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Consumerism Essay
The technological age of humanity is regarded as one of the most crucial aspects of the advancement
of the human race. Breakthroughs in important fields have without a doubt fortified the strength of
our species; however, every action has a consequence. As the world becomes more intuitive about the
role humans have in society, the economy, and the environment, concerning the products and stuff
they own, there has been a focus on the role of consumerism. Throughout history, there has been a
movement towards adding and consuming things as a status of wealth, happiness, and power. This
notion is associated with the terms consumption and consumerism. Consumerism describes the shift
in American culture from a producer–oriented society in the nineteenth century to a "consumerist"
society in the twentieth century ("Consumerism"). Additionally, the concept of having a "standard of
living" emerged alongside the shift from societies living with limited money and resources to an era
of sustained growth with a more consumer based society. This notion of consumption and
consumerism and the culture of constantly buying things to either fill voids in our lives or to show
our social and economic status has affected our world and environment as we know it. More
specifically, consumerism has influenced the way we think and affect the oceans. Therefore, the
question we chose to address in our capstone project is: how have humans, as consumers, impacted
the climate and the earth's ecosystems
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Consumer Culture Essay
Consumer culture is a fundamental part of many modern societies across the world, influencing a
wide a range of areas from politics to economics and identity. Consumption is viewed as significantly
powerful force in the economy and therefore understanding consumption and consumer culture is a
vitally important resource both for the benefit of the economy and the individual. Consumer culture
theory aims to understand the behaviours and attitudes of consumers from a sociological
perspective, as opposed the economic mindset in which consumer culture is usually viewed.
Consumer culture theory attempts this through understanding the relationships between consumer
actions, the marketplace, and cultural meanings (Arnould and Thompson, 2005) more
Individuals use possession to create and maintain identity, however the identity an individual creates
through consumption of goods can not always be controlled (Friedman, 2005). An obvious example
being clothing, an individual may purchase clothing that they believe makes them look fashionable
but the items could in fact cause other to perceive them as unfashionable and out of date.
The value of items is created by consumers through the meanings they attach to said items.
companies can try to influence the meanings attached to items but the overall meaning and value
attached to items is by the individual (McCracken, 1986). This also means that different items can
have different cultural value and meanings to different individuals. some items may have no
external value but have very significant value to an individual, for example family heirlooms or
photos. this personal value however does not transfer between individuals and while some items
may hold strong value for an individual the item itself is not a commodity that can be exchanged
and retain its value (Howard, 1999). gift exchange is an important aspect of consumer culture, gift
exchange involves the idea of reciprocity. In a gift economy gift exchange creates social bonds and
interdependence. gift giving creates a mutul obligation to return the gift and continue the cycle, a
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Consumer Culture Essay
"What is consumer culture?"
In the late 19th, early 20th century a new phenomenon arose. Along with the development of
industrial advances and urbanization of the emerging American culture was the growth and
subsequent domination of the "consumer culture". Consumer culture is a term that goes hand and
hand with the American way of life today, but in those days it was a new and unique experience.
Along with the development of the mail order catalog, advertising became a focal point of
American mass media. Advertising can be traced back as early as Franklin's "Philadelphia Gazette".
After the turn of the century hand bills were given in the streets listing goods and services that many
merchants could provide, and the New York more content...
The sign above the early amusement park at Brandywine Springs offered this advice: "Let All Who
Enter Here Leave Care Behind." This is a pretty slick analogy for the consumer culture, forget you
worries and your work week buy things, buy, buy, and buy. If you won't, don't worry
your wife will. The middle class house wife found release in shopping trips, and with the rise of
affordable and luxurious items, coupled with a decent, stable middle class allowed the women of
the day to focus some of their energy of the fancy items for homes for wear and for leisure. When
the Industrial Age seized America, and the shifting of the all work and no play work week to an
8 hour day, it offered those from rural areas a glimpse at life off the farm. This led to even more
migrant workers moving into the cities. Without the surge of population would the consumer
culture have been so dominant? Would the middle class have grown so dramatically if industrial
products didn't boom and consumer attitudes didn't capture the nation? The middle class had the
desire to be as beautiful and elegant as the elite upper class Americans. Once the standardization of
the work week, and the explosion of mass production with moderate consumer costs became a
reality these things were possible for the everyman. The every family now had places to go for a
vacation or luxurious trip to an amusement park, or an event. The mass production, as well as mass
consumption was heavily reliant
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Essay on Consumerism
If you want to know if all of our holidays have been turned into consumer driven shopping orgies,
the answer lies in the major department stores. Take a walk through Macy's or Lord or Taylor or
any major store in Oct. and notice the Christmas decorations. That's right, Christmas decorations.
`Tis the season to break the bank. Our capitalistic society is always looking for a reason for
driving consumerism and what better reason than a holiday! If there's a month without one, we'll
make one up...just so we have some reason to put some useless piece of crap on sale. What ever
happened to all the traditional values that are at the core of all or most of these holidays? Do we as
a society even remember?
Since it's the more content...
"The annual celebration of the American consumer economy– the holiday shopping season– is just
underway..." (The New York Times/12/7/03/ Is Wal
–Mart Good for America?) The article is talking
about the most popular shopping day of the season, Black Friday; the day after Thanksgiving. I
must admit, I participate in the day of over indulgence. Every year, my mother, aunt, cousin, and I
wake up at 5am and head off to the malls of New Jersey (to avoid the tax) and get as many good
deals as possible.
While Christmas may be the main shopping holiday, there are many other holidays that have been
commercialized. Valentine's Day is Russell Stover's goldmine. I mean, come on, nothing says "I
love you" like a big box of fat. Then there's Halloween. This is another money making holiday for
the candy companies. But also for whatever company makes those paper thin costumes that we
dress our children up in to go wander the streets at night for candy. Thanksgiving is a perfect
holiday to actually get in touch with your family over a delightful dinner. If your family is like
mine, it usually ends up to be eating too much and fighting even more. There's also the Macy's Day
parade to welcome in the official start of the shopping season. Let's not forget Easter; it's the spring
version of Christmas. Another religious holiday, the resurrection of Christ, has been attached to a
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Importance Of Consumerism
Importance of Consumerism or Consumer Movement The ancestries of consumerism can be traced
back virtually as far as the beginning of commerce and trade. In business activities, the consumer's
concept is significant, and every attempt is made to promote consumer satisfaction (Rajagopalan,
2011). In reality, consumer may be exploited and cheated by unethical businessman as they are
un–organized that lacking of knowledge to safeguard their right (Rajagopalan, 2011). According to
Philip Kotler and G. Amstrong, consumerism is defined that consists of the organized effects of
citizens and private, not–for–profit organizational to impose the rights and power, and also collective
welfare of buyers in relation to seller (Rajagopalan, 2011). Consumerism also means that consumers
are trying to unite together to protect their own interests. So that consumer organizational could
provide and organize efforts to fight against unfair marketing practice and to achieve consumer
protection when purchasing goods and services (Chand, 2015). This is a democratic action for
self–protecting and also a collective effort done by consumers to safeguard their own rights to
against their exploitation in this complex economic environment. These organized activities are also
called consumer movement. Consumerism more content...
Halal products had been launched to care for particular customers' market like Islam in Malaysia.
The uniqueness of Cadbury's packaging was the purple colour that was recognized in 1905 and
owned the trademark in 2003 (Heerey, 2006). Cadbury also active in charity events such as the
upcoming Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Carnival 2016 events in New Zealand run and Cure Kids,
Make A Wish, and Surf Lifesaving charities (Byres,
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Consumerism Essay
CONSUMERISM ESSAY Whoever said money can't buy happiness? Today, the argument can be
made that happiness and consumerism are directly linked. It is fair to say that happiness is a
relative term for different people. However, the obtaining of new and shiny things has become such
a part of everyday life, that it provides happiness when people are purchasing something new, and
causes sadness when no buying is taking place. For many, it seems to be a protective coating
against the harsh realities of everyday stresses from a job, or family life. In fact, the buying frenzy
of modern life has become so prevalent, and people have collected so much material, that self
storage facilities are becoming one of the most successful more content...
Admittedly, the priceless works of art, homes, helicopters and other things he buys are out of the
reach of the average person. He has taken consumerism to a new level, and has gained wide
acclaim as a result of it. Gone are the days when the fastest runner, the best speller or the most
talented golfer were the icons of the culture. Today, those with the biggest and most expensive toys
win, or so it seems. In the modern society, the only time that talented athletes are revered is when
they are seen in commercials using the latest cellular telephone or smiling on a box of sugar coated
cereal. There is much that can be said about happiness as an element of pop culture as it relates to
consumerism. Within the dollar–driven world of modern America, happiness is often measured by
the size of the vehicle in one's driveway, or the memory that their I–Pod contains. Happiness is a
commodity that seems to be able to be bought as an accessory with every item that is piled into the
home of people from coast to coast. The instant gratification that comes with material possessions,
and the fact that credit cards make instant gratification through ownership possible, makes the
pursuit of happiness essentially a financial transaction at the local mall. As people become more and
more scattered due to work and family commitments,
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Consumerism In America
Why the American culture of consumption is destructive to individuals and society.
Consumerism in America has been at an all time high for years now. Consumerism refers to the
consumption of goods and services at an ever–increasing rate. It is one of the many things that
America is know for. Our economy is judged by how much people spend, and if it is high then our
economy must be well off (Shukla 1). This ideology is purely materialistic and pushes people
towards higher consumption than is needed. It transforms others into overly materialistic people
who cannot distinguish the difference between wants and needs, and negatively affects those
around them including the environment because of the glorification of material wealth. It is
highlighted that in a year an American consumes 275 pounds of meat, 635 pounds of paper,
energy equivalent to 7.8 metric tons of oil, while 45 years ago, it was once the consumption of 197
pounds of meat, 366 pounds of paper, and energy equivalent to 5.5 metric tons of oil (Goodwin, et
al 1). These numbers have nearly doubled within 45 years. That is not to mention the fact that there
is a car for every two Americans. Over consumption is very real, and resources are constantly being
burned through.
However, consumerism is enjoyed by America, and there are many other countries who wish to
consume as we do. David Masci said,"Indeed, more than two–thirds of America's $8 trillion economy
is tied to the selling and buying of goods (1003)."
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The Growth of Capitalism The growth of consumerism began in the early 1800's with the birth of
the industrial revolution. Because of the revolution companies were able to rapidly and efficiently
produce products for a low cost which made them accessible to a larger demographic. This
unrestricted access to products sent America into an era of mass production and consumption and
with the growth in production came competition between companies. Commodities such as razors,
soaps, and condoms became targeted towards certain people and started a branding race for all
personal products. The marketing and advertisement of personal products has greatly impacted the
advancement of America's capitalist society. The growth of democraticcapitalism fundamentally
changed the class system, which was in part due to the production and advertisement of products. In
an essay by Daniel Horowitz he states, "Democratic capitalism had enabled even industrial workers
to enter and remain in the middle class." The middle class was the bulk of consumers in the 20th
century, mass production and the accessibility of products only expanded the middle class and
further expedited the growth of companies. With the explosion of so many people and consumers it
only fed into the capitalist boom that is still thriving well into the 21st century. The rapid increase in
consumerism marked the beginning of a vicious competition between companies who were
competing for their client's money. Consumers
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Essay on Effects on Consumerism
Consumerism is a description of society's lifestyle in which many people embrace to achieve their
goals by acquiring goods that they clearly do not need (Stearns, 7). The idea that the market is
shaped by the choice of the consumers' needs and wants can be defined as a consumer sovereignty
(Goodwin, Nelson, Ackerman, Weisskopf, 2). This belief is based on the assumption that the
consumer knows what it wants. Contrary to this logic, marketers convince us that the consumer does
not know what they want. The consumer has to be told what they want or be persuaded by
advertising items in a matter that demonstrates the reason a product makes their life easier or will
improve their life instantly. As one of the most successful entrepreneurs, more content...
Consumption, we describe as the act of meeting basic needs with material goods and the practice of
consuming as a way of life is 'consumerism' ( Kennedy 173). The ideology that the meaning of life
is found in buying things has really caused majority to spend almost their monthly salary on
goods and services in search of utility. This excessive recreational spending also plays a part in
increase of inflation, also has made more money in circulation. The world is the influenced by
what they see and want to be there, where the low class wants to be like the middle class and the
middle class trying to look like the upper class. Today celebrities and people in upper class have
influenced our sense of importance and needs, when it comes to the aspect of picking commodities.
Thus, many have resulted to high and unnecessary expending in order to imitate a particular social
icon. It can be ascertained that almost all average American adult being in debt might be as a result
of overspending their need limit. This excessive and unnecessary spending as a result to boost our
economic status has led to some drastic tragic events. A Chinese man, Tao Hsiao, 38, on the 9th of
December 2013, jumped to his death in a shopping mall at China because the girlfriend would not
stop shopping after several hours of shopping ( The Washington Times). "He told her she already
had enough shoes, more shoes that she
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Consumer Consumption Essay
Are You What You Buy?
As a society we are embedded in a culture of consumption. Consumerism brings out a passion in
people to have things, be it objects or services that will make them feel better. This "passion"
becomes a powerful force that makes people make some unwise decisions in their life. The money
consumers spend on these goods could be going to the ever–surmounting needs for health care,
poverty help, or other things that would help the society as a whole. This is why America is the
prime example of a capitalistic consumer society and not a socialistic country. People want things for
themselves before anyone else. All cultures need consumerism to survive, because we need food,
shelter, and clothing and the last time I more content...
From my experience, and especially one I can remember from my childhood, playing on my
middle schools basketball team where all of us wanted to wear the exact same pair of black Air
Jordan's with black Jordan socks. I had already bought some shoes but as soon as the season was
approaching and the new edition came out we were all obsessing with having them, especially
since our best player on the team had just got a pair. After a few days of constantly asking my
parents gave in and I was ecstatic. My favorite part about getting new shoes was going to the store
and looking at all the shoes on the wall but knowing that I was getting the best and most expensive
pair. "Kids can recognize logos by eighteen months, and before reaching their second birthday,
they're asking for products by brand name. By three and a half, experts say children start to believe
that brands communicate their personal qualitiesВ…"( W109R 43).The next day was great and
although not everyone could afford the shoes everyone who started that year did have the all black
Air Jordan's and we looked great.
Consumption can also be looked at in the form of the store and how its design and the feelings their
designs are meant to generate. At the top of the store group are
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Essay On Consumerism

  • 1. Consumerism Essay The technological age of humanity is regarded as one of the most crucial aspects of the advancement of the human race. Breakthroughs in important fields have without a doubt fortified the strength of our species; however, every action has a consequence. As the world becomes more intuitive about the role humans have in society, the economy, and the environment, concerning the products and stuff they own, there has been a focus on the role of consumerism. Throughout history, there has been a movement towards adding and consuming things as a status of wealth, happiness, and power. This notion is associated with the terms consumption and consumerism. Consumerism describes the shift in American culture from a producer–oriented society in the nineteenth century to a "consumerist" society in the twentieth century ("Consumerism"). Additionally, the concept of having a "standard of living" emerged alongside the shift from societies living with limited money and resources to an era of sustained growth with a more consumer based society. This notion of consumption and consumerism and the culture of constantly buying things to either fill voids in our lives or to show our social and economic status has affected our world and environment as we know it. More specifically, consumerism has influenced the way we think and affect the oceans. Therefore, the question we chose to address in our capstone project is: how have humans, as consumers, impacted the climate and the earth's ecosystems Get more content on
  • 2. Consumer Culture Essay Consumer culture is a fundamental part of many modern societies across the world, influencing a wide a range of areas from politics to economics and identity. Consumption is viewed as significantly powerful force in the economy and therefore understanding consumption and consumer culture is a vitally important resource both for the benefit of the economy and the individual. Consumer culture theory aims to understand the behaviours and attitudes of consumers from a sociological perspective, as opposed the economic mindset in which consumer culture is usually viewed. Consumer culture theory attempts this through understanding the relationships between consumer actions, the marketplace, and cultural meanings (Arnould and Thompson, 2005) more content... Individuals use possession to create and maintain identity, however the identity an individual creates through consumption of goods can not always be controlled (Friedman, 2005). An obvious example being clothing, an individual may purchase clothing that they believe makes them look fashionable but the items could in fact cause other to perceive them as unfashionable and out of date. The value of items is created by consumers through the meanings they attach to said items. companies can try to influence the meanings attached to items but the overall meaning and value attached to items is by the individual (McCracken, 1986). This also means that different items can have different cultural value and meanings to different individuals. some items may have no external value but have very significant value to an individual, for example family heirlooms or photos. this personal value however does not transfer between individuals and while some items may hold strong value for an individual the item itself is not a commodity that can be exchanged and retain its value (Howard, 1999). gift exchange is an important aspect of consumer culture, gift exchange involves the idea of reciprocity. In a gift economy gift exchange creates social bonds and interdependence. gift giving creates a mutul obligation to return the gift and continue the cycle, a poorly Get more content on
  • 3. Consumer Culture Essay "What is consumer culture?" In the late 19th, early 20th century a new phenomenon arose. Along with the development of industrial advances and urbanization of the emerging American culture was the growth and subsequent domination of the "consumer culture". Consumer culture is a term that goes hand and hand with the American way of life today, but in those days it was a new and unique experience. Along with the development of the mail order catalog, advertising became a focal point of American mass media. Advertising can be traced back as early as Franklin's "Philadelphia Gazette". After the turn of the century hand bills were given in the streets listing goods and services that many merchants could provide, and the New York more content... The sign above the early amusement park at Brandywine Springs offered this advice: "Let All Who Enter Here Leave Care Behind." This is a pretty slick analogy for the consumer culture, forget you worries and your work week buy things, buy, buy, and buy. If you won't, don't worry your wife will. The middle class house wife found release in shopping trips, and with the rise of affordable and luxurious items, coupled with a decent, stable middle class allowed the women of the day to focus some of their energy of the fancy items for homes for wear and for leisure. When the Industrial Age seized America, and the shifting of the all work and no play work week to an 8 hour day, it offered those from rural areas a glimpse at life off the farm. This led to even more migrant workers moving into the cities. Without the surge of population would the consumer culture have been so dominant? Would the middle class have grown so dramatically if industrial products didn't boom and consumer attitudes didn't capture the nation? The middle class had the desire to be as beautiful and elegant as the elite upper class Americans. Once the standardization of the work week, and the explosion of mass production with moderate consumer costs became a reality these things were possible for the everyman. The every family now had places to go for a vacation or luxurious trip to an amusement park, or an event. The mass production, as well as mass consumption was heavily reliant Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Consumerism If you want to know if all of our holidays have been turned into consumer driven shopping orgies, the answer lies in the major department stores. Take a walk through Macy's or Lord or Taylor or any major store in Oct. and notice the Christmas decorations. That's right, Christmas decorations. `Tis the season to break the bank. Our capitalistic society is always looking for a reason for driving consumerism and what better reason than a holiday! If there's a month without one, we'll make one up...just so we have some reason to put some useless piece of crap on sale. What ever happened to all the traditional values that are at the core of all or most of these holidays? Do we as a society even remember? Since it's the more content... "The annual celebration of the American consumer economy– the holiday shopping season– is just underway..." (The New York Times/12/7/03/ Is Wal –Mart Good for America?) The article is talking about the most popular shopping day of the season, Black Friday; the day after Thanksgiving. I must admit, I participate in the day of over indulgence. Every year, my mother, aunt, cousin, and I wake up at 5am and head off to the malls of New Jersey (to avoid the tax) and get as many good deals as possible. While Christmas may be the main shopping holiday, there are many other holidays that have been commercialized. Valentine's Day is Russell Stover's goldmine. I mean, come on, nothing says "I love you" like a big box of fat. Then there's Halloween. This is another money making holiday for the candy companies. But also for whatever company makes those paper thin costumes that we dress our children up in to go wander the streets at night for candy. Thanksgiving is a perfect holiday to actually get in touch with your family over a delightful dinner. If your family is like mine, it usually ends up to be eating too much and fighting even more. There's also the Macy's Day parade to welcome in the official start of the shopping season. Let's not forget Easter; it's the spring version of Christmas. Another religious holiday, the resurrection of Christ, has been attached to a Get more content on
  • 5. Importance Of Consumerism Introduction Importance of Consumerism or Consumer Movement The ancestries of consumerism can be traced back virtually as far as the beginning of commerce and trade. In business activities, the consumer's concept is significant, and every attempt is made to promote consumer satisfaction (Rajagopalan, 2011). In reality, consumer may be exploited and cheated by unethical businessman as they are un–organized that lacking of knowledge to safeguard their right (Rajagopalan, 2011). According to Philip Kotler and G. Amstrong, consumerism is defined that consists of the organized effects of citizens and private, not–for–profit organizational to impose the rights and power, and also collective welfare of buyers in relation to seller (Rajagopalan, 2011). Consumerism also means that consumers are trying to unite together to protect their own interests. So that consumer organizational could provide and organize efforts to fight against unfair marketing practice and to achieve consumer protection when purchasing goods and services (Chand, 2015). This is a democratic action for self–protecting and also a collective effort done by consumers to safeguard their own rights to against their exploitation in this complex economic environment. These organized activities are also called consumer movement. Consumerism more content... Halal products had been launched to care for particular customers' market like Islam in Malaysia. The uniqueness of Cadbury's packaging was the purple colour that was recognized in 1905 and owned the trademark in 2003 (Heerey, 2006). Cadbury also active in charity events such as the upcoming Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Carnival 2016 events in New Zealand run and Cure Kids, Make A Wish, and Surf Lifesaving charities (Byres, Get more content on
  • 6. Consumerism Essay CONSUMERISM ESSAY Whoever said money can't buy happiness? Today, the argument can be made that happiness and consumerism are directly linked. It is fair to say that happiness is a relative term for different people. However, the obtaining of new and shiny things has become such a part of everyday life, that it provides happiness when people are purchasing something new, and causes sadness when no buying is taking place. For many, it seems to be a protective coating against the harsh realities of everyday stresses from a job, or family life. In fact, the buying frenzy of modern life has become so prevalent, and people have collected so much material, that self storage facilities are becoming one of the most successful more content... Admittedly, the priceless works of art, homes, helicopters and other things he buys are out of the reach of the average person. He has taken consumerism to a new level, and has gained wide acclaim as a result of it. Gone are the days when the fastest runner, the best speller or the most talented golfer were the icons of the culture. Today, those with the biggest and most expensive toys win, or so it seems. In the modern society, the only time that talented athletes are revered is when they are seen in commercials using the latest cellular telephone or smiling on a box of sugar coated cereal. There is much that can be said about happiness as an element of pop culture as it relates to consumerism. Within the dollar–driven world of modern America, happiness is often measured by the size of the vehicle in one's driveway, or the memory that their I–Pod contains. Happiness is a commodity that seems to be able to be bought as an accessory with every item that is piled into the home of people from coast to coast. The instant gratification that comes with material possessions, and the fact that credit cards make instant gratification through ownership possible, makes the pursuit of happiness essentially a financial transaction at the local mall. As people become more and more scattered due to work and family commitments, Get more content on
  • 7. Consumerism In America Why the American culture of consumption is destructive to individuals and society. Consumerism in America has been at an all time high for years now. Consumerism refers to the consumption of goods and services at an ever–increasing rate. It is one of the many things that America is know for. Our economy is judged by how much people spend, and if it is high then our economy must be well off (Shukla 1). This ideology is purely materialistic and pushes people towards higher consumption than is needed. It transforms others into overly materialistic people who cannot distinguish the difference between wants and needs, and negatively affects those around them including the environment because of the glorification of material wealth. It is highlighted that in a year an American consumes 275 pounds of meat, 635 pounds of paper, energy equivalent to 7.8 metric tons of oil, while 45 years ago, it was once the consumption of 197 pounds of meat, 366 pounds of paper, and energy equivalent to 5.5 metric tons of oil (Goodwin, et al 1). These numbers have nearly doubled within 45 years. That is not to mention the fact that there is a car for every two Americans. Over consumption is very real, and resources are constantly being burned through. However, consumerism is enjoyed by America, and there are many other countries who wish to consume as we do. David Masci said,"Indeed, more than two–thirds of America's $8 trillion economy is tied to the selling and buying of goods (1003)." Get more content on
  • 8. Consumerism The Growth of Capitalism The growth of consumerism began in the early 1800's with the birth of the industrial revolution. Because of the revolution companies were able to rapidly and efficiently produce products for a low cost which made them accessible to a larger demographic. This unrestricted access to products sent America into an era of mass production and consumption and with the growth in production came competition between companies. Commodities such as razors, soaps, and condoms became targeted towards certain people and started a branding race for all personal products. The marketing and advertisement of personal products has greatly impacted the advancement of America's capitalist society. The growth of democraticcapitalism fundamentally changed the class system, which was in part due to the production and advertisement of products. In an essay by Daniel Horowitz he states, "Democratic capitalism had enabled even industrial workers to enter and remain in the middle class." The middle class was the bulk of consumers in the 20th century, mass production and the accessibility of products only expanded the middle class and further expedited the growth of companies. With the explosion of so many people and consumers it only fed into the capitalist boom that is still thriving well into the 21st century. The rapid increase in consumerism marked the beginning of a vicious competition between companies who were competing for their client's money. Consumers Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Effects on Consumerism Consumerism is a description of society's lifestyle in which many people embrace to achieve their goals by acquiring goods that they clearly do not need (Stearns, 7). The idea that the market is shaped by the choice of the consumers' needs and wants can be defined as a consumer sovereignty (Goodwin, Nelson, Ackerman, Weisskopf, 2). This belief is based on the assumption that the consumer knows what it wants. Contrary to this logic, marketers convince us that the consumer does not know what they want. The consumer has to be told what they want or be persuaded by advertising items in a matter that demonstrates the reason a product makes their life easier or will improve their life instantly. As one of the most successful entrepreneurs, more content... Consumption, we describe as the act of meeting basic needs with material goods and the practice of consuming as a way of life is 'consumerism' ( Kennedy 173). The ideology that the meaning of life is found in buying things has really caused majority to spend almost their monthly salary on goods and services in search of utility. This excessive recreational spending also plays a part in increase of inflation, also has made more money in circulation. The world is the influenced by what they see and want to be there, where the low class wants to be like the middle class and the middle class trying to look like the upper class. Today celebrities and people in upper class have influenced our sense of importance and needs, when it comes to the aspect of picking commodities. Thus, many have resulted to high and unnecessary expending in order to imitate a particular social icon. It can be ascertained that almost all average American adult being in debt might be as a result of overspending their need limit. This excessive and unnecessary spending as a result to boost our economic status has led to some drastic tragic events. A Chinese man, Tao Hsiao, 38, on the 9th of December 2013, jumped to his death in a shopping mall at China because the girlfriend would not stop shopping after several hours of shopping ( The Washington Times). "He told her she already had enough shoes, more shoes that she Get more content on
  • 10. Consumer Consumption Essay Are You What You Buy? As a society we are embedded in a culture of consumption. Consumerism brings out a passion in people to have things, be it objects or services that will make them feel better. This "passion" becomes a powerful force that makes people make some unwise decisions in their life. The money consumers spend on these goods could be going to the ever–surmounting needs for health care, poverty help, or other things that would help the society as a whole. This is why America is the prime example of a capitalistic consumer society and not a socialistic country. People want things for themselves before anyone else. All cultures need consumerism to survive, because we need food, shelter, and clothing and the last time I more content... From my experience, and especially one I can remember from my childhood, playing on my middle schools basketball team where all of us wanted to wear the exact same pair of black Air Jordan's with black Jordan socks. I had already bought some shoes but as soon as the season was approaching and the new edition came out we were all obsessing with having them, especially since our best player on the team had just got a pair. After a few days of constantly asking my parents gave in and I was ecstatic. My favorite part about getting new shoes was going to the store and looking at all the shoes on the wall but knowing that I was getting the best and most expensive pair. "Kids can recognize logos by eighteen months, and before reaching their second birthday, they're asking for products by brand name. By three and a half, experts say children start to believe that brands communicate their personal qualitiesВ…"( W109R 43).The next day was great and although not everyone could afford the shoes everyone who started that year did have the all black Air Jordan's and we looked great. Consumption can also be looked at in the form of the store and how its design and the feelings their designs are meant to generate. At the top of the store group are Get more content on