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Evolution of the American Diet
Evolution of the American Diet The traditional American diet was simple, it was homemade, it was composed primarily of minimally refined
ingredients, it was low in added sugars and fats, with the fats coming primarily from animal sources, and required effort to produce, by
comparison, the contemporary American diet is much more diverse it's composed a lot of "palatable" sometimes artificial materials, its
commercially engineered and sold, it's composed of refined ingredients, it's high in added sugars and fats with the fat coming primarily from seed
oils, and requires minimal effort to procure(Pillsbury). At the same time as modern medicine is conquered the leading killers of the 19 century such
as infectious diseases modern culture has created a whole new set of epidemics that we must now cure. In order to not only identify but solve our
problems regarding food we must acknowledge the origin of those problems. In this paper I will be examine the S.A.D. (standard American diet)
Within the context of history and culture and perhaps determine the causes of our relatively sudden and unhealthy turn in terms of production and
consumption. The main reason behind examining the western diet in a historical context is the fact that diet is proven to be a key determinant of
chronic disease risk and if we understand the origin of our eating habits, we have the opportunity to correct some of or past mistakes. I will be
covering a period of about two centuries, acknowledging anything I
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Compare And Contrast American And Mediterranean Diets
There are no two diets that are the exact same and nor are there any two diets that work the same way for every person. There are a few common
diets that people tend to consider and they are the USDA food patterns, DASH eating plan and the Mediterranean style eating pattern. While they are
all a type of diet or lifestyle change they do share some common factors but on the other hand they do all have some differences. The end result for
them all though is to help people live a healthier lifestyle. When looking at these different diets the main similarity is that they all want you to enjoy
your healthy foods but in moderation. Each diet wants you to follow a healthy guideline all the while enjoying the most healthy choices possible. They
all ... Show more content on ...
First thing to consider is your own common sense. If you are hearing about a product and it sounds like it is to good to be true it most likely is. The
headlines on a magazine are to grab your instant attention and make you want to buy the magazine and then read the article. Think about it though if
you are reading something that says you can lose so much weight in a short period of time do you really think it will work? Is it safe for your body
to lose weight to fast? The chances that the headline is just there to sell a product is more realistic than the diet actually working. Common sense is the
first key factor to any FAD diet headline a person encounters. Understanding the principals that a scientist encounters will be important when a person
is considering the
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Benefits Of Carbohydrate Restriction For Diabetes And The...
Since two–thirds of American adults are currently overweight or obese, doctors find it hard to find the "best" diet for their patients. The list of choices
and categories is lengthy, with vocal advocates for the Atkins diet, the Zone diet, South Beach diet, Jenny Craig, Vegan/vegetarian diet, and the cousin
to the Atkins diet the Paleo diet, etc. If any of these diets was sufficiently effective and easily adopted by Americans we wouldn't be faced with such
an obesity epidemic. The truth is there is no simple answer because everybody is different; doctors should recommend whatever diet the patient can
best adhere to (Louis Kuristzky, MD, 2014). Because being overweight or obese can lead to diabetes and the inability of current recommendations to
control this epidemic has failed. They now see the benefits of carbohydrate restriction to treat diabetes and the studies are well documented. A low
carbohydrate diet is the first approach to reduce high blood glucose, and lead to the reduction or elimination of medication without side effects
(Richard D. Feinman, 2015). There are concerns about the efficacy and safety of a low carbohydrate diet that has always surrounded this method of
weight loss, but it's more conjecture then data driven (Feinman, 2015). Critics believe that diets such as Atkins has potential negative effects on bone
health, renal functions and cardiovascular health. In the matter of bone health the concern was that there will be an increased level of
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Asian American Diets
If a plant–based diet is going to help us prevent and treat major health problems, how do we eat? Dr. John McDougall studied the diets of Asian
cultures and other cultures who's diets are high in starch. He found that they were healthier and lived longer. After learning all this, he created a
program to help people move to a starch based diet and banish the most common health problems. Starches are made of long–branching chains of
glucose molecules that are easily broken down into simple sugars that are released slowly to provide us with sustainable energy and keep us feeling
full for longer periods of time (McDougall 6). Starch has been a central part of diets for over 13,000 years. Even the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas ate diets
high in... Show more content on ...
These components all work together to cause major issues like obesity, heart disease, and cancer leading to billions of dollars being put to the
treatment of millions of patients each year. Researchers like John McDougall, John Robbins, and David Robinson Simon have put in years and years
of research and experimentation to prove to society and the Western culture that we are not fueling our bodies appropriately and in fact, we are
causing serious damage that may or may not be reversible. With simple dietary changes, the three big killers–cancer, heart disease, and obesity–can all
be eradicated. As proven by hundreds of years of healthy, disease free cultures, we can thrive on a plant–based, starch heavy diet without added animal
products high in acid, fat, and cholesterol. The meat and dairy industries survive by telling society that we must consume excessive amounts of protein
and calcium to stay healthy when Asian and ancient societies have proven this to be false. Maybe it is time for us to stop treating health problems,
most likely caused by poor and harmful diets, with a plant–based diet. These simple and easy changes could be the difference in not only quality of life,
but the extension of it. Maybe Albert Einstein was right, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chance for survival of life on earth as
much as the evolution to a vegetarian
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The American Diet
The state of the American Health in the U.S has become an increasing concern of many Americans. An article entitled "11 Facts about American
Eating Habits," addresses the state of food in the U.S by stating, "Healthiness of the food we eat decreases by 1.7 percent for every hour that passes in
the day." Experts and scientists in the U.S has raised questions about regarding the different ways food is now being produced. While individuals are
usually not aware of the ingredients that food contains, many people continue to have unhealthy eating habits. In the past few decades, food production
has included numerous artificial ingredients that are said to be the cause of various health problems. Various artificial ingredients that are commonly...
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Traits of organic food can also be misconstrued in the sense of the ingredients and how it is different from the way processed food is produced. "In
reality, certified organics have lower levels of chemical residue, Roethal argues, which is positive for consumers, farm workers and the land itself, but
organic growing practices have no impact on how many nutrients, calories or grams of fat are in anyone's favorite foods"(SFGate). As mentioned
previously in the quote, often times organic food can benefits one's health because of the little amount in which chemicals and calories are in the
substance. The concern about organic food is that it is substantially more expensive than non–organic food. However,"Organic food sales are increasing
by double digits annually, and more than 80 percent of parents reported buying organic food for their families last year", according to Batch. With the
high–price of organic food, this could also be a reason on why people tend to lean more towards the less healthier items, all because of the low cost.
Even though there are different and confusing standards on what organic really is, the ideal description would typically be foods that do not have the
same producing process as non–organic food.
As much problems Americans tend to face with the diet, there are multiple solutions to help the situation. Starting with less processed
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Analysis Of The Diet Of American Beavers
The diet of American beavers (Castor canadensis) consists of many terrestrial and aquatic plant species, but research has shown that beavers seem to
prefer and thrive on a diet consisting more of aquatic vegetation. (W.J. Severud et al. 2012). Researchers from Northern Michigan University analyzed
the composition of the American beaver's diet using keratin from their claws and tagging, and found that the average beaver consumes 45.5 %
terrestrial and 55.5% aquatic vegetation, with changes in the data depending on the season. In winter, there was 19.6% more floating leaf vegetation in
their diets, while in summer there was a 45% increase in emergent aquatic vegetation. Aquatic vegetation has higher digestibility; higher mineral and ...
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Smith et al. 1997). They breed only once per year, and after parturition both the mother and father provide parental care. Most live in family colonies
that house the most recent litter in addition to the previous year's litter, the latter acting as non–breeding helpers. (Vesa Ruusila et al. 2000) Peak
mortality of young, or kits, occurs between August of their birth year and March of the following year (Craig K. Bloomquist et al. 2010).
Researchers from Eastern Illinois University tracked seventeen dens used by twelve different colonies using direct observations of the dens and
infrared headlamps, and determined logjams were extremely useful tools that are used near many dens. They provide escape cover from predators,
and slowed the current near the den making it easier for the kits to access. (Randall P. Havens et al. 2013).
The American beaver's selective personality extends into habitat selection as well. Factors affecting beaver settlement include vegetation cover,
stream gradient, bank slope, hydrological order, and proximity to established colonies (Alejandro G. Pietrek et al. 2015). Beaver habitats are more
likely to occur where there is an abundance of woody vegetation (Paul D. Curtis et al. 2004). Researchers in New Mexico introduced beavers on a
river in the Chihuahuan desert, and found that they were selective about which pools of water to live near, and that the spots where they resided
typically had increased woody plant diversity. (Isidro A. Barela
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Similarities Between American And Mediterranean Diet
American & Mediterranean Diets The American diet is one big melting pot of foods from cultures all around the world. Foods from burgers and fries to
spaghetti and meatballs, this diet has a vast amount of choices for meals. It is difficult to name a "national" dish. Furthermore, the Mediterranean diet
is a similar concept. Including south European countries, the diet consists of many different cultures as well. Most people believe that the American
diet refers to something similar to a meal at McDonald's. That's not always true. Although most foods included in the American diet contain an excess
amount of calories, sugars, unnatural fats and saturated fats, oils, sodium, and high fructose corn syrup, there are also foods that don't. These include:
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American Diet Vs Western Diet Essay
In a time where more and more people are cautious of their health, and are searching for a master plan to stay healthy, it is interesting to find that there
has been a region that might have found that master plan, and has been living by it for years. The Mediterranean region, with their high consumption of
vegetables and grains, and low consumption of meats and dairy, have created a population that have lived longer, and have suffered from less chronic
diseases than any other region in the world (Nestle, 1995). On the contrary, the Western diet, with its high consumption of meats, refined sugars, and
saturated fats, has influenced cultures into a way of life that has increased chronic diseases and obesity, and has made humans adapt to an environment
that influences unhealthy, heavily processed foods that are negatively affecting theirhealth (Cordain, Eaton, Sebastian, Mann, Lindeberg, Watkins,
O'Keefe, Brand–Miller, 2005). These two ways of life have coexisted over the years, but have begun to influence each other, creating both positive and
negative effects. The Mediterranean ... Show more content on ...
Processed foods offer little nutritional value and are often high in sugar, sodium, and other chemicals that can have negative effects on our health
(Myles, 2014). These changes in how are food is prepared has created a society that overconsumes refined sugars, saturated fat, and salt, while making
people more susceptible to obesity and major damage to their heart and kidneys (Myles, 2014). Although some of the foods eaten in the Mediterranean
and Western diets are the same, the preparation of the foods for the Western diet includes more refined ingredients, causing a portion of its nutritional
value to go away and allowing people to consume ingredients that our body struggles to digest (Cordain et al.'s,
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The American Diet
The world's dietary functionality differs from region to region, but a consensus remains constant; americans have an unfulfilling diet overall. In other
countries the have their diet scheduled for three structured meals for each day, whereas americans eat whenever their minds tell them that they are
hungry. The problem with the american way is when americans eat, they eat food that is filling to the brain but not to the stomach. Americans are
always on the run, therefore there is not sufficient time to prepare a structured meals; instead americans rely on fast food. This method of nourishment
comes with its own set of issues, food is of a lower quality than that of a home–cooked meal. Along with that comes poor beverage quality instituted ...
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In the united states especially healthy food is considered to be more baroque and therefore seemingly out of reach of the majority of the
population. Foods that are mass produced and heavily processed for a longer shelf life are more commonly accessible for the majority of people,
thus creating health issues. Even if the meat and vegetables were home grown it would take a lot of work and can be costly thus the downside to
home grown meals. Modernly, most americans have such a disorganized schedule that they would never be able to make time for raising the
animal or growing the vegetable anyway. A great way to provide food for the family that, yet many people believe to be inhumane, is very efficient
for a healthy meal and is very good for the health of the wildlife population is hunting and fishing. Deer meat is very lean, especially when
compared to beef, and it is naturally grown by itself so therefore there are no added steroids or supplements for growth, all the deer have is survival of
the fittest. "In fact, as you can see by the graph below, grass–fed beef can have the same amount of fat as skinless chicken breast, wild deer, or elk.
Research shows that lean beef actually lowers your "bad" LDL cholesterol levels." (J. Animal Sci ) In the nation today all the healthy and nutritious
foods are getting to be outrageous with the prices. "Families with average incomes are now struggling to provide foods that pack good nutrition as well.
The price of fresh fruit
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American Diet
The Average American Diet America today is in the middle of a nutritional crisis. Throughout the country, the obesity epidemic has struck every
population demographic. According to recent projections made by the United States Government, 63.9 percent of Americans are either overweight or
obese. That is over half of the population! What exactly is the culprit behind this crisis? How can someone fix this issue? The answers lie in the average
American Diet. The diet consumed by Americans is one of, if not the worst diet in terms of saturated fat, trans fats, lack of carbohydrates, over
consumption of protein, and overall malnutrition. Recommended Dietary Allowances adopted by nutritionists around the globe and countries such as the
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And for goodness sake, people need to put their sandwiches on wheat bread. White bread has lower levels of protein, iron, fiber, and complex
carbohydrates and has higher levels of sugar and simple carbohydrates than wheat bread. Another issue is our consumption of vegetables and
fruits. The average American should obtain around 3 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruits every day. Most Americans don't bother to take in
half of this recommended amount, which is clearly an issue. Again, the solution to this is fairly simple and easily obtainable. Instead of having
fries with a meal, a salad or a side of broccoli and carrots is a simple alternative. For dessert, cake can be replaced with a banana or an apple. These
small differences in the diet really do make a large difference in the long run. Vegetables provide us vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and
fiber. While fruits also provide the body with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, they also provide the body fructose, which is later converted to
glucose for energy. Changing the average American diet is not as difficult as it sounds. Providing the public with proper information about food and
what is actually in it, along with making healthy food choices readily available to the average citizen will go a long way to curbing and preventing the
obesity epidemic. The benefits of eating healthy are monumental. A longer, more active,
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The Standard American Diet
Does eating healthy actually improve life? Commonly people say it's more expensive than the Standard American Diet, but is it really? Eating the
Standard American Diet (S.A.D) can produce many problems later in life. Creating a healthy balanced diet is the key to a happier life, while having an
unhealthy diet creates problems such as decreased energy and productivity, gaining excess amount of weight, and dramatically increases one's risk
obtaining various medical problems.
According to 2012 study, published by " Population Health Management " showed that eating unhealthy severely decreases productivity by 66%.
Eating healthy increases energy and stabilizes moods by providing one with a more restful night sleep. Also, it will reduce joint pain and stress.
Reduced stress improves cognitive function. Naturally benefiting the body with consuming salubrious victuals, produces endorphins in the brain,
which causes one to feel happier. ... Show more content on ...
The infirmities named are only a handful of the multiple ailments, which can be obtained by retaining an unhealthy diet. Although some people state
that it is to expensive to eat healthy, what most people do not relize is that obese people spend $2,741 more on healthcare per year than their nonobese
counterparts. According to the information above, eating healthy, in the long run, is less expensive than eating unhealthy.
Consequently, possessing an unhealthy diet creates problems such as; a decrease in energy and productivity, gaining excess amounts of weight, and
immensely increasing one's risk of attaining various illnesses and diseases. Through creating a healthy balanced diet, it will make one feel happier and
be healthier. Is eating the Standard American Diet actually worth
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Standard American Diet Evaluation
cheaper than medical bills. People want the magic fix and won't listen to the basics put right in front of them every day. The American standard diet is
based on a high trans fat, low in fiber and high in simple carbs or sugars.
People of all ages need to be concerned about what they are putting in their bodies. Pregnant women start the cycle by eating nutritious food, hydrating
their bodies and getting lots of rest. This predetermines how an individual will turn out, if they will have allergies, a weak or strong immune system,
how well they can focus and how strong they may be. Young college students need to be concerned with how they eat, if they desire to remember what
they study. Adults who do not want to lose their hair as they age or... Show more content on ...
Studies show the difference in nutrient content in unprocessed organic food
compared to conventional foods found in regular grocery stores. The amount of nutrient healing properties is almost three times the amount in the
organic produce versus the non–organic produce. People wonder why organic costs so much more, well you get what you pay for.
Japanese women have the longest life expectancy on earth at 87 years old. If we look at their diets versus the Standard American Diet, we will see
that they do not consume ice cream after every dinner, they exercise and walk to places they need to go. The Japanese do not use high fructose corn
syrup found in sodas, whipped cream, candy bars or things we think are healthy like cereal and nutritional bars. They consume more raw foods, do not
eat fake substances such as margarine or fake sugar substitutes know as Splenda or Sucralose and take care of their health with natural medicine when
Being that I am a college student, I understand that the dollar bill is a huge
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Standard American Diet
Let's be honest, the Standard American Diet is out and out SAD. With prepared "brisk and simple" sustenances, quick nourishments, and hereditarily
adjusted nourishments, out bodies experience a considerable measure in only one day.
What's more, it's not just about the unpleasant fixings that go into everything; it's additionally about what this sustenance is doing to our body's pH
The human body is intended to be an antacid living being, and in case you're putting an excessive amount of garbage nourishment in, odds are you're
additionally eating an excessive number of acidic sustenances.
When we eat acidic sustenances, our blood pH can transform from an ordinary soluble level to a hurtful acidic level. This will influence the
invulnerable framework and make us more vulnerable to malady. ... Show more content on ...
Best Five Alkaline Foods
1. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is an extraordinary antacid nourishment furthermore has against bacterial and hostile to viral properties, and also the capacity to free the
group of free radical.
2. Melon
Any sort of melon is extraordinary at purging the colon, and at a pH level of 8.5, they are super basic. Watermelon is particularly bravo because of its
high fiber and 92% water content.
3. Buckwheat
Searching for a substitution to wheat? Buckwheat is an extraordinary place to begin! It will kick begin your day by enhancing vitality and can even
avoid cardiovascular infection.
4. Olive Oil
This heavenly oil is rich in vitamin E and monounsaturated unsaturated fats.
5. Flax Seed
In addition to the fact that they are antacid, flax seeds are high in fiber and vitamin E. They can lessen aggravation and hot flashes in menopausal
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Arguments Against Vegetarianism
Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a
vegetarian diet." Many enlightened and intelligent people have along with Einstein come to realize that the problems Americans face with health and
the environment can be solved with simply partaking in the more compassionate lifestyle accredited to the vegetarian movement. Americans should
adopt vegetarian diets because they are more beneficial to one's health, more sustainable for the environment, and more ethical than the standard
Western diet. Adopting a vegetarian diet has exceptional health benefits that can't be ignored. For instance, in the article "Why Turn toVegetarianism,"
award ... Show more content on ...
For example, in the article "Vegetarianism Is a Moral Decision with Many Benefits," psychologist, professor, and author, Melanie Joy states, "When
we say yes to health, we say no to harm. We protect our bodies as well of the bodies of the animals–approximately 20,000 of them per minute in the
U.S. alone–who are brutally raised and slaughtered for their flesh and excretions." Animals are intelligent, loving, and very much deserving of life.
Humans have come to think that they own every animal on the planet and can extort, exploit and execute them at no cost except $5.99 a pound.
However, there is a much greater cost to the meat on America's plate–– millions of animals' lives. Furthermore, in the same article, Melanie Joy states,
"Animals are routinely castrated, de–beaked, and de–horned without any painkiller whatsoever. They are born and raised in crowded, filthy, dark
environments where their existence is one of abject misery and terror." Animals are sentient beings with nervous systems and thought processes. The
pain and suffering animals in commercial farming must endure preceding their murder is harrowing. If factory farms had glass walls, people would
take a moment to think about the consequences their eating habits ensue. It is a simple and apparent conclusion that a vegetarian diet is more humane
and virtuous than the standard Western
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American Diet Research Paper
Johnny Bowden explains that the American diet does not supply the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for good health (Bowden). Bowden is
known to be an expert on weight loss and health. "Vitamin and minerals are essential to life, you can believe it or not, but your body will not function
properly without them" (Bowden). If so, is it possible that a healthy diet and certain foods can fight diseases? Eating vitamins, minerals, and nutrition
may help fight off certain diseases.
Vitamin supplements can fight off certain deficiencies and diseases. New research suggests that taking increased amounts of vitamins C, E and A,
may help reduce risk of cancer and heart disease (Rumpf). For example, when you take vitamin C you would take 500–3000 mg a day. John Repine
explains "that the safety of vitamin E is now beyond question, and there seems to be the beginnings of good evidence to suggest that it might help
prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke" (Masci). Vitamin E can be found in various foods such as; spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, etc. Other
people may have special nutritional needs or health problems that require extra vitamins (Rumph). If you have a healthy regular diet, vitamin
supplements are not really needed because you already have all the nutrients and vitamins you need.
Minerals are just as equally important as vitamins, Research shows that seventy–five percent of women are deficient in this mineral, which is needed
not only for our bones but for our blood
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The American Diet Essay
One of the most unhealthy diets in the world is that of an American. It is made up of processed foods and a good amount of television. America easily
has the most fast food restaurants in the entire world. Leave it to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King or any other fast–food restaurant to serve
extremely cheap and even unhealthier food at any time during the day or night. "It tastes good so why not?" That seems to be the question many
people are asking now–a–days. Because it is so easily accessible and processed, it is made to be very tasty and extremely unhealthy. Many Americans
find his or herself indulging on the these fatty foods of America on a day–to–day basis. While it may taste good at the time, it has a terrible effect on
your body... Show more content on ...
Corn even turned up in French fries (23 percent)." (Patrigenaru) What is wrong with all this corn? Growing corn involves an abundance amount of
pesticides and fertilizers that release chemicals into the soils that eventually make it to the water tables underneath. the ground. That can be terrible for
the environment. Also, eating too much corn can cause an abundance of calories in a diet and not enough nutrients necessary to sustain a healthy body.
In other words, corn replaces nutrients with an excess of calories. Patrigenaru also points out, "More than a quarter of products in the average
American supermarket now contain corn or its derivatives." (Patrigenaru) Since corn replaces nutrients with calories and is in almost everything that is
consumed in America now, it is plain to see why theUnited States is one of the fattest countries in the world. Processed food are becoming more and
more prevalent in the American diet day to day. Kim Rhyssdal wrote in an article based on an interview, "Processed foods are, plus or minus, 70
percent of what most of us eat." (Ryssdal) 70 percent is a very damaging piece of evidence to the conviction of the American diet. While corn is the
leading source of the unhealthiness of Americans, added sugar and fat are not far behind. Tim Philpot wrote in an article, "As for added fats and
sugars, their 2008 levels reached 459 and 641,
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Fad Diets And Its Effect On Obesity Essay
A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that over–promises dramatic results. These diets typically don 't result in long–term weight loss and they are
usually not very healthy. In fact, some diets can actually be dangerous to your health"(Family Fad diets promise excessive and miraculous
weight loss goals, however these diets are proven by scientific evidence that they do not promote long lasting results. Instead they are harmful and
can promote rapid onset obesity. The problem being presented here is that America's growing obesity problem directly correlates to the fad diets.
Americans would rather choose the quickest and easiest solution to their weight issue. Many people who choose these fad diets range from people
including: teenages, women of all ages, and people who binge eat or are on the verge on obesity. The most important way to identify the cause of
this issue and the people who are likely to fall into these fads, is to evaluate the history behind them,the types of fad diets and the what influences
people to turn to them. The first thing to acknowledge when analyzing fad diets is the history of them, A recorded history of these diets dates back to
1825.( To begin with,the first celebrity endorsed diet was the vinegar and water diet. Developed in 1820. However in the 19th
century the promotion of arsenic pills were popular because they claimed to be able to speed up the metabolism.but as you would guess, ingesting
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All Humans Love Food?
All humans love food. We are predisposed to enjoy it as a precautionary tool to ensure our species won't die off from starvation and finicky
preferences. This is why eating is a dominant part of daily life; whether a person is planning a special dinner, deciding where to go to lunch with a
friend, or simply choosing which snacks to eat during a movie, humans are constantly engaged with the idea of, and the consumption of, food. Having
such importance, humans should, admittedly, be more careful in considering which foods they consume. Everyone knows that to be considered healthy
they must eat enough fruits and vegetables, as well as obtain enough nutrients, throughout a regular day. A big question relevant to today's age,
however, is... Show more content on ...
By normalizing vegan diets and promoting its benefits, many Americans could change their lifestyles for the better of the Earth, and of themselves.
Vegans live substantially healthier lifestyles than nearly all other opposing diets, and especially so compared to the more traditional Western diet
that most Americans adopt. Arguably the most important factor of this health boost, vegan patients have consistently been found to have lower
blood pressure than opposing diets in control groups (Barnard 30, Garbett et al. 455, McEvoy et al. 2288). This is valuable information due to the
fact that "There are > 70 million adults in the United States currently diagnosed with high blood pressure, with only 52% of them actually having
their disease under control..." (Garbett et al. 452). Hypertension is a prevalent disorder in the U.S, with most people diagnosed not careful enough to
keep it at healthy levels. With vegan cuisine, this threat of heart related issues subsides as the body gains a more sufficient intake of calories with a
reduction in cholesterol and fatty foods. In fact, the results of such a study showed that "The overall prevalence of hypertension among vegetarians
was 33% lower than nonvegetarian diets" (Garbett et al. 455). In this context, "vegetarians" referred to all types of vegetarianism, including veganism,
and "nonvegetarian" simply meant those who ate both meat and vegetables regularly. This statistic shows that vegans have a
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Are Vegetarian Diets Adequate for Children?
Are Vegetarian Diets Adequate for Children?
In 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture estimated that about 5% of Americans do not consume any meat products. Those who are meat
eaters argue that meat is essential to human health, while non–meat eaters argue that it is not because the necessary nutrients in meat could be
consumed in non–animal products. This brings us to the issue of the adequacy of vegetarian diets for children. This is an issue that's rising because
many argue that because children are still in the growing process, it is important for them to consume meat because it has the essential nutrients for
development. On the contrary, advocates argue that vegetarians are more likely to achieve the current American... Show more content on ...
Results showed that vegetarians tend to have lower energy intakes than omnivores. Energy coming from proteins and fats is not as efficient as getting it
from carbohydrates. Their cholesterol intakes were low considerably while their micro–nutrients could be high or low. Additionally, Serum ferritin (iron
levels) appeared to be low in vegetarians, but their antioxidant vitamins were high. This study is comparable to Shull's (1977) experiment because her
results showed that vegetarians experienced low hemoglobin levels, which is related to iron deficiency as well. Overall, the study concluded that
nutritious intakes and status were generally sufficient in children who are vegetarians. Even though vegetarians were shown to have low levels of iron,
the low intakes of fat, cholesterol, sodium, and high consumption of antioxidants from their diet is nutritionally sufficient to maintain a healthy body
Thane and Bates (2000) obtained these results from a sample of 1351 children. There were 25 vegetarians under 3 and 19 that were older; there were
668 omnivores under 3 years old and 639 were older. Before the study begun, socio–demographic information of participants was collected. After,
participants were subdivided into 2 different groups: younger (1.5–3 years old) and older (3–4.5 years old). The dietary intake of participants were
measured based on records that parents were required to log. Parents were asked to log all the foods their child
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The Cabbage Soup Diet: Fad Diet, Dolly Parton Diet
The Cabbage Soup Diet is an extremely low–fat, high–fiber diet that is design around heavy consumption of a low–calorie cabbage soup over a seven
day period. It is generally considered a fad diet, in that it is c A short–term weight–loss program that requires no long–term commitment. The core of
the diet is a recipe for cabbage soup, which the dieter may consume in unrestricted quantities. In addition to the cabbage soup, there are certain other
foods the dieter must eat on specific days during the week. There are several versions of the diet, most of which promise a 10–17pounds (lb.) weight
loss during the week.
The cabbage soup diet is considered to be the oldest fad diet still in use. TWA Stewardess Diet Model's Diet, Dolly Parton Diet,
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The Standard American Diet Plan Essay
Introduction The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a growing concern due to its negative effect on Americans' weight status. In The Okinawa Diet
Plan: Get Leaner, Live Longer, and Never Feel Hungry Again, the Okinawa diet is suggested to be a large contributor to the low rates of obesity
among centenarians living in Okinawa, Japan. In overweight adults, how does following the diet principles of the elderly people of Okinawa, Japan
affect weight loss compared to following the Standard American Diet? Principles of The Okinawa Diet Plan Consuming low calorie–dense (CD) foods
is the basis of the Okinawa diet. Research supports the authors' claim that by eating foods low in CD, energy intake is lowered, thus promoting weight
loss. Water–rich foods are closely related to the CD principle, and its potential to decrease body weight is also supported by research. Whole grains,
which are proposed to be lower in CD than refined grains, are said to aid in weight loss. This principle is positively supported by research. Information
on the Glycemic Index (GI) is contradicted in different parts of the book. Although research supports the GI and weight loss, certain factors should be
taken into account. Conclusion The Okinawa diet has the potential to be a sustainable weight loss diet. Further research on certain principles need to
be conducted. Introduction The Western diet commonly consumed in the United States, also known as the Standard American Diet (SAD), includes
the excess
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Controversy Over Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism is not merely a present–day fashion. Human beings from
diverse cultures have practiced it since olden times. Having a vegetarian diet has been
a topic that creates conflicting opinions, and it seems that the controversy gets bigger
as time moves on. In the times that we are living in today, where we are persistently
bombarded with information through the television and Internet, it makes it hard to know
who is right and who is wrong on this issue. Embracing vegetarianism provides the
optimum benefit as it keeps a person fit as a fiddle, with the added benefits of being
human and not disturbing the law of nature. So many Americans in many instances are
caught up with discovering the "perfect" diet. While such a ... Show more content on ...
USDA includes meat as part of a balanced diet, but it also states that a
vegetarian diet can meet the recommended dietary allowances for
nutrients. Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat harms
health, wastes resources, causes deforestation, and creates pollution.
They often argue that killing animals for food is cruel and unethical since
non–animal food sources are plentiful. Many opponents of a vegetarian
diet say that meat consumption is healthful and humane, and that
producing vegetables causes many of the same environmental problems
as producing meat. They also argue that humans have been eating and
enjoying meat for 2.3 million years. In Western culture, vegetarianism
dates back to Ancient Greece. The mathematician Pythagoras (570 BC –
495 BC) advocated vegetarianism; a meatless diet was commonly called
the "Pythagorean diet" until the term vegetarian became popular during
the 1800s. The philosopher Plato (428 BC – 348 BC) described a
vegetarian diet as "divinely ordained" ("Should People").
The major reason I think more people are opting to become vegetarians is to reduce
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Fats in the American Diet Essay
Fats in the American Diet There has been a myth in our society for the last few decades about fats. Ever since the USDA created the food pyramid in
the early 80's, the feeling towards fats has been that all types are bad for one's health and should be consumed at a minimum. However, more recent
studies have shown that not all fats are detrimental, and some are necessary in maintaining healthy bodies. Certain types are helpful for reducing the
risk of cancer, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Without fats the body could not absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K because they help move the
supplements into the bloodstream where the vitamins get absorbed (Graham par. 2). Simple actions like a regular consumption of nuts, helps aid in
lowering... Show more content on ...
Foods with high fat content were placed at the top of the pyramid and said to be consumed at a minimum. Foods with lots of carbohydrates were
situated at the bottom and became the basis for the American diet. In turn, the obesity rates for our country sky rocketed. Now it is believed that some
types of fats are good for the body and one of these is monounsaturated fats. There are two types of unsaturated fats, monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated. All fats are composed of long carbon chains with a maximum of two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon. Monounsaturated fats
have one hydrogen atom missing from the carbon chain while polyunsaturated fats have two missing (Good Fats par. 3). Polyunsaturated fats come in
two types, omega–3 and 6, and these types will be looked at later. Monounsaturated fats are not "essential fatty acids" (EFA's) because the body can
make this form from other fats and are commonly found in most of fat–rich foods. Otherwise, "essential fats" must be consumed through the diet.
Monounsaturated fats can be found in cooking oils like canola, olive, peanut, and almond. Foods with higher levels of monounsaturated fats are nuts,
peanut butter, meat, olives, and avocados. There are many positive aspects of monounsaturated fats that were not realized years ago. Monounsaturated
fatty acids lower total cholesterol, but more importantly, it lowers low–density lipoproteins (LDL's) which is considered the bad type of
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American Diets Essay
Throughout the years, many diet books, pills, and plans have been tried and, most often, failed. People still go after them, however, because of the
statistics: 64% of adults and 33% of children and teens are considered overweight, and 30% of American adults are morbidly obese. Fat people are
discriminated against at work, school, and in social situations. Obviously, they'll want to do something to change that. That's where the diets come in.
Popular diet pills over the years have been controversial, ever–changing, and always expanding in numbers and names: Trilene, Trimspa,
Metabolife360, and Alli, just to name a few. Each of these "cures" has their share of faults: Trilene and Metabolife360 both contained the dangerous
Chinese herb... Show more content on ...
Diet plans may seem less radical than pills or surgeries, but that's not always the case. Things that mask themselves as diets (i.e. starvation–"crash diet")
can be just as dangerous as, if not more than, pills. As is probably obvious by now, these things don't really work. They don't work simply because
they're not all healthy, especially not when applied as a long–term solution. A diet can't be kept up forever; human drive and basic chemical and
physiological need both more than cancel out any real long term effects of the diets. People may swear by the diets at first, because at first they are
successful. But then the weight comes back as quickly as it "fell off," and people are disappointed again. What does work (for most people, anyway)
is a carbohydrate conscious (conscious, not necessarily excessively low or high) diet and exercise. Again, not extreme exercise. When it comes to
weight management, moderation is the key. Consume complex carbs instead of simple ones, and exercise well and for limited amounts of time. Some
people may find it difficult to see results with diet and exercise because of genetic makeup, predisposition to excess weight, blood pressure, cholesterol,
diabetes, or any number of other health problems. But the only safe, natural, tried–and–true method of weight loss and weight management is a
well–balanced diet and proportionate exercise. Every diet plan and especially pill should be taken and viewed with a
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Personal Narrative: The American Diet
Our country is notable for countless aspects in its culture, one of the more prominent aspects being the American Diet. Though our diet is primarily a
blend of foods from foreign cultures, there are distinct differences: portion sizes, excess empty calories, and overall nutritional value. To us, food
outstrips the three main meals of the day – it is used to celebrate holidays, for comfort, and at many social gatherings. This is where the problem lies.
Although the American Diet is a large–scale problem, I am personally affected by it locally in my family and community. I have a large family–my
parents each have three siblings– so we tend to congregate frequently. Last summer, my family attended an annual cookout with classic cookoutfood:
chips, hamburgers, hotdogs, macaroni salad, etc., and ... Show more content on ...
I insist on maintaining a healthy palate, thus I scarcely touched my meal. As my extended family became aware of my lackluster enthusiasm for dinner,
they began to address their unwarranted concerns to my parents. This feeling of unease around others at mealtime did not cease there. In fact, almost
every gathering – whether it was between my family, classmates, or soccer team – struck me with this similar discomfort. My parents grew wary, and I
was even approached by a teammate who asked if I had an eating disorder. This dismayed me; I started to question my own dietary habits and felt
alienated at every meal. From that climax, I realized I needed to make a change.
Ignorance leads people to make faulty assumptions. Therefore, my mission became to inform those around me of healthy dietary values, as well as
persuading my family to adopt them. During my yearly checkup, my doctor spoke to my mother
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Essay on Changes in the American Diet
I. Introduction
A. This paper will consider the adaptations of the United States to a changing diet, from the early to late twentieth century.
B. The purpose of this project is to research the evolution in American cuisine throughout the 1900s, towards a more convenience–based pattern of food
consumption. The modernization of the United States, particularly in terms of the workforce, will be examined as it relates to a changing diet. Finally,
some effects of these changes will be described.
II. Background: Early Twentieth Century Cooking
III. Modernization of the United States
A. Women... Show more content on ...
The purpose of this paper is to review the literature relating to the changes in American diet in the twentieth century. Background will be presented on
American food preparation, and the process of modernization will be analyzed. Moreover, the specific alterations to food patterns will be documented,
as a parallel to modernization. The negative consequences of the late twentieth century diet will be summarized lastly.
Background: Early Twentieth CenturyCooking
The early 1900s saw most American meals prepared in the home by women, characteristically housewives. Caring for the home was considered a
full–time career for married women, and the work associated was typically legitimate as such, with the average woman spending forty–four hours a
week preparing (and cleaning after) meals, with an additional seven hours for laundry and general housecleaning (Bowers, 2000). Food was
prepared from scratch, using coal or wood stoves and water that often needed to be transported from a pump (Bowers, 2000). And this food was
prepared for an average household size of 4.8 family members (Bowers, 2000). In 1900, sixty percent of the U.S. population lived in rural areas, and
women also did much of the gardening and canning as necessary (Bowers, 2000).
Modernization of the United States
With the spread of the Industrial Revolution, America became increasingly urbanized, with the urban population surpassing the
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Thai American Diet
My typical diet composed of vegetable, protein, and white rice which reflect my cultural background as Thai–American whose cuisine revolve around
jasmine rice as staple food which contributes 30 percent of energy to diets.7 This is clear in the food journal where I have at least one meal every day
that features white rice. Compare to the healthy eating guideline, my diets meet most of the food groups and best choice for healthy meals. However, I
do lack behind in two food categories, specifically dairy and fruit groups which I don't consume on the daily basis. In the food journal, my diary
intake only came from the mozzarella cheese in salad and cream cheese. My consumption of milk are very lacking and often come from coffee rather
than pure ... Show more content on ...
Psoriasis is an autoimmune defect that scaling of skin in affected area. Some research has shown that reduction in consumption of sugar and
processed meat may slightly improve the condition. This consideration is clearly shown in my diet which is very low in sugar, with an exception
for the dried baby banana and white rice. Another benefit of low sugar diet is lowering risk of diabetes which is present on both sides of my family.
Consumption of refined white rice in Thailand contribute to the chronic case of diabetes of its population.2 Furthermore, because we are not very
physically active as a family, the food chosen for the meal should be relatively low in calories, contain little fat, and rich in fibers.
In other food groups, such as protein and vegetable groups, I am doing very well and meet most of the requirement. However, I do have some issue
with meeting the healthy requirement of lean meat since most of the meat I consume are red meat. While I do consume chicken and fish occasionally,
beef and pork are the main protein for most of my meal. Eating high amounts of red meat are associated with higher chance of type 2 diabetes,
coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancers.4 My only non–meat source of protein are walnut that I have as a
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American Diet Weaknesses
I chose to address the questions what are the strengths and weaknesses of the American diet, as well as, what is distinctive about American food. I
chose these questions to focus my research paper on because of the relationship between the American diet and health care. The United States is one of
the most culturally diverse countries in the world, due to immigration, which is what makes it so distinctive. The diet also has many flaws including
the cause for rising medical issues. I have a pre–nursing major, so diet plays a big role in the medical field. My purpose for researching the American
diet is to be able to.... With the Industrial Revolution, the inventions of many new products such as processed foods, refrigerators, and fast food chains.
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The Omnipresence of Corn in the American Diet
In Part One of Michael Pollen's book The Omnivore's Dilemma, the author looks at the plethora of products available in today's supermarkets and
the ubiquitousness of one plant, corn. Corn is a grass native to Central America and unknown in other parts of the world before 1492 (Pollan, 2006,
p. 23). After the Native Americans taught colonists to plant corn, they quickly learned to appreciate its value and versatility. Corn was ready to eat,
could be dried and stored, and could be ground into flour. The grain fed people and animals. Dried stalks became heating fuel. Mashed, fermented corn
could be made into whisky and beer. It was a commodity that sustained people in many ways. For nearly 450 years, corn remained an important staple
that nourished humans and animals. It provided some by–products that were also considered quite useful. By the middle of the 20th century, however,
corn became a political commodity and completely changed the way we eat. The years after World War II saw the introduction of chemical fertilizers.
The government was looking to dump chemicals no longer needed for defense manufacturing. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it
changed farming and eating forever. The corn plant readily used these synthetics, growing prodigiously and eliminating the need for farmers to rotate
crops. The government, Wall Street, and private industry capitalized on the bounty, ultimately resulting in the omnipresence of corn, in one form or
another, in the
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American Diet Observation Essay
Step 1 – Observation and description of a phenomena: ScientiоЂњc community proposes that increase in obesity rates of Americans and introduction
/increase of HFCS in American diet are linked.Step 2 – Formulation of a hypothesis: If a standard diet is supplemented with HFCS, this will cause
obesity in subjects. Further, if the normal dietary habits of subjects are tracked, those subjects with higher intake levels of HFCS will show increased
signs of obesity, including increased body weight, abdominal fat and TG levels.Step 3– Testing the hypothesis: Experiment 1: Male and female
subjects with short–term (2 months) HFCS access. 150 male and 150 female subjects with comparable BMI levels, daily activity levels and daily
medications/vitamins are... Show more content on ...
Experiment 2: Male and female subjects with long–term (6 months) HFCS access. 150 male and 150 female subjects with comparable BMI levels,
daily activity levels and daily medications/vitamins are assigned the same standard diet to follow for a 6 month period. Subjects understand they are to
refrain from signiоЂњcant lifestyle changes during the period of study (includingbut not limited to pregnancy, other diets, exercise regime, new
medications/vitamins, etc.). In addition to this standard diet the subjects are instructed to consume either a low level (Level 1) of HFCS each day
in the form of a solution, a higher level (Level 2) of HFCS each day in the form of a solution, a low level (Level 1) of sucrose in the form of a solution,
or no additions (no HFCS or sucrose). Water consumption is at subject's discretion. HFCS and sucrose levels are measured daily and body weight is
measured weekly. At the end of 6 months on this speciоЂњed standard diet and HFCS/sucrose intake, blood samples are taken and examined for
triglyceridesand insulin, and an updated BMI index is calculated.Data from all groups will be compared using ANOVAs or repeated measures
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American Diet / Nutritional Nutrition
Kyle Seid Phan
Ms. Bohls
English 12 Period 6
February 15, 2017
American Diet/Nutrition
For Americans who are around 20 – 39 years old, the obesity rate is 34.3%, 41%; for 40–59 year olds, and people around 60 years old, it is about
38.5% (The State of Obesity). This statistic is pretty scary for these age groups because when people get older they have harder times taking care of
themselves by having a healthy lifestyle and exercising on a daily basis.
Over the years, people's nutrition has been changing so much and it is caused by one factor which is time. Time is so vital in our daily lives that we
just do not have enough time to eat a proper meal because we are always working(Abraham). People are usually working for approximately 7 ... Show
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For people who is older and have a harder time taking care of themselves may have a higher chance of getting these diseases because they are not
keeping their body well and fit.
These two populations have higher rates of being obese them other populations. The population and society obesity mainly affects are the
and woman adult blacks and latino (The State of Obesity). These populations have a higher rate of people being obese compared to a white
population. About 47.8% blacks are obese, latinos are 42% obese compared to white people who are only 32.6% obese (The State of Obesity). The
main reasons why black and latinos are the most obese because of their absence of healthy food (The State of Obesity). These societies are not able to
get healthy food is because of their lack of money and living situations to stay healthy.
Over the years Americans have been gaining more weight than the past because the food portions and the amount of food people eat today is much
more. The United States Department of Agriculture finds out that Americans ate about 20% more calories in the year 2000 then 1983 (Abraham). The
World Health Organization discovered that, when fast food was on sale then the body mass index increased. In the American diet, 11% of the food
eaten was fast food (Abraham). There has been nutritionists food plan of what is a good diet and the amount of each category you
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Essay On American Diets
American diets, since the booming of fast food and industrialized food production, have become increasingly unhealthy and problematic. With obesity
rates rising, and other complications such as disease, it is becoming a more and more important issue in today's society. One solution to this problem is
to have the government produce laws that help regulate how people eat. As regulation is put into effect, many food related problems will be dealt with
effectively. The government should have a say in our diet because it will help deal with child obesity, decrease foodborne illnesses, and influence self
regulation. Child obesity is a major issue in the United States, but with the help of government involvement, this problem will decay over time.
As Lisa L. Sharma writes, "Although many forces contribute to obesity and poor diet, food ... Show more content on ...
The government involvement in diets can influence many forms of self regulation in people's lives. Some forms can be from little things such as
families at home or self–dieting, to big thing such as influence to other countries. The use of self regulation can hugely impact families because
children will learn healthy habits from adults. This in turn will eventually transfer into adults, as habits formed while they were young will likely
transfer as they get older. Not only will government policies affect our country, it can eventually spread to other countries as well. As Vidgen wrote,
"There is the opportunity to influence health, safety and sustainability of the food supply in other countries as well as ours through import and export
regulations and trade agreements" (Vidgen 6). The spread of self regulation to other countries can influence healthy behaviors and choices leading to
a better world for all people to live in. Overall, the influence of self regulation will provide a healthier place for everyone to
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Essay on The American Diet
Most Americans do not care enough to take a look at the nutritional values of the food that he or she is consuming. That is why America has the
highest percentage of obesity in the world. This is a serious problem because one in every three adults is obese, and one in every six children is obese.
There are many factors that go into the regular American diet, but most of those factors are not appealing nor is it healthy. Americans put way too
much processed food into their daily diet. Some would say that other countries diets superior the American diet because of nutritional values that it
carries. Other countries have proven that an active lifestyle is a huge element in the average weight of the country. There are many things that... Show
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Farmers need their cows to be tremendously obese because the cows would produce more meat for the farmers to sell. Therefore, the meat that is sold
at the supermarket is not one hundred percent natural. Another manufactured substance is sugar also referred to as high–fructose corn syrup. Man has
made a whole new variation of sugar that is cheaper to produce but also completely artificial. "Using a glucose isomerase, the starch in corn can be
efficiently converted to glucose and then to various amounts of fructose. The hydrolysis of sucrose produces a 50:50 molar mixture of fructose and
glucose. The development of these inexpensive, sweet corn– based syrups made it profitable to replace sucrose (sugar) and simple sugars with HFCS in
our diet, and they now represent 40% of all added caloric sweeteners. (Bray, Nielsen, and Popkin)" The United States farmer produces approximately
twelve billion bushels of corn every year, but only exports about twenty percent of the total, and the rest is made into products, such as high–fructose
corn syrup. All of the processed food is extremely bad for our health, but since it is the cheapest in the supermarket it would take a lot to have a
healthier diet. Other countries, such as Asia, have proven that their diet is healthier than that of an American. "The structure of South Korea's economy,
along with the country's dietary and disease patterns, began an accelerated shift in the 1970s. Major dietary
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American Diet Research Paper
Throughout this year, I have learned many different ways to incorporate a healthy lifestyle through the intake of my dietary needs, and the number one
fault I see is that I fall in the American diet. The American diet is strongly tilted towards a heavy diet of protein to get a huge portion of one's calories
and energy, but the American diet lacks so many otherfood groups and nutrients to keep one truly healthy. I fall directly into this category because I
try to have as much protein in my daily meals as possible because that is what I have been brain washed into believing. Major food groups that I have
missed out on are the vegetable and fruits group, the grain group, and the milk, yogurt, and cheese group. Easily, the number one food group ... Show
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It is amazing the nutrients that are involved in this group. For example, nutrients like calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. These nutrients help build
and maintain bone mass, bone health, healthy blood pressure, and helps the body maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorous (pg. 89). Ways
that I can help keep this important group in my diet is by choosing to drink milk during meals any time that is possible, eat cereal and oatmeal with
milk in it for breakfast, have a cup of yogurt for a snack instead of a bag of chips, and when eating a bowl of soup, add low–fat cheese as a topping (91).
Health dynamics has brought diet to my attention like no other class I have taken before. I am often the kid who believes that as long as I am
eating, I will be fine. This class has shown me that I am in fact in the American diet and that needs to change if I want to supply my body with all the
nutrients needed and live a truly healthy lifestyle. Although all of the ways that I can supply my body with the addition of the vegetable and fruits
group, the grain group, and the milk, yogurt, and cheese group may be difficult and tedious at times, it will be well worth it and is very plausible to
accomplish this
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Is Vegetarianism A Vegetarian?
Humans are classified as omnivorous, which means they can eat anything, and their diet can include fruit, vegetables, grains, and meat. The history of
vegetarianism goes back to 2,500 years, some ancient civilizations depended on a vegetarian diet because meat was not available (Vegetarianism). In
India vegetarianism remains today as an ethical issue as well as a part of the Hindu religion. Today in the United States, there is a reverent percentage
of the population are firmly vegetarian. Vegetarian diet has become mostly accepted in many cultures for its limitless benefits .People should become
vegetarian because it's the healthy lifestyle that should be followed. Being vegetarian helps people's heart. American diet contains a high percentage of
saturated fat foods and calories, which are the major contributor to cardiovascular disease .Vegetarian diet is a great way to treat and prevent heart
disease. Also, being vegan can help significantly reduce the chance of having cancer "people who consume higher amounts of fruits and vegetables
have about one–half the risk of cancer, especially the epithelial cancer" (Craig).People should consider including more fruit and vegetables into their
diets due to the great amounts of benefits they contain. Vegetarianism helps people to have morenutrition in their diet. Vegetables and fruits contain an
infinite amount of vitamins and fiber. People can have a wide Variety of options for food, with all the different
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The Typical American Diet
In 1982, government officials told Americans to reduce their daily fat intake from 40% to 30%, and they embraced this suggestion. Instead of fats,
Americans began to eat more carbohydrates, an increase of 57 grams per person from 1989 to today, according to Dr. Robert Lustig, the professor of
pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. Today, the typical American diet consists of 50% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 35% fat.
At the same time, an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) committee gave sugar the status of "recognized as safe" – even for diabetics – despite
diverging opinions among technicians of the USDA. As part of a spending bill for the Department of Agriculture in 2011, Congress legislated that the
sauce pizza offered in schools would be stuffed with vegetables. ... Show more content on ...
In the 90s, American women blindly swallowed sweet biscuits with low fat disguised as treats. After all, they were biscuits approved by government
standards, having little fat and containing the "safe" sugar. Parents were leaving their children at school assuming that the school meals would be
healthy, containing fruits and vegetables, never really thinking about what their children were actually eating every day.
Government recommendations have also deterred private nutrition groups from trying to compete with the "official" advice. Consider the critical
reception that Dr. Atkins had when he wrote "The revolutionary Atkins diet"; Despite being a bestseller, Atkins was harshly criticized by nutritional
establishment. The USDA also warns that diet is just a "gimmick" and, ultimately, it is still studying "whether it was worth or whether it would be
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Essay On American Diet
Sugar, the thing all of us crave. It gives you that calling, the one where it is telling you to come and munch on the mouthwatering treats. We are all in
some way addicted to the thing we hate so much but somehow ignore the negatives for the love that is left on your taste buds to devour. Because sugar
intake has skyrocketed, the United States health risks are not too far behind. There are plenty of reasons and research studies that show how
destructive sugar can be for your health if not managed properly, "and unfortunately our standard American Diet is anything but balanced."(Konie 1)
Americans don't manage their sugar levels, let alone manage their sugar intake. The exponential growth of obesity in underway and the main cause.
Sugar. Many people don't understand this but sugar is perfectly fine as long as you can control it, many also don't realize just, "how dangerous the
extremes can be."(Konie 1) The epidemic cause by sugar in our country is spine chilling. If we don't do something about I now all future generations
will continue to grow not only upwards but outwards. People really need to see just how large the obesity levels are rising and it's all because of our
terrible American food diet. Without a new plan to put in place, like reducing the amount of fast food restaurants the American people will never fix
these bad habits that we have gotten into. ... Show more content on ...
In moderation. Even natural sugar is bad in high quantities, so yes sorry to say but if places started using natural ingredients it would still not be good
for you to eat out sugar filled food often. The American Society is caught up on this idea that sugar is totally fine if you have natural sugar. Sadly that
is not the case. Any sugar is bad in unmoderated amounts and can continue to lead to the obesity epidemic that is tearing the nation
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Meat Is The Staple Of The American Diet
Meat has become a staple in the American diet. According to an article published by
NPR, an average American was eating 207.7 pounds of meat per year in 2010 (Barclay). After research came to light linking cholesterol and saturated
fat found in meat products to heart disease, new food and health guidelines have suggested lowering the amount of meat eaten in the average diet. The
new USDA food guidelines, "MyPlate," were formed in 2010 and propose eating 5 ВЅ oz. of protein foods a day for a basic 2,000 calorie diet. In their
description of what type of protein foods to eat, they promote more fish consumption, varying protein sources to include plant–based proteins, and
keeping "meat and poultry portions small and lean." While this is an improvement from past food guidelines, it is not enough. The USDA is continuing
to do
Americans a disservice by promoting meat consumption in general because it leads to serious health problems, cruelty to animals, and environmental
One of the largest, most studied, and tangible arguments against eating meat is the negative health effects it has on the human body. Its consumption
has been linked to obesity, cancer, and many organ disorders. According to a study published in the International Journal of
Obesity, there is a positive association between meat consumption and obesity (Wang and
Beydoun 621). The same study found that eating meat has been related to higher risks of many chronic diseases, but increasing the consumption of
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Cows Are Destroying Our Planet?
Cows are destroying our planet?! According to Margaret Lundberg they are. In Lundberg's essay "Eating Green" the author states her belief "that our
personal and global health [are] tightly interconnected, and what benefits one will benefit the other" (Lundberg 570). Lundberg than goes on to explain
why a vegetarian diet will restore the environment. She lacks a realistic solution for her American meat–obsessed audience. Lundberg also used
unreliable sources to over emphasize the effects that the meat industry has on the environment as well as shows no evidence that a vegetarian diet
is actually good for the environment. At the beginning of "Eating Green" the audience is promised a conversation on how a vegetarian diet is good
for the body and possibly good for the environment. Lundberg was to go on with this topic by giving evidence on how she and her family live on a
vegetarian diet and gives facts from reliable sources how vegetarian diets trump omnivorous diets. Lundberg however did neither of these. She
abandons the topic of her family and goes on to explain how the meat industry in America is contributing to global warming. Lundberg herself has little
to no knowledge or experience on the subject of environmental science or ecology, so she supports her essay on exaggerated facts from untrustworthy
sources. An example of this is when Lundberg cites dietitian Kate Geagan about her take on the American diets impact on the environment (Lundberg
571). Geagan is a poor source
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Evolution Of The American Diet

  • 1. Evolution of the American Diet Evolution of the American Diet The traditional American diet was simple, it was homemade, it was composed primarily of minimally refined ingredients, it was low in added sugars and fats, with the fats coming primarily from animal sources, and required effort to produce, by comparison, the contemporary American diet is much more diverse it's composed a lot of "palatable" sometimes artificial materials, its commercially engineered and sold, it's composed of refined ingredients, it's high in added sugars and fats with the fat coming primarily from seed oils, and requires minimal effort to procure(Pillsbury). At the same time as modern medicine is conquered the leading killers of the 19 century such as infectious diseases modern culture has created a whole new set of epidemics that we must now cure. In order to not only identify but solve our problems regarding food we must acknowledge the origin of those problems. In this paper I will be examine the S.A.D. (standard American diet) Within the context of history and culture and perhaps determine the causes of our relatively sudden and unhealthy turn in terms of production and consumption. The main reason behind examining the western diet in a historical context is the fact that diet is proven to be a key determinant of chronic disease risk and if we understand the origin of our eating habits, we have the opportunity to correct some of or past mistakes. I will be covering a period of about two centuries, acknowledging anything I ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Compare And Contrast American And Mediterranean Diets There are no two diets that are the exact same and nor are there any two diets that work the same way for every person. There are a few common diets that people tend to consider and they are the USDA food patterns, DASH eating plan and the Mediterranean style eating pattern. While they are all a type of diet or lifestyle change they do share some common factors but on the other hand they do all have some differences. The end result for them all though is to help people live a healthier lifestyle. When looking at these different diets the main similarity is that they all want you to enjoy your healthy foods but in moderation. Each diet wants you to follow a healthy guideline all the while enjoying the most healthy choices possible. They all ... Show more content on ... First thing to consider is your own common sense. If you are hearing about a product and it sounds like it is to good to be true it most likely is. The headlines on a magazine are to grab your instant attention and make you want to buy the magazine and then read the article. Think about it though if you are reading something that says you can lose so much weight in a short period of time do you really think it will work? Is it safe for your body to lose weight to fast? The chances that the headline is just there to sell a product is more realistic than the diet actually working. Common sense is the first key factor to any FAD diet headline a person encounters. Understanding the principals that a scientist encounters will be important when a person is considering the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Benefits Of Carbohydrate Restriction For Diabetes And The... Since two–thirds of American adults are currently overweight or obese, doctors find it hard to find the "best" diet for their patients. The list of choices and categories is lengthy, with vocal advocates for the Atkins diet, the Zone diet, South Beach diet, Jenny Craig, Vegan/vegetarian diet, and the cousin to the Atkins diet the Paleo diet, etc. If any of these diets was sufficiently effective and easily adopted by Americans we wouldn't be faced with such an obesity epidemic. The truth is there is no simple answer because everybody is different; doctors should recommend whatever diet the patient can best adhere to (Louis Kuristzky, MD, 2014). Because being overweight or obese can lead to diabetes and the inability of current recommendations to control this epidemic has failed. They now see the benefits of carbohydrate restriction to treat diabetes and the studies are well documented. A low carbohydrate diet is the first approach to reduce high blood glucose, and lead to the reduction or elimination of medication without side effects (Richard D. Feinman, 2015). There are concerns about the efficacy and safety of a low carbohydrate diet that has always surrounded this method of weight loss, but it's more conjecture then data driven (Feinman, 2015). Critics believe that diets such as Atkins has potential negative effects on bone health, renal functions and cardiovascular health. In the matter of bone health the concern was that there will be an increased level of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Asian American Diets If a plant–based diet is going to help us prevent and treat major health problems, how do we eat? Dr. John McDougall studied the diets of Asian cultures and other cultures who's diets are high in starch. He found that they were healthier and lived longer. After learning all this, he created a program to help people move to a starch based diet and banish the most common health problems. Starches are made of long–branching chains of glucose molecules that are easily broken down into simple sugars that are released slowly to provide us with sustainable energy and keep us feeling full for longer periods of time (McDougall 6). Starch has been a central part of diets for over 13,000 years. Even the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas ate diets high in... Show more content on ... These components all work together to cause major issues like obesity, heart disease, and cancer leading to billions of dollars being put to the treatment of millions of patients each year. Researchers like John McDougall, John Robbins, and David Robinson Simon have put in years and years of research and experimentation to prove to society and the Western culture that we are not fueling our bodies appropriately and in fact, we are causing serious damage that may or may not be reversible. With simple dietary changes, the three big killers–cancer, heart disease, and obesity–can all be eradicated. As proven by hundreds of years of healthy, disease free cultures, we can thrive on a plant–based, starch heavy diet without added animal products high in acid, fat, and cholesterol. The meat and dairy industries survive by telling society that we must consume excessive amounts of protein and calcium to stay healthy when Asian and ancient societies have proven this to be false. Maybe it is time for us to stop treating health problems, most likely caused by poor and harmful diets, with a plant–based diet. These simple and easy changes could be the difference in not only quality of life, but the extension of it. Maybe Albert Einstein was right, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chance for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The American Diet The state of the American Health in the U.S has become an increasing concern of many Americans. An article entitled "11 Facts about American Eating Habits," addresses the state of food in the U.S by stating, "Healthiness of the food we eat decreases by 1.7 percent for every hour that passes in the day." Experts and scientists in the U.S has raised questions about regarding the different ways food is now being produced. While individuals are usually not aware of the ingredients that food contains, many people continue to have unhealthy eating habits. In the past few decades, food production has included numerous artificial ingredients that are said to be the cause of various health problems. Various artificial ingredients that are commonly... Show more content on ... Traits of organic food can also be misconstrued in the sense of the ingredients and how it is different from the way processed food is produced. "In reality, certified organics have lower levels of chemical residue, Roethal argues, which is positive for consumers, farm workers and the land itself, but organic growing practices have no impact on how many nutrients, calories or grams of fat are in anyone's favorite foods"(SFGate). As mentioned previously in the quote, often times organic food can benefits one's health because of the little amount in which chemicals and calories are in the substance. The concern about organic food is that it is substantially more expensive than non–organic food. However,"Organic food sales are increasing by double digits annually, and more than 80 percent of parents reported buying organic food for their families last year", according to Batch. With the high–price of organic food, this could also be a reason on why people tend to lean more towards the less healthier items, all because of the low cost. Even though there are different and confusing standards on what organic really is, the ideal description would typically be foods that do not have the same producing process as non–organic food. As much problems Americans tend to face with the diet, there are multiple solutions to help the situation. Starting with less processed ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Analysis Of The Diet Of American Beavers Diet The diet of American beavers (Castor canadensis) consists of many terrestrial and aquatic plant species, but research has shown that beavers seem to prefer and thrive on a diet consisting more of aquatic vegetation. (W.J. Severud et al. 2012). Researchers from Northern Michigan University analyzed the composition of the American beaver's diet using keratin from their claws and tagging, and found that the average beaver consumes 45.5 % terrestrial and 55.5% aquatic vegetation, with changes in the data depending on the season. In winter, there was 19.6% more floating leaf vegetation in their diets, while in summer there was a 45% increase in emergent aquatic vegetation. Aquatic vegetation has higher digestibility; higher mineral and ... Show more content on ... Smith et al. 1997). They breed only once per year, and after parturition both the mother and father provide parental care. Most live in family colonies that house the most recent litter in addition to the previous year's litter, the latter acting as non–breeding helpers. (Vesa Ruusila et al. 2000) Peak mortality of young, or kits, occurs between August of their birth year and March of the following year (Craig K. Bloomquist et al. 2010). Researchers from Eastern Illinois University tracked seventeen dens used by twelve different colonies using direct observations of the dens and infrared headlamps, and determined logjams were extremely useful tools that are used near many dens. They provide escape cover from predators, and slowed the current near the den making it easier for the kits to access. (Randall P. Havens et al. 2013). Habitat The American beaver's selective personality extends into habitat selection as well. Factors affecting beaver settlement include vegetation cover, stream gradient, bank slope, hydrological order, and proximity to established colonies (Alejandro G. Pietrek et al. 2015). Beaver habitats are more likely to occur where there is an abundance of woody vegetation (Paul D. Curtis et al. 2004). Researchers in New Mexico introduced beavers on a river in the Chihuahuan desert, and found that they were selective about which pools of water to live near, and that the spots where they resided typically had increased woody plant diversity. (Isidro A. Barela ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Similarities Between American And Mediterranean Diet American & Mediterranean Diets The American diet is one big melting pot of foods from cultures all around the world. Foods from burgers and fries to spaghetti and meatballs, this diet has a vast amount of choices for meals. It is difficult to name a "national" dish. Furthermore, the Mediterranean diet is a similar concept. Including south European countries, the diet consists of many different cultures as well. Most people believe that the American diet refers to something similar to a meal at McDonald's. That's not always true. Although most foods included in the American diet contain an excess amount of calories, sugars, unnatural fats and saturated fats, oils, sodium, and high fructose corn syrup, there are also foods that don't. These include: ... Get more on ...
  • 8. American Diet Vs Western Diet Essay In a time where more and more people are cautious of their health, and are searching for a master plan to stay healthy, it is interesting to find that there has been a region that might have found that master plan, and has been living by it for years. The Mediterranean region, with their high consumption of vegetables and grains, and low consumption of meats and dairy, have created a population that have lived longer, and have suffered from less chronic diseases than any other region in the world (Nestle, 1995). On the contrary, the Western diet, with its high consumption of meats, refined sugars, and saturated fats, has influenced cultures into a way of life that has increased chronic diseases and obesity, and has made humans adapt to an environment that influences unhealthy, heavily processed foods that are negatively affecting theirhealth (Cordain, Eaton, Sebastian, Mann, Lindeberg, Watkins, O'Keefe, Brand–Miller, 2005). These two ways of life have coexisted over the years, but have begun to influence each other, creating both positive and negative effects. The Mediterranean ... Show more content on ... Processed foods offer little nutritional value and are often high in sugar, sodium, and other chemicals that can have negative effects on our health (Myles, 2014). These changes in how are food is prepared has created a society that overconsumes refined sugars, saturated fat, and salt, while making people more susceptible to obesity and major damage to their heart and kidneys (Myles, 2014). Although some of the foods eaten in the Mediterranean and Western diets are the same, the preparation of the foods for the Western diet includes more refined ingredients, causing a portion of its nutritional value to go away and allowing people to consume ingredients that our body struggles to digest (Cordain et al.'s, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The American Diet The world's dietary functionality differs from region to region, but a consensus remains constant; americans have an unfulfilling diet overall. In other countries the have their diet scheduled for three structured meals for each day, whereas americans eat whenever their minds tell them that they are hungry. The problem with the american way is when americans eat, they eat food that is filling to the brain but not to the stomach. Americans are always on the run, therefore there is not sufficient time to prepare a structured meals; instead americans rely on fast food. This method of nourishment comes with its own set of issues, food is of a lower quality than that of a home–cooked meal. Along with that comes poor beverage quality instituted ... Show more content on ... In the united states especially healthy food is considered to be more baroque and therefore seemingly out of reach of the majority of the population. Foods that are mass produced and heavily processed for a longer shelf life are more commonly accessible for the majority of people, thus creating health issues. Even if the meat and vegetables were home grown it would take a lot of work and can be costly thus the downside to home grown meals. Modernly, most americans have such a disorganized schedule that they would never be able to make time for raising the animal or growing the vegetable anyway. A great way to provide food for the family that, yet many people believe to be inhumane, is very efficient for a healthy meal and is very good for the health of the wildlife population is hunting and fishing. Deer meat is very lean, especially when compared to beef, and it is naturally grown by itself so therefore there are no added steroids or supplements for growth, all the deer have is survival of the fittest. "In fact, as you can see by the graph below, grass–fed beef can have the same amount of fat as skinless chicken breast, wild deer, or elk. Research shows that lean beef actually lowers your "bad" LDL cholesterol levels." (J. Animal Sci ) In the nation today all the healthy and nutritious foods are getting to be outrageous with the prices. "Families with average incomes are now struggling to provide foods that pack good nutrition as well. The price of fresh fruit ... Get more on ...
  • 10. American Diet The Average American Diet America today is in the middle of a nutritional crisis. Throughout the country, the obesity epidemic has struck every population demographic. According to recent projections made by the United States Government, 63.9 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. That is over half of the population! What exactly is the culprit behind this crisis? How can someone fix this issue? The answers lie in the average American Diet. The diet consumed by Americans is one of, if not the worst diet in terms of saturated fat, trans fats, lack of carbohydrates, over consumption of protein, and overall malnutrition. Recommended Dietary Allowances adopted by nutritionists around the globe and countries such as the ... Show more content on ... And for goodness sake, people need to put their sandwiches on wheat bread. White bread has lower levels of protein, iron, fiber, and complex carbohydrates and has higher levels of sugar and simple carbohydrates than wheat bread. Another issue is our consumption of vegetables and fruits. The average American should obtain around 3 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruits every day. Most Americans don't bother to take in half of this recommended amount, which is clearly an issue. Again, the solution to this is fairly simple and easily obtainable. Instead of having fries with a meal, a salad or a side of broccoli and carrots is a simple alternative. For dessert, cake can be replaced with a banana or an apple. These small differences in the diet really do make a large difference in the long run. Vegetables provide us vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and fiber. While fruits also provide the body with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, they also provide the body fructose, which is later converted to glucose for energy. Changing the average American diet is not as difficult as it sounds. Providing the public with proper information about food and what is actually in it, along with making healthy food choices readily available to the average citizen will go a long way to curbing and preventing the obesity epidemic. The benefits of eating healthy are monumental. A longer, more active, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Standard American Diet Does eating healthy actually improve life? Commonly people say it's more expensive than the Standard American Diet, but is it really? Eating the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) can produce many problems later in life. Creating a healthy balanced diet is the key to a happier life, while having an unhealthy diet creates problems such as decreased energy and productivity, gaining excess amount of weight, and dramatically increases one's risk obtaining various medical problems. According to 2012 study, published by " Population Health Management " showed that eating unhealthy severely decreases productivity by 66%. Eating healthy increases energy and stabilizes moods by providing one with a more restful night sleep. Also, it will reduce joint pain and stress. Reduced stress improves cognitive function. Naturally benefiting the body with consuming salubrious victuals, produces endorphins in the brain, which causes one to feel happier. ... Show more content on ... The infirmities named are only a handful of the multiple ailments, which can be obtained by retaining an unhealthy diet. Although some people state that it is to expensive to eat healthy, what most people do not relize is that obese people spend $2,741 more on healthcare per year than their nonobese counterparts. According to the information above, eating healthy, in the long run, is less expensive than eating unhealthy. Consequently, possessing an unhealthy diet creates problems such as; a decrease in energy and productivity, gaining excess amounts of weight, and immensely increasing one's risk of attaining various illnesses and diseases. Through creating a healthy balanced diet, it will make one feel happier and be healthier. Is eating the Standard American Diet actually worth ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Standard American Diet Evaluation cheaper than medical bills. People want the magic fix and won't listen to the basics put right in front of them every day. The American standard diet is based on a high trans fat, low in fiber and high in simple carbs or sugars. People of all ages need to be concerned about what they are putting in their bodies. Pregnant women start the cycle by eating nutritious food, hydrating their bodies and getting lots of rest. This predetermines how an individual will turn out, if they will have allergies, a weak or strong immune system, how well they can focus and how strong they may be. Young college students need to be concerned with how they eat, if they desire to remember what they study. Adults who do not want to lose their hair as they age or... Show more content on ... Studies show the difference in nutrient content in unprocessed organic food Place compared to conventional foods found in regular grocery stores. The amount of nutrient healing properties is almost three times the amount in the organic produce versus the non–organic produce. People wonder why organic costs so much more, well you get what you pay for. Japanese women have the longest life expectancy on earth at 87 years old. If we look at their diets versus the Standard American Diet, we will see that they do not consume ice cream after every dinner, they exercise and walk to places they need to go. The Japanese do not use high fructose corn syrup found in sodas, whipped cream, candy bars or things we think are healthy like cereal and nutritional bars. They consume more raw foods, do not eat fake substances such as margarine or fake sugar substitutes know as Splenda or Sucralose and take care of their health with natural medicine when needed. Being that I am a college student, I understand that the dollar bill is a huge ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Standard American Diet Let's be honest, the Standard American Diet is out and out SAD. With prepared "brisk and simple" sustenances, quick nourishments, and hereditarily adjusted nourishments, out bodies experience a considerable measure in only one day. What's more, it's not just about the unpleasant fixings that go into everything; it's additionally about what this sustenance is doing to our body's pH levels. The human body is intended to be an antacid living being, and in case you're putting an excessive amount of garbage nourishment in, odds are you're additionally eating an excessive number of acidic sustenances. When we eat acidic sustenances, our blood pH can transform from an ordinary soluble level to a hurtful acidic level. This will influence the invulnerable framework and make us more vulnerable to malady. ... Show more content on ... Best Five Alkaline Foods 1. Swiss Chard Swiss chard is an extraordinary antacid nourishment furthermore has against bacterial and hostile to viral properties, and also the capacity to free the group of free radical. 2. Melon Any sort of melon is extraordinary at purging the colon, and at a pH level of 8.5, they are super basic. Watermelon is particularly bravo because of its high fiber and 92% water content. 3. Buckwheat Searching for a substitution to wheat? Buckwheat is an extraordinary place to begin! It will kick begin your day by enhancing vitality and can even avoid cardiovascular infection.
  • 14. 4. Olive Oil This heavenly oil is rich in vitamin E and monounsaturated unsaturated fats. 5. Flax Seed In addition to the fact that they are antacid, flax seeds are high in fiber and vitamin E. They can lessen aggravation and hot flashes in menopausal ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Arguments Against Vegetarianism Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." Many enlightened and intelligent people have along with Einstein come to realize that the problems Americans face with health and the environment can be solved with simply partaking in the more compassionate lifestyle accredited to the vegetarian movement. Americans should adopt vegetarian diets because they are more beneficial to one's health, more sustainable for the environment, and more ethical than the standard Western diet. Adopting a vegetarian diet has exceptional health benefits that can't be ignored. For instance, in the article "Why Turn toVegetarianism," award ... Show more content on ... For example, in the article "Vegetarianism Is a Moral Decision with Many Benefits," psychologist, professor, and author, Melanie Joy states, "When we say yes to health, we say no to harm. We protect our bodies as well of the bodies of the animals–approximately 20,000 of them per minute in the U.S. alone–who are brutally raised and slaughtered for their flesh and excretions." Animals are intelligent, loving, and very much deserving of life. Humans have come to think that they own every animal on the planet and can extort, exploit and execute them at no cost except $5.99 a pound. However, there is a much greater cost to the meat on America's plate–– millions of animals' lives. Furthermore, in the same article, Melanie Joy states, "Animals are routinely castrated, de–beaked, and de–horned without any painkiller whatsoever. They are born and raised in crowded, filthy, dark environments where their existence is one of abject misery and terror." Animals are sentient beings with nervous systems and thought processes. The pain and suffering animals in commercial farming must endure preceding their murder is harrowing. If factory farms had glass walls, people would take a moment to think about the consequences their eating habits ensue. It is a simple and apparent conclusion that a vegetarian diet is more humane and virtuous than the standard Western ... Get more on ...
  • 16. American Diet Research Paper Johnny Bowden explains that the American diet does not supply the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for good health (Bowden). Bowden is known to be an expert on weight loss and health. "Vitamin and minerals are essential to life, you can believe it or not, but your body will not function properly without them" (Bowden). If so, is it possible that a healthy diet and certain foods can fight diseases? Eating vitamins, minerals, and nutrition may help fight off certain diseases. Vitamin supplements can fight off certain deficiencies and diseases. New research suggests that taking increased amounts of vitamins C, E and A, may help reduce risk of cancer and heart disease (Rumpf). For example, when you take vitamin C you would take 500–3000 mg a day. John Repine explains "that the safety of vitamin E is now beyond question, and there seems to be the beginnings of good evidence to suggest that it might help prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke" (Masci). Vitamin E can be found in various foods such as; spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, etc. Other people may have special nutritional needs or health problems that require extra vitamins (Rumph). If you have a healthy regular diet, vitamin supplements are not really needed because you already have all the nutrients and vitamins you need. Minerals are just as equally important as vitamins, Research shows that seventy–five percent of women are deficient in this mineral, which is needed not only for our bones but for our blood ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The American Diet Essay One of the most unhealthy diets in the world is that of an American. It is made up of processed foods and a good amount of television. America easily has the most fast food restaurants in the entire world. Leave it to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King or any other fast–food restaurant to serve extremely cheap and even unhealthier food at any time during the day or night. "It tastes good so why not?" That seems to be the question many people are asking now–a–days. Because it is so easily accessible and processed, it is made to be very tasty and extremely unhealthy. Many Americans find his or herself indulging on the these fatty foods of America on a day–to–day basis. While it may taste good at the time, it has a terrible effect on your body... Show more content on ... Corn even turned up in French fries (23 percent)." (Patrigenaru) What is wrong with all this corn? Growing corn involves an abundance amount of pesticides and fertilizers that release chemicals into the soils that eventually make it to the water tables underneath. the ground. That can be terrible for the environment. Also, eating too much corn can cause an abundance of calories in a diet and not enough nutrients necessary to sustain a healthy body. In other words, corn replaces nutrients with an excess of calories. Patrigenaru also points out, "More than a quarter of products in the average American supermarket now contain corn or its derivatives." (Patrigenaru) Since corn replaces nutrients with calories and is in almost everything that is consumed in America now, it is plain to see why theUnited States is one of the fattest countries in the world. Processed food are becoming more and more prevalent in the American diet day to day. Kim Rhyssdal wrote in an article based on an interview, "Processed foods are, plus or minus, 70 percent of what most of us eat." (Ryssdal) 70 percent is a very damaging piece of evidence to the conviction of the American diet. While corn is the leading source of the unhealthiness of Americans, added sugar and fat are not far behind. Tim Philpot wrote in an article, "As for added fats and sugars, their 2008 levels reached 459 and 641, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Fad Diets And Its Effect On Obesity Essay A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that over–promises dramatic results. These diets typically don 't result in long–term weight loss and they are usually not very healthy. In fact, some diets can actually be dangerous to your health"(Family Fad diets promise excessive and miraculous weight loss goals, however these diets are proven by scientific evidence that they do not promote long lasting results. Instead they are harmful and can promote rapid onset obesity. The problem being presented here is that America's growing obesity problem directly correlates to the fad diets. Americans would rather choose the quickest and easiest solution to their weight issue. Many people who choose these fad diets range from people including: teenages, women of all ages, and people who binge eat or are on the verge on obesity. The most important way to identify the cause of this issue and the people who are likely to fall into these fads, is to evaluate the history behind them,the types of fad diets and the what influences people to turn to them. The first thing to acknowledge when analyzing fad diets is the history of them, A recorded history of these diets dates back to 1825.( To begin with,the first celebrity endorsed diet was the vinegar and water diet. Developed in 1820. However in the 19th century the promotion of arsenic pills were popular because they claimed to be able to speed up the metabolism.but as you would guess, ingesting ... Get more on ...
  • 19. All Humans Love Food? All humans love food. We are predisposed to enjoy it as a precautionary tool to ensure our species won't die off from starvation and finicky preferences. This is why eating is a dominant part of daily life; whether a person is planning a special dinner, deciding where to go to lunch with a friend, or simply choosing which snacks to eat during a movie, humans are constantly engaged with the idea of, and the consumption of, food. Having such importance, humans should, admittedly, be more careful in considering which foods they consume. Everyone knows that to be considered healthy they must eat enough fruits and vegetables, as well as obtain enough nutrients, throughout a regular day. A big question relevant to today's age, however, is... Show more content on ... By normalizing vegan diets and promoting its benefits, many Americans could change their lifestyles for the better of the Earth, and of themselves. Vegans live substantially healthier lifestyles than nearly all other opposing diets, and especially so compared to the more traditional Western diet that most Americans adopt. Arguably the most important factor of this health boost, vegan patients have consistently been found to have lower blood pressure than opposing diets in control groups (Barnard 30, Garbett et al. 455, McEvoy et al. 2288). This is valuable information due to the fact that "There are > 70 million adults in the United States currently diagnosed with high blood pressure, with only 52% of them actually having their disease under control..." (Garbett et al. 452). Hypertension is a prevalent disorder in the U.S, with most people diagnosed not careful enough to keep it at healthy levels. With vegan cuisine, this threat of heart related issues subsides as the body gains a more sufficient intake of calories with a reduction in cholesterol and fatty foods. In fact, the results of such a study showed that "The overall prevalence of hypertension among vegetarians was 33% lower than nonvegetarian diets" (Garbett et al. 455). In this context, "vegetarians" referred to all types of vegetarianism, including veganism, and "nonvegetarian" simply meant those who ate both meat and vegetables regularly. This statistic shows that vegans have a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Are Vegetarian Diets Adequate for Children? Are Vegetarian Diets Adequate for Children? In 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture estimated that about 5% of Americans do not consume any meat products. Those who are meat eaters argue that meat is essential to human health, while non–meat eaters argue that it is not because the necessary nutrients in meat could be consumed in non–animal products. This brings us to the issue of the adequacy of vegetarian diets for children. This is an issue that's rising because many argue that because children are still in the growing process, it is important for them to consume meat because it has the essential nutrients for development. On the contrary, advocates argue that vegetarians are more likely to achieve the current American... Show more content on ... Results showed that vegetarians tend to have lower energy intakes than omnivores. Energy coming from proteins and fats is not as efficient as getting it from carbohydrates. Their cholesterol intakes were low considerably while their micro–nutrients could be high or low. Additionally, Serum ferritin (iron levels) appeared to be low in vegetarians, but their antioxidant vitamins were high. This study is comparable to Shull's (1977) experiment because her results showed that vegetarians experienced low hemoglobin levels, which is related to iron deficiency as well. Overall, the study concluded that nutritious intakes and status were generally sufficient in children who are vegetarians. Even though vegetarians were shown to have low levels of iron, the low intakes of fat, cholesterol, sodium, and high consumption of antioxidants from their diet is nutritionally sufficient to maintain a healthy body Thane and Bates (2000) obtained these results from a sample of 1351 children. There were 25 vegetarians under 3 and 19 that were older; there were 668 omnivores under 3 years old and 639 were older. Before the study begun, socio–demographic information of participants was collected. After, participants were subdivided into 2 different groups: younger (1.5–3 years old) and older (3–4.5 years old). The dietary intake of participants were measured based on records that parents were required to log. Parents were asked to log all the foods their child ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Cabbage Soup Diet: Fad Diet, Dolly Parton Diet The Cabbage Soup Diet is an extremely low–fat, high–fiber diet that is design around heavy consumption of a low–calorie cabbage soup over a seven day period. It is generally considered a fad diet, in that it is c A short–term weight–loss program that requires no long–term commitment. The core of the diet is a recipe for cabbage soup, which the dieter may consume in unrestricted quantities. In addition to the cabbage soup, there are certain other foods the dieter must eat on specific days during the week. There are several versions of the diet, most of which promise a 10–17pounds (lb.) weight loss during the week. The cabbage soup diet is considered to be the oldest fad diet still in use. TWA Stewardess Diet Model's Diet, Dolly Parton Diet, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Standard American Diet Plan Essay Introduction The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a growing concern due to its negative effect on Americans' weight status. In The Okinawa Diet Plan: Get Leaner, Live Longer, and Never Feel Hungry Again, the Okinawa diet is suggested to be a large contributor to the low rates of obesity among centenarians living in Okinawa, Japan. In overweight adults, how does following the diet principles of the elderly people of Okinawa, Japan affect weight loss compared to following the Standard American Diet? Principles of The Okinawa Diet Plan Consuming low calorie–dense (CD) foods is the basis of the Okinawa diet. Research supports the authors' claim that by eating foods low in CD, energy intake is lowered, thus promoting weight loss. Water–rich foods are closely related to the CD principle, and its potential to decrease body weight is also supported by research. Whole grains, which are proposed to be lower in CD than refined grains, are said to aid in weight loss. This principle is positively supported by research. Information on the Glycemic Index (GI) is contradicted in different parts of the book. Although research supports the GI and weight loss, certain factors should be taken into account. Conclusion The Okinawa diet has the potential to be a sustainable weight loss diet. Further research on certain principles need to be conducted. Introduction The Western diet commonly consumed in the United States, also known as the Standard American Diet (SAD), includes the excess ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Controversy Over Vegetarianism Vegetarianism is not merely a present–day fashion. Human beings from diverse cultures have practiced it since olden times. Having a vegetarian diet has been a topic that creates conflicting opinions, and it seems that the controversy gets bigger as time moves on. In the times that we are living in today, where we are persistently bombarded with information through the television and Internet, it makes it hard to know who is right and who is wrong on this issue. Embracing vegetarianism provides the optimum benefit as it keeps a person fit as a fiddle, with the added benefits of being human and not disturbing the law of nature. So many Americans in many instances are caught up with discovering the "perfect" diet. While such a ... Show more content on ... The USDA includes meat as part of a balanced diet, but it also states that a vegetarian diet can meet the recommended dietary allowances for nutrients. Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat harms health, wastes resources, causes deforestation, and creates pollution.
  • 24. They often argue that killing animals for food is cruel and unethical since non–animal food sources are plentiful. Many opponents of a vegetarian diet say that meat consumption is healthful and humane, and that producing vegetables causes many of the same environmental problems as producing meat. They also argue that humans have been eating and enjoying meat for 2.3 million years. In Western culture, vegetarianism dates back to Ancient Greece. The mathematician Pythagoras (570 BC – 495 BC) advocated vegetarianism; a meatless diet was commonly called the "Pythagorean diet" until the term vegetarian became popular during the 1800s. The philosopher Plato (428 BC – 348 BC) described a vegetarian diet as "divinely ordained" ("Should People"). The major reason I think more people are opting to become vegetarians is to reduce ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Fats in the American Diet Essay Fats in the American Diet There has been a myth in our society for the last few decades about fats. Ever since the USDA created the food pyramid in the early 80's, the feeling towards fats has been that all types are bad for one's health and should be consumed at a minimum. However, more recent studies have shown that not all fats are detrimental, and some are necessary in maintaining healthy bodies. Certain types are helpful for reducing the risk of cancer, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Without fats the body could not absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K because they help move the supplements into the bloodstream where the vitamins get absorbed (Graham par. 2). Simple actions like a regular consumption of nuts, helps aid in lowering... Show more content on ... Foods with high fat content were placed at the top of the pyramid and said to be consumed at a minimum. Foods with lots of carbohydrates were situated at the bottom and became the basis for the American diet. In turn, the obesity rates for our country sky rocketed. Now it is believed that some types of fats are good for the body and one of these is monounsaturated fats. There are two types of unsaturated fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. All fats are composed of long carbon chains with a maximum of two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon. Monounsaturated fats have one hydrogen atom missing from the carbon chain while polyunsaturated fats have two missing (Good Fats par. 3). Polyunsaturated fats come in two types, omega–3 and 6, and these types will be looked at later. Monounsaturated fats are not "essential fatty acids" (EFA's) because the body can make this form from other fats and are commonly found in most of fat–rich foods. Otherwise, "essential fats" must be consumed through the diet. Monounsaturated fats can be found in cooking oils like canola, olive, peanut, and almond. Foods with higher levels of monounsaturated fats are nuts, peanut butter, meat, olives, and avocados. There are many positive aspects of monounsaturated fats that were not realized years ago. Monounsaturated fatty acids lower total cholesterol, but more importantly, it lowers low–density lipoproteins (LDL's) which is considered the bad type of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. American Diets Essay Throughout the years, many diet books, pills, and plans have been tried and, most often, failed. People still go after them, however, because of the statistics: 64% of adults and 33% of children and teens are considered overweight, and 30% of American adults are morbidly obese. Fat people are discriminated against at work, school, and in social situations. Obviously, they'll want to do something to change that. That's where the diets come in. Popular diet pills over the years have been controversial, ever–changing, and always expanding in numbers and names: Trilene, Trimspa, Metabolife360, and Alli, just to name a few. Each of these "cures" has their share of faults: Trilene and Metabolife360 both contained the dangerous Chinese herb... Show more content on ... Diet plans may seem less radical than pills or surgeries, but that's not always the case. Things that mask themselves as diets (i.e. starvation–"crash diet") can be just as dangerous as, if not more than, pills. As is probably obvious by now, these things don't really work. They don't work simply because they're not all healthy, especially not when applied as a long–term solution. A diet can't be kept up forever; human drive and basic chemical and physiological need both more than cancel out any real long term effects of the diets. People may swear by the diets at first, because at first they are successful. But then the weight comes back as quickly as it "fell off," and people are disappointed again. What does work (for most people, anyway) is a carbohydrate conscious (conscious, not necessarily excessively low or high) diet and exercise. Again, not extreme exercise. When it comes to weight management, moderation is the key. Consume complex carbs instead of simple ones, and exercise well and for limited amounts of time. Some people may find it difficult to see results with diet and exercise because of genetic makeup, predisposition to excess weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, or any number of other health problems. But the only safe, natural, tried–and–true method of weight loss and weight management is a well–balanced diet and proportionate exercise. Every diet plan and especially pill should be taken and viewed with a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Personal Narrative: The American Diet Our country is notable for countless aspects in its culture, one of the more prominent aspects being the American Diet. Though our diet is primarily a blend of foods from foreign cultures, there are distinct differences: portion sizes, excess empty calories, and overall nutritional value. To us, food outstrips the three main meals of the day – it is used to celebrate holidays, for comfort, and at many social gatherings. This is where the problem lies. Although the American Diet is a large–scale problem, I am personally affected by it locally in my family and community. I have a large family–my parents each have three siblings– so we tend to congregate frequently. Last summer, my family attended an annual cookout with classic cookoutfood: chips, hamburgers, hotdogs, macaroni salad, etc., and ... Show more content on ... I insist on maintaining a healthy palate, thus I scarcely touched my meal. As my extended family became aware of my lackluster enthusiasm for dinner, they began to address their unwarranted concerns to my parents. This feeling of unease around others at mealtime did not cease there. In fact, almost every gathering – whether it was between my family, classmates, or soccer team – struck me with this similar discomfort. My parents grew wary, and I was even approached by a teammate who asked if I had an eating disorder. This dismayed me; I started to question my own dietary habits and felt alienated at every meal. From that climax, I realized I needed to make a change. Ignorance leads people to make faulty assumptions. Therefore, my mission became to inform those around me of healthy dietary values, as well as persuading my family to adopt them. During my yearly checkup, my doctor spoke to my mother ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay on Changes in the American Diet I. Introduction A. This paper will consider the adaptations of the United States to a changing diet, from the early to late twentieth century. B. The purpose of this project is to research the evolution in American cuisine throughout the 1900s, towards a more convenience–based pattern of food consumption. The modernization of the United States, particularly in terms of the workforce, will be examined as it relates to a changing diet. Finally, some effects of these changes will be described. II. Background: Early Twentieth Century Cooking III. Modernization of the United States A. Women... Show more content on ... The purpose of this paper is to review the literature relating to the changes in American diet in the twentieth century. Background will be presented on American food preparation, and the process of modernization will be analyzed. Moreover, the specific alterations to food patterns will be documented, as a parallel to modernization. The negative consequences of the late twentieth century diet will be summarized lastly. Background: Early Twentieth CenturyCooking The early 1900s saw most American meals prepared in the home by women, characteristically housewives. Caring for the home was considered a full–time career for married women, and the work associated was typically legitimate as such, with the average woman spending forty–four hours a week preparing (and cleaning after) meals, with an additional seven hours for laundry and general housecleaning (Bowers, 2000). Food was prepared from scratch, using coal or wood stoves and water that often needed to be transported from a pump (Bowers, 2000). And this food was prepared for an average household size of 4.8 family members (Bowers, 2000). In 1900, sixty percent of the U.S. population lived in rural areas, and women also did much of the gardening and canning as necessary (Bowers, 2000). Modernization of the United States With the spread of the Industrial Revolution, America became increasingly urbanized, with the urban population surpassing the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Thai American Diet My typical diet composed of vegetable, protein, and white rice which reflect my cultural background as Thai–American whose cuisine revolve around jasmine rice as staple food which contributes 30 percent of energy to diets.7 This is clear in the food journal where I have at least one meal every day that features white rice. Compare to the healthy eating guideline, my diets meet most of the food groups and best choice for healthy meals. However, I do lack behind in two food categories, specifically dairy and fruit groups which I don't consume on the daily basis. In the food journal, my diary intake only came from the mozzarella cheese in salad and cream cheese. My consumption of milk are very lacking and often come from coffee rather than pure ... Show more content on ... Psoriasis is an autoimmune defect that scaling of skin in affected area. Some research has shown that reduction in consumption of sugar and processed meat may slightly improve the condition. This consideration is clearly shown in my diet which is very low in sugar, with an exception for the dried baby banana and white rice. Another benefit of low sugar diet is lowering risk of diabetes which is present on both sides of my family. Consumption of refined white rice in Thailand contribute to the chronic case of diabetes of its population.2 Furthermore, because we are not very physically active as a family, the food chosen for the meal should be relatively low in calories, contain little fat, and rich in fibers. In other food groups, such as protein and vegetable groups, I am doing very well and meet most of the requirement. However, I do have some issue with meeting the healthy requirement of lean meat since most of the meat I consume are red meat. While I do consume chicken and fish occasionally, beef and pork are the main protein for most of my meal. Eating high amounts of red meat are associated with higher chance of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancers.4 My only non–meat source of protein are walnut that I have as a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. American Diet Weaknesses I chose to address the questions what are the strengths and weaknesses of the American diet, as well as, what is distinctive about American food. I chose these questions to focus my research paper on because of the relationship between the American diet and health care. The United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, due to immigration, which is what makes it so distinctive. The diet also has many flaws including the cause for rising medical issues. I have a pre–nursing major, so diet plays a big role in the medical field. My purpose for researching the American diet is to be able to.... With the Industrial Revolution, the inventions of many new products such as processed foods, refrigerators, and fast food chains. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Omnipresence of Corn in the American Diet In Part One of Michael Pollen's book The Omnivore's Dilemma, the author looks at the plethora of products available in today's supermarkets and the ubiquitousness of one plant, corn. Corn is a grass native to Central America and unknown in other parts of the world before 1492 (Pollan, 2006, p. 23). After the Native Americans taught colonists to plant corn, they quickly learned to appreciate its value and versatility. Corn was ready to eat, could be dried and stored, and could be ground into flour. The grain fed people and animals. Dried stalks became heating fuel. Mashed, fermented corn could be made into whisky and beer. It was a commodity that sustained people in many ways. For nearly 450 years, corn remained an important staple that nourished humans and animals. It provided some by–products that were also considered quite useful. By the middle of the 20th century, however, corn became a political commodity and completely changed the way we eat. The years after World War II saw the introduction of chemical fertilizers. The government was looking to dump chemicals no longer needed for defense manufacturing. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it changed farming and eating forever. The corn plant readily used these synthetics, growing prodigiously and eliminating the need for farmers to rotate crops. The government, Wall Street, and private industry capitalized on the bounty, ultimately resulting in the omnipresence of corn, in one form or another, in the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. American Diet Observation Essay Step 1 – Observation and description of a phenomena: ScientiоЂњc community proposes that increase in obesity rates of Americans and introduction /increase of HFCS in American diet are linked.Step 2 – Formulation of a hypothesis: If a standard diet is supplemented with HFCS, this will cause obesity in subjects. Further, if the normal dietary habits of subjects are tracked, those subjects with higher intake levels of HFCS will show increased signs of obesity, including increased body weight, abdominal fat and TG levels.Step 3– Testing the hypothesis: Experiment 1: Male and female subjects with short–term (2 months) HFCS access. 150 male and 150 female subjects with comparable BMI levels, daily activity levels and daily medications/vitamins are... Show more content on ... Experiment 2: Male and female subjects with long–term (6 months) HFCS access. 150 male and 150 female subjects with comparable BMI levels, daily activity levels and daily medications/vitamins are assigned the same standard diet to follow for a 6 month period. Subjects understand they are to refrain from signiоЂњcant lifestyle changes during the period of study (includingbut not limited to pregnancy, other diets, exercise regime, new medications/vitamins, etc.). In addition to this standard diet the subjects are instructed to consume either a low level (Level 1) of HFCS each day in the form of a solution, a higher level (Level 2) of HFCS each day in the form of a solution, a low level (Level 1) of sucrose in the form of a solution, or no additions (no HFCS or sucrose). Water consumption is at subject's discretion. HFCS and sucrose levels are measured daily and body weight is measured weekly. At the end of 6 months on this speciоЂњed standard diet and HFCS/sucrose intake, blood samples are taken and examined for triglyceridesand insulin, and an updated BMI index is calculated.Data from all groups will be compared using ANOVAs or repeated measures ... Get more on ...
  • 33. American Diet / Nutritional Nutrition Kyle Seid Phan Ms. Bohls English 12 Period 6 February 15, 2017 American Diet/Nutrition For Americans who are around 20 – 39 years old, the obesity rate is 34.3%, 41%; for 40–59 year olds, and people around 60 years old, it is about 38.5% (The State of Obesity). This statistic is pretty scary for these age groups because when people get older they have harder times taking care of themselves by having a healthy lifestyle and exercising on a daily basis. Over the years, people's nutrition has been changing so much and it is caused by one factor which is time. Time is so vital in our daily lives that we just do not have enough time to eat a proper meal because we are always working(Abraham). People are usually working for approximately 7 ... Show more content on ... For people who is older and have a harder time taking care of themselves may have a higher chance of getting these diseases because they are not keeping their body well and fit. These two populations have higher rates of being obese them other populations. The population and society obesity mainly affects are the and woman adult blacks and latino (The State of Obesity). These populations have a higher rate of people being obese compared to a white population. About 47.8% blacks are obese, latinos are 42% obese compared to white people who are only 32.6% obese (The State of Obesity). The main reasons why black and latinos are the most obese because of their absence of healthy food (The State of Obesity). These societies are not able to get healthy food is because of their lack of money and living situations to stay healthy. Over the years Americans have been gaining more weight than the past because the food portions and the amount of food people eat today is much more. The United States Department of Agriculture finds out that Americans ate about 20% more calories in the year 2000 then 1983 (Abraham). The World Health Organization discovered that, when fast food was on sale then the body mass index increased. In the American diet, 11% of the food eaten was fast food (Abraham). There has been nutritionists food plan of what is a good diet and the amount of each category you ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay On American Diets American diets, since the booming of fast food and industrialized food production, have become increasingly unhealthy and problematic. With obesity rates rising, and other complications such as disease, it is becoming a more and more important issue in today's society. One solution to this problem is to have the government produce laws that help regulate how people eat. As regulation is put into effect, many food related problems will be dealt with effectively. The government should have a say in our diet because it will help deal with child obesity, decrease foodborne illnesses, and influence self regulation. Child obesity is a major issue in the United States, but with the help of government involvement, this problem will decay over time. As Lisa L. Sharma writes, "Although many forces contribute to obesity and poor diet, food ... Show more content on ... The government involvement in diets can influence many forms of self regulation in people's lives. Some forms can be from little things such as families at home or self–dieting, to big thing such as influence to other countries. The use of self regulation can hugely impact families because children will learn healthy habits from adults. This in turn will eventually transfer into adults, as habits formed while they were young will likely transfer as they get older. Not only will government policies affect our country, it can eventually spread to other countries as well. As Vidgen wrote, "There is the opportunity to influence health, safety and sustainability of the food supply in other countries as well as ours through import and export regulations and trade agreements" (Vidgen 6). The spread of self regulation to other countries can influence healthy behaviors and choices leading to a better world for all people to live in. Overall, the influence of self regulation will provide a healthier place for everyone to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay on The American Diet Most Americans do not care enough to take a look at the nutritional values of the food that he or she is consuming. That is why America has the highest percentage of obesity in the world. This is a serious problem because one in every three adults is obese, and one in every six children is obese. There are many factors that go into the regular American diet, but most of those factors are not appealing nor is it healthy. Americans put way too much processed food into their daily diet. Some would say that other countries diets superior the American diet because of nutritional values that it carries. Other countries have proven that an active lifestyle is a huge element in the average weight of the country. There are many things that... Show more content on ... Farmers need their cows to be tremendously obese because the cows would produce more meat for the farmers to sell. Therefore, the meat that is sold at the supermarket is not one hundred percent natural. Another manufactured substance is sugar also referred to as high–fructose corn syrup. Man has made a whole new variation of sugar that is cheaper to produce but also completely artificial. "Using a glucose isomerase, the starch in corn can be efficiently converted to glucose and then to various amounts of fructose. The hydrolysis of sucrose produces a 50:50 molar mixture of fructose and glucose. The development of these inexpensive, sweet corn– based syrups made it profitable to replace sucrose (sugar) and simple sugars with HFCS in our diet, and they now represent 40% of all added caloric sweeteners. (Bray, Nielsen, and Popkin)" The United States farmer produces approximately twelve billion bushels of corn every year, but only exports about twenty percent of the total, and the rest is made into products, such as high–fructose corn syrup. All of the processed food is extremely bad for our health, but since it is the cheapest in the supermarket it would take a lot to have a healthier diet. Other countries, such as Asia, have proven that their diet is healthier than that of an American. "The structure of South Korea's economy, along with the country's dietary and disease patterns, began an accelerated shift in the 1970s. Major dietary ... Get more on ...
  • 36. American Diet Research Paper Throughout this year, I have learned many different ways to incorporate a healthy lifestyle through the intake of my dietary needs, and the number one fault I see is that I fall in the American diet. The American diet is strongly tilted towards a heavy diet of protein to get a huge portion of one's calories and energy, but the American diet lacks so many otherfood groups and nutrients to keep one truly healthy. I fall directly into this category because I try to have as much protein in my daily meals as possible because that is what I have been brain washed into believing. Major food groups that I have missed out on are the vegetable and fruits group, the grain group, and the milk, yogurt, and cheese group. Easily, the number one food group ... Show more content on ... It is amazing the nutrients that are involved in this group. For example, nutrients like calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. These nutrients help build and maintain bone mass, bone health, healthy blood pressure, and helps the body maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorous (pg. 89). Ways that I can help keep this important group in my diet is by choosing to drink milk during meals any time that is possible, eat cereal and oatmeal with milk in it for breakfast, have a cup of yogurt for a snack instead of a bag of chips, and when eating a bowl of soup, add low–fat cheese as a topping (91). Health dynamics has brought diet to my attention like no other class I have taken before. I am often the kid who believes that as long as I am eating, I will be fine. This class has shown me that I am in fact in the American diet and that needs to change if I want to supply my body with all the nutrients needed and live a truly healthy lifestyle. Although all of the ways that I can supply my body with the addition of the vegetable and fruits group, the grain group, and the milk, yogurt, and cheese group may be difficult and tedious at times, it will be well worth it and is very plausible to accomplish this ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Is Vegetarianism A Vegetarian? Vegetarianism Humans are classified as omnivorous, which means they can eat anything, and their diet can include fruit, vegetables, grains, and meat. The history of vegetarianism goes back to 2,500 years, some ancient civilizations depended on a vegetarian diet because meat was not available (Vegetarianism). In India vegetarianism remains today as an ethical issue as well as a part of the Hindu religion. Today in the United States, there is a reverent percentage of the population are firmly vegetarian. Vegetarian diet has become mostly accepted in many cultures for its limitless benefits .People should become vegetarian because it's the healthy lifestyle that should be followed. Being vegetarian helps people's heart. American diet contains a high percentage of saturated fat foods and calories, which are the major contributor to cardiovascular disease .Vegetarian diet is a great way to treat and prevent heart disease. Also, being vegan can help significantly reduce the chance of having cancer "people who consume higher amounts of fruits and vegetables have about one–half the risk of cancer, especially the epithelial cancer" (Craig).People should consider including more fruit and vegetables into their diets due to the great amounts of benefits they contain. Vegetarianism helps people to have morenutrition in their diet. Vegetables and fruits contain an infinite amount of vitamins and fiber. People can have a wide Variety of options for food, with all the different ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Typical American Diet In 1982, government officials told Americans to reduce their daily fat intake from 40% to 30%, and they embraced this suggestion. Instead of fats, Americans began to eat more carbohydrates, an increase of 57 grams per person from 1989 to today, according to Dr. Robert Lustig, the professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. Today, the typical American diet consists of 50% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 35% fat. At the same time, an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) committee gave sugar the status of "recognized as safe" – even for diabetics – despite diverging opinions among technicians of the USDA. As part of a spending bill for the Department of Agriculture in 2011, Congress legislated that the sauce pizza offered in schools would be stuffed with vegetables. ... Show more content on ... In the 90s, American women blindly swallowed sweet biscuits with low fat disguised as treats. After all, they were biscuits approved by government standards, having little fat and containing the "safe" sugar. Parents were leaving their children at school assuming that the school meals would be healthy, containing fruits and vegetables, never really thinking about what their children were actually eating every day. Government recommendations have also deterred private nutrition groups from trying to compete with the "official" advice. Consider the critical reception that Dr. Atkins had when he wrote "The revolutionary Atkins diet"; Despite being a bestseller, Atkins was harshly criticized by nutritional establishment. The USDA also warns that diet is just a "gimmick" and, ultimately, it is still studying "whether it was worth or whether it would be ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On American Diet Sugar, the thing all of us crave. It gives you that calling, the one where it is telling you to come and munch on the mouthwatering treats. We are all in some way addicted to the thing we hate so much but somehow ignore the negatives for the love that is left on your taste buds to devour. Because sugar intake has skyrocketed, the United States health risks are not too far behind. There are plenty of reasons and research studies that show how destructive sugar can be for your health if not managed properly, "and unfortunately our standard American Diet is anything but balanced."(Konie 1) Americans don't manage their sugar levels, let alone manage their sugar intake. The exponential growth of obesity in underway and the main cause. Sugar. Many people don't understand this but sugar is perfectly fine as long as you can control it, many also don't realize just, "how dangerous the extremes can be."(Konie 1) The epidemic cause by sugar in our country is spine chilling. If we don't do something about I now all future generations will continue to grow not only upwards but outwards. People really need to see just how large the obesity levels are rising and it's all because of our terrible American food diet. Without a new plan to put in place, like reducing the amount of fast food restaurants the American people will never fix these bad habits that we have gotten into. ... Show more content on ... In moderation. Even natural sugar is bad in high quantities, so yes sorry to say but if places started using natural ingredients it would still not be good for you to eat out sugar filled food often. The American Society is caught up on this idea that sugar is totally fine if you have natural sugar. Sadly that is not the case. Any sugar is bad in unmoderated amounts and can continue to lead to the obesity epidemic that is tearing the nation ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Meat Is The Staple Of The American Diet Meat has become a staple in the American diet. According to an article published by NPR, an average American was eating 207.7 pounds of meat per year in 2010 (Barclay). After research came to light linking cholesterol and saturated fat found in meat products to heart disease, new food and health guidelines have suggested lowering the amount of meat eaten in the average diet. The new USDA food guidelines, "MyPlate," were formed in 2010 and propose eating 5 ВЅ oz. of protein foods a day for a basic 2,000 calorie diet. In their description of what type of protein foods to eat, they promote more fish consumption, varying protein sources to include plant–based proteins, and keeping "meat and poultry portions small and lean." While this is an improvement from past food guidelines, it is not enough. The USDA is continuing to do Americans a disservice by promoting meat consumption in general because it leads to serious health problems, cruelty to animals, and environmental degradation. One of the largest, most studied, and tangible arguments against eating meat is the negative health effects it has on the human body. Its consumption has been linked to obesity, cancer, and many organ disorders. According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, there is a positive association between meat consumption and obesity (Wang and Beydoun 621). The same study found that eating meat has been related to higher risks of many chronic diseases, but increasing the consumption of ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Cows Are Destroying Our Planet? Cows are destroying our planet?! According to Margaret Lundberg they are. In Lundberg's essay "Eating Green" the author states her belief "that our personal and global health [are] tightly interconnected, and what benefits one will benefit the other" (Lundberg 570). Lundberg than goes on to explain why a vegetarian diet will restore the environment. She lacks a realistic solution for her American meat–obsessed audience. Lundberg also used unreliable sources to over emphasize the effects that the meat industry has on the environment as well as shows no evidence that a vegetarian diet is actually good for the environment. At the beginning of "Eating Green" the audience is promised a conversation on how a vegetarian diet is good for the body and possibly good for the environment. Lundberg was to go on with this topic by giving evidence on how she and her family live on a vegetarian diet and gives facts from reliable sources how vegetarian diets trump omnivorous diets. Lundberg however did neither of these. She abandons the topic of her family and goes on to explain how the meat industry in America is contributing to global warming. Lundberg herself has little to no knowledge or experience on the subject of environmental science or ecology, so she supports her essay on exaggerated facts from untrustworthy sources. An example of this is when Lundberg cites dietitian Kate Geagan about her take on the American diets impact on the environment (Lundberg 571). Geagan is a poor source ... Get more on ...