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Categories In My Word Cloud
When writing everyday, whether it be writing a caption on a new post, texting a friend, or journaling everyday, people do not think of their use of
words and how it reflects things about them. The word cloud project takes those words and compiles a list of them that are used most often. I
chosed to use summaries that were written on my phone on days that were eventful and I would like to remember. The summaries reflect what I
did everyday over the summer and what I liked the most from that day. Categories in my word cloud is summer school, softball, and vacation which
show my value in daily activities. The words school, work, lunch, world, and history are present in my word cloud because the weekday after school
ended summer school started. I took world history which took five weeks of summer, but I had to go a little out of my comfort zone. There was no
world history class at Glendale High School so I had to go to Cresenta Valley High school which lead me to write about my day when I was waiting to
get picked up. These are the words that I used most often, and these words are growing in popularity today. I had to do lots of more
This summer I went to Oahu with my brother and dad and created many memorable experiences which I wrote about. Some things that I did was go to
the Dole Plantation, Zip–lining, snorkeling, and lots of swimming. Dole is the only word that has not increased in popularity but has not decreased.
Going to the Dole plantation was very memorable because it was cool to have a Dole Whip from the actual place where pineapples are grown. These
words reflect the most memorable events of my summer and my value of forminging memories. Society would view these words as things you would
do in summer vacation or some outdoor adventures. Snorkeling is starting to increase in popularity but swimming has made a big jump in
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Go Learner Categories
How I fit in terms of Houle's categories of learners and what role, if any, my learning style plays in how I go about engaging in a project:
I see me fitting in the "goal–oriented" GO learner category, that Houle (1961) lists in his category of learner types. I started my higher education at
the age of 39, Houle states that GO learners start at a late age. I always have a goal to reach, this also listed as one of the GO attributes. Houle
mentions that a GO learner does their education in episodes, done usually after realizing what their needs are. I first went after and received my BS in
Criminal Justice, realizing it wasn't for me so went into education. I find myself working well in groups, another part of being an GO learner. Being able
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Categories of Psychotherapy
An early designation of psychotherapies divided all types of psychotherapy into two major categories: insight–oriented therapy and action–oriented
therapy (Woolley, Wampler, & Davis, 2012). This designation was made on the basis of the therapist's main focus in achieving positive change. An
insight–oriented therapy focuses on assisting the client develop knowledge or awareness about themselves as a major focus of change. The insight itself
leads to positive change in the client. Action–oriented therapies directly focus on changing some behavior as opposed to relying on self knowledge or
awareness to facilitate the change. The designation is not mutually exclusive; in all action–oriented therapies some insight is gained and in all
insight–oriented therapies there is some direct change of behavior. However, the designation is valid when determining the focus of the therapist
regarding the main target of the therapeutic intervention.
For example, Experiential Family Therapy attempts to facilitate change by means of a commitment to increasing self–awareness, self–fulfillment, and
expression or communication between family members (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2012). Clients are encouraged to examine their feelings, the
family cohesiveness, communication patterns, and reducing defensiveness and family members by unlocking levels of experiencing and freeing
people from impulsiveness and defensive reactions to one another are the goals. The primary motor of change in experiential
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Essay on The Category of the Individual
The Category of the Individual
In The Order of Things, Michel Foucault argues that there is a "pure experience of order and its modes of being" (Foucault xxi), that order exists and
that it is necessary. Foucault is concerned with language because it is a mode by which we maintain order in the world, and according to his argument,
what we should fear are heterotopias, which "undermine language," "make it impossible to name this and that," "shatter or tangle common names," and
"destroy 'syntax' in advance" (Foucault xviii). When Foucault refers to 'syntax,' he is not just talking about our method of constructing sentences but
"also that less apparent syntax which causes words and things (next to and also opposite one another) to ' more content...
The world becomes divided by a system of binaries, including the socially constructed categories of "normal" and "other." Foucault speaks to this
concern regarding the "other:"
The history of madness would be the history of the Other – of that which, for a given culture, is at once interior and foreign, therefore to be excluded
(so as to exorcize the interior danger) but by being shut away (in order to reduce its otherness); whereas the history of the Same – of that which, for a
given culture, is both dispersed and related, therefore to be distinguished by kinds and to be collected together into identities. (Foucault xxiv)
The exclusion of the "other" is what is represented by the "empty space," and "it is only in the blank spaces of this grid that order manifests itself in
depth as though already there, waiting in silence for the moment of its expression" (Foucault xxi). Though language may attempt to refuse the inclusion
of the "other," the truth is that the "other" is interior, always present, and a necessary part of the order.
In The Order of Things, Foucault not only defends the significance of categories but also highlights what is problematic about them: categories are
defined only by similarities. With categories, the language of the collective always threatens to overwhelm the voice of the individual. It is impossible
for categories to accurately represent all of the differences that are contained
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Categories Of Empathy
Reevy (2010) hypothesized that there are five ways in which people demonstrate empathy. The first three are described as "primitive," meaning they
happen automatically, and include mimicry (copying someone else's facial expressions and body movements), conditioning (feeling and showing the
same emotions as someone else), and direct association (recalling when a similar situation happened to themselves). The last two are learned and
require some practice. They include verbally mediated association (by reading or hearing something, one can visualize and feel the situation), and
perspective taking (putting oneself in another person's shoes) (Reevy, 2010). Additionally, Bruneau (2009) describes the three types of empathy as
interactive (focused
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6 Categories Of Interests Case Study
Of the interest inventories described in the chapter, which would you select?
I would select the General Occupational Themes (GOTs).
What client factors would you consider?
The GOTs is divided into six categories of interest that focus on what the individual like to do. I believe the GOTs is easy and assessable to use on
clients within any setting. However, I would give this assessment to Junior and Senior high school students to help them determine their career and/or
college that they are most interested in based on their personality type. Also, I could give this assessment to clients who are seeking job employment
and who are uncertain of choosing a career path. The GOTs can help individuals find employment or careers that are suitable
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The Five Categories
Note that I have grouped these objections into five categories. The first constitute a highly emotionally charged group that includes yuk, horror,
offence, disgust, unnaturalness, the playing of God and hubris. Then come four clearly moral categories–those concerned with autonomy (in which for
reasons given later I have included dignity); those concerned with harm; those concerned with benefit; and those concerned with justice of one sort or
another, whether in the sense of simply treating people equally, of just allocation of inadequate resources, of just respect for people's rights, or in the
sense of legal justice and the obeying of morally acceptable
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Identify The Three-Top Categories
The three–top categories I scored outstanding in was category six, category one, and category seven. The top category I scored in was Category six. In
this category named Think win–win, I scored an 18 out of 18. The first statement is, I care about the success of others as well as my own, I
demonstrate this at work by caring about the success of others as well as my own. I go above and beyond my daily duties to make sure the
customers are being served at the highest level. The second statement is I cooperate with others, I demonstrate this at work by providing very detailed
answers to questions and show that I am a very caring individual and try my best to assist coworkers with all their questions and guide them into the
right direction more content...
In this category I scored a 16 out of 18 points. The first statement is I show kindness and consideration towards others. I demonstrate this statement
by taking into consideration each persons needs and concerns. My coworkers believe that I am an extremely helpful person and do the most to
assist with helping them find solutions to the consumers issues that they are facing. The second statement is I keep promises and honor
commitments. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping my word when I get assigned a task or volunteer for special project within
my unit. I abide in all my duties that I am assigned too. I have created instructions to be able to process certain types of cases, also have created
special task guides by the assigned due dates. I give my all to make sure I honor all commitments I have been assigned as a worker. The third
statement is I do not speak negatively of others when they are not present. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping a positive
outlook on each day and difficult situation that arises with my job. Working for a large agency that services the public is challenging. It has its ups
and downs and can take a toll on a worker. It is important to always stay positive and not think negative because the attitude can reflect on the work
that is assigned and customers will react negatively back. It is important to keep everyone that you make contact with in a positive space to be able to
do a successful
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Categories Of Sentencing Essay
There are five different categories of sentencing Del Carmen (2012) begins to name them and explain the precise goals they target as well as the
objectives they accomplish. Beginning with the death penalty, it is the most harsh form of punishment in the sentencing field. It sentences individuals
that had committed a capitol murder or any other major crime to death. The next type of sentence would be imprisonment. Imprisonment is a type of
sentence that is split up into two subcategories which are jail and prison. Prison is an ideal punishment for all felony offenders in which incarcerates
the inmate for a fixed amount of time ranging from a year to eternity. Jail is an ideal place for misdemeanor offenders who could be incarcerated for a more content...
If any of the conditions are violated, in result, the parolee could be assigned to imprisonment to finish out the rest of the sentence. Fourthly,
intermediate sanctions come into action with it being as Del Carmen (2012) said, "less severe and less costly than prisons, but more restrictive than
traditional probation." by that it sentences the offender to a more appropriate punishment that fits the crime. Intermediate sanctions contains many
programs that are diverse in their own way as some of the programs rehabilitate the offender and some other offenders are sentenced to certain
punishments to help the community such as community service. Lastly we have a simple type of sentencing method which is fines, forfeiture, and
restitution. This type of sentence is applied where someone may have destroyed someone's mailbox and that is where this sentence method would
come into place since the punishment for it would result in a form repayment or loss of property. This form of sentencing is probably the most
commonly used in the criminal justice
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Personal Social Categories
Social categories like gender, age, my location, race, education, and ethnicity,have all affected me in differnt aspects of my life,for example one of
the things I was tought,while growing up as a white child in a midde class home was,as future man of the house It is your duty and responsibility to
protect everyone and provide,And if you wanted something it wasnt going to be just given you have to work for what you wanted.Growing up in a
enviorment like this with past generations all doing it,It has worried me more as I have gotton older,and I have become more concerned about what a
job pays and what colledge will give me the brightest future. I think that it is socially uacceptable that just becous of race A black child for exaple in the
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Project Estimating Paper
Project Estimating
Project Estimating and Control Techniques
July 12, 2014
Project Estimating
Cost management planning happens early on in the project planning phase and should be refined throughout the project's life cycle as additional details
become available. The project's cost management plan sets the framework for all of the project's cost management processes. The accuracy of
estimating a project's cost is essential to the successful or failure of the project. This makes choosing the right estimating techniques crucial for a
project. Expert judgment provides an insight to past experiences, environments, and historical information from past similar projects. This information
is compared and analyzed more content...
Bottom–up estimating can be used when individual work packages or activity segments of the project need to be estimated. Bottom–up estimating takes
the detailed costs and then rolls those cost details up to a higher level activity segment or work package (Project Management Institute, 2008). An
example of this would be estimating all the resources and facility costs and rolling the information up into the overall project estimate.
Three–point estimating takes a single–point activity and use probability distribution to approximate what can happen in the future. This technique takes
uncertainties and risks into consideration and is considered a more accurate technique as the three points clarify and determine the risk level or range
of uncertainty for the cost estimate (Project Management Institute, 2008).
Determining the most appropriate estimating technique for the project is important. Choosing the right technique depends on the amount of
information you have from past similar projects, and the information you have regarding the current project, such as scope baseline, project schedule,
human resource plan, risk register, enterprise environmental factors, and organizational process assets (Project Management Institute, 2008). It is also
important to know how much time and money the
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Goal Derived Categories
Integrating "Goal Derived" Categories
In reference to social categories, Barsalou (1983) found that people also create "goal–derived" categories, which can shape perception (Fitzsimons &
Shah, 2009, p. 1468). Research conducted by Fitzsimons and Shah (2009) found that goals shape both basic relationship cognition and social
categorization, which suggests a usefulness of integrating goals into the study of social categorization. Hence, a person's active goals "increase
accessibility of means and decrease the accessibility of competing goals" (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009, p.1468). Such categories would then separate
groupings into "things that can help me with my goal" and "things that can obstruct my goal," which, in turn, help people to construct goal–promoting
environments (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009, p.1473). Fitzsimons & Shah's (2009) findings demonstrate a new type of social category–goal
instrumentality. This would support the theory stating that social categorization reflects individual information such as race, gender, age, etc., while
also having a concern for information about the relationship between groups (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009).
In addition, Reicher and Hopkins (2001) shed light on the possible dangers of taking categories for granted, more content...
98). Context, as emphasized by identity theory, is much more important than social identity researchers generally have acknowledged the existence of
personal identity. Stets and Burke (2000) suggest that "being and doing are both central features of one's identity" (p.234). Moreover, such a theory
would address assistance and reflection as central aspects of the self, while providing a stronger integration of the concepts of the group, role and the
person (Stets & Burke,
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Group Identity And Social Categories
Think about a group or social category you belong to, but with which you don't identify. Describe what the group means (or doesn't mean) to you, and
list some examples that demonstrate you of identification.
R/ Theme something complex, but could go I by the part religious. The group social or category of the religion. Every human being through the family
already has a social group: in this case religion is one of them.
I have belonged to the Group religious Catholic, was educated by the Church Catholic, blessed, confirmed and study in school Catholic. School age has
its influences of religion class, visits the Church on Sundays with their parents, and so will little by little growing patterns of religion, also then comes
at the same time the
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Categories Of Deviance
What is deviance? Deviance is the perpetual nature of behavior that strays from the societal norms based on psychological, social and sociological
aspect of a human being. Deviant behavior is known to contribute an aspect of criminal behavior and actions. Based on the written literature of Max
Weber, there are three different types of regularities insociology; charismatic, traditional and legal rational. Each of these types of regularities
capture the contemporary aspect of society. It is believed that deviant behavior makes a vital contribution to the fabric of society because it allows
different forms of society to work together and conceive a consensus. There are many different examples of regularities, such as; people tend to
marry within their own class, people who are 18 and over can vote and only people with licenses can drive.the consequences of not conforming to
different types of regularities differ from imprisonment to legal fines. The difference between customary norms and obligatory norms are the
severity of social backlash and federal consequences. Customary norms are generally things like, tipping waiters above 15% or wearing seatbelts
when driving; whereas, obligatory norms follow the example of obeying the law. The two different types of legitimate orders are based upon who
they come from, one example would be from a police officer and another example would be from a parent. The first has a legal obligation and the
second has a social hierarchy.
Becker and Erikson both conceive deviance as a collective social process whereas people of different societal norms and classes create their own
boundaries based on these communities. The community of African Americans have subsequently been categorized as a deviant group of people by
society. Their behavior in society is collectively misunderstood as deviant behavior whether they are committing actual crimes or just selling
lemonade on the sidewalk. This group responds to being a labelled as a deviant group in a negative way, african americans have created movements
that stand to remove the embellished stereotypes they are labeled with. Black people have been categorized as a deviant group of people since they
were captured and sold on to slave
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The Categories Of Religious Studies
The Categories of Religious Studies
When most religious studies students think of religion they think of people that are very passionate about their particular god, but most people do not
understand why people act the way they do in religions. In religious studies they examine how different categories of religion help people of that
religion conduct a structured way of life. There are many categories, that once are utilized, will help religious studies students obtain a deeper
understanding of people in religions. The categories that will inform a student of Religious Studies about a tradition are myths, rituals, Gods, and
systems of purity. Since the term myth came to existence, during ancient Greece, there has been both positive, and negative connotations for the word.
The negative definition of myth is often closely related to the term fantasy. Some of the negative connotations is due to western literatures reference to
myths. For instance, for a long time in American history people would associate unicorns as myths, because they did not exist. Often, western
literatures would refer to myths as fiction. This has caused many westerners to relate the word myth with something that is unrealistic. In contrast,
religious studies give the term myth a whole new meaning. Instead of relating myth to something that is fiction, religious studies provide a positive
connotation for myth. A myth is a belief that expresses religious ideas, and is the language of a religious tradition.
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3 Categories Of Critical Thinking
The second competency that we learned about in class is how to best organize a paper, and how to determine a strategy about writing that paper. The
strategy would differ based on what you're writing your paper about, and what kind of paper you're writing. One thing that I found helped organize my
thoughts when I am in the planning stages of my essay is dividing my thinking into three categories. The first category is "What I know," the second
category is "What I think I know," and the third category is "What I don't know." I've done this in school, but I never even thought of doing it with my
writing until I read about it in Corinne E. Hinton's, "So you've got a writing assignment. Now what?" When I apply this to my writing, I first read the
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Six Categories Of Play
The six categories of play do not exist without overlapping, but they do help to describe and define different types of play. Play is important, as it will
allow young students to understand the world around them, they develop their social abilities, begin to understand different cultural differences,
develops language, explore problems solving, and allows children to begin to express their thoughts and feelings with peers and teachers. During the
types of play that occur within the six categories of play, children will develop different aspects if important knowledge and skills (Isenberg &
Jalongo, 2010).
Sensory Pleasure is a type of play that incorporates a child's senses while they explore play materials and the environment around them. Sensory play is
focused on sensory experiences for children and often will include the child's whole body and their senses. Smelling, touching, and exploring a rich more content...
According to the text, play can teach children to "handle their feelings, to control their impulses, and to filter out negative behaviors that are
inappropriate" (2007, p. 363) within a particular group setting. However, it is important to note that even this type of play can be considered play with
motion and can be taken too far with younger children who have less of an ability to control their impulses (Bentzen, 2007).
Play with language is a type of play that will typically involve the use of rhythms, sounds, creation of new meanings of new words, and the use of
language to continue to develop their abilities to make and manipulate sounds to form words. The focus, then, is not solely to communicate, but
exploring the concept of language and discovering the patterns, sounds, and meanings of language. Thus, through play with language children begin to
develop their own meaning and uses for language and the rules of their language as well (Bentzen,
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Multiple Categories Of Identity
It important to understand that people do not show one category of identity that determines who they are, instead they have multiple identities of race,
class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age and ability all at the same time (Kang, 2012). At specific times they identity may be more silent than others, but
at no time is anyone without multiple identities. We should recognize that all categories ofidentity are intersectional, what that means is that they
inform and shape each other (kang, 2012). Influencing on the experience that the individual have and the way they choose to perceive the world around
them (kang, 2012). Feminists believe that people actually do have agency regarding the ability to influence their lives, they also states that
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Categories Of Homelessness
Questions type 1
Poverty is defined as the deprivation of opportunity, for example lack of access to education, health are and basic needs such as food, shelter,
clothes. In Seattle, the most common characteristic of poverty is homelessness. Riv Rick, a representative of the Night Watch agency, said that over
10,000 people in Seattle are homeless every night. He divided these people in three categories. The first category consists of people who have no
access to basic needs. The second category consists of people with Seasonal Affective Disorders. The third category includes those who have a
one–time homeless experience. To be homeless in Seattle means not having a place to sleep, no address, no social capital and being economically and more content...
Katrina Hale, a representative of the Catholic Community Services, mentioned some of the programs they have that help the homeless in Seattle.
These include providing facilities for the homeless to bathe, wash their clothes, have medical care, and other services that help to make their lives
stable. In addition, this organization also provides adoption, foster care, youth tutoring and other services that help the children and youth to grow up
in a more secure and loving environment. Tara Hoyt, one of the speakers we had in class, explained her experience visiting the tent cities and other
homeless people in Seattle. She explained how different it is to learn about the hardship pf poverty from books and from actually visiting the poor.
There is such a small space with a large quantity of people occupying it. She also explains how these places smell so bad because people barely
take a shower. The reason as to why they do not bathe is not because they do not want to but because they have little or no access to a place where
they can bathe from. Therefore, these people are deprived of resources that most of us have and
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Categories In My Word Cloud

  • 1. Categories In My Word Cloud When writing everyday, whether it be writing a caption on a new post, texting a friend, or journaling everyday, people do not think of their use of words and how it reflects things about them. The word cloud project takes those words and compiles a list of them that are used most often. I chosed to use summaries that were written on my phone on days that were eventful and I would like to remember. The summaries reflect what I did everyday over the summer and what I liked the most from that day. Categories in my word cloud is summer school, softball, and vacation which show my value in daily activities. The words school, work, lunch, world, and history are present in my word cloud because the weekday after school ended summer school started. I took world history which took five weeks of summer, but I had to go a little out of my comfort zone. There was no world history class at Glendale High School so I had to go to Cresenta Valley High school which lead me to write about my day when I was waiting to get picked up. These are the words that I used most often, and these words are growing in popularity today. I had to do lots of more content... This summer I went to Oahu with my brother and dad and created many memorable experiences which I wrote about. Some things that I did was go to the Dole Plantation, Zip–lining, snorkeling, and lots of swimming. Dole is the only word that has not increased in popularity but has not decreased. Going to the Dole plantation was very memorable because it was cool to have a Dole Whip from the actual place where pineapples are grown. These words reflect the most memorable events of my summer and my value of forminging memories. Society would view these words as things you would do in summer vacation or some outdoor adventures. Snorkeling is starting to increase in popularity but swimming has made a big jump in Get more content on
  • 2. Go Learner Categories How I fit in terms of Houle's categories of learners and what role, if any, my learning style plays in how I go about engaging in a project: I see me fitting in the "goal–oriented" GO learner category, that Houle (1961) lists in his category of learner types. I started my higher education at the age of 39, Houle states that GO learners start at a late age. I always have a goal to reach, this also listed as one of the GO attributes. Houle mentions that a GO learner does their education in episodes, done usually after realizing what their needs are. I first went after and received my BS in Criminal Justice, realizing it wasn't for me so went into education. I find myself working well in groups, another part of being an GO learner. Being able Get more content on
  • 3. Categories of Psychotherapy An early designation of psychotherapies divided all types of psychotherapy into two major categories: insight–oriented therapy and action–oriented therapy (Woolley, Wampler, & Davis, 2012). This designation was made on the basis of the therapist's main focus in achieving positive change. An insight–oriented therapy focuses on assisting the client develop knowledge or awareness about themselves as a major focus of change. The insight itself leads to positive change in the client. Action–oriented therapies directly focus on changing some behavior as opposed to relying on self knowledge or awareness to facilitate the change. The designation is not mutually exclusive; in all action–oriented therapies some insight is gained and in all insight–oriented therapies there is some direct change of behavior. However, the designation is valid when determining the focus of the therapist regarding the main target of the therapeutic intervention. For example, Experiential Family Therapy attempts to facilitate change by means of a commitment to increasing self–awareness, self–fulfillment, and expression or communication between family members (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2012). Clients are encouraged to examine their feelings, the family cohesiveness, communication patterns, and reducing defensiveness and family members by unlocking levels of experiencing and freeing people from impulsiveness and defensive reactions to one another are the goals. The primary motor of change in experiential Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Category of the Individual The Category of the Individual In The Order of Things, Michel Foucault argues that there is a "pure experience of order and its modes of being" (Foucault xxi), that order exists and that it is necessary. Foucault is concerned with language because it is a mode by which we maintain order in the world, and according to his argument, what we should fear are heterotopias, which "undermine language," "make it impossible to name this and that," "shatter or tangle common names," and "destroy 'syntax' in advance" (Foucault xviii). When Foucault refers to 'syntax,' he is not just talking about our method of constructing sentences but "also that less apparent syntax which causes words and things (next to and also opposite one another) to ' more content... The world becomes divided by a system of binaries, including the socially constructed categories of "normal" and "other." Foucault speaks to this concern regarding the "other:" The history of madness would be the history of the Other – of that which, for a given culture, is at once interior and foreign, therefore to be excluded (so as to exorcize the interior danger) but by being shut away (in order to reduce its otherness); whereas the history of the Same – of that which, for a given culture, is both dispersed and related, therefore to be distinguished by kinds and to be collected together into identities. (Foucault xxiv) The exclusion of the "other" is what is represented by the "empty space," and "it is only in the blank spaces of this grid that order manifests itself in depth as though already there, waiting in silence for the moment of its expression" (Foucault xxi). Though language may attempt to refuse the inclusion of the "other," the truth is that the "other" is interior, always present, and a necessary part of the order. In The Order of Things, Foucault not only defends the significance of categories but also highlights what is problematic about them: categories are defined only by similarities. With categories, the language of the collective always threatens to overwhelm the voice of the individual. It is impossible for categories to accurately represent all of the differences that are contained Get more content on
  • 5. Categories Of Empathy Reevy (2010) hypothesized that there are five ways in which people demonstrate empathy. The first three are described as "primitive," meaning they happen automatically, and include mimicry (copying someone else's facial expressions and body movements), conditioning (feeling and showing the same emotions as someone else), and direct association (recalling when a similar situation happened to themselves). The last two are learned and require some practice. They include verbally mediated association (by reading or hearing something, one can visualize and feel the situation), and perspective taking (putting oneself in another person's shoes) (Reevy, 2010). Additionally, Bruneau (2009) describes the three types of empathy as interactive (focused Get more content on
  • 6. 6 Categories Of Interests Case Study Of the interest inventories described in the chapter, which would you select? I would select the General Occupational Themes (GOTs). What client factors would you consider? The GOTs is divided into six categories of interest that focus on what the individual like to do. I believe the GOTs is easy and assessable to use on clients within any setting. However, I would give this assessment to Junior and Senior high school students to help them determine their career and/or college that they are most interested in based on their personality type. Also, I could give this assessment to clients who are seeking job employment and who are uncertain of choosing a career path. The GOTs can help individuals find employment or careers that are suitable Get more content on
  • 7. The Five Categories Note that I have grouped these objections into five categories. The first constitute a highly emotionally charged group that includes yuk, horror, offence, disgust, unnaturalness, the playing of God and hubris. Then come four clearly moral categories–those concerned with autonomy (in which for reasons given later I have included dignity); those concerned with harm; those concerned with benefit; and those concerned with justice of one sort or another, whether in the sense of simply treating people equally, of just allocation of inadequate resources, of just respect for people's rights, or in the sense of legal justice and the obeying of morally acceptable Get more content on
  • 8. Identify The Three-Top Categories The three–top categories I scored outstanding in was category six, category one, and category seven. The top category I scored in was Category six. In this category named Think win–win, I scored an 18 out of 18. The first statement is, I care about the success of others as well as my own, I demonstrate this at work by caring about the success of others as well as my own. I go above and beyond my daily duties to make sure the customers are being served at the highest level. The second statement is I cooperate with others, I demonstrate this at work by providing very detailed answers to questions and show that I am a very caring individual and try my best to assist coworkers with all their questions and guide them into the right direction more content... In this category I scored a 16 out of 18 points. The first statement is I show kindness and consideration towards others. I demonstrate this statement by taking into consideration each persons needs and concerns. My coworkers believe that I am an extremely helpful person and do the most to assist with helping them find solutions to the consumers issues that they are facing. The second statement is I keep promises and honor commitments. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping my word when I get assigned a task or volunteer for special project within my unit. I abide in all my duties that I am assigned too. I have created instructions to be able to process certain types of cases, also have created special task guides by the assigned due dates. I give my all to make sure I honor all commitments I have been assigned as a worker. The third statement is I do not speak negatively of others when they are not present. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping a positive outlook on each day and difficult situation that arises with my job. Working for a large agency that services the public is challenging. It has its ups and downs and can take a toll on a worker. It is important to always stay positive and not think negative because the attitude can reflect on the work that is assigned and customers will react negatively back. It is important to keep everyone that you make contact with in a positive space to be able to do a successful Get more content on
  • 9. Categories Of Sentencing Essay There are five different categories of sentencing Del Carmen (2012) begins to name them and explain the precise goals they target as well as the objectives they accomplish. Beginning with the death penalty, it is the most harsh form of punishment in the sentencing field. It sentences individuals that had committed a capitol murder or any other major crime to death. The next type of sentence would be imprisonment. Imprisonment is a type of sentence that is split up into two subcategories which are jail and prison. Prison is an ideal punishment for all felony offenders in which incarcerates the inmate for a fixed amount of time ranging from a year to eternity. Jail is an ideal place for misdemeanor offenders who could be incarcerated for a more content... If any of the conditions are violated, in result, the parolee could be assigned to imprisonment to finish out the rest of the sentence. Fourthly, intermediate sanctions come into action with it being as Del Carmen (2012) said, "less severe and less costly than prisons, but more restrictive than traditional probation." by that it sentences the offender to a more appropriate punishment that fits the crime. Intermediate sanctions contains many programs that are diverse in their own way as some of the programs rehabilitate the offender and some other offenders are sentenced to certain punishments to help the community such as community service. Lastly we have a simple type of sentencing method which is fines, forfeiture, and restitution. This type of sentence is applied where someone may have destroyed someone's mailbox and that is where this sentence method would come into place since the punishment for it would result in a form repayment or loss of property. This form of sentencing is probably the most commonly used in the criminal justice Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Social Categories Social categories like gender, age, my location, race, education, and ethnicity,have all affected me in differnt aspects of my life,for example one of the things I was tought,while growing up as a white child in a midde class home was,as future man of the house It is your duty and responsibility to protect everyone and provide,And if you wanted something it wasnt going to be just given you have to work for what you wanted.Growing up in a enviorment like this with past generations all doing it,It has worried me more as I have gotton older,and I have become more concerned about what a job pays and what colledge will give me the brightest future. I think that it is socially uacceptable that just becous of race A black child for exaple in the inner Get more content on
  • 11. Project Estimating Paper Project Estimating Project Estimating and Control Techniques CPMGT/303 July 12, 2014 Project Estimating Cost management planning happens early on in the project planning phase and should be refined throughout the project's life cycle as additional details become available. The project's cost management plan sets the framework for all of the project's cost management processes. The accuracy of estimating a project's cost is essential to the successful or failure of the project. This makes choosing the right estimating techniques crucial for a project. Expert judgment provides an insight to past experiences, environments, and historical information from past similar projects. This information is compared and analyzed more content... Bottom–up estimating can be used when individual work packages or activity segments of the project need to be estimated. Bottom–up estimating takes the detailed costs and then rolls those cost details up to a higher level activity segment or work package (Project Management Institute, 2008). An example of this would be estimating all the resources and facility costs and rolling the information up into the overall project estimate. Three–point estimating takes a single–point activity and use probability distribution to approximate what can happen in the future. This technique takes uncertainties and risks into consideration and is considered a more accurate technique as the three points clarify and determine the risk level or range of uncertainty for the cost estimate (Project Management Institute, 2008). Determining the most appropriate estimating technique for the project is important. Choosing the right technique depends on the amount of information you have from past similar projects, and the information you have regarding the current project, such as scope baseline, project schedule, human resource plan, risk register, enterprise environmental factors, and organizational process assets (Project Management Institute, 2008). It is also important to know how much time and money the Get more content on
  • 12. Goal Derived Categories Integrating "Goal Derived" Categories In reference to social categories, Barsalou (1983) found that people also create "goal–derived" categories, which can shape perception (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009, p. 1468). Research conducted by Fitzsimons and Shah (2009) found that goals shape both basic relationship cognition and social categorization, which suggests a usefulness of integrating goals into the study of social categorization. Hence, a person's active goals "increase accessibility of means and decrease the accessibility of competing goals" (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009, p.1468). Such categories would then separate groupings into "things that can help me with my goal" and "things that can obstruct my goal," which, in turn, help people to construct goal–promoting environments (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009, p.1473). Fitzsimons & Shah's (2009) findings demonstrate a new type of social category–goal instrumentality. This would support the theory stating that social categorization reflects individual information such as race, gender, age, etc., while also having a concern for information about the relationship between groups (Fitzsimons & Shah, 2009). In addition, Reicher and Hopkins (2001) shed light on the possible dangers of taking categories for granted, more content... 98). Context, as emphasized by identity theory, is much more important than social identity researchers generally have acknowledged the existence of personal identity. Stets and Burke (2000) suggest that "being and doing are both central features of one's identity" (p.234). Moreover, such a theory would address assistance and reflection as central aspects of the self, while providing a stronger integration of the concepts of the group, role and the person (Stets & Burke, Get more content on
  • 13. Group Identity And Social Categories Think about a group or social category you belong to, but with which you don't identify. Describe what the group means (or doesn't mean) to you, and list some examples that demonstrate you of identification. R/ Theme something complex, but could go I by the part religious. The group social or category of the religion. Every human being through the family already has a social group: in this case religion is one of them. I have belonged to the Group religious Catholic, was educated by the Church Catholic, blessed, confirmed and study in school Catholic. School age has its influences of religion class, visits the Church on Sundays with their parents, and so will little by little growing patterns of religion, also then comes at the same time the Get more content on
  • 14. Categories Of Deviance What is deviance? Deviance is the perpetual nature of behavior that strays from the societal norms based on psychological, social and sociological aspect of a human being. Deviant behavior is known to contribute an aspect of criminal behavior and actions. Based on the written literature of Max Weber, there are three different types of regularities insociology; charismatic, traditional and legal rational. Each of these types of regularities capture the contemporary aspect of society. It is believed that deviant behavior makes a vital contribution to the fabric of society because it allows different forms of society to work together and conceive a consensus. There are many different examples of regularities, such as; people tend to marry within their own class, people who are 18 and over can vote and only people with licenses can drive.the consequences of not conforming to different types of regularities differ from imprisonment to legal fines. The difference between customary norms and obligatory norms are the severity of social backlash and federal consequences. Customary norms are generally things like, tipping waiters above 15% or wearing seatbelts when driving; whereas, obligatory norms follow the example of obeying the law. The two different types of legitimate orders are based upon who they come from, one example would be from a police officer and another example would be from a parent. The first has a legal obligation and the second has a social hierarchy. Becker and Erikson both conceive deviance as a collective social process whereas people of different societal norms and classes create their own boundaries based on these communities. The community of African Americans have subsequently been categorized as a deviant group of people by society. Their behavior in society is collectively misunderstood as deviant behavior whether they are committing actual crimes or just selling lemonade on the sidewalk. This group responds to being a labelled as a deviant group in a negative way, african americans have created movements that stand to remove the embellished stereotypes they are labeled with. Black people have been categorized as a deviant group of people since they were captured and sold on to slave Get more content on
  • 15. The Categories Of Religious Studies The Categories of Religious Studies When most religious studies students think of religion they think of people that are very passionate about their particular god, but most people do not understand why people act the way they do in religions. In religious studies they examine how different categories of religion help people of that religion conduct a structured way of life. There are many categories, that once are utilized, will help religious studies students obtain a deeper understanding of people in religions. The categories that will inform a student of Religious Studies about a tradition are myths, rituals, Gods, and systems of purity. Since the term myth came to existence, during ancient Greece, there has been both positive, and negative connotations for the word. The negative definition of myth is often closely related to the term fantasy. Some of the negative connotations is due to western literatures reference to myths. For instance, for a long time in American history people would associate unicorns as myths, because they did not exist. Often, western literatures would refer to myths as fiction. This has caused many westerners to relate the word myth with something that is unrealistic. In contrast, religious studies give the term myth a whole new meaning. Instead of relating myth to something that is fiction, religious studies provide a positive connotation for myth. A myth is a belief that expresses religious ideas, and is the language of a religious tradition. Get more content on
  • 16. 3 Categories Of Critical Thinking The second competency that we learned about in class is how to best organize a paper, and how to determine a strategy about writing that paper. The strategy would differ based on what you're writing your paper about, and what kind of paper you're writing. One thing that I found helped organize my thoughts when I am in the planning stages of my essay is dividing my thinking into three categories. The first category is "What I know," the second category is "What I think I know," and the third category is "What I don't know." I've done this in school, but I never even thought of doing it with my writing until I read about it in Corinne E. Hinton's, "So you've got a writing assignment. Now what?" When I apply this to my writing, I first read the Get more content on
  • 17. Six Categories Of Play The six categories of play do not exist without overlapping, but they do help to describe and define different types of play. Play is important, as it will allow young students to understand the world around them, they develop their social abilities, begin to understand different cultural differences, develops language, explore problems solving, and allows children to begin to express their thoughts and feelings with peers and teachers. During the types of play that occur within the six categories of play, children will develop different aspects if important knowledge and skills (Isenberg & Jalongo, 2010). Sensory Pleasure is a type of play that incorporates a child's senses while they explore play materials and the environment around them. Sensory play is focused on sensory experiences for children and often will include the child's whole body and their senses. Smelling, touching, and exploring a rich more content... According to the text, play can teach children to "handle their feelings, to control their impulses, and to filter out negative behaviors that are inappropriate" (2007, p. 363) within a particular group setting. However, it is important to note that even this type of play can be considered play with motion and can be taken too far with younger children who have less of an ability to control their impulses (Bentzen, 2007). Play with language is a type of play that will typically involve the use of rhythms, sounds, creation of new meanings of new words, and the use of language to continue to develop their abilities to make and manipulate sounds to form words. The focus, then, is not solely to communicate, but exploring the concept of language and discovering the patterns, sounds, and meanings of language. Thus, through play with language children begin to develop their own meaning and uses for language and the rules of their language as well (Bentzen, Get more content on
  • 18. Multiple Categories Of Identity It important to understand that people do not show one category of identity that determines who they are, instead they have multiple identities of race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age and ability all at the same time (Kang, 2012). At specific times they identity may be more silent than others, but at no time is anyone without multiple identities. We should recognize that all categories ofidentity are intersectional, what that means is that they inform and shape each other (kang, 2012). Influencing on the experience that the individual have and the way they choose to perceive the world around them (kang, 2012). Feminists believe that people actually do have agency regarding the ability to influence their lives, they also states that Get more content on
  • 19. Categories Of Homelessness Questions type 1 Poverty is defined as the deprivation of opportunity, for example lack of access to education, health are and basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes. In Seattle, the most common characteristic of poverty is homelessness. Riv Rick, a representative of the Night Watch agency, said that over 10,000 people in Seattle are homeless every night. He divided these people in three categories. The first category consists of people who have no access to basic needs. The second category consists of people with Seasonal Affective Disorders. The third category includes those who have a one–time homeless experience. To be homeless in Seattle means not having a place to sleep, no address, no social capital and being economically and more content... Katrina Hale, a representative of the Catholic Community Services, mentioned some of the programs they have that help the homeless in Seattle. These include providing facilities for the homeless to bathe, wash their clothes, have medical care, and other services that help to make their lives stable. In addition, this organization also provides adoption, foster care, youth tutoring and other services that help the children and youth to grow up in a more secure and loving environment. Tara Hoyt, one of the speakers we had in class, explained her experience visiting the tent cities and other homeless people in Seattle. She explained how different it is to learn about the hardship pf poverty from books and from actually visiting the poor. There is such a small space with a large quantity of people occupying it. She also explains how these places smell so bad because people barely take a shower. The reason as to why they do not bathe is not because they do not want to but because they have little or no access to a place where they can bathe from. Therefore, these people are deprived of resources that most of us have and Get more content on