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              DRUG COCKTAILS

              Executive Summary

               Innovation and Choice
                  (202) 556-0614
                          Executive Summary • Drug Cocktails

WE PRESENT THE NARRATIVE of this report and the recommendations which flow
from it to the United States Congress, the President of the United States, applicable
agencies, and the American public for their consideration. This report is the product of
numerous discussions with statisticians, economists, researchers, physicians, patients,
regulatory officials and the general public.
        In our country’s effort to improve the quality of healthcare, most especially in
defeating dynamic and debilitating conditions like cancer, ALS, and Alzheimer’s, it is
imperative that we recognize the benefits of combination therapies (i.e., drug cocktails)
and create statutory incentives to stimulate the development of such combinational
     These cocktails are likely to result in lower side effects and greater effectiveness
when compared to conventional therapies, as they can attack multiple different sites of
the same cellular-signaling cascade and multiple different molecular problems unique to
diseased/infected cells, at one time, leading to lower dosages needed for each molecular
mechanism to get the same or greater of an effect on the aggregate (survival or disease
response). With this in mind, it is paramount to medical progress that we stimulate the
amount of drug cocktails investigated.


What are Combination Products
       A combinational product, as defined by 21 CFR 3.2(e), refers to the combination
of two or more separate components—be it drugs, devices, or biological products (a
substance derived from a living organism)—for the purposes of obtaining a primary
endpoint. The specific definition for a combination product is as follows:
           (1) A product comprised of two or more regulated components that are
               physically, chemically, or otherwise combined or mixed to produce a
               single entity;
           (2) Two or more separate products packaged together in a single package or
               as a unit and comprised of drug and device products, device and biological
               products, or biological and drug products, and
           (3) A drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according
               to its investigational plan or proposed labeling is intended for use only
               with an approved individually specified drug, device, or biological product
               where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect
               and where upon approval of the proposed product the labeling of the
               approved product would need to be changed, e.g., to reflect a change in
               intended use, dosage form, strength, route of administration, or significant
               change in dose; or

(4) Any investigational drug, device, or biological product packaged
               separately that according to its proposed labeling is for use only with
               another individually specified investigational drug, device, or biological
               product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or

        Once a combination product is developed, sponsors submit a Request for
Designation where the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) then decides which
department has oversight over that therapy. This decision of department designation is
based off the primary mode of action (PMOA) of the therapy, which is determined by an
algorithm if one is not able to determine, arbitrarily, which component is the primary
agent of action of the therapy.


Combination therapies (i.e., drug cocktails):
1. Reduce the probability a condition, infection, or disease develops resistance to the
   therapy administered, as multiple active modes of action target a particular disease or
   infection at the same time. Thus, even if a disease/infection becomes resistant to one
   mechanism of action, the other agent still combats the disease or infection.
2. Often result in more effectively combating an ailment when compared with
   administering components individually with the same dose. With many diseases and
   conditions the result of multiple molecular dysfunctions and infections having
   multiple routes to attack, combination therapies often result in an increased
   effectiveness against such ailments. This is because combination therapies often
   attack a single disease at multiple molecular points at a time.
           Secondly, there is the concept of drug synergy. Drug synergy refers to when
   the benefit of a combination therapy is greater than the sum of the effects of each
   therapy when administered individually. This occurs when the components which
   make up a drug cocktail are partially dependent on each other’s action.
3. Often decrease the amount of side effects incurred, when compared with each therapy
   given individually at their maximum tolerable dose (“MTD”), by administering the
   combination of multiple independent components at lower doses than would
   otherwise be administered. However, there is the risk components will not be
   independent and will result in greater than expected side effects. This risk often
   deters therapy sponsors from investigating drug cocktails, as one severe side effect
   from the combination of two or more components can result in the discontinuation of
   an experimental trial.


    1. Combining already approved therapies through off-label prescription /
       physician created cocktails
       Currently, the FDA provides no oversight over off-label prescription. Once a
therapy is approved for use, it can be prescribed for any indication and at any dosage.

This freedom allows physicians to concoct their own cocktails of therapies, which is
ever-present in the field of cancer. It is estimated that 60% of oncologists prescribe
therapies on an off-label basis. The reason for this is because cancer is a disease of
multiple molecular dysfunctions at the root of cell-growth. Recognizing multiple means
of combating this disease, physicians often prescribe multiple drugs for cancer patients at
a time.
        The downside to this off-label prescription is these cocktail therapies were not
tested in concert for safety and efficacy. This means the dosage and cocktail prescribed
may easily result in deleterious side effects. As well, physicians are not trained to make
their own dosage recommendations, thus discovering the right dose for each individual
component and patient is a challenge in itself.

    2. Development of a drug cocktail by combining already approved therapies
        with investigational or other already approved treatments
        Many sponsors know certain combinations may be best to treat a certain illness,
yet they will still investigate components separately first to gain marketing exclusivity for
each individual component. This leads to a prolonged time for society to realize the full
benefits of combination therapies, which in the case of seriously compromising illnesses
means countless lives lost.

Examples follow:
        Atripla refers to a drug cocktail which combined and tested three already
approved therapies for HIV. This therapy combination of antiretroviral components
severely impedes the progression of HIV by attacking it at multiple points in its life-
        Many chemotherapy combinations for cancer are also developed by performing
clinical trials with an already approved chemotherapeutic agent along with an
investigational new agent.

    3. Many components of cocktails are investigated individually first by therapy
        sponsors, despite obvious preclinical data and benefits supporting greater
        effectiveness and specificity when such components are administered in
        There are multiple components in combination therapies that must each be
isolated and proven to contribute to the overall benefit of the therapy. Safety is an
additional concern because, as these therapies are more potent, they are also more likely
to have adverse side effects. This is why the dosage of cocktails is often 10% less than
the dosage would be if each therapy was approved for use individually. The key benefit
of cocktails is the ability to specifically target a disease, infection, or condition, with
many small targets each hitting that one disease/infection site. In turn, this realizes a
grand, gestalt effect on defeating many diseases and infections.
        However, with this specificity also comes with the less desired goal of a smaller
sales market for pharmaceuticals and therapy sponsors to extract profits; thereby, creating
a disincentive to produce such a cocktail unless the sponsor knows it will still reach a big
enough population. This does not appear to be the case in most instances, as sponsors
continually show they would rather test a therapy separately, have it be approved, and

then work a cocktail, than test the cocktail originally. This is evident in the case of
FUS1/p53 dual gene therapy and MD Anderson’s choice to test each therapy individually
rather than in concert despite obvious synergistic effects in mice.

        It has been well documented that a therapy sponsor’s goal is to extract the most
profits possible, while providing small changes to already approved therapies to gain
additional patent protections. Over three-quarters of all drugs approved by the FDA are
new combinations or formulations of therapies rather than new chemical entities. This
means that after a therapy is developed, sponsors try to add to it rather than discovering
novel treatments.
        In an effort to secure market exclusivity, sponsors will not develop cocktails until
they have the patents on each component or such components are already approved. The
reason is because the investigation of two unproven and untested components is viewed
as too risky with regards to unforeseen severe side effects, and sponsors would rather
secure each individual patent separately before investigating a cocktail to realize broader
market bases for each.
        If a therapy is already developed and approved, a sponsor already has the
marketing exclusivity for that market; thus, additional cocktails are tested after these
pharmaceuticals have a lock on this market. The reason a sponsor would rather have this
than a combination therapy approved is because a single active agent is potentially
beneficial for multiple ailments rather than just a few. The more specific the therapy (the
more active components), the less is a sponsor’s market base.

   4. Cases where all components of a cocktail are investigational
       No examples of drug cocktails were found in which all components were new
chemical entities. The reason for this is likely because sponsors would rather gain
marketing exclusivity for each individual component to realize a greater market-base,
before undertaking the more risky cocktail, which has a more slim market.


        Drug cocktails are most commonly known in the field of HIV, with many patients
afflicted taking a treatment cocktail of three to four antiretroviral therapies. This unique
combination of active components, working in concert, has the effect of drastically
reducing HIV life-cycle by impinging on different points in this life-cycle. These
cocktails can be taken as four separate pills which must be monitored distinctly, or
together in the form of one pill and one dosage. As the human body does not have
beneficial viruses, these have very few side effects.
        Alzheimer’s is thought to be caused by the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaque
in brain cells. However, studies show this toxic protein is reduced when either of
enzymes beta-secretase or gamma-secretase are inhibited. It has also been discovered
that overly inhibiting these enzymes produce dangerous side effects – inhibiting too much
gamma-secretase leads to developmental defects, skin tumors, and a shortened life span;

while inhibiting too much beta-secretase impairs nerve function and causes
schizophrenia-like symptoms in mice.
        In a recent study, published in Science Translational Medicine, aged Alzheimer’s-
like mice were given a cocktail of inhibitors that moderately inhibited both beta-secretase
and gamma-secretase. This reduced the production of amyloid-beta plaque, without
adverse side effects.
        It is said the reason there is no cure for cancer is because cancer is not one
disease, but multiple diseases. What physicians and researchers mean by this is the fact
that cancer is simply the uncontrolled overgrowth of any cell in your body, but the cause
of this uncontrolled overgrowth is rooted in multiple different molecular dysfunctions in
the same cell. Moreover, when a cancer cell divides, those newly formed cells have
different mutations than the previous. This creates an environment where there are
multiple different types of cancer in the same very patient. To effectively combat this
ailment, it is hypothesized by many physicians and researchers that drug cocktails and
vaccines are adept to this challenge via their special ability to target specific molecules
within a cell.

Targeting potent therapies to avoid toxic side effects
        Combining plasmodium (bacterial) proteins specific for liver cells with
chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin, researchers at the University of California, Irvine
are able to specifically target liver cells with this combination therapy, effectively
minimizing side effects felt by the heart and other organs that were previously affected.

Therapies that work on their molecular target, and are safe, but not approved by
the FDA
         Often times when individual therapies are not beneficial in combating illnesses,
infections, and diseases, combination products will realize desired effects. Hence, there
is the importance for therapies which effectively accomplish their molecular object (i.e.,
inhibit molecule A), and are safe, to be approved for licensing for development as
potential combination therapies.
         Many therapies do not meet the FDA’s statistical cutoff for efficacy on primary
endpoints, but still provide valuable benefits to patients with little to no side effects. The
therapies I speak of are those that provide a three month benefit to cancer patients instead
of four. While it is not clear if these therapies provide benefit to patients better than
chance would (which is the purpose of statistical testing), many of them do perform their
function (inhibit telomerase or a specific kinase) at a statistically significant level. This
means that they do what they’re supposed to at a significant level, but the level of benefit
to patients’ survival rate or disease progression isn’t as grand as what is necessary to get a
therapy approved. It is proposed that these therapies should be allowed for marketing or
licensing under a separate approval type. The reason for this is because these therapies
are ideal for adjuvant therapies or cocktails (therapies that do not yield adverse effects,
but still perform their molecular purpose to a statistically significant level).

       A. Break the FDA Approval Codes into three different approval types to ensure
          hundreds of millions of dollars are not wasted developing therapies that are
          potentially beneficial for combination therapies (but which do NOT produce
          statistically significant effectiveness alone):

  i.      Approval type A-1: Marketing approval to the public of a therapy, with the
          indication of a particular molecular or genetic characteristic and disease type, is
          granted if a therapy yields statistically significant results for that disease (in
          primary endpoints like survival rate or disease progression), shows the expected
          molecular response in patients, and shows safety.
                   A brief example of how this would work is: one would take a stratified
                   random sample of people with a given disease, stratify them into genetic /
                   molecular characteristics; stratify those groups into disease stage;
                   randomly allocate these groups into treatment and control groups, and test
                   for results.
ii.       Approval type A-2 (similar to Accelerated Approval based on surrogate
          endpoints): Marketing approval of a therapy to licensed physicians and physician
          groups, with the indication of a molecular or genetic characteristic and a
          particular disease, is granted if a therapy yields a statistically significant
          molecular response (also known as, “biological effect”) (i.e., Tarceva shows
          inhibition of a cell’s EGFR tyrosine kinase) and shows safety, but does not yield
          statistically significant results with regards to primary endpoints like disease
          progression / survival rate. A pharmaceutical does not apply for this but can
          receive approval under type A-2 if it meets what is described above after applying
          for approval type A-1 or through approval type B (described below). *The
          therapy does not have to result in any disease response in order to obtain
          “physician marketing approval.”*
                   SUMMARY: Approval type A2 is granted for a particular molecular or
                   genetic characteristic and disease type, as the therapy yields positive
                   results with respect to its mechanism of action working, but not with
                   regards to progression / disease response. These therapies are ideal
                   candidates for drug cocktails and adjuvant therapies as they do not work
                   by themselves but may work well if you combine them with other
                   therapies. A rigorous demand for safety is maintained of course.
iii.      Approval type B (the current method of approval) without stratification of
          molecular or genetic characteristics. This can be a supplemental application, or
          granted without the need for further statistical testing, if a sponsor’s study for
          Approval Type A1 produces certain results. This approval type is for indications
          with patients with unknown molecular / genetic characteristics, with its purpose
          being if the patient needs a therapy but cannot afford to pay for specific testing or
          it is not covered by their insurance (or if a sponsor cannot afford to test via
          stratification of molecular/genetic traits). This approval type allows patients that
          do not know if they have a specific molecular trait to take a therapy and insurers

should be mandated to cover at least a small portion of it (if it is granted under
      Type B).
              SUMMARY: This application allows sponsors to market their therapy
              and patients to obtain a therapy, with unknown molecular traits but a
              known disease type. This requires sponsors to run a study and perform
              randomized statistical tests to measure the effectiveness of a therapy in
              people with a particular disease type (that may or may not exhibit a
              molecular or genetic characteristic), or pool data from a previous study
              (i.e., those performed in A1 trials).
   B. Offer unique incentives for the investigation of combinational therapies whose
      components are not previously approved. (The notion behind this is to mitigate
      the costs pharmaceuticals face with less of a market base with such therapies.)
   C. Create a symposium where the FDA, pharmaceuticals, and researchers all come
      together to brainstorm potential drug combinations that can be made into a single
      therapy. Some mechanism to facilitate this interaction is gravely needed. We
      currently have the American Association for Cancer Research, the American
      Society of Clinical Oncology, and other putting on symposiums. However, we
      need the focus of this symposium to be brainstorming the creation of drug
      cocktails that can more effectively combat illnesses rather than sharing
      information and giving presentations on the latest research or clinical results.


         By combining small modes of action to target an ailment at the same time, it has
been proven that side effects can be minimized and effectiveness maximized. As seen,
there are many ways to develop such combinational therapies – physicians can develop a
cocktail from already approved therapies, sponsors can investigate novel cocktails from
already approved therapies, sponsors can investigate novel cocktails by combining
investigational therapies with already approved therapies, or sponsors can investigate
combination therapies consistent of completely new active components. We have also
seen that it is crucial to the benefit of society at large, if a firm knows a cocktail to be
more beneficial than treatment by individual components, that firms investigate that
cocktail first and foremost. Society cannot have companies developing therapies
individually despite knowing there are better benefits to be developed, just so that
company can have patent protections for a larger market.
         Given this, and the notion individual therapies in investigation which do not yield
statistically significant marks with regards to primary endpoints like survival and disease
regression, but are safe and effective in their target action, it is imperative we rewrite the
approval codes to be consistent with such knowledge. And, while we are naturally averse
to change, it is for the benefits of society at large that we must create incentives and
regulatory changes to realize the benefits of combination products.
         We look forward to a comprehensive discussion on the merits of what we have
recommended, and we will participate vigorously in this discussion.


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Executive summary drug cocktails

  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary • Drug Cocktails WE PRESENT THE NARRATIVE of this report and the recommendations which flow from it to the United States Congress, the President of the United States, applicable agencies, and the American public for their consideration. This report is the product of numerous discussions with statisticians, economists, researchers, physicians, patients, regulatory officials and the general public. In our country’s effort to improve the quality of healthcare, most especially in defeating dynamic and debilitating conditions like cancer, ALS, and Alzheimer’s, it is imperative that we recognize the benefits of combination therapies (i.e., drug cocktails) and create statutory incentives to stimulate the development of such combinational products. These cocktails are likely to result in lower side effects and greater effectiveness when compared to conventional therapies, as they can attack multiple different sites of the same cellular-signaling cascade and multiple different molecular problems unique to diseased/infected cells, at one time, leading to lower dosages needed for each molecular mechanism to get the same or greater of an effect on the aggregate (survival or disease response). With this in mind, it is paramount to medical progress that we stimulate the amount of drug cocktails investigated. BACKGROUND What are Combination Products A combinational product, as defined by 21 CFR 3.2(e), refers to the combination of two or more separate components—be it drugs, devices, or biological products (a substance derived from a living organism)—for the purposes of obtaining a primary endpoint. The specific definition for a combination product is as follows: (1) A product comprised of two or more regulated components that are physically, chemically, or otherwise combined or mixed to produce a single entity; (2) Two or more separate products packaged together in a single package or as a unit and comprised of drug and device products, device and biological products, or biological and drug products, and (3) A drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its investigational plan or proposed labeling is intended for use only with an approved individually specified drug, device, or biological product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect and where upon approval of the proposed product the labeling of the approved product would need to be changed, e.g., to reflect a change in intended use, dosage form, strength, route of administration, or significant change in dose; or 2
  • 3. (4) Any investigational drug, device, or biological product packaged separately that according to its proposed labeling is for use only with another individually specified investigational drug, device, or biological product where both are required to achieve the intended use, indication, or effect. Once a combination product is developed, sponsors submit a Request for Designation where the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) then decides which department has oversight over that therapy. This decision of department designation is based off the primary mode of action (PMOA) of the therapy, which is determined by an algorithm if one is not able to determine, arbitrarily, which component is the primary agent of action of the therapy. BENEFITS FROM COMBINATIONAL PRODUCTS Combination therapies (i.e., drug cocktails): 1. Reduce the probability a condition, infection, or disease develops resistance to the therapy administered, as multiple active modes of action target a particular disease or infection at the same time. Thus, even if a disease/infection becomes resistant to one mechanism of action, the other agent still combats the disease or infection. 2. Often result in more effectively combating an ailment when compared with administering components individually with the same dose. With many diseases and conditions the result of multiple molecular dysfunctions and infections having multiple routes to attack, combination therapies often result in an increased effectiveness against such ailments. This is because combination therapies often attack a single disease at multiple molecular points at a time. Secondly, there is the concept of drug synergy. Drug synergy refers to when the benefit of a combination therapy is greater than the sum of the effects of each therapy when administered individually. This occurs when the components which make up a drug cocktail are partially dependent on each other’s action. 3. Often decrease the amount of side effects incurred, when compared with each therapy given individually at their maximum tolerable dose (“MTD”), by administering the combination of multiple independent components at lower doses than would otherwise be administered. However, there is the risk components will not be independent and will result in greater than expected side effects. This risk often deters therapy sponsors from investigating drug cocktails, as one severe side effect from the combination of two or more components can result in the discontinuation of an experimental trial. WHEN AND HOW COMBINATION PRODUCTS ARE DEVELOPED IS IMPORTANT 1. Combining already approved therapies through off-label prescription / physician created cocktails Currently, the FDA provides no oversight over off-label prescription. Once a therapy is approved for use, it can be prescribed for any indication and at any dosage. 3
  • 4. This freedom allows physicians to concoct their own cocktails of therapies, which is ever-present in the field of cancer. It is estimated that 60% of oncologists prescribe therapies on an off-label basis. The reason for this is because cancer is a disease of multiple molecular dysfunctions at the root of cell-growth. Recognizing multiple means of combating this disease, physicians often prescribe multiple drugs for cancer patients at a time. The downside to this off-label prescription is these cocktail therapies were not tested in concert for safety and efficacy. This means the dosage and cocktail prescribed may easily result in deleterious side effects. As well, physicians are not trained to make their own dosage recommendations, thus discovering the right dose for each individual component and patient is a challenge in itself. 2. Development of a drug cocktail by combining already approved therapies with investigational or other already approved treatments Many sponsors know certain combinations may be best to treat a certain illness, yet they will still investigate components separately first to gain marketing exclusivity for each individual component. This leads to a prolonged time for society to realize the full benefits of combination therapies, which in the case of seriously compromising illnesses means countless lives lost. Examples follow: Atripla refers to a drug cocktail which combined and tested three already approved therapies for HIV. This therapy combination of antiretroviral components severely impedes the progression of HIV by attacking it at multiple points in its life- cycle. Many chemotherapy combinations for cancer are also developed by performing clinical trials with an already approved chemotherapeutic agent along with an investigational new agent. 3. Many components of cocktails are investigated individually first by therapy sponsors, despite obvious preclinical data and benefits supporting greater effectiveness and specificity when such components are administered in concert. There are multiple components in combination therapies that must each be isolated and proven to contribute to the overall benefit of the therapy. Safety is an additional concern because, as these therapies are more potent, they are also more likely to have adverse side effects. This is why the dosage of cocktails is often 10% less than the dosage would be if each therapy was approved for use individually. The key benefit of cocktails is the ability to specifically target a disease, infection, or condition, with many small targets each hitting that one disease/infection site. In turn, this realizes a grand, gestalt effect on defeating many diseases and infections. However, with this specificity also comes with the less desired goal of a smaller sales market for pharmaceuticals and therapy sponsors to extract profits; thereby, creating a disincentive to produce such a cocktail unless the sponsor knows it will still reach a big enough population. This does not appear to be the case in most instances, as sponsors continually show they would rather test a therapy separately, have it be approved, and 4
  • 5. then work a cocktail, than test the cocktail originally. This is evident in the case of FUS1/p53 dual gene therapy and MD Anderson’s choice to test each therapy individually rather than in concert despite obvious synergistic effects in mice. It has been well documented that a therapy sponsor’s goal is to extract the most profits possible, while providing small changes to already approved therapies to gain additional patent protections. Over three-quarters of all drugs approved by the FDA are new combinations or formulations of therapies rather than new chemical entities. This means that after a therapy is developed, sponsors try to add to it rather than discovering novel treatments. In an effort to secure market exclusivity, sponsors will not develop cocktails until they have the patents on each component or such components are already approved. The reason is because the investigation of two unproven and untested components is viewed as too risky with regards to unforeseen severe side effects, and sponsors would rather secure each individual patent separately before investigating a cocktail to realize broader market bases for each. If a therapy is already developed and approved, a sponsor already has the marketing exclusivity for that market; thus, additional cocktails are tested after these pharmaceuticals have a lock on this market. The reason a sponsor would rather have this than a combination therapy approved is because a single active agent is potentially beneficial for multiple ailments rather than just a few. The more specific the therapy (the more active components), the less is a sponsor’s market base. 4. Cases where all components of a cocktail are investigational No examples of drug cocktails were found in which all components were new chemical entities. The reason for this is likely because sponsors would rather gain marketing exclusivity for each individual component to realize a greater market-base, before undertaking the more risky cocktail, which has a more slim market. EXAMPLES OF THE BENEFITS OF COMBINATION PRODUCTS HIV Drug cocktails are most commonly known in the field of HIV, with many patients afflicted taking a treatment cocktail of three to four antiretroviral therapies. This unique combination of active components, working in concert, has the effect of drastically reducing HIV life-cycle by impinging on different points in this life-cycle. These cocktails can be taken as four separate pills which must be monitored distinctly, or together in the form of one pill and one dosage. As the human body does not have beneficial viruses, these have very few side effects. Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s is thought to be caused by the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaque in brain cells. However, studies show this toxic protein is reduced when either of enzymes beta-secretase or gamma-secretase are inhibited. It has also been discovered that overly inhibiting these enzymes produce dangerous side effects – inhibiting too much gamma-secretase leads to developmental defects, skin tumors, and a shortened life span; 5
  • 6. while inhibiting too much beta-secretase impairs nerve function and causes schizophrenia-like symptoms in mice. In a recent study, published in Science Translational Medicine, aged Alzheimer’s- like mice were given a cocktail of inhibitors that moderately inhibited both beta-secretase and gamma-secretase. This reduced the production of amyloid-beta plaque, without adverse side effects. Cancer Effectiveness It is said the reason there is no cure for cancer is because cancer is not one disease, but multiple diseases. What physicians and researchers mean by this is the fact that cancer is simply the uncontrolled overgrowth of any cell in your body, but the cause of this uncontrolled overgrowth is rooted in multiple different molecular dysfunctions in the same cell. Moreover, when a cancer cell divides, those newly formed cells have different mutations than the previous. This creates an environment where there are multiple different types of cancer in the same very patient. To effectively combat this ailment, it is hypothesized by many physicians and researchers that drug cocktails and vaccines are adept to this challenge via their special ability to target specific molecules within a cell. Targeting potent therapies to avoid toxic side effects Combining plasmodium (bacterial) proteins specific for liver cells with chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin, researchers at the University of California, Irvine are able to specifically target liver cells with this combination therapy, effectively minimizing side effects felt by the heart and other organs that were previously affected. Therapies that work on their molecular target, and are safe, but not approved by the FDA Often times when individual therapies are not beneficial in combating illnesses, infections, and diseases, combination products will realize desired effects. Hence, there is the importance for therapies which effectively accomplish their molecular object (i.e., inhibit molecule A), and are safe, to be approved for licensing for development as potential combination therapies. Many therapies do not meet the FDA’s statistical cutoff for efficacy on primary endpoints, but still provide valuable benefits to patients with little to no side effects. The therapies I speak of are those that provide a three month benefit to cancer patients instead of four. While it is not clear if these therapies provide benefit to patients better than chance would (which is the purpose of statistical testing), many of them do perform their function (inhibit telomerase or a specific kinase) at a statistically significant level. This means that they do what they’re supposed to at a significant level, but the level of benefit to patients’ survival rate or disease progression isn’t as grand as what is necessary to get a therapy approved. It is proposed that these therapies should be allowed for marketing or licensing under a separate approval type. The reason for this is because these therapies are ideal for adjuvant therapies or cocktails (therapies that do not yield adverse effects, but still perform their molecular purpose to a statistically significant level). 6
  • 7. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Break the FDA Approval Codes into three different approval types to ensure hundreds of millions of dollars are not wasted developing therapies that are potentially beneficial for combination therapies (but which do NOT produce statistically significant effectiveness alone): i. Approval type A-1: Marketing approval to the public of a therapy, with the indication of a particular molecular or genetic characteristic and disease type, is granted if a therapy yields statistically significant results for that disease (in primary endpoints like survival rate or disease progression), shows the expected molecular response in patients, and shows safety. A brief example of how this would work is: one would take a stratified random sample of people with a given disease, stratify them into genetic / molecular characteristics; stratify those groups into disease stage; randomly allocate these groups into treatment and control groups, and test for results. ii. Approval type A-2 (similar to Accelerated Approval based on surrogate endpoints): Marketing approval of a therapy to licensed physicians and physician groups, with the indication of a molecular or genetic characteristic and a particular disease, is granted if a therapy yields a statistically significant molecular response (also known as, “biological effect”) (i.e., Tarceva shows inhibition of a cell’s EGFR tyrosine kinase) and shows safety, but does not yield statistically significant results with regards to primary endpoints like disease progression / survival rate. A pharmaceutical does not apply for this but can receive approval under type A-2 if it meets what is described above after applying for approval type A-1 or through approval type B (described below). *The therapy does not have to result in any disease response in order to obtain “physician marketing approval.”* SUMMARY: Approval type A2 is granted for a particular molecular or genetic characteristic and disease type, as the therapy yields positive results with respect to its mechanism of action working, but not with regards to progression / disease response. These therapies are ideal candidates for drug cocktails and adjuvant therapies as they do not work by themselves but may work well if you combine them with other therapies. A rigorous demand for safety is maintained of course. iii. Approval type B (the current method of approval) without stratification of molecular or genetic characteristics. This can be a supplemental application, or granted without the need for further statistical testing, if a sponsor’s study for Approval Type A1 produces certain results. This approval type is for indications with patients with unknown molecular / genetic characteristics, with its purpose being if the patient needs a therapy but cannot afford to pay for specific testing or it is not covered by their insurance (or if a sponsor cannot afford to test via stratification of molecular/genetic traits). This approval type allows patients that do not know if they have a specific molecular trait to take a therapy and insurers 7
  • 8. should be mandated to cover at least a small portion of it (if it is granted under Type B). SUMMARY: This application allows sponsors to market their therapy and patients to obtain a therapy, with unknown molecular traits but a known disease type. This requires sponsors to run a study and perform randomized statistical tests to measure the effectiveness of a therapy in people with a particular disease type (that may or may not exhibit a molecular or genetic characteristic), or pool data from a previous study (i.e., those performed in A1 trials). B. Offer unique incentives for the investigation of combinational therapies whose components are not previously approved. (The notion behind this is to mitigate the costs pharmaceuticals face with less of a market base with such therapies.) C. Create a symposium where the FDA, pharmaceuticals, and researchers all come together to brainstorm potential drug combinations that can be made into a single therapy. Some mechanism to facilitate this interaction is gravely needed. We currently have the American Association for Cancer Research, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and other putting on symposiums. However, we need the focus of this symposium to be brainstorming the creation of drug cocktails that can more effectively combat illnesses rather than sharing information and giving presentations on the latest research or clinical results. CONCLUSION By combining small modes of action to target an ailment at the same time, it has been proven that side effects can be minimized and effectiveness maximized. As seen, there are many ways to develop such combinational therapies – physicians can develop a cocktail from already approved therapies, sponsors can investigate novel cocktails from already approved therapies, sponsors can investigate novel cocktails by combining investigational therapies with already approved therapies, or sponsors can investigate combination therapies consistent of completely new active components. We have also seen that it is crucial to the benefit of society at large, if a firm knows a cocktail to be more beneficial than treatment by individual components, that firms investigate that cocktail first and foremost. Society cannot have companies developing therapies individually despite knowing there are better benefits to be developed, just so that company can have patent protections for a larger market. Given this, and the notion individual therapies in investigation which do not yield statistically significant marks with regards to primary endpoints like survival and disease regression, but are safe and effective in their target action, it is imperative we rewrite the approval codes to be consistent with such knowledge. And, while we are naturally averse to change, it is for the benefits of society at large that we must create incentives and regulatory changes to realize the benefits of combination products. We look forward to a comprehensive discussion on the merits of what we have recommended, and we will participate vigorously in this discussion. 8