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Very Good
Opportunity for Improvement
Element 1a: Content of Executive Summary: Responding to the
6.5 (5%)
Student presents a thorough and complete Executive Summary
with rich, articulate, and well-reasoned responses to all of the
questions posed in the assignment and eloquently embeds them
into a cohesive and compelling Executive Summary, with direct
and relevant references to the Course and Program Outcomes.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student presents an Executive Summary with well-reasoned
responses to all of the questions posed in the assignment and
embeds them into an Executive Summary with references to the
Course and Program Outcomes.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student presents an Executive Summary of the course that
addresses the questions posed in the assignment and makes
some connections to the Course and Program Outcomes. Some
examples and resources support thinking.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student provides cursory coverage of some or all the questions
posed as part of the requirements for the Executive Summary or
does not address all of the questions, although he/she does
provide a summary of one or two.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 1b: Content of Executive Summary: Impact of Lessons
Learned In Course
6.5 (5%)
Student provides a comprehensive summary of his/her main
lessons from the course and how those support his/her
achievement of at least two course outcomes providing a rich
assessment of the main ideas or conclusions he/she has taken
from the experience in the course including assessing how these
will affect his/her practices now and in the future.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student provides a summary of his/her main lessons from the
course and how those support his/her achievement of one or two
course outcomes providing an assessment of the main ideas or
conclusions he/she has taken from the experience in the course
including assessing how these will affect his/her practices now
and in the future.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student provides a description of the main lessons of the course
and how those relate to his/her achievement of course and
program outcomes as well as how these will affect his/her
practices now and in the future.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but
does not create an Executive Summary aligned with the
expectations as outlined in the document provided in the
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 1c: Format of Executive Summary: Beginning
6.5 (5%)
Student begins the Executive Summary with a compelling
statement of its purpose and presents a succinct and cohesive
summary that focuses on the main outcomes he/she ascertained
from the course and his/her experience in engaging in the
assignments and discussions. Relevant examples and resources
support thinking.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student begins the Executive Summary with a statement of its
purpose and presents a succinct summary that focuses on the
main outcomes he/she ascertained from the course and his/her
experience in engaging in the assignments and discussions.
Examples and resources support thinking.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student begins the Executive Summary with a clear statement of
its purpose and presents a summary that focuses on the main
outcomes he/she acquired from the course and his/her
experience in engaging in the assignments and discussions.
Some examples and resources support thinking.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but
does not create an Executive Summary aligned with the
expectations as outlined in the document provided in the
classroom. Few examples or resources support thinking.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 1d: Format of Executive Summary: Middle
6.5 (5%)
Student provides a thorough and detailed explanation for why
he/she chose to highlight the content and topics, providing
relevant details and examples, discusses each main point in the
order in which it was encountered in the classroom, and
organizes his/her thoughts logically and with clarity. Relevant
examples and resources support thinking.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student provides an explanation for why he/she chose to
highlight the content and topic, providing supporting details and
examples, discusses each main point in the order in which it
was encountered in the classroom, and organizes his/her
thoughts logically. Examples and resources support thinking.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student provides an explanation with some details of each main
point in the order in which it was encountered in the classroom,
and organizes his/her thoughts logically. Some examples and
resources support thinking.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but
does not create Executive Summary content aligned with the
expectations as outlined in the document provided in the
classroom. Few examples or resources support thinking.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 1e: Format of Executive Summary: End
6.5 (5%)
The Executive Summary is clear and organized; concise (no
more than 3 paragraphs); and the student writes in non-technical
language and defines any language that may not be familiar to
his/her audience. Student presents a brief and cogent conclusion
at the end of the summary that enables the reader to synthesize
the information provided. Relevant examples and resources
support thinking.
6.04 (4.65%)
The Executive Summary is clear and organized; concise (no
more than 3 paragraphs); and the student mostly writes in non-
technical language. Student presents a brief and cogent
conclusion at the end of the summary that enables the reader to
synthesize the information provided. Examples and resources
support thinking.
5.53 (4.25%)
The Executive Summary is clear, concise (no more than 3
paragraphs), and written in non-technical language. Student
presents a brief conclusion at the end of the summary that
enables the reader to somewhat synthesize the information
provided. Some examples and resources support thinking.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but
does not create an Executive Summary aligned with the
expectations as provided in the classroom and/or student does
not present a brief and clear conclusion at the end of the
summary that enables the reader to synthesize the information
provided. Few examples or resources support thinking.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 2a: Action Plan - Goals
13 (10%)
Student presents three specific goals for personal and
professional development and thoroughly assesses why each
goal is important, providing concrete and specific examples or
observations, and thoroughly assesses the personal or
professional value he/she expects from achieving each goal
including integrating resources from the course into his/her
definition and assessment of goals.
12.09 (9.3%)
Student presents three goals for personal and professional
development and assesses why each goal is important, providing
concrete and specific examples or observations, and assesses the
personal or professional value he/she expects from achieving
each goal using resources from the course into his/her definition
and assessment of goals.
11.05 (8.5%)
Student presents three goals for personal and professional
development with an explanation as to why each goal was
selected providing concrete and specific examples of why it is
important, the personal and professional value he/she expects
from achieving each goal, and how the goal relates to resources
from the course.
9.75 (7.5%)
Student provides three goals and a cursory description of why
any or all of them are important.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 2b: Action Plan - Objectives
13 (10%)
Student thoroughly defines at least two objectives for each goal
that he/she identified and provides well-reasoned and detailed
rationale that thoroughly explains how the objectives support
the goal.
12.09 (9.3%)
Student defines at least two objectives for each goal that he/she
identified and provides a detailed rationale that explains how
the objectives support the goal.
11.05 (8.5%)
Student defines two objectives for each goal that he/she
identified and provides some rationale that explains how the
objectives support the goal.
9.75 (7.5%)
Student defines one or two objectives for each goal that he/she
identified and some cursory rationale as to how the objectives
support the goal.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 2c: Action Plan - Milestones
6.5 (5%)
Student provides at least two measurable milestones for each
objective with a thorough and detailed explanation as to how
the milestones will be measured, providing specific timelines
and implications if those timelines and milestones are not met.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student provides at least two measurable milestones for each
objective with an explanation as to how the milestones will be
measured, providing timelines and implications if those
timelines and milestones are not met.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student identifies two measurable milestones for each objective
as well as the timelines for ensuring progress for each
4.88 (3.75%)
Student identifies one or two milestones for each objective and
suggests some deadlines for achieving them.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 2d: Action Plan - Timeline
6.5 (5%)
Student provides a reasonable timeline, with strong justification
as to its feasibility that incorporates the milestones for ensuring
that the stated goals can be achieved, and discusses with
relevant details contingency plans in the event the timelines are
not realized.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student provides a reasonable timeline, with justification as to
its feasibility that incorporates the milestones for ensuring that
the stated goals can be achieved, and discusses contingency
plans in the event the timelines are not realized.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student presents a reasonable timeline for ensuring progress
towards each of the stated goals, and includes an explanation as
to why the timeline is reasonable.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student suggests a rough timeline for achieving the goals but it
is not clear that he/she has thought through whether it is
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 3: Social Change Impact
13 (10%)
Student evaluates at least three of the most important lessons
he/she is taking from the course and thoroughly explains how
those lessons will shape his/her future and enable him/her to
make a positive difference, and provides at least three concrete
and specific examples illustrating how the learning supports
his/her goals for becoming an effective agent for positive social
12.09 (9.3%)
Student evaluates at least three of the most important lessons
he/she is taking from the course and explains how those lessons
will shape his/her future and enable him/her to make a positive
difference, and provides at least three examples illustrating how
the learning supports his/her goals for becoming an effective
agent for positive social change.
11.05 (8.5%)
Student describes lessons he/she is taking from the course,
describing how those lessons will shape his/her future and
enable him/her to make a positive different, and provides
examples illustrating how the learning supports his/her goals for
becoming an effective agent for positive social change.
9.75 (7.5%)
Student links his/her knowledge from the course to goal(s) for
making a positive change, but may not provide specific or
relevant examples or clearly demonstrate how he/she will use
the learning from the course to further his/her efforts to
promote positive social change.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 4: Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Synthesis
13 (10%)
Student exhibits strong evidence of thoughtful critical analysis
and thinking; careful examination is made of assumptions and
possible biases, with detailed supporting rationale. Writing
synthesizes the classroom experiences and content; analyzes
patterns or connections between theory and practice; and draws
logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments. New
questions may be presented based on synthesis of ideas and
12.09 (9.3%)
Student exhibits evidence of thoughtful critical analysis and
thinking; careful examination is made of assumptions and
possible biases, with supporting rationale. Writing synthesizes
the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or
connections between theory and practice; and draws logical
conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments. New questions
may be presented based on synthesis of ideas and input.
11.05 (8.5%)
Student exhibits some evidence of thoughtful critical analysis
and thinking; some examination is made of assumptions and
possible biases, with rationale. Writing somewhat synthesizes
the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or
connections between theory and practice; or draws logical
conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments.
9.75 (7.5%)
Student exhibits little or no evidence of thoughtful critical
analysis and thinking; minimal examination is made of
assumptions and possible biases, with rationale. Writing
minimally synthesizes the classroom experiences and content;
analyzes patterns or connections between theory and practice;
or draws logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 5: Written Communications
13 (10%)
Writing is clear, logical, well-organized and appropriate. Work
is free from spelling and grammar/syntax errors. Tone is
professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). There are
no errors.
12.09 (9.3%)
Writing is mostly clear, logical, and organized. Few, if any
spelling and grammar/syntax issues are noted. Overall, a few
sections need additional editing, but generally, work appears
proofread. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism,
racism). There are one or two minor errors.
11.05 (8.5%)
The main points are clear and organized. Some spelling,
grammar/syntax issues are noted. Tone is professional and free
from bias (i.e., sexism, racism).
9.75 (7.5%)
There are key sections that lack organization or logical flow.
Many spelling, grammar/syntax issues are noted. Work requires
additional proofreading.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 6: Relevance
6.5 (5%)
Student effectively and directly integrates
discussion/assignment content with relevant and compelling
personal experiences, additional research, or current events
from credible news sources. Specifically adds a new and/or
different insight or perspective on the subject area(s) being
discussed or treated in the assignment.
6.04 (4.65%)
Student offers personal experiences, additional research, or
current events from credible news sources, discussing their
relevance, but does not specifically add new or different
insights or perspectives on the subject areas(s) being discussed
or treated in the assignment.
5.53 (4.25%)
Student offers some examples of how the content of the
discussion/application applies to real-world scenarios with
general discussion of why those examples are relevant.
4.88 (3.75%)
Student offers brief or cursory descriptions of personal
experiences, additional research, or current events from credible
news sources.
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Element 7: Formal and Appropriate Documentation of Evidence,
Attribution of Ideas (APA Citations)
13 (10%)
Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly or credible
reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to
source attribution and references. There are no APA errors.
12.09 (9.3%)
Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly or credible
reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to
source attribution and references. There are one or two minor
errors in APA style or format.
11.05 (8.5%)
Student addresses guidelines for scholarly or credible references
and/or APA style with respect to source attribution and
references. Some errors in APA format and style are evident.
9.75 (7.5%)
Student demonstrates inconsistent adherence to scholarly
reference requirements and/or inconsistent adherence to APA
style with respect to source attribution and references.
Significant and/or numerous errors in APA format and style are
0 (0%)
Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the
Name: WMBA_6000_Weeks_6-7_Reflection_Rubric
1Week 7 Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional &
Personal Growth Part II
Student Name Here
Walden University
This is the abstract, which is typed in block format with no
indentation. The abstract briefly summarizes your paper in 120
words or less. Through your abstract, your readers should be
able to fully understand the content and the implications of the
Element 1a: Content of Executive Summary: Responding to the
Element 1b: Content of Executive Summary: Impact of Lessons
Learned In Course
Element 1c: Executive Summary: Beginning
Element 1d: Executive Summary: Middle
Element 1e: Executive Summary: End
Element 2a: Action Plan - Goals
Element 2b: Action Plan - Objectives
Element 2c: Action Plan - Milestones
Element 2d: Action Plan - Timeline
Element 3: Social Change Impact
Conclusions or Summary
The conclusion section should recap the major points of your
paper. However, perhaps more importantly, the conclusion
should also interpret what you have written and what it means
in the bigger picture. To help write your concluding remarks,
consider asking yourself these questions: What do you want to
happen with the information you have provided? What do you
want to change? What is your ultimate goal in using this
information? What would it mean if the suggestions in your
paper were taken and used?
Top of Form
Week 7 Discussion Forum Initial Post Template Use
the headings and fill in your verbiage.
Your Specific Goals
State your specific goal for professional and personal
development with an explanation as to why you selected this
goal. Your explanation should address how the questions your
colleagues posed in the Week 6 Shared Reflection helped you
refine and clarify your goal. (To prepare for this Shared
Practice, use the “Action Plan Worksheet” provided at the end
of the interactive media piece Action Plan from your Learning
Resources. Your post for the Shared Practice should be in the
range of 3–5 coherent paragraphs and should cohesively present
your action plan to achieve your goal.) Post/Responses include
clear and direct ties to authentic examples or experiences drawn
from personal experience or additional research or current
events including relevant issues in the news, information
obtained from other credible sources, or ideas expressed in the
postings of other colleagues.
Your Time Line
Present a reasonable time line for achieving your stated goal.
The author defines a timeline for achieving the goal and clearly
demonstrates that the timeline is reasonable through review of
other activities that could potentially conflict or obstruct
progress, other development or activities that the author expects
will help him or her achieve the goal
Your Objectives and Measurable Milestones
State at least two objectives you have identified that will help
you reach your goal with a rationale that explains how your
objectives support the goal. Identify at least two measurable
milestones for ensuring progress for each objective you
identified as well as the time lines you have established for each
References APA Style
List at least two APA style references
Week 7 Discussion Forum Response to Colleagues Posts
Template (at least two responses) Use the headings and fill in
your verbiage.
Suggested Missing Milestones to a Colleague
Suggest to your colleague milestones that appear to be missing
or that may be easier to measure that you think might help him
or her progress toward his or her goal.
Feedback to a Colleague
Provide feedback on whether your colleague’s suggested time
line for his or her goal or milestones seem realistic and
achievable. Remember, the feedback you offer should help your
colleague reflect on his or her goals in a meaningful way.
Post/Responses include clear and direct ties to authentic
examples or experiences drawn from personal experience or
additional research or current events including relevant issues
in the news, information obtained from other credible sources,
or ideas expressed in the postings of other colleagues.
Suggested Clarifications to a Colleague
Suggest clarifications so that the objectives and milestones
support the goal in a clear, measurable, and logical manner.
References APA Style
List at least two APA style references.
Bottom of Form

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ExemplaryVery GoodProficientOpportunity for ImprovementU.docx

  • 1. Exemplary Very Good Proficient Opportunity for Improvement Unacceptable Element 1a: Content of Executive Summary: Responding to the Questions 6.5 (5%) Student presents a thorough and complete Executive Summary with rich, articulate, and well-reasoned responses to all of the questions posed in the assignment and eloquently embeds them into a cohesive and compelling Executive Summary, with direct and relevant references to the Course and Program Outcomes. 6.04 (4.65%) Student presents an Executive Summary with well-reasoned responses to all of the questions posed in the assignment and embeds them into an Executive Summary with references to the Course and Program Outcomes. 5.53 (4.25%) Student presents an Executive Summary of the course that addresses the questions posed in the assignment and makes some connections to the Course and Program Outcomes. Some examples and resources support thinking. 4.88 (3.75%) Student provides cursory coverage of some or all the questions posed as part of the requirements for the Executive Summary or does not address all of the questions, although he/she does provide a summary of one or two. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 1b: Content of Executive Summary: Impact of Lessons Learned In Course
  • 2. 6.5 (5%) Student provides a comprehensive summary of his/her main lessons from the course and how those support his/her achievement of at least two course outcomes providing a rich assessment of the main ideas or conclusions he/she has taken from the experience in the course including assessing how these will affect his/her practices now and in the future. 6.04 (4.65%) Student provides a summary of his/her main lessons from the course and how those support his/her achievement of one or two course outcomes providing an assessment of the main ideas or conclusions he/she has taken from the experience in the course including assessing how these will affect his/her practices now and in the future. 5.53 (4.25%) Student provides a description of the main lessons of the course and how those relate to his/her achievement of course and program outcomes as well as how these will affect his/her practices now and in the future. 4.88 (3.75%) Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but does not create an Executive Summary aligned with the expectations as outlined in the document provided in the classroom. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 1c: Format of Executive Summary: Beginning 6.5 (5%) Student begins the Executive Summary with a compelling statement of its purpose and presents a succinct and cohesive summary that focuses on the main outcomes he/she ascertained from the course and his/her experience in engaging in the assignments and discussions. Relevant examples and resources support thinking. 6.04 (4.65%)
  • 3. Student begins the Executive Summary with a statement of its purpose and presents a succinct summary that focuses on the main outcomes he/she ascertained from the course and his/her experience in engaging in the assignments and discussions. Examples and resources support thinking. 5.53 (4.25%) Student begins the Executive Summary with a clear statement of its purpose and presents a summary that focuses on the main outcomes he/she acquired from the course and his/her experience in engaging in the assignments and discussions. Some examples and resources support thinking. 4.88 (3.75%) Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but does not create an Executive Summary aligned with the expectations as outlined in the document provided in the classroom. Few examples or resources support thinking. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 1d: Format of Executive Summary: Middle 6.5 (5%) Student provides a thorough and detailed explanation for why he/she chose to highlight the content and topics, providing relevant details and examples, discusses each main point in the order in which it was encountered in the classroom, and organizes his/her thoughts logically and with clarity. Relevant examples and resources support thinking. 6.04 (4.65%) Student provides an explanation for why he/she chose to highlight the content and topic, providing supporting details and examples, discusses each main point in the order in which it was encountered in the classroom, and organizes his/her thoughts logically. Examples and resources support thinking. 5.53 (4.25%) Student provides an explanation with some details of each main point in the order in which it was encountered in the classroom,
  • 4. and organizes his/her thoughts logically. Some examples and resources support thinking. 4.88 (3.75%) Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but does not create Executive Summary content aligned with the expectations as outlined in the document provided in the classroom. Few examples or resources support thinking. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 1e: Format of Executive Summary: End 6.5 (5%) The Executive Summary is clear and organized; concise (no more than 3 paragraphs); and the student writes in non-technical language and defines any language that may not be familiar to his/her audience. Student presents a brief and cogent conclusion at the end of the summary that enables the reader to synthesize the information provided. Relevant examples and resources support thinking. 6.04 (4.65%) The Executive Summary is clear and organized; concise (no more than 3 paragraphs); and the student mostly writes in non- technical language. Student presents a brief and cogent conclusion at the end of the summary that enables the reader to synthesize the information provided. Examples and resources support thinking. 5.53 (4.25%) The Executive Summary is clear, concise (no more than 3 paragraphs), and written in non-technical language. Student presents a brief conclusion at the end of the summary that enables the reader to somewhat synthesize the information provided. Some examples and resources support thinking. 4.88 (3.75%) Student summarizes a few main points from the classroom, but does not create an Executive Summary aligned with the expectations as provided in the classroom and/or student does
  • 5. not present a brief and clear conclusion at the end of the summary that enables the reader to synthesize the information provided. Few examples or resources support thinking. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 2a: Action Plan - Goals 13 (10%) Student presents three specific goals for personal and professional development and thoroughly assesses why each goal is important, providing concrete and specific examples or observations, and thoroughly assesses the personal or professional value he/she expects from achieving each goal including integrating resources from the course into his/her definition and assessment of goals. 12.09 (9.3%) Student presents three goals for personal and professional development and assesses why each goal is important, providing concrete and specific examples or observations, and assesses the personal or professional value he/she expects from achieving each goal using resources from the course into his/her definition and assessment of goals. 11.05 (8.5%) Student presents three goals for personal and professional development with an explanation as to why each goal was selected providing concrete and specific examples of why it is important, the personal and professional value he/she expects from achieving each goal, and how the goal relates to resources from the course. 9.75 (7.5%) Student provides three goals and a cursory description of why any or all of them are important. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 2b: Action Plan - Objectives
  • 6. 13 (10%) Student thoroughly defines at least two objectives for each goal that he/she identified and provides well-reasoned and detailed rationale that thoroughly explains how the objectives support the goal. 12.09 (9.3%) Student defines at least two objectives for each goal that he/she identified and provides a detailed rationale that explains how the objectives support the goal. 11.05 (8.5%) Student defines two objectives for each goal that he/she identified and provides some rationale that explains how the objectives support the goal. 9.75 (7.5%) Student defines one or two objectives for each goal that he/she identified and some cursory rationale as to how the objectives support the goal. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 2c: Action Plan - Milestones 6.5 (5%) Student provides at least two measurable milestones for each objective with a thorough and detailed explanation as to how the milestones will be measured, providing specific timelines and implications if those timelines and milestones are not met. 6.04 (4.65%) Student provides at least two measurable milestones for each objective with an explanation as to how the milestones will be measured, providing timelines and implications if those timelines and milestones are not met. 5.53 (4.25%) Student identifies two measurable milestones for each objective as well as the timelines for ensuring progress for each milestone. 4.88 (3.75%)
  • 7. Student identifies one or two milestones for each objective and suggests some deadlines for achieving them. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 2d: Action Plan - Timeline 6.5 (5%) Student provides a reasonable timeline, with strong justification as to its feasibility that incorporates the milestones for ensuring that the stated goals can be achieved, and discusses with relevant details contingency plans in the event the timelines are not realized. 6.04 (4.65%) Student provides a reasonable timeline, with justification as to its feasibility that incorporates the milestones for ensuring that the stated goals can be achieved, and discusses contingency plans in the event the timelines are not realized. 5.53 (4.25%) Student presents a reasonable timeline for ensuring progress towards each of the stated goals, and includes an explanation as to why the timeline is reasonable. 4.88 (3.75%) Student suggests a rough timeline for achieving the goals but it is not clear that he/she has thought through whether it is reasonable. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 3: Social Change Impact 13 (10%) Student evaluates at least three of the most important lessons he/she is taking from the course and thoroughly explains how those lessons will shape his/her future and enable him/her to make a positive difference, and provides at least three concrete and specific examples illustrating how the learning supports his/her goals for becoming an effective agent for positive social
  • 8. change. 12.09 (9.3%) Student evaluates at least three of the most important lessons he/she is taking from the course and explains how those lessons will shape his/her future and enable him/her to make a positive difference, and provides at least three examples illustrating how the learning supports his/her goals for becoming an effective agent for positive social change. 11.05 (8.5%) Student describes lessons he/she is taking from the course, describing how those lessons will shape his/her future and enable him/her to make a positive different, and provides examples illustrating how the learning supports his/her goals for becoming an effective agent for positive social change. 9.75 (7.5%) Student links his/her knowledge from the course to goal(s) for making a positive change, but may not provide specific or relevant examples or clearly demonstrate how he/she will use the learning from the course to further his/her efforts to promote positive social change. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 4: Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Synthesis 13 (10%) Student exhibits strong evidence of thoughtful critical analysis and thinking; careful examination is made of assumptions and possible biases, with detailed supporting rationale. Writing synthesizes the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or connections between theory and practice; and draws logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments. New questions may be presented based on synthesis of ideas and input. 12.09 (9.3%) Student exhibits evidence of thoughtful critical analysis and thinking; careful examination is made of assumptions and
  • 9. possible biases, with supporting rationale. Writing synthesizes the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or connections between theory and practice; and draws logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments. New questions may be presented based on synthesis of ideas and input. 11.05 (8.5%) Student exhibits some evidence of thoughtful critical analysis and thinking; some examination is made of assumptions and possible biases, with rationale. Writing somewhat synthesizes the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or connections between theory and practice; or draws logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments. 9.75 (7.5%) Student exhibits little or no evidence of thoughtful critical analysis and thinking; minimal examination is made of assumptions and possible biases, with rationale. Writing minimally synthesizes the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or connections between theory and practice; or draws logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 5: Written Communications 13 (10%) Writing is clear, logical, well-organized and appropriate. Work is free from spelling and grammar/syntax errors. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). There are no errors. 12.09 (9.3%) Writing is mostly clear, logical, and organized. Few, if any spelling and grammar/syntax issues are noted. Overall, a few sections need additional editing, but generally, work appears proofread. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). There are one or two minor errors. 11.05 (8.5%) The main points are clear and organized. Some spelling,
  • 10. grammar/syntax issues are noted. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). 9.75 (7.5%) There are key sections that lack organization or logical flow. Many spelling, grammar/syntax issues are noted. Work requires additional proofreading. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 6: Relevance 6.5 (5%) Student effectively and directly integrates discussion/assignment content with relevant and compelling personal experiences, additional research, or current events from credible news sources. Specifically adds a new and/or different insight or perspective on the subject area(s) being discussed or treated in the assignment. 6.04 (4.65%) Student offers personal experiences, additional research, or current events from credible news sources, discussing their relevance, but does not specifically add new or different insights or perspectives on the subject areas(s) being discussed or treated in the assignment. 5.53 (4.25%) Student offers some examples of how the content of the discussion/application applies to real-world scenarios with general discussion of why those examples are relevant. 4.88 (3.75%) Student offers brief or cursory descriptions of personal experiences, additional research, or current events from credible news sources. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Element 7: Formal and Appropriate Documentation of Evidence, Attribution of Ideas (APA Citations)
  • 11. 13 (10%) Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly or credible reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution and references. There are no APA errors. 12.09 (9.3%) Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly or credible reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution and references. There are one or two minor errors in APA style or format. 11.05 (8.5%) Student addresses guidelines for scholarly or credible references and/or APA style with respect to source attribution and references. Some errors in APA format and style are evident. 9.75 (7.5%) Student demonstrates inconsistent adherence to scholarly reference requirements and/or inconsistent adherence to APA style with respect to source attribution and references. Significant and/or numerous errors in APA format and style are evident. 0 (0%) Not submitted or little to no evidence of addressing the criterion. Name: WMBA_6000_Weeks_6-7_Reflection_Rubric 1Week 7 Creating Goals for the Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth Part II Student Name Here Walden University Abstract This is the abstract, which is typed in block format with no indentation. The abstract briefly summarizes your paper in 120
  • 12. words or less. Through your abstract, your readers should be able to fully understand the content and the implications of the paper. Element 1a: Content of Executive Summary: Responding to the Questions Element 1b: Content of Executive Summary: Impact of Lessons Learned In Course Element 1c: Executive Summary: Beginning Element 1d: Executive Summary: Middle Element 1e: Executive Summary: End Element 2a: Action Plan - Goals Element 2b: Action Plan - Objectives Element 2c: Action Plan - Milestones Element 2d: Action Plan - Timeline Element 3: Social Change Impact Conclusions or Summary The conclusion section should recap the major points of your paper. However, perhaps more importantly, the conclusion should also interpret what you have written and what it means in the bigger picture. To help write your concluding remarks, consider asking yourself these questions: What do you want to happen with the information you have provided? What do you want to change? What is your ultimate goal in using this information? What would it mean if the suggestions in your paper were taken and used? References
  • 13. Top of Form Week 7 Discussion Forum Initial Post Template Use the headings and fill in your verbiage. Your Specific Goals State your specific goal for professional and personal development with an explanation as to why you selected this goal. Your explanation should address how the questions your colleagues posed in the Week 6 Shared Reflection helped you refine and clarify your goal. (To prepare for this Shared Practice, use the “Action Plan Worksheet” provided at the end of the interactive media piece Action Plan from your Learning Resources. Your post for the Shared Practice should be in the range of 3–5 coherent paragraphs and should cohesively present your action plan to achieve your goal.) Post/Responses include clear and direct ties to authentic examples or experiences drawn from personal experience or additional research or current events including relevant issues in the news, information obtained from other credible sources, or ideas expressed in the postings of other colleagues. Your Time Line Present a reasonable time line for achieving your stated goal. The author defines a timeline for achieving the goal and clearly demonstrates that the timeline is reasonable through review of other activities that could potentially conflict or obstruct progress, other development or activities that the author expects will help him or her achieve the goal Your Objectives and Measurable Milestones State at least two objectives you have identified that will help you reach your goal with a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal. Identify at least two measurable milestones for ensuring progress for each objective you identified as well as the time lines you have established for each milestone. References APA Style
  • 14. List at least two APA style references Week 7 Discussion Forum Response to Colleagues Posts Template (at least two responses) Use the headings and fill in your verbiage. Suggested Missing Milestones to a Colleague Suggest to your colleague milestones that appear to be missing or that may be easier to measure that you think might help him or her progress toward his or her goal. Feedback to a Colleague Provide feedback on whether your colleague’s suggested time line for his or her goal or milestones seem realistic and achievable. Remember, the feedback you offer should help your colleague reflect on his or her goals in a meaningful way. Post/Responses include clear and direct ties to authentic examples or experiences drawn from personal experience or additional research or current events including relevant issues in the news, information obtained from other credible sources, or ideas expressed in the postings of other colleagues. Suggested Clarifications to a Colleague Suggest clarifications so that the objectives and milestones support the goal in a clear, measurable, and logical manner. References APA Style List at least two APA style references. Bottom of Form