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European Colonization Cons
Colonialism occurs when a country takes control of other lands, regions, or territories outside of its
borders by establishing the land as a colony. The ruling country usually does this through conquest,
and the native people of the nation being taken over are often suppressed. Therefore, the concept of
pros and cons change depending on whether the subject is on the oppressed or the oppressors.
The colonials pros for the colonized countries help the development of the country economically,
politically, and culturally. The development of advanced plantations, farm equipment, and mines;
the adjustment to a more modern economic system, such as banking; and the countries developed
new industry contribute to the economy. Europe united rival tribes under a stable government, which
provided a tolerance within the country. The concept of new technology they have never had before,
such as modern communication, and modern transportation which developed railroad systems
provided faster connection to the colonies. Finally, Missionaries built schools and hospitals so they
had formal education and new medicines.
European colonization disrupted traditionalism, causing a number of cons for the colonials. The
natives were forced to work to supply products. ... Show more content on ...
A global economy emerged, interacting and integrating among the people of different nations,
driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. Machine made
goods, money to invest, and new technology went to the whole world. European countries received
new foods natural resources and cheap labor. All the money made in the colonized countries went to
Europe, giving them a heavy profit. The main con the Europeans dealt was the constant presence of
war. Civil wars within the colonizes caused deaths and economic hardship to the European people.
The European countries themselves fought over land from
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European Colonization In The Americas And Africa
The importance of racial hierarchy in the sense of European colonization efforts can largely be
linked back to power and control. One of the greatest tools that the Europeans had in their conquests
in the Americas and Africa was their use of religion as a means of rendering the native peoples that
they intended to take advantage of docile. Essentially, it seems that in the cases where European
explorers were easily able to spread their religion, as opposed to meeting resistance, they more or
less treated the natives as relative equals because their goals were already being met without having
to apply excessive pressure. This can largely be seen with the shifting views towards native
Americans by various European countries and the treatment
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Causes Of European Exploration And Colonization
Analysis and Explanation of the Causes of European Exploration and Colonization Before the
beginning of the Early Modern Era, Europeans were threatened of invasions from the Ottomans and
Mongols, the Crusades, the Black Death, and many forms of internal conflict such as the Hundred
Years' War between England and France and the Inquisition. With this in mind, it may be difficult to
imagine why the Europeans have become so powerful. However, the Europeans have eventually
been able to dominate the world because of three desires: finding an all water route to Asia,
accumulating wealth, and converting people to become Christians. First of all, it is important to
understand that Europe was not always made of wealthy and powerful countries. Europe only makes
up about six to seven percent of Earth's ... Show more content on ...
He may not have been the first European to reach China but he was the first one to have a written
account of his journey. This writings may have influenced Christopher Columbus and other
explorers, which may have been one of the sparks to light the flames of exploration and
colonization. Without the Europeans' motivations and desires, European exploration and
colonization may have been very subtle. The main objective of the Europeans during that time
period was to find an all water route to Asia. This was because some land routes were blocked by
empires in the middle and land routes were harsh and long. Because of this, merchants were only
able to travel part of the route and trade with the "middlemen merchants". These merchants often
sold their goods at high prices because they were also not able to buy those at cheap prices. These
goods included spices, silk and porcelain from China, cotton from India, and rubber from Southeast
Asia. By the time a Chinese product reaches Europe, the price would have exponentially increased,
making it logical to just go
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European Colonization Effects
The Europeans colonizing the Americas, Spanish conquistadors taking over South America, fights
breaking out among the Spanish and natives. What the Europeans did to the Natives and Africans is
unforgivable, and the world had to suffer for their ideas. The Europeans had an overall negative
effect with these acts. They murdered the natives, transferred contagious diseases, and caused the
downfall of civilizations. This could not stand and the people wanted to fight, but the Europeans
remained the dominant civilization.
The murder of the natives didn't happen all at once, instead it took a few years. From 1519 to 1521
Cortes tried to take over the Aztec empire. It took about a year and a half for Francisco Pizarro to
conquer the Incas. The Europeans had an advantage over the Natives though. They had some things
that the Natives didn't. They had cannons and guns. The natives had spears and arrows that you
could only use once and then they're gone. The natives had never seen or heard of these things, they
just knew they were loud and their people died. The Europeans knew that they had guns, horses, and
cannons, but not diseases. Diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza were the cause of
millions of native deaths. The natives had no immunity against these diseases and had no idea what
they were or where they came from. Their people dropped like flies, and there was no cure or end in
To elaborate on the highly contagious diseases that the Europeans transferred
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Impact Of European Colonization On Native Americans
The European Colonization of the Americas initiated in 1492 when Spanish explorer and navigator,
Christopher Columbus sailed the sea to the New World. Their main motivation was to probe new
trade routes, spread Catholicism and earn recognition and stardom for discoveries made similar to
the findings that came from the conquest of the Aztecs and Incas. The English then established
permanent settlement in the New World and interacted with the indigenous people that were already
living there. This was found to have a detrimental effect on the Native Americans because
Europeans brought dangerous diseases such as smallpox to the Americas. Also, natives were
imperialized, forced to give up their vibrant culture and take up the lifestyle of the Spaniards.
Primarily, one of the impacts that came about from the European colonization on Native Americans
was the proliferation of disease. In Europe, people commonly lived in filth and bacteria because
they didn't pay much attention to the importance of proper hygiene. However, in the Americas,
people were isolated from the rest of the world and weren't surrounded by the rubbish that
Europeans had incorporated in their livelihood. Also, because the Native Americans were somewhat
advanced in medical technology, they didn't have to worry too much about people dying from
treacherous diseases. It states, " By contrast, the people of the Americas had spent thousand of years
in biological isolation. By the time Columbus had arrived,
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European Colonization In Latin America
Latin America is one of the less developed when compared to different parts of the world. The
colonization era highly affected Latin American, making Latin America less developed than other
countries. Latin America used to be rich in terms of resources, containing an abundance of resources
that made these lands valuable for other countries. Among its resources, the lands of Latin America
produced gold and silver. In the era of colonization many Europeans colonizers were able to conquer
land and make use of them by taking all of the valuable resources. They also had more advantages,
making it easier to colonize in Latin America. Latin America fell behind in levels of developments
when Europeans colonized Latin America, used force against natives to extract resources and
created extractive institutions that led to high inequality in Latin America. The colonization of
Europeans in Latin America allowed them to pull . Latin America used to be rich in resources before
many European countries inv. These lands produced gold, silver and many other valuable resources
that helped European countries developed into richer states. During the invasion of Cajamarca, a
powerful Spaniard monarchy led by Pizarro conquered Cajamarca by capturing Atuhuallpa, an Inca
emperor that had thousands of soldiers (Diamond,73). As a strategy, he was able to use Atahuallpa
captivity as a way to exchange for resources. Natives were willing to get their leader back in
exchange for gold, but never realized
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European Colonization Of The Colonies
When Ferdinand Magellan and Isabelle of Castile decided to fund 15–year–old Christopher
Columbus for a voyage to find a water route, he ends up failing but in the process finds what is now
known as the United States. This interesting turn of events causes the colonization of Europeans
coming to the Americas to gain religious freedom, wealth, food, and land. As multiple colonies
started to fall, newer colonies began to think about things that would help their colony succeed.
Certain colonies have very similar rules and regulations to help the growing colonies succeed while
others had different ways of going about the successful path. With all the religious fighting and
disagreements happening in England, a small group of Separatist Puritans came to America for
religious freedom. Similarities between Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and
Cincinnati, is that they all came to the Americas to find religious freedom. "Although they grew
their own food, the soil was too thin and rocky, the climate was too harsh to be able to produce cash
crops" (Sarsourac, 4). Along with not being able to successfully produce cash crops because of the
land, it was also very cold there making the winters hard, "These four colonies looked to lumbering,
metal working, fishing, and fur trading to grow their economies" (Sarsourac,5). In later years, these
four colonies also took up the task of selling slaves to the southern colonies for more power and
money. These colonies consisted of
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European Colonization Of Europeans And Native Americans
After Columbus sailed the blue ocean in fourteen hundred ninety–two, the New World encountered
catastrophic epidemics from the European conquest. The spread of diseases between Europeans and
Native Americans led to a demographic calamity. The earliest explorations from European countries
introduced a plethora of diseases; these diseases hindered the Native's population and way of life.
Not only early explorations of European countries impacted the indigenous people, but the
settlement and encounters with Europeans in the twentieth century did as well. Before Europeans
voyaged to the New World, the lands were occupied by Native Americans for thousands of years,
but Europeans for centuries regarded themselves as the first to discover the Americas. Relations
between the Native Americans and Europeans were often difficult. The Europeans saw the natives as
savage heathens to be Christianized, and considered the land unexploited and ripe for colonization.
The Italian explorer Christopher Columbus opened the way for European exploration of the New
World. During Christopher Columbus's (1451–1506) voyages to the Western Hemisphere, the
monarchs of Western European nations sent explorers seeking a faster, more direct passage to Asia.
Although these explorers failed in this mission, they helped map out a rich land for Europeans to
control and colonize. English exploration was different from Spain, Portugal, and France. The
English merchants had a huge role in English exploration
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European Colonization Events
Multiple events in Europe affected colonization of the New World around 1492. Colonization is
when a mother country creates settlements in other areas. European states were looking to colonize
in order to inherit profit for self–sustainability. Resources and ideas have sparked the interest of
many European voyagers. It encouraged them to explore in order to meet the needs and wants of
rulers and the people. Also, explorers were searching for innovations that could be made in their
country. The Crusades, the growth of commerce, the growth of population, the rise of nations, the
Renaissance, and the improvement in sailing technology are events and trends that motivated
European exploration. Between the years 1096 and 1270, the Crusades took place. The Crusades
was a medieval military expedition. It was made by the Europeans to retrieve the Holy Land from
the Muslims. The Europeans failed to recover the Holy Land, however, this only encouraged the
desire to explore and expand for traded products in Asia. Additionally, the power of the European
nobles started to decline and monarchs started to take over. Monarchs increased their wealth and
power by sponsoring overseas explorations. Europe ... Show more content on ...
The Renaissance started in Italy and spread throughout other countries in Europe. New techniques in
art were found such as the ideas of perspective and three–dimensional sculptures and paintings.
Writings from Arabs and from the subjects of mathematics, philosophy, science and geography were
reviewed. These many achievements encourages people to explore. Another event that encouraged
European exploration was the improvement of sailing technology. The caravel allowed ships to sail
in directions opposite to the wind. It made it much easier to travel. Also, ship captains used the
astrolabe and the compass as tools that helped show
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Reasons For European Colonization
European colonization began in 1492 when a Spanish explorer by the name of Christopher
Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route but ended up in the new world known as the
Americas. The massive territories, countless riches, and experienced native people meant that a
claim in the americas could easily bossy a nations wealth, status, and reputation. After this
expedition more countries such as the European powerhouses; France, Spain, and Britain began to
colonize in the America's. France, Britain, and Spain overall had similar motives when they started
to colonize; to spread religion, to obtain wealth, and to increase geopolitical power. France, Spain,
and Britain had the same motives gold, glory, and gold by their main focus were different. Spain
main motive was economical. Britains motive was for religious freedom and build and empire. The
French motive was for trade routes. In 1492 the colonization began for Spain with the arrival of
Christopher Columbus to one of the Caribbean island. The Spanish empire were the first to come to
the Americas. The Spanish empire wanted to find china to get an cultural exchange but instead they
found and unknown land. When they landed the Native American received them with open arms and
bearing gifts. !1
The Spanish were seeking gold for the most important reason for their country; and they used every
way to get it. The natives were friendly and amazed by how large their ships were, but the Spanish
weren't looking for a friendship they wanted gold. The Spanish explorers acted like they were
friends with the Native people such a as the Incas and Aztecs, but they wanted everything their way
and they would do anything to have it their way. Christopher Columbus had four main voyages and
the main motive was to seek gold, they were failed attempts. Explorers as Cabeza de Vaca, Hernan
Cortes, Hernando de Soto, and Coronado all went looking for gold and other riches for Spain. The
Spanish empire wanted to be ahead of every other country and they believed colonization and
finding gold and riches would help
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European Colonization And Imperialism
Throughout history, Europe has been more advanced and developed than much of world Europeans
took many voyages to spread their knowledge and gain power in the world. They began to colonize
in almost every part of the world, beginning with the Americas. They eventually lost most of their
control there and moved on. It soon became all of the west that was colonized in the east, which lead
to imperialism. Similar to many other events in history, colonization and imperialism are very
polarizing. There were two opposite sides and, like much of history, one side wasn't really
considered. The people who lived in the countries being colonized didn't ask the westerners to take
control of their country. The native people were mostly opposed to imperialism,
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European Colonization Of North America
The colonization and exploration of North America unavoidably lead to contact with the native
people of the land. The images created by people like Benjamin West, Thomas Kitchen, and James
Wooldridge show the effect that contact had on America. For example, Treaty with the Indians is an
oil painting by Benjamin West that depicts the colonists and William Penn, the founder of
Pennsylvania, negotiating a treaty with the American Indians during the late years of British
colonization. Benjamin West also painted The Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel
Bouquet Near his Camp at the Forks of Muskingum in North America in November 1764, which
shows American Indians transporting English prisoners to Colonel Bouquet, an officer in the British
army, during the French and Indian War. Another artist, James Woolridge, painted Indians of
Virginia, which illustrates American Indians living on their homestead in 1675 during early British
colonization of North America. Thomas Kitchen created A Map of the French Settlements in North
America which shows the territories owned by the French a few years before Seven Years War and
during the time when British colonization had heightened. European colonists' opinions of
citizenship rights and the rightful occupation of North America was heavily influenced by their
interactions with the American Indians and their culture through manifested stereotypes and an
understood element of European superiority. In the late 1600s, a
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The European Colonization Of Africa
The European colonization of Africa, also known as the Scramble for Africa, Partition of Africa, or
Conquest of Africa, occurred between the 1870s and 1900s, and was the invasion, occupation,
colonization, and annexation of African territory by European powers during a period of New
Imperialism. European control of the continent increased from 10 percent (1870) to 90 percent
(1914), with only three territories, Saguia el–Hamra, which was later integrated into Spanish Sahara,
Ethiopia and Liberia remaining independent of Europe's control. There were many reasons for the
European colonization of Africa, including economic and political motives, with the Berlin
Conference serving as a catalyst. Africans resisted the European invasions of their lands, with the
two main methods of opposition were guerilla warfare and direct military engagement. European
influence on Africa still remains today, though these influences are generally negative and hurt
Africa's overall development. The imperatives of capitalist industrialization, including the call for
guaranteed sources of raw materials, especially copper, cotton, rubber, tea, and tin (European
consumers had become accustomed to, and thus depended on these resources), and the search for
guaranteed markets and profitable investment outlets, which territories like the gold and diamond–
rich Egypt and South Africa provided, caused the European conquest for Africa. Therefore the
primary reason for European colonization in Africa was
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European Colonization Of The Americas
European colonization of the Americas should be remembered as a tragedy for the impractical and
immoral acts upon Native Americans and slave laborers. The European colonization of the Americas
was a series of atrocities committed upon underdeveloped territory by settlers throughout the
Americas. Many European countries took part in the advantages of the land to increase economic
trade and newly found resources. However, the net result of this colonization for the indigenous who
already inhabited these lands was the exploitation of Native Americans and Slaves through forced
labor, Christian ideals being forced upon those certainly from different beliefs, and the general theft
of land and natural resources.
Early settlers founded an excessive amount of land used for farming, however, they did not have the
manpower to make full use of it. Due to the high amount of resources and the lack of manpower and
wealth, settlers would purchase slaves from the African continent. This established Anglo–Saxon
superiority over the African people forcefully living there and encouraged immorality to take place
between slave owner and slave. Not only was this unjust, it contributed to the tragedy of European
settlements in the Americas. European settlements allowing slavery, was a threat towards equality
and freedom for all, proven through "...we shall take you and your wives and your children, and
shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them..." (Requerimiento). Innocent
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European Nations And The Colonization Of Africa
As we know so far, Africa has a long history of being faced with Conquest, Colonization, and
Military Invasions from Europe since the early 1970's and up to the 1900's. Many were standing
against the idea of being captured or colonized by these Europeans leaders and countries. The only
two countries that have not been touched or colonized by Europe is Ethiopia and Liberia,
unfortunately (Fortunately). Most of the Africa's countries has been touched by European
There are three main factors why European nations have decided to go into Africa. The first is the
political factor, the second one is the economic factor, and of course the social factor. After the days
when there were slave trades and all those horrific events, today European countries are looking
forward for raw materials for profitable markets. There were seven main countries that were fighting
among each other for the conquest of Africa. Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal,
Spain. The social factor was one of the top three reasons of colonization because when the
industrialization came to Europe, people were not ready. This led to a high unemployment level,
homelessness. The solution that came into mind was to create new colonies and export the
population to these new areas. This is a reason that led to the colonization of Africa. This was one
prospective of the European Colonization on Africa, but there is also a second side to it, that shows
that the colonization process of the
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Summary: European Colonization Of America
Annie Shippee
James Price
History of the Americas
September 8, 2015
Major Motivations of the English in Colonizing the "New World" economic and political values
were apart of the English motives for migrating to the new world, however religious reasons were
the dominating factor. There was a conflict in England between James I and Charles I that ignited a
Civil War that lasted for 7 years. During this warring period it drove many people out which lead to
inflation and poverty("European Colonization of the Americas."). People heard of the riches and
economic potential that was found in America, thus causing them to migrate in hopes that they too
would find such wealth. There were wide open fields that would be perfect for farming, tobacco
quickly became the cash crop of the New World. The coast was also great for fishing and provided
exports of cod and many other fish back to the home land ("Reasons For English Immigration To the
North American Colonies."). ... Show more content on ...
They made claims about how much better it is in America, the following quotes are pulled from A
Breif and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, written by Thomas Hariot, "the timber
being great, tal, streight, soft, light, & yet tough enough" the man was bragging about the trees and
wood of the area. Another example "a great veine of hard ragge stones, which I thought good to
remember vnto you" in this quote he is saying that there is an abundance of resources. The people
who migrated to the New Found Land of Virginia were proud of their land and wanted to show it off
("Reasons For English Immigration To the North American Colonies."
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The Consequences Of The European Colonization Of Native...
European Colonization was rapidly expanded after Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer
arrived in the Americas. The start of the Colonization is dated to 1492. The European Colonization
of the Americas was a tragedy because, the Native Americans were living a peaceful life and the
arrival of Europeans has led to the devastation of indigenous communities through diseases,
violence and dispossession. The most harmful consequences of the European Settlement to the
Native Americans was the transfer of diseases. Europeans brought diseases such as small pox,
measles and influenza. This had destructive consequences for native Americans who could not fight
these diseases as they did not possess immunity. They had no time to recover from these epidemic
diseases and started dying quickly. Small pox spread from tribe to tribe along the trade routes. Thus,
within a century, diseases have reduced indigenous populations by as much as 95% making matters
worse. "The Epidemic took years to exhaust itself and may have killed 90% of the people in coastal
New England. This made a huge difference to American History." (Mann, 1491) The drastic death of
so many Native Americans decimated the supply of labors who were working under the Europeans
in the Americas. One of the reasons for death was that most Native Americans were not experienced
for many bacterial diseases so, they had little or no knowledge on how to combat them. The practice
where family and friends gathered with the shaman at
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European Expansion And Colonization
The motives for the Europeans for expansion and colonization in the new word was a new way of
life and exploration. The search for new things and ocean travel was intriguing to the Europeans.
Though the conditions in Europe were changing the Europeans thought that they could find better
things overseas. The Europeans expanded their capabilities for growth and colonization. The biggest
resistance of the Europeans was the Indians. The Indians did not like the thought of foreigners
taking over their land and crops. The Indians often battled with the Europeans killing them before
they could take over. Maryland was used as a retreat for English Catholics. The Indians in Maryland
were more worried about the other tribes that surrounded the
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Consequences Of European Colonization
During the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Europeans started to make their way to the new world,
they discovered a society that was strikingly different to their own. In the late 1800's, the rare Native
Americans that were left in the United States were practically extinguished. Many diverse things
contributed to their near–extinction, some were considered intentional and some unintentional.
Some tribes made the decision to go willingly, and some decided to fight to their death but in the
end, it was confirmed that Native Americans and settlers could not live together in amity, and the
Native Americans were the ones at harm. The integration of European colonization ultimately led to
the demise of the various Native American ... Show more content on ...
Beginning in the late fifteenth century, explorers, conquerors, missionaries, merchants, and
adventurers sought to claim new lands to colonize. It was only a matter of time before imperial
rivals butted heads over land possession and trade routes." There are countless reasons that the
Native Americans and European Colonists did not have a decent relationship. One of the reasons for
conflict between Colonist and Indians was owed to the Colonists insatiable gluttony for power and
for land. Some of the reasons not only included physical exploitation but also an ethical
maltreatment of the Native Americans. European Colonists not only brought many distinct diseases
that would serve as a future aid in the genocide of several Native American tribes, but also an
outlook in which they swore they were superior to their Native foreigners. This feeling of
superiority eventually led to an eruption of violence and lots of different civil wars. Due to the
Colonists and the Native Americans' irreconcilable differences, countless casualties were ached by
both parties leading to continuous wars and the displacement of several Indian tribes. The Native
Americans weren't only shot down by the Europeans but by the Spanish as well. The Spanish
Empire was one of the largest empires in history. It reached the peak of its military, political and
economic power under the Spanish Habsburg, through most of the 16th and 17th centuries.
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Lasting Effects of European Colonization on Native...
Effects of Colonisation on North American Indians Since the Europeans set foot on North American
soil in 1620,they have had a devastating effect on the native population. I will be discussing the long
term effect of North American colonisation on the Native Americans, focusing on such issues as
employment opportunities, the environment, culture and traditions, health, as well as social justice. I
will begin with the important issue of employment opportunities. The unemployment rate for Native
Americans is a staggering 49%. The following reasons state why the unemployment rate is so high.
To start with, Native Americans have been portrayed by the media (such as movies) as primitive and
hostile when in fact it is quite the ... Show more content on ...
This inability to interact with the surrounding environment forced Native Americans to rely more
heavily on western culture. Soon after the Europeans arrived, the natives were aggressively
encouraged to follow European beliefs and culture. Native Americans were forced into this new
religious belief system and it forever changed their cultural identity. Native Americans frequently
used many locations as a sacred place, where they performed many culturally significant rituals.
Since European settlement, these locations have been taken over and the indigenous people forcibly
relocated or even been destroyed. For example, the Black Hills, a mountain range in Dakota, was
once home to tribes of Native Americans. Once gold was discovered there, the tribes were removed,
and relocated to a wasteland where it was almost impossible to sustain normal life and many died as
a result. In the late nineteenth century, the effort to ‘civilize” native Americans entailed removing
children from their families and placing them in boarding schools where they were forced to adopt
European culture. They were forbidden to speak their traditional language and were forced to
abandon their religious beliefs in favour of Christianity. Although Native American culture has been
partially ruined, there are still people that are trying to resurrect that culture by reliving past
traditions. An example is a man who has released numerous amounts of buffalo into an Oklahoman
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The Colonization Of Europeans Into The North America
The time period between the 1600s and 1700s was a time of a major change in the land of the New
World. The colonization of Europeans into the North America had considerable impacts on the
Native American lives. European empire at the time, such as the French, England and Spanish
empires, often fought against each other for power and control. After the European tried to
colonized, the Native American suddenly found themselves dealing with European power politics.
The arrival of Europeans into the New World meant new political relationships for both the
European and the Native Americans. Each side had thing to gain and loss in this kind of
relationship, especially military alliances and new trade goods. European power politics and
rivalries were a major factor in the development of European and Native American relations because
they created relationships of mutually beneficial relationships of trade and alliances.
During the early period of colonizing, the European colonists were facing many dangerous
obstacles. The European colonists were not adept at farming in the North America soil and climate
with the lacked of skills for surviving in unfamiliar territory . They were fragile and faced great
threat of diseases and the lack of food supply. As a result, these European colonists sought out
alliances with various native tribes for protection and help them stabilized their own colony. A good
example of this was the colony of south eastern Massachusetts during the period of
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European Colonization Of Africa
Before the 18,00's not much was known about Africa due to the many diseases and land boundaries
that prevented exploration. This was all changed however when a man named David Livingstone
opened the eyes of all Europeans. With this newfound knowledge many countries were coming to
Africa mostly due to economical reasons. This is because many countries saw Africa as a wonderful
place for trade and to gain resources. The Jungles in Africa offered rare wood and rubber. Africa also
hosted wonderful for trading. With all these resources Europeans would be able to build their
economical empire and have more power in general. The economical resources Africa Held is why
many European countries started their bid for land in Africa. Many European countries
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Native American And European Colonization
Mary Mediatrix Ortiz
Dr. Seekatz
9 November 2017
There were initially two to ten million natives in the United States prior to European contact. Those
numbers dwindled down drastically in the years that Europeans came and started colonizing. The
Europeans came to explore the New World in search of land, spices, gold, God and glory. Among
these colonists were the Spanish who colonized most of the southwest of the United States.
Evidence of their settlements can still be seen today in the missions scattered across the land. These
missions were started with the purpose of converting the Native Americans to Christianity. Try to
put yourself into the shoes of the Native Americans, imagine living your entire life with a particular
set of beliefs, based on what was handed down by your ancestors and culture. Then suddenly a
group of foreigners would come and proclaim that your views are all wrong and that you must
follow their beliefs for the salvation of your soul. This is exactly what the Spanish colonizers did to
the Native Americans as they invaded their territory which is the reason why the relationship
between the two parties were strained and rife with tension. The conversion of the Natives and the
constant hostility by the Spanish conquerors subsequently led to the disintegration of native life and
Spain's initial contact with the Americas began when Christopher Columbus landed in Hispaniola
(present day Haiti and Dominican Republic) and sparked a
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The European Colonization Of America
Violence was an inevitable consequence of the European colonization of the Americas. This is
obvious when the different factors are considered. First, Europeans had no interest in a long term
peaceful solution. Second, the meeting of two isolated societies always includes dangerous
problems. And third, the New World had limited resources. The colonization of the New World was
not a nice affair. Most colonists had little interest in the plight of the natives and even those who did
were mostly motivated by religious ideals. Once natives, came under the power of European
colonists they were often used as forced labor and pressured to convert to Christianity. Even the
friendliest colonists still had self–interest to consider and cooperated with
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European Colonization Of Native Americans
European diseases were responsible for the deaths of more than half of the Incan empire and for the
passing of as much as ninety percent of the natives of coastal New England (Mann, "1491"). Such a
reduction of the strength and numbers of American Indian civilization was a considerable promoting
factor in European conquest of and colonization of the Americas. If Native Americans had been
capable of exhibiting a more formidable immunological response to European pathogens,
colonization of the Americas would have followed a vastly different path, leading to tremendous
differences in the development of the New World and the Old World and their mutual relationship. If
European disease had not affected Native Americans, the native populations of the New World
would have been able to create a much more successful military resistance to foreign invaders. An
utterly decimated Native American population was unable to oppose a superior European force, a
force that was not beleaguered by susceptibility to the very diseases that destroyed Native American
populations. Many researchers have tried to estimate the population of pre–Columbian America.
Historian Dr. Henry F. Dobyns has suggested that the native population reached levels as far as 112
million in 1491 before Columbus's arrival. This number plummeted to less than 6 million by 1650,
largely as a result of exposure to wave after wave of European diseases, which proved to be
extremely effective at terrorizing the native population
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Pros And Cons Of European Colonization
The age of exploration and European colonization should be considered a tragedy. Obviously, there
are positives and negatives to any situation. However, during this time period there were more tragic
circumstances. It was a tragedy because so many innocent people died, in Jamestown, the columbian
exchange, and from being slaves. Many people died in Jamestown. The people of Jamestown could
not go back to England. "This was the time, which still to this day we called the starving time; it
were too vile to say, and scarce to be beleeved, what we endured'' (The starving time a Jamestown
colonist account 1624) During the winter of 1609–1610 hundreds of people died from starvation and
diseases. At the end of the winter only 60 remained alive. The area where Jamestown land was
swampy, the soil was sandy, and there were many mosquitoes. The mosquitos carried deadly
diseases like malaria. The diseases were also a cause of death in ... Show more content on ...
The Europeans brought people from Africa to the Americas to work for wealthy people. They
brought people from Africa because they knew that they could not run away. The people they
brought from Africa were slaves. They were captured and shipped to the Americas. Some people
from England volunteered to came to the Americas to work because they were promised land when
they were done their service. People from England went to America because there life in England
was horrible and they were promised land after a few years of work. "I am an indentured servants
without rights. I am virtually a slave for seven years. I must do everything they tell me. They beat
me; they starve me.'' (letter, indentured servants 1618). The indentured servants did not realize how
horrible they would be treated. For some, they may have chosen to stay in England if they knew the
truth about what their life would be like. Indentured servants and slave did not have any rights. They
could be even beat to
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The European Colonization Of Africa
Around the year 1897 Edward Morel noticed something that would change the way the modern
world viewed the colonization of Africa and the supposed "humanitarian" work there forever
(Hochschild 1). Morel worked for an English shipping company that was responsible for cargo
going between the Congo Free State and Belgium. What Morel noticed was that ships from Africa
were filled with rich, exotic goods like rubber and ivory, but the ships headed to Africa from
Belgium were filled with military members and various firearms and ammunition (Hochschild 2).
Morel made the conclusion that the cause of this odd "trade" between Europe and Africa was slave
labor. European colonization of Africa was a slow, arduous process resulting in the deaths of ...
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Soon, with the invention of the tire, rubber became a hot commodity. Fortunately for King Leopold,
the Congo Free State had an abundance of rubber as well, and thus Leopold even further invested in
Africa, creating roads and railways to transport goods past the treacherous African landscape
Fast forward to the years 1890–1910, when Leopold's sole focus was on the Congo Free State, the
rich cargo being exported out of the colony, and convincing the Western world that the work being
done in Africa was for the health and wealth of Africans. In fact, Africans, many who lived in
peaceful civilizations, were subject to forced labor and horrible atrocities. Soldiers infiltrated the
Congo Free State, often stealing the Africans' food, goods, and committing mass killings
(Hochschild 229). The colonization of Africa was not a peaceful one, as Stanley stated "combat was
always part of exploring" (Hochschild 49). Whereas Europeans had the latest rifles and even
elephant guns, Africans were armored with primitive spears and bows and arrows. Before
infrastructure had been established, porters were used to carry steamboat pieces, provisions, and
sometimes ivory. These porters were often starved and worked to death, as Edmond Picard, a
Belgian senator, described when he visited the Congo in 1896:
Unceasingly we meet these porters... black, miserable... most of them sickly,
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Religious Reasons For European Colonization
The two things that prompted Europe towards exploration and later on colonization was religious
conflicts and trade. An example of how religious conflicts prompted Europe towards exploration
was the Spanish victory against the Moors. During the 18th century, the Moors, Islamic invaders
from North Africa, began to conquer Spain. But throughout the next centuries, Spanish Christians
started to reconquer these lands and as a result, they began to organize new independent kingdoms.
This religious conflict helped to unite Isabella and Ferdinand. As a result, this unification created a
new leadership and power which allowed them to launch Columbus's voyage. Another religious
conflict that prompted European exploration and colonization was the Protestant revolt in Northern
Europe which is also known as the Protestant Reformation. This revolt which took place in the early
1500s was when Northern European countries revolted against the Pope's authority which
eventually resulted in religious wars. This conflict inspired Catholics and Protestants to explore the
Americas, Asia, and Africa to spread their own version of Christianity. Another factor that prompted
exploration was trade. Trade prompted exploration because since the land route to Asia had been
captured by the Ottoman Turks, European kingdoms could no longer use it and had to search for
new routes for trade. As a result, these kingdoms began to look for new trade routes by exploring
through the ocean. In hopes of finding a
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European Colonization And Colonialism And Its Impact On...
Throughout history, colonization has affected many societies. European colonization and
colonialism greatly impacted the Canadian First Nations' style of living. Alfred (2009) described
European colonization as "the invasion and eventual domination of North America by European
empires" (p. 45). However, colonialism is more complex. Alfred (2009) inferred that European
colonialism was "the development of institutions and policies by European imperial and
Euroamerican settler governments towards Indigenous peoples" (p. 45). This term describes the
imbalanced relationship between the Europeans and the Indigenous. This relationship created long–
lasting impacts for the Indigenous and created implications for social workers who help Indigenous
peoples today. European contact and colonialism created both immediate and long–term impacts on
Canadian First Nation peoples. The Europeans introduced commercial trade, creating capitalism and
transforming the Indigenous political economy. The European imposition of capitalism forced
Indigenous peoples to shift away from their traditional subsistence economy, creating four
immediate effects: first, a disruption of their traditional pattern of economic life and a creation of
economic dependency; second, a loss of their self–sufficient lifestyle; third, damage to the natural
environment and animals; and fourth, poverty. European colonization impacted and continues to
affect many aspects of Indigenous life.
European colonialism transformed
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European Colonization In Europeans
Essay #1: Christopher Columbus had been sailing for years learning the different patterns of the
ocean, the way the wind moved and the current of the ocean. Christopher had thought that finding a
shorter route to Asia would help the trade in European colonization's. He began to seek for financial
support and eventually he set sailed. In Europe, they believed that trade was how to make them
wealthier, and to gain power in their nations. When Europe and Asia traded goods, there was other
countries in the way blocking direct trade between them. This wasn't the only reason why Europeans
began exploring, a period of time the Europeans lived through the renaissances. They wanted to
know how the world worked and what was out there. When the Europeans arrived in the "new
world" they all tried to colonize it differently. "The French worked out a complex series of military,
commercial, and diplomatic connections, the most enduring alliances between Indians and settlers in
colonial North America. They neither appropriated substantial amounts of Indian land, like the
English, nor conquered native inhabit­ants militarily and set them to forced labor, like the Spanish."
(Foner, 32) In the quote above it shows how when the Europeans came to the "new land" they
wanted to control the Indians as if they were there first, they didn't care about the Indians. The
Spanish Europeans treated the Indians as if they were their slaves and had them do labor for them.
They made them mine for gold and
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European Colonization Effects
In the past, European countries came to the Americas looking to build their empire and gain power.
They were competing to be the most powerful country and improve their economic lives. In the
drive to be the most powerful European country, they started colonizing the Americas. The effects of
colonization were reflected in different groups of people. Some effects were bad and some ere good.
There are different perspectives about colonization. Some people think that the colonization was a
great event that happened to the Americans and Europeans. However, as Murrin's article states and
in my opinion the European colonies in the Americas were not completely positive development and
affected them in various ways. Colonization was almost a ... Show more content on
70.) "England established its first permanent colony on the Atlantic seaboard of North America at
Jamestown in 1607." (Early American Slavery in the Colonies..., 2007) Colonists were looking for
people to work on their farms. It emerged in Virginia and some British colonies; they desired a labor
force that could operate the agricultural demands, tobacco at that time. Those servants could
complete their term, be freed and own some land. In 1619, African slavery was introduced into the
British colonies by the Dutch. African immigrants did not come voluntarily. Slaves suffered a lot
with the creation of colonies because they were similar to servants, but they did not receive a
payment and they did not have "freedom dues";their term would never end and they could not own
land. Colonists also forced the slaves to become Christians even though that did not change their
status. They threatened their liberty. African Slaves were treated with racism. Another of the groups
that suffered the colonization era were the Indians. "The settlers arrived on the East Coast of North
America." (Learning English, 2012.) When colonists arrived in the Americas, they thought about the
Indians as an inferior race. As Columbus states in his journal, "They should be good and intelligent
servants, for I see that they say very quickly
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The Impacts Of European Colonization
The Impacts of European Colonization
The Impacts of European Colonization
Jarrett Levins
Dr. Seela Aladuwaka
Geography 206.03
Introduction Cambodia holds an affluent and alluring history. Throughout this paper the writer will
discuss different topics impacting Cambodia's history, positive and negative impact of colonization,
economic, political, cultural and social legacies, and to answer if western countries or colonizer are
responsible to help solve some of the lasting problems of colonization.
The Stone Age introduced early humans in Cambodia to hunting and gathering food around 2,300
BC. The Me Kong River delta in located in South Vietnam, history records as the first known
developed ... Show more content on ...
Some positive impacts are, Education is free and compulsory for six years of primary school; Health
care has shown improvement in last decade; agriculture has improved the economics; and
Cambodia's tourism industry is developing. Some negatives impacts are, The Khmer Rouge control,
roughly Eighty–percent of the people live in rural areas; lack trained medical personnel, facilities
and medical supplies, a weaken economy, approximately ninety–percent of the population adherents
of Buddhism and various other religion and ethnic minorities were targets of genocide for western
influences; discrimination practices, and decline of conflict caused significant damage to
Cambodia's economy (Aliprandini). Donovan (1993) in 1975, the Khmer Rouge destroyed the
Cambodian legal system. Legislators, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and law professors were killed
or forced to flee the country. Law books were destroyed and the buildings that had housed to courts
and the law schools were converted to other uses. The situation has improved slightly since then.
The Cambodians have suffered and endured decades of control under a dictatorship form of
government that prohibited currency, marriage, and religious beliefs. The Cambodians have endured
murder of its people and military soldiers, warring countries and the demolishing of cities and
villages, resulting in the mental and physical decomposition of the of the
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The Age Of Exploration And European Colonization
The Age of Exploration and European Colonization should be considered a tragedy because of the
ways slaves were treated that affected their life in many different ways as shown by the African
slaves lacking basic rights, the harsh treatment of the slaves, and the slaves were removed from their
The first reason that shows the Age of Exploration and European Colonization should be considered
a tragedy is African slaves lacked basic rights, including freedom. These slaves had many strict rules
and could barely get away with any for they were always being watched. Doing work was their first
and their only priority. If slaves did anything but work it could lead to death or a serious beating. As
for kids, they had to listen to ... Show more content on ...
They were captured and had no idea what was going on. They feared being disobedient because they
knew they would get a harsh treatment. This quote gives you a sense of what a slave had to go
through if they were not obeying the one in charge, "multitude of black people of every description
chained together." "I was immediately handled, and tossed up, to see if I were sound, by some of the
crew; one of them held me fast by the hands, and laid me across, I think, the windlass, and tied my
feet, while the other flogged me severely." "hourly whipped for not eating." ("Boarding a Slave–
Ship" They would be tourchured for doing things like, "Resisting slavery,
not working hard enough, talking too much or using their native language, stealing from his master,
murdering a white man, trying to run away" (Heather Wheeler)
The final reason as to why the Age of Exploration and European Colonization should be considered
a tragedy is Africans slaves were removed from their homelands. They were kidnapped and taken
away from their homelands to be sold to take care of people's property, and the were ripped away
from their families. As the rich Europeans were forming their colonies they utilized slaves to build
their plantations and tend to their crops. This quote shows that it wasn't just the adults who were
taken away from their homeland it was kids too, "poor English children or adults kidnapped by
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European Colonization Of Africa
Most Europeans had the perception that people from the African continent were inferior. This is
because they thought that their traditions were backward and lacked civilization. They used this
notion as a justification for subjecting the African people to slavery. However, this is not the case
since civilization is said to have originated from Africa. The most organized and advanced people in
terms of technology are said to be the Africans even before the European slavers discovered Africa
(Chivallon and Alou, 2011). Egypt had tremendous accomplishments in mathematics, science, arts,
and medicine even before the transatlantic trade. Civilization in this country had lasted for over two
thousand years prior to the development of Rome.
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European Colonization Of The Americas
European colonization of the Americas began as early as the 10th century. Extensive European
colonization began in 1492, when a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus sailed
west to find a new trade route to the Far East but inadvertently landed in what came to be known to
Europeans as the "New World". Europeans acquired the magnetic compass, which allowed mariners
to determine direction even when out of sight of land. When the new world was discovered, "The
Columbian Exchanged" was born. Many goods such as clothes, food and animals were exchanged.
Sadly so were negatives things such as diseases. Eventually cures were found though. The Protestant
Reformation was initially created to reset the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
There was immense corruption in the Catholic Church at this time. Spaniards located sources of
mineral wealth while enslaving local Indians for labor. Eventually, this had lead to Spain's failure
and resulted in a time of "rapid inflation and popular unrest". Jamestown was the first settlement of
the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and served as capital of Virginia until 1699, when the seat of
government was moved to Williamsburg. French colonization of the New World began in the
sixteenth century and continues until the eighteenth century. During the development of the New
England colonies there was much conflict between various religious groups and due to the peaceful
views of the Quakers there was much
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Manifest Destiny : The European Beliefs Of The...
The first foreign inhabitants of North America were originally from Spain and France, later came the
English. Whether their motives for inhabiting Northern America were for political, social, or
religious reason, they all encountered a blockade to their expansion, the Natives of North America.
These Native Americans, although man had prophesied the arrival of the pale skins, were put in a
tense situation with these newcomers from across the Atlantic Ocean. They were forced to change
their way of living and had no choice but to try and accommodate, so as to appease the European
settlers. The settlers however, mostly saw no reason to understand the culture and ways of the
Native Americans. Instead, they converted these peoples' religions, colonized their homeland, and
violently suppressed any resistance to it all. The reason? One could argue that it was for "the
advancement" of mankind, but the reality is that these white settlers could not bear to understand
anything that was foreign to them. They judged these Natives based on the color of their skin and
their culture, because it was different from what the Europeans had ever seen, and was therefore
Manifest Destiny is what European settlers used to justify their expansion West. John Gast, a painter
in the late 1800s, created a piece titled, the "American Progress". It depicts an angelic woman,
carrying telegraph wires and leading white settlers to the West. The Natives, as well as the wildlife
(symbolic of nature)
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Advantage Of European Colonization
European Colonization
Historians often question why Europe had such an advantage over the three existing worlds during
the 16th and 17th century. Europe managed to take over the New World–even though they were
greatly out–numbered by the native people–due to the fact that Europeans were at both a material
and cultural advantage. Europeans took command over the New World because their technology was
superior to that of the Native people, they were more organized politically speaking, and they had a
capitalist attitude toward the New World.
Around 13,000 years ago there was a piece of frozen ice that stretched between Russia and Alaska,
known as the Bering Strait Land Bridge. Between 12,000 and 5,000 years ago Asians migrated
across the Bering Strait and down the west coast, following herds of animals and spreading across
the Americas. This land bridge was below sea level and became covered by water due to the fact that
the sea level rose, sealing off the people living in the Americas from the rest of the world.
Although Native Americans were not as technologically advanced as the Europeans, the Natives
were in a sense ahead of their time. They had scientists, accurate ... Show more content on ...
This made the epidemic much worse for the Natives since they had never seen a disease like this
before. "Large bumps spread on people; some were entirely covered. They spreads everywhere, on
the face, the head, the chest etc. [The disease] brought great desolation; a great many died of it.
They could no longer walk about... unable to change position, to stretch out on their sides or face
down, or raise their heads. And when they made a motion they called out loudly... very many people
died of them, and many just starved to death; starvation reigned, and no one took care of others any
longer." (De
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A Summary Of The European Colonization
In the year following Christopher Columbus's "discovery" of America, European powers began to
turn their attention to the prospect of colonizing the newly discovered land. With the discovered land
seemingly expanding with each new exploration, the possibilities for expansion both territorially
and religiously were extremely appealing to these countries and in time they made their way across
the sea and established their colonies each with their own style or rule which revealed its efficiency
in time (Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty!, 19). The European move to colonize began with a major
world trading force, the Chinese, stepping out of the way. With their initial motivation being a
demonstration of power, their large ships and sailing experience gave them every opportunity to take
the lead. However without a real desire to expand and colonize they stepped aside (Eric Foner, Give
Me Liberty!, 15). Portugal and Spain became the next major players in the game of colonization.
Portugal being the farthest country on the Iberian Peninsula needed a way to be included in the trade
with Asia, prompting them to create bigger and faster boats to take them down the African coast
(Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty!, 15). Their creation of new technologies and colonization of the
Africa paved the way for them to establish trade routes with the new world (Eric Foner, Give Me
Liberty!, 17). Unfortunately, Portugal was not able to economically or politically back any
expeditions to the new world which
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Native Americans And Africans In The European And Spanish...
The Calamity of Native Americans and Africans in the European and Spanish Colonization The
European Colonization of the Americas is described as the foundation and settlement of the
Americas by different European powers. Although the European Colonization of the Americas can
be portrayed as a success. Nevertheless, it is a calamity because many Native Americans were
tortured or killed with military force, and African individuals were enslaved and killed to create a
"new world". Not only did the colonist kill Native Indians and Africans, but also took their freedom
and religion away. When the Spanish colonist landed on the shore of the Americas, military force
was used to conquer and establish land. Bartolomé de las Casas, a Spanish missionary and historian,
advocated and exposed the cruelty against Native Americans. Las Casas' main goal was to persuade
the Spanish to stop the torture of indigenous people. In the document, A Brief Account of the
Destruction of the Indies, Las Casas' explains, " Those that arriv'd at these Islands from the remotest
parts of Spain, and who pride themselves in the Name of Christians, steer'd Two courses principally,
in order to the Exptirpation, and Exterminting of this People from the face of the Earth"(A Brief
Account of the Destruction of the Indies). Just like African individuals, Native Indians were also
enslaved and forced to work. Many Indians were forced to carry army gear and supplies as stated by
Horowitz, "bound Indians in
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European Colonization Cons

  • 1. European Colonization Cons Colonialism occurs when a country takes control of other lands, regions, or territories outside of its borders by establishing the land as a colony. The ruling country usually does this through conquest, and the native people of the nation being taken over are often suppressed. Therefore, the concept of pros and cons change depending on whether the subject is on the oppressed or the oppressors. The colonials pros for the colonized countries help the development of the country economically, politically, and culturally. The development of advanced plantations, farm equipment, and mines; the adjustment to a more modern economic system, such as banking; and the countries developed new industry contribute to the economy. Europe united rival tribes under a stable government, which provided a tolerance within the country. The concept of new technology they have never had before, such as modern communication, and modern transportation which developed railroad systems provided faster connection to the colonies. Finally, Missionaries built schools and hospitals so they had formal education and new medicines. European colonization disrupted traditionalism, causing a number of cons for the colonials. The natives were forced to work to supply products. ... Show more content on ... A global economy emerged, interacting and integrating among the people of different nations, driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. Machine made goods, money to invest, and new technology went to the whole world. European countries received new foods natural resources and cheap labor. All the money made in the colonized countries went to Europe, giving them a heavy profit. The main con the Europeans dealt was the constant presence of war. Civil wars within the colonizes caused deaths and economic hardship to the European people. The European countries themselves fought over land from ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. European Colonization In The Americas And Africa The importance of racial hierarchy in the sense of European colonization efforts can largely be linked back to power and control. One of the greatest tools that the Europeans had in their conquests in the Americas and Africa was their use of religion as a means of rendering the native peoples that they intended to take advantage of docile. Essentially, it seems that in the cases where European explorers were easily able to spread their religion, as opposed to meeting resistance, they more or less treated the natives as relative equals because their goals were already being met without having to apply excessive pressure. This can largely be seen with the shifting views towards native Americans by various European countries and the treatment ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Causes Of European Exploration And Colonization Analysis and Explanation of the Causes of European Exploration and Colonization Before the beginning of the Early Modern Era, Europeans were threatened of invasions from the Ottomans and Mongols, the Crusades, the Black Death, and many forms of internal conflict such as the Hundred Years' War between England and France and the Inquisition. With this in mind, it may be difficult to imagine why the Europeans have become so powerful. However, the Europeans have eventually been able to dominate the world because of three desires: finding an all water route to Asia, accumulating wealth, and converting people to become Christians. First of all, it is important to understand that Europe was not always made of wealthy and powerful countries. Europe only makes up about six to seven percent of Earth's ... Show more content on ... He may not have been the first European to reach China but he was the first one to have a written account of his journey. This writings may have influenced Christopher Columbus and other explorers, which may have been one of the sparks to light the flames of exploration and colonization. Without the Europeans' motivations and desires, European exploration and colonization may have been very subtle. The main objective of the Europeans during that time period was to find an all water route to Asia. This was because some land routes were blocked by empires in the middle and land routes were harsh and long. Because of this, merchants were only able to travel part of the route and trade with the "middlemen merchants". These merchants often sold their goods at high prices because they were also not able to buy those at cheap prices. These goods included spices, silk and porcelain from China, cotton from India, and rubber from Southeast Asia. By the time a Chinese product reaches Europe, the price would have exponentially increased, making it logical to just go ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. European Colonization Effects The Europeans colonizing the Americas, Spanish conquistadors taking over South America, fights breaking out among the Spanish and natives. What the Europeans did to the Natives and Africans is unforgivable, and the world had to suffer for their ideas. The Europeans had an overall negative effect with these acts. They murdered the natives, transferred contagious diseases, and caused the downfall of civilizations. This could not stand and the people wanted to fight, but the Europeans remained the dominant civilization. The murder of the natives didn't happen all at once, instead it took a few years. From 1519 to 1521 Cortes tried to take over the Aztec empire. It took about a year and a half for Francisco Pizarro to conquer the Incas. The Europeans had an advantage over the Natives though. They had some things that the Natives didn't. They had cannons and guns. The natives had spears and arrows that you could only use once and then they're gone. The natives had never seen or heard of these things, they just knew they were loud and their people died. The Europeans knew that they had guns, horses, and cannons, but not diseases. Diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza were the cause of millions of native deaths. The natives had no immunity against these diseases and had no idea what they were or where they came from. Their people dropped like flies, and there was no cure or end in sight. To elaborate on the highly contagious diseases that the Europeans transferred ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Impact Of European Colonization On Native Americans The European Colonization of the Americas initiated in 1492 when Spanish explorer and navigator, Christopher Columbus sailed the sea to the New World. Their main motivation was to probe new trade routes, spread Catholicism and earn recognition and stardom for discoveries made similar to the findings that came from the conquest of the Aztecs and Incas. The English then established permanent settlement in the New World and interacted with the indigenous people that were already living there. This was found to have a detrimental effect on the Native Americans because Europeans brought dangerous diseases such as smallpox to the Americas. Also, natives were imperialized, forced to give up their vibrant culture and take up the lifestyle of the Spaniards. Primarily, one of the impacts that came about from the European colonization on Native Americans was the proliferation of disease. In Europe, people commonly lived in filth and bacteria because they didn't pay much attention to the importance of proper hygiene. However, in the Americas, people were isolated from the rest of the world and weren't surrounded by the rubbish that Europeans had incorporated in their livelihood. Also, because the Native Americans were somewhat advanced in medical technology, they didn't have to worry too much about people dying from treacherous diseases. It states, " By contrast, the people of the Americas had spent thousand of years in biological isolation. By the time Columbus had arrived, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. European Colonization In Latin America Latin America is one of the less developed when compared to different parts of the world. The colonization era highly affected Latin American, making Latin America less developed than other countries. Latin America used to be rich in terms of resources, containing an abundance of resources that made these lands valuable for other countries. Among its resources, the lands of Latin America produced gold and silver. In the era of colonization many Europeans colonizers were able to conquer land and make use of them by taking all of the valuable resources. They also had more advantages, making it easier to colonize in Latin America. Latin America fell behind in levels of developments when Europeans colonized Latin America, used force against natives to extract resources and created extractive institutions that led to high inequality in Latin America. The colonization of Europeans in Latin America allowed them to pull . Latin America used to be rich in resources before many European countries inv. These lands produced gold, silver and many other valuable resources that helped European countries developed into richer states. During the invasion of Cajamarca, a powerful Spaniard monarchy led by Pizarro conquered Cajamarca by capturing Atuhuallpa, an Inca emperor that had thousands of soldiers (Diamond,73). As a strategy, he was able to use Atahuallpa captivity as a way to exchange for resources. Natives were willing to get their leader back in exchange for gold, but never realized ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. European Colonization Of The Colonies When Ferdinand Magellan and Isabelle of Castile decided to fund 15–year–old Christopher Columbus for a voyage to find a water route, he ends up failing but in the process finds what is now known as the United States. This interesting turn of events causes the colonization of Europeans coming to the Americas to gain religious freedom, wealth, food, and land. As multiple colonies started to fall, newer colonies began to think about things that would help their colony succeed. Certain colonies have very similar rules and regulations to help the growing colonies succeed while others had different ways of going about the successful path. With all the religious fighting and disagreements happening in England, a small group of Separatist Puritans came to America for religious freedom. Similarities between Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Cincinnati, is that they all came to the Americas to find religious freedom. "Although they grew their own food, the soil was too thin and rocky, the climate was too harsh to be able to produce cash crops" (Sarsourac, 4). Along with not being able to successfully produce cash crops because of the land, it was also very cold there making the winters hard, "These four colonies looked to lumbering, metal working, fishing, and fur trading to grow their economies" (Sarsourac,5). In later years, these four colonies also took up the task of selling slaves to the southern colonies for more power and money. These colonies consisted of ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. European Colonization Of Europeans And Native Americans After Columbus sailed the blue ocean in fourteen hundred ninety–two, the New World encountered catastrophic epidemics from the European conquest. The spread of diseases between Europeans and Native Americans led to a demographic calamity. The earliest explorations from European countries introduced a plethora of diseases; these diseases hindered the Native's population and way of life. Not only early explorations of European countries impacted the indigenous people, but the settlement and encounters with Europeans in the twentieth century did as well. Before Europeans voyaged to the New World, the lands were occupied by Native Americans for thousands of years, but Europeans for centuries regarded themselves as the first to discover the Americas. Relations between the Native Americans and Europeans were often difficult. The Europeans saw the natives as savage heathens to be Christianized, and considered the land unexploited and ripe for colonization. The Italian explorer Christopher Columbus opened the way for European exploration of the New World. During Christopher Columbus's (1451–1506) voyages to the Western Hemisphere, the monarchs of Western European nations sent explorers seeking a faster, more direct passage to Asia. Although these explorers failed in this mission, they helped map out a rich land for Europeans to control and colonize. English exploration was different from Spain, Portugal, and France. The English merchants had a huge role in English exploration ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. European Colonization Events Multiple events in Europe affected colonization of the New World around 1492. Colonization is when a mother country creates settlements in other areas. European states were looking to colonize in order to inherit profit for self–sustainability. Resources and ideas have sparked the interest of many European voyagers. It encouraged them to explore in order to meet the needs and wants of rulers and the people. Also, explorers were searching for innovations that could be made in their country. The Crusades, the growth of commerce, the growth of population, the rise of nations, the Renaissance, and the improvement in sailing technology are events and trends that motivated European exploration. Between the years 1096 and 1270, the Crusades took place. The Crusades was a medieval military expedition. It was made by the Europeans to retrieve the Holy Land from the Muslims. The Europeans failed to recover the Holy Land, however, this only encouraged the desire to explore and expand for traded products in Asia. Additionally, the power of the European nobles started to decline and monarchs started to take over. Monarchs increased their wealth and power by sponsoring overseas explorations. Europe ... Show more content on ... The Renaissance started in Italy and spread throughout other countries in Europe. New techniques in art were found such as the ideas of perspective and three–dimensional sculptures and paintings. Writings from Arabs and from the subjects of mathematics, philosophy, science and geography were reviewed. These many achievements encourages people to explore. Another event that encouraged European exploration was the improvement of sailing technology. The caravel allowed ships to sail in directions opposite to the wind. It made it much easier to travel. Also, ship captains used the astrolabe and the compass as tools that helped show ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Reasons For European Colonization European colonization began in 1492 when a Spanish explorer by the name of Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route but ended up in the new world known as the Americas. The massive territories, countless riches, and experienced native people meant that a claim in the americas could easily bossy a nations wealth, status, and reputation. After this expedition more countries such as the European powerhouses; France, Spain, and Britain began to colonize in the America's. France, Britain, and Spain overall had similar motives when they started to colonize; to spread religion, to obtain wealth, and to increase geopolitical power. France, Spain, and Britain had the same motives gold, glory, and gold by their main focus were different. Spain main motive was economical. Britains motive was for religious freedom and build and empire. The French motive was for trade routes. In 1492 the colonization began for Spain with the arrival of Christopher Columbus to one of the Caribbean island. The Spanish empire were the first to come to the Americas. The Spanish empire wanted to find china to get an cultural exchange but instead they found and unknown land. When they landed the Native American received them with open arms and bearing gifts. !1 The Spanish were seeking gold for the most important reason for their country; and they used every way to get it. The natives were friendly and amazed by how large their ships were, but the Spanish weren't looking for a friendship they wanted gold. The Spanish explorers acted like they were friends with the Native people such a as the Incas and Aztecs, but they wanted everything their way and they would do anything to have it their way. Christopher Columbus had four main voyages and the main motive was to seek gold, they were failed attempts. Explorers as Cabeza de Vaca, Hernan Cortes, Hernando de Soto, and Coronado all went looking for gold and other riches for Spain. The Spanish empire wanted to be ahead of every other country and they believed colonization and finding gold and riches would help ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. European Colonization And Imperialism Throughout history, Europe has been more advanced and developed than much of world Europeans took many voyages to spread their knowledge and gain power in the world. They began to colonize in almost every part of the world, beginning with the Americas. They eventually lost most of their control there and moved on. It soon became all of the west that was colonized in the east, which lead to imperialism. Similar to many other events in history, colonization and imperialism are very polarizing. There were two opposite sides and, like much of history, one side wasn't really considered. The people who lived in the countries being colonized didn't ask the westerners to take control of their country. The native people were mostly opposed to imperialism, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. European Colonization Of North America The colonization and exploration of North America unavoidably lead to contact with the native people of the land. The images created by people like Benjamin West, Thomas Kitchen, and James Wooldridge show the effect that contact had on America. For example, Treaty with the Indians is an oil painting by Benjamin West that depicts the colonists and William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, negotiating a treaty with the American Indians during the late years of British colonization. Benjamin West also painted The Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet Near his Camp at the Forks of Muskingum in North America in November 1764, which shows American Indians transporting English prisoners to Colonel Bouquet, an officer in the British army, during the French and Indian War. Another artist, James Woolridge, painted Indians of Virginia, which illustrates American Indians living on their homestead in 1675 during early British colonization of North America. Thomas Kitchen created A Map of the French Settlements in North America which shows the territories owned by the French a few years before Seven Years War and during the time when British colonization had heightened. European colonists' opinions of citizenship rights and the rightful occupation of North America was heavily influenced by their interactions with the American Indians and their culture through manifested stereotypes and an understood element of European superiority. In the late 1600s, a ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The European Colonization Of Africa The European colonization of Africa, also known as the Scramble for Africa, Partition of Africa, or Conquest of Africa, occurred between the 1870s and 1900s, and was the invasion, occupation, colonization, and annexation of African territory by European powers during a period of New Imperialism. European control of the continent increased from 10 percent (1870) to 90 percent (1914), with only three territories, Saguia el–Hamra, which was later integrated into Spanish Sahara, Ethiopia and Liberia remaining independent of Europe's control. There were many reasons for the European colonization of Africa, including economic and political motives, with the Berlin Conference serving as a catalyst. Africans resisted the European invasions of their lands, with the two main methods of opposition were guerilla warfare and direct military engagement. European influence on Africa still remains today, though these influences are generally negative and hurt Africa's overall development. The imperatives of capitalist industrialization, including the call for guaranteed sources of raw materials, especially copper, cotton, rubber, tea, and tin (European consumers had become accustomed to, and thus depended on these resources), and the search for guaranteed markets and profitable investment outlets, which territories like the gold and diamond– rich Egypt and South Africa provided, caused the European conquest for Africa. Therefore the primary reason for European colonization in Africa was ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. European Colonization Of The Americas European colonization of the Americas should be remembered as a tragedy for the impractical and immoral acts upon Native Americans and slave laborers. The European colonization of the Americas was a series of atrocities committed upon underdeveloped territory by settlers throughout the Americas. Many European countries took part in the advantages of the land to increase economic trade and newly found resources. However, the net result of this colonization for the indigenous who already inhabited these lands was the exploitation of Native Americans and Slaves through forced labor, Christian ideals being forced upon those certainly from different beliefs, and the general theft of land and natural resources. Early settlers founded an excessive amount of land used for farming, however, they did not have the manpower to make full use of it. Due to the high amount of resources and the lack of manpower and wealth, settlers would purchase slaves from the African continent. This established Anglo–Saxon superiority over the African people forcefully living there and encouraged immorality to take place between slave owner and slave. Not only was this unjust, it contributed to the tragedy of European settlements in the Americas. European settlements allowing slavery, was a threat towards equality and freedom for all, proven through "...we shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them..." (Requerimiento). Innocent ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. European Nations And The Colonization Of Africa As we know so far, Africa has a long history of being faced with Conquest, Colonization, and Military Invasions from Europe since the early 1970's and up to the 1900's. Many were standing against the idea of being captured or colonized by these Europeans leaders and countries. The only two countries that have not been touched or colonized by Europe is Ethiopia and Liberia, unfortunately (Fortunately). Most of the Africa's countries has been touched by European conquerors. There are three main factors why European nations have decided to go into Africa. The first is the political factor, the second one is the economic factor, and of course the social factor. After the days when there were slave trades and all those horrific events, today European countries are looking forward for raw materials for profitable markets. There were seven main countries that were fighting among each other for the conquest of Africa. Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain. The social factor was one of the top three reasons of colonization because when the industrialization came to Europe, people were not ready. This led to a high unemployment level, homelessness. The solution that came into mind was to create new colonies and export the population to these new areas. This is a reason that led to the colonization of Africa. This was one prospective of the European Colonization on Africa, but there is also a second side to it, that shows that the colonization process of the ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Summary: European Colonization Of America Annie Shippee James Price History of the Americas September 8, 2015 Major Motivations of the English in Colonizing the "New World" economic and political values were apart of the English motives for migrating to the new world, however religious reasons were the dominating factor. There was a conflict in England between James I and Charles I that ignited a Civil War that lasted for 7 years. During this warring period it drove many people out which lead to inflation and poverty("European Colonization of the Americas."). People heard of the riches and economic potential that was found in America, thus causing them to migrate in hopes that they too would find such wealth. There were wide open fields that would be perfect for farming, tobacco quickly became the cash crop of the New World. The coast was also great for fishing and provided exports of cod and many other fish back to the home land ("Reasons For English Immigration To the North American Colonies."). ... Show more content on ... They made claims about how much better it is in America, the following quotes are pulled from A Breif and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, written by Thomas Hariot, "the timber being great, tal, streight, soft, light, & yet tough enough" the man was bragging about the trees and wood of the area. Another example "a great veine of hard ragge stones, which I thought good to remember vnto you" in this quote he is saying that there is an abundance of resources. The people who migrated to the New Found Land of Virginia were proud of their land and wanted to show it off ("Reasons For English Immigration To the North American Colonies." ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. The Consequences Of The European Colonization Of Native... European Colonization was rapidly expanded after Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer arrived in the Americas. The start of the Colonization is dated to 1492. The European Colonization of the Americas was a tragedy because, the Native Americans were living a peaceful life and the arrival of Europeans has led to the devastation of indigenous communities through diseases, violence and dispossession. The most harmful consequences of the European Settlement to the Native Americans was the transfer of diseases. Europeans brought diseases such as small pox, measles and influenza. This had destructive consequences for native Americans who could not fight these diseases as they did not possess immunity. They had no time to recover from these epidemic diseases and started dying quickly. Small pox spread from tribe to tribe along the trade routes. Thus, within a century, diseases have reduced indigenous populations by as much as 95% making matters worse. "The Epidemic took years to exhaust itself and may have killed 90% of the people in coastal New England. This made a huge difference to American History." (Mann, 1491) The drastic death of so many Native Americans decimated the supply of labors who were working under the Europeans in the Americas. One of the reasons for death was that most Native Americans were not experienced for many bacterial diseases so, they had little or no knowledge on how to combat them. The practice where family and friends gathered with the shaman at ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. European Expansion And Colonization The motives for the Europeans for expansion and colonization in the new word was a new way of life and exploration. The search for new things and ocean travel was intriguing to the Europeans. Though the conditions in Europe were changing the Europeans thought that they could find better things overseas. The Europeans expanded their capabilities for growth and colonization. The biggest resistance of the Europeans was the Indians. The Indians did not like the thought of foreigners taking over their land and crops. The Indians often battled with the Europeans killing them before they could take over. Maryland was used as a retreat for English Catholics. The Indians in Maryland were more worried about the other tribes that surrounded the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Consequences Of European Colonization During the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Europeans started to make their way to the new world, they discovered a society that was strikingly different to their own. In the late 1800's, the rare Native Americans that were left in the United States were practically extinguished. Many diverse things contributed to their near–extinction, some were considered intentional and some unintentional. Some tribes made the decision to go willingly, and some decided to fight to their death but in the end, it was confirmed that Native Americans and settlers could not live together in amity, and the Native Americans were the ones at harm. The integration of European colonization ultimately led to the demise of the various Native American ... Show more content on ... Beginning in the late fifteenth century, explorers, conquerors, missionaries, merchants, and adventurers sought to claim new lands to colonize. It was only a matter of time before imperial rivals butted heads over land possession and trade routes." There are countless reasons that the Native Americans and European Colonists did not have a decent relationship. One of the reasons for conflict between Colonist and Indians was owed to the Colonists insatiable gluttony for power and for land. Some of the reasons not only included physical exploitation but also an ethical maltreatment of the Native Americans. European Colonists not only brought many distinct diseases that would serve as a future aid in the genocide of several Native American tribes, but also an outlook in which they swore they were superior to their Native foreigners. This feeling of superiority eventually led to an eruption of violence and lots of different civil wars. Due to the Colonists and the Native Americans' irreconcilable differences, countless casualties were ached by both parties leading to continuous wars and the displacement of several Indian tribes. The Native Americans weren't only shot down by the Europeans but by the Spanish as well. The Spanish Empire was one of the largest empires in history. It reached the peak of its military, political and economic power under the Spanish Habsburg, through most of the 16th and 17th centuries. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Lasting Effects of European Colonization on Native... Effects of Colonisation on North American Indians Since the Europeans set foot on North American soil in 1620,they have had a devastating effect on the native population. I will be discussing the long term effect of North American colonisation on the Native Americans, focusing on such issues as employment opportunities, the environment, culture and traditions, health, as well as social justice. I will begin with the important issue of employment opportunities. The unemployment rate for Native Americans is a staggering 49%. The following reasons state why the unemployment rate is so high. To start with, Native Americans have been portrayed by the media (such as movies) as primitive and hostile when in fact it is quite the ... Show more content on ... This inability to interact with the surrounding environment forced Native Americans to rely more heavily on western culture. Soon after the Europeans arrived, the natives were aggressively encouraged to follow European beliefs and culture. Native Americans were forced into this new religious belief system and it forever changed their cultural identity. Native Americans frequently used many locations as a sacred place, where they performed many culturally significant rituals. Since European settlement, these locations have been taken over and the indigenous people forcibly relocated or even been destroyed. For example, the Black Hills, a mountain range in Dakota, was once home to tribes of Native Americans. Once gold was discovered there, the tribes were removed, and relocated to a wasteland where it was almost impossible to sustain normal life and many died as a result. In the late nineteenth century, the effort to ‘civilize” native Americans entailed removing children from their families and placing them in boarding schools where they were forced to adopt European culture. They were forbidden to speak their traditional language and were forced to abandon their religious beliefs in favour of Christianity. Although Native American culture has been partially ruined, there are still people that are trying to resurrect that culture by reliving past traditions. An example is a man who has released numerous amounts of buffalo into an Oklahoman reservation. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Colonization Of Europeans Into The North America The time period between the 1600s and 1700s was a time of a major change in the land of the New World. The colonization of Europeans into the North America had considerable impacts on the Native American lives. European empire at the time, such as the French, England and Spanish empires, often fought against each other for power and control. After the European tried to colonized, the Native American suddenly found themselves dealing with European power politics. The arrival of Europeans into the New World meant new political relationships for both the European and the Native Americans. Each side had thing to gain and loss in this kind of relationship, especially military alliances and new trade goods. European power politics and rivalries were a major factor in the development of European and Native American relations because they created relationships of mutually beneficial relationships of trade and alliances. During the early period of colonizing, the European colonists were facing many dangerous obstacles. The European colonists were not adept at farming in the North America soil and climate with the lacked of skills for surviving in unfamiliar territory . They were fragile and faced great threat of diseases and the lack of food supply. As a result, these European colonists sought out alliances with various native tribes for protection and help them stabilized their own colony. A good example of this was the colony of south eastern Massachusetts during the period of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. European Colonization Of Africa Before the 18,00's not much was known about Africa due to the many diseases and land boundaries that prevented exploration. This was all changed however when a man named David Livingstone opened the eyes of all Europeans. With this newfound knowledge many countries were coming to Africa mostly due to economical reasons. This is because many countries saw Africa as a wonderful place for trade and to gain resources. The Jungles in Africa offered rare wood and rubber. Africa also hosted wonderful for trading. With all these resources Europeans would be able to build their economical empire and have more power in general. The economical resources Africa Held is why many European countries started their bid for land in Africa. Many European countries ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Native American And European Colonization Mary Mediatrix Ortiz Dr. Seekatz HIST17A 9 November 2017 TITLE There were initially two to ten million natives in the United States prior to European contact. Those numbers dwindled down drastically in the years that Europeans came and started colonizing. The Europeans came to explore the New World in search of land, spices, gold, God and glory. Among these colonists were the Spanish who colonized most of the southwest of the United States. Evidence of their settlements can still be seen today in the missions scattered across the land. These missions were started with the purpose of converting the Native Americans to Christianity. Try to put yourself into the shoes of the Native Americans, imagine living your entire life with a particular set of beliefs, based on what was handed down by your ancestors and culture. Then suddenly a group of foreigners would come and proclaim that your views are all wrong and that you must follow their beliefs for the salvation of your soul. This is exactly what the Spanish colonizers did to the Native Americans as they invaded their territory which is the reason why the relationship between the two parties were strained and rife with tension. The conversion of the Natives and the constant hostility by the Spanish conquerors subsequently led to the disintegration of native life and culture. Spain's initial contact with the Americas began when Christopher Columbus landed in Hispaniola (present day Haiti and Dominican Republic) and sparked a ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The European Colonization Of America Violence was an inevitable consequence of the European colonization of the Americas. This is obvious when the different factors are considered. First, Europeans had no interest in a long term peaceful solution. Second, the meeting of two isolated societies always includes dangerous problems. And third, the New World had limited resources. The colonization of the New World was not a nice affair. Most colonists had little interest in the plight of the natives and even those who did were mostly motivated by religious ideals. Once natives, came under the power of European colonists they were often used as forced labor and pressured to convert to Christianity. Even the friendliest colonists still had self–interest to consider and cooperated with ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. European Colonization Of Native Americans European diseases were responsible for the deaths of more than half of the Incan empire and for the passing of as much as ninety percent of the natives of coastal New England (Mann, "1491"). Such a reduction of the strength and numbers of American Indian civilization was a considerable promoting factor in European conquest of and colonization of the Americas. If Native Americans had been capable of exhibiting a more formidable immunological response to European pathogens, colonization of the Americas would have followed a vastly different path, leading to tremendous differences in the development of the New World and the Old World and their mutual relationship. If European disease had not affected Native Americans, the native populations of the New World would have been able to create a much more successful military resistance to foreign invaders. An utterly decimated Native American population was unable to oppose a superior European force, a force that was not beleaguered by susceptibility to the very diseases that destroyed Native American populations. Many researchers have tried to estimate the population of pre–Columbian America. Historian Dr. Henry F. Dobyns has suggested that the native population reached levels as far as 112 million in 1491 before Columbus's arrival. This number plummeted to less than 6 million by 1650, largely as a result of exposure to wave after wave of European diseases, which proved to be extremely effective at terrorizing the native population ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Pros And Cons Of European Colonization The age of exploration and European colonization should be considered a tragedy. Obviously, there are positives and negatives to any situation. However, during this time period there were more tragic circumstances. It was a tragedy because so many innocent people died, in Jamestown, the columbian exchange, and from being slaves. Many people died in Jamestown. The people of Jamestown could not go back to England. "This was the time, which still to this day we called the starving time; it were too vile to say, and scarce to be beleeved, what we endured'' (The starving time a Jamestown colonist account 1624) During the winter of 1609–1610 hundreds of people died from starvation and diseases. At the end of the winter only 60 remained alive. The area where Jamestown land was swampy, the soil was sandy, and there were many mosquitoes. The mosquitos carried deadly diseases like malaria. The diseases were also a cause of death in ... Show more content on ... The Europeans brought people from Africa to the Americas to work for wealthy people. They brought people from Africa because they knew that they could not run away. The people they brought from Africa were slaves. They were captured and shipped to the Americas. Some people from England volunteered to came to the Americas to work because they were promised land when they were done their service. People from England went to America because there life in England was horrible and they were promised land after a few years of work. "I am an indentured servants without rights. I am virtually a slave for seven years. I must do everything they tell me. They beat me; they starve me.'' (letter, indentured servants 1618). The indentured servants did not realize how horrible they would be treated. For some, they may have chosen to stay in England if they knew the truth about what their life would be like. Indentured servants and slave did not have any rights. They could be even beat to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The European Colonization Of Africa Around the year 1897 Edward Morel noticed something that would change the way the modern world viewed the colonization of Africa and the supposed "humanitarian" work there forever (Hochschild 1). Morel worked for an English shipping company that was responsible for cargo going between the Congo Free State and Belgium. What Morel noticed was that ships from Africa were filled with rich, exotic goods like rubber and ivory, but the ships headed to Africa from Belgium were filled with military members and various firearms and ammunition (Hochschild 2). Morel made the conclusion that the cause of this odd "trade" between Europe and Africa was slave labor. European colonization of Africa was a slow, arduous process resulting in the deaths of ... Show more content on ... Soon, with the invention of the tire, rubber became a hot commodity. Fortunately for King Leopold, the Congo Free State had an abundance of rubber as well, and thus Leopold even further invested in Africa, creating roads and railways to transport goods past the treacherous African landscape (CITATION). Fast forward to the years 1890–1910, when Leopold's sole focus was on the Congo Free State, the rich cargo being exported out of the colony, and convincing the Western world that the work being done in Africa was for the health and wealth of Africans. In fact, Africans, many who lived in peaceful civilizations, were subject to forced labor and horrible atrocities. Soldiers infiltrated the Congo Free State, often stealing the Africans' food, goods, and committing mass killings (Hochschild 229). The colonization of Africa was not a peaceful one, as Stanley stated "combat was always part of exploring" (Hochschild 49). Whereas Europeans had the latest rifles and even elephant guns, Africans were armored with primitive spears and bows and arrows. Before infrastructure had been established, porters were used to carry steamboat pieces, provisions, and sometimes ivory. These porters were often starved and worked to death, as Edmond Picard, a Belgian senator, described when he visited the Congo in 1896: Unceasingly we meet these porters... black, miserable... most of them sickly, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Religious Reasons For European Colonization The two things that prompted Europe towards exploration and later on colonization was religious conflicts and trade. An example of how religious conflicts prompted Europe towards exploration was the Spanish victory against the Moors. During the 18th century, the Moors, Islamic invaders from North Africa, began to conquer Spain. But throughout the next centuries, Spanish Christians started to reconquer these lands and as a result, they began to organize new independent kingdoms. This religious conflict helped to unite Isabella and Ferdinand. As a result, this unification created a new leadership and power which allowed them to launch Columbus's voyage. Another religious conflict that prompted European exploration and colonization was the Protestant revolt in Northern Europe which is also known as the Protestant Reformation. This revolt which took place in the early 1500s was when Northern European countries revolted against the Pope's authority which eventually resulted in religious wars. This conflict inspired Catholics and Protestants to explore the Americas, Asia, and Africa to spread their own version of Christianity. Another factor that prompted exploration was trade. Trade prompted exploration because since the land route to Asia had been captured by the Ottoman Turks, European kingdoms could no longer use it and had to search for new routes for trade. As a result, these kingdoms began to look for new trade routes by exploring through the ocean. In hopes of finding a ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. European Colonization And Colonialism And Its Impact On... Throughout history, colonization has affected many societies. European colonization and colonialism greatly impacted the Canadian First Nations' style of living. Alfred (2009) described European colonization as "the invasion and eventual domination of North America by European empires" (p. 45). However, colonialism is more complex. Alfred (2009) inferred that European colonialism was "the development of institutions and policies by European imperial and Euroamerican settler governments towards Indigenous peoples" (p. 45). This term describes the imbalanced relationship between the Europeans and the Indigenous. This relationship created long– lasting impacts for the Indigenous and created implications for social workers who help Indigenous peoples today. European contact and colonialism created both immediate and long–term impacts on Canadian First Nation peoples. The Europeans introduced commercial trade, creating capitalism and transforming the Indigenous political economy. The European imposition of capitalism forced Indigenous peoples to shift away from their traditional subsistence economy, creating four immediate effects: first, a disruption of their traditional pattern of economic life and a creation of economic dependency; second, a loss of their self–sufficient lifestyle; third, damage to the natural environment and animals; and fourth, poverty. European colonization impacted and continues to affect many aspects of Indigenous life. European colonialism transformed ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. European Colonization In Europeans Essay #1: Christopher Columbus had been sailing for years learning the different patterns of the ocean, the way the wind moved and the current of the ocean. Christopher had thought that finding a shorter route to Asia would help the trade in European colonization's. He began to seek for financial support and eventually he set sailed. In Europe, they believed that trade was how to make them wealthier, and to gain power in their nations. When Europe and Asia traded goods, there was other countries in the way blocking direct trade between them. This wasn't the only reason why Europeans began exploring, a period of time the Europeans lived through the renaissances. They wanted to know how the world worked and what was out there. When the Europeans arrived in the "new world" they all tried to colonize it differently. "The French worked out a complex series of military, commercial, and diplomatic connections, the most enduring alliances between Indians and settlers in colonial North America. They neither appropriated substantial amounts of Indian land, like the English, nor conquered native inhabit­ants militarily and set them to forced labor, like the Spanish." (Foner, 32) In the quote above it shows how when the Europeans came to the "new land" they wanted to control the Indians as if they were there first, they didn't care about the Indians. The Spanish Europeans treated the Indians as if they were their slaves and had them do labor for them. They made them mine for gold and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. European Colonization Effects In the past, European countries came to the Americas looking to build their empire and gain power. They were competing to be the most powerful country and improve their economic lives. In the drive to be the most powerful European country, they started colonizing the Americas. The effects of colonization were reflected in different groups of people. Some effects were bad and some ere good. There are different perspectives about colonization. Some people think that the colonization was a great event that happened to the Americans and Europeans. However, as Murrin's article states and in my opinion the European colonies in the Americas were not completely positive development and affected them in various ways. Colonization was almost a ... Show more content on ... 70.) "England established its first permanent colony on the Atlantic seaboard of North America at Jamestown in 1607." (Early American Slavery in the Colonies..., 2007) Colonists were looking for people to work on their farms. It emerged in Virginia and some British colonies; they desired a labor force that could operate the agricultural demands, tobacco at that time. Those servants could complete their term, be freed and own some land. In 1619, African slavery was introduced into the British colonies by the Dutch. African immigrants did not come voluntarily. Slaves suffered a lot with the creation of colonies because they were similar to servants, but they did not receive a payment and they did not have "freedom dues";their term would never end and they could not own land. Colonists also forced the slaves to become Christians even though that did not change their status. They threatened their liberty. African Slaves were treated with racism. Another of the groups that suffered the colonization era were the Indians. "The settlers arrived on the East Coast of North America." (Learning English, 2012.) When colonists arrived in the Americas, they thought about the Indians as an inferior race. As Columbus states in his journal, "They should be good and intelligent servants, for I see that they say very quickly ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Impacts Of European Colonization The Impacts of European Colonization The Impacts of European Colonization Jarrett Levins Dr. Seela Aladuwaka Instructor Geography 206.03 Introduction Cambodia holds an affluent and alluring history. Throughout this paper the writer will discuss different topics impacting Cambodia's history, positive and negative impact of colonization, economic, political, cultural and social legacies, and to answer if western countries or colonizer are responsible to help solve some of the lasting problems of colonization. History The Stone Age introduced early humans in Cambodia to hunting and gathering food around 2,300 BC. The Me Kong River delta in located in South Vietnam, history records as the first known developed ... Show more content on ... Some positive impacts are, Education is free and compulsory for six years of primary school; Health care has shown improvement in last decade; agriculture has improved the economics; and Cambodia's tourism industry is developing. Some negatives impacts are, The Khmer Rouge control, roughly Eighty–percent of the people live in rural areas; lack trained medical personnel, facilities and medical supplies, a weaken economy, approximately ninety–percent of the population adherents of Buddhism and various other religion and ethnic minorities were targets of genocide for western influences; discrimination practices, and decline of conflict caused significant damage to Cambodia's economy (Aliprandini). Donovan (1993) in 1975, the Khmer Rouge destroyed the Cambodian legal system. Legislators, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and law professors were killed or forced to flee the country. Law books were destroyed and the buildings that had housed to courts and the law schools were converted to other uses. The situation has improved slightly since then. The Cambodians have suffered and endured decades of control under a dictatorship form of government that prohibited currency, marriage, and religious beliefs. The Cambodians have endured murder of its people and military soldiers, warring countries and the demolishing of cities and villages, resulting in the mental and physical decomposition of the of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Age Of Exploration And European Colonization The Age of Exploration and European Colonization should be considered a tragedy because of the ways slaves were treated that affected their life in many different ways as shown by the African slaves lacking basic rights, the harsh treatment of the slaves, and the slaves were removed from their homelands. The first reason that shows the Age of Exploration and European Colonization should be considered a tragedy is African slaves lacked basic rights, including freedom. These slaves had many strict rules and could barely get away with any for they were always being watched. Doing work was their first and their only priority. If slaves did anything but work it could lead to death or a serious beating. As for kids, they had to listen to ... Show more content on ... They were captured and had no idea what was going on. They feared being disobedient because they knew they would get a harsh treatment. This quote gives you a sense of what a slave had to go through if they were not obeying the one in charge, "multitude of black people of every description chained together." "I was immediately handled, and tossed up, to see if I were sound, by some of the crew; one of them held me fast by the hands, and laid me across, I think, the windlass, and tied my feet, while the other flogged me severely." "hourly whipped for not eating." ("Boarding a Slave– Ship" They would be tourchured for doing things like, "Resisting slavery, not working hard enough, talking too much or using their native language, stealing from his master, murdering a white man, trying to run away" (Heather Wheeler) The final reason as to why the Age of Exploration and European Colonization should be considered a tragedy is Africans slaves were removed from their homelands. They were kidnapped and taken away from their homelands to be sold to take care of people's property, and the were ripped away from their families. As the rich Europeans were forming their colonies they utilized slaves to build their plantations and tend to their crops. This quote shows that it wasn't just the adults who were taken away from their homeland it was kids too, "poor English children or adults kidnapped by ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. European Colonization Of Africa Most Europeans had the perception that people from the African continent were inferior. This is because they thought that their traditions were backward and lacked civilization. They used this notion as a justification for subjecting the African people to slavery. However, this is not the case since civilization is said to have originated from Africa. The most organized and advanced people in terms of technology are said to be the Africans even before the European slavers discovered Africa (Chivallon and Alou, 2011). Egypt had tremendous accomplishments in mathematics, science, arts, and medicine even before the transatlantic trade. Civilization in this country had lasted for over two thousand years prior to the development of Rome. On ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. European Colonization Of The Americas European colonization of the Americas began as early as the 10th century. Extensive European colonization began in 1492, when a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but inadvertently landed in what came to be known to Europeans as the "New World". Europeans acquired the magnetic compass, which allowed mariners to determine direction even when out of sight of land. When the new world was discovered, "The Columbian Exchanged" was born. Many goods such as clothes, food and animals were exchanged. Sadly so were negatives things such as diseases. Eventually cures were found though. The Protestant Reformation was initially created to reset the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. There was immense corruption in the Catholic Church at this time. Spaniards located sources of mineral wealth while enslaving local Indians for labor. Eventually, this had lead to Spain's failure and resulted in a time of "rapid inflation and popular unrest". Jamestown was the first settlement of the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and served as capital of Virginia until 1699, when the seat of government was moved to Williamsburg. French colonization of the New World began in the sixteenth century and continues until the eighteenth century. During the development of the New England colonies there was much conflict between various religious groups and due to the peaceful views of the Quakers there was much ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Manifest Destiny : The European Beliefs Of The... The first foreign inhabitants of North America were originally from Spain and France, later came the English. Whether their motives for inhabiting Northern America were for political, social, or religious reason, they all encountered a blockade to their expansion, the Natives of North America. These Native Americans, although man had prophesied the arrival of the pale skins, were put in a tense situation with these newcomers from across the Atlantic Ocean. They were forced to change their way of living and had no choice but to try and accommodate, so as to appease the European settlers. The settlers however, mostly saw no reason to understand the culture and ways of the Native Americans. Instead, they converted these peoples' religions, colonized their homeland, and violently suppressed any resistance to it all. The reason? One could argue that it was for "the advancement" of mankind, but the reality is that these white settlers could not bear to understand anything that was foreign to them. They judged these Natives based on the color of their skin and their culture, because it was different from what the Europeans had ever seen, and was therefore "savage". Manifest Destiny is what European settlers used to justify their expansion West. John Gast, a painter in the late 1800s, created a piece titled, the "American Progress". It depicts an angelic woman, carrying telegraph wires and leading white settlers to the West. The Natives, as well as the wildlife (symbolic of nature) ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Advantage Of European Colonization European Colonization Historians often question why Europe had such an advantage over the three existing worlds during the 16th and 17th century. Europe managed to take over the New World–even though they were greatly out–numbered by the native people–due to the fact that Europeans were at both a material and cultural advantage. Europeans took command over the New World because their technology was superior to that of the Native people, they were more organized politically speaking, and they had a capitalist attitude toward the New World. Around 13,000 years ago there was a piece of frozen ice that stretched between Russia and Alaska, known as the Bering Strait Land Bridge. Between 12,000 and 5,000 years ago Asians migrated across the Bering Strait and down the west coast, following herds of animals and spreading across the Americas. This land bridge was below sea level and became covered by water due to the fact that the sea level rose, sealing off the people living in the Americas from the rest of the world. Although Native Americans were not as technologically advanced as the Europeans, the Natives were in a sense ahead of their time. They had scientists, accurate ... Show more content on ... This made the epidemic much worse for the Natives since they had never seen a disease like this before. "Large bumps spread on people; some were entirely covered. They spreads everywhere, on the face, the head, the chest etc. [The disease] brought great desolation; a great many died of it. They could no longer walk about... unable to change position, to stretch out on their sides or face down, or raise their heads. And when they made a motion they called out loudly... very many people died of them, and many just starved to death; starvation reigned, and no one took care of others any longer." (De ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. A Summary Of The European Colonization In the year following Christopher Columbus's "discovery" of America, European powers began to turn their attention to the prospect of colonizing the newly discovered land. With the discovered land seemingly expanding with each new exploration, the possibilities for expansion both territorially and religiously were extremely appealing to these countries and in time they made their way across the sea and established their colonies each with their own style or rule which revealed its efficiency in time (Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty!, 19). The European move to colonize began with a major world trading force, the Chinese, stepping out of the way. With their initial motivation being a demonstration of power, their large ships and sailing experience gave them every opportunity to take the lead. However without a real desire to expand and colonize they stepped aside (Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty!, 15). Portugal and Spain became the next major players in the game of colonization. Portugal being the farthest country on the Iberian Peninsula needed a way to be included in the trade with Asia, prompting them to create bigger and faster boats to take them down the African coast (Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty!, 15). Their creation of new technologies and colonization of the Africa paved the way for them to establish trade routes with the new world (Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty!, 17). Unfortunately, Portugal was not able to economically or politically back any expeditions to the new world which ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Native Americans And Africans In The European And Spanish... The Calamity of Native Americans and Africans in the European and Spanish Colonization The European Colonization of the Americas is described as the foundation and settlement of the Americas by different European powers. Although the European Colonization of the Americas can be portrayed as a success. Nevertheless, it is a calamity because many Native Americans were tortured or killed with military force, and African individuals were enslaved and killed to create a "new world". Not only did the colonist kill Native Indians and Africans, but also took their freedom and religion away. When the Spanish colonist landed on the shore of the Americas, military force was used to conquer and establish land. Bartolomé de las Casas, a Spanish missionary and historian, advocated and exposed the cruelty against Native Americans. Las Casas' main goal was to persuade the Spanish to stop the torture of indigenous people. In the document, A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, Las Casas' explains, " Those that arriv'd at these Islands from the remotest parts of Spain, and who pride themselves in the Name of Christians, steer'd Two courses principally, in order to the Exptirpation, and Exterminting of this People from the face of the Earth"(A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies). Just like African individuals, Native Indians were also enslaved and forced to work. Many Indians were forced to carry army gear and supplies as stated by Horowitz, "bound Indians in ... Get more on ...