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Essay On Reliability Of Visualization Tools
4.2 Reliability of visualization tools
Human factors study to evaluate a new interactive data integration platform for pediatric intensive
care called T3 that was conducted to identify interface usability issues, to measure ease of use, and
to describe interface features that may enable or hinder clinical tasks [2 cite the reference not
number]. The key finding highlighted the low level of reliability placed by clinicians on data
representations since they did not know how they were established or derived. The study concluded
that usability issues, observed through contextual use, could lead to improvements in design of data
integration software.
4.3 Cognitive overload
An area where there is a lack of understanding on patient safety ... Show more content on ...
Bioinformatics involves complex data visualization techniques that are technologically advanced
and therefore prone to cognitive overload. The study conducted to review current human factors
research in interaction, usability and visualization within bioinformatics, concluded that human
factors play a significant role in designing and evaluating information visualization tools. Perception
of bioinformatics tools by users goes a long way in influencing their understanding of the complex
data as well as the perceived usability and accessibility of these systems [3 cite the reference not
According to [10 cite the reference not number] cognitive overload has also been identified as an
EMR usability problem in evaluations conducted as part of some other studies. For example, Rose et
al. (2005) suggested that when the amount of information presented in an interface increases, user
attention is divided, as in multiple–task performances, the probability of errors increases.
Minimization of cognitive load has been highlighted in a literature review of usability and safety in
the electronic medical records interface design. As per [1 cite the reference not number] cognitive
overload was often associated with responses of confusion and uncertainty, especially when
participants had multiple visual cues to focus on in the visual displays.
Additionally [2 cite the reference not number] research has shown that poorly designed technologies
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Study Of The Navy Leaders Guide Mobile Application
The Benchmarking Quarterly Report provides the results of the Technology Enhancement Center's
(TEC) most recent benchmark study that evaluates the user experience and usability of T2 products.
This report reviews the benchmark study of the Navy Leaders Guide mobile application.
During the 3rd quarter of 2015, TEC conducted a pilot benchmark study comprised of attitudinal
and behavioral methods used to evaluate user satisfaction and performance of the Navy Leaders
Guide mobile application. Although 15 elected to participate in the study, only 10 participants
completed the full evaluation consisting of the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction
(QUIS) (Chin, et al 1988) and a think aloud task analysis (Ericsson, et al 1980).
Based on data provided solely by the QUIS, the overall mean is 7.75 (Very Good).
TEC benchmark studies measure the current user experience and usability of T2 and T2/VA co–
branded products such as Navy Leaders Guide and to provide a baseline
against similar products and/or future T2 product versions. Benchmarking against similar products
is useful for identifying the strengths and weakness in user experience and usability for future
growth, and benchmarking earlier versions against newer versions of a product shows user
experience and usability improvement over time.
This benchmark study was a pilot designed to evaluate the T2/VA co–branded product Navy Leaders
Guide using attitudinal and behavioral
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Jean Bowman Ehr
First off, it was really amazing to see all the different types of errors that can occur while using an
EHR. Quite frankly, I found both articles extremely interesting and educational. In the first article,
Bowman states that one problem that can occur while using an EHR has to do with the software
system itself. She explains how software systems can have flaws that put the patient's information in
jeopardy because these systems can be acquire bugs and viruses which causes the patient's
information to be lost and/or deleted (Bowman, 2013). Other problems derived from EHR's are due
to the lack of user friendly features which make interfaces difficult to use. These type of issues can
mislead the user to enter wrong patient data into the system ... Show more content on ...
This company was developed to search and correct potential medical errors that occur in the medical
field setting when using interactive systems. A human factor engineer is trained to study the medical
activities that are involved in medical setting along with its "physical and skilled demands, mental
workload, team dynamics, aspects of work environment, and device design required to complete the
task" (PSNet, 2016). Human factors engineers focus their attention on studying how well and
efficiently interactive systems perform in actual practice and develop new and innovative tools and
formats which can reduce medical errors. Some of the tools that human factors engineers use to
reduce errors are usability testing, forcing functions, standardizations, and resiliency efforts (PSNet,
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The Human Factor in Ship Design
1. Introduction: The Human Factor in Ship Design It is essential to take into account the human
factor when designing complicated and large–scale equipment such as ships. The importance of this
is demonstrated when the human factor is investigated in terms of marine disasters and casualties.
According to Bin Yaakob and Nee (2003, p. 1), the human element accounts for as much as 80% of
all marine catastrophes and casualties. This is why entities such as the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) and the Bureau Veritas (2008) have made it their mission to investigate and
address the human factor in ship design. There are two components to investigating and addressing
human factors in ship design. First, the challenges seafarers currently face in terms of their work
environment and the influence of this on their job performance need to be evaluated. Second, these
can be used to determine the design elements necessary to create an optimal environment to
encourage optimal job performance for seafaring personnel. Calhoun (2006, p. 2), for example,
mentions air quality and ventilation, temperature, noise, and vibration as specific enviornmental
aspects that have affected the quality of environment and work performance of seafaring personnel.
Other factors include the amount and quality of sleep that is possible for such personnel, as well as
the quality of lighting in their environment. A major important consideration is that these factors
generally integrate and should be
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A Product's Usability Achieves Effectiveness, Efficiency,...
Usability is an important concept in human factors. ISO defines usability as the extent in which a
product can be used to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified
context of use. Technology should have an aspect of usability and user friendliness especially in a
clinical context, so that it can reduce cases of medical errors. An information system comprises of
various elements, among them is users who should have a clear understanding of their functions.
Usability as a concept increases productivity and it will reduce costs of training and support. It
reduces cases of errors as it reduces time involved when using the system (Bevan, 2009)
There are three usability themes; effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Effectiveness refers to
the ability of the system to do what its users require. There are different users in a clinical
environment that perform different activities with the system; hence an effective system should have
the ability to satisfy multiple users. Efficiency as a theme covers the ability of the technology to
complete the task in the intended time. Technology should be able to reduce the time used in
completing a task. Lastly, the theme of satisfaction is about the notion by users that the information
system is easy to use. For proper use of technology, users should easily associate with it. Users
should be familiar with the technology and they should have a good attitude towards it. Usability
themes are affected by
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Taking a Look at Mental Workload
Mental workload (MWL) has been described as a hypothetical construct that is widely used in
studies of human factors and various measurement techniques to evaluate equipment and work
systems in terms of the workload experienced by people using them (Gopher, D. and Donchin, E.
(1986)). It has been identified that by optimizing the allocations of MWL to individual, human
errors can be reduced and lead to increase in system productivity (Xie and Salvendy, 2000, Moray,
1988, Gopher and Donchin, 1986). Over the years extensive researches have been conducted to
search for definition of MWL but none of these were widely accepted or quantitatively verified. The
most common definition for MWL is as a function of internal capacity that reflects the interaction
between attending task demands and capacity imposed on the operator. Capacity is determined by
operator's skill, training and influenced by internal factors like stress and fatigue; whereas task
demand is identified by number of tasks to perform, task complexity and structure, amount of
attention required and time available (Bainbride 1997, Xie and Salvendy 2000). In addition, MWL
was described in term of experience load, which indicated that workload is not only task–specific
but also person–specific and depends on the interaction between operator and task structure
(Schvaneveldt et al, 2004). Following this concept, factors of experience like motivation and effort
to perform a task or working difficulty and discomfort would
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Ergonomics : A Human Factor
Ergonomics is a human factor with the application of scientific information concerning objects,
systems and environment for human use. The field of ergonomics is an applied science that also
studies the effects of fatigue and discomfort on the body and designs protective equipment to keep
operators safe and efficient. Ergonomics focuses on people, the single largest and most valuable
asset of any organization. Regardless of appearances, people are different from one another.
Ergonomics recognizes and strives to accommodate individual differences in everything from size to
skills, from work styles to habits. Good ergonomics improve performance and productivity.
Comprehensive ergonomics means looking at the total workplace from task ... Show more content
on ...
Employee exposure to work related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) from ergonomic stressors
that have not been effectively identified and addressed in a facilities safety and health program.
Patient handling and movement tasks are physically demanding, generally performed under critical
conditions and often unpredictable in nature. Patients offer multiple challenges including variations
in size, physical disabilities, cognitive function, level of cooperation and fluctuations in condition.
As a given weight to be lifted, they are awkward packages, lack even weight distribution and have
been known to become combative during the lift process. Many patients/residents, especially
nursing home residents, are totally dependent on staff members to provide activities of daily living,
such as dressing, bathing, feeding, and toileting. Each of these activities involves multiple
interactions with handling or transferring of patients/residents and could result in employee injuries.
Employee injuries lead to increased injury costs, higher turnover rates, increased sick/injured days,
and staffing shortages.
OSHA 's OSH Act of 1970 strives to "assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men
and women..." and mandates that "each employer shall furnish to each of his/her employers
employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or
are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his/her employees." (Osha, 2015)
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A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in...
A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Modern Flight Deck Design
I. Introduction Since the dawn of the aviation era, cockpit design has become increasingly
complicated owing to the advent of new technologies enabling aircraft to fly farther and faster more
efficiently than ever before. With greater workloads imposed on pilots as fleets modernize, the
reality of he or she exceeding the workload limit has become manifest. Because of the unpredictable
nature of man, this problem is impossible to eliminate completely.
However, the instances of occurrence can be drastically reduced by examining the nature of man,
how he operates in the cockpit, and what must be done by engineers to design a system in which
man and ... Show more content on ...
They will be discussed in further detail in another chapter (Hawkins, 249–54).
III. System Design A design team should support the concept that the pilot's interface with the
system, including task needs, decision needs, feedback requirements, and responsibilities, must be
primary considerations for defining the system's functions and logic, as opposed to the system
concept coming first and the user interface coming later, after the system's functionality is fully
There are numerous examples where application of human–centered design principles and processes
could be better applied to improve the design process and final product. Although manufacturers
utilize human factors specialists to varying degrees, they are typically brought into the design effort
in limited roles or late in the process, after the operational and functional requirements have been
defined (Sanders & McCormick, 727–8). When joining the design process late, the ability of the
human factors specialist to influence the final design and facilitate incorporation of human–centered
design principles is severely compromised. Human factors should be considered on par with other
disciplines involved in the design process. The design process can be seen as a six–step process;
determining the objectives and performance specifications, defining the system, basic system
design, interface design, facilitator design, and testing and evaluation of the system. This model
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Taking a Look at Human Factors
Human factors
Human factors are an accumulation of human performance and behaviour. Normally it is viewed in
a negative aspect, although it can also be very positive, such as flexibility. Human factors is very
complex, that is why there are many types of model to describe human factors. One of these models
is the "SCHELL model", this model is used by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
What this means is that the model gives an idea of the overview of human factors. The SCHELL
stands for:
S = software (procedures, policy and other aspects of work design)
C = Culture (organisational and cultural influencing interactions)
H = Hardware (equipment, tools and other technology)
E = Environment (environmental aspects in which work occurs)
L = Liveware (human aspects of work)
L = Liveware (the communication between co–workers at work)
This model puts an emphasis how depended each individual behaviour or action is for how the
system is shaped. Any failures and/or mishap between the components can lead to chaotic situations.
As a military organisation or as an approved organisation, regular human factors skill based training
programs must be offered. Also know as Maintenance Error Management (MEM) for maintenance
personnel. The training should be based on providing safety critical staff with non–technical skills to
manage consequences and prevention of human errors. This is to emphasise that making errors is
normal and expected however the consequences are just as
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Importance Of Human Factors In Aviation
Introduction Human factors is the study of Human behaviour that has roughly been around for 2000
years. The study is based on how Humans behave physically and psychologically. In Aviation,
human factors have been applied since the last 70 years. The definition of human factors from the
point of aviation, means the same but in respect to the ergonomics of technology and the flight crew,
within the aircraft. The information is then converted into training, procedures and systemizing
routines of the flight crew simply in order for the safety and for the wellbeing of the crew and the
society. Crew health and lifestyle is essential when it comes to the wellbeing and the performance is
vital to its limitations, throughout the journey of the aircraft. When spoken about the word safety, it
is often associated about how boring or repetitive it is in the modern world yet the Aviation industry.
Safety is the freedom from any dangers. It is a word that people should take seriously and should be
a preaching word to change any ill practises. In the world of Aviation where mishaps would occur at
any given moment, the educated personnel are taught not to ever rely on luck, when it comes to
safety. It all comes down to the welfare of the individual, the welfare of the company that associates
with the individual and the family of the individual. That is the reason why safety is so critical and is
one of the very first things that is taught in every class, job or even at home. This
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The Aesthetic Role of Omnichannel
This paper examines the role of aesthetics in omnichannel user experience by surveying existing
research done in the fields of design, human–computer interaction (HCI), informatics, and cognitive
psychology. Aesthetics are one of many important factors in HCI and research shows that aesthetics
can significantly affect perception, cognition, and usability for computer systems, websites, and user
interfaces. First, the paper identifies the components of aesthetics and their role in user experience
and user interface (UX/UI) design, then examines relevant research in the domain, and finally looks
at the implications of aesthetics in designing for the rapidly expanding world of experience design,
referred to as the cross–channel, multi–modal, or omnichannel experience. Ultimately, this paper
seeks to demonstrate how visual aesthetics can enhance or detract from brand perception, perceived
or real system usability, cognitive load, and the overall user experience.
Keywords: User Interface, Aesthetics, User Experience, Omnichannel
The Role of Aesthetics in OmniChannel User Experience Design
Aesthetics and their role in experience design have been thoroughly researched in the disciplines of
human factors, cognitive psychology, informatics, and design. Numerous studies examined in this
paper will demonstrate how aesthetics can dramatically affect user response to the perceived
credibility and usability of products and systems (David, Glore, 2001). The importance of
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Human Performance And Commercial Aircraft Accidents
Human error has been acknowledged as a main contributor to more than 70 percent of commercial
and private aircraft accidents. While characteristically connected with flight procedures, human
error has also recently become a main concern in maintenance practices and air traffic management.
Human factors specialists work with engineers, pilots, and mechanics to apply the latest information
about the interface between human performance and commercial aircraft to help operators develop
safety and efficiency in their daily operations.
About 80 percent of maintenance errors comprise of human factors, according to the Federal
Aviation Administration. The maintenance realm has exceptional human factors matters that are
more severe and longer lasting than elsewhere in aviation. Operators are considering numerous
procedures to combat human factors challenges.
Human factors are endless catchphrases in maintenance operations. Although human factors
maintenance training is not strictly required in the U.S., many U.S. maintenance organizations have
accepted it because they see regulation in the near future, want to conform to the regulations
elsewhere or merely accept the business example.
Why are human conditions, such as fatigue, complacency and distraction, so important? As one
expert put it, if you scratch the surface of a maintenance incident, you're likely to find human factors
concerns. About 80 percent of maintenance mistakes involve human factors, according to Bill
Johnson, the
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Factors Affecting The Human Capacity
The experiment involves test subjects with different heights blowing into same elasticity balloons in
one breath to discover if there are any correlations between human's vital capacity and height. This
experiment is categorized as biology as vital capacity is due to lungs and lungs are organs in a
human body. Vital capacity is the amount of air that can be forcibly expelled from the lungs after
breathing in as deeply as possible. The vital capacity is about 4,800 mL (4.8L) for an average
human, which is the total amount of air that can be expired after fully inhaling. The vital capacity
is= approximately 80 percent of total lung capacity. = Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume +
expiratory reserve volume The total lung capacity (TLC) is the volume of air contained in the lungs
after maximal inspiration plus residual volume and for an average male is around 6000ml (6L). To
remain a fair test, many factors could affect one's vital capacity. Pregnancy for woman would
decreases her vital capacity as during pregnancy the diaphragm is compressed by the uterus, which
decreases total lung capacity. Pulmonary diseases such as asthma, Bronchitis, Common Cold, Lung
cancer and other diseases can also affect vital capacity. Asthma restricts the airway allowing less air
to pass through to their lungs which unable their lungs to stretch as much. Previous researches has
shown woodwind and digeridoo players have larger lung capacity due to their experience and
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The Human Factor of Global Warming
The Human Factor of Global Warming
The Human Factor of Global Warming
Global warming has been a growing concern for many over the last several decades. The effects of
global warming are evident and broad, with historical research dating the first global warming crisis
back 56 million years ago, better known as the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, or PETM
(Jardine, 2011). Research from the composition of sediments of fossils shells of marine organisms
conclude that carbon dioxide trapped within our atmosphere, increased global temperatures by more
than 5 degrees in just a few thousand years (Jardine, 2011). While global warming may not be in
question, many scientists have questioned the actual global warming effect theory due to ... Show
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* While humans might not be solely to blame for global warming, we definitely have a major role.
Most are familiar with the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) as a major contributor to the
overall C02, although, just as equally important is that of deforestation. It was realized that
"conversions of land use, primarily deforestation in the tropics, induce substantial terrestrial carbon
losses to the atmosphere, approximately 1.6 billion tons annually" (Broadmeadow, Freer–Smith,
& J. Lynch, 2007). While the cause of deforestation varies in different regions, the key
contributors are cutting down tree to open up more land for agriculture, urban sprawl (Turk &
Bensel, 2011). Forests work like filters to remove CO2 from the air and store it in the trees. When
the trees are felled or burned, huge amounts of CO2 are released into the atmosphere at a rapid pace.
Urban Sprawl, a result of deforestation releases significant amounts of green house gases such as
CO2. Not only do you have carbon dioxide being release from burning or cutting of forests, it is
coupled by urban sprawl. It just so happens one of the effects of urban sprawl is that "Concrete
production contributes 5 percent of annual anthropogenic global CO2 production, mainly because
such vast
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Human Factors in Aviation
JAR 66 Module 9Exam Practice Exam
Module 9
This is exam number 1.
1. Accidents and engineering faults are
a) insignificant and increasing
b)insignificant and decreasing
c) significant and increasing
2. Information on drugs and alcohol can be found in
a) AWN 3
b)AWN 47
c) BCARs
3. 70 – 80% of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by the a) iris
c) cornea
4. At what distance should a person without hearing difficulties be able to hear an average
conversational voice in a quiet room
a) 1 metre (3 feet)
b)2 metres (6 feet)
c) 3 metres (9 feet
5. If you have been prescribed new medicine by your doctor you should
a) continue with your normal shift pattern ... Show more content on ...
When someone is working in an enclosed space (such a fuel tank), another person should be outside
the space in constant communication to
a) ensure compliance with the maintenance manual
b)provide instructions to the tradesman
c) for safety reasons
4. An engineer who has developed his own way of performing a task
a) is in regular violation
b)should be commended for his resourcefulness
c) is improving maintenance efficiency
5. The circadian cycle body temperature
a) varies by 1.5oF
b)varies by 1.5oC
c) does not vary
6. The aim of human factors programs within an organizations is
a) to reduce costs by increasing efficiency, safety and quality and decreasing waste through human
b)to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to improving
safety, efficiency and well–being
c) to safeguard the health and safety of maintenance personnel by reducing accidents in the
7. The scientific study of measurements of the human body is known as
a) anthropometrics
c) physiology
8. The SHEL model of human factors takes into account
a) Software, hardware, efficiency and liveware
b)Software, hardware, environment and liveware
c) Software, hardware, environment and location
9. How long can the aural reflex
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Research Paper On Ergonomics
1. Introduction
Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to design tools and equipment for
optimizing the interface between humans and systems [1]. Ergonomics is also known as the process
of understanding and improving human communications with types of products, equipment,
environments, and systems. Ergonomics principles are used to improve the "fit" between the worker
and the workplace. Targets for ergonomics improvement are divided into two broad categories
which are physical issues, such as reaches and exertion, and cognitive issues, such as mental
overload and confusing displays [2].
Many theories, principles, methods, and data relevant to the workstation design have been generated
through ergonomics research over the years. Poor workstation design can lead to fatigued,
frustrated, and hurting workers [3]. As a result, the productivity of the product and quality will
decrease [4].
Often in an industry, the workstation is designed in an arbitrary manner [1], giving little
consideration to the anthropometric measurements of the anticipated user. Small changes in
workstation dimension can have a considerable impact on worker productivity, and occupational
health and safety. Inadequate posture from an improperly designed workstation causes static muscle
efforts and then eventually resulting in acute ... Show more content on ...
VMI refers to the simple examination of a component for detects using the human eyes and is aided
by artificial tools. VMI is usually used because it is simple, easy to apply and quickly carried out,
but good eyesight, concentration and also illumination. However, TT Electronic Sdn Bhd, which
located in Kuantan, Malaysia has some problem with VMI. At VMI, the major problem that
occurred is an inappropriate workspace that can increase fatigue to the workers, especially on the
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Human Factors Of Walmart
Walmart: The Human Factor
The employees' welfare in Walmart is poor. According to the two employees interviewed, Walmart
has been forcing its employees to work through meals without extra pay. Employees are also forced
to work long hours without extra pay. This has contributed to regular employees strikes due to their
unpaid overtime dues and low wages (Mitchell, 2015). Another human behavior facing Walmart is
lack of appropriate measures to ensure employees' safety. The employees interviewed indicated they
are locked in stores during evening hours, and any attempt to use emergency exits is punishable.
This is a sign of poor management of employees and may lead to low motivation as they feel less
valued by their employer. The leaders in the firm indicate that the lock–in policy is meant to prevent
employees from stealing goods from the firm. This shows that the relationship between the
administrators and the employees is poor. This may explain why customers complain of poor
customer service in the stores.
The other human behavior problem in Walmart is poor employees training. The employees indicated
that they are not exposed to the necessary training before they are employed in Walmart. This leads
to difficulty in carrying out their duties leading to poor customer service. There is also a problem in
the way the organization rewards its employees. It is only managers and the senior officials in the
organization who enjoy performance incentives. Junior employees are not given
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Human factors and cyber policy
TA#2 Human Factors and Cyber Policy
CSEC 620
April 27,2013
Table of Content
IntroductionCopyright, threats and ownership of intellectual property
–Important Security Issues
–Recommended Policy Controls
–How/Why Human Factors Influence Policy
Meta–Data collected and used by the Private sector and Public sector
–Important Security Issues
–Recommended Policy Controls
–How/Why Human Factors Influence Policy
Zero Day Exploits employed for economic or military advantage
–Important Security Issues
–Recommended Policy Controls
–How/Why Human Factors Influence Policy
Vulnerability assessments for Mobile Devices in the BYOD environment
–Important Security Issues
–Recommended Policy Controls
–How/Why Human Factors ... Show more content on ...
Ulrich Schwantz (Rideout, 2011). The argument was that Artur83 created an independent file after
viewing a photo of the completed product – he did not modify an existing file – and that the
complaint was unclear if Dr. Schwantz was trying to say the Penrose triangle, a concept published in
1958, was his intellectual property (Rideout, 2011). Ultimately, Dr. Schwantz dropped the DMCA,
but it still serves as a precedence for the debate between original and similarity.
If corporations are to crack down on copyright infringements, be it blatantly copying direct design
or limiting creativity and inhibiting innovation, then they will need to lobby Congress to change
laws. With respect to 3–D printing, however, the current laws are good enough. While the 3–D files
are CAD files, categorized as pictorial, graphic, and scultptural works that can be protected by
copyright, they are excluded from copyright if the file has an intrinsic utilitarian function other than
portraying either appearance or conveying information (Rideout, 2011). While each file can be
independently reviewed to assess if an original file is copyrighted, it would be an arduous task that
would not be fiscally responsible for a company to pursue every similar design. Additionally, current
patent laws are applicable to complete and assembled products; creating replacement parts is
currently legal and allowable (Thompson, 2012). If any of this is
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The Importance Of Human Factor In Health
Human factor explores the potential and limitation of an individual in their workplace to ensure
safety, effectiveness and quality. Human factor or ergonomics plays a vital role to control patient
safety and quality in the intensive care unit (ICU) as it contributes to adverse events. By
acknowledging human factor and its impact on quality and safety in health care, nurses along with
other health care professionals will be able to create a safer environment for practice and a
productive workforce. This paper intends to identify human factor in health care and establish their
correlation with quality and patient safety. To begin with, this paper has divided human factor into
physical, cognitive and organizational and examines their relationship to quality and patient safety
in intensive care unit. In the intensive care unit, every plan and action of all the health care team
such as doctors, nurses, nursing supervisor, anesthesiologist and interns can be a factor to determine
a life or death situation, as all the patient are in a critical and physically vulnerable condition. It is
very crucial to take factor that influence patient safety and quality of care into consideration,
especially human factor and ergonomics in order to have better patient outcome and improve
recovery; clinicians, leaders and management should be able to acknowledge this (Carayon et al.,
2013; Gurses et al.,2012b; Institute of Medicine, 2012). Firstly, the physical human factor and
ergonomics include
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Graham Greene's The Human Factor and Kazuo Ishiguro's The...
The twentieth century is the century with the greatest loss of human life in the history of civilization.
It was a time of mistrust and espionage. To be loyal is defined as "faithful to one's oath,
commitments, or obligations" (OED). Some loyalties are bought, while others are earned. Earned
loyalty tends to last while loyalty that is bought tends to fade. Two books, The Human Factor by
Graham Greene and The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro show this difference. While both
characters demonstrate external loyalty, Stevens' loyalty was purchased, and Castle's was earned.
Castle's genuine loyalty allows him to risk his life, while Stevens' loyalty is only compliance.
Stevens, in The Remains of the Day, lives only to serve. ... Show more content on ...
He uses "fullfilled", even though he is not really doing anything to accomplish the tasks. He sees
this man as everything that matters. Even after doing all he can in service he still believes that will
not be enough. He has to live through someone else. However, there is a deeper reason why he gives
such allegiance: his loyalties must be deeper. Stevens' true loyalty is to the idea of being a butler. He
spends much of his life debating with himself about what makes a great butler. He has dedicated his
life heavily to that idea. He does everything in his power to achieve being an ideal butler. These
ideals are rooted so deep in his brain, there is no way around it. It is as if he has built a dam in his
mind, and all emotions are kept out. Occasionally, some cracks in the wall let hints of emotion leak
through, but they are always quickly plugged back up. This dam is so efficient, that he does not even
realize it is there. He cannot understand that he has real emotions. There is no real him within his
job, being a butler has become his identity. He believes, "It is important that one be attired at such
times in a manner worthy of one's position" (Ishiguro 11). For that is what he knows people to be:
their positions. For Stevens to dress in a way that goes against his position is against his beliefs. He
lives a life trying to constantly figure out, "What was required of of me on... occasions" (Ishiguro
15). He uses words like required, but never
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Accident Report Involving Human Errors
NTSB Accident Report Involving Human Errors
The American Airlines Flight 1420 fatal accident is reported as a runway overrun accident. The
NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) investigated the accident on what would result in the
accident. This work's basic objective is to put emphasis on the human aspects that resulted in the
accident by applying the Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFCAS). It also
incorporates the Swiss Chess approach to link the series of events that eventually became the set of
events that triggered the accident.
NTSB applied the HFCAS in the analysis of the human factors in the flight, and it was enlightening
to see that it proved on how the fatal even occurred. The HFACS synergized with the Swiss Chess
illustrates the manner in which one occurrence resonates to the other. Also, the model revealed that
the resources and regulations of the company after inadequate monitoring, combined with the
prevalent weather conditions and fatigued flight crew instigated unsafe actions. This includes wrong
judgment and errors that took place before and during the landing of the airplane.
The American Airlines Flight 1420 was on its way to Little Rock National Airport on the 1st June
1999. The pilot of the airplane was regarded as an experienced one. NTSB (2001) reports that the
aircraft used in the flight is a McDonnell Douglas DC–9–82 (MD–82). The flight was scheduled to
touchdown at 11:50 P.M. and had an on
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The Future of Human Factors in Aviation
The Future of Human Factors in Aviation
The International Ergonomics Association (2000) defines human factors:
The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other
elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and other methods to
design in order to optimize human well–being and overall system performance.
The science of human factors in aviation has a come along way since the days of the Wright brothers
in 1913 but it did not actually start with them. According to Dr. Bill Johnson, Chief Scientist at the
Federal Aviation Administration, human factors "dates back to the 1600s when Leonardo da Vinci
drew the Vitruvian Man, with all the anthropometric measures, [when] he was trying to decide if a
human was strong enough to propel an aircraft" (FAA, 2012). Long after the work of da Vinci,
human factors has brought advancements to aircraft design while creating a greater understanding of
the human role in mishaps.
Brief History of Human Factors
Long after Leonardo da Vinci, human factors research originated with aviation (Salas et al., 2010).
Once the pioneers of aviation began taking to the air, the quest for safety and efficiency began with
an ever–increasing fervor. Aviation accidents have long been viewed as spectacular and with the
spectacle of an accident comes the public outcry over safety. While not all human factors research
deals with accidents, the majority of money put into the
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Human Intelligence Factors
Operational variables include the political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure,
physical environment, and time (PMESII–PT) conditions within any given location. The conditions
and circumstances present in Colombia effect our human intelligence response. Political Condition.
The FARC previously contributed $100,000 to the campaign of Ecuador President Rafael Correa
(Crandall, 2011, p. 236). The return for that investment is unknown, but the FARC built
encampments on the Ecuadorian side of the border without concern for government intervention
suggesting a mutual relationship. According to Gentry and Spencer (2010), several non–state
groups, including the Irish Republican Army and undefined Arab groups in Europe, ... Show more
content on ...
The constitution reestablished three branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial;
however, the entire Colombian government tends to lean towards right–wing ideologies (Central
Intelligence Agency, 2013). Effect. Obtaining seats in the legislature and being recognized as an
official political party within Colombia provides the FARC with an opportunity to reach their goals
without armed conflict. However, they established external relationships with entities that could
potentially provide assistance should the FARC feel that the Colombian government failed to abide
by any measure within the peace treaty. Unhappiness with progress, lack of results, and feelings that
they compromised too much in the final treaty could lead the FARC away from peaceful
conversations towards insurgency again. Response. HUMINT teams must conduct liaison operations
with the Colombian government to obtain information regarding potential hostility and
dissatisfaction of government progress. Contacts and relationships of FARC leadership and
members should be mapped out to form a comprehensive understanding of the FARC political party.
Source operations with the local populous should be conducted to evaluate the political climate and
prevent an uprising. HUMINT teams should spot and assess for appropriate sources and
continuously validate their source pool. Military Condition. The FARC wanted
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Human Factor Field
The importance of the topic to research in the Human factor field
According to approximations from the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, near 39
million people are blind in the world and unfortunately this number is increasing. In the United
States, approximately 1.3 million blind people. Moreover, around 90% of the world's visually
weakened people live in developing countries. Blind people need continuous assistance from other
people, but not always someone is there to assist them. The only assisting friend they have is their
white canes. However, today, most blind people use regular white canes with no or less high–tech
features. Therefore, that problem attacks our concern to develop a smart white cane to assist blind
people in doing their ... Show more content on ...
There are a lot of stories of how blind people get injured when they run over something or navigate
around a new environment. Therefore, optimizing the use of technology in disabled people's lives
can help in decreasing numerous impediments that people with disabilities face.
The main purpose of the project is to produce a design of a smart white cane that can sense objects
or obstacles and send cautionary signals either by voice commands or vibration; and a GPS system
that also gives voice commands for directions. In other words, the ultimate objective is to be able to
walk around without being run over or getting lost. The reasons this topic important to a research in
the human factor field are as follows:
– The development decreases the dependence on other people and service dogs during walking
– The design of the smart cane is considered a way of providing the sightless a sense of visualization
– The development assists in reducing numerous barriers a person with a blindness faces
– The implementation of the design can make great differences in the daily lives of blind
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Factors Of Human Resource Planning
talking about Tesco's Human Resource requirements and planning, which is completely different
from my previous assignments about Tesco as they were for a different unit which mostly looked at
Tesco's annual numbers etc. I'll be describing the internal and external factors to consider when
planning the human resource requirements of Tesco, and then describe how the skills that employees
require to carry out jobs in Tesco are identified. Finally for the Merit task, I'll explain why human
resource planning is important to Tesco. P1 INTERNAL FACTORS – Organisational Needs – Skills
Requirements – Technological Changes Internal planning factors are those that relate to what is
already happening inside the business. This includes how the organisation is changing to cope with
new methods of working or new demands made on it, such as the introduction of technology or new
products or services. It is also a way of considering the new skills that will be needed in the future
and those that the existing staffs already have. The gap between the skills already present and those
that are needed can be measured. Organisational Needs An Internal factor for Tesco to consider
when planning the human resource requirements are their own needs. Tesco's workforce needs to be
able to adapt to changes as they're constantly changing due to their business increasing all time as
they're going into different markets such as
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Case Analysis: Calling 911 Essay examples
1. What human factors problems did you identify in the case study? The first human factors problem
I identify is the sparking electric night–light. It is the cause of the fire and thus it is definitely had
the design problem from the aspect of human factor. Next is the design of installation of steel
security bars at each and every window. Although the design of the steel security bars is to protect
the residents of the house, it has a fatal disadvantage which is limited the escape action of the
residents. The case study proposed a solution to it which is panic hardware. However, the house
only installed one set of panic hardware and this indicated another human factor problem that
occurred in setting up the security system of the house. ... Show more content on ...
This similarity of the street names is the main cause of delaying the response time of the fire
dispatcher units. 2. What are the sources of the problems? In the case study, active failures and latent
conditions are the main causes of the accident occurred. "Active failures are the acts or conditions
precipitating the incident situation... usually involved the front–line staff" (Health and Safety
Executive, 2014a, para. 1). The emergency response of front–line staffs is the main source of the
problems stated above. The delaying of emergency rescue action caused by patching the call from
the 911 operator to the fire dispatcher and also the searching for the actual address of the fire house
are indicating the casual attitude of front–line staff. "Latent conditions are the managerial influences
and social pressures that make up the culture, influence the design of equipment or systems, and
define supervisory inadequacies" (Health and Safety Executive, 2014a, para. 2). The problems that
caused by latent conditions in the case study are the poor design of the night–light, the poor design
of security system of the house, and the replicate of the street names design. Normally these latent
failures are hidden until they are activated by an incident such as the fire mentioned in the case
study. 3. What are the requirements needed to solve the problems? The
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Factors Affecting The Human Body
In order for the Human Body to maintain balance within its internal environment or return systems
to functioning within a normal range, it must manage a multitude of highly complex interactions in
order to deal with external changes that are optimal for survival. The organs that help maintain
homeostasis are the liver, the kidneys, and the brain through hypothalamus, the autonomic nervous
system and the endocrine system. The main function of the liver is to metabolize toxic substance as
well as stabilising carbohydrate metabolism. The kidneys are responsible for a number of things.
They regulate blood water levels, re–absorb substances into the blood, maintain salt and ion levels
in the blood, regulate blood pH, and excrete urea and other wastes, however, there are many factors
that can disrupt this process resulting in homeostatic imbalance which may cause disease or death.
Factors that need to be carefully controlled are body temperature, water content, carbon dioxide
level, and blood sugar level. It is crucial to ensure that these factors are maintained throughout
homeostasis. A major factor that affects homeostasis, in general, is water and salt balance.
Most people believe it is vital to stay hydrated during strenuous amounts of exercises however this
is not necessarily the case for those embarking on the Kokoda track. Water plays a critical role in
homeostasis. The amount of water in the body should be kept balanced all the time in order to
prevent cells from being
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Biological Factors of Human Relationships
Biological factors are something that contributes hugely to the formation and maintenance of
relationships– whether it is romantic, friendly or family related. Many researchers have conducted
studies in which they have attempted to try and explain the link between biological factors and
human relationships. I am going to specifically focus on Bowlby's study on the role of hormones in
bonding, Buss' study on women jealousy and its relation to estrogen levels, Fishers study on the
brain and its role in romantic relationships, and Marazziti who studied the effect of serotonin on love
obsession. These studies will help me show the role that biological factors have in human
relationships in both the development and maintenance of them. ... Show more content on ...
The development of a relationship from the first and early stages of love to the more developed
stages, couples tend to move from the passionate love to the more intimate relationship of
relaxation, dependency, and security which all play into attachment. In 1969 Bowlby suggested,
"Humans have an innate attachment system which consists of specific behaviours and psychological
responses called attachment behaviours." For his experiment it mainly was conducted for research
on mother child relationships however many believe that the results are relatable to both mother
child and romantic relationships. According to more modern research, it has been shown that both
oxytocin– a powerful hormone which is released in men and women during touching and sex which
helps to deepen and intensify the feelings of the select attachment– and vasopressin– a hormone
released also during sex– help in increasing the bond that is between two lovers. Through this it
helps the couples to feel closer and more bonded. One of the main criticisms of this experiment was
the complexity of the researched relationships and how since they didn't consider other factors that
might affect the results, therefore resulting in the possibility that it could be unreliable. However if
looking at just this one aspect, this biological factor can be considered to have an influence on
human relationships both mother child and
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The Impact Of Job Enrichment On Motivation And Communication
The following case analysis is derived from an article that examines the realignment of the Health
Information Services (HIS) Departments when new technology or changes have to be implemented.
My case analysis will involve answering four questions. How are the principles of goal setting
applied in the case? How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case? What were the
outcomes of job enrichment in the HIS Departments? What was the impact of job enrichment on
motivation and communication in the HIS department?
The first thing we will examine if the principle of goal setting and how it is applied is this case.
Goals give an organization a vision and a direction in which to move. Goals setting by organizations
can lead ... Show more content on ...
It is not a technique that can be uniformly used throughout an organization or department. In order
for job enrichment to be effective, leaders have to understand the employees that are under them.
Just as there are benefits to using job enrichment, there are also risks associated with it. The benefits
are the desired outcomes that the HIS Department is looking to achieve when implementing such a
technique. Monotony is something that job enrichment can combat because there are added task,
responsibility and accountability. The offset of monotony is believe to be a common motivator;
however, in the HIS Department the addition of more task, more responsibility, and more
accountability can lead to more stress (Layman, 2011). More stress is the result because their chief
complaint is work overload. Another set of common problem that can be combated with job
enrichment is boredom, careless errors, tardiness, absenteeism, and low moral. There are plenty of
risks to balance when trying to offset these problems. One risk is overload which is already a
complaint of many employees. Another risk to balance is the concern of the Human Resources (HR)
Department about pay grade (Layman, 2011). With added task and responsibility comes the question
of a higher pay grade. It is the job of the HR Department to oversee the pay grade of the
organization. An even bigger risk may be a concern about licensing and credentialing. Adding tasks
to a job that requires additional
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What Are The Three Core Moderators Of Tactile Salience Are
Core factors
In fig. 1, the three core moderators of tactile salience are:
1. Technology characteristics/capabilities. Technology characteristics include the engineering
specifications of the tactor display. For example, abrupt onset (or changes) in stimuli and high
frequency (200–300 Hz) tone burst vibrations are known to be more salient, as measured by
probability of detection (Mortimer et al. 2007). Early studies of tactile signaling focused on
psychophysical responses to tactor characteristics (see reviews by Cheung et al. 2008, Cholewiak et
al. 1991, Lederman & Klatzky, 2009, Loomis & Lederman, 1986). Others have also discussed tactor
characteristics such as the amplitude, frequency, and ISI, transducer force, bandwidth, and duration
of signal (Cholewiak & Wollowitz 1992, Jones & Sarter, 2008; Mortimer et al. 2007).
Technology also includes characteristics arising from multiple tactors, such as type, variety, and
number of tactors in the array. Some tactor cues can be likened to melodies (Brewster & Brown,
2004). Brewster et al., referred to these tactile melodies as tactons (tactile icons). Similarly, multi–
tactor cues developed to cue different operator actions have been referred to as tactions, or tactile
actions (Mortimer et al. 2011). Tactons and tactions can be defined in terms of dimensional variables
affecting salience (e.g., simplicity, intuitiveness, meaningfulness, distinctiveness).
2. Individual/User characteristics. Characteristics of the user
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Human Factors Affecting Your Largest Operating Expenditure
Introduction Manual order picking is still the most common way to fulfill orders from customers.
This process of order picking is highly labor–intensive, repetitive and time consuming, resulting in
one of the largest organizational expenses in a warehouse environment. Traditionally, order picking
systems have been designed to limit travel time, search time, and pick time. The theory is that by
reducing travel, search, and pick time, the process should become more productive, limiting costs,
reducing errors, and being user friendly. So why design a system that is dependent on your largest
operating expenditure without taking into account various human factors which can lead to lower
productivity, increased errors, system constraints, ... Show more content on ...
We installed new racking which enabled us to store our inventory higher than before, allowing us to
increase our product offerings. We changed our aisle configuration to decrease travel time. We
implemented a new system to locate our product which reduced search time. We configured our
layout of products so that the best sellers are on the floor which lowers our pick times. We even
implemented a new hand–held scanner technology to reduce our pick errors.
With our new order picking system we were trying to increase production. During our planning of
the system, we never took into account how the human factor would affect our productivity. We
designed it to maximize our efficiency, increase pick rates, lower pick errors and be user friendly.
We did not take into account how our employee's learning curve, acceptance, and engagement
would affect the system. We realized that the system was still manual and that human error would be
a factor, but we did not fully consider the human factor in designing the system.
Should human factors, which are traditionally overlooked, be more highly considered when
designing an order picking system to optimize productivity and reduce inefficiencies in a warehouse
setting? This question was reached with the help of the following PICOC:
Population Employees that pick orders
Intervention Impact of human factors on order picking
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Factors That Affect The Human Body
The term lipid refers to a broad category of molecules, which serve a wide range of purposes in
nature. Lipids tend to be hydrophobic in nature but there are also lipids that are amphiphilic as well.
It is this characteristic that allows these group of structures to serve a range of functions. In the
human body there some important lipids include glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, and sterols,
and sphingolipids. Glycolipids are important as they serve as the body's way of storing energy.
Glycerphospholipids are important as they make up the structure of cell membranes.1 Sterols are
important because they are necessary for membrane rigidity and used as hormones and means of
signaling in the body. Sphingolipids, particularly Sphingomyelin are another group of lipids that
serve an important part of cells structure as they are found in plasma membranes of myelin sheaths.1
With this in mind, lipids are regulated and errors in the mechanism of storage and degradation can
have a negative effect on the body. Various pathways that help build, store and breakdown the
different lipids are regulated through enzymatic activity. When these enzymes are altered or
deficient, various problems can develop and lead to serious diseases. Lysosomal Storage Diseases
are one of the main disease states associated with lipid storage malfunctions, as there are various
enzymes that are involved in lysosomal degradation pathway.1 In this specific pathway, the loss of
function through mutation or
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A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in...
I. Introduction Since the dawn of the aviation era, cockpit design has become increasingly
complicated owing to the advent of new technologies enabling aircraft to fly farther and faster more
efficiently than ever before. With greater workloads imposed on pilots as fleets modernize, the
reality of he or she exceeding the workload limit has become manifest. Because of the unpredictable
nature of man, this problem is impossible to eliminate completely.
However, the instances of occurrence can be drastically reduced by examining the nature of man,
how he operates in the cockpit, and what must be done by engineers to design a system in which
man and machine are ideally interfaced.
The latter point involves an in–depth analysis ... Show more content on ...
Several safety violations were observed because of this, none of which were fatal (Fitts, 20–21).
Shortly after World War II, aircraft cockpits were standardized to the ' six–pack' configuration. This
was a collection of the six critical flight instruments arranged in two rows of three directly in front
of the pilot. In clockwise order from the upper left, they were the airspeed indicator, artificial
horizon, altimeter, turn coordinator, heading indicator and vertical speed indicator. This arrangement
of instruments provided easy transition training for pilots going from one aircraft to another. In
addition, instrument scanning was enhanced, because the instruments were strategically placed so
the pilot could reference each instrument against the artificial horizon in a hub and spoke method
(Fitts, 26–30). Since then, the bulk of human interfacing with cockpit development has been largely
due to technological achievements. The dramatic increase in the complexity of aircraft after the
dawn of the jet age brought with it a greater need than ever for automation that exceeded a simple
autopilot. Human factors studies in other industries, and within the military paved the way for some
of the most recent technological innovations such as the glass cockpit, Heads Up
Display (HUD), and other advanced panel displays. Although these systems are on the cutting edge
of technology, they too are
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Human Factors Of Starbucks.
Elesia Stubblefield
Human factors final
June, 22, 2017
Human Factors of Starbucks Starbucks is a american coffee company or coffeehouse chain and was
founded in Seattle Washington in 1971 by English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl,
and writer Gordon Bowker("Starbucks." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 June 2017. Web. 23
June 2017). The company became so popular they now how stores all over the world.
Starbucks at 1223 SW Wanamaker Road, 400 Topeka 66604 is part of a large shopping area and has
15 employees; additionally it is right next to Sports Clips and Check n Go. Starbucks is well known
for its coffee but that is not all they sell, all stores have a wide variety of baked goods, black coffee,
black tea, ... Show more content on ...
The lighting inside is mostly natural light, in the entrance there are three big five big windows which
surround most the seating area which make it pretty bright inside especially with all of the lights
inside that are on at all times. The environment in his building is very calm, there are few
conversations going on, generally people are there working, not very many people come to hang out
in this space. The acoustics in this building are horrible in my opinion and it needs to be fixed. With
the noises from the coffee makers, loud music playing throughout the store and people having
conversations the only thing they have to help with the acoustics of the place are acoustic ceiling
The owner was drawn to this location because it was close it was to the highway and that it was in
the middle of a the biggest shopping area in topeka and it is only about a fifteen minute drive from
both sides of town which is convenient for those who live here. The location of this store also has
some drawbacks, since it is in the middle of a big shopping area they are always busy and having a
drive through just makes the job that much harder. Which is the result of one of their future goals for
this business or space. Many customers complain about the wait in the drive through and the work
area for the employees is the problem. The work area for the employees is in a L shape which can
get very crowded and make it hard for the employees to get orders out
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Environmental Factors of Human Growth
Environmental Factors
You often hear the word environment, but do you stop to think what it really means, what it
contains, and how it affects you? The actual definition of environment is the circumstances, objects,
or conditions by which one is surrounded (Merriam–Webster dictionary). Your environment greatly
impacts the way you are as a human being. Each and every one of your life experiences are
influenced by your environment. Your environment determines if or how your potential to develop is
reached. Family, friends, home, school, etc. are all components of your environment. By reading
further, you will witness these factors that affect your personal growth and development being
explored and discussed.
FAMILY When children are very ... Show more content on ...
Your culture and heritage usually help determine many decisions you make in your future. For
example, most of the friends you make and keep will probably be of the same heritage and culture
you come from. The places you go, like church, celebrations, festivities, etc. are determined by your
cultural background. Multicultural influences can altar your relationships with family members as
well as impact your values and expectations for your future family. Odds are, if or when you have
children you will transfer those same beliefs and traditions that you are used to to them.
SCHOOL A quality school environment provides a setting that encourages students to learn and
grow. After school activities can provide chances for students to interact with others in clubs or
sports. Class curriculum offers courses that stimulate students' intellectual growth. Teachers in a
quality school environment encourage students by helping them find areas in which they succeed.
Teachers also help students find areas in which they need to improve. By doing so, they help
students know what decisions to make regarding how to get the most efficient education for them
and how they learn best, especially when they get to college. PEERS By interacting with your peers
you can make judgements about how you look because you begin to compare your appearance to
theirs; how important you are because you compare how much attention they get with how much
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Huma Human Factors Or Ergonomics
Introduction When we think of user experience we think of it as how a person interacts with a
product but in fact it we should think deeper about how and why a product makes us feel the way it
does. User experience can be defined as 'the overall experience of a person using a product such as a
website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use'. For a
company user experience is at the forefront in why a product is being designed and manufacture in
such a way. In order to produce an exemplary user experience you must meet the exact needs of the
customer. For a company to achieve this with a product they have to give the customer much more
than simply what they were looking for. A product can achieve a high quality user experience by
compiling the multiple factors that contribute to a person's user experience; marketing, design,
display and engineering. ... Show more content on ...
For this you have to take into consideration the human body and how we interact with a product. We
are surrounded by things were designed and made to make life as simple as possible yet when we
look at these items we still find flaws. When we take into consideration human factors when
designing we look at all aspects of the population such as size, age, strength, manoeuvrability,
shapes and other characteristics that affect different people when they come into contact with a
product. Applying Ergonomic principles and research to a product can greatly change a person's
views. The first initial moment when a person touches a product and interacts with it are crucial to
whether they will like it or not. Human factors is therefore a huge consideration for all designers
when trying to design a
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Security Issues With Automated And Connected Vehicle...
Whether this model is a fact will be tested as these technologies begin to expand. But once these
technologies are fully implemented, we will be able to more easily collect data and use it to
minimize the error. Therefore, making models in the future more accurate and reflective of driver
behavior. Through better modeling from data obtained from automates vehicles, engineers can be
more efficient with their use of materials and will have a more efficient traffic operation.
Security issues with Automated and Connected Vehicles Figure 8 (Nichols)
The above picture might be funny to some commuters. However, this exposes a big threat to our
systems in both automated and connected vehicles. There are threats to hacking from trolls and bad
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Meaning, they can actively monitor the system, or be deployed into the networks only when a
breach has been detected. But, ultimately the integrity of their information and data must be
maintained. In addition, there have recently been many Denial of Service (DoS) attacks targeting
corporations around the world. It's possible that hackers could trick the system overloading it with
data and requests, causing the system to fail.
Given that the Electronic Control System is the brain in automated and connected vehicles, security
of the system is a necessity. But an additional concern is securely locating where the car is in
relation to the roadway and other vehicles. While GPS is widely used, there is work to utilize a more
accurate technology. Some consider RFID to be the answer. Accuracy is critical in connected
vehicles and critical V2V technologies like Crash avoidance, which is already being used by
manufacturers like Mercedes Benz. These include advanced radar sensors that can detect other
vehicles or variations in driver behavior that could be related to drowsiness (Safety). The origins of
RFID come from the British during WW2 who developed a system to identify whether approaching
planes were the enemy or allies. The frequency is sent to a transponder through which the frequency
is identified with the location of the car (RFID Journal). The data being sent must use the latest
encryption technologies and remain updated in order
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Human Factors Report
.................................................................................................... 3 VISUAL SENSORY SYSTEM
..................................................................................... 4 AUDITORY, TACTILE AND
VESTIBULAR SYSTEM...................................................... 6
COGNITION........................................................................................................... 8 DECISION
MAKING................................................................................................ 9 DISPLAYS AND
CONTROLS................................................................................... 10 ANTHROPOMETRY AND
WORKSPACE DESIGN ..................................................... 11 By Harry Smart – 7233663 Human
Factors – MEE40005 INTRODUCTION The task at hand is to analyse a human–machine system.
Topics such as; visual sensory systems, auditory, tactile and vestibular systems, cognition, decision
making, displays and controls, and anthropometry and workspace design will be explored. The aim
of this project is to show understanding of human factors by applying them to a human–machine
system. For this report a human–machine system had to be chosen to analyse. The chosen product is
a mobile phone, more specifically a Nokia 6220 (as pictured below). This product is relevant to this
project because it encompasses many of the different topics that will be considered and when
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  • 1. Essay On Reliability Of Visualization Tools 4.2 Reliability of visualization tools Human factors study to evaluate a new interactive data integration platform for pediatric intensive care called T3 that was conducted to identify interface usability issues, to measure ease of use, and to describe interface features that may enable or hinder clinical tasks [2 cite the reference not number]. The key finding highlighted the low level of reliability placed by clinicians on data representations since they did not know how they were established or derived. The study concluded that usability issues, observed through contextual use, could lead to improvements in design of data integration software. 4.3 Cognitive overload An area where there is a lack of understanding on patient safety ... Show more content on ... Bioinformatics involves complex data visualization techniques that are technologically advanced and therefore prone to cognitive overload. The study conducted to review current human factors research in interaction, usability and visualization within bioinformatics, concluded that human factors play a significant role in designing and evaluating information visualization tools. Perception of bioinformatics tools by users goes a long way in influencing their understanding of the complex data as well as the perceived usability and accessibility of these systems [3 cite the reference not number]. According to [10 cite the reference not number] cognitive overload has also been identified as an EMR usability problem in evaluations conducted as part of some other studies. For example, Rose et al. (2005) suggested that when the amount of information presented in an interface increases, user attention is divided, as in multiple–task performances, the probability of errors increases. Minimization of cognitive load has been highlighted in a literature review of usability and safety in the electronic medical records interface design. As per [1 cite the reference not number] cognitive overload was often associated with responses of confusion and uncertainty, especially when participants had multiple visual cues to focus on in the visual displays. Additionally [2 cite the reference not number] research has shown that poorly designed technologies ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Study Of The Navy Leaders Guide Mobile Application Summary The Benchmarking Quarterly Report provides the results of the Technology Enhancement Center's (TEC) most recent benchmark study that evaluates the user experience and usability of T2 products. This report reviews the benchmark study of the Navy Leaders Guide mobile application. During the 3rd quarter of 2015, TEC conducted a pilot benchmark study comprised of attitudinal and behavioral methods used to evaluate user satisfaction and performance of the Navy Leaders Guide mobile application. Although 15 elected to participate in the study, only 10 participants completed the full evaluation consisting of the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) (Chin, et al 1988) and a think aloud task analysis (Ericsson, et al 1980). Based on data provided solely by the QUIS, the overall mean is 7.75 (Very Good). Introduction TEC benchmark studies measure the current user experience and usability of T2 and T2/VA co– branded products such as Navy Leaders Guide and to provide a baseline against similar products and/or future T2 product versions. Benchmarking against similar products is useful for identifying the strengths and weakness in user experience and usability for future growth, and benchmarking earlier versions against newer versions of a product shows user experience and usability improvement over time. This benchmark study was a pilot designed to evaluate the T2/VA co–branded product Navy Leaders Guide using attitudinal and behavioral ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Jean Bowman Ehr First off, it was really amazing to see all the different types of errors that can occur while using an EHR. Quite frankly, I found both articles extremely interesting and educational. In the first article, Bowman states that one problem that can occur while using an EHR has to do with the software system itself. She explains how software systems can have flaws that put the patient's information in jeopardy because these systems can be acquire bugs and viruses which causes the patient's information to be lost and/or deleted (Bowman, 2013). Other problems derived from EHR's are due to the lack of user friendly features which make interfaces difficult to use. These type of issues can mislead the user to enter wrong patient data into the system ... Show more content on ... This company was developed to search and correct potential medical errors that occur in the medical field setting when using interactive systems. A human factor engineer is trained to study the medical activities that are involved in medical setting along with its "physical and skilled demands, mental workload, team dynamics, aspects of work environment, and device design required to complete the task" (PSNet, 2016). Human factors engineers focus their attention on studying how well and efficiently interactive systems perform in actual practice and develop new and innovative tools and formats which can reduce medical errors. Some of the tools that human factors engineers use to reduce errors are usability testing, forcing functions, standardizations, and resiliency efforts (PSNet, ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Human Factor in Ship Design 1. Introduction: The Human Factor in Ship Design It is essential to take into account the human factor when designing complicated and large–scale equipment such as ships. The importance of this is demonstrated when the human factor is investigated in terms of marine disasters and casualties. According to Bin Yaakob and Nee (2003, p. 1), the human element accounts for as much as 80% of all marine catastrophes and casualties. This is why entities such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Bureau Veritas (2008) have made it their mission to investigate and address the human factor in ship design. There are two components to investigating and addressing human factors in ship design. First, the challenges seafarers currently face in terms of their work environment and the influence of this on their job performance need to be evaluated. Second, these can be used to determine the design elements necessary to create an optimal environment to encourage optimal job performance for seafaring personnel. Calhoun (2006, p. 2), for example, mentions air quality and ventilation, temperature, noise, and vibration as specific enviornmental aspects that have affected the quality of environment and work performance of seafaring personnel. Other factors include the amount and quality of sleep that is possible for such personnel, as well as the quality of lighting in their environment. A major important consideration is that these factors generally integrate and should be ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. A Product's Usability Achieves Effectiveness, Efficiency,... Usability is an important concept in human factors. ISO defines usability as the extent in which a product can be used to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. Technology should have an aspect of usability and user friendliness especially in a clinical context, so that it can reduce cases of medical errors. An information system comprises of various elements, among them is users who should have a clear understanding of their functions. Usability as a concept increases productivity and it will reduce costs of training and support. It reduces cases of errors as it reduces time involved when using the system (Bevan, 2009) There are three usability themes; effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Effectiveness refers to the ability of the system to do what its users require. There are different users in a clinical environment that perform different activities with the system; hence an effective system should have the ability to satisfy multiple users. Efficiency as a theme covers the ability of the technology to complete the task in the intended time. Technology should be able to reduce the time used in completing a task. Lastly, the theme of satisfaction is about the notion by users that the information system is easy to use. For proper use of technology, users should easily associate with it. Users should be familiar with the technology and they should have a good attitude towards it. Usability themes are affected by ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Taking a Look at Mental Workload Mental workload (MWL) has been described as a hypothetical construct that is widely used in studies of human factors and various measurement techniques to evaluate equipment and work systems in terms of the workload experienced by people using them (Gopher, D. and Donchin, E. (1986)). It has been identified that by optimizing the allocations of MWL to individual, human errors can be reduced and lead to increase in system productivity (Xie and Salvendy, 2000, Moray, 1988, Gopher and Donchin, 1986). Over the years extensive researches have been conducted to search for definition of MWL but none of these were widely accepted or quantitatively verified. The most common definition for MWL is as a function of internal capacity that reflects the interaction between attending task demands and capacity imposed on the operator. Capacity is determined by operator's skill, training and influenced by internal factors like stress and fatigue; whereas task demand is identified by number of tasks to perform, task complexity and structure, amount of attention required and time available (Bainbride 1997, Xie and Salvendy 2000). In addition, MWL was described in term of experience load, which indicated that workload is not only task–specific but also person–specific and depends on the interaction between operator and task structure (Schvaneveldt et al, 2004). Following this concept, factors of experience like motivation and effort to perform a task or working difficulty and discomfort would ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Ergonomics : A Human Factor Ergonomics is a human factor with the application of scientific information concerning objects, systems and environment for human use. The field of ergonomics is an applied science that also studies the effects of fatigue and discomfort on the body and designs protective equipment to keep operators safe and efficient. Ergonomics focuses on people, the single largest and most valuable asset of any organization. Regardless of appearances, people are different from one another. Ergonomics recognizes and strives to accommodate individual differences in everything from size to skills, from work styles to habits. Good ergonomics improve performance and productivity. Comprehensive ergonomics means looking at the total workplace from task ... Show more content on ... Employee exposure to work related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) from ergonomic stressors that have not been effectively identified and addressed in a facilities safety and health program. Patient handling and movement tasks are physically demanding, generally performed under critical conditions and often unpredictable in nature. Patients offer multiple challenges including variations in size, physical disabilities, cognitive function, level of cooperation and fluctuations in condition. As a given weight to be lifted, they are awkward packages, lack even weight distribution and have been known to become combative during the lift process. Many patients/residents, especially nursing home residents, are totally dependent on staff members to provide activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, feeding, and toileting. Each of these activities involves multiple interactions with handling or transferring of patients/residents and could result in employee injuries. Employee injuries lead to increased injury costs, higher turnover rates, increased sick/injured days, and staffing shortages. OSHA 's OSH Act of 1970 strives to "assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women..." and mandates that "each employer shall furnish to each of his/her employers employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his/her employees." (Osha, 2015) OSHA ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in... A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Modern Flight Deck Design I. Introduction Since the dawn of the aviation era, cockpit design has become increasingly complicated owing to the advent of new technologies enabling aircraft to fly farther and faster more efficiently than ever before. With greater workloads imposed on pilots as fleets modernize, the reality of he or she exceeding the workload limit has become manifest. Because of the unpredictable nature of man, this problem is impossible to eliminate completely. However, the instances of occurrence can be drastically reduced by examining the nature of man, how he operates in the cockpit, and what must be done by engineers to design a system in which man and ... Show more content on ... They will be discussed in further detail in another chapter (Hawkins, 249–54). III. System Design A design team should support the concept that the pilot's interface with the system, including task needs, decision needs, feedback requirements, and responsibilities, must be primary considerations for defining the system's functions and logic, as opposed to the system concept coming first and the user interface coming later, after the system's functionality is fully defined. There are numerous examples where application of human–centered design principles and processes could be better applied to improve the design process and final product. Although manufacturers utilize human factors specialists to varying degrees, they are typically brought into the design effort in limited roles or late in the process, after the operational and functional requirements have been defined (Sanders & McCormick, 727–8). When joining the design process late, the ability of the human factors specialist to influence the final design and facilitate incorporation of human–centered design principles is severely compromised. Human factors should be considered on par with other disciplines involved in the design process. The design process can be seen as a six–step process; determining the objectives and performance specifications, defining the system, basic system design, interface design, facilitator design, and testing and evaluation of the system. This model ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Taking a Look at Human Factors Human factors Human factors are an accumulation of human performance and behaviour. Normally it is viewed in a negative aspect, although it can also be very positive, such as flexibility. Human factors is very complex, that is why there are many types of model to describe human factors. One of these models is the "SCHELL model", this model is used by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). What this means is that the model gives an idea of the overview of human factors. The SCHELL stands for: S = software (procedures, policy and other aspects of work design) C = Culture (organisational and cultural influencing interactions) H = Hardware (equipment, tools and other technology) E = Environment (environmental aspects in which work occurs) L = Liveware (human aspects of work) L = Liveware (the communication between co–workers at work) This model puts an emphasis how depended each individual behaviour or action is for how the system is shaped. Any failures and/or mishap between the components can lead to chaotic situations. As a military organisation or as an approved organisation, regular human factors skill based training programs must be offered. Also know as Maintenance Error Management (MEM) for maintenance personnel. The training should be based on providing safety critical staff with non–technical skills to manage consequences and prevention of human errors. This is to emphasise that making errors is normal and expected however the consequences are just as ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Importance Of Human Factors In Aviation Introduction Human factors is the study of Human behaviour that has roughly been around for 2000 years. The study is based on how Humans behave physically and psychologically. In Aviation, human factors have been applied since the last 70 years. The definition of human factors from the point of aviation, means the same but in respect to the ergonomics of technology and the flight crew, within the aircraft. The information is then converted into training, procedures and systemizing routines of the flight crew simply in order for the safety and for the wellbeing of the crew and the society. Crew health and lifestyle is essential when it comes to the wellbeing and the performance is vital to its limitations, throughout the journey of the aircraft. When spoken about the word safety, it is often associated about how boring or repetitive it is in the modern world yet the Aviation industry. Safety is the freedom from any dangers. It is a word that people should take seriously and should be a preaching word to change any ill practises. In the world of Aviation where mishaps would occur at any given moment, the educated personnel are taught not to ever rely on luck, when it comes to safety. It all comes down to the welfare of the individual, the welfare of the company that associates with the individual and the family of the individual. That is the reason why safety is so critical and is one of the very first things that is taught in every class, job or even at home. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Aesthetic Role of Omnichannel This paper examines the role of aesthetics in omnichannel user experience by surveying existing research done in the fields of design, human–computer interaction (HCI), informatics, and cognitive psychology. Aesthetics are one of many important factors in HCI and research shows that aesthetics can significantly affect perception, cognition, and usability for computer systems, websites, and user interfaces. First, the paper identifies the components of aesthetics and their role in user experience and user interface (UX/UI) design, then examines relevant research in the domain, and finally looks at the implications of aesthetics in designing for the rapidly expanding world of experience design, referred to as the cross–channel, multi–modal, or omnichannel experience. Ultimately, this paper seeks to demonstrate how visual aesthetics can enhance or detract from brand perception, perceived or real system usability, cognitive load, and the overall user experience. Keywords: User Interface, Aesthetics, User Experience, Omnichannel The Role of Aesthetics in OmniChannel User Experience Design Aesthetics and their role in experience design have been thoroughly researched in the disciplines of human factors, cognitive psychology, informatics, and design. Numerous studies examined in this paper will demonstrate how aesthetics can dramatically affect user response to the perceived credibility and usability of products and systems (David, Glore, 2001). The importance of ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Human Performance And Commercial Aircraft Accidents Human error has been acknowledged as a main contributor to more than 70 percent of commercial and private aircraft accidents. While characteristically connected with flight procedures, human error has also recently become a main concern in maintenance practices and air traffic management. Human factors specialists work with engineers, pilots, and mechanics to apply the latest information about the interface between human performance and commercial aircraft to help operators develop safety and efficiency in their daily operations. About 80 percent of maintenance errors comprise of human factors, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. The maintenance realm has exceptional human factors matters that are more severe and longer lasting than elsewhere in aviation. Operators are considering numerous procedures to combat human factors challenges. Human factors are endless catchphrases in maintenance operations. Although human factors maintenance training is not strictly required in the U.S., many U.S. maintenance organizations have accepted it because they see regulation in the near future, want to conform to the regulations elsewhere or merely accept the business example. Why are human conditions, such as fatigue, complacency and distraction, so important? As one expert put it, if you scratch the surface of a maintenance incident, you're likely to find human factors concerns. About 80 percent of maintenance mistakes involve human factors, according to Bill Johnson, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Factors Affecting The Human Capacity Introduction: The experiment involves test subjects with different heights blowing into same elasticity balloons in one breath to discover if there are any correlations between human's vital capacity and height. This experiment is categorized as biology as vital capacity is due to lungs and lungs are organs in a human body. Vital capacity is the amount of air that can be forcibly expelled from the lungs after breathing in as deeply as possible. The vital capacity is about 4,800 mL (4.8L) for an average human, which is the total amount of air that can be expired after fully inhaling. The vital capacity is= approximately 80 percent of total lung capacity. = Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume The total lung capacity (TLC) is the volume of air contained in the lungs after maximal inspiration plus residual volume and for an average male is around 6000ml (6L). To remain a fair test, many factors could affect one's vital capacity. Pregnancy for woman would decreases her vital capacity as during pregnancy the diaphragm is compressed by the uterus, which decreases total lung capacity. Pulmonary diseases such as asthma, Bronchitis, Common Cold, Lung cancer and other diseases can also affect vital capacity. Asthma restricts the airway allowing less air to pass through to their lungs which unable their lungs to stretch as much. Previous researches has shown woodwind and digeridoo players have larger lung capacity due to their experience and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Human Factor of Global Warming The Human Factor of Global Warming The Human Factor of Global Warming Global warming has been a growing concern for many over the last several decades. The effects of global warming are evident and broad, with historical research dating the first global warming crisis back 56 million years ago, better known as the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, or PETM (Jardine, 2011). Research from the composition of sediments of fossils shells of marine organisms conclude that carbon dioxide trapped within our atmosphere, increased global temperatures by more than 5 degrees in just a few thousand years (Jardine, 2011). While global warming may not be in question, many scientists have questioned the actual global warming effect theory due to ... Show more content on ... * While humans might not be solely to blame for global warming, we definitely have a major role. Most are familiar with the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) as a major contributor to the overall C02, although, just as equally important is that of deforestation. It was realized that "conversions of land use, primarily deforestation in the tropics, induce substantial terrestrial carbon losses to the atmosphere, approximately 1.6 billion tons annually" (Broadmeadow, Freer–Smith, & J. Lynch, 2007). While the cause of deforestation varies in different regions, the key contributors are cutting down tree to open up more land for agriculture, urban sprawl (Turk & Bensel, 2011). Forests work like filters to remove CO2 from the air and store it in the trees. When the trees are felled or burned, huge amounts of CO2 are released into the atmosphere at a rapid pace. Urban Sprawl, a result of deforestation releases significant amounts of green house gases such as CO2. Not only do you have carbon dioxide being release from burning or cutting of forests, it is coupled by urban sprawl. It just so happens one of the effects of urban sprawl is that "Concrete production contributes 5 percent of annual anthropogenic global CO2 production, mainly because such vast ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Human Factors in Aviation JAR 66 Module 9Exam Practice Exam Module 9 This is exam number 1. 1. Accidents and engineering faults are a) insignificant and increasing b)insignificant and decreasing c) significant and increasing Answer:c 2. Information on drugs and alcohol can be found in a) AWN 3 b)AWN 47 c) BCARs Answer:b 3. 70 – 80% of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by the a) iris b)lens c) cornea Answer:c 4. At what distance should a person without hearing difficulties be able to hear an average conversational voice in a quiet room a) 1 metre (3 feet) b)2 metres (6 feet) c) 3 metres (9 feet Answer:b 5. If you have been prescribed new medicine by your doctor you should a) continue with your normal shift pattern ... Show more content on ... When someone is working in an enclosed space (such a fuel tank), another person should be outside the space in constant communication to a) ensure compliance with the maintenance manual
  • 30. b)provide instructions to the tradesman c) for safety reasons Answer:c 4. An engineer who has developed his own way of performing a task a) is in regular violation b)should be commended for his resourcefulness c) is improving maintenance efficiency Answer:a 5. The circadian cycle body temperature a) varies by 1.5oF b)varies by 1.5oC c) does not vary Answer:a 6. The aim of human factors programs within an organizations is a) to reduce costs by increasing efficiency, safety and quality and decreasing waste through human error b)to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to improving safety, efficiency and well–being c) to safeguard the health and safety of maintenance personnel by reducing accidents in the workplace Answer:b 7. The scientific study of measurements of the human body is known as a) anthropometrics b)ergonomics c) physiology Answer:a 8. The SHEL model of human factors takes into account a) Software, hardware, efficiency and liveware b)Software, hardware, environment and liveware c) Software, hardware, environment and location Answer:b 9. How long can the aural reflex ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Research Paper On Ergonomics 1. Introduction Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to design tools and equipment for optimizing the interface between humans and systems [1]. Ergonomics is also known as the process of understanding and improving human communications with types of products, equipment, environments, and systems. Ergonomics principles are used to improve the "fit" between the worker and the workplace. Targets for ergonomics improvement are divided into two broad categories which are physical issues, such as reaches and exertion, and cognitive issues, such as mental overload and confusing displays [2]. Many theories, principles, methods, and data relevant to the workstation design have been generated through ergonomics research over the years. Poor workstation design can lead to fatigued, frustrated, and hurting workers [3]. As a result, the productivity of the product and quality will decrease [4]. Often in an industry, the workstation is designed in an arbitrary manner [1], giving little consideration to the anthropometric measurements of the anticipated user. Small changes in workstation dimension can have a considerable impact on worker productivity, and occupational health and safety. Inadequate posture from an improperly designed workstation causes static muscle efforts and then eventually resulting in acute ... Show more content on ... VMI refers to the simple examination of a component for detects using the human eyes and is aided by artificial tools. VMI is usually used because it is simple, easy to apply and quickly carried out, but good eyesight, concentration and also illumination. However, TT Electronic Sdn Bhd, which located in Kuantan, Malaysia has some problem with VMI. At VMI, the major problem that occurred is an inappropriate workspace that can increase fatigue to the workers, especially on the chin ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Human Factors Of Walmart Walmart: The Human Factor The employees' welfare in Walmart is poor. According to the two employees interviewed, Walmart has been forcing its employees to work through meals without extra pay. Employees are also forced to work long hours without extra pay. This has contributed to regular employees strikes due to their unpaid overtime dues and low wages (Mitchell, 2015). Another human behavior facing Walmart is lack of appropriate measures to ensure employees' safety. The employees interviewed indicated they are locked in stores during evening hours, and any attempt to use emergency exits is punishable. This is a sign of poor management of employees and may lead to low motivation as they feel less valued by their employer. The leaders in the firm indicate that the lock–in policy is meant to prevent employees from stealing goods from the firm. This shows that the relationship between the administrators and the employees is poor. This may explain why customers complain of poor customer service in the stores. The other human behavior problem in Walmart is poor employees training. The employees indicated that they are not exposed to the necessary training before they are employed in Walmart. This leads to difficulty in carrying out their duties leading to poor customer service. There is also a problem in the way the organization rewards its employees. It is only managers and the senior officials in the organization who enjoy performance incentives. Junior employees are not given ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Human factors and cyber policy TA#2 Human Factors and Cyber Policy CSEC 620 April 27,2013 Table of Content IntroductionCopyright, threats and ownership of intellectual property –Important Security Issues –Recommended Policy Controls –How/Why Human Factors Influence Policy Meta–Data collected and used by the Private sector and Public sector –Important Security Issues –Recommended Policy Controls –How/Why Human Factors Influence Policy Zero Day Exploits employed for economic or military advantage –Important Security Issues –Recommended Policy Controls –How/Why Human Factors Influence Policy Vulnerability assessments for Mobile Devices in the BYOD environment –Important Security Issues –Recommended Policy Controls –How/Why Human Factors ... Show more content on ... Ulrich Schwantz (Rideout, 2011). The argument was that Artur83 created an independent file after viewing a photo of the completed product – he did not modify an existing file – and that the complaint was unclear if Dr. Schwantz was trying to say the Penrose triangle, a concept published in 1958, was his intellectual property (Rideout, 2011). Ultimately, Dr. Schwantz dropped the DMCA, but it still serves as a precedence for the debate between original and similarity. If corporations are to crack down on copyright infringements, be it blatantly copying direct design or limiting creativity and inhibiting innovation, then they will need to lobby Congress to change laws. With respect to 3–D printing, however, the current laws are good enough. While the 3–D files are CAD files, categorized as pictorial, graphic, and scultptural works that can be protected by copyright, they are excluded from copyright if the file has an intrinsic utilitarian function other than portraying either appearance or conveying information (Rideout, 2011). While each file can be independently reviewed to assess if an original file is copyrighted, it would be an arduous task that would not be fiscally responsible for a company to pursue every similar design. Additionally, current
  • 37. patent laws are applicable to complete and assembled products; creating replacement parts is currently legal and allowable (Thompson, 2012). If any of this is ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Importance Of Human Factor In Health Human factor explores the potential and limitation of an individual in their workplace to ensure safety, effectiveness and quality. Human factor or ergonomics plays a vital role to control patient safety and quality in the intensive care unit (ICU) as it contributes to adverse events. By acknowledging human factor and its impact on quality and safety in health care, nurses along with other health care professionals will be able to create a safer environment for practice and a productive workforce. This paper intends to identify human factor in health care and establish their correlation with quality and patient safety. To begin with, this paper has divided human factor into physical, cognitive and organizational and examines their relationship to quality and patient safety in intensive care unit. In the intensive care unit, every plan and action of all the health care team such as doctors, nurses, nursing supervisor, anesthesiologist and interns can be a factor to determine a life or death situation, as all the patient are in a critical and physically vulnerable condition. It is very crucial to take factor that influence patient safety and quality of care into consideration, especially human factor and ergonomics in order to have better patient outcome and improve recovery; clinicians, leaders and management should be able to acknowledge this (Carayon et al., 2013; Gurses et al.,2012b; Institute of Medicine, 2012). Firstly, the physical human factor and ergonomics include ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Graham Greene's The Human Factor and Kazuo Ishiguro's The... The twentieth century is the century with the greatest loss of human life in the history of civilization. It was a time of mistrust and espionage. To be loyal is defined as "faithful to one's oath, commitments, or obligations" (OED). Some loyalties are bought, while others are earned. Earned loyalty tends to last while loyalty that is bought tends to fade. Two books, The Human Factor by Graham Greene and The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro show this difference. While both characters demonstrate external loyalty, Stevens' loyalty was purchased, and Castle's was earned. Castle's genuine loyalty allows him to risk his life, while Stevens' loyalty is only compliance. Stevens, in The Remains of the Day, lives only to serve. ... Show more content on ... He uses "fullfilled", even though he is not really doing anything to accomplish the tasks. He sees this man as everything that matters. Even after doing all he can in service he still believes that will not be enough. He has to live through someone else. However, there is a deeper reason why he gives such allegiance: his loyalties must be deeper. Stevens' true loyalty is to the idea of being a butler. He spends much of his life debating with himself about what makes a great butler. He has dedicated his life heavily to that idea. He does everything in his power to achieve being an ideal butler. These ideals are rooted so deep in his brain, there is no way around it. It is as if he has built a dam in his mind, and all emotions are kept out. Occasionally, some cracks in the wall let hints of emotion leak through, but they are always quickly plugged back up. This dam is so efficient, that he does not even realize it is there. He cannot understand that he has real emotions. There is no real him within his job, being a butler has become his identity. He believes, "It is important that one be attired at such times in a manner worthy of one's position" (Ishiguro 11). For that is what he knows people to be: their positions. For Stevens to dress in a way that goes against his position is against his beliefs. He lives a life trying to constantly figure out, "What was required of of me on... occasions" (Ishiguro 15). He uses words like required, but never ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Accident Report Involving Human Errors NTSB Accident Report Involving Human Errors Abstract The American Airlines Flight 1420 fatal accident is reported as a runway overrun accident. The NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) investigated the accident on what would result in the accident. This work's basic objective is to put emphasis on the human aspects that resulted in the accident by applying the Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFCAS). It also incorporates the Swiss Chess approach to link the series of events that eventually became the set of events that triggered the accident. NTSB applied the HFCAS in the analysis of the human factors in the flight, and it was enlightening to see that it proved on how the fatal even occurred. The HFACS synergized with the Swiss Chess illustrates the manner in which one occurrence resonates to the other. Also, the model revealed that the resources and regulations of the company after inadequate monitoring, combined with the prevalent weather conditions and fatigued flight crew instigated unsafe actions. This includes wrong judgment and errors that took place before and during the landing of the airplane. Introduction The American Airlines Flight 1420 was on its way to Little Rock National Airport on the 1st June 1999. The pilot of the airplane was regarded as an experienced one. NTSB (2001) reports that the aircraft used in the flight is a McDonnell Douglas DC–9–82 (MD–82). The flight was scheduled to touchdown at 11:50 P.M. and had an on ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Future of Human Factors in Aviation The Future of Human Factors in Aviation The International Ergonomics Association (2000) defines human factors: The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and other methods to design in order to optimize human well–being and overall system performance. The science of human factors in aviation has a come along way since the days of the Wright brothers in 1913 but it did not actually start with them. According to Dr. Bill Johnson, Chief Scientist at the Federal Aviation Administration, human factors "dates back to the 1600s when Leonardo da Vinci drew the Vitruvian Man, with all the anthropometric measures, [when] he was trying to decide if a human was strong enough to propel an aircraft" (FAA, 2012). Long after the work of da Vinci, human factors has brought advancements to aircraft design while creating a greater understanding of the human role in mishaps. Brief History of Human Factors Long after Leonardo da Vinci, human factors research originated with aviation (Salas et al., 2010). Once the pioneers of aviation began taking to the air, the quest for safety and efficiency began with an ever–increasing fervor. Aviation accidents have long been viewed as spectacular and with the spectacle of an accident comes the public outcry over safety. While not all human factors research deals with accidents, the majority of money put into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Human Intelligence Factors Operational variables include the political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and time (PMESII–PT) conditions within any given location. The conditions and circumstances present in Colombia effect our human intelligence response. Political Condition. The FARC previously contributed $100,000 to the campaign of Ecuador President Rafael Correa (Crandall, 2011, p. 236). The return for that investment is unknown, but the FARC built encampments on the Ecuadorian side of the border without concern for government intervention suggesting a mutual relationship. According to Gentry and Spencer (2010), several non–state groups, including the Irish Republican Army and undefined Arab groups in Europe, ... Show more content on ... The constitution reestablished three branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial; however, the entire Colombian government tends to lean towards right–wing ideologies (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). Effect. Obtaining seats in the legislature and being recognized as an official political party within Colombia provides the FARC with an opportunity to reach their goals without armed conflict. However, they established external relationships with entities that could potentially provide assistance should the FARC feel that the Colombian government failed to abide by any measure within the peace treaty. Unhappiness with progress, lack of results, and feelings that they compromised too much in the final treaty could lead the FARC away from peaceful conversations towards insurgency again. Response. HUMINT teams must conduct liaison operations with the Colombian government to obtain information regarding potential hostility and dissatisfaction of government progress. Contacts and relationships of FARC leadership and members should be mapped out to form a comprehensive understanding of the FARC political party. Source operations with the local populous should be conducted to evaluate the political climate and prevent an uprising. HUMINT teams should spot and assess for appropriate sources and continuously validate their source pool. Military Condition. The FARC wanted ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Human Factor Field The importance of the topic to research in the Human factor field According to approximations from the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, near 39 million people are blind in the world and unfortunately this number is increasing. In the United States, approximately 1.3 million blind people. Moreover, around 90% of the world's visually weakened people live in developing countries. Blind people need continuous assistance from other people, but not always someone is there to assist them. The only assisting friend they have is their white canes. However, today, most blind people use regular white canes with no or less high–tech features. Therefore, that problem attacks our concern to develop a smart white cane to assist blind people in doing their ... Show more content on ... There are a lot of stories of how blind people get injured when they run over something or navigate around a new environment. Therefore, optimizing the use of technology in disabled people's lives can help in decreasing numerous impediments that people with disabilities face. The main purpose of the project is to produce a design of a smart white cane that can sense objects or obstacles and send cautionary signals either by voice commands or vibration; and a GPS system that also gives voice commands for directions. In other words, the ultimate objective is to be able to walk around without being run over or getting lost. The reasons this topic important to a research in the human factor field are as follows: – The development decreases the dependence on other people and service dogs during walking – The design of the smart cane is considered a way of providing the sightless a sense of visualization – The development assists in reducing numerous barriers a person with a blindness faces – The implementation of the design can make great differences in the daily lives of blind ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Factors Of Human Resource Planning FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING In this assignment I'll be talking about Tesco's Human Resource requirements and planning, which is completely different from my previous assignments about Tesco as they were for a different unit which mostly looked at Tesco's annual numbers etc. I'll be describing the internal and external factors to consider when planning the human resource requirements of Tesco, and then describe how the skills that employees require to carry out jobs in Tesco are identified. Finally for the Merit task, I'll explain why human resource planning is important to Tesco. P1 INTERNAL FACTORS – Organisational Needs – Skills Requirements – Technological Changes Internal planning factors are those that relate to what is already happening inside the business. This includes how the organisation is changing to cope with new methods of working or new demands made on it, such as the introduction of technology or new products or services. It is also a way of considering the new skills that will be needed in the future and those that the existing staffs already have. The gap between the skills already present and those that are needed can be measured. Organisational Needs An Internal factor for Tesco to consider when planning the human resource requirements are their own needs. Tesco's workforce needs to be able to adapt to changes as they're constantly changing due to their business increasing all time as they're going into different markets such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Case Analysis: Calling 911 Essay examples 1. What human factors problems did you identify in the case study? The first human factors problem I identify is the sparking electric night–light. It is the cause of the fire and thus it is definitely had the design problem from the aspect of human factor. Next is the design of installation of steel security bars at each and every window. Although the design of the steel security bars is to protect the residents of the house, it has a fatal disadvantage which is limited the escape action of the residents. The case study proposed a solution to it which is panic hardware. However, the house only installed one set of panic hardware and this indicated another human factor problem that occurred in setting up the security system of the house. ... Show more content on ... This similarity of the street names is the main cause of delaying the response time of the fire dispatcher units. 2. What are the sources of the problems? In the case study, active failures and latent conditions are the main causes of the accident occurred. "Active failures are the acts or conditions precipitating the incident situation... usually involved the front–line staff" (Health and Safety Executive, 2014a, para. 1). The emergency response of front–line staffs is the main source of the problems stated above. The delaying of emergency rescue action caused by patching the call from the 911 operator to the fire dispatcher and also the searching for the actual address of the fire house are indicating the casual attitude of front–line staff. "Latent conditions are the managerial influences and social pressures that make up the culture, influence the design of equipment or systems, and define supervisory inadequacies" (Health and Safety Executive, 2014a, para. 2). The problems that caused by latent conditions in the case study are the poor design of the night–light, the poor design of security system of the house, and the replicate of the street names design. Normally these latent failures are hidden until they are activated by an incident such as the fire mentioned in the case study. 3. What are the requirements needed to solve the problems? The ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Factors Affecting The Human Body In order for the Human Body to maintain balance within its internal environment or return systems to functioning within a normal range, it must manage a multitude of highly complex interactions in order to deal with external changes that are optimal for survival. The organs that help maintain homeostasis are the liver, the kidneys, and the brain through hypothalamus, the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. The main function of the liver is to metabolize toxic substance as well as stabilising carbohydrate metabolism. The kidneys are responsible for a number of things. They regulate blood water levels, re–absorb substances into the blood, maintain salt and ion levels in the blood, regulate blood pH, and excrete urea and other wastes, however, there are many factors that can disrupt this process resulting in homeostatic imbalance which may cause disease or death. Factors that need to be carefully controlled are body temperature, water content, carbon dioxide level, and blood sugar level. It is crucial to ensure that these factors are maintained throughout homeostasis. A major factor that affects homeostasis, in general, is water and salt balance. Most people believe it is vital to stay hydrated during strenuous amounts of exercises however this is not necessarily the case for those embarking on the Kokoda track. Water plays a critical role in homeostasis. The amount of water in the body should be kept balanced all the time in order to prevent cells from being ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Biological Factors of Human Relationships Biological factors are something that contributes hugely to the formation and maintenance of relationships– whether it is romantic, friendly or family related. Many researchers have conducted studies in which they have attempted to try and explain the link between biological factors and human relationships. I am going to specifically focus on Bowlby's study on the role of hormones in bonding, Buss' study on women jealousy and its relation to estrogen levels, Fishers study on the brain and its role in romantic relationships, and Marazziti who studied the effect of serotonin on love obsession. These studies will help me show the role that biological factors have in human relationships in both the development and maintenance of them. ... Show more content on ... The development of a relationship from the first and early stages of love to the more developed stages, couples tend to move from the passionate love to the more intimate relationship of relaxation, dependency, and security which all play into attachment. In 1969 Bowlby suggested, "Humans have an innate attachment system which consists of specific behaviours and psychological responses called attachment behaviours." For his experiment it mainly was conducted for research on mother child relationships however many believe that the results are relatable to both mother child and romantic relationships. According to more modern research, it has been shown that both oxytocin– a powerful hormone which is released in men and women during touching and sex which helps to deepen and intensify the feelings of the select attachment– and vasopressin– a hormone released also during sex– help in increasing the bond that is between two lovers. Through this it helps the couples to feel closer and more bonded. One of the main criticisms of this experiment was the complexity of the researched relationships and how since they didn't consider other factors that might affect the results, therefore resulting in the possibility that it could be unreliable. However if looking at just this one aspect, this biological factor can be considered to have an influence on human relationships both mother child and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Impact Of Job Enrichment On Motivation And Communication The following case analysis is derived from an article that examines the realignment of the Health Information Services (HIS) Departments when new technology or changes have to be implemented. My case analysis will involve answering four questions. How are the principles of goal setting applied in the case? How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case? What were the outcomes of job enrichment in the HIS Departments? What was the impact of job enrichment on motivation and communication in the HIS department? The first thing we will examine if the principle of goal setting and how it is applied is this case. Goals give an organization a vision and a direction in which to move. Goals setting by organizations can lead ... Show more content on ... It is not a technique that can be uniformly used throughout an organization or department. In order for job enrichment to be effective, leaders have to understand the employees that are under them. Just as there are benefits to using job enrichment, there are also risks associated with it. The benefits are the desired outcomes that the HIS Department is looking to achieve when implementing such a technique. Monotony is something that job enrichment can combat because there are added task, responsibility and accountability. The offset of monotony is believe to be a common motivator; however, in the HIS Department the addition of more task, more responsibility, and more accountability can lead to more stress (Layman, 2011). More stress is the result because their chief complaint is work overload. Another set of common problem that can be combated with job enrichment is boredom, careless errors, tardiness, absenteeism, and low moral. There are plenty of risks to balance when trying to offset these problems. One risk is overload which is already a complaint of many employees. Another risk to balance is the concern of the Human Resources (HR) Department about pay grade (Layman, 2011). With added task and responsibility comes the question of a higher pay grade. It is the job of the HR Department to oversee the pay grade of the organization. An even bigger risk may be a concern about licensing and credentialing. Adding tasks to a job that requires additional ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. What Are The Three Core Moderators Of Tactile Salience Are Core factors In fig. 1, the three core moderators of tactile salience are: 1. Technology characteristics/capabilities. Technology characteristics include the engineering specifications of the tactor display. For example, abrupt onset (or changes) in stimuli and high frequency (200–300 Hz) tone burst vibrations are known to be more salient, as measured by probability of detection (Mortimer et al. 2007). Early studies of tactile signaling focused on psychophysical responses to tactor characteristics (see reviews by Cheung et al. 2008, Cholewiak et al. 1991, Lederman & Klatzky, 2009, Loomis & Lederman, 1986). Others have also discussed tactor characteristics such as the amplitude, frequency, and ISI, transducer force, bandwidth, and duration of signal (Cholewiak & Wollowitz 1992, Jones & Sarter, 2008; Mortimer et al. 2007). Technology also includes characteristics arising from multiple tactors, such as type, variety, and number of tactors in the array. Some tactor cues can be likened to melodies (Brewster & Brown, 2004). Brewster et al., referred to these tactile melodies as tactons (tactile icons). Similarly, multi– tactor cues developed to cue different operator actions have been referred to as tactions, or tactile actions (Mortimer et al. 2011). Tactons and tactions can be defined in terms of dimensional variables affecting salience (e.g., simplicity, intuitiveness, meaningfulness, distinctiveness). 2. Individual/User characteristics. Characteristics of the user ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Human Factors Affecting Your Largest Operating Expenditure Introduction Manual order picking is still the most common way to fulfill orders from customers. This process of order picking is highly labor–intensive, repetitive and time consuming, resulting in one of the largest organizational expenses in a warehouse environment. Traditionally, order picking systems have been designed to limit travel time, search time, and pick time. The theory is that by reducing travel, search, and pick time, the process should become more productive, limiting costs, reducing errors, and being user friendly. So why design a system that is dependent on your largest operating expenditure without taking into account various human factors which can lead to lower productivity, increased errors, system constraints, ... Show more content on ... We installed new racking which enabled us to store our inventory higher than before, allowing us to increase our product offerings. We changed our aisle configuration to decrease travel time. We implemented a new system to locate our product which reduced search time. We configured our layout of products so that the best sellers are on the floor which lowers our pick times. We even implemented a new hand–held scanner technology to reduce our pick errors. With our new order picking system we were trying to increase production. During our planning of the system, we never took into account how the human factor would affect our productivity. We designed it to maximize our efficiency, increase pick rates, lower pick errors and be user friendly. We did not take into account how our employee's learning curve, acceptance, and engagement would affect the system. We realized that the system was still manual and that human error would be a factor, but we did not fully consider the human factor in designing the system. Question Should human factors, which are traditionally overlooked, be more highly considered when designing an order picking system to optimize productivity and reduce inefficiencies in a warehouse setting? This question was reached with the help of the following PICOC: Population Employees that pick orders Intervention Impact of human factors on order picking ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Factors That Affect The Human Body The term lipid refers to a broad category of molecules, which serve a wide range of purposes in nature. Lipids tend to be hydrophobic in nature but there are also lipids that are amphiphilic as well. It is this characteristic that allows these group of structures to serve a range of functions. In the human body there some important lipids include glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, and sterols, and sphingolipids. Glycolipids are important as they serve as the body's way of storing energy. Glycerphospholipids are important as they make up the structure of cell membranes.1 Sterols are important because they are necessary for membrane rigidity and used as hormones and means of signaling in the body. Sphingolipids, particularly Sphingomyelin are another group of lipids that serve an important part of cells structure as they are found in plasma membranes of myelin sheaths.1 With this in mind, lipids are regulated and errors in the mechanism of storage and degradation can have a negative effect on the body. Various pathways that help build, store and breakdown the different lipids are regulated through enzymatic activity. When these enzymes are altered or deficient, various problems can develop and lead to serious diseases. Lysosomal Storage Diseases are one of the main disease states associated with lipid storage malfunctions, as there are various enzymes that are involved in lysosomal degradation pathway.1 In this specific pathway, the loss of function through mutation or ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in... I. Introduction Since the dawn of the aviation era, cockpit design has become increasingly complicated owing to the advent of new technologies enabling aircraft to fly farther and faster more efficiently than ever before. With greater workloads imposed on pilots as fleets modernize, the reality of he or she exceeding the workload limit has become manifest. Because of the unpredictable nature of man, this problem is impossible to eliminate completely. However, the instances of occurrence can be drastically reduced by examining the nature of man, how he operates in the cockpit, and what must be done by engineers to design a system in which man and machine are ideally interfaced. The latter point involves an in–depth analysis ... Show more content on ... Several safety violations were observed because of this, none of which were fatal (Fitts, 20–21). Shortly after World War II, aircraft cockpits were standardized to the ' six–pack' configuration. This was a collection of the six critical flight instruments arranged in two rows of three directly in front of the pilot. In clockwise order from the upper left, they were the airspeed indicator, artificial horizon, altimeter, turn coordinator, heading indicator and vertical speed indicator. This arrangement of instruments provided easy transition training for pilots going from one aircraft to another. In addition, instrument scanning was enhanced, because the instruments were strategically placed so the pilot could reference each instrument against the artificial horizon in a hub and spoke method (Fitts, 26–30). Since then, the bulk of human interfacing with cockpit development has been largely due to technological achievements. The dramatic increase in the complexity of aircraft after the dawn of the jet age brought with it a greater need than ever for automation that exceeded a simple autopilot. Human factors studies in other industries, and within the military paved the way for some of the most recent technological innovations such as the glass cockpit, Heads Up Display (HUD), and other advanced panel displays. Although these systems are on the cutting edge of technology, they too are ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Human Factors Of Starbucks. Elesia Stubblefield Human factors final Ashton June, 22, 2017 Human Factors of Starbucks Starbucks is a american coffee company or coffeehouse chain and was founded in Seattle Washington in 1971 by English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and writer Gordon Bowker("Starbucks." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 June 2017. Web. 23 June 2017). The company became so popular they now how stores all over the world. Starbucks at 1223 SW Wanamaker Road, 400 Topeka 66604 is part of a large shopping area and has 15 employees; additionally it is right next to Sports Clips and Check n Go. Starbucks is well known for its coffee but that is not all they sell, all stores have a wide variety of baked goods, black coffee, black tea, ... Show more content on ... The lighting inside is mostly natural light, in the entrance there are three big five big windows which surround most the seating area which make it pretty bright inside especially with all of the lights inside that are on at all times. The environment in his building is very calm, there are few conversations going on, generally people are there working, not very many people come to hang out in this space. The acoustics in this building are horrible in my opinion and it needs to be fixed. With the noises from the coffee makers, loud music playing throughout the store and people having conversations the only thing they have to help with the acoustics of the place are acoustic ceiling tiles. The owner was drawn to this location because it was close it was to the highway and that it was in the middle of a the biggest shopping area in topeka and it is only about a fifteen minute drive from both sides of town which is convenient for those who live here. The location of this store also has some drawbacks, since it is in the middle of a big shopping area they are always busy and having a drive through just makes the job that much harder. Which is the result of one of their future goals for this business or space. Many customers complain about the wait in the drive through and the work area for the employees is the problem. The work area for the employees is in a L shape which can get very crowded and make it hard for the employees to get orders out ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Environmental Factors of Human Growth Environmental Factors You often hear the word environment, but do you stop to think what it really means, what it contains, and how it affects you? The actual definition of environment is the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded (Merriam–Webster dictionary). Your environment greatly impacts the way you are as a human being. Each and every one of your life experiences are influenced by your environment. Your environment determines if or how your potential to develop is reached. Family, friends, home, school, etc. are all components of your environment. By reading further, you will witness these factors that affect your personal growth and development being explored and discussed. FAMILY When children are very ... Show more content on ... Your culture and heritage usually help determine many decisions you make in your future. For example, most of the friends you make and keep will probably be of the same heritage and culture you come from. The places you go, like church, celebrations, festivities, etc. are determined by your cultural background. Multicultural influences can altar your relationships with family members as well as impact your values and expectations for your future family. Odds are, if or when you have children you will transfer those same beliefs and traditions that you are used to to them. SCHOOL A quality school environment provides a setting that encourages students to learn and grow. After school activities can provide chances for students to interact with others in clubs or sports. Class curriculum offers courses that stimulate students' intellectual growth. Teachers in a quality school environment encourage students by helping them find areas in which they succeed. Teachers also help students find areas in which they need to improve. By doing so, they help students know what decisions to make regarding how to get the most efficient education for them and how they learn best, especially when they get to college. PEERS By interacting with your peers you can make judgements about how you look because you begin to compare your appearance to theirs; how important you are because you compare how much attention they get with how much you ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Huma Human Factors Or Ergonomics Introduction When we think of user experience we think of it as how a person interacts with a product but in fact it we should think deeper about how and why a product makes us feel the way it does. User experience can be defined as 'the overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use'. For a company user experience is at the forefront in why a product is being designed and manufacture in such a way. In order to produce an exemplary user experience you must meet the exact needs of the customer. For a company to achieve this with a product they have to give the customer much more than simply what they were looking for. A product can achieve a high quality user experience by compiling the multiple factors that contribute to a person's user experience; marketing, design, display and engineering. ... Show more content on ... For this you have to take into consideration the human body and how we interact with a product. We are surrounded by things were designed and made to make life as simple as possible yet when we look at these items we still find flaws. When we take into consideration human factors when designing we look at all aspects of the population such as size, age, strength, manoeuvrability, shapes and other characteristics that affect different people when they come into contact with a product. Applying Ergonomic principles and research to a product can greatly change a person's views. The first initial moment when a person touches a product and interacts with it are crucial to whether they will like it or not. Human factors is therefore a huge consideration for all designers when trying to design a ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Security Issues With Automated And Connected Vehicle... Whether this model is a fact will be tested as these technologies begin to expand. But once these technologies are fully implemented, we will be able to more easily collect data and use it to minimize the error. Therefore, making models in the future more accurate and reflective of driver behavior. Through better modeling from data obtained from automates vehicles, engineers can be more efficient with their use of materials and will have a more efficient traffic operation. Security issues with Automated and Connected Vehicles Figure 8 (Nichols) The above picture might be funny to some commuters. However, this exposes a big threat to our systems in both automated and connected vehicles. There are threats to hacking from trolls and bad ... Show more content on ... Meaning, they can actively monitor the system, or be deployed into the networks only when a breach has been detected. But, ultimately the integrity of their information and data must be maintained. In addition, there have recently been many Denial of Service (DoS) attacks targeting corporations around the world. It's possible that hackers could trick the system overloading it with data and requests, causing the system to fail. Given that the Electronic Control System is the brain in automated and connected vehicles, security of the system is a necessity. But an additional concern is securely locating where the car is in relation to the roadway and other vehicles. While GPS is widely used, there is work to utilize a more accurate technology. Some consider RFID to be the answer. Accuracy is critical in connected vehicles and critical V2V technologies like Crash avoidance, which is already being used by manufacturers like Mercedes Benz. These include advanced radar sensors that can detect other vehicles or variations in driver behavior that could be related to drowsiness (Safety). The origins of RFID come from the British during WW2 who developed a system to identify whether approaching planes were the enemy or allies. The frequency is sent to a transponder through which the frequency is identified with the location of the car (RFID Journal). The data being sent must use the latest encryption technologies and remain updated in order ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Human Factors Report Human Factors Report CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3 VISUAL SENSORY SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 4 AUDITORY, TACTILE AND VESTIBULAR SYSTEM...................................................... 6 COGNITION........................................................................................................... 8 DECISION MAKING................................................................................................ 9 DISPLAYS AND CONTROLS................................................................................... 10 ANTHROPOMETRY AND WORKSPACE DESIGN ..................................................... 11 By Harry Smart – 7233663 Human Factors – MEE40005 INTRODUCTION The task at hand is to analyse a human–machine system. Topics such as; visual sensory systems, auditory, tactile and vestibular systems, cognition, decision making, displays and controls, and anthropometry and workspace design will be explored. The aim of this project is to show understanding of human factors by applying them to a human–machine system. For this report a human–machine system had to be chosen to analyse. The chosen product is a mobile phone, more specifically a Nokia 6220 (as pictured below). This product is relevant to this project because it encompasses many of the different topics that will be considered and when ... Get more on ...