is an assurance of high quality. Another
benefit he mentioned was that whole trade helps create and foster relationships between buyers and
Foreign involvement and grassroots development Involvement can be
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The International Fair Trade Market
worried about the well being of these producers, we need to directly address the imbalances in the
trading process and increase the producer's benefit in fair trade. To do so these producer coops need
to gain a part of the ownership in companies that sell their products in the north consuming markets.
According the Jaffee, through his research and findings, when helping the fair trade coffee bean
producers it untimely comes down to the long–term goal of these companies, if it is to simply
increase their market and gain consumers or to actually transform the international fair trade market.
An example of the northern power Jaffee gave was in a case where they pushed the mass production
of a low–grade level of coffee but ended up failing against the organic fair trade coffee beans, which
lead to the farmers of these low–grade coffees out of the field and into dire poverty. They were
pushed to produce this coffee with not input of their own and it ended up costing them their lively
hood with those that call the shots only feeling a small hit of the impact. 69 percent of the worlds
coffee corporations, which are part of the 'Big Five': Nestlé, Prcot and Gamble, Craft and Sara Lee.
These are the companies that make almost all of the decisions regarding fair trade but they do that
over here, in North American with very little account of how their decision will affect their coffee–
growing partners in the south and much of them honestly don't care. These companies turn huge
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Fair Trade Market Research Assignment

  • 1. Fair Trade Market Research Assignment Fair Trade Research Assignment What is Fair Trade? Fair Trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, Fair Trade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. Fair Trade also ensures that the products being purchased have been grown or created under a hygienic and safe environment. Today, more than six million farmers, producers and growers benefit from the unique Fair Trade system. This scheme provides the farmers and producers with a fair price for the produce helping them to sustain a suitable living. They also receive an additional sum, also known as the Fair Trade Premium, which can be used for social, economic and environmental development in their communities. The developments can include improvements in medical and educational facilities. Fairtrade also prohibits the use of the child labour system. (Fairtrade, 2015) Why was Fair Trade developed? The Fair Trade system's initial purpose is so that farmers in less developed countries earn a higher sustainable price. Sticking to the Fair Trade guidelines means that the farmers receive a better price for their crop and they stand a better chance to make a living. (, 2015) This is also mutually ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Fair Trade Vs. Free Trade Fair Trade vs. Free Trade The economic systems free trade and fair trade in like manner apply Foucault's triangle of power and totalitarian knowledge. Specifically, I will analyze what negative effects the lack of subjugated knowledge causes within these system 's foundations and their future betterment through Foucault's lessons. As a rule, "most of the evil in this world is done by people with the best intentions" (T.S. Eliot). On October 1947, 23 nations in Geneva signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 'GATT'. This liberated international trade and businesses to begin foreign production investing. The aforementioned agreement was tremendous for the economy. Numerous countries are Free Trade countries, including the U.S. Within free trade, goods, capital and services flow unhindered between nations, without barriers, which would hinder the speed of trading processes. There are no earning ceilings; citizens from free trade countries may secure as much money as they have the ability to earn, within the confines of the law. Max Havelaar founded the fair trade model in 1988 under the initiative of the Dutch development agency Solidaridad. And the current face of fair trade, Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International 'FLO ' established in Bonn, Germany with the intention to unite the national Fair trade organizations under one umbrella and to set worldwide standards and certification. Walmart is commonly used to demonstrate the free trade system. Wal–Mart is ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Disadvantages Of Fair Trade Having the privilege to live in a developed country like America has blessed us with an abundance of prospers opportunities, but have we let these opportunities outweigh the Earths health? This question may not be one that can be answered till future time. Accordingly, what we can discuss is how our purchases have a ripple effect on the natural environment and undeveloped cultures in which many times they derived from or are at. With concepts like fair trade and using reusable and sustainable products to help make a healthier and a more just world. Being a conscious consumer currently is no small task, with multiple choices of mega stores filled with products that our most time often than not filled with products that are cheaply produced. Moreover, the big company's give little regard to the producer. This is where the concept of fair trade comes from. In a piece of Harvard's Journal of Economic Perspectives states that "Fair Trade is a labeling initiative aimed at improving the lives of the poor in developing countries by offering better terms to producers and helping them to organize." (Dragusanu, Giovannucci, Nunn, 2014) The article continues to say that "...Fair Trade–certified coffee exports were 1.8 percent of global coffee exports in 2009..." (Dragusanu, Giovannucci, Nunn, 2014) A reason why this percent maybe so small could be due to peoples who make the argument that Fair Trade is not economically sustainable. This meaning that if these producers are underneath the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Disadvantages Of Fair Trade Coffee In Canada, coffee represents 18% of all consumed beverages, making it the second most popular drink in Canada, water being the first. Fair trade coffee ensures that the coffee farmers who produce Canada's second most popular beverage are paid fairly. Fair trade coffee is a partnership that relies on the collaboration of coffee producers, traders, buyers, and consumers to produce equitable and sustainable changes in the way we trade coffee (Liberman, S., R.N. 2008). Fair trade certification was developed in 1988 to guarantee that farmers are paid a stable minimum price for their product and to empower small–scale coffee producers (Cole, N. L., & Brown, K. 2014). However, due to a growing market, fair trade coffee certification is losing sight of its original goal to help create fair trade circumstances for small–scale coffee producers. The "Fair Trade for All" implementation which aims to increase the market for fair trade coffee beans by allowing coffee plantations, who produce large amounts of coffee, to become fair trade certified. However, supply for fair trade coffee is larger than the demand. This makes it much harder for small coffee producers to sell their coffee as they must compete with large coffee plantations who can produce much more coffee, ultimately putting small–scale coffee producers at a disadvantage (Cole, N. L., & Brown, K. 2014). Fair trade certified farmers are paid more for their coffee beans than non–certified farmers, however, fair trade ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Fair Trade In Canada According to Lyon, Bezaury, & Mutersbaugh (2010), Fair–trade is a "process which helps improve the well–being and economic stability of disempowered farmers, by using certified commodity– chains to foster development". For the KHC company, Fair–trade is essential because they want to provide and endorse exceptional coffee beans that they are proud to use; that means, "using coffee that is good and fair for both our coffee drinkers and for farmers are essential" (Kicking Horse Coffee, n.d.). In fact, over the past 20 years, Kicking Horse won numerous awards in many categories, including Canada's Fastest– Growing Companies, Canada's Top Women Entrepreneurs, Canada's Favourite Fair–trade Product and number 15 Best Workplace in Canada (Kicking Horse Coffee, n.d.). ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Fair Trade Of Coffee Introduction and Background: Many Canadians start their day with a cup of coffee, taking for granted how the coffee bean was grown, harvested, packaged and shipped to their coffee provider to then roast and prepare for us to purchase for as little as $1.50 per cup. Today coffee is the most important product in the Fair Trade market affecting over five hundred thousand producers and workers. The Fair Trade label can be traced back to 1988 originating from a church based Non Governmental Organization (NGO) from the Netherlands that began an initiative to ensure coffee growers and pickers would receive sufficient wages for their work. The NGO created the fair trade label called Max Havelaar. Following this, similar organizations followed ... Show more content on ... Environmental impact: Fair trade has been shown to have a positive impact on the environment. In fair trade production, harmful chemicals are prohibited. There is an environmental criteria to ensure all fair trade–certified occupations work towards good environmental practices (Raynolds & Bennett 2015). By practicing safe farming, the health and safety is guaranteed for farm families, workers and the community. Fair trade farmers must participate in a yearly examination to ensure they minimizing their use of agrochemicals and provide a summary on their impacts to the environment. In fair trade production, genetically modified crops are prohibited (Dragusanu et al. 2014). Fair trade has successfully been able to promote more environmentally friendly farming among their certified farmers. This practice supports long term environmental and social sustainability. Bacon et al. (2008) found that "68 percent of Fair Trade farmers had implemented ecological water purification systems, compared to 40 percent for conventional farmers. Moreover, 43 percent of Fair Trade farmers had implemented soil and water conservation practices, while only 10 percent of conventional farmers had done so."(p. 229). Fair trade aims to tackle climate change and reduce as many harmful chemicals as possible. This is made possible by providing farmers with access to organic training that opens the doors to premium markets. This ultimately provides farmers incentives to ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. free trade fair trade "Completely free trade would be fair. 'Fair trade' encourages people to stay in uncompetitive sectors in which they will always be poor." Discuss. The concept of the 'Fair Trade' initiative can be summarised with reasonable simplicity; "Fair Trade works to alleviate poverty in the global South through a strategy of 'trade, not aid,' improving farmer and worker livelihoods through direct sales, better prices and stable market links, as well as support for producer organizations and communities" (Raynolds and Long 2007 16), "promoting a supply chain that delivers value to the producer and buyer more evenly" (Nicholls and Opal, 2004 12). Essentially, it is exchanges, the terms of which meet the demands of justice (Eisenberg 2005). The ... Show more content on ... In such circumstances, free trade is clearly not a balanced trade, and the guarantees that Fair Trade label offers coffee producers; $1.26 per pound (Fair Trade Advocacy Office [FTAO], 2003) with an additional 10% premium for coffee which has been organically certified clearly do offer a lifeline for those potentially at risk of economic as well as physical exploitation. On top of that, such a concept as Fair Trade also pegs coffee value against the dollar, one of the more stable and globally recognised currencies, and considerably less likely to fall victim to extreme devaluation or inflation. Complications do however arise when raising the issue of remaining poor and in uncompetitive sectors, as shall be further discussed in the following paragraph; on one hand free trade can lead to unfair exchange, where as on the other hand fair trade can lead to farmers remaining in poverty due to a lack of inspiration and/or necessity to better ones existence, as long as one is able to feed the family through cultivating a patch of land less than five hectares (2003)one may be less likely to aspire to further gains, thus remaining relatively poor ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Mexican Fair Trade Fair trade is a movement that strives for fair treatment for farmers and it's main goal is to reduce poverty in the developing nations. Fair trade strives for social justice and Brewing Justice analyzes indigenous coffee farmers in Oaxaca, Mexico to see if the fair trade is an important movement for the farmers. We are brought into the households of workers to see the social movements, economic and cultural survival, and environmental effects of fair trade. Author Daniel Jaffee spent months deep in Mexico to see how Fair Trade affected the coffee crops of societies and shares stories of his experiences to help support his claim that Fair Trade is not a solution to the growing numbers of families in poverty who grow coffee. Jaffee tells ... Show more content on ... While this is a true statement, farmers within the fair trade movement suffer more a bigger burden of cost rather than conventional farmers. Jaffee states that within Oaxaca is an organization Michiza Cooperative where farmers achieve higher income, but growing organic coffee leads to higher costs and more time spent on the acreage to develop healthy coffee beans. Figure 16 shows us the most important crops in Oaxaca in 1991 with corn being number 1 and coffee following in a close second (pg 67). Jaffee states that this is a remarkable statistic "...given that coffee is grown in less that one– quarter of the state." (pg 67). This shows that coffee is a very important crop within Oaxaca that farmers rely heavily on for their income. The higher income farmers receive from Michiza Cooperative is being used towards mozo's (hired workers), children's education, etc. The strength of Jaffee's argument becomes more apparent when he gathers a statistic where fair–trade households are losing just as much money as conventional families. He states that "Only twelve of the fifty–one families (he) surveyed..actually had a positive net income in 2002–3" (pg 105). Having no income leads to borrowing more money. Although when farmers belong to a fair trade organization, they don't need to borrow as much as conventional farmers. About 29.2% of fair–trade families have to borrow money each year, wheres 57.1% of conventional farmers borrow money each year (Table 15 pg ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Importance Of Fair Trade Merchandise At Hebden Bridge... In this task I will be examining the interest for and accessibility of Fair trade merchandise in a nearby retail zone in Hebden Bridge and lime square, I have decided to explore these two places as they are contradictory Hebden Bridge located in a rural area and Lime Square located in a non–rural area. Firstly, I am going to discuss moral utilization; Ethical consumerism is purchasing things that are made ethically. For the most part, this implies without mischief to or misuse of people, creatures or the indigenous habitat, or the exploitation of human (sweatshops) in Ledc countries, it additionally implies to Positive purchasing and supporting moral items, and organizations that work on standards and construct to basically bring in light of Benefit for the growth of the world as opposed to self–interest, allowing business self–interest only for the continuation of doing general good for the environment and the primary input workers. It's essential that we start consuming ethical products as there are more positive benefit socially, environmentally and economically for instance, if we start consuming ethical stuff we will be decreasing carbon dioxide that is let in the atmosphere automatically reducing global warming and also stop the use of fossil fuel transportation to send goods to another country. An economic benefit of fair trade goods is that Ledc worker will be able to get fair wages, proper working condition, making the country a more infrastructure area, social ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Does Fair Trade Work No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented. Buying coffee at the local coffee shop down the street, we see the Fair Trade logo and wonder whether ordering Fair Trade coffee rather than conventional coffee really supports farmers in unindustrialized countries. In other words, does Fair Trade work? The Fair Trade initiative aims to improve the living conditions of producers in developing nations. The goals of Fair Trade are to achieve higher prices for producers, greater availability of financing for producers, longer–term and more sustainable buyer–seller relationships, improved social goods and community development, and the use of environmentally friendly production processes. Fair Trade works through a certification ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Literature Review. What Is Fair Trade?. In Recent Years, Literature Review What is Fair Trade? In recent years, there has been a drastic and noticeable change in the perceived need to support laborers in developing areas. The most popular and supported method of doing this is through a system known as "fair trade". The system, simply put, is one created to transfer more profits, and thus a better living, to the workers who make them. This is done through a markup, or premium, in the price of the product (Rios, Finklestein, & Landa, 2014). A large portion of this premium goes to (or at least should) the person who made the good, while another large chunk of it goes towards certification of the fair–trade status of the goods. This leads us to the second part, and arguable detriment, of the ... Show more content on ... The advent of the internet allowed for consumers to become aware of problems beyond their everyday lives, leading to an increase in the empathy and social awareness of the average person. Rather than simply buying the brands that they know and identify with, consumers now felt a need to support disadvantaged laborers, and fair trade goods were the clearest way. Perception of Fair Trade Fair trade is viewed positively by the general public; the intentions mostly come across as altruistic, with the profits from premium prices being used to help laborers. Some are of differing minds on this subject, however. There are those who whole heartedly believe in the cause of fair–trade, believing that hard working artisans deserve a living for their work. They see their position as citizens within developing countries as unfair hindrances, and are willing to pay extra to help relieve some of that burden. There are others, however, who see things differently; they believe that if you cannot succeed in the market based on your own merits, then you do not deserve to succeed, and should find different work. This should, theoretically, lead to a stronger, healthier market that is working at equilibrium. This "survival of the fittest" mentality comes from a mindset that the world is just, and that people generally get what they deserve. This "just world" mind set is ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Fair Trade Coffee Offers a Solution to the Coffee Crisis... Fair Trade Coffee Offers a Solution to the Coffee Crisis When you buy a cup of coffee in Starbucks every morning to keep you awake through the day, do you ever think of the origins of these coffee beans? How much of those three dollars you pay in Starbucks goes to the Farmers? Personally, I'm not a coffee–drinker. But somehow I realize the big sign in front of Java City in the Reitz Union Food Court, which says "Certified Fair Trade Coffee." I'm surprised how few students know what it means. Currently, farmers in Brazil and Vietnam grow the majority of coffee beans. These farmers then sell their beans to the middlemen who pay them low prices–an average of $0.3– 0.4 per pound. The farmers are earning less or even losing for growing ... Show more content on ... As a result, wholesale coffee prices are at their lowest levels in 100 years. Back in 1997, unroasted coffee beans that had a wholesale price of $2 a pound dipped to under 50 cents a pound in 2002, a price below many farmers' production cost. Since farmers couldn't afford the proper working conditions, the beans would be grown using the twelve most health–threatening types of pesticide. Furthermore, "With low prices, farmers tend to reduce inputs and take less care of the trees. In some cases this means that it is easier to cut down forest for plantations rather than care for existing ones," said Néstor Osorio, executive director of the ICO (Roach). The farmers could not afford to improve organic growing conditions and develop higher quality coffee beans. It directly reduces the range of quality and varieties of coffee we are obtaining! According to Liam Brody, a program coordinator for Oxfam America in Boston, the situation was so adverse that "hundreds of thousands of coffee farmers in Africa and Central and South America have lost their jobs as farmland is converted to other agricultural uses such as livestock grazing or the cultivation of illicit drugs"(Roach). To alleviate the coffee crisis, Fair Trade coffee is the most appropriate action. TransFair is the only organization in the United States to determine whether or not coffee beans meet fair trade standards– "an importer must meet stringent international criteria; paying a minimum price per ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Fair Trade And Its Effects On Society Fair Trade Who am I? I work around twelve to fourteen hours every single day, I make barely enough money to survive, I work in some of the most dangerous conditions in the world, and I am exploited based on the poverty I live in. I am a garment worker in a developing country. While most people would assume that this describes slaves a long time ago, this is actually a current issue that we have a much greater impact on than we may realize. When we purchase clothing from stores such as H&M or Forever 21, with every dollar tank top, or a cheap pair of jeans we purchase, we are encouraging this sort of modern day slavery. The label for Fair Trade was created in 1988, and over the years, the certification has changed rapidly and now there are a number of standards companies have to abide by to achieve the Fair Trade label. Due to this, consumers are now guaranteed of the morality of the product (Marcovitz page 27). The book Fair Trade describes what Fair Trade really stands for by saying, "Fair Trade displays a radical shift in trade policy by using morality instead of personal and corporate gain as the motive in the world economy" (Fair Trade page 1). This means that instead of getting wealthy being the main goal for the entrepreneurs at the top of companies, the goal is to help workers and make the world a more fair place. They do this by paying a living wage to their employees, giving them contractual rights, giving them a reasonable amount of hours, and countless other of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Essay on Fair Trade Business Plan Fair Trade Business Plan Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 Company Vision 3 Product/Service Description 3.1 Products 3.2 Services 4 Industry Analysis 4.1 Industry Overview 4.2 Company Niche 5 Competition Analysis 5.1 Direct Competition 5.2 Indirect Competition 5.3 SWOT Analysis 6 Marketing Plan 6.1 Target Market Demographic 6.2 Pricing Strategy 6.3 Advertising 6.4 Public Relations and Promotion 6.5 Market Research 7 Operations Plan 7.1 Location 7.2 Equipment 7.3 Purchasing Policies & Quality Control 7.4 Staffing and Training 8 Conclusion 1 Executive Summary This business plan proposes ... Show more content on ... Honey, marmalade, preserves, chocolate spread, jam and chutney. Nuts & snacks, including flapjacks, muesli, chocolate biscuits & shortbread, seasonal cakes i.e. Christmas, and cereal bars.
  • 28. Brown and white organic Basmati rice, and Quinoa, a type of grain. Wines & spirits – including red wine, white wine, white rum, chocolate liqueur, coffee liqueur. Premium hamper baskets, in various sizes using products from the shop's range. Non–food items will include: Sports balls, including footballs, rugby and basketballs. Fair Trade paper and paper based products. A small range of male and female fashion t–shirts made from certified Fair Trade cotton, from the labels Epona and Conkers. A cotton shopping bag will be a key sale item, encouraged as a replacement for plastic bags. Books on Fair Trade and related issues. 3.2 Services To support the wide range of products on sale, a key selling point will be the personal advice and information that can be given on the products, exactly where in the world they have come from and who produced them. This gives the customers confidence to buy into the Fair Trade ideals and encourage repeat purchase in this shop above others. Information leaflets on the products and the various Fair Trade organisations, along with guidance on where to go for further information, will back this up. The Internet website will inform customers in the same way and provide links to the best Fair Trade information ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Coffee Is Not Fair Trade Coffee is one of the most profitable and most traded commodities on the planet. It is second in trade to that of oil and gas. There are so many issues that surround this product, otherwise known as black gold. Coffee growers typically only get around three cents from over $1.50 cup of coffee that is sold in the United States. The world surrounding coffee is not fair. There are so many problems that arise because of its lack of fair trade. According to the United Nations, women do around two thirds of the work are only rewarded five percent of the world's income and own less than one percent of the world's real property. Coffee is a luxury food that many people take for granted and because of that, a large portion of coffee growers and their workers are exploited leading to the lack of fair trade. Coffee is cultivated in more than eighty countries in Central and South America, Africa and Asia and it cultivates the lives of around 20–25 million farming families. Smallholder coffee farms, combined with their families and rural workers produce over seventy percent of this labor. Most rural women around the work are farmers. This is how they put food on the table for their families and it is estimated that women produce between 60 and 80 percent of the food in most developing countries and are responsible for about half of the world's food production. In the world of coffee, women carry out more than 70 percent of the work that is put into coffee production. Around 20 percent ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. What Is Fair Trade? What is Fair Trade? According to Dolan (2007) "The fair–trade movement is founded on a 'politics of reconnection' (Hartwick 1998:433) between Northern consumers and their Southern brethren, enabling the latter to receive a fair return for their work and decent working and living conditions through equitable trade" (p. 245). In other words, it is a movement that connects consumers of developed countries to producers in developing countries through a system of exchange to help to promote better working conditions for the workers in developing countries. Fair Trade products usually cost more than regular products, but the producers of these products are provided with better working conditions. The major purpose of Fair Trade does not focus on the minimization of costs as otherwise could be observed in the practice of today's market, but rather it focuses on saving lives and environment. In other words, the purpose of Fair Trade is to create social relationships between the parties of exchange that are not based on the drive of materiality, but are based on promotion of 'social justice' (e.g. better working conditions for the workers in developing countries). In this paper, I will outline four major benefits of Fair Trade consisted of self–formation of consumers, recreation of social and economic ties, opportunity for consumers to help out workers in developing countries and establishment of personal relationships between consumers and producers. Three major problems associated ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Importance Of The Fair Trade Movement The movement I chose to research was the Fair–Trade Movement. The main goal of the Fair–Trade Movement is to provide support to allow workers and farmers in local communities to not get overshadowed or taken advantage of by large corporations and be provided with sustainable and reasonable working conditions. Fairtrade is important as it is used to help improve the lives and communities of producers that are small scale. Furthermore, Fairtrade is more than just trading goods "It highlights the need for change in the rules and practice of conventional trade and shows how a successful business can also put people first. It is a tangible contribution to the fight against poverty, climate change and economic crisis" (World Fair Trade Organization). The key values of the Fairtrade movement include five values that the Fair–Trade Movement are committed to which are: People First, Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and Passion (Fair–Trade Canada). In terms of people, the Fairtrade movement focuses their goal around promoting and improving the wellbeing of people such as farmers, workers and other members of small scale, or local businesses. Secondly, for integrity they try to be as "honest, ethical and transparent as possible as they are accountable to their stakeholders" (Fair–Trade Canada). Third, respect is a key value to the Fairtrade movement as they want to collaborate and work with diverse groups who share similar values as the movement. Finally, passion is their last key value ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Fair Trade Ethnoscapes Fair Trade has been a buzz word in the world lately with the movement towards human rights. It's important to note that technoscapes and ethnoscapes have played big factors in this movement and spread of ethical goods. Global consumption of coffee in the past two years has been lead in this order from Europe, Asia and Oceania, North America, South America, Africa, and Central America and Mexico ("Trade Statistics Table", 2017). A big reason why fair trade has spread globally is because of ethnoscapes, the movement of culture and people across borders. When people travel to different areas in the coffee belt, they used to see the abuse of human labor, poor working conditions, child workers, and that these farmers were not able to make much money ... Show more content on ... Along with the second biggest part of the equation are the consumers of the products, not only the countries that import the goods. In the last six months, the European Union fluctuated, but did not falter being the leading importer of coffee with 9,994 units in july 2017, 10,439 units in September 2017, and 9,509 units in December of 2017. The United States imported 2,453 units in July 2017, 2,255 units in September 2017, and 2,328 units in December 2017. Japan imported 580 units in July 2017, 607 units in September 2017, and 460 units in December 2017. The Russian Federation imported 476 units in July 2017, 446 units in September 2017, and 467 units in December 2017. All units in thousand 60 kilogram bags ("Trade Statistics Table"). Within the European Union is the biggest coffee market as well as the oldest coffee market, which are the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Both countries' fair trade sales increased by 24% in 2011 and continue to increase as more producers become Fair Trade certified (Ladhari,2015). The United States fair trade sales increased by 12% in that same year. While these statistics were acquired, it was also noted about the consumer's purchasing trends compared to their personal values. According to Pelsmaker, consumers' ideal purchasing trends are not completely reflective of their actual buying behavior (Pelsmacker, 2005). Therefore, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Is Fair Trade Organization? Merriam–Webster defines fair trade as "a movement whose goal is to help producers in developing countries to get a fair price for their products so as to reduce poverty, provide for the ethical treatment of workers and farmers, and promote environmentally sustainable practices" (Merriam– Webster, 2016). Although the endeavor of Fair Trade is defined as one to aid producers in developing countries, some results have not proven to align with the goals of improving the social, working, and living conditions in third world countries. The ideal process of fair trade begins with the producer in a developing country of a product (like coffee, vanilla, or chocolate). The producer must become fair trade certified to enter the market, and must meet producer standards implemented by the Fair Trade Organization, then the producer can sell their product in bulk to a buyer, exporter or importer. The buyer, exporter , or importer must also become fair trade certified and meet trader standards. They will pay the producer at least the least possible price for the Fair Trade product agreed upon through a process of consulting with Fair Trade producers and buyers, plus a premium which is allotted to a fund for farmers and workers to improve living conditions in their community. The bulk product is then sold to a manufacturer, held to trader standards as well, who offer the final product to a brand owner. The brand owner must have a license to use the Fair Trade mark on their packaging before ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Coffee Crisis: Is Fair Trade The Solution? "One fifth of the world's humanity lives in countries where many people think nothing of spending $2 a day on a cappuccino. Another fifth of humanity survive on less than $1 a day" (People & Planet, 2015). Unnoticed by many Americans, and according to the National Coffee Association, humans are working in countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, and the Ivory Coast, (participle) (n.d) under the scorching sun, more than twelve hours a day harvesting coffee beans, receiving a paycheck so little it cannot even cover the expenses of education or health care. Workers from African countries are forced to work in conditions that are unjust, living on less than a dollar a day, many devoting their time to harvesting the coffee bean. Workers are hyper–dependent ... Show more content on ... Most coffee growing regions are also home to some of the most delicate ecosystems on earth, therefore it is imperative that the money being profited from this luxurious treat is trickling its way back down to support, not only the workers, but the environment as well. Unfortunately, it has not. In an article titled, "How Green is You Coffee?" writer Michael Jenner clearly depicts just what exactly is happening and how it is hurting our planet earth. "The biggest source of environmental damage where coffee is concerned comes during the production of the beans themselves. The global surge in demand has had a profound effect on the growing methods used with massive implications on sustainability" (2015.) The use of shaded canopy trees allowed the beans to grow naturally and provide a habitat for indigenous species. It also prevented topsoil erosion and erased the need for any use of chemical fertilizer. As soon as market demands grew this organic growing process soon changed to a quicker and more profitable form of agriculture better knows an 'sun cultivation.' "Originating in the 1970s, sun–grown coffee is produced in plantations, with no forested canopy, which has resulted in fertilizers becoming a necessity and has had a seriously detrimental effect on biodiversity" (Jenner 2015). WWF recently made the ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Fair Trade Is An Organized Social Movement Introduction: Fair trade is an organized social movement. Its goal is to carry out trade under commercial agreements where producers achieve better trading conditions and sustainability by setting minimum prices at which distributors can sell their products. The movement is focused mainly on products that are made and exported from developing nations to developed ones. Most commonly products and commodities such as coffee, sugar, tea, honey, cotton, cocoa, gold and fruits etc from countries like India, Brazil, Sri Lanka and African nations. The following report looks at what the concept of Fair Trade means and the impact that it has on producers, communities and the environment. It then proceeds on to the demographics regarding consumers of fair trade products, who they are and what sort of products do they prefer most. It shall look at why they do or do not opt for fair trade products and will provide advice to retailers on how to improve sales of fair trade goods with a recommendation at end for people on how to do their part in promoting the fair trade cause. According to; " Fair–trade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. It's about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work." People buy fair trade products as they cut the middleman. This means that when we buy a ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. International Movement: Fair Trade Analysis Previously known and described as 'alternative development', Fair Trade is an international movement which seeks global social justice, economic justice and environmental sustainability through the workings of the market. (Lyon and Moberg 2010) Addressing injustice has never been more important as many have worked hard to convey information of the social conditions under which goods we consume are produced, and the people who produce them for a fairer trade between producers and consumers regardless of where we come from, where we are, and what we do. (Jaffee 2007) In this essay, I will analyse the Fair Trade movement firstly in terms of the world systems theory, and then in terms of the world polity theory. I will then discuss and justify ... Show more content on ... Secondly, there is the semi–periphery, made up of states vulnerable to exploitation by the core with the ability to play a role in exploiting peripheral areas. Lastly there is the periphery; consisting of least developed states and exploited by the core for its cheap labour, raw materials and agricultural production. (Halsall 2007) (World–Systems Theory 2014) Driven by the capitalist accumulation and geopolitics where countries and corporations compete for power and wealth, international division of labour has resulted in different categories and regions rewarded differently and surplus flowing disproportionately to the core resulting in great disparities and contributing towards greater inequality between the global north and the global south, leading to a rise in anti–systemic movements contesting the forces of neoliberal globalisation. (Chase–Dunn 2001) (Skocpol 1977) (Smith and Wiest 2012) The development of Fair Trade as a movement seeking more socially just and environmentally responsible trade relations emphasizes the problems the world–system has with its different categories with the international division of labour. (Jaffee 2007) As there is a great inequality between the global north and south in terms of trade relations as the core benefits the most from ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Fair Trade In Australia Australian Government is currently apart of nine Fair Trade Agreements (FTAs), soon to become ten, which all play parts in ensuring that trading nationally and internationally is ethical and respectful of individual's human rights. Australia is also a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), an international organisation that provides a forum for countries to negotiate their issues regarding trade and fair trade. All of the FTAs were therefore supported by and fit under the main principles of the WTO. The main benefits of fair trade and, thus, the WTO's work, is that it ensures that products have been sourced ethically and makes it quite simple for consumers to check if their products are sourced ethically. Of course despite this, many ... Show more content on ... FairTrade products aren't necessarily always more expensive than their alternatives, but quite often they are. This can be quite unfortunate for people who want to support ethically sourced products but cannot spare the extra money and must settle for the alternative. FairTrade attempts to minimize this effect in many ways, for example, they deal directly with the farmers and skip any middle–men who would bump the price to make more profit. This isn't always effective though, and supermarkets and other stores often raise prices higher than they should. Cocoa is once again a very good example of this, with chocolate's bearing the FairTrade mark almost always costing more, making it much less likely to be purchased. The difference in prices are very often the reason behind people not supporting FairTrade, preventing its growth and therefore equality for all. The Australian Government has signed many Fair Trade Agreements with various countries and has joined the World Trade Organisation, who has assisted with the negotiations for these FTAs. The involvement in the WTO has resulted in many actions within Australia to promote fair and equal trading, such as the government giving subsidies to various producers, as well as products being marked with the FairTrade symbol, making it easy for customers to ensure that their products have been ethically ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Fair Trade Inc. Usa This case talks about Fair Trade USA which is one of the leading certifier of fair trade products in North America. Fair Trade USA was founded by Paul Rice in 1998. From a non profit organization, Fair Trade USA growth has been phenomenal. Initially after first year of its inception, it started certifying one million pounds of coffee. Today it is certifying more than 1 billion pounds of coffee per day. Ft USA got into valuable partnerships with Starbucks, Pepsi co, Whole foods and others and received 55 % brand recognition amongst its consumers in USA. Though the growth looks tremendous, FT USA currently certifies less than 6 % of all coffee consumed in the U.S. Rice has then thought how the 10 million dollar non profit should proceed over the next decade. So Ft USA oriented itself towards the pursuit of deep and effective social impact with real market penetration that will better match its existing widespread consumer brand recognition. FT USA benefitted over seven million people in developing countries and helped rural families who were in poverty. FT USA ensured that its label means ensured strict adherence to a rigorous set of standards that serve to inform the customers that certified products are socially and environmentally responsible. As a social enterprise, FT USA early on had sought to reduce dependency on grants and donations by first building a strong earned revenue stream, which came from its certification services and by licensing the Fair Trade Certified ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Essay The History of Fair Trade Fair trade can be defined as a social movement thats objective is to help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and elevate sustainability. Fair trade is contrasting to the other trade practices in our world, its about making codes of fairness in the marketplace. The practice of fair trade seeks to reshape the way we buy and sell products – to verify that all farmers and skilled workers behind the manufacturing of goods get a better deal. Most people would assume this as a better means for prices, however can include better and longer lasting relationships. Fair trade is also about information, having the knowledge as to where are food/products are coming from, and having the knowledge that all products were ... Show more content on ... However the fair trade movement was majorly shaped in the years following WWII. The Mennonite Central Committee and SERRV International were the first in 1946 to develop fair trade supply chains in developing countries. The products were mostly sold by volunteers in charity stores. North Americas first fair trade organization started in 1946 also, Ten Thousand Villages. Later in 1988, the launch of the first fair trade label (Max Havelaar) was created under the initiative of a Dutch development agency. The Max Havelaar label was further replicated in several markets in Europe and North America. In 1989 the International Fair Trade Association (IFAT) was the first umbrella organization to unite and coordinate fair trade business and organizations. They became the first organization to commit to fair trade 100%. Later in 1997 the Fairtrade International (FLO) was established, this was the second major umbrella organization for fair trade. However the FLO does not require fair trade on 100% of its members or products. Later in 2004, Fairtrade international split into two independent organizations, FLO which sets fair trade standards, and producer support, and FLO–CERT, which inspects and certifies producer organizations. Today fair trade has developed into something much more, the global sales have soared over the past decade. This proves that fair trade is actually making a difference in our world, a little bit at a time. The fair ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Fair Trade Dbq If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. – George Bernard Shaw. This quote describes how the wise traders thought when trading. They knew that trading a fair trade wouldn't be as significant as it would with sharing ideas. The effects that occurred in Europe and began the overseas discoveries and European expansion, started a new and different world. The Europeans had an easier way of receiving goods, without going through problems. The impact of the explorers that sailed prior to 1521 from Spain and Portugal, was affected by the Columbian Exchange. The explorers ... Show more content on ... Each explorer has contributed to their country advancing the society in multiple ways. Bartholomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer that set sail in 1487 to sail northeast into the Indian Ocean. He set sail with "two small caravels and a slower supply ship." As stated in the textbook American Journey. After Dias was overseas for a couple days, there was a huge storm lasting two weeks. Throwing Dias off his original course, the strong winds pushed him southward in sight of land. Dias had realized that he had sailed past the southernmost point of Africa called a Cape. In 1487, Bartholomeu Dias also found a direct water route to India providing the Portuguese with another way of trading food, for different goods. In the Primary Source Packet document 2, it states, "In 1487 Dias sailed to India, finding a direct water route to India forming another trading route for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Fair Trade On The Banana Industry Fair Trade in the Banana Industry The banana industry has been met with much hardship since its establishment, and Colombia is no stranger to those hardships. The total production in Colombia is estimated at 95 million boxes a year, generating around 700 million dollars in 2012. Banana represents 3.0% of Colombia 's total exports and 6.0% of non–traditional exports, which generates 0.4% of the country 's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Colombian banana exporters are the third biggest in Latin America. In 2009, 24.21% of the production was sent to the United States and Canada, 62.26% to the European Union and 13.55% to other countries. The production of export bananas takes place in two different: Urabá, and Santa Marta. Between 2009 and 2010, Colombia was reported as the country with the third highest Fairtrade income, with approximately $62 million USD. In order to maintain a high form of production, banana farmers would often neglect important matters such as environmental standards and human working conditions as the path to a cleaner farming and safer working conditions is not the most cost–effective form of production. However, the integration of fair trade in the banana world has directly greatly modified the banana industry. Along with the implication of fair trade the environment has been made one of the top priorities with ensuring farming is done so by means that will allow the land to regenerate and even to promote healthy environmental initiatives. The farmers ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Fair Trade vs Free Trade Fair Trade Versus Free Trade Cohort 4 believes that fair trade is the most prosperous way to trade with other countries. Both free trade and fair trade have advantages and disadvantages. The researchers in Cohort 4 have established a viewpoint regarding fair trade and free trade. Considering the research that the cohort has conducted, they are in opposition to free trade. The terms free and fair trade sometimes go hand–in–hand but there are distinct differences between the two. According to Wikipedia, free trade is a system of trade policy that allows traders to act and or transact without interference from the government. Free trade implies the trade of goods without taxes (tarrifs) or other trade barriers such as quotas, subsidies, ... Show more content on ... Fair Trade's consumer recognition has tripled in the last five years, proving the company's sustainability in a global market. As of today, this organization works with more than 800 companies to verify more than 6,000 products as Fair Trade. In 2009, Fair Trade Certified products generated $1.2 billion in retail sales, indicating their large–scale business practices. The month of October is themed "Every Purchase Matters" for Fair Trade USA. This annual awareness campaign rings together a diverse range of corporate, nonprofit, producer and consumer partners with more than 100 events – including fund–raising parties, and promotions across the United States. These events raise understanding and knowledge of the Fair Trade movement with "social, economic, and environmental empowerment" for the farming population and consumers all across the globe (Economics, 2010). In Addition to Fair Trade USA, Cohort 4 believes that the general American population does not support free trade as well. "NBC news and Wall Street Journal did a poll and the results were interesting. Sixty nine percent of Americans believe that free trade agreements with other countries have cost jobs in the United States. While eighteen percent believe that they have created jobs" (Harwood). During the recession it is easy to see that many Americans are out of work. Since many products used in the U.S. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Cafe Campesino: First Organic Fair Trade Organization Café Campesino was founded in 1998, after Bill Harris traveled to Guatemala with Habitat for Humanity's Global Village program. The name of Café Campesino actually means in Spanish 'coffee from a small farmer' Café Campesino resides in Americus, GA. It is a premier roaster, marketer, and retailer of specialty organic coffee from around the world. The store has less than 15 employees and from what I can tell through pictures the building is on the smaller side but looks quite cozy and comfortable. I believe this business has room to grow with the right techniques and could become dominant over others coffee shop in the area. Situation Analysis Environment Café Campesino is the first Organic Fair Trade organization of its kind. They represent ... Show more content on ... There are also barriers keeping Café Campesino from reaching the most of their potential customers and generating more revenue. There are strengths though that they do have which are that their place of business is very homey and makes you feel comfortable in the environment, there are many options to choose from, and they present their core value, vision, and mission very well. There are also going to be weaknesses along the business and like I mentioned above there are barriers that are keeping them from getting the most of the customers available. I think another weakness is that from reading reviews not a lot of people know what it was until they passed by, so maybe they could consider advertising more and getting their name out there. I also believe another weakness is their location, and that if they were closer to the college they would see even more ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Fair Trade Fair Trade: Consumerism for Global Justice Introduction The Fair Trade movement is rapidly becoming an emerging and dynamic strength to respond to the negative influence of globalization, or rather, to the contemporary international trade injustice. While on the other hand, there is criticism on fair trade, claiming that fair trade is not fair and it goes against free market theory. This term paper aims at introducing the development of fair trade, justifying its economical and ethical significance on the international trade and production chain, and also reflecting on its limitations from different respective. The term paper is structured starting from conceptual framework, which focuses on defining the term of "fair trade", ... Show more content on ... One set of standards applies to small–scale producers, who don't depend on hired workers all the time, but run their farm mainly on their own and their family's labour. The other set applies to hired labors, whose employers pay decent wages, guarantee the right to join trade unions, ensure health and safety standards and provide adequate housing where relevant. The Standards Unit (SU) within FLO is responsible for developing and revising fair trade standards. Fair trade standards refer to: (a) generic standards, (b) product standards, (c) fair trade minimum prices (FTMP) and fair trade premiums (FTP). Producers and traders must meet applicable standards for their products to be certified as fair trade. Fair trade prices According to fair trade standards, most products have a fair trade price, which is the minimum that should be paid to the producers for their goods. This fair trade minimum price (FTMP) is intended to cover the average producers' costs of sustainable production (COSP) per product. If global or regional minimum prices are determined, otherwise national prices are set. Producers or workers (in the case of hired labour situations) of fair trade products also receive a fair trade premiums(FTP) in addition to the minimum price. The determination of a minimum price may involve the determination of the related premium (Andreas Kratz, 2010). Impact of fair trade
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  • 63. Why Consumers Purchase Fair-Trade Products Essay Introduction Fair trade is an initiative that was created by importing organisations in the United States and Europe with the purpose of fostering inclusion, capacity building as well as equal opportunities for agricultural and textile producers who had been marginalised in less developed nations (Huybrechts 2012). The whole concept of fair trade has seized the imagination of the public in a remarkable way. This is evidenced not only by increased sales of products or the rampant acknowledgement of the trade mark, rather from the almost global recognition and understanding of the term itself as well as immense advocacy at the grassroots through establishments as fair trade towns. Fair trade has been defined by major fair–trade ... Show more content on ... By offering an alternative solution to free trade, fair trade tries to solve the failures of capitalism such as the information asymmetry and the unequal benefit between stakeholders for trading partnerships between developing and developing countries. Notably, Consumers appear to apportion more and more interest in the goods and services they consume. The origin and background of the products they buy are becoming particularly important to them. This explains the inclination towards ethical consumption which includes among others the purchase of fair trade products. With increased availability of trade fair products in mainstream markets ethical consumer choices also grows. The ability to make a positive impact as a consumer, in partnership with fair trade organisations is another dimension of fair trade's popularity. With fair trade, the consumers can help bridge the wealth gap and reach farmers and artisans who need fair trade to survive and thrive. Ethical consumption of fair trade products Primarily, as stated by Raynolds, Murray and Wilkinson (2007), "if alternative products (i.e. Fare Trade) enter existing market circuits, their environmental and social qualities become subordinated to their price, as occurs with other commodities" (p. 299). Even though the consumers of fair trade products may be linked with social responsibility, they are equally still largely concerned with issues such as convenience, quality, aesthetics as ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fair Trade Coffee Fair Trade Coffee: Ethics, Religion, and Sustainable Production Global Marketing Management International Summer University 2010– WU, Wien Table of Contents Introduction 3 Problem Statement 3 The Fair Trade vision 3 Background: The Fair Trade Foundation 4 Background: Fair Trade Labeling Organization International 4 Fair Trade Mark 4 Fair Trade Pricing 5 The Fair Trade Premium 5 Question 1. Why should Starbucks, Kraft, and Nestle create 'ethical supply chains'? 6 Question 2: Do you agree with the finding that few consumers consider the impact of their purchase decisions on anyone or anything but themselves and their family? 7 Question 3: What recommendations would you make to help cure the ills of the ... Show more content on ... Member organizations now also include Banana Link, Methodist Relief and Development Fund, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, People & Planet, SCIAF, Shared Interest Foundation, Soroptimist International, Tearfund and the United Reformed Church. The Foundation is the UK member of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO), which unites 21 labeling initiatives across Europe, Japan, North America, Mexico and Australia/New Zealand as well as networks of producer organizations from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (Fair Trade Foundation 2010). Fair Trade Labeling was created in the Netherlands in the late 1980s. The Max Havelaar Foundation launched the first Fair Trade consumer guarantee label in 1988 on coffee sourced from Mexico (Fair Trade Mark 2010). In the UK, the Fairtrade Foundation was established in 1992, with the first products to carry the Fair Trade Mark launched in 1994 (Fair Trade Mark 2010). Background: Fair Trade Labeling Organization International The Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International (FLO) was established in Bonn, Germany to 'unite the labeling initiatives under one umbrella' and to establish worldwide standards and certification. For a product to display the Fair Trade Mark (FTM), it must meet international Fairtrade standards, which are set by the international certification body, FLO. These ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Mexico Fair Trade The present day global capitalist economy dominates world markets and, though it proves efficient for the industrialized North, it does not favour those living in the Global South. Fair Trade, perhaps today's largest alternative to this system, has existed since the beginning of the 20th century and has been challenging capitalism since its inception. What began as missionary efforts exploded in the 1990s to create what we now know as present day Fair Trade operations. Fair Trade Canada defines Fair Trade as a "system that seeks to change the terms of trade for the products we buy" and ensures that producers and artisans receive the highest possible price for their products allowing them to improve their life situations (Fair Trade International, ... Show more content on ... This, in turn, has had a substantial impact on their environment. By prohibiting GMOs, the producer eliminates the associated risks. In places that use GMOs, there have been cases of animals growing ill after consuming the genetically modified products. As well, prohibiting GMOS completely eliminates the risk of humans growing ill or having allergic reactions to the GMOs. Closely related to GMOs are agrochemicals, or chemicals that are applied to a product to make it pest–resistant. These include pesticides and insecticides that are used to prevent insects and other pest from destroying crops. In the industrialized North, agrochemicals are applied to almost every grown food product, unless labelled "organic" or stated otherwise. Though not banned, agrochemical use by Fair Trade producers is discouraged, limited, and when used, handled carefully. The limitation of agrochemicals positively impacts the environment and reduces health risks to consumers and producers. In places that use agrochemicals, it is common for run–off water containing these harmful chemicals to travel from agricultural areas to groundwater which not only contaminates the ground water but also runs the risk of contaminating larger bodies of water, such as like lakes and oceans. This poses major health risks for humans drinking the water, and also creates environmental risks for water–dwelling creatures ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Importance Of Fair Trade Movement Trade is the act of buying and selling goods and services. This idea of trade became popular globally, starting the fair trade movement. According to FINE in 2001, fair trade is defined as a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South (Moore, Wilkinson, Redfern & Snedker). The fair trade movement originated in the late nineteenth century. It began as charitable organizations and political solidarity trading with poor communities in the 1940s until it expanded to become a movement in the 1960s–1970s. The movement was officially created when the leading traders and importers joined forces from multiple different countries. The movement was created to to import goods for trade. Fair trade organizations (backed by consumers) are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade (Moore 73–74). The importance of the fair trade movement can be explained by the foundation of the movement, the goals of the movement, the obstacles of the movement, current organizations who follow the movement, and the overall movement itself. To begin, the fair trade movement can be understood by its organizations being divided into four groups called the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Evolving Trade Policy: The Benefits of 'Fair Trade' Over... Trade Policy is a crucial part of our society in the United States, along with many others across the globe, that greatly depend on the profits and materials accessible due to the transfer of goods, ideas, and other materials between countries. Currently the trade policy that seems to dominate the trade market is 'Free Trade' which tends to leave the larger, wealthier counties with the most benefits while the developing countries are struggling to compete due to the lack of materials and workspace. Gradually withdrawing from Free Trade and expanding the Fair Trade movement that has sparked up would ultimately provide all people with equal advantages. This policy would put workers and the environment first and would be focused on dealing ... Show more content on ... This acts as a safety net for farmers at times when world markets fall below a sustainable level. Without this, farmers are completely at the mercy of the market. Those who possess environmentally sustainable practice (farming techniques) would be rewarded and the profits obtained would be reinvested back into the local community. Knowing these benefits, industries around the world have already switched over to Fair Trade and the numbers are continuing to grow. There are now 746 Fair Trade certified producer organizations in 58 producing countries representing over 1 million farmers and workers (Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International). The FLO estimates that 5 million people already directly benefit from Fair Trade those of which include the farming communities throughout the developing world, now benefit from fairer terms of trade. Unlike before, when under the Free Trade policy, the larger and more established farms would receive the huge subsidies per year. While the smaller farms, who needed the money most, would be given a diminutive subsidy which often led the agriculturist to selling their business and acres of land to survive. Robert Alan, a social activist, said, "The Fair Trade movement is growing as people realize that they can help alleviate poverty and protect the environment by choosing Fair Trade products." This statement seems to hold true because sales of Fair Trade products grew by ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. What Is Fair Trade? What is Fair Trade? Fair trade is exactly how it sounds, fair! It 's a global trade model where products are made by people that are employed in developing countries. The workers are treated fairly, compensated fairly, and typically run their own business. (If a product is fair trade, it was NOT made in a sweatshop. So you can sleep soundly at night knowing you are not contributing to unfair business practices.) Through sustainable employment practices, these farmers, artisans, and crafters are being lifted out of poverty, permanently. They are able to build and create their own sustainable business, teaching them how to use the free market to their advatnage. So you can easily say that fair trade workers positively influence their communities. "With Fair Trade USA, the money you spend on day–to–day goods can improve an entire community's day–to–day lives." – Fair Trade USA Why is it Important? Fair Trade is importnat for many reasons. Fair trade products are a great way to support local textile and crafting traditions. Every culture does something a little different, and with globalization, sadly, the world has started streamlining the way we do things and the way we make our products. Every country and culture has a very special way of doing things, and it is slowly dissapearing. It is rare to find ancient and traditional craft anymore. Another reason we should care about fair trade is because its a sustaiable business model. It is buiolt upon a lasting ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Fair Trade Is A Non Profit Based Out Of Oakland California . What is Fair Trade? Fair Trade is a certification from Fair Trade USA, a non–profit based out of Oakland California, that certifies that the product you are buying has been made with the utmost social and environmental responsibility. I.E. that the manufacturer was not abusing their workers or harming the environment when they make their product. To quote the paper: "As the leading third–party certifier of fair trade products in North America, FT USA's certification stamp or seal of approval was also more than just a label; it ensured adherence to a rigorous set of standards so that 'purchases are socially and environmentally responsible.'" As well as: "FT USA's Fair Trade Certified label was distinctly focused on empowering 'farmers and workers to fight poverty through trade, and to protect the environment.'" Originally it had a focus on coffee, an industry where workers are commonly abused or severely underpaid. But the certification has since expanded to cover organic, environmental, and certain company–specific standards for a huge amount of products. 2. How does Fair Trade certification process differ from Utz Certified or others? Fair Trade extends beyond just setting a few social and environmental standards. The big difference between Fair Trade and RA or UTZ is the fact that Fair Trade sets a standard for community empowerment. They demanded specific floor prices, community development premiums, and an overall empowering structure for farmers and such. The Fair ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Argumentative Essay On Fair Trade Due to how poorly workers are treated, unions have started to be organized, though they are still uncommon. People who are planing a union are almost always fired and added to a list that is accessible to all the free trade zones. The woman interviewed is currently working in a free trade factory. She was part of a union that was successful and was able to demand a medical clinic, a person workers could go to with any problems, higher quality safety equipment, subsets for food and transit, and was not required to work overtime. TheTrans–Pacific Partnership (TPP)– Currently no workers have a say. I used to think fair trade was a great concept, now I believe there are better options, like direct trade and whole trade. Though buying fair trade is still a better option than supporting the free trade industry. My high school used to do a fair trade annual fundraiser, and I learned about the positives of fair trade, but I never considered the negative aspects. Mike Woodard, briefly touched upon fair trade. He stated that with a capitalist system, fair trade won't really work. There are still middlemen who receive a large portion of the profit meaning even though consumers pay more for fair trade, a lot is still not even reaching the workers. We visited Selva Negra on our second weekend in Nicaragua. Selva Negra is a german styled mountain resort that is completely sustainable and the coffee grown on the estate is sold whole trade. They sell a majority of their coffee to Whole Foods Markets in the US and use the rest in their restaurant. The tour guide mentioned that Whole Foods has guaranteed to buy a large portion of the coffee produced each season. Because of this, Selva Negra business doesn't need to worry about networking and finding multiple businesses to buy their coffee. In addition, because Selva Negra is selling large quantities, they get a better price for their coffee. Mike Woodard spoke about direct trade and the benefits. He said that when buying whole trade certified items, there is an assurance of high quality. Another benefit he mentioned was that whole trade helps create and foster relationships between buyers and sellers. Foreign involvement and grassroots development Involvement can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. The International Fair Trade Market worried about the well being of these producers, we need to directly address the imbalances in the trading process and increase the producer's benefit in fair trade. To do so these producer coops need to gain a part of the ownership in companies that sell their products in the north consuming markets. According the Jaffee, through his research and findings, when helping the fair trade coffee bean producers it untimely comes down to the long–term goal of these companies, if it is to simply increase their market and gain consumers or to actually transform the international fair trade market. An example of the northern power Jaffee gave was in a case where they pushed the mass production of a low–grade level of coffee but ended up failing against the organic fair trade coffee beans, which lead to the farmers of these low–grade coffees out of the field and into dire poverty. They were pushed to produce this coffee with not input of their own and it ended up costing them their lively hood with those that call the shots only feeling a small hit of the impact. 69 percent of the worlds coffee corporations, which are part of the 'Big Five': Nestlé, Prcot and Gamble, Craft and Sara Lee. These are the companies that make almost all of the decisions regarding fair trade but they do that over here, in North American with very little account of how their decision will affect their coffee– growing partners in the south and much of them honestly don't care. These companies turn huge ... Get more on ...