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Causes Of Air Pollution Essay
Air Pollution Poignant Matters
Air pollution refers to a chemical, physical or biological alteration to the atmospheric air. It results
whenever harmful gasses, smoke, or dust enters the atmosphere and in turn, hinders the survival of
animals and plants as the air contains toxic substances.
The survival of human beings and animals greatly depend on the combination of gasses in the
atmosphere; slight disruption of this composition can cause devastating effects on their existence.
An imbalance in these atmospheric gasses is known to result in global warming, a great threat to the
contemporary world. We cannot underestimate the effects airpollution has on the ozone layer which
largely contributes to the existence of organisms on the more content...
VOCs and nitrogen are a common source of air pollution.
Decomposition of garbage and solid wastes
Disposal sites containing biodegradable substances are known to emit methane gas into the
atmosphere. Methane gas is known to be a harmful gas, it is highly flammable and a potential
disaster to the ozone layer. Garbage and other household products release VOCs to the air.
Natural causes
Air pollution can come from natural sources such as dust, wildfires, and volcanic activity. Wildfire is
known to emit VOCs and particulates into the atmosphere. Volcanic eruptions spew sulfur dioxide
and volcanic ash into the atmosphere. Volcanic ash is usually dumped in the upper atmosphere, and
as a result, global temperatures are lowered. However, pollution resulting from natural causes
remains in the atmosphere for a short period and does not result in a permanent change as it might be
the case with human activity–based pollution.
Effects of Air Pollution
Air pollution consequences
1. Respiratory infections
Air pollution is the leading cause of respiratory diseases. Exposure to air pollutants can cause lung
cancer and even asthma. Asthma can lead to death if not well treated, as it might cause difficulty in
breathing. A prolonged exposure of pollutants can cause lung cancer.
2. Global warming
The rise
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Essay on Air Pollutants
A fleet of vehicles will have far reaching impacts; perhaps best known by the general public is the
impact on air quality.
Air pollutants may be released in a number of ways: first through evaporation during fueling, second
through tailpipe emissions while a car is running, and third through chemical reactions occurring
with byproducts or unused components emitted into the atmosphere.(Motor vehicles and toxic air
pollutants. 2008) Typical chemicals released include benzene, toluene, xylenes, diesel particulate
matter, and volatile organic compounds.(Motor vehicles and toxic air pollutants. 2008) In addition,
formaldehyde and acetaldehyde may be produced in reactions with the air. (Motor vehicles and toxic
air pollutants. 2008) more content...
According to a 2005 study, air pollution may be estimated to be responsible for 3% of adult
cardiopulmonary disease mortality; 5% of trachea and bronchus mortality; and in children 1% of
mortality from acute respiratory infections in urban areas throughout the world.(Cohen et al., 2005)
Air pollutants from a fleet of vehicles may also cause environmental impacts such as the creation of
ground level ozone, a key component of smog, and the emission of greenhouse gases suspected of
causing drastic changes in the earth's climate. (Transportation and air quality planning: Federal laws
provide tools for change. 2008)
To combat these threats, federal and state level policies have been put in place to help monitor and
reduce air pollution. Perhaps the most far reaching of these was the 1990 Clean Air Act which
required the reformulating of gasoline and set emission standards from hydrocarbons and diesel
particulate matter. Subsequent amendments to this act required the removal of lead from gasoline
and limitations to the amount of sulfur in diesel fuel. (Air toxics from motor vehicles. August 1994)
Government regulations on vehicles added requirements for emission reduction equipment such as
catalytic converters.(Motor vehicles and toxic air pollutants.2008) Specific federal government
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Air And Water Pollution Essay
Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the
highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for
many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the
early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how
clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also
explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they
don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living
condition might threatened a child 's life. more content...
But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water
standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of
Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates.
(Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those
who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease
affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body.
As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water
can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income
communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who
are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on
the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of
living in high–ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low–ozone
country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is
considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at
national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family
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Air and Water Pollution essay
INTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so
different as compared to the atmosphere that existed before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830.
To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into
the atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. First of all, all anthropogenic (man–made)
emissions are air pollutants. Next, is the natural emission which can be divided into biogenic and
geogenic. Biogenic emissions result from the living world such as volatile organic compound
emissions from forests and CH4 emissions from swamp. On the other hand, geogenic emissions are
from the non–living world, such as volcanic emissions, sea–salt emissions, more content...
–automobiles are the largest sources of VOCs for the reaction–concentrations tend to peak in the
afternoon, causing eye irritation and aggravation of respiratory diseases Lead (Pb)–Pb levels in the
air has decreased considerably with gradual elimination of lead in gasoline worldwide –leaded
gasoline combustion –combustion of solid waste, coal and oils –emissions from iron and steel
production and lead smelters –tobacco smoke–affect blood and kidney –affect the nervous, immune,
cardiovascular and reproductive systems The above table was constructed based on the information
obtained from : Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An
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Cause And Effect Essay On Air Pollution
Pollution has become a prevalent issue worldwide and has begun to affect the air used to breathe,
the soil used to grow food, and the water used to drink. All of these effects result in commonly
occurring destruction of health and wildlife that one may have seen on the news or heard from
peers. In order to live, one needs food, water, clothing, and shelter. If the water and food that society
consumes gets contaminated, a major component of life has been eradicated, which can only have
negative consequences. If more people are educated as to what effects the environment, the world
has a chance to counteract the effects of pollution. The main causes of pollution are the burning of
fossil fuels such as with car exhausts, littering as a result of societal norms and laziness, and factory
waste as a result of lax waste regulation, and can result in mass destruction of the environment and
catastrophic effects on the everyday lives of contemporary people.
The amount of factories and industries has grown immensely through the previous years which has
resulted in an expansion in the consumption of petroleum products. Innovation has begun to increase
and has promoted the expansion of the production of cars. As stated by the Air Quality Research
Center, "Air pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental problems, causing many adverse
health effects and responsible for 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year" (Air Pollution and Health –
Air Quality Research Center.). The smog and
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Air Pollution Essay
All living things use air and it must be clean to maintain life on earth. When air pollution becomes
the subject, what do you think about? Smog, acid rain, and other forms of outdoor pollution are the
common things people think about. Air pollution can also exist indoors as in closed ventilated areas
that we surround. This makes the air that we breathe indoors inescapable and the pollution exist both
indoor and outdoor. For example, hair spray usage indoor is polluting the air inside because of the
emissions of toxic chemicals used to create the product are present within a spray of it. On a
typical outdoor summer day in Fresno, the smog from vehicles exposed into the air which makes
the air brown and can be seen miles away from more content...
The sources used which gives off gases or particles are cooking oils, hair sprays, aerosols,
household cleaning products such as bleach and Pinesol have the greater effect or even insecticide
sources that kills rats, roaches, spiders and ants. According to World Health Organizations, "Cooking
and heating with solid fuels on open fires or traditional stoves results in high levels of indoor air
pollution. Indoor smoke contains a range of health–damaging pollutants, such as small particles and
carbon monoxide." The inadequate ventilation from using these products can increase the indoor air
without outdoor air to dilute the emissions. The relative importance of a source used depends on
how much emissions gives out on an object and evaporates in the air surrounding the user. Another
factor from using building materials can give off high pollutant in some cases an improperly
adjusted gas stove can emit high amounts of carbon dioxide than the properly adjusted one. Air
pollution happens when sources are emitted into the air and it is caused by human activities from
operating that source. Creating the pollution indoors is more harmful because it affects the air
quality inside and it stay indoors if not ventilated properly. The activities from using the sources are
causing these pollutions and we do not know that we are causing these pollutions to occur indoor. In
a household with children and the
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Environmental Problems: Air Pollution Essay
Air pollution is among the critical challenges facing modern societies and is one of the most pressing
environing mental problems. Air pollution is accountable for major harmful effects on human
strength, animal survives, natural ecosystems and the man–made environment. It is also responsible
for climate change due to the improved greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the reduction of the ozone
layer that inaugurate important global environmental problems. Air pollution occurs both outdoors
and indoors and is caused by human activities and natural mechanisms. Although air quality
degradation because of air pollution is a global problem that threatens humanity's wellbeing overall,
it is largely associated with environmental more content...
(Anastasia Dimitriou and Vasilia Christidou, 2011)
Indoor air pollution:
Indoor air pollution mentions to the amount of chemical, biological and physical pollutants in the air
confidential a building. Indoor air pollution can often be inferior to outdoor air pollution. There is a
extensive range of indoor air pollutant causes in houses including building resources, hard–pressed
wood goods and equipment, dominant heating and cooling systems, several individual care or
household cleaning products, painting colors, solvents, heating or cooking applications (stoves,
wood and gas burning fireplaces, gas fires), tobacco burn, office machineries and a diversity of
other crops used in daily events. (Anastasia Dimitriou and Vasilia Christidou, 2011)
In addition, outdoor pollutants are also found in indoor places, such as radon (a natural trace
component of soil and ground). The main foundation of indoor air pollution is household burning of
coal or biomass for cooking and warming. It is projected that more than half of the world's
population trusts on animal dung, wood, crop waste, or coal to meet their most elementary energy
needs. The main indoor pollutants that can almost be drawn in any home are between others
formaldehyde, asbestos,
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Essay On Air Pollution
Air is an indispensable part of human, animal and plant lives. Without it, no organisms would be
able to survive on Earth (Reference, 2017). Due to excessive human activities, air pollution has
become a detrimental worldwide issue in current days (Sciencing, 2017). However, scientists have
found new chemicals that can assist in improving the air quality (, 2017). Moreover, humans
are able to adopt many methods to help decrease the severity of contamination released into the
earth's atmosphere. This investigation is linked to 'application and limitation' in 'science as a Human
Chemical Background and Link to SHE
Oxygen is a part of the air and it is responsible for aerobic respiration in humans, animals and some
microorganisms to produce energy and to function. Air also contains carbon dioxide, and it is a
crucial part of photosynthesis in primary producers, such as plants, for the production of chemical
energy (Reference, 2017).
The article 'New Green Solvent Could Help Clean Our Air' has clearly demonstrated the application
and limitation of using chemicals to filter the contaminated air that affects human health. In the
second paragraph, the author mentioned the shortcomings of existing methods that can clean
contaminated air were toxic and expensive. This suggests that scientists understood these limitations
and were able to gain new opportunities to develop solutions to polluted air (, 2017).
The following paragraph has explained the
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Air pollution Essay example
Air pollution
You can't escape from it. Everybody has to breath, and when air isn't clean you health is affected.
Air pollution is problem of all of us. You might think that you are healthy because you eat, and do
only healthy things, so you cannot be sick, or get cancer, allergies or even die. Everybody is affected
by air pollution.
At the first, what is air pollution? The air pollution is contamination of air by the discharge of
harmful substances. We've got many pollutants, which cause air pollution. Like carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead and many more. All of these pollutants can cause lot of
illnesses, like cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damage, long–term injury to more
Other pollutant from cars was lead; it is highly toxic metal. Lead has been phased out of gasoline,
but there, are other sources of it. It includes paints, production of lead batteries, water pipes, and a
few heir dye products. Car exhausts can also produce nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds,
which are also, product of burning fuels. Factories and power plants produce same pollutants as cars
do, but they produce them in bigger mnozstve and the produce some more such as sulfur dioxide,
which is made during production of paper, burning coal in power plants, or smelting of metal.
Burning other fuels like wood, or natural gas can make all of these pollutants too.
The other problem closely related to industrialization is problem of big cities. The problem of air
pollution increases in the bigger cities because mnozstvo of cars, buses, and trucks. During the
traffic jams all kind of pollutants are released into the air, and then people who live near roads have
to breath this "dirty" air.
We use all kinds of chemicals that are damaging our air. Sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons
damaging ozone layer in very top part of out atmosphere. Pesticide and other chemicals use for
protecting some plant might protect plants, but they are not helping to our air at all.
Causes of the air pollution, there are so many causes of air pollution that we couldn't believe that it
can be because of
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Air Pollution Essay
A study done by the environmental nonprofit pure earth stated that "Sixteen percent of all the global
deaths are caused by pollution and Air pollution is the fourth highest risk factor of death globally."
According Professor Michael B. from the university of british columbia analysed that two countries
accounts "55 percent of their deaths were caused by air pollution". China had 1.6 and India had 1.4
million deaths due to air pollution. Pollution is when gases, smokes and chemical are released in the
air which is a major threat to the environment, humans, plant and animals. Some of the world's
pollution is are visible and some are not.
HISTORY OF POLLUTION There was no exact time of year when pollution started to occur but
study done by NOAA ocean service states that by the 1800s people started to understand the
unsanitary living conditions and water contamination contributed to diseases epidemic. In 1850s
chicago built their first sewage system in the united states to waste water. In the 19th century
episodes of smogs started to occur in cities like New York and London due to coal burning, factories
and vehicles smoke causing a lot deaths.
What creates Air pollution
Air pollution is caused by trucks, cars, bikes, and factories that release compounds into the
atmosphere such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. Coal burning is also an factor of air
pollution. A study done by union of concerned scientists talks about "coal plants are the nation's top
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Causes Of Air Pollution Essay
A big major problem in today's world is air pollution, and it is a major cause of climate change.
Air pollution affects many thing in the world. It affects our crops, our animals, and also us people
who can suffer terribly from air pollution. People who have medical problems like lung cancer, and
asthma can die because our lungs aren't meant to take in all those toxins in our bodies, and our
bodies react in a negative way when those toxins are put into the body. Our plants and animal have
nothing to with causing air pollution and they have to suffer because of humans who are polluting
the air with carbon, and greenhouse gases. They plants could be affected which the animals eat.
Then the animals eat the plants get affected and then we eat the animals which can get everyone
sick and eventually die. If we want to live longer and stay healthy we have to get rid of air pollution.
Recent studies show "that in 1982, approximately 1.2 million adults got lung cancer or died"
according to Arden Pope III. The reason these people got sick and/or died is because of air
pollution. People that smoke cigarettes are more likely to get lung cancer, than people who don't
smoke and the smokers are causing pollution also. Their not only affecting themselves with
pollution, but their affecting other people's lives with the smoke that their releasing into the surface.
For example myself. I have asthma and when people smoke near me I start to cough, get headaches,
and the worst thing is when
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Thesis Statement On Air Pollution
I. Introduction
A. Hook/Attention getter (2 marks): What is beauty? Beauty have a lot of definition and very
subjective. There are many kinds of beauty has given and loaned to us by the creators, ALLAH,
such as the vast blue ocean, high mountains clawed the sky, the planets rotate in the orbit, the
rainbow that appeared after the rain, the green forest, the fresh air and many others. All of this
beauty will give the peace of mind and make everyone be grateful for this lovely creation especially
for nature lovers.
B. General statement (2 marks):
However, these amazing creation nowadays slowly start to destroyed from day by day. The
destruction occurs due to the bad attitudes some of irresponsible people who are only thinks about
their more content...
a.Sub–supporting Point 1:
People nowadays are too busy with their daily life activities and they don't have much time to take
care about other silly thing such as about environment. So, to make their work easier, they are
burning the rubbish such as bottles, plastics bag,paper in the open place without thinking of the
effect will occur in future.
B. Topic sentence 2 (2 marks):
Secondly, due to an increasing in the number of vehicles the sky has become very hazy.
1.Supporting Point 1 (2 marks) : Vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trucks and others are need to
make life comfortable eventhough the smoke produce by the vehicle is a harmful smoke and
seriously influence the air pollution.
a.Sub–supporting point 1:
In this high–tech era, people need to be aggressive in everything they do and move as fast as they
could. Therefore, it dominated the increase in demand for vehicles. The vehicle have been the
necessary thing to make their life moving smoothly
a.Sub–supporting point 2:
Example, people going to work early in the morning to avoid traffic
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Effects Of Air Pollution Essay
Nia Wilson
The effects of Air pollution
Environmental pollution is the key concern for the humanity. It does not have any borders each
member of our planet is affected by its devastating effects. Air pollution is the main factor
contributing to general environmental problems. It is the emission of particulates, harmful
materials, and biological molecules in the Earth's atmosphere and is caused by both human and
natural factors. The effects of air pollution are shocking. It causes numerous diseases in human
organisms, animals, natural crops, ruins the balance of the environmental system, and even causes
deaths. Air pollution is the largest environmental pollution risk factor. According to the research of
World Health Organization, more content...
The negative effect on human health also affects the central nervous system. The studies confirmed
that an early exposure of children to the higher levels of air pollution have the same negative effects
on the central nervous system as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. Low and middle
income countries in the South East Asia and Western Pacific Regions have the highest mortality rate
due to air contamination problems. Specifically in this region, World Health Organization attributes
approximately 3.3 million deaths to indoor and 2.6 million deaths to outdoor air pollution annually.
"The most polluted country is India. It has the highest mortality rate due to air pollution. Most deaths
in India are caused by asthma. Another seriously affected country is China." The report of World
Health Organization states that air pollution killed more than 500,000 people in China in 2014. The
calculations performed by the European Commission show that polluted air reduces the life
expectancy in EU by more than nine months. The worst situation is in Benelux and Italy.
The research of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health revealed that even a small
exposure to the polluted air during pregnancy results in pregnancy complications. And long term
health problems of the future children. The fetus is extremely sensitive to environmental factors.
"The study concluded that the greater the exposure of the pregnant woman to the air pollution is, the
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Effects Of Air Pollution Essay
There are many kinds of pollution, but one that has the most impact on humans would be air
pollution. In order to live, we must breathe air and surprisingly some things that we breathe takes a
toll on our health. Air pollution occurs when pollutants are released into the atmosphere. It has both
chronic and acute effects on human health which effects a number of different systems and
organsFossil fuel combustion such as diesel fuel, coal, gasoline and natural gas is the main source of
air pollution. Most of this air pollution is created by us humans. We realize that the action of one has
the potential to affect many others. Not only does it affect our health but there are some changes in
the climate because of air pollution. Some more content...
There are some long–term and short–term effects that some people do tend to face. Some long–term
effects from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer and emphysema, which is a respiratory
disease. These long–term effects can last for some years or maybe even a lifetime. It can get so
severe to where it may even lead to a person's death. Also, air pollution may cause some long–term
damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver and other organisms. Nearly 2.5 million people die
worldwide each year due to the cause of outdoor and indoor pollution (National Geographic Society,
2012). Interestingly, it can eve cause some birth defects which is a physical disorder present at a
child's birth and not developed until later.
Short–term effects of air pollution are only temporary meaning that they come and go. Most will
last up to a few days or maybe even a couple of weeks. Illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia
are examples of some short–term effects. Bad odors from sewer systems, garbage and factories are
also considered as air pollutants. This can cause someone to have headaches, nausea and
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Essay On Air Pollution
From my studying in this unit, I understand that air pollution transpires in various patterns, however,
it can generally be thought of as gaseous and particulate contaminants that are existing in the earth's
Chemicals discharged into the air that has a direct impact on the environment are called primary
pollutants. These primary pollutants sometimes react with other chemicals in the air to produce
secondary pollutants.
Air pollution has become a very high–priced environmental predicament when one views it in line
with human lives and looking at it from the perspective of repairing damages in humans the money
spent on health care and also crop damage.
Basically, air pollution introduces toxic materials into more content...
Also, we have a many small and large industries in my city I learnt that during production when
carbon monoxide hydrocarbons, organic compounds, chemicals are being released in to the air it
causes huge amount of air pollution, thinking about this I now understand why my grandfather
never wanted to live in the city he always complains about a large carpet manufacturing company in
my city, at the back of the factory is a large pipe that let out smoke from the machine he said it
smells bad.
In summary, air pollution comes mainly from motor vehicles and electric generators. The rampant
burning of refuse in the open atmosphere is also a contributor. But in my community, the main
source among these three sources is motor vehicles.
How my community compares to others: From a Thisday online publication 2016 mention,
according to CNN, four of the worst cities in the world for air pollution are in Nigeria, according to
data released by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Onitsha a city few outside Nigeria will have heard of has the undignified honour of being labelled
the world's most polluted city for air quality, when measuring small particulate matter concentration
(PM10). From the CNN report it further explain that the other three cities named and shamed in the
WHO report for high PM10 levels are the transport hub of Kaduna, in the
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Air pollution is now one of the most pressing environmental concerns. While nine out of the ten
most polluted cities in the world lie in India and Pakistan that leaves no room for complacency
amongst other countries; partly because they too have their own issues and also because we live in a
connected ecosystem.
What Is Air Pollution?
Air pollution is a complex topic as so many factors are responsible for the poor quality of our air.
However, simply put, air pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change which causes the
atmosphere to become dirty and thus risks not only our own potential for survival but also that of
other animals and plants.
Air pollution can also be further divided into two distinct categories; visible and invisible. Both
can lead to an alteration of the delicate balance of our atmosphere and cause problems to health on
a local scale and also damage to the ecosystem globally in terms of depletion of the ozone layer
leading to climate change.
Air pollution can arise in two main ways. First, pollutants can be released directly into the
atmosphere and are known as primary pollutants. Second, primary pollutants can combine to form
secondary pollutants and this can be seen in the formation of issues such as smog.
What Causes Air Pollution?
Fossil Fuels: A main cause of air pollution is the one you might expect, namely the sulphur
released from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum. We rely on petrol, diesel and
jet fuel to transport not only us but our goods around the world as we live in an increasingly
globalised economy. In 2015 alone nearly 3.6 billion passengers, almost half the world's population,
were transported by the world's airlines.
Vehicle Emissions: As our reliance on cars, trucks, shipping freighters and aeroplanes increases so
do the levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere. 13 percent of
global CO2 emissions, a major factor in global warming, come from transport.
Agriculture: We may not always immediately think of agricultural activities being connected to air
pollution but methane and ammonia are both by–products of farming and are highly hazardous to
our environment. This is compounded by the use of pesticides,
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The Importance of Air Essay
The Importance Of Air
Other planets have sunlight, but the Earth is the only planet we know that has air and water. Without
air and water, the Earth would be unable to sustain life.
A diverse community of plant and animal life has thrived on this planet for millions of years,
sustained by the sun and supported by the soil, water and air.
Definition of air pollution
Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odour in harmful amounts. That is,
amounts which could be harmful to the health or comfort of humans and animals or which could
cause damage to plants and materials.
The substances that cause air pollution are called pollutants. Pollutants that are pumped into our
atmosphere and directly pollute the air more content...
More about pollutants
Air pollutants mainly occur as a result of gaseous discharges from industry and motor vehicles.
There are also natural sources such as wind–blown dust and smoke from fires.
Some forms of air pollution create global problems, such as upper atmosphere ozone depletion and
global warming. These problems are very complex, and require international cooperative efforts to
find solutions.
PollutantSourceHuman Health Effects
Particles (API) – Air Particle IndexInternal combustion engines (eg, cars and trucks);
Industry (eg, factories);
Burning wood;
Cigarette smoke; and
Bushfires. Long term exposure is linked to:
Lung Cancer;
Heart Disease;
Lung Disease;
Asthma Attacks; and
Other health problems.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)Motor Vehicles are the biggest contributors;
Other combustion processes; Exposure to high levels of NO2 may lead to:
Lung damage; or
Respiratory Disease.
It has also been linked to:
Increased hospital admissions for asthma and respiratory problems;
Increased mortality.
Ozone (O3)Formed by various complex chemical reactions involving the exposure of the oxides of
nitrogen and some hydro–carbons.
Ozone is the main ingredient of photochemical smog in summer and early autumn.Ozone effects the
lining of the lungs;
lining of the respiratory tract; and
causes eye irritation.
Ozone also damages plants, buildings and other materials.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)Motor
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Essay On Air Pollution
Global Article Analysis 3: Air Pollution There are multiple environmental issues that exist and are
constantly harming the planet. Many of these issues have effects that are unique to certain countries,
or even effects that are similar to other countries. Overall, these issues can be similar or dissimilar in
multiple aspects, such as the biological, physical, and cultural perspectives. The causes and effects,
problem severity, citizen perceptions, and proposed solutions and efforts to repair these problems
may also vary in similarity and difference between different countries. Air pollution caused by
multiple pollutants, such as ground–level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen
oxide, sulfur dioxide and lead, is more content...
Nitrous oxide in the air produced from automobiles, power plants, and other sources contribute to the
eutrophication of water bodies (Department of Environmental Protection). In China, the coast is so
crowded with red algal tides, that some large portions of the ocean cannot sustain life of marine
organisms (Kahn and Yardly). Air pollution leads to biodiversity loss in aquatic ecosystems, as well
as outside of aquatic ecosystems. Pollutions in the air can contribute to reproductive failure, birth
defects, and diseases in animals (Department of Environmental Protection). Ground–level ozone can
reduce crop yields and disrupt the growth of forests in the U.S. and China, and is even known to
reduce the photosynthesis in many terrestrial plants (Lovett et al.). Though the biological differences
in effects of air pollution between the U.S. and China are very low, the similarities are abundant.
Another type of effect of environmental issues is the physical aspect, which focuses on the effects of
the issue non–living organisms. Most of the physical impacts of air pollution between the U.S. and
China are the same. One of the largest physical impacts of air pollution is global climate change.
Carbon dioxide is one of the main air pollutants currently heating the Earth, and both the U.S. and
China are contributing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ("Air
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Essay On Ocean Pollution
Pollution is a highly increasing, man– made issue that is continually degrading the quality of the
environment. Ocean pollution, industrialization and air pollution are intertwining significant causes
to large degradation of the health status of our oceans, air, and people. Polluting one landmark of the
Earth creates an even more dangerous lasting impact on the others. Pollution is continually becoming
an issue that could potentially become irreversible if immediate actions are not taken. It is urgent
that people unite in helping save our planet through recycling, reducing carbon dioxide in the air, and
conserving energy. Oceans are considered one of the most highly polluted areas in the world.
Trashing beaches, littering in the ocean, more content...
Recycling has been pushed for decades by many organizations but are rarely enforced. Recycling
helps the environment while helping create new, biodegradable products not as harmful to the
oceans (Kavraz). To resolve the lack of emphasis, government policies should be placed that
critically prevent, monitor, and remove waste in rivers and oceans. Beach security should place
various recycling bins across riverbanks and sandbars for people to place their trash in. In doing
so, monitoring the people who litter would become more obvious.. Increasing fines and appropriate
sentences of jail time would promote the seriousness of the recycling and potentially increase the
health status of the oceans drastically. Industrialization and air pollution are a key cause that go
hand in hand when emitting the harmful gases and wastes released into the environment. Due to the
overwhelming increase in population over the past few decades, machines and factories had to
compensate for the amount of needs for the people (Foley). "Air pollution can be defined as the
presence of pollutants,such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), particle substances (PM), nitrogen oxides
(NOX) and ozone (O3) in the air that we inhale at levels which can create some negative effects on
the environment and human health" (Kavraz). Carbon dioxide has "increased by nearly forty
percent over the last two hundred years", causing the Earth to become hotter and not support as
many life forms (Kobasa).Although
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Argumentative Essay On Air Pollution
"Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the
same thing: Air pollution damages our children's brains, their hearts, and their lungs," verbalized by
Julianne Moore. As Moore stated, pollution is terrible for our youth and can be verified by
scientists and doctors. There's nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh, clean air but
how clean is the air you're breathing right now? Air pollution is not only detrimental to humans but
all life on earth is harmed by it. It's the presence of the air of a substance which has inimical and
poisonous effects contributing to climate change.
Pollution has an astronomically immense impact on our environment, in human health, and is an
inimical catastrophe in the earth today. Smoking, global warming, overpopulation, and pollution
emitting from vehicles including cars, airplanes, and trains are all additionally the causes of
pollution in California cities, especially Merced. One issue of air pollution are the things humans use
in their everyday life; vehicles. Vehicles emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which
contribute one–fifth of the United States' total global warming pollution. In 2016, cars, trucks, and
diesel are responsible for about 80 percent of the Valley's pollution (Heinks 1). High–levels of
environmental pollution is detrimental to human and animal health. Because of vehicles, lung
disease can occur or worsened by it. "Particle pollutants are found more excessively in the winter
because of woodsmoke, diesel from trucks and agricultural systems." (Velez 1) Since we have an
extensive of agricultural systems, it's a huge contributor pollution in our Valley. Speaking of
agricultural systems, Merced is surrounded by farming and agriculture; and air quality is a top
priority for the Central Valley. The huge growth in industrial agriculture is using fertilizers,
pesticides, and many other chemical products to increase crop yields and feed the world's
ever–growing population. On the other hand, pesticides not only apply to farming but inside the
household too. According to Environmental Protection Agency, seventy–five percent of the United
States households used at least one pesticide
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Essay On Air Pollution

  • 1. Causes Of Air Pollution Essay Air Pollution Poignant Matters Air pollution refers to a chemical, physical or biological alteration to the atmospheric air. It results whenever harmful gasses, smoke, or dust enters the atmosphere and in turn, hinders the survival of animals and plants as the air contains toxic substances. The survival of human beings and animals greatly depend on the combination of gasses in the atmosphere; slight disruption of this composition can cause devastating effects on their existence. An imbalance in these atmospheric gasses is known to result in global warming, a great threat to the contemporary world. We cannot underestimate the effects airpollution has on the ozone layer which largely contributes to the existence of organisms on the more content... VOCs and nitrogen are a common source of air pollution. Decomposition of garbage and solid wastes Disposal sites containing biodegradable substances are known to emit methane gas into the atmosphere. Methane gas is known to be a harmful gas, it is highly flammable and a potential disaster to the ozone layer. Garbage and other household products release VOCs to the air. Natural causes Air pollution can come from natural sources such as dust, wildfires, and volcanic activity. Wildfire is known to emit VOCs and particulates into the atmosphere. Volcanic eruptions spew sulfur dioxide and volcanic ash into the atmosphere. Volcanic ash is usually dumped in the upper atmosphere, and as a result, global temperatures are lowered. However, pollution resulting from natural causes remains in the atmosphere for a short period and does not result in a permanent change as it might be the case with human activity–based pollution. Effects of Air Pollution Air pollution consequences 1. Respiratory infections Air pollution is the leading cause of respiratory diseases. Exposure to air pollutants can cause lung cancer and even asthma. Asthma can lead to death if not well treated, as it might cause difficulty in breathing. A prolonged exposure of pollutants can cause lung cancer. 2. Global warming The rise Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Air Pollutants A fleet of vehicles will have far reaching impacts; perhaps best known by the general public is the impact on air quality. Air pollutants may be released in a number of ways: first through evaporation during fueling, second through tailpipe emissions while a car is running, and third through chemical reactions occurring with byproducts or unused components emitted into the atmosphere.(Motor vehicles and toxic air pollutants. 2008) Typical chemicals released include benzene, toluene, xylenes, diesel particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds.(Motor vehicles and toxic air pollutants. 2008) In addition, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde may be produced in reactions with the air. (Motor vehicles and toxic air pollutants. 2008) more content... According to a 2005 study, air pollution may be estimated to be responsible for 3% of adult cardiopulmonary disease mortality; 5% of trachea and bronchus mortality; and in children 1% of mortality from acute respiratory infections in urban areas throughout the world.(Cohen et al., 2005) Air pollutants from a fleet of vehicles may also cause environmental impacts such as the creation of ground level ozone, a key component of smog, and the emission of greenhouse gases suspected of causing drastic changes in the earth's climate. (Transportation and air quality planning: Federal laws provide tools for change. 2008) To combat these threats, federal and state level policies have been put in place to help monitor and reduce air pollution. Perhaps the most far reaching of these was the 1990 Clean Air Act which required the reformulating of gasoline and set emission standards from hydrocarbons and diesel particulate matter. Subsequent amendments to this act required the removal of lead from gasoline and limitations to the amount of sulfur in diesel fuel. (Air toxics from motor vehicles. August 1994) Government regulations on vehicles added requirements for emission reduction equipment such as catalytic converters.(Motor vehicles and toxic air pollutants.2008) Specific federal government Get more content on
  • 3. Air And Water Pollution Essay Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living condition might threatened a child 's life. more content... But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates. (Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body. As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of living in high–ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low–ozone country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family Get more content on
  • 4. Air and Water Pollution essay INTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so different as compared to the atmosphere that existed before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830. To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. First of all, all anthropogenic (man–made) emissions are air pollutants. Next, is the natural emission which can be divided into biogenic and geogenic. Biogenic emissions result from the living world such as volatile organic compound emissions from forests and CH4 emissions from swamp. On the other hand, geogenic emissions are from the non–living world, such as volcanic emissions, sea–salt emissions, more content... –automobiles are the largest sources of VOCs for the reaction–concentrations tend to peak in the afternoon, causing eye irritation and aggravation of respiratory diseases Lead (Pb)–Pb levels in the air has decreased considerably with gradual elimination of lead in gasoline worldwide –leaded gasoline combustion –combustion of solid waste, coal and oils –emissions from iron and steel production and lead smelters –tobacco smoke–affect blood and kidney –affect the nervous, immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems The above table was constructed based on the information obtained from : Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An Get more content on
  • 5. Cause And Effect Essay On Air Pollution Pollution has become a prevalent issue worldwide and has begun to affect the air used to breathe, the soil used to grow food, and the water used to drink. All of these effects result in commonly occurring destruction of health and wildlife that one may have seen on the news or heard from peers. In order to live, one needs food, water, clothing, and shelter. If the water and food that society consumes gets contaminated, a major component of life has been eradicated, which can only have negative consequences. If more people are educated as to what effects the environment, the world has a chance to counteract the effects of pollution. The main causes of pollution are the burning of fossil fuels such as with car exhausts, littering as a result of societal norms and laziness, and factory waste as a result of lax waste regulation, and can result in mass destruction of the environment and catastrophic effects on the everyday lives of contemporary people. The amount of factories and industries has grown immensely through the previous years which has resulted in an expansion in the consumption of petroleum products. Innovation has begun to increase and has promoted the expansion of the production of cars. As stated by the Air Quality Research Center, "Air pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental problems, causing many adverse health effects and responsible for 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year" (Air Pollution and Health – Air Quality Research Center.). The smog and Get more content on
  • 6. Air Pollution Essay All living things use air and it must be clean to maintain life on earth. When air pollution becomes the subject, what do you think about? Smog, acid rain, and other forms of outdoor pollution are the common things people think about. Air pollution can also exist indoors as in closed ventilated areas that we surround. This makes the air that we breathe indoors inescapable and the pollution exist both indoor and outdoor. For example, hair spray usage indoor is polluting the air inside because of the emissions of toxic chemicals used to create the product are present within a spray of it. On a typical outdoor summer day in Fresno, the smog from vehicles exposed into the air which makes the air brown and can be seen miles away from more content... The sources used which gives off gases or particles are cooking oils, hair sprays, aerosols, household cleaning products such as bleach and Pinesol have the greater effect or even insecticide sources that kills rats, roaches, spiders and ants. According to World Health Organizations, "Cooking and heating with solid fuels on open fires or traditional stoves results in high levels of indoor air pollution. Indoor smoke contains a range of health–damaging pollutants, such as small particles and carbon monoxide." The inadequate ventilation from using these products can increase the indoor air without outdoor air to dilute the emissions. The relative importance of a source used depends on how much emissions gives out on an object and evaporates in the air surrounding the user. Another factor from using building materials can give off high pollutant in some cases an improperly adjusted gas stove can emit high amounts of carbon dioxide than the properly adjusted one. Air pollution happens when sources are emitted into the air and it is caused by human activities from operating that source. Creating the pollution indoors is more harmful because it affects the air quality inside and it stay indoors if not ventilated properly. The activities from using the sources are causing these pollutions and we do not know that we are causing these pollutions to occur indoor. In a household with children and the Get more content on
  • 7. Environmental Problems: Air Pollution Essay Introduction: Air pollution is among the critical challenges facing modern societies and is one of the most pressing environing mental problems. Air pollution is accountable for major harmful effects on human strength, animal survives, natural ecosystems and the man–made environment. It is also responsible for climate change due to the improved greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the reduction of the ozone layer that inaugurate important global environmental problems. Air pollution occurs both outdoors and indoors and is caused by human activities and natural mechanisms. Although air quality degradation because of air pollution is a global problem that threatens humanity's wellbeing overall, it is largely associated with environmental more content... (Anastasia Dimitriou and Vasilia Christidou, 2011) Indoor air pollution: Indoor air pollution mentions to the amount of chemical, biological and physical pollutants in the air confidential a building. Indoor air pollution can often be inferior to outdoor air pollution. There is a extensive range of indoor air pollutant causes in houses including building resources, hard–pressed wood goods and equipment, dominant heating and cooling systems, several individual care or household cleaning products, painting colors, solvents, heating or cooking applications (stoves, wood and gas burning fireplaces, gas fires), tobacco burn, office machineries and a diversity of other crops used in daily events. (Anastasia Dimitriou and Vasilia Christidou, 2011) In addition, outdoor pollutants are also found in indoor places, such as radon (a natural trace component of soil and ground). The main foundation of indoor air pollution is household burning of coal or biomass for cooking and warming. It is projected that more than half of the world's population trusts on animal dung, wood, crop waste, or coal to meet their most elementary energy needs. The main indoor pollutants that can almost be drawn in any home are between others formaldehyde, asbestos, Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Air Pollution Air is an indispensable part of human, animal and plant lives. Without it, no organisms would be able to survive on Earth (Reference, 2017). Due to excessive human activities, air pollution has become a detrimental worldwide issue in current days (Sciencing, 2017). However, scientists have found new chemicals that can assist in improving the air quality (, 2017). Moreover, humans are able to adopt many methods to help decrease the severity of contamination released into the earth's atmosphere. This investigation is linked to 'application and limitation' in 'science as a Human Endeavour'. Chemical Background and Link to SHE Oxygen is a part of the air and it is responsible for aerobic respiration in humans, animals and some microorganisms to produce energy and to function. Air also contains carbon dioxide, and it is a crucial part of photosynthesis in primary producers, such as plants, for the production of chemical energy (Reference, 2017). The article 'New Green Solvent Could Help Clean Our Air' has clearly demonstrated the application and limitation of using chemicals to filter the contaminated air that affects human health. In the second paragraph, the author mentioned the shortcomings of existing methods that can clean contaminated air were toxic and expensive. This suggests that scientists understood these limitations and were able to gain new opportunities to develop solutions to polluted air (, 2017). The following paragraph has explained the Get more content on
  • 9. Air pollution Essay example Air pollution You can't escape from it. Everybody has to breath, and when air isn't clean you health is affected. Air pollution is problem of all of us. You might think that you are healthy because you eat, and do only healthy things, so you cannot be sick, or get cancer, allergies or even die. Everybody is affected by air pollution. At the first, what is air pollution? The air pollution is contamination of air by the discharge of harmful substances. We've got many pollutants, which cause air pollution. Like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead and many more. All of these pollutants can cause lot of illnesses, like cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damage, long–term injury to more content... Other pollutant from cars was lead; it is highly toxic metal. Lead has been phased out of gasoline, but there, are other sources of it. It includes paints, production of lead batteries, water pipes, and a few heir dye products. Car exhausts can also produce nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds, which are also, product of burning fuels. Factories and power plants produce same pollutants as cars do, but they produce them in bigger mnozstve and the produce some more such as sulfur dioxide, which is made during production of paper, burning coal in power plants, or smelting of metal. Burning other fuels like wood, or natural gas can make all of these pollutants too. The other problem closely related to industrialization is problem of big cities. The problem of air pollution increases in the bigger cities because mnozstvo of cars, buses, and trucks. During the traffic jams all kind of pollutants are released into the air, and then people who live near roads have to breath this "dirty" air. We use all kinds of chemicals that are damaging our air. Sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons damaging ozone layer in very top part of out atmosphere. Pesticide and other chemicals use for protecting some plant might protect plants, but they are not helping to our air at all. Causes of the air pollution, there are so many causes of air pollution that we couldn't believe that it can be because of Get more content on
  • 10. Air Pollution Essay A study done by the environmental nonprofit pure earth stated that "Sixteen percent of all the global deaths are caused by pollution and Air pollution is the fourth highest risk factor of death globally." According Professor Michael B. from the university of british columbia analysed that two countries accounts "55 percent of their deaths were caused by air pollution". China had 1.6 and India had 1.4 million deaths due to air pollution. Pollution is when gases, smokes and chemical are released in the air which is a major threat to the environment, humans, plant and animals. Some of the world's pollution is are visible and some are not. HISTORY OF POLLUTION There was no exact time of year when pollution started to occur but study done by NOAA ocean service states that by the 1800s people started to understand the unsanitary living conditions and water contamination contributed to diseases epidemic. In 1850s chicago built their first sewage system in the united states to waste water. In the 19th century episodes of smogs started to occur in cities like New York and London due to coal burning, factories and vehicles smoke causing a lot deaths. AIR POLLUTION What creates Air pollution Air pollution is caused by trucks, cars, bikes, and factories that release compounds into the atmosphere such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. Coal burning is also an factor of air pollution. A study done by union of concerned scientists talks about "coal plants are the nation's top Get more content on
  • 11. Causes Of Air Pollution Essay A big major problem in today's world is air pollution, and it is a major cause of climate change. Air pollution affects many thing in the world. It affects our crops, our animals, and also us people who can suffer terribly from air pollution. People who have medical problems like lung cancer, and asthma can die because our lungs aren't meant to take in all those toxins in our bodies, and our bodies react in a negative way when those toxins are put into the body. Our plants and animal have nothing to with causing air pollution and they have to suffer because of humans who are polluting the air with carbon, and greenhouse gases. They plants could be affected which the animals eat. Then the animals eat the plants get affected and then we eat the animals which can get everyone sick and eventually die. If we want to live longer and stay healthy we have to get rid of air pollution. ASAP. Recent studies show "that in 1982, approximately 1.2 million adults got lung cancer or died" according to Arden Pope III. The reason these people got sick and/or died is because of air pollution. People that smoke cigarettes are more likely to get lung cancer, than people who don't smoke and the smokers are causing pollution also. Their not only affecting themselves with pollution, but their affecting other people's lives with the smoke that their releasing into the surface. For example myself. I have asthma and when people smoke near me I start to cough, get headaches, and the worst thing is when Get more content on
  • 12. Thesis Statement On Air Pollution I. Introduction A. Hook/Attention getter (2 marks): What is beauty? Beauty have a lot of definition and very subjective. There are many kinds of beauty has given and loaned to us by the creators, ALLAH, such as the vast blue ocean, high mountains clawed the sky, the planets rotate in the orbit, the rainbow that appeared after the rain, the green forest, the fresh air and many others. All of this beauty will give the peace of mind and make everyone be grateful for this lovely creation especially for nature lovers. B. General statement (2 marks): However, these amazing creation nowadays slowly start to destroyed from day by day. The destruction occurs due to the bad attitudes some of irresponsible people who are only thinks about their more content... a.Sub–supporting Point 1: People nowadays are too busy with their daily life activities and they don't have much time to take care about other silly thing such as about environment. So, to make their work easier, they are burning the rubbish such as bottles, plastics bag,paper in the open place without thinking of the effect will occur in future. B. Topic sentence 2 (2 marks): Secondly, due to an increasing in the number of vehicles the sky has become very hazy. 1.Supporting Point 1 (2 marks) : Vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trucks and others are need to make life comfortable eventhough the smoke produce by the vehicle is a harmful smoke and seriously influence the air pollution. a.Sub–supporting point 1: In this high–tech era, people need to be aggressive in everything they do and move as fast as they could. Therefore, it dominated the increase in demand for vehicles. The vehicle have been the necessary thing to make their life moving smoothly a.Sub–supporting point 2: Example, people going to work early in the morning to avoid traffic Get more content on
  • 13. Effects Of Air Pollution Essay Nia Wilson The effects of Air pollution Environmental pollution is the key concern for the humanity. It does not have any borders each member of our planet is affected by its devastating effects. Air pollution is the main factor contributing to general environmental problems. It is the emission of particulates, harmful materials, and biological molecules in the Earth's atmosphere and is caused by both human and natural factors. The effects of air pollution are shocking. It causes numerous diseases in human organisms, animals, natural crops, ruins the balance of the environmental system, and even causes deaths. Air pollution is the largest environmental pollution risk factor. According to the research of World Health Organization, more content... The negative effect on human health also affects the central nervous system. The studies confirmed that an early exposure of children to the higher levels of air pollution have the same negative effects on the central nervous system as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. Low and middle income countries in the South East Asia and Western Pacific Regions have the highest mortality rate due to air contamination problems. Specifically in this region, World Health Organization attributes approximately 3.3 million deaths to indoor and 2.6 million deaths to outdoor air pollution annually. "The most polluted country is India. It has the highest mortality rate due to air pollution. Most deaths in India are caused by asthma. Another seriously affected country is China." The report of World Health Organization states that air pollution killed more than 500,000 people in China in 2014. The calculations performed by the European Commission show that polluted air reduces the life expectancy in EU by more than nine months. The worst situation is in Benelux and Italy. The research of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health revealed that even a small exposure to the polluted air during pregnancy results in pregnancy complications. And long term health problems of the future children. The fetus is extremely sensitive to environmental factors. "The study concluded that the greater the exposure of the pregnant woman to the air pollution is, the higher Get more content on
  • 14. Effects Of Air Pollution Essay There are many kinds of pollution, but one that has the most impact on humans would be air pollution. In order to live, we must breathe air and surprisingly some things that we breathe takes a toll on our health. Air pollution occurs when pollutants are released into the atmosphere. It has both chronic and acute effects on human health which effects a number of different systems and organsFossil fuel combustion such as diesel fuel, coal, gasoline and natural gas is the main source of air pollution. Most of this air pollution is created by us humans. We realize that the action of one has the potential to affect many others. Not only does it affect our health but there are some changes in the climate because of air pollution. Some more content... There are some long–term and short–term effects that some people do tend to face. Some long–term effects from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer and emphysema, which is a respiratory disease. These long–term effects can last for some years or maybe even a lifetime. It can get so severe to where it may even lead to a person's death. Also, air pollution may cause some long–term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver and other organisms. Nearly 2.5 million people die worldwide each year due to the cause of outdoor and indoor pollution (National Geographic Society, 2012). Interestingly, it can eve cause some birth defects which is a physical disorder present at a child's birth and not developed until later. Short–term effects of air pollution are only temporary meaning that they come and go. Most will last up to a few days or maybe even a couple of weeks. Illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia are examples of some short–term effects. Bad odors from sewer systems, garbage and factories are also considered as air pollutants. This can cause someone to have headaches, nausea and Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Air Pollution Introduction From my studying in this unit, I understand that air pollution transpires in various patterns, however, it can generally be thought of as gaseous and particulate contaminants that are existing in the earth's atmosphere. Chemicals discharged into the air that has a direct impact on the environment are called primary pollutants. These primary pollutants sometimes react with other chemicals in the air to produce secondary pollutants. Air pollution has become a very high–priced environmental predicament when one views it in line with human lives and looking at it from the perspective of repairing damages in humans the money spent on health care and also crop damage. Basically, air pollution introduces toxic materials into more content... Also, we have a many small and large industries in my city I learnt that during production when carbon monoxide hydrocarbons, organic compounds, chemicals are being released in to the air it causes huge amount of air pollution, thinking about this I now understand why my grandfather never wanted to live in the city he always complains about a large carpet manufacturing company in my city, at the back of the factory is a large pipe that let out smoke from the machine he said it smells bad. In summary, air pollution comes mainly from motor vehicles and electric generators. The rampant burning of refuse in the open atmosphere is also a contributor. But in my community, the main source among these three sources is motor vehicles. How my community compares to others: From a Thisday online publication 2016 mention, according to CNN, four of the worst cities in the world for air pollution are in Nigeria, according to data released by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Onitsha a city few outside Nigeria will have heard of has the undignified honour of being labelled the world's most polluted city for air quality, when measuring small particulate matter concentration (PM10). From the CNN report it further explain that the other three cities named and shamed in the WHO report for high PM10 levels are the transport hub of Kaduna, in the Get more content on
  • 16. Air pollution is now one of the most pressing environmental concerns. While nine out of the ten most polluted cities in the world lie in India and Pakistan that leaves no room for complacency amongst other countries; partly because they too have their own issues and also because we live in a connected ecosystem. What Is Air Pollution? Air pollution is a complex topic as so many factors are responsible for the poor quality of our air. However, simply put, air pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change which causes the atmosphere to become dirty and thus risks not only our own potential for survival but also that of other animals and plants. Air pollution can also be further divided into two distinct categories; visible and invisible. Both can lead to an alteration of the delicate balance of our atmosphere and cause problems to health on a local scale and also damage to the ecosystem globally in terms of depletion of the ozone layer leading to climate change. Air pollution can arise in two main ways. First, pollutants can be released directly into the atmosphere and are known as primary pollutants. Second, primary pollutants can combine to form secondary pollutants and this can be seen in the formation of issues such as smog. What Causes Air Pollution? Fossil Fuels: A main cause of air pollution is the one you might expect, namely the sulphur released from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum. We rely on petrol, diesel and jet fuel to transport not only us but our goods around the world as we live in an increasingly globalised economy. In 2015 alone nearly 3.6 billion passengers, almost half the world's population, were transported by the world's airlines. Vehicle Emissions: As our reliance on cars, trucks, shipping freighters and aeroplanes increases so do the levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere. 13 percent of global CO2 emissions, a major factor in global warming, come from transport. Agriculture: We may not always immediately think of agricultural activities being connected to air pollution but methane and ammonia are both by–products of farming and are highly hazardous to our environment. This is compounded by the use of pesticides, Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance of Air Essay The Importance Of Air Other planets have sunlight, but the Earth is the only planet we know that has air and water. Without air and water, the Earth would be unable to sustain life. A diverse community of plant and animal life has thrived on this planet for millions of years, sustained by the sun and supported by the soil, water and air. Definition of air pollution Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odour in harmful amounts. That is, amounts which could be harmful to the health or comfort of humans and animals or which could cause damage to plants and materials. The substances that cause air pollution are called pollutants. Pollutants that are pumped into our atmosphere and directly pollute the air more content... More about pollutants Air pollutants mainly occur as a result of gaseous discharges from industry and motor vehicles. There are also natural sources such as wind–blown dust and smoke from fires. Some forms of air pollution create global problems, such as upper atmosphere ozone depletion and global warming. These problems are very complex, and require international cooperative efforts to find solutions. PollutantSourceHuman Health Effects Particles (API) – Air Particle IndexInternal combustion engines (eg, cars and trucks); Industry (eg, factories); Burning wood; Cigarette smoke; and Bushfires. Long term exposure is linked to: Lung Cancer; Heart Disease; Lung Disease; Asthma Attacks; and Other health problems. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)Motor Vehicles are the biggest contributors; Other combustion processes; Exposure to high levels of NO2 may lead to: Lung damage; or Respiratory Disease. It has also been linked to: Increased hospital admissions for asthma and respiratory problems; Increased mortality. Ozone (O3)Formed by various complex chemical reactions involving the exposure of the oxides of nitrogen and some hydro–carbons. Ozone is the main ingredient of photochemical smog in summer and early autumn.Ozone effects the lining of the lungs;
  • 18. lining of the respiratory tract; and causes eye irritation. Ozone also damages plants, buildings and other materials. Carbon Monoxide (CO)Motor Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Air Pollution Global Article Analysis 3: Air Pollution There are multiple environmental issues that exist and are constantly harming the planet. Many of these issues have effects that are unique to certain countries, or even effects that are similar to other countries. Overall, these issues can be similar or dissimilar in multiple aspects, such as the biological, physical, and cultural perspectives. The causes and effects, problem severity, citizen perceptions, and proposed solutions and efforts to repair these problems may also vary in similarity and difference between different countries. Air pollution caused by multiple pollutants, such as ground–level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and lead, is more content... Nitrous oxide in the air produced from automobiles, power plants, and other sources contribute to the eutrophication of water bodies (Department of Environmental Protection). In China, the coast is so crowded with red algal tides, that some large portions of the ocean cannot sustain life of marine organisms (Kahn and Yardly). Air pollution leads to biodiversity loss in aquatic ecosystems, as well as outside of aquatic ecosystems. Pollutions in the air can contribute to reproductive failure, birth defects, and diseases in animals (Department of Environmental Protection). Ground–level ozone can reduce crop yields and disrupt the growth of forests in the U.S. and China, and is even known to reduce the photosynthesis in many terrestrial plants (Lovett et al.). Though the biological differences in effects of air pollution between the U.S. and China are very low, the similarities are abundant. Another type of effect of environmental issues is the physical aspect, which focuses on the effects of the issue non–living organisms. Most of the physical impacts of air pollution between the U.S. and China are the same. One of the largest physical impacts of air pollution is global climate change. Carbon dioxide is one of the main air pollutants currently heating the Earth, and both the U.S. and China are contributing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ("Air Get more content on
  • 20. Essay On Ocean Pollution Pollution is a highly increasing, man– made issue that is continually degrading the quality of the environment. Ocean pollution, industrialization and air pollution are intertwining significant causes to large degradation of the health status of our oceans, air, and people. Polluting one landmark of the Earth creates an even more dangerous lasting impact on the others. Pollution is continually becoming an issue that could potentially become irreversible if immediate actions are not taken. It is urgent that people unite in helping save our planet through recycling, reducing carbon dioxide in the air, and conserving energy. Oceans are considered one of the most highly polluted areas in the world. Trashing beaches, littering in the ocean, more content... Recycling has been pushed for decades by many organizations but are rarely enforced. Recycling helps the environment while helping create new, biodegradable products not as harmful to the oceans (Kavraz). To resolve the lack of emphasis, government policies should be placed that critically prevent, monitor, and remove waste in rivers and oceans. Beach security should place various recycling bins across riverbanks and sandbars for people to place their trash in. In doing so, monitoring the people who litter would become more obvious.. Increasing fines and appropriate sentences of jail time would promote the seriousness of the recycling and potentially increase the health status of the oceans drastically. Industrialization and air pollution are a key cause that go hand in hand when emitting the harmful gases and wastes released into the environment. Due to the overwhelming increase in population over the past few decades, machines and factories had to compensate for the amount of needs for the people (Foley). "Air pollution can be defined as the presence of pollutants,such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), particle substances (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and ozone (O3) in the air that we inhale at levels which can create some negative effects on the environment and human health" (Kavraz). Carbon dioxide has "increased by nearly forty percent over the last two hundred years", causing the Earth to become hotter and not support as many life forms (Kobasa).Although Get more content on
  • 21. Argumentative Essay On Air Pollution "Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the same thing: Air pollution damages our children's brains, their hearts, and their lungs," verbalized by Julianne Moore. As Moore stated, pollution is terrible for our youth and can be verified by scientists and doctors. There's nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh, clean air but how clean is the air you're breathing right now? Air pollution is not only detrimental to humans but all life on earth is harmed by it. It's the presence of the air of a substance which has inimical and poisonous effects contributing to climate change. Pollution has an astronomically immense impact on our environment, in human health, and is an inimical catastrophe in the earth today. Smoking, global warming, overpopulation, and pollution emitting from vehicles including cars, airplanes, and trains are all additionally the causes of pollution in California cities, especially Merced. One issue of air pollution are the things humans use in their everyday life; vehicles. Vehicles emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contribute one–fifth of the United States' total global warming pollution. In 2016, cars, trucks, and diesel are responsible for about 80 percent of the Valley's pollution (Heinks 1). High–levels of environmental pollution is detrimental to human and animal health. Because of vehicles, lung disease can occur or worsened by it. "Particle pollutants are found more excessively in the winter because of woodsmoke, diesel from trucks and agricultural systems." (Velez 1) Since we have an extensive of agricultural systems, it's a huge contributor pollution in our Valley. Speaking of agricultural systems, Merced is surrounded by farming and agriculture; and air quality is a top priority for the Central Valley. The huge growth in industrial agriculture is using fertilizers, pesticides, and many other chemical products to increase crop yields and feed the world's ever–growing population. On the other hand, pesticides not only apply to farming but inside the household too. According to Environmental Protection Agency, seventy–five percent of the United States households used at least one pesticide Get more content on