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Data Warehousing

Exadata is Still Oracle

                          Richard Burns
                          Teradata Corporation
Exadata is Still Oracle
  Table of Contents

Executive Summary                         2    Executive Summary
Introduction                              3
                                               At the Oracle Open World conference in September 2010, Oracle
Oracle Exadata Database Machine           3
   Overview                                    introduced the third version of its Exadata platform, mainly a
   Exadata Storage Server                 3    hardware upgrade sporting the latest generation Sun Intel®-based
   Oracle Exadata Database Machine        6    servers. Since its introduction of Exadata in 2008, Oracle has
   Summary of Oracle Exadata              8    blitzed the marketplace, extolling Exadata technology with great
                                               fanfare, but only referencing customers executing simple batch
Exadata for Data Warehousing –            8
   A Critique                                  reports. Exadata may help Oracle to address basic 1980’s report-
   Exadata is NOT Intelligent Storage     9    ing problems, but it does little to handle the complex workloads
   Exadata is NOT Shared Nothing         10    and analytics demanded from today’s active data warehouses.
   Exadata does NOT Enable High          11
   Concurrency                                 In our view, fundamental database issues remain with Oracle
   Exadata does NOT Support              12    Exadata. Exadata still relies on the same Oracle shared disk
   Active Data Warehousing
                                               architecture that was designed to optimize transaction processing
   Exadata does NOT Provide              13
   Superior Query Performance
                                               performance but which is ill-suited to manage complex data
   Exadata is Complex                    15
                                               warehouse tasks and active analytic workloads.
Conclusion                               17
                                               While Exadata improves Oracle’s I/O performance, Exadata
                                               does not tackle Oracle’s underlying performance and scalability
                                               problems with large-scale data warehousing that stem from
                                               its shared disk architectural foundation. Analysis shows that
                                               resource contention continues to limit Exadata I/O performance
                                               despite its increased I/O bandwidth. Many query operations
                                               remain unaffected by Exadata and are subject to the same
                                               resource sharing constraints as previously. These exhibit the same
                                               poor performance characteristics as they did before Exadata.

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Exadata is Still Oracle

Despite Oracle’s claims that Exadata solves      Exadata still relies on the same Oracle         In the end, Exadata provides far less
its performance and scalability problems         shared disk architecture that was designed      improvement in data warehouse perform-
in data warehousing, a close examination         to optimize transaction processing perform-     ance than Oracle promises.
of the Exadata architecture reveals how          ance but which is ill-suited to manage
little Oracle has really changed, how few of     complex data warehouse tasks and active         Oracle Exadata Database
Oracle’s classic data warehousing perform-       analytic workloads.                             Machine Overview
ance issues are addressed by Exadata, and
                                                 In this paper, we review the latest members     The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is
how complex Exadata really is.
                                                 of the Exadata product family, and conclude     a complete, pre-configured Oracle RAC
In the end, Exadata delivers far less            that the Oracle Exadata Database Machine,       database system that combines Oracle
improvement in data warehouse perform-           even with these upgrades, falls well short of   RAC database servers with new Exadata
ance than Oracle promises.                       meeting critical needs of large- and medium-    Storage Servers, all hosted on an Intel
                                                 scale data warehouse users.                     Xeon® hardware platform produced by
Introduction                                                                                     Oracle’s Sun division. The latest genera-
                                                 The fundamental cause of Oracle’s data          tion offers two distinct Exadata products.
In September 2010, at the Oracle Open            warehousing limitations, in our analysis,       In the Oracle Exadata Database Machine
World conference, Oracle introduced the          remains Oracle’s shared disk architecture.      X2-2 database servers contain two Intel
third generation of its Exadata database         Oracle’s shared disk approach, even in its      Westmere six-core processors, while in the
platform. The new edition is primarily a         Exadata incarnation, continues to be a          Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8
hardware upgrade to the latest generation        poor match for the requirements of large-       each server contains eight Intel Nehalem
Sun Intel-based servers. Oracle Exadata          scale data warehousing. Exadata may well        eight-core processors. According to Oracle,
has been successful upgrading existing           be the “world’s best OLTP database,” as         the X2-2 replaces Exadata V2 and is aimed
Oracle operational databases and applica-        Larry Ellison claims, but Oracle’s funda-       at data warehousing while the X2-8 is a
tions, but Exadata’s success in data             mental dependence on a shared resource          new product intended for operational
warehousing and business intelligence            design limits its ability to overcome its       database consolidation.
uses, especially for large-scale business-       shortcomings for the more data-intensive
critical applications, is still unproven         requirements of data warehousing.               The Exadata Storage Servers provide an
nearly three years after its introduction.                                                       alternate storage sub-system for Oracle
                                                 Despite Oracle’s claims that Exadata solves     database systems; one that is designed to
Since its introduction, Oracle has blitzed the   its performance and scalability problems        improve I/O performance and scalability
marketplace, extolling Exadata technology        in data warehousing, a close examination        for Oracle databases. Oracle uses the same
with great fanfare, but only referencing         of the Exadata architecture reveals how         Exadata Storage Server configuration for
customers executing simple batch reports.        little Oracle has really changed, how few of    both the X2-2 and the X2-8 products.
Exadata may adequately address basic             Oracle’s classic data warehousing perform-
1980’s reporting problems, but it does little    ance issues are addressed by Exadata, how       Exadata Storage Server
to handle the complex workloads and              narrow is the class of business intelligence    The Oracle Exadata Storage Server pro-
analytics demanded from today’s active           queries that significantly benefits from        vides special-purpose storage for Oracle
data warehouses. In our view, fundamental        Exadata, and how complex and costly             databases. It replaces SAN or NAS storage
database issues remain with Exadata.             Exadata really is.                              systems from third-party vendors that
                                                                                                 have been used to provide Oracle shared

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Exadata is Still Oracle

               Oracle Before Exadata                                                                            Oracle Exadata

       Oracle              Oracle         Oracle            Oracle                              Oracle           Oracle            Oracle            Oracle
       DBMS                DBMS           DBMS              DBMS                                DBMS             DBMS              DBMS              DBMS

                              Fibre Channel
                   Array                       Array
                 Controller                  Controller
                                                                                                  Exadata                  Exadata                Exadata
                                                                                                  Software                 Software               Software

                                                                                                    Array                    Array                  Array
          Disk Array            Disk Array            Disk Array                                  Controller               Controller             Controller

                                                                                                                              Figure 1. Exadata Storage architecture.

storage in the past. Exadata Storage                  Exadata Storage Cells are based on stan-                      (15K RPM) 600GB SAS disks, called the
Servers, or cells, replace the disk arrays and        dard Intel Xeon processors. The same                          high-performance option, and another with
controllers, while an InfiniBand® network             Exadata Storage infrastructure is used for                    12 slower (7200 RPM), high capacity 2TB
provides connectivity to the Oracle RAC               both X2-2 and X2-8 products. Exadata                          drives, referred to as the high capacity option.
database servers. From the viewpoint of               servers employ Intel’s latest generation
                                                                                                                    The 600GB SAS storage option provides
the Oracle database, Exadata storage is               processor, code named Westmere. In X2-
                                                                                                                    up to 7.2TB of spinning storage per server
treated the same as the SAN or NAS                    based systems, Exadata cells are built on
                                                                                                                    and provides up to 1.8 GBps of data
storage subsystem it replaces. In other               Sun x4270 M2 servers that contain dual
                                                                                                                    bandwidth to the Oracle database. The
words, from the perspective of the Oracle             six-core Xeon L5640 processors running
                                                                                                                    2TB SAS storage option offers up to 24TB
database, Exadata is simply another                   at 2.26 GHz, with 24GB of memory per
                                                                                                                    of spinning storage and up to 1 GBps of
storage device. It is managed by Oracle’s             cell and 12 internal disks for data storage
                                                                                                                    data bandwidth (See Figure 2.). Oracle
Automated Storage Manager in the same                 connected through a PCI-mounted disk
                                                                                                                    strongly recommends the 600GB disk
way as any other storage device in an                 array controller. Two disk configurations
                                                                                                                    storage option for users concerned about
Oracle database system (See Figure 1.).               are available, one containing 12 high-speed
                                                                                                                    query performance and reliability.

      Storage                  Storage                    User Data                   Data                          Each Exadata cell also contains 384GB of
       Type                    Capacity                    Volume                   Bandwidth                       flash storage implemented via four PCI-e
   600GB SAS                     7.2TB                        2TB                    1.8 GBps                       cards that hold 96GB of flash storage each.

     2TB SAS                        24TB                      7TB                     1 GBps

                                                          Figure 2. Oracle Exadata Storage Server capacity.

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The Exadata flash configuration is                 > Adding flash storage to improve                  The principal innovation of Exadata is
unchanged from the previous Exadata V2                   random I/O throughput for some of            to migrate some query processing steps
system. By eliminating the mechanical                    the data.                                    to the Exadata cells. With Exadata, Oracle
delays inherent in rotating disk technology,                                                          query processing is split into two stages,
                                                   For many years, Oracle has advocated
Exadata Flash Storage supports higher                                                                 running on separate groups of servers
                                                   configuring data warehouse I/O subsys-
random I/O throughput for a portion of the                                                            connected to one another by an Infiniband
                                                   tems to deliver high sustained data rates,
data. And it is primarily used as cache space                                                         network (See Figure 3.). In the first stage,
                                                   and scaling I/O bandwidth to maintain
for data aging out of Oracle memory-based                                                             the Exadata software retrieves data into
                                                   that rate as the system grows. Oracle’s best
buffer cache.                                                                                         Exadata cells, performs column projections
                                                   practices, reflected in its Oracle Optimized
                                                                                                      and row restrictions based on the SELECT
The purpose of Exadata is to improve I/O           Warehouse reference architectures, specify
                                                                                                      list and the WHERE clause predicates of
performance for both OLTP and data                 I/O configurations designed to meet these
                                                                                                      the query, decompresses data and reassem-
intensive business intelligence applications.      objectives. Leading Oracle customers have
                                                                                                      bles rows as needed, and returns filtered
Exadata achieves improved I/O perform-             been deploying large data warehouse
                                                                                                      row sets across the network to the Oracle
ance in four ways by:                              systems that achieve these goals within
                                                                                                      database server or Real Application Cluster
> Employing a high-speed Infiniband                Oracle’s shared disk architecture with very
                                                                                                      (RAC), where the second stage occurs.
   network between every Exadata cell              large, high bandwidth, and quite expensive
                                                                                                      In the second stage, the Oracle database
   and each Oracle database server.                storage subsystems. So supporting parallel
                                                                                                      performs the remaining query operations,
                                                   I/O across a high bandwidth, scalable
> Expanding the bandwidth of the storage                                                              which may include sorting, group by,
                                                   storage network is not a new concept for
   network as Exadata cells are added.                                                                aggregation, and analytic operations, and
                                                   Oracle. By delivering a hardware-based
> Filtering only data of interest to execut-                                                          returns the answer set to the requestor.
                                                   solution, Exadata simply builds the storage
   ing queries in Exadata processors to
                                                   network into its architecture to guarantee         The Oracle Exadata Storage Server is
   reduce data volume before transmitting
                                                   adequate I/O performance.                          connected to the Oracle RAC system via
   data from Exadata cells to the Oracle
                                                                                                      dual Infiniband links, each running at
   database servers.
                                                                                                      40 Gbps. Multiple Exadata Storage Servers
                                                                                                      can be linked together to provide a scalable
                                                                                                      data access layer for the Oracle DBMS,
                       Exadata Server                          Oracle Server                          though since Exadata V2, this approach
                                                                                                      appears to be discouraged by Oracle. An
                            Software                                                                  Exadata Storage Server can contain data
                                                                  DBMS                                for multiple Oracle databases, and individ-
                                            InfiniBand           Software                             ual Oracle databases can be deployed
                                                                                                      across clusters of Exadata Storage Servers.

                        Exadata Layer                        Oracle DBMS Layer
                                                                                                      Oracle Automated Storage Management
                                                                                                      provides software mirroring for data
                                                    Figure 3. Exadata two-layer query architecture.

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Exadata is Still Oracle

protection. The Exadata Storage Server            Westmere six-core processors in both              The Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2
comes with Oracle Enterprise Linux,               the Oracle database and Exadata servers.          delivers an Optimized Warehouse configu-
Oracle Exadata Storage software, and              And it increases the memory on the Oracle         ration designed to deliver a peak I/O
management software already installed.            database nodes. No software changes are           bandwidth slightly greater than the 260MB
Each Exadata Storage Server is a self-            added, and the Exadata storage devices            per second per processor core that Oracle
contained server, holding database data           remain the same as in Exadata V2. Oracle          advocates for best system performance.
and running Exadata Storage software.             is targeting the X2-2 product at data
                                                                                                    Each Oracle RAC database server comes
                                                  warehousing applications.
Exadata is currently available only for                                                             with Oracle Database 11gR2 Enterprise
Oracle Enterprise Linux installations.            The Oracle Exadata Database Machine               Edition pre-loaded and includes software
Oracle systems deploying Exadata Storage          X2-2 is available in several configuration        components that Oracle strongly recom-
Servers are required to run Oracle 11g,           sizes. A full cabinet Oracle Exadata              mends for large-scale data warehousing:
Release 2 (11gR2) or higher.                      Database Machine includes the following           > Real Application Clusters
                                                  components packaged in a standard
Oracle Exadata Database                                                                             > Partitioning
                                                  19-inch rack (42U):
Machine                                                                                             > Hybrid Columnar Compression
                                                  > Eight Oracle RAC database servers
The primary Exadata product however, is                                                             > High availability options
                                                      running Oracle 11gR2 software on Sun
a pre-configured, appliance-like database
                                                      x4170 M2 servers with dual Intel Xeon         > Enterprise Manager Diagnostics and
machine that integrates Exadata Storage
                                                      X5670 quad-core processors running at            Tuning Pack
Servers and Oracle RAC Database Servers
                                                      2.93 GHz and 96GB of memory
in a single system connected via a high-                                                            Each Oracle Exadata Database Machine
speed Infiniband communication fabric.            > Fourteen Exadata cells configured with          X2-2 full cabinet can hold up to 100TB of
In the latest generation, Oracle offers two           384GB of PCI mounted Flash Cache              spinning disk with 600GB SAS disks, and
distinct Exadata products, the X2-2 and               and either 12 x 600GB SAS or 12 x 2TB         up to 336TB with 2TB SATA drives (See
the X2-8.                                             SAS disks                                     Figure 4.). Oracle claims that up to eight
                                                  > Three Sun Infiniband switches for               cabinets can be connected to expand
Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2
                                                      scalable inter-processor communications       system capacity before additional external
The Oracle Exadata Database Machine
                                                  > Ethernet network for client                     Infiniband switches must be added. Field
X2-2 is a hardware refresh of the previous
                                                      communications                                experience to date however, has rarely
Exadata V2 system. It replaces V2’s
                                                                                                    spotted even a two-cabinet Oracle Exadata
Nehalem quad-core processors with
                                                                                                    Database Machine devoted to a single
                                                                                                    database. Multi-cabinet Exadata configura-
      Storage                Storage              User Data                   Data
                                                                                                    tions appear mainly for hosting multiple
       Type                  Capacity              Volume                   Bandwidth
                                                                                                    databases on dedicated servers in a
  600GB SAS                   100TB                  28TB                   25 GBps
                                                                                                    consolidated hardware cluster.
    2TB SATA                  336TB                 100TB                   14 GBps

                                              Figure 4. Oracle Exadata Database Machine capacity.

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Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8           and reliability problems that have con-        power as a full cabinet X2-2 system. The
The Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8       fronted large RAC environments. Large          X2-8 has the same Exadata storage as the
is a new Exadata product based on the Sun      SMP servers still command a price pre-         X2-2 product (See Figure 4.), and Oracle
x4800 server. In recent product offerings,     mium, however, and the X2-8 is no              claims that up to eight X2-8 cabinets can
Oracle has stressed the price-performance      exception. The X2-8 hardware costs 50%         be linked together. Like the X2-2, the X2-8
benefits of clusters of smaller servers like   more per cabinet than the equivalently         product comes with Oracle Database
the Exadata X2-2 configuration and             powered X2-2 system. Software and              11gR2 preloaded.
previous Exadata generations. The X2-8         maintenance costs are also higher due to
                                                                                              Oracle’s target market for the Exadata
represents a return to Oracle configura-       the database license requirements for the
                                                                                              X2-8 product is operational database
tions based on large processor count SMP       higher core count on the X2-8 system.
                                                                                              consolidation, so is not expected to be
servers. It allows Oracle to offer more
                                               The Oracle Exadata Database Machine            widely used for data warehousing. As a
processing power and more memory on
                                               X2-8 starts at a full cabinet configuration,   result, our analysis will focus primarily
smaller RACs, thus reducing the scalability
                                               containing two Sun x4800 servers, and is       on the X2-2 product.
                                               available in full cabinet increments. The
                                                                                              Hybrid Columnar Compression
                                               X2-8 combines the Sun 4800 Oracle
                                                                                              On the software front, Oracle has added
                                               database servers with the same Exadata
                                                                                              Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC),
                                               storage infrastructure as the X2-2 system.
                                                                                              an Oracle 11gR2 feature exclusively for
                                               A full cabinet Exadata X2-8 system
                                                                                              Exadata systems. HCC works by taking
                                               contains these components:
                                                                                              rows in adjacent data blocks, called a
                                               > Two Oracle RAC database servers              compression group, vertically partitioning
                                                  running Oracle 11gR2 software on Sun        them by column, compressing each
                                                  x4800 servers (5U) with eight Intel         column partition, and storing the resulting
                                                  Xeon X7560 eight-core processors            compressed column partitions side-by-
                                                  running at 2.26 GHz and 1TB of              side in one or more data blocks as needed.
                                                                                              While Exadata SmartScan can operate on
                                               > Fourteen Exadata cells configured with
                                                                                              compressed data, subsequent query
                                                  384GB of PCI mounted Flash Cache
                                                                                              processing requires decompression and
                                                  and either 12 x 600GB SAS or 12 x 2TB
                                                                                              reassembly of rows. This typically requires
                                                  SAS disks
                                                                                              multiple I/Os, perhaps as many as the
                                               > Sun Infiniband switches for scalable         number of blocks in a compression group,
                                                  inter-processor communications              and significant processing power to
                                               > Ethernet network for client communi-         decompress requested columns and
                                                  cations                                     reassemble column values into rows.
                                               A full cabinet Exadata X2-8 system
                                                                                              HCC offers two compression modes – query
                                               contains 128 cores and 2TB of memory,
                                                                                              and archive. Query mode is prescribed for
Figure 5. Oracle Exadata Database Machine.     and has roughly the same processing
                                                                                              active data, with archive mode reserved

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Exadata is Still Oracle

for dormant data. Archive mode yields a         features. HCC also effectively disables row   the use of Intel Westmere processors, and
higher compression ratio at much higher         level locking within the compression unit     demonstrates minimal added value from
cost to compress and decompress.                by acquiring the same locking level on all    the database software itself. With Exadata
                                                rows in the compression unit as the most      X2, Oracle continues to throw even more
Oracle claims that HCC in query mode
                                                stringent lock request. Because of these      hardware to address limitations of their
provides up to 10X compression with low
                                                limitations, Oracle recommends HCC for        database software. As the next section
impact on query performance. Like any
                                                use with static data only. In other words,    shows, the additional hardware does not
compression technique, user mileage will
                                                the HCC feature is not applicable to          solve the fundamental problem Oracle has
vary, but skepticism is certainly warranted.
                                                actively updated data warehouses required     with data intensive analytic workloads.
For real-world data warehouses it seems
                                                for operational business intelligence.
reasonable to expect that fitting ten pounds
                                                                                              Exadata for Data
of data in a one-pound bag will be rare.        Summary of Oracle Exadata
                                                                                              Warehousing – A Critique
What we have seen to date is roughly half       Architecture
that compression at best.                       Compared to the previous Exadata              With Exadata, Oracle claims to deliver
                                                generation, in the X2-2 product Oracle        superior performance for data warehouse
By shrinking data volume, HCC reduces                                                         workloads at a lower price, lower even
                                                has modestly upgraded the hardware per
the I/O necessary to process data-intensive                                                   than inexpensive data warehouse appliances
                                                cabinet, including more powerful Intel
queries. In many cases however, the cost of                                                   from Teradata Corporation or Netezza.
                                                processors and more memory in the
decompression and row reassembly offsets                                                      According to Oracle, this is possible
                                                database tier. Oracle has also introduced
the I/O savings, resulting in little, if any,                                                 because Exadata combines intelligent
                                                a new “fat SMP” Exadata configuration,
performance benefit to either CPU time or                                                     data filtering and fast, scalable data
                                                the X2-8, which appears to be targeted at
query response time. This may be part of                                                      movement with the sophisticated Oracle
                                                operational database consolidation rather
the motivation for Oracle’s decision to                                                       database. The combination allows Oracle
                                                than data warehousing.
limit availability of the HCC feature to                                                      to deliver “the world’s fastest database
Exadata systems, which has ample processor      Oracle claims only 20 percent improve-        machine,” according to Ellison.
power in the Exadata layer. Consequently,       ment in disk I/O performance, the limiting
the main benefit of HCC is likely to be         factor in scan performance. The latest        However, a closer look at the Exadata
storage savings rather than improved            generation includes no upgrade to the         architecture leads to a very different
query performance.                              Smart Flash Storage system, so like           conclusion. Our analysis indicates that:
                                                previous Exadata systems, the flash device    > Exadata does not put query intelligence
The Exadata HCC feature has other costs
                                                throughput, although nominally higher            closer to the storage than competitive
that limit its use. HCC can only be applied
                                                than disk, is limited by the rate at which       products such as the Teradata® Database.
at bulk load time. SQL inserts are not
                                                the processors can ingest data to be          > Exadata is not a shared nothing system
eligible for compression using HCC.
                                                approximately the same rate as disk              like the Teradata Database so it contin-
Updates to HCC compressed data cause
                                                throughput, and thus offers no additional        ues to wrestle with scalability issues
the compression unit to revert to row
                                                throughput advantages.                           caused by resource contention in its
organization, either in uncompressed
                                                                                                 shared resource environment.
format, or compressed using other, less         As a result, the data warehouse perform-
aggressive Oracle compression options,          ance improvements Oracle claims with          > Exadata does not enable high con-
some of which are optional, extra cost          Exadata X2-2 come almost entirely from           currency due to its shared resource

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Exadata is Still Oracle

   architecture, a problem the addition
                                                                          Oracle                                        Teradata
   of flash storage does little to help.
> Exadata does not support active data                                Oracle Server

   warehousing because its key query                                         RAC

   performance optimizations are                                           DBMS
   ineffective when forced to handle                                        ASM
   concurrent updates.
> Exadata does not provide superior
   query performance because it only                                                                                  Teradata Node
                                                                      Exadata Server
   addresses a small part of the query                                                                                  CPU        CPU
                                                                        CPU      CPU
   performance issues Oracle faces, and
   that part shrinks as queries grow
   more complex.                                                         Controller                                        Array
> Exadata is complex because it adds
   multiple layers of query processing
   requiring significant hardware
   resources to attempt to work around
   its architectural limitations for data-                                                    Figure 6. Intelligent Storage: Oracle versus Teradata Database.

   intensive decision support workloads.
> Exadata is expensive to purchase and
                                                   complex analytics, standard reports, ad-hoc            fact, because a Teradata node has more
                                                   queries, and continuous updates.                       storage network connections, it can deliver
The bottom line? The Oracle Exadata                                                                       data to the processors more than two
                                                   The next sections examine Exadata’s
Database Machine is simply throwing                                                                       times faster than Exadata does.
                                                   architecture to illustrate its capabilities
hardware – lots of hardware – at what is
                                                   and limitations.                                       Unlike Teradata Database, which performs
fundamentally a software problem.
                                                                                                          all query processing within the nodes,
                                                   Exadata is NOT Intelligent
Our analysis shows that the Teradata Data                                                                 Exadata cells only perform initial column
Warehouse Appliance, which addresses the                                                                  projections from the select list, and row
                                                   Under the covers, an Exadata cell is a
same data warehouse appliance market                                                                      restrictions using the WHERE clause
                                                   standard Intel-based server, just like a
segment as Exadata, outperforms the Oracle                                                                predicates. Exadata can also perform some
                                                   Teradata node, and accesses data in the
Exadata Database Machine with less hard-                                                                  fact table row restrictions based on joined
                                                   same way (See Figure 6.). Both read
ware at a lower price. Further, our analysis                                                              dimensions (for star schema joins). The
                                                   database data from a disk array into server
shows that Exadata cannot achieve the active                                                              Exadata cells transmit the resulting row
                                                   memory to process it. In Exadata, the disks
data warehouse capabilities of the Teradata                                                               sets to the Oracle database server, where all
                                                   and array controller are contained within
Active Enterprise Data Warehouse to enable                                                                other query operations are executed, just
                                                   the server, while for the Teradata platform,
enterprise data integration, fully accessible by                                                          as they have always been. This includes
                                                   the disk subsystem is in a separate enclo-
thousands of concurrent users performing                                                                  operations such as aggregation, sorting,
                                                   sure – a simple packaging distinction. In

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Exadata is Still Oracle

analytic operations, data transformations,       shared disk into a shared-nothing archi-                                      policy. So in fact, not only can each query
updates, temporary table creation and            tecture – one that minimizes the number                                       process read from all disks, under SAME
processing, locking and concurrency control,     of shared system resources to reduce time                                     data allocation, all query processes will
as well as row and column restrictions too       spent waiting for other processes to finish                                   read from all disks.
complex for “SmartScan” processing in            using them. While superficially Exadata
                                                                                                                               Oracle advocates the SAME allocation policy
Exadata. Even simple reporting queries           cells run independently of each other –
                                                                                                                               for data warehousing because it believes
usually require other query operations           just as disk arrays never interact with one
                                                                                                                               that in its shared disk environment this
such as aggregation, and all of these are        another – every Oracle database process
                                                                                                                               policy optimizes access performance
performed in the database server, not the        still must have access to all database
                                                                                                                               across diverse access patterns to different
Exadata server.                                  data. Remember, to the Oracle database,
                                                                                                                               tables. While it’s possible to control data
                                                 Exadata is simply another storage device.
In an Exadata environment, the storage                                                                                         allocation manually, as the number of
path between disk and database server may        Distribution of data on Exadata storage is                                    tables grows, the complexity of specifying
well be shorter than in a classic large-scale    managed by Oracle’s Automatic Storage                                         data placement manually becomes quickly
Oracle SAN environment with multiple             Manager (ASM). By default, ASM stripes                                        unmanageable. For these reasons, Oracle
layers of storage switches. On the other         each Oracle data partition across all                                         users are likely to rely on ASM’s automated
hand, while Exadata offloads I/O opera-          available disks on every Exadata cell (See                                    data allocation strategy.
tions and initial filtering from the database    Figure 7.). This produces thin stripes on
                                                                                                                               By contrast, Teradata Database assigns
server, compared to Teradata Database, it        all disks for every partition. Oracle calls
                                                                                                                               every data partition to a distinct set of
introduces latency that lengthens query          this allocation policy Stripe and Mirror
                                                                                                                               disks, and each data partition is owned
response time even for the simplest queries,     Everywhere, or SAME, and ASM automati-
                                                                                                                               by a separate database process. At query
because it requires data to be transmitted       cally implements the SAME data allocation
between the Exadata cell and the Oracle
database server during query execution.
                                                                                   Oracle                                                                Teradata
To put it simply, Teradata Database puts
                                                                        Worker 1

                                                                                    Worker 2

                                                                                               Worker 3

                                                                                                          Worker 4

all query intelligence as close to the data as
                                                                                                                                                      AMP 1

                                                                                                                                                              AMP 2

                                                                                                                                                                      AMP 3

                                                                                                                                                                              AMP 4
Exadata’s initial data filtering operations.
In addition, those query operations perfor-
med in the Oracle database server are now
further away from the data than the compa-
rable operations in Teradata Database.                     Exadata                 Exadata                           Exadata

Exadata is NOT Shared Nothing                       2
Exadata improves parallel I/O performance           4
and speeds up data retrieval compared to                                                                                                               1      2       3       4
previous Oracle versions, but Exadata does
                                                                                               Figure 7. Architecture: Oracle shared disk versus Teradata shared nothing.
not magically transform Oracle from a

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Exadata is Still Oracle

execution time, each Teradata process,              Exadata does NOT Enable                           parallel slaves belonging to the second
called an Access Module Processor (AMP),            High Concurrency                                  query read data, they will also access all
reads data from its own disks into its own          Increasing the number of users accessing          the same disks. In the best case, only three
memory, without contending with other               the data warehouse requires the ability to        of them can begin their I/O operations
AMPs for resources.                                 handle an expanding volume of concurrent          before some thread encounters an I/O
                                                    queries and to service the rapidly growing        Wait condition (See Figure 8.).
In Oracle, as a consequence of SAME policy,
                                                    I/O demand this entails. The enterprise-
every parallel slave or worker running part                                                           Additional I/O requests from the parallel
                                                    class SAS disks used by Exadata, rotating at
of a parallel query will request data from all                                                        query slaves of other concurrent queries
                                                    15K RPM, are capable of delivering data to
Exadata cells. This means that even within a                                                          will be forced to queue, waiting for the
                                                    requestors at about 120 MBps. To maximize
single parallel query, the individual query                                                           I/O requests from queries 1-3 to complete.
                                                    I/O throughput, Exadata reads data off
worker processes may all request data from                                                            While these I/O requests are queued,
                                                    disk in large chunks. Exadata defaults to
the same disks concurrently. This produces                                                            forward progress on the requesting queries
                                                    4MB data blocks. At a 4MB block size,
potential contention on each disk for disk                                                            is stalled, and processors for both the
                                                    30 concurrent I/Os saturate a drive, even
head location and I/O bandwidth. So even                                                              Exadata servers and the database servers
                                                    without allowances for seek time.
within a single parallel query, I/O resource                                                          may sit idle for longer periods, waiting for
contention is likely.                               Assuming an optimal data allocation using         I/O. Higher query concurrency exacerbates
                                                    the SAME policy described above, it takes         the problem, yielding longer and longer I/O
So while Exadata certainly increases the I/O
                                                    very few concurrent parallel queries to           queues and less efficient processor utiliza-
parallelism of Oracle, its shared disk arch-
                                                    fully consume the data bandwidth avail-           tion, affecting both throughput and query
itectural foundation remains unchanged.
                                                    able in an Exadata system. Consider four          response time. In a large enterprise data
Exadata does nothing to reduce or eliminate
                                                    concurrent queries running eight-way              warehouse environment, more than 1,000
the structural contention for shared
                                                    parallel. The eight parallel slave processes      concurrent queries may be active. Despite
resources that fundamentally limits the
                                                    of the first query will read concurrently         the large number of processors in both the
scalability – of data, users, and workload –
                                                    from all the Exadata disks. When the eight        Exadata cells and the database servers, an
of Oracle data warehouses.

                                  DB                    DB
                                  ASM                  ASM
                                                                                                Query 1                           Exadata
                                                                                                                      I/O Queue

                                                                                                Query 2

                        Exadata           Exadata                    Exadata                    Parallel
                                                                                                Query 3

                                                                                                Query 4
                                                                                                           Figure 8. Concurrent I/O to an Exadata disk.

EB-6164   >   0311   >    PAGE 11 OF 17
Exadata is Still Oracle

Oracle Exadata system will be quickly over-    hit ratio. In addition, data accessed via a     Oracle maintains multiple versions of
whelmed by workload of such magnitude.         table scan, the preferred access method         updated data blocks, each representing its
                                               in Exadata, occupies a separate memory          data contents at a different point as updates
Caching of database pages only provides
                                               area outside the buffer cache, so as not to     to the block occur. Oracle distinguishes
modest mitigation of the concurrent I/O
                                               flush the cache too rapidly. Thus, it’s not     different versions of a data block using a
bottleneck intrinsic to Exadata systems for
                                               available for storing in Flash Cache. Also,     System Change Number (SCN), which is
two principal reasons. First, the memory
                                               updates to cached data require that the         an Oracle system-wide value that incre-
allocated to buffer cache is such a small
                                               Flash Cache be refreshed from disk. This        ments with every transaction. An SCN
fraction of the storage volume, typically
                                               undercuts any concurrency benefits in the       represents the state of the database at a
1/5th of one percent. A basic sales report-
                                               continuous update environment common            particular point. Data blocks contain the
ing application, for example, needs to
                                               for active data warehouses. In other words,     SCN of the transaction that last updated
service numerous concurrent requests
                                               Oracle Flash Cache benefits OLTP applica-       them. Queries are assured of obtaining a
from managers of different stores, for
                                               tions, for which it was designed, but has       consistent view of the data by only access-
distinct sales data that would generate
                                               limited benefit for data warehousing.           ing versions of data blocks with SCNs
rapid buffer flushes. Second, in a large-
                                                                                               equal to or less than the current SCN at
scale enterprise data warehouse covering       Exadata does NOT Support
                                                                                               the time the query begins (See Figure 9.).
a number of subject areas, highly diverse      Active Data Warehousing
queries yielding unpredictable access          Enterprise data warehouses that support         The software algorithms that maintain this
patterns predominate, limiting the benefits    operational business intelligence applica-      logically consistent view of data for every
of caching. Even with caching, the Exadata     tions demand intraday updates. The latency      query run in the Oracle database layer, not
architecture suffers from a concurrent         between events and the ability of the           in the Exadata layer. Since it relies on
I/O bottleneck that limits its ability to      business to respond intelligently to them       shared database structures, such as Oracle
adequately support even modest concur-         is continually shrinking. Even single           rollback segments, the database buffer
rent query levels.                             application data marts and special purpose      cache, and global lock data structures, for
                                               analytic data warehouses are increasingly       access to previous versions of data blocks
Oracle Flash Cache and Concurrency
                                               requiring online updates to respond rapidly     (with lower SCNs), this logic can only be
Oracle Flash Cache, added in Exadata V2,
                                               to recent events. Exadata’s performance         run from a software layer that has a global
partially mitigates, but does not solve
                                               benefits are seriously compromised in an        view of the Oracle instance.
Oracle’s concurrency problem for data
                                               online or active update environment.
warehouse queries. Flash Cache provides a                                                      Exadata filtering occurs prior to SCN
second level cache to hold data flushed out    To ensure data integrity, databases must        checking. For tables or partitions being
of Oracle’s main-memory-resident Buffer        give each query a consistent view of the        actively updated, Exadata simply does not
Cache. While the Flash Cache is larger         data it needs. Typically this is accomplished   know whether the version of each data
than the Buffer Cache, it is still smaller     by ensuring that a query only sees the state    block it reads is the correct version for
than the active data in a busy enterprise      or contents of the database at the time it      the query requesting it, so the Exadata run-
data warehouse. While data can be pinned       begins execution. Oracle uses a multi-          time system will disable SmartScan filtering
in Flash Cache, diverse access patterns in a   version concurrency control (MVCC)              in these cases. Exadata simply passes
large-scale data warehouse lower the cache     mechanism to manage a logically consis-         unfiltered blocks to the database server,
                                               tent view of data for every query.

EB-6164   >   0311   >   PAGE 12 OF 17
Exadata is Still Oracle

          Select…                                                                                DB                       DB
          (SCN 12033)
                                                                                               ASM                      ASM
          12033      Data Blocks          Rollback
          12029                           Segment
          12035           12033
          12035           12033                                                  Exadata              Exadata                            Exadata

          Scan Path
                                                                                                      Figure 9. Oracle transaction processing with Exadata.

which performs the version check to                  specification, which may drastically reduce        aggregated results all happens in the Oracle
determine whether or not it has the right            query data volume, is not useful for tables        database layer (See Figure 10.). The overall
version of the block before applying column          or partitions being actively updated. For          performance of this query depends on the
projections and WHERE clause restrictions.           active data warehouse or operational               efficiency of both the operations executed
In some cases, Oracle may also need to do            business intelligence environments, these          by Exadata and the operations performed
additional I/O to retrieve the correct version       are precisely the tables and partitions you        in the Oracle database layer.
of the data block from the Oracle Rollback           want to benefit fully from all performance
                                                                                                        As queries become more complex, Exadata
Segment. In these increasingly common                enhancement that Exadata provides.
                                                                                                        continues to perform the needed filtering,
active update cases, the benefits of Exadata
                                                     Exadata does NOT Provide                           but even more of the query operations, and
SmartScan are eliminated.
                                                     Superior Query Performance                         a greater share of the resources consumed,
Improving I/O parallelism may yield large            Query performance involves all SQL                 take place in the Oracle database layer.
improvement in I/O performance. How-                 operations, from scanning data, to sorting         A more complex query, for example,
ever, filtering, which can easily offer a 100        and grouping, to complex OLAP opera-               may need to perform one or more non-
times or greater reduction in data volume,           tors. Any query, even a relatively simple          partition-wise joins and complex OLAP
has a much larger effect on query per-               one, involves several operations unaffected        operations, all of which will happen in the
formance. While Exadata still performs               by Exadata. For example, a single table            database layer (See Figure 11.). In general,
parallel I/O for the query, the largest              reporting query will perform column and            as the complexity of queries grows, the
benefit provided by Exadata, early filtering         row filtering in Exadata, but grouping,            work performed by Exadata shrinks as a
of columns and rows meeting the query                local aggregation, and global merging of           proportion of the total work of the query.

EB-6164   >   0311   >   PAGE 13 OF 17
Exadata is Still Oracle

Thus, Exadata has the biggest performance
impact on the simplest data warehouses,          Query: Show Total Sales by Store for YTD YTD
                                                   Query: Show Total Sales by Store for
such as single application data marts with         Oracle Server
few tables arranged in a simple star schema.                7      1. Query coordinator dispatches parallel
                                                     Oracle           Exadata query plan.
Conversely, Exadata exhibits a significantly       1 DBMS     6    2. Each parallel slave requests exadata
diminishing benefit with more complex               Software          to read sales partitions from disk.
                                                   2        5      3. Exadata filters columns and rows.
data warehouse environments, those with
                                                                      > Store, date, amount
complex multi-subject schemas, running                                > For current year
complex queries and ad-hoc data explo-                             4. Exadata sends matching tuples to
                                                                      parallel slaves.
ration in a mixed workload environment            Exadata Server
                                                                   5. Parallel slaves perform local group
that includes online updating and opera-                              by and sum.
tional business intelligence applications. In     3            4   6. Parallel slaves send sums by store
                                                                      to query coordinator.
other words, as query and data complexity
                                                                   7. Query coordinator performs global
grow, the benefits of Exadata diminish.                               merge and returns result set to requester.
The standard performance difficulties that
Oracle data warehouses typically encounter
as the scale of data, users, and workload                                         Figure 10. Simple query processing in Exadata.

increases, none of which is addressed by
Exadata, grow to dominate the perform-
ance profile of the data warehouse (See                    Query: Show Sales by Store by
Figure 12.). The inconsistent performance                   Customer Age, Sex, Income
patterns that plague Oracle data warehouses
                                                   Oracle Server
remain. For large-scale EDW workloads,                9            1. Query coordinator dispatches parallel
the work performed post-scan, and there-            Oracle            Exadata query plan.
                                                  1 DBMS      7
fore out of Exadata’s scope, is likely to                          2. Each parallel slave requests exadata
                                                   Software           to read sales and customer data from disk.
overwhelm any performance contribution            2     5    6     3. Exadata filters columns and rows.
provided by Exadata.                                                  > Store, date, amount for current year
                                                                      > Customer demographics
                                                                   4. Exadata sends matching tuples to
In summary, Exadata benefits appear to be
                                                  Exadata Server      parallel slaves.
limited to a small fraction of the work a                          5. Parallel slaves redistribute customer
medium- to large-scale data warehouse                                 data for join.
                                                  3        4       6. Parallel slaves perform join.
needs to be able to perform both efficiently          Software
                                                                   7. Parallel slaves perform local group
and scalably. As a whole, data warehousing                            by and sum.
spans a wide variety of query characteristics                      8. Parallel slaves send sums by store to
                                                                      query coordinator.
that can be categorized into five stages of
                                                                   9. Query coordinator performs global
data warehouse maturity. As data warehous-                            merge and returns result set to requester.
ing practice matures over time, higher stages,
involving more complex business questions                                 Figure 11. More complex query processing in Exadata.

EB-6164   >   0311   >   PAGE 14 OF 17
Exadata is Still Oracle

and more demanding technical require-
ments, play an ever larger role in the mix of
work performed on the data warehouse.

                                                          Resource Allocation (%)
Compared to pre-Exadata Oracle technol-
ogy, Exadata offers the largest impact on
Oracle performance for entry-level data                                                                             Oracle DBMS
marts with simple schemas and few users.                                            50
Exadata I/O improvements are seriously
                                                                                          Exadata Cells
compromised at higher levels of query
concurrency, however, and virtually non-                                            25

existent at concurrency levels common in
large-scale EDWs. The early data reduction
provided by Exadata-level filtering of rows                                               Low                                     High

                                                                                                    Query Complexity
and columns is turned off in the face of
concurrent updates to the tables or parti-                                                                Figure 12. Exadata impact on query performance.
tions being queried, a basic requirement of
operational intelligence applications, such
as customer service or impact analysis of
                                                excellent performance results at every                      In addition, there is nothing in Exadata to
marketing promotions. Users should expect
                                                stage of data warehouse maturity.                           address the complex challenges of using
that for most of the work performed in
                                                                                                            parallelism in an Oracle environment. Now
mature data warehouses, Exadata will show       Exadata is Complex
                                                                                                            we add to that the challenges of balancing
no better than a neutral performance            Exadata achieves its limited benefits at the
                                                                                                            workload and resource utilization across
impact (See Figure 13.).                        high cost of increased architectural
                                                                                                            a separate architectural layer. Plus new
                                                complexity. A single cabinet Oracle
Unlike Exadata, Teradata’s unified query                                                                    analysis and tuning will be needed to
                                                Exadata Database Machine X2-2 contains
execution supports very high levels of                                                                      determine appropriate I/O block sizes, I/O
                                                an eight-way RAC system running eight
parallelism for all query operations; its                                                                   workload types, and other factors, to use
                                                independent instances of Oracle 11gR2
shared nothing model has allowed Teradata                                                                   the Exadata storage layer effectively and
                                                that must all share data. All of the chal-
to demonstrate excellent scalability charac-                                                                efficiently. Clearly, Oracle does not gain
                                                lenges of managing workloads and shared
teristics across multiple dimensions –                                                                      the ease of management, virtualization of
                                                data access in a RAC data warehousing
data, users, and workload – in the same                                                                     computing resources, and linear scalability
                                                environment remain. There are very few
database. And its query execution architec-                                                                 that has been, and continues to be, the
                                                Oracle customers using eight-way RAC
ture is not constrained in the face of active                                                               hallmark of Teradata systems. In fact, they
                                                environments for data warehousing. And
updates. These characteristics are among                                                                    have created a system that is even more
                                                with two cabinets of Oracle’s Database
many that have enabled Teradata to claim                                                                    difficult for DBAs to manage.
                                                Machine X2-2, that jumps to a 16-way
numerous customers who are achieving
                                                RAC system.

EB-6164   >   0311   >   PAGE 15 OF 17
Exadata is Still Oracle

Exadata’s design involves a two-layer query                       Requiring far more hardware resources to               hardware at what is fundamentally a data-
execution engine that requires substantial                        support a two-tiered query engine, Exadata             base software problem. At its core, Oracle
processing power. To achieve modest                               is inherently more complex. Balancing work             is a shared disk system and has always
improvements in peak scan performance                             across the two layers adds new challenges to           struggled to achieve consistently high
and user data capacity, the Oracle Exadata                        the already extensive DBA tuning workload.             levels of performance for data intensive
Database Machine requires far more                                It has more components to maintain. More               analytic databases. Exadata offers some
computing resources than Teradata                                 components mean higher failure rates. Both             improvement in I/O performance com-
Database requires.                                                imply higher DBA labor requirements. The               pared to earlier Oracle versions, but does
                                                                  large hardware requirement of the Exadata              not fundamentally alter this architectural
The Teradata Data Warehouse Appliance,
                                                                  implementation is also more expensive to               constraint. As a result, despite a large
on the other hand, manages significantly
                                                                  acquire and has much higher power and                  hardware commitment, Exadata is likely
higher levels of parallelism and balanced
                                                                  cooling requirements, so it’s also more                to suffer similar performance limitations
resource utilization that deliver much
                                                                  expensive to operate.                                  in large-scale data warehouse applications
more performance per server than the
                                                                                                                         to pre-Exadata versions of Oracle.
comparable Exadata appliance product.                             Such large disparity in hardware resources
                                                                  suggests that Oracle is simply throwing

                                                                                                                               MAKE it happen!

                                                                                               WHAT IS happening?
              Workload Complexity

                                                                                                                                 Exadata        Teradata
                                                                            PREDICTING                                            Poor          Excellent
                                                                             WHAT WILL
                                                                                                      Exadata        Teradata
                                                                                                       Poor          Excellent
                                                         did it happen?        Exadata       Teradata
                                    REPORTING                                   Poor         Excellent
                                                             Exadata       Teradata
                                                               Fair       Very Good

                                         Exadata     Teradata
                                        Very Good   Very Good

                                                                          Data Sophistication

                                                                                      Figure 13. Exadata performance impact on the five stages of data warehouse maturity.

EB-6164   >            0311         >    PAGE 16 OF 17
Exadata is Still Oracle

Conclusion                                              Exadata Database Machine packages this                  same resource sharing constraints, and so
                                                        into a pre-configured system to avoid the               continue to exhibit the same performance
Exadata technology and the Oracle
                                                        poor user configurations that commonly                  characteristics as before Exadata. As data
Exadata Database Machine address a
                                                        lead to Oracle performance problems.                    warehouse systems grow in scale and
serious problem that Oracle faces with
                                                                                                                complexity, the part of the performance
data warehouse processing. Data ware-                   As a result, Exadata-based systems offer
                                                                                                                problem addressed by Exadata shrinks in
houses are much larger and far more data                higher data throughput than most previ-
                                                                                                                size and importance.
intensive than the standard transaction                 ous Oracle versions achieved. While in this
processing applications for which Oracle                sense Exadata is a better Oracle, it is far             Whatever performance improvements
has a well-deserved reputation. Data                    from the groundbreaking innovation that                 that Exadata achieves come at the cost of
warehouse systems must be able to service               Oracle claims. Exadata does not tackle                  increased software complexity due to the
requests for large data volumes efficiently             Oracle’s underlying performance and                     introduction of a two-level query architec-
and be able to scale effortlessly to accom-             scalability problems with large-scale data              ture and significant additional hardware.
modate expanding workloads – tasks that                 warehousing that stem from its shared                   Exadata throws a lot of hardware at what
have historically exposed the limits of                 disk architectural foundation. Analysis                 is essentially a database software limitation
Oracle’s shared disk architecture. With                 shows that resource contention continues                handling data intensive analytic work-
Exadata, Oracle combines higher band-                   to limit Exadata I/O performance despite                loads. The resulting configuration is more
width, more scalable networks with                      its increased I/O bandwidth and paral-                  costly to acquire, more expensive to
smarter software that allows early filtering            lelism. Many query operations are                       operate. In the final analysis, Exadata
to reduce query data volume. The Oracle                 untouched by Exadata, are subject to the                delivers far less than promised.

Raising Intelligence is a trademark, and Teradata and the Teradata logo are registered trademarks of Teradata Corporation and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and
worldwide. Intel and Xeon are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. InfiniBand is a registered trademark and a service mark of the InfiniBand Trade Associa-
tion. Teradata continually enhances products as new technologies and components become available. Teradata, therefore, reserves the right to change
specifications without prior notice. All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed in all parts of the world. Consult your Teradata
representative or for more information.
Copyright © 2010-2011 by Teradata Corporation        All Rights Reserved.     Produced in U.S.A.

EB-6164   >   0311    >   PAGE 17 OF 17

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Exadata is still oracle

  • 1. Data Warehousing Exadata is Still Oracle Richard Burns Teradata Corporation
  • 2. Exadata is Still Oracle Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Executive Summary Introduction 3 At the Oracle Open World conference in September 2010, Oracle Oracle Exadata Database Machine 3 Overview introduced the third version of its Exadata platform, mainly a Exadata Storage Server 3 hardware upgrade sporting the latest generation Sun Intel®-based Oracle Exadata Database Machine 6 servers. Since its introduction of Exadata in 2008, Oracle has Summary of Oracle Exadata 8 blitzed the marketplace, extolling Exadata technology with great Architecture fanfare, but only referencing customers executing simple batch Exadata for Data Warehousing – 8 A Critique reports. Exadata may help Oracle to address basic 1980’s report- Exadata is NOT Intelligent Storage 9 ing problems, but it does little to handle the complex workloads Exadata is NOT Shared Nothing 10 and analytics demanded from today’s active data warehouses. Exadata does NOT Enable High 11 Concurrency In our view, fundamental database issues remain with Oracle Exadata does NOT Support 12 Exadata. Exadata still relies on the same Oracle shared disk Active Data Warehousing architecture that was designed to optimize transaction processing Exadata does NOT Provide 13 Superior Query Performance performance but which is ill-suited to manage complex data Exadata is Complex 15 warehouse tasks and active analytic workloads. Conclusion 17 While Exadata improves Oracle’s I/O performance, Exadata does not tackle Oracle’s underlying performance and scalability problems with large-scale data warehousing that stem from its shared disk architectural foundation. Analysis shows that resource contention continues to limit Exadata I/O performance despite its increased I/O bandwidth. Many query operations remain unaffected by Exadata and are subject to the same resource sharing constraints as previously. These exhibit the same poor performance characteristics as they did before Exadata. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 2 OF 17
  • 3. Exadata is Still Oracle Despite Oracle’s claims that Exadata solves Exadata still relies on the same Oracle In the end, Exadata provides far less its performance and scalability problems shared disk architecture that was designed improvement in data warehouse perform- in data warehousing, a close examination to optimize transaction processing perform- ance than Oracle promises. of the Exadata architecture reveals how ance but which is ill-suited to manage little Oracle has really changed, how few of complex data warehouse tasks and active Oracle Exadata Database Oracle’s classic data warehousing perform- analytic workloads. Machine Overview ance issues are addressed by Exadata, and In this paper, we review the latest members The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is how complex Exadata really is. of the Exadata product family, and conclude a complete, pre-configured Oracle RAC In the end, Exadata delivers far less that the Oracle Exadata Database Machine, database system that combines Oracle improvement in data warehouse perform- even with these upgrades, falls well short of RAC database servers with new Exadata ance than Oracle promises. meeting critical needs of large- and medium- Storage Servers, all hosted on an Intel scale data warehouse users. Xeon® hardware platform produced by Introduction Oracle’s Sun division. The latest genera- The fundamental cause of Oracle’s data tion offers two distinct Exadata products. In September 2010, at the Oracle Open warehousing limitations, in our analysis, In the Oracle Exadata Database Machine World conference, Oracle introduced the remains Oracle’s shared disk architecture. X2-2 database servers contain two Intel third generation of its Exadata database Oracle’s shared disk approach, even in its Westmere six-core processors, while in the platform. The new edition is primarily a Exadata incarnation, continues to be a Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8 hardware upgrade to the latest generation poor match for the requirements of large- each server contains eight Intel Nehalem Sun Intel-based servers. Oracle Exadata scale data warehousing. Exadata may well eight-core processors. According to Oracle, has been successful upgrading existing be the “world’s best OLTP database,” as the X2-2 replaces Exadata V2 and is aimed Oracle operational databases and applica- Larry Ellison claims, but Oracle’s funda- at data warehousing while the X2-8 is a tions, but Exadata’s success in data mental dependence on a shared resource new product intended for operational warehousing and business intelligence design limits its ability to overcome its database consolidation. uses, especially for large-scale business- shortcomings for the more data-intensive critical applications, is still unproven requirements of data warehousing. The Exadata Storage Servers provide an nearly three years after its introduction. alternate storage sub-system for Oracle Despite Oracle’s claims that Exadata solves database systems; one that is designed to Since its introduction, Oracle has blitzed the its performance and scalability problems improve I/O performance and scalability marketplace, extolling Exadata technology in data warehousing, a close examination for Oracle databases. Oracle uses the same with great fanfare, but only referencing of the Exadata architecture reveals how Exadata Storage Server configuration for customers executing simple batch reports. little Oracle has really changed, how few of both the X2-2 and the X2-8 products. Exadata may adequately address basic Oracle’s classic data warehousing perform- 1980’s reporting problems, but it does little ance issues are addressed by Exadata, how Exadata Storage Server to handle the complex workloads and narrow is the class of business intelligence The Oracle Exadata Storage Server pro- analytics demanded from today’s active queries that significantly benefits from vides special-purpose storage for Oracle data warehouses. In our view, fundamental Exadata, and how complex and costly databases. It replaces SAN or NAS storage database issues remain with Exadata. Exadata really is. systems from third-party vendors that have been used to provide Oracle shared EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 3 OF 17
  • 4. Exadata is Still Oracle Oracle Before Exadata Oracle Exadata Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle DBMS DBMS DBMS DBMS DBMS DBMS DBMS DBMS Fibre Channel InfiniBand Array Array Controller Controller Exadata Exadata Exadata Software Software Software Array Array Array Disk Array Disk Array Disk Array Controller Controller Controller Figure 1. Exadata Storage architecture. storage in the past. Exadata Storage Exadata Storage Cells are based on stan- (15K RPM) 600GB SAS disks, called the Servers, or cells, replace the disk arrays and dard Intel Xeon processors. The same high-performance option, and another with controllers, while an InfiniBand® network Exadata Storage infrastructure is used for 12 slower (7200 RPM), high capacity 2TB provides connectivity to the Oracle RAC both X2-2 and X2-8 products. Exadata drives, referred to as the high capacity option. database servers. From the viewpoint of servers employ Intel’s latest generation The 600GB SAS storage option provides the Oracle database, Exadata storage is processor, code named Westmere. In X2- up to 7.2TB of spinning storage per server treated the same as the SAN or NAS based systems, Exadata cells are built on and provides up to 1.8 GBps of data storage subsystem it replaces. In other Sun x4270 M2 servers that contain dual bandwidth to the Oracle database. The words, from the perspective of the Oracle six-core Xeon L5640 processors running 2TB SAS storage option offers up to 24TB database, Exadata is simply another at 2.26 GHz, with 24GB of memory per of spinning storage and up to 1 GBps of storage device. It is managed by Oracle’s cell and 12 internal disks for data storage data bandwidth (See Figure 2.). Oracle Automated Storage Manager in the same connected through a PCI-mounted disk strongly recommends the 600GB disk way as any other storage device in an array controller. Two disk configurations storage option for users concerned about Oracle database system (See Figure 1.). are available, one containing 12 high-speed query performance and reliability. Storage Storage User Data Data Each Exadata cell also contains 384GB of Type Capacity Volume Bandwidth flash storage implemented via four PCI-e 600GB SAS 7.2TB 2TB 1.8 GBps cards that hold 96GB of flash storage each. 2TB SAS 24TB 7TB 1 GBps Figure 2. Oracle Exadata Storage Server capacity. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 4 OF 17
  • 5. Exadata is Still Oracle The Exadata flash configuration is > Adding flash storage to improve The principal innovation of Exadata is unchanged from the previous Exadata V2 random I/O throughput for some of to migrate some query processing steps system. By eliminating the mechanical the data. to the Exadata cells. With Exadata, Oracle delays inherent in rotating disk technology, query processing is split into two stages, For many years, Oracle has advocated Exadata Flash Storage supports higher running on separate groups of servers configuring data warehouse I/O subsys- random I/O throughput for a portion of the connected to one another by an Infiniband tems to deliver high sustained data rates, data. And it is primarily used as cache space network (See Figure 3.). In the first stage, and scaling I/O bandwidth to maintain for data aging out of Oracle memory-based the Exadata software retrieves data into that rate as the system grows. Oracle’s best buffer cache. Exadata cells, performs column projections practices, reflected in its Oracle Optimized and row restrictions based on the SELECT The purpose of Exadata is to improve I/O Warehouse reference architectures, specify list and the WHERE clause predicates of performance for both OLTP and data I/O configurations designed to meet these the query, decompresses data and reassem- intensive business intelligence applications. objectives. Leading Oracle customers have bles rows as needed, and returns filtered Exadata achieves improved I/O perform- been deploying large data warehouse row sets across the network to the Oracle ance in four ways by: systems that achieve these goals within database server or Real Application Cluster > Employing a high-speed Infiniband Oracle’s shared disk architecture with very (RAC), where the second stage occurs. network between every Exadata cell large, high bandwidth, and quite expensive In the second stage, the Oracle database and each Oracle database server. storage subsystems. So supporting parallel performs the remaining query operations, I/O across a high bandwidth, scalable > Expanding the bandwidth of the storage which may include sorting, group by, storage network is not a new concept for network as Exadata cells are added. aggregation, and analytic operations, and Oracle. By delivering a hardware-based > Filtering only data of interest to execut- returns the answer set to the requestor. solution, Exadata simply builds the storage ing queries in Exadata processors to network into its architecture to guarantee The Oracle Exadata Storage Server is reduce data volume before transmitting adequate I/O performance. connected to the Oracle RAC system via data from Exadata cells to the Oracle dual Infiniband links, each running at database servers. 40 Gbps. Multiple Exadata Storage Servers can be linked together to provide a scalable data access layer for the Oracle DBMS, Exadata Server Oracle Server though since Exadata V2, this approach appears to be discouraged by Oracle. An Exadata Software Exadata Storage Server can contain data Oracle DBMS for multiple Oracle databases, and individ- InfiniBand Software ual Oracle databases can be deployed across clusters of Exadata Storage Servers. Exadata Layer Oracle DBMS Layer Oracle Automated Storage Management provides software mirroring for data Figure 3. Exadata two-layer query architecture. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 5 OF 17
  • 6. Exadata is Still Oracle protection. The Exadata Storage Server Westmere six-core processors in both The Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2 comes with Oracle Enterprise Linux, the Oracle database and Exadata servers. delivers an Optimized Warehouse configu- Oracle Exadata Storage software, and And it increases the memory on the Oracle ration designed to deliver a peak I/O management software already installed. database nodes. No software changes are bandwidth slightly greater than the 260MB Each Exadata Storage Server is a self- added, and the Exadata storage devices per second per processor core that Oracle contained server, holding database data remain the same as in Exadata V2. Oracle advocates for best system performance. and running Exadata Storage software. is targeting the X2-2 product at data Each Oracle RAC database server comes warehousing applications. Exadata is currently available only for with Oracle Database 11gR2 Enterprise Oracle Enterprise Linux installations. The Oracle Exadata Database Machine Edition pre-loaded and includes software Oracle systems deploying Exadata Storage X2-2 is available in several configuration components that Oracle strongly recom- Servers are required to run Oracle 11g, sizes. A full cabinet Oracle Exadata mends for large-scale data warehousing: Release 2 (11gR2) or higher. Database Machine includes the following > Real Application Clusters components packaged in a standard Oracle Exadata Database > Partitioning 19-inch rack (42U): Machine > Hybrid Columnar Compression > Eight Oracle RAC database servers The primary Exadata product however, is > High availability options running Oracle 11gR2 software on Sun a pre-configured, appliance-like database x4170 M2 servers with dual Intel Xeon > Enterprise Manager Diagnostics and machine that integrates Exadata Storage X5670 quad-core processors running at Tuning Pack Servers and Oracle RAC Database Servers 2.93 GHz and 96GB of memory in a single system connected via a high- Each Oracle Exadata Database Machine speed Infiniband communication fabric. > Fourteen Exadata cells configured with X2-2 full cabinet can hold up to 100TB of In the latest generation, Oracle offers two 384GB of PCI mounted Flash Cache spinning disk with 600GB SAS disks, and distinct Exadata products, the X2-2 and and either 12 x 600GB SAS or 12 x 2TB up to 336TB with 2TB SATA drives (See the X2-8. SAS disks Figure 4.). Oracle claims that up to eight > Three Sun Infiniband switches for cabinets can be connected to expand Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-2 scalable inter-processor communications system capacity before additional external The Oracle Exadata Database Machine > Ethernet network for client Infiniband switches must be added. Field X2-2 is a hardware refresh of the previous communications experience to date however, has rarely Exadata V2 system. It replaces V2’s spotted even a two-cabinet Oracle Exadata Nehalem quad-core processors with Database Machine devoted to a single database. Multi-cabinet Exadata configura- Storage Storage User Data Data tions appear mainly for hosting multiple Type Capacity Volume Bandwidth databases on dedicated servers in a 600GB SAS 100TB 28TB 25 GBps consolidated hardware cluster. 2TB SATA 336TB 100TB 14 GBps Figure 4. Oracle Exadata Database Machine capacity. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 6 OF 17
  • 7. Exadata is Still Oracle Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8 and reliability problems that have con- power as a full cabinet X2-2 system. The The Oracle Exadata Database Machine X2-8 fronted large RAC environments. Large X2-8 has the same Exadata storage as the is a new Exadata product based on the Sun SMP servers still command a price pre- X2-2 product (See Figure 4.), and Oracle x4800 server. In recent product offerings, mium, however, and the X2-8 is no claims that up to eight X2-8 cabinets can Oracle has stressed the price-performance exception. The X2-8 hardware costs 50% be linked together. Like the X2-2, the X2-8 benefits of clusters of smaller servers like more per cabinet than the equivalently product comes with Oracle Database the Exadata X2-2 configuration and powered X2-2 system. Software and 11gR2 preloaded. previous Exadata generations. The X2-8 maintenance costs are also higher due to Oracle’s target market for the Exadata represents a return to Oracle configura- the database license requirements for the X2-8 product is operational database tions based on large processor count SMP higher core count on the X2-8 system. consolidation, so is not expected to be servers. It allows Oracle to offer more The Oracle Exadata Database Machine widely used for data warehousing. As a processing power and more memory on X2-8 starts at a full cabinet configuration, result, our analysis will focus primarily smaller RACs, thus reducing the scalability containing two Sun x4800 servers, and is on the X2-2 product. available in full cabinet increments. The Hybrid Columnar Compression X2-8 combines the Sun 4800 Oracle On the software front, Oracle has added database servers with the same Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC), storage infrastructure as the X2-2 system. an Oracle 11gR2 feature exclusively for A full cabinet Exadata X2-8 system Exadata systems. HCC works by taking contains these components: rows in adjacent data blocks, called a > Two Oracle RAC database servers compression group, vertically partitioning running Oracle 11gR2 software on Sun them by column, compressing each x4800 servers (5U) with eight Intel column partition, and storing the resulting Xeon X7560 eight-core processors compressed column partitions side-by- running at 2.26 GHz and 1TB of side in one or more data blocks as needed. memory While Exadata SmartScan can operate on > Fourteen Exadata cells configured with compressed data, subsequent query 384GB of PCI mounted Flash Cache processing requires decompression and and either 12 x 600GB SAS or 12 x 2TB reassembly of rows. This typically requires SAS disks multiple I/Os, perhaps as many as the > Sun Infiniband switches for scalable number of blocks in a compression group, inter-processor communications and significant processing power to > Ethernet network for client communi- decompress requested columns and cations reassemble column values into rows. A full cabinet Exadata X2-8 system HCC offers two compression modes – query contains 128 cores and 2TB of memory, and archive. Query mode is prescribed for Figure 5. Oracle Exadata Database Machine. and has roughly the same processing active data, with archive mode reserved EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 7 OF 17
  • 8. Exadata is Still Oracle for dormant data. Archive mode yields a features. HCC also effectively disables row the use of Intel Westmere processors, and higher compression ratio at much higher level locking within the compression unit demonstrates minimal added value from cost to compress and decompress. by acquiring the same locking level on all the database software itself. With Exadata rows in the compression unit as the most X2, Oracle continues to throw even more Oracle claims that HCC in query mode stringent lock request. Because of these hardware to address limitations of their provides up to 10X compression with low limitations, Oracle recommends HCC for database software. As the next section impact on query performance. Like any use with static data only. In other words, shows, the additional hardware does not compression technique, user mileage will the HCC feature is not applicable to solve the fundamental problem Oracle has vary, but skepticism is certainly warranted. actively updated data warehouses required with data intensive analytic workloads. For real-world data warehouses it seems for operational business intelligence. reasonable to expect that fitting ten pounds Exadata for Data of data in a one-pound bag will be rare. Summary of Oracle Exadata Warehousing – A Critique What we have seen to date is roughly half Architecture that compression at best. Compared to the previous Exadata With Exadata, Oracle claims to deliver generation, in the X2-2 product Oracle superior performance for data warehouse By shrinking data volume, HCC reduces workloads at a lower price, lower even has modestly upgraded the hardware per the I/O necessary to process data-intensive than inexpensive data warehouse appliances cabinet, including more powerful Intel queries. In many cases however, the cost of from Teradata Corporation or Netezza. processors and more memory in the decompression and row reassembly offsets According to Oracle, this is possible database tier. Oracle has also introduced the I/O savings, resulting in little, if any, because Exadata combines intelligent a new “fat SMP” Exadata configuration, performance benefit to either CPU time or data filtering and fast, scalable data the X2-8, which appears to be targeted at query response time. This may be part of movement with the sophisticated Oracle operational database consolidation rather the motivation for Oracle’s decision to database. The combination allows Oracle than data warehousing. limit availability of the HCC feature to to deliver “the world’s fastest database Exadata systems, which has ample processor Oracle claims only 20 percent improve- machine,” according to Ellison. power in the Exadata layer. Consequently, ment in disk I/O performance, the limiting the main benefit of HCC is likely to be factor in scan performance. The latest However, a closer look at the Exadata storage savings rather than improved generation includes no upgrade to the architecture leads to a very different query performance. Smart Flash Storage system, so like conclusion. Our analysis indicates that: previous Exadata systems, the flash device > Exadata does not put query intelligence The Exadata HCC feature has other costs throughput, although nominally higher closer to the storage than competitive that limit its use. HCC can only be applied than disk, is limited by the rate at which products such as the Teradata® Database. at bulk load time. SQL inserts are not the processors can ingest data to be > Exadata is not a shared nothing system eligible for compression using HCC. approximately the same rate as disk like the Teradata Database so it contin- Updates to HCC compressed data cause throughput, and thus offers no additional ues to wrestle with scalability issues the compression unit to revert to row throughput advantages. caused by resource contention in its organization, either in uncompressed shared resource environment. format, or compressed using other, less As a result, the data warehouse perform- aggressive Oracle compression options, ance improvements Oracle claims with > Exadata does not enable high con- some of which are optional, extra cost Exadata X2-2 come almost entirely from currency due to its shared resource EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 8 OF 17
  • 9. Exadata is Still Oracle architecture, a problem the addition Oracle Teradata of flash storage does little to help. > Exadata does not support active data Oracle Server warehousing because its key query RAC performance optimizations are DBMS ineffective when forced to handle ASM concurrent updates. > Exadata does not provide superior query performance because it only Teradata Node Exadata Server addresses a small part of the query CPU CPU CPU CPU performance issues Oracle faces, and that part shrinks as queries grow Array more complex. Controller Array Controller > Exadata is complex because it adds multiple layers of query processing requiring significant hardware resources to attempt to work around its architectural limitations for data- Figure 6. Intelligent Storage: Oracle versus Teradata Database. intensive decision support workloads. > Exadata is expensive to purchase and complex analytics, standard reports, ad-hoc fact, because a Teradata node has more operate. queries, and continuous updates. storage network connections, it can deliver The bottom line? The Oracle Exadata data to the processors more than two The next sections examine Exadata’s Database Machine is simply throwing times faster than Exadata does. architecture to illustrate its capabilities hardware – lots of hardware – at what is and limitations. Unlike Teradata Database, which performs fundamentally a software problem. all query processing within the nodes, Exadata is NOT Intelligent Our analysis shows that the Teradata Data Exadata cells only perform initial column Storage Warehouse Appliance, which addresses the projections from the select list, and row Under the covers, an Exadata cell is a same data warehouse appliance market restrictions using the WHERE clause standard Intel-based server, just like a segment as Exadata, outperforms the Oracle predicates. Exadata can also perform some Teradata node, and accesses data in the Exadata Database Machine with less hard- fact table row restrictions based on joined same way (See Figure 6.). Both read ware at a lower price. Further, our analysis dimensions (for star schema joins). The database data from a disk array into server shows that Exadata cannot achieve the active Exadata cells transmit the resulting row memory to process it. In Exadata, the disks data warehouse capabilities of the Teradata sets to the Oracle database server, where all and array controller are contained within Active Enterprise Data Warehouse to enable other query operations are executed, just the server, while for the Teradata platform, enterprise data integration, fully accessible by as they have always been. This includes the disk subsystem is in a separate enclo- thousands of concurrent users performing operations such as aggregation, sorting, sure – a simple packaging distinction. In EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 9 OF 17
  • 10. Exadata is Still Oracle analytic operations, data transformations, shared disk into a shared-nothing archi- policy. So in fact, not only can each query updates, temporary table creation and tecture – one that minimizes the number process read from all disks, under SAME processing, locking and concurrency control, of shared system resources to reduce time data allocation, all query processes will as well as row and column restrictions too spent waiting for other processes to finish read from all disks. complex for “SmartScan” processing in using them. While superficially Exadata Oracle advocates the SAME allocation policy Exadata. Even simple reporting queries cells run independently of each other – for data warehousing because it believes usually require other query operations just as disk arrays never interact with one that in its shared disk environment this such as aggregation, and all of these are another – every Oracle database process policy optimizes access performance performed in the database server, not the still must have access to all database across diverse access patterns to different Exadata server. data. Remember, to the Oracle database, tables. While it’s possible to control data Exadata is simply another storage device. In an Exadata environment, the storage allocation manually, as the number of path between disk and database server may Distribution of data on Exadata storage is tables grows, the complexity of specifying well be shorter than in a classic large-scale managed by Oracle’s Automatic Storage data placement manually becomes quickly Oracle SAN environment with multiple Manager (ASM). By default, ASM stripes unmanageable. For these reasons, Oracle layers of storage switches. On the other each Oracle data partition across all users are likely to rely on ASM’s automated hand, while Exadata offloads I/O opera- available disks on every Exadata cell (See data allocation strategy. tions and initial filtering from the database Figure 7.). This produces thin stripes on By contrast, Teradata Database assigns server, compared to Teradata Database, it all disks for every partition. Oracle calls every data partition to a distinct set of introduces latency that lengthens query this allocation policy Stripe and Mirror disks, and each data partition is owned response time even for the simplest queries, Everywhere, or SAME, and ASM automati- by a separate database process. At query because it requires data to be transmitted cally implements the SAME data allocation between the Exadata cell and the Oracle database server during query execution. Oracle Teradata To put it simply, Teradata Database puts Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 all query intelligence as close to the data as AMP 1 AMP 2 AMP 3 AMP 4 Exadata’s initial data filtering operations. In addition, those query operations perfor- med in the Oracle database server are now further away from the data than the compa- rable operations in Teradata Database. Exadata Exadata Exadata 1 Exadata is NOT Shared Nothing 2 3 Exadata improves parallel I/O performance 4 and speeds up data retrieval compared to 1 2 3 4 previous Oracle versions, but Exadata does Figure 7. Architecture: Oracle shared disk versus Teradata shared nothing. not magically transform Oracle from a EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 10 OF 17
  • 11. Exadata is Still Oracle execution time, each Teradata process, Exadata does NOT Enable parallel slaves belonging to the second called an Access Module Processor (AMP), High Concurrency query read data, they will also access all reads data from its own disks into its own Increasing the number of users accessing the same disks. In the best case, only three memory, without contending with other the data warehouse requires the ability to of them can begin their I/O operations AMPs for resources. handle an expanding volume of concurrent before some thread encounters an I/O queries and to service the rapidly growing Wait condition (See Figure 8.). In Oracle, as a consequence of SAME policy, I/O demand this entails. The enterprise- every parallel slave or worker running part Additional I/O requests from the parallel class SAS disks used by Exadata, rotating at of a parallel query will request data from all query slaves of other concurrent queries 15K RPM, are capable of delivering data to Exadata cells. This means that even within a will be forced to queue, waiting for the requestors at about 120 MBps. To maximize single parallel query, the individual query I/O requests from queries 1-3 to complete. I/O throughput, Exadata reads data off worker processes may all request data from While these I/O requests are queued, disk in large chunks. Exadata defaults to the same disks concurrently. This produces forward progress on the requesting queries 4MB data blocks. At a 4MB block size, potential contention on each disk for disk is stalled, and processors for both the 30 concurrent I/Os saturate a drive, even head location and I/O bandwidth. So even Exadata servers and the database servers without allowances for seek time. within a single parallel query, I/O resource may sit idle for longer periods, waiting for contention is likely. Assuming an optimal data allocation using I/O. Higher query concurrency exacerbates the SAME policy described above, it takes the problem, yielding longer and longer I/O So while Exadata certainly increases the I/O very few concurrent parallel queries to queues and less efficient processor utiliza- parallelism of Oracle, its shared disk arch- fully consume the data bandwidth avail- tion, affecting both throughput and query itectural foundation remains unchanged. able in an Exadata system. Consider four response time. In a large enterprise data Exadata does nothing to reduce or eliminate concurrent queries running eight-way warehouse environment, more than 1,000 the structural contention for shared parallel. The eight parallel slave processes concurrent queries may be active. Despite resources that fundamentally limits the of the first query will read concurrently the large number of processors in both the scalability – of data, users, and workload – from all the Exadata disks. When the eight Exadata cells and the database servers, an of Oracle data warehouses. DB DB ASM ASM Parallel Query 1 Exadata Disk Parallel I/O Queue Query 2 Exadata Exadata Exadata Parallel Query 3 Parallel Query 4 ... Figure 8. Concurrent I/O to an Exadata disk. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 11 OF 17
  • 12. Exadata is Still Oracle Oracle Exadata system will be quickly over- hit ratio. In addition, data accessed via a Oracle maintains multiple versions of whelmed by workload of such magnitude. table scan, the preferred access method updated data blocks, each representing its in Exadata, occupies a separate memory data contents at a different point as updates Caching of database pages only provides area outside the buffer cache, so as not to to the block occur. Oracle distinguishes modest mitigation of the concurrent I/O flush the cache too rapidly. Thus, it’s not different versions of a data block using a bottleneck intrinsic to Exadata systems for available for storing in Flash Cache. Also, System Change Number (SCN), which is two principal reasons. First, the memory updates to cached data require that the an Oracle system-wide value that incre- allocated to buffer cache is such a small Flash Cache be refreshed from disk. This ments with every transaction. An SCN fraction of the storage volume, typically undercuts any concurrency benefits in the represents the state of the database at a 1/5th of one percent. A basic sales report- continuous update environment common particular point. Data blocks contain the ing application, for example, needs to for active data warehouses. In other words, SCN of the transaction that last updated service numerous concurrent requests Oracle Flash Cache benefits OLTP applica- them. Queries are assured of obtaining a from managers of different stores, for tions, for which it was designed, but has consistent view of the data by only access- distinct sales data that would generate limited benefit for data warehousing. ing versions of data blocks with SCNs rapid buffer flushes. Second, in a large- equal to or less than the current SCN at scale enterprise data warehouse covering Exadata does NOT Support the time the query begins (See Figure 9.). a number of subject areas, highly diverse Active Data Warehousing queries yielding unpredictable access Enterprise data warehouses that support The software algorithms that maintain this patterns predominate, limiting the benefits operational business intelligence applica- logically consistent view of data for every of caching. Even with caching, the Exadata tions demand intraday updates. The latency query run in the Oracle database layer, not architecture suffers from a concurrent between events and the ability of the in the Exadata layer. Since it relies on I/O bottleneck that limits its ability to business to respond intelligently to them shared database structures, such as Oracle adequately support even modest concur- is continually shrinking. Even single rollback segments, the database buffer rent query levels. application data marts and special purpose cache, and global lock data structures, for analytic data warehouses are increasingly access to previous versions of data blocks Oracle Flash Cache and Concurrency requiring online updates to respond rapidly (with lower SCNs), this logic can only be Oracle Flash Cache, added in Exadata V2, to recent events. Exadata’s performance run from a software layer that has a global partially mitigates, but does not solve benefits are seriously compromised in an view of the Oracle instance. Oracle’s concurrency problem for data online or active update environment. warehouse queries. Flash Cache provides a Exadata filtering occurs prior to SCN second level cache to hold data flushed out To ensure data integrity, databases must checking. For tables or partitions being of Oracle’s main-memory-resident Buffer give each query a consistent view of the actively updated, Exadata simply does not Cache. While the Flash Cache is larger data it needs. Typically this is accomplished know whether the version of each data than the Buffer Cache, it is still smaller by ensuring that a query only sees the state block it reads is the correct version for than the active data in a busy enterprise or contents of the database at the time it the query requesting it, so the Exadata run- data warehouse. While data can be pinned begins execution. Oracle uses a multi- time system will disable SmartScan filtering in Flash Cache, diverse access patterns in a version concurrency control (MVCC) in these cases. Exadata simply passes large-scale data warehouse lower the cache mechanism to manage a logically consis- unfiltered blocks to the database server, tent view of data for every query. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 12 OF 17
  • 13. Exadata is Still Oracle Select… DB DB (SCN 12033) ASM ASM 12033 Data Blocks Rollback 12029 Segment 12035 12033 12033 12035 12033 Exadata Exadata Exadata 12029 12033 Scan Path ... Figure 9. Oracle transaction processing with Exadata. which performs the version check to specification, which may drastically reduce aggregated results all happens in the Oracle determine whether or not it has the right query data volume, is not useful for tables database layer (See Figure 10.). The overall version of the block before applying column or partitions being actively updated. For performance of this query depends on the projections and WHERE clause restrictions. active data warehouse or operational efficiency of both the operations executed In some cases, Oracle may also need to do business intelligence environments, these by Exadata and the operations performed additional I/O to retrieve the correct version are precisely the tables and partitions you in the Oracle database layer. of the data block from the Oracle Rollback want to benefit fully from all performance As queries become more complex, Exadata Segment. In these increasingly common enhancement that Exadata provides. continues to perform the needed filtering, active update cases, the benefits of Exadata Exadata does NOT Provide but even more of the query operations, and SmartScan are eliminated. Superior Query Performance a greater share of the resources consumed, Improving I/O parallelism may yield large Query performance involves all SQL take place in the Oracle database layer. improvement in I/O performance. How- operations, from scanning data, to sorting A more complex query, for example, ever, filtering, which can easily offer a 100 and grouping, to complex OLAP opera- may need to perform one or more non- times or greater reduction in data volume, tors. Any query, even a relatively simple partition-wise joins and complex OLAP has a much larger effect on query per- one, involves several operations unaffected operations, all of which will happen in the formance. While Exadata still performs by Exadata. For example, a single table database layer (See Figure 11.). In general, parallel I/O for the query, the largest reporting query will perform column and as the complexity of queries grows, the benefit provided by Exadata, early filtering row filtering in Exadata, but grouping, work performed by Exadata shrinks as a of columns and rows meeting the query local aggregation, and global merging of proportion of the total work of the query. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 13 OF 17
  • 14. Exadata is Still Oracle Thus, Exadata has the biggest performance impact on the simplest data warehouses, Query: Show Total Sales by Store for YTD YTD Query: Show Total Sales by Store for such as single application data marts with Oracle Server few tables arranged in a simple star schema. 7 1. Query coordinator dispatches parallel Oracle Exadata query plan. Conversely, Exadata exhibits a significantly 1 DBMS 6 2. Each parallel slave requests exadata diminishing benefit with more complex Software to read sales partitions from disk. 2 5 3. Exadata filters columns and rows. data warehouse environments, those with > Store, date, amount complex multi-subject schemas, running > For current year complex queries and ad-hoc data explo- 4. Exadata sends matching tuples to parallel slaves. ration in a mixed workload environment Exadata Server 5. Parallel slaves perform local group that includes online updating and opera- by and sum. Exadata tional business intelligence applications. In 3 4 6. Parallel slaves send sums by store Software to query coordinator. other words, as query and data complexity 7. Query coordinator performs global grow, the benefits of Exadata diminish. merge and returns result set to requester. The standard performance difficulties that Oracle data warehouses typically encounter as the scale of data, users, and workload Figure 10. Simple query processing in Exadata. increases, none of which is addressed by Exadata, grow to dominate the perform- ance profile of the data warehouse (See Query: Show Sales by Store by Figure 12.). The inconsistent performance Customer Age, Sex, Income patterns that plague Oracle data warehouses Oracle Server remain. For large-scale EDW workloads, 9 1. Query coordinator dispatches parallel 8 the work performed post-scan, and there- Oracle Exadata query plan. 1 DBMS 7 fore out of Exadata’s scope, is likely to 2. Each parallel slave requests exadata Software to read sales and customer data from disk. overwhelm any performance contribution 2 5 6 3. Exadata filters columns and rows. provided by Exadata. > Store, date, amount for current year > Customer demographics 4. Exadata sends matching tuples to In summary, Exadata benefits appear to be Exadata Server parallel slaves. limited to a small fraction of the work a 5. Parallel slaves redistribute customer medium- to large-scale data warehouse data for join. Exadata 3 4 6. Parallel slaves perform join. needs to be able to perform both efficiently Software 7. Parallel slaves perform local group and scalably. As a whole, data warehousing by and sum. spans a wide variety of query characteristics 8. Parallel slaves send sums by store to query coordinator. that can be categorized into five stages of 9. Query coordinator performs global data warehouse maturity. As data warehous- merge and returns result set to requester. ing practice matures over time, higher stages, involving more complex business questions Figure 11. More complex query processing in Exadata. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 14 OF 17
  • 15. Exadata is Still Oracle and more demanding technical require- ments, play an ever larger role in the mix of 100 work performed on the data warehouse. Resource Allocation (%) Compared to pre-Exadata Oracle technol- 75 ogy, Exadata offers the largest impact on Oracle performance for entry-level data Oracle DBMS marts with simple schemas and few users. 50 Exadata I/O improvements are seriously Exadata Cells compromised at higher levels of query concurrency, however, and virtually non- 25 existent at concurrency levels common in large-scale EDWs. The early data reduction provided by Exadata-level filtering of rows Low High Query Complexity and columns is turned off in the face of concurrent updates to the tables or parti- Figure 12. Exadata impact on query performance. tions being queried, a basic requirement of operational intelligence applications, such as customer service or impact analysis of excellent performance results at every In addition, there is nothing in Exadata to marketing promotions. Users should expect stage of data warehouse maturity. address the complex challenges of using that for most of the work performed in parallelism in an Oracle environment. Now mature data warehouses, Exadata will show Exadata is Complex we add to that the challenges of balancing no better than a neutral performance Exadata achieves its limited benefits at the workload and resource utilization across impact (See Figure 13.). high cost of increased architectural a separate architectural layer. Plus new complexity. A single cabinet Oracle Unlike Exadata, Teradata’s unified query analysis and tuning will be needed to Exadata Database Machine X2-2 contains execution supports very high levels of determine appropriate I/O block sizes, I/O an eight-way RAC system running eight parallelism for all query operations; its workload types, and other factors, to use independent instances of Oracle 11gR2 shared nothing model has allowed Teradata the Exadata storage layer effectively and that must all share data. All of the chal- to demonstrate excellent scalability charac- efficiently. Clearly, Oracle does not gain lenges of managing workloads and shared teristics across multiple dimensions – the ease of management, virtualization of data access in a RAC data warehousing data, users, and workload – in the same computing resources, and linear scalability environment remain. There are very few database. And its query execution architec- that has been, and continues to be, the Oracle customers using eight-way RAC ture is not constrained in the face of active hallmark of Teradata systems. In fact, they environments for data warehousing. And updates. These characteristics are among have created a system that is even more with two cabinets of Oracle’s Database many that have enabled Teradata to claim difficult for DBAs to manage. Machine X2-2, that jumps to a 16-way numerous customers who are achieving RAC system. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 15 OF 17
  • 16. Exadata is Still Oracle Exadata’s design involves a two-layer query Requiring far more hardware resources to hardware at what is fundamentally a data- execution engine that requires substantial support a two-tiered query engine, Exadata base software problem. At its core, Oracle processing power. To achieve modest is inherently more complex. Balancing work is a shared disk system and has always improvements in peak scan performance across the two layers adds new challenges to struggled to achieve consistently high and user data capacity, the Oracle Exadata the already extensive DBA tuning workload. levels of performance for data intensive Database Machine requires far more It has more components to maintain. More analytic databases. Exadata offers some computing resources than Teradata components mean higher failure rates. Both improvement in I/O performance com- Database requires. imply higher DBA labor requirements. The pared to earlier Oracle versions, but does large hardware requirement of the Exadata not fundamentally alter this architectural The Teradata Data Warehouse Appliance, implementation is also more expensive to constraint. As a result, despite a large on the other hand, manages significantly acquire and has much higher power and hardware commitment, Exadata is likely higher levels of parallelism and balanced cooling requirements, so it’s also more to suffer similar performance limitations resource utilization that deliver much expensive to operate. in large-scale data warehouse applications more performance per server than the to pre-Exadata versions of Oracle. comparable Exadata appliance product. Such large disparity in hardware resources suggests that Oracle is simply throwing ACTIVATING MAKE it happen! OPERATIONALIZING WHAT IS happening? Workload Complexity Exadata Teradata PREDICTING Poor Excellent WHAT WILL happen? Exadata Teradata Poor Excellent ANALYZING WHY did it happen? Exadata Teradata REPORTING Poor Excellent WHAT happened? Exadata Teradata Fair Very Good Exadata Teradata Very Good Very Good Data Sophistication Figure 13. Exadata performance impact on the five stages of data warehouse maturity. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 16 OF 17
  • 17. Exadata is Still Oracle Conclusion Exadata Database Machine packages this same resource sharing constraints, and so into a pre-configured system to avoid the continue to exhibit the same performance Exadata technology and the Oracle poor user configurations that commonly characteristics as before Exadata. As data Exadata Database Machine address a lead to Oracle performance problems. warehouse systems grow in scale and serious problem that Oracle faces with complexity, the part of the performance data warehouse processing. Data ware- As a result, Exadata-based systems offer problem addressed by Exadata shrinks in houses are much larger and far more data higher data throughput than most previ- size and importance. intensive than the standard transaction ous Oracle versions achieved. While in this processing applications for which Oracle sense Exadata is a better Oracle, it is far Whatever performance improvements has a well-deserved reputation. Data from the groundbreaking innovation that that Exadata achieves come at the cost of warehouse systems must be able to service Oracle claims. Exadata does not tackle increased software complexity due to the requests for large data volumes efficiently Oracle’s underlying performance and introduction of a two-level query architec- and be able to scale effortlessly to accom- scalability problems with large-scale data ture and significant additional hardware. modate expanding workloads – tasks that warehousing that stem from its shared Exadata throws a lot of hardware at what have historically exposed the limits of disk architectural foundation. Analysis is essentially a database software limitation Oracle’s shared disk architecture. With shows that resource contention continues handling data intensive analytic work- Exadata, Oracle combines higher band- to limit Exadata I/O performance despite loads. The resulting configuration is more width, more scalable networks with its increased I/O bandwidth and paral- costly to acquire, more expensive to smarter software that allows early filtering lelism. Many query operations are operate. In the final analysis, Exadata to reduce query data volume. The Oracle untouched by Exadata, are subject to the delivers far less than promised. Raising Intelligence is a trademark, and Teradata and the Teradata logo are registered trademarks of Teradata Corporation and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and worldwide. Intel and Xeon are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. InfiniBand is a registered trademark and a service mark of the InfiniBand Trade Associa- tion. Teradata continually enhances products as new technologies and components become available. Teradata, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed in all parts of the world. Consult your Teradata representative or for more information. Copyright © 2010-2011 by Teradata Corporation All Rights Reserved. Produced in U.S.A. EB-6164 > 0311 > PAGE 17 OF 17