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Flipped Classroom Essay
Flipped classroom can be defined as (school work at home and homework at school) this means that
students can do their school work and their study at home by using technology through computer or
any other device by using Internet. Flipped classroom is considered a great instructional strategy
and it is considered one of the types for blended learning that invert the traditional learning
environment by delivering instructional contents online outside classroom. Aaron Sanns and
Jonathan Bergman are the first two teachers who use flipped classroom, they provide supplying
absent students with an online lecture they could watch from home or from anywhere they had
access to a computer and internet including school or local library. They more content...
Instructional technologist will provide pre–test and test based on the contents that the students study
by using e–learning software. When instructional technologist provide the pre–test on the contents
they can figure out their weakness and their strengths of the contents and what they know and what
they don't know then they provide a video based on the contents, once the learner is done with the
content they start to provide test based on the contents then instructional technologist starts to create
data based on the learners grades and he/she can understands the weakness and strengths based on
their grade based on the contents that they study.
Bill Tucker writes about a chemistry teacher at veteran Woodland Park High School who struggled
to find the time to re–teach lesson for the absent students until they bought software that let the
teacher record and annotate lessons, and posted them online the absent students appreciate. The
chemistry teachers provide for them a great strategy which is flipped classroom this strategy doesn't
let the students to fail they watch their chemistry lessons at any time they want and in any device
that they use.
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Essay about The Future Classroom
When we look at our society today, there is no doubt that our education system is undergoing another
revolution. Technology has advanced to the point where it has made information widely accessible,
and its convenience has established new means of independent learning. Students are able to learn
from a seamlessly infinite resource, and now schools face a competitor in the distribution of
knowledge. Now as schools attempt to integrate technology into the school environment, there are
challenges in defining the next generation of classrooms. Through our Alternate Worlds class, we
have attempted to integrate technology into the class with both success and disappointment.
However, though technology provides a great resource for education, more content...
Like a future classroom our class embraces technology as a tool for education. Through websites,
blogs, and streaming online media, our class takes all forms except the traditional lecture style.
Another way in which this class is an example of a future classroom is in the way we communicate.
Through forums, chat boxes and emails, our class communicates through instant mediums instead of
face–to–face contact. One final way in which this class is a model for future classrooms is in the
responsibility that students have for their own education. Students in our class make their own
schedule to keep up in class and are bounded by a loose schedule. Students are given flexibility in
where and when they want to work, which is different from traditional classrooms that meet on strict
Though our online class exemplifies many characteristics of a future classroom, our class stays
traditional in several ways. One similarity between our classroom and a traditional classroom is
that students still hold the responsibility for submitting in work to be graded. Students still need to
be assessed on whether or not they are keeping on task with readings, and so assignments and
projects are still used like in traditional education settings. Our class is also similar to traditional
classes in which there is a professor who takes part in ensuring that we stay actively on schedule
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Diversity in the Classroom Essay
Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and
understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with
appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those
unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of
spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous
Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students
do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In
addition, their age and gender are more content...
Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs,
values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity.
Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students
and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among
them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own
cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of
racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between
cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you
noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes
how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our
similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday
interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition,
positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own
uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students
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A Creative Classroom Essay
A Creative Classroom
Art education is an essential part of a child's development through life, and much of their learning for
life takes place inside the classroom. Those first few years are so incredibly important to the
development of each child, and without the creative learning opportunities, children will lack the
qualities they need to grow in this world. Art will be something that they will use throughout their
life time, so it is imperative to introduce it into their lives early on. This research paper will take a
look at how art affects every child, and the importance to keeping art programs active in the growing
education systems.
The Effects of Art in the Classroom Can you imagine a world without color? A more
Businesses and Art Education
Art is a stepping–stone to many things children will strive to do in the future. They will be able to
use the skills they learn from creative thinking in jobs and organizations they work in later in life.
Art really allows children to build work an incredible work ethic and helps them to complete
quality work inside the classroom and out. It stretches their minds and allows for thinking
"outside of the box." This is very important to businesses who want to hire people with a good
grasp on the world and new creative ides. Dr. Joseph M. Calahan,Vice President of the Xerox
Foundation has been quoted to say "Arts education aids students in skills needed in the workplace:
flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be
creative and innovative, and to strive for excellence" But businesses aren't the only people in
support of art programs inside the classroom. Luckily for America we have support from some very
influential people.
George Bush and Art Education
Fortunately our country is being supported by a president who not only believes in art in the
classroom, but also supports it. In a letter written by him for National Arts and Humanities month, he
expresses his admiration for the arts programs in schools, and describes the need for art to
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Classroom Behavior Essay
Would you be surprised to learn that in today's classroom children sometimes aren't learning due to
behavioral issues? Teachers are attempting to teach classes in which students can be disruptive,
disrespectful and defiant. Classrooms are often overcrowded which adds to the frustration of the
situation. Teachers are often tempted to take the easyway out, using antiquated strategies that will
usually not help the child to learn. In fact, some types of punishments can actually cause the child to
become even more rebellious. The child can experience a sense of worthlessness after being
punished again and again.
Children do not act out because they are "bad." They act out in the hopes of receiving some kind of
response or reward. In more content...
On the other hand, if that child fills the need for attention by getting into trouble at school, they will
get into trouble. Skinner tells us that "non–reinforcement leads to the extinction of a behavior." In
other words if teachers figure out what the child is getting from exhibiting a particular behavior,
they can then give that child the exact opposite of the expected response. If our response is
consistent the child will eventually give up the behavior in lieu of another which yields more
satisfying results. The reward system is sometimes turned around to reinforce poor behavior. Often,
children who are misbehaving are looking for some sort of a reaction. It is possible that they
believe that it is better to not even try than to try and fail. It could also be true that the only type of
attention they receive comes from the instances in which they misbehave. Although as adults it may
seem logical that one would avoid being singled out or chastised, children who have little sense of
self worth will "take what they can get." Skinner calls his strategy for dealing with disruption
"non–reinforcement." Skinner's theory claims that "non–reinforcement leads to extinction of
behavior." By ignoring disruptive behavior, a teacher can extinguish it. Eventually, the disruptive
student will realize that their behavior will not gain any response will seek another way to belong to
the group.
There are many
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Technology in the Classroom Essay example
Technology in the Classroom
Technology is everywhere and used in every part of life. Practically every job uses some form of
technology. It is important for students to learn how to use technology in order to function in this
technology–based country. But it is also extremely important for students to learn using technology.
Technology has the capability of opening all students eyes to a world of mathematics that they never
before could have even began to imagine or understand.
The U.S Department of Education is developing a plan, The National Education
Technology Plan, to incorporate technology properly into the classroom. The goal of this plan is to
improve student learning and to prepare students for the world we live more content...
Using technology in the classroom is a sensitive issue. It is the teacher?s responsibility to know
when it is appropriate to use technology and when it is not. Students will not be able to learn and
understand mathematics, if they never have a solid foundation to start from. For example, students
may know how to graph an equation on a calculator and determine the zeros, but if they were never
taught how to algebraically solve the equation or how to hand graph the equation, do they really
understand and know how to solve an equation? It is the teacher?s role to give students the
opportunity to learn a topic, and it is technology?s role to help students expand and deepen that
Not all topics should be taught in the ?teaching first, then technology? format.
Sometimes it is necessary to use technology in the teaching process. Technology can enhance the
teaching process, which in turn increases student learning. Teachers can use computers and
projectors to help students visualize geometric shapes. Programs like The
Geometer?s Sketchpad allow students and teachers to manipulate shapes and see how different
things (area, perimeter, angles, etc.) are effected. After students hand graph an equation, a teacher
could project the graph onto the board in order for students to check their work. Technology can
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Essay on Virtual Classrooms
Virtual Classrooms
"It's student driven. They set the pace. It's like a high school class except it's computerized . . .
lecture, quizzes, mid–terms and tests are all on the computer" (Charmoli). In this quote, Lance
Jewett it describing some of the benefits of a virtual classroom. He is a teacher for an alternative
school of online classrooms in Manton, Michigan. Many people have differing opinions of Virtual
Classrooms, but as Jewett points out, virtual classrooms are "student driven" meaning the student
has almost complete control over the pace and atmosphere he or she wishes to learn. With this, it is
necessary to look more in depth at virtual classrooms for one to gain a better understanding such as;
what more content...
Many times class rosters are accessible on the online classrooms platform. This allows students to
access to their fellow classmates as well as a way to contact each other. This also provides contact
information for the instructor of the course. Another feature is access to announcements provided
by the instructor. This gives the instructor a quick and easy way to let students know of any
changes or important events. There is also a section for course information, course documents,
and assignments which will provide the students with any important details of the class or
assignments that may be required. Probably one of the most important features of an online
classroom is its form of communication. Most platforms will use a whiteboard or discussion
board in order to hold class discussions and provide a form of input from both students and
teachers. Tools for the students use are also very important. Digital drop boxes make it possible for
students to forward assignments to the instructor without the use of email and attachments.
Calendars allow students to record important dates and keep track of what is planned for each
online lesson. A student information section is also readily available to provide a profile on
students as a way of recording personal information. Some platforms will also provide small
amounts of web space to host a homepage for students and
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Essay on The Smart Classroom
The Smart Classroom
The classroom is a place that is constantly trying to be improved for the betterment of students'
education. New teaching methods and improvement in environment are all constantly being
researched; however, recently, research on technology in the classroom has flourished. The Smart
Classroom contains these technological advances and triggers them toward in–hancing student
Classrooms in the past never really took into consideration that all students learned differently, so
one method of teaching was used. This method being, oral lectures that students were expected to
take notes on, followed by long winded exams. It wasn't until later down the line that educators
realized that not all students more content...
It is possible for a student to be able to take in information through multiple intelligences, however
the student will respond more dominantly to one of the seven. With these intelligences, Gardner
made the point to show that educators must do what they can to incorporate as much creativity and
variety in their teaching methods as possible so that every student will have the same opportunity to
Education has been improved drastically from teaching methods to changing the environment,
making it more susceptible to student learning, and meeting the educational, physical and emotional
needs of students. Technology has been a big factor in this process. Without advances in our
technology, the learning process would be a difficult one to enhance because it would lack in
creativity as well as it would falter at reaching as many students as learning does with the help of
technology today.
Classrooms have been and continue to be researched and equipped with the necessary.
Northwestern University set up The Classroom Committee in January 2000. It is made up of faculty,
deans' staff, the Searle Center for Teaching Excellence, Office of the Registrar, Information
Technology, Associated Student Government, Facilities Management and the Office of the Provost.
(Smart Classrooms, Information Technology). Three subcommittees were formed to get the tasks at
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Classroom of the Future
Classroom of the Future
The classroom for future students in a normal school system could look drastically different in the
next millennium. Electronic classrooms offer instructors a variety of multimedia presentation tools
such as interactive white boards, laptops computers for each student, plasma screens for a computer
projector, and computer generated simulations and animations. The following paper describes the
ideal technically advanced classroom.
Introduction As education advances into an age of technology, the traditional classroom is becoming
obsolete. No longer does an instructor stand in front of the class conducting lessons on a blackboard,
as that role is changing more content...
WPS button allowing the simple connection of WPS compatible WiFi devices. 2 antennas enhance
signal reception and ransmission. Compatible with available WiFi standards (802.11b, 802.11g,
802.11n)Product certified by the WiFi Alliance. Maximum WPA2/WPA security preventing any
malevolent intrusions on the network. MultiMedia (content broadcasting) features optimised thanks
to WiFi MultiMedia technology (feature certified by the WiFi Alliance).Interoperability with WiFi
standards 802.11n**, 802.11g & 802.11b.| | Increased wireless range| Issues with firewalls|
Promethian Active Classroom AB | 2$7598.00| Adjustable 378 pro, 78" Activboard, 4 pens, Active
Inspire and Active Arena Software, Promethean short throw projector, adjustable mounting system
and cabling. | | Large collection of premade and teacher made lessons and activities for the
ActivStudio software (via the Promethean Planet web site) make the ActivBoard very versatile and
convenient to use in a wide variety of classrooms and applications. Solid, durable construction resists
damage ActivBoard+2 model provides user adjustable height controls to allow for use by all heights
of students plus short throw video projector mounted on the board to prevent having to realign and
calibrate the sytem. п‚· The ActivStudio software integrates with other Promethean products
including ActiVotes (interactive student response system). п‚· Easy setup and calibration with the
ActivPen make for a highly accurate
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Essay On Class Room

  • 1. Flipped Classroom Essay Flipped classroom can be defined as (school work at home and homework at school) this means that students can do their school work and their study at home by using technology through computer or any other device by using Internet. Flipped classroom is considered a great instructional strategy and it is considered one of the types for blended learning that invert the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional contents online outside classroom. Aaron Sanns and Jonathan Bergman are the first two teachers who use flipped classroom, they provide supplying absent students with an online lecture they could watch from home or from anywhere they had access to a computer and internet including school or local library. They more content... Instructional technologist will provide pre–test and test based on the contents that the students study by using e–learning software. When instructional technologist provide the pre–test on the contents they can figure out their weakness and their strengths of the contents and what they know and what they don't know then they provide a video based on the contents, once the learner is done with the content they start to provide test based on the contents then instructional technologist starts to create data based on the learners grades and he/she can understands the weakness and strengths based on their grade based on the contents that they study. Bill Tucker writes about a chemistry teacher at veteran Woodland Park High School who struggled to find the time to re–teach lesson for the absent students until they bought software that let the teacher record and annotate lessons, and posted them online the absent students appreciate. The chemistry teachers provide for them a great strategy which is flipped classroom this strategy doesn't let the students to fail they watch their chemistry lessons at any time they want and in any device that they use. Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about The Future Classroom When we look at our society today, there is no doubt that our education system is undergoing another revolution. Technology has advanced to the point where it has made information widely accessible, and its convenience has established new means of independent learning. Students are able to learn from a seamlessly infinite resource, and now schools face a competitor in the distribution of knowledge. Now as schools attempt to integrate technology into the school environment, there are challenges in defining the next generation of classrooms. Through our Alternate Worlds class, we have attempted to integrate technology into the class with both success and disappointment. However, though technology provides a great resource for education, more content... Like a future classroom our class embraces technology as a tool for education. Through websites, blogs, and streaming online media, our class takes all forms except the traditional lecture style. Another way in which this class is an example of a future classroom is in the way we communicate. Through forums, chat boxes and emails, our class communicates through instant mediums instead of face–to–face contact. One final way in which this class is a model for future classrooms is in the responsibility that students have for their own education. Students in our class make their own schedule to keep up in class and are bounded by a loose schedule. Students are given flexibility in where and when they want to work, which is different from traditional classrooms that meet on strict schedules. Though our online class exemplifies many characteristics of a future classroom, our class stays traditional in several ways. One similarity between our classroom and a traditional classroom is that students still hold the responsibility for submitting in work to be graded. Students still need to be assessed on whether or not they are keeping on task with readings, and so assignments and projects are still used like in traditional education settings. Our class is also similar to traditional classes in which there is a professor who takes part in ensuring that we stay actively on schedule Get more content on
  • 3. Diversity in the Classroom Essay Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content... Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students Get more content on
  • 4. A Creative Classroom Essay A Creative Classroom Art education is an essential part of a child's development through life, and much of their learning for life takes place inside the classroom. Those first few years are so incredibly important to the development of each child, and without the creative learning opportunities, children will lack the qualities they need to grow in this world. Art will be something that they will use throughout their life time, so it is imperative to introduce it into their lives early on. This research paper will take a look at how art affects every child, and the importance to keeping art programs active in the growing education systems. The Effects of Art in the Classroom Can you imagine a world without color? A more content... ( Businesses and Art Education Art is a stepping–stone to many things children will strive to do in the future. They will be able to use the skills they learn from creative thinking in jobs and organizations they work in later in life. Art really allows children to build work an incredible work ethic and helps them to complete quality work inside the classroom and out. It stretches their minds and allows for thinking "outside of the box." This is very important to businesses who want to hire people with a good grasp on the world and new creative ides. Dr. Joseph M. Calahan,Vice President of the Xerox Foundation has been quoted to say "Arts education aids students in skills needed in the workplace: flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be creative and innovative, and to strive for excellence" But businesses aren't the only people in support of art programs inside the classroom. Luckily for America we have support from some very influential people. George Bush and Art Education Fortunately our country is being supported by a president who not only believes in art in the classroom, but also supports it. In a letter written by him for National Arts and Humanities month, he expresses his admiration for the arts programs in schools, and describes the need for art to Get more content on
  • 5. Classroom Behavior Essay Would you be surprised to learn that in today's classroom children sometimes aren't learning due to behavioral issues? Teachers are attempting to teach classes in which students can be disruptive, disrespectful and defiant. Classrooms are often overcrowded which adds to the frustration of the situation. Teachers are often tempted to take the easyway out, using antiquated strategies that will usually not help the child to learn. In fact, some types of punishments can actually cause the child to become even more rebellious. The child can experience a sense of worthlessness after being punished again and again. Children do not act out because they are "bad." They act out in the hopes of receiving some kind of response or reward. In more content... On the other hand, if that child fills the need for attention by getting into trouble at school, they will get into trouble. Skinner tells us that "non–reinforcement leads to the extinction of a behavior." In other words if teachers figure out what the child is getting from exhibiting a particular behavior, they can then give that child the exact opposite of the expected response. If our response is consistent the child will eventually give up the behavior in lieu of another which yields more satisfying results. The reward system is sometimes turned around to reinforce poor behavior. Often, children who are misbehaving are looking for some sort of a reaction. It is possible that they believe that it is better to not even try than to try and fail. It could also be true that the only type of attention they receive comes from the instances in which they misbehave. Although as adults it may seem logical that one would avoid being singled out or chastised, children who have little sense of self worth will "take what they can get." Skinner calls his strategy for dealing with disruption "non–reinforcement." Skinner's theory claims that "non–reinforcement leads to extinction of behavior." By ignoring disruptive behavior, a teacher can extinguish it. Eventually, the disruptive student will realize that their behavior will not gain any response will seek another way to belong to the group. There are many Get more content on
  • 6. Technology in the Classroom Essay example Technology in the Classroom Technology is everywhere and used in every part of life. Practically every job uses some form of technology. It is important for students to learn how to use technology in order to function in this technology–based country. But it is also extremely important for students to learn using technology. Technology has the capability of opening all students eyes to a world of mathematics that they never before could have even began to imagine or understand. The U.S Department of Education is developing a plan, The National Education Technology Plan, to incorporate technology properly into the classroom. The goal of this plan is to improve student learning and to prepare students for the world we live more content... (NCTM). Using technology in the classroom is a sensitive issue. It is the teacher?s responsibility to know when it is appropriate to use technology and when it is not. Students will not be able to learn and understand mathematics, if they never have a solid foundation to start from. For example, students may know how to graph an equation on a calculator and determine the zeros, but if they were never taught how to algebraically solve the equation or how to hand graph the equation, do they really understand and know how to solve an equation? It is the teacher?s role to give students the opportunity to learn a topic, and it is technology?s role to help students expand and deepen that knowledge. Not all topics should be taught in the ?teaching first, then technology? format. Sometimes it is necessary to use technology in the teaching process. Technology can enhance the teaching process, which in turn increases student learning. Teachers can use computers and projectors to help students visualize geometric shapes. Programs like The Geometer?s Sketchpad allow students and teachers to manipulate shapes and see how different things (area, perimeter, angles, etc.) are effected. After students hand graph an equation, a teacher could project the graph onto the board in order for students to check their work. Technology can Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Virtual Classrooms Virtual Classrooms "It's student driven. They set the pace. It's like a high school class except it's computerized . . . lecture, quizzes, mid–terms and tests are all on the computer" (Charmoli). In this quote, Lance Jewett it describing some of the benefits of a virtual classroom. He is a teacher for an alternative school of online classrooms in Manton, Michigan. Many people have differing opinions of Virtual Classrooms, but as Jewett points out, virtual classrooms are "student driven" meaning the student has almost complete control over the pace and atmosphere he or she wishes to learn. With this, it is necessary to look more in depth at virtual classrooms for one to gain a better understanding such as; what more content... Many times class rosters are accessible on the online classrooms platform. This allows students to access to their fellow classmates as well as a way to contact each other. This also provides contact information for the instructor of the course. Another feature is access to announcements provided by the instructor. This gives the instructor a quick and easy way to let students know of any changes or important events. There is also a section for course information, course documents, and assignments which will provide the students with any important details of the class or assignments that may be required. Probably one of the most important features of an online classroom is its form of communication. Most platforms will use a whiteboard or discussion board in order to hold class discussions and provide a form of input from both students and teachers. Tools for the students use are also very important. Digital drop boxes make it possible for students to forward assignments to the instructor without the use of email and attachments. Calendars allow students to record important dates and keep track of what is planned for each online lesson. A student information section is also readily available to provide a profile on students as a way of recording personal information. Some platforms will also provide small amounts of web space to host a homepage for students and Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The Smart Classroom The Smart Classroom The classroom is a place that is constantly trying to be improved for the betterment of students' education. New teaching methods and improvement in environment are all constantly being researched; however, recently, research on technology in the classroom has flourished. The Smart Classroom contains these technological advances and triggers them toward in–hancing student learning. Classrooms in the past never really took into consideration that all students learned differently, so one method of teaching was used. This method being, oral lectures that students were expected to take notes on, followed by long winded exams. It wasn't until later down the line that educators realized that not all students more content... It is possible for a student to be able to take in information through multiple intelligences, however the student will respond more dominantly to one of the seven. With these intelligences, Gardner made the point to show that educators must do what they can to incorporate as much creativity and variety in their teaching methods as possible so that every student will have the same opportunity to learn. Education has been improved drastically from teaching methods to changing the environment, making it more susceptible to student learning, and meeting the educational, physical and emotional needs of students. Technology has been a big factor in this process. Without advances in our technology, the learning process would be a difficult one to enhance because it would lack in creativity as well as it would falter at reaching as many students as learning does with the help of technology today. Classrooms have been and continue to be researched and equipped with the necessary. Northwestern University set up The Classroom Committee in January 2000. It is made up of faculty, deans' staff, the Searle Center for Teaching Excellence, Office of the Registrar, Information Technology, Associated Student Government, Facilities Management and the Office of the Provost. (Smart Classrooms, Information Technology). Three subcommittees were formed to get the tasks at hand Get more content on
  • 9. Classroom of the Future Running Head: CLASSROOM OF THE FUTURE Classroom of the Future Abstract The classroom for future students in a normal school system could look drastically different in the next millennium. Electronic classrooms offer instructors a variety of multimedia presentation tools such as interactive white boards, laptops computers for each student, plasma screens for a computer projector, and computer generated simulations and animations. The following paper describes the ideal technically advanced classroom. Introduction As education advances into an age of technology, the traditional classroom is becoming obsolete. No longer does an instructor stand in front of the class conducting lessons on a blackboard, as that role is changing more content... WPS button allowing the simple connection of WPS compatible WiFi devices. 2 antennas enhance signal reception and ransmission. Compatible with available WiFi standards (802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n)Product certified by the WiFi Alliance. Maximum WPA2/WPA security preventing any malevolent intrusions on the network. MultiMedia (content broadcasting) features optimised thanks to WiFi MultiMedia technology (feature certified by the WiFi Alliance).Interoperability with WiFi standards 802.11n**, 802.11g & 802.11b.| | Increased wireless range| Issues with firewalls| Promethian Active Classroom AB | 2$7598.00| Adjustable 378 pro, 78" Activboard, 4 pens, Active Inspire and Active Arena Software, Promethean short throw projector, adjustable mounting system and cabling. | | Large collection of premade and teacher made lessons and activities for the ActivStudio software (via the Promethean Planet web site) make the ActivBoard very versatile and convenient to use in a wide variety of classrooms and applications. Solid, durable construction resists damage ActivBoard+2 model provides user adjustable height controls to allow for use by all heights of students plus short throw video projector mounted on the board to prevent having to realign and calibrate the sytem. п‚· The ActivStudio software integrates with other Promethean products including ActiVotes (interactive student response system). п‚· Easy setup and calibration with the ActivPen make for a highly accurate Get more content on