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Essay on Factors Leading to The Collapse of Past Societies
At present day, our worldwide civilization of the human race continues to surpass many
achievements of other past societies. Everyday, new technological advances are being achieved and
the population is growing faster than it ever previously has. We must look back at past civilizations
and analyze them to understand what is in store for us in the future. In the pursuit of progress,
human societies create problems they do not have the resources or political motivation to solve, for
fear of short term losses in status or quality of life, which prevents further advancements and
sometimes leads to collapse.1 Three factors that have enabled past civilizations to fall into progress
traps and ultimately contributed to the collapse of those ... Show more content on ...
Collectively, it is not hard to imagine each city–state setting themselves up for failure due to their
competitive nature. Competition for power and an increasing need for prosperity lead to Copan's
collapse, and ultimately the Classic Maya civilization as a whole. Secondly, the Roman civilization
had a number of social disputes, which contributed to its collapse. Among those, political instability
emerged as the root cause for its downfall.2 "One of the revealing ironies of Rome's history is that
the city–state's native democracy withered as its empire grew." (Wright, 90). The assassination of
Julius Caesar fueled existing conflicts further. Self–proclaimed emperors after Caesar's death and
the overall political imbalance of the weakening empire lead to war, invasion and trade disruption.
These disturbances created a ripple effect that lead to massive amounts of crime, increased cases of
disease, and widespread famine. Without the social conflicts regarding political relations, the
Roman Empire may not have fallen as extensively. Thirdly, social conflicts in China marked the end
of the Ch'in dynasty in 206 B.C. Hungary peasants rebelled against their oppressive leaders.
Revolting peasants dug into an emperors tomb, stole weapons from his Terracotta army, and used
them to overthrow the existing emperors at the time. Although initially viewed as a positive event,
the overthrowing of their own leaders proved to have a devastating
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Assignment Cover Sheet
submission of assignments Please complete all of the following details and then make this sheet the
first page of each file of your assignment – do not send it as a separate document. Your assignments
must be submitted as either Word documents (with .doc extension, NOT.docx), text documents with
.rtf extension or as .pdf documents. If you wish to submit in any other file format please discuss this
with your lecturer well before the assignment submission date. |Student Name: |Tamara Johns |
|Student ID ... Show more content on ...
The roles and responsibilities were defined by what was inherited from the generations prior and to
a significant degree, these beliefs had a connection with the laws of God disseminated through the
church. As a result, such roles and responsibilities were strongly entrenched hence to challenge them
would result in making the person an outcast. Gender as a whole is a crucial element to the
construction of a society. European women in the nineteenth century lived in the age of gender
inequality and therefore women of both upper and middle–class had no occupational choices and
stayed home caring for the children and the house, while men were out working and bringing home
the money. This discourse is considered the norm and as Mary Klages explains in Literary Theory,
she refers to the poststructuralist theories that signifies gender as attached to sexually dimorphic
bodies, which signify the division of social practices and relations into binary oppositions of
male/female and masculine/feminine (Klages 2006, pg. 91–92). The gender concept is clearly a
conflict in anytime, posing a threat to social standing and the definition of women. Whilst the
advocating of social equality within society is an intellectual way of advancing the rights of a
suppressed group of people such as females, it is none the less difficult to digest the
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Argument For Moderate Objectivism
An argument for ethical objectivism would be Pojman and Fieser's moderate objectivism. According
to them, a moral claim is objectively true when it describes an objective moral principle. An
objective moral principle is a rule that, if generally followed, would optimally perform the function
of serving human needs and interests by reducing harmful social conflict and promoting beneficial
social cooperation. (Luco, Week 6 Notes p.1)
This is the reconstruction of Pojman and Fieser's Argument for Moderate Objectivism
1. Common human nature: Human nature is relatively similar in the sense that human beings have a
common set of basic needs and interest
2. Functionality Thesis: Moral principles are instituted to perform the function of meeting ... Show
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In addition, careful analysis of simple moral principles can also lead to the conclusion that the
functionality thesis is true. Using the example that we should keep our promises to people as a
moral principle, Pojman and Fieser do mention that if a world were to cease obeying it, contracts
and agreements would no longer hold any value. (Luco, Week 6 Notes, p.11) It is not difficult to
imagine that in many societies where transactions and contracts are made daily, from bank loans to
bicycle rentals, without the moral principle of keeping promises and honouring contracts, the
individuals who enter into an agreement would no longer see the need to honour their contracts. As
a result, business would fail and chaos would ensue in the society. Further empirical evidence can be
seen from Steven Pinker's research from "A History of Violence" was conducted over different time
periods and it also supports the functionality thesis in the sense that people with stronger reasoning
abilities do construct practices and institutions to meet their interest. (Luco, Week 6 Notes, p.
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The Annihilation Of Space By Law
Q4. Don Mitchell, in his article 'The Annihilation of Space by Law,' argues that ordinances passed
against the poor in the 1990s point to a highly exclusionary type of modern citizenship. What does
he mean by this? In what ways are the poor excluded from modern citizenship? How is this
exclusion justified socio–politically?
Space is never innocent. Regardless of whether a specific area is deemed public or private, space is
never innocent because of the bodies who govern those areas. Today, there are approximately 3.2
million Canadians who are either homeless or "transitionally" homeless, but regardless of their
citizenship, they are not considered as "modern citizens" by the society. Mitchell puts forth the
argument that the ordinances passed in the 1990s has stripped vagrants of their rights as actual
Canadian citizens and has created an elite class of citizenship that only the privilege can enjoy.
According to the Canadian government, an individual is deemed as a citizen of Canada if they fulfill
certain requirements such as being born in the country, applying for a citizenship, or being born to at
least one Canadian parent. With this citizenship, these individuals can now experience a wide
variety of privileges such as having the ability to vote, to either enter or leave the country, and to
enjoy all the rights and freedoms that are associated with the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. Some of these rights include the right to public assembly and
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A Study Of The Nuer Of Southern Sudan And The American...
What is order? What does it mean to have power? Stateless societies have long fascinated western
anthropologists because of how different their political system is. Understanding different forms of
power other than the western coercive power helps anthropologists to understand how power creates
social order. Through a study of the Nuer of Southern Sudan and the American tribes of South
America political power how order is created within stateless societies can be understood. Although
these two communities are highly dissimilar they provide contrasting examples of how stateless
societies are ordered. By limiting the discussion to these two examples it is hoped that the
discussion set forth does not confuse the reader but rather makes clear ... Show more content on ...
In Nuerland the tribe is divided into three separate groups. These will be referred to as primary,
secondary and tertiary sections. They are all segments of each other as the primary is a segment of a
tribe, secondary segment of the primary, and tertiary segment of the secondary (Evens–Prichard,
1940). Members of these segments only regard themselves as a member of that segment in relation
to segments of the same kind (Evens–Prichard, 1940). For the Nuer there is always an inconsistency
between definitions of your political group as your membership is only determined by your non–
membership of other groups (Evens–Prichard, 1940, p. 282). Specifically, in Nuerland, the tribal
system is relative. It cannot be described in the terms of a political morphology as their relations are
so dynamic.
Similarly, the Nuer segment themselves through a lineage systems. The Nuer clan is a highly
segmented system in the same way as the tribal system. The clan is segmented into the maximal
lineages which separate in major lineages which go into minimal which turn into minor lineages
(Evens–Prichard, 1940, pp. 286–287). Similarly to the tribal system lineages are only distinct
groups in relation to each other. Although every Nuer village is related to a lineage this does not
mean that members of the lineage are only found within a single localised community. Rather Nuer
clans are dispersed throughout many villages and one may find representatives of many clans within
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Social Problems In Sunflower County
A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community would deem as being
undesirable. A social problem is also a condition 'created' by a society that is can usually be
alleviated or solved by society. According to our textbook, Social Problems: Reading with Four
Questions, there are three criteria that a problem must meet in order to be a social problem. First of
all, the problem must be social in origin and caused by social factors. The more its causes are social,
the more it becomes a social problem. Next, the problem must be harmful to many individuals.
Finally, in order to be considered a social problem, it should harm society in a sense that it threatens
what we believe society should be. There are three theoretical ... Show more content on ...
Poverty would be considered a social problem because it affects a great number of people and can
be detrimental to society. The unemployment rate in Sunflower County averaged at 12.4%, which is
much higher than the overall unemployment rate in Mississippi at 7.2%. Sunflower County is also
one of the poorest counties in the states and one of the poorest in the United States. 36.1% of people
living in Sunflower County are below the poverty level. This isn't counting those who are struggling
or those wavering right about the poverty line. The overall poverty rate for Mississippi is 22.7%.
One factor that could contribute to poverty in Sunflower County is the lack of education. Many
school districts in Sunflower County have been put under the conservatorship of the Mississippi
Department of Education due to academic and financial reasons. 70.2% of Sunflower County
residents graduate from high school and only 13% have obtained their Bachelor's Degree. Another
factor could be that there are more white collar jobs than blue collar jobs. Undereducated
individuals would not qualify for many white collar jobs leaving them without employment. There
are many steps that could be taken to help prevent or solve the poverty issue in Sunflower County.
They could encourage residents to graduate and further their education, whether it is in college or a
certificate program. If there are more white collar jobs, they will
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Ap World History Research Paper
n classical civilization, common was the expansion of territory and the need to integrate them.
Integration sought the elements of politics, institutions, cultures, and commercial connections.
They had to adjust to their expansion.
550 – 400 BCE Pioneering thinkers emerged from all 3 civils.
Buddha, Socrates, & Confucius & Laozi. They distinct from one another.
Common societal values a civilization could build upon
China urged for centralization esp. in politics. while India & Medit. used the diversity of local rule.
India used religion to unite the civilization beyond politics.
Despite Medit. accomplishments culturally, the people weren't as involved.
A weakness when Rome collapsed politically.
E.g. China focused on its new ... Show more content on ...
Axum & Ethiopia had trade connections w/ Medit. for centuries after Rome
Merchants converted people to Judaism (e.g. Ethiopians)
Merchants who could speak German brought Christianity to Ethiopia which became isolated
Ethiopia had unbroken monarchy til abolishment in late 20th century
Iron spread impacting growth of agri. Unknown whether strong kingship derived from tradition in
Kush. Kush writing didn't expand.
Kushite, the 1st civil. below Sahara, had a limited influence.
Until 500 CE, agriculture which spread slowly. Villages were organized. Farming in S Sahara.
Nearing end of classical period, imp. local rule emerged including Ghana, the 1st major one.
The well–established agri. economy paved the way for many African kindgoms (W Nile).
N Europe & Japan
Both hadn't been influenced by great civilizations
Japan est. large–scale agri. Experts in iron–working. Obeyed the law, drank, & practiced social diffs.
Korean migrations for 200,000 yrs until 200
Regional w/ tribal leaders & a god seen to be an ancestor. Came to rule grander territories.
400 CE – Korean scribes were brought for record–keeping
Leaders & spirits were worshipped, esp. rice
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Theme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird
Ideally, the Constitution of the United States of America, the founding document of the nation,
ensures life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. Ironically, the South of the 1930s was the
exact antithesis of the statement. Those truths that were held to be self–evident to all men were only
used for the pleasure of those with the "correct" complexion and sex, that being the white male. The
minorities in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee were denied of those truths, due to the common
element of the corrupt Southern white male that was favored to be in a position of power in the time
period. To that end, it is the Southern white men in positions of power that create the conflict and
ruin the "mockingbirds" throughout this bildungsroman that Harper Lee presents the reader, which
is one of oppression, hatred, and denial.
Many of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird have been oppressed due to discrimination at some
point in their lives, to the point where law and society were rigged against them, as Atticus pointed
out, "In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins.
They're ugly but those are the facts of life." (224) It was also not acceptable to attempt to change
that system of institutional and societal racism. Those who did not conform to those rules also had
their lives ruined by those around him, as Mr. Raymond explained that the reason why he pretends
to be drunk, which is because he has a family with
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Early Western Civilization: Molded by Conflict or Consensus
The question has been posed whether early Western Civilization was molded by conflict between
civilizations or by consensus between divergent civilizations. Although it can be argued that both
conflict and consensus have affected the development of Western Civilization, one of these has had
more of an influence than the other. As early as Ca 3000, at the dawn of civilization, there has been
conflict. When the city–states of Sumer were established, warfare and competition broke out due to
disagreements on land and water rights. This tradition of conflict has continued throughout history
all the way up to modern times. Based on the outcomes of the many conflicts throughout history, it
appears that civilization has been molded more by these conflicts than consensus between divergent
civilizations. Looking at political, cultural, and religious aspects of the history of Western
Civilization, one can see the influence that conflict had on shaping said civilization. The ways that
conflict has shaped the political characteristics of Western Civilization are evident when looking at
historic expansions of civilizations and the imperialism that accompanies such expansions. As
leaders expanded their reign and land holdings by conquering other peoples, a need to govern those
holdings and citizens arose. As Hammurabi conducted campaigns to expand his empire, he
developed what has become known as Hammurabi's Code to help govern his people. Many of the
laws in the Code still currently
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The Black Codes In The Southern Society
The Black Codes in the Southern society which had many provisions of orders was published in
1865 and 1866 to restrict the freedom of black people (African Americans) and to reinforce strength
of white people. In a deeper meaning, this law was created to be like a way to preserve the slavery
If we go through each term of The Black Codes, we can see the law almost prevented freedom of
black people (who they were call "negro"). The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 of President
Lincoln granted slave with some rights, but actually these rights were very limited. For instance,
section 2 states every nergo was not allowed to be outside of their house after 10pm or they would
receive a fine. Section 3 states slaves were not allowed owning
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All Quiet On The Western Front Summer Analysis
Summer Analysis Essay Society's institutions are needed in the world to keep order, peace, and
organization; however, these institutions can also have the opposite effect on many people. Often,
the institutions of society may be used as a reason to behave immorally or to justify this immoral
behavior. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and All Quiet on the
Western Front, the protagonists all struggle with these institutions and with forming their own moral
code, whether bad or good. In all three novels, society's institutions corrupt and destroy individuals,
and the only ones who are safe from this corruption are the people who have escaped or diverged
from society. These novels mirror the authors' societies, ... Show more content on ...
"I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery," Huck shares, showing that he would be willing to
risk his life and reputation to free his friend, Jim (Twain 195). Instead of this institution creating
kind, caring, compassionate learners and leaders, the educational institution instills primitive, old
world values into its students in the South. However, because Huck escaped this formal Southern
education, he has good morals. Southern society considers Huck an uneducated, ignorant boy, but it
is he who possesses far more knowledge and compassion than any educated person of the South,
showing the hypocrisy of the society in which he lives. Huck relates, "It was kind of lazy and jolly,
laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study," while he is living out
in nature with his Pap (Twain 25). He does not enjoy a formal education of books and work, but can
still appreciate the beauty and curiosities of the world, in nature and its people. Huck is able to see
past the barriers society puts up, as he did not receive a Southern education, which creates people
who support slavery and do not think for themselves. The educational institution is like a factory,
pumping out identical children all believing in old world Southern values. Huck escapes from this
'prison' and only then does he become a better
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How Did The Mongols Change Over Time
Two Civilizations: Change Over Time and Continuity Over Time During this time period, there
were alterations in many civilizations. Some had multiple major fluctuations, while others did not
change much but were long lasting. The Mongols, for instance, did similar (if not the same things)
over and over again throughout their reign. What they did was successful and because of that, their
empire was long lasting. Unlike the Mongols, Italy had much change during this period of time.
Both of these things caused the two different societies to flourish and last. The Mongols had the
greatest continuity over time, but Italy had the greatest change over time, ending in good results for
both of the civilizations. The Mongol empire was a pastoral one, ... Show more content on ...
While their increase on population was interrupted by the Black Death in 1348, they recovered and
continued into a new chapter of Italian life in the 14th century. The late 14th and the 15th centuries
were the beginning of the renaissance era. Italy is often considered the heart of the renaissance, with
art flourishing and great writers and artists being produced. From Italy, their blooming of art caught
the interest of ancient Greece and Rome. The renaissance era started a new chapter in Italy and was
the cause of many great changes and innovations in Italy. While they were forced to change by
multiple invasions, by the 14th century Italy began to make their own changes during the
renaissance era, causing them to
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The Eltanin Civilizations, The Civilizations Of The Middle...
Welcome to Crash Course Civilizations 101! Today we will discuss one of the most prominent
civilizations of the middle kingdom, the Eltanin civilization. Now before we jump in let's talk about
what exactly is a civilization. Textbook definition defines it as: the process by which a society or
place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization, but a civilization is more
than just that. It is the culture a group of people possesses which is sustained over a period of time
which shapes history in one way or another. Most civilizations all stemmed from one life changing
event, the agricultural revolution. As the first agricultural revolution occurred from 10,000 BC to
2000 BC, people started to settle and cultivate land by planting crops and raising animals. Although
blossoming from different areas around the world, they all had certain similar aspects such as
developing unique ways of supporting themselves and upholding their society. The start of this
transition is known as the middle kingdom. Today we will be discussing one of the most prominent
civilizations of the middle kingdom, the Eltanin civilization, who lasted what scientists like to call,
A LONG TIME..Before we dive into who they were and how they impacted history, let's talk about
how they originated.
The Eltanin civilization originated from the foothills of the Andes Mountains in 2055 BC, where
they migrated northeast to modern day south Brazil and north Argentina, slowly transitioning
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Semiotic Analysis of True Detective
Semiotic Analysis of True Detective In 1951, the first television crime drama series, Dragnet
significantly influenced our American culture. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary,
the term "dragnet" is a symbol, for, a system of coordinated measures used to apprehend criminals
or suspects. Most crime drama series solve a different case each episode. Although, in current pop–
culture crime dramas focus on one particular crime, throughout an entire season. Similar, to the
show "Homeland," the HBO crime drama True Detective adds a twist on the conventional series.
The show depicts a subject matter that has affected modern society as a whole. Southern Louisiana
police detectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, in 2012, are asked to revisit their solving of a
ritualistic murder case from 1995. The murder of a former student of the Light of the Way Christian
Academy lays the foundation, for detective Cohle's doubts about the true design of religion. The
True Detective storyline portrays the utilization of religion, education, and politics, by men in power
who manipulate and control young innocent children. Questioning the validity of religion within a
crime drama series is relative to modern society. The conspiracy within the Catholic Church to
suppress hundreds of child molestations committed, by Catholic priests is a pertinent sign
represented in True Detective . Southern Louisiana is located in the heart of the American Bible belt,
where religion is not a choice, but a
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Iranian Women In Public Spaces
However, this was not the case, and those who followed the Koran and a neo–conservative way of
thinking welcomed women into the workplace in larger percentages than would be expected. Amir–
Ebrahimi, a scholar on women's physical role in the public in the Middle East supports this by
saying "This frequent presence in the different public spaces gave women a new consciousness
about themselves and their individual and citizen rights in the society." These changes can also be
attributed to the want of women to continue life in the public sphere, and to show the government
that they would not become disenfranchised, but rather they would embed the idea of women being
an important pillar in Tehranian public life and culture. By looking at how Tehranian women
navigated the physical public space in Tehran, one could see how they sought to establish
themselves in public life outside of politics:
"Although since the revolution Iranian women have experienced much more governmental control
on their appearance... and behavior in public, they have been actively participating in public spaces
by re–appropriating the existing places. In fact, the number of traditional women using public
spaces has dramatically increased after the revolution. Young Iranian women have specifically made
use of enclosed, privatized spaces... that are mostly modern in their design and the activities
Authors and Iranian women alike bring up the fact that the forced implementation of covered dress
in public spaces and the ... Show more content on ...
Whether it be from feeling more comfortable in public because of an increased sense of anonymity
put in place by the required head–coverings, or using the new laws as a reason to speak out against
their government, the presence of women in the public sphere increased after the implementation of
an Islamic, theocratic
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Similarities And Differences Between Northern And Southern...
In the 1800's, the United States was split up between the North and South. They had to be split
because there was different types of conditions and governments. The northern and southern
societies had some similarities and many differences. First, the economics in the northern and
southern societies had various similarities and differences. The North had a better economy than the
South. In the North, people were wage owners. Immigrants supplied labor for economy growth.
There were no slaves; the workers earned something, even if it was almost nothing. In both the
North and the South, people worked roughly twelve to fourteen hours each day. The South was an
agricultural economy. In the South, slaves were usually a large percent of the workers; they were not
paid for their work. Slaves were forced to work, and when they did their jobs wrong, they were
abused until they could barely walk. Slaves and African Americans were treated horribly in both the
North and the South. Additionally, the social statuses played a large part in everyday situations in
the 1800's. In the North, factory owners were the wealthiest, so they were highest on the social
pyramid. Artisans were second on the social pyramid. They were needed by factory owners because
of their amazing skills. Factory workers were in the middle of the pyramid. Workers were paid
minimum wage to work long hours, and the factory owners treated them like machines. Factory
workers were not allowed to ... Show more content on ...
In the North, factory owners were in power. As previously mentioned, they were the wealthiest.
Factory owners made their industries different from the mills in Lowell. The mills were in poor
conditions, so factory owners made factories a little bit better. Likewise, in the South, the
cottonocracy was in power. They mostly became governors, congressmen, senators, and presidents.
The cottonocracy had the most money, so they paid for
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Industrial Capitalism Comes to Southern Appalachia: The...
Industrial capitalism comes to Southern Appalachia 1860–1940: The effects on society and religion
Appalachia has long been regarded as a place of natural beauty and allegedly 'backwards' people. In
one of the early attempts to 'civilize' rural Appalachia, the population was characterized as
consisting of "agricultural savages" who refused to learn better farming practices (Anglin 2002:
565). "The poverty and environmental abuse I witnessed there were not simply a failure of
economics. It went much deeper than that; hence our continual failure to 'social engineer'
meaningful changes there. It was a poverty of the spirit; a poverty of the soul" said one observer, of
the attempt to encourage rural Appalachians to adopt modern farming practices at the turn of the
20th century (Anglin 2002: 565–566). Other than subsistence farming, the only other predominant
industry in rural Appalachia is the coal industry. Rather than provide a potential source of
enrichment to the region, this too has been seen as impoverishing, rather than sustaining the
residents. "Appalachia has become virtually synonymous with coal and problems of the notoriously
dangerous, cyclically unstable, and highly competitive industry" (Pudup 1990: 61). Historically, the
origins of settlements in Southern Appalachia were not so unpromising. "Attracted by plentiful
game, local availability of precious resources like salt, and fertile and relatively cheap land, settlers
in southeast Kentucky differed little
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Evangelical Christianity Definition
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the Tswana, Maale, and Nigériens counterbalanced
evangelical Christian mission colonization by incorporating local customs and practices into
Christianity. We will define and dissect the terms "civilization" and "modernity" to describe how
medicine and religion reinforced and changed African and white Christian cultures. I define
"civilization" as a white, Christian ideology that formulated how missions historically oppressed
black Africans; evangelical missions rationalized white supremacy by claiming that inept and
inferior black Africans needed cleanliness and morality training. However, I define the term
"modernity" as a culturally hybrid African response to mission evangelism; after hearing ... Show
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In the nineteenth century, legislation passed that empowered doctors with advanced education to
cleanse disadvantaged patients with biomedicine. Comaroff argues that biomedicine "became...a
discipline, taking on the ethos of professionalism" after the Medical Act of 1858, which limited
medical practice to well–educated doctors (1997: 328, 326). After the Medical Act of 1858, only
wealthy doctors who learned advanced anatomical and physiological operations in prestigious
universities could practice medicine. With legal leverage, these doctors developed biomedicine as a
science in which medical tools, chemical liquids, and plant substances cured ailments and cleaned
urban decay. As British doctors gained socioeconomic status, media outlets claimed that doctors
engaged in "heroic" biomedical cures to save the urban poor from their foul behaviors and miasmic
living environments (Comaroff 1997: 326). Because city slum dwellers often had many children,
lived in close quarters, and could not afford to bathe, doctors sought to improve their health by
teaching them proper hygiene. Indeed, Comaroff notes that the London Mission Society (LMS)
advertised "the power of doctors to heal social ills in unsanitary British cities" to associate
cleanliness with prestige and dirt with deficiency (1997: 332). When LMS missionary David
Livingstone arrived in
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How Did Roman Culture Influence Greek Culture
1. During the Agricultural Revolution, humans began settling down in communities and farming.
The more the residents depended on farming, the more the population increased. This made it harder
to revert to the hunter–gatherer lifestyle. Human waste also easily contaminated water in
settlements. 2. Settlements had storehouses to keep valuable items and food surplus. Inside
storehouses, surpluses were offered to the gods at the beginning of the harvest season. Food surplus
birthed accounting, writing, and the bureaucracy, for scribes recorded all contributions to the
storehouses. 3. Farming was adopted partly to preserve the beer supply. Beer also helped to make up
for the diminishing food supply. It was safer to drink than the water that ... Show more content on ...
Arab scholars developed instruments that would later be used for European exploration, such as the
astrolabe, nautical maps, and the magnetic compass. 2. Sugar was introduced by the Arabs to
Madeira, the Azores, and the Canaries, which turned out to be great places for cultivating sugar.
Slavery developed because slaves were required to work on sugar plantations in these areas. Sugar
later became important for creating rum during this period. Rum was used to buy slaves. Slaves
produced sugar, which was them made into rum, which bought more slaves, and so on. 3. Admiral
Edward Vernon added sugar and lime juice to rum in order to make it more palatable. This cocktail
became known as grog. Sailors often died from scurvy during this period, and the lime juice in grog
reduced the cases of scurvy among sailors drastically. Therefore, British sailors were healthier.
French sailors drank wine, which reduced their immunity to scurvy, when the British navy was
becoming more resistance to scurvy. So, the Royal Navy's performance improved, helping them to
defeat the French and Spanish naval
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Southern Slavery And Its Impact On American Society
During early 19th century, the entrenchment of Southern slavery, there was discussion between
planters who benefitted from it and abolitionists who fought against it. Most Americans, especially
those in Southern states, understood that slavery system could not help parting from their economic
and social system. Southern slavery system brought big economical benefits. However, it negatively
influenced American society as a whole rather that positively. Southern economy was the center of
plantation that cultivated cotton. Many the rich started to carve the plantation to earn money by
exporting cotton. They needed a lot of labor and slavery was proper to use. The majority of white
southerners did not own slaves because planters monopolized the best land. They could not help
taking possession of the land that was not proper to cultivate cotton. Most of them earned a living
by self–sufficiency even though the slave population was growing: from 697,624 in 1790 to
3,953,760 in 1860.
Southern slavery was based on paternalism to justify the brutal reality of slavery, in which
slaveholding gentlemen took personal responsibility for the physical and moral well being of their
dependents – women, children, and slaves. The slave owner demanded unquestioning obedience
from their dependents and intended to make them perfectly dependent to the white man. Most
planters lived on their plantation with compelling strict order. Without the owner's permission,
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Mexica Vs Inca
Similar to how in the modern world how two cultures can differ greatly, India versus Canada for
example, the ancient societies of the Mexica and the Inca were very different. Such dissimilarities
are partially due to lack of communication, a problem originating in the time period in which they
thrived, being the twelfth to sixteenth centuries when they had no other means of communication
besides by foot. Despite their differences, the two peoples had many parallels regarding social
norms and hierarchies. Be it ancient Egypt, Nazi Germany, or the modern day United States,
religion has yielded sway in government and has had a major influence on societal norms. In both
the Inca and Mexica culture, for example, priests yielded much power in ... Show more content on ...
In Mexica culture, calpulli were communities of cultivators that worked on land belonging to
aristocrats who had common forefathers, however after some time, the importance of familial
lineage became less important. While usually working on agriculture, some calpulli also worked on
general services to their greater societies. Comparably, the Inca cultivator–peasants lived in
communities called ayllu that were like the Mexica's calpulli. Similar to the future system of
feudalism, the peasants worked on the land of an aristocrat, and most products of this work went to
the upper classes. While the Mexica and Inca lower classes resembled each other, the upper classes
were disparate. In Mexica culture, warriors were the highest on the hierarchal pyramid. Warriors
were very privileged, but the best warriors visibly distinguished themselves by wearing colorful
clothing and eating expensive food. In addition, many warriors held positions of power in the
government. In Inca culture, aristocrats and priests were at the top of the pyramid. Aristocrats set
themselves apart from the commoners by wearing clothing embroidered by the lower class and large
rings or plugs in their ears. In fact, when the Spanish first encountered the Inca, they nicknamed the
aristocrats "big
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Slavery In Southern Society
Slavery in the Southern Society!
By Venus Sanders
[Spring 2015]HIS 141
Thomas Nelson community college
Professor: Stacy Schneider
Cobb, J. C. (2015). Industrial and Southern Soceity. kentucky: University Press ofKentucky.
Slavery in the Southern Society!
Slavery is the fundamentally an outbound domineering factor. During the course of history, slavery
has existed where it has been economically beneficial for profitable measure, millions of slaves
existed in the United States and south. Whites enjoyed income revenue's because of slaves entwine
burdensome constraints for lucrative benefits such ... Show more content on ...
Labor operations employed slave and needed worker more than any other industry. During the
antebellum times manufacturing play a supportive role reconstruction and development. Most was
processing of raw material and agricultural products. Flour, corn additive and was mostly imported
in the manufactory. Slave labor had accompanied by social upheld political notices and contingents
as labor operations intensify for slave. Between hundred and sixty thousand to Two hundred
thousand 160,000 to 200,000 slave worked in the manufacturing industry, mainly the iron industry
rely on skilled slave labors. (Cobb, 2015) Slaves experiences having a notoriously life of difficulty
due to capitalism system and was cheated and oppressed. Black with abuse and unearned capital
they made progress through slave poverty was best said by hennery George". Owner of slave
benefits a 100% for their profits allowing them to recover and improve their state and pay their loan
and taxes to England. Whites had succeed in greed in every aspect of using a slavery in the south by
selling and renting slaves out for their services and skill works and free labor . With poorly pride,
slavery owner exercises and didn't follow or understand the moral foundation of God intended for
human being, they force
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A Short History of Progress
The term, progress, is synonymous with phrases that denote moving forward, growth, and
advancement. It seems unorthodox then that Ronald Wright asserts the world has fallen into a
progress trap, a paradox to how progress is typically portrayed as it contradicts the conventional
way life is viewed: as being a natural progression from the outdated and tried towards the new and
improved. Wright posits that it is the world's relentless creation of innovative methods that
ironically contributes to the progress trap rather than to progress itself, the intended objective.
Wright's coinage of the term "progress trap" refers to the phenomenon of innovations that create
new complications that are typically left without resolve which exacerbate ... Show more content on ...
The humans living in that period were unable to supplement their previous diet, which was rich in
protein, and their culture was devastated as a result; this then, is an example of progress (better
hunting methods) that led to the failure of an entire culture as its problems were left unsolved. In his
third chapter, Wright examines two particular civilizations that thrived but eventually declined due
to resource depletion. What is interesting is the similarities that can be drawn from the examples of
Easter Island and Sumer, like the widespread ignorance of the masses to actively prevent the
abrasion of their land, the perpetual idleness of people to not do anything even when there was
enough time to stop the tragic collapse, to current–day situations of people who even flat–out deny
climate change and claim it to be part of the left–wing agenda. On Easter Island, it was over–
logging that led to their collapse, since as their ecosystem withered away, logging became scarce,
and wars broke out for those sparse resources. In Sumer similar environmental destruction occurred
(i.e. overgrazing, land clearing), which should alarm the world population of today of what may
become of the high levels
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Family History Research Paper
When I enrolled in Columbia southern college to further my education, the enrollment counselor
told me I needed 6 credits of history. The first thought that popped into my mind was; "I do not need
to learn anything else about history at this point in my life/career, I have learned all I needed to
know about history in grade school and high school". After multiple failed attempts at trying to
convince my counselor why I should not have to take history, I realizing that there was no way
around taking this course. As I began to read over the syllabus and the unit assignments, I began to
have an open mind and second thoughts about the course. I was intrigued by unit 1 scholarly
activity; answer the following question in your own words: "Why ... Show more content on ...
Understand our family heritage gives one a sense of pride. History teaches us about our language
and our roots. Knowing the history of your family can help prove a sense of identity because getting
to know yourself gives you the opportunity to understand new things about culture. This will result
in you realize who you really are. Learning the history of your people will form a connection to
certain customs, values, and beliefs. I have learned many stories of my family history from just
talking to the elderly within my family. Stories about their trials and tribulation of those previous
generations show me how far we came overall. I have passed on those same stories along to the
generation under me and emphasized how important it is for them to do the same. Understand your
culture will open your mind to learning to respect others cultures as well.
In conclusion, know your past has a lot to do with your present and future. All things that are
happening in society today, such as political, racial, and power, are all a reflection on our past. The
motivations, practices, and outcomes from the European quests of God, gold, and glory is a factor in
today's world. The Cultural history that is past from one generation to the next reflects
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Their Eyes Were Watching Janie Analysis
The Impact of the Society and Class theme on Janie In accordance with the turbulent time period it
was written in, Their Eyes Were Watching God comments on many issues within the society of the
1930's through various themes such as love, nature, and societal standards. However, the theme of
societal standards and expectations is perhaps the most prominent in the story, furthering the main
character Janie's development the most. In the book, despite the standards and rules imposed on her
by society, Janie learns to overcome them, thereby attaining happiness and an emotionally rich life.
As a mixed woman in the southern United States, Janie had always had rules and others'
expectations thrust upon her, under the guise of either love or judgement. For example, although
Nanny intended for Janie to find security and eventual happiness through an arranged marriage as a
result of her own tragic life experiences, this backfired, as Janie was only acquired those at forty,
after two failed marriages. Her late second husband Joe Starks imposed societal rules on her, often
expressing how women should stay in the background of matters. After accepting his position as
mayor of Eatonville, Joe quickly took away Janie's attempt at making her own comments on the
matter by saying"[t]hank yuh fuh yo' compliments, but mah wife don't know nothin' 'bout no
speech– makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat. She's uh woman and her place is in de
home.'" (Hurston 43). Opinions
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Tech Environment
Technological Environment
Gregory Hamlin
BUSN 310. Business Theory
Professor Rachel Nagel
American Military University
March 31st, 2012
TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The company I am continuing to work with is US Airways
Group. There is plenty of hard and soft technology to list for the domestic environment. Some of the
hard technology used in the domestic environment is aircraft, security system, and safety gear. Some
soft technology used in the domestic environment is management, government regulations that
govern the procedures of the company, and training for employees. The hard technology I listed
above is the obvious technology the air line company utilizes yet there is more hard technology
being used. The soft ... Show more content on ...
I honest believe this is the only remedy for providing up to date technology, the company has to
make it a priority to provide the same technology to the global environment. The customs can be
corrected by provided a print out of what is allowed and what is not allowed to be brought into or
out of a country a passenger is traveling through. The information is available online but some older
passengers aren't as savvy with technology so they may not receive the same information. With this
tactic there is not any excuse for not knowing what is expected when going through customs. The
strategies I stated above will be successful, only if they are applied. Without application the strategy
will be a failure. Within the domestic environment the security system can be significantly improved
and decrease the risk for terrorist attacks greatly. This technology needs to be protected by requiring
a security clearance for all employees who work for the company. This way you have a thorough
back ground check on everyone who works for US Airways Group and the risk for inside
information getting out to enemies of the United States is low. Within the global environment
technology needs to be advanced. The company can protect this technology by only providing the
technology to its global counterparts and not the
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Religious Diversity
Since their establishments, many universities in the United States of America, as well as elsewhere
in the world, have grown the diversity of their student populations in more than several aspects
including religious diversity. Albeit presented obstacles, this growth represents values of tolerance
and freedom that Americans have generally come to hold in high regard. If one considers narrower
communities, a collegiate institution such as the University of Southern California (USC) boasts its
diversity through admittance of students from countries all over the world; in fact, it holds more
international students than any other private university in the United States. With countless cultures
mixed in one place, USC has a religious diversity that, ... Show more content on ...
At the University of Southern California, as well as greater Los Angeles area, a larger part of the
population participates in some aspect of religious congregational life, whether that be shown by
attending mass at the Caruso Catholic Center or going to Sunday church service at Jefferson Church
down the street. In fact, there are currently over 60 religious congregations located within the USC
Defined Neighborhood Outreach Boundary, as well as many campus–oriented student organizations
such as Hillel and the LDS (Mormon) Institute of Religion ("Religious Congregations Near USC").
With such availability of and access to various religious backgrounds, students are naturally
exposed to something outside their own perspectives that is educationally valuable. However, the
University of Southern California as an institution surpasses sole religious diversity and certainly
pushes for pluralism because it is "intentional about bringing people from different backgrounds
together to build positive bonds" (Patel
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The Battle Of The Final War
Polis. The name probably didn't have quite the impact as its parent word "metropolis", but the parent
word was cumbersome and, as people are wont to do, prone to shortening. The parent word may
have better–conveyed the city's size and scope and industry...or maybe not. Perhaps that was why
the word was changed over time: as the city grew and grew, the word "metropolis" seemed to
become more and more inadequate. And "Mega City One" was just lame. In the aftermath of the
Final War (as people called it, when referring to the conflict that gave rise to Polis), things changed.
Gradually, at first, as those leaders that were perceived to have failed were replaced – sometimes
violently – by people who genuinely seemed to care about the population's needs and concerns. The
country was slowly transformed, town by ruined town, city by devastated city, state by crippled
state. Those who'd survived were often eager for a leadership that would give them the direction
they wanted, that put the people first, that put the needs of society ahead of the needs of self. It was
not socialism, as that was one of the driving forces that had led to the Final War in the first place;
nor was it capitalism, as that had been another driving force of the War – instead, a curious blend of
social–conservatism rose to fill the void, and it was embraced by the survivors. As months became
years, and years became decades, things gradually changed. Those who'd begun the revival were
elevated to positions of
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Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes
While reading the novel "Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes" one might've found the same
following points and given a summary about the misreading's and hidden points in the bible.
"Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes" gives the reader well enlightened concepts to the bible
that before might have been obscured, but now have been broken down into terms that people from
the western part of the world can comprehend "such as ice bergs." The author uses many a
resemblances to the bible and how other supportive countries of our world see it inversely. The
author uses these metaphors to build an understanding for the reader so that they can make
comparisons themselves. The author uses the metaphor about the iceberg to assemble the book into
three different sections. The tip (being the part of the world that we all see and have come to
recognize misconceptions. below the surface (the part of which only certain liberally and religiously
educated beings notice, and the massive section of the iceberg that is completely unseen to people.
In the beginning chapter the author speaks frequently of moral values that society in the past saw
and assumed was correct because they were the first to know the meaning. Moving forward
through–out the chapter however the author explains that since the bible was written throughout a
different period and setting, we people of the future have come to twist and misread these moral
The next piece of the novel discusses on how society
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The World Of World History
Simone Kessler Sept. 2, 2016
Mr. AB Summer Work
I. World history explores human pasts worldwide to help us understand the world around us. To help
us understand that the world needs to continue to develop or we will fall behind. This text talks
about how human migration and trade amongst other things has gotten us to where we are today.
A.Generalization of World history
C.Key events
II. The world history explores the past so humans around the world can understand the terrene
around us easier.
A.Learning the history of the world helps to develop skills that are effective in a global society.
1.Comparing different societies.
2.Identifying big changes and developments in the human experience.
B. Students become active and engaged learners through analysis and interpretation.
1.Rather than serving as passive for torrents of historical facts and events.
2. Underpinning interpretation and the issues of time, place, and topic.
III. This textbook pays a lot of attention to periodization. Some complexities rise above the six–
stage world history periodization.
A.Each period determined by three base criteria
1.A geographical rebalancing among major civilization areas.
2.An increase in the intensity and extent of contact among civilizations.
3.The emergence of new and roughly parallel developments.
B. Societies
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Summary Of The Book Collapse By Jared Diamond
Collapse Book Review
In Collapse, Jared Diamond explores the demise of different civilizations throughout history and the
signs that might portend for today's societies. The most evident and recurring themes are: climate
change, environmental damage, friendly trade partners and hostile neighbors. Whether it is one or
multiple of these factors that causes a society's collapse, these four points of Diamond's suggested
five–point framework are consistently relevant to the collapse of a society. Diamond thoroughly
examines the history of collapses of civilizations ranging from the Mayan Empire to modern China.
Throughout the book Diamond works to answer the question, 'Why is it that some societies
collapsed while others did not collapse?' The following themes, discussed by Jared Diamond as the
main factors in a civilization's success or failure, are explored and explained in the past to provide a
better outlook on the status of our future: environmental damage, climate change, and neighbors
including trade partners.
I. Environmental Damage ... Show more content on ...
Humans have constantly struggled to manage resources for 50,000 years, ever since they developed
inventiveness, hunting skills, and efficiency. When they fail to manage and they destroy the
environment around them. Diamond discusses eight types of environmental damage:
deforestation/habitat destruction, soil problems, water management problems, overhunting,
overfishing, harmful introduced species, human population growth, and increased per–capita impact
of people. In Diamond's best seller, Guns Germs and Steel, he explains how human population
growth and food demand are directly correlated. When the population becomes unmanageable,
humans strip their land of resources. The major theme of environmental damage is simply
overexploitation of
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Use Of Technology And Social Media
The use of technology and social media makes our life a lot easier. Social media and technology
play a huge role in our everyday life and friendship. In today's world, people, mostly teenagers use
social media and technology every day to communicate and interact with others. Technology gives
us an opportunity to connect with anybody we want from anywhere we are, saving us time.
According to "Daily News" 84 percent of people worldwide say they couldn't go a single day
without their mobile device in their hand. That means almost everybody uses their phone in order to
communicate and stay updated. I use my phone every single day and I cannot imagine living my life
without a smartphone. I go on social media websites every day to connect with friends and see what
they are doing. It is the fastest way to interact with friends and I love technology for that. A couple
decades ago people didn't have good communication devices therefore it was much harder for them
to connect with each other. Technology makes it much more convenient and easy for us to use,
saving us a lot of time. Having technology makes our life easier and at the same time virtual. It is
very convenient and just normal for our society to use it everyday. In my opinion modern
technology provides more options and opportunities to connect with our friends. I really don't think
that technology and social media ruin our friendships like most people would say. It all depends on
how you use it. Technology and Social media
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The Awakening Analysis
Sacrifices can define one's character; the definition can either be the highest dignity or the lowest
degradation of the value of one's life. In The Awakening, Kate Chopin implicitly conveys the
sacrifice Edna Pontellier makes in the life which provides insight of her character and attributions to
her "awakening." She sacrificed her past of a lively and youthful life and compressed it to a
domestic and reserved lifestyle of housewife picturesque. However, she meets multiple
acquaintances who help her express her dreams and true identity. Mrs. Pontellier's sacrifice
established her awakening to be defiant and drift away from the societal role of an obedient mother,
as well as, highlighting the difference between society's expectations of ... Show more content on ...
For example, Robert Lebrun, who gives her all the affection and attention she wants, makes her feel
and act like how she was before she was married. As a result, she starts to disregard her husband and
his commands. Such as in the event, when Mr. Pontellier commanded her to come inside the house
after a long night. However, Mrs. Pontellier disobeyed him and stayed outside. "She would, through
habit, have yielded to his desire; not with any sense of submission or obedience to his compelling
wishes, but unthinkingly, as we walk, move, sit, stand, go through the daily treadmill of the life
which has been portioned out to us" (Chopin 40). At this stage of Mrs. Pontellier greatly values the
kind of freedom she had before marriage. Her newly oppression towards her husband exhibits the
defiance of women towards men. Chopin meant to show Mrs. Pontellier as an outsider of society, in
order to spread the image of women, who can make their own decisions. After returning from
vacation, Edna is a changed woman. When her husband and children are gone, she moves out of the
house and purses her own ambitions. She starts painting and feeling happier. "There were days when
she was very happy without knowing why. She was happy to be alive and breathing when her whole
being seemed to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect
Southern day" (Chopin 69). Her sacrifice greatly contributed to her disobedient actions.
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Communities Rights to Enforce Moral Conviction through Law
Canada: a nation built, politically, on the rights accompanied by being a democratic state. A
democracy, in the simplest of terms, states that a society has the right to vote in laws, political
leaders and bring other social justice issues up to the head of their political hierarchy. To suggest
that a society should not have any right to enforce its moral convictions through the law would be
morally unsound in a country that prides itself on equality and democracy. In this essay I will be
arguing against the idea stated above: the notion that a community should not be able to have their
laws reflected in the value and morals of their people. To support this opinion, I will be drawing
points from Wil Waluchow's The Concept of a Moral ... Show more content on ...
This is why it is necessary for a society to set laws based on the general moral convictions they
Communities are based on a general consensus for what is morally sound and what is completely
unjust. If a community of individuals cannot come to a general agreement of what is right and what
is wrong, these is going to be conflict and the society will, naturally, spilt into smaller communities
with people who carry the same principles. This is called the Disintegration Thesis (Callaghan,
2014). Imagine a group of people living in a small community. For this community to function, they
must all have the same mentality about specific ideas. If half the community does not want to eat
meat and the other half only wants to eat meat, the group would eventually split into two separate
societies. Because of this, Devlin has come to the conclusion that every society has the right to
implement morals, in both a personal and political sense, so that each society does not disintegrate
(Callaghan, 2014). An example of the Disintegration Thesis in society is that of Sudan. Again, I will
be using the topic of religion and it's moral implications. Sudan is ruled by Arabic Muslims, but at
the time of it splitting, the in the Southern area of Sudan, the people either followed Christian
beliefs or another religion, but not Arabic Muslims. The religious differences lead to many moral
conflicts and,
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King Arthur Chivalry Code
In modern day society, the world has very strict cultural rules. In some places in the Pacific Ocean,
it is considered rude to wear shoes inside of the house, and in the southern nation of the US it is
considered rude to refer to an adult without the phrase, "ma'am" or "sir." Issues of what is
respectable or accepted have always existed since the first civilized culture. However, there is one
form of respectable manners that have followed the people throughout the growth of the world. This
form is the code of chivalry, first recognized in the Arthurian time of the knights. The knights had to
follow this code just how modern day people would follow the law. The code is created by the moral
conceptions of courage, honor, loyalty, and manners. ... Show more content on ...
All three of these texts involve battles and brave choices made by the heroic characters who each go
on a journey, have an encounter with the gods, either in a positive way or in a negative way. Then
they always end up fighting in a battle of some sort, physical or mental, and prove themselves
worthy to be the leader of the land. However, the entire chivalric code was not fully existing by this
point of culture, there might have been the idea of strength and honor being incredibly vital for a
man's rank in social status, but the key point is man. There was no and absolutely any wiggle room
for women to be recognized as equal human beings at all. The beginning of the Iliad even includes
the unchivalric acts of the behavior towards women. Achilles and King Agamemnon were arguing
the right of having the young lady as their prize, but of course the lady never did get any sort of say
in it. The Odyssey also displayed this kind of behavior towards females, Odysseus was very
unfaithful in his relationship, while his wife was not, but he was still questioning her loyalty and
even threatened death if she was caught in a fib. Yet, The Aeneid had a different approach to the
origination to the chivalric code of treatment of women, there was no unpleasant treatment of
women, yet the female characters were still
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Gender Specific Role In Forging Groups
From the time that fully modern humans emerged about 100,00 years ago up until approximately
12,000 years ago, societies of humans practiced foraging as a means for their survival. This period
in which foraging was predominant is known as the "pre–complexity" period. In the traditional
sense, anthropologists classify "complex" societies as those that are sedentary and practice farming
instead of foraging. The traditional classification of a sedentary, agrarian society as "complex" is
imperfect because it discounts the societal complexities found within foraging bands. While these
societies are sometimes portrayed as primitive without culture, they actually have an egalitarian
social structure with language, religion, and a vast knowledge of the landscape in which they lived.
The !Kung people of southern Africa, for example, were able to identify close to 90 different plant
species and utilize them in their diet. While there were clear gender specific roles in foraging
societies, where women tended to gather plants while men hunted, the societies themselves did not
have persistent inequalities. This was necessary ... Show more content on ...
These characteristics include increased population, increased urbanism, use of storage, increased
inequalities, economic interdependence between societies, and an increase in central authority.
These characteristics are best understood through a web model instead of a direct linear chain of
events. This is due to the fact that many of these characteristics likely coevolved together and could
have developed in various different orders based on the location of the society. For example, one
society could have consolidated authority before the introduction of record keeping, while another
society may have prioritized agrarian record keeping and as a result power was consolidated
amongst those that kept the
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The Rules And Regulations For Becoming A Member Of The...
Prior to 1939, the rules and regulations for becoming a member of the Southern Society for
Philosophy and Psychology was extremely difficult. But in 1895 a young man born by the name of
Francis Cecil Sumner, was about to have a huge impact in the field of psychology. A young man
who was schooled at home was getting ready to embark on a rollercoaster of trials and tribulations.
Before 1939 some of the circumstances for being a member of the Southern School for Philosophy
and Psychology (SSPP) were. For Non–American Psychological (APA) members even with
endorsements and payments of dues, had to be voted in by the membership. Sumner, a young black
man who was the first African American to have earned a PhD in psychology was held back and ...
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If someone having all the proper requisites and was more than qualified was delayed? Upon his
application to the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, there was an amendment
suggested to the council preventing automatic enrollment even with proper credentials. To me that
just doesn't even make sense if it were not for his color. I'm guessing the amendment that suggested
worked because two other applicants were delayed, due to integration at Fisk University. Them not
knowing that the two other candidates were white but they married. So did they just start refusing
everybody at that point in time because of Sumner? That's what it seems like but he wasn't about to
let it stop him at all.
Would you expect someone who has already been dealing with diversity and hate as well as mind
games of oppressors, his whole life to give up? I would hope not. Sumner studied numerous
languages. Some languages are English, French, and German just to name a few. But in the summer
of 1918 in the midst of studying for his PhD. In psychology Sumner was drafted in the military.
While he was drafted Sumner also tried to enter officer's candidate school, but he missed the
window of opportunity and his destination would be France. (para.7) While on duty in the army
Sumner served as a sergeant in World War 1. At this point in time his experiences and bravery were
setting him up for his fight when he got back. Sumner
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What Is The Role Of Cultural Governance In Imperial China
Civil Service Examination in Imperial China: Cultural Governance and Social Mobility Glance
through history and one can see China's military power was never enough to manage the vast
territorial land in its possession. Yet, unlike Europe, China seems to maintain its unity despite
dynastic turmoils and military conflicts. The sense of "Chineseness" and Chinese culture went
through changes, but remained structurally intact from the imperial period to even today. It is clear
that imperial governments relied heavily upon a cultural form of governance, embedding and
establishing political authorities within every aspect of life, to rule China. The civil service
examination system was a critical part of Imperial China's cultural governance. As a ... Show more
content on ...
It successfully embedded political authorities, within not only political but social and religious
aspect of life as well, through the elevated power of literati, language of lineage, and imperial
metaphors in religion. However, the lucrative remuneration, extreme social prestige, and political
power that comes with officialdom made the civil examination extremely difficult. In 1850, two
million candidates entered the county examination, and only three hundred passed the metropolitan
exam. The odds of success in all stages of the examination process was one in six thousand or
0.01% (Elman 14). This level of competitiveness contributed to the imagined notions of social
hierarchy and mobility since only wealthy families had the resources to educate their sons in
Mandarin and classical literary, and were able to take advantage of the exam quotas. Successful
candidates from humble backgrounds were extremely rare, which made them the content of legends,
a false advertisement of the examination as a vehicle of social
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Paleolithic Society: Differences Between Hunting And...
Differences Between Agriculture and Hunting and Gathering
Early agricultural societies differed from those of the Paleolithic era in many different ways. They
were two similar and different things. The Paleolithic era was more towards not staying in one
specific area. They wanted to follow where their food went. In the agricultural societies, many
people leaned towards being a lot less nomadic. They stayed in one spot and decided to farm for
The Paleolithic era used hunting and gathering very heavily for their source of food. Hunting and
gathering was different in every Paleolithic society. This type of economy affects their daily lives in
every way, it affects how they look and how healthy they are. People have different jobs in
Paleolithic ... Show more content on ...
Things need to change in a human society after so long. Paleolithic societies started right after the
Ice Age. When the earth grew warmer the life of the plants and animals completely changed because
their environment changed around them. The animals and plants were used to the cold so they
started to die off. As a result the people needed food so they began to migrate to where the food was
which was in other places around the world. The people's food began to die off forced the people to
figure out a new source of food. It also shaped the world in a few ways. The agricultural Revolution
took shape in various parts of the world in many different ways. The Revolution affected areas
around bodies of water tremendously. Bodies of water were in high demand for people because of
what they held. Water was a source of protection in a way and a lot of people liked that comfort.
Water also had species in it that the people were able to eat. Being close to water was an advantage
because everything was in your fingertips. These colonies that settled in the area were affected by
this water in a positive way. They used the natural resources that came with the bodies of water and
were able to grow food due to the very rich soil. This was extremely revolutionary for the people
living there. Unfortunately they got too accustomed to the area, and forgot how to do some of the
things they once knew how to do. They didn't have to work near as hard as they did before because
they had everything they needed in a close distance. It affected America a tad bit differently than it
did to Africa and Eurasia. Africa was a complete different story than America because of where the
places were located. In America, there were different types of animals, bodies of water, and a
complete different climate. In Africa, they had different animals, less water, and a much warmer
climate. These key factors play a huge role in how the Agricultural
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Factors Leading To The Collapse Of Past Societies

  • 1. Essay on Factors Leading to The Collapse of Past Societies At present day, our worldwide civilization of the human race continues to surpass many achievements of other past societies. Everyday, new technological advances are being achieved and the population is growing faster than it ever previously has. We must look back at past civilizations and analyze them to understand what is in store for us in the future. In the pursuit of progress, human societies create problems they do not have the resources or political motivation to solve, for fear of short term losses in status or quality of life, which prevents further advancements and sometimes leads to collapse.1 Three factors that have enabled past civilizations to fall into progress traps and ultimately contributed to the collapse of those ... Show more content on ... Collectively, it is not hard to imagine each city–state setting themselves up for failure due to their competitive nature. Competition for power and an increasing need for prosperity lead to Copan's collapse, and ultimately the Classic Maya civilization as a whole. Secondly, the Roman civilization had a number of social disputes, which contributed to its collapse. Among those, political instability emerged as the root cause for its downfall.2 "One of the revealing ironies of Rome's history is that the city–state's native democracy withered as its empire grew." (Wright, 90). The assassination of Julius Caesar fueled existing conflicts further. Self–proclaimed emperors after Caesar's death and the overall political imbalance of the weakening empire lead to war, invasion and trade disruption. These disturbances created a ripple effect that lead to massive amounts of crime, increased cases of disease, and widespread famine. Without the social conflicts regarding political relations, the Roman Empire may not have fallen as extensively. Thirdly, social conflicts in China marked the end of the Ch'in dynasty in 206 B.C. Hungary peasants rebelled against their oppressive leaders. Revolting peasants dug into an emperors tomb, stole weapons from his Terracotta army, and used them to overthrow the existing emperors at the time. Although initially viewed as a positive event, the overthrowing of their own leaders proved to have a devastating ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Assignment Cover Sheet |SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY | ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET For use with online submission of assignments Please complete all of the following details and then make this sheet the first page of each file of your assignment – do not send it as a separate document. Your assignments must be submitted as either Word documents (with .doc extension, NOT.docx), text documents with .rtf extension or as .pdf documents. If you wish to submit in any other file format please discuss this with your lecturer well before the assignment submission date. |Student Name: |Tamara Johns | |Student ID ... Show more content on ... The roles and responsibilities were defined by what was inherited from the generations prior and to a significant degree, these beliefs had a connection with the laws of God disseminated through the church. As a result, such roles and responsibilities were strongly entrenched hence to challenge them would result in making the person an outcast. Gender as a whole is a crucial element to the construction of a society. European women in the nineteenth century lived in the age of gender inequality and therefore women of both upper and middle–class had no occupational choices and stayed home caring for the children and the house, while men were out working and bringing home the money. This discourse is considered the norm and as Mary Klages explains in Literary Theory, she refers to the poststructuralist theories that signifies gender as attached to sexually dimorphic bodies, which signify the division of social practices and relations into binary oppositions of male/female and masculine/feminine (Klages 2006, pg. 91–92). The gender concept is clearly a conflict in anytime, posing a threat to social standing and the definition of women. Whilst the advocating of social equality within society is an intellectual way of advancing the rights of a suppressed group of people such as females, it is none the less difficult to digest the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Argument For Moderate Objectivism An argument for ethical objectivism would be Pojman and Fieser's moderate objectivism. According to them, a moral claim is objectively true when it describes an objective moral principle. An objective moral principle is a rule that, if generally followed, would optimally perform the function of serving human needs and interests by reducing harmful social conflict and promoting beneficial social cooperation. (Luco, Week 6 Notes p.1) This is the reconstruction of Pojman and Fieser's Argument for Moderate Objectivism 1. Common human nature: Human nature is relatively similar in the sense that human beings have a common set of basic needs and interest 2. Functionality Thesis: Moral principles are instituted to perform the function of meeting ... Show more content on ... In addition, careful analysis of simple moral principles can also lead to the conclusion that the functionality thesis is true. Using the example that we should keep our promises to people as a moral principle, Pojman and Fieser do mention that if a world were to cease obeying it, contracts and agreements would no longer hold any value. (Luco, Week 6 Notes, p.11) It is not difficult to imagine that in many societies where transactions and contracts are made daily, from bank loans to bicycle rentals, without the moral principle of keeping promises and honouring contracts, the individuals who enter into an agreement would no longer see the need to honour their contracts. As a result, business would fail and chaos would ensue in the society. Further empirical evidence can be seen from Steven Pinker's research from "A History of Violence" was conducted over different time periods and it also supports the functionality thesis in the sense that people with stronger reasoning abilities do construct practices and institutions to meet their interest. (Luco, Week 6 Notes, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Annihilation Of Space By Law Q4. Don Mitchell, in his article 'The Annihilation of Space by Law,' argues that ordinances passed against the poor in the 1990s point to a highly exclusionary type of modern citizenship. What does he mean by this? In what ways are the poor excluded from modern citizenship? How is this exclusion justified socio–politically? Space is never innocent. Regardless of whether a specific area is deemed public or private, space is never innocent because of the bodies who govern those areas. Today, there are approximately 3.2 million Canadians who are either homeless or "transitionally" homeless, but regardless of their citizenship, they are not considered as "modern citizens" by the society. Mitchell puts forth the argument that the ordinances passed in the 1990s has stripped vagrants of their rights as actual Canadian citizens and has created an elite class of citizenship that only the privilege can enjoy. According to the Canadian government, an individual is deemed as a citizen of Canada if they fulfill certain requirements such as being born in the country, applying for a citizenship, or being born to at least one Canadian parent. With this citizenship, these individuals can now experience a wide variety of privileges such as having the ability to vote, to either enter or leave the country, and to enjoy all the rights and freedoms that are associated with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Some of these rights include the right to public assembly and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. A Study Of The Nuer Of Southern Sudan And The American... What is order? What does it mean to have power? Stateless societies have long fascinated western anthropologists because of how different their political system is. Understanding different forms of power other than the western coercive power helps anthropologists to understand how power creates social order. Through a study of the Nuer of Southern Sudan and the American tribes of South America political power how order is created within stateless societies can be understood. Although these two communities are highly dissimilar they provide contrasting examples of how stateless societies are ordered. By limiting the discussion to these two examples it is hoped that the discussion set forth does not confuse the reader but rather makes clear ... Show more content on ... In Nuerland the tribe is divided into three separate groups. These will be referred to as primary, secondary and tertiary sections. They are all segments of each other as the primary is a segment of a tribe, secondary segment of the primary, and tertiary segment of the secondary (Evens–Prichard, 1940). Members of these segments only regard themselves as a member of that segment in relation to segments of the same kind (Evens–Prichard, 1940). For the Nuer there is always an inconsistency between definitions of your political group as your membership is only determined by your non– membership of other groups (Evens–Prichard, 1940, p. 282). Specifically, in Nuerland, the tribal system is relative. It cannot be described in the terms of a political morphology as their relations are so dynamic. Similarly, the Nuer segment themselves through a lineage systems. The Nuer clan is a highly segmented system in the same way as the tribal system. The clan is segmented into the maximal lineages which separate in major lineages which go into minimal which turn into minor lineages (Evens–Prichard, 1940, pp. 286–287). Similarly to the tribal system lineages are only distinct groups in relation to each other. Although every Nuer village is related to a lineage this does not mean that members of the lineage are only found within a single localised community. Rather Nuer clans are dispersed throughout many villages and one may find representatives of many clans within a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Social Problems In Sunflower County A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community would deem as being undesirable. A social problem is also a condition 'created' by a society that is can usually be alleviated or solved by society. According to our textbook, Social Problems: Reading with Four Questions, there are three criteria that a problem must meet in order to be a social problem. First of all, the problem must be social in origin and caused by social factors. The more its causes are social, the more it becomes a social problem. Next, the problem must be harmful to many individuals. Finally, in order to be considered a social problem, it should harm society in a sense that it threatens what we believe society should be. There are three theoretical ... Show more content on ... Poverty would be considered a social problem because it affects a great number of people and can be detrimental to society. The unemployment rate in Sunflower County averaged at 12.4%, which is much higher than the overall unemployment rate in Mississippi at 7.2%. Sunflower County is also one of the poorest counties in the states and one of the poorest in the United States. 36.1% of people living in Sunflower County are below the poverty level. This isn't counting those who are struggling or those wavering right about the poverty line. The overall poverty rate for Mississippi is 22.7%. One factor that could contribute to poverty in Sunflower County is the lack of education. Many school districts in Sunflower County have been put under the conservatorship of the Mississippi Department of Education due to academic and financial reasons. 70.2% of Sunflower County residents graduate from high school and only 13% have obtained their Bachelor's Degree. Another factor could be that there are more white collar jobs than blue collar jobs. Undereducated individuals would not qualify for many white collar jobs leaving them without employment. There are many steps that could be taken to help prevent or solve the poverty issue in Sunflower County. They could encourage residents to graduate and further their education, whether it is in college or a certificate program. If there are more white collar jobs, they will ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Ap World History Research Paper n classical civilization, common was the expansion of territory and the need to integrate them. Integration sought the elements of politics, institutions, cultures, and commercial connections. They had to adjust to their expansion. 550 – 400 BCE Pioneering thinkers emerged from all 3 civils. Buddha, Socrates, & Confucius & Laozi. They distinct from one another. Common societal values a civilization could build upon China urged for centralization esp. in politics. while India & Medit. used the diversity of local rule. India used religion to unite the civilization beyond politics. Despite Medit. accomplishments culturally, the people weren't as involved. A weakness when Rome collapsed politically. Territory E.g. China focused on its new ... Show more content on ... Axum & Ethiopia had trade connections w/ Medit. for centuries after Rome Merchants converted people to Judaism (e.g. Ethiopians) Merchants who could speak German brought Christianity to Ethiopia which became isolated Ethiopia had unbroken monarchy til abolishment in late 20th century Iron spread impacting growth of agri. Unknown whether strong kingship derived from tradition in Kush. Kush writing didn't expand. Kushite, the 1st civil. below Sahara, had a limited influence. Until 500 CE, agriculture which spread slowly. Villages were organized. Farming in S Sahara. Nearing end of classical period, imp. local rule emerged including Ghana, the 1st major one. The well–established agri. economy paved the way for many African kindgoms (W Nile). N Europe & Japan Both hadn't been influenced by great civilizations Japan est. large–scale agri. Experts in iron–working. Obeyed the law, drank, & practiced social diffs. Korean migrations for 200,000 yrs until 200 Regional w/ tribal leaders & a god seen to be an ancestor. Came to rule grander territories. 400 CE – Korean scribes were brought for record–keeping Shintoism Leaders & spirits were worshipped, esp. rice
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  • 9. Theme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird Ideally, the Constitution of the United States of America, the founding document of the nation, ensures life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. Ironically, the South of the 1930s was the exact antithesis of the statement. Those truths that were held to be self–evident to all men were only used for the pleasure of those with the "correct" complexion and sex, that being the white male. The minorities in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee were denied of those truths, due to the common element of the corrupt Southern white male that was favored to be in a position of power in the time period. To that end, it is the Southern white men in positions of power that create the conflict and ruin the "mockingbirds" throughout this bildungsroman that Harper Lee presents the reader, which is one of oppression, hatred, and denial. Many of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird have been oppressed due to discrimination at some point in their lives, to the point where law and society were rigged against them, as Atticus pointed out, "In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly but those are the facts of life." (224) It was also not acceptable to attempt to change that system of institutional and societal racism. Those who did not conform to those rules also had their lives ruined by those around him, as Mr. Raymond explained that the reason why he pretends to be drunk, which is because he has a family with ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Early Western Civilization: Molded by Conflict or Consensus The question has been posed whether early Western Civilization was molded by conflict between civilizations or by consensus between divergent civilizations. Although it can be argued that both conflict and consensus have affected the development of Western Civilization, one of these has had more of an influence than the other. As early as Ca 3000, at the dawn of civilization, there has been conflict. When the city–states of Sumer were established, warfare and competition broke out due to disagreements on land and water rights. This tradition of conflict has continued throughout history all the way up to modern times. Based on the outcomes of the many conflicts throughout history, it appears that civilization has been molded more by these conflicts than consensus between divergent civilizations. Looking at political, cultural, and religious aspects of the history of Western Civilization, one can see the influence that conflict had on shaping said civilization. The ways that conflict has shaped the political characteristics of Western Civilization are evident when looking at historic expansions of civilizations and the imperialism that accompanies such expansions. As leaders expanded their reign and land holdings by conquering other peoples, a need to govern those holdings and citizens arose. As Hammurabi conducted campaigns to expand his empire, he developed what has become known as Hammurabi's Code to help govern his people. Many of the laws in the Code still currently ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Black Codes In The Southern Society The Black Codes in the Southern society which had many provisions of orders was published in 1865 and 1866 to restrict the freedom of black people (African Americans) and to reinforce strength of white people. In a deeper meaning, this law was created to be like a way to preserve the slavery system. If we go through each term of The Black Codes, we can see the law almost prevented freedom of black people (who they were call "negro"). The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 of President Lincoln granted slave with some rights, but actually these rights were very limited. For instance, section 2 states every nergo was not allowed to be outside of their house after 10pm or they would receive a fine. Section 3 states slaves were not allowed owning ... Get more on ...
  • 12. All Quiet On The Western Front Summer Analysis Summer Analysis Essay Society's institutions are needed in the world to keep order, peace, and organization; however, these institutions can also have the opposite effect on many people. Often, the institutions of society may be used as a reason to behave immorally or to justify this immoral behavior. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and All Quiet on the Western Front, the protagonists all struggle with these institutions and with forming their own moral code, whether bad or good. In all three novels, society's institutions corrupt and destroy individuals, and the only ones who are safe from this corruption are the people who have escaped or diverged from society. These novels mirror the authors' societies, ... Show more content on ... "I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery," Huck shares, showing that he would be willing to risk his life and reputation to free his friend, Jim (Twain 195). Instead of this institution creating kind, caring, compassionate learners and leaders, the educational institution instills primitive, old world values into its students in the South. However, because Huck escaped this formal Southern education, he has good morals. Southern society considers Huck an uneducated, ignorant boy, but it is he who possesses far more knowledge and compassion than any educated person of the South, showing the hypocrisy of the society in which he lives. Huck relates, "It was kind of lazy and jolly, laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study," while he is living out in nature with his Pap (Twain 25). He does not enjoy a formal education of books and work, but can still appreciate the beauty and curiosities of the world, in nature and its people. Huck is able to see past the barriers society puts up, as he did not receive a Southern education, which creates people who support slavery and do not think for themselves. The educational institution is like a factory, pumping out identical children all believing in old world Southern values. Huck escapes from this 'prison' and only then does he become a better ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Did The Mongols Change Over Time Two Civilizations: Change Over Time and Continuity Over Time During this time period, there were alterations in many civilizations. Some had multiple major fluctuations, while others did not change much but were long lasting. The Mongols, for instance, did similar (if not the same things) over and over again throughout their reign. What they did was successful and because of that, their empire was long lasting. Unlike the Mongols, Italy had much change during this period of time. Both of these things caused the two different societies to flourish and last. The Mongols had the greatest continuity over time, but Italy had the greatest change over time, ending in good results for both of the civilizations. The Mongol empire was a pastoral one, ... Show more content on ... While their increase on population was interrupted by the Black Death in 1348, they recovered and continued into a new chapter of Italian life in the 14th century. The late 14th and the 15th centuries were the beginning of the renaissance era. Italy is often considered the heart of the renaissance, with art flourishing and great writers and artists being produced. From Italy, their blooming of art caught the interest of ancient Greece and Rome. The renaissance era started a new chapter in Italy and was the cause of many great changes and innovations in Italy. While they were forced to change by multiple invasions, by the 14th century Italy began to make their own changes during the renaissance era, causing them to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Eltanin Civilizations, The Civilizations Of The Middle... Welcome to Crash Course Civilizations 101! Today we will discuss one of the most prominent civilizations of the middle kingdom, the Eltanin civilization. Now before we jump in let's talk about what exactly is a civilization. Textbook definition defines it as: the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization, but a civilization is more than just that. It is the culture a group of people possesses which is sustained over a period of time which shapes history in one way or another. Most civilizations all stemmed from one life changing event, the agricultural revolution. As the first agricultural revolution occurred from 10,000 BC to 2000 BC, people started to settle and cultivate land by planting crops and raising animals. Although blossoming from different areas around the world, they all had certain similar aspects such as developing unique ways of supporting themselves and upholding their society. The start of this transition is known as the middle kingdom. Today we will be discussing one of the most prominent civilizations of the middle kingdom, the Eltanin civilization, who lasted what scientists like to call, A LONG TIME..Before we dive into who they were and how they impacted history, let's talk about how they originated. The Eltanin civilization originated from the foothills of the Andes Mountains in 2055 BC, where they migrated northeast to modern day south Brazil and north Argentina, slowly transitioning ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Semiotic Analysis of True Detective Semiotic Analysis of True Detective In 1951, the first television crime drama series, Dragnet significantly influenced our American culture. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the term "dragnet" is a symbol, for, a system of coordinated measures used to apprehend criminals or suspects. Most crime drama series solve a different case each episode. Although, in current pop– culture crime dramas focus on one particular crime, throughout an entire season. Similar, to the show "Homeland," the HBO crime drama True Detective adds a twist on the conventional series. The show depicts a subject matter that has affected modern society as a whole. Southern Louisiana police detectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, in 2012, are asked to revisit their solving of a ritualistic murder case from 1995. The murder of a former student of the Light of the Way Christian Academy lays the foundation, for detective Cohle's doubts about the true design of religion. The True Detective storyline portrays the utilization of religion, education, and politics, by men in power who manipulate and control young innocent children. Questioning the validity of religion within a crime drama series is relative to modern society. The conspiracy within the Catholic Church to suppress hundreds of child molestations committed, by Catholic priests is a pertinent sign represented in True Detective . Southern Louisiana is located in the heart of the American Bible belt, where religion is not a choice, but a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Iranian Women In Public Spaces However, this was not the case, and those who followed the Koran and a neo–conservative way of thinking welcomed women into the workplace in larger percentages than would be expected. Amir– Ebrahimi, a scholar on women's physical role in the public in the Middle East supports this by saying "This frequent presence in the different public spaces gave women a new consciousness about themselves and their individual and citizen rights in the society." These changes can also be attributed to the want of women to continue life in the public sphere, and to show the government that they would not become disenfranchised, but rather they would embed the idea of women being an important pillar in Tehranian public life and culture. By looking at how Tehranian women navigated the physical public space in Tehran, one could see how they sought to establish themselves in public life outside of politics: "Although since the revolution Iranian women have experienced much more governmental control on their appearance... and behavior in public, they have been actively participating in public spaces by re–appropriating the existing places. In fact, the number of traditional women using public spaces has dramatically increased after the revolution. Young Iranian women have specifically made use of enclosed, privatized spaces... that are mostly modern in their design and the activities offered." Authors and Iranian women alike bring up the fact that the forced implementation of covered dress in public spaces and the ... Show more content on ... Whether it be from feeling more comfortable in public because of an increased sense of anonymity put in place by the required head–coverings, or using the new laws as a reason to speak out against their government, the presence of women in the public sphere increased after the implementation of an Islamic, theocratic ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Similarities And Differences Between Northern And Southern... In the 1800's, the United States was split up between the North and South. They had to be split because there was different types of conditions and governments. The northern and southern societies had some similarities and many differences. First, the economics in the northern and southern societies had various similarities and differences. The North had a better economy than the South. In the North, people were wage owners. Immigrants supplied labor for economy growth. There were no slaves; the workers earned something, even if it was almost nothing. In both the North and the South, people worked roughly twelve to fourteen hours each day. The South was an agricultural economy. In the South, slaves were usually a large percent of the workers; they were not paid for their work. Slaves were forced to work, and when they did their jobs wrong, they were abused until they could barely walk. Slaves and African Americans were treated horribly in both the North and the South. Additionally, the social statuses played a large part in everyday situations in the 1800's. In the North, factory owners were the wealthiest, so they were highest on the social pyramid. Artisans were second on the social pyramid. They were needed by factory owners because of their amazing skills. Factory workers were in the middle of the pyramid. Workers were paid minimum wage to work long hours, and the factory owners treated them like machines. Factory workers were not allowed to ... Show more content on ... In the North, factory owners were in power. As previously mentioned, they were the wealthiest. Factory owners made their industries different from the mills in Lowell. The mills were in poor conditions, so factory owners made factories a little bit better. Likewise, in the South, the cottonocracy was in power. They mostly became governors, congressmen, senators, and presidents. The cottonocracy had the most money, so they paid for ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Industrial Capitalism Comes to Southern Appalachia: The... Industrial capitalism comes to Southern Appalachia 1860–1940: The effects on society and religion Appalachia has long been regarded as a place of natural beauty and allegedly 'backwards' people. In one of the early attempts to 'civilize' rural Appalachia, the population was characterized as consisting of "agricultural savages" who refused to learn better farming practices (Anglin 2002: 565). "The poverty and environmental abuse I witnessed there were not simply a failure of economics. It went much deeper than that; hence our continual failure to 'social engineer' meaningful changes there. It was a poverty of the spirit; a poverty of the soul" said one observer, of the attempt to encourage rural Appalachians to adopt modern farming practices at the turn of the 20th century (Anglin 2002: 565–566). Other than subsistence farming, the only other predominant industry in rural Appalachia is the coal industry. Rather than provide a potential source of enrichment to the region, this too has been seen as impoverishing, rather than sustaining the residents. "Appalachia has become virtually synonymous with coal and problems of the notoriously dangerous, cyclically unstable, and highly competitive industry" (Pudup 1990: 61). Historically, the origins of settlements in Southern Appalachia were not so unpromising. "Attracted by plentiful game, local availability of precious resources like salt, and fertile and relatively cheap land, settlers in southeast Kentucky differed little ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Evangelical Christianity Definition During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the Tswana, Maale, and Nigériens counterbalanced evangelical Christian mission colonization by incorporating local customs and practices into Christianity. We will define and dissect the terms "civilization" and "modernity" to describe how medicine and religion reinforced and changed African and white Christian cultures. I define "civilization" as a white, Christian ideology that formulated how missions historically oppressed black Africans; evangelical missions rationalized white supremacy by claiming that inept and inferior black Africans needed cleanliness and morality training. However, I define the term "modernity" as a culturally hybrid African response to mission evangelism; after hearing ... Show more content on ... In the nineteenth century, legislation passed that empowered doctors with advanced education to cleanse disadvantaged patients with biomedicine. Comaroff argues that biomedicine "became...a discipline, taking on the ethos of professionalism" after the Medical Act of 1858, which limited medical practice to well–educated doctors (1997: 328, 326). After the Medical Act of 1858, only wealthy doctors who learned advanced anatomical and physiological operations in prestigious universities could practice medicine. With legal leverage, these doctors developed biomedicine as a science in which medical tools, chemical liquids, and plant substances cured ailments and cleaned urban decay. As British doctors gained socioeconomic status, media outlets claimed that doctors engaged in "heroic" biomedical cures to save the urban poor from their foul behaviors and miasmic living environments (Comaroff 1997: 326). Because city slum dwellers often had many children, lived in close quarters, and could not afford to bathe, doctors sought to improve their health by teaching them proper hygiene. Indeed, Comaroff notes that the London Mission Society (LMS) advertised "the power of doctors to heal social ills in unsanitary British cities" to associate cleanliness with prestige and dirt with deficiency (1997: 332). When LMS missionary David Livingstone arrived in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Did Roman Culture Influence Greek Culture 1. During the Agricultural Revolution, humans began settling down in communities and farming. The more the residents depended on farming, the more the population increased. This made it harder to revert to the hunter–gatherer lifestyle. Human waste also easily contaminated water in settlements. 2. Settlements had storehouses to keep valuable items and food surplus. Inside storehouses, surpluses were offered to the gods at the beginning of the harvest season. Food surplus birthed accounting, writing, and the bureaucracy, for scribes recorded all contributions to the storehouses. 3. Farming was adopted partly to preserve the beer supply. Beer also helped to make up for the diminishing food supply. It was safer to drink than the water that ... Show more content on ... Arab scholars developed instruments that would later be used for European exploration, such as the astrolabe, nautical maps, and the magnetic compass. 2. Sugar was introduced by the Arabs to Madeira, the Azores, and the Canaries, which turned out to be great places for cultivating sugar. Slavery developed because slaves were required to work on sugar plantations in these areas. Sugar later became important for creating rum during this period. Rum was used to buy slaves. Slaves produced sugar, which was them made into rum, which bought more slaves, and so on. 3. Admiral Edward Vernon added sugar and lime juice to rum in order to make it more palatable. This cocktail became known as grog. Sailors often died from scurvy during this period, and the lime juice in grog reduced the cases of scurvy among sailors drastically. Therefore, British sailors were healthier. French sailors drank wine, which reduced their immunity to scurvy, when the British navy was becoming more resistance to scurvy. So, the Royal Navy's performance improved, helping them to defeat the French and Spanish naval ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Southern Slavery And Its Impact On American Society During early 19th century, the entrenchment of Southern slavery, there was discussion between planters who benefitted from it and abolitionists who fought against it. Most Americans, especially those in Southern states, understood that slavery system could not help parting from their economic and social system. Southern slavery system brought big economical benefits. However, it negatively influenced American society as a whole rather that positively. Southern economy was the center of plantation that cultivated cotton. Many the rich started to carve the plantation to earn money by exporting cotton. They needed a lot of labor and slavery was proper to use. The majority of white southerners did not own slaves because planters monopolized the best land. They could not help taking possession of the land that was not proper to cultivate cotton. Most of them earned a living by self–sufficiency even though the slave population was growing: from 697,624 in 1790 to 3,953,760 in 1860. Southern slavery was based on paternalism to justify the brutal reality of slavery, in which slaveholding gentlemen took personal responsibility for the physical and moral well being of their dependents – women, children, and slaves. The slave owner demanded unquestioning obedience from their dependents and intended to make them perfectly dependent to the white man. Most planters lived on their plantation with compelling strict order. Without the owner's permission, slaves ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Mexica Vs Inca Similar to how in the modern world how two cultures can differ greatly, India versus Canada for example, the ancient societies of the Mexica and the Inca were very different. Such dissimilarities are partially due to lack of communication, a problem originating in the time period in which they thrived, being the twelfth to sixteenth centuries when they had no other means of communication besides by foot. Despite their differences, the two peoples had many parallels regarding social norms and hierarchies. Be it ancient Egypt, Nazi Germany, or the modern day United States, religion has yielded sway in government and has had a major influence on societal norms. In both the Inca and Mexica culture, for example, priests yielded much power in ... Show more content on ... In Mexica culture, calpulli were communities of cultivators that worked on land belonging to aristocrats who had common forefathers, however after some time, the importance of familial lineage became less important. While usually working on agriculture, some calpulli also worked on general services to their greater societies. Comparably, the Inca cultivator–peasants lived in communities called ayllu that were like the Mexica's calpulli. Similar to the future system of feudalism, the peasants worked on the land of an aristocrat, and most products of this work went to the upper classes. While the Mexica and Inca lower classes resembled each other, the upper classes were disparate. In Mexica culture, warriors were the highest on the hierarchal pyramid. Warriors were very privileged, but the best warriors visibly distinguished themselves by wearing colorful clothing and eating expensive food. In addition, many warriors held positions of power in the government. In Inca culture, aristocrats and priests were at the top of the pyramid. Aristocrats set themselves apart from the commoners by wearing clothing embroidered by the lower class and large rings or plugs in their ears. In fact, when the Spanish first encountered the Inca, they nicknamed the aristocrats "big ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Slavery In Southern Society Slavery in the Southern Society! By Venus Sanders [Spring 2015]HIS 141 Thomas Nelson community college Professor: Stacy Schneider BIBLIOGRAPHY Cobb, J. C. (2015). Industrial and Southern Soceity. kentucky: University Press ofKentucky. Slavery in the Southern Society! Slavery is the fundamentally an outbound domineering factor. During the course of history, slavery has existed where it has been economically beneficial for profitable measure, millions of slaves existed in the United States and south. Whites enjoyed income revenue's because of slaves entwine burdensome constraints for lucrative benefits such ... Show more content on ... Labor operations employed slave and needed worker more than any other industry. During the antebellum times manufacturing play a supportive role reconstruction and development. Most was processing of raw material and agricultural products. Flour, corn additive and was mostly imported in the manufactory. Slave labor had accompanied by social upheld political notices and contingents as labor operations intensify for slave. Between hundred and sixty thousand to Two hundred thousand 160,000 to 200,000 slave worked in the manufacturing industry, mainly the iron industry rely on skilled slave labors. (Cobb, 2015) Slaves experiences having a notoriously life of difficulty due to capitalism system and was cheated and oppressed. Black with abuse and unearned capital they made progress through slave poverty was best said by hennery George". Owner of slave benefits a 100% for their profits allowing them to recover and improve their state and pay their loan and taxes to England. Whites had succeed in greed in every aspect of using a slavery in the south by selling and renting slaves out for their services and skill works and free labor . With poorly pride, slavery owner exercises and didn't follow or understand the moral foundation of God intended for human being, they force ... Get more on ...
  • 24. A Short History of Progress The term, progress, is synonymous with phrases that denote moving forward, growth, and advancement. It seems unorthodox then that Ronald Wright asserts the world has fallen into a progress trap, a paradox to how progress is typically portrayed as it contradicts the conventional way life is viewed: as being a natural progression from the outdated and tried towards the new and improved. Wright posits that it is the world's relentless creation of innovative methods that ironically contributes to the progress trap rather than to progress itself, the intended objective. Wright's coinage of the term "progress trap" refers to the phenomenon of innovations that create new complications that are typically left without resolve which exacerbate ... Show more content on ... The humans living in that period were unable to supplement their previous diet, which was rich in protein, and their culture was devastated as a result; this then, is an example of progress (better hunting methods) that led to the failure of an entire culture as its problems were left unsolved. In his third chapter, Wright examines two particular civilizations that thrived but eventually declined due to resource depletion. What is interesting is the similarities that can be drawn from the examples of Easter Island and Sumer, like the widespread ignorance of the masses to actively prevent the abrasion of their land, the perpetual idleness of people to not do anything even when there was enough time to stop the tragic collapse, to current–day situations of people who even flat–out deny climate change and claim it to be part of the left–wing agenda. On Easter Island, it was over– logging that led to their collapse, since as their ecosystem withered away, logging became scarce, and wars broke out for those sparse resources. In Sumer similar environmental destruction occurred (i.e. overgrazing, land clearing), which should alarm the world population of today of what may become of the high levels ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Family History Research Paper When I enrolled in Columbia southern college to further my education, the enrollment counselor told me I needed 6 credits of history. The first thought that popped into my mind was; "I do not need to learn anything else about history at this point in my life/career, I have learned all I needed to know about history in grade school and high school". After multiple failed attempts at trying to convince my counselor why I should not have to take history, I realizing that there was no way around taking this course. As I began to read over the syllabus and the unit assignments, I began to have an open mind and second thoughts about the course. I was intrigued by unit 1 scholarly activity; answer the following question in your own words: "Why ... Show more content on ... Understand our family heritage gives one a sense of pride. History teaches us about our language and our roots. Knowing the history of your family can help prove a sense of identity because getting to know yourself gives you the opportunity to understand new things about culture. This will result in you realize who you really are. Learning the history of your people will form a connection to certain customs, values, and beliefs. I have learned many stories of my family history from just talking to the elderly within my family. Stories about their trials and tribulation of those previous generations show me how far we came overall. I have passed on those same stories along to the generation under me and emphasized how important it is for them to do the same. Understand your culture will open your mind to learning to respect others cultures as well. In conclusion, know your past has a lot to do with your present and future. All things that are happening in society today, such as political, racial, and power, are all a reflection on our past. The motivations, practices, and outcomes from the European quests of God, gold, and glory is a factor in today's world. The Cultural history that is past from one generation to the next reflects ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Their Eyes Were Watching Janie Analysis The Impact of the Society and Class theme on Janie In accordance with the turbulent time period it was written in, Their Eyes Were Watching God comments on many issues within the society of the 1930's through various themes such as love, nature, and societal standards. However, the theme of societal standards and expectations is perhaps the most prominent in the story, furthering the main character Janie's development the most. In the book, despite the standards and rules imposed on her by society, Janie learns to overcome them, thereby attaining happiness and an emotionally rich life. As a mixed woman in the southern United States, Janie had always had rules and others' expectations thrust upon her, under the guise of either love or judgement. For example, although Nanny intended for Janie to find security and eventual happiness through an arranged marriage as a result of her own tragic life experiences, this backfired, as Janie was only acquired those at forty, after two failed marriages. Her late second husband Joe Starks imposed societal rules on her, often expressing how women should stay in the background of matters. After accepting his position as mayor of Eatonville, Joe quickly took away Janie's attempt at making her own comments on the matter by saying"[t]hank yuh fuh yo' compliments, but mah wife don't know nothin' 'bout no speech– makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat. She's uh woman and her place is in de home.'" (Hurston 43). Opinions ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Tech Environment Technological Environment Gregory Hamlin BUSN 310. Business Theory Professor Rachel Nagel American Military University March 31st, 2012 TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The company I am continuing to work with is US Airways Group. There is plenty of hard and soft technology to list for the domestic environment. Some of the hard technology used in the domestic environment is aircraft, security system, and safety gear. Some soft technology used in the domestic environment is management, government regulations that govern the procedures of the company, and training for employees. The hard technology I listed above is the obvious technology the air line company utilizes yet there is more hard technology being used. The soft ... Show more content on ... I honest believe this is the only remedy for providing up to date technology, the company has to make it a priority to provide the same technology to the global environment. The customs can be corrected by provided a print out of what is allowed and what is not allowed to be brought into or out of a country a passenger is traveling through. The information is available online but some older passengers aren't as savvy with technology so they may not receive the same information. With this tactic there is not any excuse for not knowing what is expected when going through customs. The strategies I stated above will be successful, only if they are applied. Without application the strategy will be a failure. Within the domestic environment the security system can be significantly improved and decrease the risk for terrorist attacks greatly. This technology needs to be protected by requiring a security clearance for all employees who work for the company. This way you have a thorough back ground check on everyone who works for US Airways Group and the risk for inside information getting out to enemies of the United States is low. Within the global environment technology needs to be advanced. The company can protect this technology by only providing the technology to its global counterparts and not the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Religious Diversity Since their establishments, many universities in the United States of America, as well as elsewhere in the world, have grown the diversity of their student populations in more than several aspects including religious diversity. Albeit presented obstacles, this growth represents values of tolerance and freedom that Americans have generally come to hold in high regard. If one considers narrower communities, a collegiate institution such as the University of Southern California (USC) boasts its diversity through admittance of students from countries all over the world; in fact, it holds more international students than any other private university in the United States. With countless cultures mixed in one place, USC has a religious diversity that, ... Show more content on ... At the University of Southern California, as well as greater Los Angeles area, a larger part of the population participates in some aspect of religious congregational life, whether that be shown by attending mass at the Caruso Catholic Center or going to Sunday church service at Jefferson Church down the street. In fact, there are currently over 60 religious congregations located within the USC Defined Neighborhood Outreach Boundary, as well as many campus–oriented student organizations such as Hillel and the LDS (Mormon) Institute of Religion ("Religious Congregations Near USC"). With such availability of and access to various religious backgrounds, students are naturally exposed to something outside their own perspectives that is educationally valuable. However, the University of Southern California as an institution surpasses sole religious diversity and certainly pushes for pluralism because it is "intentional about bringing people from different backgrounds together to build positive bonds" (Patel ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Battle Of The Final War Polis. The name probably didn't have quite the impact as its parent word "metropolis", but the parent word was cumbersome and, as people are wont to do, prone to shortening. The parent word may have better–conveyed the city's size and scope and industry...or maybe not. Perhaps that was why the word was changed over time: as the city grew and grew, the word "metropolis" seemed to become more and more inadequate. And "Mega City One" was just lame. In the aftermath of the Final War (as people called it, when referring to the conflict that gave rise to Polis), things changed. Gradually, at first, as those leaders that were perceived to have failed were replaced – sometimes violently – by people who genuinely seemed to care about the population's needs and concerns. The country was slowly transformed, town by ruined town, city by devastated city, state by crippled state. Those who'd survived were often eager for a leadership that would give them the direction they wanted, that put the people first, that put the needs of society ahead of the needs of self. It was not socialism, as that was one of the driving forces that had led to the Final War in the first place; nor was it capitalism, as that had been another driving force of the War – instead, a curious blend of social–conservatism rose to fill the void, and it was embraced by the survivors. As months became years, and years became decades, things gradually changed. Those who'd begun the revival were elevated to positions of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes While reading the novel "Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes" one might've found the same following points and given a summary about the misreading's and hidden points in the bible. "Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes" gives the reader well enlightened concepts to the bible that before might have been obscured, but now have been broken down into terms that people from the western part of the world can comprehend "such as ice bergs." The author uses many a resemblances to the bible and how other supportive countries of our world see it inversely. The author uses these metaphors to build an understanding for the reader so that they can make comparisons themselves. The author uses the metaphor about the iceberg to assemble the book into three different sections. The tip (being the part of the world that we all see and have come to recognize misconceptions. below the surface (the part of which only certain liberally and religiously educated beings notice, and the massive section of the iceberg that is completely unseen to people. In the beginning chapter the author speaks frequently of moral values that society in the past saw and assumed was correct because they were the first to know the meaning. Moving forward through–out the chapter however the author explains that since the bible was written throughout a different period and setting, we people of the future have come to twist and misread these moral values. The next piece of the novel discusses on how society ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The World Of World History Simone Kessler Sept. 2, 2016 Mr. AB Summer Work Preface: I. World history explores human pasts worldwide to help us understand the world around us. To help us understand that the world needs to continue to develop or we will fall behind. This text talks about how human migration and trade amongst other things has gotten us to where we are today. A.Generalization of World history B.Periodization C.Key events D.Conclusion II. The world history explores the past so humans around the world can understand the terrene around us easier. A.Learning the history of the world helps to develop skills that are effective in a global society. 1.Comparing different societies. 2.Identifying big changes and developments in the human experience. B. Students become active and engaged learners through analysis and interpretation. 1.Rather than serving as passive for torrents of historical facts and events. 2. Underpinning interpretation and the issues of time, place, and topic. III. This textbook pays a lot of attention to periodization. Some complexities rise above the six– stage world history periodization.
  • 32. A.Each period determined by three base criteria 1.A geographical rebalancing among major civilization areas. 2.An increase in the intensity and extent of contact among civilizations. 3.The emergence of new and roughly parallel developments. B. Societies ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Summary Of The Book Collapse By Jared Diamond Collapse Book Review In Collapse, Jared Diamond explores the demise of different civilizations throughout history and the signs that might portend for today's societies. The most evident and recurring themes are: climate change, environmental damage, friendly trade partners and hostile neighbors. Whether it is one or multiple of these factors that causes a society's collapse, these four points of Diamond's suggested five–point framework are consistently relevant to the collapse of a society. Diamond thoroughly examines the history of collapses of civilizations ranging from the Mayan Empire to modern China. Throughout the book Diamond works to answer the question, 'Why is it that some societies collapsed while others did not collapse?' The following themes, discussed by Jared Diamond as the main factors in a civilization's success or failure, are explored and explained in the past to provide a better outlook on the status of our future: environmental damage, climate change, and neighbors including trade partners. I. Environmental Damage ... Show more content on ... Humans have constantly struggled to manage resources for 50,000 years, ever since they developed inventiveness, hunting skills, and efficiency. When they fail to manage and they destroy the environment around them. Diamond discusses eight types of environmental damage: deforestation/habitat destruction, soil problems, water management problems, overhunting, overfishing, harmful introduced species, human population growth, and increased per–capita impact of people. In Diamond's best seller, Guns Germs and Steel, he explains how human population growth and food demand are directly correlated. When the population becomes unmanageable, humans strip their land of resources. The major theme of environmental damage is simply overexploitation of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Use Of Technology And Social Media The use of technology and social media makes our life a lot easier. Social media and technology play a huge role in our everyday life and friendship. In today's world, people, mostly teenagers use social media and technology every day to communicate and interact with others. Technology gives us an opportunity to connect with anybody we want from anywhere we are, saving us time. According to "Daily News" 84 percent of people worldwide say they couldn't go a single day without their mobile device in their hand. That means almost everybody uses their phone in order to communicate and stay updated. I use my phone every single day and I cannot imagine living my life without a smartphone. I go on social media websites every day to connect with friends and see what they are doing. It is the fastest way to interact with friends and I love technology for that. A couple decades ago people didn't have good communication devices therefore it was much harder for them to connect with each other. Technology makes it much more convenient and easy for us to use, saving us a lot of time. Having technology makes our life easier and at the same time virtual. It is very convenient and just normal for our society to use it everyday. In my opinion modern technology provides more options and opportunities to connect with our friends. I really don't think that technology and social media ruin our friendships like most people would say. It all depends on how you use it. Technology and Social media ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Awakening Analysis Sacrifices can define one's character; the definition can either be the highest dignity or the lowest degradation of the value of one's life. In The Awakening, Kate Chopin implicitly conveys the sacrifice Edna Pontellier makes in the life which provides insight of her character and attributions to her "awakening." She sacrificed her past of a lively and youthful life and compressed it to a domestic and reserved lifestyle of housewife picturesque. However, she meets multiple acquaintances who help her express her dreams and true identity. Mrs. Pontellier's sacrifice established her awakening to be defiant and drift away from the societal role of an obedient mother, as well as, highlighting the difference between society's expectations of ... Show more content on ... For example, Robert Lebrun, who gives her all the affection and attention she wants, makes her feel and act like how she was before she was married. As a result, she starts to disregard her husband and his commands. Such as in the event, when Mr. Pontellier commanded her to come inside the house after a long night. However, Mrs. Pontellier disobeyed him and stayed outside. "She would, through habit, have yielded to his desire; not with any sense of submission or obedience to his compelling wishes, but unthinkingly, as we walk, move, sit, stand, go through the daily treadmill of the life which has been portioned out to us" (Chopin 40). At this stage of Mrs. Pontellier greatly values the kind of freedom she had before marriage. Her newly oppression towards her husband exhibits the defiance of women towards men. Chopin meant to show Mrs. Pontellier as an outsider of society, in order to spread the image of women, who can make their own decisions. After returning from vacation, Edna is a changed woman. When her husband and children are gone, she moves out of the house and purses her own ambitions. She starts painting and feeling happier. "There were days when she was very happy without knowing why. She was happy to be alive and breathing when her whole being seemed to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect Southern day" (Chopin 69). Her sacrifice greatly contributed to her disobedient actions. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Communities Rights to Enforce Moral Conviction through Law Canada: a nation built, politically, on the rights accompanied by being a democratic state. A democracy, in the simplest of terms, states that a society has the right to vote in laws, political leaders and bring other social justice issues up to the head of their political hierarchy. To suggest that a society should not have any right to enforce its moral convictions through the law would be morally unsound in a country that prides itself on equality and democracy. In this essay I will be arguing against the idea stated above: the notion that a community should not be able to have their laws reflected in the value and morals of their people. To support this opinion, I will be drawing points from Wil Waluchow's The Concept of a Moral ... Show more content on ... This is why it is necessary for a society to set laws based on the general moral convictions they hold. Communities are based on a general consensus for what is morally sound and what is completely unjust. If a community of individuals cannot come to a general agreement of what is right and what is wrong, these is going to be conflict and the society will, naturally, spilt into smaller communities with people who carry the same principles. This is called the Disintegration Thesis (Callaghan, 2014). Imagine a group of people living in a small community. For this community to function, they must all have the same mentality about specific ideas. If half the community does not want to eat meat and the other half only wants to eat meat, the group would eventually split into two separate societies. Because of this, Devlin has come to the conclusion that every society has the right to implement morals, in both a personal and political sense, so that each society does not disintegrate (Callaghan, 2014). An example of the Disintegration Thesis in society is that of Sudan. Again, I will be using the topic of religion and it's moral implications. Sudan is ruled by Arabic Muslims, but at the time of it splitting, the in the Southern area of Sudan, the people either followed Christian beliefs or another religion, but not Arabic Muslims. The religious differences lead to many moral conflicts and, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. King Arthur Chivalry Code In modern day society, the world has very strict cultural rules. In some places in the Pacific Ocean, it is considered rude to wear shoes inside of the house, and in the southern nation of the US it is considered rude to refer to an adult without the phrase, "ma'am" or "sir." Issues of what is respectable or accepted have always existed since the first civilized culture. However, there is one form of respectable manners that have followed the people throughout the growth of the world. This form is the code of chivalry, first recognized in the Arthurian time of the knights. The knights had to follow this code just how modern day people would follow the law. The code is created by the moral conceptions of courage, honor, loyalty, and manners. ... Show more content on ... All three of these texts involve battles and brave choices made by the heroic characters who each go on a journey, have an encounter with the gods, either in a positive way or in a negative way. Then they always end up fighting in a battle of some sort, physical or mental, and prove themselves worthy to be the leader of the land. However, the entire chivalric code was not fully existing by this point of culture, there might have been the idea of strength and honor being incredibly vital for a man's rank in social status, but the key point is man. There was no and absolutely any wiggle room for women to be recognized as equal human beings at all. The beginning of the Iliad even includes the unchivalric acts of the behavior towards women. Achilles and King Agamemnon were arguing the right of having the young lady as their prize, but of course the lady never did get any sort of say in it. The Odyssey also displayed this kind of behavior towards females, Odysseus was very unfaithful in his relationship, while his wife was not, but he was still questioning her loyalty and even threatened death if she was caught in a fib. Yet, The Aeneid had a different approach to the origination to the chivalric code of treatment of women, there was no unpleasant treatment of women, yet the female characters were still ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Gender Specific Role In Forging Groups From the time that fully modern humans emerged about 100,00 years ago up until approximately 12,000 years ago, societies of humans practiced foraging as a means for their survival. This period in which foraging was predominant is known as the "pre–complexity" period. In the traditional sense, anthropologists classify "complex" societies as those that are sedentary and practice farming instead of foraging. The traditional classification of a sedentary, agrarian society as "complex" is imperfect because it discounts the societal complexities found within foraging bands. While these societies are sometimes portrayed as primitive without culture, they actually have an egalitarian social structure with language, religion, and a vast knowledge of the landscape in which they lived. The !Kung people of southern Africa, for example, were able to identify close to 90 different plant species and utilize them in their diet. While there were clear gender specific roles in foraging societies, where women tended to gather plants while men hunted, the societies themselves did not have persistent inequalities. This was necessary ... Show more content on ... These characteristics include increased population, increased urbanism, use of storage, increased inequalities, economic interdependence between societies, and an increase in central authority. These characteristics are best understood through a web model instead of a direct linear chain of events. This is due to the fact that many of these characteristics likely coevolved together and could have developed in various different orders based on the location of the society. For example, one society could have consolidated authority before the introduction of record keeping, while another society may have prioritized agrarian record keeping and as a result power was consolidated amongst those that kept the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Rules And Regulations For Becoming A Member Of The... Prior to 1939, the rules and regulations for becoming a member of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology was extremely difficult. But in 1895 a young man born by the name of Francis Cecil Sumner, was about to have a huge impact in the field of psychology. A young man who was schooled at home was getting ready to embark on a rollercoaster of trials and tribulations. Before 1939 some of the circumstances for being a member of the Southern School for Philosophy and Psychology (SSPP) were. For Non–American Psychological (APA) members even with endorsements and payments of dues, had to be voted in by the membership. Sumner, a young black man who was the first African American to have earned a PhD in psychology was held back and ... Show more content on ... If someone having all the proper requisites and was more than qualified was delayed? Upon his application to the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, there was an amendment suggested to the council preventing automatic enrollment even with proper credentials. To me that just doesn't even make sense if it were not for his color. I'm guessing the amendment that suggested worked because two other applicants were delayed, due to integration at Fisk University. Them not knowing that the two other candidates were white but they married. So did they just start refusing everybody at that point in time because of Sumner? That's what it seems like but he wasn't about to let it stop him at all. Would you expect someone who has already been dealing with diversity and hate as well as mind games of oppressors, his whole life to give up? I would hope not. Sumner studied numerous languages. Some languages are English, French, and German just to name a few. But in the summer of 1918 in the midst of studying for his PhD. In psychology Sumner was drafted in the military. While he was drafted Sumner also tried to enter officer's candidate school, but he missed the window of opportunity and his destination would be France. (para.7) While on duty in the army Sumner served as a sergeant in World War 1. At this point in time his experiences and bravery were setting him up for his fight when he got back. Sumner ... Get more on ...
  • 40. What Is The Role Of Cultural Governance In Imperial China Civil Service Examination in Imperial China: Cultural Governance and Social Mobility Glance through history and one can see China's military power was never enough to manage the vast territorial land in its possession. Yet, unlike Europe, China seems to maintain its unity despite dynastic turmoils and military conflicts. The sense of "Chineseness" and Chinese culture went through changes, but remained structurally intact from the imperial period to even today. It is clear that imperial governments relied heavily upon a cultural form of governance, embedding and establishing political authorities within every aspect of life, to rule China. The civil service examination system was a critical part of Imperial China's cultural governance. As a ... Show more content on ... It successfully embedded political authorities, within not only political but social and religious aspect of life as well, through the elevated power of literati, language of lineage, and imperial metaphors in religion. However, the lucrative remuneration, extreme social prestige, and political power that comes with officialdom made the civil examination extremely difficult. In 1850, two million candidates entered the county examination, and only three hundred passed the metropolitan exam. The odds of success in all stages of the examination process was one in six thousand or 0.01% (Elman 14). This level of competitiveness contributed to the imagined notions of social hierarchy and mobility since only wealthy families had the resources to educate their sons in Mandarin and classical literary, and were able to take advantage of the exam quotas. Successful candidates from humble backgrounds were extremely rare, which made them the content of legends, a false advertisement of the examination as a vehicle of social ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Paleolithic Society: Differences Between Hunting And... Differences Between Agriculture and Hunting and Gathering Early agricultural societies differed from those of the Paleolithic era in many different ways. They were two similar and different things. The Paleolithic era was more towards not staying in one specific area. They wanted to follow where their food went. In the agricultural societies, many people leaned towards being a lot less nomadic. They stayed in one spot and decided to farm for food. The Paleolithic era used hunting and gathering very heavily for their source of food. Hunting and gathering was different in every Paleolithic society. This type of economy affects their daily lives in every way, it affects how they look and how healthy they are. People have different jobs in Paleolithic ... Show more content on ... Things need to change in a human society after so long. Paleolithic societies started right after the Ice Age. When the earth grew warmer the life of the plants and animals completely changed because their environment changed around them. The animals and plants were used to the cold so they started to die off. As a result the people needed food so they began to migrate to where the food was which was in other places around the world. The people's food began to die off forced the people to figure out a new source of food. It also shaped the world in a few ways. The agricultural Revolution took shape in various parts of the world in many different ways. The Revolution affected areas around bodies of water tremendously. Bodies of water were in high demand for people because of what they held. Water was a source of protection in a way and a lot of people liked that comfort. Water also had species in it that the people were able to eat. Being close to water was an advantage because everything was in your fingertips. These colonies that settled in the area were affected by this water in a positive way. They used the natural resources that came with the bodies of water and were able to grow food due to the very rich soil. This was extremely revolutionary for the people living there. Unfortunately they got too accustomed to the area, and forgot how to do some of the things they once knew how to do. They didn't have to work near as hard as they did before because they had everything they needed in a close distance. It affected America a tad bit differently than it did to Africa and Eurasia. Africa was a complete different story than America because of where the places were located. In America, there were different types of animals, bodies of water, and a complete different climate. In Africa, they had different animals, less water, and a much warmer climate. These key factors play a huge role in how the Agricultural ... Get more on ...