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Essay On Shakespeare Life
Crafting an essay on Shakespeare's life can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty arises not from a lack of information – after all, there is a wealth of historical data
and literary analysis available – but rather from the need to distill a vast and complex life into
a coherent and engaging narrative.
Shakespeare's life is shrouded in mystery, with gaps in the historical record leaving ample room
for speculation and scholarly debate. Navigating through the myriad theories about his early life,
his experiences in the theater, and the personal aspects of his existence requires a careful and
nuanced approach. Moreover, delving into the cultural and political context of Elizabethan
England adds an additional layer of complexity to the task.
To create a compelling essay, one must not only present the factual details of Shakespeare's life
but also delve into the profound impact he had on literature and the enduring relevance of his
works. Analyzing his plays, sonnets, and other writings necessitates a deep understanding of
both the historical context and the literary techniques employed by the Bard.
The challenge lies in balancing the biographical elements with the literary analysis, ensuring that
the essay provides a comprehensive exploration of Shakespeare's life while maintaining a
captivating narrative flow. The temptation to merely summarize facts or rely on clichГ©d
interpretations must be resisted in favor of a more nuanced and insightful approach.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Shakespeare's life demands a careful navigation through
historical records, academic theories, and the literary nuances of his works. It is a task that
requires a keen analytical mind, a thorough understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to
present complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner.
For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including in-depth explorations of literary
figures like Shakespeare, consider exploring resources, where you can find
expert guidance and support for your academic writing needs.
Essay On Shakespeare Life Essay On Shakespeare Life
Elements Of A Semantic Approach To Film Genre
How is a genre picked for a film? There are many theorists and critics that judge the
films and voice an option and eventual a genre is picked for the movies. There are
many different kinds of genres, however, todays focus is on the genre type fantasy.
What in a fantasy film makes it a fantasy genre? This paper will break down what a
film genretruly is, explain how costume design can effect viewers, and describe the
key elements of a film in detail to determine what makes it a fantasygenre.
The word genre refers to a type or category of designated motion picture
productions. In other words, a genre serves as an upfront guarantee that the audience
can expect to find a certain emotional appeal in that film. This allows the viewer to
positively know they will get to see similar kinds of films that they prefer to view. In
the article, A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre, lists some key elements,
[...] we can as a whole distinguish between generic definitions which depend on a list
of common traits, attitudes, characters, shots, locations, sets, and the like[...] , (page
10). Here is another explanation from the book, American Cinema/American Culture
by John Belton, express in more detail, Films that belong to a specific genre draw
from a fairly fixed body of character and story types, setting and situations, costumes
and props, thematic concerns and visual iconography, and conventions that are shared
by other films in that particular genre. (page 124). The book and
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Research Paper
Many authors like to write fantasy novels, stories that detached themselves from
reality, novels that tell us about magic, parallel dimensions, between others. But even
in these fictional stories there is still the presence of the universal themes that can be
touched not only in this kind of novels but also in the simpler ones, themes like the
fight between good and evil, love, between others.
There are also the authors that actually mix the fantasy and the reality to a point
that it is really hard to see the difference between them, Gabriel Garcia Marquez is
said to be the father of this gender called Magic Realism , he said that the reason
that he sees the world in that particular way of his, is because of the persons ... Show
more content on ...
This fact was what inspired him to write Autumn of the Patriarch a story that talks
about an eternal dictator, he based this character in real life autocrats like Gustavo
Rojas Pinilla, Francisco Franco and Juan Vicente Gomez.
Many of the characters in his stories are based in real life persons not only in famous
characters like the autocrats in the Autumn of the Patriarch but also people of his own
The first character and one of the most obvious one would be Jose Arcadio Buendia
one of the characters of his most famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude Jose
Arcadio Buendia married to Ursula Iguaran was an adventurous man that took his
wife from of what all that they knew to a mysterious place, he was always looking
for new hobbies to entertain himself and because of this he ended up lacking as a
father, this is a clear mirror of the father of the author a men who would constantly
travel looking for adventures, moving the family from one city to another to look
for a way to make business and easy money, always leaving the care of his own
children to other persons, most of the time to his in laws and because of that the
relationship with his children wasn t really good.
Another one would be Ursula Iguaran a women full of character and a strong
command, a person who loved her supernatural beliefs and would do anything to
sustain her family, in this
The Habits Of Highly Effective People
7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Covey,
Stephen R. New York: Simon Schuster, 1989 Andrew R. Sweeney Psychology of
Adjustment Introduction I work full time at Dollywood, and attend Walters State,
soon to graduate with an Associates in Psychology. I already have a Bachelors
Degree in Physics Mathematics from Carson Newman University and have
recently been admitted to ETSU in the Fall and will enter a Masters program in
Mathematical Sciences. At ETSU I will work as a Graduate Assistant and take a
full course load. I feel like managing my time is one of the harder things for me to
do. I seem to always be pressed for time. The reason I chose to report on this book
was because based upon the title I thought for sure this book would be all about
time management. I was wrong. Summary of the Book What is success? What
makes a person effective? How do our perceptions affect our world view? Will
changing my perceptions make a difference in my attitude toward success?
Successful people will always hold these questions in tension as they strive to
higher levels of effectiveness and the tension between concerns and influence .
Personal effectiveness is much more than learning a few techniques or using the
right advisors or self help program. The book moves us toward independence and
self improvement in Habits 1 3; teamwork, interdependence and learning how to get
our ideas across in Habits 4 6. Lastly, Habit 7 looks at being a lifelong
Essay On Student Athletes Should Be Paid
College sports are everywhere in today s world. Turn on ESPN and you will be
surrounded hearing about Jay Bilas final four predictions or possibly Jon Gruden s
Heisman candidates. College sports have turned into a multi billion dollar industry
with consistent growth. Despite of the fast growing business, the NCAA remains
non profit and labels the players student athletes to mark them amateur. With this
label, athletes are recognized as student first and athlete second. Scholastics are
supposed to be prioritized over athletics, however with the growing industry the
lines are being blurred. The NCAA is considered to be an amateur league, however,
groups of people are pushing for players to become paid due to the high revenue.
While one... Show more content on ...
Ed O Bannon, a previous UCLA basketball player filed a case looking to sue the
NCAA for licensing players without consent. The NCAA marks their players as
amateurs, therefore, they do not allow paying players. However after the ruling, the
NCAA was found to be violating antitrust laws, which could potentially change the
model of the system (Maese). Judge Claudia Wilken ruled an injunction that
schools in the NCAA would be allowed to provide players a trust fund in order to
compensate players for using their names in broadcasting, merchandise or imaging.
In 2016, this trust fund will allow universities to conduct bidding wars for future
recruits (Strauss, Tracy). This of course, would be able to be capped at a certain
mark and would not be payable until after the departure of a student athlete s time at a
college or the end of their eligibility (Berkowitz) This court case could potentially
change the way college sports are run.
Marc Edelman, a writer for, argues his point in 21 Reasons Why Student
Athletes Are Employees And Should Be Allowed To Unionize is for the movement
to pay players. Edelman focuses his point on NCAA programs being large revenue
businesses and in his opinion should consider student athletes as employees. With
this, he explains that student athletes have to work an average of 43.3 hours a week
and oftentimes forced to miss class due to NCAA playoff scheduling (Edelman).
Edelman goes on to compare
Genetic Engineering. Genetic Engineering Is The...
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is the characteristics of direct manipulation of an organism s
genome using biotechnology. The genetic modification process through which
medical biologist and scientist subsequently alter the genetic makeup of DNA
material. This scientific modification is attaining through the addition of genes or
subtraction of genes within a single cell organism. The addition of genes is
achieved through a carrier which can be through a virus. The addition can either be
to the somatic cells or germ cells. In somatic cells, added genes alter the genetic
makeup of the body while in germ cells, alteration is to the reproductive cells.
Genetic modifications have been widely exercised in humans, animals, plants and ...
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By choosing an embryo without these mutations, doctors can make sure the baby
will not have the genetic disease. Genetic diseases such as Tay Sachs are
determined by just one gene. Scientists may soon be able to test to see whether a
person might develop diseases such as heart disease or cancer. These diseases are
determined by several genes. (Rush Hubbard and Elijah Wald, 1999)
Doctors can choose the sex of the baby by looking at the embryo s chromosomes. If
they implant an embryo in the mother with the XX chromosomes, the baby will be a
girl. If they implant an embryo with the XY chromosomes, the baby will be a boy.
(Rush Hubbard and Elijah Wald, 1999)
In 1953, American researcher James Watson and British researcher Francis Crick
announced that they had found the secret of life. The pair of scientists had identified
the structure of DNA, the container of all hereditary information needed to make
human beings. In the 1960 s scientists had identified the codes for all major amino
acids, the building blocks of the proteins that tell human body how to work.
The first time scientists were able to make a test tube baby in a lab was in 1978.
Doctors took an egg from the baby s mother and merged it with sperm from the father
in a lab, then re implanted it into the mother to grow. There
A Complicated Kindness Literary Analysis
Loss in Real Life vs. in A Complicated Kindness
In many fictitious stories and even in real life, people experience loss of family
members, someone they know, and are brought down from their previous state of
happiness. Everyone will most likely experience some traumatic event where a
loved one is gone forever or being isolated from everyone else. These similar
occasions occurred to me in my own life and to a great deal to a character; Nomi
from the novel, A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews. It is then realized that
the loss of family, being excommunicated from your community and your people
force you to adapt so you can maintain the strength to keep moving on and continue
with your life. One eventually comes to discover that the ... Show more content on ...
As it sends a chain of reactions that also essentially bring that particular group
down from the result of its own actions. On Chapter twenty seven, the Mouth or
Hans Rosenfeldt arrives at Ray and Nomi s house to say It s been determined, said
The Mouth. What has? Asked my dad. Nomi s excommunication, said The Mouth.
I looked at him and whispered yikes, (Toews 235). Hans decides to excommunicate
Nomi, which in turn causes her father, Ray to leave East Village so she can finally
be free to leave. Trudie s own older brother exiles Trudie from the church and is one
of the primary reasons that Trudie left, which marked the complete collapse of
Nomi s family. This is like the time during my sixth grade presentation assignment
at school. The groups were picked by the teacher and I was included in a group
with three other classmates, who were the biggest bullies in our class. They had
said they wouldn t work with me and excluded me from their group discussions. I
was also not allowed to meet up with them or interact with them in any way. I
treated it as a solo presentation, however on the presentation day, all the members of
my group ate up too much time from the given fifteen minute time limit, so I had to
rapidly go through my ideas and information. After getting our marks back, I
realized that I did really poorly and since it was a group
Bram Stoker s Appropriation Of Dracula
Throughout the novel Dracula, the text prominently features the uncanny. In
literature and other texts, the uncanny refers to an unfamiliarity that is frightening
familiar. It s presence in Dracula is obvious as we and the novel characters see
Dracula as uncanny. Both appropriations of Dracula, Nosferatu (1922) and Bram
Stokers Dracula(1992), reflect their context and hence reflect the values, idea and
themes prominent in their context. Nosferatu resembles its isolated German
Expressionist Cinema context through its jewish propaganda portrayed by many
techniques, most notably its heavy use of dramatic lighting. Bram Stoker s Dracula s
contrasting themes include its romanticisation of Dracula which expresses the
romantic notions prominent... Show more content on ...
The evolution of religion, particularly the growth of atheism and the relaxation of
catholicism and christianity in the U.S. and throughout the western world is
expressed in the film. The film relies heavily on catholicism yet as religion
becomes more and more relaxed in the film s context, Bram Stoker s Dracula
features aspects of other religions. Throughout the novel and this film, crosses,
crucifixes and the Body of Christ are used to ward off Dracula. This can be seen in
the close up of the reflection of the crucifix that Jonathan wears (28:18). It s effects
on Dracula are immediate and obvious. Moreover, the idea of reincarnation and its
accompanying values are evident throughout the text. The comparison between
between Dracula s wife and Mina reveal their physical appearances to be the same
through the cut between the shots of Mina looking up at the painting of Dracula and
his wife (2:00:42). Additionally and more evidently, Bram Stoker s Dracula features a
Dracula who is more humanised and romanticised than any movie that predecessor it.
Dracula and Mina are shown to have a romantic bond as opposed to only the sexual
attraction which is expressed in the novel. This relationship is evident in the panning
of Mina and Dracula dancing (1:09:02). Through this technique, the intimacy and
romanticism of this
Empress Wu Zetian Quotes
She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned
her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu
Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many
fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu Zetian
had also been the first female to be crowned emperor.
Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan,
China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she learned
to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature, and
government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel because
she would torture her enemies. Empress ... Show more content on ...
She helped out the poor, benefited the economy, and boosted a religion s popularity.
A quote by Shan Sa who wrote about Empress Wu states, I, the ordinary restless
child, the plain adolescent, the commoner who had been nun twice, would prove to
be a daughter of heaven.
She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned
her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu
Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many
fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu
Zetian had also been the first female to be crowned emperor.
Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan,
China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she
learned to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature,
and government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel
because she would torture her enemies. Empress Wu would also kill her people
and exile her own sons. Even though historians would consider her cruel, she was
considerate to her peasants. She cared for her peasants enough to lower their taxes.
She also employed lots of women and elevated their status. Her reign ended when
she died on December 16, 705
Fun with Dick and Jane Essay
Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)
Starring: Jim Carrey, Tea Leoni, and Alec Baldwin
In need of some light hearted entertainment and a good laugh, I chose the movie
Fun with Dick and Jane for this assignment. Fun with Dick and Jane asks the
common question, What is the difference between a corporate crook and a bank
robber? The movie opens with Dick leaving his home in the picture perfect
neighborhood in the year 2000. Dick is married to Jane and they have a son who is
more or less being raised by the housekeeper, Blanca. The family is living in a
culture of high powered, high paying jobs, high tech appliances and high stress
living. Dick and Jane have it all and they can t get enough of it.
The first ethical issue that is ... Show more content on ...
This movie provides sarcastic contradictions about morality and the ethics of crime.
For one short lived moment, Dick contemplates prostituting Jane for income but of
course because this is a light hearted comedy Jane becomes furious with this
suggestion. Not long after her outrage she turns to burglary willingly. Burglary, just
like prostitution, is illegal, immoral, and demoralizing. Unlike prostitution, which is
a misdemeanor, burglary is a felony. These two criminals are portrayed as good
people just trying to feed their son and keep their house, yet the same good guys in
the audience who would frown on prostitution, enthusiastically support burglary as a
practical comedic maneuver. Yet, if Dick and Jane are on the path of immorality, as
conveyed by their society s parameters, they might as well have went with
prostitution as a way to make money. With Jane being such an amazing looking
woman, she could have easily earned thousands of dollars a day escorting swanky
businessmen, thus attaining the goal of quick cash less unlawfully.
The movie snidely communicates to us that dressing up as Sonny and Cher to
commit armed robbery, or taking your neighbor s car and driving it through a
jewelry store window is less shameful than selling your body. The definition of
robbery is the act of robbing from a person or presence of another by violence or
threat which is considered a felony; prostituting or escorting
Sp2750 Unit 1 Work Assignment
I work for Directorate of Navy Platform Systems, HNE. Stacey D. Wehmeier,
Director Cost and Schedule Estimation passed on your details to touch base and find
out on wheather your Directorate would be able to provide assistance by answering
the questions on inflation forecasting and analysis and its application as listed under
the below task section. The task is due on 25th Sep 2015.
I have also included brief background information to understand on the scope of this
As the outcome of one of the NATO s ST SC meeting in April 2015 nations among
the ST SC team were requested to address a serious of questions that would enable in
further developing of the NATO s working paper on Inflation, Spatial Density and
This task request will be focussed on providing input for the development of
Inflation Working Paper (WP) currently in draft phase. The recent version of the WP
is attached for your reference purpose only.
... Show more content on ...
It is copied across from the NATO ST SC meeting minute, April 2015 (Action item 8
from the Action List at the last page of the minute due on 25th Sep 2015). The copy
of the minute is attached for reference purpose only.
Provide Summary Level Paper (limit 10 pages) Purpose and Practice of Inflation
Forecasting by Nation for insertion after the Measures of Inflation
1.Why do nations need inflation forecasting and analysis?
a.Budgeting (e.g. Ensure realistic budgets due to uniqueness of shipbuilding)
Note: Include a description of the internal government/defense/navy budgeting
b.Approvals / Gates / Milestones
c.Risk Analysis
d.Ongoing Cost effectiveness analysis to support the decision maker
e.Contract proposal
Native American Casino Gambling
In contrast, the Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, crafted a bill to legalize
casino gambling and slot machines at racetracks, but included a clause which
would have punished online poker players, i.e. the casinos competition, with two
years in prison and up to a $25,000 fine. Those kinds of clauses don t just spring up
out of cold air; they re the product of special interests. For years, Governor Patrick
denied allegations that he had accepted any money from the casinoindustry, but an
investigation by the Boston Herald found that his campaign had accepted thousands
of dollars from various casinos and racetracks.
Gambling is now widely accepted in American culture and in 2013 Americans
wagered $119 billion with legal gambling ... Show more content on ...
By 2010, despite a monopoly, all New York City OTB locations were shut down
after the city s Off Track Betting Corporation declared bankruptcy. Be that as it
may, it wasn t a lack of popularity that drove New York City s OTB into the ground;
it had become a classic example of government cronyism. The New York City Off
Track Betting Corporation was a government run corporation and the executives
completely mismanaged the company. This is a reoccurring theme as the
appropriate role for government is as a gambling regulator, not as a gambling
operator. Despite high revenues, New York City s OTB began to lose money in the
1990s. Even liberals such as Mario Cuomo unsuccessfully advocated privatizing New
York City s OTB. Rudy Giuliani went so far as to describe the OTB as the only
bookie in New York City who loses money. He also promised to privatize it during his
campaign, but he never did so while in
Characteristics Of Apple Watch
Product Features
The innovative product I choose is apple watch. Apple watch is not only the common
accessory compare with other common watches. The main attractive of Apple watch
is maintain fitness or health. Apple watch help individual measure heart rate, set up
workout target and contain accelerometer to calculate the burden calories. Besides,
the individual can communicate without iPhone. The individual enable to receive calls
and text. The watch contain the emoji so the individual can send the cute emoji to
their friends. Moreover, Apple product can t lack entertainment. Apple watch contain
iTunes and apple TV. The individual can access iTunes to listen iTunes radio and
allows the holder to stop and pause the songs. In addition, Apple watch has the
others apps like smartphone such as Siri, maps and apple pay. For instance, the
individual ask Siri for direction. After receive the direction, Siri will lead the
Sources of idea or knowledge
Nowadays, there are several of diseases are appeared. Therefore, the individual should
more care about their health. Thus, Apple invented a unique product which is Apple
watch. Apple want make its customers healthier and help reform the healthcare
system. According some information, Apple watch s founder, Steve Jobs... Show
more content on ...
Therefore, Apple watch bring out the new concept, watch not just accessories, it
can become the important role in our life. The design of Apple watch is such a
unique concept such as the novel digital crown. The display of the smart watch is
too small and difficult to see, Apple watch has a cool tool that makes navigating the
small screen easier. The Digital Crown is a knob on the watch s right edge that acts
like a home button. Pressing it returns you to the main screen, and turning it lets you
zoom into apps or scroll through options in the interface (CHERLYNN LOW, 2015)
Prison Authority And The Prison System
Most people are aware that prisoners possess zero authority in the prison system.
They have no control over any aspect of their daily lives, but instead they are
minded by prison jurisdiction. Prison guards and wardens possess the power to do
anything that they please within those brick walls. This is an issue that society has
been aware of for many decades; however, there has been little to no effort to change
the conditions. Many prisoners have sought to inform society of how these prison
authority figures abuse their power by producing many different types of media.
One of those individual s is the poet, and former prisoner Carolyn Baxter. While
being incarcerated in the New York City women s correctional facility, Baxter
wrote a poem entitled 35 Years a Correctional Officer. In this poem she expresses
the motif of power by telling the story of a correctional officer who was in fact
abusing her authority to satisfy her own needs. Baxter reveals this motif by
cunningly using the literary elements of situational irony and tone. The
correctional officer that Baxter talks about in this poem is introduced as Ms.
Goodall . Her name correlates with how her character is revealed throughout the
beginning of the poem. Baxter begins by stating, Ms. Goodall does not drink,
swear, or masturbate , and then following up with, It s against God s will , she says
(Baxter 1 2). With the previous quotes Baxter reveals that Ms. Goodall has given
everyone the impression that she is a
Universal Healthcare
Universal Health Coverage: A Possibility for the United States
Brittannie DePew
Eng 122
David Moskowitz
Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers
because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an in network provider? I
know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is
going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing
with insurance; Nancy s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of
how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this
woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and
county workers cannot receive social security; and Nancy is too ... Show more content
on ...
The administration of the United States is incompetent and is growing more useless,
this is stated when a compare and contrast between the United States, who does not
have universal healthcare, and Canada, who does have universal health care. Canada s
healthcare is not too far from the United States but it does vary with certain things.
One of these key things is cost, and administration. (Woolhandler, Himmelstein. 1991)
The cost of health care within the United States has enlarged, Canada s spending has
waned. Canada funds the hospitals and doctors with one payer (one lump sum) while
The United States hospitals bills several different insurances (per patient policy) who
vary with policies, qualifications, and certification. Doing this causes a complex
accounting scheme for acquiring payment and further charging insurance and
patients. Another reason the administration of healthcare in the United States is
incompetent is due to private insurance, because, the owner profits a percentage of
premiums that is much larger that the federal government.
The United States could implement a universal healthcare program; however, it has
yet to be put into effect. The last time it was attempted it was turned down despite the
efforts by the Clinton administration. The Clinton
Discover Alhambra In Spain
Are you interested in exploring the old roman lands? Well if so you should visit
Spain to experience a lot of information about Spain past and tells us a plethora of
things in the order of the former who use to own Spain. All in All, Spain is a
wonderful country to visit because of the unique artwork and structures left behind,
the verity societies who uses to rule it and the example of ancient engineering that
still exist today.Additionally, Spain will be a great place because of the unique
artwork and structures left behind by the old rulers. To point out, in the article
Discover Toledo, Spain it states Throughout the millennia this land has seen
development and dismiss of demise of many each leaving unique artwork and
structures. To summarize, Toledo is more than eye candy. You can actually learn
about the history of Toledo and the many cultures evolved with it.... Show more
content on ...
With the attention to the many of cultures who ruled Spain an article Why take the
time to visit the Alhambra in Spain? by Ms.Conners mentions that example of many
different cultures and people who have lived and ruled the lands of Spain throughout
history; and it is a symbol of how much can change while still remaining the same; as
can be seen, ancient Spain has been ruled by many people, all whom have stayed
there left a unique architecture. These historic markings left by the people such as the
Romans educate us about the
Dionysus in Grecian Myth Essay
Dionysus in Grecian Myth
The god, Dionysus, fills an integral role in Grecian Myth. According to Euripides
Bacchae, Dionysus represents the animalistic and mystic life force that connects
humanity to its innate earthy roots #8212;roots that are illogical, chaotic, and
instinctual. In this paper I will be discussing this aforementioned mystic life force
and its existence in ancient Greece s supremely logical society. Being as completely
logical as the ancient Greeks tended to be, they needed some sort of release valve
that kept them from all going crazy in their otherwise rigid existence. The god,
Dionysus, provided this release in their world through the manifestations of wine,
women, and song. Without these simple earthy ... Show more content on ...
The women were reported as performing weird fantastic things, what miracles and
more than miracles while under Dionysus influence (665 66). Each one of those
different mystical acts they performed represented a different aspect of Dionysus
divinity. The women struck the ground and wine sprang forth for them to drink,
they tore live cattle limb from limb, and flew among other things. The wine was
representative of Dionysus gift of wine to mortals. The animals were a reminder of
Dionysus love for raw animal flesh. The women flying were simply examples of
Dionysus awesome powers and the things mortals can do when under the mystical
high you experience under Dionysus control. These awesome acts were spread far
and wide by the shepherds who witnessed them first hand. The stories they told of the
miracles performed instigated a powerful and destructive curiosity in Pentheus. His
curiosity was born out of his attempts to suppress his human side that was all
Dionysus represented. Pentheus became so focused on denying his irrational and
animalistic values that they eventually became his obsession. What should have been
a natural human high turned into a perversion of the normal mortal experience with
Dionysus. Pentheus manic desire to view the acts of the women on the mountain was
the manifestation of his perverted sense of pleasure. This voyeuristic desire could
only be satisfied through experiencing another perversion set up by
Observing Bacteria and Blood- Lab #1 Essay
Title: Observing Bacteria and Blood Lab #1
Purpose: Being able to learn how to correctly use a microscope and the oil immersion
lens to be able to see the prepared slides. Also to learn how to prepare my own yogurt
and blood slides.
Procedure: First, set up the microscope. Clean the ocular lenses and objectives with
lens paper. Then pace the prepared e slide on the stage and make adjustments. Turn
the rotating nosepiece until the 10x objective is above the ring of light coming
through the slide. Move the slide using the X and Y stage knobs until the specimen is
within the view. Adjust the focus by looking into the eyepiece and focusing the
specimen with the coarse then fine focus knobs. Adjust diaphragm until there is
sufficient light ... Show more content on ...
11. Base: supports the weight of all of the microscope parts.
Define the following microscopy terms:
в—ЏFocus: Is the image blurry or well defined? Focus is related to focal length
and can be controlled with the focus knobs. The thickness of the cover glass on the
specimen slide can also affect the ability to focus the image if it is too thick for the
objective lens. The correct thickness is usually written on the side of the objective
в—ЏResolution: Resolution is related to the numerical aperture of the objective lens
the higher the numerical aperture, the better the resolution; and the wavelength of
light passing through the lens the shorter the wavelength, the better the resolution.
в—ЏContrast: Contrast is related to the illumination system and can be adjusted by
changing the intensity of the light and the diaphragm/pinhole aperture. Chemical
stains applied to the specimen can also enhance contrast.
B. What is the purpose of immersion oil? Why does it work? Many bacteria cannot be
visualized clearly without the use of oil immersion.
Exercise 2: Observing Bacteria Cultures in Yogurt Questions
A. Describe your observations of the fresh yogurt slide.
There were many tiny cells, but they were very hard to see. The cells were dark and
clumped together.
B. Were there observable differences between your fresh yogurt slide and the
Going After Cacciato Analysis
Going after Cacciato is an anti war novel written by Tim O Brien that expresses the
dread of the Vietnam War. Paul Berlin, a young and inexperienced soldier, was
being torn apart at the seams with the guilt of killing his comrade Caccatio. a person
who appeared to be plagued by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder creating an effort to
justify the war to himself.
Paul Berlin feels the necessity to imagine chasing Cacciato, as a result of he fired
the shots that killed him, accidentally. Cacciato, who is seen as an irresponsible
reasonable person by Berlin and his comrades in arms. His actions are seen as those
of an individual who isn t that smart, however, he s not involved with the war
occurring around him, nor can he have queries of the war itself.
Paul Berlin, throughout one night, whereas on watch duty, regarding the past and
events that lead him to daydream concerning aiming to Paris. the entire journey of
aiming to notice Cacciato was all a daydream thought up by Berlin to deal with the
guilt, but in addition decide to come back to terms. Berlin usually finds himself
explaining the actions or behavior of Cacciato. Once the boys initial leave and
initially spot Cacciato at intervals the mountains on their journey, they see through
binoculars that he opens his mouth to speak; then thunder roars. the alternative
soldiers speculate that Cacciato is creating an effort to emulate a chicken, trying to
squawk and fly. it s Paul who tells the lieutenant that what Cacciato aforesaid
The Role Of Slaves In The Slave Revolution
In the world of 1765, independence and freedom from the constricting laws
motivated not only American colonists, but also the slaves that resided in America.
During the time between 1765 1783, the American colonists and the British were at
war against each other due to the colonists becoming exceedingly weary of the
English s rule over the colonists. Prior to the American Revolution and at the time
of the war, many slaves actively participated in battles and revolts on either the side
of the colonists or the British. Nonetheless, the insatiable need to be remembered for
their bravery and potentially be released from their condition as a slave motivated
slaves to fight during the revolution. Before getting into the roles of slave men in the
British and American army, the context of the slaves lives and how people s opinions
changed towards African slaves must be examined.
During the mid 1600 s, slave laws were passed to officiate slavery as an economic
custom and to further promote the ideal of slave labor. A slave by the 1700 s is an
African American who works for the entirety of his or her life without pay that
endures inflicted pain by his or her masters and furthermore is a title that is inherited
through generation. To get to point, slaves began to grow weary of their conditions
thus leading them to run off and escape their plantations in hopes of getting away
from their conditions and be free.
One case in particular that created sympathy for slaves was the Somerset
Explain What Role Dose Risk Plays In Dentistry
what role dose risk play in dentistry ?
The risk is often defined as the product of the likelihood of a harmful or undesirable
event or action occurring (or a hazard as described in some contexts) and the
consequence of the event, for example, the severity of harm caused (Europe
With this in intention,The risk in the dental field is mostly negative and relies on
hazards (something with the potential to cause harm) not only to the dental
practitioners but also to the patients. There are a dozen risks that might have an
effect on the dental clinician, for example, the possibility of being exposed to
infection or injury throughout any procedure or long term pain and disability due to
stress working posture. Moreover, the patients ... Show more content on ...
and it can found naturally in some foods and beverages, like fish and tea, and also
normally exist in most of the water supply, but the concentration is different. Fluoride
helps in increasing tooth strength and makes it more decay resistant. Also, it helps
the tooth repair in the early decay stage through remineralization. Fluoride could be
applied typically, like toothpaste, fluoride varnish, and mouth rinse, or it may be used
systemically through a different approach, like fluoridated salt and fluoride tablets.
Water fluoridation provides both types of exposure.
The value of water fluoridation is recognized internationally. Countries and
geographic regions with extensive water fluoridation include the U.S., Australia,
Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, People s
Republic of China (Hong Kong only), Singapore and the United Kingdom (American
Dental Association, 2005).
Molly (2013) states, Many countries now have fluoridated water, and, at least, a
dozen countries have greater than 40 percent population coverage (Jones, 2005). In
2008, fluoridated water in the United States reached an estimated 64 percent of the
total population and approximately 72 percent of the population who had access to
public water systems.(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). The
percentage of people receiving fluoridated water has doubled in the last 50
years.(U.S. Department of
Tropidoderus Kids Essay
Tropidoderus childrenii, more commonly known as Children s stick insect belongs in
Kingdom Animalia. As a member of Animalia, this specie is multicellular eukaryote
like other members of the kingdom. It reproduces sexually between male and female,
creating unique individuals, and it is a heterotroph that relies on plants for its survival.
Children s stick insect can be classified farther into Class Insecta in Phylum
Arthropod. Like the other species of insects, children s stick insect also has the
characteristics that all insects of Arthropoda share. First, it has something called
exoskeleton which is external skeleton that helps arthropods to protect from
hazards as well as helping them to support themselves. Second, arthropods have
bodies divided into segments, but insects can be distinguished from other
arthropods because they have bodies divided into 3 major regions: the head with
antennae, thorax, and abdomen. Third, arthropods have jointed legs which are
flexible and soft, allowing them to move even with rigid and hard bodies. This
allows Tropidoderus childrenii to crawl with its 6 legs, as well as using their wings
to fly. Last, arthropods have open circulatory system, which is different from closed
circulatory system found in humans. In open circulatory system, blood flows freely
within the body cavity ... Show more content on ...
These insects can reproduce sexually by males fertilizing females eggs (about 1500
per time) through mating. However, the females of some Phasmatodea can also
reproduce asexually through a process, parthenogenesis, which does not require male
fertilization, this results all the offspring of asexual reproduction to be female.
Therefore, females are more common than males in this order. In addition,
Tropidoderus childrenii can reproduce all around the year due to the constant warm
temperature in their
Memoirs of Princess Dashkova
The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova Analysis Eloquent, brilliant, unorthodox,
poise, and loyal all of these unique characteristics allowed Dashkova to gain the
highest regard among the members of the elite society and more importantly, to
earn the respect of Catherine the Great. Dashkova is a peculiar female character.
She s fully narcissistic, but at the same time, rejects her recognition and claims
herself as unworthy of the credits Catherine II had given her. In her autobiography
The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova, Dashkova justifies her role as a noble woman,
her early life contribution in helping Catherine rise to the throne, and the frugal life
she bore as a widow and a mother of two. Dashkova voiced her significance in a
society where... Show more content on ...
In Dashkova s memoir, she gave credits to her large role in the plot of
overthrowing Peter III; however, Catherine disagreed. She rebutted that it was her
plan of action after the death of the Empress Elizabeth and the vision of the coup
was established long ago. My initial observation of Dashkova is her ability to be
extraordinary despite her difficult upbringing. Her intelligence was compelling to
the Empress Catherine and the men that she had encountered during her traveling.
Dashkova portrayed herself as a strong, versatile woman, who s not only different
from most of the women during the time period, but can also outperform her male
counterparts in various tasks (e.g. surgery, debate, carpenting, etc.) (pg. 144). She
surprised the readers at the first moment when she met Prince Dashkov, a Moscow
man. She fell in love with him and got married at the age of 16. The proposal was
informal and emotional unlike the traditional arrangement with its strict regulations.
Just 5 years after, Prince Dashkov passed away, leaving Dashkova 2 children and
his mountainous gambling debt. In the most hopeless scenario, Dashkova managed
to raise her 2 children and provided her son a wonderful education while still
remaining faithful to the Empress Catherine II. She declared, My own poverty
affected me not at all (pg. 149). Ironically, as a member of the aristocratic class, she
wore nothing but the oldest clothes (pg. 64). According to Dashkova s
Embodiment Of Evil In Macbeth
Macbeth was a man who thougt the coruupting infulences of the three witches
became a statement of evil. This is shown thought Macbeths weak will when dealing
with the three witches and his wife, he is completely changed from a man to the
complete embodiment of evil over the first three to four acts. Something about what
is evil.
All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you,
thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! The three witches
can be seen as the seed of evil that took ever Macbeths life. Before the encounter he
was a respected and honorable man who had quelled a rebellion. Minutes after he was
having thoughts of regicide, yet still feared his own thoughts.this rapid change
Risk Of Harm And Abuse
It would be untrue to claim that the care provided to service users protects them
from risk. In fact, the care that service users receive could put them at risk of harm
and abuse. Service users are exposed to risks like everybody else, except they might
experience it to a different extent. These risks include but are not limited to the below;
A.Physical: Because vulnerable people in most cases cannot express or defend
themselves effectively, they are liable to physical abuse. For example, an individual
with severe mental disabilities physically abuse by a rouge care worker.
B.Psychological/ Mental: When a person with a disability is constantly shammed by
people around them, it can contribute to their disability, sending them into depression
or worse. Physical or mental abuse could be verbal and non verbal. Unkind things
said, unkind and discriminatory manners in which service users could be treated is a
major risk to their safety.
C.Financial: A vulnerable person who cannot handle their finances on his/her own
and requires another person to do so for him/her; family member, friend, or
professional; is at major risk of fraud. Multiple times, vulnerable individuals have
been defrauded and even harmed physically all killed by the people they entrusted
their safety to.
D.Self inflicted harm: Also referred to as self injurious behavior, a large percentage
of individuals with disabilities engage in self
Microsoft and Windows Competitors
A lot of people today, mostly microsofties, argue that Microsoft should not be split
up since it isn t really a monopoly; Windows has a lot of competitors out there and
some of the companies that make them are even bigger than Microsoft. And that is
actually quite true: Microsoft has only about 6% of the global software market
and only 3% of the global computer market overall. There are several computer
companies that make more than Microsoft, like Sun Microsystems and Compaq
and there are at least nine other operating systems besides Windows, some of which
you could even get for free. br br After three decades of use, the UNIX computer
operating system from Bell Labs is still regarded as one of the most powerful,
versatile, and... Show more content on ...
br br Sun Microsystems has also developed a platform of its own, whose latest
edition, Solaris 8 or the .com Operating Environment , is said to raise the bar for
the industry, re defining the operating system and revolutionizing the operating
system business. Sun s claim that it built the backbone of the Internet is not that
far from the truth , said a PC World article in May, 1999. The new features in
Solaris 8 software are said to drive the five critical requirements for Internet based
systems scalability, availability, manageability, security and connectivity to new
heights. br br BeOS is the operating system from Be, Inc. Based on an entirely new
idea in computing, BeOS was designed to satisfy the higher processing and
memory requirements of today s digital media on standard PC hardware, without
slowing down or freezing up. say the developers. It works with audio, video, image,
and Internet based applications, and edits files of millions of gigabytes in size,
simultaneously, in real time and boots up in less than 20 seconds. A very innovative
feature that BeOS brings is the fact that each application runs in its own protected
memory space, so if one crashes, the system and other applications don t even
notice; all you need to do is reload the crashed application. That could also be
Differences in Slave Laws in Colonial Brazil and Colonial...
Differences in slave laws in British North America and Colonial Brazil Slavery as it
existed in colonial Brazil contained interesting points of comparison and contrast with
the slave system existing in British North America. The slaves in both areas had been
left with very little opportunity in which he could develop as a person. The degree to
which the individual rightsof the slave were either protected or suppressed provides a
clearer insight to the differences between North American and Brazilian slavery. The
laws also differed greatly between the two areas and have been placed into three
categories: term of servitude, police and disciplinary powers, and property and other
civil rights. Point One: In both systems of slavery,... Show more content on ...
The law also made a more concerted attempt to protect the slave against mistreatment
by his master. Mistreatment of a slave could lead both to the freedom of the slave
and to the imprisoning of the master. Point Three: The slave in British North America
could not own property and had absolutely no civil rights. The law clearly stated
that he could neither own, inherit, nor will property, couldn t engage in buying or
selling anything except at the pleasure of his master. In contrast, the slave in Brazil
could own property, could engage in buying and selling, and was also guaranteed
Sundays, holidays, and other times which to work for his own advancement. In
short, the law implied that while the master could own a man s labor, he could not
own the man as a person. In conclusion, it is not easy to make a comparison
between the two slave systems. Brazilian slave masters often evaded the law and
could be exceedingly brutal and British North American masters were often much
more lenient than the law required. Conditions were usually more severe in Brazil
and this may have worsened the actual material situation of the Brazilian slave. In
North America the slave was treated like a thing and in Brazil there was some
attempt to treat him as a man. This fact made a profound difference in the way the
two systems affected the slave as an individual and in the way in which they
impinged upon the development of his
Vladimir Lenin Essays
Vladimir Lenin and his Rise to Power
Eventually, empires and nations all collapse. The end can be brought about by
many causes. Whether through becoming too large for their own good, being ruled
by a series of out of touch men, falling behind technologically, having too many
enemies, succumbing to civil war, or a combination: no country is safe. The Russia
of 1910 was in atremendously horrible situation. She had all of these problems.
Russia would not have existed by 1920 were it not for Vladimir Ilich Lenin, the only
man capable of saving the failing nation.
Russia in 1910 was a very backwards country. Peasants who lived in absolute
poverty made up the vast majority of Russia s population (Haney 19). Russia s
version of ... Show more content on ...
He formed his own political party, the Bolsheviks, a split off of the earlier Marxists.
Unlike other parties of his time, Lenin limited membership to a small number of full
time revolutionaries (Haney 41). This dedication and tight organization later proved
both useful and effective. From 1897 to 1917, he traveled all over Europe writing
propaganda, organizing strikes, and encouraging revolution among the working class,
especially in Russia (Lenin, V.I. 191). Lenin knew what he wanted, knew how to get
it, and was willing to wait.
During World War I, the time was right and Lenin was the man. Czar Nicholas II
remained totally focused on winning the war, and did not hesitate before committing
more men and supplies to the war effort(Haney 65). But for an already starving
country, every train that brought supplies to the front could not also be bringing food
to peasants. With public sentiment and even the Czar s own army against him,
Nicholas abdicated the throne in March of 1917 (69). A government by soviets
(councils) was instated, but did not last long. After that, Alexander Kerensky seized
power. In November, Lenin and his Bolsheviks, with help from armed citizens,
stopped the revolving door. They took over St. Petersburg (then Petrograd) and later
captured Moscow, meeting little resistance along the way (Jantzen 613). Lenin took
over the government and signed a treaty with Germany to take Russia out of the war.
Workstations A Workstations Is Used By Users That Work...
WorkstationsA workstation is a powerful computer which is used by users that
work with advanced applications. It s mainly used by IT workers with high level
occupations. The advantage of having a workstation is that you can use it as a
storage device, restore you documents from it and keep it as a database to record
figures. Workstations are mostly used by IT users which carry out complex IT tasks.
` Workstations are used for engineering programs as they have high quality graphics.
RouterIt is a device that shares the network connection with multiple computers. It
has the capability of connecting to other devices such as: game consoles, smart TVs
etc. The advantage of having an router that you can connect more than one device to
the network. All the devices on the network can directly communicate to each other.
Routers are used a network point of connecting workstations together. It allows
operations to be carried on the network through the router access. SwitchSwitches in
computer networks help to send and receive data around. They help the data flow
between workstations by connecting multiple workstations on the hub. The benefit of
having switches on the network is that they prevent data from over flowing. this is
because they manage the data speed between the switches. Switches are mainly used
on the network by workstations. It allows data to flow with ease. Connections can be
made quicker with having various switches on the network. Hub A hub is a connection
The Struggles Women Faced During And After The Vietnam
The Struggles Women Faced During and After the Vietnam War
During the Vietnam War, many challenges were faced by the Vietnamese people
no matter what side they fought for. In Hayslip s book and in the movie Regret to
Inform, we are able to gain insight into some of the struggles the women faced
during the war. The men went to war and left the women with nothing but a number
of challenges. Problems arose because the women were being abused and tortured.
To make matters worse, a lot of the women had to deal with more difficulties after
the war was over. These are just a few of the struggles that women had to face during
and after the Vietnam War.
One of these hardships was a result of the men getting drafted to go and fight in the
war. This ... Show more content on ...
The women also experienced a more direct part of the war. The men could run and
hide underground or in the homes of the villagers whenever the enemy approached.
The women however could not run and had to stay at the house. This caused the
women to experience countless gruesome encounters. Several of them saw their
family get shot down by Americans or get tortured by the Viet Cong if they felt
they were a spy. One woman shared her experience of watching her little cousin get
killed because he ran outside of the bunker to get a drink of water. In Hayslip s
book, the reader learns a story about when one mother watches her son get shot
down because he was working in the field and when she ran to save him she was
also shot. She spent sometime in the hospital but she eventually had to return to her
house where the only person left to take care of her was her 12 year old grandson.
He did a good job of giving her the attention that she desired, but one day the boy
took his younger cousin fishing because the little boy didn t have a father to teach
him this necessary skill. As they were walking back from the pond, they walked into
an American ambush. The Americans thought they were Viet Cong and shot them on
the spot. This meant that the elderly lady had now lost everything. These stories were
a true testament to how horrifying it was to live in a country that was transformed
into a battlefield.
The women were also viewed in the same way as men were in the eyes
San Francisco Social Inequality Essay
Social Inequality of the Golden City The Golden Gate Bridge takes a curious
traveler across the San Francisco Bay area into a marvelous journey towards a
technologically innovative city of San Francisco. The city of San Francisco has
forever been a national symbol of coveted opportunity, cultural disapprobation,
technological blossoming and, frankly, economic inequality. In the past, countless
attempts were made by multiple scholars to identify the sources of San Francisco s
social inequality. Statisticians compiled large tomes of data, while Sociologists
wrote unending arrays of books; all in efforts to understand the basis of social
inequality in the Golden City. Likewise, this essay will begin by identifying early
sources of... Show more content on ...
By and large, the war continued until 1848 its victory awarded America with the new
territory, which marked the beginning of economic advancement of the west.
Perhaps, 1848 also marked the beginning of social inequality.
Upon the discovery of gold in California, thousands of fortune dwellers migrated to
San Francisco. In fact, the population of San Francisco increased from 450 in 1848
to a colossal size of 25,000 by the end of 1949 (SFgenealogy 2017). Incidentally,
multiple gold mining towns were erected across San Francisco. The new towns grew
often in the form of businesses, food courts, and even entertainment facilities.
Paradoxically, this historical nuance introduced the division of people by class.
Division of class in San Francisco, meant that individuals who initiated first business
facilities were now becoming wealthier by exploiting their lower class counterparts.
A tempting question arises, who were those lower class counterparts? A demographic
report of 1853 provides nothing unusual about the San Francisco s population: 98.3%
of the population were white leaving the remaining 1.7% to African Americans,
Indians, etc. (SFgenealogy 2017). However, a statistical report by the Secretary of
State to the California Legislature, sheds light onto the demographic description
mentioned above; Figures for Hispanics were
Big Skinny Case Report Final Draft Essay
1) What should Kiril focus on next? What should be his highest and lowest
priorities? Why? With the difficulty that Kiril is experiencing with the online
marketing of Big Skinny, Kiril needs to first focus on a strong online marketing to
draw new customers. With Big Skinny s success at the street fairs using the in
person sales method, it is clear that the wallets can be successful and self selling
given the proper tools. In order for new marketing efforts to be successful, Kiril
needs to develop a digital market that features a mixture of long tail marketing,
behavioral targeting, and Internet advertising formats. This technique will help Big
Skinny achieve a global reach through media richness by using support such as rich
messages,... Show more content on ...
In comparison, big skinny keyword generated the highest profit per conversion.
Nevertheless, the fact that prospective customers who search for big skinny
keyword might have already had interest in purchasing Big Skinny products from
the beginning overstated the profit this keyword generated. Therefore, it is
obvious for Big Skinny to increase its bid for thin wallets keyword but maintain
the same bid for big skinny . In addition, the firm can also bid higher for other
profitable keywords, including thin wallet , thin leather wallet, world s thinnest
wallet, and ultra thin wallet(s). 3) How effective is Big Skinny using social media
to sell its wallets? What are the ways to improve its effectiveness? What are the
costs involved in such approaches? Big skinny is suffering from the major problem
of generating new customer traffic on its website and this problem is getting worse
as internet users are conditioned to ignore online advertisements. While purchasing
wallets online, the keyword Big Skinny may not cross the minds of the customers
who are not aware of the brand and its products. The AddThis website applet,
Facebook fan page and Twitter feed was being maintained to increase interactions
with the fan base. But the main question was, how can Big Skinny target its potential
customers and increase traffic to its website to promote online sales? The
effectiveness of Social Media can be improved depending on what metrics the
marketing managers
Analysis Of The Hillsborough Tragedy
The Hillsborough tragedy is the worst tragedy in a stadium in the history of United
Kingdom that resulted in the death of ninety six people. Disasters such as the
Hillsborough tragedy do not just happen out of the blues but, are a sum of various
mistakes as well as negligence or misjudgements. When these factors come together,
the end result is a disaster that involves loss of lives and life threatening injuries.
Before any event organizer or premises owner agrees to enter in such massive
liabilities, it is important that all systems are critically evaluated in order to address
any lapses in structural capacity, design or even securityand managementaspects that
could result in human injury or death (The Hillsborough StadiumDisaster, 2009).
Organisational safety management implies that disasters happen out of a complexity
of intermingled reasons but not due to technical factors alone. Proper event
management is a ... Show more content on ...
Despite the low capacity, there was overcrowding which is directly linked to the
crush. When organizing the football match, the organisers were supposed to look at
possibilities of people crushing against the turnstiles and other fixed structures or
barriers, underfoot trampling, spectator aggressiveness and surging or swaying
behaviour of the spectators (Winter, 2012).
In management or planning events, it is crucial to have it clear in the minds of the
spectators that drugs are strictly prohibited. This brings the aspect of control which
clearly indicates that there lacked police control during the match. In addition to
having police control, the match organizers were supposed to have stewards who
should have identified people bringing in drugs to the match. It is believed the lapse
in security was responsible for drugged fans gaining entry into the
Essay on Metamorphosis and Postmodernism
The twentieth century has been marked as a time of great suffering and advancement
in human history. One product of this dynamic time is the theory of postmodernism.
According to Thomas McEvilley, postmodernism happened in America after people
started to realize that history was cruel and that people were not really progressing
much. This directly discredited the pre existing theory of modernismwhich took its
ideology from the three pillars: progress, hierarchy of cultures, universals.
McEvilley believes that the modernist ideals are just a way of creating a false
reality, a world where no one is suffering and everything is beautiful. In his novel The
Metamorphosis, Franz Kafkauses the dramatic transformation of his character,
Gregor, to... Show more content on ...
Yet, after Gregor goes through the transformation the traditional family structure is
restored to some extent. The father becomes robust and asserts himself as the
patriarch of the family. Some would argue that this restoration of hierarchy makes
The Metamorphosis modernist and to some extent this assumption is correct.
However, the restoration of the family structure comes at the price that Gregor is
no longer considered part of the family. This suggests that Kafka was in fact trying
to reveal the fragility of the family. Gregor began as the sole provider for the
family, yet they turned their backs on him after his transformation, showing how
selfish the family really was. Kafka effectively makes the reader empathize with
Gregor, even in his hideous state, to ironically make the rest of the Samsa family
look like the vermin at the end of the book.
The authority of the parents is also easily undermined by Grete, which again
portrays the hierarchy of the family to be completely flipped. Grete assumes power
over her parents by doing the work that the mother or father should be doing. The
mother is shown as a weak force whose sole ability of manipulation is the loosening
of her blouse in front of the father. In contrast, the father is depicted as a man in
constant fear of Gregor, which he tries to mask by an authoritative power over the
family. However, many would argue that the story is not a mockery of the second
pillar of modernism. At the
Spring Break Satire
Being hallucinogenically and frivolously satirical by dedicating every single second
to its hallucination and frivolity, Spring Breakers, directed by Harmony Korine,
embarks on the coming of age adventure of four stereotypical college girls on the
beach of Florida for their spring break, followed by them getting mixed up through a
tangle of convoluted experiences in this stomping ground, full of dubstep, booze, sex,
and violence.
Possibly the one of the most style over substance movie in recent years, Spring
Breakers does not underscore its plot and narration and instead grooves on the feeling
of drugged wistfulness and alluring visual style, aided by the eye straining neon lights
to express its satirical theme about American society. It... Show more content on ...
She loves to join her friends for a getaway but also is too meek and reserved to go
all the way with them, as Faith has an unnerving revulsion when told about the
aforementioned quick heist. This is the only one among four girls given proper
background for audience to latch on, while the others are portrayed like just typical
party minxes craving the adventurous feel of danger. Oh wait, Candy and Brit are
My Little Ponies fangirls and have enough guts mixed with curiosity to stick till the
end. That s just about it for them. Besides, one appearance is deemed by viewers as
the most exciting addition Alien (James Franco). A gangster wannabe who proclaims
to be a top notch hustler, Alien invites the girls into petty robbers and even more
hedonistic leisures, as well as being the most important factor in Faith s character arc
and later on, Candy and
Analysis Of Howard Zinn s Indians History Of The Us...
History 2112
Critical Analysis Paper #1
Dr. Pitts
James Hamby
Monday Wednesday 8:30pm
Patriot s vs. People s Howard Zinn s, Peoples History of the US and Larry
Schweikart s, Patriots History of the US are two analytical views on history that
most people would consider politically conflicting. Zinn s Marxist book was
widely praised by liberal activist and Schweikart s book is greatly publicized by
conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. These two widely known
historians turned their focus on writing two historical pieces that would fill in the
historical holes that weren t being taught in the educational systems. It created a
type of diverse learning that made for a great argument while still allowing the
readers to understand all sides of the topics at hand. Zinn really dismissed the
common white mans history and focused his approach on a multiple minority
perspective. Schweikart s book is very different in the sense he takes aim at Zinn
as he targets words like great discovery and war on terror which Zinn only used as
scare quotes. Schweikart s book really reads like old history textbooks from the
moral principals of the American founders that built this nation to the ideological
view of American prosperity. No matter who shares the views of the political
perspectives or condemns them because of its bias stances both historians felt
responsible in writing the history of the United States.
Zinn did not believe in an unbiased approach to history
Ralph Waldo Emerson Beliefs
During the Transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson s famous quote in
his booklet, Nature, gave a lot of insight on the identity of the human race. His quote,
A man is a god in ruins indicates a sense of the fallen nature, and really emphasizes
our faults and our limits, and many authors during this time person also seemed to
follow this philosophy. In Ralph Waldo Emersons other work, Self Reliance, he is
also able to capture this same essence from text to text. In addition to Emerson, Henry
David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorneand Herman Melville all follow the same
philosophy in their own respective texts. The reader is able to see a common theme
consistently throughout Self Reliance, Economy (in Walden), The Artist of the
Beautiful and Bartleby the Scrivener and Benito Cereno. Throughout each of these
texts, the reader essentially focuses on how the nature of the human race focuses on
how we are more than ordinary stone ruins, but we are lesser than Gods. The
optimism of Emerson s quote exploring the nature of the human person is depicted in
their own way and different writing style throughout all of these different texts. In
Ralph Waldo Emerson s booklet, Nature, his quote A man is a god in ruins, is
famously known coming from the Transcendentalist movement. Emerson stays on the
same theme about the human race in his text, Self Reliance. Emerson is extremely
insistent on the human race to be themselves and their own individual. He reflects
how easy it is
Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek and His Contribution to...
No one would ever expect a Dutch fabric merchant to be the first to discover some of
the most abundant organisms in the world. Europe was in the midst of a Scientific
Revolution as part of the Renaissance. At this time, new scientific discoveries were
being made with the rise of scientists such as Galileo and Newton. Another prominent
name in this revolution was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Leeuwenhoek first worked in
a fabric shop in Delft, Holland in the mid 1600s. Leeuwenhoek used his microscope to
observe almost anything he could think of to have a better understanding of what he
was seeing. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek contributed to microbiologybecause he
developed the first simple microscope, was the first to observe microorganisms, and
was... Show more content on ...
The short (about 1 millimeter) focal lengths of the lenses would have necessitated
placing the eye almost in contact with the lens ( Anton van Leeuwenhoek ).
Leeuwenhoek obtained the clear image by carefully moving the angle of lighting left
and right. Leeuwenhoek s techniques of lighting samples under the microscope are
still not well known today. This was the only secret that he took to his grave. Even
though the simple microscope was difficult to use, scholars visited Leeuwenhoek to
be educated on his design. Leeuwenhoek went all over the world giving
demonstrations about his microscope for high ranking people. Without Leeuwenhoek
s simple microscope, microbiology today would not be as advanced.
What is even more impressive than configuring a new and improved microscope was
the observations that were seen through the device. First, Leeuwenhoek came up with
a theory on the difference on taste of sugar and salt and examined them each to
investigate, why they have their certain tastes. He was then curious about why
pepper had its sharp taste. After inserting the pepper into snow water, Leeuwenhoek
found 3 types of protozoa and a kind of bacteria that was mistaken as a different
animalcule. Robert Hooke, an English natural philosopher, was the first to confirm
Leeuwenhoek s discovery of the microorganisms in the pepper and snow water
Those Winter Sundays In Those Winter Sundays By Robert
Often, we look back and regret certain times in our lives. We feel things would
have been different if only we had known then what we know now. As we grow
older, our view of the world is changes due to maturity and experience. In Those
Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, the speaker who is an adult, describes and
reflects his experience and insouciance toward his father as a child through his tone
and actions. As an adult, the speaker has come to understand and appreciate the form
of lovehis father had for him. The perspective and meaning of the poem depends on
the differences between what the boy knew then and what the man, possibly a father
himself, knows now.
To begin with, the title Those Winter Sundays is suitable for the poem because
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Study
Another theory that is relevant to the study is Albert Bandura s (1977) Social
Learning Theory. Unlike the experiential learning theory which is more focused on
how the environment affects the behavior of the individual, the social learning
theory is based on the idea that we learn from our interactions with others in a social
context. Moreover, by observing the behaviors of others, people tend to copy and
develop similar behaviors. New concepts of social learningare being formulated as
new trends in distance education programs continue to emerge. The rise in popularity
of these programs continues to increase the physical distance between educators and
students (Smith Berge, 2009). There are three key components to Bandura s social
learning theory(Abbott, n.d.) that are manifesting themselves in the Second Life (a...
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After observing the behavior of others, people then assimilate and imitate that
behavior, especially if their observational experiences are positive ones or include
rewards related to the observed behavior. According to Bandura (Smith Berge,
2009), this kind of imitation involves the actual reproduction of observed motor
activities. This kind of learning through observing can also be reinforced. Bandura
called this as vicarious reinforcement. What he meant is that when the child
observes someone else being rewarded for a particular behavior this then affects
the child in the same way as it would had that the child produced the same behavior
and been rewarded for it. Similarly, vicarious punishment is possible where the child
observes a model being punished for a behavior thus the child is less likely to
produce the behavior because of this observation. This kind of reinforcement creates a
chain of thought for the The presence of such reinforcement stimulate the reward
centers of our brain that triggers and motivates us into actually impersonate the
A Brief Description of the Concept of Courtly Love
For a brief description of the concept of courtly love , a few characteristics must be
highlighted. Courtly love appeared in Provence (southern France) in the eleventh
century. It consists on the expression of love in its most sincere, chivalric and noble
form. It tended to be chaste and adulterous. It was also secret and, in general, always
took place between the members of the higher classes of society. Andreas Capellanus
defines it in The Art of Courtly Loveas the pure love which binds together the hearts
of two lovers with every feeling of delight. This kind consists on the contemplation
of the mind and the affection of the heart; it goes as far as the kiss and the embrace
and the modest contact with the nude lover, omitting the final solace, for that is
not permitted for those who wish to love purely. [...] That is called mixed love
which gets its effect from every delight of the flesh and culminates in the final act
of Venus (p.122). In Capellanus definition, it seems to me, that the previous
elements mentioned are placed out of the game of love, as long as we consider
courtly love to be expressed by the total submission of a young man towards his
lady. The fulfilment of the souls in courtly love can rarely be obtained, because
there is no equality in the relationship of the individuals. The lover s love is
immanently pure, genuine in essence, but the beloved is usually characterized as
unachievable because her self is so perfect that there is not much the lover can
The Bell Jar Analysis
Esther Greenwood, the protagonist of The Bell Jar by Silvia Plath, is cast under
the spell of her own depression and the story of being released from the spell
follows the structure of one of the 7 plot types Christopher Booker created. These 7
plot archetypes include the Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy,
Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, and lastly the archetype of Rebirth. The
novel The Bell Jaris classified as the Rebirth plot, in accordance with the 5 stages that
make up said archetype: The Falling Stage, Recession Stage, Imprisonment Stage,
Nightmare Stage, and The Rebirth Stage. Readers follow Esther as she pulls herself
through the stages, through the falling, the rising, and the falling once more, until
she reaches... Show more content on ...
She stops writing, bathing, changing her clothes, and sleeping. This worries her
mother, who sends Esther to a psychiatrist who prescribes her to shock therapy. But
instead of having the shock treatment healing Esther, the doctors do the procedure
improperly and terrify her, which leads her into a living hell. Now is the Nightmare
Stage, the part of the story where the spell is in complete control of the protagonist
and any chance of a happy ending is about as shrunken as the protagonist s free will.
Esther, through suicide, tries multiple times to rid the burden of her depression, which
has controlled her after the shock treatment. She first tries to cut herself, but fails
after viewing her wrist as white and defenseless. Esther continues by saying, It was
as if what (Esther) wanted to kill wasn t in that skin or in the thin, blue pulse that
jump under (Esther s) thumb, but somewhere else, deeper, more secret, and a
whole lot harder to get at, (Plath 147). After her failed self harm attempt, Esther
tries harder to kill whatever was deeper inside of her. She tries hanging herself, but
doesn t bother after seeing there is no place to hang in the low ceilinged house.
Later on, Esther s friend takes her on a double date with a boy named Cal. She asks
Cal how he would kill himself and his answer disappoints her, saying that he would
shoot himself. Then she challenges Cal to a swimming race in the ocean so she can
drown herself. Instead of dying on her date,
Electrochemical Behavior And Convoluted Voltammetry
Electrochemical behavior and convoluted voltammetry of carbon nanotube modified
with AQ and NB functional groups Mohamed A.Ghanem,a*Ibrahim S.
Elhallag,bAbdullah M. Al Mayoufa aElectrochemistry Research Group, Chemistry
Department, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of
Saudia Arabia bChemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta,
Egypt *corresponding author email: Abstract. The validity of
convolution voltammetry for determination of accurate values for the diffusion (D),
concentration in the bulk (Cb), and number of electrons (n) consumed in
electrochemical reaction has been explained by applying the technique to a carbon
nanotubes chemically modifiedusing functional groups of nitrobenzene (NB) and
anthraquinone(AQ).The analysis with macrodisk electrode was facilitated due to the
presence of minor contribution of nonfaradaic current, so moderate values of scan
rates can be used without the need to perform subtraction of background to quantify
the diffusivity of electro active species.The values of D and nCb wasdetermined
simultaneouslyand demonstrated using convoluted procedure. The obtained results
indicate that the convolution voltammetry provides advantages over steady state
techniques such asmicro disk electrode voltammetry and rotating disk electrode
voltammetry, as it is not restricted by the mode of diffusion (planar or radial), hence
removing limitations on solvent viscosity, electrode
My Motivation For Choosing A Physical Education
I have been involved in sport and fitness from very young age and have a variety of
interests. I have played football since I was 5 years old, and I am also a frequent
gym user. I enjoy watching most sports but mainly football and boxing. I currently
work at the Marriott Hotel running my own swimming lesson business, and also
work as a personal trainer. I completed a level 3 Sport and Exercise Science diploma
4 years ago and now I feel it is time to develop my skills and knowledge to progress
further in the Sport and Fitness industry.
My motivation for opting to study E112, is to further develop my skills and
knowledge in sport and fitness. I also aim to progress into becoming a physical
education teacher. Throughout this module I would like to be re introduced into
education in sport and fitness as it has been four years since I studied a level 3
sport science course, and I would like this module to help me prepare and study
effectively. As stated above, my ambition is to become a physical education teacher
in a high school, therefore I would like to peruse this degree, and then progress onto
a post graduate degree to become a teacher. E112 links in with both my work in the
fitness industry and my interests as it shows how sport and fitness organisations
operate, whilst also showing the changes in sport over the years whilst giving
different perspectives which is very interesting.
2 (a)
I consider Football to fit into all three categories of sport, recreation and
Social Conflict In Henry James s The Turn Of The Screw
Henry James arrays of characters helps to tie the reality of social conflict in this
fictional horror story. His characters each have various economic backgrounds and
interact differently with each other. This diversity brings these social conflicts to
light and helps readers understand the root of these conflicts. In The Turn of the
Screw, Henry James uses characterization and conflict to reveal the horrors of social
classin American society.
James novella centers around a young governess who is in charge of watching her
employer s kids at an estate in Bly. The governess social standing and desire to keep
her job reveal the instability of jobs for women in this era. Her employer, the uncle of
Miles and Flora, is a typical wealthy ... Show more content on ...
James use of man in contrast to girl gives a feeling of superiority of the employer
in both age and wealth, and an impression of the girl s crush towards him. The
governess bases all of this off of their first and only encounter. Due to the difference
in social class, perhaps it is her master s curiously absent status, coupled with [her]
unrequited love for him, that drives [her] to her hallucinations (Pouquette 257). As
the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but in this case, it drives the
governess to become deranged and captivated by her ghosts and their affair.
The governess knowledge of Quint and Miss Jessel s affair, despite their social
class, gives the governess the idea of her and her employer s possible relationship.
The difference in the governess and her employer s social standings compared to
that of Quint s and Jessel s are quite similar, with Quint being the valet at Bly and
Miss Jessel being the previous governess. The governess is drawn to her
employer...who has a higher rank than she, [so] she makes much of the illicit affair
between... Miss Jessel and Peter Quint, a man of much lower class ( The Turn of
the Screw 252). Mrs. Grose describes Miss Jessel as simply a lady and that Quint is
dreadfully below her (James 185). Wilson continues to tie Jessel and Quint s
relationship with
Smucker Company Christine Silva Netto John F. Kennedy University Managerial
Economics BUS5052 Edward Torres March 09, 2012 SMUCKER S THE J.M.
SMUCKER COMPANY SMUCKER S The J.M. Smucker Company History
Smuckers was founded in 1897 by Jerome Monroe Smuckers who sold his first
product, apple butter, from the back of a horse drawn wagon. J.M. Smucker
Company was incorporated in 1921 and has been a successful family run business for
four generations. J.M. Smucker Company s headquarters is located in Orrville, Ohio
and has been there since 1897. The Company has 17 manufacturing locations within
North America and four manufacturing locations in Canada. Their sales... Show more
content on ...
SMUCKER S THE J.M. SMUCKER COMPANY Exhibit: 1.1: SJM: Product Sales 4
Source: The J.M. Smucker 2011 2010 Annual Reports J.M. Smucker Company
Shares were listed on the New York Stock exchange in 1965. The ticker symbol is
SJM. In 2011, J.M. Smucker Company s gross profit (excluding special project
costs) was $1,852.6 million which was a $11.8 million increase compared to 2010.
Their net sales for 2011 was $4,825.7, an increase in five percent, compared to 2010
(The J.M. Smucker Company, 2011, p. 21) (Exhibit 1.2), and compared to third
quarter of 2011, their third quarter of 2012 net sales increased 12 percent, driven
primarily by the impact of prior pricing actions and acquisitions ( J.M. Smucker
Co. Announces Fiscal 2012 Quarter Results, 2012). The increase in net sales
offset the impact of overall higher raw material and freight costs and $50.2 million of
incremental special project costs including in cost of products sold, consisting
primarily of accelerated depreciation (The J.M. Smucker Company, 2011) (Exhibit
1.3). As of SMUCKER S THE J.M. SMUCKER COMPANY 5 February 2012, J.M.
Smucker Company s gross margins in the third quarter fell to 32.6 percent, from 37.4
percent, a year ago, as a result of higher cost of green coffee, edible oils, peanuts and
flour. The Company s third quarter profit fell to $116.8 million, or $1.03 a share,
from $132 million, or $1.11 a share, a year ago (Dalal Nair, 2012)
Boston Marathon Bombing Report
In this class, I have learned a lot of valuable food and alcohol safety rules.
Throughout this class, I learned a lot from the food portion. I learned the different
temperatures of cooking for the different types of food including; chicken, red meat,
and seafood. I also learned forms of contamination, the flow of food and cleaning and
sanitizing. Learning these things will help impact my career plan and employability
because this is an area within events that sometimes goes overlooked and will make
me stand out from the crown with these certificates.
The Food Code s purpose is to assist food control jurisdictions at all levels of
government by providing them with a scientifically sound technical and legal
basis for regulating the retail and food service segment of the industry. The Food
Code s main focus is to be an overall food safety model, that each local, state and
federal regulators can use as a model. The National Restaurant Association (NRA)
supports the Food Code by helping make changes to the Code that it applies better
to the restaurants. Because the Food Code isn t a law, some areas like proper
handwashing and sanitation things go overlooked and the NRA is making the
changes to the Food Code so every part of the restaurant s operations are touched
upon. ... Show more content on ...
This event happened on April 15, 2013 in Boston Massachusetts. Two brothers by the
names of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev decided to place two pressure cooker
bombs amidst the crowd of marathon runners. Only two seconds apart, the two
bombs went off along the finish line on Boylston Street. Leading up to the event
there was the conflict in the middle east, which is where both the brothers were born,
and they wanted a way to get back at the United States. There was no anticipation to
this event because there hadn t been any sort of threat or previous attack on this
Fear In The Chocolate War
The Chocolate War Essay In the Novel, The Chocolate War , a character in the
book, Archie Costello, uses psychological kind of fear to control other people,
unlike Emile Janza who uses physical fear to control people. In real life different
kinds of people use different ways to control people by using fear. Some use force
some use psychological fear, etc. Some people use force and psychological fear
because they want to control people. Some people use it in school, politics and
bullies use it. Administrators in school such as Teachers use some kind of fear to
make some students a little scared and worried on what might happen next. For
example in the novel The Chocolate War , the teacher named Brother Leon used
psychological fear on an
Greg Ousley Character Analysis
Scott Anderson exhibits the fact that Greg Ousley is a dynamic character by telling
that Greg greatly matures in prison, becomes educated, and wants to work with
young people upon being released. The change in Greg that first appears is his
growth to maturity in prison. This is portrayed when the author states, he
occasionally turned to prison dope and moonshine for brief relief, but Greg says, I
work across the hall from the superintendent. Greg now working across from the
superintendent exemplifies the fact that he has grown in maturity since the days of
prison dope and moonshine because of the trust that the prison officials have in him.
Greg becomes further dynamic by becoming an educated person. Greg pursues an
advanced educationas
King Daniel In Ancient Greek
Darius was King of Babylon an ancient city. Daniel was governor in King Darius s
palace. Now Daniel was loved by all Babylonians, well by most Babylonians
because he had enemies that he never knew. His secret enemies were men from the
palace, who hated him for his wisdom and fair judgment. Daniel was also a
Hebrew. One day one man who was Ahaziah spoke to his friends and said, Daniel
is preventing our evil plans from coming to pass. The other friend Micah replied,
But what can we do? Sam the smartest of the three answered, Daniel always praised
his God and prayed to him daily. What if we told King Darius that he should have a
no praying to any other foreign god Babylonian rule? The others replied, Brilliant
idea! Daniel will definitely be destroyed by us now. ... Show more content on ...
He prayed and said, Lord, I thank you that I have gotten so much wisdom from
you. I know you will always protect me, therefore, I m always grateful to you. The
evil men who plotted against Daniel went to King Darius and said, Oh mighty
King Darius, look at this lovely city you have built. You should get all the glory
and praise. King Darius replied, What do you mean by this? The men answered,
We mean that you should make a rule that says: Worship only Darius as the
supreme God of the universe in Babylon! In addition, the King was amazed and
said, But how will I let all the people of Babylon worship me? I m not a god,
moreover, the true God of heaven might be angry. The men replied, Oh King,
leave that to us. Only put the rule in writing and seal it with your ring. The next
day Daniel was praying as usual. The men saw him and said, Daniel there will be a
new rule that says, only pray to Darius as god. Daniel was shocked and said, Why did
Darius enforce such a
Outline For Pride And Prejudice
1.Analyze how unifying society through means of convention can impact
relationships and understandings between people. Thesis Statement: Pride Prejudice
demonstrates that initially distinguishing characteristics of someone by their status
leads to inevitable misunderstanding and ultimately to a bad relationship and that
only by effort of communication can it restore its relationship and improve upon.
I.The inevitability of prejudice based upon status from Darcy s side a.Mr. Darcy
initially proposes he is unpleasant with Bennet family i.She is tolerable; but not
handsome enough to tempt me... (13) 1.Mr. Darcy s first sight on Bennet family is
prejudiced which starts an unpleasant relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy
An Organization Good Security System
The process of footprinting is the first step to gather information of hackers. To
prevent a successful attack we need to obtain as much information possible, the
hackers will try to learn everything and all the aspects possible from the perspective
organization s security posture, their profile of their Internet their remote access
capabilities and intranet/extranet presence (Scambray, McClure, and Kurtz 2001).
Any good or successful hacker will build their information database about any
company security weakness. But the question that we should ask ourselves is, should
be prepare in advance for any attack? Should we know our weakness way in advance
to prepare ourselves? And the answer would be yes, which means the security
personal need... Show more content on ...
This report will focus on security of Amazon Company and will look at how
security posture of the company will be done and solved. Footprinting is a process
of using various tools and technologies to understand, learn the best to attack a main
target. Any hacker, or attacker will try to find out as much as possible without
actually giving themselves away, they will find public information or appear as
normal internet users. Again the hacker or attacker will look up and find as much
information as possible about the network, and the domain name of the company he
is searching to find information. He the hacker will try to obtain information about
the network blocks, any particular IP address, any network protocols in use by the
company, IDSs (Intrusion Detection System), telephone numbers, ACLs (Access
Control Lists). Remember hacker use this information to attack, the security
personnel can and will use it to strengthen their security stance.
We need to look for locations, related companies, and merger or acquisition news,
telephone numbers, contacts names and email addresses, any privacy or security
policies indicating the types of security mechanisms in place they have, any links to
other web servers related to the main organization. Amazon is a company that has
establish itself as an online store that serves as a retail shop that
Otc Hearing Aid Effectiveness
In the United States, only 25% of the people who need hearing aids use them. One
possible reason for this is accessibility. Getting a hearing aid requires a trip to see a
specialist. Both the visit and the hearing aids themselves can be expensive if not
covered by health insurance. One possible way of getting more hearing aids to the
people who need them is to sell them over the counter (OTC). To see if this option is
feasible, Indiana University Bloomington tested the theory through a study of OTC
hearing aid effectiveness.
The Study
To conduct the study, researchers gathered 154 people with mild to moderate
hearing loss between the ages of 55 and 79. These participants were split into three
groups. One group worked with an audiologist to have their hearing aid properly
fitted and programmed. Members of another group were given hearing aids that had
been pre programmed in the same way that OTC devices would be. The final group
served as a control group and were given non functioning hearing aids. All three
groups tested their hearing aids for six weeks.
The Results
Both of the groups that received working hearing aids fared much better than those
who were given placebo units. While both of the test groups with functional hearing
aids did well, the group who worked with a hearing specialist like Audiology Island
did fare slightly better ... Show more content on ...
A new healthcare bill known as the Over the Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2016
would greatly expand the number of places hearing aids are sold. If passed, the bill
would also require the Food and Drug Administration to updates their guidelines on
hearing aid safety labeling and regulations. The bill has the support of the Academy
of Doctors of Audiology but has not yet passed into law. At the request of Congress,
the bill is currently under review by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and

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  • 1. Essay On Shakespeare Life Crafting an essay on Shakespeare's life can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty arises not from a lack of information – after all, there is a wealth of historical data and literary analysis available – but rather from the need to distill a vast and complex life into a coherent and engaging narrative. Shakespeare's life is shrouded in mystery, with gaps in the historical record leaving ample room for speculation and scholarly debate. Navigating through the myriad theories about his early life, his experiences in the theater, and the personal aspects of his existence requires a careful and nuanced approach. Moreover, delving into the cultural and political context of Elizabethan England adds an additional layer of complexity to the task. To create a compelling essay, one must not only present the factual details of Shakespeare's life but also delve into the profound impact he had on literature and the enduring relevance of his works. Analyzing his plays, sonnets, and other writings necessitates a deep understanding of both the historical context and the literary techniques employed by the Bard. The challenge lies in balancing the biographical elements with the literary analysis, ensuring that the essay provides a comprehensive exploration of Shakespeare's life while maintaining a captivating narrative flow. The temptation to merely summarize facts or rely on clichГ©d interpretations must be resisted in favor of a more nuanced and insightful approach. In conclusion, writing an essay on Shakespeare's life demands a careful navigation through historical records, academic theories, and the literary nuances of his works. It is a task that requires a keen analytical mind, a thorough understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to present complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including in-depth explorations of literary figures like Shakespeare, consider exploring resources, where you can find expert guidance and support for your academic writing needs. Essay On Shakespeare Life Essay On Shakespeare Life
  • 2. Elements Of A Semantic Approach To Film Genre How is a genre picked for a film? There are many theorists and critics that judge the films and voice an option and eventual a genre is picked for the movies. There are many different kinds of genres, however, todays focus is on the genre type fantasy. What in a fantasy film makes it a fantasy genre? This paper will break down what a film genretruly is, explain how costume design can effect viewers, and describe the key elements of a film in detail to determine what makes it a fantasygenre. The word genre refers to a type or category of designated motion picture productions. In other words, a genre serves as an upfront guarantee that the audience can expect to find a certain emotional appeal in that film. This allows the viewer to positively know they will get to see similar kinds of films that they prefer to view. In the article, A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre, lists some key elements, [...] we can as a whole distinguish between generic definitions which depend on a list of common traits, attitudes, characters, shots, locations, sets, and the like[...] , (page 10). Here is another explanation from the book, American Cinema/American Culture by John Belton, express in more detail, Films that belong to a specific genre draw from a fairly fixed body of character and story types, setting and situations, costumes and props, thematic concerns and visual iconography, and conventions that are shared by other films in that particular genre. (page 124). The book and
  • 3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez Research Paper Many authors like to write fantasy novels, stories that detached themselves from reality, novels that tell us about magic, parallel dimensions, between others. But even in these fictional stories there is still the presence of the universal themes that can be touched not only in this kind of novels but also in the simpler ones, themes like the fight between good and evil, love, between others. There are also the authors that actually mix the fantasy and the reality to a point that it is really hard to see the difference between them, Gabriel Garcia Marquez is said to be the father of this gender called Magic Realism , he said that the reason that he sees the world in that particular way of his, is because of the persons ... Show more content on ... This fact was what inspired him to write Autumn of the Patriarch a story that talks about an eternal dictator, he based this character in real life autocrats like Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, Francisco Franco and Juan Vicente Gomez. Many of the characters in his stories are based in real life persons not only in famous characters like the autocrats in the Autumn of the Patriarch but also people of his own family. The first character and one of the most obvious one would be Jose Arcadio Buendia one of the characters of his most famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude Jose Arcadio Buendia married to Ursula Iguaran was an adventurous man that took his wife from of what all that they knew to a mysterious place, he was always looking for new hobbies to entertain himself and because of this he ended up lacking as a father, this is a clear mirror of the father of the author a men who would constantly travel looking for adventures, moving the family from one city to another to look for a way to make business and easy money, always leaving the care of his own children to other persons, most of the time to his in laws and because of that the relationship with his children wasn t really good. Another one would be Ursula Iguaran a women full of character and a strong command, a person who loved her supernatural beliefs and would do anything to sustain her family, in this
  • 4. The Habits Of Highly Effective People 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Covey, Stephen R. New York: Simon Schuster, 1989 Andrew R. Sweeney Psychology of Adjustment Introduction I work full time at Dollywood, and attend Walters State, soon to graduate with an Associates in Psychology. I already have a Bachelors Degree in Physics Mathematics from Carson Newman University and have recently been admitted to ETSU in the Fall and will enter a Masters program in Mathematical Sciences. At ETSU I will work as a Graduate Assistant and take a full course load. I feel like managing my time is one of the harder things for me to do. I seem to always be pressed for time. The reason I chose to report on this book was because based upon the title I thought for sure this book would be all about time management. I was wrong. Summary of the Book What is success? What makes a person effective? How do our perceptions affect our world view? Will changing my perceptions make a difference in my attitude toward success? Successful people will always hold these questions in tension as they strive to higher levels of effectiveness and the tension between concerns and influence . Personal effectiveness is much more than learning a few techniques or using the right advisors or self help program. The book moves us toward independence and self improvement in Habits 1 3; teamwork, interdependence and learning how to get our ideas across in Habits 4 6. Lastly, Habit 7 looks at being a lifelong
  • 5. Essay On Student Athletes Should Be Paid College sports are everywhere in today s world. Turn on ESPN and you will be surrounded hearing about Jay Bilas final four predictions or possibly Jon Gruden s Heisman candidates. College sports have turned into a multi billion dollar industry with consistent growth. Despite of the fast growing business, the NCAA remains non profit and labels the players student athletes to mark them amateur. With this label, athletes are recognized as student first and athlete second. Scholastics are supposed to be prioritized over athletics, however with the growing industry the lines are being blurred. The NCAA is considered to be an amateur league, however, groups of people are pushing for players to become paid due to the high revenue. While one... Show more content on ... Ed O Bannon, a previous UCLA basketball player filed a case looking to sue the NCAA for licensing players without consent. The NCAA marks their players as amateurs, therefore, they do not allow paying players. However after the ruling, the NCAA was found to be violating antitrust laws, which could potentially change the model of the system (Maese). Judge Claudia Wilken ruled an injunction that schools in the NCAA would be allowed to provide players a trust fund in order to compensate players for using their names in broadcasting, merchandise or imaging. In 2016, this trust fund will allow universities to conduct bidding wars for future recruits (Strauss, Tracy). This of course, would be able to be capped at a certain mark and would not be payable until after the departure of a student athlete s time at a college or the end of their eligibility (Berkowitz) This court case could potentially change the way college sports are run. Marc Edelman, a writer for, argues his point in 21 Reasons Why Student Athletes Are Employees And Should Be Allowed To Unionize is for the movement to pay players. Edelman focuses his point on NCAA programs being large revenue businesses and in his opinion should consider student athletes as employees. With this, he explains that student athletes have to work an average of 43.3 hours a week and oftentimes forced to miss class due to NCAA playoff scheduling (Edelman). Edelman goes on to compare
  • 6. Genetic Engineering. Genetic Engineering Is The... Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the characteristics of direct manipulation of an organism s genome using biotechnology. The genetic modification process through which medical biologist and scientist subsequently alter the genetic makeup of DNA material. This scientific modification is attaining through the addition of genes or subtraction of genes within a single cell organism. The addition of genes is achieved through a carrier which can be through a virus. The addition can either be to the somatic cells or germ cells. In somatic cells, added genes alter the genetic makeup of the body while in germ cells, alteration is to the reproductive cells. Genetic modifications have been widely exercised in humans, animals, plants and ... Show more content on ... By choosing an embryo without these mutations, doctors can make sure the baby will not have the genetic disease. Genetic diseases such as Tay Sachs are determined by just one gene. Scientists may soon be able to test to see whether a person might develop diseases such as heart disease or cancer. These diseases are determined by several genes. (Rush Hubbard and Elijah Wald, 1999) Doctors can choose the sex of the baby by looking at the embryo s chromosomes. If they implant an embryo in the mother with the XX chromosomes, the baby will be a girl. If they implant an embryo with the XY chromosomes, the baby will be a boy. (Rush Hubbard and Elijah Wald, 1999) In 1953, American researcher James Watson and British researcher Francis Crick announced that they had found the secret of life. The pair of scientists had identified the structure of DNA, the container of all hereditary information needed to make human beings. In the 1960 s scientists had identified the codes for all major amino acids, the building blocks of the proteins that tell human body how to work. The first time scientists were able to make a test tube baby in a lab was in 1978. Doctors took an egg from the baby s mother and merged it with sperm from the father in a lab, then re implanted it into the mother to grow. There
  • 7. A Complicated Kindness Literary Analysis Loss in Real Life vs. in A Complicated Kindness In many fictitious stories and even in real life, people experience loss of family members, someone they know, and are brought down from their previous state of happiness. Everyone will most likely experience some traumatic event where a loved one is gone forever or being isolated from everyone else. These similar occasions occurred to me in my own life and to a great deal to a character; Nomi from the novel, A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews. It is then realized that the loss of family, being excommunicated from your community and your people force you to adapt so you can maintain the strength to keep moving on and continue with your life. One eventually comes to discover that the ... Show more content on ... As it sends a chain of reactions that also essentially bring that particular group down from the result of its own actions. On Chapter twenty seven, the Mouth or Hans Rosenfeldt arrives at Ray and Nomi s house to say It s been determined, said The Mouth. What has? Asked my dad. Nomi s excommunication, said The Mouth. I looked at him and whispered yikes, (Toews 235). Hans decides to excommunicate Nomi, which in turn causes her father, Ray to leave East Village so she can finally be free to leave. Trudie s own older brother exiles Trudie from the church and is one of the primary reasons that Trudie left, which marked the complete collapse of Nomi s family. This is like the time during my sixth grade presentation assignment at school. The groups were picked by the teacher and I was included in a group with three other classmates, who were the biggest bullies in our class. They had said they wouldn t work with me and excluded me from their group discussions. I was also not allowed to meet up with them or interact with them in any way. I treated it as a solo presentation, however on the presentation day, all the members of my group ate up too much time from the given fifteen minute time limit, so I had to rapidly go through my ideas and information. After getting our marks back, I realized that I did really poorly and since it was a group
  • 8. Bram Stoker s Appropriation Of Dracula Throughout the novel Dracula, the text prominently features the uncanny. In literature and other texts, the uncanny refers to an unfamiliarity that is frightening familiar. It s presence in Dracula is obvious as we and the novel characters see Dracula as uncanny. Both appropriations of Dracula, Nosferatu (1922) and Bram Stokers Dracula(1992), reflect their context and hence reflect the values, idea and themes prominent in their context. Nosferatu resembles its isolated German Expressionist Cinema context through its jewish propaganda portrayed by many techniques, most notably its heavy use of dramatic lighting. Bram Stoker s Dracula s contrasting themes include its romanticisation of Dracula which expresses the romantic notions prominent... Show more content on ... The evolution of religion, particularly the growth of atheism and the relaxation of catholicism and christianity in the U.S. and throughout the western world is expressed in the film. The film relies heavily on catholicism yet as religion becomes more and more relaxed in the film s context, Bram Stoker s Dracula features aspects of other religions. Throughout the novel and this film, crosses, crucifixes and the Body of Christ are used to ward off Dracula. This can be seen in the close up of the reflection of the crucifix that Jonathan wears (28:18). It s effects on Dracula are immediate and obvious. Moreover, the idea of reincarnation and its accompanying values are evident throughout the text. The comparison between between Dracula s wife and Mina reveal their physical appearances to be the same through the cut between the shots of Mina looking up at the painting of Dracula and his wife (2:00:42). Additionally and more evidently, Bram Stoker s Dracula features a Dracula who is more humanised and romanticised than any movie that predecessor it. Dracula and Mina are shown to have a romantic bond as opposed to only the sexual attraction which is expressed in the novel. This relationship is evident in the panning of Mina and Dracula dancing (1:09:02). Through this technique, the intimacy and romanticism of this
  • 9. Empress Wu Zetian Quotes She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu Zetian had also been the first female to be crowned emperor. Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan, China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she learned to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature, and government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel because she would torture her enemies. Empress ... Show more content on ... She helped out the poor, benefited the economy, and boosted a religion s popularity. A quote by Shan Sa who wrote about Empress Wu states, I, the ordinary restless child, the plain adolescent, the commoner who had been nun twice, would prove to be a daughter of heaven. She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu Zetian had also been the first female to be crowned emperor. Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan, China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she learned to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature, and government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel because she would torture her enemies. Empress Wu would also kill her people and exile her own sons. Even though historians would consider her cruel, she was considerate to her peasants. She cared for her peasants enough to lower their taxes. She also employed lots of women and elevated their status. Her reign ended when she died on December 16, 705
  • 10. Fun with Dick and Jane Essay Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) Starring: Jim Carrey, Tea Leoni, and Alec Baldwin In need of some light hearted entertainment and a good laugh, I chose the movie Fun with Dick and Jane for this assignment. Fun with Dick and Jane asks the common question, What is the difference between a corporate crook and a bank robber? The movie opens with Dick leaving his home in the picture perfect neighborhood in the year 2000. Dick is married to Jane and they have a son who is more or less being raised by the housekeeper, Blanca. The family is living in a culture of high powered, high paying jobs, high tech appliances and high stress living. Dick and Jane have it all and they can t get enough of it. The first ethical issue that is ... Show more content on ... This movie provides sarcastic contradictions about morality and the ethics of crime. For one short lived moment, Dick contemplates prostituting Jane for income but of course because this is a light hearted comedy Jane becomes furious with this suggestion. Not long after her outrage she turns to burglary willingly. Burglary, just like prostitution, is illegal, immoral, and demoralizing. Unlike prostitution, which is a misdemeanor, burglary is a felony. These two criminals are portrayed as good people just trying to feed their son and keep their house, yet the same good guys in the audience who would frown on prostitution, enthusiastically support burglary as a practical comedic maneuver. Yet, if Dick and Jane are on the path of immorality, as conveyed by their society s parameters, they might as well have went with prostitution as a way to make money. With Jane being such an amazing looking woman, she could have easily earned thousands of dollars a day escorting swanky businessmen, thus attaining the goal of quick cash less unlawfully. The movie snidely communicates to us that dressing up as Sonny and Cher to commit armed robbery, or taking your neighbor s car and driving it through a jewelry store window is less shameful than selling your body. The definition of robbery is the act of robbing from a person or presence of another by violence or threat which is considered a felony; prostituting or escorting
  • 11. Sp2750 Unit 1 Work Assignment I work for Directorate of Navy Platform Systems, HNE. Stacey D. Wehmeier, Director Cost and Schedule Estimation passed on your details to touch base and find out on wheather your Directorate would be able to provide assistance by answering the questions on inflation forecasting and analysis and its application as listed under the below task section. The task is due on 25th Sep 2015. I have also included brief background information to understand on the scope of this task. Task: As the outcome of one of the NATO s ST SC meeting in April 2015 nations among the ST SC team were requested to address a serious of questions that would enable in further developing of the NATO s working paper on Inflation, Spatial Density and Software. This task request will be focussed on providing input for the development of Inflation Working Paper (WP) currently in draft phase. The recent version of the WP is attached for your reference purpose only. ... Show more content on ... It is copied across from the NATO ST SC meeting minute, April 2015 (Action item 8 from the Action List at the last page of the minute due on 25th Sep 2015). The copy of the minute is attached for reference purpose only. Provide Summary Level Paper (limit 10 pages) Purpose and Practice of Inflation Forecasting by Nation for insertion after the Measures of Inflation 1.Why do nations need inflation forecasting and analysis? a.Budgeting (e.g. Ensure realistic budgets due to uniqueness of shipbuilding) Note: Include a description of the internal government/defense/navy budgeting process b.Approvals / Gates / Milestones c.Risk Analysis d.Ongoing Cost effectiveness analysis to support the decision maker e.Contract proposal
  • 12. Native American Casino Gambling In contrast, the Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, crafted a bill to legalize casino gambling and slot machines at racetracks, but included a clause which would have punished online poker players, i.e. the casinos competition, with two years in prison and up to a $25,000 fine. Those kinds of clauses don t just spring up out of cold air; they re the product of special interests. For years, Governor Patrick denied allegations that he had accepted any money from the casinoindustry, but an investigation by the Boston Herald found that his campaign had accepted thousands of dollars from various casinos and racetracks. Gambling is now widely accepted in American culture and in 2013 Americans wagered $119 billion with legal gambling ... Show more content on ... By 2010, despite a monopoly, all New York City OTB locations were shut down after the city s Off Track Betting Corporation declared bankruptcy. Be that as it may, it wasn t a lack of popularity that drove New York City s OTB into the ground; it had become a classic example of government cronyism. The New York City Off Track Betting Corporation was a government run corporation and the executives completely mismanaged the company. This is a reoccurring theme as the appropriate role for government is as a gambling regulator, not as a gambling operator. Despite high revenues, New York City s OTB began to lose money in the 1990s. Even liberals such as Mario Cuomo unsuccessfully advocated privatizing New York City s OTB. Rudy Giuliani went so far as to describe the OTB as the only bookie in New York City who loses money. He also promised to privatize it during his campaign, but he never did so while in
  • 13. Characteristics Of Apple Watch Product Features The innovative product I choose is apple watch. Apple watch is not only the common accessory compare with other common watches. The main attractive of Apple watch is maintain fitness or health. Apple watch help individual measure heart rate, set up workout target and contain accelerometer to calculate the burden calories. Besides, the individual can communicate without iPhone. The individual enable to receive calls and text. The watch contain the emoji so the individual can send the cute emoji to their friends. Moreover, Apple product can t lack entertainment. Apple watch contain iTunes and apple TV. The individual can access iTunes to listen iTunes radio and allows the holder to stop and pause the songs. In addition, Apple watch has the others apps like smartphone such as Siri, maps and apple pay. For instance, the individual ask Siri for direction. After receive the direction, Siri will lead the individual. Sources of idea or knowledge Nowadays, there are several of diseases are appeared. Therefore, the individual should more care about their health. Thus, Apple invented a unique product which is Apple watch. Apple want make its customers healthier and help reform the healthcare system. According some information, Apple watch s founder, Steve Jobs... Show more content on ... Therefore, Apple watch bring out the new concept, watch not just accessories, it can become the important role in our life. The design of Apple watch is such a unique concept such as the novel digital crown. The display of the smart watch is too small and difficult to see, Apple watch has a cool tool that makes navigating the small screen easier. The Digital Crown is a knob on the watch s right edge that acts like a home button. Pressing it returns you to the main screen, and turning it lets you zoom into apps or scroll through options in the interface (CHERLYNN LOW, 2015) (Appendix
  • 14. Prison Authority And The Prison System Most people are aware that prisoners possess zero authority in the prison system. They have no control over any aspect of their daily lives, but instead they are minded by prison jurisdiction. Prison guards and wardens possess the power to do anything that they please within those brick walls. This is an issue that society has been aware of for many decades; however, there has been little to no effort to change the conditions. Many prisoners have sought to inform society of how these prison authority figures abuse their power by producing many different types of media. One of those individual s is the poet, and former prisoner Carolyn Baxter. While being incarcerated in the New York City women s correctional facility, Baxter wrote a poem entitled 35 Years a Correctional Officer. In this poem she expresses the motif of power by telling the story of a correctional officer who was in fact abusing her authority to satisfy her own needs. Baxter reveals this motif by cunningly using the literary elements of situational irony and tone. The correctional officer that Baxter talks about in this poem is introduced as Ms. Goodall . Her name correlates with how her character is revealed throughout the beginning of the poem. Baxter begins by stating, Ms. Goodall does not drink, swear, or masturbate , and then following up with, It s against God s will , she says (Baxter 1 2). With the previous quotes Baxter reveals that Ms. Goodall has given everyone the impression that she is a
  • 15. Universal Healthcare Universal Health Coverage: A Possibility for the United States Brittannie DePew Eng 122 David Moskowitz 9/21/2013 Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an in network provider? I know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing with insurance; Nancy s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and county workers cannot receive social security; and Nancy is too ... Show more content on ... The administration of the United States is incompetent and is growing more useless, this is stated when a compare and contrast between the United States, who does not have universal healthcare, and Canada, who does have universal health care. Canada s healthcare is not too far from the United States but it does vary with certain things. One of these key things is cost, and administration. (Woolhandler, Himmelstein. 1991) The cost of health care within the United States has enlarged, Canada s spending has waned. Canada funds the hospitals and doctors with one payer (one lump sum) while The United States hospitals bills several different insurances (per patient policy) who vary with policies, qualifications, and certification. Doing this causes a complex accounting scheme for acquiring payment and further charging insurance and patients. Another reason the administration of healthcare in the United States is incompetent is due to private insurance, because, the owner profits a percentage of premiums that is much larger that the federal government. The United States could implement a universal healthcare program; however, it has yet to be put into effect. The last time it was attempted it was turned down despite the efforts by the Clinton administration. The Clinton
  • 16. Discover Alhambra In Spain Are you interested in exploring the old roman lands? Well if so you should visit Spain to experience a lot of information about Spain past and tells us a plethora of things in the order of the former who use to own Spain. All in All, Spain is a wonderful country to visit because of the unique artwork and structures left behind, the verity societies who uses to rule it and the example of ancient engineering that still exist today.Additionally, Spain will be a great place because of the unique artwork and structures left behind by the old rulers. To point out, in the article Discover Toledo, Spain it states Throughout the millennia this land has seen development and dismiss of demise of many each leaving unique artwork and structures. To summarize, Toledo is more than eye candy. You can actually learn about the history of Toledo and the many cultures evolved with it.... Show more content on ... With the attention to the many of cultures who ruled Spain an article Why take the time to visit the Alhambra in Spain? by Ms.Conners mentions that example of many different cultures and people who have lived and ruled the lands of Spain throughout history; and it is a symbol of how much can change while still remaining the same; as can be seen, ancient Spain has been ruled by many people, all whom have stayed there left a unique architecture. These historic markings left by the people such as the Romans educate us about the
  • 17. Dionysus in Grecian Myth Essay Dionysus in Grecian Myth The god, Dionysus, fills an integral role in Grecian Myth. According to Euripides Bacchae, Dionysus represents the animalistic and mystic life force that connects humanity to its innate earthy roots #8212;roots that are illogical, chaotic, and instinctual. In this paper I will be discussing this aforementioned mystic life force and its existence in ancient Greece s supremely logical society. Being as completely logical as the ancient Greeks tended to be, they needed some sort of release valve that kept them from all going crazy in their otherwise rigid existence. The god, Dionysus, provided this release in their world through the manifestations of wine, women, and song. Without these simple earthy ... Show more content on ... The women were reported as performing weird fantastic things, what miracles and more than miracles while under Dionysus influence (665 66). Each one of those different mystical acts they performed represented a different aspect of Dionysus divinity. The women struck the ground and wine sprang forth for them to drink, they tore live cattle limb from limb, and flew among other things. The wine was representative of Dionysus gift of wine to mortals. The animals were a reminder of Dionysus love for raw animal flesh. The women flying were simply examples of Dionysus awesome powers and the things mortals can do when under the mystical high you experience under Dionysus control. These awesome acts were spread far and wide by the shepherds who witnessed them first hand. The stories they told of the miracles performed instigated a powerful and destructive curiosity in Pentheus. His curiosity was born out of his attempts to suppress his human side that was all Dionysus represented. Pentheus became so focused on denying his irrational and animalistic values that they eventually became his obsession. What should have been a natural human high turned into a perversion of the normal mortal experience with Dionysus. Pentheus manic desire to view the acts of the women on the mountain was the manifestation of his perverted sense of pleasure. This voyeuristic desire could only be satisfied through experiencing another perversion set up by
  • 18. Observing Bacteria and Blood- Lab #1 Essay Title: Observing Bacteria and Blood Lab #1 Purpose: Being able to learn how to correctly use a microscope and the oil immersion lens to be able to see the prepared slides. Also to learn how to prepare my own yogurt and blood slides. Procedure: First, set up the microscope. Clean the ocular lenses and objectives with lens paper. Then pace the prepared e slide on the stage and make adjustments. Turn the rotating nosepiece until the 10x objective is above the ring of light coming through the slide. Move the slide using the X and Y stage knobs until the specimen is within the view. Adjust the focus by looking into the eyepiece and focusing the specimen with the coarse then fine focus knobs. Adjust diaphragm until there is sufficient light ... Show more content on ... 11. Base: supports the weight of all of the microscope parts. Define the following microscopy terms: в—ЏFocus: Is the image blurry or well defined? Focus is related to focal length and can be controlled with the focus knobs. The thickness of the cover glass on the specimen slide can also affect the ability to focus the image if it is too thick for the objective lens. The correct thickness is usually written on the side of the objective lens. в—ЏResolution: Resolution is related to the numerical aperture of the objective lens the higher the numerical aperture, the better the resolution; and the wavelength of light passing through the lens the shorter the wavelength, the better the resolution. в—ЏContrast: Contrast is related to the illumination system and can be adjusted by changing the intensity of the light and the diaphragm/pinhole aperture. Chemical stains applied to the specimen can also enhance contrast. B. What is the purpose of immersion oil? Why does it work? Many bacteria cannot be visualized clearly without the use of oil immersion. Exercise 2: Observing Bacteria Cultures in Yogurt Questions A. Describe your observations of the fresh yogurt slide. There were many tiny cells, but they were very hard to see. The cells were dark and clumped together. B. Were there observable differences between your fresh yogurt slide and the
  • 19. Going After Cacciato Analysis Going after Cacciato is an anti war novel written by Tim O Brien that expresses the dread of the Vietnam War. Paul Berlin, a young and inexperienced soldier, was being torn apart at the seams with the guilt of killing his comrade Caccatio. a person who appeared to be plagued by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder creating an effort to justify the war to himself. Paul Berlin feels the necessity to imagine chasing Cacciato, as a result of he fired the shots that killed him, accidentally. Cacciato, who is seen as an irresponsible reasonable person by Berlin and his comrades in arms. His actions are seen as those of an individual who isn t that smart, however, he s not involved with the war occurring around him, nor can he have queries of the war itself. Paul Berlin, throughout one night, whereas on watch duty, regarding the past and events that lead him to daydream concerning aiming to Paris. the entire journey of aiming to notice Cacciato was all a daydream thought up by Berlin to deal with the guilt, but in addition decide to come back to terms. Berlin usually finds himself explaining the actions or behavior of Cacciato. Once the boys initial leave and initially spot Cacciato at intervals the mountains on their journey, they see through binoculars that he opens his mouth to speak; then thunder roars. the alternative soldiers speculate that Cacciato is creating an effort to emulate a chicken, trying to squawk and fly. it s Paul who tells the lieutenant that what Cacciato aforesaid
  • 20. The Role Of Slaves In The Slave Revolution In the world of 1765, independence and freedom from the constricting laws motivated not only American colonists, but also the slaves that resided in America. During the time between 1765 1783, the American colonists and the British were at war against each other due to the colonists becoming exceedingly weary of the English s rule over the colonists. Prior to the American Revolution and at the time of the war, many slaves actively participated in battles and revolts on either the side of the colonists or the British. Nonetheless, the insatiable need to be remembered for their bravery and potentially be released from their condition as a slave motivated slaves to fight during the revolution. Before getting into the roles of slave men in the British and American army, the context of the slaves lives and how people s opinions changed towards African slaves must be examined. During the mid 1600 s, slave laws were passed to officiate slavery as an economic custom and to further promote the ideal of slave labor. A slave by the 1700 s is an African American who works for the entirety of his or her life without pay that endures inflicted pain by his or her masters and furthermore is a title that is inherited through generation. To get to point, slaves began to grow weary of their conditions thus leading them to run off and escape their plantations in hopes of getting away from their conditions and be free. One case in particular that created sympathy for slaves was the Somerset
  • 21. Explain What Role Dose Risk Plays In Dentistry what role dose risk play in dentistry ? The risk is often defined as the product of the likelihood of a harmful or undesirable event or action occurring (or a hazard as described in some contexts) and the consequence of the event, for example, the severity of harm caused (Europe Economics.2014). With this in intention,The risk in the dental field is mostly negative and relies on hazards (something with the potential to cause harm) not only to the dental practitioners but also to the patients. There are a dozen risks that might have an effect on the dental clinician, for example, the possibility of being exposed to infection or injury throughout any procedure or long term pain and disability due to stress working posture. Moreover, the patients ... Show more content on ... and it can found naturally in some foods and beverages, like fish and tea, and also normally exist in most of the water supply, but the concentration is different. Fluoride helps in increasing tooth strength and makes it more decay resistant. Also, it helps the tooth repair in the early decay stage through remineralization. Fluoride could be applied typically, like toothpaste, fluoride varnish, and mouth rinse, or it may be used systemically through a different approach, like fluoridated salt and fluoride tablets. Water fluoridation provides both types of exposure. The value of water fluoridation is recognized internationally. Countries and geographic regions with extensive water fluoridation include the U.S., Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, People s Republic of China (Hong Kong only), Singapore and the United Kingdom (American Dental Association, 2005). Molly (2013) states, Many countries now have fluoridated water, and, at least, a dozen countries have greater than 40 percent population coverage (Jones, 2005). In 2008, fluoridated water in the United States reached an estimated 64 percent of the total population and approximately 72 percent of the population who had access to public water systems.(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). The percentage of people receiving fluoridated water has doubled in the last 50 years.(U.S. Department of
  • 22. Tropidoderus Kids Essay Tropidoderus childrenii, more commonly known as Children s stick insect belongs in Kingdom Animalia. As a member of Animalia, this specie is multicellular eukaryote like other members of the kingdom. It reproduces sexually between male and female, creating unique individuals, and it is a heterotroph that relies on plants for its survival. Children s stick insect can be classified farther into Class Insecta in Phylum Arthropod. Like the other species of insects, children s stick insect also has the characteristics that all insects of Arthropoda share. First, it has something called exoskeleton which is external skeleton that helps arthropods to protect from hazards as well as helping them to support themselves. Second, arthropods have bodies divided into segments, but insects can be distinguished from other arthropods because they have bodies divided into 3 major regions: the head with antennae, thorax, and abdomen. Third, arthropods have jointed legs which are flexible and soft, allowing them to move even with rigid and hard bodies. This allows Tropidoderus childrenii to crawl with its 6 legs, as well as using their wings to fly. Last, arthropods have open circulatory system, which is different from closed circulatory system found in humans. In open circulatory system, blood flows freely within the body cavity ... Show more content on ... These insects can reproduce sexually by males fertilizing females eggs (about 1500 per time) through mating. However, the females of some Phasmatodea can also reproduce asexually through a process, parthenogenesis, which does not require male fertilization, this results all the offspring of asexual reproduction to be female. Therefore, females are more common than males in this order. In addition, Tropidoderus childrenii can reproduce all around the year due to the constant warm temperature in their
  • 23. Memoirs of Princess Dashkova The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova Analysis Eloquent, brilliant, unorthodox, poise, and loyal all of these unique characteristics allowed Dashkova to gain the highest regard among the members of the elite society and more importantly, to earn the respect of Catherine the Great. Dashkova is a peculiar female character. She s fully narcissistic, but at the same time, rejects her recognition and claims herself as unworthy of the credits Catherine II had given her. In her autobiography The Memoirs of Princess Dashkova, Dashkova justifies her role as a noble woman, her early life contribution in helping Catherine rise to the throne, and the frugal life she bore as a widow and a mother of two. Dashkova voiced her significance in a society where... Show more content on ... In Dashkova s memoir, she gave credits to her large role in the plot of overthrowing Peter III; however, Catherine disagreed. She rebutted that it was her plan of action after the death of the Empress Elizabeth and the vision of the coup was established long ago. My initial observation of Dashkova is her ability to be extraordinary despite her difficult upbringing. Her intelligence was compelling to the Empress Catherine and the men that she had encountered during her traveling. Dashkova portrayed herself as a strong, versatile woman, who s not only different from most of the women during the time period, but can also outperform her male counterparts in various tasks (e.g. surgery, debate, carpenting, etc.) (pg. 144). She surprised the readers at the first moment when she met Prince Dashkov, a Moscow man. She fell in love with him and got married at the age of 16. The proposal was informal and emotional unlike the traditional arrangement with its strict regulations. Just 5 years after, Prince Dashkov passed away, leaving Dashkova 2 children and his mountainous gambling debt. In the most hopeless scenario, Dashkova managed to raise her 2 children and provided her son a wonderful education while still remaining faithful to the Empress Catherine II. She declared, My own poverty affected me not at all (pg. 149). Ironically, as a member of the aristocratic class, she wore nothing but the oldest clothes (pg. 64). According to Dashkova s
  • 24. Embodiment Of Evil In Macbeth Macbeth was a man who thougt the coruupting infulences of the three witches became a statement of evil. This is shown thought Macbeths weak will when dealing with the three witches and his wife, he is completely changed from a man to the complete embodiment of evil over the first three to four acts. Something about what is evil. All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! The three witches can be seen as the seed of evil that took ever Macbeths life. Before the encounter he was a respected and honorable man who had quelled a rebellion. Minutes after he was having thoughts of regicide, yet still feared his own thoughts.this rapid change
  • 25. Risk Of Harm And Abuse LEARNING OUTCOME 3 3.1 EXTENT TO WHICH INDIVIDUALS ARE AT RISK OF HARM It would be untrue to claim that the care provided to service users protects them from risk. In fact, the care that service users receive could put them at risk of harm and abuse. Service users are exposed to risks like everybody else, except they might experience it to a different extent. These risks include but are not limited to the below; A.Physical: Because vulnerable people in most cases cannot express or defend themselves effectively, they are liable to physical abuse. For example, an individual with severe mental disabilities physically abuse by a rouge care worker. B.Psychological/ Mental: When a person with a disability is constantly shammed by people around them, it can contribute to their disability, sending them into depression or worse. Physical or mental abuse could be verbal and non verbal. Unkind things said, unkind and discriminatory manners in which service users could be treated is a major risk to their safety. C.Financial: A vulnerable person who cannot handle their finances on his/her own and requires another person to do so for him/her; family member, friend, or professional; is at major risk of fraud. Multiple times, vulnerable individuals have been defrauded and even harmed physically all killed by the people they entrusted their safety to. D.Self inflicted harm: Also referred to as self injurious behavior, a large percentage of individuals with disabilities engage in self
  • 26. Microsoft and Windows Competitors A lot of people today, mostly microsofties, argue that Microsoft should not be split up since it isn t really a monopoly; Windows has a lot of competitors out there and some of the companies that make them are even bigger than Microsoft. And that is actually quite true: Microsoft has only about 6% of the global software market and only 3% of the global computer market overall. There are several computer companies that make more than Microsoft, like Sun Microsystems and Compaq and there are at least nine other operating systems besides Windows, some of which you could even get for free. br br After three decades of use, the UNIX computer operating system from Bell Labs is still regarded as one of the most powerful, versatile, and... Show more content on ... br br Sun Microsystems has also developed a platform of its own, whose latest edition, Solaris 8 or the .com Operating Environment , is said to raise the bar for the industry, re defining the operating system and revolutionizing the operating system business. Sun s claim that it built the backbone of the Internet is not that far from the truth , said a PC World article in May, 1999. The new features in Solaris 8 software are said to drive the five critical requirements for Internet based systems scalability, availability, manageability, security and connectivity to new heights. br br BeOS is the operating system from Be, Inc. Based on an entirely new idea in computing, BeOS was designed to satisfy the higher processing and memory requirements of today s digital media on standard PC hardware, without slowing down or freezing up. say the developers. It works with audio, video, image, and Internet based applications, and edits files of millions of gigabytes in size, simultaneously, in real time and boots up in less than 20 seconds. A very innovative feature that BeOS brings is the fact that each application runs in its own protected memory space, so if one crashes, the system and other applications don t even notice; all you need to do is reload the crashed application. That could also be
  • 27. Differences in Slave Laws in Colonial Brazil and Colonial... Differences in slave laws in British North America and Colonial Brazil Slavery as it existed in colonial Brazil contained interesting points of comparison and contrast with the slave system existing in British North America. The slaves in both areas had been left with very little opportunity in which he could develop as a person. The degree to which the individual rightsof the slave were either protected or suppressed provides a clearer insight to the differences between North American and Brazilian slavery. The laws also differed greatly between the two areas and have been placed into three categories: term of servitude, police and disciplinary powers, and property and other civil rights. Point One: In both systems of slavery,... Show more content on ... The law also made a more concerted attempt to protect the slave against mistreatment by his master. Mistreatment of a slave could lead both to the freedom of the slave and to the imprisoning of the master. Point Three: The slave in British North America could not own property and had absolutely no civil rights. The law clearly stated that he could neither own, inherit, nor will property, couldn t engage in buying or selling anything except at the pleasure of his master. In contrast, the slave in Brazil could own property, could engage in buying and selling, and was also guaranteed Sundays, holidays, and other times which to work for his own advancement. In short, the law implied that while the master could own a man s labor, he could not own the man as a person. In conclusion, it is not easy to make a comparison between the two slave systems. Brazilian slave masters often evaded the law and could be exceedingly brutal and British North American masters were often much more lenient than the law required. Conditions were usually more severe in Brazil and this may have worsened the actual material situation of the Brazilian slave. In North America the slave was treated like a thing and in Brazil there was some attempt to treat him as a man. This fact made a profound difference in the way the two systems affected the slave as an individual and in the way in which they impinged upon the development of his
  • 28. Vladimir Lenin Essays Vladimir Lenin and his Rise to Power Eventually, empires and nations all collapse. The end can be brought about by many causes. Whether through becoming too large for their own good, being ruled by a series of out of touch men, falling behind technologically, having too many enemies, succumbing to civil war, or a combination: no country is safe. The Russia of 1910 was in atremendously horrible situation. She had all of these problems. Russia would not have existed by 1920 were it not for Vladimir Ilich Lenin, the only man capable of saving the failing nation. Russia in 1910 was a very backwards country. Peasants who lived in absolute poverty made up the vast majority of Russia s population (Haney 19). Russia s version of ... Show more content on ... He formed his own political party, the Bolsheviks, a split off of the earlier Marxists. Unlike other parties of his time, Lenin limited membership to a small number of full time revolutionaries (Haney 41). This dedication and tight organization later proved both useful and effective. From 1897 to 1917, he traveled all over Europe writing propaganda, organizing strikes, and encouraging revolution among the working class, especially in Russia (Lenin, V.I. 191). Lenin knew what he wanted, knew how to get it, and was willing to wait. During World War I, the time was right and Lenin was the man. Czar Nicholas II remained totally focused on winning the war, and did not hesitate before committing more men and supplies to the war effort(Haney 65). But for an already starving country, every train that brought supplies to the front could not also be bringing food to peasants. With public sentiment and even the Czar s own army against him, Nicholas abdicated the throne in March of 1917 (69). A government by soviets (councils) was instated, but did not last long. After that, Alexander Kerensky seized power. In November, Lenin and his Bolsheviks, with help from armed citizens, stopped the revolving door. They took over St. Petersburg (then Petrograd) and later captured Moscow, meeting little resistance along the way (Jantzen 613). Lenin took over the government and signed a treaty with Germany to take Russia out of the war. Immediately
  • 29. Workstations A Workstations Is Used By Users That Work... WorkstationsA workstation is a powerful computer which is used by users that work with advanced applications. It s mainly used by IT workers with high level occupations. The advantage of having a workstation is that you can use it as a storage device, restore you documents from it and keep it as a database to record figures. Workstations are mostly used by IT users which carry out complex IT tasks. ` Workstations are used for engineering programs as they have high quality graphics. RouterIt is a device that shares the network connection with multiple computers. It has the capability of connecting to other devices such as: game consoles, smart TVs etc. The advantage of having an router that you can connect more than one device to the network. All the devices on the network can directly communicate to each other. Routers are used a network point of connecting workstations together. It allows operations to be carried on the network through the router access. SwitchSwitches in computer networks help to send and receive data around. They help the data flow between workstations by connecting multiple workstations on the hub. The benefit of having switches on the network is that they prevent data from over flowing. this is because they manage the data speed between the switches. Switches are mainly used on the network by workstations. It allows data to flow with ease. Connections can be made quicker with having various switches on the network. Hub A hub is a connection
  • 30. The Struggles Women Faced During And After The Vietnam The Struggles Women Faced During and After the Vietnam War During the Vietnam War, many challenges were faced by the Vietnamese people no matter what side they fought for. In Hayslip s book and in the movie Regret to Inform, we are able to gain insight into some of the struggles the women faced during the war. The men went to war and left the women with nothing but a number of challenges. Problems arose because the women were being abused and tortured. To make matters worse, a lot of the women had to deal with more difficulties after the war was over. These are just a few of the struggles that women had to face during and after the Vietnam War. One of these hardships was a result of the men getting drafted to go and fight in the war. This ... Show more content on ... The women also experienced a more direct part of the war. The men could run and hide underground or in the homes of the villagers whenever the enemy approached. The women however could not run and had to stay at the house. This caused the women to experience countless gruesome encounters. Several of them saw their family get shot down by Americans or get tortured by the Viet Cong if they felt they were a spy. One woman shared her experience of watching her little cousin get killed because he ran outside of the bunker to get a drink of water. In Hayslip s book, the reader learns a story about when one mother watches her son get shot down because he was working in the field and when she ran to save him she was also shot. She spent sometime in the hospital but she eventually had to return to her house where the only person left to take care of her was her 12 year old grandson. He did a good job of giving her the attention that she desired, but one day the boy took his younger cousin fishing because the little boy didn t have a father to teach him this necessary skill. As they were walking back from the pond, they walked into an American ambush. The Americans thought they were Viet Cong and shot them on the spot. This meant that the elderly lady had now lost everything. These stories were a true testament to how horrifying it was to live in a country that was transformed into a battlefield. The women were also viewed in the same way as men were in the eyes
  • 31. San Francisco Social Inequality Essay Social Inequality of the Golden City The Golden Gate Bridge takes a curious traveler across the San Francisco Bay area into a marvelous journey towards a technologically innovative city of San Francisco. The city of San Francisco has forever been a national symbol of coveted opportunity, cultural disapprobation, technological blossoming and, frankly, economic inequality. In the past, countless attempts were made by multiple scholars to identify the sources of San Francisco s social inequality. Statisticians compiled large tomes of data, while Sociologists wrote unending arrays of books; all in efforts to understand the basis of social inequality in the Golden City. Likewise, this essay will begin by identifying early sources of... Show more content on ... By and large, the war continued until 1848 its victory awarded America with the new territory, which marked the beginning of economic advancement of the west. Perhaps, 1848 also marked the beginning of social inequality. Upon the discovery of gold in California, thousands of fortune dwellers migrated to San Francisco. In fact, the population of San Francisco increased from 450 in 1848 to a colossal size of 25,000 by the end of 1949 (SFgenealogy 2017). Incidentally, multiple gold mining towns were erected across San Francisco. The new towns grew often in the form of businesses, food courts, and even entertainment facilities. Paradoxically, this historical nuance introduced the division of people by class. Division of class in San Francisco, meant that individuals who initiated first business facilities were now becoming wealthier by exploiting their lower class counterparts. A tempting question arises, who were those lower class counterparts? A demographic report of 1853 provides nothing unusual about the San Francisco s population: 98.3% of the population were white leaving the remaining 1.7% to African Americans, Indians, etc. (SFgenealogy 2017). However, a statistical report by the Secretary of State to the California Legislature, sheds light onto the demographic description mentioned above; Figures for Hispanics were
  • 32. Big Skinny Case Report Final Draft Essay 1) What should Kiril focus on next? What should be his highest and lowest priorities? Why? With the difficulty that Kiril is experiencing with the online marketing of Big Skinny, Kiril needs to first focus on a strong online marketing to draw new customers. With Big Skinny s success at the street fairs using the in person sales method, it is clear that the wallets can be successful and self selling given the proper tools. In order for new marketing efforts to be successful, Kiril needs to develop a digital market that features a mixture of long tail marketing, behavioral targeting, and Internet advertising formats. This technique will help Big Skinny achieve a global reach through media richness by using support such as rich messages,... Show more content on ... In comparison, big skinny keyword generated the highest profit per conversion. Nevertheless, the fact that prospective customers who search for big skinny keyword might have already had interest in purchasing Big Skinny products from the beginning overstated the profit this keyword generated. Therefore, it is obvious for Big Skinny to increase its bid for thin wallets keyword but maintain the same bid for big skinny . In addition, the firm can also bid higher for other profitable keywords, including thin wallet , thin leather wallet, world s thinnest wallet, and ultra thin wallet(s). 3) How effective is Big Skinny using social media to sell its wallets? What are the ways to improve its effectiveness? What are the costs involved in such approaches? Big skinny is suffering from the major problem of generating new customer traffic on its website and this problem is getting worse as internet users are conditioned to ignore online advertisements. While purchasing wallets online, the keyword Big Skinny may not cross the minds of the customers who are not aware of the brand and its products. The AddThis website applet, Facebook fan page and Twitter feed was being maintained to increase interactions with the fan base. But the main question was, how can Big Skinny target its potential customers and increase traffic to its website to promote online sales? The effectiveness of Social Media can be improved depending on what metrics the marketing managers
  • 33. Analysis Of The Hillsborough Tragedy The Hillsborough tragedy is the worst tragedy in a stadium in the history of United Kingdom that resulted in the death of ninety six people. Disasters such as the Hillsborough tragedy do not just happen out of the blues but, are a sum of various mistakes as well as negligence or misjudgements. When these factors come together, the end result is a disaster that involves loss of lives and life threatening injuries. Before any event organizer or premises owner agrees to enter in such massive liabilities, it is important that all systems are critically evaluated in order to address any lapses in structural capacity, design or even securityand managementaspects that could result in human injury or death (The Hillsborough StadiumDisaster, 2009). Organisational safety management implies that disasters happen out of a complexity of intermingled reasons but not due to technical factors alone. Proper event management is a ... Show more content on ... Despite the low capacity, there was overcrowding which is directly linked to the crush. When organizing the football match, the organisers were supposed to look at possibilities of people crushing against the turnstiles and other fixed structures or barriers, underfoot trampling, spectator aggressiveness and surging or swaying behaviour of the spectators (Winter, 2012). Drugs In management or planning events, it is crucial to have it clear in the minds of the spectators that drugs are strictly prohibited. This brings the aspect of control which clearly indicates that there lacked police control during the match. In addition to having police control, the match organizers were supposed to have stewards who should have identified people bringing in drugs to the match. It is believed the lapse in security was responsible for drugged fans gaining entry into the
  • 34. Essay on Metamorphosis and Postmodernism The twentieth century has been marked as a time of great suffering and advancement in human history. One product of this dynamic time is the theory of postmodernism. According to Thomas McEvilley, postmodernism happened in America after people started to realize that history was cruel and that people were not really progressing much. This directly discredited the pre existing theory of modernismwhich took its ideology from the three pillars: progress, hierarchy of cultures, universals. McEvilley believes that the modernist ideals are just a way of creating a false reality, a world where no one is suffering and everything is beautiful. In his novel The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafkauses the dramatic transformation of his character, Gregor, to... Show more content on ... Yet, after Gregor goes through the transformation the traditional family structure is restored to some extent. The father becomes robust and asserts himself as the patriarch of the family. Some would argue that this restoration of hierarchy makes The Metamorphosis modernist and to some extent this assumption is correct. However, the restoration of the family structure comes at the price that Gregor is no longer considered part of the family. This suggests that Kafka was in fact trying to reveal the fragility of the family. Gregor began as the sole provider for the family, yet they turned their backs on him after his transformation, showing how selfish the family really was. Kafka effectively makes the reader empathize with Gregor, even in his hideous state, to ironically make the rest of the Samsa family look like the vermin at the end of the book. The authority of the parents is also easily undermined by Grete, which again portrays the hierarchy of the family to be completely flipped. Grete assumes power over her parents by doing the work that the mother or father should be doing. The mother is shown as a weak force whose sole ability of manipulation is the loosening of her blouse in front of the father. In contrast, the father is depicted as a man in constant fear of Gregor, which he tries to mask by an authoritative power over the family. However, many would argue that the story is not a mockery of the second pillar of modernism. At the
  • 35. Spring Break Satire Being hallucinogenically and frivolously satirical by dedicating every single second to its hallucination and frivolity, Spring Breakers, directed by Harmony Korine, embarks on the coming of age adventure of four stereotypical college girls on the beach of Florida for their spring break, followed by them getting mixed up through a tangle of convoluted experiences in this stomping ground, full of dubstep, booze, sex, and violence. Possibly the one of the most style over substance movie in recent years, Spring Breakers does not underscore its plot and narration and instead grooves on the feeling of drugged wistfulness and alluring visual style, aided by the eye straining neon lights to express its satirical theme about American society. It... Show more content on ... She loves to join her friends for a getaway but also is too meek and reserved to go all the way with them, as Faith has an unnerving revulsion when told about the aforementioned quick heist. This is the only one among four girls given proper background for audience to latch on, while the others are portrayed like just typical party minxes craving the adventurous feel of danger. Oh wait, Candy and Brit are My Little Ponies fangirls and have enough guts mixed with curiosity to stick till the end. That s just about it for them. Besides, one appearance is deemed by viewers as the most exciting addition Alien (James Franco). A gangster wannabe who proclaims to be a top notch hustler, Alien invites the girls into petty robbers and even more hedonistic leisures, as well as being the most important factor in Faith s character arc and later on, Candy and
  • 36. Analysis Of Howard Zinn s Indians History Of The Us... History 2112 Critical Analysis Paper #1 Dr. Pitts James Hamby Monday Wednesday 8:30pm Patriot s vs. People s Howard Zinn s, Peoples History of the US and Larry Schweikart s, Patriots History of the US are two analytical views on history that most people would consider politically conflicting. Zinn s Marxist book was widely praised by liberal activist and Schweikart s book is greatly publicized by conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. These two widely known historians turned their focus on writing two historical pieces that would fill in the historical holes that weren t being taught in the educational systems. It created a type of diverse learning that made for a great argument while still allowing the readers to understand all sides of the topics at hand. Zinn really dismissed the common white mans history and focused his approach on a multiple minority perspective. Schweikart s book is very different in the sense he takes aim at Zinn as he targets words like great discovery and war on terror which Zinn only used as scare quotes. Schweikart s book really reads like old history textbooks from the moral principals of the American founders that built this nation to the ideological view of American prosperity. No matter who shares the views of the political perspectives or condemns them because of its bias stances both historians felt responsible in writing the history of the United States. Zinn did not believe in an unbiased approach to history
  • 37. Ralph Waldo Emerson Beliefs During the Transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson s famous quote in his booklet, Nature, gave a lot of insight on the identity of the human race. His quote, A man is a god in ruins indicates a sense of the fallen nature, and really emphasizes our faults and our limits, and many authors during this time person also seemed to follow this philosophy. In Ralph Waldo Emersons other work, Self Reliance, he is also able to capture this same essence from text to text. In addition to Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorneand Herman Melville all follow the same philosophy in their own respective texts. The reader is able to see a common theme consistently throughout Self Reliance, Economy (in Walden), The Artist of the Beautiful and Bartleby the Scrivener and Benito Cereno. Throughout each of these texts, the reader essentially focuses on how the nature of the human race focuses on how we are more than ordinary stone ruins, but we are lesser than Gods. The optimism of Emerson s quote exploring the nature of the human person is depicted in their own way and different writing style throughout all of these different texts. In Ralph Waldo Emerson s booklet, Nature, his quote A man is a god in ruins, is famously known coming from the Transcendentalist movement. Emerson stays on the same theme about the human race in his text, Self Reliance. Emerson is extremely insistent on the human race to be themselves and their own individual. He reflects how easy it is
  • 38. Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek and His Contribution to... No one would ever expect a Dutch fabric merchant to be the first to discover some of the most abundant organisms in the world. Europe was in the midst of a Scientific Revolution as part of the Renaissance. At this time, new scientific discoveries were being made with the rise of scientists such as Galileo and Newton. Another prominent name in this revolution was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Leeuwenhoek first worked in a fabric shop in Delft, Holland in the mid 1600s. Leeuwenhoek used his microscope to observe almost anything he could think of to have a better understanding of what he was seeing. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek contributed to microbiologybecause he developed the first simple microscope, was the first to observe microorganisms, and was... Show more content on ... The short (about 1 millimeter) focal lengths of the lenses would have necessitated placing the eye almost in contact with the lens ( Anton van Leeuwenhoek ). Leeuwenhoek obtained the clear image by carefully moving the angle of lighting left and right. Leeuwenhoek s techniques of lighting samples under the microscope are still not well known today. This was the only secret that he took to his grave. Even though the simple microscope was difficult to use, scholars visited Leeuwenhoek to be educated on his design. Leeuwenhoek went all over the world giving demonstrations about his microscope for high ranking people. Without Leeuwenhoek s simple microscope, microbiology today would not be as advanced. What is even more impressive than configuring a new and improved microscope was the observations that were seen through the device. First, Leeuwenhoek came up with a theory on the difference on taste of sugar and salt and examined them each to investigate, why they have their certain tastes. He was then curious about why pepper had its sharp taste. After inserting the pepper into snow water, Leeuwenhoek found 3 types of protozoa and a kind of bacteria that was mistaken as a different animalcule. Robert Hooke, an English natural philosopher, was the first to confirm Leeuwenhoek s discovery of the microorganisms in the pepper and snow water infusion.
  • 39. Those Winter Sundays In Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden Often, we look back and regret certain times in our lives. We feel things would have been different if only we had known then what we know now. As we grow older, our view of the world is changes due to maturity and experience. In Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, the speaker who is an adult, describes and reflects his experience and insouciance toward his father as a child through his tone and actions. As an adult, the speaker has come to understand and appreciate the form of lovehis father had for him. The perspective and meaning of the poem depends on the differences between what the boy knew then and what the man, possibly a father himself, knows now. To begin with, the title Those Winter Sundays is suitable for the poem because
  • 40. Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Study Another theory that is relevant to the study is Albert Bandura s (1977) Social Learning Theory. Unlike the experiential learning theory which is more focused on how the environment affects the behavior of the individual, the social learning theory is based on the idea that we learn from our interactions with others in a social context. Moreover, by observing the behaviors of others, people tend to copy and develop similar behaviors. New concepts of social learningare being formulated as new trends in distance education programs continue to emerge. The rise in popularity of these programs continues to increase the physical distance between educators and students (Smith Berge, 2009). There are three key components to Bandura s social learning theory(Abbott, n.d.) that are manifesting themselves in the Second Life (a... Show more content on ... After observing the behavior of others, people then assimilate and imitate that behavior, especially if their observational experiences are positive ones or include rewards related to the observed behavior. According to Bandura (Smith Berge, 2009), this kind of imitation involves the actual reproduction of observed motor activities. This kind of learning through observing can also be reinforced. Bandura called this as vicarious reinforcement. What he meant is that when the child observes someone else being rewarded for a particular behavior this then affects the child in the same way as it would had that the child produced the same behavior and been rewarded for it. Similarly, vicarious punishment is possible where the child observes a model being punished for a behavior thus the child is less likely to produce the behavior because of this observation. This kind of reinforcement creates a chain of thought for the The presence of such reinforcement stimulate the reward centers of our brain that triggers and motivates us into actually impersonate the
  • 41. A Brief Description of the Concept of Courtly Love For a brief description of the concept of courtly love , a few characteristics must be highlighted. Courtly love appeared in Provence (southern France) in the eleventh century. It consists on the expression of love in its most sincere, chivalric and noble form. It tended to be chaste and adulterous. It was also secret and, in general, always took place between the members of the higher classes of society. Andreas Capellanus defines it in The Art of Courtly Loveas the pure love which binds together the hearts of two lovers with every feeling of delight. This kind consists on the contemplation of the mind and the affection of the heart; it goes as far as the kiss and the embrace and the modest contact with the nude lover, omitting the final solace, for that is not permitted for those who wish to love purely. [...] That is called mixed love which gets its effect from every delight of the flesh and culminates in the final act of Venus (p.122). In Capellanus definition, it seems to me, that the previous elements mentioned are placed out of the game of love, as long as we consider courtly love to be expressed by the total submission of a young man towards his lady. The fulfilment of the souls in courtly love can rarely be obtained, because there is no equality in the relationship of the individuals. The lover s love is immanently pure, genuine in essence, but the beloved is usually characterized as unachievable because her self is so perfect that there is not much the lover can
  • 42. The Bell Jar Analysis Esther Greenwood, the protagonist of The Bell Jar by Silvia Plath, is cast under the spell of her own depression and the story of being released from the spell follows the structure of one of the 7 plot types Christopher Booker created. These 7 plot archetypes include the Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, and lastly the archetype of Rebirth. The novel The Bell Jaris classified as the Rebirth plot, in accordance with the 5 stages that make up said archetype: The Falling Stage, Recession Stage, Imprisonment Stage, Nightmare Stage, and The Rebirth Stage. Readers follow Esther as she pulls herself through the stages, through the falling, the rising, and the falling once more, until she reaches... Show more content on ... She stops writing, bathing, changing her clothes, and sleeping. This worries her mother, who sends Esther to a psychiatrist who prescribes her to shock therapy. But instead of having the shock treatment healing Esther, the doctors do the procedure improperly and terrify her, which leads her into a living hell. Now is the Nightmare Stage, the part of the story where the spell is in complete control of the protagonist and any chance of a happy ending is about as shrunken as the protagonist s free will. Esther, through suicide, tries multiple times to rid the burden of her depression, which has controlled her after the shock treatment. She first tries to cut herself, but fails after viewing her wrist as white and defenseless. Esther continues by saying, It was as if what (Esther) wanted to kill wasn t in that skin or in the thin, blue pulse that jump under (Esther s) thumb, but somewhere else, deeper, more secret, and a whole lot harder to get at, (Plath 147). After her failed self harm attempt, Esther tries harder to kill whatever was deeper inside of her. She tries hanging herself, but doesn t bother after seeing there is no place to hang in the low ceilinged house. Later on, Esther s friend takes her on a double date with a boy named Cal. She asks Cal how he would kill himself and his answer disappoints her, saying that he would shoot himself. Then she challenges Cal to a swimming race in the ocean so she can drown herself. Instead of dying on her date,
  • 43. Electrochemical Behavior And Convoluted Voltammetry Of... Electrochemical behavior and convoluted voltammetry of carbon nanotube modified with AQ and NB functional groups Mohamed A.Ghanem,a*Ibrahim S. Elhallag,bAbdullah M. Al Mayoufa aElectrochemistry Research Group, Chemistry Department, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia bChemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt *corresponding author email: Abstract. The validity of convolution voltammetry for determination of accurate values for the diffusion (D), concentration in the bulk (Cb), and number of electrons (n) consumed in electrochemical reaction has been explained by applying the technique to a carbon nanotubes chemically modifiedusing functional groups of nitrobenzene (NB) and anthraquinone(AQ).The analysis with macrodisk electrode was facilitated due to the presence of minor contribution of nonfaradaic current, so moderate values of scan rates can be used without the need to perform subtraction of background to quantify the diffusivity of electro active species.The values of D and nCb wasdetermined simultaneouslyand demonstrated using convoluted procedure. The obtained results indicate that the convolution voltammetry provides advantages over steady state techniques such asmicro disk electrode voltammetry and rotating disk electrode voltammetry, as it is not restricted by the mode of diffusion (planar or radial), hence removing limitations on solvent viscosity, electrode
  • 44. My Motivation For Choosing A Physical Education 1(a) I have been involved in sport and fitness from very young age and have a variety of interests. I have played football since I was 5 years old, and I am also a frequent gym user. I enjoy watching most sports but mainly football and boxing. I currently work at the Marriott Hotel running my own swimming lesson business, and also work as a personal trainer. I completed a level 3 Sport and Exercise Science diploma 4 years ago and now I feel it is time to develop my skills and knowledge to progress further in the Sport and Fitness industry. (b) My motivation for opting to study E112, is to further develop my skills and knowledge in sport and fitness. I also aim to progress into becoming a physical education teacher. Throughout this module I would like to be re introduced into education in sport and fitness as it has been four years since I studied a level 3 sport science course, and I would like this module to help me prepare and study effectively. As stated above, my ambition is to become a physical education teacher in a high school, therefore I would like to peruse this degree, and then progress onto a post graduate degree to become a teacher. E112 links in with both my work in the fitness industry and my interests as it shows how sport and fitness organisations operate, whilst also showing the changes in sport over the years whilst giving different perspectives which is very interesting. 2 (a) I consider Football to fit into all three categories of sport, recreation and
  • 45. Social Conflict In Henry James s The Turn Of The Screw Henry James arrays of characters helps to tie the reality of social conflict in this fictional horror story. His characters each have various economic backgrounds and interact differently with each other. This diversity brings these social conflicts to light and helps readers understand the root of these conflicts. In The Turn of the Screw, Henry James uses characterization and conflict to reveal the horrors of social classin American society. James novella centers around a young governess who is in charge of watching her employer s kids at an estate in Bly. The governess social standing and desire to keep her job reveal the instability of jobs for women in this era. Her employer, the uncle of Miles and Flora, is a typical wealthy ... Show more content on ... James use of man in contrast to girl gives a feeling of superiority of the employer in both age and wealth, and an impression of the girl s crush towards him. The governess bases all of this off of their first and only encounter. Due to the difference in social class, perhaps it is her master s curiously absent status, coupled with [her] unrequited love for him, that drives [her] to her hallucinations (Pouquette 257). As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but in this case, it drives the governess to become deranged and captivated by her ghosts and their affair. The governess knowledge of Quint and Miss Jessel s affair, despite their social class, gives the governess the idea of her and her employer s possible relationship. The difference in the governess and her employer s social standings compared to that of Quint s and Jessel s are quite similar, with Quint being the valet at Bly and Miss Jessel being the previous governess. The governess is drawn to her employer...who has a higher rank than she, [so] she makes much of the illicit affair between... Miss Jessel and Peter Quint, a man of much lower class ( The Turn of the Screw 252). Mrs. Grose describes Miss Jessel as simply a lady and that Quint is dreadfully below her (James 185). Wilson continues to tie Jessel and Quint s relationship with
  • 46. Smuckers Running head: SMUCKER S THE J.M. SMUCKER COMPANY 1 The J.M. Smucker Company Christine Silva Netto John F. Kennedy University Managerial Economics BUS5052 Edward Torres March 09, 2012 SMUCKER S THE J.M. SMUCKER COMPANY SMUCKER S The J.M. Smucker Company History Smuckers was founded in 1897 by Jerome Monroe Smuckers who sold his first product, apple butter, from the back of a horse drawn wagon. J.M. Smucker Company was incorporated in 1921 and has been a successful family run business for four generations. J.M. Smucker Company s headquarters is located in Orrville, Ohio and has been there since 1897. The Company has 17 manufacturing locations within North America and four manufacturing locations in Canada. Their sales... Show more content on ... SMUCKER S THE J.M. SMUCKER COMPANY Exhibit: 1.1: SJM: Product Sales 4 Source: The J.M. Smucker 2011 2010 Annual Reports J.M. Smucker Company Shares were listed on the New York Stock exchange in 1965. The ticker symbol is SJM. In 2011, J.M. Smucker Company s gross profit (excluding special project costs) was $1,852.6 million which was a $11.8 million increase compared to 2010. Their net sales for 2011 was $4,825.7, an increase in five percent, compared to 2010 (The J.M. Smucker Company, 2011, p. 21) (Exhibit 1.2), and compared to third quarter of 2011, their third quarter of 2012 net sales increased 12 percent, driven primarily by the impact of prior pricing actions and acquisitions ( J.M. Smucker Co. Announces Fiscal 2012 Quarter Results, 2012). The increase in net sales offset the impact of overall higher raw material and freight costs and $50.2 million of incremental special project costs including in cost of products sold, consisting primarily of accelerated depreciation (The J.M. Smucker Company, 2011) (Exhibit 1.3). As of SMUCKER S THE J.M. SMUCKER COMPANY 5 February 2012, J.M. Smucker Company s gross margins in the third quarter fell to 32.6 percent, from 37.4 percent, a year ago, as a result of higher cost of green coffee, edible oils, peanuts and flour. The Company s third quarter profit fell to $116.8 million, or $1.03 a share, from $132 million, or $1.11 a share, a year ago (Dalal Nair, 2012)
  • 47. Boston Marathon Bombing Report In this class, I have learned a lot of valuable food and alcohol safety rules. Throughout this class, I learned a lot from the food portion. I learned the different temperatures of cooking for the different types of food including; chicken, red meat, and seafood. I also learned forms of contamination, the flow of food and cleaning and sanitizing. Learning these things will help impact my career plan and employability because this is an area within events that sometimes goes overlooked and will make me stand out from the crown with these certificates. The Food Code s purpose is to assist food control jurisdictions at all levels of government by providing them with a scientifically sound technical and legal basis for regulating the retail and food service segment of the industry. The Food Code s main focus is to be an overall food safety model, that each local, state and federal regulators can use as a model. The National Restaurant Association (NRA) supports the Food Code by helping make changes to the Code that it applies better to the restaurants. Because the Food Code isn t a law, some areas like proper handwashing and sanitation things go overlooked and the NRA is making the changes to the Food Code so every part of the restaurant s operations are touched upon. ... Show more content on ... This event happened on April 15, 2013 in Boston Massachusetts. Two brothers by the names of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev decided to place two pressure cooker bombs amidst the crowd of marathon runners. Only two seconds apart, the two bombs went off along the finish line on Boylston Street. Leading up to the event there was the conflict in the middle east, which is where both the brothers were born, and they wanted a way to get back at the United States. There was no anticipation to this event because there hadn t been any sort of threat or previous attack on this
  • 48. Fear In The Chocolate War The Chocolate War Essay In the Novel, The Chocolate War , a character in the book, Archie Costello, uses psychological kind of fear to control other people, unlike Emile Janza who uses physical fear to control people. In real life different kinds of people use different ways to control people by using fear. Some use force some use psychological fear, etc. Some people use force and psychological fear because they want to control people. Some people use it in school, politics and bullies use it. Administrators in school such as Teachers use some kind of fear to make some students a little scared and worried on what might happen next. For example in the novel The Chocolate War , the teacher named Brother Leon used psychological fear on an
  • 49. Greg Ousley Character Analysis Scott Anderson exhibits the fact that Greg Ousley is a dynamic character by telling that Greg greatly matures in prison, becomes educated, and wants to work with young people upon being released. The change in Greg that first appears is his growth to maturity in prison. This is portrayed when the author states, he occasionally turned to prison dope and moonshine for brief relief, but Greg says, I work across the hall from the superintendent. Greg now working across from the superintendent exemplifies the fact that he has grown in maturity since the days of prison dope and moonshine because of the trust that the prison officials have in him. Greg becomes further dynamic by becoming an educated person. Greg pursues an advanced educationas
  • 50. King Daniel In Ancient Greek Darius was King of Babylon an ancient city. Daniel was governor in King Darius s palace. Now Daniel was loved by all Babylonians, well by most Babylonians because he had enemies that he never knew. His secret enemies were men from the palace, who hated him for his wisdom and fair judgment. Daniel was also a Hebrew. One day one man who was Ahaziah spoke to his friends and said, Daniel is preventing our evil plans from coming to pass. The other friend Micah replied, But what can we do? Sam the smartest of the three answered, Daniel always praised his God and prayed to him daily. What if we told King Darius that he should have a no praying to any other foreign god Babylonian rule? The others replied, Brilliant idea! Daniel will definitely be destroyed by us now. ... Show more content on ... He prayed and said, Lord, I thank you that I have gotten so much wisdom from you. I know you will always protect me, therefore, I m always grateful to you. The evil men who plotted against Daniel went to King Darius and said, Oh mighty King Darius, look at this lovely city you have built. You should get all the glory and praise. King Darius replied, What do you mean by this? The men answered, We mean that you should make a rule that says: Worship only Darius as the supreme God of the universe in Babylon! In addition, the King was amazed and said, But how will I let all the people of Babylon worship me? I m not a god, moreover, the true God of heaven might be angry. The men replied, Oh King, leave that to us. Only put the rule in writing and seal it with your ring. The next day Daniel was praying as usual. The men saw him and said, Daniel there will be a new rule that says, only pray to Darius as god. Daniel was shocked and said, Why did Darius enforce such a
  • 51. Outline For Pride And Prejudice 1.Analyze how unifying society through means of convention can impact relationships and understandings between people. Thesis Statement: Pride Prejudice demonstrates that initially distinguishing characteristics of someone by their status leads to inevitable misunderstanding and ultimately to a bad relationship and that only by effort of communication can it restore its relationship and improve upon. I.The inevitability of prejudice based upon status from Darcy s side a.Mr. Darcy initially proposes he is unpleasant with Bennet family i.She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me... (13) 1.Mr. Darcy s first sight on Bennet family is prejudiced which starts an unpleasant relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy (Mazzeno,
  • 52. An Organization Good Security System The process of footprinting is the first step to gather information of hackers. To prevent a successful attack we need to obtain as much information possible, the hackers will try to learn everything and all the aspects possible from the perspective organization s security posture, their profile of their Internet their remote access capabilities and intranet/extranet presence (Scambray, McClure, and Kurtz 2001). Any good or successful hacker will build their information database about any company security weakness. But the question that we should ask ourselves is, should be prepare in advance for any attack? Should we know our weakness way in advance to prepare ourselves? And the answer would be yes, which means the security personal need... Show more content on ... This report will focus on security of Amazon Company and will look at how security posture of the company will be done and solved. Footprinting is a process of using various tools and technologies to understand, learn the best to attack a main target. Any hacker, or attacker will try to find out as much as possible without actually giving themselves away, they will find public information or appear as normal internet users. Again the hacker or attacker will look up and find as much information as possible about the network, and the domain name of the company he is searching to find information. He the hacker will try to obtain information about the network blocks, any particular IP address, any network protocols in use by the company, IDSs (Intrusion Detection System), telephone numbers, ACLs (Access Control Lists). Remember hacker use this information to attack, the security personnel can and will use it to strengthen their security stance. We need to look for locations, related companies, and merger or acquisition news, telephone numbers, contacts names and email addresses, any privacy or security policies indicating the types of security mechanisms in place they have, any links to other web servers related to the main organization. Amazon is a company that has establish itself as an online store that serves as a retail shop that
  • 53. Otc Hearing Aid Effectiveness In the United States, only 25% of the people who need hearing aids use them. One possible reason for this is accessibility. Getting a hearing aid requires a trip to see a specialist. Both the visit and the hearing aids themselves can be expensive if not covered by health insurance. One possible way of getting more hearing aids to the people who need them is to sell them over the counter (OTC). To see if this option is feasible, Indiana University Bloomington tested the theory through a study of OTC hearing aid effectiveness. The Study To conduct the study, researchers gathered 154 people with mild to moderate hearing loss between the ages of 55 and 79. These participants were split into three groups. One group worked with an audiologist to have their hearing aid properly fitted and programmed. Members of another group were given hearing aids that had been pre programmed in the same way that OTC devices would be. The final group served as a control group and were given non functioning hearing aids. All three groups tested their hearing aids for six weeks. The Results Both of the groups that received working hearing aids fared much better than those who were given placebo units. While both of the test groups with functional hearing aids did well, the group who worked with a hearing specialist like Audiology Island did fare slightly better ... Show more content on ... A new healthcare bill known as the Over the Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2016 would greatly expand the number of places hearing aids are sold. If passed, the bill would also require the Food and Drug Administration to updates their guidelines on hearing aid safety labeling and regulations. The bill has the support of the Academy of Doctors of Audiology but has not yet passed into law. At the request of Congress, the bill is currently under review by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and