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Essays On Politics
Crafting an essay on the subject of politics is a task that involves navigating a complex and
multifaceted landscape. Politics, by its very nature, is a dynamic and evolving field, making it
challenging to capture its essence in a single piece of writing. The difficulty lies not only in the
diversity of political ideologies, theories, and movements but also in the ever-changing
geopolitical landscape.
To begin with, one must grapple with the sheer breadth of topics encompassed by the umbrella
term "politics." Whether delving into the intricacies of political theory, analyzing historical
political events, or dissecting contemporary political issues, the writer is confronted with a vast
array of information. Staying abreast of current events, understanding the nuances of different
political systems, and critically evaluating the impact of policies require a deep and
comprehensive knowledge base.
Moreover, the inherently subjective nature of political discourse adds another layer of
complexity. Opinions on political matters can be highly polarized, and constructing an essay that
balances objectivity with the expression of one's perspective can be a delicate dance. The writer
must navigate through a sea of conflicting viewpoints, providing a nuanced analysis that
acknowledges the diversity of thought in the realm of politics.
Additionally, the constant evolution of political landscapes poses a challenge. What may be
relevant and significant today could become obsolete or undergo a drastic transformation in the
near future. This necessitates not only an understanding of historical context but also an ability
to anticipate potential shifts in the political paradigm.
Furthermore, the responsibility to communicate complex political concepts in a clear and
accessible manner adds another layer of difficulty. Striking the right balance between depth of
analysis and readability is essential to engage the reader and effectively convey the intended
In conclusion, writing an essay on politics demands more than just eloquence and grammatical
prowess. It requires a deep understanding of political theory, a keen awareness of current events,
and the ability to navigate the intricacies of subjective perspectives. Crafting an insightful and
thought-provoking piece on politics is indeed a challenging endeavor, but it is through this
challenge that one can contribute to a better understanding of the world we live in.
For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of political essays or any other
academic endeavors, similar essays and much more can be ordered on
Essays On Politics Essays On Politics
St. Augustine s Theory Of Evil
Saint Augustine struggled with the concept of evil in the natural world while
simultaneously converting to Christianity, much to his mother s delight. Augustine
began by looking for sound arguments against the Manichean school of thought,
which he prescribed to for a short while himself. The Neo Platonic philosophy
eventually showed him the intellectual way toward this goal when Ambrose, the
bishop of Milan, began to apply this philosophical viewpoint to Christianity. In the
end, Augustine created a completely new Christian view of evil, a view that inspired
theologians for centuries to come.
To begin, Manichean thought saw evil as a substance. A Manichean believed in the
duality of substances in the world. In other words, evil was a substance equal yet
opposite to the substance of good. While Augustine originally agreed with this school
of thought, he eventually found this philosophy to be inept in its explanations of the
world. But it was principally the idea of the two masses of good and evil that held me
fast and stifled me, for I was unable to conceive of any but material realities. This left
the door open for Augustine to find inspiration from different sources.
Neo Platonism enters the scene as one of his mother s religious heroes, St. Ambrose,
explains a new interpretation of Christian scripture. This new philosophical thought
understood everything in the natural world to stem from The One , or a single
source also referred to as The Good . As Augustine
Chan Yan-Tak Essay
Chan Yan Tak
Chan Yan tak is a Chinese chef, he is best known for being the first Chinese chef to
earn three Michelin stars. Working in Restaurants since his early teens, he earned his
stars working at the Lung King Heen restaurant which is situated in the Four Seasons
Hotel in Hong Kong after they convinced him to come out of retirement and come
back to working in the kitchen.
Chan Yan Tak began working in kitchens at the age of either 13 or 14 at the Dai Sam
Yuen restaurant. He had no intentions of becoming a chefand only took up the job
because his family was in need of the money. Because of his young age he was
forbidden to use a knife and was used for tasks such as plucking chickens and
washing vegetables. In truth his career as a chef only started in the 1970s when he
worked in a number of restaurants such as Fook Lam Moon. In 1984 he became the
sous chef at the Regent hotel Hong Kong and then advanced to executive chef just
one year later, he continued to work there for 15 years.
After the Death of his wife Yak Tak retired in order to care for his daughter but the
Four ... Show more content on ...
Regional variations tend to show a mutual relationship to neighbouring. Northern
Thai cuisine shares dishes with northern Laos, Shan State in Burma, and also with the
Chinese Yunnan Province, however the north eastern cuisine of Isan is similar to the
southern Laos and is influenced by southern Khmer of Cambodia and eastern
Vietnam. Southern Thailand, uses fresh turmeric and coconut milk in large amounts
which is very similar to cuisines in Malasia and Indonesia. On top of the four
regional cuisines, there is also the Thai Royal Cuisine which can trace its history back
to the cosmopolitan palace cuisine of the Ayutthaya kingdom (1351 1767 CE). The
Thai Royal Cuisine was greatly influenced by the presentation, refinement and
cooking techniques of the Central Thai Plains, it also shares the same
Military Generals And General Douglas Macarthur
In United States history, there is a long list of premiere military Generals and
General Douglas MacArthur was on top. Even as professors and historians scrutinize
his failures, MacArthur has not only preserved his reputation, but also maintained
one. General Arthur MacArthur, Douglas father, famously told him, there are times
when a truly remarkable solider must resort to unorthodox behavior, disobeying his
superiors to gain the greater glory (American Caesar). Douglas took his father s
advice to heart and many times entrenched his prominence on disobeying direct
orders. However, by defying orders it made MacArthur a famous, but controversial
figure. His defiance proceeded him during his enrollment at West Point, one of the
best... Show more content on ...
Therefore, he gave the names of cadets who had already confessed or pleaded
guilty and declined to identify the names ordered of him. This demonstrated the
insubordination of his defiant nature which would later bring him up through the
ranks and achieve fame. Weeks later MacArthur would grab the attention again by
defying the orders of a lieutenant, his math teacher. MacArthur fell ill often, missing
tests. Usually, students will go under a special program called goats to receive
special testing. Douglas made this list but his scores on the regular tests were so
high that he already had a passing grade and went to see the instructor. There he
threatened to resign from West Point stating, I know it is an order but it is an
unreasonable one. If my name is not removed from that list by nine o clock
tomorrow morning I will resign. Normally, the cadet would be punished or expelled
for threatening the instructor, but MacArthur had a strong political and military
background as his father received the Medal of Honor on multiple occasions, also
reaching the rank of General, and his grandfather acted as a judge of the Supreme
Court. Because of his families successful background MacArthur showed much
promise with his intellect and the instructor removed his name. MacArthur had a very
successful career in West Point as he later went on to receive the highest rank
available to him, First Captain. Since Macarthur flirted with rules and often
contravene direct
The Mood Disorder And Anxiety Disorder
Throughout our culture we often see people who do not fall under regular norms.
These people can sometimes be defined as abnormal or unusual. Sometimes these
abnormal behaviors can be caused by psychological issues in the mind, rather than
extrinsic forces. These issues are not always easy to detect, but can range from
things as simple as stress and anxiety to disorders such as dissociative disorder. A
huge category of disorders is called the mood disorder. This paper will delve in to
the mood disorder, particularly bipolar disorder, how it is diagnosed, how it
develops, and what it is like to have this disorder. Moods are a common part of
everyday life. They fluctuate every second of the day. It is normal to be happy,
depressed, content, or even excited depending on the events that happen in your
day, and how you perceive these events. A mood disorder is recognized when
moods become impairing and hard to cope with (Parker et al, 2012, p.419). People
have extreme swings from extreme happiness to sadness. These moods cannot be
controlled, causing them to react inappropriately to events that are happening in
their lives. Mood disorders can cause a person to be unstable in certain aspects of
their lives, causing a disruption in a person s daily activities. One of the major
disorders that emerge from a mood disorder is bipolar disorder. Basically anyone can
develop this disorder. No matter what gender, age, race, or culture a person has an
equal chance of acquiring bipolar
Canadian Television Identity
A recurring theme throughout Canadian television studies is identifying the
relationship between television and national identity. There is a political ideology
that suggests support of national culture is crucial to the existence and well being of
the nation (Matheson, 2015). There is often assumed a linkage between cultureand a
sense of national belonging and citizenship throughout Canadian televisionseries as a
way to influence cultural nationalism. Within the Canadian competitive cooking
game show MasterChef Canada, Canadian paradigms of ethnicity and national
identity are created through the challenges and responsibilities participants are asked
to perform during the series. Canadian programming, local reflection and patriotism
all work... Show more content on ...
Nationalism is based on groups of persons sharing a similarity of culture (Ebanda
de B beri Middlebrook, 28). This analysis focuses on the shows procedures that
attempt to render the manufacturing of Canadian identity. MasterChef Canada
articulates to an essentially urban identity manufactured to represent all Canadians,
locally and globally. It represents a version of Canadian identity that generates both
affective feelings of regional belonging and a global sense of identification.
MasterChef Canada, a Canadian television show provided by the CTV Television
Network is a Canadian competitive cooking game show, part of the Masterchef
franchise. The series revolved around amateur chefs competing to become the best
home cook in Canada through challenges issued by judges Claudio Aprile, Michael
Bonacini and Alvin Leung. Aprile, is regarded as one of the most innovative and
creative chefs in Canada today, known for his counter intuitive and highly
sophisticated approach to cuisine. Bonacini is a co founder of one of Canada s
leading fine dining restaurant companies, Oliver Bonacini Restaurants, operating 12
unique and
The Scientific Method Of An Experiment
The first lab we ever did in Biology 101 was about the scientific method. The
scientific method is used in solving everyday problems. The first part of the scientific
method is to begin making observations and asking questions about the situation.
Once that is done, you should then check some accumulated sources of scientific data
to gain information about the situation. Then you must formulate a hypothesis. In
other words, the hypothesis is what will lead to the formation of a statement that can
be tested. Before any experiment can be tested, you must gather all the needed
materials and come up with a reasonable procedure to perform the experiment.
Usually when a hypothesis is being tested, a controlled experiment is the type to use.
In a... Show more content on ...
The double blind experiment is where neither the subjects or the researchers know
which is the experimental group and which is the control group. The data collected
is normally evaluated by another researcher. The correlation versus cause and effect
experiment is where relationships between two or more variables is examined. It is
easy to find a positive or negative correlation between two or more variables, but it
takes conducting an experiment to proving that one variable causes another. A
variable must be caught causing the other variable. A pseudoscience experiment is
performed to determine whether or not certain information is supported by the
scientific method. A lot of pseudoscience or fake science takes on the appearance of
science but is never supported and when it is tested under controlled conditions,
most pseudoscience claims usually don t hold up. All of these controlled
experiment designs help when a hypothesis needs to be tested are they are all
commonly used in science almost every day. Overall, this was an amazing first lab
to do considering the scientific method is used to problems. Science isn t perfect and
researchers are always asking questions. Researchers will always look to using the
scientific method to find those answers!
The second lab we completed in Biology 101 is about metric measurement and
Revolution in Cosmology Resolves Dispute over Universe s
Revolution in Cosmology Resolves Dispute over Universe s Age
Just under seven years ago, astronomers using the Hubble space telescope presented
results they hoped would help answer one of the most contentious issues in
astronomy of the 20th century the question of the distance scale of the universe. But
there was some unease when the result was announced. According to the report, other
galaxies were close enough that, extrapolating backwards from their current rate of
recession and making adjustments for the influence of gravity, they all would have
been together (that is, the Big Bang would have occurred) as recently as 8 billion
years ago. Unfortunately, there was strong evidence already in place that some stars
were at least 12 15 ... Show more content on ...
This problem wasn t solved until the 1920s, when Edwin Hubble devised the first
method of extragalactic distance measurement. His technique relied on stars known
as Cepheid variables, whose luminosities can be easily determined by measuring their
rates of pulsation. Comparing this luminosity with the stars observed brightness
allowed Hubble to estimate the distance to Cepheid stars in such galaxies, affirming
their extragalactic location.
That the universe extended beyond the Milky Way was already widely surmised, and
this discovery didn t change much. The revolution came when Hubble compared
these newfound distances with the velocities of galaxies, which can be determined
by measuring their color spectra. To his surprise, he found the two to be nearly
linearly correlated, leading to the conclusion that every galaxy is receding from every
other galaxy, and the universe as a whole is expanding.
How does this relate to the age and origin of the universe? The principle is really
quite simple: if the velocity and distance to most galaxies are known, one can
extrapolate their motion backward to find the time that they were all compressed
together at the moment of the universe s origin, the Big Bang. The duration between
then and now is the universe s age. Of course, a simple linear extrapolation won t do;
the gravity resulting from matter in the universe can be
Alcohol Impaired Driving Crashes Of The United States
Alcohol has been around for years. There has even been a point in time when it was
safer than water. As time passed the drink evolved and so did the problems that
followed. Addiction, severe health problems, violence, rage, crimes, and even death
have been the outcomes to those who fall victim to the beverage. Although the simple
solution would be to just ban alcoholall together, I believe adding a system that puts a
regulation that can help limit the negatives things caused by it.
Many people who drink may experience lack in basic motor skills even though they
believe that they re fine. The ability to walk a straight line, stand, or even operate a
vehicle becomes a matter of life and death. Alcohol impaired driving crashes account
for approximately one third of all crash fatalities in the United States (Jewett, Shults,
Banerjee, and Bergen 1). Percentage wise this along makes up about thirty three
percent. That number will continue to rise unless action is taken. Jewett, Shults,
Banerjee, and Bergen states, An estimated 4.2 million adults reported at least one
alcohol impaired driving episode in the preceding 30 days, resulting in an estimated
121 million episodes and a national rate of 505 episodes per 1,000 population
annually (1). This is just the United States alone and the number of alcohol related
incidents is already in the millions. According the blood alcohol concentration the
legally drunk limit is .08 grams. After that number is reached the person is no
Criterion Specific Rewards
Zach and Patrick are in my 5th grade class. Zach is 10 years old. Zach excels in
math, and any activities where he can manipulate things with his hands. Zach can
often be found playing with Legos by himself. Zach really likes animals, and often
stays after school to feed and play with the class guinea pig. Zach likes to work
independently, and doesn t really socialize with the other students. Zach has a
reading learning disability, and currently receives 30 minutes of resource room
support daily. Patrick is 11 years old. Patrick is very social, and enjoys being the
center of attention. Patrick is greatly involved with acting club, and even got the
lead role in the school play. Patrick often shares funny stories with the class. Patrick
is academically average, and doesn t have any severe deficits in any subjects.
Recently, there have been increased amounts of quarreling between Zach and Patrick.
Patrick will tease Zach, and Zach reacts by yelling,... Show more content on ...
Decrease class interruptions Criterion specific rewards could help address Zach s
and Patrick s goals. Criterion specific rewards are meaningful prizes or privileges
that are given when a student demonstrates a target behavior. Group contingency is
based off of peer influence. The group works toward a goal, and when the goal is
reached, a reward is given. Effective rules are specific, predictable rules that help
students change their own behaviors to desired ones. Criterion specific rewards
could help Zach and Patrick, because when each student demonstrates one of their
desired goal behaviors, he would receive a reward. Group contingency could work
for the boys, because it would require them to work together to each get something
they want. This could greatly increase Zach s social status in the class, and help his
relationship with Patrick. Effective rules could help Zach and Patrick know exactly
how to behave during group discussions, or if someone is picking on
Analysis Of Mihayao Spirited Away By Miyazaki Hayao...
In a traditional or typical family, it is always understood that children are meant to
and able to rely on their parents for both safety and emotional support. In the film
by Miyazaki Hayao Spirited Away, we observe a family far from the traditional
sense of the word. Much of this film is about a young ten year old girl who is
forced to save herself and her parents from being forever stuck in a world separate
of their own. The relationships she loses and gains form her into a different person
than who she is in the beginning of the film. Susan Napier asserts in her book
Anime from Akira to Howl s Moving Castle Chihiro is a bratty child with parents
who seem to be detached with her and as we see in the film selfish and indulgent in
their own desires (181). These factors all contribute to the development and
relationships of Chihiro in the film as well as the idea of family. At the beginning of
the film as Chihiro and her parents are driving to their new home in the
countryside, we are introduced to the type of relationships and personality of the
family members. Napier describes her parents as disconnected from each other
and their daughter and Chihiro as a whiny, sullen, and self obsessed child (181).
Right off the bat we are able to see a significant difference in what a family is
considered to be and how it is represented in the film. As mentioned before a family
is meant to care for each other and parents are meant to care for their children
especially, however perhaps because of these circumstances we are led on the
journey of Chihiro s evolution from that of a spoiled child to a braver and assertive
child. Upon getting lost in the forest by taking a shortcut, the father decides instead of
trying to find their way back to the road, on exploring the mysterious tunnel and the
motherfollows, telling Chihiro to stay in the car while they go off to see what is on
the other end.
Already we see how different the role of the father is portrayed as someone who
thinks of his own desires and being before that of his wife or daughter. In the
traditional role of a father, he is the person who is the protector of his family and as
such he is meant to put his family first. It is pointed out in Napier s book
Case Analysis Of Telstra
Telstra is the biggest telecommunication company in Australia, it is leading the
industry by offering a full range of services in the telecommunication industry.
1. Marketing strategies:
1.1 Target Audience
Telstra Target audience
Telstra Target audience is every single person that can use a mobile phone or has
access to mobile phone. Business people, farm workers, students, business, school
kids, there are simple services also for people who are technology savvy. (phillip
dimond Telstra major project)
1.2 Market Segmentation
*Demographic variables
Telstra marketing strategies is focusing more on age, gender and income (Walker,
Boyd, Mullins Larreche, 2003).
For Example Prepaid mobile services are available for ... Show more content on ...
This virtualization service will reduce cost and the company will have reduction in
server related capital investment by 70% and a reduction in operational cost by 30%
to 40% compared to the physical server.(
This step allowed Telstra to decrease its cost and gave them opportunity to give better
service for Telstra customers and offer them more data and minutes of talk better
coverage customer satisfaction will increase.
Telstra has implemented a new service for businesses allowing them to access
Microsoft access 365, HR, CRM, and Finance. Cloud application allows businesses
and companies to perform everyday job, they can access their emails, and could share
documents, even save information. They can do hard jobs like complex business
solutions and accounting, human resources management, and customer relations.
Cloud application is an online service that can be purchased online and will save
customers from paying money for IT skills on a pc server of to pay upfront fees to
install software on the pc.(Telstra business enterprise/cloud services)
Contracts Circumstance Argument
Contracts Circumstance Argument Student s Name Institution Contracts and Pledges
To the question on whether or not Alex s signature could be considered legally
contractible, I would go with no. To begin with Alex is a minor, and does not have
the legal authority to sign into a contract. According to (Goldman and Sigismond,
2013), contracts usually arises when there is an obliging agreement between persons
involved that becomes unequivocally accepted by parties who are of required
capacity by law . Furthermore children under the age of eighteen lack the capacity to
enter into contractual relationships. Thus, making Alex s signature invalid and cannot
be legally enforced. Conversely, some contracts such as service benefit contracts,...
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The charity clearly has the ability and the right to make Claire s pledge binding
since charitable pledges are usually enforceable. Namely, for a legal binding
contract to arise there must be an agreement between the contracting parties, which
is between the donor and the charity (Gary, 2010). Agreements that are entered into
by parties give rise to two essential elements of a contract that include; the offer that
resulted when the donor makes a promise to contribute some amount. In the
sample case, Claire made an offer when she made a phone call and pledged $1000
to save the dogs . Acceptance is the subsequent element that develops when parties
enter into an agreement. For this reason, acceptance was brought about by the
charity accepting Claire pledge through the phone call. Certainly the charity may
chose not to enforce the pledge Claire made to show good faith in their charity. All
in all, for a binding contract to be valid there must be a consideration that is
typically a promise that acts as a price for the promise made by the contracting
parties (Gary, 2010). The consideration in the charity pledge case is a picture of the
animal that a donor has helped and also a t shirt. These items are the price for the
pledge made by Claire of
Taylor Mountain Regional Park Topographic Analysis
Topographic Assessment of Taylor Mountain Regional Park The purpose of this
assessment is to understand all topographic factors concerning the past, present,
and future of Taylor Mountain Regional Park. The site is 4 acres in size and is
located in Taylor Mountain Regional Park and Open Space Preserve. The
coordinates of the site, according to the USGS 1954 Santa Rosa Quadrangle Map,
are N 38 degrees 24 minutes and 30 seconds, W 122 degrees 41 minutes and 25
seconds (Figure 2). The entrance to the site is located at the 1900 section of Kawana
Terrace, adjacent to the private continuation of Kawana Terrace in Santa Rosa
California95407 in the United States. The site is located in the NE 1/2 of the SE 1/4
of section 36, T7N, R8W on the Mount... Show more content on ...
Through the northwestern portion of the site a manmade walking path has been
established for recreation purposes adjacent to the lowest point of the meadow.
Despite there being a drainage culvert for carrying rainwater under the pathway,
there is noticeable erosion of the path itself, suggesting that with ample rainfall
such a culvert is insufficient, allowing rainwater to flow up and over the path
(Figure 8). This also draws into question the stability of the local area in terms of
landslides and mass wasting. Because the slope is greater than 25% it is very
likely that mass wasting occurs in the area. Slopes in the surrounding area are not
steep enough for rock falls but with consistent heavy rainfall a mudslide of clay
and rock is possible, which could threaten recreational users of the park. Because
Taylor Mountain is a public open space preserve there is cause for concern when
designing/building structures associated with recreational use. Precautions must
be taken when building to avoid hazards of mass wasting and erosion. However,
due to the nature of the preserve it is highly unlikely that any type of large
structure or septic system would be permitted. Noise pollution in this area is very
mild with only the occasional truck being heard on the 101 highway to the west.
Unfortunately, a new fire station is to be built within .6 miles and some local fauna
may become disturbed by the wail of sirens. Be advised that a sound barrier should
be constructed around the fire station in order to minimize disturbance of wildlife.
One important note is that it was recommended in a biotic assessment that, one of
the proposed trails be removed from the plan (on Taylor Mountain) to avoid impacts
to deer in the oak woodland, and that another be realigned to avoid wetlands
(Waaland, pg.1). In doing so further disruption of wildlife habitat can be
Pigs And Raising Pigs
Adriana Minasakanian
November 16, 2017
Pigs, which are also called Hogs, are animals that are raised all over the world. Pigs
are usually found in Europe, Africa, Southern Asia, America and Australia. They
are one of the most populated mammals in the world, having about 1 billion of
them living on farms throughout the world. Raising pigs may seem like a easy
thing to do, but it is the exact opposite. To raise pigs, one must do it in a very
specific way. There are so many pigs around the world due to their very short
reproductive systems. This causes new types to arise in a short amount of time.
What most people do not know about pigs is how intelligent they are. Pigs are
known for their reputation as dirty, noisy, and smelly animals but they will really
surprise a person with their intelligence. Pigs are very complex creatures that are
used for several different things and tasks. Raising pigs might seem like a easy thing
to do, but it is the exact opposite. Raising a pig is done in a very specific and cautious
way. Raising a pig requires a well balanced diet that includes different things that
provide everything they need to maintain a healthy life. Their diets includes
carbohydrates from corn, and grains such as barley, wheat, rye, and oats which
provide them with the energy they need (Ahlschwede). The diet also includes protein
such as fish, meat, peanuts, soybeans, linseed and cottonseed that make the pig
strong. Raising pigs also
Distribution Segmentation And Distribution Segmentation
In 1824, Jon Cadbury started selling tea, coffee and drinking chocolate which he
produced himself at Birmingham, England. He later formed Cadbury Brothers of
I n the year 1905, Cadbury launched its new product Dairy Milk, with a higher
proportion of milk than the previous chocolate bars.
Today Cadbury is a confectionary company owned by Kraft Foods the acquisition
being done in 2010 and is the industry second largest company after Mars
Cadbury India has five categories of food products Chocolate Confectionary,
Beverages, Biscuits, Gum and Candy.
Markets for any product comprises several segments of consumers, each with
different needs and wants. Market segmentation can be categorised in the following
Demographic ... Show more content on ...
For Cadbury India we will look into the company s sales force structure, Motivation
factors for the sales force and Purple champ. The company s sales structure is as
Motivational activities is organised for the sales force and different reward programs
exist on successful completion of sales quota. There are annual meetings for the
distributors. Gift Hampers for star performers. Foreign trip to high performing super
stockist, the reward program named as Udaan .
The distributor s sales force are called Purple Champs. They report directly to
Territory Sales In charge (TSI). Each distributor employs around 10 12 Purple
Champs. Each is allotted a specific route to be covered in every beat and the weekly
beat plan is made by TSI.
The service cycle for each purple champ is as follows:
Visiting outlet according to beat plan and identify whether is a shop/pan tapir or a
chemist store.
Go through the stock in the store. Use Palm Tops to feed order for each brand for
the specific
Elp Improve Own and Team Practice in Schools Essay
TDA 2.6 Help improve own and team practice in schools |
Describe why team work is important in schools
It is important to work as part of team as this can only gain better results, you can
listen to other people and their ideas and also share your own ideas and
experiences. Working as a team can also reduce your own work load through
sharing good practice, sharing worksheets, saving time preparing your own
worksheets for your class. Everyone within your team will know what the target
goal is and work together to achieve it. Relationships between staff within your team
will get stronger and you will feel valued and this will help build your confidence
and self esteem. When you work together there is consistency therefore if a ... Show
more content on ...
Describe the importance of respecting the skills and expertise of other practitioners
You should show respect and value the knowledge of other members of staff, as you
never know when you will need their assistance. This can build a good working
relationship as you show your respect and interest in them. The same will be returned
to you. A lot of the teachers at my schoolhave been there a long while so I value their
advice and sharing experience, it is good practice.
Some staff at my school are not only class teachers but also specialise in other
areas, speech and language, special needs etc. It is not only their professional
experience but some teachers have outside interests, ie art, this is useful as you
could ask for some creative activities or ideas to try with your own groups to assist
the children with learning. I also respect the
Kant’s Argugument for the Existance of Supreme
Moral Law
By the end of section II of The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant has
established that, if there were a supreme moral law, it would look like the
categorical imperative. His task in the final section of the Groundwork is to show
that there does in fact exist such a moral law by proving that we have free wills, and
secondary to this, he wants to show why we actually take an interest in morality. This
paper will provide an account and evaluate the success of Kant s argument in this
final section.
By the start of section III, Kant has finished developing the structure of the
supreme moral law, were it to exist. He began by analyzing our popular conceptions
of morality, and worked toward developing a rational reconstruction of this morality.
In line with this effort, Kant specifies the will as the fundamental cause of action for
rational beings, and it is the supreme moral law that the will acts for the sake of and
from which we derive our duties. This principle, called the categorical imperative, is
the unconditioned conditioner of the will, in that it is the determining ground for the
will, but is not itself determined by any other law.
Kant offers three formulas of the categorical imperative in section II, and it is the
third formulation, which requires us to think of ourselves as legislating universal law
in a kingdom of ends, that emphasizes the importance of autonomy. It is this concept
of autonomy, or freedom of the will, that will be crucial for Kant in
The Pros And Cons Of Isaac Newton s Laws Of Motion
Space travel had been a dream for mankind ever since stars could be seen in the sky.
Creating successful rockets wasn t easy; scientists in the seventeenth century like
Galileo and Newton spent years trying to understand the laws of motions (How
Rockets). Isaac Newton s three laws of motions had advanced the creation of a
working rocket. His laws of motion are the building blocks of a functional rocket.
Newton s first law states, an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in
motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force ( The
Rocket ). A rocket on a launch pad is an object at rest. For a rocket to lift off, the
force needs to push the rocket off the pad. Newton s second law of motion can be
written with the equation F = ma. The engine of the rocket is generating force as
long as it is ignited, thrusting particles out of the rocket. The amount of force the
engine generates is equal to the mass of the rocket and the acceleration of the rocket.
Since particles are pushed out of the rocket, the mass is constantly decreasing, which
means the acceleration will increase (How Rockets). Rockets travel into space
according to this. The principle behind Newton s ... Show more content on ...
To make space travel a possibility, a lot of changes have to be made. Reducing the
price of space travel is one of the most challenging problems scientists face. Another
problem is how many mass propellants take up. Around 80% of a rocket s mass is
propellants; this limits the amount of space that can be used for luxury items that
attract customers to spend a lot of money into space travel. Also, the limited space
restricts the number of people that can be travel into space in one rocket. Fewer
amounts of people that could travel into space mean the more expensive space travel
would be. The more space travel costs, the fewer amounts of people would afford
Summary Of The Night Sky
It was late, the moon already high in the night sky, all except for George lie
sleeping softly in the bunkhouse. An unfinished game of solitaire, sprawled out
across the barn floor. The barn was lit only by a single red candle on an overturned
crate. Next to the candle was an opened red pack of cigarettes and a dirty brass
lighter. Fresh hay was scattered around the cold floor, a job unfinished. In the
corner of the shadowed barn, a spider clung to its web as it slowly devoured a
helpless fly. Curley s wife lay still, untouched, the sight almost had a natural feeling
about it, as though this was all her life was ever to amount to, she lay dead
amongst the hay; it was as thought the others had forgotten about her and merely
continued with their dreary lives. A rusted shovel leaned against the wall, next to
a freshly dug mound of earth, covering Candy s lifeless dog. Lastly, spread across
the floor, was a ragged length of cold consuming rope, with a noose tied in one
frayed end. George crouched before the rope, hunched over almost questioningly,
as though judging whether or not this was his best way out of the situation. He
was dirty and unshaven; he had yet not bothered to change from his gloomy,
threadbare work attire. His hair was greasy and unkempt, his facial hair was long and
neglected and his face looked like it had not seen water for many days. His eyes
seemed to have sunken in to his head, for they were carrying heavy bags, he
resembled a man who had not slept for
Automatic Stay Research Paper
Everything You Need to Know About an Automatic Stay
Many things happen after you file for bankruptcy, but one of the first things that
occurs is that an automatic stay goes into effect. An automatic stay may seem a bit
scary if you don t know what it is, but here are the important things you need to know
about an automatic stay.
What Is It An Automatic Stay?
An automatic stay is when your creditors are notified you ve filed bankruptcy and
they can not attempt to collect the money owed to them anymore. This is not
indefinite pause on your bills, it simply gives the bankruptcy court time to review
your case and decide how much each creditor will get from your bankruptcy
What Does It Affect?
Before filing for bankruptcy, it
Neanderthals Video Summary
According to the video, Neanderthals were not the brutish and unintelligent ape like
creatures of popular myth, but a strong, intelligence, and highly adaptive species who
mastered their environment and survived for thousands of years. This is proven
throughout the video through the Neanderthals development of weapons and tools,
how they communicated and played a part in their clan, and how they mastered their
environment to survive for an incredibly long time. One of the most common myths
about Neanderthals is their curiosity of fire, and how they were amazed by it. This
however was proven false throughout the video. The Neanderthals seemed to have
tamed fire, using it to their advantages, like for warmth and for also cooking. The
Neanderthals... Show more content on ...
We originally believed that they only communicated with mere grunts and babbling
of words, but the video has shown that they had their own language to communicate
with their clan, unique and special to them. Nowhere in the video did I see or hear
them talk to each other with only grunts, but they had their own language and used
hand gestures as well when they hunted. The video also mentioned, that every
member of the clan had to play a part. It said that at girl at the age of eleven, had not
been hunting for long. This tells the viewer that the Neanderthals recognized that
everyone will have to contribute to their clan to survive their environment. I also
learned that from the Video, is that the Neanderthals cared for each other. When a
member of the clan, the leader, was killed, all members of the clan contributed into a
ritual for their killed leader. Archeologists have found that a skeleton had animal
bones surrounding it, as well as pollen, showing signs of a burial. This shows me that
the Neanderthals had their own form of communication and had a clan based on
social interaction, making them more intelligent and less brutish than what we
believed them to
Point Paper Caucasus Region
Non US/Multinational Policy Goals, include NATO expansion in size and influence).
Relations with Russia. Create an independent Kurdish nation.
US Domestic Considerations are the oil pipeline through the Southern Caucasus
Region and the Black Sea for trade access.
Ahurastan interests include having international recognition as a sovereign nation
and they want 25% share of the offshore oil reserves of the Caspian Sea.
Non State SAPA (South Azeri People s Army) (Military) traditionalist insurgents
objectives aimed against GOAZ (Government of Azerbaijan). Supported by
Non State SAPP(South Azeri Peoples Party) (Political) traditionalist insurgents
Non State Free Karabakh ... Show more content on ...
Ahurastan openly supports this insurgency. In 2017 SAPA trained and equipped a
fundamentals regime in Iran began attacking Azerbaijani army units.
b.The FKM has interfered with Azerbaijani police effort to maintain order in the
region and is a growing problem. In November 2019 the FKM who is funded by
GOAZ attacked an Armenian Nuclear Power station at Metsamor, 20 kilometer south
of Yerevan.
c.The Caspian Sea is among five states and remains a source of tension. More than
15 rounds of negotiations have failed to reach an agreement by all parties.
Azerbaijan, Ahurastan, and Iran claim the Araz Alov Sharg oil field in the Caspian
d.Russia has enforced a naval blockade of all maritime traffic since October 2017.
North of 42 degrees north latitude in the Caspian Sea, while expanding oil
exploration there. Russian and Kazakhstan assert their claims over the territorial sea
2. CURRENT STATUS. Azerbaijan s rail system from Georgia to Baku has been
upgraded by U.S. Army Reserve engineer units. Road and water distribution
networks along Kura River valley have been over hauled. Several regional airfields
have been paved and enlarged.
a.Ahurastan seceded from Iran in 2018 2019. The Ahurastan objective in supporting
SAPP creates conflicts in the region.
b.Armenia s primary domestic issue is a reliable source of energy to sustain its
Reasons Why Basketball Is The Best Sport
Many people believe that basketball and football can be the best sports in the world.
Basketball can be known as the best sport because it s played all over the world and
tons of people like to play/watch it. For football tons of people love to play the sport
and tons of people like to watch football every Sunday. In my opinion, I think baseball
is clearly the best sport in the world. The great sport of baseball was invented in
1839 in a town called Cooperstown, New York. Many of you might know that this
is now where the MLB hall of fame is located at and this is a great tourist
destination. Once the sport was founded here it started to branch out all over the
country and even some parts of the world. Now it s played in almost every single
country in the entire world. It s crazy how a sport like baseball can be played all
around the world and rapidly grow that fast. In all sports getting injured is always a
possibility. In football and basketballACL injuries are the most common injuries that
a player can get. Also in football, there s now a growing concern over CTE
problems which is concussions to the head. This is very scary for most players and
now players are starting to retire for this reason. In the MLB, the only concern of
injuries is really in their arm and a player can almost guarantee a return at some
point. So, my point is that MLB doesn t have as many injuries as the other sports do
so this attracts more players. Baseball is the easiest sport to just pick up
The Impact Of Customer Relationship Management On
A Thesis Submitted to the
Superior University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelors in Business Administration
Submitted by
Usman Hassan Rahmani
BBA 7145
I hereby declare that this project is entirely my own work and that any additional
sources of information have been duly cited.
I hereby declare that any Internet sources published or unpublished works from
which I have quoted or draw references fully in the text and in the content list. I
understand that failure to do this will result in failure of this project due to plagiarism.
I understand I may be called for viva and if so must attend. I acknowledge that this
is my responsibility to check whether I am required to attend and that I will be
available during the viva periods.
Signed................................................ Date....................................................
Name of Supervisor Prof. khansa Irem Acknowledgment:
I must offer my thanks to Allah Almighty by whose blessings I have been able to
complete my thesis report on Effect of Integrating marketing Communications to
build brand equity
I also offer my thanks to honorable Rector Prof. Ch. Abdul Rehman for providing me
a chance to work on thesis.
I also offer my thanks to Miss khansa irem for her valuable guidance and contribution
in making my report meaningful and useful.
Stress In High School Students
Stress is a normal part of life for many high school students. The school year is full
of stressful situations and events. There are many different causes of stress, from
homework to sporting events. Between retain good grades and teachers like Mr.
Gibbons, some students feel like they can never seem to catch a break. However,
very few of them know that their personality is a leading factor in their stress.
Depending on the type of personality they are, their stress level could be higher or
lower (Dumitru Cozman 2012). The first type of personality is Type A
personalities. They are the more outgoing personality of the two. People who have
an intense ambition and are very competitive are categorized as Type A
personalities. Time is also a very important concept to Type A s. They will have an
exaggerated time urgency. Many of Type A personalities believe that they must be
early to an event or they are considered late. The final way Type A personalities can
be categorized is by their outlook. A hostile, cynical outlook is the main
characteristic of an A personality (Haupt 2010). Some characteristics of having a
hostile outlook are lacking compassion, envious of others and their accomplishments,
tendency to always see the worst in others, and aggression (McLeod 2014). The
second, more laid back personality type, is Type B. Type B personalities are the more
calm, relaxed people who seem to be in no rush (Chandrakanta Janijhua 2012).
Patience is another quality that Type B
Aboriginal Children In Canada
For decades, Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families and
upraised in poorly funded residential schools throughout Canada. The purpose of this
school system was to assimilate Indigenous children into the Canadian society by
destroying their native culture. When attending these schools, Aboriginal children
also suffered from sexual, physical, psychological, and/or spiritual abuse which had a
negative impact on their overall well being (The Truth and Reconciliation
Commission of Canada, 2012). These detrimental events endured by an Indigenous
child were portrayed within the novella, Wenjack, written by Joseph Boyden.
Throughout the novella, it explores the experiences undergone by a First Nation
student, Chanie, whose... Show more content on ...
As a result, illnesses such as tuberculosis, small pox, and measles went uncured which
led to the death of many Indigenous students (The Truth and Reconciliation
Commission, 2012). This was illustrated in Wenjack where it is mentioned how
Chanie had developed a lung infection, tuberculosis, which he had failed to receive
treatment for. It is noted by Boyden (2016) that tuberculosis and similar diseases had
taken thousands of Indian children s lives (p. 11). The Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (2012) state how the high mortality rates of students caused devastation
within families hoping their children would return home. As a result, they spent their
lives grieving never knowing how their child died or where their body was placed.
Thus, it is no surprise that the statistics demonstrate that the Aboriginal population
has higher rates of premature death (Pederson et al., date). Unfortunately, neglect in
Aboriginal s health care still continues to occur to this day. In particular, Pederson et
al. (date) mentions how poor economic and social conditions in the Indigenous
community exist which contribute to these individuals viewing their health status as
low. Additionally, the neglect in this population has resulted in a reduction in their
social determinants of health. For instance, Pederson et al. (date) recognize how
physical neglect has resulted in poverty, poor housing and substance abuse (p. 297).
As a result of being neglected, the Aboriginal population is continuing to suffer which
further leads to consequences in their health. Thus, Wenjack enables the reader to
acknowledge how neglect continues to play a role in harming the lives on the
Lensky s Aria From The Opera Eugene Onegin
Lensky s Aria from the opera Eugene Onegin
A novel by Alexander Pushkin adapted for opera by Pytor Tchaikowsky in 1825
Arranged for flute and piano by Guy Braunstein; edited and revised by Emmanuel
Pahud in 2009
Performed by Emmanuel Pahud and Fuminori Tanada
As does any opera, Tchaikowky s Russian Opera Eugene Onegin portrays a
storyline overrun with tragedy. Eugene Onegin has inherited his uncle s estate
giving him access to acres of hunting ground on which he meets Lensky, whom he
becomes rather good friends with. The friendship does not last long however, as a
vast misunderstanding comes between them. Lensky had recently been engaged to
Olga, a neighbor of Onegin s, and finds himself incredibly joyful and very much in
love. Lensky sees Onegin dancing with his fiancГ© , and takes Onegin to be
attempting to seduce his fiancГ©, yet this is not the case. Onegin was only
dancing with Olga to be cruel to her younger sister Tatyana who has recently
expressed her love for Onegin. Lensky will not here of Onegin s explanation and
challenges Onegin to a duel. It is in the scene of the duel where Lensky performs
his aria. The aria is the last lyrical piece in the opera at the end of Act 2. The aria is
heard by the audience just before the battle and just before Onegin loses his life.
Lensky s Aria has been performed by many vocalists both on stage and as a solo
work accompanied only by the piano. The lyrics tell of how Lensky wishes he were
young again and had only
Theme Of Greed In The Maltese Falcon
Greed has the been the main source of conflict in the Maltese Falcon. In the novel,
the characters desperately chased after an infamous artifact known as the black
bird. With thorough research, it had been discovered that this thousand year old
artifact was worth millions of dollars. Yet, due to the existence of this bird,
numerous people have been greatly affected. Various individuals have been
intrigued by the bird and eventually become consumed by its value. But, the
character who has truly been consumed by greed due to the blackbird is Gutman.
Gutman s greed for the bird has led to the death and deception of many. Miles
Archer, a detective and partner of Sam Spade, died because of this. All Miles did was
carry out his duty as a detective and went through with a case that would
eventually lead to his death. Miles archer is the victim of Gutman s greed. Mr.
Gutman is the killer of the innocent Miles Archer . However, Gutman was not the
one who had physically killed young Miles . The one who was responsible for
putting an end to his life was Brigid O Shaunessy. At the end of the novel, it is
discovered that it was Brigid who actually shot and killed Mr. Archer in the alley.
Once Mile s partner, Sam Spade figures this out, he says to Brigid You killed Miles
and you re going over for it. (Hammett 163) Despite figuring out this information,
this quote is indirectly referring to Mr. Gutman. Mr Gutman is the true culprit of
killing Miles Archer. Brigid s greed was
The Discovery Of The World Of Surgeons
Franco woke up one special morning and jumped out of bed like a bullet fired from
a gun. His head was whirring, heart pounding out of his feathery chest, and nerves
on edge. Today was the day. He stepped out onto the porch of his igloo and took a
deep breath as he stared off at the view around him. Even with everything happening,
the arcticmountains never ceased to amaze. With the vast blanket of snow covering
them and falling from the morning sky, and the brisk air that penetrated the sunrise,
he was still astonished by its beauty each and every day. The snowfall growing
faster, he quickly jumped up and landed front side on the ice, sliding swiftly and
hurriedly, making sure to avoid any polar bears as they were always patrolling for...
Show more content on ...
Although his parents were the ones who currently ran the SSS, his childhood of
always watching surgeries being performed by them wouldn t help today. Everything
needed to be perfect, or else his future as one of the top surgeons in the SSS would
be blown.
Scrubs on, hands as clean as whistles, and mind clear as day, Franco was officially
ready to make the most crucial cut of his life. Literally. He walked calmly into the
doorway of the OR and tried to stop his hands from shaking with nerves. The hard
smell of ice and metal was the first thing he noticed even though Franco had
experienced this room a thousand times.
As he asked a nurse for the scalpel, he glanced into the watch room up above and
saw his whole family and some friends and he knew that everything would work
out. This was Franco s first time holding a scalpel and it sent a chill up his whole
feathery body. The cold metal that could kill and heal all at the same moment amazed
The blade sliced through tender skin, and exposed the diseased abdomen. Even
though a part of him was on edge, focusing on his technique calmed him. He didnt
look up once, knowing that if he did all of the eyes watching would send him into a
mess of nerves. When he finally made the last suture, a wave of relief rushed over
him as the procedure was done.
Before he even went to talk to his parents, Franco sprinted out the nearest
Research Paper On Employee Absenteeism
LIMITEDObjectives1.To study the level of absenteeism prevailing in the
organization 2.To study the major causes of absenteeism in the organization 3.To
identify steps required to control the absenteeism 4.To determine the awareness level
regarding effects of absenteeism on the productivity 5.To provide suggestions in the
form of solutions to reduce the rate of absenteeismProblem Statement3)problem
statement Absenteeism is the most single most important cause of lost labour time.
Absenteeism is one of major human problem of Indian industries. Absence is an
employee s non availability or work when work is available for that employee. The
Labour Bureau defines absenteeism as the total shifts... Show more content on ...
It introduced its futuristic Quartz technology with India s two most recognized and
loved brands titan and Tanishq to its credit, Titan industriesis the fifth largest
integrated watch manufacturer in the world. The success story story of TITAN began
in 1948 with a joint venture between the Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial
Development Corporation. The study analyses the various that lead to the
employee absenteeism like lack of raining, quality of work life, policies regarding
promotion, incentives, benefits etc. Stress Although stress accounts for only 12
percent of absenteeism a year, the monetary costs that stress imposes on a company
are significant. The Health and Safety Executive claims Rs.675 sick days are taken
every year as a result of stress alone. The cause of stress, or stressors, are numerous
and can be found anywhere in the workplace. Stressors can include dangerous
working conditions, long working hours, job security worries and job monotony. This
stress can lead to poor mental health, health disease, back pain, and gastrointestinal
Standard English Assess Task
just days away. I should be cramming as usual, but my mind just won t anchor. It
drifts from scene to scene unsatisfied at every moment, a restless buoy in a swelling
sea. I am a model student what is the difference this time? The difference this time
is that it is the last time. Once more through the examination mill and then out I
pop an educated graduate. I can t help but think that I feel more like an Uncle Toby
s Raspberry Roll Up coming out flat at the other end. The last few years have flown
by in a spicy, rebellious fog of cigarette smoke and 5dollar cocktails. I m not ready for
the corporate smoke den. What have really accomplished? A degree. A
... Show more
content on ...
Now she is left with a beaten down heart. Now I sit alone with my mistake. Now I
have to forge hope out of my beaten down heart. now she has finished the degree
she is upset and she has to forge her hope it s not just going to come from what she
has done she has to start some things again. A degree. A degree of waste,
unhappiness and boredom. This quote emphasis the point of not caring about the
degree she has just gotten and that it was just a degree of waste, unhappiness and
boredom. She isn t going to be able to use this degree joyfully. She also emphasises
it through a triple repetition of a word or phrase or sentence style 3 times for
effect, waste, unhappiness and boredom. ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE
FEATURES AND STRUCTURES SIMILE = Once more through the examination
mill and then out I pop an educated graduate. I can t help but think that I feel more
like an Uncle Toby s Raspberry Roll Up coming out flat at the other
Millard Fillmore Compromise
Not many Americans agreed with the Compromise. People who were strongly
against still did not accept the Compromise. Both sides were effect and there were
sections of the bill s provision the neither side agreed with. The northern did not
agree with the Fugitive Slave Law, and several states then passed laws prohibiting
its enforcement. Southern were disappointed that California was a free state and for
the District of Columbia it was illegal. The South did not believe that the government
would enforce the Fugitive Slave Law. Fillmore struggled to keep these two extreme
sides satisfied. He then gave into the Southern pressure and secession threats, he
decided to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law. In 1851, a Maryland man combed
Pennsylvania,... Show more content on ...
To counteract Northern uneasiness, Fillmore ordered General Winfield Scott to
strengthen forts in South Carolina to give Southerners second thoughts about
possible secession schemes. Meanwhile, legislatures in Northern states passed
personal liberty laws which forbade state judges to assist slaveholders and extended
to blacks the right to trial by jury in these disputes. Unfortunately, by trying to please
everyone, Millard Fillmore, it seemed, could please no one. The Whig Party began
to fall apart from the strain of all the conflicting points of view on slavery. Foreign
policy Despite the congressional debates that raged on over the issue of slavery
during Millard Fillmore s term in office, the President had a foreign policy agenda
that emphasized expanding trade while limiting American commitments outside the
Western Hemisphere.
Asia Pacific: Japan and Hawaii For nearly three centuries, Japan had been a
completely isolated nation. American shipping interests, however, identified the
nation as a prime location to stop and resupply their ships on the way into China and
Southeast Asia. Great Britain s opening of China some years earlier had illustrated
the benefits of new trade markets. Assisted by Secretary of State Daniel Webster,
Fillmore ordered a trade mission to Japan by Commodore Matthew Perry. Although
the mission was not fully completed until the succeeding administration of Franklin
Pierce, the policy did
Rob Kardashian
If you re following Rob Kardashian lately, you need to learn something about him.
Lately, he has been complaining about his skin and weight. He s telling the insider
that he has some issues regarding his skin and weight, as he s not comfortable with
it anymore. Her fiancee, Blac Chyna, also noticed him when it comes to his
feelings. He added that he s not happy anymore on what he s doing lately. The
reason that he s opening up about his appearance is because he wants others to relate
about their feelings when it comes to being overweight. He recently met with
celebrity stylist, Jen Rade, as he looks for his outfits that can fit him very well. It
seems that there are some outfits that he likes to wear. Unfortunately, they re not fit
enough for... Show more content on ...
Watch the video below: As you can see, Rob seems not to be satisfied with his
body right now. In other words, this is a lesson for those who are overweight.
Worse of all, it can lead to obesity if Rob doesn t start disciplining himself. He was
completely upset that he had gained 20 pounds during that time when they aired
their own TV show at E! If we re going to talk about weight gain, there s nothing
wrong about that if you re kind of underweight. The main goal that Rob and others
like you is to lose weight and maintain better metabolism. According to most
dietitians and nutritionist in different parts of the world, your weight must be
ideal to your height right now. It s really normal for you to eat three times a day and
doing regular exercise. However, you need to take note of the foods and drinks,
which causes you to gain weight once and for all. For example, drinking soda is a
common cause. Sodas like Coke and Pepsi can increase your weight and belly size.
Maybe this is what Rob is doing right now, and it s one reason why he gained 20
pounds. No regular exercise or physical activity is also a common reason that Rob
Kardashian and the others are just keep on gaining weight once and for
The Main Factors That Support The Core Principles Of
Abbie Voorhies
Essay 2
Essay 2
There are three contemporary factors that continue to deprive the core principles of
our democracy. The elections seem to be more about winning the game than the
actual issues and ideals. Each factor plays a major influence on how the American
politics are run today. There has been many Amendments that have been published to
stop voter discrimination. A few are the fifteenth Amendment, in which it states, Race
no Bar to Vote. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied
or abridge by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude (Janda). The Twenty third Amendment gave limited voting
rights to the residents of Washington ... Show more content on ...
Billions of dollars are spent each year in attempt to wow over the audience of
America. The money flows through the U.S. politics, Corporations, industry groups,
union labors, and single issued organizations in which all work together to attempt
the end goal of persuasion.
The precedent case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has resulted in
fewer restrictions on campaign spending. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
regulates the big money campaigns (Citizens United v. Federal Election
Commission). The act limits and restricts electioneering communications (Citizens
United v. Federal Election Commission). From the article read from Ozey it states,
Section 203 of the BCRA prevents corporations or labor unions from funding such
communication from their general treasuries. Section 201 and 311 require the
disclosure of donors to such communication and a disclaimer when the
communication is not authorized by the candidate it intends to support (Citizens
United v. Federal Election Commission). In the current case the District court held
that The Movie was a representation on express advocacy, as it tried to persuade
voters that Senator Clinton was not the right fit to run for office (Citizens United v.
Federal Election Commission). The communication was not authorized nor supported
Clinton. The problem with putting restriction on campaign spending is in some cases
seem to get into the area of First Amendment in which the
Civil War In Arkansas Essay
Civil War in Arkansas
The Battle of Prairie Grove was on 1862, northwestern Arkansas and southwestern
Missouri. The Union when a force called for General James G.Blunt holds off a
force of Confederates under General Thomas Hindman. Hindman joined in force at
Fort Smith, Arkansas, to make an attempt to recapture territory lost during the Pea
Ridge campaign of early 1862. When Hindman sent an advance detachment of
cavalry under John Marmaduke in a minor engagement at Cane Hill. After Cane Hill,
Hindman marched his 11,000 man army across the Boston Mountains and
Approached Blunt s 5,000 Troops. Hindman prepared to attack, but it was surprised
by the approach of Union reinforcements from Missouri. Union General Francis
Herron had marched 7,000 ... Show more content on ...
The two armies lost about 2,700 soldiers who were wounded, killed, or missing in
action. The battle was a tactical draw, but a strategic Union victory as the Federals
would maintain control of Missouri and northwest Arkansas for the remainder of the
war. Unfortunately, there would be plenty of guerrilla warfare in the region with
bushwhackers (Southern supporters) and jayhawkers (Union supporters) destroying
the countryside and forcing many families to become refugees from the conflict. It
would take many years for the people to recover from the effects of the Civil War.
Nearly a month after initiating their campaign against Confederates in southwest
Missouri, Gen. Samuel R. Curtis Union Army of the Southwest had pushed into
Arkansas and established a defensive position on the bluffs overlooking Little Sugar
Creek. At the same time, Gen. Earl Van Dornwas appointed to take command of
Confederate forces in the trans Mississippi with the objective of destroying Curtis
and his 12,000 Federals. Rather than attack Curtis fortifications, Van Dorn proposed
to march around the Union right flank, near Pea Ridge. In the course of the
maneuver, however, the Southern forces were divided. Van Dorn s two wings, under
generals Benjamin McCullough and Sterling Price, were separated by Pea Ridge, and
subsequently compelled to fight two distinct actions, with neither wing able to support
Dirt Track Racing Research Paper
The particular community I consider to be affiliated with is the local dirt track
race car community. Dirt track racing is a sport in which race cars perform on a
dirt or clay surfaced oval track. There are various race car classes that range from
Hornets which are considered the least expensive all the way up to the Modified,
which is the most expensive class of race car to run on the race track. I personally
identify myself to be included in such a community due to the fact that ever since I
was the age of four, my father took up the sport of racing Modified s every
weekend from March to October, and this is ultimately how I was introduced to the
race track family (community). At the age of six my brother was very intrigued by
the sport of racing and convinced my father to allow him to follow in his footsteps,
and also pursue the love and dedication for the sport. When my father and brother
took up the sport of racing it gave me... Show more content on ...
From the second you pull up to the race track you catch a glimpse of the oval
shaped, quarter mile clay track that contains four sharp turns. As soon as you exit
your vehicle, you are faced with a distinct odor of the sweet smell of cherry race
fuel that is burning off of the race cars preparing to go out onto the race track from
the pit area. The pit area is the location of the race track where all the racer car
drivers and pit crew members park, fine tune, and tweak their set ups on their race
cars for the particular track. The adjustments and set ups of the races cars are vital
due to the fact that every set up is unique to each and every track due to the
different shapes. Another factor that the race car drivers and pit crew members have
to take into consideration are the condition of the track, this is due to the fact that a
dry track utilizes a different set up than a tacky track, which is a track that is sticky
due to the abundance of
Summary Of The Coddling Of The American Mind
The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt is a
short work written to inform people on an epidemic that is affecting colleges and
universities around America. The article talks about certain words, ideas, and
subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense (Lukianoff) and how students
are asking for them to not be said. Much is covered on the topic including specific
examples of how people were persecuted for saying such things and various
opinions on if this trend is for better or worse. I believe the article highlights a
problem in the educational system and in order for improvement these topics need
to be taught and discussed. The article starts out with an anecdote from Harvard
Law that describes how a professor was urged to not teach rape law and even go as
far as not use the word violate . This seems quite absurd because odds are a high
profile law student will probably encounter rape law and absolutely encounter the
word violate in a professional work environment or courtroom setting. It is also very
troubling to hear... Show more content on ...
These even consist of everyday sayings that have no real weight when considered as
aggressive. If students were taught about controversial issues throughout school,
instead of shying away from them, than many of the things that are listed
microaggressions would be considered no more than mere words. Additionally
trigger warnings, which are absurd to begin with, would also not have to be used in
educational settings. The article also talks about how words can be violent, and yes
this is a true statement. Just because words can be violent does not mean that we
should start to eliminate them. Teaching others to be more open minded on brash
issues would allow many words to become much less hurtful and open up a greater
since of shared
Taking a Look at Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods is a trailblazer who has shown bountiful amounts of people that even
when times get rough they can still succeed. Tiger Wood s real name is Eldrick
Woods and his father was a huge inspiration to him. (Hasday, page 1) He was given
trouble because he didn t have the same race as everyone else although, he was
actually of African American, Native American, Asian, and Caucasian background.
(Britannica School, 2014) Tiger Woodshas gone through many tragedies and he is
such a strong person that he hasn t let any of them stop him from doing what he
loves. (Tiger Crash, 2014) Tiger started golf at a very young age and was always
much accelerated in the sport. When he was 3 years old, he attended a junior
tournament and won. ( Around the age of 8, Woods had become
extremely proficient at the game, even showing off his skills on television shows
such as Good Morning America( At age 11 he was undefeated in
more than 30 junior tournaments and at age 16 he was the youngest to play in the
PGA tournament (Britannica School). He was featured in golf magazines and
accomplished many things on the golf course when he was young. (
He has always been very successful at the game. He has many accomplishments in
the game. Tiger played in his first professional tournament in 1992, at age 16, at the
Nissan Los Angeles Open and in three more PGA TOURevents in 1993.
( Woods won the U.S. Masters at Augusta in
Advantages Of Grammar Learning Strategy
2.3.2. Grammar learning strategy instruction
Till now, grammar has played an important role in English language teaching and
learning. The Grammar Translation Method gives prominence to the role of grammar
teaching and learning (Brown, 2001; Richards Rodgers, 2001). In regards of Direct
Method, grammar was still taught inductively to develop learners language
competence (Thornbury, 1999). Following the Direct Method, the Audio lingual
Method stressed the importance of grammar teaching and learning by paying much
attention to the drilling of basic patterns and the memorization of the structures in the
dialogues (Brown, 2001; Richards Rodgers, 2001). Grammar still holds an important
position in the currently widespread method, the Communicative Language Teaching
(CLT). In... Show more content on ...
In the study, participants were 220 female and male English major university students
who filled out the SILL. The results of the study showed that Iranian EFL learners
were medium strategy users overall while with regard to strategy categories they used
metacognitive strategies with a high frequency; cognitive, compensation, and
affective strategies with a medium frequency, and memory and social strategies with
a low frequency. With respect to individual strategies, two strategies items 38
(metacognitive) and 42 (affective) were used with the highest frequency and
significantly different from a large number of other strategies; whereas items 6
(memory), 14 (cognitive), 19 (cognitive), 43 (affective), and 48 (social) were the
least frequently used strategies and significantly different from a large number of
Disney s The Pastoral Symphony
Disney s Fantasia (1940) lies in a class separate from all other animations of
program music. While its initial reception was less than stellar, it has since become a
standard film in home collections. Theatrical performances, games, and many other
derivatives of the brand now exist. Despite this, it has also generated a fair amount of
controversy. For example, it contains scenes that allude to Darwin s theory of
evolution, and others that display negative racial stereotypes. Yet the most
controversial scene at the movie s premiere was the animation of Beethoven s Sixth,
the Pastoral Symphony. This feature upset many classical music lovers who
objected to the idea of giving Beethoven s symphony an explicit storyline and a set
of images that he did not have in mind. The Pastoral Symphony is likely the most
familiar example of program music, but most musicians and critics seem to agree
that this does not give a free pass to any form of interpretation. In the intro to Fantasia
, the narrator addresses this by cautioning the listener that the video clips were created
based on the musical interpretations of animators, not of trained musicians. From that
cautionary message to articles published as recently as this year, Fantasia remains a
topic of controversy, influenced by factors such as audience familiarity and general
views on Beethoven himself. The reach of this influence is not limited to reviews of
the Pastoral Symphony feature, but rather extends to the whole
Effects Of Smoking In Restaurants
Smoking in restaurants
One thousand Americans stop smoking everyday by dying said by anonymous. If
smoking is killing people every day, why would we want someone to poison
ourselves with deadly air? When we are in a restaurant and someone is smoking we
are breathing the same air that they are. Even though their lips are on the cancer stick
the same toxins they are breathing in is being released in the air around them.
Without proper ventilation (open fresh air), the people around the light cigarette
would be breathing in those same toxins and poisons, which is second hand smoking.
Smoking in a restaurant is not only harmful to the one smoking but to those around
them. Smoking can cause loss of appetite, senses, side effects from second
smoking and most of all the rights of a nonsmoker to not be presented to the
smoke. When going into a restaurant, a person wants to enjoy their meal and time.
Especially if they are going and spending money on the luxury. But did you know
that smoking can cause loss of appetite and loss of senses? When someone is
smoking they ingest toxins such as tar and carbine monoxide, which causes the loss
of appetite and senses? So, if someone is going to a restaurant they want to digest the
food and drinks that they plan to order not toxins that causes loss of appetite and
senses. In the book Truth About Smoking , it concludes about the harms of smoking
and the harm that smoking has on the mouth. Smoking causes gum disease, staining
and loss of teeth as well as bad breath. When tar, the solid particles in tobacco smoke
that collect in the lungs, mixes with saliva in the mouth, it coats the teeth. Teeth take
on a brownish color, and flat surfaces where the tar can accumulate can even become
black, are all results of smoke staining teeth. Which can also cause wear on the biting
surface of the teeth which leads to teeth decay. With gum disease the gums recede,
they expose the roots of the teeth. The bacteria in the gum pockets don t just attack
the tissue of the gums, they weaken the bone and the connective tissue that holds the
teeth in place. The residue of cigarette smoke remains on the breath, including the tar
particles that stain the teeth. What happens is Saliva washes
William Shakespeare s Macbeth And Wuthering Heights
Andrew Sloop
Mrs. Weaver
English 4
May 29, 2017
Destructive Love In Macbeth and Wuthering Heights The theme of destructive love
within relationships in Shakespeare s Macbeth and Bronte s Wuthering Heights are
presented through sexism, jealousy, and betrayal. How do women gain control in a
relationship? Can men regain control in a relationship? What makes a good
relationship? What makes a bad relationship? Can people be over ambitious? These
questions are vital to understanding the complex relationships in these stories. Women
gain control in a relationship in several ways. Some relationships don t struggle for
power, and sometimes a participant simply gives the woman power freely. However,
other times, the woman abuses her partner ... Show more content on
In Macbeth, Macbeth becomes king. When this happens, Lady Macbeth becomes
docile, where before she was fiery, ruthless, and the driving force in the relationship.
Macbeth then became dominant over Lady Macbeth, gaining control in the
relationship. Thus, in this example, control was regained. In Wuthering Heights,
Heathcliff eventually came to own Wuthering Heights, and appropriated Thrushcross
Grange. When this happened, he was angry with Catherine, because he did not know
her plan. He isolated her from the rest of the household. He became more powerful.
Thus, he regained control in the relationship.
What makes a good relationship? This question has plagued the romantically
inclined for perhaps all of time. Dr. Sarkis of Psychology Today seems to think that
common goals and values are key, stating Couples with very different interests can
have healthy relationships what counts is that they share common goals and values.
( In this sense, the relationship in Macbeth is considered a
good relationship. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth do, after all, share a common goal:
They both want Macbeth to be king. However, they are not the only ones who share
a common goal or value.
Heathcliff and Catherine s love is an attempt to break the boundaries of self and to
fuse with another to transcend the inherent separateness of the human condition;
fusion with another will by uniting two incomplete individuals
The Theories That Best Resonate With Me Essay
In analyzing my development, the two theories that best resonate with me are the
cognitive theory of Baxter Magolda s Model and the moral theory of Rest s
Approach. I plan to first begin explaining Baxter s cognitive model and relate it to
my personal development through personal examples. I will transition to talk about
Rest s moral development approach and how the approach applies to my personal
Baxter Magolda s Model
The Baxter Magolda s Model focuses on the epistemological reflection through four
stages with gender related differences. The epistemological reflection encompasses
the assumptions about the nature, limits, and certainty of knowledge. Baxter s model
was one of the first to address gender in cognitive development in both men and
women. The four stages that Baxter utilizes include: Absolute, Transitional,
Independent, and Contextual knowing. (p. 363) Through Absolute Knowing,
knowledge is certain, for example instructors are seen as authorities with the answers.
Knowledge is then acquired by two means, either receiving knowledge, which is used
more by women and has a minimal interaction with instructors. (p. 363) The second
means of knowledge is mastering knowledge under which knowledge is obtained by a
verbal approach or willing to question learning when interacting with instructors. (p.
363) Through the Transitional Knowing stage, individuals accept that some
knowledge as being uncertain, which includes two patterns of
Lexus and the Olive Tree Summary
The Lexus and the Olive Tree, written by Thomas L. Friedman, investigates the
phenomenon of globalization in our world and how it has established a new
international system that has replaced the cold war. This new system of globalization
connects people from all over the world from Southeast Asians fighting a recession to
Thai bankers to entrepreneurs in the United States. Friedman credits that the
democratization of technology, information, and finance has shrunk our world from
small to tiny where people all over the world can now transfer information cheaper,
deeper, and faster. The walls that once separated our world have now been torn down
with the development of the Internet and the television.
Friedman uses the Lexus and the ... Show more content on ...
Chapter 9 goes into the building blocks of democracy that the Herd is imposing and
the government can t resist, such as transparency, standards, free press, corruption,
bond and stock markets, and democratization. Chapter 10 questions your company or
countries connectivity based on productivity and explains how the evernet is now
exploding across the country. Chapter 11 goes over some questions to evaluate to see
where your company or country stands, such as the growth, the weight, and the brand.
Chapter 12 dives into the theory of conflict prevention using the analogy of
McDonalds. He states that as of 1999, no two countries that both had McDonalds had
fought a war against each other and that the only three Middle Eastern countries that
do not currently have a McDonalds are Syria, Iran, and Iraq.
Section two ends with the Demolition Man in chapter 13 and The Winner Takes All
in chapter 14. The demolition man is basically the danger that because globalization
is moving so fast and with such force, it could wipe out the ecological and cultural
diversity that took millions of years to produce. It also explains that the gap between
the winner and the loser is getting even bigger because of the effects of globalization.
The two chapters in section three are dealing with the backlash and the groundswell.
The backlashers consist of those who feel threatened by globalization because they
can t keep and therefore
Carlo Scarpa s Approach And Theory
Carlo Scarpa s approach and theory to designing with existing buildings is an
innovation that is relevant to buildings even today. The Castelvecchio museum is
one of his greatest projects, and thoroughly reveals his way of working. Scarpas
intention was not only to restore an aging building but to do so in a way that creates
dialogue between the new and the old. By careful work of demolition and
preservation, he literally cuts, shifts and adds elements to the existing building in
order to create an exhibition of the building s past, and its connection to modernity.
In order for him to make informed decisions about what to preserve and what to
demolish, he had to have a thorough understanding of the building s political history.
The Castelvecchio dates back as far as the 12th century, and has undergone four eras
of development in its lifetime. The commune wall is the oldest element in the
building and was the second of three large fortifications in Verona(Fig 1.1). In 1354,
the Castelvecchio was built by the Scaligeri family, the Lords of Verona, and was
built for their own defense against the citizens for times of revolt. It was built either
side of the commune wall, and consisted of a three story residence or Reggia around
an inner court and an outer military zone (Fig 1.2). The Castelvecchio continued this
military function until 1797, where Napoleon and his troops claimed residence
during his invasion over the Venetian Republic. This
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist,...
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist, philosopher, scholar, Neo
Platonist and writer whose main passion was the reconciliation of philosophy and
religion. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was born on the 24th of February 1463 to a
wealthy and illustrious family and died on the 17th of November 1494. Being the
youngest son of three boys, Giovanni Pico della Mirandolawas mostly outlived by
his elder brothers who took on presumably significant roles; his brother Antonio
became an imperial army general while Galeotto 1 continued their father s dynasty.
Leaving behind his share of ancestral wealth and principality, he went on to become
one of the world s respected writers after fully devoting himself to studying theology
and... Show more content on ...
He then changed course and went to the University of Ferrara to study philosophy. He
then continued his studies from 1480 to 1482 at the University of Padua that was
well known for Aristotelianism where he studied Arabic and Hebrew. He spent the
next few years visiting other humanist centers and the University of Paris which was
Europe s most significant center for scholastic theology and philosophy (Craven,
Giovanni s movement to Florence marked a big change in his life especially
regarding his philosophical career. In Florence, around 1484 he met Ficino
Marsilio and Lorenzo de Medici. Ficino, a renaissance philosopher who was about
to publish translations of Plato s works from Greek to Latin under the supervision
of Lorenzo. (Edelheit, 2008). Later on he briefly moved to Perugia where he was
introduced to Hebrew Kabbalah. It is this Kabbalistic doctrine he used to support
Christian theology becoming the first Christian to do so. After travelling to Rome,
Giovanni invited scholars from all over Europe to Rome to debate and defend his
900 theses drawn from Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic writers. 13 of these were
however denounced as heretical by a papal commission and prohibited assembly.
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola decided to flee to France despite his apologia for the
13 theses where he was arrested. After his release he went back to settle in Florence.
He settled in a villa prepared for him by Lorenzo near
I Am Going To Write About My Journey To Job Corps.
I am going to write about my journey to Job Corps. Before I got to this training
center, I attended two high schools Bladensburg High School in Bladensburg, MD
and Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School in Upper Marlboro, MD. I started
Bladensburg as a freshman in the fall of 2013, but later I transferred in the fall of
2014 to Henry A. Wise. I dropped out of high schoolin 2015, but I do not remember
the exact date. I decided to go to Job Corps instead to get a high school diploma and
learn a trade since a friend spoke to me about the program.
I started Bladensburg as a freshman in the fall of 2013. I was honestly a bit excited to
start high school like most middle schoolers are these days. I started doing okay
academically, or at least I ... Show more content on ...
My mind got tired and I did not feel like making the effort so I left school. My
parents encouraged me to enroll somewhere else to get an education.
Once I was out of school, I spent my time constantly thinking about things to do.
Whether it was watching television or talking on the phone with a friend. I would
sometimes Google new information on different subjects I took interest in for
what felt like hours. Discovering new kinds of music was another thing I found
interesting. I always looked forward to hanging out with friends whenever I got the
chance to. One of the other main things I looked forward to doing was to
skateboarding. I did not mind skating most of the time because it was fun. With
practice, I became a really skilled skater; I could do high flips and quick turns on
the board. I do not really have that much fun unless I really enjoy doing something.
It was a lot of fun, but after a few months of being home getting a high school
diploma became important. I wanted to learn a trade to be able to get a job as well.
Finally, I took my friend s suggestion and enrolled in Job Corps to complete my
I had got on line and found the Job Corps website and called a number I saw there.
The person that I talked to about Job Corps on the phone emailed me some more
information I wanted and needed to know. She gave me another phone number to call
which an Admissions
The Physics Of Swimming Is Science
Freestyle Stroke Essay
Swimming is science. When a person swims, they are displacing water. In Ancient
Greek times, a physicist named Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy.
Archimedes Principle states that an object in gravity applies a force, or a
buoyancy, to whatever it is surrounded in. When a person submerges him or herself
in water, the water levels will rise. The density of a person or object determines if its
floatation. If an object is more dense than the water, it will sink. On the contrary, an
object lighter than water will float. There are various styles or strokes including
breaststroke, freestyle, and more. Freestyle swimming consists of many components
that combine to efficiently swim. Physics is a subtle yet ... Show more content on ...
The head is important. If the head is pressed down, the lower body will stay afloat.
In our first few days, our class practiced 6 foot and 9 vessels. We had a small
competition that checked to see which person could glide the furthest. The typical
goals for the vessel competitions were 4 feet and 4.5 feet. This taught our class
how to properly use our body in the freestyle stroke to eliminate drag. Another
lesson we learned was to swim with high elbows. The pull of the water causes a lot
of frontal drag and keeping closer to the water surface reduced the amount of drag.
This was another way to reduce drag.
Lower body movement is essential. Propulsion off of the wall could easily kick start
swimming. The stronger the push, the better. From there, a swimmer could start
kicking. The first kick we learned was the flutter kick, probably the most basic kick
in swimming. With straight legs, move the legs up and down alternatively. It
requires the movement of hips, legs, and feet. Next, we learned about dolphin
kicks. This kick requires one to move their whole body like a wave. While
streamlining, press the chest down then release. As the chest rises, thrust the hips
down with the legs following. The legs must be tightly pressed together, knees
should be slightly bent as the hips sink, and feet must be pointed. As the lower body
rises and the upper body dips, straighten the knees to push through the water. Both
kicks effectively propel a person
Islam In Black America Summary
Justice and equality by any means necessary was said in one of the most
controversial speeches in history by a Nation of Islam superior named Malcolm
X. The pursuit of peace and justice has been sought after in almost every major
religion and culture. The meaning of peace and liberation within the Nation of
Islam is no different than any other oppressed or mistreated group of people.
However the way the Nation of Islam was said to market its strategy for peace and
justice of mostly African Americans was by preaching violent and even oppressive
behavior to its followers. Leaders such as Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm Xwere the
front runners of the controversial undertone of the Nation of Islam during the civil
rights movement which was considered... Show more content on ...
Most of the information from the book comes from FBI reports on the Nation of
Islam leader. The book also goes into detail about Elijah Muhammad taking
advantage of his follower s for his own financial gain. Also the book explains the
multiple affairs that Elijah was involved in while he was leading the Nation of Islam.
Karl Evanzz doesn t seem to have a particular bias towards Elijah Muhammad;
however major themes within the book seem to portray Elijah Muhammad in a
negative light. Karl received a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), English; Political Science.
He also attended American University, Washington College of Law. He worked as a
researcher for the Washington post for twenty eight years. Currently he is the CEO of
New Was Multimedia in Baltimore,
Mistreated In The Nose And Black Boy
The story The Nose and Black boy have things in common on how they got
mistreated by other people who had thought they were better than them. The two
stories have the same tone because they have people getting mistreated for their
race and for their money. These books talk about how they both lost the power to
do anything because of what has happened to them or for who they are and from
where they came from. In Black Boy the main character Richard, is mistreated for
the color of his skin. He had been mistreated all his life growing up. At the age of
four he had burned down his grandma s house. His mother beat him near to death
for something he did not know he was doing as a CHILD! His family had moved
and at the age 12 he found out what racism
Analysis of Andre; S Mother by Terrence Mcnally Essay
Analysis of Andre s Mother by Terrence McNally
The play, Andre s Mother, by Terrence McNally is a story about accepting death
and is based in a story about a young man who died before telling his mother that he
was gay; leaving the man s partner to break the news and to inform the mother
about how much he missed seeing her and his fear of being rejected by her, in the
time before his death. The theme of this story is to live life everyday with no
regrets. Throughout the symbols and references you begin to understand the life of
Andre. The white balloon represents letting go and leaving a young man in peace.
The silence of his mother shows that she never accepted his sexual preference. While
Hamlet references the struggles of his everyday ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the play Andre s mom with her own conflicts releases the balloon. The
play write quotes, He goes, Andre s mother stands alone holding her white balloon.
Her lips tremble. She looks on the verge of breaking down. She looks at it awhile
before she gently kisses it and lets go of the balloon... I believe at that point that
Andre s mother forgave her son and was willing to wipe the slate clean by releasing
the white balloon and letting Andre s soul rest in peace. Andre s mother s silence
throughout the play shows that she never accepted her son s sexuality. Even though
she wasn t accepting she let her son rest in peace and let his soul ascend to heaven.
Andre s love of theater and the play Hamlet gave us an insight to his life. At the
beginning of the play Cal expresses Andre s love of theatre. Cal expresses, God, how
much he wanted to play Hamlet again. He would have gone to Timbuktu to have
another go at that part. The summer he did in Boston, he was so happy! (McNally
736). This reference to Hamlet, I believe showcases the struggles Andre went
through. Andre struggled with decision making and avoiding things, as did Hamlet.
Hamlet struggled whether to avenge his father and struggled with the decision that
he had been avoiding. This is also apparent when Cal brings up Andre s great
performance saying, You should have come up the summer he plated Hamlet. He was
magnificent (McNally 738). I believe the Hamlet
Indian Writing in English
Chapter 1 Introduction Indian writing in English has a comparatively short but
highly stimulating history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote conceivably the
first book by an Indian in English, called The Travels of Dean Mahomed . However,
most early Indian writing in English was non fictional work, such as biographies
and political essays. This began to change in the late 1800s, when famous Indian
authors who wrote mostly in their mother tongue, began to try their hand at
writing in English. In the early 1900s, Rabindranath Tagore began translating his
works from Bengali to English. During the start of 1917 Dhan Gopal Mukerji
wrote a number of stories mostly for children with Indian setup. He was honored
with the Newbery medal in 1928 for Gay Neck, the Story of a Pigeon. Soon after, a
whole new generation of Indian authors, who wrote almost exclusively in English
appeared. Starting in 1935 with R.K. Narayan s most famous collection titled
Swami and Friends and Mulk Raj Anand s Untouchable followed by Raja Rao s
book Kanthapura in 1938.The thing that distinguished Narayan s, Anand s and Rao
s works from the Indian authors before them was the use of Indianess in their work
which can be very well seen in terms of the words and style they used. They also
brought forward the story of the Indian common man. This gave birth to new ranks of
Indians reading English literature. Their works were the precursors to the magnificent
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  • 1. Essays On Politics Crafting an essay on the subject of politics is a task that involves navigating a complex and multifaceted landscape. Politics, by its very nature, is a dynamic and evolving field, making it challenging to capture its essence in a single piece of writing. The difficulty lies not only in the diversity of political ideologies, theories, and movements but also in the ever-changing geopolitical landscape. To begin with, one must grapple with the sheer breadth of topics encompassed by the umbrella term "politics." Whether delving into the intricacies of political theory, analyzing historical political events, or dissecting contemporary political issues, the writer is confronted with a vast array of information. Staying abreast of current events, understanding the nuances of different political systems, and critically evaluating the impact of policies require a deep and comprehensive knowledge base. Moreover, the inherently subjective nature of political discourse adds another layer of complexity. Opinions on political matters can be highly polarized, and constructing an essay that balances objectivity with the expression of one's perspective can be a delicate dance. The writer must navigate through a sea of conflicting viewpoints, providing a nuanced analysis that acknowledges the diversity of thought in the realm of politics. Additionally, the constant evolution of political landscapes poses a challenge. What may be relevant and significant today could become obsolete or undergo a drastic transformation in the near future. This necessitates not only an understanding of historical context but also an ability to anticipate potential shifts in the political paradigm. Furthermore, the responsibility to communicate complex political concepts in a clear and accessible manner adds another layer of difficulty. Striking the right balance between depth of analysis and readability is essential to engage the reader and effectively convey the intended message. In conclusion, writing an essay on politics demands more than just eloquence and grammatical prowess. It requires a deep understanding of political theory, a keen awareness of current events, and the ability to navigate the intricacies of subjective perspectives. Crafting an insightful and thought-provoking piece on politics is indeed a challenging endeavor, but it is through this challenge that one can contribute to a better understanding of the world we live in. For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of political essays or any other academic endeavors, similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essays On Politics Essays On Politics
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  • 4. Military Generals And General Douglas Macarthur In United States history, there is a long list of premiere military Generals and General Douglas MacArthur was on top. Even as professors and historians scrutinize his failures, MacArthur has not only preserved his reputation, but also maintained one. General Arthur MacArthur, Douglas father, famously told him, there are times when a truly remarkable solider must resort to unorthodox behavior, disobeying his superiors to gain the greater glory (American Caesar). Douglas took his father s advice to heart and many times entrenched his prominence on disobeying direct orders. However, by defying orders it made MacArthur a famous, but controversial figure. His defiance proceeded him during his enrollment at West Point, one of the best... Show more content on ... Therefore, he gave the names of cadets who had already confessed or pleaded guilty and declined to identify the names ordered of him. This demonstrated the insubordination of his defiant nature which would later bring him up through the ranks and achieve fame. Weeks later MacArthur would grab the attention again by defying the orders of a lieutenant, his math teacher. MacArthur fell ill often, missing tests. Usually, students will go under a special program called goats to receive special testing. Douglas made this list but his scores on the regular tests were so high that he already had a passing grade and went to see the instructor. There he threatened to resign from West Point stating, I know it is an order but it is an unreasonable one. If my name is not removed from that list by nine o clock tomorrow morning I will resign. Normally, the cadet would be punished or expelled for threatening the instructor, but MacArthur had a strong political and military background as his father received the Medal of Honor on multiple occasions, also reaching the rank of General, and his grandfather acted as a judge of the Supreme Court. Because of his families successful background MacArthur showed much promise with his intellect and the instructor removed his name. MacArthur had a very successful career in West Point as he later went on to receive the highest rank available to him, First Captain. Since Macarthur flirted with rules and often contravene direct
  • 5. The Mood Disorder And Anxiety Disorder Throughout our culture we often see people who do not fall under regular norms. These people can sometimes be defined as abnormal or unusual. Sometimes these abnormal behaviors can be caused by psychological issues in the mind, rather than extrinsic forces. These issues are not always easy to detect, but can range from things as simple as stress and anxiety to disorders such as dissociative disorder. A huge category of disorders is called the mood disorder. This paper will delve in to the mood disorder, particularly bipolar disorder, how it is diagnosed, how it develops, and what it is like to have this disorder. Moods are a common part of everyday life. They fluctuate every second of the day. It is normal to be happy, depressed, content, or even excited depending on the events that happen in your day, and how you perceive these events. A mood disorder is recognized when moods become impairing and hard to cope with (Parker et al, 2012, p.419). People have extreme swings from extreme happiness to sadness. These moods cannot be controlled, causing them to react inappropriately to events that are happening in their lives. Mood disorders can cause a person to be unstable in certain aspects of their lives, causing a disruption in a person s daily activities. One of the major disorders that emerge from a mood disorder is bipolar disorder. Basically anyone can develop this disorder. No matter what gender, age, race, or culture a person has an equal chance of acquiring bipolar
  • 6. Canadian Television Identity A recurring theme throughout Canadian television studies is identifying the relationship between television and national identity. There is a political ideology that suggests support of national culture is crucial to the existence and well being of the nation (Matheson, 2015). There is often assumed a linkage between cultureand a sense of national belonging and citizenship throughout Canadian televisionseries as a way to influence cultural nationalism. Within the Canadian competitive cooking game show MasterChef Canada, Canadian paradigms of ethnicity and national identity are created through the challenges and responsibilities participants are asked to perform during the series. Canadian programming, local reflection and patriotism all work... Show more content on ... Nationalism is based on groups of persons sharing a similarity of culture (Ebanda de B beri Middlebrook, 28). This analysis focuses on the shows procedures that attempt to render the manufacturing of Canadian identity. MasterChef Canada articulates to an essentially urban identity manufactured to represent all Canadians, locally and globally. It represents a version of Canadian identity that generates both affective feelings of regional belonging and a global sense of identification. MasterChef Canada, a Canadian television show provided by the CTV Television Network is a Canadian competitive cooking game show, part of the Masterchef franchise. The series revolved around amateur chefs competing to become the best home cook in Canada through challenges issued by judges Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini and Alvin Leung. Aprile, is regarded as one of the most innovative and creative chefs in Canada today, known for his counter intuitive and highly sophisticated approach to cuisine. Bonacini is a co founder of one of Canada s leading fine dining restaurant companies, Oliver Bonacini Restaurants, operating 12 unique and
  • 7. The Scientific Method Of An Experiment The first lab we ever did in Biology 101 was about the scientific method. The scientific method is used in solving everyday problems. The first part of the scientific method is to begin making observations and asking questions about the situation. Once that is done, you should then check some accumulated sources of scientific data to gain information about the situation. Then you must formulate a hypothesis. In other words, the hypothesis is what will lead to the formation of a statement that can be tested. Before any experiment can be tested, you must gather all the needed materials and come up with a reasonable procedure to perform the experiment. Usually when a hypothesis is being tested, a controlled experiment is the type to use. In a... Show more content on ... The double blind experiment is where neither the subjects or the researchers know which is the experimental group and which is the control group. The data collected is normally evaluated by another researcher. The correlation versus cause and effect experiment is where relationships between two or more variables is examined. It is easy to find a positive or negative correlation between two or more variables, but it takes conducting an experiment to proving that one variable causes another. A variable must be caught causing the other variable. A pseudoscience experiment is performed to determine whether or not certain information is supported by the scientific method. A lot of pseudoscience or fake science takes on the appearance of science but is never supported and when it is tested under controlled conditions, most pseudoscience claims usually don t hold up. All of these controlled experiment designs help when a hypothesis needs to be tested are they are all commonly used in science almost every day. Overall, this was an amazing first lab to do considering the scientific method is used to problems. Science isn t perfect and researchers are always asking questions. Researchers will always look to using the scientific method to find those answers! The second lab we completed in Biology 101 is about metric measurement and
  • 8. Revolution in Cosmology Resolves Dispute over Universe s Age Revolution in Cosmology Resolves Dispute over Universe s Age Just under seven years ago, astronomers using the Hubble space telescope presented results they hoped would help answer one of the most contentious issues in astronomy of the 20th century the question of the distance scale of the universe. But there was some unease when the result was announced. According to the report, other galaxies were close enough that, extrapolating backwards from their current rate of recession and making adjustments for the influence of gravity, they all would have been together (that is, the Big Bang would have occurred) as recently as 8 billion years ago. Unfortunately, there was strong evidence already in place that some stars were at least 12 15 ... Show more content on ... This problem wasn t solved until the 1920s, when Edwin Hubble devised the first method of extragalactic distance measurement. His technique relied on stars known as Cepheid variables, whose luminosities can be easily determined by measuring their rates of pulsation. Comparing this luminosity with the stars observed brightness allowed Hubble to estimate the distance to Cepheid stars in such galaxies, affirming their extragalactic location. That the universe extended beyond the Milky Way was already widely surmised, and this discovery didn t change much. The revolution came when Hubble compared these newfound distances with the velocities of galaxies, which can be determined by measuring their color spectra. To his surprise, he found the two to be nearly linearly correlated, leading to the conclusion that every galaxy is receding from every other galaxy, and the universe as a whole is expanding. How does this relate to the age and origin of the universe? The principle is really quite simple: if the velocity and distance to most galaxies are known, one can extrapolate their motion backward to find the time that they were all compressed together at the moment of the universe s origin, the Big Bang. The duration between then and now is the universe s age. Of course, a simple linear extrapolation won t do; the gravity resulting from matter in the universe can be
  • 9. Alcohol Impaired Driving Crashes Of The United States Alcohol has been around for years. There has even been a point in time when it was safer than water. As time passed the drink evolved and so did the problems that followed. Addiction, severe health problems, violence, rage, crimes, and even death have been the outcomes to those who fall victim to the beverage. Although the simple solution would be to just ban alcoholall together, I believe adding a system that puts a regulation that can help limit the negatives things caused by it. Many people who drink may experience lack in basic motor skills even though they believe that they re fine. The ability to walk a straight line, stand, or even operate a vehicle becomes a matter of life and death. Alcohol impaired driving crashes account for approximately one third of all crash fatalities in the United States (Jewett, Shults, Banerjee, and Bergen 1). Percentage wise this along makes up about thirty three percent. That number will continue to rise unless action is taken. Jewett, Shults, Banerjee, and Bergen states, An estimated 4.2 million adults reported at least one alcohol impaired driving episode in the preceding 30 days, resulting in an estimated 121 million episodes and a national rate of 505 episodes per 1,000 population annually (1). This is just the United States alone and the number of alcohol related incidents is already in the millions. According the blood alcohol concentration the legally drunk limit is .08 grams. After that number is reached the person is no
  • 10. Criterion Specific Rewards Zach and Patrick are in my 5th grade class. Zach is 10 years old. Zach excels in math, and any activities where he can manipulate things with his hands. Zach can often be found playing with Legos by himself. Zach really likes animals, and often stays after school to feed and play with the class guinea pig. Zach likes to work independently, and doesn t really socialize with the other students. Zach has a reading learning disability, and currently receives 30 minutes of resource room support daily. Patrick is 11 years old. Patrick is very social, and enjoys being the center of attention. Patrick is greatly involved with acting club, and even got the lead role in the school play. Patrick often shares funny stories with the class. Patrick is academically average, and doesn t have any severe deficits in any subjects. Recently, there have been increased amounts of quarreling between Zach and Patrick. Patrick will tease Zach, and Zach reacts by yelling,... Show more content on ... Decrease class interruptions Criterion specific rewards could help address Zach s and Patrick s goals. Criterion specific rewards are meaningful prizes or privileges that are given when a student demonstrates a target behavior. Group contingency is based off of peer influence. The group works toward a goal, and when the goal is reached, a reward is given. Effective rules are specific, predictable rules that help students change their own behaviors to desired ones. Criterion specific rewards could help Zach and Patrick, because when each student demonstrates one of their desired goal behaviors, he would receive a reward. Group contingency could work for the boys, because it would require them to work together to each get something they want. This could greatly increase Zach s social status in the class, and help his relationship with Patrick. Effective rules could help Zach and Patrick know exactly how to behave during group discussions, or if someone is picking on
  • 11. Analysis Of Mihayao Spirited Away By Miyazaki Hayao... In a traditional or typical family, it is always understood that children are meant to and able to rely on their parents for both safety and emotional support. In the film by Miyazaki Hayao Spirited Away, we observe a family far from the traditional sense of the word. Much of this film is about a young ten year old girl who is forced to save herself and her parents from being forever stuck in a world separate of their own. The relationships she loses and gains form her into a different person than who she is in the beginning of the film. Susan Napier asserts in her book Anime from Akira to Howl s Moving Castle Chihiro is a bratty child with parents who seem to be detached with her and as we see in the film selfish and indulgent in their own desires (181). These factors all contribute to the development and relationships of Chihiro in the film as well as the idea of family. At the beginning of the film as Chihiro and her parents are driving to their new home in the countryside, we are introduced to the type of relationships and personality of the family members. Napier describes her parents as disconnected from each other and their daughter and Chihiro as a whiny, sullen, and self obsessed child (181). Right off the bat we are able to see a significant difference in what a family is considered to be and how it is represented in the film. As mentioned before a family is meant to care for each other and parents are meant to care for their children especially, however perhaps because of these circumstances we are led on the journey of Chihiro s evolution from that of a spoiled child to a braver and assertive child. Upon getting lost in the forest by taking a shortcut, the father decides instead of trying to find their way back to the road, on exploring the mysterious tunnel and the motherfollows, telling Chihiro to stay in the car while they go off to see what is on the other end. Already we see how different the role of the father is portrayed as someone who thinks of his own desires and being before that of his wife or daughter. In the traditional role of a father, he is the person who is the protector of his family and as such he is meant to put his family first. It is pointed out in Napier s book
  • 12. Case Analysis Of Telstra Telstra Introduction Telstra is the biggest telecommunication company in Australia, it is leading the industry by offering a full range of services in the telecommunication industry. 1. Marketing strategies: 1.1 Target Audience Telstra Target audience Telstra Target audience is every single person that can use a mobile phone or has access to mobile phone. Business people, farm workers, students, business, school kids, there are simple services also for people who are technology savvy. (phillip dimond Telstra major project) 1.2 Market Segmentation *Demographic variables Telstra marketing strategies is focusing more on age, gender and income (Walker, Boyd, Mullins Larreche, 2003). For Example Prepaid mobile services are available for ... Show more content on ... This virtualization service will reduce cost and the company will have reduction in server related capital investment by 70% and a reduction in operational cost by 30% to 40% compared to the physical server.( Accenture_Client_Success_Telstra_Virtualization) This step allowed Telstra to decrease its cost and gave them opportunity to give better service for Telstra customers and offer them more data and minutes of talk better coverage customer satisfaction will increase. Telstra has implemented a new service for businesses allowing them to access Microsoft access 365, HR, CRM, and Finance. Cloud application allows businesses and companies to perform everyday job, they can access their emails, and could share documents, even save information. They can do hard jobs like complex business solutions and accounting, human resources management, and customer relations. Cloud application is an online service that can be purchased online and will save customers from paying money for IT skills on a pc server of to pay upfront fees to install software on the pc.(Telstra business enterprise/cloud services)
  • 13. Contracts Circumstance Argument Contracts Circumstance Argument Student s Name Institution Contracts and Pledges To the question on whether or not Alex s signature could be considered legally contractible, I would go with no. To begin with Alex is a minor, and does not have the legal authority to sign into a contract. According to (Goldman and Sigismond, 2013), contracts usually arises when there is an obliging agreement between persons involved that becomes unequivocally accepted by parties who are of required capacity by law . Furthermore children under the age of eighteen lack the capacity to enter into contractual relationships. Thus, making Alex s signature invalid and cannot be legally enforced. Conversely, some contracts such as service benefit contracts,... Show more content on ... The charity clearly has the ability and the right to make Claire s pledge binding since charitable pledges are usually enforceable. Namely, for a legal binding contract to arise there must be an agreement between the contracting parties, which is between the donor and the charity (Gary, 2010). Agreements that are entered into by parties give rise to two essential elements of a contract that include; the offer that resulted when the donor makes a promise to contribute some amount. In the sample case, Claire made an offer when she made a phone call and pledged $1000 to save the dogs . Acceptance is the subsequent element that develops when parties enter into an agreement. For this reason, acceptance was brought about by the charity accepting Claire pledge through the phone call. Certainly the charity may chose not to enforce the pledge Claire made to show good faith in their charity. All in all, for a binding contract to be valid there must be a consideration that is typically a promise that acts as a price for the promise made by the contracting parties (Gary, 2010). The consideration in the charity pledge case is a picture of the animal that a donor has helped and also a t shirt. These items are the price for the pledge made by Claire of
  • 14. Taylor Mountain Regional Park Topographic Analysis Topographic Assessment of Taylor Mountain Regional Park The purpose of this assessment is to understand all topographic factors concerning the past, present, and future of Taylor Mountain Regional Park. The site is 4 acres in size and is located in Taylor Mountain Regional Park and Open Space Preserve. The coordinates of the site, according to the USGS 1954 Santa Rosa Quadrangle Map, are N 38 degrees 24 minutes and 30 seconds, W 122 degrees 41 minutes and 25 seconds (Figure 2). The entrance to the site is located at the 1900 section of Kawana Terrace, adjacent to the private continuation of Kawana Terrace in Santa Rosa California95407 in the United States. The site is located in the NE 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of section 36, T7N, R8W on the Mount... Show more content on ... Through the northwestern portion of the site a manmade walking path has been established for recreation purposes adjacent to the lowest point of the meadow. Despite there being a drainage culvert for carrying rainwater under the pathway, there is noticeable erosion of the path itself, suggesting that with ample rainfall such a culvert is insufficient, allowing rainwater to flow up and over the path (Figure 8). This also draws into question the stability of the local area in terms of landslides and mass wasting. Because the slope is greater than 25% it is very likely that mass wasting occurs in the area. Slopes in the surrounding area are not steep enough for rock falls but with consistent heavy rainfall a mudslide of clay and rock is possible, which could threaten recreational users of the park. Because Taylor Mountain is a public open space preserve there is cause for concern when designing/building structures associated with recreational use. Precautions must be taken when building to avoid hazards of mass wasting and erosion. However, due to the nature of the preserve it is highly unlikely that any type of large structure or septic system would be permitted. Noise pollution in this area is very mild with only the occasional truck being heard on the 101 highway to the west. Unfortunately, a new fire station is to be built within .6 miles and some local fauna may become disturbed by the wail of sirens. Be advised that a sound barrier should be constructed around the fire station in order to minimize disturbance of wildlife. One important note is that it was recommended in a biotic assessment that, one of the proposed trails be removed from the plan (on Taylor Mountain) to avoid impacts to deer in the oak woodland, and that another be realigned to avoid wetlands (Waaland, pg.1). In doing so further disruption of wildlife habitat can be
  • 15. Pigs And Raising Pigs Minasakanian Adriana Minasakanian Mrs.Manaka Geometry November 16, 2017 Pigs Pigs, which are also called Hogs, are animals that are raised all over the world. Pigs are usually found in Europe, Africa, Southern Asia, America and Australia. They are one of the most populated mammals in the world, having about 1 billion of them living on farms throughout the world. Raising pigs may seem like a easy thing to do, but it is the exact opposite. To raise pigs, one must do it in a very specific way. There are so many pigs around the world due to their very short reproductive systems. This causes new types to arise in a short amount of time. What most people do not know about pigs is how intelligent they are. Pigs are known for their reputation as dirty, noisy, and smelly animals but they will really surprise a person with their intelligence. Pigs are very complex creatures that are used for several different things and tasks. Raising pigs might seem like a easy thing to do, but it is the exact opposite. Raising a pig is done in a very specific and cautious way. Raising a pig requires a well balanced diet that includes different things that provide everything they need to maintain a healthy life. Their diets includes carbohydrates from corn, and grains such as barley, wheat, rye, and oats which provide them with the energy they need (Ahlschwede). The diet also includes protein such as fish, meat, peanuts, soybeans, linseed and cottonseed that make the pig strong. Raising pigs also
  • 16. Distribution Segmentation And Distribution Segmentation Of... In 1824, Jon Cadbury started selling tea, coffee and drinking chocolate which he produced himself at Birmingham, England. He later formed Cadbury Brothers of Birmingham. I n the year 1905, Cadbury launched its new product Dairy Milk, with a higher proportion of milk than the previous chocolate bars. Today Cadbury is a confectionary company owned by Kraft Foods the acquisition being done in 2010 and is the industry second largest company after Mars Incorporated. Cadbury India has five categories of food products Chocolate Confectionary, Beverages, Biscuits, Gum and Candy. Markets for any product comprises several segments of consumers, each with different needs and wants. Market segmentation can be categorised in the following manner: Demographic ... Show more content on ... For Cadbury India we will look into the company s sales force structure, Motivation factors for the sales force and Purple champ. The company s sales structure is as follows: Motivational activities is organised for the sales force and different reward programs exist on successful completion of sales quota. There are annual meetings for the distributors. Gift Hampers for star performers. Foreign trip to high performing super stockist, the reward program named as Udaan . The distributor s sales force are called Purple Champs. They report directly to Territory Sales In charge (TSI). Each distributor employs around 10 12 Purple Champs. Each is allotted a specific route to be covered in every beat and the weekly beat plan is made by TSI. The service cycle for each purple champ is as follows: Visiting outlet according to beat plan and identify whether is a shop/pan tapir or a chemist store. Go through the stock in the store. Use Palm Tops to feed order for each brand for the specific
  • 17. Elp Improve Own and Team Practice in Schools Essay TDA 2.6 Help improve own and team practice in schools | Describe why team work is important in schools It is important to work as part of team as this can only gain better results, you can listen to other people and their ideas and also share your own ideas and experiences. Working as a team can also reduce your own work load through sharing good practice, sharing worksheets, saving time preparing your own worksheets for your class. Everyone within your team will know what the target goal is and work together to achieve it. Relationships between staff within your team will get stronger and you will feel valued and this will help build your confidence and self esteem. When you work together there is consistency therefore if a ... Show more content on ... Describe the importance of respecting the skills and expertise of other practitioners You should show respect and value the knowledge of other members of staff, as you never know when you will need their assistance. This can build a good working relationship as you show your respect and interest in them. The same will be returned to you. A lot of the teachers at my schoolhave been there a long while so I value their advice and sharing experience, it is good practice. Some staff at my school are not only class teachers but also specialise in other areas, speech and language, special needs etc. It is not only their professional experience but some teachers have outside interests, ie art, this is useful as you could ask for some creative activities or ideas to try with your own groups to assist the children with learning. I also respect the
  • 18. Kant’s Argugument for the Existance of Supreme Moral Law By the end of section II of The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant has established that, if there were a supreme moral law, it would look like the categorical imperative. His task in the final section of the Groundwork is to show that there does in fact exist such a moral law by proving that we have free wills, and secondary to this, he wants to show why we actually take an interest in morality. This paper will provide an account and evaluate the success of Kant s argument in this final section. By the start of section III, Kant has finished developing the structure of the supreme moral law, were it to exist. He began by analyzing our popular conceptions of morality, and worked toward developing a rational reconstruction of this morality. In line with this effort, Kant specifies the will as the fundamental cause of action for rational beings, and it is the supreme moral law that the will acts for the sake of and from which we derive our duties. This principle, called the categorical imperative, is the unconditioned conditioner of the will, in that it is the determining ground for the will, but is not itself determined by any other law. Kant offers three formulas of the categorical imperative in section II, and it is the third formulation, which requires us to think of ourselves as legislating universal law in a kingdom of ends, that emphasizes the importance of autonomy. It is this concept of autonomy, or freedom of the will, that will be crucial for Kant in
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Isaac Newton s Laws Of Motion Space travel had been a dream for mankind ever since stars could be seen in the sky. Creating successful rockets wasn t easy; scientists in the seventeenth century like Galileo and Newton spent years trying to understand the laws of motions (How Rockets). Isaac Newton s three laws of motions had advanced the creation of a working rocket. His laws of motion are the building blocks of a functional rocket. Newton s first law states, an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force ( The Rocket ). A rocket on a launch pad is an object at rest. For a rocket to lift off, the force needs to push the rocket off the pad. Newton s second law of motion can be written with the equation F = ma. The engine of the rocket is generating force as long as it is ignited, thrusting particles out of the rocket. The amount of force the engine generates is equal to the mass of the rocket and the acceleration of the rocket. Since particles are pushed out of the rocket, the mass is constantly decreasing, which means the acceleration will increase (How Rockets). Rockets travel into space according to this. The principle behind Newton s ... Show more content on ... To make space travel a possibility, a lot of changes have to be made. Reducing the price of space travel is one of the most challenging problems scientists face. Another problem is how many mass propellants take up. Around 80% of a rocket s mass is propellants; this limits the amount of space that can be used for luxury items that attract customers to spend a lot of money into space travel. Also, the limited space restricts the number of people that can be travel into space in one rocket. Fewer amounts of people that could travel into space mean the more expensive space travel would be. The more space travel costs, the fewer amounts of people would afford
  • 20. Summary Of The Night Sky It was late, the moon already high in the night sky, all except for George lie sleeping softly in the bunkhouse. An unfinished game of solitaire, sprawled out across the barn floor. The barn was lit only by a single red candle on an overturned crate. Next to the candle was an opened red pack of cigarettes and a dirty brass lighter. Fresh hay was scattered around the cold floor, a job unfinished. In the corner of the shadowed barn, a spider clung to its web as it slowly devoured a helpless fly. Curley s wife lay still, untouched, the sight almost had a natural feeling about it, as though this was all her life was ever to amount to, she lay dead amongst the hay; it was as thought the others had forgotten about her and merely continued with their dreary lives. A rusted shovel leaned against the wall, next to a freshly dug mound of earth, covering Candy s lifeless dog. Lastly, spread across the floor, was a ragged length of cold consuming rope, with a noose tied in one frayed end. George crouched before the rope, hunched over almost questioningly, as though judging whether or not this was his best way out of the situation. He was dirty and unshaven; he had yet not bothered to change from his gloomy, threadbare work attire. His hair was greasy and unkempt, his facial hair was long and neglected and his face looked like it had not seen water for many days. His eyes seemed to have sunken in to his head, for they were carrying heavy bags, he resembled a man who had not slept for
  • 21. Automatic Stay Research Paper Everything You Need to Know About an Automatic Stay Many things happen after you file for bankruptcy, but one of the first things that occurs is that an automatic stay goes into effect. An automatic stay may seem a bit scary if you don t know what it is, but here are the important things you need to know about an automatic stay. What Is It An Automatic Stay? An automatic stay is when your creditors are notified you ve filed bankruptcy and they can not attempt to collect the money owed to them anymore. This is not indefinite pause on your bills, it simply gives the bankruptcy court time to review your case and decide how much each creditor will get from your bankruptcy settlement. What Does It Affect? Before filing for bankruptcy, it
  • 22. Neanderthals Video Summary According to the video, Neanderthals were not the brutish and unintelligent ape like creatures of popular myth, but a strong, intelligence, and highly adaptive species who mastered their environment and survived for thousands of years. This is proven throughout the video through the Neanderthals development of weapons and tools, how they communicated and played a part in their clan, and how they mastered their environment to survive for an incredibly long time. One of the most common myths about Neanderthals is their curiosity of fire, and how they were amazed by it. This however was proven false throughout the video. The Neanderthals seemed to have tamed fire, using it to their advantages, like for warmth and for also cooking. The Neanderthals... Show more content on ... We originally believed that they only communicated with mere grunts and babbling of words, but the video has shown that they had their own language to communicate with their clan, unique and special to them. Nowhere in the video did I see or hear them talk to each other with only grunts, but they had their own language and used hand gestures as well when they hunted. The video also mentioned, that every member of the clan had to play a part. It said that at girl at the age of eleven, had not been hunting for long. This tells the viewer that the Neanderthals recognized that everyone will have to contribute to their clan to survive their environment. I also learned that from the Video, is that the Neanderthals cared for each other. When a member of the clan, the leader, was killed, all members of the clan contributed into a ritual for their killed leader. Archeologists have found that a skeleton had animal bones surrounding it, as well as pollen, showing signs of a burial. This shows me that the Neanderthals had their own form of communication and had a clan based on social interaction, making them more intelligent and less brutish than what we believed them to
  • 23. Point Paper Caucasus Region STRATEGIC ESTIMATE OF THE CAUCASUS REGION Non US/Multinational Policy Goals, include NATO expansion in size and influence). Relations with Russia. Create an independent Kurdish nation. US Domestic Considerations are the oil pipeline through the Southern Caucasus Region and the Black Sea for trade access. Ahurastan interests include having international recognition as a sovereign nation and they want 25% share of the offshore oil reserves of the Caspian Sea. Non State SAPA (South Azeri People s Army) (Military) traditionalist insurgents objectives aimed against GOAZ (Government of Azerbaijan). Supported by Ahurastan. Non State SAPP(South Azeri Peoples Party) (Political) traditionalist insurgents Non State Free Karabakh ... Show more content on ... Ahurastan openly supports this insurgency. In 2017 SAPA trained and equipped a fundamentals regime in Iran began attacking Azerbaijani army units. b.The FKM has interfered with Azerbaijani police effort to maintain order in the region and is a growing problem. In November 2019 the FKM who is funded by GOAZ attacked an Armenian Nuclear Power station at Metsamor, 20 kilometer south of Yerevan. c.The Caspian Sea is among five states and remains a source of tension. More than 15 rounds of negotiations have failed to reach an agreement by all parties. Azerbaijan, Ahurastan, and Iran claim the Araz Alov Sharg oil field in the Caspian Sea. d.Russia has enforced a naval blockade of all maritime traffic since October 2017. North of 42 degrees north latitude in the Caspian Sea, while expanding oil exploration there. Russian and Kazakhstan assert their claims over the territorial sea area. 2. CURRENT STATUS. Azerbaijan s rail system from Georgia to Baku has been upgraded by U.S. Army Reserve engineer units. Road and water distribution networks along Kura River valley have been over hauled. Several regional airfields have been paved and enlarged. a.Ahurastan seceded from Iran in 2018 2019. The Ahurastan objective in supporting SAPP creates conflicts in the region. b.Armenia s primary domestic issue is a reliable source of energy to sustain its
  • 24. Reasons Why Basketball Is The Best Sport Many people believe that basketball and football can be the best sports in the world. Basketball can be known as the best sport because it s played all over the world and tons of people like to play/watch it. For football tons of people love to play the sport and tons of people like to watch football every Sunday. In my opinion, I think baseball is clearly the best sport in the world. The great sport of baseball was invented in 1839 in a town called Cooperstown, New York. Many of you might know that this is now where the MLB hall of fame is located at and this is a great tourist destination. Once the sport was founded here it started to branch out all over the country and even some parts of the world. Now it s played in almost every single country in the entire world. It s crazy how a sport like baseball can be played all around the world and rapidly grow that fast. In all sports getting injured is always a possibility. In football and basketballACL injuries are the most common injuries that a player can get. Also in football, there s now a growing concern over CTE problems which is concussions to the head. This is very scary for most players and now players are starting to retire for this reason. In the MLB, the only concern of injuries is really in their arm and a player can almost guarantee a return at some point. So, my point is that MLB doesn t have as many injuries as the other sports do so this attracts more players. Baseball is the easiest sport to just pick up
  • 25. The Impact Of Customer Relationship Management On Customer... THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT ON CUSTOMER RETENTION IN BANKS A Thesis Submitted to the Superior University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelors in Business Administration Submitted by Usman Hassan Rahmani BBA 7145 SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY LAHORE DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I hereby declare that this project is entirely my own work and that any additional sources of information have been duly cited. I hereby declare that any Internet sources published or unpublished works from which I have quoted or draw references fully in the text and in the content list. I understand that failure to do this will result in failure of this project due to plagiarism. I understand I may be called for viva and if so must attend. I acknowledge that this is my responsibility to check whether I am required to attend and that I will be available during the viva periods. Signed................................................ Date.................................................... Name of Supervisor Prof. khansa Irem Acknowledgment: I must offer my thanks to Allah Almighty by whose blessings I have been able to complete my thesis report on Effect of Integrating marketing Communications to build brand equity I also offer my thanks to honorable Rector Prof. Ch. Abdul Rehman for providing me a chance to work on thesis. I also offer my thanks to Miss khansa irem for her valuable guidance and contribution in making my report meaningful and useful.
  • 26. Stress In High School Students Stress is a normal part of life for many high school students. The school year is full of stressful situations and events. There are many different causes of stress, from homework to sporting events. Between retain good grades and teachers like Mr. Gibbons, some students feel like they can never seem to catch a break. However, very few of them know that their personality is a leading factor in their stress. Depending on the type of personality they are, their stress level could be higher or lower (Dumitru Cozman 2012). The first type of personality is Type A personalities. They are the more outgoing personality of the two. People who have an intense ambition and are very competitive are categorized as Type A personalities. Time is also a very important concept to Type A s. They will have an exaggerated time urgency. Many of Type A personalities believe that they must be early to an event or they are considered late. The final way Type A personalities can be categorized is by their outlook. A hostile, cynical outlook is the main characteristic of an A personality (Haupt 2010). Some characteristics of having a hostile outlook are lacking compassion, envious of others and their accomplishments, tendency to always see the worst in others, and aggression (McLeod 2014). The second, more laid back personality type, is Type B. Type B personalities are the more calm, relaxed people who seem to be in no rush (Chandrakanta Janijhua 2012). Patience is another quality that Type B
  • 27. Aboriginal Children In Canada For decades, Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families and upraised in poorly funded residential schools throughout Canada. The purpose of this school system was to assimilate Indigenous children into the Canadian society by destroying their native culture. When attending these schools, Aboriginal children also suffered from sexual, physical, psychological, and/or spiritual abuse which had a negative impact on their overall well being (The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, 2012). These detrimental events endured by an Indigenous child were portrayed within the novella, Wenjack, written by Joseph Boyden. Throughout the novella, it explores the experiences undergone by a First Nation student, Chanie, whose... Show more content on ... As a result, illnesses such as tuberculosis, small pox, and measles went uncured which led to the death of many Indigenous students (The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 2012). This was illustrated in Wenjack where it is mentioned how Chanie had developed a lung infection, tuberculosis, which he had failed to receive treatment for. It is noted by Boyden (2016) that tuberculosis and similar diseases had taken thousands of Indian children s lives (p. 11). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2012) state how the high mortality rates of students caused devastation within families hoping their children would return home. As a result, they spent their lives grieving never knowing how their child died or where their body was placed. Thus, it is no surprise that the statistics demonstrate that the Aboriginal population has higher rates of premature death (Pederson et al., date). Unfortunately, neglect in Aboriginal s health care still continues to occur to this day. In particular, Pederson et al. (date) mentions how poor economic and social conditions in the Indigenous community exist which contribute to these individuals viewing their health status as low. Additionally, the neglect in this population has resulted in a reduction in their social determinants of health. For instance, Pederson et al. (date) recognize how physical neglect has resulted in poverty, poor housing and substance abuse (p. 297). As a result of being neglected, the Aboriginal population is continuing to suffer which further leads to consequences in their health. Thus, Wenjack enables the reader to acknowledge how neglect continues to play a role in harming the lives on the Aboriginal
  • 28. Lensky s Aria From The Opera Eugene Onegin Lensky s Aria from the opera Eugene Onegin A novel by Alexander Pushkin adapted for opera by Pytor Tchaikowsky in 1825 Arranged for flute and piano by Guy Braunstein; edited and revised by Emmanuel Pahud in 2009 Performed by Emmanuel Pahud and Fuminori Tanada As does any opera, Tchaikowky s Russian Opera Eugene Onegin portrays a storyline overrun with tragedy. Eugene Onegin has inherited his uncle s estate giving him access to acres of hunting ground on which he meets Lensky, whom he becomes rather good friends with. The friendship does not last long however, as a vast misunderstanding comes between them. Lensky had recently been engaged to Olga, a neighbor of Onegin s, and finds himself incredibly joyful and very much in love. Lensky sees Onegin dancing with his fiancГ© , and takes Onegin to be attempting to seduce his fiancГ©, yet this is not the case. Onegin was only dancing with Olga to be cruel to her younger sister Tatyana who has recently expressed her love for Onegin. Lensky will not here of Onegin s explanation and challenges Onegin to a duel. It is in the scene of the duel where Lensky performs his aria. The aria is the last lyrical piece in the opera at the end of Act 2. The aria is heard by the audience just before the battle and just before Onegin loses his life. Lensky s Aria has been performed by many vocalists both on stage and as a solo work accompanied only by the piano. The lyrics tell of how Lensky wishes he were young again and had only
  • 29. Theme Of Greed In The Maltese Falcon Greed has the been the main source of conflict in the Maltese Falcon. In the novel, the characters desperately chased after an infamous artifact known as the black bird. With thorough research, it had been discovered that this thousand year old artifact was worth millions of dollars. Yet, due to the existence of this bird, numerous people have been greatly affected. Various individuals have been intrigued by the bird and eventually become consumed by its value. But, the character who has truly been consumed by greed due to the blackbird is Gutman. Gutman s greed for the bird has led to the death and deception of many. Miles Archer, a detective and partner of Sam Spade, died because of this. All Miles did was carry out his duty as a detective and went through with a case that would eventually lead to his death. Miles archer is the victim of Gutman s greed. Mr. Gutman is the killer of the innocent Miles Archer . However, Gutman was not the one who had physically killed young Miles . The one who was responsible for putting an end to his life was Brigid O Shaunessy. At the end of the novel, it is discovered that it was Brigid who actually shot and killed Mr. Archer in the alley. Once Mile s partner, Sam Spade figures this out, he says to Brigid You killed Miles and you re going over for it. (Hammett 163) Despite figuring out this information, this quote is indirectly referring to Mr. Gutman. Mr Gutman is the true culprit of killing Miles Archer. Brigid s greed was
  • 30. The Discovery Of The World Of Surgeons Franco woke up one special morning and jumped out of bed like a bullet fired from a gun. His head was whirring, heart pounding out of his feathery chest, and nerves on edge. Today was the day. He stepped out onto the porch of his igloo and took a deep breath as he stared off at the view around him. Even with everything happening, the arcticmountains never ceased to amaze. With the vast blanket of snow covering them and falling from the morning sky, and the brisk air that penetrated the sunrise, he was still astonished by its beauty each and every day. The snowfall growing faster, he quickly jumped up and landed front side on the ice, sliding swiftly and hurriedly, making sure to avoid any polar bears as they were always patrolling for... Show more content on ... Although his parents were the ones who currently ran the SSS, his childhood of always watching surgeries being performed by them wouldn t help today. Everything needed to be perfect, or else his future as one of the top surgeons in the SSS would be blown. Scrubs on, hands as clean as whistles, and mind clear as day, Franco was officially ready to make the most crucial cut of his life. Literally. He walked calmly into the doorway of the OR and tried to stop his hands from shaking with nerves. The hard smell of ice and metal was the first thing he noticed even though Franco had experienced this room a thousand times. As he asked a nurse for the scalpel, he glanced into the watch room up above and saw his whole family and some friends and he knew that everything would work out. This was Franco s first time holding a scalpel and it sent a chill up his whole feathery body. The cold metal that could kill and heal all at the same moment amazed him. The blade sliced through tender skin, and exposed the diseased abdomen. Even though a part of him was on edge, focusing on his technique calmed him. He didnt look up once, knowing that if he did all of the eyes watching would send him into a mess of nerves. When he finally made the last suture, a wave of relief rushed over him as the procedure was done. Before he even went to talk to his parents, Franco sprinted out the nearest
  • 31. Research Paper On Employee Absenteeism Project TitleEMPLOYEE ABSENTEEISM OF THE TITAN INDUSTRY LIMITEDObjectives1.To study the level of absenteeism prevailing in the organization 2.To study the major causes of absenteeism in the organization 3.To identify steps required to control the absenteeism 4.To determine the awareness level regarding effects of absenteeism on the productivity 5.To provide suggestions in the form of solutions to reduce the rate of absenteeismProblem Statement3)problem statement Absenteeism is the most single most important cause of lost labour time. Absenteeism is one of major human problem of Indian industries. Absence is an employee s non availability or work when work is available for that employee. The Labour Bureau defines absenteeism as the total shifts... Show more content on ... It introduced its futuristic Quartz technology with India s two most recognized and loved brands titan and Tanishq to its credit, Titan industriesis the fifth largest integrated watch manufacturer in the world. The success story story of TITAN began in 1948 with a joint venture between the Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation. The study analyses the various that lead to the employee absenteeism like lack of raining, quality of work life, policies regarding promotion, incentives, benefits etc. Stress Although stress accounts for only 12 percent of absenteeism a year, the monetary costs that stress imposes on a company are significant. The Health and Safety Executive claims Rs.675 sick days are taken every year as a result of stress alone. The cause of stress, or stressors, are numerous and can be found anywhere in the workplace. Stressors can include dangerous working conditions, long working hours, job security worries and job monotony. This stress can lead to poor mental health, health disease, back pain, and gastrointestinal
  • 32. Standard English Assess Task ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT Text 1 TREADING WATER The end of semester is just days away. I should be cramming as usual, but my mind just won t anchor. It drifts from scene to scene unsatisfied at every moment, a restless buoy in a swelling sea. I am a model student what is the difference this time? The difference this time is that it is the last time. Once more through the examination mill and then out I pop an educated graduate. I can t help but think that I feel more like an Uncle Toby s Raspberry Roll Up coming out flat at the other end. The last few years have flown by in a spicy, rebellious fog of cigarette smoke and 5dollar cocktails. I m not ready for the corporate smoke den. What have really accomplished? A degree. A ... Show more content on ... Now she is left with a beaten down heart. Now I sit alone with my mistake. Now I have to forge hope out of my beaten down heart. now she has finished the degree she is upset and she has to forge her hope it s not just going to come from what she has done she has to start some things again. A degree. A degree of waste, unhappiness and boredom. This quote emphasis the point of not caring about the degree she has just gotten and that it was just a degree of waste, unhappiness and boredom. She isn t going to be able to use this degree joyfully. She also emphasises it through a triple repetition of a word or phrase or sentence style 3 times for effect, waste, unhappiness and boredom. ANALYSIS OF THE LANGUAGE FEATURES AND STRUCTURES SIMILE = Once more through the examination mill and then out I pop an educated graduate. I can t help but think that I feel more like an Uncle Toby s Raspberry Roll Up coming out flat at the other
  • 33. Millard Fillmore Compromise Not many Americans agreed with the Compromise. People who were strongly against still did not accept the Compromise. Both sides were effect and there were sections of the bill s provision the neither side agreed with. The northern did not agree with the Fugitive Slave Law, and several states then passed laws prohibiting its enforcement. Southern were disappointed that California was a free state and for the District of Columbia it was illegal. The South did not believe that the government would enforce the Fugitive Slave Law. Fillmore struggled to keep these two extreme sides satisfied. He then gave into the Southern pressure and secession threats, he decided to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law. In 1851, a Maryland man combed Pennsylvania,... Show more content on ... To counteract Northern uneasiness, Fillmore ordered General Winfield Scott to strengthen forts in South Carolina to give Southerners second thoughts about possible secession schemes. Meanwhile, legislatures in Northern states passed personal liberty laws which forbade state judges to assist slaveholders and extended to blacks the right to trial by jury in these disputes. Unfortunately, by trying to please everyone, Millard Fillmore, it seemed, could please no one. The Whig Party began to fall apart from the strain of all the conflicting points of view on slavery. Foreign policy Despite the congressional debates that raged on over the issue of slavery during Millard Fillmore s term in office, the President had a foreign policy agenda that emphasized expanding trade while limiting American commitments outside the Western Hemisphere. Asia Pacific: Japan and Hawaii For nearly three centuries, Japan had been a completely isolated nation. American shipping interests, however, identified the nation as a prime location to stop and resupply their ships on the way into China and Southeast Asia. Great Britain s opening of China some years earlier had illustrated the benefits of new trade markets. Assisted by Secretary of State Daniel Webster, Fillmore ordered a trade mission to Japan by Commodore Matthew Perry. Although the mission was not fully completed until the succeeding administration of Franklin Pierce, the policy did
  • 34. Rob Kardashian If you re following Rob Kardashian lately, you need to learn something about him. Lately, he has been complaining about his skin and weight. He s telling the insider that he has some issues regarding his skin and weight, as he s not comfortable with it anymore. Her fiancee, Blac Chyna, also noticed him when it comes to his feelings. He added that he s not happy anymore on what he s doing lately. The reason that he s opening up about his appearance is because he wants others to relate about their feelings when it comes to being overweight. He recently met with celebrity stylist, Jen Rade, as he looks for his outfits that can fit him very well. It seems that there are some outfits that he likes to wear. Unfortunately, they re not fit enough for... Show more content on ... Watch the video below: As you can see, Rob seems not to be satisfied with his body right now. In other words, this is a lesson for those who are overweight. Worse of all, it can lead to obesity if Rob doesn t start disciplining himself. He was completely upset that he had gained 20 pounds during that time when they aired their own TV show at E! If we re going to talk about weight gain, there s nothing wrong about that if you re kind of underweight. The main goal that Rob and others like you is to lose weight and maintain better metabolism. According to most dietitians and nutritionist in different parts of the world, your weight must be ideal to your height right now. It s really normal for you to eat three times a day and doing regular exercise. However, you need to take note of the foods and drinks, which causes you to gain weight once and for all. For example, drinking soda is a common cause. Sodas like Coke and Pepsi can increase your weight and belly size. Maybe this is what Rob is doing right now, and it s one reason why he gained 20 pounds. No regular exercise or physical activity is also a common reason that Rob Kardashian and the others are just keep on gaining weight once and for
  • 35. The Main Factors That Support The Core Principles Of Our... Abbie Voorhies Essay 2 Essay 2 There are three contemporary factors that continue to deprive the core principles of our democracy. The elections seem to be more about winning the game than the actual issues and ideals. Each factor plays a major influence on how the American politics are run today. There has been many Amendments that have been published to stop voter discrimination. A few are the fifteenth Amendment, in which it states, Race no Bar to Vote. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridge by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude (Janda). The Twenty third Amendment gave limited voting rights to the residents of Washington ... Show more content on ... Billions of dollars are spent each year in attempt to wow over the audience of America. The money flows through the U.S. politics, Corporations, industry groups, union labors, and single issued organizations in which all work together to attempt the end goal of persuasion. The precedent case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has resulted in fewer restrictions on campaign spending. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act regulates the big money campaigns (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission). The act limits and restricts electioneering communications (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission). From the article read from Ozey it states, Section 203 of the BCRA prevents corporations or labor unions from funding such communication from their general treasuries. Section 201 and 311 require the disclosure of donors to such communication and a disclaimer when the communication is not authorized by the candidate it intends to support (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission). In the current case the District court held that The Movie was a representation on express advocacy, as it tried to persuade voters that Senator Clinton was not the right fit to run for office (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission). The communication was not authorized nor supported Clinton. The problem with putting restriction on campaign spending is in some cases seem to get into the area of First Amendment in which the
  • 36. Civil War In Arkansas Essay Civil War in Arkansas The Battle of Prairie Grove was on 1862, northwestern Arkansas and southwestern Missouri. The Union when a force called for General James G.Blunt holds off a force of Confederates under General Thomas Hindman. Hindman joined in force at Fort Smith, Arkansas, to make an attempt to recapture territory lost during the Pea Ridge campaign of early 1862. When Hindman sent an advance detachment of cavalry under John Marmaduke in a minor engagement at Cane Hill. After Cane Hill, Hindman marched his 11,000 man army across the Boston Mountains and Approached Blunt s 5,000 Troops. Hindman prepared to attack, but it was surprised by the approach of Union reinforcements from Missouri. Union General Francis Herron had marched 7,000 ... Show more content on ... The two armies lost about 2,700 soldiers who were wounded, killed, or missing in action. The battle was a tactical draw, but a strategic Union victory as the Federals would maintain control of Missouri and northwest Arkansas for the remainder of the war. Unfortunately, there would be plenty of guerrilla warfare in the region with bushwhackers (Southern supporters) and jayhawkers (Union supporters) destroying the countryside and forcing many families to become refugees from the conflict. It would take many years for the people to recover from the effects of the Civil War. Nearly a month after initiating their campaign against Confederates in southwest Missouri, Gen. Samuel R. Curtis Union Army of the Southwest had pushed into Arkansas and established a defensive position on the bluffs overlooking Little Sugar Creek. At the same time, Gen. Earl Van Dornwas appointed to take command of Confederate forces in the trans Mississippi with the objective of destroying Curtis and his 12,000 Federals. Rather than attack Curtis fortifications, Van Dorn proposed to march around the Union right flank, near Pea Ridge. In the course of the maneuver, however, the Southern forces were divided. Van Dorn s two wings, under generals Benjamin McCullough and Sterling Price, were separated by Pea Ridge, and subsequently compelled to fight two distinct actions, with neither wing able to support
  • 37. Dirt Track Racing Research Paper The particular community I consider to be affiliated with is the local dirt track race car community. Dirt track racing is a sport in which race cars perform on a dirt or clay surfaced oval track. There are various race car classes that range from Hornets which are considered the least expensive all the way up to the Modified, which is the most expensive class of race car to run on the race track. I personally identify myself to be included in such a community due to the fact that ever since I was the age of four, my father took up the sport of racing Modified s every weekend from March to October, and this is ultimately how I was introduced to the race track family (community). At the age of six my brother was very intrigued by the sport of racing and convinced my father to allow him to follow in his footsteps, and also pursue the love and dedication for the sport. When my father and brother took up the sport of racing it gave me... Show more content on ... From the second you pull up to the race track you catch a glimpse of the oval shaped, quarter mile clay track that contains four sharp turns. As soon as you exit your vehicle, you are faced with a distinct odor of the sweet smell of cherry race fuel that is burning off of the race cars preparing to go out onto the race track from the pit area. The pit area is the location of the race track where all the racer car drivers and pit crew members park, fine tune, and tweak their set ups on their race cars for the particular track. The adjustments and set ups of the races cars are vital due to the fact that every set up is unique to each and every track due to the different shapes. Another factor that the race car drivers and pit crew members have to take into consideration are the condition of the track, this is due to the fact that a dry track utilizes a different set up than a tacky track, which is a track that is sticky due to the abundance of
  • 38. Summary Of The Coddling Of The American Mind The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt is a short work written to inform people on an epidemic that is affecting colleges and universities around America. The article talks about certain words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense (Lukianoff) and how students are asking for them to not be said. Much is covered on the topic including specific examples of how people were persecuted for saying such things and various opinions on if this trend is for better or worse. I believe the article highlights a problem in the educational system and in order for improvement these topics need to be taught and discussed. The article starts out with an anecdote from Harvard Law that describes how a professor was urged to not teach rape law and even go as far as not use the word violate . This seems quite absurd because odds are a high profile law student will probably encounter rape law and absolutely encounter the word violate in a professional work environment or courtroom setting. It is also very troubling to hear... Show more content on ... These even consist of everyday sayings that have no real weight when considered as aggressive. If students were taught about controversial issues throughout school, instead of shying away from them, than many of the things that are listed microaggressions would be considered no more than mere words. Additionally trigger warnings, which are absurd to begin with, would also not have to be used in educational settings. The article also talks about how words can be violent, and yes this is a true statement. Just because words can be violent does not mean that we should start to eliminate them. Teaching others to be more open minded on brash issues would allow many words to become much less hurtful and open up a greater since of shared
  • 39. Taking a Look at Tiger Woods Tiger Woods is a trailblazer who has shown bountiful amounts of people that even when times get rough they can still succeed. Tiger Wood s real name is Eldrick Woods and his father was a huge inspiration to him. (Hasday, page 1) He was given trouble because he didn t have the same race as everyone else although, he was actually of African American, Native American, Asian, and Caucasian background. (Britannica School, 2014) Tiger Woodshas gone through many tragedies and he is such a strong person that he hasn t let any of them stop him from doing what he loves. (Tiger Crash, 2014) Tiger started golf at a very young age and was always much accelerated in the sport. When he was 3 years old, he attended a junior tournament and won. ( Around the age of 8, Woods had become extremely proficient at the game, even showing off his skills on television shows such as Good Morning America( At age 11 he was undefeated in more than 30 junior tournaments and at age 16 he was the youngest to play in the PGA tournament (Britannica School). He was featured in golf magazines and accomplished many things on the golf course when he was young. ( He has always been very successful at the game. He has many accomplishments in the game. Tiger played in his first professional tournament in 1992, at age 16, at the Nissan Los Angeles Open and in three more PGA TOURevents in 1993. ( Woods won the U.S. Masters at Augusta in
  • 40. Advantages Of Grammar Learning Strategy 2.3.2. Grammar learning strategy instruction Till now, grammar has played an important role in English language teaching and learning. The Grammar Translation Method gives prominence to the role of grammar teaching and learning (Brown, 2001; Richards Rodgers, 2001). In regards of Direct Method, grammar was still taught inductively to develop learners language competence (Thornbury, 1999). Following the Direct Method, the Audio lingual Method stressed the importance of grammar teaching and learning by paying much attention to the drilling of basic patterns and the memorization of the structures in the dialogues (Brown, 2001; Richards Rodgers, 2001). Grammar still holds an important position in the currently widespread method, the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). In... Show more content on ... In the study, participants were 220 female and male English major university students who filled out the SILL. The results of the study showed that Iranian EFL learners were medium strategy users overall while with regard to strategy categories they used metacognitive strategies with a high frequency; cognitive, compensation, and affective strategies with a medium frequency, and memory and social strategies with a low frequency. With respect to individual strategies, two strategies items 38 (metacognitive) and 42 (affective) were used with the highest frequency and significantly different from a large number of other strategies; whereas items 6 (memory), 14 (cognitive), 19 (cognitive), 43 (affective), and 48 (social) were the least frequently used strategies and significantly different from a large number of other
  • 41. Disney s The Pastoral Symphony Disney s Fantasia (1940) lies in a class separate from all other animations of program music. While its initial reception was less than stellar, it has since become a standard film in home collections. Theatrical performances, games, and many other derivatives of the brand now exist. Despite this, it has also generated a fair amount of controversy. For example, it contains scenes that allude to Darwin s theory of evolution, and others that display negative racial stereotypes. Yet the most controversial scene at the movie s premiere was the animation of Beethoven s Sixth, the Pastoral Symphony. This feature upset many classical music lovers who objected to the idea of giving Beethoven s symphony an explicit storyline and a set of images that he did not have in mind. The Pastoral Symphony is likely the most familiar example of program music, but most musicians and critics seem to agree that this does not give a free pass to any form of interpretation. In the intro to Fantasia , the narrator addresses this by cautioning the listener that the video clips were created based on the musical interpretations of animators, not of trained musicians. From that cautionary message to articles published as recently as this year, Fantasia remains a topic of controversy, influenced by factors such as audience familiarity and general views on Beethoven himself. The reach of this influence is not limited to reviews of the Pastoral Symphony feature, but rather extends to the whole
  • 42. Effects Of Smoking In Restaurants Smoking in restaurants One thousand Americans stop smoking everyday by dying said by anonymous. If smoking is killing people every day, why would we want someone to poison ourselves with deadly air? When we are in a restaurant and someone is smoking we are breathing the same air that they are. Even though their lips are on the cancer stick the same toxins they are breathing in is being released in the air around them. Without proper ventilation (open fresh air), the people around the light cigarette would be breathing in those same toxins and poisons, which is second hand smoking. Smoking in a restaurant is not only harmful to the one smoking but to those around them. Smoking can cause loss of appetite, senses, side effects from second smoking and most of all the rights of a nonsmoker to not be presented to the smoke. When going into a restaurant, a person wants to enjoy their meal and time. Especially if they are going and spending money on the luxury. But did you know that smoking can cause loss of appetite and loss of senses? When someone is smoking they ingest toxins such as tar and carbine monoxide, which causes the loss of appetite and senses? So, if someone is going to a restaurant they want to digest the food and drinks that they plan to order not toxins that causes loss of appetite and senses. In the book Truth About Smoking , it concludes about the harms of smoking and the harm that smoking has on the mouth. Smoking causes gum disease, staining and loss of teeth as well as bad breath. When tar, the solid particles in tobacco smoke that collect in the lungs, mixes with saliva in the mouth, it coats the teeth. Teeth take on a brownish color, and flat surfaces where the tar can accumulate can even become black, are all results of smoke staining teeth. Which can also cause wear on the biting surface of the teeth which leads to teeth decay. With gum disease the gums recede, they expose the roots of the teeth. The bacteria in the gum pockets don t just attack the tissue of the gums, they weaken the bone and the connective tissue that holds the teeth in place. The residue of cigarette smoke remains on the breath, including the tar particles that stain the teeth. What happens is Saliva washes
  • 43. William Shakespeare s Macbeth And Wuthering Heights Andrew Sloop Mrs. Weaver English 4 May 29, 2017 Destructive Love In Macbeth and Wuthering Heights The theme of destructive love within relationships in Shakespeare s Macbeth and Bronte s Wuthering Heights are presented through sexism, jealousy, and betrayal. How do women gain control in a relationship? Can men regain control in a relationship? What makes a good relationship? What makes a bad relationship? Can people be over ambitious? These questions are vital to understanding the complex relationships in these stories. Women gain control in a relationship in several ways. Some relationships don t struggle for power, and sometimes a participant simply gives the woman power freely. However, other times, the woman abuses her partner ... Show more content on ... In Macbeth, Macbeth becomes king. When this happens, Lady Macbeth becomes docile, where before she was fiery, ruthless, and the driving force in the relationship. Macbeth then became dominant over Lady Macbeth, gaining control in the relationship. Thus, in this example, control was regained. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff eventually came to own Wuthering Heights, and appropriated Thrushcross Grange. When this happened, he was angry with Catherine, because he did not know her plan. He isolated her from the rest of the household. He became more powerful. Thus, he regained control in the relationship. What makes a good relationship? This question has plagued the romantically inclined for perhaps all of time. Dr. Sarkis of Psychology Today seems to think that common goals and values are key, stating Couples with very different interests can have healthy relationships what counts is that they share common goals and values. ( In this sense, the relationship in Macbeth is considered a good relationship. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth do, after all, share a common goal: They both want Macbeth to be king. However, they are not the only ones who share a common goal or value. Heathcliff and Catherine s love is an attempt to break the boundaries of self and to fuse with another to transcend the inherent separateness of the human condition; fusion with another will by uniting two incomplete individuals
  • 44. The Theories That Best Resonate With Me Essay Introduction In analyzing my development, the two theories that best resonate with me are the cognitive theory of Baxter Magolda s Model and the moral theory of Rest s Approach. I plan to first begin explaining Baxter s cognitive model and relate it to my personal development through personal examples. I will transition to talk about Rest s moral development approach and how the approach applies to my personal development. Baxter Magolda s Model The Baxter Magolda s Model focuses on the epistemological reflection through four stages with gender related differences. The epistemological reflection encompasses the assumptions about the nature, limits, and certainty of knowledge. Baxter s model was one of the first to address gender in cognitive development in both men and women. The four stages that Baxter utilizes include: Absolute, Transitional, Independent, and Contextual knowing. (p. 363) Through Absolute Knowing, knowledge is certain, for example instructors are seen as authorities with the answers. Knowledge is then acquired by two means, either receiving knowledge, which is used more by women and has a minimal interaction with instructors. (p. 363) The second means of knowledge is mastering knowledge under which knowledge is obtained by a verbal approach or willing to question learning when interacting with instructors. (p. 363) Through the Transitional Knowing stage, individuals accept that some knowledge as being uncertain, which includes two patterns of
  • 45. Lexus and the Olive Tree Summary The Lexus and the Olive Tree, written by Thomas L. Friedman, investigates the phenomenon of globalization in our world and how it has established a new international system that has replaced the cold war. This new system of globalization connects people from all over the world from Southeast Asians fighting a recession to Thai bankers to entrepreneurs in the United States. Friedman credits that the democratization of technology, information, and finance has shrunk our world from small to tiny where people all over the world can now transfer information cheaper, deeper, and faster. The walls that once separated our world have now been torn down with the development of the Internet and the television. Friedman uses the Lexus and the ... Show more content on ... Chapter 9 goes into the building blocks of democracy that the Herd is imposing and the government can t resist, such as transparency, standards, free press, corruption, bond and stock markets, and democratization. Chapter 10 questions your company or countries connectivity based on productivity and explains how the evernet is now exploding across the country. Chapter 11 goes over some questions to evaluate to see where your company or country stands, such as the growth, the weight, and the brand. Chapter 12 dives into the theory of conflict prevention using the analogy of McDonalds. He states that as of 1999, no two countries that both had McDonalds had fought a war against each other and that the only three Middle Eastern countries that do not currently have a McDonalds are Syria, Iran, and Iraq. Section two ends with the Demolition Man in chapter 13 and The Winner Takes All in chapter 14. The demolition man is basically the danger that because globalization is moving so fast and with such force, it could wipe out the ecological and cultural diversity that took millions of years to produce. It also explains that the gap between the winner and the loser is getting even bigger because of the effects of globalization. The two chapters in section three are dealing with the backlash and the groundswell. The backlashers consist of those who feel threatened by globalization because they can t keep and therefore
  • 46. Carlo Scarpa s Approach And Theory INTRODUCTION AND BUILDING HISTORY Carlo Scarpa s approach and theory to designing with existing buildings is an innovation that is relevant to buildings even today. The Castelvecchio museum is one of his greatest projects, and thoroughly reveals his way of working. Scarpas intention was not only to restore an aging building but to do so in a way that creates dialogue between the new and the old. By careful work of demolition and preservation, he literally cuts, shifts and adds elements to the existing building in order to create an exhibition of the building s past, and its connection to modernity. In order for him to make informed decisions about what to preserve and what to demolish, he had to have a thorough understanding of the building s political history. The Castelvecchio dates back as far as the 12th century, and has undergone four eras of development in its lifetime. The commune wall is the oldest element in the building and was the second of three large fortifications in Verona(Fig 1.1). In 1354, the Castelvecchio was built by the Scaligeri family, the Lords of Verona, and was built for their own defense against the citizens for times of revolt. It was built either side of the commune wall, and consisted of a three story residence or Reggia around an inner court and an outer military zone (Fig 1.2). The Castelvecchio continued this military function until 1797, where Napoleon and his troops claimed residence during his invasion over the Venetian Republic. This
  • 47. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist,... Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian humanist, philosopher, scholar, Neo Platonist and writer whose main passion was the reconciliation of philosophy and religion. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was born on the 24th of February 1463 to a wealthy and illustrious family and died on the 17th of November 1494. Being the youngest son of three boys, Giovanni Pico della Mirandolawas mostly outlived by his elder brothers who took on presumably significant roles; his brother Antonio became an imperial army general while Galeotto 1 continued their father s dynasty. Leaving behind his share of ancestral wealth and principality, he went on to become one of the world s respected writers after fully devoting himself to studying theology and... Show more content on ... He then changed course and went to the University of Ferrara to study philosophy. He then continued his studies from 1480 to 1482 at the University of Padua that was well known for Aristotelianism where he studied Arabic and Hebrew. He spent the next few years visiting other humanist centers and the University of Paris which was Europe s most significant center for scholastic theology and philosophy (Craven, 1981). Giovanni s movement to Florence marked a big change in his life especially regarding his philosophical career. In Florence, around 1484 he met Ficino Marsilio and Lorenzo de Medici. Ficino, a renaissance philosopher who was about to publish translations of Plato s works from Greek to Latin under the supervision of Lorenzo. (Edelheit, 2008). Later on he briefly moved to Perugia where he was introduced to Hebrew Kabbalah. It is this Kabbalistic doctrine he used to support Christian theology becoming the first Christian to do so. After travelling to Rome, Giovanni invited scholars from all over Europe to Rome to debate and defend his 900 theses drawn from Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic writers. 13 of these were however denounced as heretical by a papal commission and prohibited assembly. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola decided to flee to France despite his apologia for the 13 theses where he was arrested. After his release he went back to settle in Florence. He settled in a villa prepared for him by Lorenzo near
  • 48. I Am Going To Write About My Journey To Job Corps. Before I am going to write about my journey to Job Corps. Before I got to this training center, I attended two high schools Bladensburg High School in Bladensburg, MD and Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School in Upper Marlboro, MD. I started Bladensburg as a freshman in the fall of 2013, but later I transferred in the fall of 2014 to Henry A. Wise. I dropped out of high schoolin 2015, but I do not remember the exact date. I decided to go to Job Corps instead to get a high school diploma and learn a trade since a friend spoke to me about the program. I started Bladensburg as a freshman in the fall of 2013. I was honestly a bit excited to start high school like most middle schoolers are these days. I started doing okay academically, or at least I ... Show more content on ... My mind got tired and I did not feel like making the effort so I left school. My parents encouraged me to enroll somewhere else to get an education. Once I was out of school, I spent my time constantly thinking about things to do. Whether it was watching television or talking on the phone with a friend. I would sometimes Google new information on different subjects I took interest in for what felt like hours. Discovering new kinds of music was another thing I found interesting. I always looked forward to hanging out with friends whenever I got the chance to. One of the other main things I looked forward to doing was to skateboarding. I did not mind skating most of the time because it was fun. With practice, I became a really skilled skater; I could do high flips and quick turns on the board. I do not really have that much fun unless I really enjoy doing something. It was a lot of fun, but after a few months of being home getting a high school diploma became important. I wanted to learn a trade to be able to get a job as well. Finally, I took my friend s suggestion and enrolled in Job Corps to complete my education. I had got on line and found the Job Corps website and called a number I saw there. The person that I talked to about Job Corps on the phone emailed me some more information I wanted and needed to know. She gave me another phone number to call which an Admissions
  • 49. The Physics Of Swimming Is Science Freestyle Stroke Essay Swimming is science. When a person swims, they are displacing water. In Ancient Greek times, a physicist named Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy. Archimedes Principle states that an object in gravity applies a force, or a buoyancy, to whatever it is surrounded in. When a person submerges him or herself in water, the water levels will rise. The density of a person or object determines if its floatation. If an object is more dense than the water, it will sink. On the contrary, an object lighter than water will float. There are various styles or strokes including breaststroke, freestyle, and more. Freestyle swimming consists of many components that combine to efficiently swim. Physics is a subtle yet ... Show more content on ... The head is important. If the head is pressed down, the lower body will stay afloat. In our first few days, our class practiced 6 foot and 9 vessels. We had a small competition that checked to see which person could glide the furthest. The typical goals for the vessel competitions were 4 feet and 4.5 feet. This taught our class how to properly use our body in the freestyle stroke to eliminate drag. Another lesson we learned was to swim with high elbows. The pull of the water causes a lot of frontal drag and keeping closer to the water surface reduced the amount of drag. This was another way to reduce drag. Lower body movement is essential. Propulsion off of the wall could easily kick start swimming. The stronger the push, the better. From there, a swimmer could start kicking. The first kick we learned was the flutter kick, probably the most basic kick in swimming. With straight legs, move the legs up and down alternatively. It requires the movement of hips, legs, and feet. Next, we learned about dolphin kicks. This kick requires one to move their whole body like a wave. While streamlining, press the chest down then release. As the chest rises, thrust the hips down with the legs following. The legs must be tightly pressed together, knees should be slightly bent as the hips sink, and feet must be pointed. As the lower body rises and the upper body dips, straighten the knees to push through the water. Both kicks effectively propel a person
  • 50. Islam In Black America Summary Justice and equality by any means necessary was said in one of the most controversial speeches in history by a Nation of Islam superior named Malcolm X. The pursuit of peace and justice has been sought after in almost every major religion and culture. The meaning of peace and liberation within the Nation of Islam is no different than any other oppressed or mistreated group of people. However the way the Nation of Islam was said to market its strategy for peace and justice of mostly African Americans was by preaching violent and even oppressive behavior to its followers. Leaders such as Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm Xwere the front runners of the controversial undertone of the Nation of Islam during the civil rights movement which was considered... Show more content on ... Most of the information from the book comes from FBI reports on the Nation of Islam leader. The book also goes into detail about Elijah Muhammad taking advantage of his follower s for his own financial gain. Also the book explains the multiple affairs that Elijah was involved in while he was leading the Nation of Islam. Karl Evanzz doesn t seem to have a particular bias towards Elijah Muhammad; however major themes within the book seem to portray Elijah Muhammad in a negative light. Karl received a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), English; Political Science. He also attended American University, Washington College of Law. He worked as a researcher for the Washington post for twenty eight years. Currently he is the CEO of New Was Multimedia in Baltimore,
  • 51. Mistreated In The Nose And Black Boy The story The Nose and Black boy have things in common on how they got mistreated by other people who had thought they were better than them. The two stories have the same tone because they have people getting mistreated for their race and for their money. These books talk about how they both lost the power to do anything because of what has happened to them or for who they are and from where they came from. In Black Boy the main character Richard, is mistreated for the color of his skin. He had been mistreated all his life growing up. At the age of four he had burned down his grandma s house. His mother beat him near to death for something he did not know he was doing as a CHILD! His family had moved and at the age 12 he found out what racism
  • 52. Analysis of Andre; S Mother by Terrence Mcnally Essay Analysis of Andre s Mother by Terrence McNally The play, Andre s Mother, by Terrence McNally is a story about accepting death and is based in a story about a young man who died before telling his mother that he was gay; leaving the man s partner to break the news and to inform the mother about how much he missed seeing her and his fear of being rejected by her, in the time before his death. The theme of this story is to live life everyday with no regrets. Throughout the symbols and references you begin to understand the life of Andre. The white balloon represents letting go and leaving a young man in peace. The silence of his mother shows that she never accepted his sexual preference. While Hamlet references the struggles of his everyday ... Show more content on ... At the end of the play Andre s mom with her own conflicts releases the balloon. The play write quotes, He goes, Andre s mother stands alone holding her white balloon. Her lips tremble. She looks on the verge of breaking down. She looks at it awhile before she gently kisses it and lets go of the balloon... I believe at that point that Andre s mother forgave her son and was willing to wipe the slate clean by releasing the white balloon and letting Andre s soul rest in peace. Andre s mother s silence throughout the play shows that she never accepted her son s sexuality. Even though she wasn t accepting she let her son rest in peace and let his soul ascend to heaven. Andre s love of theater and the play Hamlet gave us an insight to his life. At the beginning of the play Cal expresses Andre s love of theatre. Cal expresses, God, how much he wanted to play Hamlet again. He would have gone to Timbuktu to have another go at that part. The summer he did in Boston, he was so happy! (McNally 736). This reference to Hamlet, I believe showcases the struggles Andre went through. Andre struggled with decision making and avoiding things, as did Hamlet. Hamlet struggled whether to avenge his father and struggled with the decision that he had been avoiding. This is also apparent when Cal brings up Andre s great performance saying, You should have come up the summer he plated Hamlet. He was magnificent (McNally 738). I believe the Hamlet
  • 53. Indian Writing in English Chapter 1 Introduction Indian writing in English has a comparatively short but highly stimulating history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote conceivably the first book by an Indian in English, called The Travels of Dean Mahomed . However, most early Indian writing in English was non fictional work, such as biographies and political essays. This began to change in the late 1800s, when famous Indian authors who wrote mostly in their mother tongue, began to try their hand at writing in English. In the early 1900s, Rabindranath Tagore began translating his works from Bengali to English. During the start of 1917 Dhan Gopal Mukerji wrote a number of stories mostly for children with Indian setup. He was honored with the Newbery medal in 1928 for Gay Neck, the Story of a Pigeon. Soon after, a whole new generation of Indian authors, who wrote almost exclusively in English appeared. Starting in 1935 with R.K. Narayan s most famous collection titled Swami and Friends and Mulk Raj Anand s Untouchable followed by Raja Rao s book Kanthapura in 1938.The thing that distinguished Narayan s, Anand s and Rao s works from the Indian authors before them was the use of Indianess in their work which can be very well seen in terms of the words and style they used. They also brought forward the story of the Indian common man. This gave birth to new ranks of Indians reading English literature. Their works were the precursors to the magnificent