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Essay On My Favourite Season
Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favourite Season" might seem like a simple task at
first, given its personal nature. However, delving into the intricacies of expressing one's
sentiments about a particular season can prove to be more challenging than anticipated. The
difficulty lies not only in articulating personal preferences but also in ensuring that the essay
resonates with the reader.
To begin with, one must navigate through memories, emotions, and sensory experiences
associated with the chosen season. It requires the writer to dig deep into their own perceptions,
finding the right words to convey the unique blend of sights, sounds, and feelings that make the
season special. The challenge is not merely in describing the physical aspects but in capturing the
essence of the season that makes it stand out among the others.
Additionally, crafting an engaging and well-structured essay demands a thoughtful organization
of ideas. The writer must seamlessly transition from one aspect to another, maintaining a
cohesive flow that keeps the reader engrossed. This involves careful consideration of the
sequencing of events, memories, and emotions to create a narrative that unfolds naturally.
Furthermore, the difficulty intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between personal
experiences and universal appeal. While the essay should reflect the individual's unique
perspective, it should also resonate with a broader audience. Achieving this equilibrium requires
a keen understanding of the target audience and the ability to present personal sentiments in a
way that others can relate to and appreciate.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favourite Season" is a task that goes
beyond mere expression. It involves navigating through memories, organizing thoughts
coherently, and striking a balance between personal experiences and universal appeal. The
difficulty lies not only in the complexity of the task but also in ensuring that the essay becomes a
captivating and relatable piece for the reader.
For those who find themselves grappling with such challenges, assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on, where skilled writers can help bring
your thoughts and sentiments to life in a well-crafted and engaging essay.
Essay On My Favourite Season Essay On My Favourite Season
Comparing Tristram To Isolt And The Love-Drink
In love stories like Romeo and Juliet, the main theme in the story is that sometimes
love is worth dying for if it is true and pure, and Shakespeare focused on writing a
play in which that theme was made obvious. In the case of Tristan and Iseult, there
are many versions of their love story. Most versions result in their deaths because
they cannot live without the other; however, some versions leave one of the two
alive. Although there are many different versions, they all tell a story similar to the
ones before it. In Tristram to Isolt and The Love Drink, both authors tell the story of
Tristan and Iseult, yet both have differences like their plot and diction in order to
emphasize different, distinct themes. Both stories use a different plot scheme which
highlights the different themes that each author hoped to draw attention to. The Love
Drink by Sally Bridges mainly emphasizes the moment when Iseultand Tristan drink
from the bottle and fall in love with each other; Tristram to Isolt by Madison J.
Cawein is a story in which Tristan talks to Iseult after she is dead. Both stories focus
on different parts... Show more content on ...
Cawein s Tristram to Isolt uses words which imply death that create an idea in the
reader s mind that the love between Tristan and Iseult is deadly and poisonous
which is exactly the theme that Cawin tries to focus on. Among these words are
lines like a thing of Hell and sweet sin which sound as if Tristan is calling his love
for Iseult toxic (Cawein). The theme of love being morbid to those with a faint grip
on reality is pulled out through the way Cawein seemingly makes Tristan a guy who
loved a girl he knew would inevitably ruin his
Defects Of Defects And Defects
INTRODUCTION A defect can be defined as a deviation from the quality and
standard of design, materials or workmanship specified in a contract . According to
the RICS guidance notes on defects, there are primarily two major kinds of defects.
Patent defects and Latent defects. Patent defects can be easily identified during an
inspection but Latent defects are not immediately obvious, but are discovered at a
later date. For example a faulty foundation which is not detected until it affects the
super structure is a latent defect. Construction contracts usually have a defect
liability period agreed. The defects liability period is the period of time during which
the contractor is contractually obliged to repair defects which have appeared in...
Show more content on ...
In order for third party rights to apply, the contract itself must expressly confer the
right, setting out the terms that the third party can rely on, and expressly identify
the third party in the contract This means the contractor can still be found liable
for defects several years after project completion, if these defects are discovered
within the statutory limitation periods. This liability can be as a result of his
contractual obligations or based on negligence in tort especially when the
limitation period for bringing an action under contract has passed or if there is no
binding contractual relationship between the occupier and the contractor. These
limitation periods are set out in the Limitation Act 1980. Under the act, the time
limit for actions founded on a simple contract is six years from the date on which
the cause of action occurred but twelve years if created by deed . However, the
time limit for actions founded on tort is six years from the date the cause of action
accrued . The Latent damage act provides a limitation period of 3 years from the
date of discovery of the latent defect. The act amends the law about limitation of
actions (Section 14A of the Limitation Act 1980) in relation to actions for damages
for negligence not involving personal injuries; and to provide for a person taking an
interest in property to have, in certain circumstances, a cause of action in respect of
The Irish Revival Poem
Still after the official Irish Independence in 1922, the Irish people needed to find an
identity free of the English influence but also of the Catholic morality and the
values celebrated by the Revival, an identity which could be in step with the times
and truly represent them. It was a particularly difficult task for intellectuals and
writers. They found themselves almost shut up by Irish censorship and rejected by
the bigotry that mostly characterized the middle class society for decades after the
Independence. Michael O Donovan in a speech about censorship in 1962 said that
writers had to face the bookless homes, the horrible libraries each with its own little
group of censors, snuffing out sex that the Censorship Board had failed... Show more
content on ...
In another poem, Revival, emerges a reflection about the Irish language. It seems like
people in the 1960s were still trying to learn it, as it was in the 1920s, but the
results do not give the impression of being good. In the poem, some people who
are grouped together to listen to him, an Irish poet, do not know Irish and he does
not have translations for his poems, almost symbolizing that he cannot make for
them the great effort of learning a language as difficult from Irish, How the Irish
Language Revived Me! / ( after nearly shaggin killing me, [...] (235). Then, we can
observe that in Davitt s poetry as in O Brien s fiction there is the contrast between
rural and urban experience, nonetheless the attitudes towards this theme are
different. If the two girls in The Country Girls move to Dublin in order to have a
new life, to free themselves from the constraints of their life in the countryside, in
Davitt s poem Limerick it is evident how, despite the fact that the poet can adapt to
the life in the city, there is a diffidence and uncomfortableness. The tone that he used
to depict urban people seems to be sarcastic I should learn to accept
Restroom Paruresis Research Paper
A single stalled uni sex bathroom would be a safe and effective solution for
everyone. Vulnerable people at risk for assault or sexual harassment would benefit
from using a single occupancy restroom as well as people who suffer from a social
anxiety disorder know as paruresis. Although the word paruresis may sound
unfamiliar, almost all of the public have some association with the anxiety disorder.
The pause before your bladder contracts when you sense another person in the
bathroom is a mild form of paruresis experienced in many individuals, however some
suffer extreme forms to the extent that the only way they can successfully use a
restroom is if they are alone. Alexis Sanchez who suffers from paruresis speaks out
about the first time she... Show more content on ...
Some other girl on my program got sent to the hospital because she went seven
days without releasing the contents of her colon (Sanchez). A single occupancy
stall should be in correspondence to every gender exclusive restroom in order to
grant protection towards everyone and ensure privacy. Some people argue that
gender neutral bathrooms are safer because they permit men to accompany
women while they use the restroom as if every woman has a man to accompany
her at all times. These people have yet to experience the fear of relieving body
waste in front of others. When Oprah Winfrey served on a Chicago jury, she
couldn t go to the bathroom attached to the jury room because it was in public
unless her fellow jurors sang to drown out the noise. One of the songs they sang
was Kumbaya (Beck). A subsequential sound accompanied when urinating is not
uncommon and a single stalled restroom would eliminate the need for discomfort
while allowing those with paruresis or those who feel threatened being alone in
private places to be at peace when using the facilities. UC Berkeley provides students
and faculty with a list of single stall bathrooms for those who are at risk for
discriminatory violence or prefer to use a more
How Did The Charlotteown Conference Respond To
Threats from the Americans and the Irish: Due to the fact that British North
America was a substantial amount of land and had little defence for it s size,
American s proposed threats to take over. They were already taking over First
Nations land south of the Great Lakes, displacing many people. This was caused by
manifest destiny, the American belief that they had full entitlement to take over land
in North America. In the 1800s, land was considered extremely valuable, so people
would do whatever they could if they wanted to take over more territory. There was
also American resentment towards British North America because it did not side with
northern United Statesnor the Southern United states during the American Civil War.
British North... Show more content on ...
The Maritime colonies wanted better transportation to have access to other places
easily. They need railways and Prince Edward Island needed a ferry system.
Canada East wanted rights for culture and religion. Canada West wanted a stable
central government. During the Quebec Conference, the framework for the
Dominion of Canada was inaugurated. This led to Confederation, as the framework
was the first step to being unified correctly. In the federal government, The House
of Commons was based on the size of the population. The Senate was based on the
representation of regions. In addition, the Quebec Conference led to Confederation
because as a result of the conference, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province
of Canada accepted to to be a part of Confederation. The London Conference: The
London Conference undoubtedly led to Confederation due to the fact that it was
when the Fathers of Confederation from Canada West, Canada East, New Brunswick
and Nova Scotia journeyed to England to make Confederation official. This was
called the British North America Act, which ended their placement as individual
Callytharra Formation Essay
4.3 Methods
Methods used included, taking GPS points at different rock units and marking them
onto an aerial map to distinguish bearings and lithologies, traversing the area, and
identifying rock and fossils types.
4.4 Regional Geology
The Callytharra Formation and associated unit Moogooloo Sandstone are found in
the Merlinleigh Sub basin of the Southern Carnarvon Basin. The Callytharra
Formation was forming toward the end of the last major glaciation and represents
formations that were deposited in a cool temperate climate. Moogooloo Sandstone is
restricted within the Merlinleigh Sub basin, within an average thickness of 35m
(Mory Backhouse, 1997)
4.5 Lithology/Palaeontology
The Moogooloo Sandstone formed in the early Permian and consists ... Show more
content on ...
Literature suggests that the Wandagee Formation conformably overlies the
Quinnanie Shale (Mory Backhouse, 1997). These two sections were most likely
deposited within a marine shelf, perhaps below the storm water wave base (notebook
page 33). The Quinnanie, displaying no trace fossils or bioturbation and generally
massive in structure may suggest that it was deposited at greater depths than the
Wandagee Formation or it may suggest a cycle of shallowing and deepening waters,
due to tidal influences. The Quinnanie representing deepened waters. Its more organic
make up may also indicate that it was deposited at greater depths than the Wandagee.
The Wandagee Formation contains a vast number of structures that indicate a
shallower environment than the Quinnanie. Whilst still being deposited below the
storm water wave base, it may be possible that it was deposited during a shallowing
oscillation. Trace fossils that were burrowing indicate shallower waters, the
stratigraphic log demonstrates these relationships, figure 22).
5.7 Petroleum Potential
Quinnanie Shale is suggested to be a source rock, it has fair levels of organics, but
has low generating potential, and is most likely more gas prone. The Byro Group
itself contains some source rocks. However, it is suggested that this system is
immature (Ghori, 1998)
5.8 Discussion of the Williambury
Study Of Data Of A Wind Farm
Study of data of a wind farm
Joan Montoya MoyГЎ
Energy Systems
Degree Project
Department of Management and Engineering
LIU IEI TEK A 09/00634 SE
I would like to thank my home university, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, for
giving me the possibility to go to Link oping. I would like to thank also
Link opings Universitet, and specially my supervisor, professor Stig Inge
Gustafsson, for taking responsibility for supervising and helping with the project.
Finally, I would like to thank Rafa Mu~noz Campos, engineer of the `Consortium of
Urban solid waste and energy of Minorca , for his kindness providing me all the data
about Es Mila Wind Farm used in this project, and also Luis
Vilafranca Manguan, engineer of the ... Show more content on ...
In the second part, the performance of a real wind farm is studied. The wind farm is
called Es Mila, and it is located in an island called Minorca, in Spain.
Firstly, a description of this wind farm and the energy and electricity in Minorca is
made. Then, with meteorological and power data of 2007 a thorough study of its
performance is completed. In this study, rst of all some meteorological aspects like
wind direction, wind velocity and its distribution are discussed.
After that, the study focuses on electricity production, looking at the power curve, at
the expected and the real production, and trying to explain a little of the reactive
Acknowledgements 3
Abstract 5
I Wind energy 9
1 Introduction to wind energy 11
1.1 History of wind energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Wind energy conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.1 Where does wind energy come from . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.2 Betz limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.1 Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Vertical axis wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Horizontal axis wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Allusion In Crime And Punishment
Joy Hook
AP Literature summer assignment
Mrs. Mattner
29 June 2015
Crime and Punishment journal book 1 In Fyodor Dostoevsky s book, Crime and
Punishment, he uses a lot of imagery and uses allusions to enhance his writing
throughout the story. In the beginning he alludes to Jesus Christ when
Marmeladov says, I ought to be crucified, crucified on a cross, not pitied! Crucify
me, oh judge, crucify me but pity me! And then I will go of myself to be crucified,
for it s not merrymaking I seek but tears and tribulation (44). Initially, this part is a
bit confusing, for you wonder why somebody would want to suffer as much as he
does. He wants to be hung up on a cross to die, one of the most painful ways
someone can die. Marmeladov sees the situations ... Show more content on ...
In chapter four of part four of the novel, Sonia and Raskolnikov both focus on
things from the bible. Sonia is a very disturbed woman who has a constant tremor,
according to Raskolnikov. The biggest allusion they make in this passage is when
the conversation switches over to Sonia reading the story of Lazarus. Lazarus, in the
bible, was described as being Jesus s best friend. At one point he grew seriously ill,
and his sisters Mary Magdalene and Martha contact Jesus, asking him to come and
heal his friend. Jesus is unable to come, and Lazarus dies, but when Jesus gets
there he raises him from the dead. Out of all of the miracles Jesus performs in the
New Testament, raising Lazarus from the dead is by far the most outstanding
thing he does. The only other person to raise from the dead is Jesus, and that is
after he was crucified. This is a significant story in the stories of both Raskolnikov
and Sonia. Sonia and Raskolnikov both need hope in their lives, and the story of
Lazarus is all about having hope. Sonia is in need of hope because she is living in
such poverty, and anguish. Raskolnikov needs hope because he is being trialed over
the murder that he committed, and he needs something to look forward to, in order to
pass this tedious time that surrounds him. Another allusion that is made is when
Sonia is talking about Katerina Ivanovna. The way Raskolnikov seems to
The Importance Of Eating Preferences In Children
Possibly, your kids know that they can leverage your desire to get them to eat with
their own preferences. If they can refuse until they get chicken nuggets, or can eat in
front of the television, why change?
We ve all done what we ve had to do in order to get through a meal. That said, we
might make some leeway by instituting an eating schedule. In addition, we can make
sure that meals are eaten together at the table.
We all go off plan sometimes. But try to be less forgiving about when and where food
is served in your house.
3. Texture or smell.
As a kid, you weren t a fan of broccoli (I wasn t). As it turns out, this is probably
because young ones are sensitive to the taste of some plant compounds. For most,
they just need to ... Show more content on ...
That doesn t differ from what adult women who want to drop a dress size may eat!
Healthy brain, bone, and muscle development are crucial at this time, so a near adult
amount of calories makes sense.
Not to mention, they need to eat for the energy typical of toddlers.
Without it, listlessness and fatigue will occur, stunting their development. Other
symptoms of nutritional deficiency may include crankiness, speech delays, and more
frequent illnesses.
And what of those nutritional shakes that promise to help our kids get precious
vitamins and calories? They definitely work, but they re full of less than desirable
ingredients. For example, one popular brand specifically marketed to kids includes
the following:
Added sugar Not natural sugar, like from fruit; just more of the white stuff.
Maltodextrin A thickener and preservative that can cause sugar spikes and impact
healthy gut bacteria.
Carrageenan Another thickener/stabilizer which may be bad for digestion.
Artificial flavoring Addictive, lab created chemicals.
Monoglycerides Synthetic hydrogenated fat.
And that s just for starters the ingredients list on these nutrition shakes is a mile long!
In addition to providing calories and (synthetic) vitamins, they re big on sugar and
In a way, it s quite counterproductive. We do our best to avoid or limit candy and
soda, so they don t get hooked on it
Canadian Culture Vs American Popular Culture
Due the the geographic reason, Canadian culture is often seen as similar to the
United States. For instance, language, political beliefs, food, religion and social
well being. I agree that most part of the American popular culture is being adopted
by most Canadians because of the powerful media such as movies, films and books
are produced by the American. Massey Leveque, who is a chancellor of the
University of Toronto, argued that Canadais cultural dependent in its uncritical use of
American education philosophy (as cited in Gasher, M., Skinner, D., Lorimer,R.,
2012,p.196). Hollywood, one of the biggest and most famous film corporations in the
world, is devastating part of the Canadian culture. The reason is that by multi billion
BaconВґs Rebellion Infleunce on Jamestown
Bacon s Rebellion is considered to be one of the most confusing and fascinating
part Jamestown s history. The main parties involved in Bacon s Rebellion were
complete opposites and oddly enough cousins by marriage. Governor Sir William
Berkeley was a veteran of the English Civil Wars, a frontier Indian fighter, a
Governor in the 1640 s, a playwright and scholar. Sir William Berkeleys reputation as
Governor of Virginia was well respected. The other member involved was Nathaniel
Bacon. Bacon was a known as a troublemaker and conspirator whose father sent him
to Virginia with the hope that he would mature. Bacon was intelligent and moving
and once Bacon arrived in Virginia, Berkeley treated him with respect and friendship.
Berkeley granted him both substantial land grant and a seat on the council in 1675.
The Virginia colony was experiencing economic problems, such as declining tobacco
prices, growing commercial competition from Maryland and the Carolinas, a
restricted English market, the rising prices from English manufactured goods, and
disturbances made by the Indians. There were also English losses in the series of
naval wars with the Dutch and there were numerous problems caused by weather.
Storms and dry spells plagued the colony and had a damaging effect on the colonists
which encouraged the colonists to find people they could vent their frustrations and
place the blame for their misfortunes.
The Virginia colony began to experience problems in July 1675 as a
Essay about Jesse James
Jesse James was born in Clay County, Missouri on the Fifth of September 1847. His
parents were Zerelda and Robert James. They were hemp farmers that owned six
slaves, but most people wouldn t know that. They only know him as an outlaw.
Nevertheless, the name Jesse James is one that almost everyone has heard, even
though he has been dead for over one hundred years. (Defeat n. pg.) Now, although
Jesse James was a traditional outlaw in many respects, his legend perseveres as an
icon of American culture. When the Civil War began, Jesse had to watch his older
brother Frank go off to fight for the rebellion. While Frank was away, he got involved
with a group of pro Confederates who brought the wrath of Union militiamen to the
James family.... Show more content on ...
(Defeat n. pg.)
Jesse James made a bank in Gallatin, Missouri as his first target. The man who had
killed Bill Anderson, the leader of his old gang, ran this bank. On December 7,
1869, Jesse and Frank rode in during broad daylight, shot an unarmed employee, and
left with some worthless paper. They made an escape through the midst of a posse
sent to capture them. The brothers later declared that they would never be taken
alive. The Gallatin robbery essentially set the pattern for more robberies to come. It
was risky, it was daring, and it had a hidden agenda other than simple robbery. In
this case it was the killing of the man who had hunted down Jesse s old leader. (Stiles
After that, for the first time ever, the newspapers mentioned Jesse James. He loved
the attention. James became involved with an ex Confederate shortly thereafter.
He was also a newspaper editor. His name was John Newman Edwards. Jesse used
this to his advantage, making a myth of himself as almost a hero of the South. His
myth was very similar to that of Robin Hood. In his case, he was a hero who
helped poor Missourians that were hurt by radical Republicans. In letters that
Edwards published, Jesse would claim innocence for specific crimes. We are not
thieves, he wrote, we are bold robbers. I am proud of the name, for Alexander the
Great was a bold robber, and Julius Caesar, and Napoleon Bonaparte. (Death n. pg.)
Not long after, Jesse James began to commit more robberies in a way that
Harry And Strange Logic Of Book Discounters
1.Harry and Strange Logic of Book Discounters Harry Potter books sold out
immediately on multiple discount offers from different bookshop. There was lot
of book shops which were selling the book on cheaper and discounted prices. They
went on with this offer since a lot of people were coming to buy that book and they
will sell it on margin prices, the prices were competitive and the number of copies
sold in millions. On the launch of this book the book sellers gave out 40 percent
discount, since the author was known and had a lot of fan following. Even the
independent book sellers were selling this book with additional services. They didn
t drop down the price for the book but instead gave a few added services to their
customers. Books stores usually know the best sellers and they are well familiar
with the fan following of the different authors. They devise out a strategy which
covers all their expenses and sell the book on a price where they still get away
making profit. 2.Variable price coke machines being tested The New vending
Machine of Coca Cola company automatically raises prices in hot temperature, this
automation however seems unfair is being used and tested. The desire for a cold
fizzy drink is heightened in the summer s hot days so the machine is stimulated by
heat sensors which automatically raise prices. This however will have a few
drawbacks. Since the heat sensor controls the price, technological problems can make
the machine sense wrong. 3.Top artist
What Is The Significance Of The French Revolutionary
The period between 20th April 1792, when after prolonged debates the deputies of
the French National Assembly finally declared war on the Habsburgs of Austria
and 18th June 1815, marking Napoleon Bonaparte s defeat at Waterloo, was
characterised by almost constant warfare, save for the brief peace of Amiens
(March 1802 May 1803). In fact, such was the extent of these wars which spanned a
little over two decades that until 1914, the British referred to them as the Great War
.1 Of late, these wars have been an object of much contention and have come under
the microscope to assist scholars in fully appreciating their significance in the
transformation of European warfare. Even today, scholars and historians alike,
remain divided over just how substantial a role the French Revolutionary and
Napoleonic warsplayed in altering the nature of wars after 1792. Without
disregarding either side, Roger Chickering has identified two master narratives
which do a remarkable job of explaining this period s importance, albeit in two
extremely dissimilar ways.2
According to Chickering, the first narrative, a notion hypothesized by Michael
Howard and further developed by Geoffrey Parker, holds that the French
Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars were merely a continuation and intensification of
the tactical and technological changes gunpowder, musketry and artillery that
occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which in turn paved the way for
the colossal standing armies
Fabricated And Historically Accurate Elements Of
Fabricated and Historically Accurate Elements of Assassins Creed II
The Renaissance was a time period in Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries, it
was a rich time for human development and overall improvement of life (Hay, 1).
Whether it be through stunning architectural designs, improvements in medicine, or
scientific inventions. Several objects from this time period were preserved due to
the vast amount of information and historical relevance they provided, information
such as that of Leonardo da Vinci and his designs, many of which helped future
inventors to innovate and shape our world today. To experience the Renaissance in a
simulation is a feat of its own, as there are several elements that come into play, such
as creating an accurate representation of Italy, architectural complexity and creating a
storyline that justly represents that time period. As technology had advanced from
the late 20th century to now, it became possible to simulate such a feat, this allowed
for the development of the Assassins Creed series. The Renaissance was believed to
have started in Florence, Italy in the 14th century, the time period where Assassins
Creed II was set (Burke) (Assassins Creed II, Video game). Assassins Creed II was
developed in 2009 by Ubisoft Montreal, it attempts to recreate the Renaissance in an
open world simulation of Italy while incorporating several historically accurate
elements such as famous landmarks, cities, notable families, pieces of art, and
weapons to
Hillary Clinton Research Paper
...human rights are women s rights and women s rights are human rights once and
for all. These are famous words that Hillary Clinton spoke during her speech at the
United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Since her speech,
women have made progress in gaining rights. Clinton uses her speech in Beijing to
advance her career and to make herself known as an individual instead of just the
First Lady. Clinton s political career was started by this speech; she continues to
center her career around this speech and it was the basis of her presidential campaign.
Biographical Information on Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in
Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947. She was the first child of Hugh Rodham and ...
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She later moved to Arkansas to teach criminal and constitutional justice at the
University of Arkansas because Bill Clinton lived in Arkansas. They got married
on October 11, 1975. Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas in 1978, which
raised his popularity and later allowed him to run for President of the United
States. Hillary Clinton worked at the RoseLaw Firm until 1992, which is when
she and Bill Clinton moved into the White House. When Bill Clinton became
president, Hillary Clinton got an office in the West Wing of the White House
instead of the East Wing, where all the other First Ladies had theirs. This made her
closer to the President s office, which was important because she was much more
involved in the President s work than most First Ladies were. She worked in the
President s Task Force on National Health Care Reform. Her and Bill Clinton s goal
was to establish healthcare for everyone, which was a plan that eventually failed. She
also helped Mother Teresa build the Mother Teresa Home for Infant
My Vision For America Essay
The first English settlers arrived in the New World around the early 1600 s and
established colonies. About a year and a half later, our amazing and beautiful
country took place. America has been alive and ever blossoming for 239 years.
Our goal subsists to keeping that number high. My visions for America so we can
keep blossoming remain as follows: a strong military force, a healthy society, and
a faithful unity of people. Developing and sustaining a powerful military force
takes the place as the first of my visions for America. On the day, September 29,
1789, our country s first official military force came about. That day meant that,
from this time forward we will do our absolute best to defend our country. So far
we have kept our word; aside from only a few losses. After reading that, we can t
lose hope; we can t let down now, we must push forward in this goal! In the beginning
process of our military addition we had the early equipment and thinking. Now, our
military has developed and produced more sufficient equipment and more thoughtful
and strategic thinking. According to world... Show more content on ...
Sustaining a healthy society means that there lives more people employed rather
than unemployed and to have as little national debt as possible. Comparing America
to my Vison for America, there exists approximately 315 million people in America
and about 156 million of them stand employed and 8.6 million unemployed. Shown
those statistics, the approximate unemployment rate happens as 5.3%. Given these
statements, we can infer that there are far more people employed rather than
unemployed in America. Nevertheless, 2.35 trillion occurs as America s average
yearly imports and the average yearly amount we export remains 1.65 trillion,
putting us in debt. By and large, America stands about half way there in my second
vision for America, but every year we get closer and closer yet at pursuing our
College Professors Essay
College Professors
The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game.
Just as the cards that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of
professors a student gets on the first day will determine the success of their year.
The difference between a helpful and a harmful professor can easily result in a much
lower grade. College professors have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds.
However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious, or uncaring.
One type of professor in the college system is the helpful professor. This professor
can be recognized right away by their smile and joyfulness in the classroom. These
professors give upbeat and ... Show more content on ...
This professor has a sour attitude toward life in general; therefore they want the
students to be miserable as well. Their lectures are never to the point and usually
stray off to make some negative point about life. They encourage students to ask
questions, but only so that they can make the person with the question feel
incompetent for asking it. They are willing to talk with a student after class, but
unlike the helpful professor, the malicious professor is only there to criticize.
They will emphasize the student s faults but never point out their strengths, thus
lowering the self esteem of the student. The tests given by the malicious professor
are vague, full of trickery, and composed of the most difficult material. These tests
are not designed to survey the student s knowledge of the subject, but rather to trip
them up and make them fail. If one works really hard it is possible to earn a good
grade in this type of professor s class, but in general the grades will be as low as the
malicious professor can make them.
The third type of professor is the uncaring professor. This type of instructor has lost
interest in teaching; therefore, they do not put any effort into it. This professor can
be recognized by their monotonous tone of voice and lack of interest of the subject.
Their lectures only cover the basics of the material. They make no effort to appeal to
the students interests; consequently, most students can hardly pay
The Biological Feeling Of Hunger
Attention and focus is required as a college student and generally in everyday life.
Attention to simple and mundane tasks can affect an individual when it concerns
work and school and any possible relationship held.
Eating motivation has so many factors. Some people eat when they are actually
hungry while others eat out of boredom. Some people eat while socializing while
some individuals eat due to stressful events experienced, just as mentioned by Dr.
Penton in Behavioral Neuroscience (2015). The biological feeling of hunger comes
from a structure in the brain called the hypothalamus. There are two areas of the
hypothalamus that control hunger. The lateral hypothalamus causes the feeling of
hunger while the ventromedial hypothalamus creates the feeling of satiety (Pinel,
Homeostasis is an adaptive, behavioral response to nutrient deficiencies, metabolic
imbalances, and other threats to the internal milieu in order to maintain certain
critical survival variables at optimal levels. Imbalances are prone to occur in a
fasting state, moving the body away from homeostasis. Our bodies have adapted to
store fat in case we would possibly encounter a harsh winter, periods of famine, and
in order to be able to reproduce. There is a standard set point and detection system
our bodies aim to keep at all costs. The detection system is responsible in recognizing
deviation from the set point and doing anything possible in efforts of getting the body
back to a homeostatic state
Differences Between Fashion And Fashion
The history of clothing dates back from the beginning of the human race, which is
around 4026 B.C. You may wonder, what s the difference between fashion and
clothing? Clothing is just something to cover the body, but fashion is so much more.
Fashion represents an individual and can be a beautiful piece of art. Fashionchanges
with society and is usually a very popular trend that many people at a time follow.
For this reason, the art of fashion diffused in Europe in 400 C.E. Before 400 C.E.
Western Europe was under Barbarian control, consequently, Eastern Europe and
parts of Asia flourished in fashion. Dress in the Byzantium Empire (what is now
Istanbul, Turkey) was a blend of Roman and Eastern Asian styles. The Eastern Asian
style contributed many elaborate ornaments and silk. This diffused into Rome
through the new fashion trends relating to embroidery and woven designs found in
short tunics and elaborate outer garments. These styles of the Byzantine court
continued to influence all the courts of Western Europe from about 400 to 900 C.E.
up until the European economy began to recover, and Western Europe gained
independence from previous Barbarian control. In this span of 500 years, the
development of fashion in Europe was somewhat obscure. This was because 400 to
900 C.E. was know as the dark ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire. We ll skim
over the dark ages, since men and women s fashion remained pretty basic and
constant throughout that time. Women s and men s
If You Cross The River You Are A Criminal
Social inequality / pg 79: a social condition in which privileges and obligations are
given to some but denied to others.
A criminal is defined as a person who commits a crime. What happens when those
crimes are against humanity? How do we as Americans justify some of our laws,
when they are morally wrong? Our ancestors invaded, conquered, and eventually
industrialized lands. Settlers initial goals were to find better lives and opportunities.
A few centuries later, we are denying immigrants the same rights to seek out better
lives and opportunities. Border patrol stated at the beginning of of the film, If you
cross the river you are a criminal. In my opinion, it is criminal that we waste money
on the deporting system versus helping to civilize the southern countries. In The
Harvest, immigrants in the U.S faced the risks of making incomes like $64/week
and not getting paid. The film Wetbacks showed the perspective of the people
South of the U.S borders. Families in the Latin America s average up to $70
/month. Two dollars a day won t buy one person a day food, let alone a family.
Almost everything is done by hand; breaking rocks, transporting water from the
river, washing/drying clothes, and producing/catching little food. I feel we should
either open or extend our borders. Some of our border laws need to be revised or
eradicated. We hand money to people who use the welfare system as a career. Why
not employ immigrants for jobs Americans will never do? Immigrants
Tachycardia Care Essay
The patient is a sixty seven year old Somali female, whom will be referred to as
Jane. Jane initially presented to the emergency room with shortness of breath, fever,
tachycardia, and a persistent cough. She has a history of tachycardia and asthma. The
goal for the treatment of this patient was to rule out avian flu, and to manage her
tachycardia and asthma. This paper will serve as a guide for providing culturally
relevant care for a Somali patient. This includes, history of the group in the United
States and common health problems. This investigation will also include common
beliefs, values, nutritional considerations, and common communication patterns.
Brief History of the Affiliated Group in the United States Somali immigrants first ...
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They strongly adhere to the laws and teachings of Islam, and because they are a more
recently arrived population, Somalis preserve many of their traditional social and
cultural norms (CultureVision, 2016f). Their belief in Islam means that Allah is the
ultimate decision maker. Muslims often view illness as atonement for sins, and cope
with illness using patience and prayer. Despite their beliefs, they are encouraged to
seek treatment for illnesses, but typically only will for acute illnesses (Culture Vision,
2016a). Other important beliefs include modesty, especially for females, preference
for the right hand because the left hand is seen as unclean, and allowing time for
uninterrupted daily prayer. Cleanliness should always be a priority (CultureVision,
2016h). When providing care to a Somali patient it is important to match the gender
of the patient with gender of the caregiver whenever possible. In this case, the patient
would be receiving care from female healthcare providers. If available, gowns should
cover the patient to the ankles and to the wrist, and unnecessary exposure of the body
and physical contact should be minimized. Before body parts are uncovered the
patient should be asked and given the opportunity to move the garment themselves.
Additionally, the head and hair of the patient should remain untouched unless it is
required for examination. When feeding the patient or administering medications the
right hand should be used (CultureVision,
Unit 519 Develop Procedures And Practice To 1
Leigh Bown
Unit 519 Develop procedures and practice to respond to concerns and complaints.
п‚› Getting
to know you...
п‚› About
CQC Inspector (South Central)
Adults with Learning Disabilities
Children and Young People
Occupational Therapy
Therapeutic Supervisor
пЂ Community and Organisational
пЂ Father and Husband
Important points
п‚› Facilitate
and share vs teach
п‚› Confidentiality
п‚› I dislike power point
п‚› There will always be something else to do, don t forget yourself.
Objectives of the unit...
Understand the regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance for
managing concerns and complaints.
Be able to develop procedures to address concerns and complaints. п‚› ... Show more
content on ...
(2) In particular, the registered person must
(a) bring the complaints system to the attention of service users and persons acting on
their behalf in a suitable manner and format;
(b) provide service users and those acting on their behalf with support to bring a
complaint or make a comment, where such assistance is necessary; (c) ensure that
any complaint made is fully investigated and, so far as reasonably practicable,
resolved to the satisfaction of the service user, or the person acting on the service
user s behalf; and
(d) take appropriate steps to coordinate a response to a complaint where that
complaint relates to care or treatment provided to a service user in circumstances
where the provision of such care or treatment has been shared with, or transferred to,
(3) The registered person must send to the Commission, when requested to do so, a
summary of the
(a) complaints made pursuant to paragraph (1); and
(b) responses made by the registered person to such complaints.
What does the regulations say? Assessing and monitoring the quality of service
п‚› provision
п‚› 10. (1) The registered person must protect service users, and others who may be
at risk, against the risks of inappropriate or unsafe care and treatment, by means of
Analysis Of The Film Green Lantern
As one can imagine, being trapped out in the ocean, hundreds of feet from any
kind of safety while an enormous shark is circling you, has to be the most
frightening experience one can endure. Nancy, a young medical student ventures
out to a secluded beach in Mexico to enjoy some time surfing, but little does she
know how close to death she will come. The suspense that builds up as Nancy
struggles to escape her predator throughout the film is what keeps the viewers on
their toes, as the entire movie revolves around her plan to make it back to shore.
This being the plot, can seem dull and uninteresting at first, but as the film
progresses, it s hard to take your eyes off the screen. The acting of Blake Lively, who
plays Nancy, helps to make the film even better, as many people know her from her
other acting rolls, such as Sarena van der Woodsen from the hit television show
Gossip Girl and Carol Ferris from the film Green Lantern . The director of the film,
Jaume Collet Serra, is known for creating movies with an extensive amount of
suspense. He is able to get an incredible performance from actors, as well as
understand all of the scenes from the perspective of the viewers, thus giving him the
ability to know exactly what needs to take place to keep the film interesting.
Because Blake Lively is in every scene, it is obvious that the film is customized to
her and her acting skills. She portrays a protagonist who most overcome her fear and
gain strength throughout the course
The Role of Feedback in the Educational Process
Feedback plays a huge role in the educational process. On one hand, teachers should
provide their students with good feedback. On the other hand, students should
respond to the feedback in a way that will make them actually benefit from it. In
this paper, I will talk about the role of feedback in the educational process, the types
of feedback I see now, and what changes I would like to see in the future.
Ken Blanchard once said, Feedback is the breakfast of champions. As a future
teacher, my goal is to produce future champions. Thus, I should provide my students
with excellent feedback. Giving feedback to students can be very helpful. It can
promote self confidence, development of thinking, and motivation. On one hand,
when teachers give positive feedback they build their students confidence. Whether
it is in class or privately, students will feel recognised. Students will think of their
teacher s feedback as a motive for keeping up the good work. Moreover, students will
think of their teacher s feedback thoroughly and try to adjust their work to come up
with a better product. On the other hand, Students receiving negative feedback is
devastating most of the times. Calling a student Stupid or telling him Your answer is
wrong, you can t do anything right, inside the calls or even in private can cause
serious psychological damages. the student will feel that it makes no sense to edit his
work or even try to accomplish anything in the future because he is Stupid and
Sit-Down Strikes Of The United Auto Workers (Uaw)
By the end of 1936 and the beginning of 1937, the United Auto Workers (UAW)
union structured a strike held at General Motors, known as the Fisher Body Plant
No. 2 in Flint, Michigan. They called the strike, a sit down strike that was
organized to demand improvements to working conditions and job security to all
employees. The strike was one of the largest during this era. The local police tried
to withhold food from going into the plant that was ordered by supporters; which
caused the strike to become violent. This left the Michigan s governor, Frank
Murphy no choice but to step in and decide to call in the National Guard to control
the situation, however, the troops was ordered be onsite and not go inside the plant.
Murphy made this decision
The Ethical Dilemma Of The Field Of Health Care Essay
Introduction: DNR is considered one of ethical dilemma in modern society that
resulted from medical development. Ethical dilemmas occur in the field of health
care when health care providers are in a situation where they need to choose
between two or more unfavorable alternative. Advance directives are legal
documents that allow you to spell out your decisions about end of life care ahead of
time. They give you a way to tell your wishes to family, friends, and healthcare
professionals and to avoid confusion later on. A do not resuscitate(DNR) order is
another kind of advance directive. A DNR is a request not to have cardiopulmonary
resuscitation(CPR) if your heart stops or if you stop breathing. Unless given other
instructions, hospital staff will try to help any patient whose heart has stopped or
who has stopped breathing. You can use an advance directive form or tell your
doctor that you don t want to be resuscitated. Your doctor will put the DNR order in
your medical chart. Doctors and hospitals in all states accept DNR orders.
The form allows an individual to declare that the following resuscitative measures are
not to be used: cardiac compression, endotracheal intubation and other advanced
airway management, artificial ventilation, defibrillation, administration of advanced
cardiac life support drugs and related emergency medical procedures. The DNR form
does not authorize the withholding of other medical interventions, such as
intravenous fluids, oxygen, or other
Insanity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s
The nineteenth century may have inspired transformation of society, but there was no
radical improvement in the relationship between the male psychiatrist and the female
patient. A new generation of doctors, even more moralistic, domineering and
masculinist in their approach than their predecessors, employed scientific methods of
research inspired by Darwinian theories, which gave full weight of scientific
confirmation to the narrow Victorian ideals of femininity
(Showalter 122). The intellectual inferiority of women was confirmed as a result of
reproductive specialization (Showalter 122).
2. 2. The Position of Twentieth Century Women in The Bell Jar
2. 2. 1. Manifestations of insanity and the disintegration of personality
The Bell ... Show more content on ...
It is partly due to the changes in the psychiatric methods. Further into the twentieth
century, institutions for mentally ill began to suffer from the lack of credibility and
bad reputation of unnecessary cruel treatments administered not only on women,
which were supported with popular literature such as One Flew over the Cuckoo s
Nest. Furthermore, increasingly popular belief in the curability of mental illnesses
with the employment of drugs all culminated in the beginning of de
institutionalisation of psychiatry.
Considering the position of women in society, Atwood s nameless Narrator has
already achieved what
Esther Greenwood could only hope for she has both a career and the freedom to
indulge in sexual relationships without the restrictions of marriage. Yet, even though
she can enjoy considerably more freedom than her predecessors due to the spreading
opposition towards the male supremacy, she still feels powerless and sees herself as
a victim of the patriarchal society.
The forced abortion is one of the triggers of her madness. Traumatized by this
experience when she felt completely powerless and out of control, the Narrator has
also lost trust in society and
Literary Analysis Of Emily Dickinson s To A Heart In Sea
ID #1 Futile the winds
To a Heart in port
Done with the Compass
Done with the Chart!
The second stanza of Emily Dickinson s Wild Nights Wild Nights! , portrays a
sense of romantic longing between the two lovers. In this poem, there is a nautical
type of scenery being displayed, especially in the last two stanzas. This is true
because, the second stanza references: compasses, charts, seas and ports. The first
line states, Futile the winds , futile meaning pointless. The narrator is stating that no
matter how hard the winds blow, or how rough the seas get, her love is strong and she
is not going anywhere. When the narrator says, To a Heart in port , it kind of creates
a setting of a lovers embrace. Every woman desires to be sought after and longed for.
The narrator is no longer searching for love, because she has found love, therefore
her heart is in port or it is docked. The narrator talks about how she is done with the
compass and with the chart in the last two lines. She is giving up all control for
this person, she is free to love and to be loved. She does not need a compass or a
chart because she is not looking for anything anymore. She has found her love and
her voyage is now over. She has found her Wild Night .
ID #4they don t fit into little petty places, these hips are free hips. Lucille Clifton s
homage to my hips, is all about women s empowerment. Throughout the poem, we
see this reoccurring symbol of hips. Clifton is talking about women s hips in
general, not just hers. The hips in this poem symbolize how strong and powerful
women are. How women can accomplish anything if they set their mind to it. These
three lines talk about how not every woman has a perfect body and how each of
them are different. These hips do not fit into society s standards for women. These
hips are different, not perfect, but they are beautiful in their own way, they don t fit
into little petty places. In the poem it says, these hips are free hips which explains
how women are free to make their own decisions. They are free to have whatever
kind of body type they want, without being shamed for being different. Clifton uses
the imagery of the hips to show how women are huge role models for
Transtheoretical Model
Type 2 diabetes is a major challenge facing the world today. It is estimated there are
currently 245 million people with diabetes and that number will climb to 380 million
in 20 years. Patients are currently told to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly,
monitor blood glucose, and take medications but that obviously isn t enough. Long
lasting behavior change is needed to achieve better self care. In order to improve the
overall quality of care for diabetic patients, psychological factors and supporting
mechanisms are of great importance. The transtheoretical model can be applied as an
intervention to assess behavior change. This model has five stages which are pre
contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. These stages...
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The scores of social support in later stages of behavior change were higher than
those in the earlier stages. The scores of self efficacy and compliance in blood
glucose monitoring, regular exercise, and diet control in later stages of behavior
change were higher than those in earlier stages. Self efficacy showed a gradual
increase from pre contemplation to maintenance. HbA1C levels were higher in
contemplation/preparation stages when compared to other later stages. The more
compliant participants were, the lower their HbA1C values; and the more
negativity from family and friends, the higher HbA1C values. Stronger self
efficacy correlated to higher compliance to routines. Social support increased
various positive dimensions of self efficacy. The routine management of diabetes
was the key factor that influenced the stages of behavior change. Social support,
self efficacy, and compliance had significant differences in different stages of
behavior change. Self efficacy showed a gradually increasing trend across stages.
HbA1C values were higher in the earlier stages compared to the later
Realism Of Film And Film Of The 1950s And 40s Through
Realism s relationship with cinema and film form is one which has been debated
since the beginnings of film theory. There are many different arguments on how best
to capture realism on film. It came to the forefront of film theory in the 1930s and 40s
through the Italian neorealism movement. Andre Bazin was a french filmcritic and
theorist who is best known for his writing on realism in film. He argued that
cinema is fundamentally realistic and that filmmakers should not alter what an
audience views, with exception. He favours the long deep focus shot such as those
used in Orson Well s Citizen Kane. Sergei Eisenstein, a soviet director and theorist,
favoured the opposite approach to achieving realism in film. Basing his theory
around early work by Kuleshov and Pudovkin, Eisenstein championed montage as
the only way to capture realism in film. His theory is based around the idea that
reality is dialectical, with much of his work stemming from the politics of Karl Marx
and Friedrich Engels. He argues that as reality is dialectical, then the filmmaking that
seeks to capture this reality must also be dialectical. On the face of it these methods
are polar opposites however they both attempt to solve the question of how best to
capture realism in the cinema. Through this shared goal there is similarity in the two
different theorists approaches that hint at neither method necessarily being more
effective in capturing reality. Despite the debate on how best to capture realism,
Essay on Minearls Found around the World
Minerals are found in many areas of the world and some are more easily available
than others. The Earth provides natural resources as necessary minerals that can be
used for construction, decoration, gemstones, and many other important physical
uses that improve the quality of life. There are minerals that can be found and mined
in natural solid form in small or large quantities and some that are found in a mixed
environment and must be refined. Much time and research has shown that some
minerals may be hazardous and many minerals are crucial to a greater life on earth.
Chalcopyrite, copper, and malachite are the three main minerals used to make copper.
Copper is one of the most important natural resources and an important... Show more
content on ...
Copper, Cu, is the natural solid form of copper with an Isometric crystal system. It is
found as copper red on a fresh surface, dull brown or green on a tarnished surface
with metallic luster and metallic copper red streak. The natural copper is soft and
malleable at 2.3 3 on moh s mineral scale. Copper nuggets in pure state have been
found in Arizona, abundant in Keweenaw Peninsula in northern Michigan, and
also found in Canada, Australia, China, Namibia, Bolivia, and Russia. Copper is
mined or extracted as copper sulfide in an open pit mine. Taken in large equipment
to be cleaned in steam and melted dried and cooled in molds to solidify and then
sent off to be used as copper products. (Understanding Minerals and Mining through
Education). Malachite, (Cu2(CO3)(OH)2, is a carbonate (minor ore of copper)
with a monoclinic crystal system that can be found in Democratic Republic of
Congo, Australia, France, Russia, and Arizona. It is found in different shades of
green color with green streak and vitreous to adamantine in luster. Larger
specimens are found to be dull and earthy and smaller specimens are silky. The
hardness mineral moh s level is 3.5 to 4. Malachite is mined by digging for veins
in either open pit or underground mining. Malachite is a minor ore of copper and
can be reduced and refined for the use of copper but malachite is a beautiful gem
that is used as a decorative stone. The stone is cut and polished and used as a semi
precious gem
Dr Moreau
The Island of Dr Moreau by H.G. Wells. The story is told by Edward Prendick.
Prendick is on this boat the lady vain and it sinks. Prendick and two other guys
escape onto a lifeboat. The other two guys get in a fight and fall off the side of the
boat. Prendick is then saved by a ship. There he meets Montgomery. Montgomery
nurses him back to good health. Montgomery is on the ship with Dr Moreau. They
are going to some unknown island with these animals they have in cages. The
captain hates Prendick and kicks him off the boat with Montgomery and Dr.
Moreau. Dr Moreau shows Prendick where he will be staying in the enclosure.
After a day or so the screaming starts of what he assumes is the puma one of the
animals from the ship. Prendick walks in on Dr Moreau and Montgomery cutting up
a person. Prendick freaks out and runs into the forest. There he meets the beast
people. They take him back to their huts. They start to teach him the law. That s when
Montgomery and Dr Moreau catch Prendick and explain to him that Dr Moreau does
vivisection. Prendick understands and comes back to the... Show more content on ...
The animals, Prendick, and Dr Moreau. Obviously the animals suffered from
vivisection. In the book it said at first a lot of the animals died at first. Dr Moreau
hadn t yet got it down so they suffered. They also suffered when they were being
worked on. Then Prendick suffered. The book even started with him suffering. He
was stranded on that little boat he almost died. Dr Moreau suffered from when he
was in London he was hated for doing vivisection. He was forced to leave and go to
the island. This is why I picked suffering as my theme. So after reading The Island of
Dr Moreau I picked suffering as my theme. I think suffering was a very big part of
the book. Most of the book was about suffering. The animals I think suffered the
most. You can also suffer in a social way like Dr Moreau did. This is why I choose
suffering as my
Essay on journeyhod Journey Motif in Heart of Darkness...
Journey Motif in Heart of Darkness and Jasmine
In Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness and Bharati Mukherjee s Jasmine, the physical
journey represents the setting for the psychological journey that both main characters
undergo. Each stage of the journey is correlated to an emotional insight, and the
implications are great enough to incur a change in the protagonists lives. Through the
discovery of distant lands and foreign ideas, Marlow and Jasmine are prompted to
look internally to find the answers to their questions. Their struggles are personal,
and they are driven by different guiding forces, yet both experience a greater sense
of self awareness by the end of their journey.
Initially, Marlow and Jasmine embark on ... Show more content on ...
Once inland, his physical journey upriver brings forth a greater understanding,
both of the environment and his perception of it. He is inspired to reexamine the
European notion of colonialism and the African people that it is affecting. For
Jasmine, her westward journey becomes the catalyst for many new
transformations. Correspondingly, she leaves behind more and more of her Indian
culture. After surviving her experience with Half Face, Jasmine comes under the
protection of Lillian Gordon. It is Lillian s kindness and generosity that encourage
Jasmine to carry on toward her dream of Vijh and Wife (Mukherjee 81), to search
for the life that she and her husband had envisioned. Lillian reinforces what Prakash
and Masterji had already discovered that Jasmine is destined for greater things.
Spiritually renewed by the support of her friend and the memory of her husband, she
resumes her journey to seek a new life in New York.
Marlow is also transformed as he travels into the heart of the jungle. As he follows the
river upstream in search of Kurtz, he feels unsettled, yet enlightened, by the events
that are unfolding around him, and is forced to reconsider his impression of the
Africans. He acknowledges that they are indeed very much human, contrary to what
most Europeans assert. But what thrilled you, Marlow says, was just the thought of
their humanity like yours the thought of your remote kinship with those
Worship Of Physical Power In The Northern Dynasty
1.The reasons for this worship of physical power in the Northern Dynasty 1.1the
geographic factor With the differences in the landscape, the climate, and so on
between the Northern and the Southern Dynasties, the Northern Dynasty lived a
rough life, which forced the people in the Northern Dynasty to build up their figures.
Take Tabgatch, the renowned family in the Northern Dynasty, as an example. In the
Wei and Jin Dynasty, the 1st year of the Tianxing period, the Xianbei ethnic group
chose Ping City as their capital. This area lies in the fault zone between the Shanxi
Tableland and the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Hence, this area is mainly dominated by
mountainous terrain...... Besides such a harsh environment, the soil is quite sterile.
Technology And Its Impact On The World s Space Program
Who in here owns a GPS or has a GPS built into their smartphone? Have you ever
wondered how that works or more importantly, how did that GPS satellite travel
from the ground to its 12,000 mile Medium Earth orbit? If you have ever seen a
rocket launch on TV or in person you know how impressive that event is...
This technological wonder or technology advancement was made possible by a
Visionary Leader named General Bernard Bennie A. Schriever, a Visionary Leader,
who is better known as being the Father of America s Space Program . This man s
hard work and vision is responsible for creation of the Intercontinental Ballistic
Missile (ICBM) fleet and paving the foundation for launching satellites in orbit.
Through his 32 year career, he had many roles and with hard work and vision, he
created a legacy that is still relevant to this day.
Over the next 5 minutes, I will provide examples of how Bennie was a Visionary
Leader through with the use of the Full Range Leadership s Transformation attribute
of Idealized Influence and the use of Diversity in his teams. Once explained I will
relate those concepts on how I have applied them in my own life.
Let s dive right in and look at General Schriever s leadership attributes more closely.
As we learned in the Full Range Leadership lesson, Idealized Influence is a key
aspect to leadership, and means that as leaders we are communicating the right kind
of influence, acting as a role models for others to follow... in simple terms
Planning A Wedding Is Not An Easy Task Essay
Have you ever wondered how an Olympic Games Opening and closing Ceremony
comes to life? Did you join the millions of people across the world who watched as
Princess Diana said I do ? Or have you ever stood at, watched an open concert of
your favorite artist? Behind all of these and more, event managementprofessionals
work tirelessly to create the best experience possible for the guests, the stars, the
sponsors stakeholders, and the spectators. Event management is the co ordination,
running and planning of all the people, teams and features that come together to
create every kind of event.
Many people spend more time in planning their wedding than they do in planning
the marriage Zig Zigler, one of the most successful American author once said
which is 100% true in today s context. Planning a wedding is not an easy task. You
need to get every detail accurate under any circumstance and not only you but the
rest of the family that will be attending the wedding will wait to see what goes
wrong and where. The couple s reputation depends on a well organized wedding on
that day. A well executed wedding can bring joy to every one including the couple.
But a flawed event can create serious trouble in both parties including their parents,
family and friends. The festive aspect of a wedding makes the planning even more
necessary. If you are meticulous about this, you will guard against the majority of
unexpected surprises. Firstly, the atmosphere. Wedding planning should not
Sweater Weather Analysis
Very few songs retain the inimitable aptitude to tell a story, let alone create a
platform in which the central idea of that story is juxtaposed between the lofty
heights and the crushing depths of the presence and absence of that idea. Unlike
most of its contemporaries, Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, tells its own
story that of a fleeting romance, and provides a stage to contrast the facets of love
that are both exalted and despised. The Neigbourhood s Sweater Weather, utilizes a
unique mix of quick paced music and clever lyrics to create an atmosphere in which
the evanescence of love can be examined and by extent scrutinized. The music
possesses a unique ability of conveying the message of how quick and tragic love
can be. The... Show more content on ...
The lyrics of the main body of the song are rapid and roll off the tongue as lead
singer Jesse Rutherford swiftly rattles off the lines, creating an enveloping sense
of the lust that is present at the beginning of a relationship. However, as the song
progresses, Rutherford s poignant vocal talents seep through as the song becomes
less of a praise of love and more of a lamentation of it, and the deep scars it leaves
behind as it comes to a close. The beginning of the song is riddled with
juxtapositions like, Head in the clouds but my gravity s centered which provide a
unique insight into two component of love, the pure ecstasy of lust coupled with
the grounding force of complacency and reality that cements the relationship. While
the lyrics often exalt the conquest of love, as it evolves the song provides a
evocative lamentation of that lost in the pursuit of love. The lyrics become darker
and more cacophonous, shifting from the upbeat, The goose bumps start to raise to,
it too cold, it s too cold. The protracted feeling that creeps into Rutherford s voice
conveys a demeaning view of that lost, and leaves a lasting impression of
hopelessness that persists long after the song finishes. While simple syntactically, the
closing lines of the
Executive Functions In Older Adults Essay
Introduction The present paper reviews the benefits of exercise on executive
functions in older adults and discusses a potential mechanism through which exercise
may change the way the brain processes information for better cognitive outcomes.
Specifically, older adults who are more physically active demonstrate a shift toward
local neural processing that is associated with better executive functions. We discuss
the use of neural complexity as a sensitive measure of the neural network plasticity
that is enhanced through exercise. We conclude by highlighting the future work
needed to improve exercise prescriptions that help older adults maintain their
cognitive and physical functions for longer into their lifespan.
Anatomy Physiology The ... Show more content on ...
Age related neuromuscular junction (NMJ) plays a key role in musculoskeletal
impairment that occurs with aging. Changes in the NMJ precede or follow the
decline of muscle mass and strength remains unresolved. When a motor neuron is
lost, fibers previously innervated by that neuron, defined as a motor unit, are no
longer controlled by the nervous system and fail to contribute to the force generated
during a volitional muscle contraction. In the attempt to counteract the functional
consequence of this process, denervated orphan fibers express proteins and produce
chemotactic signals that stimulate the sprouting of new dendrites from residual
motor neurons. This process leads re innervation by the expansion of pre existing
motor units and is aimed at returning to function previously denervated muscle fibers.
There is evidence that this compensatory mechanism starts failing with aging. The
reason for a progressive impairment of the re innervation process with aging is
unknown, but some lines of evidence point to changes that occur with aging in the
neuromuscular junction (NMJ), which is the synaptic interface between a branch of
a motor neuron and muscle cells. The NMJ is composed of three elements: pre
synaptic, intrasynaptic, and post synaptic part. The function of the NMJ is to
transmit signals from the motor neuron to the skeletal muscle fibre quickly and
Control Cellulite Essay
How to Control Cellulite: A New Twist Is it ever a good feeling to dress in front of
a mirror just to be reminded of the cauliflower look on the thighs, stomach,
buttocks, chest or arms? Does yuck or maybe eel sound familiar? Followed by the
common question; how do I get rid of this cellulite? Then finally search and research
the internet for an answer to quickly and effectively clear away this unsightly thing.
After reading countless bits of information to so call rectify the cellulite issue,
frustration sets in or maybe a little bitterness. Destine to rid of looking like an outer
layer tree trunk a little negative seed has been planted in the mind that brings about
desperation and trying anything that appears to work when in fact it... Show more
content on ...
Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 Patience Yes we all heard the clichГ©, patience is a
virtue many times over, and it justifies the condition. Not giving up will turn out
some amazing results. Patience is endurance and much is required when working
on a body toning regiment. Relax and persevere because a pleasant change will
happen although it may take up to a couple of weeks before noticeable, but it s
coming. A person s wisdom yields patience; it is to one s glory to overlook an
offense. Proverbs 19:11 Prayer Are you a steadfast and unmovable witness for
Jesus Christ? Then you most definitely know beyond a shadow of doubt that there
is absolute power in prayer. This was purposely left last for the main ingredients
for prayer manifestation: faith you must believe, gratitude you must give God
thanks, and patience you must wait on the Lord because he we know it s coming
just release it in God s hand wait for it and move on to the next thing. ...The earnest
prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James
5:16 The war on cellulite is a bit challenging nevertheless can be dealt with once we
understand what it, the contributing factor, and how to effectively combat it after
which we will enjoy the fruits of our labor. What is Cellulite Cellulite happens when
a partition of fatty deposits are formed
Police Discrimination In America
How many blacks are killed by the police every year in the United States, and how
does this affect people today? Well it depends on who you ask.
Our federal government tries to track this population with databases from the
National Vital Statistics system, which involves coordination between different state
health departments, and its information depends on death certificates that involve
police. According to this database in 2017, 223 African Americans (23%) died from
police last year (most being unarmed) while being only 14% of the United States
This information proves how people discriminate against blacks across America, by
having blacks being almost one fifth of the population killed by police. How does
discrimination ... Show more content on ...
But our past doesn t affect our future. We must learn to forget and move on from
the past. The thing is that any form of hate including discrimination comes from
self motivated experience or what the surrounding world wants you to think. For
example, slavery, it was wrong, so our government banned it. However, that
ideology of having someone less than you, breed the police brutality that we see
today. Those officers used their occupation as a conduit for a reason to show their
hatred, but all they needed to do was forgive and forget because hatred breeds

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  • 1. Essay On My Favourite Season Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favourite Season" might seem like a simple task at first, given its personal nature. However, delving into the intricacies of expressing one's sentiments about a particular season can prove to be more challenging than anticipated. The difficulty lies not only in articulating personal preferences but also in ensuring that the essay resonates with the reader. To begin with, one must navigate through memories, emotions, and sensory experiences associated with the chosen season. It requires the writer to dig deep into their own perceptions, finding the right words to convey the unique blend of sights, sounds, and feelings that make the season special. The challenge is not merely in describing the physical aspects but in capturing the essence of the season that makes it stand out among the others. Additionally, crafting an engaging and well-structured essay demands a thoughtful organization of ideas. The writer must seamlessly transition from one aspect to another, maintaining a cohesive flow that keeps the reader engrossed. This involves careful consideration of the sequencing of events, memories, and emotions to create a narrative that unfolds naturally. Furthermore, the difficulty intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between personal experiences and universal appeal. While the essay should reflect the individual's unique perspective, it should also resonate with a broader audience. Achieving this equilibrium requires a keen understanding of the target audience and the ability to present personal sentiments in a way that others can relate to and appreciate. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favourite Season" is a task that goes beyond mere expression. It involves navigating through memories, organizing thoughts coherently, and striking a balance between personal experiences and universal appeal. The difficulty lies not only in the complexity of the task but also in ensuring that the essay becomes a captivating and relatable piece for the reader. For those who find themselves grappling with such challenges, assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where skilled writers can help bring your thoughts and sentiments to life in a well-crafted and engaging essay. Essay On My Favourite Season Essay On My Favourite Season
  • 2. Comparing Tristram To Isolt And The Love-Drink In love stories like Romeo and Juliet, the main theme in the story is that sometimes love is worth dying for if it is true and pure, and Shakespeare focused on writing a play in which that theme was made obvious. In the case of Tristan and Iseult, there are many versions of their love story. Most versions result in their deaths because they cannot live without the other; however, some versions leave one of the two alive. Although there are many different versions, they all tell a story similar to the ones before it. In Tristram to Isolt and The Love Drink, both authors tell the story of Tristan and Iseult, yet both have differences like their plot and diction in order to emphasize different, distinct themes. Both stories use a different plot scheme which highlights the different themes that each author hoped to draw attention to. The Love Drink by Sally Bridges mainly emphasizes the moment when Iseultand Tristan drink from the bottle and fall in love with each other; Tristram to Isolt by Madison J. Cawein is a story in which Tristan talks to Iseult after she is dead. Both stories focus on different parts... Show more content on ... Cawein s Tristram to Isolt uses words which imply death that create an idea in the reader s mind that the love between Tristan and Iseult is deadly and poisonous which is exactly the theme that Cawin tries to focus on. Among these words are lines like a thing of Hell and sweet sin which sound as if Tristan is calling his love for Iseult toxic (Cawein). The theme of love being morbid to those with a faint grip on reality is pulled out through the way Cawein seemingly makes Tristan a guy who loved a girl he knew would inevitably ruin his
  • 3. Defects Of Defects And Defects INTRODUCTION A defect can be defined as a deviation from the quality and standard of design, materials or workmanship specified in a contract . According to the RICS guidance notes on defects, there are primarily two major kinds of defects. Patent defects and Latent defects. Patent defects can be easily identified during an inspection but Latent defects are not immediately obvious, but are discovered at a later date. For example a faulty foundation which is not detected until it affects the super structure is a latent defect. Construction contracts usually have a defect liability period agreed. The defects liability period is the period of time during which the contractor is contractually obliged to repair defects which have appeared in... Show more content on ... In order for third party rights to apply, the contract itself must expressly confer the right, setting out the terms that the third party can rely on, and expressly identify the third party in the contract This means the contractor can still be found liable for defects several years after project completion, if these defects are discovered within the statutory limitation periods. This liability can be as a result of his contractual obligations or based on negligence in tort especially when the limitation period for bringing an action under contract has passed or if there is no binding contractual relationship between the occupier and the contractor. These limitation periods are set out in the Limitation Act 1980. Under the act, the time limit for actions founded on a simple contract is six years from the date on which the cause of action occurred but twelve years if created by deed . However, the time limit for actions founded on tort is six years from the date the cause of action accrued . The Latent damage act provides a limitation period of 3 years from the date of discovery of the latent defect. The act amends the law about limitation of actions (Section 14A of the Limitation Act 1980) in relation to actions for damages for negligence not involving personal injuries; and to provide for a person taking an interest in property to have, in certain circumstances, a cause of action in respect of negligent
  • 4. The Irish Revival Poem Still after the official Irish Independence in 1922, the Irish people needed to find an identity free of the English influence but also of the Catholic morality and the values celebrated by the Revival, an identity which could be in step with the times and truly represent them. It was a particularly difficult task for intellectuals and writers. They found themselves almost shut up by Irish censorship and rejected by the bigotry that mostly characterized the middle class society for decades after the Independence. Michael O Donovan in a speech about censorship in 1962 said that writers had to face the bookless homes, the horrible libraries each with its own little group of censors, snuffing out sex that the Censorship Board had failed... Show more content on ... In another poem, Revival, emerges a reflection about the Irish language. It seems like people in the 1960s were still trying to learn it, as it was in the 1920s, but the results do not give the impression of being good. In the poem, some people who are grouped together to listen to him, an Irish poet, do not know Irish and he does not have translations for his poems, almost symbolizing that he cannot make for them the great effort of learning a language as difficult from Irish, How the Irish Language Revived Me! / ( after nearly shaggin killing me, [...] (235). Then, we can observe that in Davitt s poetry as in O Brien s fiction there is the contrast between rural and urban experience, nonetheless the attitudes towards this theme are different. If the two girls in The Country Girls move to Dublin in order to have a new life, to free themselves from the constraints of their life in the countryside, in Davitt s poem Limerick it is evident how, despite the fact that the poet can adapt to the life in the city, there is a diffidence and uncomfortableness. The tone that he used to depict urban people seems to be sarcastic I should learn to accept
  • 5. Restroom Paruresis Research Paper A single stalled uni sex bathroom would be a safe and effective solution for everyone. Vulnerable people at risk for assault or sexual harassment would benefit from using a single occupancy restroom as well as people who suffer from a social anxiety disorder know as paruresis. Although the word paruresis may sound unfamiliar, almost all of the public have some association with the anxiety disorder. The pause before your bladder contracts when you sense another person in the bathroom is a mild form of paruresis experienced in many individuals, however some suffer extreme forms to the extent that the only way they can successfully use a restroom is if they are alone. Alexis Sanchez who suffers from paruresis speaks out about the first time she... Show more content on ... Some other girl on my program got sent to the hospital because she went seven days without releasing the contents of her colon (Sanchez). A single occupancy stall should be in correspondence to every gender exclusive restroom in order to grant protection towards everyone and ensure privacy. Some people argue that gender neutral bathrooms are safer because they permit men to accompany women while they use the restroom as if every woman has a man to accompany her at all times. These people have yet to experience the fear of relieving body waste in front of others. When Oprah Winfrey served on a Chicago jury, she couldn t go to the bathroom attached to the jury room because it was in public unless her fellow jurors sang to drown out the noise. One of the songs they sang was Kumbaya (Beck). A subsequential sound accompanied when urinating is not uncommon and a single stalled restroom would eliminate the need for discomfort while allowing those with paruresis or those who feel threatened being alone in private places to be at peace when using the facilities. UC Berkeley provides students and faculty with a list of single stall bathrooms for those who are at risk for discriminatory violence or prefer to use a more
  • 6. How Did The Charlotteown Conference Respond To British... Threats from the Americans and the Irish: Due to the fact that British North America was a substantial amount of land and had little defence for it s size, American s proposed threats to take over. They were already taking over First Nations land south of the Great Lakes, displacing many people. This was caused by manifest destiny, the American belief that they had full entitlement to take over land in North America. In the 1800s, land was considered extremely valuable, so people would do whatever they could if they wanted to take over more territory. There was also American resentment towards British North America because it did not side with northern United Statesnor the Southern United states during the American Civil War. British North... Show more content on ... The Maritime colonies wanted better transportation to have access to other places easily. They need railways and Prince Edward Island needed a ferry system. Canada East wanted rights for culture and religion. Canada West wanted a stable central government. During the Quebec Conference, the framework for the Dominion of Canada was inaugurated. This led to Confederation, as the framework was the first step to being unified correctly. In the federal government, The House of Commons was based on the size of the population. The Senate was based on the representation of regions. In addition, the Quebec Conference led to Confederation because as a result of the conference, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada accepted to to be a part of Confederation. The London Conference: The London Conference undoubtedly led to Confederation due to the fact that it was when the Fathers of Confederation from Canada West, Canada East, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia journeyed to England to make Confederation official. This was called the British North America Act, which ended their placement as individual British
  • 7. Callytharra Formation Essay 4.3 Methods Methods used included, taking GPS points at different rock units and marking them onto an aerial map to distinguish bearings and lithologies, traversing the area, and identifying rock and fossils types. 4.4 Regional Geology The Callytharra Formation and associated unit Moogooloo Sandstone are found in the Merlinleigh Sub basin of the Southern Carnarvon Basin. The Callytharra Formation was forming toward the end of the last major glaciation and represents formations that were deposited in a cool temperate climate. Moogooloo Sandstone is restricted within the Merlinleigh Sub basin, within an average thickness of 35m (Mory Backhouse, 1997) 4.5 Lithology/Palaeontology The Moogooloo Sandstone formed in the early Permian and consists ... Show more content on ... Literature suggests that the Wandagee Formation conformably overlies the Quinnanie Shale (Mory Backhouse, 1997). These two sections were most likely deposited within a marine shelf, perhaps below the storm water wave base (notebook page 33). The Quinnanie, displaying no trace fossils or bioturbation and generally massive in structure may suggest that it was deposited at greater depths than the Wandagee Formation or it may suggest a cycle of shallowing and deepening waters, due to tidal influences. The Quinnanie representing deepened waters. Its more organic make up may also indicate that it was deposited at greater depths than the Wandagee. The Wandagee Formation contains a vast number of structures that indicate a shallower environment than the Quinnanie. Whilst still being deposited below the storm water wave base, it may be possible that it was deposited during a shallowing oscillation. Trace fossils that were burrowing indicate shallower waters, the stratigraphic log demonstrates these relationships, figure 22). 5.7 Petroleum Potential Quinnanie Shale is suggested to be a source rock, it has fair levels of organics, but has low generating potential, and is most likely more gas prone. The Byro Group itself contains some source rocks. However, it is suggested that this system is immature (Ghori, 1998) 5.8 Discussion of the Williambury
  • 8. Study Of Data Of A Wind Farm Study of data of a wind farm Joan Montoya MoyГЎ Energy Systems Degree Project Department of Management and Engineering LIU IEI TEK A 09/00634 SE 2 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my home university, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, for giving me the possibility to go to Link oping. I would like to thank also Link opings Universitet, and specially my supervisor, professor Stig Inge Gustafsson, for taking responsibility for supervising and helping with the project. Finally, I would like to thank Rafa Mu~noz Campos, engineer of the `Consortium of Urban solid waste and energy of Minorca , for his kindness providing me all the data about Es Mila Wind Farm used in this project, and also Luis Vilafranca Manguan, engineer of the ... Show more content on ... In the second part, the performance of a real wind farm is studied. The wind farm is called Es Mila, and it is located in an island called Minorca, in Spain. Firstly, a description of this wind farm and the energy and electricity in Minorca is made. Then, with meteorological and power data of 2007 a thorough study of its performance is completed. In this study, rst of all some meteorological aspects like wind direction, wind velocity and its distribution are discussed. After that, the study focuses on electricity production, looking at the power curve, at the expected and the real production, and trying to explain a little of the reactive power. 5 6 Contents Acknowledgements 3 Abstract 5 I Wind energy 9 1 Introduction to wind energy 11 1.1 History of wind energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2 Wind energy conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2.1 Where does wind energy come from . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2.2 Betz limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3 Wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3.1 Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Vertical axis wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Horizontal axis wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.3.3
  • 9. Allusion In Crime And Punishment Joy Hook AP Literature summer assignment Mrs. Mattner 29 June 2015 Crime and Punishment journal book 1 In Fyodor Dostoevsky s book, Crime and Punishment, he uses a lot of imagery and uses allusions to enhance his writing throughout the story. In the beginning he alludes to Jesus Christ when Marmeladov says, I ought to be crucified, crucified on a cross, not pitied! Crucify me, oh judge, crucify me but pity me! And then I will go of myself to be crucified, for it s not merrymaking I seek but tears and tribulation (44). Initially, this part is a bit confusing, for you wonder why somebody would want to suffer as much as he does. He wants to be hung up on a cross to die, one of the most painful ways someone can die. Marmeladov sees the situations ... Show more content on ... In chapter four of part four of the novel, Sonia and Raskolnikov both focus on things from the bible. Sonia is a very disturbed woman who has a constant tremor, according to Raskolnikov. The biggest allusion they make in this passage is when the conversation switches over to Sonia reading the story of Lazarus. Lazarus, in the bible, was described as being Jesus s best friend. At one point he grew seriously ill, and his sisters Mary Magdalene and Martha contact Jesus, asking him to come and heal his friend. Jesus is unable to come, and Lazarus dies, but when Jesus gets there he raises him from the dead. Out of all of the miracles Jesus performs in the New Testament, raising Lazarus from the dead is by far the most outstanding thing he does. The only other person to raise from the dead is Jesus, and that is after he was crucified. This is a significant story in the stories of both Raskolnikov and Sonia. Sonia and Raskolnikov both need hope in their lives, and the story of Lazarus is all about having hope. Sonia is in need of hope because she is living in such poverty, and anguish. Raskolnikov needs hope because he is being trialed over the murder that he committed, and he needs something to look forward to, in order to pass this tedious time that surrounds him. Another allusion that is made is when Sonia is talking about Katerina Ivanovna. The way Raskolnikov seems to
  • 10. The Importance Of Eating Preferences In Children Possibly, your kids know that they can leverage your desire to get them to eat with their own preferences. If they can refuse until they get chicken nuggets, or can eat in front of the television, why change? We ve all done what we ve had to do in order to get through a meal. That said, we might make some leeway by instituting an eating schedule. In addition, we can make sure that meals are eaten together at the table. We all go off plan sometimes. But try to be less forgiving about when and where food is served in your house. 3. Texture or smell. As a kid, you weren t a fan of broccoli (I wasn t). As it turns out, this is probably because young ones are sensitive to the taste of some plant compounds. For most, they just need to ... Show more content on ... That doesn t differ from what adult women who want to drop a dress size may eat! Healthy brain, bone, and muscle development are crucial at this time, so a near adult amount of calories makes sense. Not to mention, they need to eat for the energy typical of toddlers. Without it, listlessness and fatigue will occur, stunting their development. Other symptoms of nutritional deficiency may include crankiness, speech delays, and more frequent illnesses. And what of those nutritional shakes that promise to help our kids get precious vitamins and calories? They definitely work, but they re full of less than desirable ingredients. For example, one popular brand specifically marketed to kids includes the following: Added sugar Not natural sugar, like from fruit; just more of the white stuff. Maltodextrin A thickener and preservative that can cause sugar spikes and impact healthy gut bacteria. Carrageenan Another thickener/stabilizer which may be bad for digestion. Artificial flavoring Addictive, lab created chemicals. Monoglycerides Synthetic hydrogenated fat. And that s just for starters the ingredients list on these nutrition shakes is a mile long! In addition to providing calories and (synthetic) vitamins, they re big on sugar and
  • 11. preservatives. In a way, it s quite counterproductive. We do our best to avoid or limit candy and soda, so they don t get hooked on it
  • 12. Canadian Culture Vs American Popular Culture Due the the geographic reason, Canadian culture is often seen as similar to the United States. For instance, language, political beliefs, food, religion and social well being. I agree that most part of the American popular culture is being adopted by most Canadians because of the powerful media such as movies, films and books are produced by the American. Massey Leveque, who is a chancellor of the University of Toronto, argued that Canadais cultural dependent in its uncritical use of American education philosophy (as cited in Gasher, M., Skinner, D., Lorimer,R., 2012,p.196). Hollywood, one of the biggest and most famous film corporations in the world, is devastating part of the Canadian culture. The reason is that by multi billion
  • 13. BaconВґs Rebellion Infleunce on Jamestown Bacon s Rebellion is considered to be one of the most confusing and fascinating part Jamestown s history. The main parties involved in Bacon s Rebellion were complete opposites and oddly enough cousins by marriage. Governor Sir William Berkeley was a veteran of the English Civil Wars, a frontier Indian fighter, a Governor in the 1640 s, a playwright and scholar. Sir William Berkeleys reputation as Governor of Virginia was well respected. The other member involved was Nathaniel Bacon. Bacon was a known as a troublemaker and conspirator whose father sent him to Virginia with the hope that he would mature. Bacon was intelligent and moving and once Bacon arrived in Virginia, Berkeley treated him with respect and friendship. Berkeley granted him both substantial land grant and a seat on the council in 1675. The Virginia colony was experiencing economic problems, such as declining tobacco prices, growing commercial competition from Maryland and the Carolinas, a restricted English market, the rising prices from English manufactured goods, and disturbances made by the Indians. There were also English losses in the series of naval wars with the Dutch and there were numerous problems caused by weather. Storms and dry spells plagued the colony and had a damaging effect on the colonists which encouraged the colonists to find people they could vent their frustrations and place the blame for their misfortunes. The Virginia colony began to experience problems in July 1675 as a
  • 14. Essay about Jesse James Jesse James was born in Clay County, Missouri on the Fifth of September 1847. His parents were Zerelda and Robert James. They were hemp farmers that owned six slaves, but most people wouldn t know that. They only know him as an outlaw. Nevertheless, the name Jesse James is one that almost everyone has heard, even though he has been dead for over one hundred years. (Defeat n. pg.) Now, although Jesse James was a traditional outlaw in many respects, his legend perseveres as an icon of American culture. When the Civil War began, Jesse had to watch his older brother Frank go off to fight for the rebellion. While Frank was away, he got involved with a group of pro Confederates who brought the wrath of Union militiamen to the James family.... Show more content on ... (Defeat n. pg.) Jesse James made a bank in Gallatin, Missouri as his first target. The man who had killed Bill Anderson, the leader of his old gang, ran this bank. On December 7, 1869, Jesse and Frank rode in during broad daylight, shot an unarmed employee, and left with some worthless paper. They made an escape through the midst of a posse sent to capture them. The brothers later declared that they would never be taken alive. The Gallatin robbery essentially set the pattern for more robberies to come. It was risky, it was daring, and it had a hidden agenda other than simple robbery. In this case it was the killing of the man who had hunted down Jesse s old leader. (Stiles 61) After that, for the first time ever, the newspapers mentioned Jesse James. He loved the attention. James became involved with an ex Confederate shortly thereafter. He was also a newspaper editor. His name was John Newman Edwards. Jesse used this to his advantage, making a myth of himself as almost a hero of the South. His myth was very similar to that of Robin Hood. In his case, he was a hero who helped poor Missourians that were hurt by radical Republicans. In letters that Edwards published, Jesse would claim innocence for specific crimes. We are not thieves, he wrote, we are bold robbers. I am proud of the name, for Alexander the Great was a bold robber, and Julius Caesar, and Napoleon Bonaparte. (Death n. pg.) Not long after, Jesse James began to commit more robberies in a way that
  • 15. Harry And Strange Logic Of Book Discounters 1.Harry and Strange Logic of Book Discounters Harry Potter books sold out immediately on multiple discount offers from different bookshop. There was lot of book shops which were selling the book on cheaper and discounted prices. They went on with this offer since a lot of people were coming to buy that book and they will sell it on margin prices, the prices were competitive and the number of copies sold in millions. On the launch of this book the book sellers gave out 40 percent discount, since the author was known and had a lot of fan following. Even the independent book sellers were selling this book with additional services. They didn t drop down the price for the book but instead gave a few added services to their customers. Books stores usually know the best sellers and they are well familiar with the fan following of the different authors. They devise out a strategy which covers all their expenses and sell the book on a price where they still get away making profit. 2.Variable price coke machines being tested The New vending Machine of Coca Cola company automatically raises prices in hot temperature, this automation however seems unfair is being used and tested. The desire for a cold fizzy drink is heightened in the summer s hot days so the machine is stimulated by heat sensors which automatically raise prices. This however will have a few drawbacks. Since the heat sensor controls the price, technological problems can make the machine sense wrong. 3.Top artist
  • 16. What Is The Significance Of The French Revolutionary And... The period between 20th April 1792, when after prolonged debates the deputies of the French National Assembly finally declared war on the Habsburgs of Austria and 18th June 1815, marking Napoleon Bonaparte s defeat at Waterloo, was characterised by almost constant warfare, save for the brief peace of Amiens (March 1802 May 1803). In fact, such was the extent of these wars which spanned a little over two decades that until 1914, the British referred to them as the Great War .1 Of late, these wars have been an object of much contention and have come under the microscope to assist scholars in fully appreciating their significance in the transformation of European warfare. Even today, scholars and historians alike, remain divided over just how substantial a role the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic warsplayed in altering the nature of wars after 1792. Without disregarding either side, Roger Chickering has identified two master narratives which do a remarkable job of explaining this period s importance, albeit in two extremely dissimilar ways.2 According to Chickering, the first narrative, a notion hypothesized by Michael Howard and further developed by Geoffrey Parker, holds that the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars were merely a continuation and intensification of the tactical and technological changes gunpowder, musketry and artillery that occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which in turn paved the way for the colossal standing armies
  • 17. Fabricated And Historically Accurate Elements Of Assassins... Fabricated and Historically Accurate Elements of Assassins Creed II The Renaissance was a time period in Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries, it was a rich time for human development and overall improvement of life (Hay, 1). Whether it be through stunning architectural designs, improvements in medicine, or scientific inventions. Several objects from this time period were preserved due to the vast amount of information and historical relevance they provided, information such as that of Leonardo da Vinci and his designs, many of which helped future inventors to innovate and shape our world today. To experience the Renaissance in a simulation is a feat of its own, as there are several elements that come into play, such as creating an accurate representation of Italy, architectural complexity and creating a storyline that justly represents that time period. As technology had advanced from the late 20th century to now, it became possible to simulate such a feat, this allowed for the development of the Assassins Creed series. The Renaissance was believed to have started in Florence, Italy in the 14th century, the time period where Assassins Creed II was set (Burke) (Assassins Creed II, Video game). Assassins Creed II was developed in 2009 by Ubisoft Montreal, it attempts to recreate the Renaissance in an open world simulation of Italy while incorporating several historically accurate elements such as famous landmarks, cities, notable families, pieces of art, and weapons to
  • 18. Hillary Clinton Research Paper ...human rights are women s rights and women s rights are human rights once and for all. These are famous words that Hillary Clinton spoke during her speech at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Since her speech, women have made progress in gaining rights. Clinton uses her speech in Beijing to advance her career and to make herself known as an individual instead of just the First Lady. Clinton s political career was started by this speech; she continues to center her career around this speech and it was the basis of her presidential campaign. Biographical Information on Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947. She was the first child of Hugh Rodham and ... Show more content on ... She later moved to Arkansas to teach criminal and constitutional justice at the University of Arkansas because Bill Clinton lived in Arkansas. They got married on October 11, 1975. Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas in 1978, which raised his popularity and later allowed him to run for President of the United States. Hillary Clinton worked at the RoseLaw Firm until 1992, which is when she and Bill Clinton moved into the White House. When Bill Clinton became president, Hillary Clinton got an office in the West Wing of the White House instead of the East Wing, where all the other First Ladies had theirs. This made her closer to the President s office, which was important because she was much more involved in the President s work than most First Ladies were. She worked in the President s Task Force on National Health Care Reform. Her and Bill Clinton s goal was to establish healthcare for everyone, which was a plan that eventually failed. She also helped Mother Teresa build the Mother Teresa Home for Infant
  • 19. My Vision For America Essay The first English settlers arrived in the New World around the early 1600 s and established colonies. About a year and a half later, our amazing and beautiful country took place. America has been alive and ever blossoming for 239 years. Our goal subsists to keeping that number high. My visions for America so we can keep blossoming remain as follows: a strong military force, a healthy society, and a faithful unity of people. Developing and sustaining a powerful military force takes the place as the first of my visions for America. On the day, September 29, 1789, our country s first official military force came about. That day meant that, from this time forward we will do our absolute best to defend our country. So far we have kept our word; aside from only a few losses. After reading that, we can t lose hope; we can t let down now, we must push forward in this goal! In the beginning process of our military addition we had the early equipment and thinking. Now, our military has developed and produced more sufficient equipment and more thoughtful and strategic thinking. According to world... Show more content on ... Sustaining a healthy society means that there lives more people employed rather than unemployed and to have as little national debt as possible. Comparing America to my Vison for America, there exists approximately 315 million people in America and about 156 million of them stand employed and 8.6 million unemployed. Shown those statistics, the approximate unemployment rate happens as 5.3%. Given these statements, we can infer that there are far more people employed rather than unemployed in America. Nevertheless, 2.35 trillion occurs as America s average yearly imports and the average yearly amount we export remains 1.65 trillion, putting us in debt. By and large, America stands about half way there in my second vision for America, but every year we get closer and closer yet at pursuing our
  • 20. College Professors Essay College Professors The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game. Just as the cards that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of professors a student gets on the first day will determine the success of their year. The difference between a helpful and a harmful professor can easily result in a much lower grade. College professors have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds. However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious, or uncaring. One type of professor in the college system is the helpful professor. This professor can be recognized right away by their smile and joyfulness in the classroom. These professors give upbeat and ... Show more content on ... This professor has a sour attitude toward life in general; therefore they want the students to be miserable as well. Their lectures are never to the point and usually stray off to make some negative point about life. They encourage students to ask questions, but only so that they can make the person with the question feel incompetent for asking it. They are willing to talk with a student after class, but unlike the helpful professor, the malicious professor is only there to criticize. They will emphasize the student s faults but never point out their strengths, thus lowering the self esteem of the student. The tests given by the malicious professor are vague, full of trickery, and composed of the most difficult material. These tests are not designed to survey the student s knowledge of the subject, but rather to trip them up and make them fail. If one works really hard it is possible to earn a good grade in this type of professor s class, but in general the grades will be as low as the malicious professor can make them. The third type of professor is the uncaring professor. This type of instructor has lost interest in teaching; therefore, they do not put any effort into it. This professor can be recognized by their monotonous tone of voice and lack of interest of the subject. Their lectures only cover the basics of the material. They make no effort to appeal to the students interests; consequently, most students can hardly pay
  • 21. The Biological Feeling Of Hunger Attention and focus is required as a college student and generally in everyday life. Attention to simple and mundane tasks can affect an individual when it concerns work and school and any possible relationship held. Eating motivation has so many factors. Some people eat when they are actually hungry while others eat out of boredom. Some people eat while socializing while some individuals eat due to stressful events experienced, just as mentioned by Dr. Penton in Behavioral Neuroscience (2015). The biological feeling of hunger comes from a structure in the brain called the hypothalamus. There are two areas of the hypothalamus that control hunger. The lateral hypothalamus causes the feeling of hunger while the ventromedial hypothalamus creates the feeling of satiety (Pinel, 2015). Homeostasis is an adaptive, behavioral response to nutrient deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, and other threats to the internal milieu in order to maintain certain critical survival variables at optimal levels. Imbalances are prone to occur in a fasting state, moving the body away from homeostasis. Our bodies have adapted to store fat in case we would possibly encounter a harsh winter, periods of famine, and in order to be able to reproduce. There is a standard set point and detection system our bodies aim to keep at all costs. The detection system is responsible in recognizing deviation from the set point and doing anything possible in efforts of getting the body back to a homeostatic state
  • 22. Differences Between Fashion And Fashion The history of clothing dates back from the beginning of the human race, which is around 4026 B.C. You may wonder, what s the difference between fashion and clothing? Clothing is just something to cover the body, but fashion is so much more. Fashion represents an individual and can be a beautiful piece of art. Fashionchanges with society and is usually a very popular trend that many people at a time follow. For this reason, the art of fashion diffused in Europe in 400 C.E. Before 400 C.E. Western Europe was under Barbarian control, consequently, Eastern Europe and parts of Asia flourished in fashion. Dress in the Byzantium Empire (what is now Istanbul, Turkey) was a blend of Roman and Eastern Asian styles. The Eastern Asian style contributed many elaborate ornaments and silk. This diffused into Rome through the new fashion trends relating to embroidery and woven designs found in short tunics and elaborate outer garments. These styles of the Byzantine court continued to influence all the courts of Western Europe from about 400 to 900 C.E. up until the European economy began to recover, and Western Europe gained independence from previous Barbarian control. In this span of 500 years, the development of fashion in Europe was somewhat obscure. This was because 400 to 900 C.E. was know as the dark ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire. We ll skim over the dark ages, since men and women s fashion remained pretty basic and constant throughout that time. Women s and men s
  • 23. If You Cross The River You Are A Criminal A. Social inequality / pg 79: a social condition in which privileges and obligations are given to some but denied to others. A criminal is defined as a person who commits a crime. What happens when those crimes are against humanity? How do we as Americans justify some of our laws, when they are morally wrong? Our ancestors invaded, conquered, and eventually industrialized lands. Settlers initial goals were to find better lives and opportunities. A few centuries later, we are denying immigrants the same rights to seek out better lives and opportunities. Border patrol stated at the beginning of of the film, If you cross the river you are a criminal. In my opinion, it is criminal that we waste money on the deporting system versus helping to civilize the southern countries. In The Harvest, immigrants in the U.S faced the risks of making incomes like $64/week and not getting paid. The film Wetbacks showed the perspective of the people South of the U.S borders. Families in the Latin America s average up to $70 /month. Two dollars a day won t buy one person a day food, let alone a family. Almost everything is done by hand; breaking rocks, transporting water from the river, washing/drying clothes, and producing/catching little food. I feel we should either open or extend our borders. Some of our border laws need to be revised or eradicated. We hand money to people who use the welfare system as a career. Why not employ immigrants for jobs Americans will never do? Immigrants
  • 24. Tachycardia Care Essay The patient is a sixty seven year old Somali female, whom will be referred to as Jane. Jane initially presented to the emergency room with shortness of breath, fever, tachycardia, and a persistent cough. She has a history of tachycardia and asthma. The goal for the treatment of this patient was to rule out avian flu, and to manage her tachycardia and asthma. This paper will serve as a guide for providing culturally relevant care for a Somali patient. This includes, history of the group in the United States and common health problems. This investigation will also include common beliefs, values, nutritional considerations, and common communication patterns. Brief History of the Affiliated Group in the United States Somali immigrants first ... Show more content on ... They strongly adhere to the laws and teachings of Islam, and because they are a more recently arrived population, Somalis preserve many of their traditional social and cultural norms (CultureVision, 2016f). Their belief in Islam means that Allah is the ultimate decision maker. Muslims often view illness as atonement for sins, and cope with illness using patience and prayer. Despite their beliefs, they are encouraged to seek treatment for illnesses, but typically only will for acute illnesses (Culture Vision, 2016a). Other important beliefs include modesty, especially for females, preference for the right hand because the left hand is seen as unclean, and allowing time for uninterrupted daily prayer. Cleanliness should always be a priority (CultureVision, 2016h). When providing care to a Somali patient it is important to match the gender of the patient with gender of the caregiver whenever possible. In this case, the patient would be receiving care from female healthcare providers. If available, gowns should cover the patient to the ankles and to the wrist, and unnecessary exposure of the body and physical contact should be minimized. Before body parts are uncovered the patient should be asked and given the opportunity to move the garment themselves. Additionally, the head and hair of the patient should remain untouched unless it is required for examination. When feeding the patient or administering medications the right hand should be used (CultureVision,
  • 25. Unit 519 Develop Procedures And Practice To 1 18.09.2014 Leigh Bown Unit 519 Develop procedures and practice to respond to concerns and complaints. Introductions п‚› Getting to know you... п‚› About me... CQC Inspector (South Central) Adults with Learning Disabilities Children and Young People Occupational Therapy Therapeutic Supervisor пЂ Community and Organisational Development пЂ Father and Husband Important points п‚› Facilitate and share vs teach п‚› Confidentiality п‚› I dislike power point п‚› There will always be something else to do, don t forget yourself. Objectives of the unit... п‚› Understand the regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance for managing concerns and complaints. п‚› Be able to develop procedures to address concerns and complaints. п‚› ... Show more content on ... (2) In particular, the registered person must (a) bring the complaints system to the attention of service users and persons acting on their behalf in a suitable manner and format; (b) provide service users and those acting on their behalf with support to bring a complaint or make a comment, where such assistance is necessary; (c) ensure that
  • 26. any complaint made is fully investigated and, so far as reasonably practicable, resolved to the satisfaction of the service user, or the person acting on the service user s behalf; and (d) take appropriate steps to coordinate a response to a complaint where that complaint relates to care or treatment provided to a service user in circumstances where the provision of such care or treatment has been shared with, or transferred to, others. (3) The registered person must send to the Commission, when requested to do so, a summary of the (a) complaints made pursuant to paragraph (1); and (b) responses made by the registered person to such complaints. п‚› What does the regulations say? Assessing and monitoring the quality of service п‚› provision п‚› 10. (1) The registered person must protect service users, and others who may be at risk, against the risks of inappropriate or unsafe care and treatment, by means of
  • 27. Analysis Of The Film Green Lantern As one can imagine, being trapped out in the ocean, hundreds of feet from any kind of safety while an enormous shark is circling you, has to be the most frightening experience one can endure. Nancy, a young medical student ventures out to a secluded beach in Mexico to enjoy some time surfing, but little does she know how close to death she will come. The suspense that builds up as Nancy struggles to escape her predator throughout the film is what keeps the viewers on their toes, as the entire movie revolves around her plan to make it back to shore. This being the plot, can seem dull and uninteresting at first, but as the film progresses, it s hard to take your eyes off the screen. The acting of Blake Lively, who plays Nancy, helps to make the film even better, as many people know her from her other acting rolls, such as Sarena van der Woodsen from the hit television show Gossip Girl and Carol Ferris from the film Green Lantern . The director of the film, Jaume Collet Serra, is known for creating movies with an extensive amount of suspense. He is able to get an incredible performance from actors, as well as understand all of the scenes from the perspective of the viewers, thus giving him the ability to know exactly what needs to take place to keep the film interesting. Because Blake Lively is in every scene, it is obvious that the film is customized to her and her acting skills. She portrays a protagonist who most overcome her fear and gain strength throughout the course
  • 28. The Role of Feedback in the Educational Process Feedback plays a huge role in the educational process. On one hand, teachers should provide their students with good feedback. On the other hand, students should respond to the feedback in a way that will make them actually benefit from it. In this paper, I will talk about the role of feedback in the educational process, the types of feedback I see now, and what changes I would like to see in the future. Ken Blanchard once said, Feedback is the breakfast of champions. As a future teacher, my goal is to produce future champions. Thus, I should provide my students with excellent feedback. Giving feedback to students can be very helpful. It can promote self confidence, development of thinking, and motivation. On one hand, when teachers give positive feedback they build their students confidence. Whether it is in class or privately, students will feel recognised. Students will think of their teacher s feedback as a motive for keeping up the good work. Moreover, students will think of their teacher s feedback thoroughly and try to adjust their work to come up with a better product. On the other hand, Students receiving negative feedback is devastating most of the times. Calling a student Stupid or telling him Your answer is wrong, you can t do anything right, inside the calls or even in private can cause serious psychological damages. the student will feel that it makes no sense to edit his work or even try to accomplish anything in the future because he is Stupid and
  • 29. Sit-Down Strikes Of The United Auto Workers (Uaw) By the end of 1936 and the beginning of 1937, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union structured a strike held at General Motors, known as the Fisher Body Plant No. 2 in Flint, Michigan. They called the strike, a sit down strike that was organized to demand improvements to working conditions and job security to all employees. The strike was one of the largest during this era. The local police tried to withhold food from going into the plant that was ordered by supporters; which caused the strike to become violent. This left the Michigan s governor, Frank Murphy no choice but to step in and decide to call in the National Guard to control the situation, however, the troops was ordered be onsite and not go inside the plant. Murphy made this decision
  • 30. The Ethical Dilemma Of The Field Of Health Care Essay Introduction: DNR is considered one of ethical dilemma in modern society that resulted from medical development. Ethical dilemmas occur in the field of health care when health care providers are in a situation where they need to choose between two or more unfavorable alternative. Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to spell out your decisions about end of life care ahead of time. They give you a way to tell your wishes to family, friends, and healthcare professionals and to avoid confusion later on. A do not resuscitate(DNR) order is another kind of advance directive. A DNR is a request not to have cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) if your heart stops or if you stop breathing. Unless given other instructions, hospital staff will try to help any patient whose heart has stopped or who has stopped breathing. You can use an advance directive form or tell your doctor that you don t want to be resuscitated. Your doctor will put the DNR order in your medical chart. Doctors and hospitals in all states accept DNR orders. The form allows an individual to declare that the following resuscitative measures are not to be used: cardiac compression, endotracheal intubation and other advanced airway management, artificial ventilation, defibrillation, administration of advanced cardiac life support drugs and related emergency medical procedures. The DNR form does not authorize the withholding of other medical interventions, such as intravenous fluids, oxygen, or other
  • 31. Insanity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s The nineteenth century may have inspired transformation of society, but there was no radical improvement in the relationship between the male psychiatrist and the female patient. A new generation of doctors, even more moralistic, domineering and masculinist in their approach than their predecessors, employed scientific methods of research inspired by Darwinian theories, which gave full weight of scientific confirmation to the narrow Victorian ideals of femininity (Showalter 122). The intellectual inferiority of women was confirmed as a result of reproductive specialization (Showalter 122). 2. 2. The Position of Twentieth Century Women in The Bell Jar 2. 2. 1. Manifestations of insanity and the disintegration of personality The Bell ... Show more content on ... It is partly due to the changes in the psychiatric methods. Further into the twentieth century, institutions for mentally ill began to suffer from the lack of credibility and bad reputation of unnecessary cruel treatments administered not only on women, which were supported with popular literature such as One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest. Furthermore, increasingly popular belief in the curability of mental illnesses with the employment of drugs all culminated in the beginning of de institutionalisation of psychiatry. Considering the position of women in society, Atwood s nameless Narrator has already achieved what Esther Greenwood could only hope for she has both a career and the freedom to indulge in sexual relationships without the restrictions of marriage. Yet, even though she can enjoy considerably more freedom than her predecessors due to the spreading opposition towards the male supremacy, she still feels powerless and sees herself as a victim of the patriarchal society. The forced abortion is one of the triggers of her madness. Traumatized by this experience when she felt completely powerless and out of control, the Narrator has also lost trust in society and
  • 32. Literary Analysis Of Emily Dickinson s To A Heart In Sea ID #1 Futile the winds To a Heart in port Done with the Compass Done with the Chart! The second stanza of Emily Dickinson s Wild Nights Wild Nights! , portrays a sense of romantic longing between the two lovers. In this poem, there is a nautical type of scenery being displayed, especially in the last two stanzas. This is true because, the second stanza references: compasses, charts, seas and ports. The first line states, Futile the winds , futile meaning pointless. The narrator is stating that no matter how hard the winds blow, or how rough the seas get, her love is strong and she is not going anywhere. When the narrator says, To a Heart in port , it kind of creates a setting of a lovers embrace. Every woman desires to be sought after and longed for. The narrator is no longer searching for love, because she has found love, therefore her heart is in port or it is docked. The narrator talks about how she is done with the compass and with the chart in the last two lines. She is giving up all control for this person, she is free to love and to be loved. She does not need a compass or a chart because she is not looking for anything anymore. She has found her love and her voyage is now over. She has found her Wild Night . ID #4they don t fit into little petty places, these hips are free hips. Lucille Clifton s homage to my hips, is all about women s empowerment. Throughout the poem, we see this reoccurring symbol of hips. Clifton is talking about women s hips in general, not just hers. The hips in this poem symbolize how strong and powerful women are. How women can accomplish anything if they set their mind to it. These three lines talk about how not every woman has a perfect body and how each of them are different. These hips do not fit into society s standards for women. These hips are different, not perfect, but they are beautiful in their own way, they don t fit into little petty places. In the poem it says, these hips are free hips which explains how women are free to make their own decisions. They are free to have whatever kind of body type they want, without being shamed for being different. Clifton uses the imagery of the hips to show how women are huge role models for
  • 33. Transtheoretical Model Type 2 diabetes is a major challenge facing the world today. It is estimated there are currently 245 million people with diabetes and that number will climb to 380 million in 20 years. Patients are currently told to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, monitor blood glucose, and take medications but that obviously isn t enough. Long lasting behavior change is needed to achieve better self care. In order to improve the overall quality of care for diabetic patients, psychological factors and supporting mechanisms are of great importance. The transtheoretical model can be applied as an intervention to assess behavior change. This model has five stages which are pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. These stages... Show more content on ... The scores of social support in later stages of behavior change were higher than those in the earlier stages. The scores of self efficacy and compliance in blood glucose monitoring, regular exercise, and diet control in later stages of behavior change were higher than those in earlier stages. Self efficacy showed a gradual increase from pre contemplation to maintenance. HbA1C levels were higher in contemplation/preparation stages when compared to other later stages. The more compliant participants were, the lower their HbA1C values; and the more negativity from family and friends, the higher HbA1C values. Stronger self efficacy correlated to higher compliance to routines. Social support increased various positive dimensions of self efficacy. The routine management of diabetes was the key factor that influenced the stages of behavior change. Social support, self efficacy, and compliance had significant differences in different stages of behavior change. Self efficacy showed a gradually increasing trend across stages. HbA1C values were higher in the earlier stages compared to the later
  • 34. Realism Of Film And Film Of The 1950s And 40s Through The... Realism s relationship with cinema and film form is one which has been debated since the beginnings of film theory. There are many different arguments on how best to capture realism on film. It came to the forefront of film theory in the 1930s and 40s through the Italian neorealism movement. Andre Bazin was a french filmcritic and theorist who is best known for his writing on realism in film. He argued that cinema is fundamentally realistic and that filmmakers should not alter what an audience views, with exception. He favours the long deep focus shot such as those used in Orson Well s Citizen Kane. Sergei Eisenstein, a soviet director and theorist, favoured the opposite approach to achieving realism in film. Basing his theory around early work by Kuleshov and Pudovkin, Eisenstein championed montage as the only way to capture realism in film. His theory is based around the idea that reality is dialectical, with much of his work stemming from the politics of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. He argues that as reality is dialectical, then the filmmaking that seeks to capture this reality must also be dialectical. On the face of it these methods are polar opposites however they both attempt to solve the question of how best to capture realism in the cinema. Through this shared goal there is similarity in the two different theorists approaches that hint at neither method necessarily being more effective in capturing reality. Despite the debate on how best to capture realism,
  • 35. Essay on Minearls Found around the World Minerals are found in many areas of the world and some are more easily available than others. The Earth provides natural resources as necessary minerals that can be used for construction, decoration, gemstones, and many other important physical uses that improve the quality of life. There are minerals that can be found and mined in natural solid form in small or large quantities and some that are found in a mixed environment and must be refined. Much time and research has shown that some minerals may be hazardous and many minerals are crucial to a greater life on earth. Chalcopyrite, copper, and malachite are the three main minerals used to make copper. Copper is one of the most important natural resources and an important... Show more content on ... Copper, Cu, is the natural solid form of copper with an Isometric crystal system. It is found as copper red on a fresh surface, dull brown or green on a tarnished surface with metallic luster and metallic copper red streak. The natural copper is soft and malleable at 2.3 3 on moh s mineral scale. Copper nuggets in pure state have been found in Arizona, abundant in Keweenaw Peninsula in northern Michigan, and also found in Canada, Australia, China, Namibia, Bolivia, and Russia. Copper is mined or extracted as copper sulfide in an open pit mine. Taken in large equipment to be cleaned in steam and melted dried and cooled in molds to solidify and then sent off to be used as copper products. (Understanding Minerals and Mining through Education). Malachite, (Cu2(CO3)(OH)2, is a carbonate (minor ore of copper) with a monoclinic crystal system that can be found in Democratic Republic of Congo, Australia, France, Russia, and Arizona. It is found in different shades of green color with green streak and vitreous to adamantine in luster. Larger specimens are found to be dull and earthy and smaller specimens are silky. The hardness mineral moh s level is 3.5 to 4. Malachite is mined by digging for veins in either open pit or underground mining. Malachite is a minor ore of copper and can be reduced and refined for the use of copper but malachite is a beautiful gem that is used as a decorative stone. The stone is cut and polished and used as a semi precious gem
  • 36. Dr Moreau The Island of Dr Moreau by H.G. Wells. The story is told by Edward Prendick. Prendick is on this boat the lady vain and it sinks. Prendick and two other guys escape onto a lifeboat. The other two guys get in a fight and fall off the side of the boat. Prendick is then saved by a ship. There he meets Montgomery. Montgomery nurses him back to good health. Montgomery is on the ship with Dr Moreau. They are going to some unknown island with these animals they have in cages. The captain hates Prendick and kicks him off the boat with Montgomery and Dr. Moreau. Dr Moreau shows Prendick where he will be staying in the enclosure. After a day or so the screaming starts of what he assumes is the puma one of the animals from the ship. Prendick walks in on Dr Moreau and Montgomery cutting up a person. Prendick freaks out and runs into the forest. There he meets the beast people. They take him back to their huts. They start to teach him the law. That s when Montgomery and Dr Moreau catch Prendick and explain to him that Dr Moreau does vivisection. Prendick understands and comes back to the... Show more content on ... The animals, Prendick, and Dr Moreau. Obviously the animals suffered from vivisection. In the book it said at first a lot of the animals died at first. Dr Moreau hadn t yet got it down so they suffered. They also suffered when they were being worked on. Then Prendick suffered. The book even started with him suffering. He was stranded on that little boat he almost died. Dr Moreau suffered from when he was in London he was hated for doing vivisection. He was forced to leave and go to the island. This is why I picked suffering as my theme. So after reading The Island of Dr Moreau I picked suffering as my theme. I think suffering was a very big part of the book. Most of the book was about suffering. The animals I think suffered the most. You can also suffer in a social way like Dr Moreau did. This is why I choose suffering as my
  • 37. Essay on journeyhod Journey Motif in Heart of Darkness... Journey Motif in Heart of Darkness and Jasmine In Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness and Bharati Mukherjee s Jasmine, the physical journey represents the setting for the psychological journey that both main characters undergo. Each stage of the journey is correlated to an emotional insight, and the implications are great enough to incur a change in the protagonists lives. Through the discovery of distant lands and foreign ideas, Marlow and Jasmine are prompted to look internally to find the answers to their questions. Their struggles are personal, and they are driven by different guiding forces, yet both experience a greater sense of self awareness by the end of their journey. Initially, Marlow and Jasmine embark on ... Show more content on ... Once inland, his physical journey upriver brings forth a greater understanding, both of the environment and his perception of it. He is inspired to reexamine the European notion of colonialism and the African people that it is affecting. For Jasmine, her westward journey becomes the catalyst for many new transformations. Correspondingly, she leaves behind more and more of her Indian culture. After surviving her experience with Half Face, Jasmine comes under the protection of Lillian Gordon. It is Lillian s kindness and generosity that encourage Jasmine to carry on toward her dream of Vijh and Wife (Mukherjee 81), to search for the life that she and her husband had envisioned. Lillian reinforces what Prakash and Masterji had already discovered that Jasmine is destined for greater things. Spiritually renewed by the support of her friend and the memory of her husband, she resumes her journey to seek a new life in New York. Marlow is also transformed as he travels into the heart of the jungle. As he follows the river upstream in search of Kurtz, he feels unsettled, yet enlightened, by the events that are unfolding around him, and is forced to reconsider his impression of the Africans. He acknowledges that they are indeed very much human, contrary to what most Europeans assert. But what thrilled you, Marlow says, was just the thought of their humanity like yours the thought of your remote kinship with those
  • 38. Worship Of Physical Power In The Northern Dynasty 1.The reasons for this worship of physical power in the Northern Dynasty 1.1the geographic factor With the differences in the landscape, the climate, and so on between the Northern and the Southern Dynasties, the Northern Dynasty lived a rough life, which forced the people in the Northern Dynasty to build up their figures. Take Tabgatch, the renowned family in the Northern Dynasty, as an example. In the Wei and Jin Dynasty, the 1st year of the Tianxing period, the Xianbei ethnic group chose Ping City as their capital. This area lies in the fault zone between the Shanxi Tableland and the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Hence, this area is mainly dominated by mountainous terrain...... Besides such a harsh environment, the soil is quite sterile. Consequently,
  • 39. Technology And Its Impact On The World s Space Program Who in here owns a GPS or has a GPS built into their smartphone? Have you ever wondered how that works or more importantly, how did that GPS satellite travel from the ground to its 12,000 mile Medium Earth orbit? If you have ever seen a rocket launch on TV or in person you know how impressive that event is... This technological wonder or technology advancement was made possible by a Visionary Leader named General Bernard Bennie A. Schriever, a Visionary Leader, who is better known as being the Father of America s Space Program . This man s hard work and vision is responsible for creation of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) fleet and paving the foundation for launching satellites in orbit. Through his 32 year career, he had many roles and with hard work and vision, he created a legacy that is still relevant to this day. Over the next 5 minutes, I will provide examples of how Bennie was a Visionary Leader through with the use of the Full Range Leadership s Transformation attribute of Idealized Influence and the use of Diversity in his teams. Once explained I will relate those concepts on how I have applied them in my own life. Let s dive right in and look at General Schriever s leadership attributes more closely. As we learned in the Full Range Leadership lesson, Idealized Influence is a key aspect to leadership, and means that as leaders we are communicating the right kind of influence, acting as a role models for others to follow... in simple terms
  • 40. Planning A Wedding Is Not An Easy Task Essay Have you ever wondered how an Olympic Games Opening and closing Ceremony comes to life? Did you join the millions of people across the world who watched as Princess Diana said I do ? Or have you ever stood at, watched an open concert of your favorite artist? Behind all of these and more, event managementprofessionals work tirelessly to create the best experience possible for the guests, the stars, the sponsors stakeholders, and the spectators. Event management is the co ordination, running and planning of all the people, teams and features that come together to create every kind of event. Many people spend more time in planning their wedding than they do in planning the marriage Zig Zigler, one of the most successful American author once said which is 100% true in today s context. Planning a wedding is not an easy task. You need to get every detail accurate under any circumstance and not only you but the rest of the family that will be attending the wedding will wait to see what goes wrong and where. The couple s reputation depends on a well organized wedding on that day. A well executed wedding can bring joy to every one including the couple. But a flawed event can create serious trouble in both parties including their parents, family and friends. The festive aspect of a wedding makes the planning even more necessary. If you are meticulous about this, you will guard against the majority of unexpected surprises. Firstly, the atmosphere. Wedding planning should not
  • 41. Sweater Weather Analysis Very few songs retain the inimitable aptitude to tell a story, let alone create a platform in which the central idea of that story is juxtaposed between the lofty heights and the crushing depths of the presence and absence of that idea. Unlike most of its contemporaries, Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, tells its own story that of a fleeting romance, and provides a stage to contrast the facets of love that are both exalted and despised. The Neigbourhood s Sweater Weather, utilizes a unique mix of quick paced music and clever lyrics to create an atmosphere in which the evanescence of love can be examined and by extent scrutinized. The music possesses a unique ability of conveying the message of how quick and tragic love can be. The... Show more content on ... The lyrics of the main body of the song are rapid and roll off the tongue as lead singer Jesse Rutherford swiftly rattles off the lines, creating an enveloping sense of the lust that is present at the beginning of a relationship. However, as the song progresses, Rutherford s poignant vocal talents seep through as the song becomes less of a praise of love and more of a lamentation of it, and the deep scars it leaves behind as it comes to a close. The beginning of the song is riddled with juxtapositions like, Head in the clouds but my gravity s centered which provide a unique insight into two component of love, the pure ecstasy of lust coupled with the grounding force of complacency and reality that cements the relationship. While the lyrics often exalt the conquest of love, as it evolves the song provides a evocative lamentation of that lost in the pursuit of love. The lyrics become darker and more cacophonous, shifting from the upbeat, The goose bumps start to raise to, it too cold, it s too cold. The protracted feeling that creeps into Rutherford s voice conveys a demeaning view of that lost, and leaves a lasting impression of hopelessness that persists long after the song finishes. While simple syntactically, the closing lines of the
  • 42. Executive Functions In Older Adults Essay Introduction The present paper reviews the benefits of exercise on executive functions in older adults and discusses a potential mechanism through which exercise may change the way the brain processes information for better cognitive outcomes. Specifically, older adults who are more physically active demonstrate a shift toward local neural processing that is associated with better executive functions. We discuss the use of neural complexity as a sensitive measure of the neural network plasticity that is enhanced through exercise. We conclude by highlighting the future work needed to improve exercise prescriptions that help older adults maintain their cognitive and physical functions for longer into their lifespan. Anatomy Physiology The ... Show more content on ... Age related neuromuscular junction (NMJ) plays a key role in musculoskeletal impairment that occurs with aging. Changes in the NMJ precede or follow the decline of muscle mass and strength remains unresolved. When a motor neuron is lost, fibers previously innervated by that neuron, defined as a motor unit, are no longer controlled by the nervous system and fail to contribute to the force generated during a volitional muscle contraction. In the attempt to counteract the functional consequence of this process, denervated orphan fibers express proteins and produce chemotactic signals that stimulate the sprouting of new dendrites from residual motor neurons. This process leads re innervation by the expansion of pre existing motor units and is aimed at returning to function previously denervated muscle fibers. There is evidence that this compensatory mechanism starts failing with aging. The reason for a progressive impairment of the re innervation process with aging is unknown, but some lines of evidence point to changes that occur with aging in the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), which is the synaptic interface between a branch of a motor neuron and muscle cells. The NMJ is composed of three elements: pre synaptic, intrasynaptic, and post synaptic part. The function of the NMJ is to transmit signals from the motor neuron to the skeletal muscle fibre quickly and
  • 43. Control Cellulite Essay How to Control Cellulite: A New Twist Is it ever a good feeling to dress in front of a mirror just to be reminded of the cauliflower look on the thighs, stomach, buttocks, chest or arms? Does yuck or maybe eel sound familiar? Followed by the common question; how do I get rid of this cellulite? Then finally search and research the internet for an answer to quickly and effectively clear away this unsightly thing. After reading countless bits of information to so call rectify the cellulite issue, frustration sets in or maybe a little bitterness. Destine to rid of looking like an outer layer tree trunk a little negative seed has been planted in the mind that brings about desperation and trying anything that appears to work when in fact it... Show more content on ... Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 Patience Yes we all heard the clichГ©, patience is a virtue many times over, and it justifies the condition. Not giving up will turn out some amazing results. Patience is endurance and much is required when working on a body toning regiment. Relax and persevere because a pleasant change will happen although it may take up to a couple of weeks before noticeable, but it s coming. A person s wisdom yields patience; it is to one s glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11 Prayer Are you a steadfast and unmovable witness for Jesus Christ? Then you most definitely know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is absolute power in prayer. This was purposely left last for the main ingredients for prayer manifestation: faith you must believe, gratitude you must give God thanks, and patience you must wait on the Lord because he we know it s coming just release it in God s hand wait for it and move on to the next thing. ...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16 The war on cellulite is a bit challenging nevertheless can be dealt with once we understand what it, the contributing factor, and how to effectively combat it after which we will enjoy the fruits of our labor. What is Cellulite Cellulite happens when a partition of fatty deposits are formed
  • 44. Police Discrimination In America How many blacks are killed by the police every year in the United States, and how does this affect people today? Well it depends on who you ask. Our federal government tries to track this population with databases from the National Vital Statistics system, which involves coordination between different state health departments, and its information depends on death certificates that involve police. According to this database in 2017, 223 African Americans (23%) died from police last year (most being unarmed) while being only 14% of the United States population. This information proves how people discriminate against blacks across America, by having blacks being almost one fifth of the population killed by police. How does discrimination ... Show more content on ... But our past doesn t affect our future. We must learn to forget and move on from the past. The thing is that any form of hate including discrimination comes from self motivated experience or what the surrounding world wants you to think. For example, slavery, it was wrong, so our government banned it. However, that ideology of having someone less than you, breed the police brutality that we see today. Those officers used their occupation as a conduit for a reason to show their hatred, but all they needed to do was forgive and forget because hatred breeds