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Critical Literacy Essay
Premise for Critical Literacy
Critical Literacy has many different forms, and can be very different depending on which
classroom it is taking place in. The basic premise that I acquired from researching critical literacy
is that it requires the literate consumers of the text to adopt a critical questioning approach (Critical
Literacy, 2015). Critical Literacy is forming an individual opinion on a topic that isn't only
superficial, but also in depth and meaningful. Being critically literate isn't about attaining literacy
for the purpose of reading letters on a page, it is to read the words on the page and become engaged
in a discussion formulating opinions and expressing ideas openly. Becoming critically literate means
that an more content...
A couple of them are Paulo Freire, Allen Luke,Henry Giroux, and Joe Kincheloe. Many of them
share the same beliefs about this topic, but with a different viewpoint. Paulo Freire was a
twentieth–century Brazilian educator. He was born September 19, 1921 and died May 2, 1997.
Freire was a leading advocate for critical pedagogy, and contributed to the philosophy of education
from a more classical approach such as Plato and modern Marxist. Freire believed in a 'banking
method' which is compared to students. He viewed students as empty bank accounts waiting to be
filled by the teacher. According to Freire, by filling students with this new knowledge it transforms
them into receiving objects (Paulo Freire, Wiki). Paulo Freire believed that Critical thinking was not
a one–way development, not "something done for students or to them" for their own good (Freire,
1989, 34). Freire's pedagogy focused on writing, reading, and things based around the student's life,
and not repetitive lecturing. One of Freire's most stressed phrases, I believe, is "reading the world."
Something that Paulo says is that when reading words, you are actually reading different
perspectives of the
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Essay on Critical Thinking
The concepts of critical thinking and creative thinking are both gaining increasing importance in
the world today. Critical thinking allows people to understand difficult concepts in a manner that is
clearer and more defined. They can more readily understand those concepts if they employ critical
thinking. In all portions of everyday life, a person is expected to make independent judgments.
Those judgments are based on experience and knowledge. Without the ability to think critically,
every situation that a person comes across would have to be considered in isolation from all other
situations. When a person encounters a problem that is a new one, he or she may be able to use
critical thinking to solve those problems. more content...
Critical thinking also helps in decision–making. Both problem solving and decision–making abilities
are vital to a prosperous business. Persons who are critical thinkers can make a difference in the
companies in which they are employed. Today?s corporations must first recognize that there is a real
need for critical thinkers. It is important for both the top management down the line. Critical thinking
must be taught and built in to the way the company or organization performs its business. In fact,
companies and organizations must embrace the concept of critical thinking. Critical thinking can
lead to success story after success story. This type of impact gives any company or organization
credibility. According to Supon, one of the fundamental purposes of teaching critical thinking is to
enhance the abilities of students to become critical thinkers. Corporate leaders, educational
researchers, employers, and parents have continually pushed teachers to assist their students in the
development of critical thinking ability. Critical thinking is a skill that ?involved not only
knowledge of content by also concept formation and analysis, reasoning and drawing conclusions,
recognizing and avoiding contradiction, and other essential cognitive activities? (Supon, 1998).
There are proposed reasons for the emphasis that is currently on critical thinking. Many factors can
be related to this emphasis. They include the societal factors of economic shifts
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The Critical Race Theory Essay example
We live in a society where race is seen as a vital part of our personalities, the lack of racial identity
is very often an important factor which prevent people from not having their own identity (Omi &
Winant, 1993). Racism is extemely ingrained in our society and it seems ordinary (Delgado &
Stefanic, 2000), however, many people denounce the expression of any racist belief as immoral
(Miles & Brown, 2003) highlighting the complicated nature of racism. Critical Race Theory tries to
shed light on the issue of racism claiming that racism is ingrained in our society both in legal,
cultural, and psychological aspects of social life (Tate, 1997). This essay provides us the opportunity
to explore this theory and more content...
Critical Race Theory (CRT) claims that racism is quite usual in social life and white superiority is
extremely ingrained in educational, legal, and political structures which is often unrecognizable
(Taylor, 2009). According to Delgado and Stefanic (2000):
''CRT begins with an a number of basic insticts. One is that racism is normal, not abberrant, in
American society. Because racism is an ingrained feature of our landscape, it looks ordinary and
natural to persons in the culture. Formal equal opportunity – rules and laws that insist on treating
blacks and whites (for example) alike – can thus remedy only the more extreme and shocking forms
of injustice, the ones that do stand out. It can do little about the business–as–usual forms of racism
that people of color confront every day and that account for much misery, alienation, and despair''
(Delgado & Stefanic, 2000: xvi).
Although, this theory began as a part of law sciences, nowadays, there is a great interest of CRT in
the field of education, helping people to understand some forms of discrimination which face the
non–white people in education (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). Moreover, embraces a lot of academic
fields such as history, political science, anthropology etc (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). CRT main
purpose is not only to understand the social structures that promote inequalities but to eliminate
them, it is clear that CRT targets on
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Critical Thinking Reflection Essay
Critical thinking is a significant and essential topic in recent education. The strategy of critical
thinking skills helps identify areas in one's courses as the suitable place to highlight, expand and use
some problems in exams that test students' critical thinking skills.
Critical thinking means accurate thinking in the search of appropriate and dependable knowledge
about the world. Another way to describe it is sensible, insightful, responsible, and skillful thinking
that is focused on deciding what to believe or do. Critical thinking is not being able to process
information well enough to know to stop for red lights or whether you established the right change at
the supermarket.
My academic decisions can more content...
My job now isn't bad, but it takes forever to get there, because I do have a car. I need a job that
closer to home and that would give me more hours. I could gather all the information, weigh the pros
and cons and come to a sound decision. Putting my personal feelings aside and avoid errors in
judgment. Sometimes I need to think without my emotions. It would help me not to use snap
judgments, negative labeling and stereotypes in my thought process. I should also try learning to use
a more creative problem solving, because it helps to approach problem from a different direction
and explores news options. It may also help solve easier problems first and help tackle harder
problems. Should I be a 5th year undergraduate or graduate this year?
I decided last year to change my second major and I was presented with the decision to graduate
on time and not have a second major or stay for an extra year and pursuer my second major. I
briefly talked to my advisor before when I was changing my second major and she told me to look
at everything. She always said that I wasn't too late to change my mind, but the decision was
completely up to me.
Decision: Being a 5th year undergraduate.
I would finish undergrad with two majorsI would have to figure out how to pay for it
I'll be able to stay in the circusI would be in school for 4 more years instead of 3 years
I would get to participate in Dance
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Essay on Criticism
Criticism can be negative or positive; the way it is said may be good or bad. Why do most of us
want to avoid giving or receiving criticism? The purpose of criticism is to encourage positive
outcomes (what the giver wants). Ideally, it brings balance into our lives, provides us with a basis of
comparison, and brings truth, honesty, and intimacy. Hopefully, it gives us honest feedback–a
balance of praise and criticism. Do most of us want to know how we are doing?
Why do successful business people actually seek out criticism from people they respect? Why do
people feel they are unfairly criticized? Are tone of voice, choice of words important? What
communication more content...
Know ones skill and weaknesses; ones successes and failures. How does one know when one is
doing a good job? Need to have a "feel" so we are not caught off guard. Need to learn to take
criticism on the job professionally, and emotion (breathe deeply and slowly). Try to remain
impartial. Ask yourself is the criticism is valid. What can we learn?
Other factors that color criticism: 1) relationship with the giver of criticism (friends give advice).
Why do we resent criticism from in–laws, parents and spouses more than bosses do? 2) Choice of
words–how it is given. "I can't believe you would do such a stupid thing." What words make you
angry, loud, etc? 3) Style of delivery, sacristy, fast and angry, loud, etc. 4) Timing, and public or
private. 5) Other types: beyond your control, aimed at your gender, size, heritage, appearance, etc
QUESTIONS: How good are you at staying cool under criticism? (Knots in stomach, anger, etc).
How well do you listen when you are criticized? (Rephrase so that you really understand what he
/she is saying). How effectively can you organize your thoughts to answer (if you think you
should)? How well do we put the criticism in perspective (not life threatening)? Do we brood on it
for weeks, months?
In many societies a giver of bad news was killed. Is it more difficult to give
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Critical Thinking Application Essay example
Critical Thinking Application
Teaching higher order thinking skills is not a recent need. It is apparent that students, at all levels of
education, are lagging in problem–solving and thinking skills. Fragmentation of thinking skills,
however, may be the result of critical thinking courses and texts. Every course, especially in content
subjects, students should be taught to think logically, analyze and compare, question and evaluate.
Implications for Teaching Thinking must be practiced in each content field at each educational level.
For the teacher, this means hard work. To teach students to memorize facts and then assess them
with multiple–choice tests is a much easier choice to make. In a course that emphasizes thinking, more content...
The criteria for critical thinking are:
1.Distinguish between fact and opinion.
2.Examine the assumptions, including ones own.
3.Be flexible and when looking for explanations, causes, and solutions to problems.
4.Be aware of erroneous arguments, vagueness, and controlling reasoning.
5.Stay focused on the whole picture, while examining the specifics.
6.Look for reputable sources.
The instructional design parameters for self–paced instruction included these factors:
1.Instructional objectives stated initially to the learner.
2.The learner selects his or her own path of inquiry.
3.Small steps, with the necessary tools introduced only as they are needed.
4.Frequent student interaction, requiring high level cognitive involvement.
5.Alternative paths available for variable levels of involvement or usefulness.
In research, there is no right or wrong process; although there are many heuristics that can be passed
on. Appropriate use of information requires that we see knowledge acquirement as fluid and varying.
(Jones, 1996)
Critical Reading Teaching students to think while reading––critical reading––should be central to
any discussion of thinking skills. This is in part because the reading of textbooks has such an
important role in the content fields. Critical reading is defined as learning to assess, draw inferences
and arrive at conclusions based on the evidence.
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Critical Appraisal Essay
The purpose of this report is to conduct a critical appraisal of a published article.
Carnwell (1997) describes a critical appraisal as an unbiased and balanced
scrutiny of the research paper so that both its strengths and weaknesses are
highlighted. The focus of the appraisal with be on "Promoting the health of
people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; patients and their carer's
views" (Caress et al, 2010). The format of the appraisal will be formed around a
set of criteria (see appendix 1).
The journal looks at the views of patients and their carer's experiences with living
the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), its causes, how they manage
with the symptoms, its progression and what more content...
Caress et al (2010) have included literature from as far
back as 1968. The literature does offer some epidemiology in relation to cause,
distribution and control of the disease with the population but there has been no
research literature put forward for discussion. There is also one journal included
titles "A descriptive study of meaning of illness in chronic renal disease" it could
be argued that this wasn't really relevant to the research being carried out.
There has also been no mention of family systems theory as this would have
been quite beneficial as it looks at the broader picture and takes into
consideration the impact that the disease has on other family members. This
could have supported the decision for including family members within the study.
Caress et al (2010) successfully obtained ethical approval; they state that
"Relevant ethical and institutional/governance was obtained" however there was
no mention of who the professional body was that approved them. Beauchamp
and Childress (2001) identify four fundamental principles in achieving ethical
approval, autonomy, non–maleficence, benefince and justice. Autonomy refers to
the individual's right to freely decide if they wish to participate without fear of
coercion, Greaney et al (2012) advise that it is also important to give potential
participants adequate time to freely decide if they
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Critique Essay Examples
Critique Essay of Process and Learning
Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged
how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to
critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my
writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke
rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with this
With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet
provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your more content...
For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that
related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the
importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the
changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we
chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical
therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused
on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was
following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our
peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the
proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were
able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent
a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were
following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring
that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each
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Example Of Critical Essay Writing

  • 1. Critical Literacy Essay Premise for Critical Literacy Critical Literacy has many different forms, and can be very different depending on which classroom it is taking place in. The basic premise that I acquired from researching critical literacy is that it requires the literate consumers of the text to adopt a critical questioning approach (Critical Literacy, 2015). Critical Literacy is forming an individual opinion on a topic that isn't only superficial, but also in depth and meaningful. Being critically literate isn't about attaining literacy for the purpose of reading letters on a page, it is to read the words on the page and become engaged in a discussion formulating opinions and expressing ideas openly. Becoming critically literate means that an more content... A couple of them are Paulo Freire, Allen Luke,Henry Giroux, and Joe Kincheloe. Many of them share the same beliefs about this topic, but with a different viewpoint. Paulo Freire was a twentieth–century Brazilian educator. He was born September 19, 1921 and died May 2, 1997. Freire was a leading advocate for critical pedagogy, and contributed to the philosophy of education from a more classical approach such as Plato and modern Marxist. Freire believed in a 'banking method' which is compared to students. He viewed students as empty bank accounts waiting to be filled by the teacher. According to Freire, by filling students with this new knowledge it transforms them into receiving objects (Paulo Freire, Wiki). Paulo Freire believed that Critical thinking was not a one–way development, not "something done for students or to them" for their own good (Freire, 1989, 34). Freire's pedagogy focused on writing, reading, and things based around the student's life, and not repetitive lecturing. One of Freire's most stressed phrases, I believe, is "reading the world." Something that Paulo says is that when reading words, you are actually reading different perspectives of the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Critical Thinking The concepts of critical thinking and creative thinking are both gaining increasing importance in the world today. Critical thinking allows people to understand difficult concepts in a manner that is clearer and more defined. They can more readily understand those concepts if they employ critical thinking. In all portions of everyday life, a person is expected to make independent judgments. Those judgments are based on experience and knowledge. Without the ability to think critically, every situation that a person comes across would have to be considered in isolation from all other situations. When a person encounters a problem that is a new one, he or she may be able to use critical thinking to solve those problems. more content... Critical thinking also helps in decision–making. Both problem solving and decision–making abilities are vital to a prosperous business. Persons who are critical thinkers can make a difference in the companies in which they are employed. Today?s corporations must first recognize that there is a real need for critical thinkers. It is important for both the top management down the line. Critical thinking must be taught and built in to the way the company or organization performs its business. In fact, companies and organizations must embrace the concept of critical thinking. Critical thinking can lead to success story after success story. This type of impact gives any company or organization credibility. According to Supon, one of the fundamental purposes of teaching critical thinking is to enhance the abilities of students to become critical thinkers. Corporate leaders, educational researchers, employers, and parents have continually pushed teachers to assist their students in the development of critical thinking ability. Critical thinking is a skill that ?involved not only knowledge of content by also concept formation and analysis, reasoning and drawing conclusions, recognizing and avoiding contradiction, and other essential cognitive activities? (Supon, 1998). There are proposed reasons for the emphasis that is currently on critical thinking. Many factors can be related to this emphasis. They include the societal factors of economic shifts Get more content on
  • 3. The Critical Race Theory Essay example Introduction We live in a society where race is seen as a vital part of our personalities, the lack of racial identity is very often an important factor which prevent people from not having their own identity (Omi & Winant, 1993). Racism is extemely ingrained in our society and it seems ordinary (Delgado & Stefanic, 2000), however, many people denounce the expression of any racist belief as immoral (Miles & Brown, 2003) highlighting the complicated nature of racism. Critical Race Theory tries to shed light on the issue of racism claiming that racism is ingrained in our society both in legal, cultural, and psychological aspects of social life (Tate, 1997). This essay provides us the opportunity to explore this theory and more content... Critical Race Theory (CRT) claims that racism is quite usual in social life and white superiority is extremely ingrained in educational, legal, and political structures which is often unrecognizable (Taylor, 2009). According to Delgado and Stefanic (2000): ''CRT begins with an a number of basic insticts. One is that racism is normal, not abberrant, in American society. Because racism is an ingrained feature of our landscape, it looks ordinary and natural to persons in the culture. Formal equal opportunity – rules and laws that insist on treating blacks and whites (for example) alike – can thus remedy only the more extreme and shocking forms of injustice, the ones that do stand out. It can do little about the business–as–usual forms of racism that people of color confront every day and that account for much misery, alienation, and despair'' (Delgado & Stefanic, 2000: xvi). Although, this theory began as a part of law sciences, nowadays, there is a great interest of CRT in the field of education, helping people to understand some forms of discrimination which face the non–white people in education (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). Moreover, embraces a lot of academic fields such as history, political science, anthropology etc (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). CRT main purpose is not only to understand the social structures that promote inequalities but to eliminate them, it is clear that CRT targets on Get more content on
  • 4. Critical Thinking Reflection Essay Critical thinking is a significant and essential topic in recent education. The strategy of critical thinking skills helps identify areas in one's courses as the suitable place to highlight, expand and use some problems in exams that test students' critical thinking skills. Critical thinking means accurate thinking in the search of appropriate and dependable knowledge about the world. Another way to describe it is sensible, insightful, responsible, and skillful thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do. Critical thinking is not being able to process information well enough to know to stop for red lights or whether you established the right change at the supermarket. My academic decisions can more content... My job now isn't bad, but it takes forever to get there, because I do have a car. I need a job that closer to home and that would give me more hours. I could gather all the information, weigh the pros and cons and come to a sound decision. Putting my personal feelings aside and avoid errors in judgment. Sometimes I need to think without my emotions. It would help me not to use snap judgments, negative labeling and stereotypes in my thought process. I should also try learning to use a more creative problem solving, because it helps to approach problem from a different direction and explores news options. It may also help solve easier problems first and help tackle harder problems. Should I be a 5th year undergraduate or graduate this year? I decided last year to change my second major and I was presented with the decision to graduate on time and not have a second major or stay for an extra year and pursuer my second major. I briefly talked to my advisor before when I was changing my second major and she told me to look at everything. She always said that I wasn't too late to change my mind, but the decision was completely up to me. Decision: Being a 5th year undergraduate. ProsCons I would finish undergrad with two majorsI would have to figure out how to pay for it I'll be able to stay in the circusI would be in school for 4 more years instead of 3 years I would get to participate in Dance Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Criticism Criticism Criticism can be negative or positive; the way it is said may be good or bad. Why do most of us want to avoid giving or receiving criticism? The purpose of criticism is to encourage positive outcomes (what the giver wants). Ideally, it brings balance into our lives, provides us with a basis of comparison, and brings truth, honesty, and intimacy. Hopefully, it gives us honest feedback–a balance of praise and criticism. Do most of us want to know how we are doing? Why do successful business people actually seek out criticism from people they respect? Why do people feel they are unfairly criticized? Are tone of voice, choice of words important? What communication more content... Know ones skill and weaknesses; ones successes and failures. How does one know when one is doing a good job? Need to have a "feel" so we are not caught off guard. Need to learn to take criticism on the job professionally, and emotion (breathe deeply and slowly). Try to remain impartial. Ask yourself is the criticism is valid. What can we learn? Other factors that color criticism: 1) relationship with the giver of criticism (friends give advice). Why do we resent criticism from in–laws, parents and spouses more than bosses do? 2) Choice of words–how it is given. "I can't believe you would do such a stupid thing." What words make you angry, loud, etc? 3) Style of delivery, sacristy, fast and angry, loud, etc. 4) Timing, and public or private. 5) Other types: beyond your control, aimed at your gender, size, heritage, appearance, etc QUESTIONS: How good are you at staying cool under criticism? (Knots in stomach, anger, etc). How well do you listen when you are criticized? (Rephrase so that you really understand what he /she is saying). How effectively can you organize your thoughts to answer (if you think you should)? How well do we put the criticism in perspective (not life threatening)? Do we brood on it for weeks, months? GIVER OF CRITICISM In many societies a giver of bad news was killed. Is it more difficult to give Get more content on
  • 6. Critical Thinking Application Essay example Critical Thinking Application Teaching higher order thinking skills is not a recent need. It is apparent that students, at all levels of education, are lagging in problem–solving and thinking skills. Fragmentation of thinking skills, however, may be the result of critical thinking courses and texts. Every course, especially in content subjects, students should be taught to think logically, analyze and compare, question and evaluate. Implications for Teaching Thinking must be practiced in each content field at each educational level. For the teacher, this means hard work. To teach students to memorize facts and then assess them with multiple–choice tests is a much easier choice to make. In a course that emphasizes thinking, more content... The criteria for critical thinking are: 1.Distinguish between fact and opinion. 2.Examine the assumptions, including ones own. 3.Be flexible and when looking for explanations, causes, and solutions to problems. 4.Be aware of erroneous arguments, vagueness, and controlling reasoning. 5.Stay focused on the whole picture, while examining the specifics. 6.Look for reputable sources. The instructional design parameters for self–paced instruction included these factors: 1.Instructional objectives stated initially to the learner. 2.The learner selects his or her own path of inquiry. 3.Small steps, with the necessary tools introduced only as they are needed. 4.Frequent student interaction, requiring high level cognitive involvement. 5.Alternative paths available for variable levels of involvement or usefulness. In research, there is no right or wrong process; although there are many heuristics that can be passed on. Appropriate use of information requires that we see knowledge acquirement as fluid and varying. (Jones, 1996) Critical Reading Teaching students to think while reading––critical reading––should be central to any discussion of thinking skills. This is in part because the reading of textbooks has such an important role in the content fields. Critical reading is defined as learning to assess, draw inferences and arrive at conclusions based on the evidence. Critical Get more content on
  • 7. Critical Appraisal Essay The purpose of this report is to conduct a critical appraisal of a published article. Carnwell (1997) describes a critical appraisal as an unbiased and balanced scrutiny of the research paper so that both its strengths and weaknesses are highlighted. The focus of the appraisal with be on "Promoting the health of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; patients and their carer's views" (Caress et al, 2010). The format of the appraisal will be formed around a set of criteria (see appendix 1). The journal looks at the views of patients and their carer's experiences with living the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), its causes, how they manage with the symptoms, its progression and what more content... Caress et al (2010) have included literature from as far back as 1968. The literature does offer some epidemiology in relation to cause, distribution and control of the disease with the population but there has been no research literature put forward for discussion. There is also one journal included titles "A descriptive study of meaning of illness in chronic renal disease" it could be argued that this wasn't really relevant to the research being carried out. There has also been no mention of family systems theory as this would have been quite beneficial as it looks at the broader picture and takes into consideration the impact that the disease has on other family members. This could have supported the decision for including family members within the study. Caress et al (2010) successfully obtained ethical approval; they state that
  • 8. "Relevant ethical and institutional/governance was obtained" however there was no mention of who the professional body was that approved them. Beauchamp and Childress (2001) identify four fundamental principles in achieving ethical approval, autonomy, non–maleficence, benefince and justice. Autonomy refers to the individual's right to freely decide if they wish to participate without fear of coercion, Greaney et al (2012) advise that it is also important to give potential participants adequate time to freely decide if they Get more content on
  • 9. Critique Essay Examples Critique Essay of Process and Learning Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with this paper. With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your more content... For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each Get more content on