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Essay On Concealed Weapons
Legal Adult Age 18 There was a young man by the name of Jim that lived in another country were the legal adult age was 18 years old. Jim was 17
waiting for his birthday to come so he would have the freedom to do what he wants to within the limits of the law. Jim's country's laws had it set
so once you turned 18 you have all the rights that you could get by the age of 21 in America. On Jim's 18th birthday he threw a party with all of his
friends, they had alcoholic beverages at the party. When the party got to loud the neighbors called the police, when the police arrived they knocked
on the door, Jim answered and the police could see the alcoholic beverages but because it is legal for them at the age of 18 all the officers said was that
they... Show more content on ...
"Americans want solutions to our nation's gun violence epidemic which kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year and
understand that widespread carrying of concealed weapons isn't the answer; it's part of the problem" (Lovelace). Most states do not prohibit the
carrying of a concealed weapon in places where a large amount of defenseless people gather and where there are a lot of personal conflicts.
Concealed carry permits were claimed to decrease crime rate, but in reality crime rate has increased, and there were claims of use for defense but
when evaluated by judges they say that what they consider defensive about half of them are illegal. "Even when a gun is used in self–defense, which
is rare, the research shows that it is no more likely to reduce a person's chance of being injured during a crime than various other forms of protective
action. One recent study suggests that carrying a firearm may actually increase a victim's risk of firearm injury during the commission of a crime"
(Lovelace). Carrying a weapon as a young adult, can be dangerous but what about those that join the
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Pros And Cons Of Special Needs
Children who have special needs such as a mental of physical disabilities have many challenges to overcome. When someone with special needs are
ready to transition into adulthood, they not only have to figure out a way to do the normal things that comes along with being an adult like paying rent
or buying food, but they also have to figure out, how to do these tasks with a disability that may be hindering them from doing so. For example,
someone one who has agoraphobia, which is the distinct fear of leaving the house, cannot physically go to work every day or go grocery shopping
every week. This person will have to find a job where they will earn enough money to pay their bill and allow them to work from home. They will
also have to find a grocery store that not only accept orders over the phone, but also will deliver these groceries right to the person's door. In the
United States when children are classified as special needs, they are often put into special classes or schools that are equipped to help them with the
necessary skills they need in order to help them pass their grades and associate with their peers however, these programs do not continue once the
child has graduated. Some people with disabilities are in need of long term help and while they are in school they are receiving the aid that they need,
(often paid for by some state of federal program) and it has helped them to be successful in school, but when they graduate the help is then cut off, this
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Adult Development Papers
Throughout the span of this course, a big section of time was allotted for learning about adult development. For this reason, I have decided to interview
my 40–year–old father, Rick Spence, to see if he follows the basic pattern of development. The interview is focused on four major categories of adult
development, the categories are as follows: Physical Development, Relationships and Social Development, Educational History and Career
Development, Cognitive Performance, and Views and Attitudes Towards Aging. By going through these categories I will attempt to determine whether
my father is a developing at healthy rate, or if he is simply going crazy.
The first category discussed was Physical Development. When asked about how his body is physically changing, Rick stated that, "I feel like I am
gaining so much weight, and I cannot get rid of it no matter how much I try to maintain it." Although this is very concerning for Rick, it is normal part
of adult ... Show more content on ...
When asked about how his cognitive abilities have changed, Rick reported that he his speed on processing has declined and while he can
remember everything it often takes him longer to recall everything. This means that Rick follows the typical pattern of being able to maintain his
crystallized intelligence, or facts, but his fluid intelligence, the ability to process problems, has declined (No author 435). This is very common for
people in their forties, and it is possible to reverse through crossword puzzles or brain exercises. Rick stated that he has not experienced any issues
with his memory, and that the does not see a difference in his ability in recall ad recognition. This is odd because typically adults find that will their
recognition ability is the same, their recall ability declines (Notes May 2,2017). Finally, Rick stated that he does in fact have a family history of
Alzheimer's in his family as his great grandmother suffered from
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Explain The Importance Of Working Together When Working...
All practitioners and professionals working with children can complete a common assessment at any time for a child they work with. CAF was
introduced to provide practitioners with children with an assessment tool that any 'frontline' worker such as someone working in education, health,
children's social care and housing can use. The CAF is specific to England but the same approach of working together is recommended in all the
countries of the United Kingdom. The aim of the CAF is to ensure assessment is timely and holistic and that children with a range of needs do not
have repeat referrals to and assessments by a number of agencies, which could cause unacceptable delays to the child's chance of receiving services.
CAF is normally completed... Show more content on ...
Working together in conjunction with other agencies is clearly an important principle of successful child protection work. Agencies need to share
information, work together to protect children and support families, in order to improve parenting to a safe standard. All practitioners involved with
children have a role. A child's key person could arrange to meet the parents and the health visitor for example to discuss the extent to which a child is
healthy, safe from harm, learning and developing well, socialising and making positive relationships with others and not significantly impaired by the
effects of poverty. This type of meeting is called Team Around the Child (TAC). There is a pre
–assessment checklist for the CAF which early years
practitioners can consult before calling such a meeting. Meetings like this and the process of drawing up a CAF are voluntary. Early years
practitioners should only proceed with the informed consent of parents. By bringing together information from a health visitor, the early years
practitioner and the parent in a TAC, an assessment of needs can be made in areas such as development of the child, parents and carers and family
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Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Unit 203 Essay
Unit 203
Outcome one
It is a normal part of growing up for children to fall out have disagreements and arguments from time to time and to always get on with everybody.As
a teaching assistant it is part of your duty to ensure the children feel safe and protected from harm,it's a very delicate subject to tackle and to balance it
correctly when things go wrong with the children as it can often be your instinct to get involved and sort things out for them but if you do you are
stopping the children learning themselves there responsabilty and own desitions although there can be times when things are to difficult and
overwhelming for the children to cope with on there owns and they will need the adult advice and support ,most there ... Show more content on ...
In a role as a professional adult working with children you will need to remember that you need to be a positive role model for children,this means you
will have to show them how to communicate and get along with others at all times through your own relationships and communications with other
adults and children.It is very important for children to see adults behaving appropriately and proffesionally in schools.We build relationships with
others daily in a diffrnt number of ways children will always respond positively to positive communication and realtionships they are more likely
wanting to be in schools and to learn if they have good relationships and are supported by adults around them who get along with each other.
Outcome three
There may be a number of reasons why communication difficulties are happening between individuals/groups of people here are some example of
what they may be...
Poor communication,often struggles can happen when communication as not been good this maybe because information has not been passed on
correctly,the best way to fix poor communication is to discuss the matter to find out the cause then find a way forward together,the important thing is
not to
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Moral Dilemmas Of Working With Children As Adults
One thing I have learned working with children, is these young is that a lot of their actions are what they see in tier surrounding, there was a time
that a child yelled at their friend a pushed them down, we walked over and asked the children what happened? The child said, "well my brother
does that to me at home. We asked what does your mom or dad do, when they see it, they said laugh. So as adults my belief is that the children at an
early age do mimic you, or other adults for the actions they see. After this experience, I always share with my co teachers, that if you think that
children don't learn form you, your wrong. Kohlberg therefore interviewed both children and adolescents about moral dilemmas, and did find stages
that go well beyond
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Substance Abuse In Emerging Adulthood
Substance Abuse in Emerging Adulthood
Lyra Dimapasoc
Emerging young adulthood is defined as a new stage of life between adolescence and young adulthood. (Arnett, 2000). In this stage of life, children
are no longer as dependent on their parents as they were before. College is seen as a way for students to learn dependence, as well as develop certain
skills and characteristics that are needed.
Emerging adulthood entails having independent social roles. It is the time period where this person is not a child, yet not an adult as well. directions in
life are uncertain, but the possibilities are endless. This paper will discuss how emerging adults overcome challenges in cognitive, social, emotional, ...
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It was hypothesized that emotion would be a mediator. Participants completed a questionaire and self–report measures of traits. The results supported
the hypothesis that emotional intelligence would mediate the relationship between ability emotional intelligence and level of alcohol problems.
(Schutte, 2011).
Explorations in love and intimacy become more important in emerging adulthood, which can lead to stress. Instead of dating in groups, dating becomes
a couple aspect, which focuses on physical intimacy. Romantic relationships in emerging adulthood tend to last longer than they do in adolescence.
The best campus resource for this domain would be the counseling center. The counseling center helps to Identify and accomplish goals, Enhance
personal development, Meet your life's challenges, and Improve interpersonal relationships. There is always a crisis emergency line that would be
available for students. Another resource is the Health and Wellness center. A good reason to come here would be if someone is feeling distressed or if
someone's life is falling apart. Tips on nutrition will give someone a better understanding of how they should be caring for themselves. The counseling
center on campus could actually fit all of the mentioned
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Essay On Grief Models And Working With Older Adults
Grief Models and Working with Older AdultsRebecca J. Epp
Toronto Art Therapy Institute
Art Therapy, Spirituality, Greif and Loss
Grief Models and Working with Older Adults
Much of my own childhood and adulthood surrounded Alzheimer's dementia. Watching my grandmother (Oma), fade from the funny, kind, thoughtful
woman to a lethargic, depressed and unrecognizable figure haunted me until she passed away in December 2016. My parents taught me to cherish the
good days, anticipating that there would be more challenging days in the future. I was terrified of the long–term care home, the disease and even of my
Oma herself. What is ... Show more content on ...
I was in shock, fearing watching her die, and in a constant state of suspense (Duke, 1998). Phone calls terrified me, as I suspected each would
announce her last breath. When I went to study in Germany, I was afraid I would miss her funeral. I was anticipating thedeath years before it happened,
but it was still a fearful thing for me.
When she passed away, I felt more at peace than the week prior, and I had a lot of other things to focus on, including funeral planning, and caring for
my parents as they mourned Oma, recovered from surgery and adjusted to their new lives. This is how I experienced the second state of the
Dual–Process Model: Restoration–Orientation. This is defined as dealing with the secondary consequences of the loss (Lister, Pushkar, & Connolly,
Richardson (2006) explains that "that bereaved persons [must] accept not only the reality of loss, but also the reality of a changed world; experience
the pain of grief and take time off from the pain of grief; and while they must adjust to life without the deceased they must concomitantly master a
changed environment" (Richardson, 2006, p. 324). This describes the oscillation and the need for both loss–orientation and the restoration–orientation
states. The alternation between these two states is a cognitive experience that can have different outcomes. Whether the
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The Learning Process: Working with Adult Learners Essay
The most important thing to remember about working with adult learners
I have to remember that the learner`s age is a huge factor in the learning process. according to the book authors Merriam and Cafarella "Whether adults
lose their intellectual abilities as they age is still open to question for a number of reasons, including a lack of consistent research methodologies and
tools. The most common response is to this important issue is that adult intelligence appears relatively stable, at least until the sixth or seventh decade.
If a decline in functioning does exist, it appears to apply primarily to the maximum versus average levels of functioning. In reflecting on the issue of
aging and intelligence, remember that myths promote powerful ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, the authors focus on the most useful learners` intellectual capabilities and skills to be able to aid the learners and facilitate the learning
process, "This is especially important as life expectancy has increased dramatically, especially in developed nations" ( Merriam & Caffarella, 1999)
On another note, educators must also pay attention to the influence of the psychological factors of aging on the learning factors such as stress, chronic
illness, depression and physical illness which can impact learning capabilities (Merriam 2001).
There are also external and internal aspects that can influence the learning process , intrinsic factors such as encouragement which can lead to self seem
enhancement and better academic performance. Additionally, mind manipulation into problematic topics can stimulate the learner`s mind and act as a
challenging motivational factor to find solutions and learn. Importantly, investment in previous acquired learning can promote new knowledge
assimilation and understanding. Learning has to be factual and realistic in order to be accepted by the learners. As a military instructor and a DLI
Associate Professor ,
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Working With Disabled Adults
The most difficult part of working with disabled adults for me personally is having patients and remembering the circumstances. When I do any
task, I want it to be done perfectly whether its cleaning, making dinner, or doing laundry I have a certain way I like things to be done. When my
clients try to help, me do these things if they aren't done the way I like I get annoyed sometimes. I have too constantly remind myself that I am not
in my house and that my client isn't doing it wrong they just aren't doing it the way I would do it. I also have to remind myself how I would feel if
somebody came into my house and tried to do everything little thing for me. I would feel useless and helpless; these thoughts help me to see things
clearly and back
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Effects Of Depression On Young Adulthood Depression
As emerging adult there are many ting sin life that can hinder development of put it in to the wrong direction. Depression is the factors in emerging
adulthood that I wrote about in my paper in Depression Emerging Adults. Depression can be triggered emotionally by not having secure connections,
socially by isolation from others physically by not enough sleep, and cognitively by overthinking things. In this paper I will be reflecting on what I
could have done better in my paper and seeking the advice and recollection of those older than me on depression when they were younger. I am an
eighteen year old freshman in college at San Jose State University. I am majoring in pre–nursing and hoping to get into the nursing program in fall of
2016, and according to my five year track for nursing majors I will be graduating in spring of 2019. In my stage of development which is young
adulthood depression is a very prevalent problem which I seem to have contracted. Due to the fact that I have moved away from home to a new
place I am in jeopardy of not having secure connecting to people, and to feel loved. According to Maslow's hierarchy of happiness I am stopped
midway on my way to leading a happy life because I do not have sense of belonging in my environment. In order to not fall victim to depression in
middle and late adulthood a secure connection and feeling of belonging or love needs to occur. If not then feelings of loneliness and sadness in life will
lead to clinical depression.
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Essay about From Innocence to Adulthood in The Catcher in...
From Innocence to Adulthood in The Catcher in the Rye
Adolescence is a time of existence in two worlds. One world having
the desire to be in the adult world, which is filled with all the unknown
wonders of the world. The other world is the world of childhood which is
comfortable and protected from all the impurities in the world. This sort
of tug of war between the two worlds is not only mentally imposed on a
being, but physically, socially, and morally as well. With all the
mentioned above, often times an adult will discourage an action of an
adolescent by saying they are too old to a act a certain way, and then will
turn around and say they are too young to do something, like go out late ... Show more content on ...
Holden tries to give the illusion that he is older because when he orders
the drink, he "Orders it fast as possible, because if you hem and haw they
think you are under 21 and won't sell you intoxicating liquor". This is
the classic example of adolescence when one attempts to act older than his
or her age when attempting to obtain alcohol. Up until the age of 21, all
young adults want to give the illusion they are older than they are in
hopes of obtaining special adult privileges, such as drinking alcohol,
smoking, etc. However Holden's failed attempts forces him to realize that
his act is fooling no one other than himself. Such an example can be seen
when one goes to college bars and can see all the "adults" that are hanging
out there. The people who are there are not fooling anyone as well.
Sex is often the most complicated adult subjects, even for adults
to understand themselves. The act of sex itself can be talked about
immensely, as done in locker rooms or with friends, almost to the point
where one could believe in the tales. However the act itself cannot be
faked and innocence of such things are quite apparent when the situations
do arise. The saying one can "talk the talk, but cannot walk the walk"
describes this sort of situation perfectly. Holden's first experience with
a woman who he
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Minimum Wage Or Overtime Pay For The Working Adults And...
In June of 1938, amongst other bills, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill that would intimately become a law to help the Nation's social and
economic development. This law establishes minimum wage or overtime pay for the working adults and employed youths. This meant good for all the
industrious people of America, but as times get harder isn 't money always the one to come up short? Minimum wage should be increased to $10.00 an
hour for many reasons. First off, the wide epidemic of economic growth will lift the people a little above the poverty line; moreover, workers will be
financially secured and finally this wage bump up will boost the governments financial system.
Initially, million of Americans are considered "the working poor" and it is because of their status on the social ladder. Despite the amount of over
time or extra jobs they are working they just won 't make it above the poverty line. When this law was enacted it probably wouldn 't have been for
a person or a family to live a life of luxury, but it was enough to keep roofs above their heads and food on the table. As of the wage of today even if
a person works full time or over time it would not make a difference at all how many hours have been put in it is still not enough to fulfill one 's need
and wants. As promised working in America had to be part of 'living the American Dream ', which is working one for a decent paycheck that can be
brought home and simultaneously
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They both apply in different sphere; the first determination refers to work related aspects e.g. professional codes of conduct, employer policies and
all relevant procedures according to which ''we needs to perform our daily duties'', as the second one applies to private life.
In our 'working relationship' we are friendly to other colleagues, individual service users or employers. However, we would not share any sensitive
data in relation to our work with third parties; that how we do when we met our friends and talk about non–work ... Show more content on ...
Also learning from other people's strengths and weakness allow us to improve, develop our knowledge skills and practice.
1. Being aware of our own personal attitudes and beliefs; being open and understanding to others attitudes and beliefs (which might be not always right
with our); treat others with due respect; respect differences between us and other people.
2. Always have a good communication with other colleagues and follow through care standards with excellent care service, without any discrimination.
Learning activity it is improving knowledge skills and understanding by reflecting on my own working activities using skills like reading workbooks
or work–based courses.
Personally I am improving my skills and knowledge by reading all relevant materials related to social care subject (like books, magazines, newspapers,
scientific journals etc...).
Also a huge influence on my professional personal development have all courses (usually undertaken from e learning platforms in form of online
courses) that I have already completed or currently one – like Level 2 Preparation to work in adult social care worker.
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From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Essay
From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Sammy is stuck in that difficult transition between childhood and adulthood. He is a nineteen–year–old
cashier at an A&P, the protagonist in a story with the same name. John Updike, the author of "A&P," writes from Sammy's point of view, making him
not only the main character but also the first person narrator. The tone of the story is set by Sammy's attitude, which is nonchalant but frank––he calls
things as he sees them. There is a hint of sarcasm in Sammy's thoughts, for he tends to make crude references to everything he observes. Updike uses
this motif to develop the character of Sammy, as many of these references relate to the idea of "play." Sammy is no longer a child, but much of... Show
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Sammy's play continues as he his eyes follow the three girls around the store, and he notes the way that the one he has named "Queenie" is definitely
the leader. She would "buzz to the other two, who kind of huddled against her for relief" (28). Sammy sees this as a game of follow–the–leader as well
as a game of hide–and–seek, because, as Queenie "led them, the other two [would] peek around and make their shoulders round" (27). Sammy is
shallow and sexist in the way he has named these young women according to his first impression of their bodies and behaviors. Patrick W. Shaw
notes that "Sammy knows what is on each aisle in the store and constantly thinks of what is inside bottles, cans, and jars; but he has no idea what is
inside the girls, no sensitivity to their psychology or sexual subtlety. His awareness stops with their sweet cans and ice–cream breasts" (322). Sammy
further demonstrates his childishness and chauvinism by commenting on the mental abilities of the girls: "You never know for sure how girls'
minds work (do you really think it's a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)" (27). This comment ironically lets the reader
know more about the way Sammy's mind works. Shaw agrees, suggesting that Sammy's "mind is even less than a bee in a jar" (322). Sammy is still
absorbed in thinking about the games he played as a cild and maybe even in the present. He
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The Importance Of Building Healthy Relationships At...
When speaking to organizations and working adults, such as MBA students, our focus was on how to organizationally foster social investment over
divestment. As one example, organizations need to enable better decision–making and moral judgment during times of turmoil and stress through
policies and systems that foster cultures of trust and moral courage, not mistrust and fear. When members of an organization trust and feel positively
toward one another, the organization functions better (Bolino, et al. 2002). Displaying and enabling virtuousness is an important component to this.
Individuals identified as virtuous have been shown to be better decision makers (Staw & Barsade, 1993), report lower levels of psychological distress,
and exhibit less destructive behaviors (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000)–all serving as critical buffers protecting individuals and organizations
against the negative effects of the stresses and uncertainties prevalent in our hypercompetitive, contemporary society (Cameron et al. 2004). We
emphasized to undergraduate students the importance of building healthy relationships during this important phase of their lives as they transition into
building careers. Again, the effects our networks have on our lives are far–reaching and cannot be overstated: how much money we make, if we are
overweight, our choice of a partner, whether we get divorced, and even who we vote for (Christakis & Fowler, 2009). Healthy social relationships also
protect us from the
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Lord Of The Flies Literary Analysis
The Beast Within The Lord of the Flies portrays the years of adolescence in a way not commonly perceived. In the novel, William Golding depicts
childhood as times of tribulation and terror when the children are put in certain adult–like situations. Without mature role models to look up to,
children turn to other children for leadership. Additionally, when given the chance children would rather play around than do manual labor. Lastly,
children stray to savagery without rules or social boundaries. Therefore, Goulding effectively portrayed the attitudes of adolescents which shaped the
meaning of the book as a whole. When children are without adult authority, they look for an adult–like person for leadership. In the beginning of the
book, when the boys realize they are all alone, they to Ralph for leadership. A quote to represent this is, "But there was a stillness about Ralph as he
sat that marked him out: there was his size, and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. The being that
had blown that, had sat waiting for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees, was set apart" (Golding 15). This quote
shows how the boys are drawn to Ralph because of his physical characteristics and because he had set a rule, which was to give attention to the person
holding the conch. As a result of there being no adults on the island, the boys are be attracted to Ralph as their leader. However, towards the end of the
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Redefining Theories : The Importance Of The New Paradigm
Redefining Theories: The Importance of the New Paradigm
A new type of theory, introduced by Allison James and Alan Prout in 1993 has taken the sociology world by storm. This new type of thinking, called
the "New Paradigm" has moved away from the view of children as passive recipients and adult becomings. Instead, it has progressed towards seeing
them as competent social actors and human beings who are able to think for themselves while being influenced by their community and environment
(McNamee, 2015). It showcases new views and theories on how childhood should be studied and acknowledged going forward. This sociological shift
occurred in response to the 3 other dominant sociological perspectives; romanticism, puritan and blank slate theories. (McNamee, 2015).
The new paradigm responded to many of the criticisms of the three other dominant discourses. It challenged the previous views of children as passive
recipients of socialization and shifted towards seeing them as a group of people with their own thoughts and behaviours. It didn't see them as simply "
adult becomings" anymore. (McNamee, 2015). The emergence of this new set of ideas changed how childhood has been studied across each discipline
and continues to shape our understanding of children and childhood today.
This emerging paradigm has 6 main focuses relating to how childhood should be studied.
The first key feature is that the concept of childhood is a social construction. It is culturally diverse and is
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An Old Man And Life's Greatest Lesson
1. Pre–Reading (2/6)
The subtitle of Tuesdays with Morrie is "An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson." Based on this subtitle, what do you think this novel
is about? Write a well–developed paragraph explaining your answer.
In order to live a satisfying life, I must only care about people who care about me. I need to never been alone to be happy. What I think this novel is
going to be about is a young man who learns a lesson from an older man. The older man is a teacher who is sick with the ALS disease. The younger
man takes the old man with the disease for granted and learns that he shouldn't have later in the book. The younger man learns many things from the
older man and regrets never listening to him before. When ... Show more content on ...
He says that graduation marks the time when "the curtain...come(s) down on childhood."
Different cultures have rituals or ceremonies to officially mark a person's passage from childhood to adulthood. When do you think a child becomes an
adult? Are people officially adults when they turn eighteen or twenty–one? Do we become adults when we graduate from school, get a job, get married,
or have children of our own?
Record your thoughts about adulthood. Make sure your section includes a description of what it means to be an adult and how a person can know
that he or she is no longer a child, but an adult. I will become an adult when I start paying all of my bills on my own with no help. I become an
adult when I truly understand what responsibility is. I will stop being a child when I don't have help with my problems. This chapter reminds me of
times I had talks with certain teachers who really helped me. My thoughts on adulthood are that it is scary because at one point i'm going to be alone
with nothing but my own problems and responsibilities. I will know i'm an adult when I wake up in the morning and the first thing on my mind is
working and bills. I'm going to understand that the only person who can make choices and decisions is
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Physical Layout, Demographic Data & Class Time And Duration
Physical layout, Demographic data & Class time and duration According to Merriam, et al. (2007) the formal settings of adult learning classrooms are
generally characterized by adults sitting with an instructional approaches that includes a variety of methods from lectures to group collaboration. The
physical layout of the classroom was much like many college classroom layouts. There were multiple long rows of tables facing the front. Students had
ample room and space for technology such as computer space. Although the front of the classroom was setup with a large whiteboard and an interactive
projector hung from the ceiling, most of the classroom instructional time was focused on students working in small groups. Additionally, the classroom
was well maintained with lots of windows and spacious room for instruction and cooperative groups. There were ten students including, three males and
seven females. There were also three white students and seven African American students. The students' age ranged from early twenties to probably eto
mid–fifties. My assumptions are based on the students' interactions and stories with each other and the professor. This class met at 5:00 p.m. lasting
one hour fifteen minutes and ending at 6:15 p.m. This class was one of ten face to face classes. As stated earlier, this course also included on–line
module components.
Adult learning strategies One memorable occurrence in this observation began right at the beginning of
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The Effects Of Parental Communication On Children And...
Communication in divorced or step–families is a worldwide growing topic. This topic has affected so many families and tends to stick with them as
they try and cope to overcome the negative drawback associated with the situation. I feel that there is not enough attention drawn on this serious matter
that occurs in homes and families on a daily basis. I believe this assignment will allow me to learn some statistical data about communication in
divorced or step–families and the effects it has on each member of the family. Knowing how to communicate is very important and if done in an
unhealthy way it can lead to conflict and cause lack of cooperation from one or all parties involved.
Brief summary of the topic/Synthesis of the articles
In the first article "Predictors of Parental Communication" the study seeks to identify parental communication and cooperation as predictors of
successful co–parenting in Israel during the divorce process. After they gathered the results from the self–report questionnaires their hypothesis was
supported that communication and cooperation were separate components of successful co–parenting and that there is value in studying both which
could ultimately be used to help improve co–parenting during divorce.
In the second article "Parental Divorce and Emerging Adults'" Parental divorce was assumed to negatively affect diverse of emerging adults
functioning. The study seeks to analyze the effects of parental divorce and to identify the many other
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Speech On Becoming An Adult
When asked the question "When do you become an adult?" many people would give an age but in reality the answer isn't that easy. To me adulthood
is when you are able and willing to accept responsibility. If you cannot or will not be responsible, you have no right calling yourself an adult. What
does make you a grown–up? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a certain age? Having a relationship? Getting a job?" How is it that we can do.
those things, that we consider to be "adult", but we still feel like kids? Or that we feel like grown–ups, we're certainly old enough, but we haven't.
seemed to have accomplished any of those things "grown–ups" have done? People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an adult." It
has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30–year–old or you can be 40, have two PhD's and
still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds"." Many people my age think that getting out of ... Show more content on ...
Still everyone perceives the world and every thought. in it through their own consciousness. For me being an adult is a compilation of various features
and components and is more or less a personal achievement..There is .no exact pattern of .becoming an adult as every single person has their own way
of improvement. But you always have to make that first.step that draws the beginning of your self–improving. There are a number of abilities I believe
you.have to accomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult"."The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and.people
around you, being able to take.responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible
way. Becoming an adult is a journey.everyone should make at a certain moment in.order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual–
mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they
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Contradictions In The Documentary 'Growth'
Growing up is like a never ending cycle, it's fast, and sometimes we want to speed up the process and other times that's the last thing we want to do.
The documentary "Growth" demonstrates this with the use of contradictions, visual metaphors, and visual connotations. Contradictions in the
documentary can be seen in positioning of scenes, a phrase said by a child, and views of adults and children. There is a scene with a wedding that is
followed up with a scene with a child and single parent. Getting married could be seen as a milestone or a monumental event. The narrator for the scene
also mentioned she wouldn't have thought she would get married, but she did. Time flies and things change. In addition, the scene that followed
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Child Care/ Communicate with Adults
Demonstrates the understanding of how to interact and communicate with adults
The right way to approach a parent/ adult is to keep calm at all times also to respect them like they should respect you. As a carer for their children
you should always agree with their opinions even if they are not right but they are entitle to their say in things. If you do not understand an adult
/parent you should apologize and ask them to repeat themselves. Also never make a value of judgement about a child or a family but you need to always
respect a person's culture and identity. When talking to a parent or adult you should always use the name they would prefer you to call them by. If a
parent / adult have a different view to yours you ... Show more content on ...
This will help to support the planning in where you're working. Team meeting and even discussions with colleagues hep to make a work place
flow as you will get many ideas and input from colleagues and then are able to agree on something you all like. When having a team meeting as a
leader or a manager it's your chance to have your say just as it's you colleagues to have there's, it is also a chance for you to make your colleagues
aware of any new children, allergies and timetables, trips for the week and any other information that needs to be discussed.
Children's needs and development
All equipment in a childcare setting should be checked for example toys, should not be hard if the child is younger than 3 years and should be soft
were as if the child is older than 3 they may play with Lego, But must be on their best behaviour when using it, this includes no chewing it no throwing.
Also in a childcare environment you should have an adult present at all times and asking children if they are ok and interacting with them not just as a
group but individually too.
Carers have to be on the ball with toilet duty washing hands and making sure there on the ball. When the children are eating an adult should also be
present at all times as the adult should be supervising there eating the right thing and not somebody else's food and are being well behaved.
Confidentiality policy
Development records are kept on all the
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Holden Caulfield 's ' The Catcher 's The Rye '
Are 50's teens able to survive the hurtful but unavoidable transition of becoming a grown up as they struggle with the changes that come along with it?
JD. Salinger's 1951 book, The Catcher in the Rye, shows us how society treated their confused and changing teenagers during their transition into
adulthood. The book's main character Holden Caulfield is being pressured into growing up even though he doesn't feel ready, to lead an adult life. He is
still struggling socially and mourning for his deceased brother whose death turned Holden upside down and into a negative, hopeless person from a
young age, which causes him to be distracted, indifferent and to flunk every school he goes to.
Therefore, Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that is forcing him to change his ways and grow up because of his age while he
struggles with his past, present and future, in this JD Salinger classic.
Thesis Statement Brainstorm:
1– Salinger's main character Holden, is seen to be struggling with his past, present and future in The Catcher in the Rye.
2– Holden is seen to be having unspecified negative thoughts about growing up throughout JD Salinger's famous The Catcher in the Rye.
3–JD Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye's main character Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that forces him to change his ways
because of his age and what it's expected from him while he is struggling with his past, present and future.
Theme: Struggles
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The Positives Of Single Parenting
Jocelyn Escobar
February 17, 2015
Lit 11
The Positives of Single Parenting What comes into your mind when you hear about single parenting? "Americans attitudes towards single [parenting]
were so negative–– by negative I mean, nearly seven out of ten said that single [parents] raising a child without the benefit of a partner was bad for
society" (Huntington Post). Many assumptions are made towards single parents looking down on them not knowing all that they go through. They just
have that stereotypical mind that single parents are bad parents. Thoughts like single parents may abandon their kids, and do not care about them. Single
parent may not know how to raise children on their own. What people do not know or think about is ... Show more content on ...
Which normally causes the parents to split and have the child be under the guidance of one parent.. Although these parents become single parents, they
still have the help from the other parent when they are visiting their child.
Many single parents just never married. They wouldn 't want to get involved into a long commitment with their partner. Although some may know
their child 's father they are still considered single parents for raising the child as a single parent. Even as young as 15 years old parents, can be
found as single parents. These parents were way too young and choose to not married the child 's father, choose to bring a child into the world where
they would take care of them on their own.
Lastly and not an uncommon way of being a single parent is being a widow. Mothers could died while giving birth, leaving the father to raise the child
on their own. Fathers or mother could have a serious illness that keeps them from being in a child 's life as they grown up. As sad as it may be some
child grow up without a father or mother because they died before they could remember any memories of them. The other parent is held responsible to
take care and raise the child on their own the best they can.
Single parenting is not an uncommon situation. There are many statistics taken to record the number of single parenting. "According to U.S. census
Bureau there are 12 million single parent
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Essay on Assignment 3 2015 05 08
Assignment 3: The Comparative Essay
Selecting from the following topics and readings, create a research essay of 900 to 1,000 words.
While a research essay normally involves conducting your own research, for this assignment, the research sources are provided (i.e., the readings listed
are the research sources to be used).
1. Choose a basis for comparison and write a comparison of the approaches to the relationship between youth employment and the economy presented
in "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" (page 509) and "The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age" (page 520).
2. Compare the way in which the authors use detail to explore the importance of one of the following: family, work, cultural practice, or cultural ...
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Paragraph 6 to 7: those who do not think they belong to the youth but are actually described as the youth enjoy the term. Indeed, because the youth
have already left a very impressive image that is immature, not hard–working and not greedy, those 20s and early 30s have excuses to be lazy.
Moreover even though people who are in the bracket of 18 to 35 have put effort to grow up and distribute themselves to the society, the public just think
that it is not the time to pass the responsibilities to the youth.
Paragraph 8: youth adults' weakened expectations of life affect the economy negatively and limit their own social relationships. In addition, the signs of
proving people being mature and activities in adulthood are gradually disappeared.
Paragraph 9: governments, corporations and the media offer a simple explanation for those young adults who do not have the same rights as what
normal adults have in order to replace adult with youth. Also, in the meantime, there is always something with a fixed interest in reality distracting
people's attentions.
In the article "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" Shari Caudron indicated training Generation Xers is different from training other age groups in terms
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Personal Reflection : The Dynamics Of Working With Older...
As I have grown older, I have found myself wanting a career working with older adults. Dynamics of Working with Older Adults has provided me a
great deal of information that will help me in this endeavor. At the same time, I have also been fortunate enough to have discovered my own
communication style and tips on how to improve while speaking to older generations of people. Overall, the valuable information I have gained
throughout this course will equip me with the tools to enact change in the systems of our world, in order to provide a more peaceful and respectful
environment for humans in society. A job I would like to have in myfuture is an activities director in a nursing home. This job would provide me with
endless opportunities to interact with older adults – which is one of my favorite aspects of the gerontological field. One section of information I feel
will be relevant in my future career will be the topics of dependency, interdependency, and loss. Older adults, in general, have a huge range of
emotions. Some of these emotions may even pile up, as they lose loved ones in their life. Commonly; grief, rage, anxiety, grief, and guilt are a few
of the emotions that these individuals may face because of their losses. It would be my job to recognize these emotions and to react in a positive way.
Now that I understand the normative feelings and reactions during this period, I can come from a place of empathy and be a strong ally for these
individuals. In addition,
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Symbolism In The Passage Of Society : The Rites Of Passage...
Symbols of Maturity
A gown represents womanhood. A rope signifies manhood. A fire embodies adulthood. Growing up that is what life taught me. Being bicultural I
experience and view different rites of passage in society I must go through almost everyday. These rites of passage were given to me through the time
span of my childhood and discovered through the endless maze of society. It is built by my family and self–realization of what I have to accomplish. I
always know what I and my family need to do, and I know where I am to end up. I knew when my sister dressed in her large quinceГ±era gown. I
knew when I witnessed my older brother finally pull the rope on the piГ±ata I was hitting. I knew when I tasted the fire that lingered on the fresh
tortillas my mother crafted with her hands. I also knew that I would not experience each one of these passages because I also had to meet the rites
of passage from my American heritage. I have to wear the gown at my wedding, I have to climb ropes to be level with men, and I have to instill a fire
within myself to overcome the adversities of life. However, not all of these would be meet by me as well.
The representation of women when I was younger did not differ much from both cultures I grew up with, and I know that I have not fulfilled them.
However, one rite of passage did show more symbolism and core values presented for the roles of being a woman. The original celebration of a
quinceГ±era was to showcase that a fifteen year old girl was
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Emerging Adulthood : Becoming The Norm
Every individual is influenced, in some way, by the people and environment around them. I believe that experiences in one's life, good or bad, are
able to shape the individual into who they want to become. As we can see, emerging adulthood emphasizes these types of learning experiences of
exploring and independently living. These times of exploration are available for individuals, who live in a developed and economic society, because
these individuals "marry later, have children later, obtain more education, and have a greater range of occupational and recreational opportunities"
(Arnett, 2004, p. 24), which is why I claim I am an emerging adult because this is the type of society I live in. Emerging adulthood is becoming the
norm because societies advancements have granted young people the chance to extend their time of exploration and have allowed individuals like me
to figure what I really want to do in life (Arnett, 2004, p. 24). The key features of emerging adulthood ––identity of exploration, age of instability,
self–focus, age of feeling in–between, and age of possibilities are qualities I have found that play or have played a part in my life.
The Age of Identity Exploration This is the time when young people explore the variety of opportunities and possibilities in their life in order to learn
more about themselves and possibly about other people in their life. Arnett states that these different opportunities are found in love and work and
through these
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Intimacy Vs. Isolation
Psychosocial crisis: Intimacy vs. Isolation: The psychosocial crisis during early adulthood is intimacy vs. isolation. Intimacy is defined as the
ability to experience an open, supportive, tender relationship with another person without fear of losing one's own identity in the process (Newman
& Newman p. 468). Intimacy shares a bond between two people displaying confidence, respectful affection and shared goals. It is two people
respecting each other's differences and spiritual beliefs. Intimacy accepts each other's flaws and experience a love outside of family. Isolation is the
feeling of being unable to experience shared meaning and belonging. The feeling of being unable to experience shared meaning is a major source of
psychological distress.... Show more content on ...
Employment agencies will provide clients with help to find and keep a job. These agencies include rehabilitation services for people. By locating jobs
for young adult women could relieve some stress as well as give them the opportunity to live a better life. Food and nutrition agencies help clients
get healthy meals and the skills to prepare a nutritious meal. Food banks and food delivery are examples of these programs. Housing and shelter
organizations help find temporary or permanent housing. Also youth development organizations would help because women need a place where there
children both boys and girls can explore. By providing these services light will shine at the end of the tunnel for these women. They will be able to
reach the top of the pyramid of self–actualization. By providing these resources a woman's confidence will increase, the feeling of worrying will
diminish, the feeling of belonging will take place and the self–esteem of women and children will change for the
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Contradictions In The Documentary 'Growth'
Growing up is like a never ending cycle, it's fast, and sometimes we want to speed up the process and other times that's the last thing we want to do.
The documentary "Growth" demonstrates this with the use of contradictions, visual metaphors, and visual connotations. Contradictions in the
documentary can be seen in positioning of scenes, a phrase said by a child, and views of adults and children. There is a scene with a wedding that is
followed up with a scene with a child and single parent. Getting married could be seen as a milestone or a monumental event. The narrator for the scene
also mentioned she wouldn't have thought she would get married, but she did. Time flies and things change. In addition, the scene that followed
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Identity Development Essay : Identity And Emerging Adulthood
Identity and Emerging Adulthood The life pursuits and subjective judgments of many contemporary young people indicate that the transition to adult
roles has become so delayed and prolonged that it has spawned a new transitional period extending from the late teens to the mid–to late–twenties,
called emerging adulthood. During the college years, young people often refine their approach to forming their own identity. In these years, young
people have left adolescence, but most have not yet assumed adult responsibilities. Many have dreams and those are what guides them in their decision
making. In the video, 22 year old Casey describes her dream and comments on her identity development. Casey says that she became interested in
Psychology in high school during her junior year when she took a psych course. She knew from then on that was what she wanted to do, but she
hadn't picked a career yet. Casey said that she picked a career during her first year of graduate school, when she decided on gerontology. She said her
happy and active grandparents had a lot to do with picking a career and wanting to work with the population. Casey thinks her identity was a
gradual process and it's only really formed since last year. She feels her parents helped shape her morals and beliefs, but in between her senior year and
her first year of graduate school, she started to form her own and integrated some of her own ideas. 24 year old Elizabeth and 25 year old Joel are
shown discussing
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Respectful Interaction: Working With Older Adults
Chapter Seventeen: Respectful Interaction: Working with Older Adults
The interaction with an elderly patient's was the main source of contemplation this week. The stereotypical thinking that most people will exhibit when
interacting with an older population may bring the unwanted outcome to older patient treatment. The clinicians have to take into consideration the
abilities of each single older patient not looking at their age as criteria for treatment.
The chapter sheds the light on the respectful interaction with older adults and possible specific challenges health professionals may have during the
interaction with these individuals. The purpose of the discussion is to explain the certain features of older patients and the respectful approach
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Hard For Working Adults In School
There are so many reasons why it is hard for working adults in school. Dealing with the busy schedule of a working adult it can be difficult. Having
kids can be also be challenging . You have work , kids, and school; managing your time can be stressful. Time management is a must when being a
working college adult. It can be hard managing your time with a lot on your plate. It will all pay off in the long run.
Managing your time can be hard when it's a lot to do. So much do in such a small window of time is stressful. You can quickly become overwhelmed.
When you are working and have to come home and help with homework. You may have to cook dinner; maybeschool functions , the kids sports. All of
these things can put pressure on you. Keep in
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Essay On Middle Adulthood
Physical: In young adults, they can physically perform better in most areas because of the maximum muscle tissue, more brain mass, increased ability
for oxygen capacity and better eyesight, sense of smell and hearing because of the adolescent growth development. In middle adulthood, the physical
development starts to decline with strength and co–ordination, hearing and vision starts to decrease, memory becomes less efficient and body fat now
starts to account for about 20% of total body weight. During late adulthood, the physical decline rates becomes dependent on early and middle
adulthood lifestyle choices, the general decline of the physical body begins to include: muscle fibre atrophy, the cardiovascular system less efficient and
so does ... Show more content on ...
In middle adulthood, while some of the cognitive abilities will improve like spatial awareness and improved vocabulary that is due to older adults
doing such brain teasers as sudoku and cross words. In late adulthood, the brain begins to reduce in size due to the loss the brain's grey matter and
the decline in synaptic speed, but adults who have had higher levels of education and/or training tend to have less atrophy of the cerebral cortex (Bee,
2015). At 30 years of age I went back to full–time study that has help improve my cognitive abilities and improved my vocabulary range, doing that
has helped to increase my cognitive
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The Importance Of Thinking In Early Adulthood
In early adulthood, the body had developed in nearly every way as it transformed from that of a child into a mature adult. Although physical
development still occurs, but at a slower rate until leveling off, cognitive development is a lifelong process, which presents itself in, many ways,
shapes, and forms throughout one's life, but none are more important than in emerging adulthood. For all practical purposes, we will refer to emerging
adulthood or early adulthood as ages eighteen to twenty–five. Thinking in adulthood differs from earlier patterns of thinking because adults begin to
think practically, they think more flexible and they can integrate opposing or conflicting ideas, and conceive of multiple logics or perceptions.
(Berger,2014). Developmentalists suggest that this change in thinking is attributed to the persons desire to understand the complexities and inherit
biases in truth (Berger,2014)
Developmentalists came to the conclusion that Piaget's theory regarding the stages of development was inaccurate due to the fact that it did not
accurately describe adult thinking patterns in the fourth stage. They put their head together and suggested that a fifth stage be added to the
developmental theory to incorporate the complexities of adult thinking. The text refers to this new stage of thinking in early adulthood as postformal
thought. Postformal thinkers are different in many ways partly because they take a flexible and comprehensive approach to learning, taking into
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living With Parents
The majority of teenagers for years dream about the day they finally get to move out of their parents home and start living independently. Suddenly
when it's time to move out and live on their own it becomes overwhelming. Most teenagers think they are ready to take on the responsibility of living
independently but when reality sets in, they realize that providing for themselves is surprisingly more difficult than living with their family. Living
alone and living with family has its own advantages and disadvantages which include the amount of responsibilities, freedom and financial stability an
individual has.
When living with your parents, everything is prepared for you. The responsibilities a teenager is given are based on the parents trying to prepare
them for early adulthood. This means sharing responsibilities that contribute to the house such as chores. For example, today you have to do the
dishes, the next day you have to clean the living room and the bathroom. A disadvantage of living with your parents would be the amount of freedom
you are given. For example, you have a set curfew time to be home by, and the consequences of arriving late past the curfew time would be a
punishment like getting grounded, no internet for two days, or getting your favorite play system taken away. You're not allowed to talk on the phone
past certain hours and you're not allowed to go to that concert you've been waiting to go to because your parents would rather have you stay home.
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What It Means To Be A Child Essay
"All human being are born free and equal in dignity and rights."
–Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What justifies a human's divine right in this world? How is it established within law then mandated by our government? These questions began to arise
when the realities of our nations human's rights applied only to the adult population. As we know our population is not only made up of adults but
children as well. According to the 2015 Population Division U.S Census about 23% of the American population is under the age of eighteen (Kids
Count, n.d). A mandatory revision of child's rights became prominent leading to a web of challenges.
First, we must understand what it means to be a child and "realize the importance of this, dependency for survival" (Cordero, 2012). Legally a
child's age is marked by being under the age of eighteen, at the age of eighteen the child is now seen as a legal adult and in court of law would be
trialed as an adult instead of as an adolescent. At that point, when the child reaches eighteen years old he/she will be approached as an adult in all
aspects of regulated law. ... Show more content on ...
But as the child ages some opportunity is made way for their voices to be heard and then monitored through the nuclear family unit. Which posed the
question, what is an appropriate scenario for the child to decide? Human rights were designed in response to adults who have a rational foundation were
as children are defined to be irrational making them incompetent members of society (Cordero, 2012). In addition, we must reconsider the family unit
when approaching this problem. To sustain a healthy family unit a bond needs to be made between the adult and child, "... talks of responsibility of
adults to children rather than entitlements of children against adults" (Cordero, 2012). Thus, the birth of the three P's
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Essay On Concealed Weapons

  • 1. Essay On Concealed Weapons Legal Adult Age 18 There was a young man by the name of Jim that lived in another country were the legal adult age was 18 years old. Jim was 17 waiting for his birthday to come so he would have the freedom to do what he wants to within the limits of the law. Jim's country's laws had it set so once you turned 18 you have all the rights that you could get by the age of 21 in America. On Jim's 18th birthday he threw a party with all of his friends, they had alcoholic beverages at the party. When the party got to loud the neighbors called the police, when the police arrived they knocked on the door, Jim answered and the police could see the alcoholic beverages but because it is legal for them at the age of 18 all the officers said was that they... Show more content on ... "Americans want solutions to our nation's gun violence epidemic which kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year and understand that widespread carrying of concealed weapons isn't the answer; it's part of the problem" (Lovelace). Most states do not prohibit the carrying of a concealed weapon in places where a large amount of defenseless people gather and where there are a lot of personal conflicts. Concealed carry permits were claimed to decrease crime rate, but in reality crime rate has increased, and there were claims of use for defense but when evaluated by judges they say that what they consider defensive about half of them are illegal. "Even when a gun is used in self–defense, which is rare, the research shows that it is no more likely to reduce a person's chance of being injured during a crime than various other forms of protective action. One recent study suggests that carrying a firearm may actually increase a victim's risk of firearm injury during the commission of a crime" (Lovelace). Carrying a weapon as a young adult, can be dangerous but what about those that join the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Pros And Cons Of Special Needs Children who have special needs such as a mental of physical disabilities have many challenges to overcome. When someone with special needs are ready to transition into adulthood, they not only have to figure out a way to do the normal things that comes along with being an adult like paying rent or buying food, but they also have to figure out, how to do these tasks with a disability that may be hindering them from doing so. For example, someone one who has agoraphobia, which is the distinct fear of leaving the house, cannot physically go to work every day or go grocery shopping every week. This person will have to find a job where they will earn enough money to pay their bill and allow them to work from home. They will also have to find a grocery store that not only accept orders over the phone, but also will deliver these groceries right to the person's door. In the United States when children are classified as special needs, they are often put into special classes or schools that are equipped to help them with the necessary skills they need in order to help them pass their grades and associate with their peers however, these programs do not continue once the child has graduated. Some people with disabilities are in need of long term help and while they are in school they are receiving the aid that they need, (often paid for by some state of federal program) and it has helped them to be successful in school, but when they graduate the help is then cut off, this can ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Adult Development Papers Throughout the span of this course, a big section of time was allotted for learning about adult development. For this reason, I have decided to interview my 40–year–old father, Rick Spence, to see if he follows the basic pattern of development. The interview is focused on four major categories of adult development, the categories are as follows: Physical Development, Relationships and Social Development, Educational History and Career Development, Cognitive Performance, and Views and Attitudes Towards Aging. By going through these categories I will attempt to determine whether my father is a developing at healthy rate, or if he is simply going crazy. The first category discussed was Physical Development. When asked about how his body is physically changing, Rick stated that, "I feel like I am gaining so much weight, and I cannot get rid of it no matter how much I try to maintain it." Although this is very concerning for Rick, it is normal part of adult ... Show more content on ... When asked about how his cognitive abilities have changed, Rick reported that he his speed on processing has declined and while he can remember everything it often takes him longer to recall everything. This means that Rick follows the typical pattern of being able to maintain his crystallized intelligence, or facts, but his fluid intelligence, the ability to process problems, has declined (No author 435). This is very common for people in their forties, and it is possible to reverse through crossword puzzles or brain exercises. Rick stated that he has not experienced any issues with his memory, and that the does not see a difference in his ability in recall ad recognition. This is odd because typically adults find that will their recognition ability is the same, their recall ability declines (Notes May 2,2017). Finally, Rick stated that he does in fact have a family history of Alzheimer's in his family as his great grandmother suffered from ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Explain The Importance Of Working Together When Working... All practitioners and professionals working with children can complete a common assessment at any time for a child they work with. CAF was introduced to provide practitioners with children with an assessment tool that any 'frontline' worker such as someone working in education, health, children's social care and housing can use. The CAF is specific to England but the same approach of working together is recommended in all the countries of the United Kingdom. The aim of the CAF is to ensure assessment is timely and holistic and that children with a range of needs do not have repeat referrals to and assessments by a number of agencies, which could cause unacceptable delays to the child's chance of receiving services. CAF is normally completed... Show more content on ... Working together in conjunction with other agencies is clearly an important principle of successful child protection work. Agencies need to share information, work together to protect children and support families, in order to improve parenting to a safe standard. All practitioners involved with children have a role. A child's key person could arrange to meet the parents and the health visitor for example to discuss the extent to which a child is healthy, safe from harm, learning and developing well, socialising and making positive relationships with others and not significantly impaired by the effects of poverty. This type of meeting is called Team Around the Child (TAC). There is a pre –assessment checklist for the CAF which early years practitioners can consult before calling such a meeting. Meetings like this and the process of drawing up a CAF are voluntary. Early years practitioners should only proceed with the informed consent of parents. By bringing together information from a health visitor, the early years practitioner and the parent in a TAC, an assessment of needs can be made in areas such as development of the child, parents and carers and family ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Unit 203 Essay Unit 203 Outcome one 1.3 It is a normal part of growing up for children to fall out have disagreements and arguments from time to time and to always get on with everybody.As a teaching assistant it is part of your duty to ensure the children feel safe and protected from harm,it's a very delicate subject to tackle and to balance it correctly when things go wrong with the children as it can often be your instinct to get involved and sort things out for them but if you do you are stopping the children learning themselves there responsabilty and own desitions although there can be times when things are to difficult and overwhelming for the children to cope with on there owns and they will need the adult advice and support ,most there ... Show more content on ... 2.2 In a role as a professional adult working with children you will need to remember that you need to be a positive role model for children,this means you will have to show them how to communicate and get along with others at all times through your own relationships and communications with other adults and children.It is very important for children to see adults behaving appropriately and proffesionally in schools.We build relationships with others daily in a diffrnt number of ways children will always respond positively to positive communication and realtionships they are more likely wanting to be in schools and to learn if they have good relationships and are supported by adults around them who get along with each other. 3.3 Outcome three There may be a number of reasons why communication difficulties are happening between individuals/groups of people here are some example of what they may be... Poor communication,often struggles can happen when communication as not been good this maybe because information has not been passed on correctly,the best way to fix poor communication is to discuss the matter to find out the cause then find a way forward together,the important thing is not to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Moral Dilemmas Of Working With Children As Adults One thing I have learned working with children, is these young is that a lot of their actions are what they see in tier surrounding, there was a time that a child yelled at their friend a pushed them down, we walked over and asked the children what happened? The child said, "well my brother does that to me at home. We asked what does your mom or dad do, when they see it, they said laugh. So as adults my belief is that the children at an early age do mimic you, or other adults for the actions they see. After this experience, I always share with my co teachers, that if you think that children don't learn form you, your wrong. Kohlberg therefore interviewed both children and adolescents about moral dilemmas, and did find stages that go well beyond ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Substance Abuse In Emerging Adulthood Substance Abuse in Emerging Adulthood Lyra Dimapasoc Running Head: EMERGING ADULTHOOD Emerging young adulthood is defined as a new stage of life between adolescence and young adulthood. (Arnett, 2000). In this stage of life, children are no longer as dependent on their parents as they were before. College is seen as a way for students to learn dependence, as well as develop certain skills and characteristics that are needed. Emerging adulthood entails having independent social roles. It is the time period where this person is not a child, yet not an adult as well. directions in life are uncertain, but the possibilities are endless. This paper will discuss how emerging adults overcome challenges in cognitive, social, emotional, ... Show more content on ... It was hypothesized that emotion would be a mediator. Participants completed a questionaire and self–report measures of traits. The results supported the hypothesis that emotional intelligence would mediate the relationship between ability emotional intelligence and level of alcohol problems. (Schutte, 2011). Explorations in love and intimacy become more important in emerging adulthood, which can lead to stress. Instead of dating in groups, dating becomes a couple aspect, which focuses on physical intimacy. Romantic relationships in emerging adulthood tend to last longer than they do in adolescence. (Arnett). The best campus resource for this domain would be the counseling center. The counseling center helps to Identify and accomplish goals, Enhance personal development, Meet your life's challenges, and Improve interpersonal relationships. There is always a crisis emergency line that would be available for students. Another resource is the Health and Wellness center. A good reason to come here would be if someone is feeling distressed or if someone's life is falling apart. Tips on nutrition will give someone a better understanding of how they should be caring for themselves. The counseling center on campus could actually fit all of the mentioned
  • 8. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay On Grief Models And Working With Older Adults Running head: GRIEF MODELS AND WORKING WITH OLDER ADULTS 1 GRIEF MODELS AND WORKING WITH OLDER ADULTS 9 Grief Models and Working with Older AdultsRebecca J. Epp Toronto Art Therapy Institute Art Therapy, Spirituality, Greif and Loss Grief Models and Working with Older Adults Much of my own childhood and adulthood surrounded Alzheimer's dementia. Watching my grandmother (Oma), fade from the funny, kind, thoughtful woman to a lethargic, depressed and unrecognizable figure haunted me until she passed away in December 2016. My parents taught me to cherish the good days, anticipating that there would be more challenging days in the future. I was terrified of the long–term care home, the disease and even of my Oma herself. What is ... Show more content on ... I was in shock, fearing watching her die, and in a constant state of suspense (Duke, 1998). Phone calls terrified me, as I suspected each would announce her last breath. When I went to study in Germany, I was afraid I would miss her funeral. I was anticipating thedeath years before it happened, but it was still a fearful thing for me. When she passed away, I felt more at peace than the week prior, and I had a lot of other things to focus on, including funeral planning, and caring for my parents as they mourned Oma, recovered from surgery and adjusted to their new lives. This is how I experienced the second state of the Dual–Process Model: Restoration–Orientation. This is defined as dealing with the secondary consequences of the loss (Lister, Pushkar, & Connolly, 2008). Richardson (2006) explains that "that bereaved persons [must] accept not only the reality of loss, but also the reality of a changed world; experience the pain of grief and take time off from the pain of grief; and while they must adjust to life without the deceased they must concomitantly master a changed environment" (Richardson, 2006, p. 324). This describes the oscillation and the need for both loss–orientation and the restoration–orientation states. The alternation between these two states is a cognitive experience that can have different outcomes. Whether the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Learning Process: Working with Adult Learners Essay The most important thing to remember about working with adult learners I have to remember that the learner`s age is a huge factor in the learning process. according to the book authors Merriam and Cafarella "Whether adults lose their intellectual abilities as they age is still open to question for a number of reasons, including a lack of consistent research methodologies and tools. The most common response is to this important issue is that adult intelligence appears relatively stable, at least until the sixth or seventh decade. If a decline in functioning does exist, it appears to apply primarily to the maximum versus average levels of functioning. In reflecting on the issue of aging and intelligence, remember that myths promote powerful ... Show more content on ... Consequently, the authors focus on the most useful learners` intellectual capabilities and skills to be able to aid the learners and facilitate the learning process, "This is especially important as life expectancy has increased dramatically, especially in developed nations" ( Merriam & Caffarella, 1999) On another note, educators must also pay attention to the influence of the psychological factors of aging on the learning factors such as stress, chronic illness, depression and physical illness which can impact learning capabilities (Merriam 2001). _____________________________________________________________________ There are also external and internal aspects that can influence the learning process , intrinsic factors such as encouragement which can lead to self seem enhancement and better academic performance. Additionally, mind manipulation into problematic topics can stimulate the learner`s mind and act as a challenging motivational factor to find solutions and learn. Importantly, investment in previous acquired learning can promote new knowledge assimilation and understanding. Learning has to be factual and realistic in order to be accepted by the learners. As a military instructor and a DLI Associate Professor , ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Working With Disabled Adults The most difficult part of working with disabled adults for me personally is having patients and remembering the circumstances. When I do any task, I want it to be done perfectly whether its cleaning, making dinner, or doing laundry I have a certain way I like things to be done. When my clients try to help, me do these things if they aren't done the way I like I get annoyed sometimes. I have too constantly remind myself that I am not in my house and that my client isn't doing it wrong they just aren't doing it the way I would do it. I also have to remind myself how I would feel if somebody came into my house and tried to do everything little thing for me. I would feel useless and helpless; these thoughts help me to see things clearly and back ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Effects Of Depression On Young Adulthood Depression As emerging adult there are many ting sin life that can hinder development of put it in to the wrong direction. Depression is the factors in emerging adulthood that I wrote about in my paper in Depression Emerging Adults. Depression can be triggered emotionally by not having secure connections, socially by isolation from others physically by not enough sleep, and cognitively by overthinking things. In this paper I will be reflecting on what I could have done better in my paper and seeking the advice and recollection of those older than me on depression when they were younger. I am an eighteen year old freshman in college at San Jose State University. I am majoring in pre–nursing and hoping to get into the nursing program in fall of 2016, and according to my five year track for nursing majors I will be graduating in spring of 2019. In my stage of development which is young adulthood depression is a very prevalent problem which I seem to have contracted. Due to the fact that I have moved away from home to a new place I am in jeopardy of not having secure connecting to people, and to feel loved. According to Maslow's hierarchy of happiness I am stopped midway on my way to leading a happy life because I do not have sense of belonging in my environment. In order to not fall victim to depression in middle and late adulthood a secure connection and feeling of belonging or love needs to occur. If not then feelings of loneliness and sadness in life will lead to clinical depression. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay about From Innocence to Adulthood in The Catcher in... From Innocence to Adulthood in The Catcher in the Rye Adolescence is a time of existence in two worlds. One world having the desire to be in the adult world, which is filled with all the unknown wonders of the world. The other world is the world of childhood which is comfortable and protected from all the impurities in the world. This sort of tug of war between the two worlds is not only mentally imposed on a being, but physically, socially, and morally as well. With all the mentioned above, often times an adult will discourage an action of an adolescent by saying they are too old to a act a certain way, and then will turn around and say they are too young to do something, like go out late ... Show more content on ... Holden tries to give the illusion that he is older because when he orders the drink, he "Orders it fast as possible, because if you hem and haw they think you are under 21 and won't sell you intoxicating liquor". This is the classic example of adolescence when one attempts to act older than his
  • 14. or her age when attempting to obtain alcohol. Up until the age of 21, all young adults want to give the illusion they are older than they are in hopes of obtaining special adult privileges, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. However Holden's failed attempts forces him to realize that his act is fooling no one other than himself. Such an example can be seen when one goes to college bars and can see all the "adults" that are hanging out there. The people who are there are not fooling anyone as well. Sex is often the most complicated adult subjects, even for adults to understand themselves. The act of sex itself can be talked about immensely, as done in locker rooms or with friends, almost to the point where one could believe in the tales. However the act itself cannot be faked and innocence of such things are quite apparent when the situations do arise. The saying one can "talk the talk, but cannot walk the walk" describes this sort of situation perfectly. Holden's first experience with a woman who he ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Minimum Wage Or Overtime Pay For The Working Adults And... In June of 1938, amongst other bills, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill that would intimately become a law to help the Nation's social and economic development. This law establishes minimum wage or overtime pay for the working adults and employed youths. This meant good for all the industrious people of America, but as times get harder isn 't money always the one to come up short? Minimum wage should be increased to $10.00 an hour for many reasons. First off, the wide epidemic of economic growth will lift the people a little above the poverty line; moreover, workers will be financially secured and finally this wage bump up will boost the governments financial system. Initially, million of Americans are considered "the working poor" and it is because of their status on the social ladder. Despite the amount of over time or extra jobs they are working they just won 't make it above the poverty line. When this law was enacted it probably wouldn 't have been for a person or a family to live a life of luxury, but it was enough to keep roofs above their heads and food on the table. As of the wage of today even if a person works full time or over time it would not make a difference at all how many hours have been put in it is still not enough to fulfill one 's need and wants. As promised working in America had to be part of 'living the American Dream ', which is working one for a decent paycheck that can be brought home and simultaneously ... Get more on ...
  • 16. ASSESSMENT 1 WORKING IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE Copy LEVEL 2 CERIFICATE IN PREPARING TO WORKING IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE ASSESSMENT 1 WORKING IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE QUESTION 1 EXPLAINE HOW A WORKING RELATIONSHIP IS DIFFERENT FROM A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP They both apply in different sphere; the first determination refers to work related aspects e.g. professional codes of conduct, employer policies and all relevant procedures according to which ''we needs to perform our daily duties'', as the second one applies to private life. In our 'working relationship' we are friendly to other colleagues, individual service users or employers. However, we would not share any sensitive data in relation to our work with third parties; that how we do when we met our friends and talk about non–work ... Show more content on ... Also learning from other people's strengths and weakness allow us to improve, develop our knowledge skills and practice. QUESTION 12 DESCRIBE TWO WAYS OF ENSURING THAT YOUR OWN PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES OR BELIEFS DO NOT OBSTRUCT OR NEGATIVELY AFFECT THE QUALITY OF WORK 1. Being aware of our own personal attitudes and beliefs; being open and understanding to others attitudes and beliefs (which might be not always right with our); treat others with due respect; respect differences between us and other people. 2. Always have a good communication with other colleagues and follow through care standards with excellent care service, without any discrimination. QUESTION 13 DESCRIBE A LEARNING ACTIVITY AND EXPLAIN HOW IT HAS IMPROVED YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND UNDERSTANDING.
  • 17. Learning activity it is improving knowledge skills and understanding by reflecting on my own working activities using skills like reading workbooks or work–based courses. Personally I am improving my skills and knowledge by reading all relevant materials related to social care subject (like books, magazines, newspapers, scientific journals etc...). Also a huge influence on my professional personal development have all courses (usually undertaken from e learning platforms in form of online courses) that I have already completed or currently one – like Level 2 Preparation to work in adult social care worker. QUESTION 14 ... Get more on ...
  • 18. From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Essay From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike's A&P Sammy is stuck in that difficult transition between childhood and adulthood. He is a nineteen–year–old cashier at an A&P, the protagonist in a story with the same name. John Updike, the author of "A&P," writes from Sammy's point of view, making him not only the main character but also the first person narrator. The tone of the story is set by Sammy's attitude, which is nonchalant but frank––he calls things as he sees them. There is a hint of sarcasm in Sammy's thoughts, for he tends to make crude references to everything he observes. Updike uses this motif to develop the character of Sammy, as many of these references relate to the idea of "play." Sammy is no longer a child, but much of... Show more content on ... Sammy's play continues as he his eyes follow the three girls around the store, and he notes the way that the one he has named "Queenie" is definitely the leader. She would "buzz to the other two, who kind of huddled against her for relief" (28). Sammy sees this as a game of follow–the–leader as well as a game of hide–and–seek, because, as Queenie "led them, the other two [would] peek around and make their shoulders round" (27). Sammy is shallow and sexist in the way he has named these young women according to his first impression of their bodies and behaviors. Patrick W. Shaw notes that "Sammy knows what is on each aisle in the store and constantly thinks of what is inside bottles, cans, and jars; but he has no idea what is inside the girls, no sensitivity to their psychology or sexual subtlety. His awareness stops with their sweet cans and ice–cream breasts" (322). Sammy further demonstrates his childishness and chauvinism by commenting on the mental abilities of the girls: "You never know for sure how girls' minds work (do you really think it's a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)" (27). This comment ironically lets the reader know more about the way Sammy's mind works. Shaw agrees, suggesting that Sammy's "mind is even less than a bee in a jar" (322). Sammy is still absorbed in thinking about the games he played as a cild and maybe even in the present. He ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Importance Of Building Healthy Relationships At... When speaking to organizations and working adults, such as MBA students, our focus was on how to organizationally foster social investment over divestment. As one example, organizations need to enable better decision–making and moral judgment during times of turmoil and stress through policies and systems that foster cultures of trust and moral courage, not mistrust and fear. When members of an organization trust and feel positively toward one another, the organization functions better (Bolino, et al. 2002). Displaying and enabling virtuousness is an important component to this. Individuals identified as virtuous have been shown to be better decision makers (Staw & Barsade, 1993), report lower levels of psychological distress, and exhibit less destructive behaviors (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000)–all serving as critical buffers protecting individuals and organizations against the negative effects of the stresses and uncertainties prevalent in our hypercompetitive, contemporary society (Cameron et al. 2004). We emphasized to undergraduate students the importance of building healthy relationships during this important phase of their lives as they transition into building careers. Again, the effects our networks have on our lives are far–reaching and cannot be overstated: how much money we make, if we are overweight, our choice of a partner, whether we get divorced, and even who we vote for (Christakis & Fowler, 2009). Healthy social relationships also protect us from the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Lord Of The Flies Literary Analysis The Beast Within The Lord of the Flies portrays the years of adolescence in a way not commonly perceived. In the novel, William Golding depicts childhood as times of tribulation and terror when the children are put in certain adult–like situations. Without mature role models to look up to, children turn to other children for leadership. Additionally, when given the chance children would rather play around than do manual labor. Lastly, children stray to savagery without rules or social boundaries. Therefore, Goulding effectively portrayed the attitudes of adolescents which shaped the meaning of the book as a whole. When children are without adult authority, they look for an adult–like person for leadership. In the beginning of the book, when the boys realize they are all alone, they to Ralph for leadership. A quote to represent this is, "But there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out: there was his size, and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. The being that had blown that, had sat waiting for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees, was set apart" (Golding 15). This quote shows how the boys are drawn to Ralph because of his physical characteristics and because he had set a rule, which was to give attention to the person holding the conch. As a result of there being no adults on the island, the boys are be attracted to Ralph as their leader. However, towards the end of the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Redefining Theories : The Importance Of The New Paradigm Redefining Theories: The Importance of the New Paradigm A new type of theory, introduced by Allison James and Alan Prout in 1993 has taken the sociology world by storm. This new type of thinking, called the "New Paradigm" has moved away from the view of children as passive recipients and adult becomings. Instead, it has progressed towards seeing them as competent social actors and human beings who are able to think for themselves while being influenced by their community and environment (McNamee, 2015). It showcases new views and theories on how childhood should be studied and acknowledged going forward. This sociological shift occurred in response to the 3 other dominant sociological perspectives; romanticism, puritan and blank slate theories. (McNamee, 2015). The new paradigm responded to many of the criticisms of the three other dominant discourses. It challenged the previous views of children as passive recipients of socialization and shifted towards seeing them as a group of people with their own thoughts and behaviours. It didn't see them as simply " adult becomings" anymore. (McNamee, 2015). The emergence of this new set of ideas changed how childhood has been studied across each discipline and continues to shape our understanding of children and childhood today. This emerging paradigm has 6 main focuses relating to how childhood should be studied. The first key feature is that the concept of childhood is a social construction. It is culturally diverse and is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. An Old Man And Life's Greatest Lesson 1. Pre–Reading (2/6) The subtitle of Tuesdays with Morrie is "An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson." Based on this subtitle, what do you think this novel is about? Write a well–developed paragraph explaining your answer. In order to live a satisfying life, I must only care about people who care about me. I need to never been alone to be happy. What I think this novel is going to be about is a young man who learns a lesson from an older man. The older man is a teacher who is sick with the ALS disease. The younger man takes the old man with the disease for granted and learns that he shouldn't have later in the book. The younger man learns many things from the older man and regrets never listening to him before. When ... Show more content on ... He says that graduation marks the time when "the curtain...come(s) down on childhood." Different cultures have rituals or ceremonies to officially mark a person's passage from childhood to adulthood. When do you think a child becomes an adult? Are people officially adults when they turn eighteen or twenty–one? Do we become adults when we graduate from school, get a job, get married, or have children of our own? Record your thoughts about adulthood. Make sure your section includes a description of what it means to be an adult and how a person can know that he or she is no longer a child, but an adult. I will become an adult when I start paying all of my bills on my own with no help. I become an adult when I truly understand what responsibility is. I will stop being a child when I don't have help with my problems. This chapter reminds me of times I had talks with certain teachers who really helped me. My thoughts on adulthood are that it is scary because at one point i'm going to be alone with nothing but my own problems and responsibilities. I will know i'm an adult when I wake up in the morning and the first thing on my mind is working and bills. I'm going to understand that the only person who can make choices and decisions is ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Physical Layout, Demographic Data & Class Time And Duration Physical layout, Demographic data & Class time and duration According to Merriam, et al. (2007) the formal settings of adult learning classrooms are generally characterized by adults sitting with an instructional approaches that includes a variety of methods from lectures to group collaboration. The physical layout of the classroom was much like many college classroom layouts. There were multiple long rows of tables facing the front. Students had ample room and space for technology such as computer space. Although the front of the classroom was setup with a large whiteboard and an interactive projector hung from the ceiling, most of the classroom instructional time was focused on students working in small groups. Additionally, the classroom was well maintained with lots of windows and spacious room for instruction and cooperative groups. There were ten students including, three males and seven females. There were also three white students and seven African American students. The students' age ranged from early twenties to probably eto mid–fifties. My assumptions are based on the students' interactions and stories with each other and the professor. This class met at 5:00 p.m. lasting one hour fifteen minutes and ending at 6:15 p.m. This class was one of ten face to face classes. As stated earlier, this course also included on–line module components. Adult learning strategies One memorable occurrence in this observation began right at the beginning of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Parental Communication On Children And... Communication in divorced or step–families is a worldwide growing topic. This topic has affected so many families and tends to stick with them as they try and cope to overcome the negative drawback associated with the situation. I feel that there is not enough attention drawn on this serious matter that occurs in homes and families on a daily basis. I believe this assignment will allow me to learn some statistical data about communication in divorced or step–families and the effects it has on each member of the family. Knowing how to communicate is very important and if done in an unhealthy way it can lead to conflict and cause lack of cooperation from one or all parties involved. Brief summary of the topic/Synthesis of the articles In the first article "Predictors of Parental Communication" the study seeks to identify parental communication and cooperation as predictors of successful co–parenting in Israel during the divorce process. After they gathered the results from the self–report questionnaires their hypothesis was supported that communication and cooperation were separate components of successful co–parenting and that there is value in studying both which could ultimately be used to help improve co–parenting during divorce. In the second article "Parental Divorce and Emerging Adults'" Parental divorce was assumed to negatively affect diverse of emerging adults functioning. The study seeks to analyze the effects of parental divorce and to identify the many other ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Speech On Becoming An Adult When asked the question "When do you become an adult?" many people would give an age but in reality the answer isn't that easy. To me adulthood is when you are able and willing to accept responsibility. If you cannot or will not be responsible, you have no right calling yourself an adult. What does make you a grown–up? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a certain age? Having a relationship? Getting a job?" How is it that we can do. those things, that we consider to be "adult", but we still feel like kids? Or that we feel like grown–ups, we're certainly old enough, but we haven't. seemed to have accomplished any of those things "grown–ups" have done? People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an adult." It has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30–year–old or you can be 40, have two PhD's and still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds"." Many people my age think that getting out of ... Show more content on ... Still everyone perceives the world and every thought. in it through their own consciousness. For me being an adult is a compilation of various features and components and is more or less a personal achievement..There is .no exact pattern of .becoming an adult as every single person has their own way of improvement. But you always have to make that first.step that draws the beginning of your self–improving. There are a number of abilities I believe you.have to accomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult"."The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and.people around you, being able to take.responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible way. Becoming an adult is a journey.everyone should make at a certain moment in.order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual– mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Contradictions In The Documentary 'Growth' Growing up is like a never ending cycle, it's fast, and sometimes we want to speed up the process and other times that's the last thing we want to do. The documentary "Growth" demonstrates this with the use of contradictions, visual metaphors, and visual connotations. Contradictions in the documentary can be seen in positioning of scenes, a phrase said by a child, and views of adults and children. There is a scene with a wedding that is followed up with a scene with a child and single parent. Getting married could be seen as a milestone or a monumental event. The narrator for the scene also mentioned she wouldn't have thought she would get married, but she did. Time flies and things change. In addition, the scene that followed contradicts ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Child Care/ Communicate with Adults Demonstrates the understanding of how to interact and communicate with adults The right way to approach a parent/ adult is to keep calm at all times also to respect them like they should respect you. As a carer for their children you should always agree with their opinions even if they are not right but they are entitle to their say in things. If you do not understand an adult /parent you should apologize and ask them to repeat themselves. Also never make a value of judgement about a child or a family but you need to always respect a person's culture and identity. When talking to a parent or adult you should always use the name they would prefer you to call them by. If a parent / adult have a different view to yours you ... Show more content on ... This will help to support the planning in where you're working. Team meeting and even discussions with colleagues hep to make a work place flow as you will get many ideas and input from colleagues and then are able to agree on something you all like. When having a team meeting as a leader or a manager it's your chance to have your say just as it's you colleagues to have there's, it is also a chance for you to make your colleagues aware of any new children, allergies and timetables, trips for the week and any other information that needs to be discussed. Children's needs and development All equipment in a childcare setting should be checked for example toys, should not be hard if the child is younger than 3 years and should be soft were as if the child is older than 3 they may play with Lego, But must be on their best behaviour when using it, this includes no chewing it no throwing. Also in a childcare environment you should have an adult present at all times and asking children if they are ok and interacting with them not just as a group but individually too. Carers have to be on the ball with toilet duty washing hands and making sure there on the ball. When the children are eating an adult should also be present at all times as the adult should be supervising there eating the right thing and not somebody else's food and are being well behaved. Confidentiality policy Development records are kept on all the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Holden Caulfield 's ' The Catcher 's The Rye ' Are 50's teens able to survive the hurtful but unavoidable transition of becoming a grown up as they struggle with the changes that come along with it? JD. Salinger's 1951 book, The Catcher in the Rye, shows us how society treated their confused and changing teenagers during their transition into adulthood. The book's main character Holden Caulfield is being pressured into growing up even though he doesn't feel ready, to lead an adult life. He is still struggling socially and mourning for his deceased brother whose death turned Holden upside down and into a negative, hopeless person from a young age, which causes him to be distracted, indifferent and to flunk every school he goes to. Therefore, Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that is forcing him to change his ways and grow up because of his age while he struggles with his past, present and future, in this JD Salinger classic. Thesis Statement Brainstorm: 1– Salinger's main character Holden, is seen to be struggling with his past, present and future in The Catcher in the Rye. 2– Holden is seen to be having unspecified negative thoughts about growing up throughout JD Salinger's famous The Catcher in the Rye. 3–JD Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye's main character Holden Caulfield seems to be dealing with a world that forces him to change his ways because of his age and what it's expected from him while he is struggling with his past, present and future. Theme: Struggles ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Positives Of Single Parenting Jocelyn Escobar February 17, 2015 DeNicola Lit 11 The Positives of Single Parenting What comes into your mind when you hear about single parenting? "Americans attitudes towards single [parenting] were so negative–– by negative I mean, nearly seven out of ten said that single [parents] raising a child without the benefit of a partner was bad for society" (Huntington Post). Many assumptions are made towards single parents looking down on them not knowing all that they go through. They just have that stereotypical mind that single parents are bad parents. Thoughts like single parents may abandon their kids, and do not care about them. Single parent may not know how to raise children on their own. What people do not know or think about is ... Show more content on ... Which normally causes the parents to split and have the child be under the guidance of one parent.. Although these parents become single parents, they still have the help from the other parent when they are visiting their child. Many single parents just never married. They wouldn 't want to get involved into a long commitment with their partner. Although some may know their child 's father they are still considered single parents for raising the child as a single parent. Even as young as 15 years old parents, can be found as single parents. These parents were way too young and choose to not married the child 's father, choose to bring a child into the world where they would take care of them on their own. Lastly and not an uncommon way of being a single parent is being a widow. Mothers could died while giving birth, leaving the father to raise the child on their own. Fathers or mother could have a serious illness that keeps them from being in a child 's life as they grown up. As sad as it may be some child grow up without a father or mother because they died before they could remember any memories of them. The other parent is held responsible to take care and raise the child on their own the best they can. Single parenting is not an uncommon situation. There are many statistics taken to record the number of single parenting. "According to U.S. census Bureau there are 12 million single parent ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay on Assignment 3 2015 05 08 Assignment 3: The Comparative Essay Selecting from the following topics and readings, create a research essay of 900 to 1,000 words. Note: While a research essay normally involves conducting your own research, for this assignment, the research sources are provided (i.e., the readings listed are the research sources to be used). Topics: 1. Choose a basis for comparison and write a comparison of the approaches to the relationship between youth employment and the economy presented in "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" (page 509) and "The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age" (page 520). 2. Compare the way in which the authors use detail to explore the importance of one of the following: family, work, cultural practice, or cultural ... Show more content on ... Paragraph 6 to 7: those who do not think they belong to the youth but are actually described as the youth enjoy the term. Indeed, because the youth have already left a very impressive image that is immature, not hard–working and not greedy, those 20s and early 30s have excuses to be lazy. Moreover even though people who are in the bracket of 18 to 35 have put effort to grow up and distribute themselves to the society, the public just think that it is not the time to pass the responsibilities to the youth. Paragraph 8: youth adults' weakened expectations of life affect the economy negatively and limit their own social relationships. In addition, the signs of proving people being mature and activities in adulthood are gradually disappeared. Paragraph 9: governments, corporations and the media offer a simple explanation for those young adults who do not have the same rights as what normal adults have in order to replace adult with youth. Also, in the meantime, there is always something with a fixed interest in reality distracting people's attentions. Summary: In the article "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" Shari Caudron indicated training Generation Xers is different from training other age groups in terms of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Personal Reflection : The Dynamics Of Working With Older... As I have grown older, I have found myself wanting a career working with older adults. Dynamics of Working with Older Adults has provided me a great deal of information that will help me in this endeavor. At the same time, I have also been fortunate enough to have discovered my own communication style and tips on how to improve while speaking to older generations of people. Overall, the valuable information I have gained throughout this course will equip me with the tools to enact change in the systems of our world, in order to provide a more peaceful and respectful environment for humans in society. A job I would like to have in myfuture is an activities director in a nursing home. This job would provide me with endless opportunities to interact with older adults – which is one of my favorite aspects of the gerontological field. One section of information I feel will be relevant in my future career will be the topics of dependency, interdependency, and loss. Older adults, in general, have a huge range of emotions. Some of these emotions may even pile up, as they lose loved ones in their life. Commonly; grief, rage, anxiety, grief, and guilt are a few of the emotions that these individuals may face because of their losses. It would be my job to recognize these emotions and to react in a positive way. Now that I understand the normative feelings and reactions during this period, I can come from a place of empathy and be a strong ally for these individuals. In addition, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Symbolism In The Passage Of Society : The Rites Of Passage... Symbols of Maturity A gown represents womanhood. A rope signifies manhood. A fire embodies adulthood. Growing up that is what life taught me. Being bicultural I experience and view different rites of passage in society I must go through almost everyday. These rites of passage were given to me through the time span of my childhood and discovered through the endless maze of society. It is built by my family and self–realization of what I have to accomplish. I always know what I and my family need to do, and I know where I am to end up. I knew when my sister dressed in her large quinceГ±era gown. I knew when I witnessed my older brother finally pull the rope on the piГ±ata I was hitting. I knew when I tasted the fire that lingered on the fresh tortillas my mother crafted with her hands. I also knew that I would not experience each one of these passages because I also had to meet the rites of passage from my American heritage. I have to wear the gown at my wedding, I have to climb ropes to be level with men, and I have to instill a fire within myself to overcome the adversities of life. However, not all of these would be meet by me as well. The representation of women when I was younger did not differ much from both cultures I grew up with, and I know that I have not fulfilled them. However, one rite of passage did show more symbolism and core values presented for the roles of being a woman. The original celebration of a quinceГ±era was to showcase that a fifteen year old girl was ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Emerging Adulthood : Becoming The Norm Every individual is influenced, in some way, by the people and environment around them. I believe that experiences in one's life, good or bad, are able to shape the individual into who they want to become. As we can see, emerging adulthood emphasizes these types of learning experiences of exploring and independently living. These times of exploration are available for individuals, who live in a developed and economic society, because these individuals "marry later, have children later, obtain more education, and have a greater range of occupational and recreational opportunities" (Arnett, 2004, p. 24), which is why I claim I am an emerging adult because this is the type of society I live in. Emerging adulthood is becoming the norm because societies advancements have granted young people the chance to extend their time of exploration and have allowed individuals like me to figure what I really want to do in life (Arnett, 2004, p. 24). The key features of emerging adulthood ––identity of exploration, age of instability, self–focus, age of feeling in–between, and age of possibilities are qualities I have found that play or have played a part in my life. The Age of Identity Exploration This is the time when young people explore the variety of opportunities and possibilities in their life in order to learn more about themselves and possibly about other people in their life. Arnett states that these different opportunities are found in love and work and through these ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Intimacy Vs. Isolation Psychosocial crisis: Intimacy vs. Isolation: The psychosocial crisis during early adulthood is intimacy vs. isolation. Intimacy is defined as the ability to experience an open, supportive, tender relationship with another person without fear of losing one's own identity in the process (Newman & Newman p. 468). Intimacy shares a bond between two people displaying confidence, respectful affection and shared goals. It is two people respecting each other's differences and spiritual beliefs. Intimacy accepts each other's flaws and experience a love outside of family. Isolation is the feeling of being unable to experience shared meaning and belonging. The feeling of being unable to experience shared meaning is a major source of psychological distress.... Show more content on ... Employment agencies will provide clients with help to find and keep a job. These agencies include rehabilitation services for people. By locating jobs for young adult women could relieve some stress as well as give them the opportunity to live a better life. Food and nutrition agencies help clients get healthy meals and the skills to prepare a nutritious meal. Food banks and food delivery are examples of these programs. Housing and shelter organizations help find temporary or permanent housing. Also youth development organizations would help because women need a place where there children both boys and girls can explore. By providing these services light will shine at the end of the tunnel for these women. They will be able to reach the top of the pyramid of self–actualization. By providing these resources a woman's confidence will increase, the feeling of worrying will diminish, the feeling of belonging will take place and the self–esteem of women and children will change for the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Contradictions In The Documentary 'Growth' Growing up is like a never ending cycle, it's fast, and sometimes we want to speed up the process and other times that's the last thing we want to do. The documentary "Growth" demonstrates this with the use of contradictions, visual metaphors, and visual connotations. Contradictions in the documentary can be seen in positioning of scenes, a phrase said by a child, and views of adults and children. There is a scene with a wedding that is followed up with a scene with a child and single parent. Getting married could be seen as a milestone or a monumental event. The narrator for the scene also mentioned she wouldn't have thought she would get married, but she did. Time flies and things change. In addition, the scene that followed contradicts ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Identity Development Essay : Identity And Emerging Adulthood Identity and Emerging Adulthood The life pursuits and subjective judgments of many contemporary young people indicate that the transition to adult roles has become so delayed and prolonged that it has spawned a new transitional period extending from the late teens to the mid–to late–twenties, called emerging adulthood. During the college years, young people often refine their approach to forming their own identity. In these years, young people have left adolescence, but most have not yet assumed adult responsibilities. Many have dreams and those are what guides them in their decision making. In the video, 22 year old Casey describes her dream and comments on her identity development. Casey says that she became interested in Psychology in high school during her junior year when she took a psych course. She knew from then on that was what she wanted to do, but she hadn't picked a career yet. Casey said that she picked a career during her first year of graduate school, when she decided on gerontology. She said her happy and active grandparents had a lot to do with picking a career and wanting to work with the population. Casey thinks her identity was a gradual process and it's only really formed since last year. She feels her parents helped shape her morals and beliefs, but in between her senior year and her first year of graduate school, she started to form her own and integrated some of her own ideas. 24 year old Elizabeth and 25 year old Joel are shown discussing ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Respectful Interaction: Working With Older Adults Chapter Seventeen: Respectful Interaction: Working with Older Adults The interaction with an elderly patient's was the main source of contemplation this week. The stereotypical thinking that most people will exhibit when interacting with an older population may bring the unwanted outcome to older patient treatment. The clinicians have to take into consideration the abilities of each single older patient not looking at their age as criteria for treatment. The chapter sheds the light on the respectful interaction with older adults and possible specific challenges health professionals may have during the interaction with these individuals. The purpose of the discussion is to explain the certain features of older patients and the respectful approach ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Hard For Working Adults In School There are so many reasons why it is hard for working adults in school. Dealing with the busy schedule of a working adult it can be difficult. Having kids can be also be challenging . You have work , kids, and school; managing your time can be stressful. Time management is a must when being a working college adult. It can be hard managing your time with a lot on your plate. It will all pay off in the long run. Managing your time can be hard when it's a lot to do. So much do in such a small window of time is stressful. You can quickly become overwhelmed. When you are working and have to come home and help with homework. You may have to cook dinner; maybeschool functions , the kids sports. All of these things can put pressure on you. Keep in ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Middle Adulthood Physical: In young adults, they can physically perform better in most areas because of the maximum muscle tissue, more brain mass, increased ability for oxygen capacity and better eyesight, sense of smell and hearing because of the adolescent growth development. In middle adulthood, the physical development starts to decline with strength and co–ordination, hearing and vision starts to decrease, memory becomes less efficient and body fat now starts to account for about 20% of total body weight. During late adulthood, the physical decline rates becomes dependent on early and middle adulthood lifestyle choices, the general decline of the physical body begins to include: muscle fibre atrophy, the cardiovascular system less efficient and so does ... Show more content on ... In middle adulthood, while some of the cognitive abilities will improve like spatial awareness and improved vocabulary that is due to older adults doing such brain teasers as sudoku and cross words. In late adulthood, the brain begins to reduce in size due to the loss the brain's grey matter and the decline in synaptic speed, but adults who have had higher levels of education and/or training tend to have less atrophy of the cerebral cortex (Bee, 2015). At 30 years of age I went back to full–time study that has help improve my cognitive abilities and improved my vocabulary range, doing that has helped to increase my cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Importance Of Thinking In Early Adulthood In early adulthood, the body had developed in nearly every way as it transformed from that of a child into a mature adult. Although physical development still occurs, but at a slower rate until leveling off, cognitive development is a lifelong process, which presents itself in, many ways, shapes, and forms throughout one's life, but none are more important than in emerging adulthood. For all practical purposes, we will refer to emerging adulthood or early adulthood as ages eighteen to twenty–five. Thinking in adulthood differs from earlier patterns of thinking because adults begin to think practically, they think more flexible and they can integrate opposing or conflicting ideas, and conceive of multiple logics or perceptions. (Berger,2014). Developmentalists suggest that this change in thinking is attributed to the persons desire to understand the complexities and inherit biases in truth (Berger,2014) Developmentalists came to the conclusion that Piaget's theory regarding the stages of development was inaccurate due to the fact that it did not accurately describe adult thinking patterns in the fourth stage. They put their head together and suggested that a fifth stage be added to the developmental theory to incorporate the complexities of adult thinking. The text refers to this new stage of thinking in early adulthood as postformal thought. Postformal thinkers are different in many ways partly because they take a flexible and comprehensive approach to learning, taking into ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living With Parents The majority of teenagers for years dream about the day they finally get to move out of their parents home and start living independently. Suddenly when it's time to move out and live on their own it becomes overwhelming. Most teenagers think they are ready to take on the responsibility of living independently but when reality sets in, they realize that providing for themselves is surprisingly more difficult than living with their family. Living alone and living with family has its own advantages and disadvantages which include the amount of responsibilities, freedom and financial stability an individual has. When living with your parents, everything is prepared for you. The responsibilities a teenager is given are based on the parents trying to prepare them for early adulthood. This means sharing responsibilities that contribute to the house such as chores. For example, today you have to do the dishes, the next day you have to clean the living room and the bathroom. A disadvantage of living with your parents would be the amount of freedom you are given. For example, you have a set curfew time to be home by, and the consequences of arriving late past the curfew time would be a punishment like getting grounded, no internet for two days, or getting your favorite play system taken away. You're not allowed to talk on the phone past certain hours and you're not allowed to go to that concert you've been waiting to go to because your parents would rather have you stay home. ... Get more on ...
  • 42. What It Means To Be A Child Essay "All human being are born free and equal in dignity and rights." –Universal Declaration of Human Rights What justifies a human's divine right in this world? How is it established within law then mandated by our government? These questions began to arise when the realities of our nations human's rights applied only to the adult population. As we know our population is not only made up of adults but children as well. According to the 2015 Population Division U.S Census about 23% of the American population is under the age of eighteen (Kids Count, n.d). A mandatory revision of child's rights became prominent leading to a web of challenges. First, we must understand what it means to be a child and "realize the importance of this, dependency for survival" (Cordero, 2012). Legally a child's age is marked by being under the age of eighteen, at the age of eighteen the child is now seen as a legal adult and in court of law would be trialed as an adult instead of as an adolescent. At that point, when the child reaches eighteen years old he/she will be approached as an adult in all aspects of regulated law. ... Show more content on ... But as the child ages some opportunity is made way for their voices to be heard and then monitored through the nuclear family unit. Which posed the question, what is an appropriate scenario for the child to decide? Human rights were designed in response to adults who have a rational foundation were as children are defined to be irrational making them incompetent members of society (Cordero, 2012). In addition, we must reconsider the family unit when approaching this problem. To sustain a healthy family unit a bond needs to be made between the adult and child, "... talks of responsibility of adults to children rather than entitlements of children against adults" (Cordero, 2012). Thus, the birth of the three P's ... Get more on ...